HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-8-4 ~ftl Page 1 of 1 11:t.'IIIL~'jln,':l~lIl'U.ln. ~...:aI & ConstrudJon SeMres Daily Field Report Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 08-04-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20796 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Springfield, Oregon Inspector R MarJama 10 No 5235029-49 ICC Inspection of Epoxy Dowels Weather Clear Contmuous Inspection D Contractor Chambers Construction BPNo COM2007-01851 Periodic Inspection 0 Performed continuous inspection dUring the Installation of ninety-three (93) #4 x 30" rebar dowels along both sides of pour back strip near line D, from approximately 5 2 to 7 5 Strip was opened due to missing dowels along construction JOint at this location Prior to installation, the predrllled holes were cleaned With a brush and compressed air Verified mlmmum embedment depth of 4" Dowels were secured uSing Epcon A7 epoxy (ICC ESR 2351/explratlon date 05-12-09) John (Superintendent) was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected was In accordance With plans dated 01-29-08, RFI# 076 dated 07-25-08 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above Reviewed By ;1J //,~ Michael L Meyer Techmcal Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em all) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield MLM sc ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the specIfic process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contamed herem shall not be reproduced In part or full andfor any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testmg & Inspection, Ine '5 wrrtten authonzatlon 750 NW CanelI Avenue CavaIIIS, Oegm 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540BAlrportRoad E1..gne,0egm97402 phone(541)684J849 fax(541)684.J851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftJ 11~'I"lni."'''l''''''.''I. Gc....;""; ,1lICai & Construcbon SeMces Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Bolting Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Welding Fabricator or Erector West Side Iron Contractor Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 08-05-08 2087024 E-20813 C Walpole/K Green 01040131 AWS CWI Field ItI Clear COM2007-01851 Performed contmuous visual mspectlon durmg In-progress complete penetration groove welds Inspected fit-up and mOnitored amps, volts and travel speed by one (1) certified welder usmg E71T-8 process Complete penetration welds were completed on T -1 trusses for canopy at mam lobby entrance between Imes C and 0 and between 1 and 4 pending final visual Inspection Also mspected ledger and HSS beam to column connections along line A, from Imes 4 thru 8 at second fioor level, and RTU curb to weld plate attachments on roof for all three mechanical pads between lines C and 0 6 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Note one (1) splice In bottom chord of T-1 truss at Imes C 3/1 Will require complete penetration groove weld Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with drawmgs dated 01-29-08, RFI# 118 dated 07-21-08 and appllcableAWS 011 and 013 codes, except If noted above Reviewed By jh, V.~ ~ Michael L . Meler""- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfleld MLM sc ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated As such information contaIned herem shall not be reproduced In part or full andfor any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FE! Testing & Inspection, Ine s wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Cornell Avenue CorvalliS, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541 ) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftJ Page 1 of 1 .1:r..'II!I"-.I~.'~:"IlII~.m. Gcv~'"llC8i & Construcbon SeMces Dally Field Report Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 06-04-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20252 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Spnngfleld, Oregon Inspector M Meyer ID No 0877905-84 ICC Inspection of Masonry Weather Partly Cloudy Contmuous Inspection 0 Contractor Chambers Construction BPNo COM2007-01851 PeriodiC Inspection 0 Performed Inspection on the reinforCing steel In the 8" CMU walls on lines A 5 and C, from line 8 to 9, and on 9, from A 5 to C (12'0" to top) ReinforCing steel was checked for grade, Size, lap, quantity, spacing and location, where applicable Cells were relatively clean and free of excessive mortar projections Hooked 3/4" ledger bolts were Installed pnor to grout placement Observed the placement of 6 5 cu /yds of Knife River 3000 pSI grout (MIx 712-GNO) Grout was placed by pump and was mechanically consolidated Grout slump :1:10", grout temperature 66F, air temperature 57F Sill plate anchor bolts were 'wet-set' In top of wall after grout placement was completed Cory Reiling (Haps Masonry) was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected was In accordance With plans dated 01-29-08 and applicable workmanship prOVIsions of the I B C , except If noted above ReViewed By I1h~ 1:t- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (em all) City of Spnngfield MLMJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contamed herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection lne s wntten authOrization 750 NW