HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 8/7/2008 Date Received ...$hI elf Planner MM - , Development Issues Response ZON2008-00031 Alberto MirandalCafeto Coffee Company August 7, 2008 Question 1. Are there any special traffic and transportation related ISsues on nDd Street? TransportatJon QuestIOn 2. Phasmg- the owner IS proposmg phase 1 (Shipping Addition) and phase 2 (Warehouse Addition), and the proposed construction wIll be completed wlthm 2 years. SectJon 5 17-115 of the Spnngfield Development Code provIdes for phased development as part of a SIte plan The phasmg should be clearly descnbed m the sIte plan apphcatIOn, WIth all reqUITed detaIl for all phases mcluded m the sIte plan apphcatJon CompletJon of all phases shall be completed WIthIn 2 years ProVISIOns allow for a I-year extensIOn to be approved Question 3. Spnnkling required? FIre Question 4. Contmued use of eXISting stormwater runoff system for East parkmg area and permeable pavers? PublIc Works Question 5. We propose 24 parkmg spaces overall parkmg and truck vehicular dockIng as shown on the sIte. Any other parking ISsues? TransportatIOn 5 17-115 Phased Development Page 1 of 1 Springfield Development Code Up PrevIous Next Main Search CHAPTER S THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPUCATTONS Section S 17-100 Site Plan ReView ~te ReCfHllff"t"-:.e,WL Planner' MM 5.17-115 Phased Development The Director may approve phaSing of development with the Site Plan ReView application, subject to the follOWing standards , and procedures A. A Phased Development Plan shall be submitted With the Site Plan ReView application as specified In Section 517-120 B. The Director shall approve a time schedule for developing a site In phases, but In no case shall the total time period for all phases be greater than 2 years, wrt:h a possIble l-tlme 1 year extension as specified In Section 5 17-135 EXCEPTIONS: 1 If a longer phaSing tIme line IS desired, the applicant may submit a Master Plan, as specified In the provIsions of Section 5.13-100 2. Multiple Type II Site Plan Modification applications shall not be permitted to circumvent the Master Plan process (See also Section 5 17-145) C. Approval of a phased Site Plan ReView application shall require satisfaction of the follOWing approval criteria 1 The public faCilities reqUired to serve each phase shall be constructed In conjunction With or prior to each phase, unless dUring the Site Plan ReView process the Director finds that a public faCIlity necessary for a subsequent phase IS necessary as part of an earlier phase, and 2. The phased development shall not result In reqUiring the CIty or other property owners to construct public faCIlities that were reqUired as part of the approved development proposal http //qcode us/codes/spnngfield-developmentlview php?toplc=5-5 _ 17_ 100-5_17_ I 15&frames=on 8/7/2008