HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2008-8-18 City of Springfield Voucher Report 10 SPRA 1 03 Voucher 10 00138227 Handlmg Code RE Accountmg Date AugusU18/2008 Vendor Number 0000012218 Invoice Date AugusU1812008 InvoIce # 8/18/08 Memo Approver GRIM3180 Operator SMIT1314 Gross Amount 300,000 00 Prol/Grant BY Tenns Amount 2009 00 133,87673 2009 00 30,34727 2009 00 130,98740 2009 00 4,78860 Workstage LLC 4700 60th Street Grand Rapids, MI 49512 pescrlotlon Account Fund Orll SDC Refund 850069 447 62261 850069 447 62261 850093 440 62243 850093 440 62243 o i ~ ~~ cNG,\ 0 6'Y/ j b Ct Payment Message ~ ~~( ~(lCb (O~ it/r'l/09 or-- frlrt'f' Comments SDC Refund COM2004-01522 MEMORANDUM CIty of Sonn!!field DATE August 18, 2008 TO JolIe SmIth, Secretary FROM Ken Vogeney, CIty Engmeer 'K , SUBJECT Voucher Request - SDC Refund for Workstage, LLC, COMl004-01552 In 2004, the CIty entered mto an agreement WIth Workstage, LLC, and the state of Oregon concerrnng the development of the Royal Canbbean call center on Sports Way TIus agreement provIded a grant from the state to cover some of the development costs for Workstage These grant funds are bemg applIed to the TransportatIOn and Stormwater SDC's that Workstage paId WIth theu bmldrng permIts (C0M2004-01552) rn 2004 The attached documentatIOn mcludes copIes of the SDC calculatIOn sheets, a IIstmg ofthe fees paId by Workstage, LLC, and the agreement between the CIty, Workstage and the state At thIS tIme, there are In~ufficlent revenues for FY'08 In the TransportatIOn dnd Stonnwater SDC accounts to cover the refunds Therefore, I wIll take the refunds from budgeted capItal project accounts, and then do a transfer WIth Supplemental Budget No I m November to move the funds from SDC reserves back mto these capItal projects Please prepare a Voucher for $300,000, payable to Workstage, LLC, from the followrng accounts Stormwater SDC Refund - from account 440-62243-850093 $130,98740 Stormwater SDC Adrnm Refund - from account 440-62243-850093 $ 4,78860 TransportatIon Imp SDC Refund - from account 447-62261-850069 $133,87673 TransportatIOn Rermb SDC Refund - from account 447-62261-850069 $ 30.34727 Total =$300,00000 Please have the check maIled to W orkstage at the followrng address LeIgh Howard, Investment & Legal Coordrnator Worksta,lie, LLC 4700 60 Street, SE Grand RapIds, MIclllgan 49513 Page 1 of1 V \development revlew\Development Apphcabons\2004\DRC2004-\DRC2004-00053, Workstage~Royal Canbbean\Voucher Request - SDC Refund DOC *If'Ul/O'l Ken Here's a short summary of the costs paid by Workstage for System Development charges for constructmg the Royal Caribbean CrUise Lines development off Sports Way The costs below represent funds that through the City's Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Oregon and the Governor's Office the City would receive an Oregon State Special Public Works Grant of $300,000 to offset costs that would be eligible through the City'S SDC program That Grant was made earlier thiS year and approved by the City The costs below represent those paid based on calculations m the City of Sprmgfield Systems Development Charge Worksheet :r VDe SDC Transportation Reimbursement SDC Transportation Improvement Storm Dramage Impervious Area Storm Dramage Administration Fee' Total Paid 10/19/2005 10/19/2005 12/7/2005 1217/2005 Amount $ 30,34727 $133,87673 $130,98740 $ 4.78860 $300,000 00 'Note Workstage paid 5% of the $130,987 as the Admmlstratlon Fee or $6,549 37, however, the total reimbursement IS capped at $300,000 00 and only $4,788 60 IS to be reimbursed I have hard copies documentmg the above mformalion to attach to your voucher ---=--- Johnt h i\ ~ ~ ' jtamulonls@cl springfield or us 541.726.3656 (office) , 541.954-4819 (cell) 541.726-2363 (fax) ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER C0M2004-01552 NAME OR COMPANY Royal Cambbean WCA TION North Soortsway MAP & TAX LOT NUMBER 1703150001000 DEVELOPMENT TYPE Call Center. Smgle Tenant Office Bleig NEW DEVELOPED AREA (S F ) 159.27000 EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S F) 61 73000 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (S F) 325.000 ITE Street F ootpnnt lTE impervious LOT SIZE (S F ) 715 23 4 Acres 1 ~TORM DRAINAGE CD $130,987 40 ~lo7il w>~ IMPERVIOUS SQ IT 422 540 x $ 0310 PERSF TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE SDC I /. SANITARY SFWFR-r.TTY A. REIMBURSEMENT COST NUMBER OF DFlJs B IMPROVEMENT COST NUMBER OF DFU's (SEE REVERSE SIDE) 565 x $ 24 04 PER DFU 565 x $ 1828 PERDFU $13,584 68 $10,32652 -:; TRANSPORTATION TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC 1$ 23,911201 $ 23,91120 BLDG AREA TGSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADT x NEW TRIP FACTOR NEW A REIMBURSEMENT COST 15927 x 1157 x $ 1830 PER TRIP x 09 NIT 1$ 30.347 27 I B IMPROVEMENT COST 15927 x 1157 x $ 8072 PER TRIP x 09 NTF 1$ 133,87673 I EXISTING A REIMBURSEMENT COST x 0 x $ 1830 PER TRIP x 0 NIT 1$ B IMPROVEMENT COST x 0 x $ 8072 PER TRIP x 0 NIT 1$ TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC I $ TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC I $ TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC '! 