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Permit Building 2004-3-19
2X10 P.T. LEDGER WI 1/2' DIA X 7" ( I! )r)4( ;:;.11. A.B.@32"OIC /)~ ~ 2Xl0 @ 16" OIC W 3/4" T&G PLV1WD ~ ,r-?X4 p.T. PLATE . ' II,/~~~M ( '\ Ii: zf--. ~) (\' J ( i I. ~ @5'OIC '... ~TI INSULATIO~,~ (+IT! --+ 1,,0/' 1 ~#4 (NON-FORMALDAHYDE I~V \JT.) 0.l1 - i"" WI BATIS OR WIRE I fi I MESH SUPPORT) ~ SIMPSO~ r-(2) #4 CONT 6 MILL BLAC~ '~=- / -- ~~ VISQUEENh / '.1 f.. I , I I ' I Iii =-JI~ :ICilDii PAlNT~ I III LJ - BASE .1 i j T 0_ r-, : TRIM j, ._-.~ " II I I It I : ~ jT - LJ .l.-- 1 NORTH ELEVATION DUMAS DRIVE II I" 'V ~ 0';.. ~~~~- l-"'":rZw <( --- Z I- ::E + "" "" l!.VQ:: : <u A""O 20;;'; W U) -l v(2)\..-. b w:cw l<)ZW o '" I- > ;::: III IttJ</ '" ~ t::{ I:i,) 1/)'/ 0 w Lt.WCl / >-~~ . -' , Lt. Z ~, el 0,~ Z 0- 0,.1 :i: >UU) O<(w t3:~ <( ~ ~ ----......>' .~ ~ ~~ :Joi=~ Oo(U~ . It 0 :J Cl .J " - >- r ti r,u U <:t - z z 0 o ~ It u z ::> ::> w ~ ~ S ~~' ..,001- 't: ' J...; 01 ~ z- 1\" 0 " ;. "b a. w >'\1 iij.....' u9 W lfl- W ,,10 Ul a: ~~-1~~ W ..... ~ ..:( e:: lJ,; WZ!:OL'JO? ii 0 Z I- Wi 0 " o N ::l (/;'.J <>:1 Q, ~ ~ I i 1:U1OC> !-welll iC>{/lO ZC>W Z ri$zi) W~- 0 ;:~~g: Cl UI.Jo::n. W >00": WZOW ll:: o:wwlIl 0 z~>.J WOO:;! 0 lIJWO::I: IIlO:&{/l ..I w9<;: W ~ow9 ll.. / _U:I:w In ..l.Zt- v I ZOO~ Z ~~~~o..i { ...~O .( ....<:(4:.,\- Wu~i~ I;S J-!4. mz~~Lt. l.L r--"'WO 0 " z"Qt:~ ~ ~5!<<( i3 >- 0 Z-"'!--' I- W \ oiiwu- - > U~~w::l U 0 W;>.. ..,00 0:: 11l <OW n. I!:i/:lo::C ll. \ !-<O~I- <l \ NOTE: 1) \ \ C([; 'T~' CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OPTIONAL BID FOR FLOOR FRAMING SYSTEM OF CONSTRUCTION WITH 4X6 D.F. NO.1 BEAMS @ 4'-0" OIC (FROM EXISTING BUILDING NORTH WALL) & SUPPORTED WI 4X4 D.F. NO.2 POST ON 30# FELT RESTING ON 18" SQ X 8" FOOTING PADS @5'-0"0ICW/2X D.F. NO.2 T&G DECKING. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 24" X 30" SC~ED CRAWL SPACE ACCESS IN NEW FOUNDATION WALLS O~ 1~)X 30" OPENING iHROUGH EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL ~ BOTH NEW FOUNDATION AREAS. ~ \~ a, -----....., ROO ! \ \ {5) 14" SQ ROOF ,,---' " ~. CRICKET \,TIIC VENTS _ -.-/ g ~ ~ 12-4' f .. ~ -1j j .f / ,;::)(ISTlNG EXISTING} '. . , [f I ] =EXTERIOR WALL ",.,. ..) ~ _ o.lr- jd? , vfo-o- V:~ :~ [ 1---1 "- VJ h U ~ h ~ U ~ ~ N ~ ~ ---- >q ~ "- oaf'... f'-....N ~;; f'-.... 1 ClO')~ ~Zf'... Oo~ ~c..?~ L J:J..:J "- ("""I ~ :So J:-'-oi ... ~Q ~Jo-J\.O Cl~~ tJc..?~ >--".~ aq Lr:l~---- ~~~ oaV)~ 2) LEGEND T=TEMPERED l 'I -f G) ~;?~R JOIST CONNEC110N 1'-4" A y \tV t:J 1/4"=1]_0" '-2X FURRING WI 1/2" GYP BD 9',61/2'. 5'-4" .,../- i. ~ '" I r AmEO GY:;O I L,--- ..r~ '<C i') "" <C ~ @ :r: '" ~ ~ U ~ 2',5' l 2'-5" '1 m n~,:l -, r 1'::I,il' ~ ~I~ 11 .~ I ~ - - . . :-:-= "1luLASS ~ , . , , : I DOORS -~ -TYP I ~ -r ~ I I f -~ 1 i 2'-4" 2-4' "Ai NT G~E WD J ~ i 1f) 11' i 2 1/2'. I v 2X10 D.F NO.2 @16"0ICW/3/4" T&G PL YWD. GRP 1 ~ 1" I _' .1- @ ~;5'-4" I ' 1 r2\ \!~ " 2X10 D,F. P.T LEDGER 2X10@ 16" OIC~ W/3/4"T&GpLYWD ~______________ I, V ~ /"",-"" ----;re'..- X6P.T.BM..-// 11/2" Wy---- /' I -----z- /-- DECKING / -- 1 : . -- -./ I '" I 2X4 EXISTlN~ FTG/FDN \L I 21/2.'1, ~' n" ~~ '1,;,0 ' C]) EXISTING /'1' AlNT GRADE IL WOOD jTILE CTR T~P ,t l'- , .I 'I'" .A' ~ , 1---1 \~', 0' ?" ~, 21_3H SOLAR TUBc--I -- I EO''''' '""? (4'\ I ~I 3-3 Mi" i -, I ,~-4 I' ] 1 ~ I Ii, J-:I' \ ) MAP & TAX LOT NUMBER: 17,03,23,44-00122 -- \ ~ l'; ~ -- / [ - II - II - II r - 'f - " ' 11 ~ 1- I. _. [ ----j ~ilCJ i lsOUD LOWER DOORS PAINT GD~I ~~~ 2 PIE~ ~ B \i -" BASE e-= r 1 1 () \ \ -- :y I~ I / ~~' /1$ f..:I, ~ ~ 1:$ ...l '" ...l ti:: / MIL BLACK VISQUEEN \ -~ z o 7J -; I / w / \ \ SITE PLAN SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION / v/ I I y- , " I \ " l' = 20-0 1/4'.=1'-0" EXIST WALl~,2X FURRING WI 1/2" GYP BD FROM . -!J COLUMN TO EXISTING WALL - ,. ;:;>, --'<- X FURRING WI 1/2" GYP BD 2Xl0 P.T. BLOCKING LEDGER~ ~ ,,7..) 1 ; EA SIDE OF EXISTING CABINET WI 1/2" DIA X7" A.B. @ 32" OIC ~/2" CDXf'L YWOOD r Y (~, (fIJ I I . . . -::::='. - )J~ r Cdt/p 11M) I . j~ /" ",.r (hi ( f,r ~.~~_ _._ _____________- -J, )~/2 +/, j7"+I-pAlNT ~X6 D.F. P,T. ON) . / / / 51/2 ND TRIM GDE 2 PIECE ~ ~ /. 1/" 4X4pOST~OIC ~/~ WDBA~ SIMpSOr: i L7 0----=-=--7-' --.J / - ----.--~- d XlSTING CABINET & WALL S; ~. WEST ELEVATION 1f) 1/4"= 1'-0" .C)~~?oTlNG DETAIL I I ~f-- a:: a a;;: :;;:cntr Lu-O :r:t:::l.L. 1--:20 l.L.a::Lu - ;;: LuLuO a::D...o Q~2 x:r:<<: Lu I-- co --JccO::::C::ci -; -J lLJ CI) 0 <<:0-- :I: ZCC 0:: U)::>O~ 1--00>- :2LuLu<<: .. N 00 UJcc-;;: ULun:Ll...JC> _O....O~CO I-U)I: T- 0-1--:2>- _:1::::>0;;: --1--<<:0<<: I STAIN GLASS--" ELEMENT '" ~ JT AIN GLASS ELEMENT rXISTING COUNTER TOP j :1 II "II " S ' I II II J Iz,;z:I ! I I I I I 1;;h,..j~iTION:Oregon law requires you, t,o T jol;o~ r~]es adopted by the Oregon Utility 'L' Notification Center. Those ru~e~:~ ;;~_~~~ in OAR 952-001-0010 throug 2X4 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: the tele.~ho~e number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332..2344). f--1 f--1 ~, X 16" SCREENED FDN VENT' TYP Qx/0 I /;j \ A1 N I ~ (~ ~ ?Z I~ I 6-6 i -I' VFY DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINE & MAINTAIN 5-0. SIDEY ARD SETBACK ~ ~ o o :g ~ ~ o ~ o 0 ~~0 O>~ ~~~ ~~O >Oci ~~~ ~~t'i: ~.~0 ~O~ ~\Jj~ 1-41O~ ~~CJ) 12',6" IT,2' +1'2. VFY @; SiT:: "' . 6,6' 2-D" f 4'-0" .. I 2 CL T"'P I ,,-," 1 ~/4"=1'-0" INTERIOR ELEVATIONS OF ROOM 1 C,) ~~?oTlNG OET AIL FOOTING AND FOUNDATION PLAN KITCHEN COLUMN ELEVATION KITCHEN COLUMN PLAN t-.. t-.. >::tI t-.. 0'\ Z 1/4"=1',0" 3/8",;,1'-0" 3/8"=1'-0" _ __ -4 I ~HINGLE ROOF :;iYSTEM ~())L OVER 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD 4a5'5C( ~ ~ ~~TI INSYLATj)ION .....a;; ,\ ,O;J, ~~... , - ?' ' 2X10~ \24"0IC ,~I 0 II '111"4X8D.F~~*- r::' \0) II NO.1 ~ ;/ \'0 )'- ' ~ 4Xl0 D.F. NO. r-/ ~ I FOI-C 2X6 D.F./HEMLOCK 18" X 2 1/2" 7 G NO.1 T&G DECKING STEEL PLATE 1,6 BEAM ' fTf~ ,~ :v1STR BDR'vi (4) 5/eJ' DIA HOLE:J FOR 1/2" DIA X 3" LAGS ,2Xf,@16"OICW/ 1/2" CDX PL YWD ~ II /3/4' PLYWD GRP 1 . ;1X10 D.F. NO.2 P.T. @ 16" OIC WI 1/2" \, DIA, AB (!!J 32" OIC #4CONT.~...::::::..J '/' "-SIMPSON #4VERT@4'OICALT~ ~...:- \,.j. ~, ':!.' ~ . . , :.4' 6 I .4" I, "i . 1 I 5.' IvUN EPOXY DEPTH '1 II' 10' M1N. ,f #4CONT.~ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'-2" 2'-9" GENERAL NOTES I. I, ~''8~ @ 6" OIC """ ~o" r2X10 D.F. NO.2 o 0 ~1 o ~ 2X BLOCKING --,-- (]) c.,-<j / 'v\u "\ 1. All construction shall comply with all applicable State of Oregon 1998 Edition of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code and local jurisdictional codes. 2. The contractor, and his subcontr"ctors, shall secure all building permits, certificates of inspectionl and occupancy permits that may be required by authorities with jurisdiction over the project. 3. The contractor will keep the approved building department set of drawings, addenda, change orders and modifications at the building site at all times for examination. 4. The contractor will notify the architect of any dimensional, or structural systeml discrepancies including modifications (i.e. footing/foundation systeml structural systeml drainage systeml electrical systeml etc.) before proceeding with the work. The contractor is to verify all existing dimensions and roof slopes at the building site and report plan discrepancies prior to the initiation of any work. 5. All roof downspouts shall be connected to underground, 4 inch PVC storm lines leading to permit agency approved storm sewer system. 6. The general contractor and subcontractors shall familiarize themselves with the building site and related lsubmitting bids.litions prior to submitting bids. 7. The contractor and subcontractors are responsible for parking of vehicles on the site in a manner not disturbing the normal use of adjacent streets or properties. Subcontractors are to provide safety personnel and monitoring of the rights pf way (streets, paths, trailsl etc.) for safe use by automobiles and pedestrians, whe.never necessary, while performing work on the project. 8. Contractors, and/or their representatives, are fully responsible for any personal or property damages at the construction site or to adjacent property(ies) caused by their work on this project. 9. See structural details and specifications as perl Consulting Engineer(s) where referenced on drawings. 10. All construction systems and appliances to be warranteed free of defective materials and workmanship for one year after occupancy permit granted for the building. 11. Contractors to do a utility locate on all utility services to the site that could affect the work. Contractor to responsible for locating existing utilities and for notification to local represenations for scheduling work and required safety issue compliance. # 4 REBAR 26 GA. GALVl ' GUTTER \ \ ~/ 2X6 HEMIFI NO.2 FASCIN BARGE BOARD , ' (2) #4CONT'T - ~5t.: _-_ -_ -_ . (2) # 4 EPOXY INTO~ 16' Iv1IN EXISTING FOOTING (2) # 4 CONT. 4" DRAIN LIN ,2) A35 SIMPSON @ EA. 2X BLOCKING :~,I ;,.' \:..3 CL ~- f 6" 1v111~ EPOXY DEPTH -I. SIMP HZ----- @EA 2X10 END 4" COMP ACTE QUARRY ROCK ; ",2X8 D.F. NO.1 FOHC J. , CD ~~ING CONNEC110N 1-4" G)~:~M/WALL DETAIL CD :l~~E Q ~~~NG CONNEC110N TAliU: 23t-Q.-NAlUlIG SCHEDtll.E-lConllnuedl TABU: 23-1-I'-AU-OWA8LE S~ fOIl WINl) OR setSM!C I.OADlNG ON VEImCAL D]AI'HIlAG.MS OF FmERll ARO SHEATKIIlG IlOARD COIlSTRUCllON 'FOR TYPE V c: NSm\fCTIOH ONLY' ~Mj'l ~'UI:di ii. WOOdJOUt.lttml~an'dpo.u1icleboMd:l Sub'1ltxlr.roo! aDd wall ~lleillhing {to ~). 0 meb = 25.4 rum) lJ-m!lm 1~J2"'.)t"''' 7""--1. 11""_11(,( Combinatioo wbfi()(Jof'-urdul"ymenl (to 11'a.-Wav (I mcb ;; 25A ntll1) 3/4" mdbJ '"". .f,,;_II/.. ~ I :27_ Panel $id.hI& Qo frnmm,>: Ik~ (13 mm).or lw 5f.*(l6mmJ 21 fibcrlMud ~tIClIthin&"l 'h"'(I:Jmm) 6,0' . , '! ,. 'I SliEAJi 'lAUE" flOtM)$ J>S\I'OQJ ",>om, "'...."""""