HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/8/2008 ..~ ,City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development SPRINGFIELD .. ~ . ....- Company' PIVOT Architecture IAddress' 72 We,t Broadway Eugene OR 97401 I \;_'V'~~ \,,, ~ ~,~~..^t.:: ,,~ I Property Owner: Northbank Property LLC Icompany: Gmstma Resources IAddress' PO Box 529 Eugene. OR 97440 I~" k- /- ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~._~",'._.'{.4L4' IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-30 , !,~~.!:,~T I Property Address: 950 lntematlOnal Way, Spnngfield. OR ISlze of Property: 3 ~",~"'fJ-" "I"" jj~~r; ;; ,t,=~#;Wi.~_~~ Izonmq: Campus Industrial (CI) I EXlstmq Use: fabneahon ot automobile pal1' I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application Proposal: Paek,lgmg food ISIQnatures: Please 51 ,- . " , Phone 541-461-2160 Fax: 541 - 461- 1633 I I - ~ '- - - I r~hohe , I 541 - 342 -7291 .' I Fax: I 541- -342 - 1535 .~- ~ , - '- I ','" ,." ~" , Phone l 541-485-1500 Fax: I e J .."p r" ^' ~ "'^"" - ~ ~/ if] 201 I I Acres ~ Square Feet 0 I Aoolicant Name. Icompany: IAddress. Marty Noonan Golden Temnle Foods 2545 Prame Road Eugene, OR 97402 11- "% , '" ~ "1 r \,,_~ 0 ", - ~ ... Applicant's Rep.' lohn Stapleton " -fi;~ !6'~ _1j 'ir " - - , . -. -. .. ..- rlnt your name and date In the appropriate box on the next aqe . 0.' ./ _ -T"~.._.- , . - - Associated Cases: 5'/;-/(( /fl\~- ~<:g Icase No.:DQcz..&,B- ~5?1 Date. /Z/<J:O/061 Reviewed by ~ IAPPllcatlOn Fee: $ 10 J-,O ~o I Technical Fee: $ 51 00 I PostaQe Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ 10 11 ~ I PROJECT NUMBER' f'~~~q, - ~t&Ll I M::;;'~ ,,~ ~ \. & ~~4~:;<:;S~K 1 ~f ~ <l'~1k.=_ ,~ , J'~ 'J Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 ~ Signatures Applicant. ~,:'~:~if~:" "" ,"ormo,," '" '0, "",OQ''':::::'" :\:~'~ It^., ~OD~ ~ Print If the appll a t IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permiSSion for the applicant to act In his/her behalf Owner: I\....!.~ ~Ignature PM! Print ~ "- ~ 'LL~ ~ 1(./4 Date:C3.19I08 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 5 \....1. I. i OF SPRINGFIELD VI\....J.!~J.J. i MAP DRC2008-00053 950 International Way " , I . ..... I !Xl I 0::: I <{ I () I ....J ~ I I )! I 0 I I I I I --------. , . ". . ~ Map 17-03-15-30 Tax Lot 201 North + ~ It) ...!.. "l ,--- .. o <v~ .- .^'v~ Date Received: AUG 0 8 2008 . ~U'~If1 I '.:- ...ililta' . '.J ; " \'1.... 10" 0'" ~ INDMDUAL WARRANTY DE' 1480233, 17 03 ~5 30 200 WPT 145967 10-48104 9881247 WILLIAM BENETREU and CAROL BENETREU I husband and wJ.fe conveys and warrants to NORTHB!\NK PROPERTY, LLC ,Grantor, the follOWIng descnbed real properly sltualed In LANE free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herem, to-wIr ,Grantee, eou"!)' OR Parcel 3. of Land Partition Plat No 92-P0255. as corrected by survey affidavit of correction recorded November 29. 1994. in Reel No 2016. Reception No 94-82670. Official Records of Lane County. Oregon RIGHTS OF TIlE PUBLIC IN STREETS, ROl\DS AND HIGllWAYS, n,IS conveyance 15 subled to and excepts COVENANTS. ~v~u......... .,Lv~,d. RESTRICTIONS I RESERVATIONS. EASEME'i TS AND 1998-9 REAL PROPERTY TAXES. A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE 1 more specl.fl.cally set out In exhlblt "A" Attached ~.D9'98fI01REC 15.(, ~i!DCT .D9'98fI01PFOO 10.( I !!mCT.D9'98ft01A&T FUND 20 (I The true conslderchon for thiS conveyance IS $ 2 I 900.000 00 "THIS INSTRUMENT W1U NOT /W.OW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPUCABLE lAND USE lAWS AND RfGUlATlONS BEFORf SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE T1TI.E TO THE PROPERTY SHOUlD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE OTY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMJTS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS MRNED IN ORS 3D 93D . Doled 10/01/1998 r~l~g~~o/'- ~;~5\~~~M'~ Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal STATE OF oregon 1 I" County of Lane ) This Instrument was acknowledoec:l before me on W~ll~am Benetreu and Caro~ Benetreu ~ <m:lAI.SE.\I. BP/EIII.YLFISER fKlTMf1P1JBUCOREGClN COMt.USSION NO 044507 U't'COMNISSIONEXPIRESJL.N:28, 1l1ll1l 10-;;'-'1'1 by ...:' ,2' .' ....-::.(/~ A Nokl'Y M":f.kJ~ My commiSSIon expIres U I I /I~ ~ Unhl 0 change IS requested 011 tax slctementi shall be sent 10 the fOllOWing address PO Box 529, Eugene, Oregon 97440 After recording return to Westem P,oneer Ti~e Co, PO Box 10146, Eugene, Oregon 97440 9881247 EXHIBIT T 1 1998-99 taxes, a lIen not yet payable 2 The assessment roll and the tax roll dIsclose that the wlthln descrlbed property has been partlally exempt pursuant to ORS 285 597 et seq, as Enterprlse Zone If the land becomes dlsquallfled under the statute, additional taxes and penalties may be levled 3 Rlghts of the publlC in streets, roads and hlghways 4 Easement, Includlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded November 29, 1910 Volume 87, Page 281 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Trl-State Rallway and Power Co (Blanket easement) 5 Regulations lncludlng llens, assessments, rlghts of way and easements, lf any, of McKenzle RIver Improvement Dlstrlct, as establIshed by lnstrument recorded May 6, 1947, Recorder's Receptlon No 2-39259, Lane County Oregon Records (The document creatIng sald dlstrlct IS unavallable through Lane County Records) (Blanket easement) 6 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provIsIons thereof, as created by Instrument, Recorded July 6, 1953 ReceptIon No 7490 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Mountain states Power Company (Blanket Easement) 7 Easement as shown on the dedIcated plat, For publIc utIlItIes Affects Westerly and Southerly 7 feet 8 Notlce of Agreement, includlng the terms and provlslons thereof, between Sycan B Corporatlon and the Clty of Sprlngfleld, recorded August 25, 1992, Receptlon No 92-47603, OffICIal Records of Lane County, Oregon 9 Improvement Agreement, lncluding the terms and provlslons thereof, Recorded' August 25, 1992 Receptlon No 92-47604 OffICIal Records of Lane County, Oregon Between Sycan B CorporatIon and the CIty of SprIngfIeld 10 Improvement Agreement, InclUdIng the terms and provISIons thereof, Recorded August 25, 1992 ReceptIon No 92-47606 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon Between Sycan B Corporatlon Date Received and the Clty of Sprlngfleld ContInued AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal " . , 9881Z47 .. EXHIBIT 'A' Contlnued II Covenants, condltlons. restrlctlons and easements, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, contalned In Declaratlon recorded August 25, 1992, Receptlon No 92-47607, Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon, but deletlng any covenant, condltlon or restrlctlon lndlcatlng a preference, llmltatlon or dlscrlmlnatlon based on race, color, rellglon, sex, handlcap, famlllal status, or natlonal orlgln to the extent such covenants. condltlons or restrlctlons vlolate 42 USC 3604(c) 12 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument. Recorded November 2, 1993 Receptlon No 93-70811 Offlcial Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Clty of Spr1ngfleld For. publlC utlllty 13 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded November 2. 1993 Receptlon No 93-70812 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Clty of Sprlngfleld For slope 14 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument. Recorded August 11, 1994 Receptlon No 94-58644 Offlcial Records of Lane County. Oregon In favor of Lane County For publlC road 15 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof. as created by lnstrument, Recorded August 11. 1994 Receptlon No 94-58645 OfflClal Records of Lane County. Oregon In favor of Lane County For publlC utlllty 16 Improvement Agreement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof. Recorded October 12, 1994 Receptlon No 94-72946 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon Between Ron Mattson and the Clty of Sprlngfleld 17 Covenants, condltlons, restrlctlons and easements, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof. contalned In Declaratlon recorded June 13. 1995, Receptlon No 95-32372. Offlclal Records of Lane County. Oregon, but deletlng any covenant, condltlon or restrlctlon lndlcatlng a preference, llrnltatlon or dlscrlmlnatlon based on race, color, rellglon. sex, handlcap, famlllal status, or national orlgln to the extent such covenants, condltlons or restrlctlons vlolate 42 USC 3604(c). lncludlng the rlght to levy certaln charges or assessments agal nst the subJect property Date Received: ~~I!'j 08 2008 OJ !"'''