164,224001 $ ~ 4 SANITARY SEWER _ M\VMC: NEW A. REIMBURSEMENT COST NUMBER OF FEUs B IMPROVEMENT COST NUMBER OF FEU's 15927 x $46 88 PER FEU 1$ 7.46581 I x $494 46 PER FEU 1 $ 78 752 96 I 15927 EXISTING A. REIMBURSEMENT COST NUMBER OF FEU's B IMPROVEMENT COST NUMBER OF FEU's I I '$ TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE $ TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE $ MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE' $ TOTALMWMCSDC 1$ 86,228771 $ SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4) '$ 405,351 371 $000 PER FEU 1$ x $000 PER FEU 1$ x MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) 'i AI1MTN1!\TRATTVE FEES BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) $ 405,35137 x 5% $ 20,26757 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE I $ TOTAL SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE $ steve",- W 1!oe.L<cl'i:11!o.n^.es ~\12QIWlliA~g.~ Canbbean N Sportsway 7f2912008 DATE TOTAL SDC CHARGES 30,34727 133,87673 164,22400 7,46581 78,752 96 1000 86,228 77 I $ 1042991 9,83766 425,618 94 (j) 1 JULY 2004 Royal Carnbbean DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE Nillv1BER OF NEW FIXTIJRES x UNIT EQUIVALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS r-T01E 'POT:> 'P"E},fODPT ~ CAT f"'JL.A TE O"'1T~ V Tlffi l'''ET A.DDIT'TO"" AJ.. ~TD..ES) FIXTURE TYPE BA TIITUB DRlNKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN - INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDSIETC INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASHlETC LAUNDRY TIJB CWTIJES WASHERlMOP SINK CWTIJES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRlGERA TORIW A TER STA TIONIETC RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SlNKI DISHW ASHERlETC SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KlTCHEN SINK. COMMERCIAL BAR SINK WASH BASlNlDOUBLELAVATORY SINK SINGLE LAVATORYIRESlDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALLlWALL TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRlV A TE INST ALLA TION MISCELLANEOUS NUMBER OF EDU'S* NEW j:;'iYTImj:;', ilNiT 5 58 2 OLD EQUIVALENT 3 I 3 3 6 2 3 6 12 I 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 5 2 6 3 4 I o 5 13 31 9 44 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS= ~EDU (EQwvalent Dwelhnl!: Umt) IS a cb.scharv;e eqwvalent to a SlOg-Ie famdy dwelhnf!: (20 DFU) set at 167 gallons per day DRAINAGE l-'Ix_1 UK...!: UNITS o 5 174 6 o o 12 6 o o o 10 o o o 26 29 45 252 o 565 o o 565 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE B~ED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEP ARATEL Y YEAR ANNEXED 1979 orbefore 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 RATE PER $1,000 ASSESSED VALUE $529 $519 $512 $4 98 $4 80 $463 $440 $407 $367 $322 $273 $225 $180 YEAR ANNEXED 1992 1993 ]994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROYEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) ~ COM20D4-01552a Royal Canbbean N Sportsway RATE PER $1,000 ASSESSED VALUE $159 $145 $125 $109 $092 $072 $048 $028 $009 $005 $000 $000 $000 x x CREDIT TOTAL $000 $000 $000 1 JULY 20D4 Fees AssocIated With 7/28/2008 Case #: COM2004-01552 103242AM 1000 Royal Canbbean 541-726-3753 Phone WORKS'I'AGE LLC 541-726-3676 Fax Trans Revenue Date Calculated Orlgmal Amount Descnptlon Code Account Number Calculated By Amount Due Plan Review Comm/lnd/Pubhc 1060 224-00000-425602 12/17/2004 LKW 5,437 67 000 Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 4500 000 SanItary Sewer Each Addtl 100' 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 2800 000 Water Lme - 1st 50 Feet 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 4500 000 Water Lme - Each AddtllOO' 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 1400 000 Stonn Sewer - 1 st 50 Feet 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 4500 000 Stonn Sewer Each Addtl 100' 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 686 00 000 FIXture 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 980 00 000 Backflow DevIce 1005 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 2800 000 Plan Review Plumbmg (30%) 1086 224-00000-425603 2/3/2005 DJB 656 72 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 2/3/2005 DJB 130 97 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 2/3/2005 