......._ MOUND PEFiilU'tEnAJm$-lIDfUS2 ~ ATM~n;.'POfifC 'IfU'fIlr~ 6<1' 8<J4.or6l:P 8d' IOd'","", 12 i4 12 :-14 ,~ 12 41: ~ ------- V-- PROJECT: SUE AHJ) APP\JCI.Tl'* ~LSG:!. I II t 1h.~X"')(" NO,ltp~plv.anW:<lroefi:!'iI" (13x 1119);24j~fMl,} 11120!{38 II1ml Jont,ll1rt UI mm.)betd 12. """x"x" NO,llA""plv..;tod"""'''looil (.wx-fi~9x243&rnm) ')/4~("mm)kq.lh~(Jl rnm}be1Id 1~1bcathinI di~..sb:ill noIbe l.l$td IOblaeeconmtC orm~ walk. 'Thc""",_...,..llStm1/)(", 'I1,ind!x4-f....I-fOOI(lS.,219.24311....)6_sI><>Oh- ... DATE: 10/8103 115' 6d' 6d' 10000or&P --- I~ I I i 2'-{)" i I, I, ii WI --- m ~ DRAWN BY: JR/CJ ~I 1.1',6" i. . 1 10"0''' 12,0' 1"2" .--------.------ -- No. II pI' 6d' No.lbp.f I B/nMaOfflfTl; No U,Il;L' , 6d' l~ ~__ _""___ _ ~ No 16p.' ,'9r...u;."._,inj, I I ~~~ ~m }/," (9.5mm) 6d,11 ICoromoo or txJ.-. nAils m<I)' be ~":-llcept wne~ oCh;rw\Je ~ 2Klllb~" 61ncbe:l(l52 mm} on cenler at edlCS. 12 Inches fIDS mm).1 inlmn~1lUr"$l.lpptXticxccpt(i iDct.es (152rnm) III aU, 5~ ~spam ~ 4,flmcl1cs n~~9mm}or mwt ~rnliIiClt of wOOd suuetmt pane).and P(!;mc~"t! di~s and ~ walts.. refer 10 Secuoo2Jl~ 3 N~ fOt wall shca!.hit'iJj nta)' Ix: camIftOO., be>>. ~wil1l- lcammon or dcfonnm shml. 'Common. .:5Ddwmc:d wllk. 6Corr(lMOf}-rt$i~tam $sd'loI. or C:Mint Mils COrlfC1l"Mir'l$ 10 llle rt:{jl.lltt:m~a:. (1[Scction 2325.1. 'F~w:" spaced] inGbes C76 U1rE1) 00 I,.~mcr Al tUettOI' tdte~ ould 6 W.hcli {(52 mm) on ornlCI at intl:mtcdi& wp- pons. lCurrosioo-rcri!itallt JoofmJJUlJ1swith 1Iurinch-diamacr(H mm)Ir:M.l.n<l}I{z-inch (3! Inm) leniJh for Ih.inc:t! . n3lIl-"!}*-thi~and_ _.1, ,14-in::h. ,t..., mrn J lcfl.i1h ror25/~-indl (W nun) she.llhmgeonfoolli~ lo(hc tequimnt.bU; of-SectiCI:I~~ .- --~.._- - !la:.nO&l~rtW!intl~! IIIItbJi~1"1i::!DCh(l1 mm)crownanclI14-locb{2Stnvn)fenK,ihl'or Ih;inctl(l3mm) ~~m:Jd l1h-iooh(38mm}fen~fPfZ:;JJ.1"~OOmmlme3ttlllll......."''''''~_ C\)lhereq~mtnuorSecliOl'\ 232:S.J. I 10f'a0e1~,," 16 incIteS {406 mm) {20incbes (50& ram} if'un:ngtba>:.ism(bl: 1001 d1rectiOD (If the pI1U!;l. unlw othav..;;: m.mtod] Cni"l(!: Of frqUh nml$ -ipwcd6 ~$flSZ mm)oo ~ ~ 12lJltbesQOS nun) I.l. in!tt~ mcdialeS\fAJOfU. . IIPfalels~.1A ~(610mm). Casilllarfmish nails qwced6 inchc;; (152 mm}oopanc.lcditl, 12~ (30Snurt.}lliatc:rt:no:!:~SUPJlCiik DESIGNED BY:AP TABlE 23-/.G-WULiNG SCHEDULE NOTE; CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ROOF PITCH BEFORE ORDERiNG NEW TR.USSES TO MATCH ROOF SLOPES WIl11 NEW TRUSSES TRUSS B NAlLlNOl I 3.ad I 2.&' I Nld I 3.,. I 2,'6<1 I 16d..16.(406llml)....1 1-16dp:i 16" (400rmu) 2.16<1 I ....,_"'2.I6<l.md_1 16d1l24'" (6fOm.M)~ J6d_l6"'{iW6mm}QL "'601 3-1<1 &d<ll6.(lSZ-.rnm).~ 2-16<1 16d lK 16" {405mm.} ~e.a1on&: eached:e 3~1kt TRUSS A ]0""""""",, L Joist lOmlOfclntdr,tocf\All 1. fuld&int fOJO.!St. toeoail wi tlid 3_ 1"~Ii"(2.Smmxl'2'~i'~;';nQo;:rorl~to~j;sl~~nlil .4. W'~~ t*X6-asmm..152mm)subfioarloechjMl.raa:nlUl 5. 'l!' Cil nun) 5ubl1oor ~ put or tlroe.:. blind and We ftail 6. Sole pIaIc w joi.u or Ndi"", lyple&I raa: IW1 Sole plate K!. joiSt or bklddna.- ~ tncecJ ~ p;1;ndJ I 7. T'4'pl>J<10 ,"".md"'" I .. Stud...... pbl< I 9. Dool>Io......r..:.fIIll I 1(1. Doubled top p1mcs.lypat faa: rw1 Dool>Io lop """', toptplko t tL B~bd"''CCn.io=arrti!k:rs'k:ltap-pT.uc..{QCn&il 1'...-:I<>io<......p1....~ - 113. T'4'pJOl..,~ODd illI"",*"", r.,.1IIlil I t4. Comitluous header. t';\.'{)- pi~ I IS. CclliiC,jCliJ;U10 p..tOCtllii 16. Cofttinuou$~k)md.tO:nail In. CcifmsjWtr..l.(i\'Mpt;nitioo$.UQ:!~1 III. c.lliIlit]o>mlOl'O/1IlItInlItn.r"""", 19. ~lDp_u.ead 26-. ,,, (2S mm) kItX to QJCb utd tlDd pl._ rKt: nail 1!. r"J;'''(2:SN''t:l!2OJlm'!}sbta.1hi''l(J(kss.1Ocach~rl<<:oW 22. W""lNol.X...(1I_x2ll3....)~"',..;h_ns.(""'..n "i3.. BtIi11~1JC) oxner Itl.d 2-4.-Built-~pdct.-'ldbeat;u REVISION: 3/16/04 114="1,0 1/4'=1',0' ..,. " " N Z o () ~ o i () ~ "" '" '" tJ ~ NOTES 9 FOUNDATION PLAN ;;: FOOTING DETAILS N TRUSS PROFILE pS INT. ELEVATIONS <C !t ~ 6: 8 IQl ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE CONT. DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE I SIZE 2' S" .1' I[ 5-C' f [[ .1' I * , , I I SIZE I MA TL I NOTES 13'-0" X 6',8,,1 SOLID D.F PAINT ODE TRANSOM ABOVE DOOR 12'-4" X 6'-8" Ip AINT GRADE WOOD LOUVERS FULL HEIGHT b-6" X 6'-8" I SOUD CORE PAINT GRADE :2',6" X 6'-8"16" WOOD STYLE & RAIL: PAINT GRADE, TEMPERED GLASS CENTER I I IOPRTN*1 NOTES 1_. 1i"'EiViPt:f'.I\LL UI'lJI :J"ILlJf'\vt:I\j1 ITO DOOR '5'-0"X4'-O" EGRESS i ! 5'-0"X2'-0"; PICTURE ~ ! I I i I I I .1' AI NT SYSTEM: PS1 LATEX (2) COATS. (1) PRIMER. LOW VOC I' AlNT/PRIMER PS 2 ENAMEL (@ BAll-1 & KrTCHEN REPAIR) (2) COATS. SEMI-GLOSS PS 3 EXTERIOR SATIN FINISH ENAMEL. (2) COATS PS 4 CLEAR WATER BASE FINISH. (2) COATS. LOW VOC TYPE NO. NO. TYPE A & &., 012 . ------ & 1 2 3 4 , 2.,6" I -I' -r ~.DI~~ I II ~I~-J ~ 91 I r II I "'1]1 II i -+- ' ---J.- ffi I /3:-.0 0 'I' V,\ FOR EGRESS t '-Ill! 3.1611 3.1601 3-U 2-&1 j 2,'" I H<l1 i6d..2o('" {6JO rfUII,) (l-..(.. I 2tJd It 32" (113 mm) &.L. at tap and I botf.ilRI.!Dd~2.204 ti mk m:i ;i.! eu:h spUce . 1"6<1" _ bwl>l& I ,~- mil II" __ 'J I' I 9, ; I: II II 1 i ;,. i ii II :1 ii i I~---- ' ~ i :TRIM i HEIGHT! MTLI FIN NOTES ! ICONCRETE SHEATHiNG UNDER TILE WITH FLAT HEAD S~'REWED 8'-2" I~~~WD PS2 i FASTENERS @ 4" OIC @ EDGES & 6" OIC IN FIELD -TYPICAL. I j, - I REMOVE SIDING @KITCHEN&GARAGE WALLS VARIES JPAINT 'PS2 VFY CEILING FINISH (PS4 OR PS1) IGDE WD i NORTH, i : 'MTLI FIN , , I , CEILING TABLE 23+ll-1-ALl.OWABLE SPANS FOfII.U_ FLOOR AND ROOF SHEATHlNG'.' I 1&INlK"~ HEf ntlrCXHESl! 1Iru:JtN) OP WfDS\Pl.A.Cai -.-~l $PAIl I Arr~b:~ 1 ~~..5upportI j _ I 1 1'2S.U__ ~Jlrma SW'f-=1Drr- t ~um.CI:lKil'tllll ~DJy' 1 ~Ur~ t . I'IcNn tL 24 I ~/~ n/u j2 1-6 :'/~ llh.. I Po.- 13.. 24 l ~ l "'1' t JI( I n~ tln.uWiun dclaJ1j, shall 0Jnf0J'm tq s.:.ctions z..~9 I .m 2J26_Iz'i to; flooc and roof s..T.ad:in&. re~Jn.1)'. ;!f'I-oof or roQf ~lni coofomn. ",Jth t.bh table shldl be deemed to mecI the d:si.;Jl 0"lJCnJ. of~ 2321 JMnimum 19 pe..:c:trtfi1OW~~. EAST SOUTH \-vEST , MTL! FIN I MTL! FIN i MTL i FIN I I I I I 1/2" GWB 11/2" GWB OVER! 1/2" GWB 12" X FURRING 1 .BASE FLOOR fA ROOM NO. 1 MTL i FIN , , , InEON1/2" I cor.c BD I MTL i FIN PAINT GDE WD FIN MTL .... :J'/n 1I1J.. 'I, 'it PS2 15/8" GWB I I ! I 15/8" GWBI ENTRY/BREAKFAST 1/2"GWB 1 , PAINT GDE WD I I , I I CARPET ' PAINT GDE WD I I TILE ON 1/2" CONC BDI l11lE ON 1/2" I PAINT GDE WD COr.C BD , , 1/2" GWB I 1/2" GWB 1/2" GWBI1/2" GWB I 5/8" GWB 1/2" GWB; 1/2" GWB 25,2'tllmon,pUoO> I 2 I 3 / /4 CARPET PS4 MASTER BEDROOM 1/2" GWB 1/2"GWB SHEET 1 OF 2 1/2" GWB 1/2" GWB 1/2" GWB 1/2" GWB I 1/2"GWB i I , PAINT GDE WD pS2 A~~ PS1 7'-11" CLOSET SHEAR DIAPHRAGM AND NAILING SCHEDULE WINDOW TYPES BID: WOOD WIMDOW FRAMES WI EXTERIOR METAL CLAD, LOW Eo ARGON GAS PAINT I GDE WD PS2 5/8" GWB PS2 7',11" 1/2" GWB 1/2" GWB BATH 1/2" GWB 5 1/4'=1',0" - - I .'~ -. ... Q ~ I,e '" "- [5 'e H '" 'c Ie ~ .... l\l '. ro m .. '. C~ '" .._~ ,. ,. c;> .'> s: .,. "."- rl .. .... '" rl : 'f - / Wx L I'L: 4.BI2DF ',p, '. ". . ,~r~)2Xl0~.2..?F \AJ.. f-~-~-=JF-' ,p - ' ",,;..._CJ:_;...__,_ 'Y/\ . - 4'~10#2 Dfl - ,'/ ' ,~ ,'11,/ :i 'IIJS " l'lli /110 II";; 1I"t II II II". Wx r R/W Wx i '/'~~r ~ ~~ ~. 5'55 pJW I 21 + I .."-~ II .' -...... ',' I VVx ~ '5 5!l , 21 centlr!uou<l rlm-jolil1; l' I c:: , " proj. #2784 / MEDFORD ADDITION ~ 21: 1/2' CDX or 7/16 0513" BdCll6" edge5 I 12" InUrior5 nailing, I3lol'kihg 15 required, Nailing In;;p~on 15 req~lred, fS22or5T22 6trap trOIT, ..htar \Vall to rlm-Jol,t below. 1/2''><10" ,.,ei~()Zolc.. Wx: GENERIC SHEAR W6l.L (empirical de9fj!n) 1/2" CDX or 7/16 0513, BdC/ll5" e4ge" 112" lm:ufol'5 nailln~ Blocking NOT o'equlred. Naillna In5pect1on Not r~ulr'iod. 1I2"x10" ^B',;4M' ole,. S = fS220r5,T22 I>t;raf' ft'Om 6h....r willi to rim-JOl6t below. NOTE: 'pile" all d'lUblr. t.op plate" a minImum 6',0" w/l0d ~ 3'0 ole ot.aeeerea for 3' ea. "ide of "". joint SHEARWALLS ....iO:V/l..T-D".pP"*- .....; "'~Df'ORD APPmON pro......- , I=ti... 5I'RiNGIElP. oR d.oU: M31D4 fret '27&4 HAL PFEIFER PE:, P.C, c.......th!~ ~UILDING DEf3IGN I'Il,ln<< ($41) ~257 4OW.l7lh. eue-.OR 97401 ......".-'..r ,.2' R/W '" REINFORCi::D WINDON (In..I"'e or ou~lde) 1',"'''--''''! .....::- u'" CS20, wap () 5111 and h"".2er (2 per \lindow) i ~ / Center CS,~O On Mna(lW , . : !.....~ Y1€i' Black behind C$ZO wI ~ flse ae r~o",. , n I' ii Fa"'""" 6t(apwl/\J1I nailing O.",oi/ 24" &~"4 Cll mladle. .:....::.....L...ii.....-- Teco !'uInaer "anll maybe UllC<lln lieu ofciltsloa nan5. RECOMMENDED FOUNDATION "Dowel to exlllt. futlna. vii #5 bsre X 18" IS, t/i 9" ole OriU 3/4 dla. holjl4" d~p ~ r.pll~, (No 5f'<'Clld In;;p.) "or DOWlSl to exl5t, found. wI 6/8" ala. x 4" "",beoliT1~ Weds" Anchors (1J 9" 010 \V! lB" long Illl~thnllld. (No epeclalln5p,) COl(QI05& &~ 1I2xIO~'edPJ2' Z1 9.00 6.00 1.5q 2,443.96 611.52 El7l.!'i2 1,772M T822 , af o/1I1M1 nc>UI N-l1(1ega.) ",.;,.,:.,. -:( h UlI~ '" IJdu ",ad ""d. Ii 15't. qf req'd. epKlns 6HEA'MNG: iJ2"cOic tir ...u.I1tle OS~ ~ or 1/2" 08~ lIlc/lne wI 16" tJlr; etlMl. nc>UI rec<>mm~ mlnlml"" 4' <JIG anoh(Jr bof~ 'f'8G~ . ANqiOR 801. T ~ 1J2" lC 10' Aa, '6 I SIL.... 2x6!'.t. 118"""'" I P x L~ a 7'31#/IIoItIelll ptat.l I .........." 91 HDS W.O, #2764 I MEDFOR[? A~PlTlON N EUGENE. OR Q HAlI'FEfFER PE. !'.c. 4d W. 11th (1541) 6&3-42157 !~ <I <l- Ca= 0.36 (iOtto <I) ~El5MIC DE91GN 1=, 1,00 R= 5.50 (~wall.) V" (~.oCa I R)W 3.Oc./R= 0;196 ~"'Ilu..."", 1.00 -'~II W ZI """,""-"~ l 8.00 w ~MIfthO"'~ 'Nt, 8/2.B7 .39 <l- --...... ..~ V=Wtxf 1,629.31 '" ~ ....~,.ft.coI""n v=V/L 2.03,60 .... ~ _ u.o.. ......"'......110, PLV 111.92 ..J <I +: ...,nm~(.) .... ('1 ..._r......;4(.....i . , : '. r-- ltl N ... '" CD U> .... ... ltl ._woIIhIlt~ oIt~_ ........ iod ..... ~...~ ...................... ~.i...I""'" H L' till: Mt:....