HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-7 ,. Carlson Testing, Inc. MaIO Office PO Bo,23814 Tlgard Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 FlTh (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 lIudson Ave NE Salem Oregon 9730 I Phone (503)589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office POBox 7918 Bend Oregon 97708 Phonc (541) 330-9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Chent BROCKAMP & JAEGER INC - DARIN JAMIESON REPLACEMENT STREET - SPRINGFIELD. OR B PARRISH OBOA 771 Jul 07, 2008 PrOject OUEST HVAC Address 1613 MAIN CTI representative was on site this date Penmt COM2008-00548 JUrisdictIOn CTI Job # S0805367 SPRINGFIELD to perform Special InspectIOn for DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION Checked In with supenntendent or chent repre~entatlve Name DARRIN Company BROCKAMP & JAEGER INC 2 Inspection was "IBC" [iJ Contmuous 0 Penodlc 3 Work performed [iJ In the field 0 At precast shop 4 If shop mspectlOn do they have fabncatlon and QC procedures? 0 Ves 0 No [iJ N/A PROPRIETARY ANCHORS Ves No N/A I I Reviewed prevIous inspectIOn reports') I 2 Reviewed evaluatIOn report? 13 Venfied manufacturer1s anchor use confonns to acceptance cntena In report summary Verified followmg Items meet manufacturer's published installatIOn instructIOns 14 Ventied mmlmum embedment depth ofthe anchors I 5 Venfied mstallatlOn of the anchors 16 Verified anchor diameter I 7 Venfied steel grade I 8 Verltied hole diameter 19 Venfied type ofdnll bit used 110 Verified cleanlmess of hole and anchor 111 Verified adhesive applicatIOn x y x x x x xl I y I I x I I x i I Evaluation report number ESR 1056 Name of product be 109 mstalled SIMPSON TITEN HD Batch Number Explral10n Date PO Number LocatIOn of proprietary anchors Inspected [to mclude gnd hnes elevatIOns (floors) and drawmg details] 112" x 3 1/2" ANCHORS EMBEDED AT 3" INTO ROOF FOR O-DECK BACKING EDGE DISTANCE -6". AND CENTER TO CENTER - 12" AND 18" ALL WORK CONFORMS TO THE MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORT REOUIREMENTS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE LOCATIONS 1 TO 2 3 @ E TO F REPORT SUMMARY Work mspected was W Completed 0 In progress 2 Completed work mspected was 10 comphance with W Approved plans and speCificatIOns 0 Shop drawmgs o RFI 0 DeSign change 0 Submiltal 0 N/A Document #(s) SI Dated 1/~5/08 3 Noncomphance Item(s) were noted this date, detatls on followmg pagers) 0 Ves 0 No @ N/A 4 NoncomplIance ltem(s) were remsnected this date on followmg pagers) 0 Ves 0 No D Conform D Remam In progress detaIl" GJ N/A I Ix Report(s) findmgs were discussed and left with DARRIN of BROCKAMP & JAEGER INC Based on the Code approval IS reqUIred ITom the BUIld 109 OffiCial before the SPECIAL INSPECTED Items noted above can be covered Carlson Testmg has no authonty to direct wor"- of contractors or subcontractors OSee addllional report pagers) D Dlstnbute attachments Page _of _ Dally Report of Proprietary Anchors en Job #, S0805367 For 07/07/2008 . ProJect' QUEST HVAC REPLACEMENT Notes, In some cases more than one box may be checked for a gIven Item on the front page Our reports pertam to the matenal tested/mspected only InformatIOn contamed herem IS not to be reproduced, except m full, WIthout pnor authonzatlOn from thIS office If there are any further questIons regardmg thiS matter, please do not hesitate to contact thIS office Respectfully submItted CARLSON TESTING INC RevIewed By Steven Dugger Review Date 0711 7/2008 BP /KMF BROCKAMP & JPEGER INC - DARIN JAMIESON TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT BALZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS INC - GRANT BOWERS GBOWERS@BHENGINEERS COM BROCKAMP & JAEGER INC - ANDY PATTON HARDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC - TOM FROMHERZ ANOYP@BROCKAMP-JAEGER COM