HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2005-7-5 -I., iNVOICE Nn STANDARD STRUCTURAL PES'( CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT This is an inspection report only-not a Notice of COHlpletion. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY INSPECTED 335 IS BLOG ~Oli STR. EEl FI "IOTT I CITY E;EltH~Rl<fl"" I~ I DATE OF INSPECTION '3-1'3-nn OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT iN HIS FIELD, ANY QUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT SHOULD BE REFERRED TO HIM. if: Stan Lynch, Contractor' , Termite & Dry Rot Repair 853 Centennial Blvd. . Springfield. Oregon 746-6951 State lie. No_ 52584-lnsured TYPE OF LOAN: FED VA 0 STATE G.I. 0 FHA 0 FARM HOME 0 CONVENTIONAL 0 INSPECTION ORDERED BY (NAME AND ADDRESS) U RI T hi" U n TC R n SELLER'S NAME AND ADDRESS BUYER'S NAME AND ADORESS NAME AND ADORESS OF PARTY 'N INTEREST INSPECTED BY LICENSE NO Original Report 0 Supplemental Report D Number of Pagei_ THIS IS A SUB-STRUCTURE INSPECTION ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL & BELOW. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR ANY OTHER PORTION OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPORT, IMPORTANT NOTICE AND EXCWSIONS This report IS only a r.pM 01 our findlnQii based on what was observed by lhe Inspeclor <it lhe lime of hIS InSp~llon This report Iii nol a guaranlee or warrantee or any nalure as 10 the presence or absence 01 wood destroYing or!;jBnlsms or their damage nor IS II a report opinion or guaranlee as to the lolallilness or soundness 01 the structure Inspecled As II Is Impossible to always detecl all damage or mfeslallonii this Inspection report only purports to disclose lhose damages or Infeslatlons Ihat were observl'Jd by Ihe InSPl'JClor althe time of hiS Inspecllon bLlI does not guaranlae that damage or infestatIOns do not exlsllhat may have been undetected by the InSpector ThIS IS not a roar, guttar or bUlldrng code inSpection, persons spaclaflZlnQ In lhese areas should be empfoyed to !Ippral5e these areali ThIs Inspecllon IS limited to the floor level and below bUI could rnclude other areas where damage or rnlestahon have been observed by the Inspector Areas normally subJecl to dameQe which are consldl'Jred InacceSSible Of lor olhllr reasons have nol beem Inspected Include, bUI olre not hrnllt;d 10 roof and al\lc <llOas dl'Jlachlld bUildings wood decks, exlenor sldlnQ, the Intenor of hollow walls spaces between a floor Of deck, under lloor coverings under appliances, under or behind personal poo.sess,ons plilsler sheet rock. lormlca, lillO, Insulahon cabln.1s or slmllaf areas which could not be msp.cl.d w,thoutlellflng out or delaclnQ finished surfaces, oth.r ilreilS nol Inspected mily Incluce ilreas bllhmd locked doors or where slorage conditIons make inspectIon ,mpractrcal This Ilnll~ repor! may bt daemed null and VOid at the discretion 01 lynch, lit any tune aft.r II 30-dilY period, Wllhoul notlc. NOTICE: ESTIMATE DOES NOT iNCLUDE PAINTiNG, PLUMBING, OR LEVELING-NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CRACKS THAT MAY DEVELOP. I~II~" I I or I I WB I I CA I I FT I L I I Sa. DI.gram B.low Subterranean Termites Dampwood Termites Wood Beetles Carpenler Ants Fungus GrDwth, Treatable Plumbing leak Other Yel ' Cod. ' SDR 501 SR EM CD FG Set Diagram Below Structural Damage Rot Structural Damage Insect Structural Damage Subfloor Excessive Moisture Conditions Cellulose Debris Faulty Grade (Jess than 6" clearance) Other Vel I C~de I X I IC I IA I FI EC I See Diagram Below EXlstmg Vents Proposed Vents Inadequate Clearance InacceSSible Area Further InspectIon Needed Earth-wood Contacts Other j ~ NOTE: Wood decJ<. and patio. are shown a. reference points only and are not includo:> , Inspection or bid. APPROVED ONLY FOR RESIDENTIAL LISE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 16 ~ (){ ~~\ OF THE SPRINGFiElD DEVElOPMENT CODE geL.f<F\~~g600 JOB, .co. , I Z$1!:!$ OSB!E""'CY GROUI", . '2. if ~ I? O~.kly:....NCY LOAr: CONS'.P.UC'!IO~ I Y.!:iillflL '_ ____ ,g,ri:Alf:$ _.- 1-.g!6.~Q!: \~;;:lj"fJ.~t:!t !!:.~~li: t;~~. _ . QM'.1'.E. 1. I 3/.S THE <'o~-:- ;";'lTS> HZ:Rl: Of\: ,HR.'i:i: BeEN REV'Eirf:~p. ,!"Jt1"1i ' At Tt.R~\-l;!C jC -lNIJIC<\I'ED ON C(llOl-'H:.t' FE,I"lCIL. c:-t~loJu.E;:;> < CR ~t:--Cf;,' : :CJl...1':" t,"! \DE TO il'.1E APr-'ROVE.D_ ~R~W~.JSS O~~ PRCUF-:"f I '"Tr:H -I t.1,.: O;\rf.:. B'=::,-Qrl ,::H&.\LL lJ~ ....~f R,_VED SY THl:: BUh.t", lG S-FICI;:.L. elT" OF SP:=<!";;;qlGf'lELD. OHEQON i AI"PROVFT FY a~ _ Ot.TE :rl. ~ -.' I ,I ~ ,.., 1 " .61.' 6"~_ -ifa~J7~ I II 800 ~----;=".-- '19/ a" , I:l." , I / I: / ' / " 1.18'-:. ~ 5/6-1''- . .' "