~~.... R=V(H(l.) OlD PlO X 1.0 RMj; N .... .... CO ltl en en .... .... .... .... .... N .... unitwt. Br~a wt. mi5G. nlfJ nI/II 0,00 floor 8.10 nI/II 0.00 walle 6,60 2U>.76 1,509.82 1m/wall. 5.50 166.9~ 885:12 compo roof 13.13 449.54- 5,902.46 tct/JII 8.297.39 - MAR 132m tiXPlK~ 1"'31/04 Rocifae..rir 97 Unllolm BUlIdlnII Coda (97 NOS) I Ver: 8:00:5, BY.'HAl PFEIFER. 40 W: 17th, E'~eiie, 97401; 541.683.4257 on: 03'13-2004: 08:14:13 AM Ptoiect 27&4MEDF - Ulcrioft:MBRimJGCSCAM -. , SummaIy. 3,5 IN, x'9.25IN x 13.0 FT "1 . DouQIu Flr-Uuch _ Dry Use 'Seelion '...d.1"OW:By: 2.4% '..............AM 'FIIdilr.:Seclion,Mod_ ,......... DA_''-~'Q;1.4l'n: 0elIllC\ians: ' ~......", -.---.-- Dead Lo.d: . u... tllad:' TlllalLoad:, Reactions (Each End): Uv6to8lt' , Daad1.oad: ' Total Load: ~ .lllngthRaqultlld (Beam only. support capacilynolchackad):, Beam Data: Span: Maximum lA.b.aced Span: P~ch 01 RooI: Uve,Lo8d DelIoct, CrtIeria: ToIaI.1.cadOellecl.CI1teria: , Roef UladlncI: Roof Uve Load-Slcle one: RoafOeadL.clad-Sldll,One: ' 'TtibutBrvWkfth:.Sldll Ollll:' ROOf Uve Load-Slcle Two: RoafDult,t NHU>',,*Two: 'TribUWy WiclIMllde'T\vo:, Roof Oullltion FaCtor: ',Beam SelrWeiAlt SIopaIPildl Adjua1ed ~ end Loads: , Adjusted Beam Length: lleam,Unlrorm.u.e.L.oacS: Beam UnIfonil,Da8d Loacl:. To~ Unlfonn Loacl: ""..... ,... ...'.... For. ..t_f\tu..:II...~ Bending Sire..: ShtlarStress:' MocIufU$ Ol EIasticIty:. SIre>> -, ,...lalIar to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tension):, 'AdjustmenlFactors: Cclal.15 Cf-1.20, rv': Adlt,:~ ,..:-FlIc,tor"Ccf=.t.t5. 'OesignRe..; ,'"," _~. , ConJroIIinA'Moment . - :6,511 from IefI'SUllIlC1l, . Cr1lIcaI.: ,. ".', ~ by oombInlng all (lead and llw Ioacls. Conlrolllila Shear: A\lIdl.tanced tram su~tt. Critical shear 0, ,", :bycomlll.,hlg allde8d_IiYe_. CompaIIsons \I\IIIh'ReqUired SeclIons: Se<:llonModulu., (Mamant): Area (SIlear): Moment of, Inertia (Oeflec:tion): '. Ell 39Vd, 3d ~3-=I3,*, lIIH Y't>; OI.D= 0.19 IN l.U)o 0.25 IN.. tJll35 TU)= 0;43 IN'..'U35Q ,tJ..ftm= 1r15 '1:8 0l.-RxrF 750 LB Tl.Rxr\o 1725 LB "81.a 0:79, IN- L" 13.0 FT lIP, 0.0 FT RPo 4 .: 12 1:1' 240 l:J 180 ,LL1m 25.0 ' PSF ...01.1= .17,0 ,P.SF TWl= 3,0 FT LU.. 25.0 PSF 0\2B 17-;0,. 'PSF. 'lW2= 3.0 FT 'C>> ' 1:15 , asw.. 8 Plf Lad'- 13.0 FT lI4...' 150 PlF wD~ 115 PLF -wT-c ,265 PLF fils 1000 PSI F..., 95 PSI 'E= 1, ""^,,,,,,,,' PSI Fc:....Jl8IP" lI2.5 PSI' fb'" 1380 PSI Fv''' 109' PSI -uo 5608 'FT.LB V= 1553 LB' ,Sfe(p 48.75 IN3 B= 49,111 1N3 Areq=' 21,32' IN2 A= 32.38 1N2 IrlICF 115.73 1N4 1= 230.84 "IN4 lSl1>EB91l>S Zl:tll Sbbl/tl/Zl Mu1Ii'L.oadellIleamJ 97UnJfOllnlluUd1nA Code (97"NDSH VlIr.'6.DO;5 . By. ,HAL PFEIFER. 40 W. 17111, Eugene, 97401, 541.683.4257 on: 03-13-2004: 08:15:31 AM 'Pn:JiaCt: 2784MEOF..L. ,". .. ~1"MSltCElUNG'BEAAI ' 'Suml1l8Jy. , ' '3.51Nx 9.25 IN x 11,0 FT 1#2 -OouQlas Flr-La""',- Dry Use SectionAdeQualto 1ly:21.1% CantroItinOFadcr. _ MOdulus:1 CIiopIh.Requinld,B.,41,m, CenlerSpan OllIIllCIIons: ' Dead Load: ~e'" 'U...Loa<t: ,~ ToIaI Load: 11.O-Cent.er= Center Spen'LeII'Enil Reactions (Suppon A): Uvetcloct: OeIIdlDad: ' Total toed: 'lIa1inA:L1mlIIh ~ <Beam cnlr. ~apacllyilol dled<ed): Conter SpanRiQht End R_ona (suppon B): Llw Load: OltadLoad: TolBI Load:' BearingLangth Requinld (Beam only, support capacity not checKed): Beam 118ta: Centsr Span Lenalh: Cenle, Soan Unbraced Lanath- Top of Beam: CenIM Span Unbraced LerigIh-8ollom of Beam: liva'L0a4 Duration fllClQl: Uve LoadDetlecl. CrUatla: 'TotalLoad08l\llc:t. CIbtla: Cenler Span loading: Unifonn Load:' 'UI/8 Load:' Uaad Load: Beam Self Weight: TolBI Load:. POiiltlDad1' Live Load:' Oead Load; LoeaIIon {From tell encs of 1Il8i>): :f'roper\ies For: .2. Douglas Rr-Lal1:h , Bendina Stress: Shear Slress: MOdulus of Elastidly; , ~tress 'Perpenclk:u1...c. Grain: Acljusted . ," .. J ' 'Fb' (Tension): 'AdJUlIlmenl F8ItllIn; QF1; 15 Cf=1.20 Fit: Adlustmllll 'Factors:'Cd=1.15 Design,Requlrements: ControlllnoMomenl: , ' '7.92 Ft from left IUPpoft of IP8tl 2 (Cen14r Soan) . CiiIIcal ",," ..'. craaleIU.~_..~'>lII'dead loadsand,1llIIl1ollcls,cn _.....2, Conlrolllno Shear. , Va Ala dlalanca.d fmm r1ght iuppOn of,sll8ri 2 (Center Span) 'ClIUCaI shear created by combining ell daad,loacls anl(Hve'loads on span{s)2- Comparisons WlIh Requlrecl S. .;;" ','. SecIIon ModuIuo (Moment): 'LL~ 'OL-Rxn-A= TL -Rxn-,lI,= Bl..,Aa LL.Rxn-Sa Ol-Rxn-Sa Tl-lllcn-Sa Bl-Sa L2= Lu2.Topa l.u2::BoIIoma Cda U U wL.-2= WO-2= SSw., 'wT -2- PL 1-2= P01-2= ,X'.2= AI" Fv= .E= fVe<p= Fb'= ,F.... 'M= Area (Sh...,,: ,Moment:of Inllrtia (Den.oCtion): ' St'8Q" ~ Areq... A= \reQ= I- ,1>0 39\1d 3d1BJE!3d l';IH lSll>E8911>S . . 'Zt'>7 0.1' IN '0.1.2, IN=1J1129 0,22 'IN'",[J~, 4llO, ,447 9:z6 0.42 820 752 1572 0'.12 1't.0- 0.0 11.0 1.15 240 180 900 95' 18OOODO 625. 1242 .265 1497 41.21 49.91 20.56' 32.38" 70,'* 230.84 LB' LB LB IN LB LB La IN FT FT FT 50 ,PLF 40' PLf 8, PLF 98 PLF 750 ,872 8,D' LB LB FT PSI 'PS1 PSI. pSJ PSI PSI 109 FT-LB 'LB IN3 tH3 '1N2 1N2 1N4- 1N4 lFtll!i661/H/lr 'Roof 1leeniI97 UtiIfonn Bulldlng,Code (97 NOS) IVer. 6:00,5 ' By: HAl; PFEIFER, -40 W: 17th, Eugene, 970401, 541.883.4257 on: 03-13'2004 : 08:12:38 AM ProIoeI;,27&4MEDF - tocalion:'8REAl<FASr AREAHEAOER Summary: . 3.51Nx 7,251Nx6.0 FT 112. OouglssF!r.Lan:h. Dry Use , 'S$CIion~ 'By:'32;~ 'Cllntl'OllingFadcr: Seclion'Uoduluaf'0ePIt>-Required'6.3lft "Deftectlonl: Oeadload: Dll>>, LIve Load: . LLO: Total Load: TlOa Re8C110fU1 tEsdl,End): 'L/Ye Load; LL4b:n= Dead Load: DL.Rx/lD TOI8I Load: Tl-RxnD Bearing'tong1h Requlred (Beam only, supportCllp8d1r llClcheduld):, 8L.. Beam Dais: ' S~en: .MaJcirnun1t..i.... ..'......~ pnch Of Roof: ' Uve.Loed Deftect. Cltterl8: Total LoadDenect.CI1Ierls: Roof.LoadinQ: Raol,Uve'load-SIde,One: Roil1 0lI8d~0mI: TtibUl8lV WIcIIMllde One: Roof Uve load-SIde Two: RoolDssd Load-Sicle- Two: TtibuIluy WJdtl>.Sila T'Ma: Roor Duration Fsctor. ,,'BumSGlfWeigbt SIope/P'lIch Adiustell'LenliUIs W Loads: Adjusted 'Ileam l8tllllh: BeamlJrillomtUve'Load: ' Beam lJnilomI Dead,Load; Tol8I Unlfonn Load: P. . " ;: ,... For: 112- ""''lI'- FtM.an::h . BendinA at..." She., Stre..: Modul~ Of EIaaliCitv:' : SlteuP",., .:.JlartoGnlin: 'Adj~l8d Propertles fb'(Ttnslon}: , Adjullment Fec\Ots: Cd=1.15 CP1:30' fv: AdluatmentFactonl:Cd=I,15 Design Requirementa: CoIl1l'OlJ~ Moment: "3.0111.om 1ell'l1JI)pat , "CrilIcat '..' cn8led by combining all dead and 1lYe108ds. ,controIJlnQ Shear: AI,s dlstanc8'CtfRlm SI/PPOIt, CI1IIcsl sheM crested by comblnIng aD dead and 11\'& loads, ComperllOfUl WIlh Required SecIIons: ,Section,MacNtua- (Moman!). '" ,4= Lu:o RPa U U LLl" .Dl.l" '!WI" 'U2" Dl2= TW2= Cd" BSW=, l.8dja.. ,wt;>. wO 'Q,ji= -,.,... Fb=' Fva E= Fc~ Fb"= Fva Moo V= ,Ares (Shearj: Moment,oI,lll8dis (OefIection): ,~ S= AnIQ=' , A", Irecp ... 'Sll 39\IC 3d ~3dn3d lIl'H LSl~89t\iS ,l.y::t9. S6&IIHllt 0,004, O;CJ6, 0.09 U)5O, '683 1733 ',0.:7.9 ,B.O 0.0 -4 2040 180 ,25.0 '15,0, -4:0 25.0 15.0. 10;0 ,1.15 ,6 6,0 350, 228 518 900 95 1800000 '625' 1346 2599 1386. LB ,23.18 3O.ll6 , 19.03' 25:3lt 26,31 "1;15 , . ~/O; IN, IN =LlI255 IN a lJ180 1.8, LB LB ,IN:, FT 'f'T : 12 , PSI' .PSF FT PSI' PSF" FT PLF FT :PLF PLF ,PLF 109, PSI ' PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI' FT.LB lH3 lN3 1N2 lN2 " 1N4 lN4 , . e Legal description for Tax Lot 17-03-23-44 #122 Beginning at the Southerly most comer of Lot 11, Block 4, TI-IIRD ADDmON TO NOR1HWOOD ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 52, Page 11, Lane COWlty Oregon Plat Records; thence along the existing boundary lines of said Lot 11 the following courses and distances: North 360 58"00"" West 95.00 fect; North 340 55" 15" East 57,59 feet; along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius curve to the left the chord of which bears North 870 26' OS" East 60.86 feet, a distance of 65.43 feet; thence leavi.'1g the Northerly boundary of said Lot 11, South 300 01' 07" East 39,26 feet: thence South 00 05' 00" West 52.81 feet to the Southerly boundary of Lot 12, Block 4 of said TI-IIRD ADDmON TO NORTHWOOD ESTATES; thence along said Southerly boundary North 89" 07' 00" West 2,26 feet to the Southeast comer of said Lot 11; thence along the Southeasterly bOWldary of said Lot 11. South 540 04' 35" West 66.61 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. . . 0... ,. 1 I Legal description for Tax Lot 17-03-23-44 #121 Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 12, Block 4, THIRD ADDmON TO NORTIIWOOD ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 52, Page 11, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the boundary lines of said Lot 12 the following courses and distances: South 0053' 00" West 145.00 feet; North 890 07' 00" West 77.74 feet; thence leaving the Southerly boundary of said Lot 12, North 00 05' 00" East 52.81 feet; thence North 300 01' 07" West 39.26 feet to the aforementioned boundary of Lot 12; thence along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 200 55' 55" East 48.51 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot 12; thence along the Northerly boundary of said Lot 12, North 810 54' 55" East 83.03 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. " , . ' , '~:~~Aj~ proj. i!~.184 I :ty150rORD AODltjoN . -.; . " ~ , . _.';";"'~.;';:":. . "j"~"';~"___=-i-&~...,;,":,,,_.~,J.~_.._,":-._"jo~':':",' .' . . .' .' . "." . '-. . : -."... "." ," .: '. ','. . "U,/v " ", ' ; .~, '.. . ,~~':'" ,.,. ~~t1S r9aftfu~i!~~ Ihll~ 4/~J~: '. JVI; .,:}i",' :',: ',: " ','.'; . '~,~~/Q~"Il~Il6~~~'FciQ~ d": ~ '/\1" , . :":,.. ,:.: ;;-::""~I ", :fd~nne'\'IlIIII>tI~"" "." <'." .' ~:, . ':f: .",,' .~~ . r;;*;-';;; . -:..,' ~,.~~,',' ~ ,%<'J . "~~/J,.. '0,;12 ~4F. ~'H'jLe . ;,' '~1 ,:',~ ~ ~ ~ ("jll~ Q 0 1Ii;'.. > ~ ~:.~: t ID ,.~J:.-t~".' "lwl . ' 'J. -. . _ ~ fE. T' II - Mil ~ i.U ~. . - . ~."t. . . ~ uL', ". ~.....~~...-"",....-"- ....: -"-lb:....'-'--....-....' . 1/ ,.. ' .' 'f' 'Ci' 8t 'VI'<' ,,,;'r-'''''-''''-'',;,,t''~' ',,, ~'l'............._-..