HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 7/3/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVF' '1PMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE July 3,2008 TO ./ :::;z "7 2 7" 7' 7: + ;7 ~ 2 , , -' ~ ~ * ~ -.:7 -;:7 "'7 7 ~ "7 Current Planning Staff G. Ka,ro. J Donovan, Liz Miller, M Metzger, Lissa DaVIS, L Pauly, Tara Jones,0ndY L1mblrd) Dave Reesor, Steve Hopkins, Molly Markanan "Mati Stouder, Englneenng - t"UOIIC vVor1<s Department 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EnglneennglPubllc Wor1<s Bnan Barnett, Traffic EngmeerlPE, Public Wor1<s Department (agenda only 2102) 'Jon Dnscoll, T ransportabon Planning Engineer, Public Wor1<s Department 'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only "Pat French, Planner, Wlllama/ane Par1< and Recreabon Dlslnct JUl 0 "Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Ubllty Board (Eleclnc) 82008 *Sart McKee, Spnngfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Spnngfield Utility Board (Energy Conservabon) By. 1\ ILl {1 ('1- . n. - "'- Amy Chmllz, Spnngfield Ubllty Board (Dnnkmg Water) ., VY\ '-- \' ~ - Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (SubdIVisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U S P S (Growth Mgmt Coordmator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for PartrtJons/SubdJvislons) 'Cella Barry, Lane County Transportabon Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Ubllty Dlstne! (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban TransrtJon Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanrtanan [Urban TransrtJon Zone] (If applicable) Tim Hanely, RaInbow Water Dlstnct(" only of in the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional AIr Pollubon Authonty (If applicable) Dale Ledyard, OperalJons ChIef, McKenzie FIre Dlslne! (If applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electnc) r If In GlenwODd) DIck HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) rlf in Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water Dlslne! rlf In Glenwood) Bill Gnle - Development Services DIrector (agenda) John Tamulonls, EconomIC & Community Development Manager CindIe Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) 'Dave Puent, BUilding OffiCIal (agenda) Lisa Hopper, Building SeMces Representatrve (agenda) " Greg Ferschweller, Kerth Mlyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept 'CraIg Fitzgerald, Mamtenance PW Dept George Walker, EnVironmental Wor1<s Dept, (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Englneenng AsSistant, Public Wor1<s Dept Police ChIef, Jerry SmIth, Police Department (agenda) *Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest CorporalJon (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State HIghway DMslon (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst Supenn of Operabons, Spnngfield School Dlslne! (agenda) William LewiS, FInanCIal ServiceS, Spnngfield School D.slne! ( agenda) Andrea Damewood, Reporter, Eugene RegIster-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attorney DenniS Ernst, City Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTHlJUSTICE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS RECEIVED ~ (agenda) (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use acbon, as descnbed on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development SeMces Office Specrfic concerns of your dMSlon/department/agency should be addressed If you have comments or requIrements of thiS proposal, please send them In wntmg to the assIgned planner @ Development Services Deparbnent, 225 Frtth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 If your wntlen comments are not receiVed by Fnday, July 18, 2008 specrfic concerns of your diViSion/department/agency WIll not be addressed unless you attend the meebng on July 22, 2008 The Development ReView Commrttee holds staff reView meetings on Tuesday @ 8 00 -10 00 a m You should also plan to attend the staff meebng on Tuesday If you have specrfic concerns so that the Planning representative can diSCUSS them pnor