HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/14/2008 66/66/2668 18 28 5419953836 Gl..JARANTV RV PAGE 63/63 CIty of Spnngfield Development S~ices Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review ~-~ I ~oIic:ant Name. 8.''J h h ~I M. M o...<t ('..; e/d Cqmpanv, A-NtJ [; Ma', L L C 1 ""x; Address, Cf:..1J,S, ;L'8~f ~ri';1F,'eld C)/". C( 7477 ~limnt'SReI),.~ 1)A;'.HfI I\JlrH-f11 S Phone:3.44--2.2..tc... Comoanv, h,rJFIt: 'v.Jk~T C^Y.:..l~llUJ..Y.::. 'TJ.k:... Fax, 34-4--7~R .Addressl.-:"'=IO {"'~o2E. (..cr:;lf'. . f.:UGFA.11= . ~ "'II ~ r iF ...-.'Ow......,Ah/tJ G: Ma,- LLC Phone,'14(PU3J7 , IComuamr. PI- rJ N.c I'V\ a. r L /.- C. Fax: IAddress; Od.r .5. j,X'd, <;+, <:'Dr-'A)qf-,el,.J CY(--, q7LI77 !ASSESSOR'SMAP NO, ~-03-ollo\M'*' TAX lOT NOeS). 2-00. Ip. -... ,Jluldreq, cr...), I S, )..)( u-c; +. g-Pr,' AleC {!./ e/J [Jr C?7 477 1st.. or PruDeI'M \. I o. Acr.... 'IXr SGuitre Feet n IProoosedNameOfProiec:t1 s.,)"x-di fYI'IV; .s4<'lrao-t'~ I~~:", sf ,,""'.... '"""" '" Ill" Ibrm bv han(l. .-___...... """""'" deIalptlcn "'.... ...,-.. IExlstInll U_ INew Emoe....i_ Surface Coveraae (Including Bkla. Gross Floor Area): 24. '160 sf 151 res: Please sf n and nnt our name and date In the a bo:~ on the next 0 e. . . J Associated ADPIIc.._:_..~. ~ Vlf, - m:::, ~ (OV1 Ipre-SUb~NO..:?L~-&;l;41- Date; R_iewedbv: ... _ ICase ~.: OP C 2<;<i)q,~ Daw, & IN/o'& I Reviewed by; ~ I I.... '5 ,0 I -el A . . r - .-. -. 02.2 - TechnIcal Fee, .6 (- P_"e Fee, $1 fd) ITOT~LfEES'~ II. '13? )0 PROJECTNUMBER,Pf\;7-^tl<b-~ ' . ~ 1/1108 MoJfy Hel'tauifllrl loE10 Date Received , AUG 1 4 2008 I l Ori~ina' Submittal JUN-6-2008 FRI 10'24AM 10' PA(.;F', 66/66/2668 18:28 5419953836 Gl.JARANTY RV PAGE 82/63 Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the infOnnalion in this applicatJoo is correct and accurate for scheduling ot the Pre- Submittal Meeling, ~'-M9rl~yO St9natu~' , ~ C^J k o/t1r' :J rJ - Prant "7 'I , Submittal Date: (Q q 4f;? I ~" ~~.. this application to lie complete tor submittal to the oty. Conslstent with the completeness check ,..:'., ,~on this application at the /'re.subm_1 Meetlng, lemon th., Information ldentlrled by me City as ..~~ry fOr ...~........;ng the application Is provided herein or tile information Wi/l not be Pf'O\Ilded If not otherwise CXl~lned within the submittlll, and the CIty may begin .,. _~:ng the application With the information as submitted. ThIS':'.._ _.1 ser\IO!S as _n notice pursuant tD thQ ""Iulrements of ORS 227.178 Ilettl>inlng to" complete application. Owner: ~ li:!~otfrJ / Ig re pn~io'f '7~ Date: , ~ C(.,.... I c/. f?'\o,,J -f.,.,k;; I I Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Holly Mamrien 20r 10 ... JUN-6-2008 FRI 10:24AM ID: PPGE:2 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00057 921 S 28tb Street U..u ",- H ~ o t Date Received: .> AUG J ~ 2008 OrigInal Submittal SHE Map 18-03-01-00 dl Tax Lot 206 North ... 50 I ~ o I 25 I [ 50 I 100 I z GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50' ft ---- 11" 6.. :i!<il5 .... ~350 PAY- ~~;;1-w- -mnm:----rm~~-::;~'--~;;~~-;_,;~~-;_;;~~/::~:-':."' ~:~:~__n_ I w ~ 0.. _____...1 _______________L____~-----~ ______________________________________________ 1 '" ~~ ~ I Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 DATE JUNE 2008 PRELIMINARY Original Submittal p~ 'hJea &~, 1~, 3610 GOODPASTURE LOOP EUGENE OR 97401 POBOX 70026 EUGENE OR 97401 PHONE 5413442215 FAX 541 344.2318 Mlm-Storage Warehouses South 28th Street, Spnngfield Pre-Submittal Narrative The applicant IS proposmg a mlm-storage warehouse facility located on South 28th Street, (tax map 18-03-01 Detail Map No I tax lot 206) m Spnngfield, Oregon The parcells currently vacant To the best of our knowledge all of the necessary submittal reqUirements for the pre-submittal review have been met With the followmg exceptions RlIzht-of-Wav AoorOlu:h PermIt aoolteatwlll. The property has no frontage on an Oregon Department of TransportatIOn nght-of-way Traffic [moaet Study: A traffic Impact study was not prepared for tlus sIte The proposed development WIll not produce more than 250 vehIcle tripS per day Date ReceIved: AUG 1 4 2008 Original Submittal = ~lf' (rY II/'" .