~::r, '1 ~, ,,~i~ lZlj , ~ :',. \R' "', >' . II ,'," A"," "'" ,I, /1 '" '.... " . 1'1_1 ,~ "',' ..'. ,......-li: ",' /0 "',r ' ;{ , , J. ~ .., ~I! U~ ~;~ ;5,9f(~)2x;()I2P~J" '. '.',,'.'" ,', <.' "C'flm\t*" ~,.,,' ;,"j 'II~' '.. ~~ V":;" Z1i '}?':aa~or1J1t1QsB;a.lCll~"~ae,;f,i,i'!t~rlOtti~~liJne.:" ~L ,r~, .:; ~ L,' 'J ',' 'U~l;Iililis ~utr~,Uia~ll'f 1i1;;~~:i~rpqillretli.'> , ," ':)H'; I r: ,;: ~ H~, . _:~ '1 .. 'I?\dCtM'I!02' !,Ie. Hr1'14?w/~~rej~#.ii. dri#. ~~~~ t;ti~ . !n!'::.l,~,~,!,--~,7"~~,J~~ .", /j '~,ef::of1}~;~J~#:~~1~~~~~~~Qi"ai .....1 ,'~i:ckJilil NQT ~.;dr~. ~.li!haI~Qn Not ;~al!,~; , .., ..' :'~,~~'Pie.";,,, ,,' ' . . ' :1::1, ~ Hti'lfl a"c~f.l? 4Xqr~al ~~~l'rf1~$re'~ ',' .." . . .. '.. . .".. I N~ ~p'I~ ,if doubl~ 1:oi?P~ fI!,l11lnrtriliri;$L9";', wi 10.1 ~JS' Q/~ 9tiiie~r'" fQrl$'~; 1l!Mi?f~, J!:il"t '. .. : - ,.\.. .1..: e!' ~:~ ~" .;;:.. U> If.:' ;ruw ~, I ~'" ~ ,'. .n', .~ -. '~ ' '~," ;tj. .... . .... "- '(~~~~;~.~"1.~ (3'~~'" ~ac.QMME:Np,EP;rpUND^ T10N :~}4- tlil;iu~ hil""domPl!~ f'1J~' ' 1;ntI~P<!f'l~: ,'.. '"., " '.~i:~1 il1l\~cIlNDr,~urM. ' '&~rt.? ~f. fc~~; w{~ ~i-i; XI~1 la..~ r;it; , :l;rnr3/44ifl.Ii9"'''.~&~/><l\CY; ': .. ,:,. ' (Nllli?~:~l "i~?) "',,.., ' , , . !:~r D.;...~I ..,' eXJ~t. fou~d. Wi '!!if8,~ c!1~: ;( ..:, e!rib~Jlieiri>, , \',I~e"i~~d> e- ole;;"i 18" Idn6A/l4/1f~aJ.' . (No'~~[~l!~5P')' .', , .'. , :-'" " '. . aril;ARW.AM1L ">.;;~ "~,' ,',' '~iI&:~r1~ ,",' ~~~~J~.fl;.~.~. ~, t,I~ f;OIll11IH-~UI~DtIilGQi:fiIGt>l .' ~~.0It~~1)~ 9?~ " ~,3113/04 ,r-DJ.w!U : ,"j'~;~I!iit~OI\ ,', .' . . '. ," ',,'.;>;.....lll.f~'" ~ ..IUiINFO~Ct;D \'y'HPOW (irl~i4~ pr ~~Ciltl~) .,'.....~' "' . '. . .. .' ~ . "r ':":>: :-- u~ C520 I!t<'!lP}~ ~1II_njl ~~~r(2p,p'r \.l....pW) ,',; , 'It'; ~terG&20C!'l.'1lflil9W ',' '." ,'.',' . ,..." ",:-,; 16. 61qck b~;n41 C;9~ "'}~ fl.H~ r~'.l. , ,'" 'i' F~p~"t.~p.y/f\iiii1;ii:'t1~~"iizl~4.11t~7.t!nilMIe, ,.. ..".,.... , <, "T,*, "_nil'" "iii!!' in~ ::I~!J#i04ln,i,J~~ Qf C:"t41loe rili~l!, m ~. 01/25/1996 19: 24 ,5416834257' HAL PFEIFER PE :W~Od:Zl84. fMED:FORDREMOfJEt PAGE 113 , ,H_~;r,r.E1!'ER;;:I!,E;;40,W.:l%ll :Et!GBIE::OR' f.M1}ElS3<-42!!7 1 5NDW~;Dl$lGN :f AP'I'ElII>ll.-aCCllDt<_ , '8'1 uec Jtallt.,~I0'9l ~~,"'-' ~~N4'~ .nntr.Mdth. smlD6<<.ot. _...~'""oM. """'<. """".lqft> 'I'f,""e'l drift mad m:ed' tre con6td4ted'wNIn.: m.aIC,.lfttol'\Ott;.y .now loAd,.:~h;p''''PIt~. IMJ<. ~:llllbt.:o;hane<< 'Wl>=:f<l:5I)' . ft r;-~_l') ',~fl-~Ptr. <1=55pcf' ,pc! , Iid;= ;2.40 ,I): ,,o.lZ>Pil..14E 0= t7.Z6 'f'g=' 23;00 Wa,-""~.r .~ft , Wd='4{hr-hb} iYII= .16:00 ft 'hr= 4.00 ft hlo=.-l'fJ'P 'It ,h\>= ,:0.90' 'Pf=, CeTPgl"'f 'Ce=O;62 Pf= 15.50 <:. 'Z q ft .<1= D(hr) ll"'f (hr-hb)/hb>2. (h....hb)Ih"" ~.45. 'P~=", .Dihd"'~ .....166.90'" ) , ,--- -..,'.--' D(hr.):~'69.00' ..I. 1.4h.h:I='hr-hb' +~. _'O.?_.,.. +-._ t '- I , ,r~'~7 t2.~"'- '~,;;f - '-- -...,.---- 'U~R ," -r 2M! .W :,~,v; l,j\l~' 'Ul"1K::.'1"-1:.11"O'4 r ..a.r ' ]',\ I, I ',",- i ........;;..:..-.:..':"-::~-:;~- ,~ ,- /" .' -t-.. _. I '-,-,_ ?"7.1'. r f"Sr- --'-..'-i-, .L..- f'2l? '..' '1-- MullI'loaileirEleGllil;97'UiVIctm'!lUlIdi~ COcle'(9TNOSll Ver: 6.00:5 ,"By;,HAL'PFElrER; ~W: 1'l'ltr, ~; lINOl, 'S41:m:4~7\ln,.'OII-3lK."004- :Oa:41:32:M!, PmiB<t:1.7!l4ME.l:lF "l:ocatlon: MBR'AAFTERWI DRIFT 'P '<)/1 <<;Vh Sum~. . ' ~ . ~,l.5'IN x 9'.25 '!Nx 6.'O'F:r'J'f2'-'CQUlllle 'Fh"1aI"Ch'-"OI'I'tlH ,~. SadioltJ.A~...", By.H9:4'llo CotiIlOllIng.FadOr.'SedlonModulu$/ Qepth ,Required 6.24, In .c~Span!l6fta~i""'...:. .- Oilacn:oacf. '~ .I.i\le:~: :Ll~ T.OI8lt:oad:. TLD'Cen\eJ: Cenler.S:"m' ,LtiftEn<r:ReactJon, (Suppm'I....):, :~'lDad: ' , lJ8arl:Laal1': l'<l!iIi'UlIIO: ' ,!3earis:lII,1Dng\t\:~lBIlam:O!It:t'rropport:..~ ...i",nol,,';' '. .;..~".;: :CenleiSpan:RiQhI'End 'R..~ .:.:..~_ '(Sl.I/lPOt1:B): 'I:i\I&'Loacl: 0eelI Load: T_',toa<I:' ,Belll\n;LengIMlequ!iell(8eem oo!I'.OlJIlPO!tJ;apacily not cflectedt.. .'Seam, 0lIIa: "Center SI'M,lIln;:t:l: .Cen1et.~ u.-.;......._...! t.e.~T-oo-of:ae.em: Cenlet' Sl>aft.Unbnlcad Longlh-8oltom.otBeam:, .ljo....,t......t.t:)ulUlkm,F_,, , u.e l*,DeIlea; O!laie: ...___- -"'-_ TOlaltelldOellil<'l. cm..sa: .r-<'IJJ':~ 'c....ter~.LO_".' "'I/', ~/ V-::. Unilcmlloe<!: ' '<,,""'INE"~' Uw.LOlI<1: IlC 'if' ,o-tl:t;oK:' ~. Bellm Selfwe;glll: \" ,_Load: 'Trqp~~:l,,,scn. ~ N .. , left U",,'lOlllt. "', ~ .", ,leIt~l:.o8d: -y. : Ie.' ~, RlaIIt,LMI-lDad:, '~~-;&' , . RiQhtOe&t'Laad:,: ' 'r~\T"-:; , 'U>adS"..alt: ..!Ift' '3'0 """,'" ,t08d:Eod: 1\1':1\ '" """,,, Load lenath: PropertiesF=_DouQIa.F~ Exl'lJU:lS,'14'~1r04 e....A..,SIMss:, ' SMar Sl7ess:, 'Modlllus,'of-Elasll:litv: 'S_'P~,~~_....JIar,toGrain: :AdjustedPropertjes , Fb" (l'ensloftl: ~... ""....f __...::Cd:,,'S c;t.rl:.l0' 'Adlus/nlent'l'octors: Od~1:15 'Deslgn:,~Inon;"'I!l.: 'CtlI1lrOlllnQ MtJment ,4,111'Ftlnlm 1e1t8\lPll<lrtof'span2/CenlerSpan)' CrititaI,tllQIl'Wlt craa1ad .... ._,~';",'aJl,d8ad,IOads""d-l"",'~on --'s) 2. ConIrolllng8h8ar.' ,y,... ..,.,..., " ,A!Q distsnoe'd,rrom'rlQhl'.S<lp~'f1f.span'2 '/CentarSpanI,. ,CfUl>:iil~~-t.)>,<:o:l<('~iilI<lead'_...-.dM,~on~S}2 'ComparisoMWilh,RelIulfed Seclions: ., ' Seclioft-Modulu8{MomIlt\l): Area ($hear): !l1/25/'1996' 19: 24 ,541 ti834257' HAL PFEIFER PE Fv: 'r,':~ '.' ".~~'" :f1L....."~ ;\~~~':., -',.rm'f;' "LL~Rxn-A. OL"Rxn'~ 11..- BL-Ac 1.l.Rxn-B= Ol.-Rxn-B= Tl-Rm-B= Bt-B= l.2= Lu2- Too= Lu2,s0ll0lil= ~ u u wl-.... \Il1O-2=. BSw- wT~ TRL'left-1-2. TRl>\;eft-l~2,= TRL'-l'lighl-1.,2a. TRD-Righl-1-2- ,1,,1"2= &-1'2.= ,C-1-2= Fb= Fy: .'E;z Fc~ 'Fb': s_ S= An1tr- '-=, I~, 1= ,PA6E04 t /"t It\lZ' ~r 0,05 IN" 11201.1 "ltOT 'IN': \J1<l:!9, .-,.285 LB143P\.f ~ ~~, t~ {,1 0,",5' IN' ~T"'l v (It!: ,~ 371' L'8' 133 LB 504 LB 0.54 IN Fv'= M= v= . 000 95 1eoollOO 625 1139 2.~,:,3S 5..49 13.86 1'2.-4& ia.93 a,o 0,0 8:0 1.15, 2.40 ,eo FT FT FT o o '3 '3 PLF ,PLF PLF '~' PLF 'PLF Pl.F PLF FT ,FT' ,FT PSI PSI ,PSI PSI 50 30 t14 3IJ lUl ,8.0 6.0 PSI: 109 PSI 925 FT-LB 400 LB 9.75 IN3 llili? v_, IN2. INZ ,- '1N4 MulthLoadedB8amf-97Uniform BuildlnClCOde"(97 NOSHVer:a:00.5 ;By:HALJ'FElI'ER ,40 VIL1JlIl;.&Qena.iil4Gt.s4HI<l3:42S7on: M-3G-2004 : ,08:44:53 AM 1'1l:JieeI;,2784MEDF ~'LoceliOrd.lBRRlOGE 5EAM:Wi'ORlFT Sl. "q. , ~:1S'I~X~1;25iH,,12$1'Trtt'~F'\Fil.ardI:r-vUlllt , . -,Sec1ionAdelI<'ate,ay,O.1c%, <.""!<:>llir.;~...-: SeQ=,M1:l~!1)rplh Requnct:11~ ,II), Cenl"r,~OeIIecIions. ' , : '- ' , 'l:<le4: ' .~ ti>>&.t.oaG:~ 1'0Ia1l.:aad: ,Tl:D-Oenler= COnler, SpanUdlEnlfR.......... ..('Support'A): tI".t.oacI: DOlllRll8lI: , TdIII'talId: ' , BearlIlll:lonllllI,RtQulr6d.(SHmontf"SUWM:capaciIy_:dwcI:~: "CenlorSpan,RiAtltSldRe8cl1on1 (Sllppoit,ll): ' UveLoad:' 0eR Load: T-OtlIl Load;, ~'t:&1cIl:'~'''M{e_,,,,,,ill'i suppurtcapacilyn<il~: ~0lI!lI:- ' 'Center Span,LOIlIIIIl: .'CiBl"I'ttIr~..._, ioh~,.........J:1:::~T0:td'BNm; 'eem..rSl>""UnbrocedL".~. 5_~...,,~,eeam: U\leLaad. Dutatlon Fadm: , 'bw lOllltOellea: ~; Tol8I,toadOe1lllCl. CriloriD: 'Center Span Loading: lJnwnn b)ad: Uvalosd: CelIct.Load: , l>eam'Seif'Mright T_lmICt. Tl1lJlllZDIdaU..aad 1 :lefi 'live 'Load: l.8ft,Oeadload: RlQIll'u... Load.: i<\lllliUtilo<flosit. - Load Slart: load End: l.oad,l.anqlh: 'Trapazoldalload 2 I:AlItLioe' Uraot' UifttlllllO'tllaci: ' RiilhI.uvo Load: R;Q1'Il08tld Load:' ,Load,'SllItl:, Load End:' LClec1'l:8l1l1l1r f, '. "~." For.lrl- tllluQllisr..~t.ardl' Bendinslstnos.: Shear-Stress; Modulus of EJa.ticity: 'SlrossPorpendicullu: to Grain: ~Praponles Fb' (T8nSlon): ,Adjuslmanl F.ackQ: Cd~U5Cf=UO' Fy': Adluslment Factors: Cdzl.15 DesiOnRe<luj_~; c..___-lIMoment 6AAflom,Ieft wpport or _2 (Canter Soanl ,.Cl,lIicalJ:llOmenl:Onl<ll1ld ,by .comblnlngaQ 'dead:,lDadJ81Jd ,tiwJolldson $plIn(s) 2 ,COntrollinll'Shaar. ' At a distanco dJromleft,lUPIlOltof span 2 (Center Spanl Cnlio::alshear'CllIllllldbyCOOlblrRnoall deadlcoads.'arod llv6luadson,span($}2 Conlparisons Wilh RequiracUlections: ' ,SeCIiOn M<xUus (VotIllIIl!): , 81/25/1996' 19:24 54HiB34257 HAL PFEIFER PE 'LL~R"a,;A= OL-~" Tt ..J:bcn.A= 81;."'" ll-Rm-B: DL"Rm-B: TL-Rm-B: Ell;8=. 1.2= ,U:2--T~ :Lu2-'BoIIom= Cd: 11 lJ wl-2" wD-2= 8S\IO.la wT-2>o T-RL.Lil1l-'1'2= lRD-LeIl-l.2= TRL-RJaht+2= TRl)-Ri;ht-l-~ A-l-2=' ,8-1'2= '~1.2= TRl.-LoIt-2-2= lR~~2= TRl~.2,2z TRO-RighI.2.2= ~2-2= &-2-2- (;.2-2= Fb= FIP E" Fe ..JlOfP" ,Fb"= "Fy''' M" Area (Sheer): Mom."'t,ol I""rtie (O<;l16ctic.n); 6ntQ= $=, ArtIQ", A= Iraq" I=< <t,t2' 021 0,112 1556 874 2429 1:11' 12.6 O.ell 12.8 1,15 2iIC 180 143 67 143 67 0,0 12,8 lUI 100 6(l 100 ,60 0:0' 12,8 12,8 1000 95 1700000 825 1265, 7774, V= 2089 )"3,14 73,83 28,88 39,38 158,01 415.28 PAGE U5 1/4 IN, \N':.'L'7JG 'IN, =lJ473' LB LB LB IN FT FT FT o o W 10 PLF PI:.F PI:.F Pl.F 'PLF ~ PLF PIT 11. p1.J' -' FT ~ FT .FT A PLF .J po--=, f PLf ,PLF FT !ll- FT 0 FT '2. PSt PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI FT'LB LB 1N3 '.lN3 1N2' 1N2 IN4 1N4 109 "MulIi'LoadedBeaml97 Unlfonn Bulldii'lQ Code (97NDS\ IVe<: 8,00;5' ;ey:+IAL ..""""<oR '. .411'W. 1-71h;:EIJll!lM;~l!T-0t:,Mt :mA257on::0il'3ll'2Q04,:.08:58:49'AM .Praiect ,21ll4UEOF- :location: 11' MBRCEfUNG, BEAM Suirmwv:' " " , .~:3;t25fN x10:SlNx111)FT ,124F-V~-VisullllVGl'adecfWestemSp<<lft:- OryUM Sedion,Adeq~9y: 9.3% t:om:o4lll'l'ilFlldor.AreaI'OepthReqUlred9.12.ln, "ClIDllw"Spail'O.I'ildlol'ls:: Oad'taIId:" 'D1'~ .LNe{;:sct ~ rClBlJ:tlad: n:o.c.n*" C4lrriberReouIred: CO' Cenlel' Span l..eft End Reactions (Support A): 'Uvel..oacl: ' Oeoid t:OlICt.' TOUl LGDd: BearinllLenQlh Required(Baam onlV. support capadty not chec!ced): 'Center 'Span RiQIltEndReadIons (SUppolt '8): Live Loact. Dead Load: Tolai L.o8G: ,;, ."',,, ienglh.,l'lequ_(Beamomy.,SIlJlllOl'l_~";;" not cIled<8d): :Beam 0&tlI: 'Cemer Spen:LenQlh: Cent>l1'5Ilen, Unln"".I'LenCl1!>- TQP,of8eMl: 'CenlGt SQan~ LenglM3ottom, 01 Beam: UveiDoliilunlliix1F_ LiY" (oacJDellecI,Crileda: Total Load OelIed, Crilet'.a: ' , CenlerSpan'l,oading: llnlfonn Load:, ,U...,Lolatt Dead load: Beam self Weight TolllfLoad: PolnIlo8d1 . Uve Load: Deact l:.oad: l.QcaIIon (f'mm 1ell'.n.l'oI'span): 'Propetiias:F<)I': .