HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-1-1 r ~ 1" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: 6391 Femhill Ct. CITY J08#: COMlOOS-01437 OWNER: Tom Walter PHONE: 683-6355 CONTRACTOR: Owner PHONE: Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved pennit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A Cvu,"opvuding number is marked <nvom' . .. plans for any items listed below where applicable. .. .. . ... .. .... ...... . ,- . .... All references are to the 2005 Oregon State Residential Specialty Code, (2g~"Intemational Residential Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted othewsel, A ~fJfl~~f this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, loc" 80~O ~.W. CirM; Dr. . Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 .:" . Your signature on the Building Permit is an 1I&,""...oot that all items ~1r~ ~"r corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable ~ . . . . ...... . . ,- ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSlRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIEW. " PLANS REVIEWED BY, ~. L/ 1. The grade away from foundation waIls shall slope away 6" within the fll'St 10' feet. 2. Ground under the building shall be sloped to a low point, and an underOoor drain installed to provide positive drainage from under the building. Ground water collected or drained from under the building shall be piped to an approved drainage disposal site. .... . . ........ .... . . " .... .. .. . . ...... u . . ...... u . . ...... ..... . . ..... . ".. 3. Provide sill plate sealer at dwelling perimeter walls in two locations to reduce potential for air leakage into the floor insulation and the interior of the structure. a. Between the top of the rim joist and the floor sheathing. b. Between the floor sheathing and sill plate. 4. Enclosed attics, to include rafter spaces at vaulted ceilings, shall have cross ventilation of a minimum of 1 sq.ft.!l50 sq. ft. of attic area. One sq. ft, /300 sq. ft. is permitted with the ventilation of a vapor barrier or ridge and eave vents with an approximate ratio of 50/50. .. . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... ...... . . .... .... . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . ...... . ... .. . . . . ...... ...... .. . . . . . ...... ...... . . . . .... ..... . . . ...... ..... . . , . " 1: I . . . LOT 31 - MOUNTAINGATE SUBDIVISION ,; LOT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES - 351 LOT COVERAGE PER SPRWGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE /6.040 - SPRINGFRD LAND AND ORAINAGE AL TERA TlON PERMT ILDAP) REQUIRED FOR EROSION CONTROL - CLASS A OR B ROOFING IS REQUIREJ) ., - SUBJECT TO FIRE PROTECTION PLAN - VEGETATION EASEMENT - RESTRJCTS BUILDING LOCATION AND VEGETATION REMOVAL , CONT AJNS DRAINAGE EASEMENT - LEVEl TWO FOUNDA T/ON ENGIl-EERHG STANDARD (see Geotech Report) - SIDEWALK REQUIRED . . ," ,- .,."~ /1,62 :=;r - I , I I I , I I I I .... @ cii I I , m I I I --/-- t--I.., J I I I I @ .. . . .... . . . .. .. ..... . . ... ..... . ... .... . .. . . . . ...... .~.~ " .... .. . .. .. . . .' ~. .t ' " " . . ' .. .~... . ! . . ... .. . . .... ..... ...... . .. ~ . . . . .... ..... . . . .,i .... ..... :...,1 . ..... 25 I poao:a - "1 0 50 .r -." @ /09/5 SF- '0,,0. 20' PR/VA TE: OJ [VEGETATION EASEMENT -- ---------- r;jOO a5.aa ./ I / 6<!JO THIS DOCUMENT 'IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMA TIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN /ND/VOOAL LOT DEVELOPMENT, REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PlA T, RECORDED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRJCTIONS, AND arr OF SPRINGFIELD DEVflOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FLES FOR FlU DETAiLS. RECORDWG NOS, 2005-033764 & 2005.033770. ,'. l , HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, llC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868c0888 .' 10/12/05 Walter Development 2863 Riverwa1k Lp. Eugene, OR 97401 RE: Lot 31 Mountainl!llte Subdivision..sorinmeld - Level II Preliminmy soil report _ Job #551-05 As you requested, a preliminmy site soil investigation was perfonned at the above noted site on 05/12/05, The investigation was perfonned by digging test pits as recommended by the Boire Associates INe supplemental report dated 02/10/05, Lot 31 is in an area of lots that were investigated as a group, That group consisting of lots 27, 29.33, Lot 31 is a gently sloped lot on the up-slope portion and at the back edge of the cul-de-sac that backsot~a . ... gentle slope with a steep ridge beyond, The soil in this area is a layer of top soil apprll~tely 6'~lZ: in depth over a layer of brown, moderately stiff silty clay approximately 12" in depth o~~frl 'lyer ohili. . gray clay that is at least 24" in depth, It is likely that this clay layer is over decompo~~~Kdstone at an undetennined depth in this area, Due to the ridge beyond, and the impervious soil co~tiQ/ls. su5ftl~I:. . water flowing downslope from the ridge is flowing acroSs lot 31. Soft fill soil condiGilns eidst at tlJ~ . street apron of the lot, likely perfonned at time of street construction. This lot is considered to be .:. , buildable with the following recommendations for site preparation and foundation dellilll1. ..'1'... . . .. ...... The proposed residence for this lot has been designed by Mascord Design and partialty mtawn lfttd . revised by McKenzie Drafting, and engineered by Hill and Dale Engineering. I have reviewed the pin, . . site plan and foundation to detennine if the plan is consistent with the conditions at the site, The plan appears to be placed on the site in such a manner to be satisfactory. The site plan appears to be consistent with site conditions. No extraordinmy foundation design is recommended to be installed at this time, with the exception of short retaining walls at the upslope portion of the proposed structure, as needed. Retaining wall design was perfonned using a minimum of 35psf equivalent lateral earth pressure, for high walls designed with backfill less than 8' in height Retaining walls designed using restraint at the top and bottom that have backfill in excess of 8' in height are to use 60psf equivalent lateral earth pressure. The foundation design was based on 1500 psf soil bearing pressure, There 'are no planned high walls in this plan, and the foundation design is satisfactory for the placement on the site, If the excavation requirements should alter the foundation requirements, revised foundation design will be perfonned at that time, .... . . ...... .... . . . .... .. .. . . ...... .. . . ...... .. . . ...... ..... . . ..... " .. ~ i Due to the preliminary level II investigation of the conditions at this lot, it is recommended that a representative from this office be on site at time of excavation to determine actual soil conditions at the site and make final recommendations for the site preparation, These recommendations will likely be to remove the soft clay to decomposed sandstone, which will be an appropriate building material for the proposed foundation, If removal of the clay layer is not feasible, the likely recommendation will be to excavate to solid clay, and install a layer of compacted crushed rock a minimum of 12" in depth over the clay layer for the installation of the proposed foundation, This procedure is to provide an acceptable building surface for the proposed foundation and to maintain the clay soil moisture content that is designed to mitigate the shrink and swell potential of the clay layer. Additional clay soil moisture content maintenance may be recommended should these procedures be required as determined by the soil conditions encountered at time of excavation, All of these determinations are better made at time of excavation when full site exploration may be performed, In addition, it is likely that the soft fill soil at the street apron of the lot at the proposed driveway will have to be removed to native soil and built back up with compacted crushed rock, This will also be determined at time of excavation, It is recommended that perimeter footing drains be installed at the up-slope side of the structure and directed to an approved outlet, to divert the surface water away from the foundation footprint. TMie: drains are to be a minimum of 3" diameter perforated drain pipe placed at the base lij tR" footings in 0 0 . .. .... clean round rock. An additional diversion trench is to be placed at the up-slope, baek:pePlion clfJP~JN, to divert the surface water that enters the lot from the ridge beyond, around the footprirftoQ[ the structure, to the approved outlet. This will also help to divert the water away from entering aai~coenllots, 000000 . .. .. . o 0 A report stating the required site preparations and verification that these recommendations have lxioo o performed will be provided by this office and is to be provided to the City of Springfield building department prior to the footing inspection to be performed by the City of Springfielll 'Rc!rdoinspe.tor to .. ...... allow concrete to be poured for the footings, , 0 0 0 0 .... o ...... The excavation and erosion control requirements of the City of Springfield are adequate for thisOsite, 0 Measures recommended at time of excavation for site preparation and for drainage are to be performed such that there will be no adverse impact on the adjacent sites, . Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, If you have any questions regarding this report, contact me at 868.0667, Sincerely, Pamela S, Hillstrom, P,E, .... o 0 ...... ... . o o o .... .. .. o 0 .... .. .. o 0 ...... .. o 0 ...... ..... o 0 ..... ,. . . . 'Hi Lt& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC ; 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ' (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868~0888 CUENT SHEET NO / OF f CALCULATED BY p.~ OATE JOB' :=;S 1- ()~ " ,QEHl-1 ) { , i'JEe.(J "T1'1..eN (, ~ 0tA I N At. E , I /I '\ "'- I"~ '. I()Mlt..\. \ I \ { ---;;" .. . . .. .... . ... . . .. .. ...... .. .... ...... . . .... ~..,..e.', .... .. - rro:ii~ ~L.OPS' tc!' .f.~L:t A-(;c:.~ .~tJ.iL.~" . ..' ...... - T"-EI'K..H D~Pi-H "l"C .. ~j-;Yl;rot\ ffJJv/OJ: ..:..: A"lr-Y- SLOP~ TD .. ~._ .IJ-&...'!-..~.,+ t...~~..: ...' ,...~:-- -.....-. .. . - .'. ........,:.... .. : ..:..~. :. -="::".,:--.:... '....... ".....' '.' ." ..... , . M I/J. 14" WE-U. .QIl.A-It-J l:O-~ ,0 P 50J L. ). ~ FIL.TE..tZ..FA&lt-IC,.. ".0__' , \ ':~~'~=~~~~:;:::~?~::_;~:::~:<.<".; ',:)~:~-:. . MIN, 4~" t' CLEf.tN flcwso . AocK. ). : -./., " "-..;;.' -,..' '.', .'- , , ( r I~( 1111/>.1, .I ~ .{.. ~ PE.{tF li<..A IN l../ N E It-,) LLF:.f\.N rtou./J() R.oc.k... /{6 T~ SI..DPE. TO 1!E..L,Iw.!,LE. OU.'l"LE.'t , ....-- - - - - I r I ... ---- 10' PR.UE I ' - - 37 ~ ...: ? 10008 SF g ~ 38 I~ I 20' PRIVATE ~ * 10024 SF l<\i I' VEGETATION ~ I:::: EASEMENT I ~ I ... ~- ---------___L, ~: ~ --- I Lu - - -...- , EAST 86.37 I r..\ I t!) ,-) ~I a: - " '39'31'E I w> ~ I , /.... "'Z'll N14, -------------r...; I,.. .... 0'11<- ....- ..,~. / sG1~~e ':fO _------ I (io) I 0)' A'3 ....\-20. PRIVATE I /p:/ ............ VEGETATION fer ,', ........ EASEMENT I:::: 'Ii -. 9.~I~~~ro 33 "O)~ ~ -.t ~~ 20024 SF ~ O)fo/'~ :g ~ I .ct: EAST / I :::l ~ II . ~ 26,4?!f 10 00 t iO ",() ~ P- - EAST: cri '\"".~'f; () / ~ 20' PR.SDE I.. .. "lOj ~~ ... ..:..: '" ~ .. , / ..:..: ,....\ / 32 /it 0" 0 : ~ ~. . '>- I 1/993 SF .... :<..1 c."'J ~ J\t6'9' , / /.. I ' :S-S:J.t).- j n\'O/ 9S.,~ C"/' ''''b T - _60J~ ....3\ 10' P.U.E. bl9 \', \ & P's,E. r-CI>'--.' 10 .. -, <ii" -'~'~ I ~ 'IJ> 15' P.UE , .<?: I I 30 I ~/ ,\ 't.. 109/5 SF rfJ I I I enl I!'> ~I I--L'~~~~-~--~-il-L. ~_,-___________ I ' I Z , ,I, C I '\' I . 29.36 235,61 - 36 10012 SF 5 SF el),~\ 66'11'22~ .... $ -,- .... ....... ... 34 \ \ \ '\ (' "..... /C, <c=>/o ----/ ;,OO~ 8,7/ C~\'!l ~ i'/~ T JI~ - 10 ~ , ~J~!!! ~ N85'/5190W - ~ 10040 C4 70.58 10706 SF o ...... ~ '>' ill o 0 o 0 ... . '"'- 85.88 ! ~ ~ ~ le !:Ji . y , , . ~, , --- 31 140046 20' PRIVATE VEGETATION EASEMENT -. N88'18'55"W 6290 PROJECT No, 91.187 J PAGE 4 OF 1 0 ~ . . DWG. No. \199/\9H8?\PLA T\9H8? PLA T 4/13105 GPW .. , , ", .. 0 0 0 .... 0 ... 0 . ...... .... r.. .. . .... . . . ... . .. . . . .. .. .. . 0 0 ..... . 0 ... .. . 0 . ...... .. . . ..... ...... . ..... . 0 ..... ..... . V IS" PIPE WITH CAST IRON .' ? PIPE )RM SEWER PIPE lRM SEWER PIPE STD. 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Truss ID: WLT-A1 TC 2.." OFl .1 Be 2.. OFL _I GSl BLK 2.4 OFt SUNDARD PLATE vAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 11601. loaded 101 10 PSF non,concurr."t BCLL. BUILDING OESIGNER MUST vERifY GASLE lOADS! [.-] iilble brilCll1i requIred 0 58" Inllfnl'. ~ee:~:~~r~~ G~~~el~~~iI~~~t(!8J~~35. PI.l11fl1l SpK: ANSIITPI 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE. R(SULT Of MUl TlPlE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS 5ho-n lire Cued ONLY P~A ~NMB:SEOto;:h~E.t~hl~:B[ft'VAlU[S. 1...-0 . '.'-0 '-6-0 1...-0 ,.... 7-0-0 " l~.O "H 2 , . S . , rrroo -12.001 3-11-3 ,.. o-i-3 4-"'-15 SHIP 0-1-3 8-8-9 ~ '....0 "8 9 10 11 12 13- ,......(1 t 1-8-0 J.O-O '....-0 "-0-0 7-0-0 TYPICAL P....TE..1...... . ,DYER .O..TINUOUS SUPPORT ... ..... .. ..... T__ 5J""'" Plallll.. lOp. ~ II'ICJIm tit' .'8'11Ip I. "1-fIl:~I~:~"",J;.ITV\IIIl20~). ~I*" JIOInI OetIIIa Raport CiRHd plate. WId laI.. hmI pl.... poIItIOMd.. Ihown~:rn ~ IUd plalI'-"'.~,a. II'UClUJW pi*.IClt....' W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of/t to the Erecting Contractol n-;........................-..-.e..."-.,......IlM.............. ..-......"..-..-.~. _.......____..._..........TPI.....NJlA.....-.....,.. ........ ....,. . ~......................- .......-.,. ...........4.......,.,.,...~-t~twC ...____.._....._..........................,........... ..._............--.- TllIt _, ' ......... -..........,...---.............. -......... ~.............---.... ......~ ....."...................~..-.__....._~........,.......___...._ . the............ ....._............,_......_...__....._..._I____,...~ F~,~,~ ...._ ..........-... O.lJlHTOETMS.., ,,.... 'AN$llTJlll'. WfCA l'.wr.M T_c....a ..~~.o.;p.~ .1'WCIU<<)I'dT~N#:J~MlTAL"""TlCCNCCKOWOODT1WSR.. o(tC8-"lnllO-" Sl.IIrAWl1' SfEl!:r.,TPI. TMT_,...... (T"1.1ldtiN1l0'0n0d1)M.......