HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 7/2/2008 ~ Development Issues Meetmg QuestIOns for Sweetbnar Vlllas June 18, 2008 Proposed Parcel 2 abuts -nght-of-way that contams a bIke path Would the CIty allow frontage along thIS nght-of-way for a future development plan of a future subdIvIsIOn? 2 At the tIme Sweetbnar was ongmally developed there was no formal dramage system to the north Smce then, there has been development to the north and a dramage system has been constructed There IS an eXlstmg retentIon pond on-sIte The proposal IS to revIse the retentIOn pond to a hnear detentIOn pond and would be contamed wlthm a dramage easement servICmg both parcels It IS antICIpated that the mamtenance responslb1l1ty w1l1 be shared between Parcels I and 2 Are there any Issues WIth the reVIsed pond and/or shanng the mamtenance between the two parcels? 3 Are there any Issues wIth emergency access or street connectIVIty? 4 Would there be any pubhc Improvements reqUIred WIth the partItIOn? We would antIcIpate pubhc Improvements to be constructed WIth the development of Parcel 2 5 If a Cluster SubdIVISIOn IS proposed for Parcel 2 m the future, can the pond area be used as open space? " Date ReceIved JUL 0 2 2008 OrlglOal Submittal