HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-1-8 1'(,\' -' <:Je... ~t0 =-- ScJ..e... \ 1(::; ('C) , ~q.,,\11 N /\ , . 1 ~ ~. ~~ k' -, t(~ 'I "'3l ~ "~,~) < -/ - "y--- ~~o~<~ L~ '10\ 'V . \1 ':)<'i..'4lC'... ~.... ('(e0, Zl"" s't.. /J - \-2--:>-k~_kML~ ARE REQUIRED. Please refer to attached Development Code Section regarding the placement and types of allowable street trees. 11> \0 ~ ~-) 14 (.Y ' 5(~=iws~ weei;.kl,..s, l1J<'~ ~" ..-Y(.~L @ ~l~'4 'l-L ~~ '2, /, I \~ I cO\->S\~ 'Y / rr~(1~ MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Line~ DIll t 71 ~V\E /' i'O'011 .. ,,":---'&\.J~w* , N Lu..lSI'k. <'i.iM.JLk -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Side yard to House or Garage -Rear yard to House or Garage DATE RECF.:IVED \l'i,O<l JOB No,lOt'\'Len.'\-~'3 ZONE OCCUPANCY GROUP'tt.-'!., UNITIS) OCCUPANCY LOAD SETBACKS STORIES \ TYPE CONSTRUCT,o,,'i:;t<t ~ l \ LEGAL DESCRIPTI.ON. l~, ot.lI tLO-CO -..,.- .1-J. 'ADDRESS '-ln~ ~~. -, .. --- 0\1 <;;;. ~ ~',~" \:~~ . - ~ .. - y;tlS.. " I'I=.IJTS HERE ON HAVE ~F"~ . ~ ALTE:RATIQNS INDICA~ED eN GOLOhL.:J ,-'L', ". ~ OR ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRA'k'iJ.~.:?~.4'll! PROJECT AFTER TI~E G;':,~ 8ELO\r" SHALL f,:'E ~??PC"~,'6 THE BUILDING OFF1CI"L 5 feet 10 feet P.U.E MAY CHANGE . NOTICE: " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGjN f THIS peRMiT SHALL EXPIRE IFTHE WORKAPPROVED BY -g 1? _ !:lATE I z..b () j AUftiOfllZEO UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMM!:NCEf) OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, ~ ~.1~, ~~~JJ(l,,.Lr=r~c- -s"=" (S \>~~ (~\\~ ~,~ C(7.1(oS foqfo -1 J{ <beg i'c\S \Ol7\'7 ~ill\)-e~s;: 4D22. ~~~~e.- L~\3 ~ (~ee~ :AF!'ROVE-D ONLY' FOR RESIDENTIAL U~-l ;N ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 16 t, THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CO'!>l "to 4, ,. < " ~.. _ 1- ~ ' .. 'r . . ,., --' o , o 24-0 I , I I 1 :! ~i"i I I I ~ " J II I! "l:1 . '. . - --'.--~-i i JSI' nGJ\:i> =' =':.1>.'= ::..-= -='. =~ =P' '-- . ~ l - -'-,'," '-',"-,---" '--:-ii"" ";,~."",.~J"~",-:;;:v____""",~';>;,'<>,"-',',':"',~'_,,w.,,~GJ,,'.,....~1',',"'~..."'_~ '----.... = = ~ i I ____ ~_ ~]u__ _~:~--='~._~-~'.~~r~~~~'--- ...--..'" ". .,~ 1 -1- ~ - (;8 (~) ; - --4f ""l-~' ~' -,~~~ I. .~~,=~-:-T~'-~"'~'l '1=11,':1= ~,:l'" II'''' ~l~ ~., 1: rs" ~ ____If = N ~'FI II ~_. ~.... H"~~ \'5 ~ I l' ~"~ -1 ' ~ ..-Lt' L~ o ~- !--~-- ('1=-'~ ; ;~7. "~'~~lm ~i ~ I f- II', ~./ ~ '-~'~- ~ '~ =Jr1 L1u I l);:j - ~~ '!7~~~~'''' rflA,mmuHii I '~ III - _ ~ fi - ~ ~ ~ .~ I i ~ r"C--1c~; l ~ ,Ill) r0~- ~/,/7,. ""'''"'''''''~'=:'==~'''-'''--'~~~'':'''''"'-~~~~'''''''~'<== II ~ ! / -- ,,",..,'"' "... " I ,__ 36-0 30-0 2-0 ~ '" w --' . Gl 1~ "10- .,,' AA ~ ~ ~ r~ @ '[$ ~ ..... ./>.' " 0, 1 I~ui ~ ~ ,L; lo l\' g I ." ! 1 ~/. fl 1/~r '" 1~1 /_.::!~'i I "'<: ~I I, -- -. ,,+ I' i "'-I " ~t;,-. . '""" I " 0, --' w , Gl , , ,,' 7-0 48-0 ~~ ..: { .~I~~~ :~. ... .r. .roo>O(t].. . . ....... m '"if . ., .. . ..~-r'" ... .. \ . ~()~~. .. I... 'adorn' I " ...~oJ " :J' " Ol "'--, ::+ "--' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. .. .. . ~Job Name:' WIECHERT -~m X-lOC -1 0- 2-12 2 TI- 3- 4 ]~J :rv.:l' !.oW:. 531]5 ~:I:'g ~.5u" 5 50" :n; = 1\'[, 'w CSI 1-4- -B1l5 .~o .:'.1 45 2,3 -e~6 .16 13 .2' 3,' -M4G ,1. 13 2. ',5 -811S .20 2' .5 Jr = ,,"'-' LNl CSI ',7 72:27 'J .51 ,,,. 7,. 4635 .2' .55 .3 B-' 7227 . 0:4) 51 ". . ><II = csi. \'JlH = CS1 2,7 ,125 .02 3,. .273 .94 ),7 '273 .94 .,. -125 .02 I'V\X IEFI..B:rICN (q;l.,1l1 : 1/999 IN!'lEM 7-8 lJ ,],\'C) 1.- -.il" D= - 07" 1'= - M" = Jollt: l.o::atiCl~ === 1 0- 0- 0 . 0, 0- 0 2 J- 9-12 7 4- 1]-12 3 6- 9- 0 . 9- 1- I] . 9- 8- I] . 13- 6- 0 5 13- 6- 0 TYPICAL I'LA TIC ~.5 ~ . MOSHOFSKY :L".... ,.... 'lGI TRUSS , ' lTrul"1l1S1~IClllJ'(,""I,'r"lr ~.~ ~5 ~Nllpnr1. Dr . (\,J" 'l'Il1lJ;l' t'n ~1l'l117 ThS.O Verolon T6.3.1 '- . M'l)'l1 2 US" 285" Truss 10: 635502 Qty: 'Il' .~~.I Ul, III l'c.: :'~"'.G J( 1. JII weB 244 I ~ L SD..HCl'\f.UJ lurv.;er GlEe-u- allo...al'l'..I'" are rx:r N"E-97 nA1E VAllES fER IOn 1.-r~117Ir~1I RCFmT III rim. fi.:.J.l1LUUr In'=lCJIU i., /",rllr,u (I'l' ell)".!!.l) Lt.l preve:d:: lu:atiavt'1l111g. ~ HIB-91 alrJ i\N31/IPI 1-lSl9'i, 10 UJ 5 alrllO.3.4 .6. 1'J.bUj 11.l1-l:'.l : NW/n'I .. 1995 'JIles U~3Ir1of ill '1118 UMlOJl'lU U8:Ulf' CF JoJ..n..iI1f'l..E l!ro C1\S!:S. RE1\R.D'G ~rnIS sh:w1 are l:ase:3. CNL.N Gl tle uu.ss material at. ead1l:earirg. lr nr.l-d fat" 10 f'GF u:u-ca LW."l-e-E. InL. ItAl'J.IIt; Bl\.'J1ill CN G&EN IJ.1.UER \OOJ..ES. 2 fl.,Yl N3~1 wIled (D'r-rn, st~ (Nm-g7 "=t. 12) m, TI::- 21ft BO- 51ft WEll'l- 21ft =:s 2-PL\S REQUIltED 3-9-12 ~I~ 2-]1,4 3-9-12 3,9.12 (,-9-1) 9,8,4 13,6,0 fl~Q_n ~.O_O 2 '3 4 5 6.00 -6.001 3-8-1 , ~_s 4-5 _. Ill.~-3 8-8 l]-li~n r. 7 8 4-~.12 4-4.12 4,8,8 9-1-4 Trus!.\'al Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18" (18 ga.). "H"{16 ga ). m: "MX"{TWNX 20 ga.), pos~tioned per Joint Report. C~rcled p'lates and false frame plates ~re pos~tioned as shown above. WARNING lIelld 1Il/lloles Oil litis slteel IIlld giJ'e II copy of illo lite Emlillg COIl/raclor. fhi~ dt~ign i~ for.m U\lllVidll.l1 huilding compOlltll1 nol llUS.~ ~)'.r;f.:m. II h.1.~ bt:<..l\ halitd tin 'pecilk:'lriol1s plllvlded by lhe componenl mallufaclurer and done U1 accord.mcc \\ IIIl lIlC currel1t \ asioll.l of fI'l and AF1'A dC.I;gn sl..'\IIlLmbi. No respol1.1ibiJily j, .assumed for dimensional accune}'. Dimensions are 10 be verified b} Ihe cnmpooelll m.UlI1f.lcllll.:r and/ur buildlll~ de~is.ner plioI' 10 f:lbrblioll. 111e bllildll\~ dc.~igner mllSt a~cel1:.iin that!he loads llliliz.clI on 1his: dc.\lgn !neel tlr e'\c.:ed lhe 11I.IUJll& ilTlpu.~.:d by Ille Iuc.,[ hllildl11.!: code :md Ill<' Il.lliLular ,'pJlllt.lliOJI The desi.!:n.as~umCli lhallllC: top chord ir; Ialernlly brncaJ by llle. lOUr or OllUr Sh".llhJll~ and lhe bollom dlOnI IS Ialerall}' hrilced by n 1 iglll ~he:lIJlilll IJ1.11erial directly attnched, unlw c.lherwise nOled. Brncillg ShO\\'l i~ for Lueral S\1I'Ill>11 or Lomponcnls membcn; only 10 reducc bud,nll!! lenglh. 111b componcnl sh..1I1llot he placed in any c:nvirollmc:nllhal '.\'111 cause tile 1ll111sIUre rOllhl1lof lhe \'.undln e~cecd 19~ .lInl'or C.llL~C conofrlor plale cormdoll_ P..htic.lle, Iundle, in.~!.,U :.lnd bi.lte thi, trUlls UI .ICCl1nl.mr.t wJlh Ihe fl1JIU\\in~ sl.ull1.ud~' JuINf IJhrAU..\'.11Y Tlll\W;ll, 'AN:-'If'J I'll', '\VlCA r. Wuod TnIL~ COlllleil of Am.:riC:1 SLll\lllrd Desl.!:" Rl 'IHlJI~lllIlille~. lIAN/JIINr, IN,,'j ,\1 I INn AND BRAI INO /loJEI'A1.I'I.A I h CflNl'JHrl 1m WOOD 'I Rlr,"~ES' . (1110.91) ;lnd '1IID.91 SlIMMAR) ."'111:1:1 hy 11'1 nit '11'1'.' I'L,lt lnslilnlc (II'I) h loe.lled al.~Kll) fllwlrio Drive. M.ldi'Oll, Wisconsin 53719. 11m Amcrican POrt'sl :,uld f';'l'er '\~M,d.'I"'1I (,\t I'A) v. t", 11..., .,1 I'll 1'>lh Slucl. N\\'. 'Ic Illlll. \V."hll1~r,,". 1l{'~1{)1t'i. 2 OrwR: C0021 09169-012 UiLl!"!, lllY(':l1(J~(m : :)q.J;Oft 1 -5M Jb "wort 2 ,584 1h 'Ihi1:; truss is r!ejfo;/M1I'irg tte UC rtx:e. .. Blr.y Eh=:lo:::ecl.. Yea 'fiUSlS l..cca1::i.cn :eltl a.ct Zcre H..rrnC'alE/O::ean I...:i.re ,.. ~ . Thp category ,.. c "log Lamb:, 'iP,qp.ft._Blog 1'b.d:h = 20 00 it Mean.ttd"hllgtt.-';;--rJl6b ft, ~ '" 80 ..... m::: SI:at:du:d 0:::0Jpa:rr;y. Da:l Lc8d. '" 17 0 pef . . ----------l.l:N> O\SE ~.!E3Irn I..l:i\CS ----_____........... Dir L P1.f8 . .L lee R.Plf R.lo::: uJn.. 1CVert 64.00 o-t1-o 64.00 13-6-0..~'t: EC Vert 727 88 0- 0- 0 727.88 13- 6- 0 Sa. .... , , .... ...... . . .. ..... . . ...... , . .. .. . .... I ... . , . . . . . .... ..... .... . . ... , . . .. . .... . . . . / ...... . . . . . , . . 9 4-4-12 13-6-0 4/1912002 Scale: 318ft = l' TBFt 65.3 Chk. Degnr: TC Li...", Te Dead Be Live Be Dead W'j'. 