~ >>ll~. n..~,_.....'-..........~A.I....-...lllll.. Ih..c"(s..)w.w.+.-.~,,...' .. : : ......... . .. .. .. . . . . . .. 4 . .. Qty: 1 Th.S truss .5 des'lIned uS1nlllhe UBC Code. StCli (netcned .. Yes flun loutiOn .. Nol End lon, HumcMl,/Oc..n lln' .. No . EIp C..t'IIOfy. C Bldi length. SO 00 II. Bldl W.dth. 20.00 H Me.n rooT tle'llnl '" 9 911t. mph . 80 use St.nd.foOcCUPMlCy, Oud lo.d. J 1.0 psI Cust: WALTER wo: DnYe_C_wltl Osgnr: TC live TC Dead Be live BC Dead TOTAl ElPRAllCII DATE:: 1zm.G& 1/22/2004 25.00 psi 15.00 psi 0,00 pst 10.00 psI ,lOOOO5_JOOO03 ~LC = 14 WT: 501t Ourfacs L=Ll5 P=1.15 Rep Mbr Snd 1.15 O.C.Spacina 2- 0- 0 Desig" Spec USC 50.00 psI OEF.Ratio: U240 TC: U240 Job Name: WALTER SF Q. f}fC 6~~A~~s5}Z~.5~~Q'O 2 10.9.4 1337 5.50" 1.50" MAX DEFLECTION (sp.n): L/596 IN MEM 6.] (LIVE) L- .0.21" 0= .0.21. T. .0,4)' MU DEFLECTION (unl): L/999 IN MEM 7.8 (LIVE) l'" o.or 0= o.or 1- OJ.. Te FORCE AAl BND C51 J.Z .5360.000.370.37 2.) ,252 0.020.350.37 J., 497 0.04 0.330.37 4 5 382 0.06 0.33 0.39 Be FORCE AKl eND C51 6.] 6050.010.600.61 ].8 .1'j4 0.00 0.60 0.60 wEB FORCE CSt WEB FORCE C51 2.7 .40J0.4;J> .3890,15 ),] .6~O.39 ~ MOSHOFSKY i:'I 'u'...."'l TRUSS 4445 NOrt1lpa'k D,. Cola Spr;nSJ. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Ver: T6,4,2 -_' -_ .___ _ _ _ _. __u _ ___~_ l -. ~. .' Truss 10: WL T-B1 TC 2.4 OFl .. Be 2.. OFL _I WEB 2.4 DFL STANDARQ GBL BlK 2.4 OFl S T ANOARO PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT _1607. LO.ld~ 101 10 PSF non,COl"icult.nt Bell ~~:~?~.arl'~A~l~be:: l .'.:~'m~Mb VAlUES. a Web br<<ll1l r~u".d .1 eKhlouhon '1\o1m. ~ ~::~t~::~~~~~\~1~~~~700I'OOI) THIS 6EflGN IS THE COMPOSITF RESUL T OF MUL TlPLE LOAD CASES BEARING REQUIREMENTS 'hewn .r. bned ONLY :'. t~$~~~$ r:~II-:':tl .Il:'~: b~:t:tioc"i. BUilDING D~IGNER~UST V~RIFY GABLE lOADS! (.] gable bf~lnll: fequlrea 0' 58' mlenal,. ~ee:P8~~ ~~ G:?"~~.~~~I~~~J~. '-4.10 ...1-6 '_1.6 . '-4.10 4....10 .+0 12-1-6 11-0.0 "'-":9 "'-'i-n SJ " 2 " . r1"2.OO -12.001 ,,~ f~.~, ~ .\. , I !J I\. ~~-~~I 2S'~ 16-0.0 0.1. ~lS SHIP B-1.-3 I ,~~L I o.S-3 0-5-, 1M 6 17..o..n .' 1 I &'2_12 l1-MI ,0-... 10-9-4 TYPICAl PLATE: 1.$-4 . ... . . ... C.... .'~ . ..' .. TN_. Sr1teml Pt...... 2OV-. ane....r-n by "18"(111 V-). "H"118 ~~" ...)C.~)C. 2Oilf.~pef~ Oetef. Report Ccn:ted plAte. .-ld laiN Irame ptm....I)OIrtICIneO.. &/'(M'n 1CJrM. Shft gmI~ iPtel lID avciDf9t1II ~ ~.. plat.. lot 1laPIe) WARN/ NGRead all noles on this sheeland give a copy of It 10 the Erectlng Conlraclo. n.......,......~.......~__..,.... _.....~.. ,..-.r.,................... ..._n_.......IWIIUI.........""....A#PA..~.... NIl,.. ................_-r.. ... ~....._"'........- --............-c..........n.......:... ~ ~'.' 1: . ,......-nolI........ _. nUMIIW.......... .".l'IIlIaI..... ...... "'....-.-......... ~...... .. -....................'--"'............................"--. .....,......"'.....-.........,...,.. . .' .......,___0.-..__............,... ____....".....~1IuI*I(I1IngIl na-.-.... ... -..NIIM__.in..,._._.I'ulIWII_........ ___.........a.n...t"....__,.....~ ,................ ......_.. _..___ .JtO<<r DUALa'"", ,.......NISII1l'I ". WTCA ,'-w..r ,_ c-a ...--- ~ o..q, ~ . 'HNClLNG INSTA.U.Jr<<> AND PACING METAL PlATl CCNrtECTlD WOOD tRUSSl:S' -iN...l).......1 SUMYNtYII€f:T".".""'.TMT_,,-,-__ Cf"'1---(a+(ar-.+--.w;.+U71'.. n.~,._....,...."--".,..AJ......1111111l S.....NW.SIIt...........~.. . . .~ . . . . . . . e.. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .' .. Qtv: 1 UPLIft REACTlON(S): Support I .5Blb Support 2 .111 Ib Thl' tfun" d.iI8n.d U'I"8Ine uee Cod.. Bldl Encloud s Yes Trun L~hon s Nol End lOf'e HUfflcane/Ocean lIne s No . E~ C.lellorr '" e ~~:n If,:,t~e: n~';~ ;~. ~'~~ m~~tn", '" ,g 00 II uee SI.naa,1Qc.c:up.ncr, D..d Lo.a '" I J.O p.l ElPRA.I~ ~I';:: 1J:D1.Q& 1/22/2004 Cust: WALTER wo: Drive_C_wltl_lOOOO5_JOOOO3 DS8nr: "lC = 21 WT: 206" TC live 25.00 psI DurFacs l=1.I5 P=1.15 TC Dead J 5.00 pSI Rep Mbr and 1.15 BC live 0.00 pst C.C.Spacing 2. Q. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec USC TOTAL 50.00 psI DEF.Ralio: U240 TC; U24Q Job Name: WALTER B~GO. {}fCl~~:CJ.~ZEI.fJ.Q'O 2 17- 2.12 2195 5.50' 1.96' J 27.9... 588 5.50' I.SO' M.l.X DEFLECTION \Span): Ll656 IN MEM ) 1. 2 (LIVE) L: .0.19" 0= .0.19" T.. -0.38" TC FORCE AXL BND C51 ).2 .1798 0.04 0.73 0.77 2.) .1108 0.020.810.84 ).4 256 0.020.590.62 4.5 394 0.00 0.69 0.69 5.6 .40 I 0.00 0.69 0.69 Be FORCE "-XL BND C51 '.8 1332 0.200.33053 8.9 133 I 0.12 0.26 0.38 g.10 696 0.06 0.26 0.32 10.11 696 0.06 0.65 0.71 11-12 774 0.020,650.67 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2.8 16J 0.6711.13470.97 2.9 .'460.'81 .6840.55 J.9 5250.13.1 .4990.53 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~,,)I'''''-:J TRUSS 4445 Northpark Dr, Cola Sprmgs. CO B0907 T rusPlus 6,0 Ver: T6,4,2 .. 1_ ,. Truss 10: WL T-C1 TC 2_" OFl l1li1 Be 2_4 OFl l1li1 WEB 214 OFL STANDARD WEDGE 2_6 OFl l1li2 GBl BlK 2_4 DFl STANDARD PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT l1li1601. LO.lcltd 101 10 PSF non.concurrenl BCll. ~~~~~I,~llee~'~~~~~~:::'::Cs :~~::~~I:CI'on P~~=~~~~~,~~nA 'I fr:;.u~1~b~Ir;:_~e;~~ ANSIITPI 1.1995:78.3.'.5....d 10.3.4.&. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. Web bfAe"" frqUIf.a .t UCh k)ullon II'IOwn. ~ See IloIf\d.IO O,I.lh CTxOI087001.00I). U(PMI:o:PLATE MONlfORUSEO.S.. JOInt Reporl". ~~ltSU~~~ :~~l~6J~~ITE AESUL Tor MULTtPLE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS $flown .re bu~ ONL'l' on Ihe Irun m~lerl~1 ~I e.ch b'~f1nl. M~," .11 "'Iet"or b_...nli IOUhonl. Dr~,n~se mUll be pfo..lOed 10 .'t01d pond"'li B~~tOll,:t~-EOS:~I~l~.fl~MorvPR?;~ ~[ lOADS! (" I lI.b1t bt~C"'1 r~u"ed" 5S" Inler_.h. ~ete"Pci':n~I~~ G~~~e ~~.~Ps~I~~~35 .-0-0 4-0-0 6-6.0 10-6-0 t~R-fl 2 '3 rmo ~~~1 ..7 7.0.0 17.6--0 7.n.n 6-6-0 24.0-0 'f\.A.n " 5 " -12.00 I 3.5.5 l~ 10. 1.:) ;:; 1 2,5-6 /~'t ~JIJ ~jl 11-. ).15 SHIP 2.5-4 3. 5=3-4 17.2.12 ~I~~~ MXl8-12 z 0-..3 Ipq<l '7 . 4-o-<l ....0 4-0-0 10.&-0 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 lpq<l 1"'0.0 . I. 7-0-0 17-6-0 11 12' 1 0-6-0 2a-o-o OVER 3 SUPPORTS . .. . . . ..e c.... . ~ ..~.. .. ..... TN.". S,.tem. Pl.... _ 2Op. unII... _ntry Olr(l. 0.). ,.,-(t.,..or- ..X..TY.ot.IX 20. I.~'" ~ DetM. Aepotl Cn:teCl pI.t....:I ,.... fr~ plate... poI/tIOf*Iulhown.oo-... Shft;ata .IUO....IO.~ --...1 platII. (or '''1. W ARNINGRead all notes on thIs sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractol n-.--.,.._.....................__--..,-.. ____.. ..._..,______ __~____.......__..TP'l_I#,.A""""'"-....."I.:. .~,.- I '~K'f.... ,.. ~...........,..,..--- -...-.. ...........-......"'" .....-........ ........_.,.._....-_.......-._____....._-.. ..._~........ f'Ie""",,,,_ .. _...................,.......,....,..,............_...__.......,.......,...._....1.,. LIl.....dI .. .. _.___..-._..._...............-~...lt,_-........1f.......... ... 1MI.......(IIacN..q_..........._...~_ _"..__...-..11...........____....__. ,_._,_ ___.._~_.... _ 'JOINT OE'TAlLr..,T~. 'NdIfP'II', WTCA ".w..tl_ c-.. ..""'-U,....,11o..q. .. .l1NClLI<<iINSTAl..UNGN<<)IIIVa<<iIll\'N.jV<1I~tTED~JIWSSfI .. .pca.'I)"KI.'ICl..IUIWtYSHEET..,TPl.TlIetl\UA.r.klAUt (TPI}.IIcaIMl.~o.-,~,"""'''1''',,, .. TN~,.",_"""___,,,,"""""~.IIIII'" ik-..",......--......CM~... .. ... . . . . . 1 . . !!I . I ......... ... . .. .. .. . ... . .. Qty: 1 ThIS dUll!n bneCl 0f1 Chord br15e,ns apphe~ per the 10110wIflll KtIedule: muoc. Irom 10 TC 24.00' 10.6.0 17.6.0 UPUrT AEAC1l0N(S): Support I glib Supporl 'I .1271D SYpport 3 .I03Ib ThIS (fun 1\ dUlgned uSlngll'le UBCCoCIe Bklll[nclou.c:raVu T'un loc.ho... '" NOI EM 201'le HUtflc.ne/Oce~n Llfle .. No . E:f.. C~teio,)' .. C ~~:nlf~,I~: ~~~~~.~Ift~m '~th...l8'OO II ~.~.~.~t~"f~'~E~~~~I~~~l:bg ~...~?:~.~II o.f L.PII l.Loc A.PI! R.loc ll/Tl revet'1 12000 0.0.0 110.00 II 0.0 042 ICVert 8000 1).0.0 80.00 i8.0.0 0.63 BC Vetl 20.00 O. O. 0 20.00 28 0.0 0.00 Ti:T~~i . ~.O x.~~. 6L~~~ TC VerI SOl.O 10. 6.0 O.SO CAP PLIES MUST MATCH THE BOTTOM TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A IX6 (fULL LENGTH) ON EACH fACE WITH 8d NAILS AT 6" D.C. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS fOR VERTICAL LOADS AND 24'" OF TRIBUTARY WIND LOADS BASED ON THE SPECifiCATIONS NOTED. LATERALLY BRACE THE fLAT TOP CHORD AT 24~ O. C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PER TPI. EJPRl.1DI DAre,JD1.Q& 1/22/2004 Cusl: WALTER WO: Dcive_C_wlll_lOOOO5_JOOOO3 DSKnr: "LC = 16 WT: 46 U TC Live 25.00 PI' DucF~cs L=1.1S P=1.15 TC Dead 15.00 psI Rep Mbc end 1.00 BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 Be Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec UBC TOTAL 50.00 psI OrF.Ratio: 1I240 TC: L/240 'Job Name: WALTER BFo. :'g)CJ~~~CJ.~Z(l.~Q'D 2 )7.2.12 4714 5.50. 4.65' J 21.9.4 1833 5.50" 1.95" MAX DEfLECTION (span): t~~I~ 't,~~o~'J.o ~~1~~.)20" Te FORCE AXL BND C51 ).2 .12760.000.520.53 2.3 -999 0.00 0.67 0.68 3.4 257 0,020.66 0.68 4.5 368 0.01 0.50 0.51 5.6 .1390 O.oJ 0.500.51 Be FORCE AXl 8NO CSI 7.8 10050.120.590.71 8.9 628 0.080.64 0.72 g.IO 628 0.04 0.87 0.91 10-)) 1053 0.06 0.810.93 11-12 10610.070.510.58 WEB FORCE C51 WEB fORCE CSI 2.8 .4240..(.40 .6390.50 J.8 1077 05:l10 .1485 0.98 3.10.1279lli~ 16480.73 ~ MOSHOFSKY l'\.....")/"'''''''J TRUSS 4445 NOrthpafk Dr, CoIo Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Vo" T6,4,2 ,. ,. TC 2_4 OFl _I Be 216 OFl _2 216 OFL 55 9.12 wEB 2_4 OFl STANDARD lumbltf ShUf IIIOW.lblu at. per NOS-97. PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORl _1607. loaded rOf 10 PSf non.concurrenl BClL. Mark III Inltnor O.annlloubonl. ~A~~fG BA~tgetf~Gf~k1Ntt~~81~:tVf:s. CAP PLIES MUST MATCH THE BOTTOM TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A lX6 (FUll lENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH 8d NAILS AT 6- O.C.IN EACH CHORD. THE lUMBER USEO MUST BE STRESS RATEO AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS fOR VERTICAL LOADS AND 24. or TRIBUTARY WINO LOADS BASEO ON THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED. lATERAllY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24" O. C, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PER TPI. 4.0..0 .-0-0 ~ '0-<;-0 l~o 2 f'i2'OO " .' .. Truss 10: WL T-C2 J;\ WeD DrKlna rrQUlrad ,t uen 10Ullon snown. ~ See Sl'nd,rd llellds ~TXOI081oo1 001) ~~lts8lf~~ ~f::l C~J~~ITE RESUI T or MUl TlPl( lO~ CASES. BEARING REQuiREMENTS ~n lIe Dned ONLY on tn. lIun matltla' al ,,"en O.."na. r..~~~r.I:.'.~~:,~~I~:;':;I~=I;I~I,I~hOfl. P~~~:',:~r:~p;l~~ II (:u~e~.c.D~I~~e:~~ ANSII'PII.I995;T8.3,J.5 and to.3,4.&. 7-0-0 ~ s..S-10 17-6-0 22~-6 2&.0..0 7.0.n 'O-A-O .' '3 . 's ,'2,00 I 5-7 3.5.5 ~ .. .. .. . . . . .. '. .. ..... .. ..... ... . .... TN....... Srlt"",. Pl.....,.. 2Q Q&. U"II.u ItIr:Jrwn b)' -11"(1I!1 ;_1. .....(15ga I. .".~T'MotX 2QgaIl.~ ~'IoinI 0eta0I. Report Qrded ptalU ancl'a1M frame ptate..,. poIlllOneCl u 1hOwfl1itlOYe. Shtt;abl_ lUAl !)tate. to .VOlCI 0VW1ep Wltl .ltUCIU"el!)tate. (01' '''). W ARN/NGRead all notes on thl. sheet an1Jl"!'I. ~ copy of/I to the E'fCtlnfl Contractol n.it............-.............-....__.,-.................~_.. I ..,,.......,.Lg.............. ..._on____..cur__""P'l...N,.,..........,.,.. "" ..... . ~.. If "-.........,... ......- .......... ........,..,.. ~ nw..-." ---...... . "'~..-ne.............-.--...................,..IIcIII~"+MAf.........-.-."............" :.. ......... ...........,..._a.,. ...........-...... MIlI"'-'- .....111. w...,...._.., ...........,._ *-'f _,.........-..-.~.DI'-......._............-oI.. ___--....._-......... n..___ ~.......__..____.._..._. _....._...-.0111"___....-'_ ,_.........____...___.__ ..IOINTOETNLI'"..,T........~P'lI..WI.fAI........lp'-"il .. .,~$&MW.0nqI._, . 1WClUNGINSTAUlNGNQIAAaNGW51~CCJN4CTa)~". .. iMI-.II_,....I~IHIEEl'...TPI.n.T_"-_(TPl'. . _-.-.......~ltJll. . . . n.~f__........-.-lAf...AJ.--...lll1t... .....NW.a..fIod:""" -4,1+,: :: ::: . .. .... . 10- ,.) ".... ',5 Z 0-5-3 '7 '0-<;-0 10-<;-0 '2~'0 /"3,7 n -rl :I I ).7 O-S-J ~ 2.S-19 5-S.5 ?lWl.O . 9 6-8-12 17-2.12 '0 J }-3.10 22.... 11 12 . S-S-10 2ll-O-0 OVER 3 SUPPORTS Qty: 1 ThiS desllI:n b.sed on ChOtel braclna applIed Pit" thelOllo.ln8 Schedule: mu o.e. Ifom 10 Ie 24,(10" 10.6.0 17.60 UPLIFT REACTIONeS} : Supporl ) .581D Support 2 ,27410 Support 3 .1021b ThiS t'un I' dU'8nld UIIIlB the UBCCoae. Blda[nelouda Ye, Truu lOUhon .. NOI End Zone HUUlunetOce,n line = No . E.:J:. C.'eKoI.., = C ~l~~n lf~l~e~ h~~OC: ~t4 ~lfl~ m I~'h.." l8 00 II uee Standa,:fOceupancy, DU~lO.lld" 17,0 psI mm...lOADCASE el OESIGN lOADS. ............ 0It L PlI L.Loc R.PII R.Lo( LUlL Te \lerl 80.00 0,0 0 80.00 78 0 0 0.63 BC Vefl 20,00 o. Q. 0 70.00 11.0 0 0,00 Be Veri 29500 11.0.0 29500 78 0.0 047 10- '.3 SHIP ElPRATlCIN DATE: 1ZD1.01 1/22/2004 Cusl: WALTER wo: Orivc_C_wltl_lOOOO5_JOOO03 OS8nr: Il'LC:: 16 WT: 23711 TC Live 25.00 psI OurFacs l::J.15 P=J.15 TC Dud 15.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 Be Live 000 pst C.C.Spicing 2. O. 0 Be Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec: use TOT At 50.00 pst DU .R.alio: U240 TC: l/24Q Job Name: WALTER ~ MOSHOFSKY L')r~r'''J TRUSS 4.f.fS NorthPdrlc Dr. Cola Sptin8S, CO 80907 T rusPlus 6,0 Ver: T6,4,2 ,. Te 2.4 OFl III Be 2.. OFL _I GBl BLK 214 DR STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 111601 Lo~ed '01 10 PSf non.concurrent Bell. BUILDING DESIGNER MUST VERIFY GABLE lOADS' (.) il~bl. br4c'"lJ requited 0 58" ,nllfwlils, ~ee:~;~~f~r G~~el~~~.~fs~It8J~~J5 g.{ .13 J: 0".13 " Truss 10: WLT-01 ~~IISneEE~~ ~fUl~'oJ~~lTE RESUl r OF MUl T1PLE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown ". DUe(! ONLY ~A\~~8~~s~t8::~.~E.[~tt~:B'r~'VAl.UE.S End vetllc,ls dU1in.d lor ....llooadS only. [.tenslOns.oo..e 01 below the Ituu plollle (II iII"Y) feqU'" 'd(l,lIo".1 ConSldff,l,on CDy oU'l."} lot homo 10.05 on tilt bldi. ,~-o t~.O ....0.0 '5..4.0 .4-0-0 9.....0 23456789 ~ 3" f ff 4 A~---- '9-'~ .13 ',3 l1-P:,O 1'0 11 12 13 '4 15 16 118' '.....0 4.0.0 ...n.n '....0 5-4-0 '9....0 TYPICAL PLATE: I.S" OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... TN"." Sy&temlPWe... 20~ '""' snownDy'1rC'Il~ I. "W1US~ f.'11.tx~rv.ul( 20;\,\ ~"lofhIc....I..A.-port Clrdeclpa.te..IW'IdI.....lrWMplaae....poI4IClnecl...lhown~.Shft~lIuclplate.to . :... ...lmn-..