to meetIng WIth the applicant If the Planner feels rt IS necessary for you to partJClpate m the public meebngs helshe WIll let you know on Tuesday "WIll receIve a full packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: July 22, 2008 @ 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1 SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2008-00040 SUNTRUST LAND MTNGATE 8:00 - 9:00 a m. Assessor's Map 18-02-03-21 TL 1500 Address Vacant - Lot 130 Mountalngate West (North Cluster) Existing Use Vacant Applicant submitted plans to construct a 53-lot cluster development This site plan review IS to address exterior elevations of proposed homes, retaining wall along Mountalngate Drive, landscaping, crosswalk typellocatlon and additional details on the open space area Planner Andy Llmblrd 2 PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00017 MCKEE 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Assessor's Map 17-03-24-31 TL 1300 Address 1742 Delrose Avenue EXisting Use ReSidential Applicant submitted application to partition one lot Into two parcels Planner Andy Limblrd 1 Date Received ~/(olPtJ.f' Planner AL City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Date RecelveQ. 1 , JUN 3 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal pplication Type, ....;, H. "" ;'-:: ,: .,",: ,;; >: ",:,,"":":. . "::' ..' '.'~::';~Applicant: Clieck one] SubdivIsion Tentative Pre-SubmIttal: 0 ~ SubdivIsion TentatIve Submittal: 0 Partition TentatIve Pre-SubmIttal: I Partition TentatIve Submittal: ~'~""HI~"J,""'I.-r,'" Applicant Name: J~W1~5 Sc:~+t ,Mr' ~<""_ Icompany: I~~~r!~.~;, eJ'f. P...~.f.. - ~~~"OI2. 97tf77 IAPohcant's Rep.: ~",/" Wo.n:::t IcomDany: Wav-ol. NINIhWe.,-}-lUf!. IAddress: P O. ~<'''' It',,\ FI.t:>(eJ.iIt""'. to/!. """,,,,,,,~ ..,Jt'..,y '''' "","-,,"~""'" _~'_..^ \Prooertv Owner: 5,,""..... "",' )1.",1'1.';.--+ Phone: I Icompanv: I - Fax: 1 IAddress: 1 t '" '" ~~ I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-o3'2..&+~~) ITAX LOT NO(S): 1:\00 I IPropertv Address: 174'- Oel.I"'Q\"('" ..4'J~. - 5\~...W i O-P- 97q.77 I I Size of Property: I q J.fttJ Acres 0 Square Feet ~ 1 IProposed Name of S:bdivlsion: ^fA &. f'or+;i;em" 1 O!f~",",",~_"" _II'\~",~"'-c<<{~" ~"'-,",_~ \ ~ , : ~,~ - I I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal deScription to thiS application I PrODosal: 5;~<::. I ........t Oiv;S;Ov\ ~ \...~, 1...&,....4....+;:,,"" 1 Existmg Use: 01/1'" €"k i ('h III" h"'....... 1 # of Lots/Parcels: 2... I AV9':' Lot/Parcel Size: 't7'J..O sf 1 Density: 4. If 8 du/acre 1 1~;(,'~r~~~~~:~t~,~~,~~~. Ign,~n~~r1n: yourname and date;,I~ the ap~~oPrla~~bo~ on th~ next pa e ~~~t'I" ~ . . I r. ~ J.:'. . ' ," . . ~ ~' .', Phone:.Ijq./~~R3 -.1.U~O Fax: SZfI-'t8S- 7J83 1 I , Phone: /;'lfl- 997- 'r1.J:; J 1 ,Fax: ,'i"I/-9r7-.3S'I/.. I q 71/0'39 I , Associated ApplicatIons: Y'/l2CD~- &orr- c p({\A) SiQns: I Pre-Sub Case No.: 1\-C2<;oot.<, - (J].:Z'D Date: Reviewed by: I Icase No.: )5u67.{\\)<;:?-'t?;b3 I Date: b/?t.)D6 Reviewed by: ~ I IAoohcation Fee: $ 411..Dt ~"" ITechnical Fee: $ 2~ t.f5 /postaqe Fee: $ ) 5S"" 1 ITOTAL FEES: $ .5) I d-O 45 I PROJECT NUMBER: (j/1ZJ v;G<O - Wl"U... I _:t__""....__~"~7"~""""'''''__s__~~''''_''''~___....___.'''''''''''__'''''.'''''.''''''~~1''.JM!.<~'''''''_''''''''''"'~1 Uate K6celved 7f/)/.JnJP ReVised l/t/OB Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Planner AL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SOO2008-00031 1742 Delrose Avenue I I I ~I <f ';;;~1: J';~f ~ ,> I lE:6l;;!i c~ ? ':" .~>,~,_::.- - ,~ , " ~..-:~~ .-'~ .._ -VJ _.:-~ ~ ~:!~~~_: '~;=, ~'~ ~<<' ,~> - -o;:E -:::-::...o:e-N j'~ ..~ ::=j':,O-~_ ~":.::-:=:&:;'";I; ").........':......... :,<,,,.i~,"'>k,m;_ <" r_"j*", ,-~ " yo"~',,, '"~;~ ~~~ ~~z:<z::i--:-: :. :. '?' !~C~f~.'_ ::>J' ~ r u ~. 