HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/8/2008 , -' Ie;..... \0..... 0/ ~ "NDMDUAL WARRANTY DE' 1480233. 17 03 15 30 200 WPT 145967 10-48104 9881247 WILLIAM BENETREU and CAROL &.ru..-J.-l\..tiu. husband and wJ.fe J Grantor, conveys and warrants 10 NORTIlBlINK PROPERTY. I.LC the follOWIng described real property SltuCted In LANE free of encumbrances except os speclncolly set forth herein, to-wlr , Grantee, eouoty OR Parcel 3, of Land Partition Plat No 92-P0255. as corrected by survey affidavit of correction recorded November 29. 1994, in Reel No 2016. Reception No 94-82670. Official Records of Lane County. Oregon RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN STREETS. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. This conveyance IS sublect to and excepts COVENANTS. CONDITIONS. RESTRICTIONS. RESERVATIONS. EASEHEI TS AND 1998-9 REAL PROPERTY TAXES. A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE. , mare speclflcally set out In exhIbIt "A" Attached ~T .09'98lI01REC 15 C : ~il!!lCT .09'98lI01PFOO 10.C , !!il!!lCT.09'98lt01A&T FUND 20.0] The true conslderahon for thiS conveyance IS $ 2.900.000 00 "THIS INSTRUMENT WIll NOT AllOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THl5INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPUCAIlLE lAND USE lAWS AND REGUlATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE T1TlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMlTS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES 1>5 DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 . Dated 10/0111998 ~6UJ ~G~~A/-- ~~~~7\",-~~ M~',- OL BbrtLJ..n..e.U Date Received. AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal STATE OF Oregon I )" Counly of Lane I 11m Instrument was ocknowleds..ed before me on WIllIam Benetreu and Carol Benetreu (f) OFflCIAl.SE.II. BE'IEllIHFlSER NOTARY PUBUC oREGON COMMISSION NO 044S07 MY c.ot.lMISSION EXPIRES JUtE. 28, 19118 IO-(}-'i " by I / II U-,. <g -' _ ,,:::-YA. :A Nolaoy P"bl"J"A:J~oo Mrt commiSSIon expires (f ~ Unhl a change IS requested, all lex slclemeots shall be sent 10 the follOWing address PO Box 529 I Eugene I Oregon 97440 After recording retum to Western PloneerTi~e Co, PO Box 10146 Eugene, Oregon 97440 9881247 EXHIBIT "A" 1 199B-99 taxes, a lIen not yet payable 2 The assessment roll and the tax roll dIsclose that the wIthIn descrIbed property has been partIally exempt pursuant to ORS 285 597 et seq, as EnterprIse Zone If the land becomes dIsqualIfIed under the statute, addItIonal taxes and penaltIes may be levIed 3 RIghts of the pUblIc In streets, roads and hIghways 4 Easement, IncludIng the terms and provIsIons thereof, as created by Instrument, Recorded November 29, 1910 Volume 87, Page 281 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Trl-State RaIlway and Power Co (Blanket easement) 5 Regulations IncludIng lIens. assessments. rIghts of way and easements, If any, of McKenzIe RIver Improvement Olstrlct, as establIshed by Instrument recorded May 6, 1947, Recorder's ReceptIon No 2-39259, Lane County Oregon Records (The document creatIng saId dIstrIct IS unavallable through Lane County Records) (Blanket easement) 6 Easement, IncludIng the terms and provISIons thereof, as created by Instrument, Recorded July 6, 1953 ReceptIon No 7490 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of MountaIn States Power Company (Blanket Easement) 7 Easement as shown on the dedIcated plat, For publIc utIlItIes Affects Westerly and Southerly 7 feet 8 NotIce of Agreement, IncludIng the terms and provisIons thereof, between Sycan 8 CorporatIon and the CIty of SprIngfIeld, recorded August 25, 1992, Reception No 92-47603, OffIcIal Records of Lane County, Oregon 9 Improvement Agreement, Including the terms and provisIons thereof, Recorded August 25, 1992 ReceptIon No 92-47604 OffIcIal Records of Lane County, Oregon Between Sycan B CorporatIon and the CIty of SprIngfIeld 10 Improvement Agreement, IncludIng the terms and provIsIons thereof, Recorded August 25, 1992 Reception No 92-47606 OffIcial Records of Lane County, Oregon Between Sycan B CorporatIon Date Received. and the CIty of SprIngfIeld ContInued AU6 0 8 2008 Original Submittal '. . , 9881Z47 <. EXHIBIT 'A' Contlnued II Covenants, condltlons, restrlctlons and easements, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, contalned In Declaratlon recorded August 25, 1992, Receptlon No 92-47607, Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon, but deletlng any covenant, condltlon or restrlctlon lndlcating a preference, llmltatlon or dlscrlmlnatlon based on race, color, rellglon, sex, handlcap, famlllal status, or natlonal orlgln to the extent such covenants, condltlons or restrlctlons vlolate 42 USC 3604(c) 12 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded November 2, 1993 Receptlon No 93-70811 Offlcial Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Clty of Sprlngfleld For publlC utlllty 13 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded November 2, 1993 Receptlon No 93-70812 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Clty of Sprlngfleld For slope 14 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded August II, 1994 Receptlon No 94-58644 OfflClal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Lane County For publlC road 15 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded August 11, 1994 Receptlon No 94-58645 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Lane County For publlC utlllty 16 Improvement Agreement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, Recorded October 12, 1994 Receptlon No 94-72946 Offlclal Records of Lane County, oregon Between Ron Mattson and the Clty of Sprlngfleld 17 Covenants, condltlons, restrlctlons and easements, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, contalned In Declaratlon recorded June 13, 1995, Receptlon No 95-32372, Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon, but deletlng any covenant, condltlon or restrlctlon lndlcatlng a preference, llmltatlon or dlscrlmlnatlon based on race, color, rellglon, sex, handlcap, famlllal status, or natlonal orlQln to the extent such covenants, condltlons or restrlctlons vlolate 42 USC 3604(c), lncludlng the rlght to levy certaln charges or assessments aga 1 nst the subject property Date Received: r~lr; 08 200B - ! 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