~..p1aae.{or......I. W A RNI NGRead ./1 notes on this sheet .nd give. copy of/t to the Erecting Contnctot TIlio......_.._"""*"'~__...-. __'-- r ~.........~-.......---- . ............----..-..-"'''....,y''''........... ""J: . -~ .....:... ~-_~'.:..-':"':" . . : . .ao..--.......__-.IIclW._-.. ...........~.n..~.......r--....... .. .._..,.............-.t.............~.....--a.-..... ~1IlII~....,... . _..._-.l._..,ao~.........,............_..._....~. ......................................cIy. ... -.___ ....._....._..-'.. ____...,ao_-........ n.__ _......~.....,_......._.._. --.."......ao..-.I".,....___"..__. f.....IIarldiI. Nt.in&ir_'" aw." ___ "'" 'JOINT Of TAIlS".., Tu.!.'AN$IITA 1'. WfCA ,'.WIIoll ,_ c...a ",,--=--'o.itA' __ 1'WClIMG.","l.llNG.I.ICI~utlrAL......fI -~. _. ..... ~1tUS1l. .. ~.lJ....,....lS1.1AWtySHEET...T"_n.'_,...NaM fTPt).~QrWI."",.~v"'.... : : n.~f._....p....~"""'AI......,.11111.. >>-.JM.I E52oe>>-. .. ... . .. .. . . .. .. . Qty: 1 ThIS trun II dUlgned uS1nlllhe USC Code. Bldll Enclosed 11 Yes Trun lOUllon '" Not End lone Huruune/Ocun lIDe = No . E~ CaleRo,y = C ~1::nl,e:o,t~1!7 ~,;OC:~~S~~~mlc:.lh1l..l8.0011 USC St.nd.UrOcC\lP.ncy. [)e.~lO.d" 17.0 psi Cust: WPJ. TER WO: Orive_C_wfll_ Osgnr: TC live TC Dead BClive BC Dead TOT At 25.00 psi 15.00 psI 0.00 psI 10.00 psf 50.00 psI lOOOO5_JOOOO3 NlC" 14 WT: 116_ DurFaes l=L15 P=1.15 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.1S O.C.SpacinS 2. O. 0 Desisn Spec UBC DEF .Ratio: U240 TC: U240 ~ '. . " & Job Name: WALTER BFa. {}fC tl-l\\5.1l~.~~Q'O 2 lO. 9. 4 609 5.50" 1.50" MAX DEflECTION (lPV'-.k: t~~~31:' ~:MO~~' )L~ .J.uo Truss 10: WLT-02 Qty: 13 Te 214 OFL _I Be 2_4 OFL _I WEB 2.14 Ofl STANDARD PLATE VAlUES PER leBO RESEARCH RfPORf _16t)7, Lo~ded 'Ot' 10 PSF non.concurrttlt Bell. PLATING e....sm ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. End ....t,uls du'sned 'Of' .10..,.1 k>>ads only. EdentlOllt above Of below the trun ptol'll (II any) requITe ,(JOlllonl' consideration (by olners) lOt hOUl, loads on the bldg. UPLIFT REACTlON{S): Support 2 .2321b Tn,s truss .5 C1nrgneG us,na the use Code. Blda Enclosed ~ Yes Ttun loc.at,on ,. Not End Zone Hurroc....../Qc..n Lon, .. No . [Vl Cal.sOty . C ~~:n\e:o'l~e7 h~~~~~5~1~~ m '~th~. :8.00 II Use Standa,:fOccup.ncy. Dea:f Laad:- 11,0 psi g Web bf.cltlj requ.re<J II eKh loUllan snown. ~ See "lndiluJ del.,ls (l}(OI08700HJOI) Plating spec: ANSIITP, . 1~5 THIS DESIGN IS rHE COMPOSITE RESULT Of MULTiPlE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS $!\own are b"", ONLY 0flIh.ltuumaler,al,luchb.."n8 TC FORCE ML BND CSI 1.2 .4'3'30.000.5'30.59 2.3 .1700.000.590.59 BC FORCE AAL eND CSt 4.5 359 0.02 0.69 0.72 WEB FORCE CSI WEe fORCE C51 2.5 ..820.1l) .1850.11 5-7.15 ...., 5-7.15 11-0..0 2 3 r;o:oo ,... ....'3 9.6-13 3" l: 0.4.13 2.... ",(Vl t. " ,,-<>-0 11-0..0 ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... TR,I_III S,__ ~_.... 2Oge......... ~ Dy ~1.~(1. ge J. 'W"11. p" or"'lQ(TVIotolX 20.). PO~"".Jcr' o.&eoI. R"f'O'1 Orc;i~pteUI.WlCltIII..Il"_p.te. "~"II'IOwn~ Shftv-t* tel ~_dI"lehDM""p1""(1lI" agp.). ElPRlTUI DAn:,~ 1/22/2004 WARN/ NGRead all notes on this Sh/Hlt and give a copy of/lto the Erecting Contractol no....................,................MII...IIyMI... .-_.....~..-. .._r-"'''~~. ...,......__....._...........tJlt....u,"......... ,.. '- _"........ I .. -. lC'f. . I ............."'.. ____....... _ --.. ............. ---.._ no. .... -..... ..lMdIuIIlH..... .-...n..... UCIIIlII... ..............IoaI...... 0-. n1~ __. TrII............. ......................--.."'...,..,..............""'...-.-...-.~~..,.......... ~.t: ~.' --..........-..---..-.-..........................-......,---......-. ---- "._'-'111'" _..... ......._... -VI _.........a...... I"" 1MIw__1II* __ ,__............... ......_ .._111___._ '.IClOCl on......'" ,......... 'AHSIITJIlI'. WTCA ,........,_e- "",,*-SUnolIw'OeII9l 1"WC:II.JNGMTAlJ.NJAI<<)IIlACDIG",,~~rm~JItUSSE.I ~'II_"""1*,,-,"If1EI!T'.,f" """_......_ (I1"1).-........~c.-..........,.....t1I6... T'he""-,-,'.nt_',,,,'-'--""'AIII...... II ltllI" "__JiM'. Pl:tlllIJiI." . . . . 11 I I I I . ......... . .. .. .. . Cust: WAL TER wo: OTlve_C_wltl_lOOOO5_JOOOO3 ~ MOSHOFSKY L")....")....'-'J TRUSS 4445 Northi>>,t Dr. Colo Spiings. CO 80901 TrusPlus 6,0 Ver: T6.4.2 . . . . .. . . .. iIl'lC = 14 WT: 74" DurFacs l=I.IS P=1.15 Rep Mbr end 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 Design Spec: uec OEf.Ralio: l1240 TC: l1240 Dssnr: TC LIVl!! TC Dead BC live BC Dead 25.00 psi 15.00 pst O.OOpsf 10.00 ps1 SO.OO psI .. . . . . TOTAL . . . . .. Job Name: WALTER ~ MOSHOFSKY ~r~J',,)"" TRUSS 4445 NOlfIl~,k Of. Colo Springs, CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Vor: T6,4,2 ~ " Truss 10: WLT-03 TC 2.4 OFt _I Be 2." OFt _I CSL BLK 2.. OFt STANDARD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT _1601. Lo.lded 101' 10 PSF non'COl'lC\lnenl BCll. BUILDING DESIGNER MUST VERIFY GABLE LOADS' (.) llJitlle Dlu.nll reQuited C 58' anltfuls. ~et:Pg:n~,~~ G~~?lg~~II~~~I(!gd~~J5. ;~ltsn~t~I~~ ~f~~~riJ~'TE R(Sul T OF MUL TlPH LOAD CASES. BlARING REQUIREMENTS il'lo.rn." tined ONl y tlnA \~~gB'ls1~lg~"~~Ettfft~:B'tft. VAlUES. End ...ethc.ls dUliflN 101 ul.llollds onl)'. [."n,lOf\) .bowI Of b,lo.lhtt,uu prohle ~~y.~M:,-:1~~' ~:'?~~'::~~:':~:'~ll~ '''-_0 ,...0 "',0 6.8-0 ......0 '11..0.0 2 3 " 5 6 7 89 rnroo 9-&-13 ,91 ~p ~ .Art~ ~"'~~, ,., J: G-4-13 ,~ ['0 ,...0 ,...0 t'-p:'n 11 12 13 '4 15 16 S-4-O .~.o 6-~ ",40 TYPiCAl PLATE: 1.5-4 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT ,.. J ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. I I I . . Truswll Syllaml PLa~..... 2D OIL U'UU shown by .1r(1Icp I. ~t6 0.). ctl...."(f'oMolll: 7CJIIbI; I. ~.... JbnI OMM. R~ Qn:Md p.t.,,,,, I... fIWN pl..,.. ~ at &rIOwn 1IitJCWtI. SlWl'l odI. ,,,",, pla~'1D I~ wtWl\lft.oct..nI pl8ttI'COt atapIe). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy or It to the Erecting ContractOl n...... w .....................-...._...... I 10M """".....rl,.. ..... "'_...... -..-.......... . ...........____...,....urenl....."""IIlI"P,.,...tWlOII.. No .-.-............_.... . . . ~......._'"......-....-..~.._.-..-.-.....~""'" ............... ::-_~.::.:::'=:=:.:::'=-:: "=:::1 !::-+=:::"...~~~:t:t ::. ................_.........._.........~.. ___....,~,_-........._ n............. ............~.. ....._____....... _.......... -*"II.... .....aCMlll........ __ ....__ ,..............._.._ .._... ____ '..IOlNT DETAAk", J_. 'IIMSIITPII'. WlCA 1'.w.MJ_c:..a "AlIlIInu~.o..c,. ,'tWClU<<)INSJALUHGNCJMACN)_J",,,,TECONIIECJEO'tOCWTIWSSiS .()G.II,...,...."suuau.ltYIHUT",J1lI no.1_PI-....... CJPq.........'-O""O-'...............--SJfI.. n..~,.nI.....p..___WPA,l.......'IIII'" ......JrM.!"!.~r!~.:: : . I. .. .1 . ... .. . . . . . . . " Qtv: 2 ThIS {tun I) CleS'lned u).ng the USCCocle. Sldl Enclo)f(l. Yu huu loUllOI'\ . Nol End lone Humune/Ocu" lll\l . No . Eap Category * C Bldalen;th. 50.00 It. Bldl W.dth. 20.00 II ,",un tooT hllihl ~ 12.5911. mph '" BO UBe Sland"cfOccupancy. Dud load'" J 7.0 psi Cust: WALTER WD; Orive_C_wltl_l00005_JOOOO3 Dssnr: #LC= 14 WT: I1g_ rc live 25.00 pSI OurFacs L=1.15 P=1.15 TC De.ad 15.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 psI D.C.Spacing 2. D. 0 BC Dead 10.DO psI Design Spec USC TOTAL 50.00 psi OEF.Ratio: l/240 TC; U240 Job Name: WALTER BRG x.lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O I Q.2.12 707 5.50' 1.50- 2 )0- 9. 4 609 5.50' 1.5D" MAX DEFLECTION (span): L/346 IN MEM 4.S (LIVE) l= -0.31" 0= -0.31" 1.. .0.74" TC rOReE AXl BND C51 }.'" ..99 0.00 0.59 0.59 2.) .1700.000.590.59 Be FORCE AXl BND CSI 4.5 3590.020.690.12 WEB FORCE C51 WEB FORCE C51 2.5 .4820..5 .1850.11 ~ MOSHOFSKY r-....")J'-..a TRUSS 4445 Northpart Of. Cola Sprln&S, CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Ve" T6.4,2 ... I... I . . . .. " .. ..... TI\.I.... S)"~I PI... _ 2Op...... __ br .,r(tI gl'. "H"'(UI~, Ol'_-u:f'(T'IMolX :lOR'I. ~ ~ Aonl 0eU0i. Repol'I. ClrdeCl ploltlil WId ,.... IrarM plaI...... poll8OMd.. Ihown atIOW. Shft ~.cuIpl"" 10 rIbf r-h.t.." ~ fNW' {Of '-'J. WARN/ NGRe.d .11 notes on this sheet and give. copy of It to the Erecting Contracto,' cu.t: WALTER n......II...._.............-IIIII_.,.-. ____ ~_....,"'_.__ WO: Drive C wltl lOOOO5 JOOOO3 1IMII~..___.......an..._.,TPI_NPA........... NIl .-....~_ICf... 0 . - - - - LC' 14 WT' 76. .' ,...............,___........__..-. __......---.... n.~~~ .............. . . sgnr. " - , .....IlIll..........JIlItIl..lceed..................llIaIlUlq ...............~~-+nf ... TC live 25.00 psI Ou,Facs l=1.15 P=l.J5 _........-.,Io_.._"'............................~......_........~....................... . . -.I.__~......_.................. -.--...............,_-..~..,..-...... ... TC Dead 15.00 psI Rep Mb, Snd 1.15 v..IMII..........iu."....__......_..._. ---.......-........-11.........___,....-- BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 ,_._.__.._.._..___..-,.,noe:T__'''''_.'~I' W1'(;AI'._,_~ ..~sa...."o...n~ . 'IWO..IiIIOlNSTAU.MiANDBIIACNllllEf.....'VoTtOO""CTEDWOOO"'ussu. BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec UBC o(KO-.I)_,.t1~SHUT''''TPl.n.f_'''*~ (TP'll1o--!III~tlrtn........~t1.".. .. n.~,._...,........-...~'~......1UII_......NW...R~Gr.toa)l.. . .:: ~ " Truss 10: WL T-04 Te ~.. OfL 111 BC ~.4 DfL III WEB 2.4 OFL STANOARO PLAT[ VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 111601. lo.ded lor 10 PSf non.eoncurrMt BCll. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. End n:thc.l~ dUlll"ed IOf ..I.IIo.ad1 only. [IU:n~.onl .Oove or Delow Ine Ilun prOhle (II .ny) require oIdCllllon.' cons.der.llon (by olnen) lor nOfll.lo.dS on lne Old;. ~ Web bf'''''1 r.qulfecl .1 IKh loc.hon 'how-no ~ See st.nd.rd del..ls~TXOI087001 001). ~~I'S"8l~~~ ~fUl c~iJ~~ITE RESUL' OF MUL' IPl.E lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown." b.ued ONl y on the truu m.ler..1 oil uth bunni. 5-7-15 5-7.15 ...., 11.~O 2 r;o:oo , 9-6-13 10< -8 SHIP ,.. J: D-4-13 " r 2.5-4 (/n ~ " 11-<><1 Sl 11-0-0 11-0-0 ......... . .. .. .. . . . . . .. ~- -.-.-- . " Qty: 7 UPLIFT REACTlON(S): Support 2 .23210 Thli ttun IS dU'ined ullnllhe UBe Cod.. Bldi Enclosed = Yes Trun lOUlhon . Not End Zone HUfflCltle/Oc..n L.ne . No . E~ C.tegOfcl- C ~~lnLr~'I~e7 ~';~~~5~~~ml~lth: lo.DOII uae St.nd.,:F'OccuP.ncy. De.:f lo.d = 17.0 psi ElJlRATDI DAn.: 1mtQ& 1/22/2004 TOTAL OEf.Ratio: U240 TC: U240 50.00 pSi Job Name: WALTER BfG Q. 4~'g>c 5~~"~~~"z~ .5~~Q'O 2 10.9.4 604 5.50" 1.50' M....... DEFLECTION (Sp''Vr t~3.~~31~ ~~~O\j. ~L~ .J1]" Ie FORCE .&.xl eND C51 ).2 .4780.000.540.54 2.3 _1670.000.540.54 Be fORCE -'XL SND CSt 4.5 350 0.020.700.73 WEB FORCE C51 WEB FORCE C51 2.5 -471 a.'lIi .1880.11 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~....t'....".I TRUSS 4445 NOffhpalk Dr. Cola Sp,ings. CO 80907 Tru,Plu' 6,0 Ve" T6.4,2 ~ TC 2.4 OFL _I Be 2.4 OFt -I wEB 214 OFt SU.NDARD WEDGE 2.4 OFl _I PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT "1607. LoadedlOf 10 PSF non.concurrent BeLL. PLATING eASED ON GREEN lUMBER VALUES 9-6-13 '3.5~ I 0-6.8 .Q:2.0 STUB " Truss 10: WL T-D5 fijlI Web tlf.Clnll reqUIred .1 lith locilhon shown ~ See stll'lCl.llrd delllls (TX01087001.00I) PI.lIng spec: AN5IITPI. 1995 THIS OESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESUl T OF MUL TlPl[ lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS ShOwn ate buKl ONl y on the trun tn,le,...1 ,ttolCl'1 bt"ln,. End ""huh d'''liInKl1or ,.,.llo4Id\ 01'\11 (.''''''101'1\ .DOve Qf belo* me trun Pfohle e.1 .nylleQu1le .(I(I...on.1 ton,.dll.hon, (by other,) 101 hOl.'. lo.d~ on Ihl bldlil S-S-1S S-S-15 ~.1 lG-l0.o 2 rw:oo 3 1.5..... H-13 tn.tn.n '. .' 1~'O.o 10.10-0 ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... flU"_ S,.-.ml PI.... _ 20 p. \Pe...r-n Dr .Irlllle-.I. ~tll ~ ~OI"'ll;~TIMrIIX 20 V,, ~fcn!l pf,d,. DetaIl Repcrt CirtteclplatI'dlfltuhmeP'*'''pouIICneCl as Ihown~. Shft~ L.cI~to~'"""'~~'(Ct""') .' .' Qty: 8 UPLIfT REACTlON(S) : Support 2 .2351b ThIS trun 110 ClU'Bneel ulo,ni the use Code Blda [ntloud.. Vel. T,uu location" Not End Zone Humune/Oce~ l.ne .. No . E~ C.aleio,y .. C ~~~nlf:"I~.7 ~~~J~5~1~~m'c:.th..= ~8'OO It use Sland"rOcCUp.nc:y. Dead lo,d.. 17.0 pd W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of lito the Erecting Contractol TNo................................---.-.. ____.. .......,a"..........--.-.... ,,_, ..____.._...........TPl...ASPA~....... NIT!' .....6 ---..........._Kr.. . ,__, ....--1.. ~...............,"'-...-_____._-.......~ ..........n.~..... _.'-: ....... uIilI.z................. ___............... ~ ...1aaI..... c:-. MIl ~......,. Tht........,... _......_..ftw........."......__.........__............,..,...... ..... . __......_____.-.._..._.......... ......-...s.........,_-........1'-__. .....IlIIIIN~in...,.____.._..._'-. _...............1....___....__ '.....,........,iNW ....,..... _111___ 'JOINTDlETAlL..... ,__. 'AHSVfIl'lI'. W1"CA I'--...T_ c....a ...-.....c.~"DtticrlfI . 'tWClI.NiIJGTAl..l..HiNltlJIRAC>>lQIII(TAL"'-ATEec:NECTIEDWQOOTIWSSU' -(tG-111"'''II~ItC(l'''''TP'l.n..,_IIItoIio__ (TPllil......,;.~c.-.+-n,4+S)l~'. n. ~ ,.""....,....-....- ~"A1."""" 1111 111'1 ..... NtH. .............. Of pll. ... . Cust: WALTER wo: Orive_C_wltl_LOOOOS_JOOOO3 OSlInr: IILC:; 14 WT: 7411 Te live 25.00 pst DurFaes L:;1.l5 P:;1.IS Te Deild 15.00 psi Rep Mbr Bnd I. t 5 BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psi Design Spec use . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . ......... . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .' TOTAL 50.00 psI OEF.Ratio: U240 TC: l1240 Job Name: WALTER ~ MOSHOFSKY ~,,)I'~ TRUSS 4445 NorthfWlk Dr, Cola Sptings, CO 80907 Tru,Plu, 6,0 Ver: T6,4,2 "':"" I. " Truss 10: WLT-E1 Te 2..4 OFL _I Be 2..4 OFL _I GSl BLK 2.4 OFl Sf oViOARD PLATE vAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT _1607. lo.ded lor 10 PSF non-concurrent BeLL. BUilDING DESIGNER MUST VERIFY CASLE LOADS! (.) gaDle brlCIl'1I requited 0 5S" 101.,...1$, ~ee:PG:~~f~r G~~~.I'&~a~&~lm~;:;J5. ~~ltS~Ef;G~ ~~Ul~IOJ~~ITE RESUL T Of MULTIPLE LOAOCASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS ~,are bued ONl1 t~A \~~M'1tlS[blgNa~~{t:t~t::;~~'V"'I.UES. 1-4-0 2.8.0 2.1!I..() 2-8.0 1-4.0 4-0.0 6.8.0 .-4.0 ".n.{I }_n..o. 1. ' 2 , . 