HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 7/22/2008 . Memorandum City of Springfield Date To July 21, 2008 Andy Llmblrd, Urban Planner Enc Walter, CIVIl EngIneer SUB2008-00031, McKee PartIllOn From Subject I have reviewed the matenals provided With the subject applIcatIOn The recommended findIngs and conditIons outlIned below are provided for your use In prepanng the land-use decIsIOn SANITARY SEWER Finding SectIOn 4 3-105 A of the SDC reqUIres that sanitary sewers shall be Installed to ,/ serve each new development and to connect developments to eXistIng maInS AdditIonally, InstallatIOn of samtary sewers shall proVide suffiCient access for mamtenance actIvItIes Finding There IS an eXlstmg 6" lateral that Will serve both lots located at the southern ) end at the mtenor property lIne that Will be suffiCient for servIng the proposed partItIOn ThiS 6" lateral connects to an eXistIng 8" sarutary maIn that runs east / west m Del Rose Avenue ApplIcant IS propOSIng a "Y" connectIOn to be located wltlun the publIc nght- of-way and should be revIsed to be located wlthm the eXistIng 7' P U E and Will reqUire a pnvate utIlIty easement j Finding The plans mdlcates there IS an eXistIng on site septIc system to be decommiSSIOned j CondItIOn' Pnor to final plat, the applIcant shall revise plans for "Y" connectIon to occur outside of the nght-way (WithIn the PUE) and obtam CIty approval for new locatIOn j CondItIOn: Pnor to final plat, applIcant shall ob~ necessary permits mcludIng a PublIc Works encroachment penrut and successfully construct the proposed samtary "Y" connectIon per CIty approved plans j ConditIOn: Pnor to final plat, the applIcant shall obtaIn approval and permits from Lane County Sanltanan for the decommlsslOmng of the eXlstmg on site pnvate septIc system STORMWATER MANAGEMENT /Flndlng SectIon 4 3-110 B of the SDC reqUIres that the Approval Authonty shall grant development approval only where adequate publIc and/or pnvate storm water management systems provIsIOns have been made as detenruned by the PublIc Works DIrector, consistent With the Engineering DeHgn Standards and Procedures Manual Date Recelved.-1#;-/~I?.f Planner. Al Fmdmg SectIOn 4 3-110 D of the SDC reqUires that run-off from a development shall be jdlrected to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge Fmdmg To comply WIth Sections 43-110 D & E, stormwater runoff from the sIte will be dlrccted to curb weep holes and discharge to the eXisting curb and gutter system fhe ~b and gutter drainS to two eXisting catch basinS, one located north of property on v'Grand Vista and the other west of property along Del Rose Avenue Since thIS partitIOn has fully Improved street frontages that Include proVISIOns for storm water, no conditIOns will be necessary regarding storm water PUBLIC STREETS. SIDEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS / Fmdmg SectIOn 4 2-105 G 2 of the Spnngfield Development Code reqUires that whenever a proposed land dIVISIOn or development WIll Increase traffic on the City street system and that development has any ummproved street frontage abutting a fully Improved street, that street frontage shall be fully Improved to City specificatIOns ExceptIOn (I) notes that In cases ofummproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be reqUired as a condition of Development Approval postpomng Improvements until such lime that a City street Improvement project IS ImtIated Fmdmg The eXisting property and resulting partItIOn Includes fully Improved streets /frontmg property, Sidewalk, curb and gutter, storm and samtary, therefore, no additIOnal condItIOns Will be necessary regardmg street Improvements, however there Will be an unprovement agreement reqUired for the extensIOn of sanitary sewer along Del Rose A venue to the western boundary of the developed property ConditIOn: Pnor to final plat approval, the apphcant shall submit an Improvement I agreement for extendmg the samtary sewer along Del Rose A venue to the western boundary of the developed property as reqUired by the City of Spnngfield Engmeenng DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual SectIOn 2 02 1 UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY jFmdmg SectIOn 4 3-130 A of the Spnngfield Development Code requues each development area to be proVided With a water system havmg suffiCIently Sized mams and lesser lmes to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficlent'access for mamtenance Spnngfield Utlhty Board coordmates the deSign of the water system wlthm Spnngfield city hmlts Fmdmg Section 4 3-140 A of the SDC reqUires apphcants proposmg developments j make arrangements With the City and each utIhty proVider for the dedicatIOn of utIhty easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area The mlllimum WIdth for pubhc utIhty easements adjacent to street nghts of ways shall be 7 feet The Ill1lllmum Width for all other pubhc utIhty easements shall be 7 feet The Pubhc Works Director may reqUire a larger easement to allow for mamtenance Date Received Planner AL "'/:J..:L/:J-/Jor / Finding Plans are showing a pnvate sewer easement on parcell for the benefit of parcel /2, however, It appears thiS easement as shown on the plans WIll be reqUired to be moved outside of the public nght-of-way The "V" may be located WIthin the Public Utility Easement but on pnvate property A sewer easement WIll be reqUired on parcell for the benefit of parcel 2 I CondItIOn Pnor to final plat, a pnvate utility (samtary) easement WIll be necessary and recorded With the plat for portIOns of the proposed 6" sarutary pipe that WIll encroach onto adjacent parcel 1 for the benefit of parcel 2 ' FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when bUlldmg penmts are Issued for developments wltlun the City limits or WIthm the Spnngfield Urban Growth Boundary (The cost relates to the amount of Increase m ImpervIOUS surface area, transportatIOn tnp rates, and plumbmg fixture muts Some exceptions apply to Spnngfield Urban Growth areas) [Sprmgfield Code Chapter II, Article II] Systems Development Charges (SDC's) Will apply to the constructIOn ofbUlldmgs and site Improvements wltlun the subject site The Charges Will be based upon the rates m effect at the time of permit submittal for bUlldmgs or site Improvements on each portIOn or phase of the development SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lleu-of-Assessment charge m additIOn to the regular connection fees If the property or portIOns of the property bemg developed have not preVIously been assessed or otherwise partiCipated m the cost of a public sanitary sewer Contact the Engmeenng DIVISIOn to determme IfIn-Lieu-of-Assessment charge IS applicable PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES It IS the responSibility of the pnvate developer to fund the public Infrastructure OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Penrut or Sewer Hookup Penrut (working WItlun nght-of-way or public easements) example new tap to the public storm or sarutary sewer, or adJustmg a manhole [The current rate IS $135 for processmg plus applicable fees and depOSits] Land & Drainage AlteratIOn Permits (LDAP) [Contact the Spnngfield Public Works Department @ 726-5849 for appropnate applicatIOns/reqUirements] Date Received Planner AL 7/P/CJ()t)t! I ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROV ALS MAYBE NECESSARY' . Metropohtan Wastewater Management COIllIll1SSlOn (Pump statIOn, sanItary sewers 24 mches or larger) . Lane County FaclhtIes PermIt (If the project IS WIthIn Lane County JunsdlctIon) . Rmlroad (If the project crosses a rmlroad) . Oregon Department of TransportatIOn (If the project IS wlthm ODOT JunsdICtlOn) . DIvIsIOn of State Lands (Storm water dIscharge, wetlands) . Oregon Department of EnvIronmental QualIty (ErosIOn control (5 acres or greater), pump statIOn, storm water dIscharge, wetlands) . US Army Corps of Engmeers (Storm water dIscharge, wetlands) Date Received ~(.r1?-"".(-- Planner AL