CanelIA'Mlue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phcre(541)7574698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirjxrl Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phcre (541) 684J849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SF;) Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth Bolting,. i)a.'JJJ~JCY.1I1~~'Il~.ml~.I~I. Geoted1nlC8.l & Consb'uc:tJon Servlces Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector IONo International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding West Side Iron Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 06-04-08 2087024 E-20249 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field Ii!! Overcast COM2007-01851 Performed visual Inspection of third floor framing between gnd lines A and D, from 4 to 8 Venfied high strength bolts were In snug-light condition and beam to beam and beam to column connections Welds were checked at beam to column, beam to beam jOlsVglrder connections and high-load connections Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Note welding was not completed at the high-load connection at line 6/C 8 and the JOiSt to seat connections at the CIP wall Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance Wlth structural drawings and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above Reviewed By t1t~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfleld DAWJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, information contained herein shalf not be reproduced In part or full andfor any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 5 wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4646 ~fEl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Boltina .1a.'lItlrt.]f~"~111111~llIlIn. Gc.v~ 1l11Ca1 & Construcbon ServIces Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector ID No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding West Side Iron Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 06-06-08 2087024 E-20277 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field Ii1f Overcast COM2007-01851 Performed visual Inspection of third floor deck between grid lines A 2 to D, from 4 to 8 Shear studs were checked for 3600 flash and by ring/bend test Puddle welds were checked for size and location Also, performed re-Inspectlon of JOiSt to embed connections that were noted In FEI report no E-20249 dated 06-04-08 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Contractor was notified that high load connection at 6/C 8 that was also noted In the prevIous report stili needs to be completed Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With structural draWings and applicable AWS 01 1 and 01 3 codes, except If noted above ReViewed By iII/~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (em all) City of Springfield OAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specIfic process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & InspectIon Inc s wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Allport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 CoIporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~Ftl Page 1 of 1 .liIo'lltlrt."I~'~'~a.lll'IlI"]111. Geotectn::al & Construcbon ServIces Report of Ultrasonic Examination Client Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 06-06-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Rpt No E-20282 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Springfield, Oregon Technician L Postler BP #COM200-701851 ID# A S N T Level II Shop [;'] Field D Contractor Chambers Construction Weld ID Complete Penetration Fabncator or Erector Metal-Some Fabrlcatlorl JOint ID Stair Stringer Splices DecIbels DiscontInuity 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0. u ~ " 0- 0> U , c1! 0- 0 ~ 0- ~ 0 0 c1! '" ! ~ 0" . ~ ~ :< DIstance Location 0 0 '!..J o ~ :e&! . "8 0 0 0 -' :!~ 0 E "8 u u '" .E ,g 0 " 0 . '" " " " ~ ~ ." ~ u !! ~ E 1> .. 0 i5.~ 0 0> 0 0>0 FromX FromY 0 .. e e 3 a b 0 d 0 o 0- o 0 ,. ~ .... ~ -' "'''' 0<1> Starr stnnger no 226-L (2) locations xl 700 A 1&2 37 db Stair slonger no 226-R (2) locabons xl 700 A 1&2 37 db I Stair slonger no 227-L (1) locabon X I 700 A 1&2 37dbl Stair slonger no 227-R (1) locabon X 700 A 1&2 37 dbl Stair slonger no 228-L (2) locabons X 700 A 1&2 37 dbl I Stair stnnger no 228-L (repalr)* X 700 A 1&2 37 db I 1 Stair stnnger no 229-L (2) locations X 700 A 1&2 37 db Stair stnnger no 229-R (2) locations X 700 A 1&2 37db Calibration Blocks IlW DSC Frequency 225 mhz Couplet Ultraget II Code Criteria AWS D1 1-06 EqUipment No Panametncs 48 ....Galn dB a-b-c=d Remarks 'ref report no E-20215, dated 06-02-08 ReViewed By iHfft!f Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the clIent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such mformatlon contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspection, loc s wntten authonzatlon 750NW CanelIAvenue COIvalris,0reg:Jn97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAllportRcad Eugene, 0reg:Jn 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax(541)684-J851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SfEI Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Bolting ..