56 7 8 moo ,'2,001 3-4 5, ,,3 {/ ,-4 ~. . f/' ,-' \ ~~ '~ I 0.5.3 6_ 15 SHIP I 0-5.3 I&ll I&ll ,,' 11'1.011. 12 13 14 15 16 17 2.8-0 2.8-0 '.8-0 4-0-0 6.8'{) 8-4-0 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... T"".... 5'._,...... lOp. urMM IftOM1 Dy .18"(18 ga). "t1"'110~, Of_.~*"Cf"lMlll'" 20 ~I, ~,.,.. on.la I'te.pclf\ Qn::MCI pial., and '-I.. t.M pqte... po~" shown tIbow, Shft ~tulpI""1O ~,...+a...... ~ pl.... (or .....1. W ARNINGRead a" notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contracto.' n.................................___......... r..1tlwn.......~...-.......-....... ...,_In_''-....lUf..........tJII...,NPA............. ~ .__"~_Kf..' o---.~... ............_._. - - -.. .......~ --!- n. ...tt-(- ,..-t"~' : ........,.............-................................... ......,..,.....~.~............ .. ........cf.-...............,.........._..........__.................,............................ . . _,___..............._..~.. -......----.....,.,_~......lttw-...... ... ........1lII pllCMlI.... __..........._.._. .-nlI..............CIH 1"'_ __.... cm_ ,_.......... ....._.._.___.. 'JDINT DETM"'" T'--', 'AN$IITPlI'. WTCA ".WiMlT_c:-.CII .. All.- sc.w.. CIft9I ill , 1W'CJl..NG INSTAUMG ~ MACaG MfTAL PLATE ~CTED WOOD TI'tUSSU' .pd-1'I_1G'1 ~YIHIEET'..,TP'I. n.T_"......... (1l'l).-I~~Dr-..tw.-.H-ul~.. .. n..-....c.n,.......,...~W,."'........lll'I_s--.f<<W.=-R~~... .:: 11 1.....0 1--4.0 ......... . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . Qty: 1 ThIS Irun .s deSI!i:rlld uSlnK the use Code. Sklll Enclosed. Ves l,un loutlOt1 . Not End Zone Humnne/OCloln LIne. No . E.;Cc C.teIfOl"Y '" C ~1~~nlte:o'ln.7 ~~~J~'1~I~~ m I~th,,= 19.oo II USC St"nd.,TOc;cuP.ilncy. O..:fLO"d. 17.0 pst .........TlCII DAre,zm.<M J 1/22/2004 Cust: WALTER WO: Drive_C_wlll_LOOOO5_JOOO03 Dsgnr: IIlC = 14 WT: 83" TC live 25,00 psI OurFaes L=1.15 P=1.15 TC Dud ) 5.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1. t 5 BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 Be Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec uee TOTAL 50.00 p$f DEF.Ralio: U240 TC: U240 Job Name: WALTER SF o. :.HJC ~A~~s5"Zl.5Ff}Q"D 2 9.9.4 660 5.50" 1.50' MAX DEflECTION (lpan): L/999 IN MEM 5.6 {lll/[} l- .0.03' 0_ .0.03' 1.. .a.07' TC FORCE AXL eND CSI }.2 .5160.000.320.32 2.3 .5160.000.320,32 Be fORCE AXl aND CSt 4.5 310 0.04 0.26 0.29 5.6 310 0.04 0.26 0.29 WEB FORCE CSI wtB FORCE CSI 2.5 1960.08 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~ ~J' ~"J TRUSS 4445 Notfh~r* Df, Cola Sptings. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Ve" T6.4,2 , - " Truss 10: WL T -E2 TC 2.' OFt l1li1 Be 2.4 on _I wEB 2.4 OFt STANDARD PLAT( VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT l1li1607. lOlded 'or 10 PSF non.cOtlcuflenl BelL. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. ~~IIS"~E~~~ ~~UJ ~tiJ~iITE RESUl T OF MUl TlPlE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMf.NtS mown .r. OUed ONt y on the tfun m,le"._ II lien belllna. Hftt pl,lc\ .n.lyled lor ttttfllflClly. 5.0-0 5.0-0 5-0-0 10-0-0 "i.n.n 5_0_ll " 2 112,00 ,12,001 3.5-4 5--.3 I 0.5.3 6- 15 SHIP I 0.5.3 ,.. /r:-. 1.5-4 ,1;ll;ll '. ,1;ll;ll .' 10_Q..n 5 5-0.0 10.0.0 ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... Tl\n*el srl""'l PI_I _:JO lJe.........-nDy .1rt'. goo). ~C1. ge'. oreu~TVloUX 20 "J,~"" ~ o.t.ll R~ Qraed pIalI1l and I... nm. peawl" ~ alhown.wv.. SMl gad'. Jpl...>> rt08~~.. paw. Cor ....1. 5.0.0 5-0-0 W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contnlctol n........._....................-..._.,......--~. ~...........~. 1nll...1I_U'a..l'Ito.n_........TPII1l11",.~A............ ""~.""'. . --.~ . . . ( ...............,..-------.---~ ........-2-w-+ n..1IoA.J~~__t.., ... .........,..._...................................~....... . -v-."""'~""'"""" . ......._.........,........,...,..,........................... 1ar..1Ir.....,............~......... ... -.___....._..._.__.. ___......_............... TJ..-" 1IIaI......--..II.-oJ__....._...-.. __............_1......._____.....__ F_'_'_._.___......_lIl____ ..IOlNTCETM.S"..".-..... 'NCSlIll"lI'. WTCA t........,....c.- "'-"'-__"DII9\I'l ,~lNS'AI.U'ION<<J~"T~~TED~IlUSU".. .(td-.I'...'MI-flSUMllWlylHUT'...TPI.n.T_.......... fT"I.........~t'" ~+r"-'V",.. .. TI>I~f.......~..~wP~II........I"II_.._.NW.~~.4::lce]l.: .. ::: . .. .. . . .. .. . Qty: 4 UPLIFT RE....CTlON(S): Supporl 1 791b Supporl 2 .79lb ThIS lrun IS deslanel:1 uilna the UBCCOCle. 81dl Enclosed. Yn truss lOUllon = Not End Zone HurtlUnelOcun line = No . E.~ CiteiOfy = C ~~~ lr~'t~e~ h~,;~J~~~lg~ rn:,~th== /8.00 It use St.ncI.,:p:Qcc:yp.n~)'. o..d lo.d. 17.0 p~1 Cust: WALTER WO: Orivc_C_wlILLOOOO5_JOOOO3 Osgnr: . IflC = 14 WT: 58" TC live 25.00 pst OurFacs l=1.I5 P=1.15 TC Dead 15.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 psi O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec USC TOTAL OEF.Ratio: U240 TC: U240 50.00 psI Job Name: WALTER ~ MOSHOFSKY "t"~"~"J TRUSS 4445 North~fk Or, Cola Springs, CO B0901 TrusPlus 6,0 Ve" T6,4,2 " Truss 10: WL T-F1 Tt 2.4 OFL _I Be 2.4 DR _I GSl BLK 214 OFL Sf ANDARQ PLAn VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT _1607 Lo~ded lOt 10 PSF' non.concurrenl BelL BUILDING DESIGNER MUST VERIFY GABLE LOADS! (+) R,JIOle tlr.lclnR rfQUlred 0 58" mtet'w,1I\. ~e~IPd':~~r~r G~~~el~~~,JI~~~I~~~]S ~~llr~l~~~ ~fUJ ~bJ~~IH: RESUL , OF MULTIPLE lOACeASES BEARING REQUIREMENTS 5hown ar. bASed ONt y ~A \~~Ml,IBsls~lg;:~,JI~lE'fft~~~ta vAlUr S l~.O 12-&-0 I'-B-G 12.8-0 12.8-0 1'.&-0 1-4-0 '.<>-0 ..... .....0 12-0..0 14-&-0 I, ',1\.Il I, 8-O;R 2 J .- S . . . 10 11 113' r;o:oo -10.001 '..0 3 S-4I r, f/' . ~,~ 7 "'~~7 o-s-o J..4 ., I o-s-o I" ,,,.0 ,,,.0 ,......,:(1 19 20 12_8-0 .....0 23 24 I,-a-o ".... 226 . I 21 22 1"&.0 12-0-0 15 16 .2_8-0 '4.()..O 17 18 12_8-0 &-8.0 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT " .0 SHIP . .. .. .. r. _ . . .. .. , . ../ .. .. . .... Tru__ S,,,wnIPlet.. _ 2O~.loI'Mu~by-"-11.gtl_'. "H1tegtl_,.or.M);'c~xJoP'.~""Fc;.~R~ cra<<l ~1...:I1....l'tameplatll._poaII(lr'led ulhown 1Ibowe. StvftgMHHJClp....lOaVOId-'-PWllh.~platll.lor ....). W ARN/NGRe.d .11 notes on this sheet .nd give. copy of It to the Erecting Contractol n..........................-......._.........lIl.. Nt.......... ... ................ . . . ....-....___....._.._..TPt....AlPA.............. .~..................-t~ ...: . ...._~_____.._-.. .......,......-.."..n..+-- '.. ~_ : : .. ".....~".........IIlMI.~...............",,,........... c-. n.............. . . .- .........._..._.................___................_4. ..............lor.............__*ee, . ... ..."...w-. .-..-........-*'1_. .._II.....-c" -.-- __....,._~....._ n.......- I11III_ N,........, ___......_........ .................-..1....... ____..~. ,.-.-..................._.._..____ ..lClNtCE"TAlLS'~T........ 'NCSVn'II'. WfCA 1........r_c.na ............s...."'o.Iofl . .lWCIl.INGINSTAUJHGAKJMAClNGloIETAl."'1"~.-...c:n:DV'-OOTIttASE.. ~a..l'...~.ISUMaWlYSH[fT~TPl.n.'-PIMI___ {TPl).........IIE. J.,,~ ......+r-Og, TM""*'-',...__"..~II#P~......."11111.. "MlrM..IMlO.~~2lII)I,. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .' . . . . . . .. . Qty: 2 Tnll tlun" dUllned U'lnltne UBC COdt. Bide [nelole(! . Yu Trun Loc.lhon . Not End Zone HUfflune/Oce.ln LIne.. No . (.p C.lclqOly = C Bldlllenllth. 50.00 1I~81dll Wrdtn. 20.00 II Mun 1001 herllhl. 11.:;14 II. mpn = BO UBe SI.lnO.l,cfOccup.lncy. Dud lO.ld" ) 1.0 psi EXP'RAT1CJNI DATE: ,iDl.W 1/22/2004 Cust: WALTER wo: Drive_C_wltl_l00005_JOOOO3 Dsgnr: ItlC = 14 WT: 137" TC live 25.00 psi OurFacs l= 1.15 p= 1.1 5 TC Dead 15.00 psi Rep Mb, Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 Be Dead 10.00 p~f Design Spec use TOTAL OEF.Ratio: U240 TC: U240 50.00 psI Job Name: WALTER BRG X.loe REACT SIZE REQ'O I Q.2.}2 800 5.50' 1.50' 2 )5.9... 800 S,SO- 1.S<r MAX DEFLECTION {Sp.an) : l/999 IN MEM 4.S (UVE) La .0.17' 0- .0.17. "f. .0.34" Te FORCE AXl BND C51 '.2 .895 0.00 0.710.71 2.J .8950.000.710.71 Be FORCE AXl SND C51 4.5 546 0.050.50 0.55 5.6 546 0.050.50 0.55 WEB FORCE C51 WEB FORCE C51 2.5 350 0,14 ~ MOSHOFSKY n-.....').........('j TRUSS .....5 Nort~'k 0', Co/o Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Ve" T6,4,2 Truss 10: WL T -F2 lC 2.4 OFt _I Be 2.. OFt .1 WEB 2.4 OFt STANDARD PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT _1601. LOACledlor 10 PSF non.concuffent BClL. ~~IISnu~~~ ~fUl~bJ~~IT[ RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS 'hown lire tined QNt y t~A\~~8~UE'tlg;:~'~EfE'fft~t:BEft'VAlUES ..0.0 ...... .....0 '6-0-0 I, ..a.o ..... I, " r;o:oo ,'0.001 35-.. 7. .. 7. .. SHIP ,.. ,.. I 0-.-0 ..I 0-5-0 1..... '. 1R..ll-O s I .1 !.O-o 1 , &-0-0 .'... '-0-0 . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. ....- .. .. . . . TN..... Sy.~ F't8te. _ 200-. IneU IhlMn Dy -18"(18 011 I. "'H'11ag. I. 01 '.I,..,,"""'Z2Oge I. poltaQed D.~. Ret:lOIl ~ pl.... and,.... hme piI;teII_ poMlOMd.. &hown~, SRft ~ IIud pl.... ';, .VOIdOl4t1.p~'\luc:tr.nIlbl.'lor 1'-). W ARNI NGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of/t to the Erecting Contractol n......,.IiIlf.............,.-..-Mt....,..... ....IlMn........ ......,...-..... .. ...__..___......_...........TJ1t....#lP"".,..llIndIrlll....'...................~~ ...: f .._.......~...___.......... ......_...........nw.......;.;_. ,..::.. .........~..._.......__...-.lI..............~......~ .._...,............--.n..~......... . . . ........__t1.......,......."'..........................~_t1I1.......,Wkn..,..............--..r..., . ... .......,....... _-.II. ......"'-. .............-rt., -.-..- ............,___........... n.-.-. __..__....,____...__....._.._1...______...... ,_.~.~............_...____ ..lOINTOE1'AIl.I~T/WOOIlII..ANSlfT"II..wrCAI...w..olT_~ """*lca$&Mdlrtl~ . . ,~..sTAUJNGN#JMAClNGIllETAL~TE~eTEDIJOODTJIltJS.S' -(l'Q-lll.........Il~SHUT..,"'.TNT_,...__ (TPI)"....,.~~:..--...\. ~-..".., n.AlMfkanf...................c.vPA)"........11111.. R_Nlf...ICO.~~ _ IX~ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . Qty: 23 UPLIFT REACTlON(S) : Suppott 1 ,68 lb SUPPOft 2 .68 lb Th'5 I'un "dulBned USIl"IB the UBCCOCIe BIClaEnclost(l =Yu Trun lOCI110ll . Not End Zone HUfllCln./Ocun lln. . No . E.;lc Cltelory . C ~~ln \~no'l~ei h~~~ {\~1~~ m I~lh = = Jg'OO II uae Sllndl,:J!Occ.uPlncy. ou:f LOICl. 17.0 PII Cust: WALTER wo: OriYe_C_wlll_lOOOO5_JOOOO3 Ds~nr: HlC = J4 'WT: 7811 TC live 25.00 psI DurFacs l=1.15 P=1.15 TC Dead 15.00 psI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 pst O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psI Design Spec UBe 70TAL OEF.Ralio: l1240 Te: U240 50.00 psi ., Job Name: WALTER ~ MOSHOFSKY c-t'~/'>a TRUSS 4445 Northpart Dr, Co10 SptinBs. C080907 1rusPlus 6,0 Ve" 16.4,2 22 23 24 2526~ 4-0-0 3.'.8 13~.O 11&-5_S i . .. : O\leR co'mNIJouslu~poRT .. ...~. .. .. . . . ... . .... .. ...... Tr\nW8! 5)'...... ~...... 2OgII......... "- by .''''('8911). "H"(18 ge). or"'X.(",^",X 20011. poIl~ per.k*'ll~' Repcwt Clft:Ied patel -.J I.. rrwn. plate. WI poSItIOned u Ihown ab:M Shd'I gable Itucl,... to ~ ~ WI#\ Itl'Uc:lInI pl.... (or 1._). WARN/ NGRead all notes on this sheet and g/we ~ of It/o thaEructlng Contracto,' Cu,l, WALTER n.ia..............~................,.._.-. ___................,."'_~~. : : .: wo: Ori'te_C_wltl_lOOO05_JOOOO3 __.___"'___"T"'_"'~A"""_,,.", _ .........-........::.r:. .... 0' lC = 14 WT' 143. r .M........_-.--............ ....."............... ""-llllI*IlI.........-.-..... . . sgnr. " . ..........,............-............................................... .._..,..,..~T1M . ... TC Live 25.00 pSi OutFacs l=J.15 P=1.15 .... ..._~. ~"-'I"'''''''. ...................-........ ......lIr.-I... .,.........__...., MMfoN........_-.._............~....w.w.........,____...,..._-........n.__ TCOead 15.00 psi RepMbr Bnd 1.15 1NlI_...___nq..........IlII..._...--... .................~I,......___....,_ Be Live 000 psI D.C.Spacing 2- O. 0 ,l6IlcIotII,'**......._...........~___....JOlNT0E1NLS"...'n-.I,.AN5JrPl..._CAt.~l_~ . .. .r"'-bscn..Dnip .. twClUNGIHS1AU...UHDBAAOHGWE1AL"'-lt&~.fC)f1tQvb .. .. : : BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec USC -(HI...II_'Ma..Isua.wtYIHEEr...1Pl . In. A-...... (11'IJ..........~Iaoe~.......17.. ... 1M"-Ic.-.,......~..............""'P"l...........IIIII.. ...-.,."....IOO.............tIc*_ . . .. ... 6 ..... r Truss 10: WL T-G1 TC 2~. OFL _I BC 21A OFL _I GBL BLK 2,' OFL STANDARD PLATE. VAlUES PER ICBD RESEARCH REPORT _1607. LO.ldad 101' 10 PSF non.concurrent BCLl. BUilDING DESIGNER MUST VERIFY GABLE lOADS' (. J lible br.le.nl reQulled C 58' .ntltf'lalli. ~ee:P8:~t~? G'~~?el~~a~Ps~I<!86~~~35. PI.lt1n1f Ipee : ANSI/TPI . 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESUl T OF MUL T1PlE LOAD CASES BEARING REQUIREMENTS lhown ar. based ONl Y ~tA \~~gr:lsT~tSt:ri.l~[~.~'t~:~[~.VALU[S ,...0 4.0.0 .2.10.12 3.9'" 4.5-8 i ,,,.0 .....0 '6-2-12 12.0.0 15-S-8 ., R.:).1:) R.~_p 1213-i 2 3 . 5 6 '7 e 9 10 11 f'9'5O -:s:501 6-'1-3 s-e /:~~ ~~,/ ---~~~ I 0.5-0 " 2 SHIP .. I 0.5-0 ~ 11\:~" . ~14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 .1"'-0 1 4.0.0 -l 4.0-0 ] 1"'-0 s....o g....o lYPICAl PlATE: 1,.... Otv: 1 Trill Itun " desraned uI.nll the UBC Code. BlcIll E.nelolad_ Yel 'tun Loc.lhon a Not End lone HUltlC&llI/Oa.n L.ne a No . E~ C.lteaory a C ~~:n \~,t~.~ h~~~ :~4 ~I~~ m .~th: ~8'DO It USC Sland.rlOccuP.lncy. Du:f LO.ld _ 17.0 pst ElPlU.11ON DAre 1ZD1.G1 1/22/2004 TOT At 50.00 psf orr.Ratio: U240 Te: U240 Job Name: WALTER eRG X.LOC REACT SIZE REqO 1 Q.2.12 983 5.50. 1.50- 2 16.2.12 983 5.50" 1.50. MAA DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 4.5 (LIVE) L.. .0.lS" 0= .0.18" 1= .0.37" Te FORCE AXl BNO CSt 1.2 .937 0.00 0.74 0.74 2.3 .937 0.00 0.74 0.74 Be FORCE AXl SND C51 4.5 591 0.100.470.57 5.6 591 0.100.470.57 WEB FORCE C51 WEB FORCE CSI 2.5 3580.15 ~ MOSHOFSKY cv.- ~/" '\,Q TRUSS 4445 Northp;lrlc 01. Cola Springs. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Ve" T6.4,2 . , Truss 10: WL T -G2 Te 2." OFl III Be 2." OFl III WEB 2.4 on STANO.a.RD PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT MI607. LOilded lOt 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. ~~I~nU~I~~ ~~~~:~riJ~~lTE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS mown ate b.ned aNl Y ~~A \~~gB'ls'r~lb;:ri~[.t~t~t:~~!. VALUES. 