~' liisuaIlyGrade<t WllSlem'Species" BendiI\Q6lre$S: .SheaI'Slress: ModuIus.olElaslk:ity: " '61/25/1996 19:24 5416834257 HAL PFEIFER PE tL,fbrrA- 0l"RJcn.A= Tl-fbrrA; .SL-A= LL-Rlcn-iF OL-Rxn-8= Tl,Rm;8= BL-EF cl2= Lu2,Top= Lu2,BollorTl" ~ U ,U wl-2= wD-2: SSW= wT-2= PLt.2a 'PD1~ )(1'2'< _P~IOGnIIi1: "Bending,Slress .of-Comp. ,Fa~jn 1,,",100: Adjusted, PropefIje.. Fb' (TemIon): AdjUstmenlFaetors: Cd=l,15 Fb; F.... 'Ex: E'P FcP81P= .Fb_cpr- ,Fb'= FIf: Fv': Adi"";.,.,; f_";.... Cd=1.1S , De.ignR8Ql......,...Js: ConI1o/llnQ,Moment: 6,81"1 from-lefl,support <>Isllan 2fCenler.SQan) Critical moment .......Ied by comblninlJ aU dead loads and_loads, Q/\ spen(S}'2 ,c. .....,,,,, jJ,SIlear: Ma~cl fl\)m'rfIl/ItSUpj\Ol1Clf,span2 (center Span) , ,DltiCaI ,Sl'leat ,_led.by._..,..;..;.;. .eII,dead./oads.snd ,llv&.ll>lIds, or. s"",,(~)2 ',Comparisons WIIh'RllQUired:Sections; 'Section MocluIUS(Moment): 'Anla~: 'Moment ClfIftettja'(D8Il8clioll): Ma Sreq;, S~, Areq" A~' ',Ireer- 1=.. '0:17 0,28 0,41; 1)28 2141 1.1115- 3456 1.10 2989 1792 4781 2.35 '-11:0 , 0,0 11,0 (15 240 180 1555 874 6.5 2400 190 1800000 1eooooo' 650 1200 2760 219 11310 v- 4374 '49,17- 57,4.2 30,03 32,61, U16,OO, 301.46 PAGE ,1:16 '~1.' + IN IN = LJ<l83 'IN ='U289 iN LB LB ,LB IN LB LB LB IN FT FT FT 325 195 6 '526 PLF PlF PlF PH LB LB FT PSi ,PSt . PSI PSI PSI PSI ,PSI PSI FT-LB LB, 'IN3, 1~13 1N2' ,IN2' m4, IN. Roof Beaml97 Uniform Buildlnll Code 197 NDS)l Ver. 8.00.5 :By; HAL PFEIFER. "OW. 17lh.eugene. 97401,,541,683.,,257 on: 04'3O-2004c 09:07:0TAM" 'Prciect 27NMEDf.Loe8lIon::BREAKFAST:AREA HEADER REVlSED.LOADS :Summaty: , ' , _ '3:5INx7.25.INx&.0,fT II.2o.,Ooualas,FIr.Lareh 'Dry Use - ~ :Sadion~lfeq'ral..Ily:.3..l!lli. Controlllnjj:faaar: SacllonModulus (0ep1h 'Required 7.1" In I.:'lieftedior1 . -. ,QQad Ulall: OLD: U..,\;oall: ,ll.l)z Total Lead: 1\.1> RucliclIls/Eacb'End): LJve'load: Ll-Rxno< 0eIIdLDad: OL.Rxr\OO ToiaIl:cacl: TL,Rxn= 'BeaM;'IAnglh,RequIred:(Beam,onty.aopport caplIcIIy:notc:l1ed<8d): BL" 'BeamDala: .. Span: Maxlmum,Unbr8cecl Span: ,PIlclIOfRoal: ' \.MI'lo...U)ellect. CtIlerfa: "D/al,UlIIdDelled. Qlle<la: 'Roo/Load/OW ROo/:tiVe load-'SideOno: Roof DeacH.oad.Slde One: TrlWilll'y''MdII\oSide One: Rll.!HlYe~ Two:: : Roo! Dead 'L-oall'Skte 'Two: TributalyWKIlI>'Sid'e 'I'wo: Roof tlur8lIon Factor. El<lamSel/ w./lIht, S!qJoo?iicbI,~',..~ ~ LanaIhs _\.cads:, 1'"1>......; Beam lo<llllll:, Bnm'Ul\iIorm.jjw.lDacI: ,aunrUnllolmOeild'l.08id: 'ToleI UnifolTlt'load: Properties For: 112' OouQIas Ftr.Lard\' .. 3 .' ,J...I-, ,.... Slru:a:. ,SIlear SlAoea: Modulus'ol'Elutldtv: :Sl>eS$'~,lo:GnIln: Adjusted Properties , F.!)' (Tension): AdjL,"'~,'"L'~ 0.1=1,,15 et.ot:ilO el/25/1996 19:24 5416834257 HAl PFEIFER PE . L= I.lF RJ>>o \J \J ,LL1= '0l1= TW1;' Ll.2= 0\2= :rw2= Cd>> , B8W>' lJrdl>o 'Wl,a- wOadl=" . -::-wT= Fb= Fv=, ".EI!l F<:~ :Fb'= Fv':, Fy'g 'Adj1.",. " "F1ICtors:CIF1:t5 OeeignReQIC,'""",.:..r: ,ContnlGillA Moment: ,3:Q,/t Iram,laIl' support: '-cdli<:I!IaKlinetII.~,....:..,~"" _...;..;..;.... all.., oaml'We.lo8tlS;, ConttoIIing SMar. At,a d1etance,d.fram,supparl.. CI'ilieal''-'.. ...:.; bt'~dOeedaml"ilo'.taads, Comparisons With RlMlUiredSac:Uons: ' ,Sedlon:MocluJus:(Moment): ' _(St~: ,..... '" ..<it1mJrlis ,(OieIIeclion): M; 'Sr&<p S= "'- A= ,lreq=' I" PAoce7 4/4, il.05 ,IN, 0~07 IN= U976 ,O.l2' :tN=,U593 ,131iO 872 2222 1,02 25,0 t5,O ~O 25:0 15,0 13,0 '1:15 6 \lOO' \J5 1600000 ,625 1J..4&: 6,0 ,0,0 4 240 180 Ul LB LB IN FT FT :12. PSF PSF fT PSF. PSF FT 'PlF 6.0 450 29,1 741 FT PLF PLF' PlF PSI PSI PSI 'PSI PSI 109 'PSI 3333 n'LS 1776 LB 29,73 IN3 30.S6 lN3 24..' 1N2 25,38 1N2 33:75, JN4 11l.15 '1N4 IJ; .. '" II wxr" R/W ..,. ~ . q. ,Wx 1- Wx proj. #2784 I MEDFORD ADDITION ~ 21: 112" COX or 7/16 05E1. EldCli~" iulge!l/I2" '"""nor" nailing, 6IoliIdM(l.15 ~equ'r~. Nailing 'n5p1lCt/on 15 r"'lulred. T5~orST22 ~trap from ..h"..r l'Iall to rlm-jOl,t below. 112''x1O'' A.6's@'Z'olo. Wx: GJ;:NERIC 5HE"1t WALL (eri"plrigal de91(ln) 114" CDX, Or 7M3 056. 8d@tj" iulgee 11;2" Interlore nallll1jl. 6l0~kln6 NOT r6~ufred. Nlilllne In!lptt;tlon NoT rllqulrild. 1/2"><10" Al':l',,(P4' ole, S = 1522orS,1'22 "'~Ilp frOm !lhear willi to rim-joist below, H01E: "'plloe all d(:>ul>lo 1:01' plate& II minImum El',O" w/l0d fJi 3" oloetaee~red for 3' ea. &1.1. of.....JoInt I 4x812Df, ,~(2j2Xl0#2!F .==:0..;;....: __ "'-10: - ~ - -..- Wx =::::::::;::::::H::::: . 4'~ 10 #2 Dfl , II. 1115 II .. II Sl II" II "t II II II' '" "- ~ H LU ~ ~ ,,' i. [: f $'I'it"5' , ruW I 21 t . :,'5....tw~ 5 '_ , 21 . cOntlnuou" rlni-Jolin: r- l\l ~ (/) m ... ~ 4' N ~~ (. ,~ ~ ~ " '... ... .~ ... RECOMM~NDED FOUNDATION . .~ 5HEAR\,^IALLS ""-1,,0'11&" " T'O' "1'1"'*- " , pro~ Ml!PFOIW APPl11(lN '-<I'" 5rRINGlap. oR UU: litl31o-1 f"'Cil' 'Z7&4 HAL F'FEIFER PE. P.Ci (:ooioult>,g ling... ' ~UILDING DE&IGN "*"" ($-41) ~ 4() W. f7l/1, E..,..". OR 97401 , ' ,"''''1]''''', ,,'16" RfN '" REINFOJi;C1::D WINDOW (In!>lde or o~ld.) .'.,.",-- , . '"0 - . i ' '! ~ u.... C520 Wap @ elll flInd h~der (2 por I'tIndQW) i I /' c"nt."r C520 on l'AnaQW , : , :;....,~.r16" BloCk behInd C$~O wl2x 11111; a&r~d. : HI' i i FllllUln !It(t1p wlfvll nailing ell .nd 24" '" ~'4 III mldal~: L....!L...L,.jj..:.... Teoo tulneer nan~ mll}'l>o u!led In /I.u of aStsloe nan... "aow../to tIXlbt. found. ",I #5 bllr'8 x W la, t/J 9" oIG Ori,lI '3/4 dla, ho~4"d.,.;p ~ ~pPl<Y. (No "fU'Cllllln.sp.) "or D_ to ex/5t. found. wI 5/1}" .lIs. l( 4" elTibe4!ner1t Wiulge Anohor'l> iJJ 9" /j/o w! 18" lone Illkthn,..d. (No epecla,I'n~p.i ' COlCorOSe ~dtII6' 1/2lC10AB:'edID2' Z!, 9.00 tl.oo 1.5Q 2,443.96 611.q2 61I.q2 1.?12M Te~' , ,.'~ nol:<ll N-l1(1egl1.) ,';, ~ ',' -:( Ii. uod!n IIdu ;,tied ...n, cJ>lIS~qf rsc(d. ..~'"" 6HEATHl~ in"coX ~ raUd 1!iff' pae ~ tir 112" 091' e1d1"" wI 16" 01" .tud. nol:<ll~",..i.,lmll1lm~m 4'oJ"""""",lioIH"",~ ' AHctiORllOI. T .dl2' lCiO" ....6. 's I 611.Lo 2x61'.t. ~ I P x 1.~ . '1lSUt1lioltl~b ptate I ~.. 91 HP9 ....am~(,? naI!"'O('l _,!""",r~ro(d(n~.j .... ~ ~ <Xl W ... ,iJIi .-...a""'ht; ..,~~.",~ ...~ ~n...,,!,"" , ~...,.. ......... ~....","" H L' H/L' Mt~*"~"". ~V(H{L.) OLO PLO Xl.0 RrI<rl; .iloIlq,... N ... .. S lR C1l ... "- ... ... "- N ... unit wt. a- we. mj~.. nlfJ nil 0,00 /loor 8.10 nil 0,00 walle 6.00 22b.76 1,509.82 1m/wall. 5.50 160.9~ 885:12 c:omp, roof 13.13 449.54 5.902.46 tct.al 8.297.39 tIAR 13 2~9~ iXPlK~1 ;U31104 , RoOtElellni/97lJfi1fOnn~00cIa197NOSnVer:8:OD:5 " , ' Ily:'HAL PFEIFER. 40 W: 171h. Eugene. 97401; 541.683.4257 on: D3'1~2004: 08:14:13 AM Ptolect 2784MEDF - laca1ion: MBR -RJDGE'SEAM &tmmaly. , ' 3.5 IN, x'9.25'IN x 13.0 FT 1'1 . DouQJas F1r-larch - Cry Use '-..'...""'l'--ay.2.4" '........_~'FIIClIlr:'_".........~,-..-."-" - ,1!:f,,(f1lo 'OeIIecIians: . , . ---'-.-- OeIId Load: ,u..e,llIad:' TllIBI LoacI:, Readlona lEac:ll End): 'UwlUiat' , OuctL.o8d: ' TllIBILoad: 8earing~Rlllp/lnlcI (Beam ,cn!r. BqJlpClIt -.-__,.,AllI';'" ';',"':):. Beam Oala: . .' , Span; Maximuml.".., ., . Span: Pilch Of Roof: Uv&LO.d Oeftoct. Criletia: , ToIaI.1.clIicIOellecU:l1tIlM: Roof IAadIIla: ' Roof Uv& l.0lId-S1de One: RDafOlllld lCl8d-Ella,Olle; 'TIibul8rv WJdlbo.SklJI Olle;' Roo' Uve Load-SIde Two: Ro:llltQultI.....u:u.c.TlilIll: ,.IiIluIm',t'~'TWo:.., Root Oumlon fllCtor. ',Beam SelfWelAhl; , SIope/Pildl Adjuaied L.-'llS llllcI Loada: . Adlustecl Be8m Lsngth: BeemUlllrcnn u...:loal2: Beam UnlfonR. CeaO LAlad: Total Unllorin lo8d: ~.,".", . ".i.... . For. ~nru.G'..fir..Lan:b, " ,1!endlnlI $Jess: ShnrStreu:. Madufus.0I EIaticIIlI:. , Slnts5P, ...".:.:._toGtaln: Adjusted Properties Fb"(T..,..;.....' , "Adjualrrientfadllr.l: CF 1.15 Cf:1.20 .11': AdluSlmenl.F ~_...( ~. 15- 'Oesign"',..:"".,Jr. ' .C"....,.. "I,..,....,', -:e,5I1lnlmIllftSllllilctl, " , Cr1tIclII " ,,,l<:l'tlllllld bylXlftlblnln;aI1de8dandllYeloads. CoIllfol1lilQ SIlear. AUclISWIcs:d lrcm SUDP01l, QttJcaI shear .. .,.1".... bycolllbl.~lQ sn ctead.ane.1IYe 1c8d&. Complu\Iona WIllt llsqUinld SecllonI: '8ec:tIonModulua, (MomBnl): AnIa (Shesr): Moment 01 lnertla(Osftsction): E(l 39\1d, 3d ~I33d ~H DLb=' tU)o ,'" l1J)= 'lL-ftluF , OL-RxrF n.-Rxn= :81.o L" 1Jp<, RP:o U l;J, .U.1" ' ....01.1= TW1.o .U2= OU= 'lW2= CF 'lISW= Ladl= lll4..o we 8dF -wT-a Fb= Fp, E= FCU*P" '"",," Fv''' - y,. .SnICF S= AAlq.o- A= lreq= 1= LSlI'ES91l>S , 0.19 0.25 ,0:43 '-$5. 750, 1725 (1;79' , 13.0. 0.0 ,4 240 1~ 25.0 ,17.0 '.0 25.0 ' 1M.. 3..0 .1:15 8 13;0 t50 115 '285, 1000 95 170000&, fl2.5 1ll8O : '109' y~ IN IN = tJll35 'IN':'1J359 'l:Jt LB 'LB IN- FT FT ':12 ,PSF -f!SF FT PSF 'P8F. FT PlF FT PlF PLF ,.;PlF PSI PSI PSI PSI' PSI PSI 'S606 -fT-LB 1553 4US 49.111 21.32' 32.38' ' 115.73 230,&4 LB' lN3 IN3 1N2 lN2 1N4 "1N4 ll:mSl;&tlH/7.t MWli4.oade4Beam197Un1fo1mWdIng Coda (1l7'NDS) 1. VIII::II.00:5 , Bv:HAl PFEIFER. 40 W, 171h. Eugene, 97401. 541.683.4257 on: 03-13-2004 :08:15:31 AM .Pro/lIct:27800ow::ur'-'l, .,..;...'1~.-MIlR.CEJlJNG;BEAM, ' , 'SummaIy: , ' 3.5 1111 x 9.25 1111 x 11,0 FT 11:2 --00uR18S F1r-Larch - DrY U.... , Soclion AdequaIIJ By. 21,1% ~'F__ Moclulus:J 0l0ptt>.flequlnld,a..,1.lI>. Callier Span O8lIacIIons: ' ,. ',' Dead Load: ' ~ ' '1:MIUllIit: ,-1'1 E),('.em- , TolCLaad: '~ Cant.r SponLoll,end Reactions (Support A): , LMtGIld:' 'I:.L~ OlladLoacC ' ,OL-Rxn-A= TOlaIl.o8d: TL-Rxr>-A= 'B88I1nA:I.