--f-.. ~ , . Aftt,.r Recordmg Return To We,lcrn Plolllcr llllc Co PU Box 10146 ElIgUle, OR 97440 Division of Chle' D~r~LY Clerk Lane Coun1y Deeds and Records 2~~~~1~~21 $31.00 ~, ."{ ",N li 11:( .. f."., ~'OE! - ...., 1111111 /11111/11 II11l1l 111111 Iflllllllf III l';7783120050JI95~1J0200~6 03/2112005 03:25:28 PM RPR-DEED Cn1=1 Sln=4 CASHIER 02 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 After recording retum to Ann-Mar, LLC 240 West K Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Until a change IS requested all tax stllemenls shall be sent to the fOllowing address Ann-Mar, LLC 240 west K Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ale No . mendtest (mmm) Date March 07, 2005 WPT 7199-537893-C STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Kenneth R. Mayfield and Melinda M. Mayfield, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Ann&'tar, LLC an Oregon Umlted Uabllity Company, Grantee, the follOWing descnbed real property free of hens and encumbrances, except as SpeCIfically set forth herein Parcel 2 of Land Partibon Plat 97-PI030, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: 1 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements, If any, affecting title, which may appear In the pubhc record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE OTY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 The true conSideration for thiS conveyance IS $61,500 00 (Here mrnply wllh requllements of ORS 93 030) Dated thIS xl day of MAer Ii i ;~ , Page 1 of 2 ,20 {)S" Date Received: AUG 14 200B Original submittal . / / , , , / . ~, . APN 161506P StalulDfy WaITilnly Deed - continued File No mendtest (mnvn) Date 03/07/2005 ~/P<~~./P{L~~,4 KeoMM -"7 -'V 0/ ~Od' M "'yti.. A STATE OF Oregon ) )ss ) County of Lane This mstrument was acknowledged before me on thiS .::?.L day of {VI PrR.L It . 20 () f by Kenneth R. M~yfield and Melinda M. Mayfi~'d '0fHlAALS8\I. ""'-'./ Yh ~ . LYNNEM.CLOUSE NOTARYPUauc.oREGON Notary Public for Oregon COMMISSION NO 367959 MYCOMMS--<1lPIRESMAY92007 My commISSion expires. - . Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 Original submittal Page 2 of 2 JU~ 11 2008 I 12PM EV' 'REEN LAND TITLE CO I A ~ ~ ...... ""'~ ~x~g{t9J T1TL( INSURANCE S(RVICES . ESaOW CLOSINGS NO 5717 P 2 . \ 1651 CENHNNIAL BLVD . SPRlNGRELD, OR 97477 P.O BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OK 97477 PHONE- 541 7411981 fAX 541 741 0619 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD . EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O BOX 10211 . EUGENE. OR 97440 PHONE' 541 687.9794 FAX. 541 6870924 ~ June 11, 2008 Our Order No ELT-55704 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Koleta Mayfield 240 West oK" Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Estimated Premium for. PARTIAL BILLING $200 00 TOTAL $200 00 Dear Koleta. We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropnate documents, a policy or polICies as applied for, With coverages as indIcated, based on this preliminary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 2 orLand Partition Plat No 97-P1030, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, In Lane County, Oregon ShOWing fee sI1Ilple fide as of June 4, 2008, at 8 00 a.m , vested in ANN & MAR, LLC, an Oregon lnmted liabIlIty company Subject only to the exceptIons shown herem and to the terms, conditions and exceptIons contaIned m the polIcy form No liabIlIty is assumed until a full prenuum has been pwd. Date Received AUG 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal CONTINUED -- "IN OUR BUSINESS YOU MATTER MOST" www "" ',:,,,~ ~':.lIlandbtle com JUN 11 2008 1 12PM EV'"^REEN LAND TITLE CO NO 5717 P 3 ELT - 55704 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I Taxes or assessments which are not shown as exiSl1llg lIens by the records of any taJung authDnty that levJ.es taxes or assessments on real...,...".;" or by the public .