~"r~Im:."I~..'1ll1'1111\'.IU_ Geotechm:::al & ConsIructJOn Servla3s Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject International Way Development Package A 400 International Way SpringfIeld, Oregon Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No Inspection of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Shop Ii1I Weather BPNo Welding Cascade Iron Works Chambers Construction 06-06-08 2087024 E-20285 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field 0 InSide COM2007-01851 Performed visual inspection of the following fabricated structural steel stair components columns (2) 212A, (2) 212B, (2) 212D, (2) 212F, 213A, 213B, 232A and 232B, landing posts (2) 211A, (2) 211B, 211C, 2110, 211F and 211H, beams 215C, (2) 215D, (2) 214F, and (2) 214H Note beams 214H, 215D and 215H did not have the angle Installed In the shop, per design drawings Fabricator stated they would be Installed In the field Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Fabricator was asked to noltfy our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With shop drawings dated 05-02-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above Reviewed By ~~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (em all) City of Springfield DAWJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidentIal property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such InformatIon contamed herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEl Testing & Inspection Inc $ wntten authOrization 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Allport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 &FEl .1~11INer.U~':iilll.ill.m. GeotechnlCai & Construdion SerV1res Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 06-04-08 2087024 5904 DATE CAST 05-28-08 CAST BY D Delatte DATE RECEIVED 05-29-08 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" STRENGTH PLACED 4500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES Fiber Mesh AIR CONTENT LOAD NO 3 TICKET NO 5802779 SLUMP 51/4" CONCRETE TEMP 68' F YARDAGE 110 OF 865 TIME 550 AM AIR TEMP 52' F WEATHER Overcast/Ram SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Second floor slab on deck hne A to D, from 4 to 8 LOAD 3 SAMPLED Near hnes C 54 5 AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE , STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYSl (IN') lLBS) LOAD (LBSl STRENGTHlPSn lPSn TEST FRACTURE- 06-04-08 7 1250 84 35000 2800 750 AM 5 06-06-08 9 1250 85 39500 3160 155 PM 2 06-25-08 28 06-25-08 28 -1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Spilt 3 - Columnar 4 - DIagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was adVised of on-site test results ReViewed By !!1ae~'(!:r-- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughhn, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It 15 addressed and pertains to the specIfic process and/or matenal evaluated As such Information contamed herem shall not be reproduced rn part Or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection, loc S written authonzatlon 7fQ NW ComeIIAvenue CorvalliS, CXe(p1 97330 phone(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540BAJrportRoad Eugene,CXe(p197402 phone(541)684J849 fax(541)684J851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SfEl Geotechnical & Construcbon Servres Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 1I:lo'ml"4IlIl~':f;IIIIi1II1IU. CLIENT PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION 05-12-08 CAST BY R MarJama 4000 pSI 4500 pSI SACKS 314568 CEMENT Fiber Yellow, Pozzolith 80 3 TICKET NO 5802550 680 F YARDAGE 11 0 OF 950 400 F WEATHER Partly Cloudy Second floor slab within lines 4 to 8 and D to H DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE LOAD 3 SAMPLED Approximately lines E5 06-09-08 2087024 5870 05-13-08 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" 51/2" 510AM ASTM C31 AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIM E OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) UN') (LBSI LOAD (LBSI STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTURE- 05-19-08 7 1262 86 50600 4010 3 40 PM D 06-09-08 28 1250 86 72000 5760 905AM A 06-09-08 28 1250 86 68900 5510 5635 910AM D Hold .'A-Cone B Cone/Split C-ConeShear D Shear E Columnar REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construcllon) was adVised of on-site test results ReViewed By C!ae~ 1::lf- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (ernall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (ernall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such informatIon contamed herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NVV Carle] Avenue Cavallis, Qegm 97330 pha1e (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540BAnportRoad Eugene,Qegm97402 pha1e(541)fl84.3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Sftl 11~'ml"1m~m'lIIli.'il. GeotechnlCai & Construcbon SeIVIces Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms ASTM C 1314 CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon BP NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO DATE CONSTRUCTED DATE GROUTED SOLID XX DESIGN (F'M) SPECIMEN STORAGE LOCATION R Mar)ama DATE RECEIVED PRISM I D TIME WEATHERlTEMP 05-29-08 06-02-08 HOLLOW 1500 ASTM C1314 Walls on line A 5 from 8 to 9, on C, from 8 to 9, on 9, from A 5 to C (8'0" to 12'0") FEIREP MORTAR PSIITYPE SAND CEMENT LIME OTHER TEMP SOURCEII D 18001T ype S GROUT PSI AGG SIZE CEMENT ADDITIVE SLUMP TEMP SOURCEII D TICKET NO Spec MIx/Bagged 