87 . WOo 6355 Custcmer Name: WIECEERT BLC = 14 25.00 pl!lf 7.00 pef .00 pl!lf 10.00 paf DurF~c. L=1.15 P=1.15 Rep Mbr:Eb::J.d 1. 00 D.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Deeign Speo UBC Ceil Rab.o: 1/240 TC: 1/240 TOTAL 1,2.00 pef "job Name: WIECHERT 1-. X-llX: HLJ\CT 5Im HIQ'Jl Em '" 1 0- 2-12 714 ~,.~(l" 1.5u" 2 lJ- 9- 4 'n'l ,~ bO" I. ~IO" "1<: = !>XL INJ CS1 1-2 -1159 .01 .51 .52 ~ 2:'3 'liS' ,01 .51 .S:! OC >= !>XL INJ CSI 4,5 939 '^' '0 '8 5,' ?39 .08 "'0 48 ~ ~ C51 \oED FrnCE C51 2-5 729 32 W\X IEFI.Ecrld1''{~\.''Ul) . 1/999 rn Mi:M 4-'5 {LI'vl-:J L- -.12" D= -.08" I'= - 20" JOJ..rt: l.o:at::t~ == 10-0-0 4 0-0-0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 314-0-0 '14-0-0 ~ MOSHOFSKY - CV",.,.....J TRUSS , . f4~\N~~;::ror~o~'l('lISpnl1J:J. co :l0~1l7 _ TpS.o Veroion T6.J.1 --0' ~; Truss 10: 6355A f Qt 5 Drw : C0021 09 J 69-001 'H' .:'1 rn, III ll" ::''.'1 IH, /11 W1.Jl .~-:i] HI. ::J7Hl'\/11 H A:lE VAllES lUt If1.Q h'D-;[MU{ liEJ(]lf 1I1GU7. Hl\'I'll.J3 fillSfIl rn a.UN ill.m~ V!I1lI..S 1'111 illr '1H' : pJ.l~I/n'l - 1995 JIll.': JI.:arN J:J 'liE Ul11.ffij'IL:: rL'lJIJI' OJ: NJLjt'lIU:.l!Y\l.IO\']~':;. l.!l:rnltG REQ.T.lREMENIS dD>.ll are 1e.se:i CNLY Ul tl~ tnJr.>G Ilntenal <l1:. e.,ch l::ffir:ir:g. llH,]Jo'!'l/l'1\C'!'ICN(m : &q:pact. 1 -107 lb SUf:p::rt. 2 -107 lb 1hiE t.rusa is ee.~ us.u:g the U:C Cl:::I:E . .. BklJ nclc=cl "" Tfn . TtUnlJ Lxat..l.O'1tf...m::t.~ Z:n:: H.u:rlcan~/O::.eari !.i'De .. l'b . EYp caLeg;:n:y .. c Blcg I..aJ:Jth.. 50 00 fiI. Elcy W1.cl::h ~ 20 00 ft M::im. ra:iE hcig1'l:..~ .10.52 ft., l'l!i! == eo m:: Sl:ardard O::n.parr.y! Dead !.rid '" 17. 0 fD~ . : .. . . ,.. ..... ... . ." ... . . . 't".. . . .,.. ...... . . .. ..... . . ...... . . .. .. 7,11-11 7,11-0 7,U,O 14,0-0 . .... . .. . . ... . . .... 1_11_11 7-,l.1I ..... . ... . .... . . . ..... '2 3 8.00 -8.001 ... . . . . ..~... . .. . . 5-0-7 IO,4-7 .. . . . . . .... . . ... . 6-,O-~ SI IP III-4-7 II,So;l 4,00 I (i_h_N I -4.00 O~ , J IEx~r~i2003J I ,1-li.1) I 6-6-8 11,6,0 < ld.O_lI 4 5 6 7-11-11 I 7,11-1\ Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless s lown by "18" (li ga.). "H" f1G ga ). or "NX" (TWMX 20 ga,). positioned per Joint Report. ~i;r~~.:.2 rlates and false frame plates are positioned as shown above. WARNING Read allllotes 011 this sheet alld gi)'e a COp.\' of it to the Erectillg COlltractor. This desi&lll~ for an illl.lividlullluiJduli CUmpllJlClIl nolll1Wi s)?;lem II has heen based Oil spec1ficalion.~ provided by lhe componenl manufLlclurcr and done in i1ccoriliirce \\ Ill, Illt curreut 'trAIOI}.'; of TPI and AFPA dtbi~n ~tand.lrds, No rc.~poJllJblljlJ' i~ ~\SUlll!:d for dlffitnsional accuracy, Dimensions are 10 be "'enfiell b} lhe component Il1:HlUr:lchlrCr :lJlulor builuDl' llesi~lIer prior 10 fablicaliun 11Ie buddilli designer mLlliI QScenain lI13llbe loads utilized on tbia desli:n meel or e~c~.:.d Ihe k"u]il1g impo.\ed by Ihe lOC<lI building cude and lhe p:ltlcul<ir i1ppliC.lliOIl. TIle desi&n assumes lIJ.:lt the lOp chord is lalernlly br.lc.ed b)' llle rllUr or nnur Sh....llhil1g and th~ bunorn chord u; L:llemlly brneed by OJ ri&id sbt.:llhUli: IIl.1lerial directly .:llt:lehed, unless orJu~r\Vise noled. DracUlg Shll\\11 i~ fur Lllcr.:1I ~uJlI'ClI1 of CQrnpOllcnu; members only In reduce bud.1ll\g ]~1l:1h. TIlili component sballnol be p1r.ced in any environme.ntlhal WIU c..1use lIle moj,.;nlTl~ cnnlelllllr lhe \\uod Iu exceed J9~ Mdlor Cill1se COllllLClor pble corrn\joll. Fabric.1le, handle, insTall and brn('~: this truss in acconJ.11lCt: \Ijth the lulhl\\lIli: \t.llHbnk 'JUINT DETAll..~', by Tnl\'\"iII, 'AN~I!T1'1 J', 'wrC^ 1'. Wood TnlCS Counctl 01 ^merl~ Standard De.\ii:ll Rc.~llillL~iblijlk" '1I,\NDI.INti IN:'\1"AJ.l.INCi AND U1L\CINf. Mf.TAL I'IAI b f ONNECl ED WOOD TRUSSES' . (fIJD-91) lIJ1d '1I1D-91 SlIMM.\It' 1>]11.1;1" II) I J'1. nlr Tnl'~ I'Llk 11l~lih1lc {I ['I} t, I.... ,Irt! m 5K.1 J}'(lllnrllU 1)live:, Mat.lu.nn, Wlli~tl'm ,5'1719. file An'.-nc.m I'Ilfl.J<I.LI\d I';'ller AU"LI.Uj,," (,\11'.\) t< I"L.llLd OIl I,ll 11)111 Sltal, NW, :'lIe "I(J. v.'.~liill1,:.I"II. Il" .!O(J;16. - 1,11-0 14,0-0 4/1912002 ScaleJ 9/32- _ I' 'lBF: 29.3 Chk. WTt 69 j WOt 6355 Curltaner Nama: WIECHE:RT DurFac. L=l,lS P=l.lS Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C,SpaciDg 2~ 0- 0 Design Spec UBC refl Ratio, 1/2-30 'IL: T./2lJO D!!Ignr: TC Live TC Dead Be LiVl!l Be Deild ~LC 13 "- 25.00 paf 7.00 psf .00 psf 10.00 p!!lf 'l'01:AL 42.00 pd Job Name: WIECHERT . Iro X-u:e RD'<T t:I?F. W'O'D 1 0- 2-]2 5~-.1J ~, ',0" 2 9f)" ~ 2 13- 9- 4 ~!:>13 ~, ~u" 2.96" TC Frn:E AAL IN) CSI 1,2 -6598 ,15 ." .J7 -2:3 -6513 10 J1 01 J,. -6513 ,10 11 21 '-5 -6598 .15 21 ,37 OC Fm:E A'Q, IN) CSI 6-7 SiGO J3 .'" '9 7" 37"l1 ", "' ,70 ',9 5460 ,33 ,5(; .. '<ll Frn:E ($: '''''' Frn:E CSI 2,7 -240 Ol J-~ 3825 .. 3-7 3825 ... .'. -240 .03 '''''!:ERB:rrCN 1,,=1 . 1/999 IN /'EM 7-, (LIvE) j,. -.07" 0. -.05" T= - ll" Jollt: I..ccatia'JS __ 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 3- 9-15 7 4-10-10 3 7- 0- 0 . 9- 1- 6 . 10- 2- 1 9 1'1- 0- 0 5 14- 0- 0 1 YP1CAL PLATE 4,4 ~ MOSHOFSKY "'--~ TRUSS '- 1:;;"':'VlISYJlellll'CCl'"rml" I~H.s Nl'fllip1rk Dr.,l"'!,_ SpriUCi. co 110907 -1p~.o V.rlliOD 'r6.3.1 Dnvg: C0021 09169-002 UILl!"l' PFJlt:.:1'Jc.N(r.) : &q:part 1 -598 lh SuHx:rt 2 .~.9.lli This '=sa is 'is~ Us>rg th, UC CbE, Blcg Eh::::lcae::l....~.. 'lhlEJG! ~cn :0 N:i:. Ehi Zae Iimci=/"=om Line . fu . "" ~ = c roa, I.erQth =' 5~. M!t. roa, Width. 20. O~ t. . . Mean rD::Jf l:P...igl:t:: 1ft.52 ft, nfh:: 80 . . r.n::Sta:rmrdCb:.~. D=adI..cad.= 17.0~~... ____n____l.Q'l.Ie iU3E #1 IESIrn ~ __h___h_______ Dir L,PJ.f ~,l= R,PJ.f R :rd . J!JJt, 'It: Vat 64.00 0- 0- 0 64.00 14- 0- 0 .78 B: Vert 727 eij..~ 0- 0 727 .Ba 14- 0- 0 .58 .. ...... .... .... 'W .~.1 Ul, III n.: 2.1Qi IHJ III hUi ::",1 ]ijL ran'Dl'I/\1) l.ul~:er Sh".ul' all~J;.lt".1:l are p::r Nr.U-~ F1A'IE VAlI.I:S rm Ian r~ESr7I.f8JI REJUU' 1/1607. n'>.lnBlni. bt<lC'Jl~J m llq.luul (l.y ct1:k::l1;;) 1.0 Pll,:,vell: l:d"lUav'I.Ql)liIU, !',(.~ HW-91 illlJ Jl.N-.H/n'j 1-199!;'; .w J 4.5 _1.ni 10 3 4,6. Truss 10: 6J55A2 2 Qty: I'Jdll11j /1[.0: : NfJ!/JPl _ 1995 'llII~ II~mN IS 11E C0"1Fffim RESuUr CF l'UiJ'lUE IrY\D U\SD3. IU\lUN:; ~ sh:::wl are l:ased CN[1{ 01 tip. truss nnterial at e:d11:ean.rg. u.l..id-d far 10 lUF )XI1-ccn::urrej: B:::I.L. n l\Ti:t>r; T:lISED CN G?EEN ill'1!3[R VAI.IEg. 2-R.,V' Nul whOd~. S~::::2:ed (NIE-97 Sect. 12) in: TC- 21ft B::- 57ft l'rnS- 21ft ----. ---l 2-I'LYS REQUIRED J.9-15 3-9'15 i_II_11 2 ~ 5 ~ 3-2-' 7-0,0 3-2-1 10,2-1 3-9-15 14,0.0 7.fLf1 oj ,..001 '3 5.1,7 10,4-7 1ll-~-7 14.fl_f1 6 7 8 9 4-10_10 14-0,0 4-10-10 4-2-12 Truswal Systems Plates are :ttr'G-J9 unless ehown by 94-t" (1~ ga. J, "H"(l' ga.), or "MX"(TI-n1X 20 ga.), positJ.oned per Jo~nt Report. Circled lates and falee frame! lates arC! ositioned as shov.on above. WARNING Read allllates 011 this sheet alld gil'e a COj(V ofil /0 the Erectillg COlltroctor. rhis dt..~ign is for ~ll illlJivhJu.1r hllih.ling cumpllllelll nOI!Jll!>s i)'llem, II has been b<l.~ed un SpeCHiC&llill1l5 provided by !he componenlm:mufacrurer and done in OIcconl.1uce \\'Illl lhe CUTrell! \'en;iullS of TPI ,!lId AFPA di:!Jgn ~l:lJlilJrd5, No rc~ponsjbl]jly is ;lSSume:r1 lor dime:llsioll:ll accuracy. Dimensions are 10 be: Yenned by the cumponenl rn.lllllfaClurer .UllJlor buiJdull desi~ner pnor 10 fabricaliun, The buJ!dul~ designer mw;1 ascerl.:lin tlLal Ole lD.ld\ ulIlized on lhh ,,,;..' ",,' " """ "" "''''''', hop"'" by 'h, ,,,., bmldl", ,,', ~,' 'b, "'''CU"' 'P1'''OI[lo", Th, ''''<'' ""'I"" ""[ "" lop clm'" ;, ukOl"Y braced by lhe fUl.f ur fll>or dJMhul!: .uld Ihe bollom chlmI i\ L1Iel~lI.v brnccd bJ' a rigid shealhing m.1ten:llliireclly llllached, unless olbetwise noled. Dr.