\1__t C\.!Llrllt1:: 1__ J '. OWNER'S SCHEDULE A Pol~cy No. 185593 Order No. 145967 , 1 I Amount of Insurance $2,900,000 00 Premlum $4,084 00 I , I I Dat~ of Policy' October 9, 1998 at 1 ]5 P m 1. I I Name of Insured: , I I I Thel estate or 1 nterest 1 n the 1 and Whl ch 1 s covered by thl s pol icy 1 S. I I , NORTHBANK PROPERTY, LLC 2. 3. I I I Title to the I Fee Slmple estate or lnterest ln the land lS vested In' NORTHBANK PROPERTY, LLC 4. I I The land referred to ln thlS POllCY lS descrIbed as follows I Parcel 3, of Land Partltlon Plat No 92-P0255, as corrected by survey af~ldavlt of correctlon recorded November 29, 1994, ln Reel No 2016, Receptlon No 94-82670, Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon I 1 I 1 Date Received. A"^ ~ . 'lMO r ).. '- t_.....J Onginai Sl.iJ~l..a.::.j.______ OWNER'S SCHEOULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE ThlS POllCY does not insure agalnst loss or damage (and the Company wlll not pay costs, attorney's fees or expenses) WhlCh arlse by reason of. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS' 1. Taxes or assessments WhlCh are not shown as eXlstlng llens by the records of any taxlng authorlty that levles taxes or assessments on real property or by the publlC records, proceedlngs by a publlC agency whlch may result ln taxes or assessments, or notlces of such proceedlngs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publlc records Any facts, rIghts, lnterests, or clalms WhlCh are not shown by the publlc records but WhlCh could be ascertalned by an lnspectlon of sald land or by maklng lnqulry of persons ln posseSSlon thereof. Easements, encumbrances, or clalms thereof, not shown by the publlC records, unpatented mlnlng clalms, reservatlons or exceptlons ln patents or ln acts authorlzlng the lssuance thereof, water rlghts, clalms or tltle to water Any llen or rl~ht to a llen, for serVlces, labor, or materlal heretofore or hereafter furnlshed, lmposed by law and not shown by the publlC records Dlscrepancles, confllcts ln boundary llnes, shortage In area, encroachments, or any other facts whlch a correct survey would dIsclose. 2 3. 4. 5. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 6. Taxes #17 03 15 30 00200, 4-01, 1998-99 $28,346.41 AMOUNT DUE (Account No ]480233) 7. The assessment roll and the tax roll dlsclose that the wlthln descrlbed property has been partlally exempt pursuant to ORS 285 597 et seq, as Enterprlse Zone If the land becomes dlsquallfled under the statute, addltlonal taxes and penaltles may be levled 8. Rlghts of the publlc ln streets, roads and hlghways. 9. Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded November 29, 1910 Volume 87, Page 281 Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Trl-State Rallway and Power Co (Blanket easement) Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal Contwued , 10 Regulat10ns lnclud1ng llens, assessments, r1ghts of way and easements, 1f any, of McKenzle Rlver Improvement D1strlct, as establ1shed by lnstrument recorded May 6, 1947, Recorder's Receptlon No 2-39259, Lane County Oregon Records (The document creatlng sald dlstrlct lS unavallable through Lane County Records.) (Blanket easement) I 11.1 Easement, 1nclud1ng the terms and provls10ns thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded: July 6, 1953 Recept10n No 7490 Deea Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Mounta1n States Power Company (Blanket Easement) 121 Easement as shown on the dedlcated plat, For. publ1c utllltles Affects Westerly and Southerly 7 feet 131 Notlce of Agreement, lnclud1ng the terms and prOV1S1ons thereof, between Sycan B Corporatlon and the Clty of Sprlngfleld, recorded August 25, 1992, Receptlon No 92-47603, Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon . 14.1 Improvement Agreement, 1 ncl ud 1 ng the terms and prOV1 s 1 ons thereof, Recorded' August 25, 1992 Recept10n No . 92-47604 Off~c1al Records of Lane County, Oregon Between Sycan B CorporatIon and the C1ty of Spr1ngf1eld 15 Improvement Recorded' Recept10n No Offl1 C]a 1 Records Between' and the C1ty of Agreement, 1nclud1ng the August 25, 1992 92-47606 of Lane County, Oregon Sycan B Corporat1on Spnngf1eld terms and prOV1S10ns thereof, 16. Covenants, cond1t1ons, restr1ct1ons and easements, 1nclud1ng the terms and, prOV1 Sl ons thereof, conta 1 ned 1 n Decl arat lOn recorded August 25, 1992, Recept10n No 92-47607, Off1C1al Records of Lane County, Oregon, but deletIng any! covenant, cond1t1on or restr1ct1on 1nd1cat1ng a preference, llm1tat1on or d1scr1m1nat1on based on race, color, rel1g1on, sex, hand1cap, fam1l1al status, or nat10nal or1g1n to the extent such covenants, cond1t1ons or restr1ct1ons v1o~ate 42 USC 3604(c) I 17.1 Easement, 1nclud1ng the terms and prOV1S1ons thereof, as created by 1nstrument, Recorded November 2, 1993 Recept10n No 93-70811 Off~c1al Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of- C1ty of Spr1ngf1eld For~ publ1C ut1l1ty [ , , Date Received: t'''' ~ . ,,1\"0 ,~ 1 'J _ r..~_J Cl :';ICJ SL... '1\~/:L~_ Contlnued 18. Easement, lnclud1ng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded: November 2, 1993 ReceptIon No 93-70812 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of. Clty of SprIngfIeld For: slope 19 Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded August 11, 1994 Receptlon No 94-58644 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Lane County For publlc road 20. Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, as created by lnstrument, Recorded August 11, 1994 Receptlon No 94-58645 Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon In favor of Lane County For publlc utlllty 21 Improvement Recorded Receptlon No Officlal Records 8etween. and the Clty of Agreement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, October 12, 1994 94-72946 of Lane County, Oregon Ron Mattson Spnngfleld 22 Covenants, condltlons, restrlctions and easements, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, contalned In Declaratlon recorded June 13, 1995, Receptlon No 95-32372, OfflClal Records of Lane County, Oregon, but deletlng any covenant, condltlon or restrlctlon lndlcatlng a preference, llmltatlon or dlscrlmlnatlon based on race, color, rellglon, sex, handlcap, fam1l1al status, or natlonal orlgln to the extent such covenants, condltlons or restrlctlons vlolate 42 USC 3604(c), lncludlng the rlght to levy certaln charges or assessments agalnst the subJect property 23 Deed of Trust and Asslgnment of Rents and Leases, lncludln9 the terms and provlslons thereof, glven to secure an lndebtedness WIth lnterest thereon and such future advances as may be provlded thereln, Dated October 2, 1998 Recorded: October 9, 1998 Reel No . 2473R Receptlon No. 98-81248 OfflClal Records of Lane County, Oregon Amount $2,]75,000 00 Grantor' Northbank Property, LLC Trustee: Wells Fargo Bank (An zona), Nailonal Assoclatlffute ReceIVed Beneflclary. Wells Fargo Bank, Natlona1 Assoc1atlon AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal submittal Conbnued , 24. Unrecorded lease, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof and such other exceptlons as may appear necessary upon the recordlng thereof, Dated: August 2], 1998 Lessor: Northbank Propertles, LLC Lessee: Cascade Fabrlcatlon Dlsclosed by. Subordlnatlon, Non-DIsturbance, Attornment and Estoppoel Agreement, dated October 2, 1998, Reel No 2473R, Receptlon No. 98-81249, Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon END OF EXCEPTIONS Date ReceIved AUG 0 8 2008 Original SubmIttal - 1;50' - f t J:' I ? ,~ I 0 . b . ,:> /; I ~ f ( t" f -:21 f I f I I~E 9t7t.eC I 1- . - j~ l{),J: lJ.Jj5:2 f-J: ~, C/)j~ ct:lJ... lJ.J- f-'U Zj<( -Q SEE MAP 17 03 15 00 , II, III '11I' llllt,l\l ,II, In t{WallnU H1P P'{',ll! I', III I I I _. _. ~"I 1lZ14.2' ' bl U Western :',oneeiJlile oft "". [, ,,) - "~,,~,,,,-:: -""""'''''''",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,~--,~~- ,,' I bllilvfo,rvara,IIon5 If "11n q ._-~-._~'." J ~ P') ---- dliiienslOns arll, ocaflo'ris~cerlalnab~_ y 8 :> 100 S 28769 Ol ~uual survey : ll>...... fI-: 5fH.AC .... ,:? {..} 00 r _./ V ~ ll> = r' ow III . a;: ~ S LINE EUJAH W R I ~..t (.0 . ,- HEA 0 LC NO. 44::! _ s 11M...... [ "J1M' .$ ~ r _~ ...~....w "" "1l332cr m N ~VA :J"S O.Le. NO. 45 'i' -'>>''';=~"".",.".. ". a JOO 3 004~ 78 J. ~":",, rp~~q,,; "'''c : h <6l~rp.'1,. ~ ~ A1 ' .~ % \j" (I )i;f \~ ~~ if) (~2 i 1!J~I~. if ' ~ 5.28003 ! t.. 0;,.' '. C2 ~~~ (ij "" E .0 ::J >QI]H I (ij c:: ~ ;:: o S 32381 dl r'TI ,1_, :J ~ I ~' w ~~@) / ! @Jrif 1~1. -. II p~J 700 803 ACT 600 730 ACT ~1b (...:::, ,..