HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 7/21/2008 Page 1 of] L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Subject L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, July 21, 2008 1 11 PM JOHNDUFF Judith RE McKee Partition Thanks Judy, I'll try to answer your questions The case number for this partition IS SUB2008-00031, so the memo has the correct number but the file name IS Incorrect I'll make the change to the file you sent with your emall Unless there are changes or additions to the Transportation comments, you don't need to bring any additional copies to the meeting - I'll put the copy you sent In the case file The meeting IS with staff only, including partner agencies such as SUB and Willamalane Because thiS IS a straightforward application, they may Just send comments Instead of attending the meeting Andy From: JOHNDUFF Judith Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 11 00 AM To: 11MB1RD Andrew Subject' McKee Partition HI Andy, Attached, please find Transportations review of the proposed partition I do have a couple of questions I am not sure that I am uSing the correct application number IS It Sub200B-00031 or Sub200B-00017? If you could Just let me know, I Will correct the memo If necessary Also, Do we print 3 copies an bring them to the meeting? Or Email the final copy to you? Is the meeting tomorrow with the applicant or with staff only? Thanks, Judy Date HecE'lVed Planner AL , /;.t!.Jc?Ot" I . 7/2]/2008 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Subject Attachments JOHNDUFF Judith Monday, July 21, 2008 11 00 AM L1MBIRD Andrew McKee Partition SUB2008-0017 Trans DRC DOC HI Andy, Attached, please find Transportations review of the proposed partition I do have a couple of questions I am not sure that I am uSing the correct application number IS It Sub2008-00031 or Sub2008-00017? If you could Just let me know, I will correct the memo If necessary Also, Do we print 3 copies an bring them to the meeting? Or Emall the final copy to you? Is the meeting tomorrow with the applicant or with staff only? Thanks, Judy Date Received .~!.:/ ;JQor Planner AL 7121/2008 .. Memorandum City of Springfield Date July 21,2008 Andy Llmblrd. Urban Planner Judith Johnduff. Semor TransportatIOn Planner SU82008-00031 McKee PartitIOn To From Subject The TransportatIOn DIvIsIOn has reviewed the matenals proVided With the subject applicatIOn The recommended findmgs and conditIOns outlmed below are proVided for your use m preparmg the land-use deCISIon General Fmdml! The subject property IS a 19,441 square-foot parcel located on the northwest corner of jthe mtersectlOn of Delrose Avenue and Grand Vista Dnve (Map 17-03-24-31, Tax Lot #1300) The parcel currently holds one smgle-fmmly residential urnt Approval ofthis proposal would partitIOn the property to create two parcels The eXlstmg reSidence would remam on the new Parcell and a proposed new smgle fmmly reSidence IS proposed for parcel 2 Transportation System Impacts j Fmdml! Abuttmg the subject site to the south IS Delrose A venue, a 32-foot Wide, asphalt-paved, two-lane local street wlthm a 60-foot Wide nght of way Abuttmg the subject site to the east IS Grand Vista Dnve, IS a 32-foot Wide, asphalt-paved, two-lane cul-de-sac street Within a 50-foot nght of way Both streets are Improved With curb, gutter and Sidewalk Average dmly traffic on Delrose Avenue at the project site IS estimated to be 250 vehicle tnps per day With the average daIly traffic on Grand Vista Dnve at the project site to be estImated at 150 vehicle tnps per day Fmdml! Based on ITE Land Use Code 210 (Smgle-Fmmly Detached Housmg) full development of the one addItIOnal parcel With a smgle-farmly reSIdential use would generate 10 addItIOnal vehicle tnps per day and one addItIOnal peak-hour vehIcle tnp onto the surroundmg street system In addltlOn, assumed development may generate pedestnan and bJcycle trIpS Accordmg to the "Household" survey done by LCOG m 1994, 126 percent of household tnps are made by bicycle or walkmg and I 8 percent are by transit bus These tnps may have theIr ongms or destmatlOns at a vanety of land uses, mcludmg thIS sIte Pedestnan and bIcycle tnps create the need for SIdewalks, pedestnan crossmg SIgnalS, crosswalks, bicycle parkmg and bIcycle lanes j Fmdml! EXlstmg transportatIOn faCIlities would be adequate to accommodate the addJtlOnal volume of traffic generated by the proposed development I Recommended CondItion. None Date ~~ecelVed _ 1 J 1!.7#J r Planner. AL I . Site Access and ClrculatJon j Fmdml! InstallatIOn of dnveways on a street mcreases the number of traffic COnflIct pomts The greater number of COnflICt pomts mcreases the probability of traffic crashes SDC 4 2-120 perrruts each parcel to have one dnveway access J Fmdmg The eXlstmg parcel has one dnveway The subdIVIsIOn of the property WIll create the need for one additional dnveway to serve the new parcel Two potential locatIOns for the new dnvewayare shown on the submitted plans Both of these locatIOns have been reViewed and approved by TransportatIOn Staff J Recommended Condition Provide and maintain adequate VISion clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per sec 4 2-130 J Recommended Condition A maximum of one driveway WIll be penmtted to serve the proposed new single family dwelling The location of the proposed driveway shall be provided In one of the two approved locations shown on the approved tentative plans j Recommended Condition The dimensions of the proposed new driveway shall comply With sec Table 4 2-2 Fmdinq: EXisting faCIlities, With the addition of the above conditions, are adequate to meet the SIte access, driveway and vIsion clearance reqUirements of SDC 4 2-120 and 4 2-130 Date ReceIVed 7/;;') ,?oori Planner: AL / . 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