8.2.12 a.2-12 11-2-12 1&-$.8 8-1-1' I, ft.".t? 12 " ro:so- -:o:5Ol 6.1,.3 .... I n~ o.s.o .. I 0-5-0 ~;; ',.... ~ I. ~ .J I 1A-'t-i11 S ft.1.12 8-2.12 8-2.12 16-5-8 ..... .. . .. .' .. .. .. ..... I' .. .. . . Tru__ 5y.lem. PI... _ 20 p. urN...r-n by .11111' p.). ....11e P I. OI":lQ('W 2O;e I. pa".ptodW~~' RIIPOft. Cin:led plales and ,.... rrarn. 1*181" poIllIoneO II JhcoIrn ebOYI'. SrwtI gCllt uua pi'" 10 aYOICI . 1lr\ICU. rule. t~ '~l. WARN/ NGRead ell notes on this sheet .nd give a eopy of It to the Erecting Contraeta. n-...II..II'I__IU*II-..-.ftIII....~. _1leM........................."'-r-........... . __..____IM.............TPl....AlPA....__.. Nil 0- ....;...~_.w++. ::.: . .............,...-- --.................-.-..~.........-......--. . .. ",1MdI1MlM Ill....... -... '"* lie....................... ................-.. nw __ --. . . _.........~iI.......,lio_~.......................................... ..........................__.dr . ... ..-..:tlH.........____.~_....-."........... -.--_.....r_~~_~-...- ............."......,....., ......__.. _ ........ _ "'...__.......1'" ....._--*',.... '*'- ,~.'*-._.._._.._.____ .JClWfMTNL.r...T_.'~l..WTCAI.._T_c:....ol ==:I~THu~~:~~~~~~~~t~~~'~:..I.. :1: n..AIMltc8II,.......P....-....--lN'PAlil..,....IIIII"'.._NW....IlIO.~OC4tOO1I. . . .. ... . .. . .. .. .. . . Qty: 6 UPLIFT REACTlON(S) : Support I 98 Ib Support 2 .981b ThIS tfun .s deilgned uSing the UBe Code. Bldi Enclosed s "Yes Trun louhon = Nol End Zone HurroClne/Qclln lIne II No . E~ C'teiory " C ~I~:n l,~,t~l!~ n~~~ :~4 ~Ift~ m '~tn=" t8'OO It use Slano.,lOccuP.lncv. Du~f\o.Cl ~ 17.0 psi 7, .2 SHIP tEJlIRlTUI DAn: 1JtJ1,lOA 1/22/2004 Cust: WALTER wo: Orion_C_wlll_LOOOO5_JOOOO3 Os~nr: "LC::. 14 WT: 84# TC lion 25.00 pst DurFacs L=1.15 P:1.15 TC Dead 15.00 psi Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 BC Live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. Q. 0 BC Dead 10.00 pst Design Spec USC TOTAL 50,00 psI DEF.Ratio: l1240 Te: U240 Job Name: WALTER erGo. ::}~~~CJ.5~.ZEJ.:J.Q'D 2 1&.2.12 3&43 5.50" 3.8S" MAX DEfLECTION (sp.n): Ll999IN MEM 7.8 (LIVE) L- .O.OS" 0- .o.OS' 1. .0.16' Te FORCE AXl aND C51 ).2 .4028 0.230.320.55 2.] .39120.140.220.35 J.4 .39120.140.210.35 ..5 .4028 0.230.320.55 Be fORCE AXl eND C51 6.7 30'Xl 0.250.570.83 7.8 20970.170.570.74 8.9 3090 0.250.570.83 WEB fORCE CSI WEB fORCE C51 2.7 .J080.G1I 23820.61 ]., 23820061 .308 0.07 .' ~ MOSHOFSKY ~r~-...a TRUSS 4445 Nortllpatk Df, Cola Springs. CO 80907 1ru5Plus 6,0 Ve" 16,4,2 Truss 10: WLT-G3 Te 2.. OFt _I Be 2...6 OFt S5 wEB 2.. OFL STANDARD 214 OFL CONSTR 7.J].8 lumbEl' thUf .l1ow.lbles .Ire per HDS.97. lOolded IOf 10 PSF non.concurrent BCll. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES ~~ltrsl~~~ ~:f~J~J:g~lTE RESUL T OF MULflPlE lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIR(MENTS shown a,. bned ONt y :~,JhEeS~~'JESWR.:tMa:SbE~~'REPORl _1607. Perm.lnml br.lCll'l' II rtQulfed (by Othet'I) 10 ptt"enl,ot.llonllopploni. See .'IIB.91 .nd ANSIIIPI 1 1995; 1034.5 .lnd 10.3,4.6. "~.8 4~.8 3.10~ 8.2.12 3.10.... 12.'.0 "~.B 16.5.8 8.'.1? 2 [9'50"""' B.~." , -:;To1 I, 51 6-' 1.3 5,5 ,.5 ~ I 0.5.0 I 6 1R.....R 91 ~.7_15 l 16.5.6 7 6 5.7.15 5.7.15 TYPICAL PLATE: 5,5 5_1.10 10.9.9 ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... TRAW"S)'.wm.~._20oe.lIlleMlW"Owntly.1811'oe,."""'ge_'.0I"".rTVNlk20gal... . . -. ~o.a.l.Aepon Qn:Mdplatu ~1"MIrMlll~"poIdIO"1eCI" anawn~.Srwft__aaS:lJ6te~hOld~...~~'IClfIUlPle'. WARN/ NGRaad a" no/as on this shH/.nd glva . copy of It /0 /ha Eracting Con/racto. n...........____......___..._.,.-.. ................. ......."'..___~. ..........____....._........"'....NPA............. Mil ........___~... ~.............~.. -.-.-....... _ -.. -.........~ l'--'e-.. _. . . . .................~..........................~............... ........~.......M~...... . _.....~.......,......~..,..,........................... .....~.........y.. .' ...&.,.,- :::. ~....._-......-.__........"................._.... ~n.......... ... ..-.............,--......-..-. -.....--......,.......--........,..... ,___.,......... ......._.._..___ ..IOIHl !XTNlJ"~ T...... 'NCSI'TPI1'. WTCA I..-..T_ ~ .."-U ......0.... . 'tWCJl.arIQINITAU.WGNCJMACDIQ IilIETAlP'LAtE CC>>H.CTEDWOOO1lltUSSl1' ~11...,....IIUIilMNn'~~D1.n.t_,....___{TPI).~.... u_. TIlI........,.......,...____IAR'Ar,I.......lllll.. ......-....-.vh ~~1.. :.: - '\: I'... '" . ... ... ... ......... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 6-' 1.3 SHIP Qty: 1 UPLIfT REACTlON(S): SUppoI"t I .309 lb Supporl 2 .309 Ib Thll t'un il dnl,ned Uling th. use Code. Bid, Enclolld .. Vel Trun loc.hon '" Nol End Zont Humane/Denn line" No. E~ C.te,ort '" C :1::nlre:o'l~e: ~~~{~.~~~m'~Ih,...l8.0011 uae SI.nd...rOcC-uP.ncy. De.f lo.d.. 17.0 pIT ..........lOAD CASE _I DESIGN lOADS .......... ... o.r l.PII L.loc R.PII R.loc llllL TC Vert 80 00 Q. O. 0 ao.oo 16. S. 8 0.63 BC Vet'1 362.71 O. o. 0 362.71 16.58 0.47 ElPIU.T1CII DATE: 1ztnGl J 1/22/2004 Cust: WALTER WO: Orive_C_wIlLlOOOOS_JOOOO3 Osgnr: "lC", ]4 WT: 124" TC live 25.00 psi DurFacs l=L15 P=1.l5 TC Dead 15.00 psi Rep Mbr Bnd J.oo BC live 0.00 psI O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 Be Dead 10.00 psi Design Spec UBe TOTAL 50.00 psi OEF'.Ratio: U240 TC: U240 Job Name: WALTER BRG X.lOC REACT SIZE REQ"O I 0.2.12 960 5.50" I.SO' 2 15.9.4 9605.50' 1.50- MAX DEFLECTION (SPI~: t~8.~~21~ ~~~o~A. <}~ .d.44. Te FORCE AAl eND C51 1.2 .1905 0.070.890.96 2.3 .1905 0.070.890.96 Be FORCE "XL BND C51 4.515370.140.650.79 5.6 15370.140.650.79 WEB FORCE C51 WEe FORCE C51 2.5 15080.67 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~ ~I"'tl TRUSS 4445 Nortllp.Jfk Dr. Cola Springs, C080907 TrusPlus 6,0 Vor: T6,4,2 Truss 10: WLT-H1 Qty: 6 Te 214 OFt _I Be 2..4 OFt _I WEB 214 OFl S1 "NOARD PLATE VAlUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT .1607. PLATING BASED ON GREEN lUMBER VALUES. ~~llsat~it~ :tf~J~J~~ITE RESULT OF MUl TIPL[ lOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIRf.M[NTS shown 1ft b,sed aNt y on the trun m,tefloll,1 neh beoilflne. UPLIFT REACTlQN(S) : Support 1 .97 Ib Support 2 .971b ThiS .run IS dUlined usmg the Use Cod.. Bldg Enclo,e(j. V" Trun LOUllOl\.. Nol End Zone Humc.ne/Oce.n line. No , t_p C.tegory .. C Bldi len~"'l. 50,00 n. Bldg Width. 20.00 II ~~~n~l~d~~:r:~u~~n~;. '6'e':J'rO:d ~O 17.0 p,' .-<>0 i O-O-D 8-0-0 16-0-0 ..n.n 12 ..... " 3' [9To"""'" --:;:m s', 6-~ 11 7-:::-15 SHIP I 0-4-11 .. I 1>+11 DA' ~ 7.... ~ "fl" '~ 6 '4 . 7.... 1f\..Q-O , O-O-D 8-0-0 O-O-D ,6-0-0 ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... 1..._" s,....... "'_. ..20p.l.WII." ~br.trct' ga,l. "'\orltlp I. O'..l~ 200-1. ~~~.R~ Citdecl pIaltIl .nclIIllM""" pIatN.,. poI!lIGnIId qlholm 1ItlOW. Sholl ~ I~toavoid ~..ctt~"""10l" acep.) WARNINGReadal1 notes on this sheet and give a copy 01 It to the Erecting Cont",cto,' Cust: WALTER n...........-"...--.W*II...............-......... '-IM-.__ ..........,..-.-- wo: Dri....e C wltl LOOOO5 JOOOO3 8ftd....rllQCllJdlrC:ll.....antrI.......lT"...N'...dIIVI....... ...,~......b'..--...,.. .. D' - - - - LC - 13 wr. 79" I __--....,___-.--.. ............. ...........-....;-..n.y..w.......;...-.c.........-: : . : sgn': #I - . .........,M.,.......__.pCMlI..............~.......... ~__,.,.... . - ....-.... Te lI....e 25.00 pSI Durfacs l=1.15 P=1.15 _...........IIl.'""-'f........,...........................~"-IIl. ........-..~..............___**'V .... ___........._.._.-........""-................... .....-___~-.....,..-.....",.n.....-....- . ... TC Dead 15.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 IlIUIMlIle(lllcllllIrt...____......._.....u. .............""""I......_C1RlIKIllI,..-..,_. BC live 0.00 pst O.C.Spacing 2. O. 0 F~,~.lNW'''''''''_ ..._.___.... .JOlNTOETAIL....,T"'"". 'AHSII'I'JIII'. WfCA t'WIoooIIlT_ c-.d ...-...-.,.....'*""~, 'tWO..WGIHSTAUJHONC>8MCINGIilETAl'V''\COft'ECTED'NJOOTItUSSES' Be Dead 10.00 pst Design Spec uec -()tl...l)...,....IUAWtYIf€E1"..,m.ThtT_...........(TPIJ.r.c.4"'.. . .....:w.c..;.UZI.. ... :.. n.~f._...P.....-....-~PAlII......11111...._....NW....IIllI,~IC.200.. .. . ... TOTAL 50.00 psi DEf.Ratio:lI240TC:U240 ......... . .. .. .. . . . . . .. Job Name: WALTER SF Q. ::tfC 9R3E2~~s5~Z~..;}Q'O 2 15.3.12 7825.50" 1.50" MAX DEfLECTION J,panJr.: t~1~~21:' 't,~~O~.' <f~ .d.4S' TC FORCE AXL BND CSl ).2 .1771 0.060.910.97 2.3 .17160.040.690.72 2.3 .705 0.00 0.42 0.42 Be FORCE AXl BND CSI ..5 14170.130.620.75 5.6 14110.130.550.68 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2.5 1393 Cl;69Rl -1638 0.21 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~~I"--.a TRUSS 4445 NoiUIpal* Dr. Cola Spnng5. CO 80907 TrusPlus 6,0 Vo" T6.4,2 Truss 10: WL T -H2 TC 2.. OFl _I Be 2.4 OFl _I wEB 2_4 OFt STANDARD SLIDER 2.4 OR _I PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT .1607. n~:$~E't~~ ~~Ui'C'oJ~~lfE R[SULT OF MUl llPlE LOAD CASES. BEARING REQUIREMENTS shown ar. bl5ld ONLY ~t" \~~gl:ls(~I~;:~~M~L~~B[ft. VAlUES. 8.0...0 7.6-8 ..0.. ,...... .....11 I, 7-8.8 31 " [9.50" --:;To] 6-8.11 7-~ i5 SHIP .. I ....." ~. ~ ~ 7-".R ~ 7.... 1~" .0..5--11 '. , 6' STUB a.o.o 7-6-. I a.o.o 15-6-8 ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. .. . . . T~"S)'...,.~...20ge.~arv.nbJ.1rc1BlJ8,)."H"C1Bga.).~'1Ix~2098I.p6. .. '._ ~A~ 0r08d plate. .-v:1'....1rwN pi..... ~ ulhoWn.tloWl. Shftp* Jp..J>> eYQd~~ (or .....). W ARNI NGRead all notes on thIs sheet and give a copy of/tto the ETfH:ting ContnJclo, noio............__........__..._..--..__........ . ,......~--- .. .......n__...._..._..1l'1...N"A....._ ... ..................--..,.. . . . c ....--..,,___ _ _...........,.w.........._~~_.. . ............._........._....................."........... ....WY",..,.;.........-n....,It..-: : :. 1IIII..."-............-."........................-.1Ml1ll. ~.,..-."'..............--....ecIy . ... _.......__......_...._..~.,___......._............. n..__ ......_IlII......IIo..........-......._.._. --.".,.............1.,.....__....__. F......__.... .........._.--..... "..oNTOETM.S'"T-..I. 'ANSn'PII'. WTCA ,..........,_ c..OClI .,~..-.o..lpoll WrHDI.N3WSTALLNINtOIIMCIHO ..TAL......taCClllNEC~~.. ..pcB-.11...,....1 SlIAIARTDEET"TPl. ThIIT_Pln........ 1TlIlI..___..~........w.c...-.S_1' Tlw""'--F..............~COV'At..___..IIIIIIIl...-.HW...IOO.~~t.. :.. : . . . . . .. .. . . . . I : ! . .. .. .. . Qt\(: 2 UPLIFT REACnON(S): Supporl 1 95 Ib Supporl 2 .68 Ib ThIS Ifun lSdn11lned uS1nlllhe uac Cod.. BIClll Enclose>d. Vu f'un lOC4l1lon . NOI End Zone HUrrlune/Oce,n Lme .. No . E~ C,ttgOfY . C ~~:n\~,t~e~ h~~~ :~3gl~~ m~~lh,." l8'OO It use SI.nd.,~O(:cup.n(:f. Oe"dlo.Cl" 17.0 psI CUlt: WALTER WO: Drive_C_wttl_lOOOO5_JOOOO3 Osgnr: "LC = 13 WT: 79" TC live 25.00 PSi OurFacs l=1.15 P=1.15 TCOead 15,00 psi RepMbrBnd 1.15 BC live 0.00 psi D.C. Spacing 2. O. 0 BC Dead 10.00 psi Design Spec use TOTAL 50.00 psI DEf.Ratio: l1240 TC: l1240 Job Name: WAl TIER Truss ID: WlR..J1 ClITICAl MOSER FORCES: Designed per .f.NSI/TPI 1.2002 This design does not iiI(count for long terlll tillll! dependent lO.J.d;ng (creep). BUIlding TH~S~~stc...i~tT~~CC;~~~Et~aUlT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. lOiilded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. B~rOI~ D~S~~~ ~S~l~~FY ~~E ~6:D~!' (+t 9.lble briilc:ing re~uired . 511~ internls, ~ee e~~~:~.~o C~,: o::~; ~~e~i~&~06rO~;: Te 2><4 OFL It Be 2.4 OFl II GBL BLK 2.4 OFl STAHDARD Refer to Joint QC Drtui1 Sheet for M.uilllUIlI RoUtioniill ToleriilnCl! used PLATE VALUES PER le80 RESEARCH REPORT 11607. ~r;~~~eS:S:5 ~ ~~~d~~~~R.~~~E~~ndin!l. -eN PlIES MUST MATCH THE BQTT()I TRUSS. ATTAQf THE CAP TRUSS WITH A 1X6 (FUll lENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH 8d NAILS AT 6- O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CQNHECTIOH IS FOR VERTICAL lOADS AHD 24- OF TRIBUTARY WIHf) LOADS BASED ON THE Sf>fCIFICATlONS HOTED. LATERAlLY BRACE THE FLAT TOP QIORD AT 24- O.c. U.H.O. PER TPL .1-4-0 1-4-0 ~~~~~~~~~F~~~~~F~~~ ) 1jWl , },1M 111'1', 1 2 3 4 :) 6 I 6 9'101 12"13 141516171819 2f.iI1 . 1'0,00 7.. .10.001 9-1 -13 3.5-5 /1" ~ 4(;'~.;~ ~~ 10- \.9 SHIP x 0-4-13 11~ -~ X ~0-4'13 1~ ,~ - ?fi:Q-fl " 22)23 r r r tt'f n'if f ff~7 r ~ r ~~f ~ TYPI~hlTI:1.5-4 .. .bJR~NT~UOUiS~PPORT ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... . .... .. ...... .1-4-0 1-4-0 ~~~Ha~~Qs~~~~~~~~m=x~~~:I._~~JS,~J~~~~Ole). rlVARMINGRead all noles on this sheel andfl_eopy of 1110 the Ereotlnl1 (lonfraclor, n..dnqI.liIIr~nliwduIllluli:k'll~fI:lt~.,....,.'-IlMn~on.. .r.-,.. ~~..~~ : . : 8Ilddcnt..8CaIldarafthha.>..c....---oITPlardAFPAdnlgn-.s.ts. ND~""""'''~pI'.-;y.~.. ..llIbe.....~....~~.-.d/Uf~..,...pn:wlllbtlnatlan.,...-. ..". _...."'-h~ . . UCl<r:8dllllo.dInIOn"-Clf..~Ihe~ IITIp)lIe(lllJlhe bcaI buiIdrlgcodlll_ .,.pAu&.~ n.cInlgnadbnll\al......chorlS... ~1aIeraIIy~~1heJlXllClfIbClf~....lI'eballDrlldllln:l.taleralylntled~.""IllIte#lng~dIKllraad'ed. ..nn.CIlIltfWae ..-s. ~1fQwm...bleQt~oI~lJIIfIlberslllll'JllI....buci:ing1rnglh.. n.~lIlaIl'Ilftle.......,. ~Oi TRUSS __hIl"ea.-h-..~oIlh1!-oodIll--'I9'll...-d/Df~~(Il-.CDlIllIGl.. F~.~...... 4<15 N th ark. Dr _tnallhD_..~_..folbw.-.g~"_8Ildc.-.De&alRepcotd!"""'~TIWhl"""".. . .. Co 0 S~~in~s CO 80907 'AHSlfTPl1'.WTC4I'.WoocITf\l$SCourdIoI~SUnl.MIOesign~,",." -~ "8U1Tl>~~pFEThdbR~~ .. . (BCSl1-GJ1_1lCSISUMMARYSH!ETS'~WTC481ldTPI.TheTnaaPblll~I"","*~"~~o.r;.~.: . . TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1 ~$311' The-......Fcnsl_p.,ef~(..vPAI.baIed.,11119lh"'-~~_~~2OIllli .:: ,~ MOSHOFSKY Qw: 1 This design based on chord br.cing applied per the following schedule: In,U D.C. (rOQ to Te l4.00~ 11- 6- 0 14- 6- D This truss is. designed using the UBC Code. Bld; Enclosed.. Yes. Importance Factor 1.00 Truss LocOItion . Hot End Zone Hurricane/Ocun Line. Ho . bp Cnl!gory .. C Bld; Length. 50.00 ft. Bldg Width.. 20.00 ft "'un roof height.. 12.99 ft, mph - 80 UBC SUndard Occupancy. Oe.lld Load.. 17.0 psf (ust: WALTER wo: Drive_'-wlr8_l0000S_JOOOOl Dsgnr: IlC - 16 WT: 2951 TC live 25.00 psf DurFacs L_l.15 P-l.15 TC Dead 15.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.10 Rep Mbr (amp 1.10 Be live 0.00 psf Rep Hbr Tens 1.10 Be Dead 10.00 psf D.