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Land Division Supplemental Information - City of Springfield - 6/23/2008 "Land Partition Application" Landowner I Applicant James S McKee and Kathleen C McKee 1101 16th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date Received: Agent for Applicant JUN 3 0 2008 Rob Ward LS Ward NorthWest Inc POBox 105 Florence, OR 97439 Onglnal SubmIttal ph 54 I -997-9201 Assessor's Map No. 17-03-24-31 Tax Lot 1300 NarratIve The purpose of thIs applIcatIOn IS to seek approval for a land partitIOn of the subject property The Land DIvIsIOn TentatIve Plan IS mcluded and shows the proposed partItIon A SIte Assessment map IS also mcluded The subject property was created by Land PartitIOn Plat Number 93-P0441 All street and utIlIty Improvements were completed m the mId 1990's See Grandvlew Estates PublIc Improvements Plan prepared by Ray Waiter Engmeenng, whIch IS on file WIth the CIty of Spnngfield I haye mcluded an aenal photo wluch shows the locatIOn of the subject property and the surroundmg area When the Grandvlew Estates Improvements were mstalled, they mcluded dry sewer Imes It was the understandmg that when the sewer lInes could be connected to a sewer pump statIOn, the lots that are now on septic systems could connect to the sewer system and m turn the propertIes would be elIgIble for further dIVISIOn The sewer Imes are now actIve and the land owner deSlfes to decomrlllsslOn the eXlstmg septIc system, connect to the CIty sewer system and complete the proposed land partItIOn A 6" sewer lateral was extended to the subject property as part of the ongmal constructIOn The SIte Assessment Map show the locatIOn of the eXlstmg 6" sewer lateral that extends to the subject property The TentatIve Land DIVIsIOn Plan shows the locatIOn of a "Y" to be mstalled and the proposed easement for servIce to proposed Parcel 2 The Spnngfield UtIlIty Board - Water, has mdlcated that the property IS bordered on the south and east by a 6" PVC mam-Ime Also as part of the ongmal Ime mstallatlOn, a lot servICe lme was extended to the property at the northeast corner as shown on the SIte Assessment Map ,,, Page I of 4 ~~' ..- .. Date ReceIved Planner. Al ;7~rP A Development Issues conference was held on 4/24/2008 WIth the CIty of Spnngfield At that meetmg It was deterrmned that the followmg Items would not be reqUIred as part of thIS applIcatIOn, · A RIght-of-way Approach PermIt would not be reqUIred . A Stormwater Management System Study . A Traffic Impact Study ApplicatIOn Fee - Check for $5,120 45 attached to thIs applIcatIOn Land DIvIsIOn TentatIve Plan Form - Completed Land DIvIsIOn TentatIve Plan mcluded Narrative - see above Copy of Deed - copy of Warranty Deed recordmg number 2001-015904 attached Copy of a PrelImmary Title Report - Copy of PrelImmary Title Report attached which IS dated WIthm the last 30 days Copy of the Land DIvIsion Plan - A copy of the Land DIVIsIOn TentatIve Plan reduced to 8- 1/2" x II" mcluded WIth thiS applIcatIOn Right of Way Approach Permit - not reqUIred per Development Issues conference A dnveway permIt WIll be reqUIred at the tIme a bUIldmg permIt IS applIed for Stormwater Management System Study - not reqUIred per Development Issues conference Traffic Impact Study - not reqUIred per Development Issues conference Dnveway locatIon optIOns are mdIcated on the TentatIve Land DIvISIOn Plan at the locatIOns speCIfied by TransportatIOn Department, (Jon Dnscoll) Eighteen (18) CopIes of Site Assessment of EXlstmg CondItIOns - CopIes mcluded as part of thIS applIcatIOn The SIte Assessment Map mcludes the locatIOn and dImensIOns of all eXIstmg features No eXIstmg Improvements are planned to be removed as part of thIS partItIOn applIcatIOn except the eXIstmg septIc tank wIll be decomrrnsslOned as part ofthe sewer extensIOn to the property An applIcatIOn WIll be made to Lane County DEQ for the deCOmlnISSlOmng process There are no watercourses affectmg the subject property The subject property has been determmed to be outSIde of the 50D-year flood zone, See FIRM Map Number 41D39C1153, CommunIty Number 415592, Post - FIRM Date 1985-09-27 The subject property IS clasSIfied as a Zone of ContnbutlOn for a well head at 16th and Q Street ThIS mformatlOn was proVIded by the CIty of Spnngfield Date Received: 1 - '. '. Da~(1 Hecelved Planner. AL 7 jJd/ ;u;ar / / JUN 3 0 2008 