06-09-08 2087024 5912 06-03-08 8" x 8" x 16" Smooth Face 945AM Clear/60" 2000 pSI 3/8" 7 1/2 sack :1:9" 66" Knife Rlver1712-GNO 3158188 SPECIMEN SPECIMEN SPECIMEN NET CROSS. COMPRESSIVE AVERAGE TEST AGE HEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH SECTIONAL TOTAL STRENGTH STRENGTH DATE (DAYS) tiN) tiN) tiN) AREA tiN ') LOAD (LBSI (PSI) (PSI) 06-09-08 7 1600 7625 8500 6481 200000 3090 06-30-08 28 06-30-08 28 REMARKS Brent (Haps Masonry) was adVised of on-site test results Reviewed By A,'-/,~ Michael L ~e~e/l' ~ Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield MLMJw ThiS' report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contamed herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, rnc 's wntten authOrization 750NWComeIIAvenue CavalIis,0eg0n97330 phcre(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAJrpatRoad Eugene, Oegon 97402 phcre(541)l38<h3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~fEI Page 1 of 1 .1a.'t.lflrv'lIIl~"'l:l~.lllli.la" G:,.,~ " ,.caI & Oxlstrudion ServIces Daily Field Report Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Developrnent Date 06-11-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20319 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Springfield, Oregon Inspector D Delatte ID No 1080867-88 ICC Inspection of Concrete Placement Weather Overcast Continuous Inspection 0 Contractor Chambers Construction BPNo COM2007-01851 PeriodiC Inspection ~ Observed the placement of 84 5 cu /yds of Eugene Sand and Gravel 4500 pSI (4000 pSI reqUired) concrete (MIx 314568) In the third floor slab on deck, line A to D, from 4 to 8 Concrete contains fiber mesh Concrete was placed by pump and was manually consolidated Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x 8" concrete test cylinders from load 2 Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was notified of on-site test results slump 6 1/4", concrete temperature 63F, air temperature 48F To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected was In accordance With plans dated 01-29-08 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above Reviewed By 1;a~ ~ Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield MLMJw , , ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such mfoffi1atlOn contamed herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspectron Inc '5 written authonzatlon 750NWCoIreIIAvenue CorvaDIS,0reg0n97330 phore(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BMport Rood Eugene, Oregon 97402 phore (541) 684J849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Sf!l Page 1 of 1 .1~'II~lt" "lt~";.';'IIII~.I~l. Gcu~~ ,,1m & Construction Servres Daily Field Report Client Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 06-10-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20313 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Springfield, Oregon Inspector R MarJama ID No 5235029-49 ICC Inspection of Epoxy Dowels Weather Overcast Continuous Inspection D Contractor Chambers Construction BPNo COM2007-01851 PeriodiC Inspection 0 Performed continuous Inspection durmg the Installation of forty-eight (48) #4 x 28" rebar dowels for construction JOint In third floor slab on line D, from 5 to 8 Prior to Installation, the predrllled holes were cleaned with a brush and compressed air Verified minimum embedment depth of 4" Dowels were secured with Epcon A7 epoxy (expiration date 05-10-08) Dowels to remain undisturbed until epoxy has set To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected was m accordance WIth plans dated 01-29-08, RFI #80 dated 06-04-08 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above Reviewed By fJJ.~./4- Michael L "MeY;;;- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em all) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (em ail) City of Springfield MLMJw This report andlor enclosed test data IS the confidentIal property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed 'Mthout FEl Testmg & Inspection, Ine 's wntten authOrization 750NW ComeIAvenue Corvallis, CXegm 97330 phone(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, CXegm 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, Surte 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 3824846 ~fEl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth BoltinQ na.'tlt\1I~.1U~'1II~IUIII'.m. Geoted1nm & Consb1JctJon Servloas Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector IDNo International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Welding West Side Iron Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 06-10-08 2087024 E-20316 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field Ii:! Overcast COM2007-01851 Performed visual Inspection of puddle welds and bent plate connections at the third floor between lines A and A 2, from 4 to 8 Also, performed re-Inspectlon on the third floor high-load connection at line 6/C 8 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Puddle welds were checked for size and location Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with structural drawings and applicable AWS 01 1 and 01 3 codes, except If noted above Reviewed By Jt(~r Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc s wntten authonzatlon 750 t#V Cornell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B