~~..:s, proceedmgs by a public agency wloch may result in taxes or assessments, or nonces of such proceedmgs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2 Facts, nghts, Interests or ciauns wloch are not shown by the pubhc ,,,~,Js but wloch could be ascertained by an inspectIOn of the land or by making inqwry of peISOns m posseSSIon thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public ...~. ds; reservations or excepllons In patents or In Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water nghts, clauns or nt1e to water 4 Any encroachment (of existmg improvements located on the subject land onto adjOlmng land or of existing improvements located on adJonung land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse ClICumstance affectmg the title that would be dlsclosed by an accurate and complete land sWYey of the subject land. 5. Any ben, or nght to a lien, for servtces, labor, material, equIpment rental or workers compensatIOn heretofore or hereafter furnished, IIII.JlOsed by la.wand not shown by the public records CURRENT EX"J!.r nONS 6 Rlghts of the public and of governmental bodJes in and to that pomon of that portion of the preIIIlSeS herem described lymg below 1he logh water mark of Millrace and the ownership of the State of Oregon in and to that porllon lymg below the logh water mark thereof 7 Any adverse chum based upon the asserllon that the local1on of Ml.llrace has moved and that any pomon of the subject Y'''>,''';) has been created by arl1fictal means or has accreted to such pol1lons so created, or based on the proVisIOns ofORS 274 905 through 274.940 Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 CONTINUED Original Submittal JUN 11 2008 1 13PM EV'-^REEN LAND TITLE CO NO 5717 P 4 ELT - 55704 Page 3 8. Notes as shown on the ....._..:ed Land Partition Plat as follows (a) An easement eXists to construct and m~lntall\ a reservou, water lines, a pump station and power lines for the benefit of Rosboro L1lIDber Co. on a presently undefined system running Northerly from the MIllrace to the Rosboro manufacturing plant North of the Southern Pacific RaIlroad nght-of-way. Refer to lII51rument Recorded July 29, 1939, Book 200, Page 522, Reception No. 75444, Lane County Deed Records No such structures exIst on either Parcell or 2 but they were a part of the tracts descnbed m Said easement (b) Water Lme Easement, m favor ofMountam States Power Co, Recorded August 20, 1947, Book 354, Page 247, R.ecepbon No. 46828, Lane County Deed Records, referred to in tIns document is not defined by a map attached thereto (e) No bwlding, structure, tree, shmbbery or other obsttuetion may be placed on or m a public utility easement 9. Leases, 1f any, to J D L Investments,lnc as disclosed by Lane County Assessment Records 10 Leases,1f any, to Spnngfield Auto Recyclers as disclosed by Lane County Assessment Records. 11. Deed of Trust and ASSIgnment ofR.ents and Leases, including the terms and Pro\llSIOns thereof, executed by Ann & Mar, LLC, as OrllDtor(s), to U.S Bank Trust Company, N A ,as Trustee, for the benefit of U S Bank N A , as Beneficlll1}', Recorded February 25, 2008, ReceptIOn No 2008-010196, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment ofa Note for $200,000.00 NOTE' Taxes, Map No 18-03-01-00-00206, Code 19-00, Account No. 1615069,2007-2008, $2,002.13, pmd m full NOTE. The address of the property to be msured herein IS: 921 SOUIH 28TI1 STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 NOTE A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) ANN & MAR, LLC, and as of June 4, 2008, none were found. NOTE AB of June 4, 2008, there are no lIens for the City ofSpnngfield. NOTE Taxes, Map No. 18-03-01-00-00206, Code 19-00, Account No. 4242176, 2007-2008, :n,069 50. pmd in full (Manufactured Structure - Personal 7 .