HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-10-13 .r"'~" .... .,...,.... -....w, ,." o Z LU I- <C o 2.4"4" 2.6'.6" 34"4 1/2." 1 3'-61/2." , , . , .. N , v- ELECTIl-IC METEIl- AND PANEL LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION PROGRAM (Springfield, OR) /.ai )r- I"c:::. ' EXSCAVATION PILE LOCATION COVEll- WITH VISQ..UENE Cf) Z o (J) > LU a: 1, Prior to any ground disturbance on the site one inspection with LDAP staff is required, Issuance of this plan does not relieve the permit holder and/or the contractor from all other permitting requirements, Prior to beginning construction activities, all other necessary approvals shall be obtained, 2, The erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plan are the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. During the construction period, these measures shall be upgraded as needed for unexpected storm events and to ensure that sediment and sediment-laden water does not leave the site, 3, The implementation of the ESCP and the construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of the erosion and sediment control measures is the responsibility of the permit holder and/or the contractor until all construction is completed and accepted and vegetation/landscaping is established, 4, The boundaries of the clearing limits shown on this plan shall be clearly flagged in the he field by the engineer prior to construction, During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the flagged clearing limits shall be permitted, the flagging shall be maintained by the permit holder and/or the contractor for the duration of construction, CUll-ll CUT AND NEW EXCAVADED SIDEWALK PEIl- CITY STANDAIl-D PHONE, GAS, CATV SEIl-VICH- (VEIl-IFY> -.""'~~" I N~ . lllOllAGS AT CUll-ll ~~. '~\ r'~ \ \ 1\ , , , , .' , \ -.R 6'-0"~ ~,." 666,0' -__ .." ", ........-, ",*' , .....~--_...- "t... \ ............... \ ............... , llAIl-K ECOllEIl-M ALONG N. Pll-oPEIl-TY LINE IN CONSTIl-UCTION AIl-EA 660,0' 668,0' TMH MAil-KED AS SUCH TO llE Il-EMOVED ALL OTHEIl-S TO Il-EMA N oN SITE. .... ~,:'j.... ..::,_~ SS' ........~_~ S)"\.y -_" '410~ ~s.9~' ____ -----_,,___ ~~" ,./" 5' SETllACK ---,,_ "",::,~. DJV.-INAGE OUTLET PIPE TO ~~---__~,... '''' APPF-.OVED OUTLET -- .... --- _..... '_:--.....: __ 660,0' ......~... - ......;;;;---~~.......... \ -s':.~~::-~........---~-- 662.,0' \ --- ... \ -'-'1-_ 1 "- I " I ---,,-- 66" ... _...:.------'j"'----r-.....::-J ..,0 _-----.- J J I 1 I 1 I .:. L-- 666,0' _-- J ---- I _--- I I _-::=-- , I -- I I J , ,," , ---, _--1-- I I -- I I , I 1 1'" , 1 I ... 670,0 1 .,'" I "'I 1 "I 1 ,," 1 '" ~/J~ ...... I _-~'., I 672.,0' - I '- -;" ,"'_' I I __-r I \l. . - I . - I -~,~- I I 1- I I _- I _- I I '" I '" I _ A,C. 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ZZSLU COLU<CI- O::::!CC<C -::lLLOO " 5, The erosion and sediment control measures on active sties shall be inspected and maintained daily and within the 24 hours after any storm vent of greater than 0.5 inches of rain per 24 period, Measures shall be Inspected by the permit holder and/or the contractor after each rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall, Any required repairs or adjustments shall be made immediately, The erosion and sediment control measures on inactive sties shall be inspected a minimum of once every two (2) weeks or within 48 hors following a storm event. 