--- ,,' II I' \, , II I // II ! I j'c:'~ , , . MEMORANDUM );VO- 172 West BrO;d~ay ~~~4; 7291 I Euge~e OR 97401 , I plvolarchltecturecom 154134215351 . PrOject Golden Temple Tea Dept Relocation (0820 00) Date 6 August 2008 To City Planner, Springfield Utility Board From John Stapleton, Project Manager Subject PrOject Narrative Overview Golden Temple Foods Intends to move a portion of their operation to an eXisting facility at 950 International Way In Springfield ThiS will require some modifications to the eXisting bUilding These modifications are as follows . Addition of a below grade truck dock on the north Side of the bUilding . Construction/alteration of non structural partltlon'walls within the structure . Installation of low pile (less than 12' high) storage racking . Installation of HVAC & dust collection systems . Minor alterations to the eXisting electrical, sprinkler, and HVAC systems The 3 acre site IS currently zoned Campus Industrial The bUildings & site are currently vacant, previously used for fabrication and storage of automotive parts Adjacent properties are also zoned Campus Industrial No off site development IS proposed Golden Temple proposes to remove some trees that are breaking the foundation A tree felling permit will follow at a later time Approximately 110 CY of excavation Will take place at the truck dock No new ImpervIous surface Will be added Drinking Water Protection Overlay Application, Site IS located Within the 1 year Time of Travel Zone Containment at truck dock will be facilitated by a cover over the loading area, With a drain attached to the sanitary sewer That drain Will have a manual shut-off valve With a sign posted Date ReceIved AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal MEMORANDUM 8/7/2008 stating "SHUT OFF VALVE IN CASE OF SPILL IN TRUCK DOCK" There are less than 500 gallons of hazardous matenals on the site (see the attached list of matenals and amounts) Secondary containment Inside the facility will consist of placing the hazardous matenals noted In the Statement within a sheet metal basin equal to the volume of the matenals contained , Hazardous matenals consist of small amounts of lubncatlon 011, these will be recycled by the 011 supplier For additional Information, please call me Thank You. John Stapleton, Project Manager PIVOT Architecture END OF DOCUMENT Date Received: AUG 0 8 2008 Original Subm'U:.:_____ ;. Page 2 of 2 ~ ~ '< m ~ ~_/~ ~I I . POPI~\\^Y 1:1 -i-- .10..;; I' ','I __l ~ ~, ~ ~ ., " ., " .. '. i -~ j' =, .j--- .. \ \ \ " _, I " .' t~ " 1(_)) C , , '[II " ,('11 I' ,. .. \11", > I . ' III,~\ ., ;1,11: ,-{> I u.J , , , " - o I:, 0' --1- . I ~ "T f A "'I '.N ft"r1ITliPJ. Nl Fl I I ~"'" [I' " 'H^, Nl 1 EA Df:PARTMENT RELOCATION I _ ___ D~te R~cei~e_ Allr. 0 R 2008 Onglnal Submittal l ~ ~ =< ,m ~ r .----- f _/// _____ I - CORr " \ fr'~' J=:I I I "'I _____- -=_-=-c-c-,-c i~ - kJ 'eytf'8 " T i D \ \ \ , " ,- =]--' " ~ '! , =~~ -=- ~ , \ \0 .~ r\\:", ~]TO \ I ,'I, I , ~ ,,1Ic11'1'1~' 'I' - .. IIII ~~- - -~~ - - = -~- I - ~\ -" 4vVv - " " r " " I, ,. ,\ , , , , ,'1\ " ' ',' I II I' " , 1 , ,- '" 11'11: " " -{> _J I, ,. '0 ,1 ~ \ m , , '{ 1; OCkr'llll..c<, r-I Date Re~e~efiWll AUG -ll-i-2O(1R -~ T'" ~ r," reM< I r F ">Sl , l TEA DEPARl MEN! fU-LOCATION Ongmal Submittal 1 II ~ J~ ~ , I~ 1 b I pOf<r ty , ---- - ----- ~~, ~]-r;~ IBI~ ~, "\ r /; " ' _L. B -, \ \ , \ I 71--; - I -;~~ II' f J _, I =-'1 ;; , n i , ~, 'I: I 1'1' 1 'I , 1'1 '" " I , , Ig " 1"1- -r-~-I.",,, , ~ r=-- I =----J I-lkIIITlRA.'I'J',l <Al ],," N ~~~'~~~:~~~1rEN~'~~I~ATION Date ~Ceive_ umJG 0 8 2008 Orlgmal Submlttal__ TEA M 4.INTENANCE !VIA TERIALS I PRODUCT NAME # 190 Penetro 90 Bulk #280 Food Grade Hydlaulic Od SAE 10/ISO 32 # 158 Moly Pure SynthetIc Compres~OI Od ISO 32 #112 HIC 011 SAE 5/ ISO 22 #112 HIC Od SAE 30/ ISO 100 #209 140w Gem Lube Safety Kleen PremIUm Solvent HItachI TP-K81 Pnntmg Ink Hitachi IH-81 U Make- Up Ink I I I I I I I I MANUFACTURER Schaeffer Mfg Company Schaetler Mfg Company Schaeffer Mfg Company Schaeffer Mfg Company Schaeffer Mfg Company Schaeffer Mfg Company Safety Kleen Systems rnc HItachI Amenca Ltd HItachi Amellca Ltd MAXIMUM QUANTITY ON-SITE 5 gallons 5 gallons 5 gallons 5 gallons 25 gallons 5 gallons 15 gallons < I gallon < 3 gallons Date ReceIved AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ If'lk'~'\'ll;;Z5 Safety Data Sheet according to 20Q1/58/EC Cardamom C02-to extract, type no 003002 Page 1 of5 Print date 10 05 2006 Flavex Naturexlrak:le G>nbH 1 IdentificatIon of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking 1 1 IdentifIcation of the substance or pml.1aratlon Cardamom C02 to extract type '10 003 002 Use of the substanceJpreparabon In food Industry and pertumery 1 2 Comoanv/undertakma Identlflcatron Company name Street Place Contact person e-majf Internet Inquiry office Emergency telephone Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH Nordstr 7 066780 Rehlmgen Slersburg Mr J Sewerm Info@fJavex com www flavex com POison Information center Frelburg +49 (0)761/19240 _2 _ <:~mpo~lt~nllnfo~C!tIO~ ~!:l_lng!..e_dle~t~ _ ~ Chemical charactenzatlOn (preparation) INCI-Name E:lettana CardamomLlm Seed Extract [C02] CAS no 96507-91-4 EC no (EINECS/ELlNCS) 306-171 0 essential 011 content 65 - 75 % Hazardous components EC No CAS No 470-826 80262 Chemical name 1 a-cineole terplOyl acetate 207-4315 201-2657 Full text of each relevant R phrase can be found In heading 16 Addrflonallnformatlon no solvent residues 3 Hazards IdentifICation ClaSSification Symbols Harmful Imtant R-phrases Harmful may cause tung damage If swallov ed Jrntatrng to eyes respiratory system 3l'd skin Explication of speclal hazards for human health and environment Special skid risk by leakl'1gfspllhng product Contains < 4 0 % IInalool ICAS no 18 10-6) < 0 6 % geraniol [CAS-no 106-24-1) < 2 0 % Ilmonene [CAS no 5989 27 5] May cause allergiC reac110ns 4 FIrst aid measures General InformatIOn Consult physIcian If problems persist , ,~C 1( I" Telephone +49 (0)6635/919S-0 Telefax +49 (0)6835/919595 Quantity Classification 18 34 % XI R36/37/38 16 34 % XI R36/38 ~)ate Recetveo lWI1 U Ii 200a 'I.~ Iln, H ::..< h"hT,-r'~!: , c I Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH ~r~,1/A\~ Safety Data Sheet according to 2001/58/EC Cardamom C02-to extract, type no 003 002 Pnnt date 10052006 Page 2 or 5 After InhalatIon Provide fresh air After contact with skm After contact with skin wash Immediately with water and soap After contact with eyes Immediately flush eyes with plenty of flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes holding eyelids apart After mgestlon Rinse mouth Immediately and drink large quantities of water Consult physICian ~_~ Flr~lghtm~ ~e~as~~e~__ SUItable extmgulshlng media foam C02 powder Extmgulshlng media which must not be used for safety reasons water stream SpeCial exposure hazards arriving from substance or preparation Itself, combustlon products, resultmg gases formation of dangerous fumes possible SpeCial protective eqUIpment for f1re~flghters In case of fire Wear self-contained breathing apparatus G ACCIdental release measures '~1 , Personal precautions AVOid contact With skin and eyes concentrated extracts should not be swallowed EnVironmental precautIons keep away from canallsatlon watervvay groundwater Methods for cleamng up/takmg up Remove mechanlcally placmg In appropnate containers for dISposal r-7 Handhng~ ~~d~~~~!;~ ~ 7 1 Handling AdVIce on safe handling AVOid contact with skin and eyes concentrated extracts should not be swallowed wear splash goggles and oilreslstent gloves AdVIce 011 protectlon agalllst fire and explOSion Keep a"ay from sources of Ignition No smokmg Date Received 1 2 Storaq~ ReqUirements for storage rooms and vessels no speCial measures necessary Further information on storage conditions keep dark and dry aVOid heat store In tightly closed container Storageclass (Vel) AUG 0 8 2008 OrigInal Submittal 3B 8 Exposure controls/personal protectIon 81 Exposure lImit values 82 EXDosure controls r '-'{" d' 0, C .0:; ~ I ~[Lf:',X:i! 2)~\ Safety Data Sheet according to 20Q1/58/EC Cardamom C02-to extract, type no 003002 Print date 10052006 Protectrve and hygiene measures remove con tam mated clothes Respiratory protection do not breatre vapour I aerosol breathing protectron rndlcated aerosol or mIst generatJon Hand protection wear ollreSlslant gloves Eye protection wear splash goggles Skm protection wear clothIng as usual In chemical rndustry 9 PhysIcal and chemical properties ~ 1 GenAral mformatlon. Physical state Colour Odour clear all light yellow characteristic 9 2 Imoortant health safetv and environmental information Changes In the physIcal state Flash pornt Densoty (at 20 oc) Water solubility Solubility In other solvents Solvent content no solvent residues good soluble In fat phases 10 Stablhty and reactivIty -- -- Conditions to avoid heat open flame sun light Materials to avoId OXidiZing age'1ts Hazardous decomposition products none - when carefully used Addltlonal mformatlon no decomposition In the appllc8t on f eld 11 TQ){IcologlcallOformatlon Flavex Naturextrakte Gl'1bH Page 3 of 5 Test method > 61 oC method Abel-Pensky 0,924 - 0 944 g/cm3 pycnometer unsoluble Acute tOXICIty According to our knowledge the crem1cal physical and toxicological properties have not been exarrlned extensively LD 50 I LC 50__ Component LOSO terplnyl acetate LOSe 1 8 c.neole Type oral oral Empirical data on effects on humans Imls'lng to eyes respiratory system and skin 12 EcologIcal mformatlOn Value SOlS rrglkg 3100 mglkg SpeCIes rat rat 1)l;:l~!;O.J~t1lr,-;'; v'dO AUG [i K ~OO& ,)nglPn! SL'bITd\l2, Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH ~ [}O;1&,'(f~ I Safety Data Sheet according to 2001/58/EC Cardamom C02.to extract, ty pe no 003 002 Pnnt dale 10 05 2006 Page4of5 EcotOXIClty No data for Ecological evaluation on hand Under appropriate use there are no ecological p oblems to expect Additional Information no heavy metals and Inorganic components 13 DIsposal consIderations ________~ H_ __~ Advice on dIsposal In accordance wIth valid regulatIons ContamInated packaging In accordance with valid regulatIons _14_ Tr,,!:,poJi-,nformatl?.'