~y...I- ABsessed to J D L In\lestments, Ine ) Taxes, Map No. 18-03-01-00-00206, Code 19-00, Account No. 41l3104, 2007-2008, $164 15, paid 10 full. (Manufactured Structure - Personal r _~y",,;/- Assessed to Spnngfield Auto Recyclers) INFORMATIONAL NOTE: EVERGREEN LAND lTILE COMPANY FINDS NO NOTICE 1) 'II OF RESCISSION RECORDED IN TIrE LAST.~ MONTHS , ' , 1, ~ I. ' Date Received: C'ONTlN,UED . }'l\-', ,/ 1}' AUG 1 4 2008 Original SubmIttal , , JUN 11 2008 I 13PM EVr"^REEN LAND TITLE CO NO 5717 P 5 ELT - 55704 Page 4 INFORMATIONAL NOTE' The v_.v~; vesting deed and all changes back to the deed wlnch vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows WARRANTY 1.1= RECORDED March 21,2005, FROM KENNETII R MAYFIELD AND MELINDA M MAYFIELD, AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, TO ANN &, MAR, LLC, AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, REl,.cr uONNO 2005-019521 Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE I~ By; Jeffrey 1(. Walker AdVISOry TItle Officer CC Pacme West Engineers, lne Attn DaVId Nichols (Fax No, 344-2318) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID, IF FOR ANY REASON TIffi REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED Date Received. AUG 1 4 2008 Original Submlttpl JUN II 2008 1 13PM o o I 75 \ ~ \;;;>0 "'- om !a~wc 8 ~!P5Il!1g. Pi tR !~~ '-Q;< if' IQ(!}:>-'" f' f~l~ ~~~~ Z+lD ~~ == EV'-^REEN LAND TITLE CO 90 ZO 9l dVJIj 335 . u u ~! n ~;l;; - ~ !l ] . ~ (8.9 0" DO) (O~ J3AY,3S) 1S H.19Z Hlnos <> ~ :. "';l~ ' n ~~: u @ \1'4, Q"\ ~I~~ fl'cE ",~...:~. (5 ~ ,,~ ..." , " "~~~ \f~ ~ @>> 5 '" . .. ! . I ~ NO 5717 P 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ''1 \ Date Received. AUG I 4 2008 Original Submittal LO co 9L d\II'l 335 p~ 'Ulea &~ __'J~'_ STORM SEWER STUDY FOR S. 28th STREET MINI-STORAGE WAREHOUSES DATE: 6-2008 REV. 7-2008 Prepared By P~?Om ~ 'lite. P O. Box 70026 3610 Goodpasture Lp Eugene, Oregon 97401 Tel 541-344-2215 I EXPIRES' 12-31-2008 i Date Received: AUG 14 2008 Original Submittal ? () Sax 70026 3610 o/M;(j.Mfm.c .I!(}fJf.,. E("}CifC O~ 97401 '2)(,"',54/-344-22/5' ?a.54/-344-23/% 7'''9< / 'I 4 GENERAL INFORMATION: . lli TIns study IS prepared for the proposed mirn-storage wareholISes on South 28 Street The storm sewer system for the site will be designed m evuivuuance WIth EDSPM Chapter 3 and 4 In ad<btton, the City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual WIll be used to deSign for water quality Generally, the site will utilize grassy swales and "Ramgardens" for the stormwater treatment and <bscharge BecalISe the site adjoms the MIll Race and mcludes a FEMA 100-year flood zone and IS an Industnal zoned y,vy<-uj over 1 0 acre m Size a Mid Level Development Study must be completed as mdlcated on the included Stormwater Management System Scope of Work mSTORIC SITE RUNOFF:. The site IS 1 10 acres m Size Currently, there IS ayy,v.Jmately 16,590 square feet of the site that drains m an eastward directton and eventually mto the roadside <btch along South 28lli Street The roadside <btch drams mto an existing 18" culvert located along the east Side of the property The existing culvert d1scharges mto the Mill Race at the locatton shown on the plans The remammg portion of the nmoff from the site consisting of "t'y,v.illIlately 31,326 square feet of area, drains in a westerly direction overland and d1rectly mto the Mill Race. PROPOSED SITE RUNOFF. Based on the Histonc site nmoff condlttons prevIOlISly