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBe. TOTAL 50.00 psf DEFt RATIO: l/240 TC: l/24 Job Name: WAl TIER Truss 110: WllR-J2 TC 2x4 OFt '1 Be 2x4 OFl '1 WEB 2x4 OFl ST,l,NDARO Rehr to loint QC Ol!Uil Shel!t for M.J.l(illlUmROUtionolll Tohr.nCl!uSl!d PlATE VAlUES PER leBO RESEAROl REPORT 11601. Or.inollge 1IlUS[ be provided to olIvoid ponding_ This truss is designed using the uae Code. 81dg Enclosed. Yes, IlIlporu.nCl! F,nto,. . 1.00 Truss Loc.ation _ Hot End Zone Hurriu.ne{Ocun Line _ No , Exp Cilte901 . C :U~~ ;~~yt~ei h~O:OOl;~99B}~~ ~~th._ ,g.oo ft U8C Sundud ~cup.ancy. Dud lOolld _ 17.0 psf Designed per AHSI/TPI 1-2002 This duiliJ" don not il(c:ount for 10"9 tenll time dependent loollding (creep). BUllding TH~S~~S~GH/Il~5tT~~((~~~~;E[~atllT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. Lo.aded for 10 PSF non. concurrent Bell. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. -CAP PLIES IWST HATCH THE 80TTCM TRUSS. ATTACH THE CAP TRUSS WITH A lX6 (FUll lENGTH) ON EACH FACE WITH Id NAILS AT 6" O.c. IN EACH CHORD. THE LUMBER USED MUST BE STRESS RATED AND CENTERED ON EACH CHORD. THIS CONNECTION IS FOR VEATICAL LOADS AND 24" OF TAIBIJTAAY WINO LOADS BASED ON THE SPECIFICATIONS MJTED. LATERAllY BRACE THE FLAT TOP CHORD AT 24" O.c. U.N.O. PER TP!. BAG X-LOC REACT SIZE AEQ'D 1 0- 2-12 1460 L.,D" 1. .,6" 2 25- 9. 4 1460 LSD" 1.56- BAG REQUIAEI'1ENTS shown ue b~sed ONLY on the truss lIlul!rhl ~t e~ch be.aring MAX DEFLEGION (sp~n) : L/999 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) L. -0.29" 0- -0.29" T_ -0.58" l~l~lf:1na~rn!r51 gl~ ...s -UM 1.1S/ 2111.60 O.S1 S-6 -l64tl.1S1 20511.60 0.S1 1~ ~1i!~60!! 8., -4131.601 '-10 -2141.601 10-11 -.(141.601 2~ o:':j ~il! 1.9 -611.601 i-l0 -4]g1.601 4.10 -111.601 S.lO -.((Ill.HI """""'l m 11761.1S O.M 117lil.1S 0.74 86lil.lS 0.74 U7lil.lS 0.7li TM.Ol.Il. 2lil1.6O .((I21.1S 4471.60 .((I21.U 26(1.60 '" 0.29 0.18 0,>0 0.18 0.29 [, ~'O-15 5-7.1 5-10-15 11-6-0 11-l'!-.O 2 110.00 ~o ~ 3.7-1 20-1-1 ~, 3 4 .' z 0-4-13 1()' }.g SHIP ~1~~~~~clS'~~:S~~~a.~~~~~J't&~~.~to~~8"~~~P~~?~iJle) WARNlfIIGRead all noleS on this sheet an:!l'~a f:OPY of It toothe &eating ~ntractor, n-clnql..lot....~bultfW'G~naI....""'"'..Nilboenbnllldon _~~..~....;_ ~-.A. . . : anlldclr-.ln~wcn"'a.nwnl_IlITP1andAFPAda:Igl'I~.No~~"j " ~xy.cf-k. _1It.vedecl~"'~~'"*'IluitWIil~pr\:lfIl~_~ClaIQIWfmull-tanew_bq . . lda:donlNldnojln~OIuaed"'lIUVacoeed~\I'IIloc:aIlllull#'Q~""lhll~~ n.*Clll~lNIlhll"'~.. iI~Ill"~bY''''rodOll'loor~an:l'''bolbllch:wd.'''aIy~bY''ngo:l'''alfW1amRtlal~~. unleullCl'e_ ,....BraangIlhown.Ior~~IlI~,...,...,ontyll"OUC'lIl.Idlqlm;ll\.TNs~.,.,.,.,.t.~II'l..-.r ~..~~fI TRUSS _1NI"_"_~llIlNoooool"____19'1loanclb'ca-.~__alfJlIlIIOn, F.....Nn1le.1I'lIlII 4445 N h k 0 1nl1nol"'1Ua1n~_Ihe~~_'.Il:WII""~ClNII~'~..~T""*,,.""'_'. C010 S~~~n~~r CorSa907 'ANSm'lI'. WTCA l'.WaodTIl,IQc-dIllAmerg~Onlgn~."8I!lr~chtPONdtr SAFE"....QAwftlQff. . (BCSI1.GJ)rd'8C.SlSUMMAAYSHf:ETS'bY'WTCA"m.TheTrws~""-*rni:..~"~O"~ofl~ : TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1~~SJ11t n.~F__P_~(AFPAI.bt;.-.I.llI11~.HW.SIlI,8lXl,w~t-'QII\l".~1tIl3ll . " I I ~ MOSHOFSKY 5,5 5-10-15 26-0-0 11'!i-O 5 .10.001 5-7 g., -13 1,5-4 z 0-4-13 4,5 ~,' 1ptp >7 4-6 ,?Fl..n.n 'P"P . 9 ~ ,,< 11-6~ r:! 11-6-0 , 11-6-0 26-C-O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . ... Qw: 5 Thh dnlg" based on chord bru;ng applied per the following schedule: lIIalt 0.(. from to TC 24.00M 11- 6- 0 14- 6- 0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -108 lb Support 2 -1081b Cust: WALTER wo: Orive_'-wlr8_l00005_]00001 Osgnr: IlC - 16 wr, lB9' TC live 25.00 p,t OurFacs l_1.1S P_1,lS TC Dead 15,00 psf. Rep Mbr Bnd 1.10 live 0,00 p,t Rep Mbr Comp 1.10 BC Rep Mbr Tens 1.10 BC Dead 10.00 p,t O. C. Spaci ng 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC TOTAL 50.00 p,t DEFl RATIO: l/240 TC; l/24 - fht'u\ I~ S - c..orjOrC"T .., '.,:.',". . ~ HILL& DALE ENGINEERING,lLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 (541) 868,0667 FAX: (541) 868,0888 Page: 1/22 Date: 10/12/05 Client: Walter Development 2863 Riverwalk Lp. Eugene, OR 97401 Contact: Design Criteria: -OSSC '04' and '98' and ORSC '05' ,Exposure B -80mph winds -Seismic Design Category D I -Floor Dead Load=IOpsf -Floor Live Load=40psf -Roof Snow Load=25psf _ h_ m ___ _, -RoofDead Load=15psf I EXPIRATIO~ll)bTF ~!2ll!,QLl -Soil bearing pressure 1500 psf for design , *Trusses by others, .. . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... ...... . . .... .... . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . ...... . ... .. . . . . ...... ...... .. . . . . . ...... .... .. . . . . .... ..... . . . ...... ..... . . Location: Lot 31 Mountaingate Job Description: Structural Job Number: 551-05 -HILl& DALE ENGINEERING, lLC . 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CUENT I D,D ?..... Olti sS l-tJS- Of SHEET NO. CAlCULATED BV DATE JOB' t I /elLT1UtL (' A-LC"\ FI t'OfL -J'Ol'S~ A-ND eA F-TE.L" i., JF...tL c..M..A(,~t=.. I ,I + W~Z.L~)" g-()~ '/- '(po' - 100 , /3,' ~ V~ 1321)1), ~501.J, M-- /VJo.W' '-II oJ...bCJ- J1,c" ~ 19,10~1 &/,79 c.:..'" It -&20L3V.. -= 7,/(,;cM..~ I.&::> / z..em -- I{)' 'ZLA t",;" ~ "/U<JOU2...)/""7""'(J ~' 1>//) ~ /7. Sj~l Zit ~ /!>., I ,/ l. ... 25,2...4.c.' 1,1 ?7C.I?~e)2-<l"r. c.... @ J::,~,iJ,S-" .. . . , . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... ...... . . .... ....' . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . , . . ...... . ... .. . . . . ..0... ...... .. . . . . . ...... ...... . . . . .... ..... . . . ...... ..... . . {'~.... Do, ~ (C,,,^- I J ~ I w." 9(50) ~-15'o Jffr t /I.,p' t v'" aoro.L1. ~M.E:.!L WI +, oJ I..,.-J V, "2'5 IT ',Jj. Vt. .. JD'O~ jJ, 2-y""I? F,\l, wi PT. IJ\AD " 1" +' u.J ..,. 100..u-/ix 13':'-' P~U56)(z,S)-:. a:o>> fSeA-M - A-s PE./L Puj;N -'tilE. OPt:f(\"-1 w.... W,'" 'Z.(,50).J. (.,($0) ~ 100 l.f:'M- ~z. w..- USo)" = 10o~ ~, V, ~ 74f.t2jj, l/ z..'" '3 ()/n. . flA'" Z 1(rPI ~ \.t- T/.v"-''7=t,ff2.-';,,), @u.t.I' A-"''B~;))L ....N~,,;,,,~ /2fJlfl) , S -. l7t:o'1 U'L)L -:.2,);,71 c;..3 /37S((,$Y- ?" I? PJ z..c/ L'l) ,c. ((Skj 4 --,G,S''I -H ILL"& DALE ENGINEERING, llC uJO . 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 CUENT EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SIlEETNO -~ OF (541) 868-0667 CALCULATED BY PAN- 'DATE FAX: (541) 868-0888 ' ' SS }- 0,(, JOB' \J F:::A'L It (' A-L c...'A-t..L,<:>, (I,M Doc.(I-L.[)L \).I, PI u.\"- P-=-/3'C81J- ) ... ,II ~ I LU, "'*,4+ 2.5(50)= DZ-7~ 'it I~ ' tz Wz .. &'sCSO) + ~,5(&c) -::..?SeD ~ V, ... ,9f'57.a ...... VL - Vt.Sq.LA ...::. . . 1\1-- 21t,11?:>:J.).(J-e7.V ...... .. . ~.&:> 'lO(,.S'1- "li<.<t e'6"l '. ',' ff -- ~25'1C=:, Y2.(Lj9)~ 12..'t7"'- ~ :..... S"'-2uII't;,(J%7C<D -:.1}3,53.;..3 <..:- G.~::.x 13'h('~-:J ,~e.V. ~E.A-rN\..()VE.<.. r....../J.-{ (~~ I .J -.\ ~ ~ .....\ I f~Z.311 J). , Ir; , Z,o' '1'2 W, "';.73+8'(.S:))....~(Z,O') =/i/7.a* V, - /?n07 jJ" Wz--14.s(SOf~) ""-HS'OJ.Jff.-t- V'L -- / o/f? ~ J..k, M"" a,7?16u,"1;,(.J- l!J 9,7' .r,,1, ~.30/~;5~, ~'f e /0' /I... /"1173 (2,)~ ) :-,0\)2. ,(t,. ~... /2..W<7 S ~ 7TBJ<fUz..YZ7&JO - 0,;3(0. I (1)c..,~ /"3,,u-=,-, i? r_J ~ !-..E..VtSE.. POQII/'-)(,- Pat<- tYro {tlA--Os. A--t<.()(/,E. C:o'Z..'lf)J' -- 4. c,aU;-z. ~ 3Q" $ M73 13'&J ::- /00 c, '1''f-''7'' - =-3f:j' , ,H//.~~ . " I[\()!&-p'-'e.AM.. I ,''\ I W---t3C56Ji' ~)""IO'i:fj)3)J- l' II l' V" S7?5..lh <:,' G 1/1 .M 1.43!q.y./6Yz.. ('_I FI t.L2U! fij ~, 1:, =-,~" .. . . . . .".. . ... . . .."... .... . . .... .... , . . .... .. , , . . .. .. .. . . . ...... . ... .. . . . ....... .. . . . ...... ...... . . ..... . . . ...... ..... . . ..d "'I" 'H Ill'& DALE ENGINEERING, LLC . 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 ClIENT 111D SHEET NO 4 ~iN , OF CAlCULATED BY OA11' ..' _. r 'Ss/- rs-- JOB I' .' w,J I 1/ eLTILfs/ (' &1 C!~ Fr "'012.... <;-()I ~ IS oil E:--IC C-/C fUA 11, 'I ~ 1. LU.. /, 3:,C7:,Q):;.~7~ , 17 ' 1', / ~s,6-'-'11i- v- 5'76JJ, 1- Z-.s J.J:, n--t--ZHWUf-t- ,/~Olotl~ :I:t,y '" 9z...S~...;,," 029.09';'" /J-~?~(3,~('1S) :. t~/~t. 0"- Ttta 02.~S-Ci,fS)' ~ ~:t~ 8 7,v",I? (i), 102 "'0 , C'.. ~M "" c~~~, /'f':.iAIOI+.ALL ~I _: "uJ~~ J, Lr..J.~'IS(J!n)= 7S6-o/F-t- (.,1 1 ~ W1.-o.3'.sc:a)-:.42.So/,u- t, - . 'i?S" .. . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... ...... . . .... .. .. . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .... . . ... .. . . . . ... oe. ...... .. . . . . . ...... ...... . . . . .... ..... . . . ...... ..... -J:,.:.. ~., . , .' , 1(, . VI'" 19t1/JJ, Vz. "- 3702!..t. Jj, M" !l,.<.,rW(..t.e7,( I I", '" 537,Z-. 7";' 'f e 7.8" ,4~ f",}&'<f(C,~C!7Cl) :;. 39,35w...... S ~ !uu8'ZUCYZ'fCx) -- <g"3,</1i..U.3 ,S ~/?_C'.-/_ t<,F.AAI\ Ar-_T\,j~f.-) f..\('\Qt..-~1 C-tC ,.(.M.,- t-/..A-I , + i,U. I \ ! fLu,,,,' . PI ": 3l.200+ Lo II I :. 97t/..1A , < ..... oJ,. ,\ l P =tt-"1g<.fU I If>' 1):> V,-- q~7'.!-A e. WI --IM!ffD)'d3XSO)-tk7.J.J./f..../- V2- --/lmS- J.J. UJ~ ~ 1,33(50) --~7 ~ M-o. c;..?oIa'6' .1.A{.}.~111 :r:" g--o. ZJ 10'1,]'6 1..(;.,:'1 e9. S'I It = /2.0"tj (J) / =- 'g'lzti, eM. 'L ,/2...(1..1'1) , S' ~ (P"6b<d'?, (/?f?(.,o eo 2..'1'5/15 ..:... , LooA It 1(. Yz, c.,..L A . ,9' "Hllrp. PALE ENGINEERING, LLC . 74 'EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUG ENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 . CUENT vU{) SHEET NO. S OF CAlCUlATED BY 01/.t' CATE ,t <;.") !-{)5;'- JOB' . . IJ.E-I2.i( (' A L () ,f1.LJ' r:::.. JF_{l...M.. P,~Tu~E:..eN extLfJ..A /...flA.e..Qjf+.-F.~ t ,\ It;' + w"-/OCS(J)+/,?'?'LB:J)o.SIo?~ V,... .o1l"7"~ pttt'" 8'S7iJ,U(J- Xt,r ~ 11J~,1.f:2 :":1 It- >- ?if"? " (2,~C2{q) =- D,~ ~ ~ 5 - %7~ ,(jZ:;/ ~ j 7,,2'7 ~3 727U) . ...... ciY'LlL,IZ ('_I _ .. :..... . . . . ___((,Ell/ 'SP_ R'lC''-D.f-,J(h'S ~61 f2-f2.. (I, S{;-...Q Jj)lJ.[j S ptj.:4- ~Q'..... . . q~Js-; : ~~. Ut:-~~ c.~lp~pLA-N ~ /3':>0... I 'S'~'L - D&;€.,~c.e. -J1:l/S7S ~~l?"'2> ", t1 ", ~ 2.$" l,l{ /, 3100 -:. 'l.9'" ~ ;::'1-' P A-s p~ PLAN - (to", ()~ i2J.f" rp PMJ'S A-N\) 4 c./2 6EA-M5 A-S PU fU.-tJ e) IDt.-A-rLl M0- uJA-L-LS @ MJ\'I- 12./1 6,c..., tf-'6 P~Pul--tJ - S(f\.t R-I.JJELL SuPPOILT' A-'t. plC.{L PLA-N -4 "" ,55/1 .. .. . .. .. .... .. . . .. . ... .... . . .... .. . . ...... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . ... . .. , "^ If-], IS-" FDCTlt--lc.. u{ 8" Sl'1C.. M.. wALL S e 2.. ... ~ 'r-orL'Y II /2" " &,"" f' 0 1- S'Io,<.,y SE-E:- OET, PG, '2.2.. R:lfL ttE 'IA f N, />J(; wALL -A-s N E,FJ:)F-f}- , FCtL SLDPe.. .... . . ...... . .... . . . .... .. .. . . ...... .. . . ...... .. . . ...... ..... . . ..... " HIll & DALI: I:NGINEERING, llC 11..10 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 CUENT C, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SHEET NO. OF (541) 868-0667 CALCULATED BV RJiJ DATE .. FAX: (541) 868-0888 JOB I , , - SSI-o~ UTEA<. ~I, (' J}.! (' ~ (}J I N tl ; P ~ Cl..... 1::. c..e.. C...a ' () ,- ( ~]: )I{ ,) ... f2.XP. 8 rZD ~ d..//1:- / /<...,G,7 el; ~ ~,~F ili~ - SO MPt.{. NI/.J.[) .. . (,,41 ";,1,4f'f':.F KwlJJ, ' -~W.e3/0'''. U1) - 7,7 H,P p...UJ..J .... p ~ tt '>-'4... ..:..:- {" ."'h~.;> 9...1.~.. SCISM-Ie,', V....3>(.o..W:: 3C..ik)vJ -=-,/'1~vJ .. '. . -,c:- s"s- ..:..: .... .. . ... ... .... 48Ase. ~ 4lA/b(/I} -t f'lS(<?,S) +47(~,s) + ~(I?,S-}"'4'5(4) {?V9SM:"': l.Uo lA. - /9US)(.I'f:>) t'/oC~)(/7C?.) +/<,,) -:. 8'2/Sci( .:. ..:::: WOL ~ @!9fr2~S)+/O(9)[18 (2..) +S~(z.) -+1S, J:"P[k~jtJl;(1r).rAlG1~ =. L"g''tDC,LA ...... :. ..:... U) ...... ..... 8u.~ ?;Z-?S{tl9<a -- ly21' I J. . . Veo L. ~ (; 8''100 ctl% ) ~' I 3<(00, JJ. Vi!> ~ Is 022'.J.). e-- I, E- ~ ~E.k.+~ ' v~ I (.19C,,) vJ '=- ,/41JJ';;' fA '. HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, llC 1A1() . 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 CUENT EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SHEET NO. 7 OF (541) 868-0667 CALCUlATED BY AtfJ OAT" FAX: (541) 868-0888 Joel ._-_. Ss { -o~ L A- TE.I'L,AL (' &/,c..s , I~( t~ V,.L .~. . .... l . .. . . . .. .. ...... . . .... .. .... . . ... . .... . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. .--~. .... . .. ~. .. . . ...... . ... .. . A J . . . Vsr..... ...... J" ., .. .. ..~S ...... . . .'. -.....- .' L.. ----- :...:. .~r.. If 37,S' v,~ ---7> ,(1C-N- r U,-\ 'I' ~t..,~' tr....r. -..; /~ '-...-/ '40- Ztp' 3.0 C4/L c...A-~ \A ~, -- / V/'f }2.' 17 ' -- .... n " '--~/' ~r -, v,o , . II' V9 " V3'-il F(l<!)N .. I HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, LLC (). \D ' ' "74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 CLIENT EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SHEET NO. S( OF (541) 868-0667 CALCULATED BY OJ~ DATE FAX: (541) 868-0888 I .. i I SS/-OS JOB I --.!.,:A- .. 'f:'.-R....A I .J' 1:1-' r f-.. ~ : t?'1 / (JfU1.-P /lJIf..LL '"'- 'yz. H(j.'J}6'E "1ite; .'tJSJ8,,,,,,.( 1-(( ~'/ '. ~a.: ~ /,Lf, A _ I /'\ D .c...' ,F--"fS'-<.x....ic.1f;"J / "b 'L' t fC..L.C) \ J, (' 1+1 r ~ I\J Cl A-<JO. A-l\Jr'ff ' t1...J2:.~.:. fl-Wlt-u.. =-/4 ( 1,S) ... IOClO)(/5) + 1c4 )GS) =' /21 U- '- ~p - SC1,S ~S).,... S (...,r.,,) ..... 170) --II, Suo)(,';:,) -/f'/(.J'-- Awtt-LL-~ 4;S(8,'?S)== 2GU-~ .:.:.: ...... A) ...... IJXJF" LP,.7S(j~,5 ~ III U-t.. :::::: ...... .... L0 ~/2..I (~.'?j + / g-C( (1.f)'f u.c 5.s) ;- III (7,7) . znG-b., .... -:.... (551 cpr '.'?;8)(<fAY - Z:8e~2A~, , WD~ 3(~X37/~~) + /0 (9X2J.J) +01/((,.'5) "7vr:;.~,,: ":,,, :::::: V,s - ~'6"(,1 ~G,) -:"'/fD~J.J- ,':' ..:::: --0/=-UO% ;P?== I\'oS0/4 fl, ~4(4);L(,,9u-z-/JF=-J:~r(v7~ s,=>.n, ..:::: .~.~.:J~ , I ... .:;;"j,..x...o ~.~.~?:>~/iJ:' '~~?'6'o/u--' ;" I .... :....~ :::::. , , . - .; : . ~w\.= '7'.=, j1S(.3)( 21')~;,)-(/O(9X&J2 Y.S)~&;/II(,.5 ,.)(3)7: -:,o&..t.MII' D(W\." 37~B ('7) -:. ;5 os'nL6(.J- " '. '.., LL-P L" ~I~ o3~~ 7 -];{)3lL & ~!vi..( J.j. 2.1 1/" tAt L"- fl.wftu. ~ 15(,4) -+ 7CfX, 0) =- l..eO(}-" A-,(.Cr::lr-~ 7(2?X:'b).'(JI,S(S'/S)~ 1'fUz- Vz.l.{, ~ L-LClC. ~') n... 'N'("",f):: '7 'I2.'fn . CS-S) (7,7) - /Os~J...j" ~ Wo ~ 14-(2?'jJ 6) +3 (Owe. ~6 ,)(lO)(S)(8') "- S<J40 {). l/s ~~tfDc:aS1):; l/~tt!', --<Jz,<<- -/~~S --7i"P O,M. "" !DSI.{.("6) "- ~'f 32.h(J- , , ' . tUIA;. fa (tsu6)Ua,s) z..cs } -I-(0(g-)U3.'S) z:.CS) 7:::.. JZC:;Y-t<UiJf.J- uPLl r,- NE(,- lJ ' : 'S,AtJIJ/tt?-1J utJ&...ocI:EJ ~ ,-,--:, iJ-JfI.., LlIN&- N6 A-fl 0, A,,'0{, R.E:.G,. HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, LLC uJD 74 EA'ST18TH AVENUE. SUITE #5 CLIENT q EUGENE. OREGON 97401 SHEET NO. OF (541) 868-0667 CALCULATED BY , ()Jb ~ DATE ,'" , ,I FAX: (541) 868-0888 JOB I S5 1- oC::;- L A-1E.ILA-C Cj!r{ ('_~ I/~L (' fi{ _G.". !l-WftLL-"- 'is(,''il',S) f 5'0(1-,5) <e'T( W-" A-;(AOP- - 5 CS.7Sj :. z;9 (.J- 7- Vl.t, ~ '1'f{?,;,?) rz..'5'(1;,'1}:' 9SSf1 2.