!.. ___ Futher Information no dangerous good In the sense of the transport regulations I "15 Regulatory Inf;";"-;'ti~~."~ ._-=_ ~-~_ _ ~~~=-~~~ __ _ 151 Labelhnq Indication of danger Xn - Harmful Xn - Harmful Labelling accordmg to EC-guldellnes The clasSIfication was undertaken In accordance With the method of calculation governed by the preparation regulatIOns (1999/45/EC) In case of contact With eyes nnse Immediately With plenty of waler and seek medical advice Wear sUitable gloves If swallowed do not mduce vomlung seek medical adv(ce Immed\ately and show thIs container or label Special labelling for certain preparatIOns Warning - thiS preparation contains a substance not yet tested completely .152 NatIonal reaulatlons Employment restrictions Observe employment restrictIOns for young people Observe employment restnctlOns for child beanng mothers and nursing Water contaminating class 1 slightly water contaminating R phrases 65 36/37/38 S phrases 26 37 62 Harmful may cause lung damage If swallowed Irntatlng to eyes respiratory system and skm 16 Other mformatlOn Date Received' List of relevant R phrases 65 Harmful may cause lung damage If swallowed 36/38 Irritating to eyes and skm 36/37/38 lmtalmg to eyes respiratory system and skin Other data AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal SubmittaL. - ~ I ~ 1 'r c ~ Flavex Nalurexlrakte GmbH ~ l?i1L~(:;1:?t~ Safety Data Sheet according to 2001/58/EC Cardamom C02-to extract, type no 003 002 Pron! dale 10052006 Page 5 of 5 The mformatlon IS based on present level of our knowledge It does not however give assurances of product propertIes and establishes no contract legal nghts The receiver of our product IS slngulary responsible for adhermg to eXlstmg laws and regulations Changes This data sheet contains chaf1ges from the prevIous version In sectlon(s) 2 3 11 15 Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Orlgmal Submittal f vi ~I 'h I [j ~I /'e., ~ [;:>[li~~0.~\ Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EU) No 1907/2006 Ginger C02-to extract, type no 014002 Pflnt date 03 04 2008 Page 1 of5 1 IdentlflcatJon of the substance/preparabon and of the company/undertaking Identlflcatlon Of the substO'lnce or oreoaratlon Ginger C02 to extract type no 014002 Further product name Ingwer C02-to Extrakl Typ Nr 014002 Ginger C02-to extract type no 014 002 Gmgembre extralt C02-to reference 014 002 Use of thf! !'iub!';fance/nreoarahon In food Industry and In pharmaceuticals Comoanv/undertaklno IdentifIcation Company name Street Place Telephone Conlact person e-mail Internet InqUiry office Emergency telephone r-=---- ,------- I 2 Hazards Idenllflcabon Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH Nordstr 7 0-66780 Rehlingen-Slersburg +49 (0)6835/9195 0 Mr J Sewenn mfo@flavex com www fiavex com POlson information center Frelburg +49 (0)761/19240 Telefax +49 (0)683S/919S9S - ~ , I ClassifIcation IndicatIons of danger Imtant R phrases Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin May cause senSltlzatJon by skin contact Explication of special hazards for human health and environment Special skid risk by leaking/spilling product Contains <: 07 % Ilnalool [CAS-no 78706] <: 0 2 % geraniol [CAS-no 106-241] <: 1 0 % Irmanene [CAS-no 5989-27 5J <: 0 3 % crtronellol [CAS-no 106 22-9] <: 3 0 % crtral [CAS-no 5392-40.5] May cause allergrc reactions I 3 Com.29sl~onhnf~rmatlon o~ ~~$!re~_II:n_t~ ChemIcal characterization INCI Name Z nglber Offlc!nalls Root Extract [C02] CAS-no 84696151 EC no (EINECS/ELlNCS) 283-634-2 Hazardous components [C No CAS No Chemllal ndme Quantity Classification [ssentlalOII Ginger pungenl compounds 38 46 % Xn XI R36/37!3865 25 33 % XI r~3G!37138 Full text of each relevant R phrase can be found In headmg 16 11"'+'" R"'''''''IVed t '- I~ '" " co = J' ,,<: ~ AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH ~ r~l1E~:?1m Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EU) No 1907/2006 Gmger C02-to extract, type no 014 002 Pnnl date 03 04 2008 Page 2 ofS Further Information no solvent residues 4 First aid measures General mformatlon Consult physIcian If problems persist After inhalation Provide fresh air After contact with skm After contact with skin wash Immediately wIth water and soap After contact wIth eyes Immediately flush eyes with plenty of flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes holding eyelids apart After ingestion Rinse mouth ImmedIately and drink large quantitIes of water Consult physIcIan 5 Flre-flghtmg measures L _ ____~__~_~ ___ _~__ ~ _ _ ~_ ___ -- -_-..! SUitable extmgUlshmg media foam C02 powder Extmgulshlng media which must not be used for safety reasons water stream SpecIal exposure hazards arlsmg from substance or preparation Itself, combustion products, resultmg gases formation of dangerous fumes possible Special protective eqUipment for fire.flghters In case of fire Wear self-contained breathing apparatus G Accidental release measures - -~ ---~ ---~- 1 i Personal precautions Avoid contact With skin and eyes concentrated extracts should not be swallowed EnVIronmental precautions keep away from canallsatlon waterway groundwater Methods for cleaning lip/taking up Remove mechanically plaCing In appropriate containers for disposal I - ---~----- - _7 Han(~~ng and ,,!orage_ Handtlna AdVice on safe handlmg Avoid contact With skm and eyes concentrated extracts should not be swallowed wear splash goggles and Ollreslstent gloves Date Received Sloraqe ReqUirements for storage rooms and vessels no speCial measures necessary Further Information on storage conditions keep dark and dry avoid heat store In tightly closed container Slorageclass (Vel) AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal submlttal_- -- 10 F'c> Ie 1 elle 1~ \ 2 <' [II Flavex Nall"rextrakte Gr'1bH ~ [;olVJ\\~l-t;~< Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EU) No 1907/2006 Gmger C02-to extract, type no 014002 Pnnt date 03 04 2008 Page 3 of 5 8 Exposure controls/personal protection Exonsure limit values .Exoo!l;ure control!':. Protective and hygiene measures remove contaminated clothes Respiratory protection do not breathe vapour 1 aerosol breathing protectIon indicated aerosol or mist generation Hand protection When uSing chemical substances protective gloves against chemIca 5 must be worn with the CE label including the four control digits German Industry Standards 1 EN standards EN 374 Eye protection wear splash goggles Skm protection wear clothing as usual In chemlcalmdustry I 9 Physical and chemical properties General1nformabon Physical state Colour Odour clear 011 brown charactenstlc lmoortant health. safetv and envlronmentallnformabon Test method Changes In the physical state Flash pOint DenSity (at 20 '0) Water solubility Solublhty In other solvents Solvent content no solvent residues > 100 oC 'nethod Abel Pen sky o 950 0 980 g/cm3 pycnometer unsoluble good soluble In fat phases ~ 0_ ~tablh~ and r=~ctJv!t~ CondItions to aVOId heat open flame sun I ght Materials to avoid OXidiZing agents Hazardous decomposition products none when carefully used Addltlonal mformatlon no decomposltJan In the application field 11 TOXicological ~nf?!matlon Acute tOXICity According to our knowledge the Cf1emlcal phYSical and IOYlco1oglc.al proputll.':s t 3Je no! bet.n exarY'rned extensively Empirical data on effects on humans ~-}~1'(.) !