diSCIISSed, the proposal for <bsposal of stormwater from tins Site is as follows It IS my understanding from <bsclISsions with city staff that no new discharge points WIll be allowed mto the Mill Race unless they currently exist. As previolISly noted, there IS an eXIstIng 18" culvert that drains a portion of the property and a portIon of South 28lli Street and discharges that nmoff d.rrect1y into the MIll Race. TIns site proposes to contInue to lISe this culvert to convey 16,260 square feet of new impervlOIIS site nmoff and 5,445 square feet ofpemolIS area (swale area & undeveloped nght-of-way) to the Mill Race AyywAlIIlately 17,511 square feet of the Site runoff will contmue to flow as It histoncally has WIth no disturbance or grade changes (tins area is mainly Inside the 50-foot npanan setback) The remamder of the site which consists of the imperviOIIS areas from the roofs of Bwld1ngs "A", "B" and "D" is 8,700 square feet will be directed to "Raingardens" There IS slightly more sitt: area flowing to the 18" culvert than the lustoric con<btton. I believe that by takmg 8,700 square feet of ground that currently flows m a westerly dIrectIOn into the Mill Race (roof areas of Buildings "A", "B" & "0") and putting this nmoff mto the "Raingardens", the Impact by stormwater nmoff to the Mill Race is reduced P 0 crO.1. 70026 36/0 tjood~(~n; -!()l)j. &*}cm; O'l? 97401 'Z'J/wc54/-344-22IS.7a1.541-344_23/5' Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 Onglnal gijl)M1ftlll ROOF DRAINS: The roof areas from Bmld1ngs "A", "B" and "D" which IS 8,700 square feet of area WIll be dIrected mto "Ramgardens" so there is not any direct <bscharge mto the Mill Race The roof drams d1rected to the "Ramgardens" from Bmld1ngs "A", "B" & "D" will not reqUIre pre-treatment The roof area from Bmldmg "c" which is 2,200 square feet will dram to the grassy swale along S. 28lli Street. TIns swale has been sized to accept the nmoff from all of the paved area, which is 14,060 square feet and the roof area from Bmld1ng "c" Runoff CalculatloD_~ y, of Bmldmg "A" & y, of Bmldmg "B" "Ram garden" The "Ramgarden" deSign for the roof area will be completed per the City of Spnngfield Std. Dwg 4-19 and 4-22 Build1ng "A" Y, ofroof area = 2,100 s f.12 = 1,050 s f Building "B" Y, of roof area = 4,000 s.f /2 = 2,000 s f Infiltration rate =2 0 mIhr TIns will be field venfied prior to Fmal Site Plan approval V Old ratIo of Me<bum =0 3 Runoff. min. 0.25 m /hr. per Std Dwg 4-19, Use 0.5 in.hr "Ramgarden" depth = 1.0' A= 1,050 + 2,000 [(0.5)/12] - 0.3(1) = 424 s f Drawdown Trme = 3,050 [(0.5)/12] - [2(11.6)+2(39.5)]1 x (1212)= 7 5 hrs OK BmldIDg "C" See PAVING sectIon below for roof nmoff from Buildmg "c" y, ofBUlldmg "A" & y, ofBuIldmg "B" & BUlldmg "D" "Ramgarden" The "Raingarden" deSign for the roof area WIll be completed per the CIty of Sprmgfield Std Dwg 4-19 and 4-22 BUlldmg "A" Y, of roof area = 2,100 s.f /2 = 1,050 s f. Bmldmg "B" Y, of roof area = 4,000 s f./2 = 2,000 s.f Bmld1ng "D" roof area = 2,600 s f Infiltration rate =2 0 mIhr. This WIll be field verified pnor to Final Site Plan approval VOId ratio ofMed1um =0.3 Runoff min 025 m.Ihr per Std Dwg 4-19, Use 0.5 in.hr "Ramgarden" depth = 1 0' A= 5,650 [(0 5)112] - 0 3(1) = 785 s f Drawdown Trme = 5,650 [(0.5)/12] - [2(17 8)+2(46)]1 x (1212)= 11.0 hrs OK P 0 SOJ. 70026 3610 900dj.a.,..tm.e ..!orJl- &<<9t:ffC 07< 97401 7'1",54/-344-22/5' ?a. 54/-344-23" Date Received: AUG 14 2008 OrlQlnatSebllllttal PAVING: There IS a total of 14,060 square feet of paved area on the site that WIll discharge to the grassy swale located along S. 28lli Street and south of the buildings In addiTIon, the grassy swale was SIZed to mclude 2,200 square feet of nmoff from the roof of Bwlding "C". The total area <bscharging mto the grassy swale IS 14,060 + 2,200 = 16,260 square feet The swale IS