6, All erosion and sediment control measures shall be protected from damage at all times, Control measures shall remain in place until permanent re-vegetation has been stabilized, any measure that is damaged or destroyed shall be repaired or replaced immediately, 7, Any areas of exposed soils, including roadway embankments, that will not be disturbed for two days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30) or seven days during the dry season (Ma 1 to September 30) shall be immediately stabilized with an approved SC method (seeding 7 mulching with straw, bark, compost, or plastic covering, etc. 8, Street sweeping shall be performed as needed or when directed by the City inspector to insure public right-of-ways are kept clean and free of debris, Street flushing is prohibited, 9, When trucking saturated soils from the site, either water-tight trucks shall be used or loads shall be drained on site until dripping has been reduced to no more than one gallol1 per hour, Sediment laden water will not be allowed to enter the storm water system, 10, Extracted ground water from excavated trenches shall be disposed of in a suitable manner without damage to adjacent property, City's storm water system, water features, and r,~lated natural resources, Approval of a dewaterng system does not guarantee that it will meet compliance or be acceptable for use in all situations, Modifications to the dewatering system will be required If com~:;1!1Ce can not be met. At no time will sediment laden water be allowed to leave the construction site, 11, A supply of materials necessary to meet compliance and i.~;jJiement the LOAP or other best management erosion practices under all weather conditions shall be mCiintail'ed at all times on theconstruction site, 12, No hazardous substances, such as paints, thinners, fuels and other chemicals shall be released onto the site, adjacent properties, or into water features, the City's storm watar system, or related natural resources, 13, The ESC facilities shall be inspected daily by the contractor and maintained to ensure continued proper functioning, Written records shall be kept of weekly reviews of the ESC facilities during the wet season (October 1 to April 3) and of monthly reviews during the dry season (May 1to September 30). DAYLIGHT F-.oOF ' DJV.-INS AT CUll-ll 4" ,VC FO~ L>.NDS~ ~Jj'~h \1 l'1\ )(.0 N "'X ';::, '" i:J 0 \'IY ;;:; ~ ~ ,~ ~ , ,_.. I . ~ -!> 00 ,. 00 . 668,0' C 0") CI) (l.) 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TYPE C01'1STRllCTIO~'LV~ LEGAL DFSCR1C~T'ON \')02...~.("')<:\."ro----- ~ ~DDRESS I~ \ E€1.i\.hU l~ \..,,-,'V\O..:" E ~.JLTO(n.l.Ln.O::lfL.~ ~~O THE CONl ENT5 ~-H:PC ON riAVF 8E.Er--~ RE.Vli:...\'/E'-L' '\:...:.-r:.~:c ALTERATIO:-JS j'oJG1Cf-TEO ON COLORED r-ENc..tL CHl\NvES OR ALTERATIONS 1.1AOE 're) THE APf-ROVED DRAWINGS 05 E PROJECT AF"iER Tt~E ~ATL 5ELaV; S};ALL BE APPROVED S, co THE ButLDI~G Or-OF 10" L. 0 C;; ~ .... Q.T'"" ...... I"- CITY OF SP~INGFIELD, OREGON CI)....J~ 30> ~_. DA-r.Jl-.tf--{).S= ,~ ~1:: b; 2~ !\'p!'ROVED SY , - _ _ . a: ,"' - IDO :?32 Q) O?: ai 'ffi'~ :t:: a: c ...... 'S _C')ID..CC ... (!) OJ Cl) ~ 'I: >co~,'l::Oa. ;:> C\J llJ CJ) ~ (J) 676,0' 'I I I I CUF-.VE # C2.18 DELTA 48 D 2.3'13" JV.-DIUS 41.5' AF-.C 35,05 llEAF-.ING N48D 2.5' 09"E CHOF-.D 34.01' MOUNTA,INC4A,TE SUBDIVISION LOT 31 ------. S,1/2., SEC. T,17S" 1l-,2.W., W.M. SPF-.INGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, oF-. ...... .. ~ ,".01... , ..,..., .. SCALE; Various ., 'l~ ... Ii "..... ,... . ..... ., ..~ . 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