AJrport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541 ) 684-3849 fax (541 ) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth BoltinQ ..:.,umt<lIOI'JUltlll'_1ll11 Geotecnrucal & Cons1rudJon SerVI03S Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Date Project No Report No Inspector ID No Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Shop It! Weather BP No Welding Metal-Some Fabrication Chambers Construction 06-09-08 2087024 E-20302 D Webber/K Green 93050801 AWS CWI Field D Inside COM2007-01851 Performed visual inspection of the following fabricated structural steel embeds 206H, (10) 206F and 206D Verified A706 bar was used prior to Inspection Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With drawings dated 05-02-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above Reviewed By "~r Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertaIns to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such Information contamed herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspection Ine 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue ColVallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAJrport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SfEJ Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/HiQh-StrenQth BoltinQ_ 111t.'mlfl..l~..'.l'ILII1'l!Im. GeotechnlC8l & Construc:ton ServIces Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Ins pector ID No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Shop Ii1l Weather BPNo Welding Metal-Some Fabrication Chambers Construction 06-06-08 2087024 E-20293 D Webber/K Green 93050801 AWS CWI FIeld 0 Inside COM2007-01851 Performed continuous inspectIon dUring In-progress welding of complete penetration groove welds Inspected fit-up and mOnitored amps, volts and travel speed by (1) certified welder uSing E71T -1 F CAW process Welding was completed on stair stringer 229A and IS pending ultraSOnic testing for final inspection Also, performed visual inspection of (42) RTU embeds Shear studs were checked for 3600 flash and by rln9/bend test Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge. the work checked IS In conformance With shop draWings dated 05-02-08, Albma Pipe Bending Co , Inc draWing and applicable AWS 01 1 code. except If noted above ReViewed By d<~~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em all) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbm (emall) CIty of Springfield DAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, mformatlon contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be dISClosed Without FEl Testmg & Inspection, Jne s wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvalhs, Oregon 97330 phone (541 )757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene. Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~Ftl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Bolting nr..'lfflrt"I~.'1~;'.hll~.I~I. Gcu~ lnKal & ConsbuctJon ServIces Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Shop ~ Weather BPNo Welding Metal-Some Fabrication Chambers Construction 06-11-08 2087024 E-20332 D Webber/K Green 93050801 ICC Field 0 InSide COM2007-D1851 Performed inspection of the following fabricated trusses AE and AW Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance Wlth shop draWings dated 05-19-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above ReViewed By dl/L/# Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testmg & InspectIOn Inc 's wntten authorization 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Allport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Sf;J Page 1 of 1 11~'mICl.u~,:n'lIm.I~ll. Gc..,u-..; .n1Cai & Construc:bon ServIces Daily Field Report Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 07-18-08 Hawes Investments. LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20647 Eugene. Oregon 97402 Spnngfield, Oregon Inspector R MarJama ID No 5235029-49 Inspection of Reinforced Concrete Weather Clear Continuous Inspection 0 Contractor Chambers Construction BPNo COM2007-01851 Penodlc Inspection 0 Performed final Inspection of relnforcmg steel for curb walls for mechanical equipment pads on roof and edge dowels for balconies and pour back stnps on 2nd and 3'" floor Ime 4 from E to E 5, E from 4 to 52 and south stair landings, 3rd floor line 4 from C to D and D from 4 to 5 Relnforcmg steel was checked for grade, size. lap, placement and clearance Relnforcmg steel was secured with tie-wire and supported away from sides (where applicable) In areas listed above, observed placement of 30cu/yds of Eugene Sand and Gravel 4500 pSI 3/4" MSA fiber remforced concrete (mix 314568) Concrete was placed by pump One (1) set of four (4) 4" X 8" compressive strength cylinders was cast Concrete temperature 77F, ambient air temperature 58F. slump 4 1/2" Due to delays placing concrete and having to move pump, the age of second and third loads of concrete went over 90 minutes Contractor elected to use concrete until placement became difficult and both loads were returned to plant approximately 30 hours after batch time A fourth load was ordered to complete placement John (supenntendent) was advised of on-site test results. and was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work mspected was In accordance with plans dated 1-29-08 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above ;t:;,~ ~I;hael L ~~ybl- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfield MLM sc This report andlor enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contarned herem shall not be reproduced In part or full andler any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspection Ine 's written authonzatlon 750NWComeIIAvenue CavalfIS,Qegon97330 phore(541)757-4698 fax(541)757-2991 29540 B Airpat Road Eugene, Qegon 97402 phore (541)684J849 fax (541 )684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541 ) 382-4846 ~ftl Page 1 of 1 lla.'lItlr..I~.'