SIZed accord1ng to the City of Portland Stormwater Management ManuallISmg the "SImplified Approach" method The City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual reqUIres the following square footage of grassy swale 16,260 (0 10) = 1,626 square feet of grassy swale reqUIrement The actual area of the grassy swale is 1,750 square feet The grassy swale IS SIZed for the water quahty storm event per the CIty of Portland Stormwater Management ManuallISing the "SimplIfied Approach" method. The swale IS more than adequate in size to convey a 25-year storm event based on the calculattons above PIPE SIZING FOR THE 2S-YEAR STORM EVENT:. PaVilll! Runoff 25-year storm event is [Tc=1 1 min.] = 0 44 cfs (See mcluded analYSIS from "HydroCad" software program) Pipe size reqUIred to pass 25-year storm at 0.3% slope (n=O.013) = 8" Use 10" pipe from the swale to new stonnwater manhole. Roof Area Runoff Check worse case which IS Y, of nmoff from Buildmgs "A" & "B" roofs Runoffarea = (2,100 s.f + 4,000 s f)/2 = 3,050 s.f 25-yr storm event is [Tc=1.5 mID.] = 0.08 cfs. (See mc1uded analYSIS from "HydroCad" software program) PIpe Size required to pass 25-year storm at 0.3% slope (n=O 013) = 4" Use a 6" pipe into the "Raingarden". AnalYSIS of the downstream system is not reqUIred as indicated on the Stormwater Management System Scope of Work completed by Matt Stouder. I have mcluded a copy for reference Date Received: p () S", 70026 36/0 tj(l()d'-4.!tu~ L,,()e &"9'" c ();ii? 97401 'P10fft'. 54/-344-22/5" 7t'U 541-344-2316 AUG 1 4 2008 Onginal Submittal 7'a9' 4 " 4 04/17/2008 10 46 FAX 541 736 1~.' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW 1i!J002 '- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / r:DglJl~'" Ing D.Vl.JUII 1-"" (541) 736-IO~\ STORMWATER. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - (A"", ft~ltJW thIS fiJ'~rrll"" au' ft" APl'tlctull) -- 1 (Plea.m ""UrH 10 Mfln ['C<. ".:., @Ci<y of SprUlgti~ftl Public "'or'" Ent:'''Ull''t:. Fax: /I 7fJ6-fO:U. Phtm~ II 7.16-10.15.) I Projut N"me, .-S. 2~ 5;[ I'oI/J.'1 -s,r~e.ApplieaDt: .\:?^'-\ 1.." "-ll.c-lrl-r. L < j AssessorsPareel#: '~3-0~ ~bi..LM~Date: .4- -I c.. -O<;!: LandUse(s)~*,~ _ \..0 Pbone#: ~4-~-'2-2..IJ? j ProJectSize(~'Iq""1- /, /0 ~ecs Fu#: ~? 4-4- -?- 5 I P-:> J APproLlmpervioWlArea:.Z:b~ EO.F Email: ~aV~il'JEEJ2Jkc..?~a>~ Project Description (Include a copy of Asse.sor's map): -.. I.j =ii CeK:;ST..e.a.r /1f;;o;-~r~At::.ti.. ~~ VIUI/s. ~bS /fSsa:./;fn:D J ,,~ ~tEt...H-Y.5 ~ A-'-'/"fE"'.-e ~. 5-(T~ is ~r~,;r-C..rJ . m~ /"11,'rt- ~ rl.~l) A-v .z.+,/J".eDVeM60T'5 ~G" TO ~ Ce:! WiYJ/;:t) 5"0' ,c.l!D/fA or""; 70~ t!JF' 77fE B4AJ~. Dnmage Proposal (Pubhc CODnectJon(s), dIscharge IDCation(s), ale Attacb additional &beeCh) ifnece~ ..?';(~ :5~S ~I ~~77a.u .P~ 7C) ~ A!!UI-JCJF'r 4-~rot>>€.D.:z:::.uro me. /'1')/t-t- "<!A:Ce.., ~ ~6 ~:pc;l)~ SCl't:.5 6U1"?7t.Bu;; ran!. ~~o,u. ~:U6 UJ'U- UE:1fJFY ~5f.B..'?,.7V ,.(A-:r4::O::; Proposed StornnuteJ- Des. Manltgement Practil:cs: V~~ ..:P<:JI7~~OAJ .-:5W-"tL.E BrlsliU ~ ;:'~ :;;~Wf-~ .h7t'11t/~ BUr ~utt... -- Itr: " II,is intI! IJlt!d rtUf the aI/II Rt:tu,lIl!tl to I1le A OI'l:dQfl__ (A' (l mUlrmlll1l. ofl6())C/3S ch~cked t,. Ih. Cft)' on Ihe f~on/ and back Oflhls .h~1 4/'0/1 be .ubmlll~d for 0" oppJ":t1Ilo,, 10 6. CtJmple/e fO.f'slIb",,"al, ai/hough otho. req""'."'enl8 mtlY be ".ceUQry ) Drain-a'!e Stndv Tvge (EDSPM Sedlon 4.03.2): (Note. VB may be substituted for Rational Method' o Small SIte Study - (use Ratiooal Method fur calcuJalions) II Mld-tevel Development Study - (use Umt Ryclrograph Method for ....cllla1lOn$) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit H~ .:.......ph Method mr caJcuIalions) EDVl~nmeatal ~ -.. .01" .J~',", ~:. IiiI Wellhead Zone 2n .q, It~,. Zo......1!!:" . H""tIlS1de Development. f'J lA- M W~t1lllldl&parian. ~.\\1i?..,.,~\.....,~J...