-(/=- RC)? iJ, .::... -:. :.: c5S) [7, 2't() . .. .. ()JD" ::B'{O -ff!..2),,/3 +-1/3/8 X zs) of /S:::; .f 10('7)( N) "L~f6'&::- Vs ~/-z..q<fS"(1!;11("f :..-2S37~ ' ..:..:.. . , , , ('f - I<;J. /.3,;.,,'.......... ... ... . .. .. . -0 ~ e I~Cf13 e /"'o2.J-A/f--t .. + 6"i(l/l= /'g9?(9) '0.- 1/b701.Mt :..... . 01'L=Y3(Z506X-3) <(,&)+ ;OOg X3H::,6) 7-'-129~:..:- :...:. . u.Pu Fr~no7~'1Z90:. 5~ I ~ :...:. 3 , L/<. " 3' WA-L.L L. Y.z"<:..l5xo~,Vc.. -C!f:.&YL/H/ , II ~(j. rv'Al t...S '- D ,c, p. F-. B LCe(cr~ L" D. <:... r= llE.-L. :!'/'A-&~ F-.....re... - z- ;><:sAlJJ ,foE ;/~A- IJ.l/SSTBL'i? 6tJ4)C .... . . ...... .... . . . .... .. .. . . ...... .. . . ...... .. '. . .... .. ..... . . ..... 1/ =>. . ('..A-I ,(" 0- - ffWftU- ~ 'frC 4) + 7Cr-K.s) ~uct.tl- A- RooF-'" 7C.~y'.sJ "'~c..1J ." S2.AJ-:- V:,u.. -=-L..O(~,<6) -rSU-fJ'fl -: ?S7.11. '. [S,S) G:?1 - 730D . vJD ~ /C(;4'X2;sJ -r O(;o(X)(, S,) f',{)C~)('?) "- Y7i(O.u VS~~,lfO('(f$Y -;1i~#A 4-' -()3u. "'l3H3.s '" r/Cl:1il.t , 0rM "-,S3 2:.(<3) " ~'Sc..,.u,(1- !ZM"- 713 fISUO)(J3.5)2{/S) tIOC'? X/3,S) y"s) 7 = wO<{lJ...J.fJ- LlPU F T~ NE-&-' , , V 3u..; S I1t- N 0 A-.e...iJ /J.. N BLCcJ:;..Ef) , N-!tluN<J- f0b II-DD, A-Nc..f{,~, H J LL & DALE ENGINEERING, LLC '74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CLIENT IJ.) (J / 1lb11i OF SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY , ,",I _./ OA..... JOB I 5S/-0') kA- -rv:= LA I . r I1LJ~ fflJ.JA-1..l.~ U8:'t:>)-rgC1,S)T 7(X)(.S)"'-ICIf(}L ft-f.OOF "-1(5)(,5) 4- ?rS(f?) = 70U~ VeLA <= lot/Ell) + 70 tt,~ :.. 0f/:lf z-(/ < ;C;g-OJ). ~ ". Wo ~'i/7tJ,..o + /OUGXJ,s) -f-/OC'9XJ~ ) -=-1/1I30JA .. .. .. :.: ::::::. Us .//1 3DC,rl9.Cs,) '~, /I'~ ~'," i VOL.ff- ;. 0;' oI-;!J I ~.~.. ..... ( , , , ~/""o'O/l!,J:+-J ,'::;" I. ,." Y{-~.'-D)<.p~7,1(.,"~"-TI-1 ~3L.tt 1 Cl/1, :" \l(...Il .... 't$O: !t/LS .... 1,::':' -I Z - .. (..t-, ' ~"o. '- . p., ~,.6~<i.J<-6.tJ OrM-=-n,{Oc!/)~17 'r2.0.J..J,f.r' f. "~oc.it-'O~.)J\f&:~~. 1-.11A = r3 (lbClO)(JI) Y '&) HOC<=>; )(;;) '{.s) 7 ~ 071,3)14J-. ,,:::: ' U'fL[F-{':-n(t'20-/~?I3: =375~ ,.:":. :..... ..:..: /1 . . .. ..... ..... . . ...... ...... . . I)"" ,("{i:/ ,s:.. ff-:;;;;L. - zr+( 1,&) f /6(jp) f- IdGS)($) 'f /1-(/f )CS) ~ 291 ti-L ;1-~F-- 10(56') + /5 (4)(,;:,) 't- 7CSX,s) --r?8'U-"" V3L13 ~ 2.9/ tK!i f'/7~t1:11,~ ~~<fj( 'i1 :.. vJ D '" /2 '1~'i;(, CJ:,) + 3a.s'f..G,) -t /3IXJ(, S _) +- 3 ?c.(" (,~) +/0 (z</)::,9) ~frJ?<fJA V~ e-?lJ7~ (,1'7(,) -=- IS U.".J.J. -Os ~ 1'f:;c..C~)ld,s ~42..vyJ...t -03'-5 =36%,6 ~ 131.0 ~ ' DTM-"33W(CJ) -=- 3Y:J9~<.Ut.)- (ZM:-73 rI2~R(,z.s)Q.3) r/300CSXz)+/o(<ijzc/,S)Z{,S)r 3ZJf3?;.,M\r LLf'u Pl""""'N F2(., I ' !/3L.13 : S)~NDA-Lf) 0-YP ~'fct- 'St7J~e, :j:JJs'fIt-L l-A- l' (oN /0t5 -/i..[) 0, A-NCJ{ ,(...E.Cl HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, LLC 74 EAST 1,8TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGE NE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CLIENT U\n JI f!JjJ OF SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY . DATE JOB I q:;1-Or- /JJ"iPJ'CAI" C'A-;,C& 1/",;- c...1{.1 L~ iI-""....LL -=-~.s(;(),Z6) t' 3O^J;S)-=- 7'lU'1- ~F- ~ /?:;(~) -t /~,S(z'2.'S):. /1-1 \'.1-'1- V1 ~ 7iff~fJ 't NI t1;/~f ~ ~?/iJli L. .. .. -:. :.: UJD ~ /'1C1.S)(j6) 1-jO{jD,'lS'f-'7) -=-ft/23Jj ..:..: -::::-, Us .,-#2-3(,19,_ <..) -,-~7..1J, - ..:::: .. . '--01=/492:,/ ;. /O()~ ....: ...... i" -/~~ .. . C51fl/L-=-/193(9) :./3Lf37J...iJ(.j- . .:. ~Vlll:='"13 [2S((O )(!f")~,S)+ ,.0(,9 )::.j;'{) '(.S) i'!-~::,':&I.f.. [) '. . . . . . ll,LI rr-=- N_~ii:'.." _ .... . ...... . . i4: S~~MIl , ,,' (,l,tJ WU~.e..(j , : ' P:-I LI /.J.e,.. '706;4:60 jI;.,~,~, " t .. .... . . ...... .... . . . .... .. .. . . ...... .. . . ...... .. . . ...... ..... . . ..... _Ik c.A11: ;>-, ,4wA-u...~z.. ZS'(cf,S) - JDLt7- lt~cP- ~:3, 2SU(.,S) ~ 9fW-t- ff/;Jlr-Li.- '=- /0 (j/S) :. 4~ u-.... /t-(l..OO p- "" II (;r> S) "'- ZCI{ {j->- V~" IOt€gi +slf?J~j T4St~~ +Z6'ff44~ :f!i!/fj:1 ~ UJ.[) - 13 '-1-<=7 I CZS) +-/0 ( <f)U3) >is(3)( ftj,S) ~ 758(J,J..1:, US "Q7i'tD(,/5'Co}--/i/-<t ~ -0::> ~ z.14-~ ; 7/ .iJ>/)Lt Or-M -; Z/ 14 (9) -:.-/'72-'1' t.?d.Uf f{ tvt ~ 7".3> /lS(3~) '(,S )'f/0(9 J:.36) ,-(,5) f /3 '19/(, z.sxz.<f-)1':-~o979J.A{.r uP LL PT -:.-/JF--6" Vs : ::'J rAND. M/J, v..rJBLOC./<L {) fJ!+-IU N c.r - , No A,fJfJ, fi.-tJU/ , #i.S... HILL & DALE ENGINEERING LLC , , 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CUENT /11f) /2 , . fY! If- OF SHEET NO. CAlCULATED BY ,I OATE Joe, S'S I~ t-...A- "r'E4.A.1 ,/1/ (' ~ ' I~,. r j}) (' ~ A:;A-u_~ 9(4) -:.. 3~q-'>- ~- 1'U...<6) ~/WU'- V(JlL~3Cc C,.?;/US,s")-f'/14-(1,4+7,?) "-22S7.il:, ~ -:.:.: ...... 11\) ...... 1/'-'0 <3uE't-ICO) T IOQ..9'f:b -- UlcfOiJ::, ::::::. ..... .... 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'70S ~ I'"'" = ,1i"-3, 0 /..4.,/..r -:.. 4IS.u.}.U.S'OE. /2.t ,..J -. fir, "'Yt'--r 7S . ' IG' ' OiM = l'jOS (,<=1) '~ 2.vll.(-~ (j- AWl ~ 7'3 ~)OX/(")tGS) +/~)(;(,,) Z{-s)7=- ZI&',ndJ.{.f u....p L. l PT'" .NIiX,... '" ;' v~ : /GJ ' Pt/2;.f2... Yl ,i cO Y Of/. 7/lv "0& 8 dtLl(-{( I R-o. "-liH LS. , .32'0. ,c. . I. E. _ f3LCJCJ::.-F-./J 1.'1 D ,L , po l f2.::i...J5 /lJD .4-00. .4Nc.J.( ,(?..6S.. .j f=-e.. DE-T, PGII..P $) SH-E.-A----m- frY/!-\.- ~I oc:s HI LL &DALE ENGINEERING, llC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 ' EUGE NE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868,0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CUENT ~ID /~ Pl fl OF SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY DATE Joel 1..,- c" I-a;:- .' LA.1\'~ / _ r f+.1 I,~ V -d'fJ-1 (' ,C:Z fl.wft-U-'O 2.0,2.S(f.~)'f /<O(!'t,7S~~) -=-Z'ff(J-2. V7"'2.~1 C\? '6') -- 21 Z ( J.). '~ LUo '0 If. S(J.S )([".) +;tJ ('7 '1-2..0(25) ~ 36ct,R :..u .... : .... II) . ... . . V~ ~ 3SQ,'{;;c./9(P ~c:,9,StLA ...... .... ...... ...... . . .... --0 J,~ 'L12./ ~S ~ '/N<6~, .... .... .: /~ ...... .... .. . . 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Bp 6~ u .BOLTS HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, LLC '74 EAsT 1 ~JTH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CLIENT \1\0 }!j , 'PA~ OF SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY DATE JOB I / '-I- Ss /- or;:- .' , 1/7 " STA-N ~ktc!L(GCeO f\Jo A-OO, ~Nut-, ~Q... U'/B.f?-A /, (A-I_LS- I J:, c..A1 L.~ , fJ.w tt-u..:=' ZL 1's) -= 90-'" A-IZmF -:.. / Cis ') i !ct..~ I" 2.(1,$) -= wU- 'Z. , (t-Wf'o.--LL - ;75(i,S)-=-1Q-.... A-(!..(:.CF-- I, 75 (9:~>) t 1, S[2.) -=- 2~(..f- 'Z. , .. . Vi ~ 9l~l1.,.4'tC(j~1.,.4fJ:??7-26t4;1/ ::~9f&.~ .:.::: IfJD-J5(3)(JI) +-IO(9XZ:?S) =-/C07'<< , .~.::. ...... . .. . IJs~f):jjl,G/9(.,J~/q?J.J. " .::..: ...... . . .. . -0]' =,&t,;:t(~G2.)~ l~~:. .. .:- It - Zr'5CiJ,)C2.-).i,,gC:i~A ~91 ZL/... ~5~S' r--=-, ~2.. ,F--,~r:r;:./:;,~~.th . ..tf . . . . . -V, ~ ;537/ -= /'fO .v.t'~ ' , .... . /11 ...... , . . OT7v.1, ~ '1537,(9) -=. 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CALCULATED BY ,..a",,":"" J08'_ c::,~I-05- [/,,: 81 I.0A-LL / y~ "cOK (Jf0/I'" .osoIS dtt."iH-( I It-rEiLA I J' J4,,-1-( "s, , '2 ., l5a tVA- ILS -.:;;> ~ ,C,. p, r:=... 8LO"ck.tEtJ I / /l.ll 2."0, <-- po i fC.L--O --1L.J.l (' 1"+-1 .f' <:" /Ju.;ffU. ~2?;'2S( 1(5) r 2o:2.S (/7)GS) ~ 2.>fS i.j-z. ;.L mr... c.Jlb5Tf!>1C::, /!-tUoo f' I() ,7.J 0) ~ 7'f (.f- 1- , !4-wr1-u.. = is, 7'5('1,S) ~ 21.A}-:' llt, ~ Z-1S tt'~1 ( 7ifC1/ff;7. 7)+ Zc,tg.;?}: ~~.jJjJ ~ .... : .... WD-- 7(P)(/~ }-(-/0(9'f.2:,'2,) =5?7,(jJJ. ...... :.::' :....: LJ$ = 'S77OG19<a) ~ liB( ffi ...::. . ..... .' .... . -Uti ~ 3(acA~ =- -15f~ .::..: '..4-. ...::- ~~ . .. .. . ..:..: O/'/v1.....~1.;6<I:(1) '0. 3'2-70l...1MJ- ," + .... fZWL ~ 7"3 r.lS (7)(~) ~,~) f loe9 .:n)y,s') 7:. s(Js.::"Y.Jff.- . ..:::: u..PLI FT" ::.2.?Ol, -6&63 '=- 3~r2V .. :...:. ...... .. ..... 8" VI z..', ,''5:, r-A-N DMt.,O;;... ..:~.' ' ;', '1.Vt-J8~l't:D ' , .' :' N!+-'UN,c... , . 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A-I (' 4u I\. 1/.,- 'YdJ I<;' b EE PC, II !4tJJltU-'" i..2(L},<;) - 2.7W-'" f+:f/.bof' ~ lo( (P) ~ Loa U- " V~ ::. z?a.r,s.s)rG"OC'(,<{-I7,?) +2I'fCf-=- 3ZS:J..,.i./. Su.t={;, /I -Us : 32.S-l:4S - 373 ~ o Hv1 ~ 3 ZS~ (7') :.- Z.c; 3D'! jJ,{.1- , :::::: Afl/t.~ 0/3 (1.S-(~)('6.S)Z(,S) +/O~x.8:S)'{'S)7~l,i'f(J).(.}- u:::: u..f'l I Fe'" Z'i 36 'i.:i<>NI ~ 272S' ~S I/' /l. E.//', vS"fl- .' f(f..IJ.l/s-,' "? 10' W A-L'- 12. "C 0 lC 0 IL -y,.~ "oSB(fI(.T7, f 1 fd. /J AJu- ~ '/6- c., p, E' , fj,(,.c>c/c..1S/J /z.."'6 ,c..' r- ff:.<.-.{) ;flilfJ uJ/ Ss7'8/C:, u . . .. . ... .... . . ...... .... . . .... .... . . . .... V~~U:..S - ~I-/) c.M1-c...M.,MO, ,i.t.oA-u.. ~ <:aC 4-,S) "'Z7\J" A-'-<x>F- ~ II C [" ) ~ & c... {:..t '- (/5'~ '" Z7(!?,8"<S,S,) tiJl.,(L{,<(i-7, 7) 0 (f6S' J.)" --US-II ~ (( o/z~ -=- % .J.y'f.,r O,Wl '- 11~5 (g) =-/0 ul.,S-~(J- rLwt' % rzS(3)(z.l..,) <{,.s) of/O("'I XZ,,") >.(,~)),. '37/?'(JJ)/J- UfuFI"-NEc.. , ..... . . . ...... ..... . . (I.W- lI,,: ~rA-ND1l1tD U.I'lBL N{l,./ L , f\):) ~no. Hlc.J 'R..~o., .. . ... ... .... . .. .. . ..:..: 151J4.rJOAA.f\ .. w.J&...,,-E35 - N A-14..; . . : . /Ji:1';..o (), tllk.-I!. II' ~^ u. .. ......'~1... . . . . .... ~f..v. lI/~ : 2-~' WA-L.L.:}, -M,< V/4 CALI'S' '-- :,LO c...fHLc.-~,,-, A--Cl~, Yt. ~C.{)(~~~;~BO""IH( Itw~LL~(3(1.s,)f /0(3)(.5) ~ /Z'/U'- r;.~/~ ~i::iE.WdsD V;, ~ Vi'/ ;12.'1 (f, 9' -+':>,5) ~ /77 W ;I ffZ2-uJ ;ssTB/ f.c ...u ("3 ~ 0/3/ <- NO' ~ (/2. ' D {-(\It =-trl'!> ( cr ) =-- IS %7 ).j, (..J- fZ.'/I.A.'. % r ZSU'f)(j z.) L{, S) r/oCj )(12.) 'l,S) 7 --- Z../I W.1J.!J- u..Pu FT' "'NE:.C.., --+<)('/ '" f77Yz,.a, =-If'-/'?:J% Oh/l:;: I7T3())C.,S:.)~(P~ ~ =-- % (zs (/tJ)(2..) '-(, ~) f /0,(,...9)(Z.) "(,S)) =-~7JJ.(J- LLfu FT'- Ca20.la.:.sn "- 28'D'7..o.J.. Z. HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, LlC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CUENT SHEET NO. / 7 , OF CALCULATED BY ~N Ss J-O~ DATE Joe. f. F-I/ Ie; F,D LA-T'E..ILAt, (' A-I,r ,,\ V" ~ (' A-I r"-. SF--~ PG, 10 VXI!- -=-/ ",gob -03Ltl- ~ 199C.'J/ - 'I1o~fJ /'1,';, OTl1lt~ /7't()(9) =-f7'tZDJ;,{J- ~Wl:.. %( Z$ U6)( 4-S) <(,S,) t!6(<fX'f,j) ~('0) 7 -- 2Z-9S Jj, f.)- (JPu FT= !7U~l'1'!,; ~ 3'1S1JJ.); .. .. -'-{.s- ..:..: V3 - (LE:.(/: 4t'~'/,(j/I..LL 'If- y.; ",-o,><~...,It{p"Dl>eM7I'(( , ,/JI!rI,LS, L- r iJ ,;; 'I),c.., ,F.:"bL6~e Tt"6 .C,.., FttL,P {+7t~s;,S""6/'" .. . . .. . ... .... . . ...... .... . . .... . .. e. V=_,- (' ALLS, UCB; C-.;-~.~tI-:},ilES ?:s: - - . . ~. VC,t...8 ~ 3Yf'f)J, SE-E:. Pc.. ,ID . ~M.~~ .... W3yo =-33'ft4s =:-/34 "Y/Jr :..... ..:::: /2~. ...... ...... fL. . Dl'-flIl.:::- 3C>C:R{PJ.J,J..I . ..... .. ..:... f..1/v\. '- l/3 \ / Z. 'f &6(, 2SX-t3 ) f-/3oci,S)Cz..}+ /ti..9 )CZS)'{,S) 7 '- ~~7'fJ..Jj1".:. ..... 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I /:i Ii ~ f-= I III H III & DALE ENGINEERING,llC ,74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 CLIENT SHEET NO CAlCULATED BV JOB I S::; tDI;" TYO (fl;) PIER.. OS? A-Il -- , ~ Z.KI~Srw)S) ~ II II 1/ II. =- I 'I I I LE:t-Jc,.l1! Or PIEtr- f J 10 19.' , OF p~ fJ DATE ., ., I .. . . .. . ... .... . . ...... \.- ...... ...... .... ...... .... .- .. . II I ::::~LL~~/~::~ ~ , . ~~M8P~~ ~ . Le~u- 't:H-, O? Iff- ....~ . c...sl Ui . . Il-:~ &. 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HILl& DALE ENGINEERING, LlC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541),868,0667 FAX: (541) 868,0888 CUENT SHEET NO. ~ PMJ. , C; S/-()r:;- OF CAlCULATED BY OATI' JOB' Ri:..T11-II\lII\.\c... IJ.JALL ~'L NTS , .. . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... .... .. .... . . .... . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .... .. . .. .. . . . . . ...... ...... .. 0 0 . 0 . ...... ...... . 0 . 0 ..... .... 0 . 0 ...... ..... . . c-"f(LAM.INC.- AS Pet... R.,AN ~ .---l:2' t:::;;, v ;I:-~e/I/o.c.., . ", ) f:;.,(}J, o! 7 r"" 1r 111M ~\6lE.S : , - 3I:::JJC psJ: C.Ct0,CJ1..E"" e ~o s.PF-<, r:NSP, - ~tADE L,O (Lft.B,A-f<. - FcO,IfJG,.. 10 BEAJ<. o~ \)..~ OI'S'.TU-It()EC5 IJA.:'ill/E. So I L {j (I.. €.f-,lG IN 1V2./(./sD FILL - LA P fl-E..SAfL. Zl(" IU {N ~ c.oW l:.t.S I S PL/c..e:..'2. I srf:P. ~ BMA-C:~F ILL P(I... r ot"- ,0 c'{Nc.. FU-M.( N'- <9 P of W,4LL · ,_ ,~S-r:x,uJeu.efl4'()c, r "-" <..0/2- .. 1>- iN ~c. iG J3c". I" ----' IY-z . /2" ~,~ t ~.sIC."O,c.. E,UJ, ~,\.{z..., /;: . I . " , .' , ~ '~3.tbP~F D/l.A,tJL/1-JI;. I, I~ C-L-EA-tJ. UiuNDtUxJ;: V !'ltJ..~ &.of> E- /0 1 (I...(;.UA-e.L€- ou.7"LE-T /1 Z<I" DES I G N Ass 0 C I ATE S, I N C. STOCK PLAN 22145 .. . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... .. .... . . ... . .... . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . ...... . ... .. . . . . ...... ...... .. . . . . . ...... ...... . . . . ..... .... . . . ...... ..... . . STRUCTURAL . SHAKE ROOF GRAVITY LOADS BASED ON 1997u.B.C. FLOOR ROOF 40# LIVE, 10# DEAD '25# SNOW 15# DEAD (SHAKE/COMP) 19# DEAD (CONC. TILE) 20# LIVE, 10# DEAD 60# LIVE, 10# DEAD 100# TOTAL LOAD CEILING DECKS EXITS/STAIRS BEAM CALCULATIONS ALAN MASCORD DESIGN ASSOCIATES.INC, 1305 N.W, -18TH AVE, PORTLAND. OR. 97209 B E AM ANALYSIS vL5 ..--... .--., ......--.--. PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, Inc. (503) 225-9~6~ portland, OR STOCK PLAN PLAN #22~45 M2-MULT. JSTS. OVER FURNACE/WH 08-06-2003 A.M.P. USE (2) 2 X 12 BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM Client: Project: Location: Date: Calculation By: Cominent: miff:" "m ... ... I I R1 R2 Reaction Rl = 1,~OO.0 lbs. Total load = 2,600.0 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = Reaction R2 = 1,~00.0 6.5 feet, no overhang. No point loads. No triangular loads. No uniform beam weight. Uniform loads: U1 = 400.0 lbs/lf at 0.0 Deflection limit (live load plus dead load) : feet to 1/360. STRUCTURAL n] : :~ ' ;ili r In In U n :?,.:~~;~'f:~r~~~~;/<~:~~~1~~!{ .. 'mi;~:'"''';h~''''''',,\Y;(o^'',^~:''''' .. . . .. . ... .... . . ...... .. .. . . ..... . .... . . .... .... . . . .... .. . . "Ios ~ .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . ..... . . ... . .. . . ...... ...... .. . . ...... . ...... . . . . . . .... ..... . . ..... . ...... . . 