~;"llll,.mll Geoted1nlCal & Consbuc:bon ServIces Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Bolting Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector ID No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfleld, Oregon InspectIon of Welding Fabricator or Erector Metalsome/NW Iron Contractor Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 07-18-08 2087024 E-20662 K Green/D Webber AWS CWI 93050801 FIeld It! Clear COM2007-01851 Performed re-Inspectlon on the 1/4" A36 steel plate that was welded to embed at top of shear wall along line C between lines 5 7 to 6 4 as per RFI# 111 Repairs were made and deckln9 was attached per details 6/S5 1, completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With draWings dated 5-16-08 RFI# 111 dated 7-11-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 and D1 3 codes, except If noted above ReViewed By AI/~ Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em ail) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Ene Hall Architects - Ted Corbm (em a/I) City of Spnngfield DAW sc This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be dIsclosed WIthout FE! Testing & Inspection Ine 5 wntten authOrization 750 NW Cornell Avenue CorvalliS, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~fEJ Page 1 of 1 1I~'I1III't."'IIl,'''::''lIIh'.IWII Geoted1r11ca1 & Consbuc::OC>n ServIces Report of Inspection Services Welding/Hiah-Strenath BoltinQ_ Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector ID No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding West Side Iron Cham bers Construction Shop 0 Weather BP No 7-17-08 2087024 E-20655 D Webber AWS CWI 93050801 Field Iil Clear COM2007-01851 Arnved on-site to venfy that the 1/4" A36 steel plate was welded to embed at top of shear wall along line C between 5 7 to 6 4 per RFI# 111 Note stitch welds were found to be of insuffiCient size and length Contractor was notified that repairs are required on welds, or EOR approval for 'as-bUilt' conditions Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance With draWings dated 5-16-08, RFI# 111 dated 7-11-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above ReViewed By P/da Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfleld DAW sc ThiS report and/of enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such informatIon contained herern shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection loc s wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SF!l Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Weldin~/Hi~h-Strength Boltinq_ 11""N~.<!IIHI~1l1'1lI1a'.m. GeotectmtcaI & Construclx>n Servtces Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No Internallonal Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Puddle Weld Re-Inspectlon West Side Iron Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 07-15-08 2087024 E-20630 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field Ii'1 Clear COM2007-01851 Performed re-Inspectlon of remaining puddle welds noted In FEI report no E-20510 dated 07-03-08, except on line C, between 5 7 and 6 4 Completed puddle welds were checked for size and location Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with structural drawings and applicable AWS D1 3 code, except If noted above Reviewed By ~~~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) COU9hlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfield DAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom ills addressed and pertains to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection Inc s wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Cornell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Auport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl Page 1 of 1 1Ia."m",.Jj'.'JJial'I'I~_ Gou~ ,,11Cai & Construction SerVIres Dally Field Report Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 07-17-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20636 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Springfield, Oregon Inspector A Fenstermacher ID No 5258882-49 ICC Inspection of Epoxy and Weather Clear Continuous Inspection 0 Reinforcing Steel Contractor Chambers Construction BP No COM2007 -01851 Periodic Inspection [;'I Performed preliminary Inspection on the reinforCing steel for roof mechanical curbs Reinforcing steel was checked for Size, grade, laps, quantities, locations, lies, clearance and supports A final inspection Will be performed prior to concrete placement Also, performed continuous inspection dUring the Installation of ninetY-nine (99) #4 x 28" hOrizontal dowels as follows forty-four (44) on third floor line 5 from C to E, line E, from 38 to 5, line 3 8, from D to E 5, fifty-five (55) on second floor on line D 5, from 2 to 4, on 