DJB 585 60 000 + 10% Adrmmstral1ve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 2/3/2005 DJB 18710 000 + 10% Adrmmstratlve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 2/3/2005 DJB 836 57 000 Plan ReView Comm/1nd/Pubhc 1060 224-00000-425602 2/7/2005 LKW 34,372 59 000 Plan ReView Frre & LIfe Safety 1077 224-00000-425602 2/7/2005 LKW 21,15236 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 2/28/2005 DJB 350 000 + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 2/28/2005 DJB 500 000 Temp Power 200 amps or less 1003 224-00000-426102 2/28/2005 DJB 5000 000 Temp Power 200 amps or less 1003 224-00000-426102 3/3/2005 NJM 5000 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 3/3/2005 NJM 350 000 + 10% Adnumstratlve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 3/3/2005 NJM 500 000 Site Work 1033 224-00000-425602 3/1 0/2005 LLH 8,365 65 000 FoundatIOn Pennlt 1029 224-00000-425602 4/8/2005 LLH 16,711 65 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 4/8/2005 LLH 1,16982 000 + 10% Adrmmstraove Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 4/8/2005 LLH 1,671 17 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 4/29/2005 TDI 350 000 + 10% AdmllllstralIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 4/29/2005 TDI 500 000 Temp Power 200 amps or less 1003 224-00000-426102 4/29/2005 TDl 5000 000 Refund - Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 5/16/2005 LKW -5&5 60 -585 60 Penn Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less 1004 224-00000-426102 5/17/2005 LLH 1,13400 000 Perm Serv/Fdr 201 to 400 amps 1004 224-00000-426102 5/17/2005 LLH 525 00 000 Penn Serv/Fdr 401 to 600 amps 1004 224-00000-426102 5/17/2005 LLH 1,00000 000 Perm Serv/Fdr 601 to 999 amps 1004 224-00000-426102 5/17/2005 LLH 16300 000 Perm Serv/Fdr 1000 amps/volts 1004 224-00000-426102 5/1 7/2005 LLH 2,250 00 000 Add, Alter, Extend Crrc Ea Add 1004 224-00000-426102 5/17/2005 LLH 3,054 00 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 5/17/2005 LLH 568 82 000 + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee 109& 224-00000-426605 5/17/2005 LLH &1260 000 FIXture 1005 224-00000-425603 5/1712005 LLH 1,834 00 000 SpecIal Waste ConnectIOn 1005 224-00000-425603 5/17/2005 LLH 1,10600 000 Trap or Waste not Conn to Fro 1005 224-00000-425603 5/17/2005 LLH 602 00 000 Plan ReVIew Plumbmg (30%) 1086 224-00000-425603 5/17/2005 LLH 1,243 24 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 5/17/2005 LLH 24794 000 + 10% Admllllstratlve Fee 109& 224-00000-426605 5/17/2005 LLH 35420 000 Plan ReVIew ElectrIcal (25%) 1085 224-00000-426102 5/17/2005 LLH 2,031 50 000 Low Voltage - CommercIal Indus 1004 224-00000-426102 8/1 6/2005 NJM 4500 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 8/16/2005 NJM 3 15 000 s I Tidemarklfonnslcasefees I rpt Page I of3 Fees Associated With 7/28/2008 Case #: COM2004-01SS2 103242AM 1000 Royal Canbbean WORKSTAGE LLC Trans Revenue Date Calculated Orrgmal Amount r",..I... Ai....'" ..t-N......h..... r..i....I..t...i R. ~mn!!n!: n!..!~ r- - f 10% AwrumstratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 8/16/2005 NJM 450 000 c 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 8/24/2005 DJB 3 50 000 , 10% Adnurustratlve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 8/24/2005 DJB 500 000 temp Power 200 amps or less 1003 224-00000-426102 8/24/2005 DJB 5000 000 - 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 8/25/2005 DJB 630 000 - 10% Admmlstratlve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 8/25/2005 DJB 900 000 -ow Voltage - Commercl31 Indus 1004 224-00000-426102 8/25/2005 DJB 9000 000 'llI11ace - up to 100,000 btu 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 12000 000 'urnace - more than 100,000 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 15000 000 'urnace - Umt Heater 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 10800 000 ~oller/Comm Over 50 HP 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 15000 000 \rr Handlmg Umt Up to 10,000 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 1,432 00 000 \rr Handlmg Umt 10,000 & Ovr 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 7500 000 ,vaporatlve Coolers 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 1800 000 ,xhaust Hoods 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 1800 000 3as Outlets 1-4 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 400 000 3as Outlets 4+ 1006 224-00000-425604 10113/2005 LLH 2900 000 \pphance Not Listed 1006 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 4500 000 -MechanIcal Issuance Fee- 1087 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 10 00 000 'Ian ReView Mechamcal (25%) 1051 224-00000-425604 10/13/2005 LLH 628 58 000 'Ian ReView