>cmg s!Jm\11 i~ for L1lel'a] slI!,pun of CUlnponenfs member;; Dilly 10 reduce budJing lell&lh, Thi~ cOlnpontnl shall no! be placed in :lIlY euvironmenf 1hat wiJI t.ll1se lhe mOI,~!UJC ctlJllc11l ur lh.:: \\nod III .'>;ceetl19~ nnd/UJ cnllse connerl"f pL1tC cllrro.~illn. r,lbric.1Ie. h.,ndJe. install and brnce this Inw in :ICcunLlI1ce \\idllhc fullu\\'JIlg \!,II1L1.1111~, 'JOIN I DBTAIU;;', by Tru\\\~lI, 'ANSlfTrll'. '\\!TeA 1'. Wood TIU'll: CounelJ of AmeriCOl Sl:uumrd Des~n ResJ"'lt\jhjhli~. IIANIJLlNtl lN~IAUJN{j AND BRACING Mh1AI.J'IXIr. ('ONNBCfED WOOD TRUS,r;Pn';' _ (IUD-9J) .and 'IJ/B-91 'it'MM"~l\ \111:1: f' 1>...11'1, rill" II.-, ]'Llll IH~lill11e (1'1'1, I' IUl.",t1.ll."H \ lJ'Ou..r'i.. DriY!:, M,ltll'1Il1, VI iSC:OH'hl .~J719. TIle ^m'lic.UI Pr'lut ,tnd I"'I'~T AU.....t'I"'" {AI'I'A) b. I..,.,r,d ,I[ IIII 1'Jlh .'ille"-l, N\V. "Ie Io'n, \V...h;IISI"Il, I),' ;,'!ll1l16, TBP: 81.3 Cblt: D8gnr: TC Live TC Dead Be Live Be Dead TOTJ\L - ..... . . . .... o .. . . ..... . ... . .. . . . . . .. . . -. . . .... . . .... . ... . . .. o . 5,0-7 SH:P .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... .... . o o .... ...... . .. . . ...... . . .... I~--t irp.S: 12/31/200~ I.'.~., -- .,./19/2002 Scale: 11/32ft . 11 WT: 98 H #LC. 14 25.00 psf 7.00 psf .00 psf 10.00 psf 42.00 prof I wo: 6355 Custaner Name: n~'-l::1J::.tj.r DurPac!l L=l.1.5 Pel,1S Rep Mbr End 1.00 O,C.spacing 2- 0- 0 DeBign spec UBc re.n R.-'llio: 1/2'JO 'Ie. 1.1240 .Job Name: WIECHERT - rro x'= mX:I' mm nrQ'D 1 0- 2-12 ]J.I'. '.,'.11" 1 I,n" 2 20- 9- <1 lJ;l~ ~'.~~U" l,SL1" 1C Fa"" J>Y.L lHJ "" 1-2 -1589 .00 ," ,<5 - 2-3 -iDe 00 ,14 .. 3-4 -lD. .00 ,-14 44 4,5 -1589 _00 ,. .45 a:: RRCE J\XL INl "'" ',:7 1223 ,10 ,3' .4. 7,. 1223 ,10 73 .2 .,. 1223 ,10 .73 82 - RRCE CS1' llEl3 '= an 2,. -487 . :13' ,'. -1J87 )3 3-8 717 .32 MI\l( IErnJ::TICN (,,,,,,,j , 1/999 ill MEM 6.7 (Lrvl.':) 1... -.15" D= - 10" T= _ :6" Joint L::catic:ns == 10-0-0 6 0-0-0 25-6-1 7 !I-O-Q 3 10- 6- 0 !l 10- 6- 0 4 15- 5-15 9 21- 0- 0 5 21- 0- 0 TYPICAL PL4TE 1.5,4 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~'V"""I TRUSS 'Toi'.VllISy~relllli' Cl'],'rld.. , ~H5 N(\r1hp~tk Dr" (',.1,. Sl'rin,:s. CO 809m _ TpS.O V..ro!oll T6.3 J. 'It: .~~'1 IH, 1/1 II . .~~.l I ~ 1, 111 WllI ::'.'1 J~l. :iJUni'\J.11 tHI. HrK J~~t] Ul, mN.nVlh'lJ PlA1E VAllJ:S 1m ]U:J.) W~EL.RUI UF..1-Urr IIIM(}. !brtlE.1l':~rt: b.-ar::irg 11" l'g.lu-o.l flV d"h':!.rsl to prevui: lu-alim/l'IPWI:J :1..~ IIID-91 dId ANglin'] 1-1995; ll1. 10 3.4.6. Il.ATIN; IY\.';m OJ mUN' llJ1[lJ:1~ VA1l.H3 Truss 10: 63550 I Qty: J'11I.ill) rp..... NmII'I'I. 1~1~1'i '1111:: 1L::'.l1IJ.f W 'm:; Clll1OJl'lg Hl.:JW1' (l" c-lJJl'lI'l.ElIYIIJC1\'l'S, HIJVUJ:.,r; HQlJliM1...Nm 01:0.-..1 ale l:ased CMN 01 th~ t..n.r..s nRte.r:ia1 at each ~. t o3\[.l;:r.J fal: 10 ff'.oF Il::I1-CUl:un:ai:. ro..r.., HI)! tll..e ~d~J.Hl:.e utaples fer gable blcx::ks. JUlll)J.N3 LElmER r-mr VERIFY GZl.8lE LCi>-J:E1 I ~J yablc h:a:::.iJ:;] rEqJ..iJ.-cd @ 58" inl:.en':lls. if ~~ to win::l Ic:sd ~lie:1 Co :fuc~. See "Ge:-eral Gilile D=taiJ.EI", CIXl2065035. ~-6-1 5,6-1 IIl_fl.!1 2 4-11.15 --~ 111-6,11 4-11,15 15-5-15 10_{'_0 4 ~-6,1 21-11,0 DrWR: C0021lJy 16Y-003 UI',lI-'l' UI'f'L'I'IU"(~) : !Jlnxrt: 1 -1191h !}uBxrt 2 .. ~l~ 1.1. l1us b:ues ~d:Ei~~ U13llg UE l..OCCb::.h, . !lieu r:h:~la:c.:l.,. ~C!3. . TrUSG I..cc:ltia'1 = N::::t. nit Zae IluTJ.cru-eja.:'t;:an Lin:: ~ Ib , Dp cat-~y '" C Bld3I..e-ut:h:c.~e.tl15~, BlctJWid:h:c 20.~.cIi.. M:sn ro:::l h=igl-1: "" ~~69 ft, Il}:h '" 80 . . T..B::SI:.an:lardC-.",<: . r:eadl.cia.d.= l7.0p!!~... ----n;;:m~PlfOOW3E.r\_~'lI"" ~ --'ii'iJ,''-:iUI. 'IC'Vert 96,00 0- 0- 0 96,00 2- 0- 0 .72 'It: Vert 6<1.~..... 0- 0 64..00 19- 0- 0 ~ 'It: Vert 96r/JIJ 19-.0- 0 96.00 21- O-."..~, OCVr.JJ:t 1lJ,~.."'0_O 1l!St1 21-0-0... " '1yPe li;s X L::c I.I../IL TC Vert '11. :2- 0- 0 1.00 'Ie Vert -,~ 2- 0- 0 .00 'Ie Vert 36.9 2- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 10.3 2- 0- 0 ,00 'K'Ve:l.t .9lJtS..S- S- 7 1.00 'Ie Vert .25.I:S- 5- 7 .00 'IC Vert '07.8 10- 6- 0 1.00 'Ie Vert :i:J) .~- 6- 0 ,00 rr: Vert -90.8 15- 6- 9 100 rr: Vert ~f ~- 6- 9 .00 'Ie Vert -~.l. 19- 0- 0 1.00 '!eVert . -.$ :A9- 0- 0 .00 'It:' Vert .36.9 .19- 0- 0 1.00 'Ie Vert 10.3 .~- 0- 0 .00 . . . . I{),4-7 TBF, 89.3 ChI" Dl!gnr: TC Live Te Dead Be Live Be Dead TOTAL 7,4,7 '3 IJSN + ~?~'5'4 . /" . ~ ' 1I6# ,;::/ + + + ~ + ,,~ 7'<( '" " ~"J?>"" d_"~-f~ " 5=3-4 2.5,8 5' 8.00 -8.001 116# ~ IO-4-7 2,5.6 n }f8L, }H., 21 ~fl_lJ 6 7 10.6,0 1lI-6,1I Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unlees shown by "18"(18 ga.', "H"(16 ga.), or "MX" {TWMX 20 ga.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled lates and false frame lates are ositioned as shown above. WARNING Read aI/notes all this slwet alld giJoe a CORY of it to the Erecting Contractor, nib; d~~i~lI i~ for ;'\Jl Ul~J\'ldn.\] bllildllll cOlllpun~nl nollru.'t~ ~,l'slem, II ha.~ heen based on speeifi~ljDn.~ provid~d by ale componenl manuf:lcturer and done in :lCCord.1ncc \\rlll lhe currem \ LrsiOllS orl PI aml AFPA lIt.~il:n $b.ud.lrtb;, NIl rupnn~lbiliry is a~sumed for dimensioual accuiolCY. Dimensions are 10 be venfied by the clIrnpllllcnlllL'"11f,ll.lUrcr .lll~h'r building de.~igllcr prim lu f.lbril.- Ilion, l'he buJl~il1S designer must a!iccruin l1ut [he lo:Ids ulilized on Ihis dC\Ij;11 meCl 11r e:\cecd lhe I'LUlill!! i11l1l11~cd h\' lhe Illc;!l building cude _md 1Ile /,:JlILulM applicalion. 111e design assumc.o; thallhe lop cllOrd is lalerally blOlc.'.d hy lht loof IIr ntlllr ~h, Ilhill! ,nltl lhe llllllum churd 1~ L1ICr.lll.v bracl.'d h}':l llglll \llc;llhing n~llcrt:1] dJrecll,l' 0I1l3clled, unlCJio othcrwise noled IJmcill~ SIIO\\-11 i~ rnr tller.t1l'ul'pnn of cumpnlltl1ls lllelllben. onl}' 10 [educe huclJing knglh. ThIS componenl shaJ.1 nol be placed in any ellvirollmcnllillll will c.:IU5C the moisture conlenr ,If lhe wool110 e~tcr.d 19% andfor c:tUSc COIlH"Llor phle corm.lion. r"bricolle, handle, install and brace flus lnu:s in JCConl.1l1ce \\11h lhe fulhl\\illg ~I,II\(I.IlW.: 'JOINT DETAlI~\;'. bv Tr'U.~\\"al, 'ANSlfTPJ I'. W reA J'. Wood Trul,~ Council of America Standard Dc.~icn RtSpOmlbilJlic~, 'IIANDI.INei IN:\ rAJ,UNO AND DRAClNG /vir: rAt I'I./\Tn CONNECTED WOOD TRI1S:\ES' . (Hm.91) ,Old 'HID.9i ~UMMAR' SilliEr }'Y 11'1 I'l~ Tn....' l'llk 11l~lilll1l.' (I I'll I/> 1"1.'.il~t!;1I .~I(l /) fluurnu IJn\'C. M,ldl\UIl. Wlscunsin 53719. TheAm~riLall Fort"~l nnd ''''per A~,,~j;'li"ll (Arl'A) i.< h><..h.:d ,II III I J')I" '<"ITWI, N\\', Mel-lXl, W,~,hi"t:r"n, 1.:1. :!IJIJ;l6. 8 9 111,~,1I 21-11-11 . .... . . .... . ... . . .. . . 8- '-] 5 lIP WT:20a ~ #LC. 14 25.00 paf 7.00 paf .00 p"f ~o.oo pDf 42.(0 paf ...... . . .. .. )... . . .... .. .. . . . .... ...... . .. . . /\ ! ...... . . .... f~ 4/t 9/2002 Scale: 3/16M . I' wo: 6355 Cuetaner Name: WIECHERT . DurPacl!!I L=1.15 P=l,lS Rep Mbr BDd 1. 00 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 DeDign Speo use ren Ratio: 41240 'Ie: lJ240 Job Naill!!: WIECHERT 'W ::0..:.1 I". IIJ 1(_' :'..~1i r~'lj II:! \<[D 2..,\:1) U 1.. :3U~ It.}'\HIJ llA1E \Wl1:.lJ !En Iun UESDiHOI l<CRRr 111607. LO:'lcb-d fOl.- 10 I!.'jF' 1"1'.11 C.tlnlrret. taL. Il..;'\rw::; I:V\.':H) U-J Q'llN lIl"UO{ VAlus. Truss 10: 635582 Qty: Em X-LOC 1 0- 2-12 220-9-4 m'Q'D J .50" 1.5U" R17l("I' :ll?f: lJb8 ';,.5u" 1363 ~.50" 1C Frna: 1~2 ~2G49 -2-3 -2066 3-4 -206' 4-5 ,2049 AXL \.!IV CSI .01 )2 32 M JIJ 0119 .08 41 49 .01 32 32 oc rma;: J\XL IN> C':lI 6,7 160116 .23 7:! % 7-' '63 ,12 "' .84 ... ". 863 .12 76 ,88 9-10 1646 . ::!3 72 ,9' '. "'" Frna: CSJ 1'4.]1 H]~(}:: en 2,7 -410 10 3,. 1175 52 3-7 1175 .52 .'. -410 ,10 W\X IEFI..EcrIrn (fl-"lul - 1/849 IN 11:11 8-9 (L1\JE;) '" ..29" n, -.20" "" -.49" -- Joint I..o::::atic'l; = 1 0-0-0 6 0- 0- 0 2 4- 6- 0 7 4- 6- 0 3 10- 6- 0 . .