~;)," FloodwaylPloodplam; ~1"\""~7.._.A II Soil TyPe: .2.C\.-("Io,,~ ~\.....__ III OtherJunsdictions ~ __ Dow80.......... Analnis: . . N/A o Flow ltne for starting "'ater surfilce elevation' o Design HGL to use for startwg water surface elevation o Manholel.1unction to take analYSIs to R~h.rn 10 M..tt Stouder I'ir) CQLof"Sprindi~ld, CIIUliJ; mstoaderYiict,sPrio2field.or.us. FAX: (541) 736-1021 !Date Received: ReVIsed 1/1/06 Molly "'arkarlan Zd B~EZ 1m: AUG 1 4 2008 9 allO SIOIp'N epuaJ8 dSZ"VO BO 9 ~ JdV Ongmal Submlttl'l 04/17/2008 10 47 FAX 541 736 1001 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW raJ003 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS l FQ'OffiQuoIU"'('llY ~~ * Based "pan 'he rnformulwn pr()1)/deti on 'he front of this sheet. l/re fol/ow,ng "presenl.f II ",1..lmlllll qf what Is neededfOt an appllcQ{ton to be. c-omplerefD" srdJmlllal with ,.UptzCllO c/,omagt!; howevttY. /Jus 11SJ should /tOt ha rut!J m I,ea qfrho Sp,mgfislJ Dell~lopmenl Code (SDC) or the Crty', Engmeermg DUlgn Manual ComplIanCe \9f.th drUIl requuements dotu not con~tttule s,'e apprQVa4 4d4dlonal SIEe sper:lfic mfoTfnlJ/lon mqy be requITed. Note Upon scoP"'K shes SlIbmlttll4 emll,. COII/pleted fonn h= been stgned '" Lhe sp"". prOlllded below laterirn Doslllb Standards/WoleT Quality (l1DSPM Cllapter 3) !!!g'd N/A · 0 AU non-bulldmg, , "L, lNBR) lDlJ>6"YioWl swillee. sball be pr _ __ _ .,.J ("-I:- mu.ln-cllambered catchbasin w/oll filll'l1bon medla) for stomrwater qualily. AddillOoally, a mlnimuDl of SO.,.. of lite NBR lIlIperVlOUS surface shall be treated by vegetated methOds o WhCle requlr-crl, vegetaDve stormwater deslgD shall be COl1'lI_ wJtb IDteom cleslgu standllTds (EDSPM Secl10n 3.02), set forth by the Bureau oCEnvlTonm"lltaJ SeTVIces eBBs) .... Clean Water Se,.,= (CWS) ~ J 0 f1 . For new NBR nnJ)erVloDs _a ""'" than 1.5,000 square folll, a Slmpbfiad de91gJ1 approach DUly be Onowed as spaclfied by <he RES for ...~,.: t'n_ o If a stOnnWater treatmant S"'le is proposed, sublllir ca]cullltIonslspectfications fur SIZIIJg, velocIty, f1o\\, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed IDIX conSIStent WI1h erthar BSS or CWS require_ D Watw QuaUey calculallOllS as reqwr-ed1l1 SeCba:l3.03 IOflheEDSPM &II 0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, Or other tllad CODlallllllg eqwpment located OUtsIde oCtile building, shall be Provided "ith secondary COl1lIlllllllCOl Or welltber resIstant enc;losure Geuenl Sludy Requirements (ElIsPM Se...on 4.03) :: 0 Dl"llJnagl: study ptepared by a ProreSSlonal ClVIl Engmeer lJc;cnsed in the state oCOn:gO)l o . A complete drainage study, as 'eql1lreCl in EDSPM Section 4 03 I, IOdnding a h).':'..;.""callllUdy map o Calcu/Btlons shoWIng system ca"""oty for a 2-year stonn eVllIll and overflow effecls of a 25-year stOrm event o . The fIme of COD._..~~~on (Tc) Shall be d..__.,"<I usmg a 10 IIWIUte s1arI lime for developed basDlS. Itcvlew of DownstreQm System (EDSI'M Section 4.o3.4..C) o II A down!ll\"eam dnunage analySIS as descnbed 1D EDSPM Section 4 03 4 C 01>-$lle drainage shall he governed by lbe Oregon Plumbing SpecIalty Code (OPSe). o . E/evallOQ:i oflbe HGL and flow lincs for both CIty lIIIdprivate ,.,0,-" wbere appbcable Dco.gn of Storm S)sten.. (I!:DSPM SectJo. 4.\)4) , 0 Flow lmes, slopes, filii eleVB!lODli, pIpe type and SJZeS clearly mdiCllled on the plan sel U . Minimum pipe co_ sbaU be 18 I""heS for relnfo""", p'pe and 31\ Inches for plam c._...,. and plas11c plpe matonals, or proper engmeenng caJCUI.llO,", shall be plUvlded when Jess. llIe COWl" sholl be sufficierrr to support an 80,000 Ib load WIthOut follU1e of the Pipe s/lucn1re. o . MannIng's ",," values CDr Pipes llhalJ be COOSislellt wUh Table 4-1 oflhe EDSP. AU storm p""," shalf be deSIgned to ac/uev.. a rnnl1mwn velocity ofthre<o (3) feel per second at 0.5 pipe tUn besed on Table 4-1 as well. OtIftHMisJ: J 0 E>uSimg and ,.' -...