Comm/Ind/Pubhc 1060 224-00000-425602 10/19/2005 LLH 30,45848 000 ;amtary Sewer - Re1lllbursement 1183 442-00000-448024 10/19/2005 sa 13,58468 000 ,amtary Sewer - Improvement 1184 443-00000-448025 10/19/2005 sa 10,32652 000 ;DC Transpo Re1lllbursement 1173 446,00000-448026 10/19/2005 sa 30,347 27~ 000 >DC Transpo Improvement 1174 447-00000-448027 10/19/2005 sa 133,87673 000 ;DC MWMC Re1lllbursement 1186 444-00000-448024 10/19/2005 sa 7,465 81 000 :DC MWMC Improvement 1187 445-00000-448025 10/19/2005 sa 78,75296 000 :DC MWMC AdmmlstratlOn 1189 611-00000-426604 10/19/2005 sa 10 00 000 .ow Voltage - Commercl31 Indus 1004 224-00000-426102 10/26/2005 DDK 4500 000 - 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 10/26/2005 DDK 315 000 - 10% AdnurustratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 10/26/2005 DDK 450 000 ;ewage Ejector Pump 1005 224-00000-425603 10/27/2005 LLH 1400 000 'Ian ReView Plumbmg (30%) 1086 224-00000-425603 10/27/2005 LLH 420 000 'Ian ReView Comm/Ind/Pubhc 1060 224-00000-425602 10/27/2005 LLH 15,03054 000 'Ian ReView Frre & Life Safety 1077 224-00000-425602 10/27/2005 LLH 9,249 56 000 lmldmg Penrut 1002 224-00000-425602 10/27/2005 LLH 23,123 90 000 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 10/27/2005 LLH 1,77008 000 10% AdnurustratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 10/27/2005 LLH 2,528 69 000 ,ow Voltage - Commercl3l Indus 1004 224-00000-426102 11/28/2005 TD2 4500 000 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 11/28/2005 TD2 3 15 000 10% AdnurustratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 11/28/2005 TD2 450 000 .ow Voltage - Commercl31 Indus 1004 224-00000-426102 12/5/2005 TD2 4500 000 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 12/5/2005 TD2 315 000 10% AdministratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 12/5/2005 TD2 450 000 :!Orm Dramage impervious Area 1178 440-00000-448028 12/7/2005 sa 130,987 40"'~ 000 :DC Samtary/Storm Admm 1190 719-00000-426604 12/7/2005 sa 9,837 6~ 000 :DC Transpo Admm 1175 719-00000-426604 12/7/2005 sa 10,429 91 1 000 \ Tldemarklforms\casefees I rpt Page 2 of3 Fees Associated With 7/28/2008 Case #: COM2004-01SS2 ]03242AM 1000 Royal Caribbean 541-726-3753 Phone WORKSl'AGE LLC 541-726-3676 Fax Trans Revenue Date Calculated Orlgmal Amount DeSCription Code Account Number Calculated By Amount Due DepOSit 1049 821-00000-215500 12/8/2005 LLH 9,537 15 000 BUlldmg Penrut 1002 224-00000-425602 12/8/2005 LLH 36,413 15 000 + 7% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 12/8/2005 LLH 2,548 92 000 + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 ] 2/8/2005 LLH 3,64] 32 000 Temp OccyNEW ell Base Fee 102] 224-00000-425602 12/28/2005 LLH 30000 000 InspectlOns - Hrly BUlldmg 1044 224-00000-425602 12/28/2005 LLH ]8000 000 + 10% AdrllimstratIve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 12/28/2005 LLH 1800 000 DepOSit 1049 821-00000-215500 12/30/2005 LLH 200 000 Return - DepOSit 1049 821-00000-215500 1/9/2006 LKW -9,537 ]5 -9,537 15 Return - DepOSit 1049 821-00000-215500 6/18/2007 LLH -200 -200 + 10% Adrllllllstratlve Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 6/18/2007 LLH 200 000 Total Due.. $000 , s \Tldemarklfonns\casefeesl !pt Page 3 0f3 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TI1lS Memorandum of Understandmg IS entered mto on thlli.] ~y of )JOJ~~ 2004 between the State of Oregon, actmg by and through the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department ("State"), the City of Spnngfield ("City"), the Lane Metro Partnership, a nonprofit corporatIOn ("Assoclation") and Royal Canbbean CrUises Ltd ("Company") to declare the mutual understandIng of the Parties regardmg the terms herem discussed which ale hereby descnbed as mcentlves This MOU IS an outline of the pnnclpal roles and responsibilities of the varIOus parties It IS not mtended to be a complete or final agreement and the parties agree to execute such final applicatIOns, documents and agreements as may be necessary to effectuate the understandmgs con tamed hereIn Whereas, the State, the City and the AssociatIOn encourage the development and expansion of bus mess, mdustry and commerce m order to diversify the economy, reduce unemployment and Improve the public health, safety, welfare and future prospenty of the citizens of the State, and Whereas, the Company deSlleS to enhance ItS busmess opelatIOns by constl1Jctmg and opelatmg a facility m Spnngfleld, Olegon, whlCh Will requlle community and site mvestments to hire, tram and develop skilled and semi-skilled employees and management personnel, and Whereas, the parties have entered mto certam discussIOns regardmg the Company's selectIOn of the site for the planned locatIOn of a