-na/Ilf\,. ,,,', ,I {8eam ontr. wppcllt'ClljlaCily'ilo! ..:, ; .;.. J); B1._ Conter Spon Rillht Enct:<.., .;~. (SUpport 8): " Live Load;' D8a6 Load: TOlaI Load: BearlnglMlgth Required (Beam anIy. support CllJl8ClIy,notchecliOll}: 'B8am Data: CelIler SpanLenath: Center Span UnbraceCI Lenil~ ToP of Beam: CenIar Span UnIIna:ocI ~h of Beam: Live' Load tlundioI\ FllCIIlr.. ' 'Live Load' DeIIec:I. CriIaIIa: 'TollIl LIl8ll:DeIIBd. c:rtIluIE Center Span loading: Unllorm Load:' ',UwLoad:' 'Oead LOad: Beam Self Weight 'totall.aslt. POint LoacI1' Live Load:' ~ Load;, L<lCII1Ion {From Ilill end Of opaft): I'nlperties For: 12- Douglas Flr-L8n:h , BendinQ StlUs> Shar Slteu: 'Modulus 01 EJatidty; SInISJI -. ..,., .;..IIar. bGlaiP:, Adjusted p,~. Fb' (Tension): , .AdjusImeIll F~ OF\,1S a=1.20 'f": , " Adlulttnenl'F8CIorI: C<Pl.15 Desfgn.Requ", ..,,5: , , Co..bolllnA~,.. ',,, , ' , , '7.92 Ftfrom left IllPIlOItOf~ 2 (CenlerSpan) , 'CiiIk:al.".. "...... creale41l'fl:llmIl1liil1lall'dead !oaIIsIUIIIDl/a1aalls,Qll-,."........2 Controllina Shear. . " V: AI . cIIIlencod from rtQht support of ID8ri 2 '(Center Span), .'CrIticaf aIloarcroatecf by ....:.:..:... ell doadloacisancf6wloadl on Ip8Il{s) 2, Compllrisons WIth Roqulred :,_..;;.,.~. ,6eClIOn ModuIua (MomenI): LL.Rxn-B= 0l.fbn.8= TL-Ilxn"B= Bl-B= ,\2= Lu2.Top= , 1.u2,SoUom; CcI= U U wl.-2= WD-2= BSWa- -wT~ PL 1-2= PDt-2= X,-2= FIF Fv= .E= F<u*JF Fb'= Fv'= M= Area (Sh8lll'): .Moment:d,1nertia (0.. ,L , _:,,: Srecp B= Are<r- A= IrelF I- ,pq 39'iId 3d'~B.:Y l't'I-l LSll>€B91P!; 't;.; ''>7 0.1' IN, "O..u ' :W=UII29 ' O.22IN'=USlI8, -4110" ",4/17 lI2S 0.42 820 ' 752 1572 0.72 tf.cr 0,0 tUl 1.15 240 1eG 900 95' 1eooooo . 625 , 1242 -4265 1497 41.21 49.91 20,58' 32.38 70,84 230.84 ,La'.. LB LB IN L8, ,La 18 It! fT FT FT 5(1.. 40' 8, ea -PLF ,Pt1' PI.F ,PI.F 750 La .&72108, 8,0 FT 109 PSI PSI' PSI. PSI PSI PSI FT -LB 'La 1M3 lN3 1N2 1N2 1N4- IN4 Zt:,tG 'S6&HHn;'l " .Roof aeamr 91 Urilfonn BuDdlnQ Code (91 NOS) IVer. &;00.5 ' By: HAl; PFEIFER, 40 W: 17th. Eugene, 97401, 541.883.4257 on: 03-13-2004 : 08:12:38 AM Pralect,27lI4MEDF -1.Gc8I/on:8REAtCFAST AAEAflEADER ~ ' , 3.5 INx 7.25 IN x 8.0 FT 112 - Douglas Flr-l8n:h. CIy Use ' '_I'''''q......Sy..32:lm '~FllCtl:lr-Seclion'I . .0",,,, rDIIjif'f~'6.3lft 'DenllCtlons: ' , ' , , ,OHdLoad: Ol.()>, , Uve LDmt. ,lLO= To1aIlllacI: TI.[)>o Reactions fE8ctl,End): ,.u.et.oact ,u.4bn;, Dead Load: Dl.Rxn= TOI8I Load: TL.Rxr\D IIeatirIg tangIhR8qui'8d.(1lGllmonly, SUllPOIt,,_.. nolcnedlad):, all' Beam 08la: " 'Span: ...1.= ',M.... " , , 'lhlll/aoed,Span: lIP PitI:Il Of Roof: ' ' , Rp.. Uve,Load Denect. Criterla: U' TOI8IloalI OelIec:t.CI1IllIla: U RooU.oadinO: Root,Uve'LoacI-SldeOne: RoOf Deadl'~<lne: .Trlbul8rv WldlIt-Slde One: Roof Uve load-SIde Two: RaotOalt Ulad-SldIr Two: ,T~ WidlIt-SiIIIl T~ Roof OlIn1llon Fec\or: .,'8umSllll WllialII: SIopefITIlcIt Ad~ 1lI11d'l.engths .n(Holda: , Adiuated .Beam l.enQIh: 8eamUnlfcmtUve.I.oa4: , Beam UIlilonn Dead lllacI: To1aI Uniform Loed: '~.FOI: G- nn"lIl_ FIH.an:It IlemIinQ stresa: Sh...... Streu: . ModuIusCf5:......~.: SIles&', ,0, .. ~culallol3rlllA: 'Mjl'"'''' Propenies fll';(Tenslon}: , . , AdjusImenI Faclln: Cd=1.15 Cf=1.30 fv': AditlaImenI:._..:..~. Ccl=1.15 OesIgn~...." , ..: CcnIrDUlrIA Moment 3.0fUIIllIlI8ll.."..... , , ,.CriIlcat"" 0 "CIUIed by c:ombining aD dead and llveloacls. 'COIItrDIUna Shear: At.s ~~,...I,;I...,ctfRxnSUOOOC'l CriIlcat shear . " ,', . by .. .....:. aI cle8d end live IcedS. ~.........;',ons WlIfI Required Sectlo.lS< ,SoIclion.ModuIua- (IA..._d). LLl" '-Illl" TWl>> 'U2= ElU= 'JW2; Cd>> 'SSW: l.8cfja, ,wla, ,wO'. -wT= f1p' Fva .E= . F~ Fb"= F.... Moo V=' , ,Ate8 (~: ,MomenIoI,lll8Ilia (0,:.;;.,): ,~ S= AAlq.., ' A>>, 1- P .~n. ~.:l 0.04 G;Olf 0.09 ~/fJ; IN, IN ='IJ1255 IN a U780 ,1D5o, .l.S '883 LB 1733 La ~7.& ,IN:, .8.0 FT OJ) 'F.T. 4 :,12 240 180. ,25.0' ; PSF 15,0. .PSF' 4.0 FT 25.0 PSF ~'PSF-. ,10:0 ,FT 1.15 o8f!lF 8.0 350, 228 ,578 900 95 1800000 ' .625 1346 109, FT .. Pl:.F , PlF ,PLF PSI ' PSI PSI, PSI PSI PSI,' 2599 . FT-LS 1386, La 2:1.18 3O.ll6 1'9,03" ,25,38. 26.31 111:15 IH3 ,INS 1N2 IN2 , , IH4 ,1H4 ... '"' !!l -r . C.L LV CL f~ H W It ~ l"- [t.1 ., m ~g ... ,~ '" ',- ,. .- '"' $ .:-t .~ . ..~ ... , '" .,. Wxr' , f!.NI Wxj ;,~ : . proj. #2784 / MEDFORD ADDITION 21: 1/2" COX or 7/16 OSf\. 5d06" ;,ag"s /12" Inurior" nailing. f\lol'kingI5 r""julred. Nailing In;,p"!'tlon IS r"'l~lred, rS~or5T22 atrap frOIT, "hellr \Vallta rim-Joist b"low. 112'~P" A,f?/~Zolc. ' 'NY.: GENERlC SHEAR W"lL (empirical de"I!!") 114" COX, Or 7M3 OSf\. 8dCll\S" <'4g,e" 112" Inurlol'5 nailing, 61q"klne NOT ",,,,ulred. Nailing In"p~on Not ,,,,,\ulred. ' 1/2''><10'' ^a'!l4M' o/c.' , S = T5~r5.T22 a!;rsp from an""r willi to rim-joist below. NOrE: 6pllc" all d~lUbl" t'.op plate" s .mlnl/lium El',o' viI lOa ClI 2)" o/"l!itsee~,""d for 2\' "II. side of e8, Jolnt wx IL 4.812DF, ,:<)r~j2~10~2D:, ' wx f-4'~~oJ~F=' Ii . II . ;; 'IllS " Illo: 110 II"; 11'1' II II II" , '".JWxWx s ,~ 21 l 1 .:.( " ~~~~; I' .$S I 2:1 t -5' , rWJ -~. . " oOntlnuo~ rlni-jOIfn; l' RECOMMENDED F=OUNDAT!ON -~-_. SHEARWALLS "",,~IJIl'.N],'PI""*- pn>~ M~OIW ApDlt1(lN Iocoti... srRlNGlap, cR UU: llJ131004piooJ. 127M HAL PFEIFER p~, P.C. ~..."t>i,j """"""' ' ~UILD!NG OEplGN f'h.\n,,(!l41)~2S1 <49W. t711). ~CIR 970401 :.'....".,..' .. '-;-," R/W.. REINI'ORCi:D WINDON (In!>lo" or outald,,) ! . i I""'~! "::- U.... C620, strsp ,(/I 611111"a h~der (2 per lIlndQlii) i 1 ! /' Center CS20 on Mnd"", . !' : !..... ~1 r1Ei' ' flldGkbe"Jlnd c$20 wI tlx f1~ I/!Ir"'l'o. : ii II FII~ 6t(IIP wlNII nsllln~ G1.",d 24" & g5'4 ClIlnlddlt, \.;.....iL.... II ' T~ nsnstr ~anil m~,l>Cl Use.lln II"u of ciltaioe nails. 'Doml to (llC11lt. found. wi #5 l>sre x 15" Ig, (JJ 9" oic . - .-.. Drill 3/4 als. ho~4" ar.ep ~ ep"~. (No sf7<<llIllnsp.) 'or D~ ta exist, found. w/5/1'/' dla. x 4" e,,;be4tne~ Wedge An~ho~ (Ii 9" % w! 18" lone III1:tIt~d. (No "f7<<'slln"p.) W.O. 112784 I ME[)FORD A[)PITION N 4(:i W.l1th EUGENE. OR '" HAL I'fElFER PE. P.c. (541) 6&3-4267 ~~ <t ell= 0.36 (io",,3) lSEia~IICDEeIGN 1= 1.00 R= 5.50 (ptiwood w.lle) V = P>PCa I R)W 3.oC"/R= 0,196 lotllu'l,linll 1,00 ~p~~. W Zl ~.,.........~ L 8,00 L~ ~.....htot~ WI; 8,2f;l7..39 lL -~....Q V=Wtxf 1,629.31 " '" Po:' un~~,..,ft.vI,,"Q v=Y/L 403,60 H Lj.J It _~"",,,,,,,,,.",...ll~ DLV 111.92 ~ COXo~ &d~ I/2xlOA8:~' Z1 9.00 6.00 1.50 2,443.96 611,El2 Elll,El2 1,772.44- Ts2? , ,.'~ noUl N'l1(lElga.) IItapl<!e ITUI)' Ire 1I8~ !n IICu i>fad ....u. cri 'la'l.qf.......d. .pac;"", 6HEATHl~.in"cDX tit,.,i<ttJ 7lie" 056 ~ or 112" OS6,1Ik/1",! 01/16" * .Wol. noUl ~1?'ft1!'M~ mf.,lm~m ,.' 01" l""'h!>r bol~ """~. ANqlOR BOLT ,\112" J( 10" A.B.'S I BILla ~ f'.t. twm.,flr I P x tIll'" 7'J~/IooItI.1I1 ~ I ._ = 81. NDe ...,Um~(.) ..-. (.1 ..._1.- te(~ Cn,..) , ' .... If> N " '" ell '"' .... " ,If> .~_DheIt~ 4f~~~ ..u ..tlq ~n ...~ ......~........... ~.ioo,j""", . ' MI"'-";C'tIOtt~_. ."~~. N .... .... '" '" (Tl (Tl .... ... .... .... ... N ..... H L' HA.1 ~V(H(L) DLa PLO )(1.0' RM!; unit vlt. .res wt. , . ml5Ci. nI" nls 0,00 /Ioor 8.10 nI" 0.90 01.116 6.60 2,28.76 1,.509.82 Il1tIw~h.. 5.$0 166.9~ 800:12 CQmp. rwf 13.13 449.~ 5.902.4.S tct.ol 8.297..39 .' .'- MAR 13 2G9' exPlK~ ;;U31I04 , '.. RocitBeamr97 UriIfoimBUlldlt1llCOoa 197 NOSHVer: 8:00:5 , ' ,BY:'HAL PFBFER. 40 W: 17th. Eugene. 97401; 541.683.4257 on: ll3'13-2004 ' 08'14'13 />JJ. Ptoiect, 2734MEOF -localilln:UBR moGC8EAM' , . . ~;5 IN x'9.25'IN x 13.0 FT /,1 -OouiIlu Flr-taJch - Cry Use . 'SectiOn ~m.;By: 2.4% '~'F_'SedionMocl_ttlll- "ft-''-''~1.4;fD; 'OelIIldions: ' ", ",.-.........- Dead LOad: OLe.. .l/Ye.t:oad: UD= ' TllIalLoad:, TlD= Reactions (Elich End): Uve'tCalt', ' Dead'Laad: ' TolalLoad: 'Seating .lengthR8q\lIred {Beam,OnJr. ,support capadly'notchacked):, Basm Data: ' Span: MuimumUrtbracec1 Span: P~ch Of Roof: Uv"'Load DeIIod. Ct1lorta: Total.Load:DellecU:ri1eria: , Roof t.Dadlna: ' , Roo' Uvo Loac!-Slde One: RQOf,Dead'loalHlltte,Qne; , 'Tribl.ll8rvWldtlJ.Sklo One:' Roo' Uve load-Side Two: RoolOult,~^...u:"""T_ 'T riIiU1ary Wi<l1I\-SkIe 't~, ' Roc' Oul1ltion Flli:tor: ' ;Beam SeIf.weiAlt SlopoIPiIch Adjua10el lenQthsanc:l Loads: , Adiustoel Beam Length: lleemIJAirolmUve.Load: ,BeamIJnlfoni>,D8R Loa<I:, TolIIl Unl'orm Load: ~Fo<: ~_OouQfo~Flr~ 'gendlng $reis: ShnrSlross;' Modu/u$.o/: E1ufidl>,<:, SIte>> - ., ' , ::cuIa< to GnIin: Adjustoc! Properties " Fb'-(L".~".,.. ' "Adjuslrrienl'Fedots: CcP1.15 ~UO.. F'v': ' Adjtl1,tme"U'lIdors; Cd=4. t5, . : t)esign 'Re ....:. _" ,J. ,:.v. ,.ConlrolUnlfMoment , -: 8.511 ""'" 1oIl,s..1lllC11, , CrItical mOmanI auloel by combining all dead and _Ioaels, Collltol1lilQ Shear. Ats'dls:ancecd IramsuPllCrt Cl1tlcal shear cntaIad by _.. .':':. ':"0 all daacland-1IYe loads. Comparisona WIIh'ReqUired SectiON: ' SecIion Modulus, (McmlmI): Area (SIlaar): Moment of Inertia ,(OaIIecticn): EO 39l;'d ,- ~ ).r:ur:LU lHU u.-R.vF , DL-Rxn=- TL-RxtP> 'Bl= L= ltF, RP= U' U ,Ll1= ,',OL1= TW1= , U2= 0L2= 'TW2.= Cd: 'osw.. . Ladl" 1Ill=' wO.adP wT~ Fb= FY'>' 'E= f c..Jl8IP" Fb'= Fv'= ..... V= ,Srecp 'S=- A/Qq=' A= IIllQ" 1= ',..7....,..nn,T....... 0.19 025 ,0:43 ws 750" 1725 0]9, 13.0 ' '0.0 4 240 ,180' 25.0 ,17,0 '3,0' 25,0 17:0,. 3.0' ,U5 8 ~ooo 95 ..;.......,.."."J' 82.S 1380 ~ 1553 48.7:5 4~,91 21.32' 32.3lr, 115.73 230.84 y,? IN IN '" U635 'IN'='LJ359 'l:B LB , LB tN- FT FT ': 12 13.0 ,150 115 ,265 PSF -f!SF FT PSF 'PSF. FT Plf FT PlF PLF 'PLF 'PSI PSI PSI PSI' 109' PSI PSI -FT.LB LB' lN3 IN3 IN2 IN2 1N4 "1N4 Muhi'Loade4lloam191Ull1fQnnBulldInA Coda (1l7'NDSHVlIr::8.llO.-S' By: HAL PFEIFER. 40 W. 17111. Eugene, 97401, 541:683.4257 on: O~1~2llO4: 08:15:31,AM , 'Pnliacl: 2784MEDF"localion; ~1"M8R'CEIUNGBEAM, ", 'Summwy: , ' , 3.5 IN x 9.25 IN x 11.0 FT In. -,Ooulllas Flr-Larcll,- Dry Use SeeiioriAd_ ay.21.~14 ~F_ SeclIoi1 M_:l~ll>.Requin!l<t&'''',II>, CenlllrSpan OeIllldllll1S: ' . " , , Dead load: ' ~e'" 'tJveU=<t 'll:DOlnIaP ,TotaIload: "ltD-Cent.eP Center Spen'Left'End Reactions (Sullporl A): , Uve:tca<t.-, . Dealfload: ' Totalloed: ',Bearing'L-encrlh ~d {Boamcnly, euppot:l,...pacity,ilOldlee:ked); Center Span RilIht End R, '. .::. .. (SUPllOrI Bj: ' UveLoad: ' Dead-Load: Total Load:' Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support ca~,notchecl\ed}: 'Beam, Data: Center Span LellQlll: Center Span Unbraced Length-Top of Beam: ' 0l1IIM Span ,UnbI'llalCl LanQth-8ollom clSeam: Uv. Load Ouralion fll/:lQr:. 