~Pt"O-l\J.::'lq ,I , r 0 , ~ AUG G E 2008 Jngln81 Submll.8i. ~ ~[1&~rn{ Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH Safety Data Sheet according to RegulatIOn (EU) No 1907/2006 Ginger C02-to extract, type no 014002 I Page40f5 J Pnnt d?te 03 04 2008 Im,ates skm and eyes Further InformatIOn FrequentlY or prolonged contact with skin may cause dermallrrltallon 12 Ecological mformatlon --- - - ~--- -- ----~- EcotOXlclty No data for ecological evaluation on hand Under appropriate use there are no ecological problems to expect Further Information no heavy metals and InorganiC components 13 Disposal consIderations -- --- --- -- - ---~ --- --- Advice on disposal In accordance wlth valid regulations Waste disposal number of waste from residues/unused products 160306 WASTES NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE LIST off-speCification batches and unused products, organrc wastes other than those mentloned In 16 03 05 Contaminated packagIng In accordance with valid regulations 14 Transport Informabon Further InformatJOn no dangerous good In the sense of the transport regulations l!.5 Regu~atol)l-'T~ormat~___ ~--.J LabelhnQ Danger symbols ~+:""2::~Xij ~'s'~' JJ e: , I XI ~ Imlant XI ~ Imtant R phrases 36/37/38 43 5 phrases 24 26 37 Irntatlng to eyes respiratory system and Sklfl May cause sensitization by skin contact Avoid contact With skin In case of COf1tact With eyes rinse Immediately wltn plenty of water and seek medical advice Wear sUItable gloves Speclallabelhng for certain preparations Caullon - subslance nol yellesled complelely Date R"'lcelved AdditIOnal advice on labelling The c\asslflcatlOn was undertaken In accordance wlHl the method of calculation go\.ern.id by the 0 ""J8 l' A"IJ,~,-" preparation regulations (1999/45/EC) P_ National reaulatorv InformatlD'1 Employment restrlcllons Water contamlnatlOg Cl3SS Observe employment r8'>trlcllons for young people 2 water cortarnlndllng Ongln" ..-"-" ,~- - l' , l.c- P "0 I.. ~c~' ~ [;s[L/~fV!ID:< Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EU) No 1907/2006 Ginger C02-to extract, type no 014002 Print date 03042008 Page 5 of 5 16 Other information Full text of R phrases referred to under sections 2 and 3 36/3'/38 Irntallrg to eyes respiratory system and skin 43 May cause sensitization by skin contact 65 Harmful may cause lung damage If swallowed Further Information The information IS based on present level of our knowledge It does not however give assurances of product properties and establishes no contract legal rrghts The receiver of our product IS smgulary responsible for adhering to eXisting laws and regulations Changes This data sheet contams changes from the prevIous version In sectlon{s) 1 3 7 8 11 13 Oate Received AUG 0 8 2008 Ongmal Submittal "r Ii< r)~ ReJ,~(J'l0d1C J"r~2 T ~ f ] MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET l' "J l JP.K81 Printing Ink THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE!T CONfORMS TO THE ilEQUIREMENTS OF ANSI Z400 1 THIs MSDS COllPLlES WITH 29 CFR 1910 1200 (OSHA HAZARD COMYUNICATION STAHOARO} IYPORlANT READ THIS MSDS BEFORE HANDLING OR DISFOSING OF THIS PRODUCT I SECTION 1- PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICA nON MMIUFACTURER I DISTRIBUTOR Hitachi America Ltd 50 Prospect Avenue Tarrytown, NY 10591 JP K81 Prlntln9 Ink Industnal coding applications, Ink Jet Pnnters X (22 45 53,83) 0376 914-524-8885 CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 PRODUCT NAME MATEIUALUSES PRODUCT COOE NON EtlERGENCyPHOM: EMERGEnCY PHOIIE !SECTION 11- COMPOSITION I INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREo,alT CAS# 6764-1 64175 872-50-4 PERCENTRAIIOE (%) 40 70 5 10 1-5 AcetOlle Ethanol Methyl n.2.pyrrolldone I SECTION III. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMISj REACTIVITY I 0 I r->f'f.lS{)J'l,!.\L PIE) ;"B;nOn I z I NOTICE THEsE RATlt.GS ~RE FOR GEUERAl. RAP 0 lNHRPRETATIOU THE EJ./!l-\.ISER IS RESPONSJBLE FOR DE1EFlMIN,NG TH~ PROF~R PROTECT VE PROwEDURES Warning' Flammable LiqUid and Vapor Skin Eye and Mucous Membrane Imtant Do not use near fire or flame May be fatal or cause blindness If swallowed Avoid contact with skin eyes and mucous membranes If skin contact occurs wash skin With mIld soap and water If sprasl1ed In eyes flush WIth water If Inhaled remove to fresh air In medical emergency contact Poison Control Center (U~A noD 222 12? ) Read MSDS before uSing EXPOSURE EFFECTS AND RELATED SYMPTOMS EMERGENCY OVERYI:W ACl;:TO~ A skin and severe eye Irnlant Expenmerllal reproduclive effects Narco!lc In t\lgh concentrahon Nausea vomlllng flushing mental eXCItement or depressIon drowsiness Impaired perceptlcn uncoordlnatlon ~tupor coma ard death may occur EnlA>lOl MElliYL w2 PYflROUODi'JE Judged 10 be embryo tOXIC In rats and mice by oral and nlerpentoneal routes at concentratlors !lear the LD50 Xl rmtml RISK SJATB>1ENTS Rll Hetly Fta.'r'll3bt~ RJ9J23f24125 To~,c drJ1gerol 'ery snnou.'~~rs,ble ~ec~ ~ro..G ",~""I'YI "Ci'nla o.th "~"~ ,I",,,," N,ea RJ6 1T1't>b!lJto P;"s RE6 Re~.e ed e~D<'>SlJre '!lay causa ~km <ryne Sot O'ile,~" SfFETVSTA7EMEHIS 51/2 Kooplocl<P1uparn:lculor,eacholctoldten 5T Keepcunta.netghtr/clllW<l 516 Ke>lp~yltomoource~al'gn~on NoSmo.lung' 525 A.....:lr.ontld".1hpy~ 536m We:iJrSU1btt.errru.edlVedothJ[>,]~ndg'()Ves S4~ Inca~ oj acadr,lor~l'W r~e Jm~d w.~ 'llI'd,Cil' 00 lCS ."'''<latel; 1</10' It-<> tat.. "hf'fl' r"wb' I !. ,_ ~_____ d FHoghlyFlamm;.JtOO I SECTION IV . FIRST AID MEASURES ORALI"'GESTION EYI:CONTACT 51(111 CONTACT INHALATION Do not Induce vOml~ng unless directed to do so by medical pel'$on'lel Seek m.nedlate meclcai atlertlon Flush with walerfor 15 mlnules and seek medical attenllon Wash With soap and water Wash contaminated clothing before reuse Seek Immediate mcdlcal attention Remove to fresh air If not breathmg give artifiCIal respiration and seek medical attention Date Received Page1of4 AUG 0 8 2008 ')nglnal Submittal I SECTION V - FIREFIGHTlNG MEASURES EXTi'lGlJISHING MEOtl\ HAZAR DOllS CC!.lBUSnm PRODUCTS Alcohol Resistant foam or dry chemIcal Carbon MonoxIde, Carbon DIoxide Wear self contained breathing apparatus WIth rull faceplece operated In the posItive pressure demand mode FIRE F!l3HTING PROCEDURES I SECTION VI. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Keep away all sources of Ignlbon from spill (f spill IS Indoors ventilate areas of spill and soaK up the spill With absorbent malenal Do not lei spilled or leakmg matenat enler watercourse I SECTION VII. HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE , AVOid contact wlUl eyes Wash hands thoroughly With soap and water after handling Utilize proper grounding With containers of malenal Prolect from freezing Overheatmg may cause conlamer 10 rupture Covered storage In a cool dry place out of direct sunlight Is preferable Keep container tightly sealed untIl ready for use Store away from Ignition sources HANOUNG I SECTION VIII- EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION If workplace exposure Ilmll(s) of product or any other component IS exceeded, a NIOSHfOSHA approved respirator IS adVised (See your safely eqUipment suppher forspeclficdetalls) ProVide sufficient mechanical (general and/or local exhaust) ventllahon 10 maintain exposure below PEU TlV Wear ch€mlcal resistant glo'les (ConsuJl your safely equipment supplier) Wear chemical splash goggles In compliance With OSHA regulahons However OSHA regulatIons also permit other types of safety glasses ReSPIRATORYPROTECllD~ VUmu.T1CII PROTECTIVE GlOYES EYEPROTEC110~ OTHER PROTECTIVE EQlJ1PMENT Wear Impervious dolhlng and boots to prevent prolonged exposure OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE llMlrs INGREDIENT Acetone Ethanol Methyl n 2 pyrrohdone ACGIH TLV' 7SO 1000 Not Established I SECTION IX . PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE COLOR DOOR BOILING RAt-Gf MElTlNGRArlGE SPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER=1) D",my(lbs 19a1) EVAPORATION Rm (N BIJTYL ACE1:ATE=1) PERWIT VOLAT1LE By VOLUME (%) VAPOR PRESSURe VAPOR DE~jSITY (AlR=1) FLA,H POIIlT (Tcc) AUiOIG"motJTEMPERAT1JRE UP:>f:R FLAt.l!.'ABlE w'm (%Bv VOL) lO,VEl'! FlA\HJi\BLE liMIT (%By VOL) SOLUBIUTV !N WATER SOlUSlllTY hi ORGANIC SOLVENTS pH I SECTION X. STABILITY & REACIVITY CO'lCITIONOFh.jSTAfllliTY CCIJDlTlotJSOF REACTIVITY INCOMPAT1BIUTY HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS EXPLOSION DATA (SEkSlT1VE To MECHA/JICAL IMPACT) EXptOSION DATA (S::NSITIVE To STAT1t DISCHARGE) Page2of4 OSHA PEL' 750 1000 Nol Eslabilshed liqUid Dark Solvent odor -60C>C - 950 C 0861 717 -71 77 85% -185 mmofHg@200C Greaterlhan air 40 C - 465" C 128 26 MISCible MIscible NolAppilcable None KnOWn Not applicable Strong OXidiZing agents Carbon MonOXide Carbon DIOXide No Yes Date Rece\Vf'd AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal subm,ttal- I SECTION XI- TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION blGRWIENT Acefone TOXlCOLOCICALINFORMATlON" LD5l)lnlravenous(rat)5500mgfkg LDr.c Oral (rat) 5800mg/kg LC50 Inhalabon (rat) 50 000 mg I mJ I 8 hr LDlo Oral (oog) 8 9 I kg lD5IlClfal (rabbit) 5a40mg/kg lO5QSkln (rabbIt) 20g/kg LDsoOral(rat) 7060mgfkg LC.Iillnhalahon (rat) 20000 ppm/10hr LD5G Intrapenloneal (rat) 3750mglkg LDs.1lnlravenous (rat) 1440 mg { kg LDLo Oml (dog) 5500 mg I kg LOu, Subcutaneous (dog) 6000 mg I kg LD5(J Ol<ll (ral) 3914 mglkg lD.'