-. j contours. IOcaJed at onefboc UltervaJ Include spot elevations and site grades sbowlIIg bow <lte dtams · 0 P"vate stc. .-.' ~... _arnents sbalf be ch:arly depIcted on pi.... wbeQ pnvota SIOrmwater flows fr"", one property to anomer - 0 Drywells shall nor receIve ltIhofffrom any surface w'o beUJ&lr<:ated by one or more BMI's, wtlh rhe~llon of resldcnnol bu.Jdmg 1'00& (EOSP Secllon 3 03 4,A) Add.1Donal ProvlS1DtlS apply w litIS as required by the DEQ .R~fer to the webslte. WWWdPgST'A/.e Of" "'i/wq/!!rOundwaJuichome hem for Ihore Informanoo o iii Detennon ponds shall be designed to IImll nmoffto ~developmenl "'Ies for the 2lhrough :!S-yeor storm events . '" "This jilrlll shtI/J k btt:l"dt!d tIS an 1lhacbfM1U, InsitII! tJrt! ffrlnt cove" of the stlJnnlWlt", stud, , 1 '1/lfPORTANT' F.NCINCl!;R PLEASE READ BELOW'" VD $/C;I\II J As lheengmeer~ret ~~~ cemfy the abu <eqwred items lite cemplete and mc!uded wtlh me SIlbmrlled stormwaler sIudy dIld pJanser:. a , SlgtlaIure ~ 6' Date. h -30 -02' Cd Date Received. AUG I 4 2008 10 of 10 ReviSed 1/1/08 Molly Mar1<onan e~EZ m Onginal Submittal SJ040IN epu"-'8 d9lt'O eo !il ,dll 183-25-yr Prepared by Pacific West Englneenng Services HvdroCAD@6 00 sin 001790 @ 1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems Type /A 24-hr Ramfall"'4 80" 7/1/2008. Subcatchment Paving: paving & roof "C" [49] Hint Tc<2dt may require smaller dt Runoff '" 044 efs @ 7 79 hrs, Volume= o 145 af Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH"'SCS, Time Span= 1 00-24 00 hrs, dt'" 0 05 hrs Type IA 24-hr Ralnfall=4 80" Area (sf) 16.626 CN Descrlotlon 98 Paved parking & roofs Tc (mln) 1 1 Length (feet) 300 Slope (ftIft) o 0500 Velocity (ftIsec) 45 Capacity Description (efs) Shallow Concentrated Flow, paving & roof'Cn Paved Kv'" 20 3 fps " 045-: o 4~ 035-:. ~ 03-: CJ : - 025--. 3: : .2 0 2- u. 015-: o 1- 005-: 0- , 2 Subcatchment Paving: paving & roof "C" Hydrograph Plot 044cfs i ( 1- R~noff ~ ~ . 4 '''-,-.' I """.. ,'.-,-,-,,",-,",',', i"','-','-1-,'".,-,,-,.. "1 I 6 8 1 0 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time (hours) , 24 Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 Original submittal 183-25-yr Prepared by Pacific West Englneenng Services HvdroC:::AI}~? 00 sin 001790 @ 1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems Type fA 24-hr Ramfal/=4 80" - 7/1/2008. Subcatchment Roof: Roof Area [49] Hint Tc<2dt may require smaller dt Runoff = o 08 cfs @ 7 80 hrs, Volume= o 027 af Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1 00-24 00 hrs. dt= 0 05 hrs Type IA 24-hr Ralnfall=4 80" Area (sf) 3,050 CN Description 98 Paved parking & roofs Tc (mln) 1 5 Length (feet) 250 Slope (ftlft) o 0200 Velocity (ftlsec) 29 Capacity Description (cfs) Shallow Concentrated Flow, Roof Area Paved Kv= 20 3 fps - J!! u ~ 009.: o 08~. o 07-: 006-: 005-: 004-:. .' 003-: 002-: OOF Subcatchment Roof: Roof Area Hydrograph Plot . , I 0 08 cfs , f . 1:- Runoff ~ == o ii: . 0'" j" I'" .','.--,-.--,- I -'""'-j - 2 4 6 8 1 0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (hours) I'. -I '....,..j '"0""--.'-- ,,,OJ ',., . r Date Received: AUG 1 4 2008 Original submittal 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00057 DRC2008-00057 DRC2008-00057 Payments Type of Payment Check LRcLLmtl RECEIPT #, DescnptlOn C I Y Site Plan Review + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $] 60 PaId By KOLET A A MAYFIELD &P_Q~~ ~ A.. . ,. , :-.: CI' 'f Sprmgfield Official ReLelpt De,dopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000565 1 1432PM Date' 08/14/2008 Item Total Chelk Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 11,02200 55 I 10 16000 $11,73310 Amount PaId tJ 3340 $11,733 10 $11,73310 In Person Payment Total Date Received: AUG l' 2008 Ongmal Submittal Page I of I 811412008