4 from C to D, on B 8, from 25 to 4 Prior to Installalion, the predrllled holes were cleaned With a brush and compressed air Verified minimum embedment depth of 4" Dowels were secured With Epcon A7 (ICC ES ESR# 2351, expiration date 05-13-09) John Shay (Chambers Construction) was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected and In-progress was In accordance With plans dated 04-22-08, RFI 80 dated 06-04-08, RFI 76 dated 07-02-08 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above ReViewed By J1J, ';{,~ Michael L 'Mea' Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield MLM sc ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertarns to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such Information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testrng & InspectIon, Inc 's written authOrizatIon 750NW Cornell Avenue Corvalris, 0eg0n97330 phone(541)757-4698 fax(541)757-2991 29540BAl!portRoad Eugene,0eg0n97402 pha1e(541)684J849 fax(541)684-J851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Sf E) '1a.'lllll","IIIIl'liI;"llIJII.I~l. Geotedn::al & ConstrudJon ServIces Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE lDAYS\ (IN') lLBSI LOAD lLBS\ STRENGTHlPSI) 06-18-08 7 1256 85 30400 2420 07-09-08 28 1262 85 49600 3930 07-09-08 28 1262 85 51500 4080 Hold DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 2 SAMPLED 06-11-08 4000 pSI 4500 pSI 314568 Fiber Mesh 2 TICKET NO 1506801 63' F YARDAGE 100 OF 48' F WEATHER Overcast Third floor slab on deck Ime A to D, form 4 to 8 Near lines B5 **1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 07-09-08 2087024 5927 CAST BY D Delatte DATE RECEIVED 06-12-08 SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x8" SUPPLIER ESG MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" AIR CONTENT SLUMP 61/4" 8450 TIME 605 AM SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 SACKS CEMENT AVERAGE STRENGTH lPSI) TIME OF TEST 845AM 820AM 825AM TYPE OF FRACTURE- 3 3 3 4010 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was advised of on-site test results ReViewed By ~ael~M~ Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construcllon - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMJw This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such rnformatlon contarned herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection Ine 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NW ComeIIAvenue CavaIIs, 0regm97330 phone(541)757-4698 fax(541)757-2991 29540BAnportRoad Eugene,0regm97402 phone(541)684.'l849 fax(541)684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth BoltinQ 1I:lr.'111Irl.I~.'~;.nIl1.I~LIi GeotechnICal & ConsbuctK.>n ServIces Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector IDNo International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Welding Metal-Some Fabncatlon Chambers Construction Shop Ii1I Weather BPNo 07-02-08 2087024 E-20495 D Webber/K Green 93050801 AWS CWI Field 0 Inside COM2007-01851 Performed visual Inspection of the follOWing fabricated structural steel components column 104A, beam 71A and column/beam frame assemblies 3H, 3K and 3M Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Fabricator was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance Wlth shop draWings dated 05-02-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above ReViewed By ~L~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construct/on - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contamed herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspection, lnc 5 written authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Ore90n 97402 ~fEl 11~'IfNfI.I~.'~~.1 till_Lilli CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 2 SAMPLED Gcvo....; ,1K:aI & ConslrudxJn Servres Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 InternaMnal Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 07-03-08 2087024 5939 06-26-08 CAST BY R Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 4000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG Fiber Yellow AIR CONTENT 2 TICKET NO 60004533 SLUMP 51/4" 69" F YARDAGE 90 OF 470 TIME 710 AM 54" F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 Third fioor balcony slab within hnes 7 7 to 8 5 and D to E 5, second fioor balcony slab within hnes 7 7 to 9 and D to E 5 and slab on grade within hnes 8 to 9 and A 5 to C Second fioor balcony slab 06-27-08 4" x8" ESG 3/4" AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTUREh 07-03-08 7 1256 86 45300 I 3610 1120AM 5 07-24-08 28 I 07-24-08 28 I Hold "1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split REMARKS ReViewed By ;11, ':(,~-- Michael L ~eyeO T echmcal Manager 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughhn, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Ene Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMJw ThIS report andlor enclosed test data IS the confidenltal property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process andlor material evaluated As such information contained herein shall not be reproduced 10 part or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEr Testing & Inspection loc 's wntten authorization I 750 NW CaneII Avenue CavaIls, Clreg:J197330 phc:re(541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirIXYlRood Eugene, Clreg:J197402 phc:re(541)684-3849 fax(541)684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 3824844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~fEJ Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Weldim:!