Page 2 of 4 _ , '- Onglnal Subm,Iti'1 Physical features which are eXlstmg Cherry Trees have been Identified on the Site Assessment map No trees WIll be removed as a result of thiS partitIOn applicatIOn Two driveway approach optIOns have been Identified for proposed Parcel Z Neither approach will Impact the eXlstmg Cherry Trees The subject property IS composed of SOils type "MALABON SILTY CLAY LOAM" Per the soils type map, 100% of the property IS made up of thiS sOlis type Per the Development Issues conference, a GeotechnIcal Report IS not bemg reqUlred for thlS parhtlOn applicatIOn EIghteen (18) CopIes of the Land DiVISIOn TentatIve Plan - Copies mcluded WIth thiS applicatIOn The subject property IS wlthm the city limIts of the CIty of Sprmgfield and IS zoned Low DenSity ReSidentIal (LD) The subject property IS also wltlun the follOWIng ServIce DiStrIcts, o Lane TranSit Dlstnct Service Area - Lane Trans]t Dlstnct Ride Source o SOli Water ConservatIOn Dlstnct IS East Lane An ex]stmg T PUE was created as part of Land ParhtlOn Number 93-P0441 ThiS easement]s shown on the Land DIVISIOn TentatIve Plan and on the Site Assessment Map The map also shows a pnvate easement for the sewer lme extensIOn to proposed Parcel Z to ge granted by Proposed Parcell See Land DIVISIOn Tentative Plan The subject property IS almost flat The Site Assessment Map mcludes spot elevations, wluch confirms the contour of the property Not cut or fill slopes Will be created as a result of the proposed Land PartitIOn An eXlstmg street light IS m place at the mtersectlOn of Del Rose Avenue and Grand Vista Dnve No additional street lights are bemg proposed The Aenal Photo Map shows the locatIOn of street lights m the general area All streets which Will service thiS property were constructed m the mid 1990's Refer to the aenal photo mcluded With thiS applicatIOn Per the Development Issues conference, no traffic control dey]ces are reqUIred Proposed Parcel I has an ex]stmg home With power commg from a utility pole located at the southwest comer of the property A power transformer IS located near the northeast comer of the property and power for proposed Parcel Z will be extended to the property Via the eXlstmg T Public Utility Easement (P U E) The locatIOn of eXlstmg fire hydrants are shown on the Site Assessment Map The locatIOn of the eXlstmg driveway IS shown on the Site Assessment map The SIte Assessment map also shows the proposed locatIOn for dnveways that would serve proposed ParcelZ The proposed dnveway locatIOns have been reViewed by Jon Dnscoll of the City of Spnngfield Public Works Department Date Received: i i Page 3 of 4 " " Date Received P/1,II1ner AL 11~/ / JUN 3 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal Per the Development Issues conference, no transit facilities are bemg proposed to be mcIuded with this Parl1tlOn applicatIOn Also no additIOnal sidewalks, sidewalk ramps pedestnan access ways or bike trails are bemg requlfed for this Partition application No additIOnal plantmgs or street trees are bemg proposed as part oftlus applicatIOn The subject property has been fully landscaped See Aenal Photo, and additIOnal photos of the subject property mcIuded as part of thiS applicatIOn The Site Assessment map mdlcates the locatIOn of all utilities which will service the two parcels to be created by this partItIOn application No areas are bemg dedicated or reserved for public use as part of this applicatIOn Once the partitIOn of the subject property IS completed, no additIOnal parcelizatlOn of the property will occur Stormwater Management Plan The Site Assessment Plan and the TentatIVe Land DIVISIOn Plan contam all relevant mformal1on for the Storm Water Management Plan Dan Olmstead, P E With EGR & ASSOCiates has been m contact With Enc Walter ofthe City of SpnngfieId and has mcluded all requued mformatlOn on the attached maps Per the Development Issues conference, no additIOnal storm water InformatIOn IS requlfed for thiS applicatIOn Date Received: t JUN 3 0 2008 Orlgmal S...bmlttal Page 4 of4 7/;/~"1' date Received. , ( Planner AL