'l:Ive Load' Oeflecl. Criteria: 'TotaLJlJ.H)81!l1.:t. ClIIalIa: ConI., SP8li loadil)g: Uniform Load:' ',Uve loacl: 'Dead load: Beam Self Weight: Tolalload:. POintloa<ll' Live load:' ~,Load: L=tlioo{From lliIlendOf span}: 'Properties For: .2. Oougl8s .tr-Lan;h , BendiI1ll SIretl5( Shelf SIte..: 'MOdulus of ElastiCily: Sire.. 'PerPenClIi:UJat 10- GIain:. Adjusted Proper1ies, . 'Fb'(renslon): ,Adjustment FadllIS: QFt:.15 a=l.20, 'Fv': , ' Adjustment 'F8ctOl'S:'C<I=l.15 o.sfgn,!'tSQUlnlments: ControlllnaMoment: ' ',,' '7.92 Ft from llift jupporfOf Sj)8tl' 2 (Centar Span) "Clillaitn-.oment ,creale,U't:cooill1rling'aII'<!ead loads,amI,1J\ia1oadl,0ll' _ ,".2, Conlrollil1ll ShelJ: , . , v= AJ " <II.tance,<1 fnxn r1l1hhUOPort of.pari 2 '(Center Span) 'ClUical shOrcrealed by combining all da8cf.loacls an<f.Uve:loadson span(s)2., Comparisons WIth ReQuired SectIons; , 8edlon ModuIua (Moment): .. 'l<l.~ ,Ol-Rxn-A= 11.-Rxn-A= ,Bl-A=> lL.Rxr~B= OL-Rxn-B= Tl'Rxn-B= 8l-B= LZ= Lu2,Topa 1.uUlolIilm" Cd= U U wL-2= WO-2= , BSW>o, :wT~. P~1-2= POl-2= ,X1-2=, Fb= Fv= ,E= FuetP= Fb'= 'Fv'= 'M= Area (Shea", . Moment'ofITtOl1ia (0.,;, ..;'.' ' SI'8Cl" ,s.. Ateq=- AR Ire<F I- .l>ll 39<'<1 ':1..J. '~.l't':l.;.U. ~. J-t'7a...rn.nT""'" "i'>J 0.11 ,IN, ,o.,1,2"IN=lJ1129 , 0.22 IN' = U!588, 460, ,447 ll26 0.42 820 752 1572 0'.72 n.D' 0.0 11.0 1.15 240 1~ '900 95 16llOOOO 625, 1242 109 Q65 1491 .41.21 49.91 '20,58' 3:2.38,-- 70.84 230.84 ,LB', LB LB IN LB. , LB LB IN FT , FT ,FT 50, 40 8, ,98 ,PLF PLF Pl.F Pl.F ~B ,LB FT PSI PSI PSI. PSI PSI PSI' 750 .672 8,0 'FT'lB 'l9' IN3 IN3 lN2 1N2 .- 1/# '1N4 ~T..Tn .~rrT~TT'T_ , 'Roofae.n;r,97 Urilform BulldlngCode,(97 NOS) rver. 6:1>>.5 ' By: HAl; PFEIFER. 40. Wi 17th, Eugene. 970401, 541.883.4257 on: 03-1302004 : 0.8:12:38 AM Proleel:27lUMEDF -locallcn:'llREAI<FAS1' AREAfiEADER . Summaty: . 3.51Nx 7,251Nx8.o. FT 1112- Couglas'FIr-Larch.DryUse 'Seclion.~ 'By:'32;S%, 'O:lrtttollillg''Foi:lIOr: Secl/on'LlodUluaf'o.pt/t'ReqUirecI'6.3bt, .. OefteclJona: . OeadLolId: oLD:. Uve LoIId: LlD= Total Load: TLOs Reaellon. (ElICh ,End); .'u.. Load: ,Ll--Rxn= Dead Load: Dl.Rlw> TOI8lLoed: TL-Rxnoo ~i.el\otIl'Rliqulted'(Beam.only"supjlO1t............;.,. nclchedled):, BL!' Beam Data: ' ' 'Span: ' M....:.._.. tJnbraced,Span: Pi\eh Of Root. . ' , Uve.Load OeDec:t CrIteria: T 0\81 Load'Oe/\ec:t,Crlter11l: Roof,l.oadinQ: -Roof,Uvo,Load-Side,One: ,RoCfOoad,I:cad-SIde One; 'TributarY Wldtn-Slde One: Roof Uvo Load-SId. Two: RoofOealt load-SiOlr Two: ',Tr1bulary WidIII-Sidllt\lllO: 'Roof Ouratlon F.ctor. ,,'BumSGlfWei;lll: SlOpe/Filch AdiU518c11.anlillls and Loads: AdjUStId :Beam LeniIth: Beam'lJrjfctm'Uva:Load: ' Beam UnifomI OeadLo8d: Total Uniform Load: 'p ',' ".;i..,.Fot:l2-""''lI'-F..-'Ltln;:h BendinQS1res.: Shear SIre..: ModulU1 OtEJastiCity:': Slteu Perpendicular Io'GrlIin: AdjUSted Propertjea . . Fb'(T~: ' :', Adjustment Fac:lors: Cd=1,15 CP1.3D Fv': Adkatmen\ FlICtofll:Cd=1. 15- DeSi;n ~: ConlrlllJina Moment: . 3.o.lt,from 18fhllllpor! . , ,Critical moment crellled by combining 811 doad and Ilveloads. 'COntrcIJInQ Shear. ,AI,. dlstanoe'dfrom SUllllo.t Cr1lIcal sheiir cteIlld by combining aD deed and IlY& loads. Comper1sons WIth Required Sections: ,Sedion.Madtotua- (lIfomel'I), ,Area (She8I): " .1.- , - ltP RPD U' U LL1= .[)l1= 'TW1D "lL2: Dl.2= TW2: Cd.. SSW= LadID: ,wL=. wO'iidi= -wT= Fb=' FVD , ,E= Fc...i>eiJ>' Fb"= Fv'D Moo v-=-' .Momonl,OUDllr:tia (00.':.,-'..,. ,~ . S= AnIQ=' ' .A=. keq= 1= en. ~....:.L "7/ .{.OJ 0.,04 IN, 0:06: IN ""1:/12$5 0.09 IN D LJ780 '~.,ls" '683 I:B 1733 LB :0.;7.& ,IN:, ,B.o. FT .0.0. FT 4 :12 2040 180 ,25.0.' . PSF ,15,0., ,PSF' 4:0. FT 25,0. PSF 1S;a,PSF.., 10.:0. f'T .1.15 .8 ,PlF 900 95 1800000 '825' 1346 8,0. ' 350, 228 578 FT :PlF PLF ,PLF PSI ' PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI' 109, 2599 ' FT.lB 1388, LB. 23.18 3OJl6 '19'.03' ,25;3a" 26.31 11 1:15 IH3 lN3 1N2 1N2 , IN-! IN-! ,< Legal description for Tax Lot 17-tl3-23-44 #122 Beginning at the Southerly most corner of Lot ll,Block 4, THIRD ADDmON TO , NOR1HWOOD ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 52, Page 11, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the existing boundary lines of said Lot 11 'the following courses and distances: North 360 58"00''''West 95.00 feet; North 340 55"15" East 57.59 feet; along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 870 26' 05" East 60.86 feet, a distance of 65.43 feet; thence leaving the Northerly boundary of said Lot 11, South 300 01' 07" East 39.26 feet; thence South 00 05' 00" West 52.81 feet to the Southerly boundary of Lot 12, Block 4- of said TIiIRD ADDmON TO NORTH WOOD ESTATES; thence along said Southerly boundary North 89" 07' 00" West 2,26 feet to the S~utheast corner of said Lot 11; thence along the Southeasterly boundary of said Lot 11, South 540 04' 35n \-Vest 66.61 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, .oregon. . . .' Legal description for Tax Lot 17-03-23-~~ #121 Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 12, Block 4, THIRD ADDn10N TO NOR1HWOOD ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 52, Page 11, Lane COlUlty Oregon Plat Records; thence along the boundary lines of said Lot 12 the following courses and distances: SOUUl 0053' 00" West 145.00 feet; North 890 07' 00" West 77.74 feet; thence leaving the Southerly boundary of said Lot 12, North 00 05' 00" East 52.81 feet; thence North 300 01' 01" \Vcst 39.26 fc,et to the aforementioned boundary of Lot 12; thence along the arc of a 50.00 foot radius curve, to the left, tht: chord of which bears North 200 55' 55" East 48.51 feet to the Northwest comer of snid Lot 12; thence along , the Nottherly boundary of said Lot 12, North 81" 54' 55" East 83.03 feet to the point of beginning in Lanc County, Oregon. . ,. "rc:VIf;Cd 4/8/04 ' . .,' , ". 0" f)" f)' " '. , ,,_U,_._._"_~:~~_\~'~~~,~~~!~,~."._._._.~.",.X~~L #2784 / MEDF !<tD A " ;ITION ~ Wx r- -- -' / ~--~-_:~~---~.. ~~1;Z~~;:'t::::;=~;~P8C~<1<l412el04 ~ /,1 ,/ " /':::~"'4X6"i2"0IccriOkl't"'smintJ.~ardir<"~'tIY" ,,-~ :~ RIN /' .' ! t<: l>eaii"6 walll>tl9W' !',~~~" tv , - ,.. - ' --,- 7 . - - ~/.~"",~ ... ? :; :; ~ %~ u ! / / / - ~~ ~ ,,' / /1 q.. I I I ' . , , , .; , ~ It) : / ;. . 10 11 "'-,......, . , , ,c / E , ! 0) \l O~ <h Wx . j:===:::::::=lF= ~ 'f==a::==:::=',. EXl'IHEli 10!/3 ''',' . ,.0 i:i I II t:- 4 x 8 #2 DF '~ ; '/ ' ' ~ ,. I~, " t'3 , ' II g, ',~ :- 9f (2) 2 x 10 #2 OF ,.0 !'f( ~E\~ ' '~ . d ~H ~;. Z;,. 1.1?' cox ~r'l116 05f3.e.dCD.,6" etlg~"1,2",iriter.!.otil n~.lilna" . . Wx.' ~ I; ';; J. ,~'319C~~ IS rilo,u!red, NSIII,M~ I"!lpiia~n I? rl'qulred. , ' " , I, I :t ~ 1" 1/2'\(1Q" AB1eCl2' ,,'e, ffmt;> wI S5TBIl?ilS. eM4. w1~re tihVWM. ~'~'-'~'-'~'-''-'-r'i-'~--''-'~''''-'~j;'' 'Wx' '.. 'c...... ' w.: i;ENE/uC SHI;:A~ WALL (crl'ipirlcai d<n\lll~) i . '-. II".. . WX,-' ." ".. ., , H.~-'" . ",' . '" ,.." i-t.. ,1/2" GOX or,7/16 0513, 8dC/l6" cJe." 11~/ Iriterior" M..IIIM!!! Z' :1' ~ 71' l~oekli;a NOT ~yfr"J. Nailing iMSp,ctlon NOT ,'eo,ulfi!<l. - 1I~'xiO!' AJ)'&04' pl6. '. " ..;,.. 18~ ~m~al! ~I 14 par (lI~.p. & #4 V~~ (J) 48" j ;4y.1 'rx 10" ft;g. wI (~) I'Hare / " . I~, " ,,' ( 3'.6"' RgCOMMf:NPEO FOUNPA TION "3/4 n<lnu" hana t;ompa~ flll. ' Entl"" " ,~pcn~ , Elp.;ci..lln&~e" Not ~uiriJtl 'Cew;;1 w. cxl6f. "oGnd. wI ti5 ~ar6 ~ :8" la, @ 9" olc Jrlll 3/4 dla, hole 4" d....p &'I"J\<y. . (No ~I"'-":al in"..) '"t' Do\W:1 to ~i&t.. fou~d. ;,v} 51e" dl~.;c 4' ~in!u;drTler;T' lI'iJtl1e A~chor" ~ 9" ~/c wi 18" lon~ aHh,:.ad." - (No "~c:al in!>?) , NarE: "p1ice "il doul>l~ tal? pltlu" " mlnli,"im 6',0" w/lOd fJJ ~. ole stiia~crl;4 for 3' e.;, "Ide .jfea. joint ::t: r< a ~ . L H " ffm6 anchor to 4)( or (2) 2X ..Wae wi5$TBliS . . - .. -. . . ;ll .SHEARWAL~S ..~ il&" ;.I'-Q" #I""'" , ' ~ MEliF~D IWlnDt! ~. ~>jG<Eu), 011. ~M5t04 f"'itj,ffll).! HAl: rHEIFER PE. !".C. ~E.ij".;i" . ' BUiLDING OE51GN ,..,..,.. (?II) 68.3-J;!!?7 . . ~W,17"" ~,(111 91<01 "''':'::: L:..... .'~" RIW ~RtINFOIi;CE() 1"v1NOOW (i"!lid" or GuC"ipe) . ~ : :- U~ C520 "traP (J) 611111np I~"a~~r (2 per "':MdOfI) , . .... Ct;ntu CS20 en ,,,!ndow :....,-- :':6' BiQck behind C520 r'/'O< flM:!,!l r.",'d. I. Fa~t<:;' .trap wIFuIlMa;:ln~ ~ end 24" &, 257. ~ middle. .... T~ !1an:3t".:r.n~il~ may ~~ usr-d {n ~le\J of::;atsl::u;! ri6j~~. ." 1'> ~l Co N '. m/25/19% 19'; 24 5416834251' HAL PFEIFER PE WJJ;tJZI84. 1: MEOFDRDREMOPEl PAGE 83 5NDW'DRIfT'DESlGN ,H.<!,L",""ly"",,'/!,E; ".;ow',rr-.JI ;EtJGaIE::OR"~IJ~257 t I I Af"PENlJO.',8ECt'lDW _~. '9'1tl6C -.("''-'',~l<Nll ~,aI:_ N.ic ilm.lNl-tMW rlrl'f't.M4tt\- em.~ot' _...~ht;,,,,,,, Cftlibt.. enow..dqn)I . -N.d'S?" drift tcru-rI!::ICd' ~ ccn&ldsred'wMl\: ma!(.,llItoft&~ enow Ioad.O,~.-p.~ ln8X. ~'IIlld:.;""'nee: " 1 l 'w..~:14:5O ,fl;, r-:;. ..- n) ~-5arrJn.~ :Pl-~Ptr. <1~ ,55pcf' pcf hd,:= :20<10, :0=< '.Cl.llW.j,-<-14.D 0: 17.25 'rq=:'2!l;OO WA=-'''~'' ,~ft , W.k 4{hr-hb} Wa=.16.oo ft; 1=, ..00 ft;, hlo=pfID It ,hl>=D.90 ' f'f=,c"TP'lJpef 'Ce= '0;& '1"f=15:50 ,,'Z q' (h.,.hb)lhh,2 (hr-hb)n.!>=< 3.45 '~' "Di;",+-~ _166.90"" ) " --- -"".--' D (n,)='69.00 ..I. .I~.'J? [' it .<1= D(hr) lpef ~ -. ~ APR:rc2Cn4 'EJlI'lK::>,)~;j'1'IO'4 1.4:hd.<1'='hr.hb' II , ' +-.- t -' I . r ---------- ~ 7 ''2~'''- "~,,*, · -. . .,,---- 4 1 "'-- i ~..;r._~:::,::-:; ~-:- " /"... ...' " .' .~~/ f-~,,-,__ ~"7 J',. ' f'SF- -""---l- '_' r"2t;> +-- MuftIoloaiIeG'!leanil;8Hlililcrm!lUlldinll.1:acI8: (97'NOSll Vet, 6,00:5 "Sy;HAl 'PF8fER;4&W: 1.'1'lIt 'Eu;.na; '11,4G1;'Sil1,S€SA2'Si\lRr~ :01l:41:32'AM, ,~ioMt:'2.1Il4MEOF ~1;.._;".., 'MBR,Rp.FTERWI DRIFT ,Suinlll8l'l: . ~,1.5'lN xfl',25'f\IIx 8.1l'FT',/:i2'-:OcUl/fllj'Fi1"l:liw'"'Dll'tIs& ~. ,SedioJ1;~u.ala By,t 19.4% ,COOtmIIlnoFactor:'SedionModulusllDeplh,Requiled 6.24.10 Senter.Sc;an~-. - Oeacn':08d: 'lJI<e.