.lllntrapenloneal(rat)2472mg/kg LDro Intravenous (rat) 81 mg { kg L050 Skin (rabb!t} 8000 mg I kg Ethanol Methyl n 2 pyrrolldone I SECTION XII. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY Not Available PERSISTANCE I OEGRADABILrTY Not Available HEAVY M8ALS Concentration of lead mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromIum [Cr(VI)) <: 100 ppm No other ecoJogJcaJ mformatJon IS avaIlable for thiS product I SECTION XIII- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Absorb In vermcullte, floor absorbent or olher non-combushbJe absorbent malenal and dispose In licensed facility Observe all federal state and local regulations I SECTION XIV - TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT I TOG UN NU~IIER & PROf>t:R SHIPPING NAME oor I TOG HAZAR, CWlSS OOT f TOG LA... P.a,CKlNGGROUP EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEBOOK NUMBER UN1210 PRINTiNG INK 3 FL.AMMABLE liQUID II 129 I SECTION XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA CERCLA All chemicals used are listed on the TSCA Inventory The follOWing product(s} IS (are) listed by CERCLA Acelonc(40 70%) SARA 313 The follo\Vlng product(s) IS (are) listed on SARA 313 Methyl N 2 Pyrollldone (1 5%) This product contains the followmg Ingredients that the State of California has found to cause cancer birth defects or other reproductive harm which reqUIres a wamlng under the statute ~ethyl N 2 Pyrolhdone (1 5%) The components of this product are listed On the chemica! Inventones of the following countnes Australia, Canada, Europe (EINECS), Japan, Korea, United Kingdom California Prop 65 International Regulations Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Page3014 Onglnal Submittal I SECTION XVI. OTHER INFORMATION 1s'SlJ'EO/l.TE March 2007 REViS ON NUMBER SUPERCEOES nJ, ChnsJordan ProductSpeclahsl PREPARED By DISCLAIMER Every effort has been made to ensure thai the information In this MSDS IS accurate and as complete as reasonably pOSSible and of course all data herein are given In good faith However, all information IS furnished without warranty of any kind, and Hitachi Amenca, Lid expressly negales any warranty of accuracy, expressed or Implied, and Hitachi Amenea, Lid assumes no responsibility for personal inJury or damage to property to customers, vendors, or third parties If any Information herem proves to be Incorrect In any respect Purchasers are encouraged 10 make Independent determination of sUitability and completeness of Informabon from all sources to assure proper use and compabblllty of product Uate Recelve- AUG 0 8 2~" '''lOal submlt!?1 Page4of4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Manufacturer Address Address Schaeffer Mfg Company Emergency Response Number 102 Barton Street 314-865-4105 or St LOUIS, MO 63104 800-325-9962 SECTION 1 - PRODUCT NFORMATION Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Additives I Trade Name #209 Moly Universal Gear Lube SAE 140 Chemical FamIly I Formula Proonetarv Mixture I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS COMPONENTS CHEMICAL NAMES AND COMMON CAS [, NAMES Number % I ppm Exoosure Limits TVL PEL mQlmJ ppm m~/mJ 5 5 100% Paraffin Base Oil 64742-570 64742-62 1 64742-54-7 8992 l 3-4 131733 S I 1-3 SectIon 3 - PHYSICAL DATA BOIling Pomt >60QoF/300oC I SpeCific Gravity Vapor Pressure Jmm. Hq) Not Determined I % Volatile Vapor Density .lAlf = 1) Not Determined I EvaooratlOn Rate (=1) Solubllltv In Water Insoluble I pH Appearance and Odor Grev black color stron.o odor SECTION 4 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARO DATA Flash POint (Method) oF/oG 520oF/271 10C CO C I FlammabilIty Limits UEL & LEL - --Not Determined (ASTM 0.92\ ExtlnQUlshmg Media Carbon dioXide foam. drY chemical foam. sand earth SpeCial FIre Flghtmg Procedures For fires Involving thiS matenal do not enler any enclosed or confined space without protective epulamenllncludlna self-contAined breAthlna aoo.aratus Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards Dense black smoke SECTION S REACTIVITY HAZARD DATA STABILITY ~Xl STABLE r lUNSTABLE I Hazardous DecompOSition f 1 WILL IXl WILL NOT OCCUR Conditions to Avoid HIQh heal. hlQh ener!=lv IQnltlon sources Incompatlbllltv (Mat to aVOid) Stronq oXidizers and reducers Hazardous DecomposItion Products OXIdes of carbon and bv products of Incomplete combustion Conditions to AVOId None Olefin Sulfide Molvbdenum Disulfide NE 10 NE 15 9028 N,I Not Determined Not Applicable SECTION 6 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA Threshold LimIt Value and Sources 5 O/mq/nf for Oil mist OSHA & ACGIH Acute Effects of OverexDosure inqestlon Nausea and Diarrhea TackIness aQents In thiS product may pOSSibly be coaqulated bv stomach aCids Eye Contact Imtabon and redness to eves Skm Contact Prolonqed and repeated contact with the skill can cause Irritation and redness to skin Inhalation Vapors can be given off under high heat conditions excessive breathing of vapors can cause Irritation of the resPlrato.rv_ tract CHRONIC EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE None currently known Eme~aencv and First Aid Procedures Swallowma If conscIous Dive two olasses of water to drink Do not Induce vomlllno Seek medical attention Immedlatelv Skm Wash skin thorouqhlv with soaa and water Launder contaminated clothinG Inhalation Remove Victim to fresh air ]f breathing IS labored administer oxygen If breathing has stopped start artifiCial resD.lratlon Immedlatelv Flush p-vP..s with c1p-;:Jr r:nnl r:Ip.8n wCltp-r far 15 minutes Seek medica] Clttp.ntlCJrl Immedlatelv SECTION 7 - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Environmental Impact ThiS matenalls not expected to present any enVIronmental problems other than those aSSOCiated with oil spills ]f sPilled Into a watercourse call the Coast Guard Toll Free No 800-424-8802 Procedures To Be Taken If Material Is Released or Spilled Immediately absorb spilled matenal V'.1(h absorbent clay or 011 dn Keep out of sewers and waterwavs Shovel UP and dispose of In approved waste containers Waste Disposal Method Dispose of at an approved waste or disposal site faCility In accordance With all applicable federal slate and local laws and reClulatlons ThiS oroducl IS not conSidered to be an RCRA hazardous waste SECTION 8 - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION None reqUired under ordlllarv conditions of use No speCial reqUirement under ordlna_rv conditions of use and With adequate ventilation Chemical resistant ooooles of face shield Oil resistant qloves Eves Resplratorv Protection Ventilation Eve ProtectIOn Protective Clothlnq Date Prepared 4/30104 OF-1049 Rev (1999) Date Received. AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal #209-140 Page 2 SECTION 9 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautions To Be Taken In Handling and Storage 00 not store near reat spark name or strong oXidizers Keep containers closed when not In use Special Comments Remove 011 soaked clothing launder before reuse Wash Skill thoroughly with soap and water after tlandhng Keep away from food and feed oroducts SECTION 10 - ADDITIONAL HEALTH AND TOXICOLOGICAL DATA HMIS & NFPA Ratmgs Health = 1 FIre = 1 Reactivity = 0 This product does not contain any of the chemicals listed on the National Toxicology Program Annual Reports on Carcinogens The International Agency for Cancer Research Monographs and OSHA s 1910 10 Subpart Z List This product does not contain any chemicals that are found on the State of California s Proposition 65 LIst for chemicals classified as potentia! reproductive or cancer causing agent This product does not contain greater than 1 % of any of the chemicals listed on the EPA s SARA Title III Section 302/304 and 313 list and CERCLA 102 (a) All of the components In this material are on the US TSCA Inventory All components are In compliance with the Canadian Environmental Act Although the Information and recommendations set forth hereIn (hereafter referred to as Information) are presented In good faith and beheved to be accurate and factual as of the date hereof, Schaeffer Mfg Company makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy thereof Information IS supplied upon the condItion that the person receiving the same will make theIr own determinatIon as to Its safety and SUitability for their purposes prior to use In no event Will Schaeffer Mfg Company be responsible for damages of any natures whatsoever resulting from the use or reliance upon InformatIon No representation or warranty, either expressed or