customer service center to be SUppOl ted by certam mcentlves and assistance specifically descnbed below m sectIOns I through 6 to be provided or facilitated by the State, the City and the AssociatIOn, and Whereas, the parties Wish to mutually cooperate for the betterment of the cItizens of the State and the City and of the mvestOl s and customers of the Company to commence a long term relatIOnship, and Whereas, the pal11es now Wish to memonalize their respective understandmgs by entenng mto this agreement documentmg the mutual representatIOns and mcentlves made by the parties upon which the Company has relied m gomg forward With the plOposed development Accordmgly, the parties hereby declare their willingness to cooperate With one another m provldmg the followmg' 1 Governor's Strategic Reserve Fund The State shall giant to the Company the amount of $600,000 contmgent upon the Company's commitment to create at least 600 Jobs at ItS site m Spnngfield, Oregon, wlthm three years of the commencement of the Company's operatIOns at the site The grant shall be payable m full wlthm thIrty days after the executIOn of thIs agreement or purchase of the site, by company or Its deSIgnated develnpPf wh!r11pvP[!5 ];1ter For !1ur~)()~e, of thll, ,ectlon o!ieratlOn"l ~haJ1 he deemed to commence on January 1, 2006 or such later date as customer calls shall be offIcIally handled at the sIte other than as employee trammg In the event company does not create 600 jobs wlthm that penod of tnne, and letam such jobs for a penod of at least 6 months, then the Company shall be allowed to retam that portIOn of the $600,000 grant as reflects the same percentage of 600 as the maximum employment level attamed durmg the first three years of operatIOn and mamtamed for at least SIX months and shall be reqUIred to repay the balance The reqUIrement to create Jobs Will be delayed or Waived m the event failure to create such jobs m the tllne proVIded IS the result of fire, flood, earthquake, war or acts of terronsm or other circumstances beyond the control of the Company For purposes of thiS sectIOn, the six-month penod dUflng whIch the job must be retamed shall be any consecutIve sIx-month penod dunng the flfSt three and a half years of operatIOn at the site 2 Special Pubhc Works Fund The State shall grant to the CIty the amount of $300,000 WIth the conditIOn that such amount shall be expended only for roads and fight of way, sewers, storm water discharge and treatment, and other qualIfymg uses of the SpecIal PublIc Works Fund, the expense of whIch would otherWIse have been borne by the Company The City agrees to credit the Company With amounts so expended so that the net effect shall be to reduce the cost of the Project to the Company by an amount equal to the $300,000 m Special PublIc Works Funds expended thereon The acceptance of the giant IS subject to Council approval 3 Workforce Trammg Funds After the Company has been m operatIon for at least 120 days, It shall be elIgIble for workforce tralnmg assistance ApplIcatIOn must be made for such grants and Issuance of the grants cannot be guaranteed by the State However, the State and the AssociatIOn shall make best efforts to secure grants for trall1mg 111 accordance With the foregomg After operation for a peflod of at least 120 days at the site m Sprmgfield, Oregon, and havmg attamed employment of at least 100 employees, a grant of at least $100,000 Will be apphed for retentIon, replacement and expansIOn of the workforce to at least 200 employees After attammg at least 200 employees, applIcatIOn Will be made for addItIOnal trammg grants of at least $100,000 each associated WIth each strategIc expansIOn of the company's workforce, defined as mcreases of at least 200 net new employees as part of an mcremental expansIOn 4. VacatIon of Sports Way, CIty staff Will support and recommend to the Spnngfield City Council for ItS deCISIOn (I) vacatIOn of the publIc road Sports Way, together WIth the publIc mfrastructure beneath or along the road, mcludll1g but not ll!ruted to sewer and stormwater drall1age, and (b) grantmg of the land vacated as a road at no cost to Company, or ItS deSignated developer The nght-of-way recommended for vacatJOn WIll be that portJOn of the road which currently runs between the two parcels of land which 2 together constJtute the site, wIth the exceptJon of a cul-de-sac or other portIOn desIgnated for a pubhc turnaround area at the end of the road on the southernmost sectIon of the current road between the two parcels City agrees to dlhgentiy pUIsue the road vacatIOn process to the extent permIssible under the legal reqUIrements for such process Cost of replacement of the road and mfrastructure wlil be borne by the City and wlil not be at