- 0, 0 4 16- 6- 0 9 16- 6- 0 .5 21- 0- 0 10 21- 0, 0 ~ MOSHOFSKY '-"~,TRUSS , :"';I~'''] s '~l.m~ - CI'I"nd,. 44JS N(lrltJl'lrl. Or.. (',,]., "l'rill,l:~ CO 1l1l~Tl7 -Tp!i..O V..reiou T'. 3.1 - I'J.lI..hy [lAX: : /'NJI!!l'l - 19~ 'lllTro IOilm W 'lIE n11fanu: IWlllI' a~ rvU..iJ1IlE l1Y>J) ~:;rs. r~ RElJ.lIREMEN1S cln.!, are lased CNN U1 tJe tru~ uuLerial at each 1:eari!y. l\":lIlL-tt:ut. lu.;;tcitg is re::f:lired O::!r ct:h=:ra) to pn~-'t:Jt. .td..aLiaVlq.\)li.1q. See Hm-91 arrl m:n/rPI 1-1995; 103.4.5 arrl.l0 34.6. 4~(i-O 4,6-11 fi.:.l~ 1II-6.11 6,11-0 16-6-11 IfI."_fl 4 ~ -8.00 4,6-0 21,0-0 1(1_"_1) 2 ~ 'J 5-; 7,4-7 25-S III,4-7 h m, ;1M, -I 21.11.0 6 7 8 9 10 4-6,11 12,0-0 4-6-11 16-6,0 Trus....'al Systellls Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "II!." (18 ga ) I "H"{16 ga.), 01- "MX"{TWMX 20 ga.), positioned per JOl.nt Report. Circled p'latee and f~l~~ !;~me plates are posl.tioned as shown above. 11' ARNING Ileat! a/lnoles OIllllis sTleel and gil'c a copy of it 10 ITlc Ereclillg COlli/actor. This de.~lgn l~ fUI :Ul ilHlivhltMI IHlJlllil1~ cornpouenl not lruss s}sle.rn. II has been ba.\~ Oll ~pcc1ficaljollS provided by Ille componenl m::mufacfurer and done in act:nrdance wUlll/1C ClInC1l1 \erl<IOlL~ of n'! .uld ArPA de.~iln standards. Nt) responsJbilily is M~umcd for dimensional accurncy. Dimensions arc (0 be venfied by the clImpollClll 1J1.lllllf..clurer .:uulfur bullLlUlg L1tsii:ller pnor 10 fabrit.lllon. The buiJdinl de.~igller musl ascet1aiu lhallhe loads utilized on lhb; L1.:.~i&1I me.:l or exceed the ]ll.ldlllg impnmJ by the loc:.al buildilll coue ;Illillhc Jlllicuhlr ;lpplicalioll The i1e.~lp assumes thai lhe lop cJlOnI b; 1alel'Ollly bl.lcetl by lhe muf llr nOM J,ht:.lIhiJl& and the buflom chord i~ Llltr-...lly bl':ll:cd by:, n~jtl shealhmg tn.:l!triaI directly anached, UnlCM olberwb;e noted, I3mcin& li:hn""'l is for L11l."1"] li:\IPllllFl of CUllIpllllenls mcmbcf"i only IOICdui:!: Imckling knglh, Thb COlllptmcllt ,hall nOI be placcd in any environment th..11 \\'111 c;lIlse Ille 111II111\1r[ tOlllCllIuf IIle \\'ll~'d III clccccI 19% .Inti/or CJusc COllllCllnr J1L'Ie curru~jon F;lbricare, hallllle, in.~lall amI brace Illis trms In .1l..clln1.mcl \\ Ilh the fllllu\\ illl1 \I,lIld lltl~ JOIN r DETAII~ll', b.v Tnl~w"I, AN'\IIlI'J I., 'WlCA I'. Wood Truss CoulIcil of Americ:.a SLalllLmJ Design Ra.llllIlSihihllc.... IIt\NJ)],JMi JNST/\I.I.lN(i AND IJRt\(.JNli MtTA1.I'I.I\1 E {'ONN!..IClhJ> WOO!> "fRUSSllS' _ (Hmo!}!) illItI 'HIJ).9J "H'MMAR'r :<:IIEEr hv 11'1. I'hl. Tm...., I'Llle Inslllulc nl'J)}l; luc.alcd ~I ~KII) OUI,rriu Drive:, M,ldl\I>n, Wisconsin .n119. ThcAl1lCrll::~1l Flllt.:l;l.Uld I','pe:r A'~llt.i.'l"~1 (AH';\) i~ I,.....n..d .1' I'll l'Jlh ~ln'el, N\\', ~IC ~U'l. \V."hillgh>n Ij(. :::00.16. 4,6-0 21-0,0 8 OrwR: C0021 091 69-004 UllJl'f 1~I1CN(S) : &.lftx:rt. 1 -121 lh Sq.pott 2 .~ lb nUs l:ruas JB ~i~ UOilg tle UC~. - Bld3 Erclaxd ~.~ .. 'fhlOa lo::atlm '" N:t. Eh:l Za:e H.1rrica:r:e/O:ean LiI:e ~ lib . E>q;> caJ:.~y '" c Bla, Lacgth. ~iltr~. Bla, w"dth 0 20,O<O~~.. M3aIl !Cof hdglt; co 1!.6' ft, rq:h '" ao .. UC St.a:n::Bl:U O::cup;.-.~ lliad r..m.d: '" 17 0 ~.... ----D~---~1f()"l.€ 1:~ICN w:m ---R~T;;;..-i~~ 'IC Vert. 64.00 0- 0- 0 64.00 21- 0- 0 ...a OC Vert. 20.0(\..D. 0- 0 20.00 4- 6- 0 D~ OC:V<.xt 70.10 4-16- 0 10.00 16.6-'l!t.:.!1 OC Vert 20 Otll.J!Ei. 6- 0 20,00 21. 0- 0 . ~ IQ,4-7 TBF: 62.0 Cbk, Dsgnr: TC Live TC Dead BC Live Be Dead TO'DIL ..... . . . .... . .. . . ..... . ... . ... . . . . .. . . . . . '... . . ... . ... . . .. . . 8,4,) S~IP WT'151 " iLC It 14 25.00 pef 7.00 psf .00 pl!lf 10.00 psf i2.00 psI ...... . . .. .. ... . . .... .... . . . .... ...... , .. . . ...... . . .... @.res: 4/1912002 Scale; 3/1iU ~ 11 wo: 6355 Cus taner Name: WJ:EClIERT DurPac" ~l,15 P~l,lS Rep Mbr Bcd 1.00 D,C,Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC Iefl Ratio: 1/2,10 'Ie: 41240 -. Job Name:' WIECHERT Joiri:. lo:atioY.l "'''''''= 1 0-0-0 30 0-0-0 .2- 1. 4.. 0 31 1- 4- 0 3 2- ~- 0 32 ~- R- 0 4 4- 0- 0 33 -1- 0- 0 55-4-0345-4_0 "-8-0]56-1I_0 7-8~O-O 368-0-0 . 9- 4-15 37 9- ~- 0 910-5-03810_8_0 10 12- 0- 0 39 1.2- 0- 0 II J3- 4- 0 . 040' 13- 4- 0 12 14- 8- 0 . \1' 14- e- 0 13 1'- 0- 0 4'2 16- 0- 0 14 17- 4- 0 43 17- 4- 0 15 18- 0- 0 44 Ie- B- 0 16 18- 8- 0 45 20- 0- 0 17 20- 0- 0 41i 21- 4- 0 Ii 21- 4- 0 47 ...... 8- 0 19 22- 8- 0 48 24- 0- 0 20 24- D- 0 49 25-.;1. 0 21 25- 4- 0 50 26- B- 0 22 26- 7- 1 51 25- 0- 0 23 211- 0- 0 52 29- 4- 0 24 29- 4- 0 53 30- 8- 0 25 30- 8- 0 54 32- 0- 0 .26 32- 0- 0 5S 33- 4- 0 27 33- 4- 0 56 34- 8- 0 28 34- 8- 0 57 36- 0- 0 29 36- 0- 0 TYPICAL PLATE 1.5-4 ~ MOSHOFSKY J""''od TRUSS iru1\\'lIS'Y5ItlllJ,C"!N.1dfl , 4~~S NNlhpnrll Dr.. C,-li' "llrul/:5. ( 0 !l09ll1 -~Tp~.o Ver8!OQ T'.3.1 'It' :"A ru. III I" .:.~;o1 10, III t1U,J!IK ;',1 Ul. 'H]HI'\!.11 H.A:IE VAlll.S IU~ Iuo I.:ESlAltfJJ 11:..lU1J' 111601 I...cnd:d fOl.- 10 FSF 1111-Cl.:n:''\.lnUL Ear... rUITDIN3 [J:<3Irnrn HJ:I' \iDlH'" GiHt E IO'\flJ! (~) gable J:u.a:.1Jl) lCq,lltL\i ..i,' ~>ll" llt,~va.l~, l! c:>q~ Lo win.! j" 11.1 ':J/.~,1111.i to [~. See "Ge-.eral G3ble 1~', (0)2065035 Truss 10: ~H5C' Qty: \'1.1 i1q l'fu.' : Nt;l/l1'l . I~~S 'JIII~: II:WN In IiI: U:-UWl']E UD-U':I' (1" HJlWJJlElIY\l..I(.!\':UJ. Jll:i'\RItl,; lillJJIIU:MlN1S Eto..Il aJ:l! l:aoe:i CNLY m tJy:: trUR.'3 nRtena} at each~. 111,(rlN:i UASl:ll Cl'l rl1J.I1.l I.lM.ER \I.Z\I1ES, f-J-fl_----l ~------l ~ H.1.:L---; I-f)_(/ 4,0.0 4f)-(l 4-0-0 4_0-0 '-----I 1-'" { 4.0 9-4-11 13-1-0 /7-4_') 21-4-(1 2J-4.() 2N.() 33-4-0 IN_fl.n 1".0_0 4 14Hl6 i J 6 7 8 , 10 11 " 1.' 17 18 l' 20 2l 22 2l U 2l 26 27 21 6.00 ~ 9-4,3 ~ ~~r'~ ;i>f: H'" Hr.fr ." ~ -,L -'c, - Lm._ [Iih. :c 0,4,3 1,-.60\\ l(,.II_O 1-4-0 1-4-0 l/l'1 .J2 13 34 .U J6 J7 '& 39 4(J 41 J~~~'J.O.[J ~-4-0 9-4-0 1.1-4-0 17-4.0 Jj 51 42 4.r .u 4J <It; 47 46 ~4-0-0 2144J 2J-4..(l ~JOJIJ2JJJ4 ~4_fl-O 294.0 lJ-4..(l Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga ), "H"(16 ga.), or "NXll(TWl-lX 20 ga.), posilioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame plates are Dositioned as shown above. WARNING Rc(tr! (till/ales OIII11is sllcel alld gil'e a eO/<I' ofilia IIIe Erectillg COl/lraclor, T1it~ de.\lgn is for an indJ\jdu.ll buihhng compOIli:nlnolll1l" li.l\lem 11 h.1s becn h:lsed on ~pccifjt:Jlions provil!ed by !he compollenl manufacfurar and dODe in nccllrd.-mce \\lllllhe currenl 'cr~il1lt~ ofTPI and AFPA de,,-ign sl..llId.1fds. No lc.~ponsjbllily is :lSSUlllcl! for dimensional accuracy, DjmeJl~ioru; Dre fo b~ vel Jfj.::d b)' Illt compuncllf In.lIlllf:,clurer and/or building tle~i!l\er prior 10 r..briC,lIIOlI. TIle building de.\igner roUE! ascertain tbat !he loads ultJized 011 lhb de.~ign mcel ur e1t..e<.i1 lhc If~"Jl\l1' impo.~ed b\' Ih.:. loc.;l/ buil,jjnS code "lid lhe 1'.Iliclll.1r :Ipphc:llJOn. nle dcsi:1l :\sSlIme/; ilial tIle lop cl ord 1S lalernlly braced b.v lhe fOnf or nuur ~hc;llhillg ,l\il! Ille lWllum chord i.~ L'\lcrally bmcld b~ n rigId ~hcall1ill~ nL.1h::n.11 directly attlehed, unlCS5 olhelwlse noled. Bracing showlJ iJ; for LlcrnllillJllltlr1 or compnllcnL~ membcl'll unly to leducc blld.Jmg ICll~lh Tllis camponelll shallnol be pIace.d in any elIvironmenl tbal will C.1USC the lIluislurc conlelll or Ihe \\'(lud III cxc!:ecl J9~ ..nd/or C.1U~e CDlUl!:clor plale currosiDlI. F.abriC':l.lt, handle, inslall:md braCt.. ~lis truss in Jccurd."\nce\\i~l lhe f0l111\\ill);: ~LIIll!.lrds' 'JOINT DfTIAIL.-:', by Tl1lm'i'll, ANslrrrll', 'WTeA I' _ Wuod TI"\I.!;I; Council of America Slandard Duign Re~pUlt~jhihrles. .IIANDI INI; IN.\TAI.I.INCi AND D11.A('ING lvl/fT.\1 1'1-\'1 C ('(JNNJ:.('"J ED WOOD TRUSSES' . (1110-91) Dud 'J1I8-91 _\l'rvlt.I^R\ ,\IIJ;BT b\' '11'1 I1lc fllll'J.. 1'Llre In~llIur~ (n'l) b llJ("alet! 011 .