HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence SUB 7/16/2008 .,. SPRINGFI[LD UTILITY BOARD \VATlR SLR\'ICl CI 'TER 202 South 18th Street Springfield OR 97477 5240 Tel 5417262396 Fax 5417477348 wwwsubutil com July 15,2008 Andy Llmblrd CIty of Spnngfield 225 N 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Dear Andy SUBJECT P ARTITlON TENT A TlVE #SUB2008-000 17 McKEE Tax Map 17-03:24-31, -, ax Lot 1300, 1742 Delrose Avenue Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal I he proposed development IS wIthm the Spnngfleld City hmIts and wIll receive water servIce from the Spnngfield UtIhty Board (SUB) The water mam IS located on the north Side of Delrose Avenue and the wesl SIde of Grand VIsta Dnve The mam can be accessed on eIther SIde of the new parcel without havmg to cut the street 2 All new water system faclhtles and modIficatIOns to water system faclhtIes both mSlde and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed m street nght-of-way at a locatIon and depth of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water DIvIsIOn \), . I...... b-,'-uUd "U ~....... , ,_~, I.. l"'" 3 All water faclhty matenals shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water DIVIsIOn specIficatIOns 4 All workmanship shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water DIvIsIon constructIon standards 5 SIze ofwaterlme and other facIlItIes, mcludmg water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB Water DIVISIOn and the long-range nccds ofthe CIty These need, 1I1c1ude, hut dre not hmlted to, meter locatIOn and access, sizes of water dlstnbutlOn and transmission lmes, pumpmg facIlItIes, and commumcatlOn hnes 6 Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water DIvIsIOn for detailed mformatlOn on the matenals and construclIOn standards, detailed costs for mstalhng SUB water faCIhtIes, and a schedule of constructIOn ConstructIOn cxpenses may be reduced WIth good plannmg of reqUired water faclhtles, g<;>od tImmg of faclhtIes mstallatIon, andJomt trench opportunitIes 7 All water m9ters wIll be placed m,pubhc nght-of-way at a 10c!ltI<;>.n IdentIfied by the developer Each lot or parcel must have ItS own water service . I ~, ,j.J '\' "~..: h~"( ~ " ' r... )1 " , ~ G. S ISITEPLANI1742 Delrose Ave partition tentative 7-15-08 doex 7//6/ '(JQ8" Date RacelVed.....-r=r.- . Planner Al. . 8 Water service faclhtles wlll be mstalled upon collectIOn of development charges Development pohCles and charges ldenl1fied m thIs letter are subject to chdnge Actual charges WIll be those m effect at the l1me water servIce IS requested 9 SpnngfieJd has several wellhead protectIOn areas Nmety percent of Spnngfield's drmkmg water comes from wells In every mstance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contammatIOn Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsIble for the safe handlmg and storage of chemIcals, petroleum products, ferl1hzers, and the prevenl10n of groundwater and storm water runoff contanunatIOn SpecIal reqUIrements may be necessary for groundwater protectIOn at thIs development Contact Amy Chmltz at Spnngtteld Ul1hty Board Water DIVISion for details at 726-2396 PLEASE NOTE SUB development charges are paId dIrectly to SUB Water DlVlsIOn and SUB Electnc Dlvls10n Smcerely, Re~c:rL Water Engmeenng SupefVIsor - Water Dlvlslon RAT mk cc James and Kathleen McKee, 1101 16th Street, Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 Rob Ward, L S, Ward NorthWest !nc, POBox 105, Florence, Oregon 97439 S \SITEPLAN\1742 Dclrosc Ave partitIOn len!a!"c 7-15-08 docx Date Received 51!, / po JY Planner: AL 1