the expense of the Company In the event of road vacatIOn, the Company shall agree to grant to the CIty, Eugene Water and EJectnc Board ("EWEB"), the Spnngfleld UtJlIty Board ("SUB") and the Rambow Water Dlstnct ("Rambow") an access easement through theIr plOperty to the nOl th end of what IS now Maple Island Slough Road and Sports Way ImmedIately north of the two parcels ThiS easement IS to permIt CIty, EWEB, SUB and Rambow to penodlcally access cIty land, sheets and pubhc mfrastructure, electnc substatIOn and wells near the sIte and may be through the Company's parkmg or other paved areas sufficIent to permIt the trucks or other vehIcles of the utJhtles to gam access to their faClhtles City WIll work wIth EWEB, SUB and Rambow and Company to mmlmlze the Impact of the use of such easement on the employees and operatIOn of the Company ThiS easement shall tenmnate at such tIme as Maple Island Slough Road IS connected, dllectly or mdllectly, to IntelnatJonal Way or as such other access thlOugh pubhc nght-of- way IS secured by the City of Spnngfleld dnd available to EWEB, SUB and Rambow Company acknowledges that dUrIng the site review process It IS hkely that Company, or ItS deSIgnated developer, Will be reqUIred to dedicate publIc road nght of way along the south property Ime to effectuate a pubhc road system servmg other properties m the area, as well as other utJhty easements as necessary for pubhc samtary sewer, storm water dramage, utlhhes, etc 5 Statutory Busmess ASSistance and IncentIves In addItIOn to the agleements set forth m sections I through 4 above, the Company IS ehglble for the follOWIng programs prOVidIng busmess assIstance and mcentlves a Enternnse Zone The sIte IS m SprIngfield's Enterpnse Zone IT and therefore property tax on the value of the Company's new mvestment, mcludIng furmture, fIxtures and equIpment are elIgIble for three years of property tax abatement CIty, the AssoclatJon and Company aglee to wOlk togethel to qualIfy Company for ehglble benefIts under the Enterpllse zone Enterpnse Zone benefits are subject to timely apphcatlon by the company to the Spnngfleld Enterpnse Zone manager b Jobs Plus The state of Olegon offers a tax credit to employers who hIre WOl kers who ale lecelvmg unemployment benefIls The amount of thIS credit IS $2,080 per worker for theIr first three months on the Job It IS lImIted to not more than 10% of the employer's 3 workforce The State and the AssocIatIOn agree to work wIth the Company to recelve the ...1..... ....1.....1-..........""-1="...... ......:1""..+-1-. .........,...."...0'),..,.., ~~~OA.....~- ~_A__~._.;; ------ _.:; r~ -6----- c Tralnmg assIstance. facll1tIes. etc In addItIOn to workforce trammg grants and Jobs Plus, tramlng faclhtles and assIstance are avaIlable through Lane Commumty College and the Lane Workforce PartnershIp Although there are costs assocIated Wlth speclflc trammg programs (whlCh after 120 days of operatIOn may be paId for WIth the workforce tramlng grants descnbed In paragraph #3 above) other informatIon, data and assIstance are aVallable to bUSinesses and may be utIhzed by the Company The ASSOCIatIOn WIll work wIth the Company to faclhtate access these resources e ChIld Care Tax CredIt Oregon's chIld care tax credIt permIts an employer to offset 50 percent of ItS chIld care expendItures agamst ItS state tax lIablhty up to a maxllTIum of $2500 per employee each year Employers may also take a 25% federal tax credIt for any and all costs assocIated WIth bUlldmg, operatmg, expanding a chIld care facIlIty, or the costs of contractmg WIth a thIrd party provIder f Energv Tax Credlts_ Busmess Energy Tax CredIts me avaIlable for all energy savmg effoI ts, to Include EqUipment cost, engmeenng and deSIgn fees, matellals, supphes, mstallatlOn costs The tax credIt IS 35 percent of ehglble project costs The tax credIt IS taken over a 5 year penod and can be carned over for an addItIOnal 3 years Tbe State and tbe ASSOCIatIOn agree to work wltb tbe Company to lecelve tbe elIgIble benefits under thIS program 6 Further Agreements and Reporting ReqUirements The Company agrees to execute a fIrst source hmng agreement wltb the State of Oregon In tbe form set forth In Exblblt A attached hereto Company also agrees to file pen odIc reports settmg fortb tbe Jobs created and reta1lled by tbe Company m meeting the employment commItment In the form set forth In ExhIbIt B Both partIes agree to execute sucb additIOnal documents and fIlIng reqUIrements as may reasonably be reqUIred to effectuate the terms of thIS agreement 7. Best Efforts Subject to tbe consummatIOn of tbe acqUIsItIOn by the Company Qr ItS deSIgnated developer of the sIte, and to tbe successful consummatIOn of all relevant agreements between the Company