~tO /)'Onllrriu Drive, M.ld~"I\. WJScun.sin 53719. 'n1l: Amt..l1e;Ul Forti! and !'OIper AuncL'li..n CAH'.\) U. h.....'h:d.ll IIII j'Jlh ."IIC1!I, NW. Stc. ~.I. \Vu:hi"Slnn, lJ< ~0I1..16. , DrwR: C0021 09169-005 'JlUlJ Lru/Ju iu tbu!:JII:d UI.iJfJ th~ tu:' {l-.rh. W(.V Fh":la:>o;:d .. Y!l-'.. =l=tim"Itlo~~:zcr., llirric:ar)".jO:.l8an Lin:! ;; lb Don catf:9CltY = c: Dlcy wgth.. ~.QD.:li::, Bic9 W-l.dth;; 20.00 it M::a11 roof lcigli: '" 12.67 ft. nm = eo lOC statrlnd Q:r-,rm,"",,~ ~ L::ad;; 17.0 p3f --.~~I ..... . . . ..... 10-0-15 Sill I' 3-4 :c 0,4,3_ _ ... ... .... . . .... ..... . . . .... . .. . . ... .. . ... . ... . . . . .. . . . . . .... . . .... . ... . . .. . . OVER CONTmuouS SUPPORT TEFl 146.7 Cbk. Dsgnrl TC Live TC Dead BC Live BC Dead I'OVlL WT.352 . ilr.c. 14 , 25.00 psf 7.00 pef .00 pef 10.00 psf .(2.00 psf . ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... .. .. . . . .... ...... . .. . . /' ...... . . .... Scale: 1/1iI- c l' -, wo: 6355 Customer Name: WIECHERT DurFacB L~I.15 P~1.15 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C,Spacing 2- 0- 0 Deeign spec UBC refl ratio: 1/2010 'TC': 1/240 Job Nallle: WIECHERT url X-rn:: 1.1i'II.,'I' :nt.1~ Wll'!1 1 G- 2-12 llll ~I "'~'u" J . ~"," 2 35- g- 4 H:.M !.;.!.ill" 1.~2" '!1:: FrnCE 1\XL WID 031 1-2 540 ,0' 10 56 2-" - 434 ,(>5 .,. 53 3-4 '96 .OJ 41 ... ',5 -1263 .01 ,41 .42 5,' -Ill? .01 22 2. ',7 -5527 35 23 .50 7-1 _ -5422 '2 .31 .73 .'. -5514 .43 .43 ,86 9-10 -5390 .. '2 06 V OC FrnCE .,. ''''' 031 11-12 -398 .bo Sf; .56 12,1) 1031 ,07 '" ,6J 13-14 1931 .29 -'6 75 14-15 5172 ,40 .38 .78 15-16 4987 3. .38 .77 hl'll FrnCE 031 lim = <51 2-12 -422 ,Q8 6-14 4147 .65 4-12 -1621 ... 7-14 ,n6 ... ',13 227 .10 9-14 222 ,09 5-13 700 27 9,15 -324 ,.. 6-13 -Des .72 Truss 10: 63550 Qty: DrWR: Cvull Uy t 69-007 J 'II' ll: "'.,1 I ~ ], ill ;~~'J IN, ,11.,J: .:"J. J ~ I, _ :b:4 U'l, SD'\fIO'.\R[J 2x4 Jj I. '411 6-14 IU'01:: Vi'JlTS Fm lOl.} w:;ri\J~1 RJJa~r 1111)01. l.n;u..l~ (~lL' 11) lUJ'll"JI '.'IUll!Ud. LGJ.J. lU'cr'l.f\t~ []N,[:J) Cl\I Ullil" ]JJ-Uu:R VN.u~. M IH, In.w:iIlJ ".jllud ..I: I"IIJI lu.uliclll1ll.WIl. l^l :~.4 ,'l,:U)..tUt!l :t.u..w ('lXOIU87001-00l). '.IIHI-ltl\:l~ f'Umm mEIH."ClI.~ Juilj: lU.PU1LH Pbtirg q:.cc : At-ln!IPI - 1995 JI ITS rrsIrn IS 'lIE o:M!03I'IE RESUUl' <F flJUrm:r-: WID Ol.',[S. l'l.l\JUH; mlJJ1J~lMllilS Eh:w1 are lnscd CNL,J' C.U llc Lttl1JC na1:eri.al at each l:eariIg. un.WI'IM'o{TjIH(::) : !J.q_p:nt 1 -86 lh !)..Il..prm..] 'n lli 'lllls truss is """;~l!I ~hy th. !B:: Cl:d2. .. Hlr.g &clo:::e:l = YI~ 'Iruim 1.o:aI:.iOl ::: 1-10 :1"I:l.Zcre H..u:riC3Jl!'::/O:::ean LU-e '" fu . Exp ~ & C Bl", 1=lth. 50, o~ ~2"B 1", WJ.cl:h" 20,00 it M:En roof l-eiglt."'. ~.'t ft. n:w = eo ..... UCSI:.armrdO:t:t.pan.:y, r:eaa.L:Bd_ 17_0p:sf ..:... ... ... 11,11. WIJJ ...... . . . . .. .. . . .... ..... . . ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... . .... . .. . . ... .. . ... . 6-2,12 -< 5,11,7 5-9-tL, 4~1I-7 l-11_9 ,4-1,5 $,10,11 ':.. 2-12 12-2-3 18-0-0 22-0-7 26-0,0 30-1-5 36,0,0 lR_o_n 'S-D,n , 2 3 4 '5 6 78 9 10 6.00 ,6.00 I .1.5-4 .. .. . . . .... Mt\X IEFI.Ecr1CN (e:p:,ul) . 1/638 1N MEr>t 13-14 (I.IVE) 11" -.56" r:= -.38" T: 93" M7iX IDI.B:TICN (caJ1:) , J.,I449 IN 'IMll'12 (LIVE) IF ,17" D= _11" T= 28" .. . . . . . ...... . .. . . ...... . . .... .. . . . . "''''= Joint l.ccatioJS === 1 0- 0- 0 9 30- 1- 5 2 6- 2-12 10 J6- 0- 0 J 9- 4-15 11 0- 0- 0 4 12- 2- 3 12 6- 2-12 518-0-01316-9_0 6 22- 0- 7 14 ::!6- 1-12 7 26- 0- 0 15 30- 1- 5 826-7-11636-0_0 I . .... . . .... . 9-4-3 10,0-15 smr ...~ :I: 0-4-3_ , -4 .6-11-11 ~ 9-4-12 I '4,00 ~ O,~8 i 1~ 111-9_0 1tl-fl~f1 II J"S~ 12J31/2003j \~)(P. 1~' - -; II 12 lJ 14 3,11,9 , 30-1,5 15 16 5-10-11 36-0-0 6-2-12 6-2-12 10-6-4 16-9-0 9-4.12 26-1-12 4/1912002 Scale: l/Bo .. 11 Trus\.Jal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shO\.Jn by "18"(18 ga.'. "H"(16 ga.), or "HX"(TI'i}lX 20 ga." posltioned per Joint Report. ,....'.:ccled platef" and fal;;e frame plates are posltioned as shown above. WARNING Relit! al/nole" 1I11lhis sheel and gh'e-;' copy oJ ilia the Erecting COll/raclor. Thi~ dt.q&lI is fur <Ul1l1UI\ Idu.1I11l1il~1ll[: cnmp(ln~nr IlOllllL'\S ~.I~I~m It h3~ b~.:.n b:1~<ld llll ~peclfic.lliOlL~ provu]~d b}' lhe compollelll manufoctuler and done Ul i1CC('fd.ml'c \\Jlh [he 1;\I11Clll \.'rlolllll~ of TP].Uld ArPA dr.~igll stalllllnls, i\:ll ld;pUIlSibilil)' L~ :L<;S\lllled fur dimensiunal accur:u:y. Dim~osions are ({} be "e:nficd II)' Ihc CtlllljlUllCll1 n~1I1"f,l~lUf~r :mdh'f bUlldUlg dc~iSller prior III l:Jbnc.lliulI 111c building designer mUM n.~Lel1:liu th:lllhc loods ulrlizc.d 0I11l1is de.~ir.lllllee[ t'l C~~('Ul'lC J,~uhllJ; ilnl'Uh..tl b}' lhe Inc.11 building eude anulil.. 1','llcul'r :Jpp1ic::Jlion. The dc.~i&n assumes thallhe lop cllord \.0; 1a1.er.l1ly bfilced by the TIm! III nUllr ~h...\ll1iuf. aud Illl: bUllllm dllml '" LllCrJlly brac~~d b};1 I illl] shcalhiu& ll1illcrial dm~cll}' allached, wllCSli othelwisc 1l01c.d, nl~CUli SlIO\\11IS fOl lllcm1 M11'/,'ll1llf CUllIl'llUClllS lnclnbcr'S UIli}' 10 reduce bud.ling length, TIlis LUlnpunenl sh:ill nol be: placed in::my e.JlVlronmenllli:;ll wllJ C111~e lhe 1l10lhlUrt CUlllCn! n[ thL \\ood In t.\cct.d 19% .UllJ1or COIlIse CI1IUIe-Clo! pl1le corru.llon, Fllbrit:ale, handle, in~lall and bruec 11th fJ1l5l; in :lecolll.mcc \\ilh Ihe fllthl\\iut: 51.1I111.1Ili~' JOINI DUTAII...'i', b)'TnlS\\~I, 'ANMrrPII', 'WTCA I' _ Wood Truss Conncil of America Slandoard Dui:;n R"f""'iblli"", IIr\~IlI,i~l, i~;'II\I,I.IN\i ^~D OiW IN\i MI~r^I.I'I,YIi;(,ON~E\1ED WOODTR\lSsr,s' . (HIB.9l) '\lid 'IiiB'91 S\\MMARY SI1l:l~T' \lyTI'1 llle Tnl\,' I'tlle InslilUI' n 1'1) i~ \~.\lcd ~\ ,~.\ \)'Ol\urri~ D~Vt, M:t~i\.lm, Wisclln~\n 53119, TIle ^1ll~ril:alll1DreJl.\Ild . ""rcl' A'<;MIl:L.lli"ll (,\FI'A) h In,,'lcd.'1 11'1 l')lh .';:lrn~l. NW. Me ttlXl, ".~<1l!1I11"1l.1J1 ~llO. (, ~ MOSHOFSKY ~"'.i',""ITRUSS TBF: 91!L2 Chk, Degnr: TC Live TC Dead BC Live Be Dead WT,241 . NO: 6355 Cu.l5'tc:cner Name: HLe. 21 25.00 pfllf 7.00 pef 00 pef 10.00 pof WlECllERT DurFac. L",l,lS P=1.1S Rep Mbr End 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 ne~ign Spec UBe fufl ~, lJ:..;;IiII -r~WIIISI5l~U1J-C"IL'f."'" , ~44.'i NNI P'lrJ. Df, ("I" ,!'rillp. CD !t0907 _1pS.O Version T6.3.1 .="" 42.00 psf Job Name: WIECHERT om X-llX: ReAcr SIZE Rl,Q'D 'IC 2:-:.1 IX-). fll . 1 0- 2-12 1<l.~4 5.50" 1.52" oc 2.4 lH.l jj] 2 29- 9- 4 1819 5 SO" 1.56" >.rn 2.,,::4 LrL SlJ'\ND!IJ\I) IIJ\1E VALLES rrn lao I~ HEl{RJ' 111607. 1C Frn:E AXL INJ CSJ 10..~ fCll.- 10 I~'F rUb \.TL\ll"mt. [(1L l-} . -2262 .N 39 43 nAnN:; B?>.SED Q\l' mr:l H Lil"tIER VA1.lES. 2,3 -1989 03 39 43 3-4 -1900 OJ ,J9 .42 4,5 -1238 01 >9 .40 5.6 -1239 .01 41 42 6-7 -901 ,00 .41 41 7,1 -988 .no ;3 ,5) .'. 578 .0' " ,62 OC Frn:E ',J\.~ :F..'NlJ CSJ 1D-ll "54 ::L6 ,'10 ,57 ll'12 1461 12 '0 ,53 12,1) 1461 .12 .51 63 13-14 1064 .oa ,51 .59 14-15 -411 00 ,32 32 15-1' -431 00 24 .25 >.rn Frn:E CSI >.rn Frn:E CSJ 2-ll -37' .1) 6,1) 185 .0' ',ll SOl .22 6-14 -eZl! .77 ,,1) -665 .33 8-14 1135 50 5,1) 726 2' tl..15 -16M 34 W\X IEFI.B::TICN 1S})'Ql) : r..J999 IN m-t13-14 (LIVE) L= -.12" 1): -.08" T= - 21" 1'N: IEFlFJ:TIrn kmt) 1/999 IN MEM 3..5-1' (LrvE) L= .06" 1); .D4" T= .10" - Joiri: lo:::atia~ = 1. 0-0-0 936-0-0 26-4-5100-0-0 3 9- 4-15 11 9- 3- 0:1 4, 12-8-11216-0-0 518-0-01318-0-0 6 23- 3-15 14 26- t1-12 72'-7-11529-9-4 8 29- 7-11 16 36- 0- 0 ~ MOSHOFSKY ","""j TRUSS ~rru$"1l1 S\.ICWJ' ('1'1,~r-,C1" H:$ N~rl park Dr..l'.'J,' ~l'rinp.l 0 llll~11 -rpS.O Vereion TG 3.1 ~. Truss 10: 6355C2 Qty: M >lj, bt<ci19 nqrlre:l at mdll=tim sinn, ~ &:e ulaJwtrl t~-uls {1XOlOB7001-00l}. l'J.atirg "lfEC . JlN3I/rPI - 1995 'nITS IE3I~ IS TIE crMKSI1E RESl:IJf CF HlUrUIE I..a\D oms. PJ..AAIN3 REQJffiEMENIS EJln..n are baso:1 CNl.N m tJ E truss lrate.rial at each 1:eariry. fi..J._~ 6.J.12 ;;:.