~ ',Tataf:Coad:, ,'Cencer ,S:>e~' .t.eIlEM:Readion. ,(Support,,,):, :D",,:!.oac!:. 'OMd:J:.ai!It: TaIai't:n&O: ' ,!leariIlll ~',ll"",.:, '.' )iBeam:~SJ1Pl>Gl1,Cll!?adtY,nol'check8clI: :CenletSp8n:Rioh1End'RL."::""," (S<qlport8): " Uve'108d: OeelIload: TOlIlf,l:.oa<t' , ,BearIn;l.en;IMlequllell{lSl!em on!l',suppMapacl!y, nor ctlecteclt., "9.am' Dala: :CenlarSpm,Lon,.-tll: , ,Cenler.$.."<Jr. UOO""""c1;e.'lQl!l-;~o!,!lum: . c.ente!' St>an-u~ l.ongfh-llott''''Mf Beam;, :tMl!.oa<t,Cumllan,F_" , ,!om l.~otIle=:t O!tede: TOl9lI,eetl,~. 0ile:Sa: 'Comer'~'L<>~:, , Unilcnnlca:!: Llve:l.OAG!: , ,o....ctC<>a<t- lloDm SclfWelgllt: T<I!llt,toadi ".TrllDGWclllI~4 , lelltlYtl'lolld: ,left DoH Load:, R:iAIlHj",,~. , RiQht Dead'Load;,' 'Lca6Start: ,lI>acl :End: load length: Prnpertl...For.#;!-tlouglas 'FlN.arch aw~...;SWIa:. Sh&ar SCrus:: ,J,Iod,lIlls:Jf -EIaslklItv: :SInlSSP,"". .,'~' .Jlar ,toGcain: '~~jlle+e.Lr...L.... ..,~'..~,- . Fb"(l'enslonl:' ~,f __..::<:4:U5C>1:,tO Fif: '. 81/25/1996' 19:24 HAL PFEIFER ,PE ,541 ~83425T @ '~=_..i~-' 'tl.D-Cer\tllF ThO-Center: ,.l.idlxt>A- 0l'Rxn',y 'fl..,Rm"'- 8l-A" 'Ll,Rxn-B= 0l.Rxn-B= Tl.RluH3= Bl-B= l2= '1u2-TQj)~ Lu2,Bo1l/lm= = U U wl'~ ~ 'ssw- wT-2= TRl-left-1-2- 'fRO.-Left.1-2- TRL'-RiQht-1-2-: 'TRl>Righl+2c A,1.2~ .s-1~2.c C.1-2.= Fb= Fv>< .'E!I Fc.J>llll'" 'Fb'= Fv'= , , , 'Adiuslment'Faclol1dld=I:15 OeoJgn,~,. ,",-"..J: Contrtilling Moment; . 4:16'FUromlelt""lIIIClrt'ef'~PGl\'2.(CenIel'Spsn)' eo. ~ti<..aI~c:maladby ._~';"...1OIldaad,IOads"'IIU".~"" span(s).2, dl 1II~_" ,.Ata 4istance'd,frt>m'dahl'-SUllp;or\'of. """n'2 'ICentarSl>ar>I," "Crlllei&l ~"""",_l;y,,,,,,,,-.l;l.iffiQ all i:eaG'."=""_,_,~ en "",-,,,"2 'Comparisons\Mlh,RequJred Sections: ,....- ',' " Sectiort~{Memet\l): Ma (Shea!); ,. '."~".";_":' m~,.._,~;~:,~...~.D'r1)::' ,Sreqc S= Areq=' A= 1_, Ic a,:o.z' 0,05, ,0'.(11' ,PAGE ,04 1/ ""t IN IN= LJ2.01.1 'Ill = 't:l1""g , ~2S5 L8 143PJ.f ..- 133 LB I:., _419 'L!! V 0.'45' 'IN' ,..rJl;l v tit!.: ,~ 31't' L'!' 133 LB S04 L8 O,M' IN M= V" , llOO 95 1MOOOO 625 1139 PSI 8,0 ,0,0 8,0 1.15, 240 tOO Ff FT Ff o Pl.F o ,PLF '3, PU' 3ptf' 50 30, 114 30 Oll ,8.il 8.0 PLF PU' PLF PlF Ff .FT ,FT PSI PSI ,PSI PSI t09 'PSI 925 Ff-LB 400 l.B 9.75 INJ. 2i..$S ~,~. 5;49 1N2 13.88 tN2 'i2.04& :IN-4 9B,93 '1N4 Multi;l:gadedJlGamr 97 Uniform Buitdlnll COde"(97, NDSllVer:8.00.5 ';By: 'flAl:PFEII'ER . 40 w., Vlh"s.aena. ,;74&1',:5'1:683:4251'on: G4-3(l..2004, :,08:44:53 AN. Pluiecl:,2784MEDF ~:tocallOn:.MBR .fUDGE BEAMWiDRIFT .St"" "i." ~:3;S,I~X ,~~.25iH ?,12:8FT.f~!1'~:r.IfiI.an:l1...:ClovtJsa. . ,5eG\ionAlteQuate,8y: ,(l.l'li> , ~"'~\m\""9' """"" Sed=&!e~. !ltplh.!leqtlnd l1c2,4 ,(0, ,Cente'~DeCI'ecIIons: '- , ''!:.om @ ,~ 0\1e:~0lICI: '~' Total"'*!: . ~ ,Tl;I).Oenler= Cenler Span UlftEnlfReaetions ('Support A): LIvll'load: ,'Ooad'Lllad:, T'CIalUl3d:' ,!lellril'!ll:LenlllII.Req\lll&cl,{8&an\onJy, 6IlppOl't,e:apaei\'f-~eofl: ,CenlerSpan,RiQlItEmfReadlons (Supp4lft.B): ' Live'loa<!: Dead- Load: T4181 Laad;, ae..rl";r~e.,~.d :"'-'onIyi ~'-"-";',nol CIleckec1): 'SllzmOste:' ' Center SpanLOIllIlll: .'C81TttrrSj:1lRi"~,~,,,,~,~~,,,"r~,-mf'5NrTi 'Centtsr,Sl>anu., ;",. ...J 'L ...~.a _~~_....~, Beam: ,t;lveload, llutatlonFador: , 't.w~illMt~,~;' Tolal,Ulacf'OlIhtt 'Criteria: 'Center Span loading: 'Un.ti'orm b>ad: Uveload' Oead,Load; .aamS6ifWeight Tolalloa<t. T~l.oad1 'L;effUvaLoad: LelI,OeadLoad: RiQIll'u... Load: RigldtreBtftosd:- :i..08d Slart load End: l.oadLanqlh: Trapezold8lll>8d 2 LeIt Uve Laalt. L8lII tlIIatitnaa: Riilht .Live t..oa<t: RiIlhtOeIld,L<>ad:' 'Load,'Start;, Load End: lo8cl'l:M1at1l: I"ropej ties For. IN- rn p F'1f'Uudl Bendinsl Sbft.: Shear, Stress: Modulus of Elasticitv: StressP.erpendiculer: to. Grain, ~Pr~, FIt (ToinsiOn):' Adjuslm8nI F.aC\oD.: Cd~U5Cf=UO' 'Fv': 81/25/1996' 19:24 54H;834257 HAL PFEIFER PE " 'U.'~AA 'OL-Rxn-A~ Tl--Rlln-A= !Il,\w : U-Rm-B= DL'Rlcn'B= ' TL-Rm-B= fU.,B=- 1.2= ,t.u3-Too= :Lu2-'Bottom= Cd: U 1I wL-2= wO-2a llS\l\I" wT-22 T-RL-l;~1'-2= TRD-Lefl-1-2e TRL-Rillht-1,2= TRD-Rl;I\t-l-2c- A-1-2c-' 'B-1-2a '~1-2= TRL.LllIb-2-2a -TR"~2-2::: TRL-RiQllt:-2.~ 'fRO-Right-2-2a 110202= 5-2-2- C-2-2= Fb= Fv= E~ FCJl'lfll" fll'D 'Fv'e 'Adlualment Factors: Cda1.15 Design Requicement" ConlcoIIinIIlotoment 6.4 A from,lefl SUl>1XlCf of span 2 ('Center Soan) ",Clilil:sl ". ,,:.....-,by,comblnlnga;.cI8ad:1oada end,tiveJOlld.onspan(s)2 ,ContcolilncSheac: ' ''At a di.u.noe 4 from 1efl,suPPoctof SIl8n 2 (Center Spanl CriliclllShe",:etealfld bycomblrllngall dead:luad5.arod tlveloadson:span(.) 2, Conlparisons Wdh,RequlrecUl.c:tioll5: ' ,Section MOOlJIus (Voment): Area(ShetIlt Momenl',ollllllrtia (06_n):, Q;.t2' 021 0.\12 1555 LB 874 l:.B 24211 LB, Ul' IN 12.8 0.0. 12,8 1,15 240 1llO 143 67 143 67 0,0 12,6 ,12,6 1000 95, 1700000 625 1265, PAGE 05 1/4 IN', .'N:'V739 -IN =1J473 FT FT FT o o W 10 PLF PlF PlF 'PlF 'PU' , ~ PLF PLF t1., p1..F -' 'FT ~ FT H P PLF .J P'~c f PLF PLF ofT !ll. FT 0 FT '2 PSt PSI ,PSI PSI PSt, PSI 100 6C 100 ,60 '0,0 12,8 12,8 1ag Me, 7774: FT-LB V= 2089 LB 6ntQ= 73:704 1N3 $=, 73:83 lN3 AreQ:' 28,88 1N2' Aa 39.38 IN2 ItaQ~ ,~,O' IN4 I" 415.28 IN4 ,.MulIi'LoadedBeaml97 Unilonn Building Code {97NOSllVer. 6,00;5' :By::HAl..=r"R:..4l)'W. :\.71h;;E~;:2T~1.;~~:m:4257'on::~20Q4;::OB:sa:'9'AM :Ptajet:t; 27B4MEOF -:l:ocation:'II' MBRCEIUNG,BEAM ~~"251N ldD:S'lNx'11:IU"T:'/,24F-V4 -VisuBllYGrade<lWestem,SI*3O:. OryU5e , SectiortMeQ!S8l&~ 9:3%, eo_ingFactor. Nea I 'Depth Required 9:72,ln, 'ClmIclrSpiln'Dilo'ledIona:: ' ~,. '~ LMllfacI: ~ TalaIl:oad: :n:o.c.n1eP ',Camber ReQUlred: c= Center Span left End Reactiona (Support A): live u...!: Osadlolld: T~tGOCt BearinQlenQlh Requlted lBaam onlY., supportcspacily not checked): Center'SpariRiQIlt EndReac:tJons '{Support 'B): live Load; 0e0Idl.Dad: ToIai Loed: :, .".,.. UmgII1'Requiled (Beamomy;wpport ,capadly not dleckecI): Beam Dale: 'Center SpenlenQltl: Center:Spen Unb.llcecfLenQ1/l- Too,ofBaam: 'Cenlet Span, UnIltac:6d lenglMlotlom,oI Beam:, 'tMt:i:Dmii:Aaalim FIlt:itlr. UvAllolWOcllleQ,Crileda: J'otal,Load Oefted: cnterla: . , Center Srlan toeaing: UnIform Load; l.ive-,lQQd; 0e8d lAalt. ,llaamself Weight: 'TotalLoacl: Point Load 1 . Uve Load: Ooact l:.oad: l.ocaIIOn If'""" le'l'llnd'ol'SlllJIl}: :Propenie. 'F.cr: '~' Visually Grad8cf Westem'Species' Bendintl'Slresa: Shear:Slress: MocIuIus of E1astic:ity; , Slless PllIl*lClcuIllf 10 GraIi1: :Bendlng.Slress,cf Compo ,Face,in Tension: Adjuslecl ProDertie.. Fb' (Temlon): AcIju,'menfFaclors: Cd=1.15 Fv':: Aclil..., .. ,f.......... Cd=1.15, ,Oellgn ,R8Qlllremenls: ConIrollIIlQ,Moment: ,6,6 Fl'rom.IetI,support<Jf SllSn 2lCenterSclen! C<1l1ca1 moment Cl1llllecl by comblnino aU dead Ioecls 80dm load., on spen(s}'2 .c., 'I., .W~'I~..Shear: Al a<flStGnCe cl fronNfllllts\.lPllO<l 01 span 2 lcenllll SIlSJI!' ,Critical :sheat,crealeG'''Y'CClmblnlila .n:dead.loads.1Ild Jlva,loads, on span(s),2 ;,Compmiaons, Wdll'Ra.Quired :8ections; 'SGclion Modulus'{Momenl): '. ,01/25/1996 19:24 HAL PFEIFER PE 5416834257 Ll'Rm-A- 'Ol..'Rxn-A= ll-Rxn-A" ,BL-Ac Ll~ Ol..-Rxn-B= Tt,Rm:8= Bl-Sc- ,u.. Lu2- Top= L.a,BotIomD Cd,,- U .U wl,2." wO-2= SSW= 'wT-2= PLt-2= PD1'2: Xt'2"', Fb= 'Fvu 'Er- E'/" Fc_ ,Fll_cpI" ,Fb'= Fv'= M- 'Area 1$h68r}: :Momanl ofiMl1ia'{08flIlclIon): Sreqc S=, Al'eQc A'" 'lreQ= 1=.. 'll17' 028 '0.46 028 2141 taU 345Il 1.70 2989 17112 .mll 2:35 '11,0 0.0 1,1,0 1.15, 240 lBO 1555 874- 8,5 2400 190 leooooo 1llOOOOO 6!iO 1200 ,2760 11310 v. 4374 '49.17- 57,4.2 30,03 32JU, '166,00. 301,46 PAGE 06 '~/+ IN" IN D U463 IN D'LJ289 IN' LB LB .LB IN LB LB LB IN FT FT FT 325,' 195 B '526 PLF PLF PLF PU LB LB FT' PSI ,PSI "PSI, PSI PSt PSI ,PSI PSI 219 FT-LB ,LB, 'IN3, ,IIG fN2' 1/12 iN4, IN4 RooIBeaml97 UniformBuildlnll Code 197 NOS)' Ver.8.00.~ :By: HAL PFEIFER. 40W. 17th. Eugene. 97<101,,541.683,4257 on: 04'3f>'2004: Q9;07:07AM' ,Pmjsct 27NMEDF-toclIlIon::BREAKFAST:ARE-'HEAOER ,REVlSEO-LoOAOS :SummBJy. , -" '3;5.INK7.2!I-IN'x6.0.FT Jt2.-.DouQlllaFIr-Larch - DIy Use .....- . :Sectior"....deq.oall..By:3.c 1.%. ContrQlIlng:Fador:SacllonModutus 1:0ep1h Required,7.,14In 0efiec:ti,r:Jra -- ,QQalI ~: '!J\le"l_: TCltSILoad: ,Ii: ". _:;..~(Eacb'end); uve,lollCI: 0ead1.D8d: ToiaH:cacl: .,BeatIng'IAnglh,ReIjuIt8d,(Beam,only.$Upportcapllcily:not" ,.\. l): 'Beem Data: ' "Span: Maxlmum,Unllracecl Spa", , PlIl:hOfRoaf: \.MI'tg,,"H>ellect: Cll\etla: :rolAl'~ DeIIecI. Q:lI81Ia: 'Roof load/Ill!' 'ROoI:livII' .Load-SidoOno: Roof OeacHoad-Slde One: TJibulJIr9:WldII\o8Ide 0n6: RoofUvel.08li'8ldeT~ ' 'Roof Dead'L'OlI~lcIe'Two: TIibUWvW~ Two: Roof!lunlllon ,l'acIor: BeamSell' WellIht: S!qei'im ~ t.nQIhs and I.calls:', ~ed 1leam.Lenglh:, 'Beam'Uniform'1.iw.lDac!: :'llum.I..lnllolmDead l.cacl: 'TolaI Urilfonnlotid: PIoperties For: 12' Douala Flr-Lan::h "IlIltJdina~, ,~ SlAlsa: ModUlus 'of:E1utk:ity: :S1Fes$'~Io:Gm!n: Adjusted Properties , a,' (Tension): ~,_.... ,C :-:.....:...- OFt,~5 Cfst:3l) F~:, D1/25/1996 19:24 5416834257 HAL PFEIFER PE, '. 'Adj".... " ' 'FlICtorI:,OlFt.1~ Design..ReQt,;'\." "'I,"lls.' ,ControGitlll Moment ,3:Q,1\ fram Iaft SUIlIlOrt'. 'cm;",a_ ..,"':",;by,.....a..'V'OIlI_Cld-lNe.!oallS:, ConttolIing SllaaI: At.e d1stanca,d.from,WIlIlOrt.. ".-,::~: ":"-" ~t.,,~alI_amlJi;a,~. Comparisons WlIh R~Sac:tionS: ' , Sadlon: Modulus, (Moment): . A1U (St~: ,;..... .. ..of....rti8,([:.::,~..,), 0l0= , Ll.l)Z 1\.1> LL-Rxn" CL-Rxn- Tl,Rxn= BL" L= LIP" Rp,. \J \J ,LL1= 'DL1= TW1= ll.2= .Dl2=' !W2= Cd= , asw-. l.adl>- '04." ''oIOacll='' -:-wT= Fb= Fir-, .,EII F<:Jl8IP" '.Fb'!; F"" M= V= SreQ= S= ~ A= ,lreq= 1= PAGE 07 4/4, O.Q5IN 0~01 IN" U976 ,0.11' :tN=,,\:f593 ,1350 an 2222 1,02 25.0 15.0 ~O 25;0 15,Q 13,0 '1;.15 8 900' 95 1600000 ,625 1~ 8,0 ,0,0 4 2-41l 180 LB LB L8 IN FT FT :'12 6,0 450 ,29,1 741 PSI' PSF FT PSF PSF FT 'PlF FT PlF PLF PlF 109 PSI PSI PSI 'PSI PSI PSI 3333 H-LB 1778, LB 29:73 IN3 30.66 IN3 24.41 IN2 25.38 1N2 33-75, 1N4 111.15 IN4