HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-7 l,,~.'Information ~~. ToBuildOn .."",..,.".. CcIn8uII6w -11,..J .l',11 Client Address Sycan Development Corporation Mr Tim Hovel 840 Beltline Road Ste 202 Sprrngfleld, OR 97477 Project No 722-70091-271 Pro] Name Holiday Inn Location 919 Kruse Way Sprrngfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax July 7, 2008 CCB#176269 COM 2006-01505 COMPRESSION REPORT Date B P No PO No Cast By David Smith Location Sampled At Trash/Generator enclosure Date Cast OS/27/08 Date Ree d OS/29/08 Ticket No IMIX No Weather 3157796 247KG3ROO Overcast Yardage Load 1 Total 7 Supplier Knife RIver FIeld Test Data Slump (In) ASTM C143 8" Max Aggr Size 3/8" Air Content ASTM C231 Au Temperature (F) 64 c Matenal Temp (F) ASTM C1064 660 Max Temp (F) MIn Temp (F) Specimen Size 3x3x6 Unit Weight (pet) ASTM C13B ,TIme Cast 845 AM CUring Conditions Addltlves Results Reported To Contractor ,Placement Data Trash/Generator enclosure M,iterlal Grout " Compressive Strength Data ASTM C1019 DeSign Stren~th (pSI) required 2,500 placed 2,500 Field Cure DIameter or Cross Sect Area Camp Strength Average CappIng Test Date Age (days) lab Cure (days) Dimensions Max Load (Ibs ) Compressive Cylinder No (days) (Inches) (s l) (PSI) Strength (pSI) Method C617 03 C123103 08-1114 4/7/2008 28 2 26 309x312 964 48,790 5,060 X 08-1115 4/28/2008 28 2 26 3 16x3 15 995 53,565 5,380 X 08-1116 4/28/2008 28 2 26 3 05x3 15 960 50,560 5,270 5240 X H 1 ~ Cone (both ends) 2 - ConeNertlcal Cracks (one end) 3 ~ Columnar 4 ~ Diagonal wIno cracking at ends 5 - Side fractures (at top of bottom) 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder IS pOinted) Remarks C City of Sprlngfleld- Denny Wright Mega Paclflc- Ron Miller AAI Englneerlng- Hamid Afghan - Steve Young Eugene Sand & Gravel Respectfully Submitted, P7 'e.ss/onal SerVIces Induslnes, Inc I~JV\ z)~CEIVED Sleven E Wilder Laboratory Supervisor AUG 1 5 Z008 THIS REPORT IS PROViDED FOR THE INFORMATiON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES THESE RESULTS APPL Y ONL Y TO THE SAMPLES TESTED l"~;lInfOrnultion ,.,.... .To Build On Engineenng . Consulting. Testing July 20, 2008 ~ ' ~~ c' ;: I , ,- , , , ., 'J t'~! ' Mr Tim Hovet S'ycan Development 840 Beltllne Road, SUite 202 Spnngfleld, OR 97477 ~ .. Subject Final Summary Report Holiday Inn 919 Kruse Way Springfield, Oregon Project Number 722-70091-272 BUilding Permit Number COM 2006-01505 Dear Mr Hovet ProfessIOnal Service Industries, 'nc (PSI) IS writing thiS letter to document that, In accordance with Section 1701 of the State BUilding Code, representatlve(s) from our firm have performed speCial inspection dUring construction for the above listed project Our project file Indicates that the PSI SpeCial Inspection activities listed below were conducted as scheduled from April, 2007 through May, 2008 ThiS letter represents a summary of work observed and reported by the PSI representative and the resolution of any documented noncompliance .Solls Observation +FDT's +Relnforced Concrete .PT Tendons .Epoxy/Anchors .Structural Weldmg .Masonry (Trash Enclosure) .Flre Proofing To the best of our knowledge, the speCial mspectlons referenced herem were performed by our firm m general accordance with the reqUirements, approved plans and speCifications, prOVided change orders that Impacted plans andlor speCifications, and applicable workmanship provIsions of the State Building Code and Standards For speCifiC details regardmg our Inspection services, please reference our previously submitted report numbered 722-70091-1 through 722-70091-271 If you have any questions or If we can be of further aSSistance, please do not heSitate to call Sincerely, ~SSlnl.S\lc~_\ftrtes. Inc L.J)JvJ}(1--- David Smith Branch Manager DFS/Jlbl c City of Springfield-Denny Wright Mega Pacific-Ron Miller MI Engmeenng-Hamld Afghan MI Engineering-Steve Young RECEIVED AUG 1 5 7008 ProfeSSional ServIce Industries, Inc. 1040 A Shelley Street. Sprlngfreld OR 97477. Phone 541rT46 9649. Fax 541f746 7163