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Permit Correction Notice 2008-8-15
..-_. --- ____c-~.._ry......~......" '--..-.. .......~...-r\...........~,..f"'...n....r--ro..r--....-.,--...._-"-......___,,,___.-...~~('>~-..- ","'~("'''~o1''",.-..r'O-'''''''''''''''''-'''- City of Springfield / Development Services Buildmg Safety 225 FIfth Street OIZIQ Q> I. _/ Job Number C9; -Ih ~:> Date o//0??8 JobAddre" jtl6 10 9-1 r... 5-1 To ('Jvc.fti/l G./",j,,/c- St'Yi/'c e- li/Fer 25"(/ IOlf(/tj. IAJv! {Y /J~~/ JAped'? 10 6c #'1 N(C; Zi(} 91 ~ ).e.~1I1r c. (~V1ju-<l~y.5 IVl 11-11:<'" l1a~ -10 6-(' //0.1.../ -IfOY Zoo# . , /lite 23llWA). r;{.Yl!f(L. Dvoi? lun! 6( 1f:55ltC<;1 13' jVOh1 te>ot .;t,f'M I~/,:~f"c.f __, . v ' , CorrectIOns and remspectlOn request shall be made wlthm S- '~alendar days" Call for remspectton ye S, Inspector r>P,)Vrr> I< let'l' v (Is OiYJ *********************** Call for mspection 726-3769 ***** Questtons 726-3759 ***********************