and the developer for the development and use of the SIte, Company further agrees to bUIld a customer servIce center of at least 150,000 square feet wltb tbe capacIty for at least 1,000 employees CIty agrees to prOVIde company WIth ItS best efforts to expedItIously undertake allmspectJons, reVIews, approvals and any other steps necessary for the constructIOn and occupancy of the bUlldmg by Company Company aglees to submIt tImely and complete VacatIon ApphcatlOn and SIte Plan ApphcatlOns It IS the Intent of both Company and CIty that constructIOn and occupancy of the bUIldIng descnbed above be completed by November I, 2005, and that Company WIll elect to use CIty's ExpedIted Process 4 8 Land Use, Nothmg m thIs Agreement shall be construed as walVlng any regUlrements of the SpnngfleJd Development Code or SpnngfieJd MUTIlclpal Code whIch may be apphcable to the use and development of thIs property EXECUTED by the partIes hereto the date herem after set forth Oregon EconomIc Development Department ,--~ Date: IOJ l'-{ loy Bob Warren RegIOnal Busmess Officer CltTPnngfield "\ ;1 'A. ^ V. t ~ J V "---I ~ . ~ Date' CIty Manager M( DIrector R"!:ZLW Pltft (/ ~ Date: {0/(1/ J,'I Date' /~JA'Y -rr-~ 5 E-A,b~ f\' Minimum First-Source Hiring Agreement Language First-Source Hiring Agreement Language (from Oregon Administrative Rules) [123-070-1700 C provISIOns of the FITst Source Agreement] [(1) The First Source Agreement shall contam alteRS! the followmg provIsions tn substanually the fonn presented here 1 [(.)) TIllS FIrst Source Agreement for referral of qualIfied Job applIcants IS entered mto between [(A)] The fol1owmg entIty (heremafter referred to as the CONTACT AGENCY), wlIlch coordmates Job referrals for, and represents, the fol1owmg other publIcly funded Job trammg proVIders for the geographIc area covered m the Interagency Agreement under OAR 123-070-1200,. (heremafter referred to as the PROVIDERS), and [(E)] The fol1owmg busmess firm, located m thIS geographIc area, . _ (heremafter referred to as the EMPLOYER) [(b)J The EMPLOYER IS or Will be receIVIng benefits from the followmg program or programs (check those that apply) [(A)] _ State lottery-funded program, specIfy - .- - ' [(B)J _ Enterpnse zone program, specify - yes or no - _ If seekmg an extended exemptIOn penod (up to five years), [(C)J _ Other, specIfy - [(e)J Under thIS First Source Agreement, the EMPLOYER wll1 use the CONTACT AGENCY as Its first source for external referral of QualIfied ApplIcants for all Job openings of the EMPLOYER at the followmg 10catlOn(s) .. . _ _, such that the EMPLOYER agrees to the followmg [(A)] To eftectIvety notlry the CONTACT AGENCY of al1 Job opemngs, no laler than when notIficatIOn IS receIved by any other Job referral source external to the EMPLOYER or any publIc announcement for the Job openmg, throughout the term of thIS agreement, [(8)) That each such notIce to the Contact Agency shall mclude Job quahficatIons and a deadlIne for ~~\s. I [(C)] To ensure that the CONTACT AGENCY and the PROVIDERS WIll have suffiCIent [('I] Lead tIme (mlmmum lead lIme IS _ busmess days before the Job applIcatIon close date, except In temporary or emergency SItuations). and [(u)] InformatIOn to make meanmgful referrals for Jobs that WIll be filled by the EMPLOYER, [(0)] That al1 Job mformatlOn may be shared WIth all PROVIDERS for whIch referrals are coordmated by the CONTACT AGENCY, and [(E)] That all Job openings shall be lIsted m the PUBLIC LABOR EXCHANGE SYSTEM (currently the Oregon Job SelectIOn System--OJSS) of the state Employment Department, msofar as a local office of that state agency IS a PROVIDER. [(d)] The CONTACT AGENCY agrees to the followmg [(A)] That to the extent that QualIfied ApplIcants are avaIlable among the relevant PROVIDERS, to refer those mdlvlduals to the EMPLOYER for Job opemngs, and [(B)J To faCIlItate and Implement the lIsllng of all Job openmgs m the PUBLIC LABOR EXCHANGE SYSTEM, III cooperallOn WIth other PROVIDERS (though, not necessarily to the exclUSIOn of other referral methods) [(e)J The EMPLOYER agrees toI[(A)J Fully conSIder for employment any QualIfied ApplIcant referred by the CONTACT AGENCY by the referral deadlme, [(E)J NotIfy the CONTACT AGENCY when a QualIfied ApplIcant IS hITed by the EMPLOYER, and MlDlmum First-Source Hiring Agreement Language [(C)) ProvIde after-the-fact mformatlon to the CONTACT AGENCY about apphcable overall hmng and Job vacancIes In the followmg manner - .' or as requested by the Contact Agency, m accordance WIth OAR 123-070-1900(1) to (3) [(I)) The EMPLOYER agrees to comply WIth all relevant laws regardmg employment of Quahfied Applicants of thIS state or the federal government, mcludmg but not hmlted to not dlscnmmatmg 00 the basIs