HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 7/10/2008
Case No. TJ 1M AtOt-6 - ,JOOZ7
Date: 7 ~ /)
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I Workflow processesIPlannmg FonnslCase Notes Form 2-12-08
Project DIM 2008-00027 Carla McQuillan, CLADD Enterpnses
Date July 10, 2008
Staff Steve HopkIns
Address 5005 Mam St
TRS 17-02-33-32 TL 7500
SIze 1 acre
Proposal pnvate school
Zonmg CC (Commumty CommerCIal)
Refmement Plan East Mam/MIxed Use desIgnabon
Constramts adjacent to LDR on the south, frontage on state hwy, eXlSbng bmldmgs
The use IS consIdered a pnvate elementary school In the CC (Commumty CommercIal) zone,
thIs requIres a DIscrebonary Use applIcabon The applIcabon IS revIewed by the Plannmg
ComnusslOn at a publIc hearmg A vanance would be needed If your proposal does not comply
WIth all the requIrements of the SDC If needed, the vanance would be heard by the Plannmg
ComnusslOn at the same publIc hearmg
A SIte Plan RevIew IS also reqUlfed ThIs IS revIewed by the Plannmg DIrector WIthOUt a
hearmg It can be processed concurrently or delayed untIl after the DU publIc hearmg A fmal
SIte plan IS requIred after the SIte Plan ReVIew IS approved
It IS the burden of the applIcant to show the proposal complIes WIth SprmgfIeld Development
Code The SprmgfIeld Development Code can be found at htto / / acode us/ codes/ sorm\!fIeld-
ApplIcable secbons of the SDC
3 2-300 Base zone standards
47-195 SpecIfIC Use standards for PublIc/Pnvate Elementary/MIddle Schools
44-100 Landscapmg, screenmg and fencmg
59-110 SIbng of Schools
5 9-115 RevIew of DIscrebonary Use
There are two types of vanances
Mmor vanance SDC 5 21-125 Ll1ruted to numencal standards (setbacks, lot coverage,
parkmg, etc)
Major vanance SDC 5 21-130
ApplIcabon fees (base fee + tech fee + nobce fee)
DIscrebonary Use $3,828 + (3828*5%) + $385
Vanance, major $6,349 + (6349*5%) + $385
Vanance, mmor $2,433 + (2433*5%) + $385
SIte Plan ReVIew $4,222 + (4222*5%) + $160
Fmal SIte Plan 10% of SIte Plan RevIew + 5%tech fee
RevIew bIDe The Plannmg ComnusslOn meets twICe a month on Tuesdays A publIc hearmg
will be scheduled wIthm 90 days of subrmttal of a complete applIcabon Based on the
availability of the hearmg agenda, the heanng could be as soon as 60 days The SIte Plan
ReVIew will be processed WIthm 75 days of subrmttal of a complete applIcabon I /;D
Date Received .
Planner SH
SDC 5 9-110 SItIng of Schools
Schools are IdentIfIed m the Metro Plan as key urban servICes, whIch shall be provIded m an
effICIent and lOgIcal manner to keep pace WIth demand Schools may be located m any zone that
perrmts schools The SIbng of publIc and pnvate elementary, rmddle and hIgh schools shall
requIre DIscrebonary Use approval, unless exempted elsewhere m thts Code The cntena for
the SIbng of schools shall be as specIfIed m Secbon 4 7-195, rather than the cntena mSecbon5 9-
SDC 4.7-195 PublIq'Pnvate Elementary/ MIddle Schools
A Schools are IdentIfIed m the Metro Plan as key urban serVICes, whIch shall be
provIded m an effICIent and lOgIcal manner to keep pace WIth demand Schools may be
located m any zone that perrmts schools A umque relabonshIp eXISts between schools
and the commumty, whIch reqUIres speCIal consIderabon when applymg screenmg
standards Mamtammg clear SIght lInes for the secunty and safety of children IS
deSIrable and may be achIeved through the use of non-opaque fencmg and/ or
landscapmg The standards m Secbon 517-100 are applIed only when requIred to screen
playground structures, spectator seabng facIlIbes, parkmg, storage yards and trash
receptacles or where sIgrufIcant conflIcts are determmed by the DIrector
1 All new facilibes and addIbons over 10,000 square feet or those addIbons
exceedmg 50 percent of the SIZe of the eXIsbng buIldmg shall be approved m
accordance WIth a Type III reVIew procedure (a Type II SIte Plan applIcabon
raIsed to a Type III reVIew as specIfIed m Secbon 5 1-130) The SIte Plan
applIcatIon shall also address the standards specIfIed m Subsecbons 2 tlliough
11 , below
EXCEPTION PublIc/Pnvate Elementary/MIddle Schools m the PLO DIStrICt
are reVIewed under Type II ReVIew
2 A maxrmum of 65 percent of the SIte may be covered m rmpefVlOUS
surface The remamder of the SIte shall comply WIth the planbng standards m
Secbon 4 4-100
3 Schools shall have a landscaped front yard of 20 feet and landscaped SIde
and rear yards of 30 feet Athlebc spectator seabng structures adJommg .