6.5 feet, U~~)i$~U~~~~~r:~f:iff1Utg~I*GN*-~*@*~~~1~~tH~jf~~~n*~]n]~mNili~fi~~ID~l~n~ffl}~~~11Hgngmi~~Hmnm~nnmi~~r;r:~~i~~~:Wl~i~~ BEAM TYPE DFL-SINGL 2X12 #2" COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (lbs) Moment (ft-Ibs) Deflection (in) 1,300,0 FV 2,100,0 FB 0.22 E 95.0 Area (Sq. In.) 990.0 Sect.Modulus 1.60E6 Mom.lnertia 21 25 46 21* 38 216 ~filli@ml$j[~g~*~ir*~1~ll]t1]~it~g1jjf:~M~1l~ni~11~~1?~$iMg;~t1t]~~~~*ili~1~~t~~i*~i*l[ijNm*nMi*Utt~niliJ~f%{m~~~J~~~*~@~~*~~ili~ Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.05 inches. Maximum Deflection occurs at 3.0 feet. Maximum Moment occurs at 3 . 0 feet., MINIMUM BEAM SIZB (W x H): 1.825" by 1.1.,250" MINIMUM BEAM AREA (Sq,In.): 20.53 VERIFY WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO MAKING MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS ORIGINAL BE A M ANALYSIS vJ..5 STRUCTlJRAL PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, (503) 225-9161 Portland, OR ,Client: STOCK PLAN Project: PLAN #22145 Location: M4-HDR. OVER DR. B1>.1rt1>EN UTILITY '/ " , 'i , Inc. i> :: ~ II 11 :: I ~~ & GARAGE I' Date: 08,06,2003 Calculation, By: A,M.P. Comment: USE 5 1/8" X 7 1/2" G.L, HDR, BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM P2 '" '" ,~ .. .. . . ...... A ... I I R1 R2 .. . . ...... Reaction R1 = 6,089.5 lbs. Total load = 12,179,0 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = .. . 6,089 ,5 ~tl..' Reaction R2 = 3.0 feet, no ove+hang.. ...... Point loads: PJ. = 1,724.0 lbs. P2 = 10,254.0 lbs. No triangular loads. No uniform beam weight. Uniform loads: U1 = 67.0 lbs/lf at 0,0 Deflection limit (live load plus dead load) : . . . . .... at at 1.5 feet. 1.5 feet. feet to 1/360. .-l/;t:l,' ^' \o,!"""'" . ., ::::.-::~~*-'}:::~:):::~,~~,~~~~~:t :;';~);~~~~~~~'.-M~;.r,~ " .. . . .. . ... .... . . ...... . ... . . .... .... . . . .... .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .... .. . ... . .. . . ..... . ...... . . .. . . ...... . ...... ." .' ..... . . ..... 3.0 feet, r~ft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t.i~h~~1~j!f&MMt~~md~~~{~~f:~~iw~~~~:~~~J~r~~~~f:tm~~@ti~n~fjH*f:%~J~n~~t~*jHiK@Ut~HnNWrut:~~~~~~M~t.~~ BEAM TYPE : GLULAM (2400 Fb)" COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear '(lbs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 276.0 Area (Sq,In.) 2,760.0 Sect,Modulus l,80E6 Mom.lnertia 6,089.5FV 9,058.9 FB 0,10 E 33 39 64 35 39* 134 ".:-.u.:t~::~r'~X-~~' "{'::"':~:~~:::~~:m::~f.~.' '.,::::.::::~:~;:...J::::;>>~*~~~'":.":.'::.'.".'.': '.:J:'~?:~~:::t::-:~~~~~f,:;:'~,',~~:';,;::-':,::::::,:::~::,,,~~:;~~":~~~~":~<:":::'::;:>:,:::: :::~:':"'*~-z.=>:~~";w.....::."::: ';::....:g.;:.~x.'::,..: fJ:S;K....;;:;:::.:)";:i'~:.r.x~fXlli:::l'-ml..X.'....'.b....":.:-.,..s::-..~)~:::;;::;;;::;''':~:~:::~*~:;::~''::'::'''>>":~:::'';:-~:::::':::;x;;;x&:*~~t~:$~;';:::~~~:~,....::::-....:-..:-....:-_.: .;...;<;.:.*.::~:;:;:;-:s:~"'~~~;..;::;;::.<:::lj:t~~~{::)~&Ll:::~tx:.;:: Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.05 inches, Maximum Deflection occurs at 1,5 feet. MaximUm Moment occurs at 1.5 feet. MINIMUM BEAM SIZE (W x H): 5.125" by 6.791" MINIMUM BEAM AREA (Sg.In.): ~4.80 VERIFY WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO.MAKING MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS ORIGINAL B E A M ANALYSIS v1.5 PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, Inc. (503) 225-9161 Portland, OR Client: STOCK PLAN Project: PLAN #22145 Location: M6-FLR, JSTS. OVER UTILITY Date: 08,06-2003 Calculation By: A.M.P. Comment: USE 2 X 12 FLR. JSTS. @ 16" O.t;:. BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM Pl -l- -l- ~ ... I R1 ... I R2 .. . . ...... .. .. . . ...... Reaction R1 = 923.1 lbs. Total load = 1,392.0 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = Reaction R2 = 468.9 .11!lJ'l; . . 5.5 feet, no overhang. . ...... Point loads: P1 = 1,064.0 1bs. No triangular loads. No uniform beam weight. Uniform loads: U2 = U1 = Deflection limit (live . . . . .... at 1.5 feet. 67.0 lbs/lf at 1.5 40.0 lbs/lf at 0.0 load plus dead load) : feet to feet to 1/360, 5.5 feet. 1.5 feet, STRUCTURAL I /I ~l . II ;~ - ~ ~,"'" .,...,'..',-3.,., ",,,,,,.,J ::c1**HJ~~:;.~:t~;f~~~:Sl~:I: .. . . .. . ... .... . . ...... .... . . .... .... . . . .... .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . ..... . . ... . .. . . ...... . ...... . . .. . . ...... . ...... . . ..... . . ..... ~~ml~~*~f.~~~~tJ:.~:r~~~~~::~~:~:~::;:~:~:~~f.~:*~~~t.~~::~~:t?:~~~~tl~~i[:;i~~~~i~i~~i?n~M[~fjM~~~tFj~M~~m~~tml:~H~~Mt1~~~k?:~~~i~~}~~%1~~r~;~ BEAM TYPE DFL-REPET 2X12 #2" COf<Jl'UU5U STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL, PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (lbs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 109.3 Area (Sq. In.) 1,190.3 Sect.Modulus 1.60E6 Mom. Inertia 923,1 FV 1,339.6 FB 0.18 E 13 14 20 13* 24 134 ~~~~1~~1~W~~~t~~~;i:~~~~::~:~:~~;~~~~~~~~~~WJi~ii1gfi~~t~H~~i*twtm~ill~~~?~~~~~~;~:~~~mt:tilit~tr~UN~mMm~~~~!~t)~~~m~~H~~t}~Mt~ilittl~i Actual Maximum Deflection ='0.03 inches. Maximum Deflection occurs at 2.5 feet. Maximum Moment occurs at 1.5 feet., MINIMUlVl BEAM SIZE (W x H): 1.127" by 11.250" MINIMUM BEAM AREA (Sq,In,): 12.67 VERIFY WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO MAKING MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS ORIGINAL B E A M ANALYSIS v1.5 PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, Inc. (503) 225-9161 Portland, OR Client: STOCK PLAN project: PLAN #22145 Location: M8-MULT. JSTS. OVER FOYER Date: 08-06-2003 Calculation By: A.M.P. Comment: USE (3) 2 X'12 BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM ~ ~ ~ I R1 ~ I R2 .. .. . . ...... .. . . ...... Reaction R1 = 3,478.8 lbs. Reaction R2 = 3,478.8.ih~~ Total load = 6,957.5 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = 5.5 feet, no overhang. ...... No point loads. No triangular loads. No uniform beam weight. Uniform loads: U2 = 1,061,0 lbs/lf at 0.0 Ul = 204.0 lbs/lf at 0.0 Deflection limit (live load plus dead load): . . . . .... feet to feet to 1/360. STRUCTURAL .1 ill ~~ ~ ~tt I' ! -,f f;.:-:rt<<~>~~<-:<<<<<':~~"''({<<~AA*, ~m'<<;-.l:.:~';':':':~N"''''>: .. . . . . .... . ... . . ...... .... . . .... .... . . . .... .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . ...... . ... .. . . . ...... .. . . ...... ...... . . ..... . . . ... ... ..... . . 5.5 feet, 5,5 feet. ~r~N~1!~n!U~%~~~~~fni$nmilit1~1~%l~W~~~~niml~~~l~nl~Hinin@1U1t~:~r~~~:~~TIE1m~nW;~H~~tf.;jf~!1~~M~~~1~~1\lH~~;~~~~i{ BEAM TYPE DFL-SINGL 2X12 COM.t'Ul~ STRESS/STRAIN #2" DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED Shear (lbs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 109,3 Area (Sq. In.) 1,138.5 Sect.Modulus 1.60E6 Mom.Inertia 3,47B.8 FV 4,743,B FB 0.18 E ACTUAL 4B 50 87 48* 90 504 HM$iiWt1!ili1~~MM&~+~~tl~?:~i~~t~~~~~~in~~~~~iW$~t@1M@M~:~i!~~~1~~@*lmtt~lf:tH~1~tj~*ili~Ht:~~Mk~r~lq~t~~:~~:~~:~~~~W~~~~~~M~i1 Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.03 inches. Maximum Deflection occurs at 2.5 feet. Maximum Moment occurs at 2.5 feet, MINIMUM BEAM SIZE (W x H): 4.246" by 11.250" MINIMUM BEAM AREA (Sq. In. ) : 47 , 76 VERIFY WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO MAKING MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS ORIGINAL B E AM ANALYSIS v:l,S . PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, Inc. (503) 225,9161 portland, OR Client; STOCK PLAN Project: PLAN #22145 Location; M10-FLUSH BM. BETWEEN KITCHEN & NOOK D~te; 08-06-2003 Calculation By: A,M,P. Comment: USE 6 3/4" X 10 1/2" G.L. BM. BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM 1:~~~2~~ ... I R1 ... I R2 .. . . ...... .. .. . . ...... Reaction R1 = 6,110.5 lbs. Reaction R2 = 6,llO,~'lp~. Total load = 12;221.0 lbs. . . Dimensions: Clear span = 11.0 feet. no overhang. . ..~.... No point loads, NO triangular londs, No uniform beam weight. Uniform loads: U2 = U1 = Deflection limit (live . . . . .... 711.0 lbs/lf at 0.0 400.0 lbs/lf nt 0.0 load plus dead load) : feet to 11,0 feet to 11.0 1/360. STRUCTURAL -II~ 1~ - j II l, l" .~ t~;;ii.~;i%~~~~~~}t~~ .. . . . . .... . ... . . ...... .... . . .. .. .... . . . .. . ~... . . . .. .. .. . . . ...... . ... .. . . . ...... .. . . . ..... . ...... . . ..... . . . ...... ..... . . feet. feet. ~r0~t~~~!~lMt~WMr~=W;~f~~~~W~Lt~~~f~~;~~;~:~h~Wf~)~:~it~tj~WHn*~U~~w~~~tr~1?:@tMUgM@tl~N~~4n~~if1ffi~~f}iU)J1~~~Ji~;~~t~~!\~j . BEAM TYPE: GLULAM (2400 Fb)" CO~WUTRD STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear ( Ibs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 6,110,5 FV 16r80~.9 FB 0,37 E 276.0 Area (Sq.ln.) /.,760.0 Sect.Modulus 1.80E6 Mom.lnertia 33 71 553 67 111 553* ~~m~~~m~~W41!~t~mgHWJ~~~~~~~~8tf.~1r:~~g~IiWmWf.~~~M~~~f~~~~K~;@~*rmm~r.filW1M~~~1.~~QN#~*~M*lM~~g2~~1%tt~~m~M~@~~ltt.1~{f:~~~l~~ Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.37 inches. Maximum Deflection occurS at 5.5 feet. Maximum Moment occurS at .5~5 feet. MINIMUM BEAM SIZE (W x H); 6.750" by 9.942" MINIml BEAM AREA (Sq. In.) : 67.11 VERIFY WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO MAKING MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS ORIGINAL f?, It; A M .'1NA.l..X::i.l.::i vJ..~ ------.-- PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, Inc. (503) 225-9161 Portland, OR STOCK PLAN PLAN #221..15 ~n2-IIDR, B.t'iltl",EN DINING & KITCHEN OS-Of-20D3 :.... . ~.;; r-:. . Client: Project.: . 't' l.Ioca ~Ol1. Date; I"~.~ :.":'! '\ .:: r.in:~' By.: Comrnent:.USE 4 X 12 HDR, BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM +::.::.~~~~~ ;;;':': :"i::~:~~~f-i::::: iL....t'i1l.t..... .. I ) R1 .. .. . . ...... Jo. I 1?? .. . . ...... Reaction lU = '1'o:>tal load - ., . 1,660.3.J.~15. Reaction R2 = 1,660,5 lOs, 3,321, L) lbs, c: i -?~~ y 9p~ln :I. :-1.17,-=:-'::"::-:'-::~f: : :. . ':. : -:'''::'';:. ~~....... .""".:,.--rr,;\l1f1 --1-.. No p<:>i nt, loads. ~!~ r.iln,1~t;":"~:'" ~::.~rt~. No unirorm beam weignt. Unifl)J':TT1 loads: tT? = ITI = ueLLection .l.~mit \LIve' . . . . .... 711" (l lbs/lf at .~CJf).~J lr,:::;;/-j t ?Ii 0,0 feet to t: ;.! ': :;:>-;- !-.;i Load pLus deao Loao): Li~60. l;)'l'IW('-l'Ul<AL ~r-= , ,~ :~ If *i ~~ :;.':: ,__.____,__ it ~;.~>:.;.;.,:::-;~.~~~:..:_~*:;::}x:):{:1~ '~~'. \.":,".~,"'.~('....,....,~...\...,,, .... ...... .. . . . . .... . ... . . ...... .... . . .... ,... . . . .... .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .... .. . ... .. . . . ...... .. . . . ...... ...... . . ..... . . . ...... ..... . . ),0 feet. :: . f! f~r:;. ~~m~~$;~{~t?~~;~;l~::::~:~:::.:~:::~::.~~:~;;;!~~t:~~~~~f.~;:~~~~~:r:~~~~':::~~;~::~.: ~.~ ~.: :~~ ;~:-~i;-i:~::.~.~::+:.:.:~.~.~:.~:.:..:.::.~::~~~:~:;;i;:;::~~:::~.::~~::~~;;;:<<~~':~~:~;~;;:.:.:~. :.::.~:~.;.~:.;.:;.:.: ~,:~:.,; . ;.:....~~'~:.~~.~~ .'. :.:,.' . BEAM TYPE DFL-SINGL 4X #2" C('m;":i'i"~:: r:'r'~~.S.S! .ST;;~ ii.i ..:tn7:.::: ~!:'!. !Jln1PR~"rT~.S ~JU)rJT'Ql4:n nC',.,.;ni. . Sll~e.!:' C!.bs) 2, ,=~0 c: "''' 95 .U !'..rea {Sq. In, \ 26 26* , r..f:...m-?'1.t I,.!.. t - 1..!..~:' "";"~~ 4 ~B 99.:i i) S,,::,_':_ ?~''Y_~':' .:. .;...: ~ " '3-'1 Deflection (in) 0,10 E 1. 60E6 Mom. Inertia 12 123 ~::~~"::::;:~~~~~:'~~'~;~~;::::~~~~i:::'{\?:~:~:~:f~.:~:::~~::::~~;::::~~:.::~:;~~:.~;::~}::;:;~~{: ~.~ ~.:: ~:: ~::: .~"'~' : :~~:.~~~.t~).~{~:(~:~:~~:~{~'~.b~:~~':~~::~:~:~1:~:~:i':1~~::~~:::;~~~~~ :~:'~:::~:::'~~~~:h::.~r:t~;~.a>t:t;~ Actual Maximum Detlection = U.01 inches. !":.~.".'::'~:~':':" Dp.t t~~r:~-:;~ :.1 r-:~~! . ......... . .. .....--.. Maximum Moment occurs at 1.5 feet, MINIr~_~ ~~AM ~TZ~ (W y H): ;l ,500" by 7,491" MrNI~Tw~ BEAM AREA (Sq.In,): 2b.~2 VERl.trY WITH BUILDJ.Nl:7 0l;".trlClAL f>1:I.l()R TO MAKHIl:7 MA'n~.I{.l.AL :;U~:;'l'J.TU'l'J.UN:; ORfGfNAL , B E AM ANALYSTS v1.5 TILE ROOF '-Ir I I_~ ~; il' ~ STORAGE DORMER (OPTION) II II nm , '.'"~''' .,......' . _.~~ ~)..".~:$.~,,~.."""~"~"IJ:: . . ........"...'\',.~'...,'" .,.... r ..:,~:~~ <<I ~;.;....,..".....\...,,'.., ......... Inc. . PREPARED BY: Alan Mascord Design Associates, (503) 225-9161 portland, OR Client.: STOCK PLAN Project: PLAN #22145 Location: Rl-MULT. RFTRS SUPPORTING UPPER . . Date: 08-05-2003 Calculation By: A.M.P. Comment: USE (3) 2 X 10 RFTRS BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM .. I R2 .. .. . . ...... .. . . ,. . . ... .... . . ...... .... . . . .... .... . . . .... .. I R1 Reaction R1 = 1,262.5 lbs. Total load = 2,986.0 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = .. . . ...... .. . . .. Reaction R2 = 1,723.5 los, .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . ...... . ... . .. . . ...... . 10.5 feet, no ove:rhanQ,h.. . .. . . I... . .... . . No. point loads. No triangular loads. No uniform beam weight, Uniform loads: U2 = 242.0 lbs/lf at 2.5 U1 = 100.0 lbs/lf at 0.0 Deflection limit (live load plus dead load) : . ...... . . ..... . . ..... feet to 1'0.5 feet. feet to 10.5 feet. 1/360. ~1~!~~TImttljm~~nU~~1;~r(~S~1~~l~~~~Hgg~~*@~~i1tltl~M~~HlfJJJ.~~i~lHt.~},1g~iliU1@@Mn~EiM~t:;::~:~~:~;~~1~~~:~:t~~~~~*n@l*~ . . BEAM TYPE DFL-SINGL 2X10 #2" COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL , Shear (lbs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 1,723.5 FV 4,342.4 FB 0.35 E 109.3 Area (Sq. In.) 1,138.5 Sect.Modulus 1.60E6 Mom,Inertia 24 46 151 30 46* 212 m*~~@f~~~NHr~~~iMi&flf.~H@H~f.~nnM~~[~m~ro*M~~~~~~~~~~~n~1~~~*n~*~*Mlt~~lt1~*~~~*~~~1ill1~~1~!tS~~;~1iii;li~T~~;;~~~~~~ Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.25 inches. Maximum Deflection occurs at 5.5 feet. Maximum Moment occurs at '5.5 feet. MINIMUM BEAM SIZE (W xH): 3.210" by 9.250" MINIMUM BEAM AREA (Sq.ln.): 29.69 VERIFY WITH BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO MAKDNG MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS ORIGINAL . . . DES I G N ASS 0 C I ATE 5, I N C. STOCK PLAN 22145 .. . . . . .... . ... . . .. .. ...... . . .... ...... . . .... .... . .. . . . . ...... .... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . ...... . .. . .. . . . . ...... ...... .. . . . . . ...... ....... . . . . .... ..... . . . ...... ..... . . S~ ROOF GRAVITY LOADS BASED ON 1997 U.B.C. FLOOR ROOF 40# LIVE, 10# DEAD 25# SNOW , 15# DEAD (SHAKE/COMP) 19# DEAD (CONC. TILE) 20# LIVE, 10# DEAD 60# LIVE, 10# DEAD 100# TOTAL LOAD . CEILING DECKS EXITS/STAIRS. . . BEAM CALCULATIONS ALAN MASCORD DESIGN ASSOCIATES,INC, 1305 N,W, 18TIl AVE. POR'ILAND. OR, 97209