/Hiah-Strength Boltina_ .lllo'lItll'l"Il'."~="hlll'.I~'11ill GeotedmICal & Consbuc:bon ServIces Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector ID No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding West Side Iron Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 07-03-08 2087024 E-20510 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field It! Clear COM2007-01851 Performed continuous visual inspection dunng the welding of complete penetration groove welds at stair landing splices Inspected fit-up and momtored amps, volts and travel speed by (1) certified welder uSing E71T-1 F CAW process Work was completed on the lower landing of the main lobby stairs on line 4 2, between 0 and E and IS pending ultrasomc tesllng for final acceptance While on-site, performed visual Inspecllon of puddle welds and button punch at the roof level between lines 4 and 8, from A to H Welding was not completed at the (2) mechamcal umts near C/6 and 0/6 Completed puddle welds were checked for size and location Contractor was asked to nollly our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with structural draWings and applicable AWS 01 1 code, except If noted above ReViewed By ~/~ Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfield DAWJw ThiS report andlor enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process andlor matenal evaluated As such InformatIon contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full andler any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection Inc s wntten authonzatJon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B AIrport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) ~9 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4644 fax (541) 382-4846 Decibels . 0 . 0 0 a. .gGj u o , 2 '" c e~ ~~ '5.5 '" ~~ " 2j ..81 . . ~ ~ 1lU. u u .: , . '" " u. . E 0 '" I e e . a b c d ... u. ~ I 700 A 1&2\ 37 db 700 A 1&21 37 db 17001A11&21 137 db I ~Ftl n~llr~ltl<llII~,~a"(ffI'.II.'t. Geo1echrucal & ConstrucIIon SerV1res Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon BP #COM200-701851 Contractor Cham bers Construction Fabricator or Erector Metal-Some Fabrication Location " ~ . " o " J'J . . '" " ~ . " o " J'J . u. Lobby St." I Weld #1 IWeld#2 I Weld #3 I Calibration Blocks IIW DSC Icodeer/ter/a AWSD11-06 x x x Frequency 225 mhz. Equipment No Panametncs 48 Remarks :z;;~ Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw Page 1 of 1 Report of Ultrasonic Examination Date Project No Rpt No Techmclan ID# Shop 0 Weld 10 Jomt 10 07-07-08 2087024 E-20518 L Postler A S N T Level II Field 0 Complete Penetration Tube Steel Stair Landing Splices Discontinuity . u o 1l c , :5 ..!-g g' ~g j .:i!.!L , '" E ,g . ~ u ~~ 000 Distance !Fromx !Fromv I I I I I Coupl~t Ullragelll ,"'Galn dB a-b-c=d This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or metenal evaluated As such, mformatlon contamed herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testmg & Inspection, Inc s 'Nrltten authOrizatIon 7m NW OlrreIIAvenue OJrvaIhs, Oregoo 97330 phme(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540BAuportRood Eugene,0reg0097402 phme(541)~ fax(541)684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl RECEIVED AUG 0 1 Z008 Page 1 of 1 11:"'llfl"".11~'l~a.lllli.IN. Ge:ltedln1C8i & Cons1rudJon ServIres Daily Field Report Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project International Way Development Date 07-29-08 Hawes Investments, LLC Package A Project No 2087024 2892 Crescent Avenue 400 International Way Report No E-20746 Eugene, Ore90n 97402 Springfield, Oregon Inspector A Fenstermacher ID No 5258882-49 ICC Inspection of Epoxy Anchors Weather Overcast Continuous InspectIon D Contractor Chambers Construction BPNo COM2007-01851 Penodlc Inspection 0 Performed continuous inspection dUring the Installation of fifty-one (51) 318" x 6" x 8" plates each with two (2) 112" x 6" all thread anchors em bedded 6" Into top of mechanical curbs at the roof Prior to installation, the predrllled holes were cleaned with a brush and compressed air Verified minimum embedment depth of 6" Anchors were Installed uSing Redhead Epcon A7 (ICC ES ESR# 2351, expiration date 05-08- 09) To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected was In accordance with RFI #118 dated 07-21-08 and applicable workmanship provIsions of the I B C , except If noted above ReViewed By 11,-i.~ Michael L -Mear' Technical Manager C Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emal/) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (em all) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) - City of Springfield MLM sc This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the speCIfic process and/or metenal evaluated As such, informatIon contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wnUen authonzatlon 750 NW ComeIIAvenue CorvaIfIS, 0eg0n97330 phone(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B AI1pat Rood Eugene, Qega197402 pIme (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684J851 63050 Corporate Place, Su~e 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846