~ 5,3.15 6-3-12 6,4,5 6.4-5 12.8.1 18-0-11 23,3.15 29-7-11 36,0,0 IR_f1_lI l~,p_O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 6.00 -6.001 9-4-3 7 Drwp;: C0021 09169-006 U!UFT RFPCI1CN(S) : 9.Jflxxt 1 -9) lb "-H=t 2 "~..ll>. 'Ihis t.J:use .lB d::s~U!3iT9 tJ:e lB: O::de. .. Bld:.:J Eh::1cseCl ,. Yea 1'i:urnI..o:atim=ltl~rl!.cre H.lrri.care/CCean I...im .. N:> . E-q:l ~ = c Bl<%J la-"tb. 50 Jlg ti. ~1<%J Wi<il1 = 20.00 it M:an ro:i heigb!: = 12.67.ft, rq:iJ = eo ..:... CB::;Stardard~~P:dtmd= 17.0psf ..... ... 10-0-15 SHIP :r 11,4,.1 3.7 c::::"1I' '3-4 _ :r 0-4-3. _ 2.1 6-0.0 I~\ 1(\.0.n III II 12 13 S-8.12 18,11,0 14 15 16 9-.1-4 36,0-0 9-3-4 9,3,4 8-8-12 26-8-12 Trus....'al Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18" fl. ga.). "H" (16 ga.), 01" "MX" (TWMX 20 9a ). positioned per Joint Report. Circled p'lates and false frame olates are positioned as shown above. WARNING Relld al/nate,f on t!lis sheet and gire II copy of itt~ the Erectillg COlltractor. TIlis Ik~ign L~ fOr:lll lmh\ hlu.1111\\i1dill~ componenl 1101 lIUJ:S ~}'sl~ln 111w be~1l bOlsed UIl speclficalJons provided by lht compolltllll1Wl.ufacrurer and dOlle m m:curdance \\ilh Ille CUrlCll1 \en,jonl' of rPI and AFPA d,'\i!ll sL:lJ1~rd5, No IC5pOI1.~lbiliIY is ;!~U1ned for d"une.nsionn.! accUl'ilcy. DuntIlSions are to be \'trifi.:d bv Ill~ !:nmp'll1.nl 11I:Ulllr"t..IUIGI ~Ild'or buiJdlnc dc.\igl1Gr prior 10 f:lbm,\liull. TIlt buildul& ile.ligntr lnusl :U;~J1lIin lhallhe lrod!; utilized on lhb de.;i&n m;el or exceed 111~ l(~llllllli imposed by lilt !ocal building cod~ ;uJd the p \llt..uL1r apph~lion. nit ilcsi&n assumes that the lop chord is laterally bl'al.etl by llle flHlf or noor ~!h'.llhiJI! :\lId the bUlLum cllord i~ Lller.J.\ly brawl 11)' 11 r1&ltI shealhinc m;lleriaJ directlyallaclled, unlw olheI\~lse noled. BlOIcillg 1110\\11 h for Llel.ll s\ll'pul1 of Ctlll1pOllenlS members nnl}' 10 leduce bUcJJUlC Jen~lh ~1S cornpo~enl slw.ll nol b~ pl:lccd In any env~Onmt~llhal \~i11 Comse rhe mIl1<1\lrC COlllc.tl! of the \\Olld to exceed J99r anti/or Clu.~e COl1llCl.hlT pl:llC Cumlli.IOD Fabncalr, handle, IIlslall and b~ce this trt.w; m . :lcconllllec \\lIh thl. rlln\l\\in~ lil.1I1lwrd5' 'JOIN'I DE1AII~<;', by Tl\I.'i\\~l. :\N'\lrrPJ J', 'WleA I.. Wood Trms rOllnd! Dr AmenC'! Slnlldotnl Dc.<1&1l RC.~!1011<lbdili<:$, '1IANDLlNI. INST,\I.UNO ANI) IIRAlI~O!vl1 TAL I'L"I',E LU~Nll(:n!IJ W?OD'l'RUSSllS' - (BIB-9Il :ll1d. 'HlD-91 d ~W!vlM \In MU:Er' ~\' 11'1. 'Ille Tn"~ rllll.lnsll1l11c ('11'1) J,<; loc.iletl~1 ~:<;\ I) (J1I1'fnll Dnve. M..~u;on. Wi'eon.~Ul53719, nlcAmc.ntall Porc.t:! all j..lpcr ,~." L.,rlun 'AI 1';\) if; I."..rul:1f II: I 191h Slr~cl. N\I,,'. ,'>te ilf)Q, W....hin!-ll'Il, 0(" 20036. TBP: 93.3 CWo Dl!Ignr: TC Live TC Dead BC Li....... Be Dead TOTAL .... . . .... ..... . . . .... . .. . . ..... . ... . .... .1" . . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... .. .. . . . .... ...... . .. . . ...... . . .... IEXPyS: --(2/31/2003J WT:230 , fLC. 21 25,00 pef 7.00 pef .00 pof ~O.OO pl!lf 42.00 pef 4/1912002 Scale: J./B- . l' wo: 6355 CUetaner NaIl\fIf WIECHERr DurFac. L=1.15 P~l,15 Rep Mbr Bnd 1. ~5 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 De.eign Spec UBC [efl Rdl:.io: 1/2-';0 'IC': 4'240 C Job Nalile: WIECHERT -- Jo.id:: l..ccaLJ.Q"6 ==== 1 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 J- - 2- 8- i:l .. 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 , 6- 9- 0 7 !- 0- 0 8 -9- 4- G 910-8-0 10 12- 0- 0 II 1.3- 6- 0 TYPICAL !'LA'II, 12 n. 0- 0 13 1- 4- 0 14 .. 8- 0 15 .}- 0- 0 16 5- 4- 0 17 6- 8- 0 ]8 tl- 0- 0 19 ~l_ <1- 0 20 1U- 8- 0 21 12- 0- 0 .. 'f', 13- 6- 0 1.5-4 ~ MOSHOFSKY i__'V'ITRUSS . rru~;:'':I1 SystoWJ. C"J","",j" . ~H.s Nl.'rthpnrl Dr . ,....J.. "rtillJ:', ('0 ~l}\101 :~~.o Uernlon Tb.3.1 Truss 10: 6355Dl Qty: 'J(' :~':., 111, 1/1 Jl2 ~\.1 It;L 1:1 au.. UlJ{ ~{.1 I~'L ::;Ii'\tnY\l~J RAlE VAllI:."":1 l-rn lU.O M~~ID'\I~.H P.l:!UU' 111607. l..o3d:;d far 10 !SF rUI-,:uLUt1TJi... 9:I.L. RJIlDm3 ImICN:n toU j(' \!HUl-Y C1I[IlE l..O\l.l3' r..] gahle hra::::i1-s J:n~li.ll:'d l!I :-8" irt.avale.. U e:.q,.x:L....x:l Lu WJJd hut .:qpli,...t Lo fa-.e See ''G:J.eul Glble U.t.,-u.1i;", CIXl206S03S. l'I.,LillJ ~i~ : INn/Ill! - ]99'.) 'lIUS [Ji:3ICN m 1l-F.: C01JU:n1F. RE..'StIiI' CF /'U..iJ'lllli ID'\D (Mm. IrnutG REl;JJIREMENlS sh:wl are l:ase::1 rn:x m tle truss nnl.ecial at EOCh l:emirg. llA1'lID l!ASED CN GREl:N I.l.MBER \IAI.IES. 1 DrwR:C002t09t69-0t t llWJ Ln..u38 ia d::sign~:l ueirg trn U\':' (bj~. l\lc.g D:rlCN..U " Yt:33 'lb.1ss1.o::atial=N:::tWfu1e: !l.lrri=/D=u1 Line . I>b Il>o> ~ = C DId; l..E:rqth = 50.(jb'tt:.~-aidi f.h.dth '" 20.00 ft ~ n:oI l'P..ujlT. =. 9."I~ft"; uIiI '" 80 UC Stau1.lld O:.o.p:lI-.:.y, !lead I.ciad = 17,0 p3f ... .. 1,~,O 2,8-0 l:'~ 2.7-1) 2-R-O 1,6_0 ',4,0 4,0,0 (1.9-0 9-4,0 12-0.0 13,6-0 6.I,L[I (i-Q-n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' 6.00 -6.001 J.5-4 8 :::/'" e~ :::/'" 3,8.11 J-4 10-4,) ~l B 8 C B B B IO-4-3 -- 1.6.11 1:1.(,.n 12 13 1,~,1I I-~,O 14 2-8-11 4-11,0 15 16 17 2-8-0 6-8-0 18 2,8,0 9-4-0 19 20 2-8-0 12,0,0 21 22 1,6-0 '13,6-0 OVER. CONTDnJOUS SUPpORT Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unleGS shown by "18"(18 ga.), "H"(16 ga.l. or "NX"(TWMX 20 ga.}, posJ.tJ.oned per J01.nt Report. Circled clatel'l 'll1d false frame plates ale posJ.tioned as shown above. VV ARNING Relit! III/ 1I0tes 011 this sheet IIl1d giJ'I< a copy of it to the Erectillg COII'roctor. Thi~ t11.'.~iglllS for an intli\ jtlu,.1 lmilding cOmpull~lllllOr rI1l1i.~ ~.\,~lem, Illws been b.l~etl 011 ~pcclfkallOll5 pruvlded by llle component manufacturer aUll done U1 acwrd.lllce \\I!h lh~ C\llT~nl \Cr~illllS ofTPI and AFPA dC~ISll ~lJ.nwlld5, Nil w;pollsibllily is assumed Ior dimen~jonal accuracy. Dunensions are 10 he verined by rhe cOlllpun~1l11n.111l11,1l:lnrcr andlor buildm~ dc~i~llcr prior 10 f.lhlk.llhm TIle buihlUli dc.\Jtner lOus! oscerwin lha! !he loall!. uhlized OIl t1UJi desitll meel tlr c'l:cectlllle "",,'ing imposed by the loc:ll bUlhlins codc;md Iii... r,llkuL1r ...ppliCillioll, The t1c.~i&n .usumcs lhallhe lop chord is laleraDy hmced by the roof or fillor SJll..11hil1& 8iId lhe bollom cllOnI i~ l:llcl'3l1y broccd b) ;\ ngltl 5hea1hin& \n.llel1al direclly onaclletl, unless olhClWise nOled, Br:u:in& .hOMl 1\ for klh:r.l! ~'IPl'llJ1 of componclllI: In/:mhcn; only 10 reduce bucl..ling kni1h This component shan nol he placed 10 any environmeullhat will caIL~C Ill':: l1l11~~lllre cOnt'::lll "r [he wood 10 e:loceed 19~ :uld/or ColOse COIUILClnr plale CUlTo.~Hm, Fabricale, hantlle, iru;l.:J.n and brace lids l.run 10 ;\CCl,rd.llll:e \\ilh [h.: fulll1wini! M.llllWl ds, JOINl DC! A11-"'. hy Tl1Is\\'.t1, 'AN~lrrPI I', 'WTCA I' . Wood Tro.l;j; Councilor Amerlea Slandard D~i&n Rel;pl\Il'lhiJili.:~, '11/\NDJ.INli JN~'I^I.I.IN{i I\ND IIRM~INl, ME1AL I'I.,\JI.CONNEC-rrm WOOD TRUSSES' . (1T13.91) and '1113.91 M 'Mf\'I/\!\' ~\ H.I', I \'y T\'1. .n,\: '\ [\L\.I\ \'\.\\( \\\~\\\\\\e C\ \'\1 i~ \l'{,\\Cl' :1\ ~~.\ ll' n\\\\I,in Dri~c.. MJuhOI\, Whco\\sin 531\9, 'n\t Am.:.m::.an Fl>rcs\ :lI\d 11l;.lfl~r A$Hlti.llillll (.\I:l'A) i~ Im.ll~d :\11111 19111 Streel. NW, SIc t/LXl, W.t\ilill~IUrl, 1.>" 200;16 1-6-0 TBF: 31L 7 Cbk, Dsgnr: TC Live TC Dead BC Live BC Dead TOTAL , WT: 87 i #LC. 14 25.00 psf 7.00pef .00 pl!lf 10.00 pl!lf "'2.00 pl!lf , ~ @lireS.. \ 4ft 912002 Scale: 5/1'u . 11 WO: 6355 Cul!ltaner NaIl'll::!: WIECHERT DurFac. 1.