of race, color, rehglOn, ancestry, natIOnal ongm, pohtlcal affiliatIon, sex, age, mantal status, sexual onentatlOn, physical or \11ental dlsablhty, or any other mappropnate reason prohIbIted by such laws [(&)] The EMPLOYER wIll make all final decISIons on hlTlng new employees After the EMPLOYER has hlTed the employees, the EMPLOYER assumes full responslblhty for them as employees [(hl] All persons hlTed under thIS Agreement are subject to the EMPLOYER's regular pemonnel pohcles and procedures and have no speclOl or addllJonal nghts aflsmg from thIS Agreemenl [(,)] If the terms of thIS Agreement conflIct WIth the provIsIOns of a collecnve bargammg agreement to whIch the EMPLOYER IS a party, the bargammg agreement shall prevail [u)) Both the CONTACT AGENCY and EMPLOYER agree to attempt to resolve all areas of mlSunderstandmg, disagreement or dIssatIsfaction With each other as soon as they arise If the parties are unable to resolve the Issue, eIther may [(A)) lOIn ate a meetmg between the EMPLOYER and eIther the CONTACT AGENCY or all of the PROVIDERS, or [(B)) Request assistance from the Oregon Economic and Commumty Development Department [(k)] ThIS agreement shall take effect on the date of the last SIgnature by the contractmg partIes below, and shall be m full force and effect unlll rDECEMREll ,1 OF THE LAST YEAR OF THE EXEMPTlnN(<Y~L. 20_ (or, unlll the end of the term, penod or pen ods as descnbed m OAR 123-070-1600) [" for enterpnse zone bUSinesses] [(I)J APPROVED [(AlJ CONTACT AGENCY [(E)) EMPLOYER By [xJ_ By [x) Name Name TItle TItle Date Unemployment Insurance Account Number Address Phone Address Phone [(2) The First Source Agreement under thiS role may be substantiVely mochfled or amended only as described In OAR 123...070-1800) [(3) A Benefiued Busmess's performance under the First Source Agreemenlls not., In and of Itself, a condltlOn for the Benefiued Busmess to receive the benefit of a program listed under OAR 123-070-1150( 1) or (2), except for the following] [(a) Compliance With prOVIsIons added pursuant to OAR 123-070-1800(3), or] [(b) Adherence to reqUirements for data reporting as specIfied through OAR 123-070~1900(4) and (5)] [(4) The failure ofa First Source Agreement, as entered mto by a Benefitted Busmess, to conform WIth the stlpulatlOns of thiS dIVISIon of admmlstratlve rules shaU m no way Jeopardize the Benefitted Busmess's starns as havmg entered mto a First Source Agreemenl, so long as the Benefitted Busmess takes reasonable efforts to rectify any slgmficant error or omISSion m the First Source Agreemenl, as requested by the Contact Agency, enlerprlse zone sponsor or [Economic and Community Development] Departmenl, none of which shall be liable m any way for such an error or omission) SJ\thr- 8:, Lefffi .\gr@@m@ll~ State of Oregon Economic and Community Development Department Job Creation and Maintenance Report Number Project Borrower Contact Official Signatory Phone Phone 11. Date on which Job Creation/Maintenance Year Begins (Must be no sooner than the date Borroy.'er Begms Production and no later than - ) 2. Number ot Jobs Maintained During Year Beginning on Date Specified In Paragraph 1 *Total hours paid to employees at , Oregon faCility dUring the year, diVided by 2,080 \3 Average Salary of Jobs a Total wages/salaries paid to employees dUring the period deSCribed 10 2. above I b. DIVide 3 a by 2 4 Payroll Records Attach payroll records for each month for the period In 2. above Each month's records should contain the follOWing for each employee at Borrower's faCility 1 Hours worked 2 Rate per hour 3 Gross Wages 5, Signatures I certify and affirm that all statements and Information contained herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge , Oregon 4 Federal Income Tax Withheld 5 State Income Tax Withheld 6 Other wlthholdlngs 7 Net Pay Signature of Preparer OffiCial Signature Pnnted Name of Preparer Pnnted Name of OffiCial Signatory Date Date * "Hours paid" for an hourly employee, means all hours for which the employee was actually paid Includmg Sick leave and/or vacatIOn If the employee receives hiS hourly wage for those hours "Hours paid" for a salaried employee shall not exceed 2,080 hours per year and will be calculated on a pro-rata baSIS If the salaried employee IS not employed for the entire one-year period specified above or If the salaried employee IS less than a fulHlme employee Notwlthstandmg the foregomg, If the salaried employee IS paid additional sums for hours worked over 2,080 hours per year, those hours above 2,080 for which the employee IS paid may be Included In the total "hours paid" StrategIc Reserve Fund Loan Agreement Central:! SeMcesIMOU EJchlbll B }ob repol'\ Project NulT'ber 0305-376 Page 1 of 1 Ex.hlbltB