resIdenbal uses shall be set back at least 75 feet, unless the DIrector determmes
that adequate buffermg can be provIded WIth a reduced setback However, m no
Instance shall thts setback (from spectator faCIlIbes) be less than 30 feet Parkmg
areas shall mamtam a landscaped buffer of 15 feet when adJOmmg a resIdenbal
4 LIght shall be drrected away from adJommg less mtensIve uses
lAne Received ~//r1
Planner SH
5. Other uses perrmtted WIthm school facilitIes mclude day care facilitIes,
socIal servICe offices or other after school program actIVItIes approved by the
School DIStrICt and whIch otherwIse do not requIre dIscretIonary approval
6 All plants used for "landscaped buffermg" shall be a rmmmum of 5-
gallon m SIZe and shall reach a heIght of at least 36 mches WIthm 1 year of
7 Paved playground areas may be used as overflow parkmg for speCIal
8 Parkmg IS lIrmted to 2 spaces for each teachIng statIon m the school plus 1
parkmg space for each 100 square feet of publIc mdoor assembly area All
parkmg lots and dnveways shall be desIgnated to separate bus and passenger
vehIcle traffIC All parkmg lots shall have sIdewalks raIsed a rmmmum of 6
mches above grade where pedestrIans have to cross parkmg lots to enter or leave
the school grounds
9 Any Jomtly shared recreatIonal facilitIes, playgrounds or athletIc fIeld
shall reqUIre a Jomt use agreement that will proVIde for publIc use and conbnued
10 Elementary schools shall have a maXImum buIldmg heIght of 35 feet,
rmddle schools shall have a maXImum buIldmg heIght of 45 feet
11 A TraffIC Impact Study and Parkmg Study, prepared by a TransportatIon
Engtneer, shall be approved by the CIty Engtneer
B In the PLO DIstrIct, publIc/pnvate elementary / rmddle schools shall be adJacent
to reSIdentIally-zoned property
1tt: l:.t..ecelVed..J-/J.1
Planner SH
CItv of Sonngfield
July 9, 2008
Steve Hopkms, Urban Planner
Ene Walter, CIVIl Engmeer
ZON2008-00027, McqUlllIan Development Issues Meetmg
PublIc Works Engmeermg Comments
The subject applIcatlOn mvolves tax lot 4500, located at 5005 Mam Street The applIcant has
subrrutted plans to dISCUSS creatmg a charter school
ApplIcant's QuestIons:
1. Currently the north plantIng buffer is 12 feet Wide. Would mfilling the parkmg places
on the northeast corner and the northwest comers be acceptable? In additIon we
would add a planted safety Island m the center of the parkmg lot. Between these two
addItIons we would be addmg approxImately 600 square feet of plantmg.
Plannmg Department WIll respond to tlus questIOn
2. The property on the east and west SIdes are zoned commercial. Can we prOVIde extra
dense plantmg to adjust for the lack of the reqUIred 30 feet of plantmg buffer?
Plannmg Department WIll respond to tills questIOn
3. The property on the south IS zoned reSIdentIal. May we prOVIde a solId wood fence
plus Arbor. Vidus to create an adequate buffer?
Plannmg Department WIll respond to tills questIOn
4. Tbe current SIdewalk at tbe entry to the school IS 4 mches mstead of the reqUIred 6
mches. May we add a 4 mch hIgh striped asphalt "road bump" style walk way between
the mam entry and the public SIdewalk? ThIS stnpped walk would cross the safety
Island m the center of the parking lot.
Plannmg Department WIll also respond to thiS questlOn From a PublIc Works Engmeenng
standpomt, ilie proposed walkway Will be acceptable If ilie engmeer or arcilltect can
demonstrate tlIat tlIe raIsed walkway WIll not change the eXlstmg SIte dramage
5. We would like to prOVIde vehicular access off of South 49th place and dImlDlsh the use
of the current curb cut on Main Street. Is thiS acceptable?
Plannmg, TransportatIOn, and Fire Departments may have addltlOnal comments From a
PublIc Works Engmeenng standpomt, tlus IS acceptable If applIcant successfully obtams
legal access elilier by acqumng ilie necessary property area (or pnvate access easement)
needed to construct ilils access from ilie adJommg pnvate property(s) to S 49th Place
, Date Recelved.~
Planner SH