=1.15 PEl.15 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C,Spacing 2- O. 0 Del!lign Spec use I:'efl Rat.l.O. 1..v'24o 'IC: 412~ Job Name: WIECHER.T Truss 10: 6J55C5 Qty: OrwR: C0021 09169-009 7 no j;.U'C . J 0- 2'12 '2 35- 9, 4 Wi'\l'l' ':1"1': I!d:! ','.0" 1~1l ~ !.>u" 1-1-\J'!1 1.'.1" L'~l" '1l" L.] ]101.1/1 ]t' ::"1. In. III :1..'_'1 J ~'L II I 11-13 \'iEB 2::4 filL Sl1l1\n.YlhU ~:iI IH, fit 15~7 \>It'lll: ~':r. 1~'1. I:~ rum,: VJ\llJ:.; ltll Lon ]'J':~7\I;nr IllJn(f' Il1fjro. +++++.-++i+II++...+++++ Ull-est.r.u.lai l:onz. 11, cEOe::i.1Cll '" 35 in .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I I .. .. .. t t .. .. .. .. .. M W~) 11l1C..'JllJ ltqW.lfj .-llta:.Jllcc,lLlu! /31.n...'l1. l^l :h. ,11- llrlu,l rl~.1I1u I'JXOIO/J7lH"Jl-00l). I'l..tHY 1Jl..:u:.' : I\NJ1/11'l - 1;~5 lHTE: [EBlCN IS 'HE CIJ'v1R:El'IE Rall.rr' Cf' I'U.:rrfn: HM O\SES. l'tl\lUN''; HlJ..umU'lJ...NIS clLW;l =~ uuJOO a>n.N III lJr. Lll.lllU 11l1h....j;~11 ,,11. ~.odl b.~.u-ilU. lu;rld (U!." lCl InF ll:.n-CULUnert. 0ClL. ltAToo BJl.SED CN rnEEN IDBffi \TAIllS. UI1,WI'W'1'C1'lLl'I(1I) : :}.nnt 1 n ]11 :cltUXl!l 2 -'11 lb nUs I::tuss lB cbJi~.~bir9 tl e UC Cb:b. .. Blr:g ilrlc::oed ;; Yr;E. Tnlulllrx:al.icll" ~<<:l~.lk::ll~ H.u:rlcaue/Ch:.:m Lire ;; !'b , EY.p Caleg:xy '" c Bl<%l Lamb = 50.00 ft. OJ-<%I Width. "'.00 ft Meal1 ttaI ~gH: ".:fl!~.ft, liP! '" eo . . . . . lOC Stard:u:d O::cup:m::.y, tsid lcOO '" 17 0 plf .. ... ..... .. . 1C = "'L fN' cst 1-.2, -2806 l~ ," 53 2,3 -2778 '" .~ I ." J-4 -26e8 (f] ,. .53 ',5 -1875 .00 .46 50 5-6 -28q8 00 _39 41 6-7 -2e.SO ,]2 25 .37 7,. -661"1 .6' .20 .M .,9 -670' .65 35 1 00 '-10 ,7256 ,,54 06 .57 B:: '= Xxi. au cm 11-12 2428 "' .45 ,67 ... 12,13 1959 ,17 A8 65 13-l4 1659 19 ,DO ,27 14-15 6076 73 .n ,86 15-16 6M4 .02 13 95 16-17 6834 ,02 .12 '" "'" = "" "'" = CS1 2-12 -32' ,06 6-14 -239 11 4-12 667 .30 7-14 -4174 97 4,13 ,623 .65 7,15 4103 .67 5-13 257 ,10 9-15 -52! 16 5-14 1!l36 .01 9-16 57 .02 iirIx rERB:I'lrn (E'f\:'Ul) . IJ40l IN MfM 15-16 (LIVE) IF -1.06" IP -.72" ~ -1.79" = JOlrE. I.o:.::abQ"lS = '1 0- 0- 0 10 36- 0- 0 2 6- 2-12 11 0- 0- 0 3 9- 4-15 12 6- 2-12 4 12- 2. 3 13 16- 9- 0 5 18- 0- 0 14 22- 0- 7 , 22- 0- 7 15 26- 1-12 7 26- 1-22 1< 30- 1- 5 ! 26- 7- 1 17 36- 0- 0 , 30- 1- 5 .. ... . . . . .... . . .... ...... . . .. ..... . . ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... . .... . .. . . 6-2.12 5-11-7 :;-9-13 4-11-7 - 6,2-12 12-2,3 IS-II,II 22-11-7 , lS.fl.O 1 2 j 4 '5 ~ 5-6 4,1,5 ,3-11-9 '26-1-12 311-1,5 l~,n,n 6 78 ~ 5-10-11 36-0,11 .. .. . . . ... .. . ... . .... ... . . . . 9 10 ...... . .. . . .. . . . . ...... . . .... 9,4,3 9,4,3 SHIJ) 5-7 5-7 :J:: __ 0,4,3 3.5,8 :Ie 11-4-3 4-10 4.00 I I ".00 Y.4.l2 0-~8 1l'l.C,LIl , 9-4.12 1l\-11~f) 11 12 '3 14 4-1,5 26-1-12 15 3-11-9 30-1-5 16 17 5-10-11 36-0,0 \ExP ~ 6-2-12 6-2.]2 JO,6-4 16-9-11 $,3-7 22~O-7 4/1912002 Scaler l/B" _ l' Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unlez;:l!' ahown by "18"{18 ga.), "H"(16 ga )4 or "11X"(TWNX 20 ga.), posJ.tioned per Joint Report. Circled p'latea and false frame plates are posJ.tioned as shown above. WAR^/ING Reat! allllOle.< 0I1lhis .<I1eel alld gil'e a copy II/it 10 Ille El'eclillg COlltraclor. TBP, 109.0 This de.qgn is fllr:Ul uldjVlllu.ll bullLlillg ctlJllpOnCllIIlOIIJ1l~ ~plcm. II MX been b:J~cd ullspcdic.\lioll.l provided by lhe component manufaclUrer and done Chk.: In ;ICLllldancc \\11h Ihc LUn~111 \'::I~ItII1S ofT?1 .Iud ArPA d~~i!n sLlIId.Irw.. Nfl l'::spol1\ibilil) h .1.~suJn~il for dml~nsional accuracy DlIn~nsiol\S arc 10 be verHi.::u by [hc CUll1plll\cnlll1,lIl1lrncluler .1lIil/or buildllli: dc.\igller Plior 10 f.,blk.,l;u1\ 111.:: boihlillj; lle.\lJ;;llU most ascertain lhal lhe ]o.lds utilized on Uli, Dl!lgnrr ue.~\&1l meet or exceellllle 1.\IIII\1g impo.~cll by lhe local buihlll1g coLic .U\1l the Il1lituLlr OIpplicalion. I1lc desii,ll asromes lhalthe lOp cllOrd if; laterally bme..1l b}' 11,e mof or nUllr ~h.\lhillg unLllhe bullolU cllllrd ~< lOlter.i1I}' bran'd hya ngllJ ~lH:.ltlIUli m.ltdial directly llll:lched. unltEI oU,erwhe noled. Br.lcini S!lllWI1 is for 1.1leral 511/'1'1," of cllmpullt.llL~ membcfl1 only to rcduC'l: buckling kl\~1b, TIns cumpunenl sh:Jlluot be plac.:d in allY environmentlhal will c:.ll1~C lhe llllllstnre C,fJlll(nr ur lilt \~llllLlIU exceell 19% :mu/or caulie CUlll1l'llnr pLll!: 1..0rrUSioll. r~bnC3.1e, 11.:U1dlc, install and brace Ibis tn1Js in aCCl1ltllll('C \\Llh rhL ruU,,\\im: ~l Ultllfll~: 'JOIN1 Df.lAIU,', 1>... Tm~""'~I], 'r\N""I'l'1 J', 'WfCA I' _ Woad Tru~~ Council of Ameri(;:l SWld;.rd De.\I~n RCS\1\ln~l\lt\\\i"'sl HMml.Il\1 i IN:i \ r\\'\ ,IN~; r\NU l\\iJ\\ INt, \'I1I.l^" \'t.\ I't. n.1NN\~n I~U WOOD 'm\Js~r.s' . (HIU-91) ;md 'Hm-91 Be Dead ~\Ij..llvl^\lV ~\mll'l";w '\'\'1. 'flit '}'fI.\.' 11\',1t \1l~\I\\\1c (\'\1\) i.~ \llC.,IW:lI ~~1 \)'O\\n1n~ DtiVl:. M:ldi~lln. Wiscllnsin 53119. TIlt hllltrk.a\\ l'orul.U\d .. TOT~ I';I~Cf ^,,~,,_i.lhl1n (AI 1';\) i.l"Lo,rcd.1I II: I 1<)[h l'ilr\:el. NW. .'>Ie XI_l, W.L'~HI1~[UI1, 1..11 _0016 ~ MOSHOFSKY :~___,TRUSS WT,269 . wo: 6355 OJ.l!l~aner Name: WIE=T DurF~c. L=1.15 P=1.15 R~p Mbr End 1 15 O.C.Spaaing 2- 0- 0 DCl5ign SpeQ UBC I ~ Ratio. 1J240 'IC;... ~ iLC. 14 25.00 pef 7.00 pef .00 psf ~O.OQ pef TC Live TC Dead Tni~\lIllI Sy'lcnl~ - ("..IM",l,' ~H.5 N..rll1pnrl 0. , {""I,' "I" "''-'' nl :.'\)\1111 Be Li\f1!l 42.00 pl!lf ~iTF?O Veroion T6.3.J. Job Name: WIECHERT . == Joint I.=1.t 1 a r, ==:--: 10-0-0 ]tl ll~O.O 2" -1- 4- 0 31 1. t)- 0 3 2- 8- 0 32 ~- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 33 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 31 ~- 1- 0 6 ,- 8- 0 3S G B- 0 7 -'-0-0 Jr:. l.\ 0-0 . 9- 4-15 37 ~- 4- 0 9 10- 8- 0 38 10-!- 0 10 12- 0- 0 - .;39' 12- 0- 0 11 13- 4- 0 ~O. D- 4- 0 12 14- 8- 0 4J J1- 1'1- 0 13 1ft- 0- 0 42 lr.- 0- 0 14. 17- 4- 0 '13 1";- 4- 0 15 11!- 0- 0 il4 18- 11- 0 16 18- 8- 0 45 20- 0- 0 17 20- 0- 0 4~ 2]- 4- 0 III 21- 4- 0 47 22- 8- 0 19 22- 8- 0 415 2,1- 0- 0 20 24- 0- 0 49 2~- 4- 0 21 25- 4- 0 50 26- 8- 0 22 26- 7- 1 51 ::~- 0- 0 23 28- 0- 0 52 ;:'l_ 1- 0 24 29- 4- 0 5.3 30- 8- 0 2S 3D- 8- 0 54 32- 0- 0 '2' 32- 0- 0 55 33- 4- 0 27 33- 4- 0 56 34- 8- 0 2! 34- 8- 0 57 36- 0- 0 29 36- 0- 0 1 VPICAL I'I.A 1 E 1.5-4 ~ l-10SHOFSKY .~"'''''ITRUSS Tm\~~,~l;~~;el;r~.'t::;l:~lSI'rjl1l:" 1'0 :\11'1117 I .:Tp~s.o Verl!don "1"6.3.1 Truss ID: 6355C6 Qty: 'Il~ ;~.4 In. In oc ~';4 IH, lI1 em.. BIJ{ 2/.4 lfL S\Jl1'lLW'D ILUE W\1lJ:S rrn Ian ] ~ RErOU' 111607. l.c:nd=rl far 10 mF 101 ll.HJ..tnut" fGL EUllP11'G u::ma.u,;n f'lJ;r v'ER1FY {j'IJj[r: lCW.t.;! 1+) gable hr=lllJ In.,uHd f,,1 58" illtav.Us, if ei'=I.=-.e::l to....".i.n:l lenri ~lied to face ~ "C:O'el<'ll Q\h1~ [l ~."lUB '. Cl"'"020GSOl5 1'1~Lng ~;:cc : l\HJI/l'PI - 1995 111m le-Hel.t m lIE W1EQ;f1E HESWJ.' Qo" /"ll::l1llE lO'ID rnsES. [Jt7mlN:; REQ.JIlID'mIS sh:r.t.n are l::esed rnrJ{ (~I U..-: LIU'T, llater:ial at EBCh kear:inJ. JH~l'm3 PMl']) eN rnEf.N ID1I~R VAllES. /-I.t) 4_').') ~ ~ .I.flll ~ ---I -,--< --------i 104./1 ,-4.11 !i4H /.l-4.JJ /7-1tJ 21-4.0 ,. 1~_n_11 I , .' , ., 6 7 , 9 10 II " I.' 14JJJII 17 ~4./J-0 25-4.0 2!}..4.{J 1 Jl_n_n 1& 19 20 21 22 2.' 4.00 .13-4-0 U 2J 26 2721 6.00 -6.001 9,4-3 ,.AI: ,_ :J: 11,4,3 111_11_11 14.(l l-J.(l ~Q Q " ~ )1 ~ i7 ~ ~ ~ ~ U 4011 ~~4(J.f1 f.J-f) 9..,f.{J ]1-41) 17.4.11 JI .u 41 41; 47 4& ~"f.fI-(J 2J-4.0 2S-4-0 52 5.1 54 51 51 4.0-0 3_1-4-0 .49 50 51 4.0-0 29-<1-0 i DrwR: C0021 09169-010 1111S l:ruJ::a in d<:~:a9l-.e:l UI;J.rg Ue w:: Ctd.. Blcg Eh:-lcse:1 = Y,!! . TI:.-u.ss L::cat.icn '" b!n. Zcre l-lrrricare/O:..e.."'lIl . '" i.'b E'"..:p Cll.€gOty = C 91c9 le.rgth = ':l0.00 ft. nii9 WJ.cl-Jl = 2.0.00 [L Meail rmf l~iglj;.V -u.~" ft, nph c 80 U<: stamard c:>=.p=y. p,ad lcid = 17.0 psi . ...... . ... .. . .... . . .... ..... . . . .... . .. . . ..... . ... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .~.. . . ... . ..... . . ..... . .. ... . . . -'4 /::::-;O:-~ .....-;'\ N_~ ::;:1"'[ "f~ ""'."""~~. l_.l-_l ::c _. ~-.' 0-4-3 ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . .... .. .. . . . .... ...... . .. . . ...... . . .... 9,4-3 SHIl' OVER CONTINUOUS SUPpORT Truswal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"{18 ga.), "H"(16 ga.), or "MX"(TWl'tX 20 ga.l, poe~tioned per Jo~nt Report. Circled p'late!;! and false frame plates are positioned as shown above. WARNING Read allllale.. all 11ti.. ..heet alld gil'c a caflY af it to 'he Erectillg COlltractor. '!'BF, 14S, 3 TilL~ t1;,;ipl is fur an illl/h'ltll1;l! hllLJdmg l:Olnp\ln~nr nolllll~~ srMem. H has b~LIl bOIled 011 specilic;llions provided by lhe componenl rnanuf:ilclurcr and dOlle Chkl Ul ;lCCl.lrd.111Ce \'ilh the CUIJenJ \"Cr;;Jllll5 ofTPland AFrA de.~I~1l sbnll.1rd5 No ru;poll~ibiliTy is .1~lumed for dimensionnl accuracy, DimCJ1~jon5 arc 10 be velJrieiJ b)'lhe Ctllllpnllelll 1I1.1Il11raCrllrer and/or building tlc~lgJ\tr Plior to f.lbnr.lIltm. Illt bllillhll~ desiJl,IlCr mw;t :l5cerlall1lh:lllhe loads UlillZed onlhiJ; Dsgnr: design met] or exceed the !lJ,1IhnS Impu.~~t1 by lhe [oc:\] bUlhhll~ colle .1\111 Ihe ]l.llicul:.lr .1lJplic:llhm The t1esiio assumes !h:ll lh~ lop chord iI: laterally TC Live br:lccll b} Ihe roof 11r nllllf ...h.'..llhinJ:, anlllhe borlUm dl0rtl t~ 11lcrnlly bmccd "ya lif,ill sJlc.:lthmj; !rolcrm! directly atbdled, unlw olherwise unled Dr,lclllJ:, Iibll\\'l'I i~ for lller-al '''11'111'11 of ttlmplll'lCllL~ member/. on]} 10 u.lluce bllclJin~ lcngtll. l1Ji.s compoll~nr ~llal1 n01 he pl.1Ced in any environmenr lI~t TC Dead wll! C;Juse 111e 11I0ililllre CLll1li.'uJ IIf the WI1IJ1/lo I.~ce,d 191r ;mlllor C.1IL~': &Olllll&lnr pl.lle corrmion r.abJie.\lC, lL.llldle, install and brace Ibis truss m BC LiV8 ,lcLllrtl.U1tl: Wllh lh,-. rlllhl\\iuJ,! '1.11rll.lrll~ 'JClINT l>I~r^ll~"', h)'Tnlm~I', ''\N\lrn'I ,'. 'wrcA \' - Wnoll Tnll;s Council of Ament:.:! S1.1l1d.1rll De.~i!.n RC~\"'1ISi\"\111C!. 'llilNlll.lNli IN^,',II.IIN\\ I\Nl1 \\Ivll'\~\i M\:TM.I'\ ,I I'h Cl)NNI'~II\D WOO\}'\ ltUSS~' . l\\\U.9\) .,d. '\\\U.9~" Be Dead SUMMARY ~Iml\'l' \)\,'\I'\. 111~ 'I'nl"'~ 1'1.lle hL~\iIUIc. n I'\} L~ \LK.lled dl.'\~ll) (1111\(nu Dnve, M;!dl~rn\, W1SCO\LSU\ 53119, The Amencan PorCiI al TOTAL .....I"~r .wloci.""n, (AI 1';\) p. 'Ilt.I,.d;u r J' I l<J\h Mrct:l, NW. I'le ~r"'l. W.L"IIIl~rllll.))1 2lJllJci. I WT:349 . iLC _ 14 25.00 psf 7.00 pl!lf .00 pd 10.00 pl!lf 1.2.00 pIJf 4/1912002 Scale: l/Su c 11 wo r 6355 Cul!!ltcme:r Namel WIECBERT DurFac. L=1.15 P=l.lS Rep Mb:r End 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Deeign Spec UBC I tefl Rabo: 41240 'IC': _~~ .. lob. NaIM: WIECHERT '"'' X-EO: h~ i"t.'l' :1111:: I~'ll ,,1 6' 2-12 200S ~.511" 1.7/," 2 35- 9- -4 1424 5 SO" 1.52" 11:: = A\'L 1N) (SI ~.2 540 .08 ". 56 2-3 m 05 '" .53 3,4 496 03 'll .44 4,5 -1263 .01 .41 .42 5'6 -1117 01 n 24 G-'] -5527 3< ::~ .50 7,' -5<122 ,12 31 73 8,' -5514 13 .'13 86 9-10 -5390 ." ,'2 .86 o . B::: = A\t. FND (SI 11-12 -398 .')0 ~.(, .56 12,1) 1031 .07 '" ,63 13-14 1931 2~ ,4< ,75 14-15 5172 .0 .38 .7' 15-16 4987 ,)9 .38 ,77 "'" = (SI 1"" = (SI 2-12 -422 ,08 6-14 41';17 .65 4-12 -1621 .M 7-J4 -216 .04 "1) 227 10 9-14 222 0' 5'1) 700 27 9-15 -324 .04 '-13 -13e5 72 !I,11\X r:EH.EJ:nCN (sr\~l) 1/63' IN MEM 1), J4 (LIVE) j" _.56" ]). -.J8" To - 93" Ml\X rEFIB::TICN (calX) : 1/... IN MEM 11-12 (LIVE) j" .17" ]). 11" To .28" . -- Join: l.o:atia-e ____ 1 0- 0, 0 , 30- 1- 5 2 6- 2-12 10 36- 0- 0 3 '- 4-15 11 0- 0- 0 . 12- 2- 3 12 6- 2-12 5 18- 0- 0 13 15- 9- 0 , 22- 0- 7 14 2~- 1-12 7 26- 0- 0 15 30- 1- 5 8 26- 7- 1 16 ]!i- 0- 0 ~ NOSHOFSKY 1"""""1 TRUSS I .'", 'S C 1 " I '~.f'i~'~~~~r'rDr.:(:;:i:. ~l'linj:J. ((l 809[)1 ~Tp;>.o VernioJl '1'.3.1 'W .~'.'1 In, III IX.' ]_':4 1..,1, III 2Y.b !WL S'3 101-16 WEll 2:~ I~L SV\I'<nJ'\RD 2.-::4 IH, III 6-11 nJ"I:IE VAllL'3 rrn lUt) Rl~.>Ei"'\FU1 HEJ-a{J' 1I160"1. In"'ld:rl fat: 11) rsr lU I fl.TUUTt'lll LaL FI..A::I'llU Il1\SED QoJ CH.Ul lil'lBffi VAI..lES Truss 10: 6355C4 Qty: Hj) 1n."C:U~J l~J..ili1:rl at each lo.:atial .clcwl. ~ :::...e r;L..,IIJ:fiI:d d~ (TXOlDa7001-001). ..[IMJ=P.l.1\1E M:NI'KR tBED-See Join: &p::2rt** rlatiJ 9 Epee: . JlJInI/I'PI - 1995 'lilts [JEleN IS lIE C01ID3llE RESlJ!..:l' CF H.l1T'IHE WiD CASES. ll.l7\RIN3 RIUJlRi:MENlS E'h:w.l are l:ased CN1l 01 t1 ~ l:ruSG lrat.erial at each 1:earir:g. 6-2-12 5.1 '.7 ~l)..:lL.; 4~O-7 ,3,11,9 ,4.1,5 5-10,11 ---1 6-2-IZ 12-2~3 IS.II-II 22.0-7 26.0-0 30,1,5 36,0,0 1"'-11-0 lS,.Q_O 2 J 4 '5 6 78 9 10 ~ -i.OOI 3.5-4 9,4,3 3-4 =<: 0-~,3 cY 1 , .4 5-10 6-II~lJ r I~ 16~1,l_1I 4.001 I -4.00 1J:iI:fZ 9,4-12 ,tl~lI.n II IZ 13 14 3,11,9 30-1,5 15 16 5,10-11 36,0-0 6-2-12 6-2-12 111-6-.J 16,9.11 9,4-12 26-I-IZ Trus\\'al SystemB Plates are 20 ga. unlee.R shown by "18"{18 ga.), "H"(l6 ga.), or "MX"(TWMX 20 ga.), posl.tioned per Joint Report. ~~r;1~~~lates and false frame ~lateB are positioned as shown above. W A1(J\' 11\;& lIelll! 01/ I/oles 011 lhis sheel al/d g;,.c a copy of il 10 Ihe Erectillg COllllOclor. 111is d~SI.!:n i~ f[lr illl imli~ Idl~llll(l1rdint C'omplln~nlllDlllll~~ ~)'Mem. 11111~ be~ll b:J~cd nn $ptciFic:.:Jlioll' proVJded by [h~ compolltnlmauufaclUrcr and don~ in acconl.ll1CC \\iUllhe curr~'l1l 'cl~illll~ 0['1 [>1 .mll AFrA d~~lgn 11.111d:1nls, Nn ropOllSibllil)' is as~umed for dimension.alaccurncy. DimensioWl.arc 10 be venncd by lhc cl1mptl!1~lll m.'Ul1f:tLIIU cr atllllor bui/dint d~'I!ner prior 10 f:Jbri, :1lion. 1111: building de.~j.!:l1cr mUll .ascertain t1131111e loads utilized on Ibis design meel or l..\e~etl IhL 1.\I<lmJ: il1lp.l/,ell by tllC ](}(:,,1[ bmlding code .md Ihl' P,IIILuI.1r :Jpphc:.:Jliun, TIle dc.~ien :JS~umCo'i !hat the lOp CllOrd is 1a1~rany braced by lhe ronf t1J nUllf .~hr,'lhinlil and the bllllOIll chord L\ Llttmlly braced h~ II llgld thealhill& nwl~nal directly armc.hed, unlus 01l1~lWis~ nottd DfilCll1~ I>hOlm l~ for Lt~,.l] ~1Il'J'1lJ1 of CUmpUllel1L~ members only 10 udu~ budJU1& ItllJ;lIII, This componenl shallllot be placed in any ellvirollm~1I1 U\.31 .....111 c.\Il~i: the mlli~lure l.unJe111 ..[ lilt: wood 10 ~\ce~d 19% .mdror C&ltlse COllneclnr p111e corrlltilltl, P.lbricalt, handle, install and brn~ rhi; lnw in .lcconLmcc \lilh lhe flllln\lin!, <1.'l1lLutls: 'lClI"lr Dr.TAIl...f;'. h) TI\I~wi\l. '1\N,lolrl[>II', '\VIeA J' .Wuod Truss Council of AmcriQ;l Slandnrtl Dc.si!n ReSpl111SHlllilieli. '1I,\NDI.I)\!t; IN"'I,\U.]NCj AND Illl.Ac"NG Mfi'jAJ.I'I.ArH CONNIWTED WOOD'fRlI.,>sr.s' _ (1110-91) .md 'H18-91 SlIMMAR\ "111.1:"1 b\ n'l 111\' In,.. I'll'~ Ill~lilUlL (f1'll il: JUI..,led ,II .~I>J I) Onnfrin DrJ\'t. M,ldi.un, WI!COllsin $3719 11lt^m~riC'.oIlI FurClll,l,11l 1'.II'''T Aw."li.'li"ll l^ll'.\)" ]",.lh:d.n II I I 1\1111 .~l1t.C', NW, ~lt ~I.l, W.,.hinrIUI1,11C 2WJCi 3,6 3,6 O-~8 , I~ '. 5 Orwg: C0021 09169-008 UIUl,T __TICN(S) , St'RXJrt. 1 -122 1b _ 2 'i'o~ 'Ihi.o tiuss lS <hO.grB! u>Oil'g tJ" lOC ~. .. Blq, E>rl=:rl = Y3. ... Truss l..t::cat.lal = M. Era m:e :1_:__/D=n Lu-" = lb. "'" ~ 0 c BldJ I..m:rt:h = so.ll()eft:t lB1cY Width '" 20.00 fts . .. . M:2n !:o:if h~Lglt. '" 12 61' ft, nIh = 80 .. UC .'Jtard:u:d D:o..paz~.r\'a'i I..md = 17 . 0 paf .. ~ . . ... . .. ... . . . .... . . .... ...... . . .. ..... . . ...... . . .. .. . .".. . .. . . ..... . ... . . .... . . ~... .... . . . .... ... . . . . .. . . . . ...... . .. . . ...... . . .... . .... . . ... . 111-1.15 SfIIP =<: 0,4,3_ . 4/1912002 Scale: 1./8u . l' TBF, 99.5 WT:244 . o,k, Dl!Ignrl .LC . 21 r TC Live 25,00 pef TC Dead ?OOpsf Be Live . 00 psf Be Dead 10.00 pl!lf TOTAL 42.00 paf WD: 6355 Cu.l!ltcmer Name: WlECBERT DurFac. L=1.15 P=l,15 Rep Mbr End 1.15 D.C. Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UEC reEl Ratio: 1/240 'lC: 1/240