Implied, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose IS made with respect to information of the product to whIch the information refers Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 - - '~I C:;ubmlttal SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA S S31B1~'~l8en, SECTION 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT SYNONYMS Parts Washer Solvent, Petroleum Distillates, Petroleum Naphtha, Naphtha, Solvent, Stoddard Solvent, Minerai Spirits PRODUCT CODE 6605, 6638 PRODUCT USE Cleaning and degreaslng metal parts If this product IS used In combination With other products, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for those products These numbers are for emergency use only If you desire non-emergency product informatIOn, please call a phone number listed below 24-HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER MEDICAL AND TRANSPORTATION (SPILL) 1-800-468-1760 SUPPLIER Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc 5400 Legacy Drive Cluster II, BUilding 3 Piano, Texas 75024 USA 1-800-669-5740 www Safety-Kleen com TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1-800-669-5740 Press 1 then Enter 7500 MSDS FORM NUMBER 82658 ISSUE November 1, 2006 ORIGINAL ISSUE January 26, 1995 SUPERSEDES April 20, 2004 PREPARED BY Product MSDS Coordinator APPROVED BY MSDS Task Force Date Received ReVISion 11/06, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 1 of 12 AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA SECTION 2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS OSHA PEL" ACGIH TL~ WT% NAME SYNONYM C:AS NO TWA STEL TWA STEL LDa LCb ppm ppm 100 Distillates (petroleum) N Av 64742478 SOQe ppm N Av 100c N Av 5000' 5500c hydrotreated light 2900" mgfm3 mg/kg mg/m3/4h **OSHA Fmal PEL value (enforceable) Some States hal,le adopted more stringent values N Av = No! Available aOral Rat LDso blnhalatlon Rat LCso CBased on Stoddard Solvent SECTION 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW APPEARANCE Liquid, clear, colorless to pale yellow, mild hydrocarbon odor WARNING' PHYSICAL HAZARDS Combustible liquid and vapor HEALTH HAZARDS May be harmful If Inhaled May Irritate the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs), eyes, and skin May be Ilarmfullf swallowed Contains material that may cause central nervous system and kidney damage ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Not tOXIC to aquatic life Date Re:,~"r..)r 'AUG (; e Z2~3 Onglnal SubmittaL ReVISion 11106, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 2 of 12 SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR'USA AND CANADA POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS INHALATION High concentrations of vapor may be harmful If Inhaled High concentrations of (BREATHING) vapor or mist may Irritate the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs) High concentrations of vapor or mist may cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, loss of coordination, numbness, and other central nervous system effects Massive acute overexposure may cause rapid central nervous system depression, sudden collapse, coma, and/or death EYES SKIN INGESTION (SWALLOWING) May cause Irritation May cause Irritation Not likely to be absorbed In harmful amounts May be harmful If swallowed May cause throat Irritation, nausea, vomiting, and central nervous system effects as noted under INHALATION (BREATHING) Breathing product Into the lungs dunng Ingestion or vomiting may cause lung Injury and possible death MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE Individuals With pre-existing respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs), central nervous system, kidney, eye, and/or skin disorders may have Increased susceptibility to the effects of exposure CHRONIC CANCER INFORMATION Prolonged or repeated Inhalation may cause tOXIC effects as noted under INHALATION (BREATHING) Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause central nervous system and kidney damage Prolonged or repeated eye contact may cause Inflammation of the membrane lining the eyelids and covenng the eyeball (conJunctivitiS) Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause drYing, cracking, redness, Itching, swelling (dermatltrs) and/or burns No known carcinogenicity For more Information, see SECTION 11 CARCINOGENICITY Also see SECTION 15 CALIFORNIA POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Product IS not tOXIC to aquatic life Also see SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION INHALATION (BREATHING) SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES Remove to fresh air If not breathing, give artifiCial respiration If breathing IS difficult, give oxygen Oxygen should only be administered by qualified personnel Someone should stay With Victim Get medical attention If breathing difficulty persists Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 ReVISion 11/06 MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 3 of 12 Onglnal Submittal SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA EYES If Irritation or redness from exposure to vapor develops, move away from exposure Into fresh air Upon contact, Immediately flush eyes with plenty of lukewarm water, holding eyelids apart, for 15 minutes Get medical attention SKIN Remove affected clothing and shoes Wash skin thoroughly With soap and water Get medical attention If Irritation or pain develops or persists INGESTION (SWALLOWING) 00 NOT Induce vomiting Immediately get medical attention Call 1-800- 468-1760 for additional Information If spontaneous vomiting occurs, keep head below hips to aVOid breathing the product Into the lungs Never give anything by mouth to an unconscIous person NOTE TO PHYSICIANS Treat symptomatically and supportlvely Treatment may vary With condition of victim and speCifiCS of Incident Call 1-800-468-1760 for additional Information SECTION 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT 1480F (640C) (approxlmately)Tag Closed Cup FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR LOWER 0 7 VOL % (minimum) UPPER 5 VOL % (maximum) AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 41 OOF (21 OOC) (minimum) HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS Decomposition and combustion materials may be tOXIC Burning may produce carbon monOXide and unidentified organic compounds CONDITIONS OF FLAMMABILITY EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Heat, sparks, or flame Carbon dioXide, regular foam, dry chemical, water spray, or water fog Date Received AUG 0 8 ?Jll:~ ~, -'rial submltta\_-- ReVISion 11/06, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 4 of 12 SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA NFPA 704 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION This Information IS Intended solely for the use by Individuals trained In this system FIRE HAZARD (RED) SPECIFIC ~ HAZARD ~ (WHITE) ~ REACTIVITY (YELLOW) FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS Keep storage containers cool with water spray A posltlve- pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and full- body protective equipment are required for fire emergencies FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Vapor explosion hazard Indoors, outdoors, or In sewers Vapors may travel to Ignition source and flashback Vapors will spread along the ground and collect In low or confined areas Run-off to sewer may create a fire hazard Heated containers may rupture or be thrown Into the air "Empty" containers may retain residue and can be dangerous Products are not sensitive to mechanical Impact Products may be sensitive to static discharge, which could result In fire or explosion SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Remove all Ignition sources Do not touch or walk through spilled product Stop leak If you can do It without nsk Wear protective equipment and provide engineering controls as specified In SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Isolate hazard area Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entenng Ventilate area and avoid breathing vapor or mist A vapor suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors Contain spill away from -surface water and sewers Contain spill as a liquid for pOSSible recovery, or sorb with compatible sorbent matenal and shovel with a clean, sparkproof tool Into a sealable container for disposal Additionally, for large spills Water spray may reduce vapor, but may not prevent Ignition In closed spaces Dike far ahead of liqUid spill for collection and later disposal Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 ReVISion 11/06 MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 5 of 12 J Onglnal Submittal SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA HANDLING SHIPPING AND STORING SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Keep away from heat, sparks, or flame Where flammable mixtures may be present, equipment safe for such locations should be used Use clean, sparkproof tools and explosion-proof equipment When transferring product, metal containers, Including trucks and tank cars, should be grounded and bonded 00 not breathe vapor or mist Use In a well ventilated area AVOid contact With eyes, skin, clothing, and shoes Do not smoke while uSing thiS product Keep container tightly closed when not In use and dunng transport Store containers In a cool, dry place 00 not pressunze, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, or gnnd containers Keep containers away from heat, flame, sparks, static electnclty, or other sources of Ignition Empty product containers may retain product reSidue and can be dangerous See SECTION 14 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION for Packing Group Information SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS ProVide general ventilation needed to maintain concentration of vapor or mist below applicable exposure limits Where adequate general ventilation IS unavailable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other englneenng controls to control airborne levels below applicable exposure limits Where explOSive mixtures may be present, equipment safe for such locations should be used PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RESPIRATORY PROTECTION EYE PROTECTION Use NIOSH-certlfled P- or R- series particulate filter and organic vapor cartndges when concentration of vapor or mist exceeds applicable exposure limits Protection prOVided by air purrfYlng respirators IS limited 00 not use N-rated respirators Selection and use of respiratory protective equipment should be In accordance In the USA With OSHA General Industry Standard 29 CFR 1910 134, or In Canada With CSA Standard Z94 4 Where eye contact IS likely, wear chemical goggles, contact lens use IS not recommended .....- Date ReceIVed AUG 0 8 2008 Ongin:>l submittal ReVISion 11/06 MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 6 of 12 SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA SKIN PROTECTION PERSONAL HYGIENE OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Where skin contact IS likely, wear neoprene, nltrrle, or equivalent protective gloves, use of natural rubber or equivalent gloves IS not recommended To avoid prolonged or repeated contact with products where spills and splashes are likely, wear approprrate chemical-resistant faceshleld, boots, apron, coveralls, long sleeve shirts, or other protective clothing Use good personal hygiene Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling product and before eating, drrnklng, or uSing tobacco products Clean affected clothing, shoes, and protective equipment before reuse Discard affected clothing, shoes, and/or protective equipment If they cannot be thoroughly cleaned Discard leather articles, such as shoes, saturated with thiS product Where spills and splashes are likely, facilities storrng or uSing these products should be equipped with an emergency eyewash and shower, both equipped with clean water, In the Immediate work area SECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE, APPEARANCE, AND ODOR LiqUid, clear, colorless to pale yellow, mild hydrocarbon odor ODOR THRESHOLD 30 ppm (based on Stoddard Solvent) MOLECULAR WEIGHT SPECIFIC GRAVITY DENSITY VAPOR DENSITY VAPOR PRESSURE BOILING POINT Not available 077 to 0 80 at 600F (15 60C) (water = 1) 6 4 to 6 7 LB/US gal (770 to 800 g/I) 5 (air = 1) (approximately) 02 mm Hg at 680F (20oC) (approximately) 06 mm Hg at 1000F (370C) (approximately) Date Received. 3500F (1770C) (Initial) FREEZING/MEL TING POINT -450F (-430C) (maximum) AUG 0 8 2008 pH Not applicable Original Submittal EVAPORATION RATE o 1 (butyl acetate = 1) (based on Stoddard Solvent) ReVISion 11106, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 7 of 12 SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA SOLUBILITY IN WATER Insoluble FLASH POINT 1480F (640C) (approxlmately)Tag Closed Cup FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR LOWER 07 VOL% (minimum) UPPER 5 VOL% (maximum) AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 4100F (2100C) (minimum) STABILITY INCOMPATIBILITY REACTIVITY HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS SENSITIZATION MUTAGENICITY CARCINOGENICITY SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stable under normal temperatures and pressures Avo~d heat, sparks, or flame Avoid aCids, alkalies, oXidizing agents, reducing agents, or reactive halogens Polymerrzatlon IS not known to occur under normal temperature and pressures Not reactive With water - None under normal temperatures and pressures See also SECTION 5 HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS SECTION 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Based on best current Information, there IS no known human sensitization associated With thiS product Based on best current Information, there IS no known mutagenicity associated With thiS product Based on best current Information, there IS no known carcinogenicity as categorized by ACGIH A1 or A2 substances, as categorized by IARC Group 1, Group 2A, or Group 2B agents, or as listed by NTP as either known carcinogens or substances for which there IS limited eVidence of carcinogenicity In humans or sUfflcle'1fatl1le~ae\Ved' carclnogenrclty In experrmental animals AUG 0 8 2008 Also see SECTION 15 CALIFORNIA RevIsion 11/06, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 8 of 120n:;lrIal submittal SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY Based on best current Information, there IS no known reproductive toxIcity associated with this product Also see SECTION 15 CALIFORNIA TERATOGENICITY Based on best current Information, there IS no known teratogenicity ,associated with this product TOXICOLOGICALLY SYNERGISTIC PRODUCT(S) Based on best current Information, there are no known toxicologically synergistic products associated with thiS product SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY A Static Acute Bioassay as per California Department of Fish and Game WPCL was done uSing fathead minnows and up to 750 ppm of the products In water The material passed the bioassay , OCTANOLIWATER PARTITION COEFFICIENT Not available VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 100 WT%, 64 to 6 7 LB/US gal, 770 to 800 g/l As per 40 CFR Part 51 100(s) SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL Dispose In accordance with federal, state, provincial, and local regulations Regulations may also apply to empty containers The responsibility for proper waste disposal lies with the owner of the waste Contact Safety- Kleell regarding proper recycling or disposal USEPA WASTE CODE(S) Not regulated Based on available data, thiS Information applies to the product as supplied to the user Processing, use, or contamination by the user may change the waste code applicable to the disposal of thiS product Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal ReVISion 11/06 MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 9 of 12 SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA DOT TDG SECTION 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION Bulk Packages (>119 Gallons) Shlpprng Name Combustible liquid, nos (petroleum naphtha) UN/NA # NA1993 Hazard Class Combustible liquid Packrng Group III Required Placards Class 3 NA 1993 Non-bulk Packages (<120 Gallons) Shlpprng Name Cleaning compounds (Petroleum naphtha) (Not US DOT regulated) UN/NA # None Hazard Class None Packrng Group None Required Label(s) None Shlpprng Name Non-regulated goods EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE NUMBER USA REGULATIONS SARA SECTIONS 302 AND 304 SARA SECTIONS 311 AND 312 SARA SECTION 313 CERCLA 128 Reference North American Emergency Response GUidebook SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION Based on the Ingredients listed In SECTION 2, this product does not contain any "extremely hazardous substances" listed pursuant to Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Section 302 or Section 304 as Identified In 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A and B ThiS product poses the following health hazards as defined In 40 CFR Part 370 and are subject to the requirements of sections 311 and 312 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorrzatlon Act of 1986 (SARA) Immediate (Acute) Health Hazard Delayed (Chronrc) Health Hazard Fire Hazard ThiS product does not contain "tOXIC" chemicals subject to the requirements of section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthonzatlon Act of 1986 (SARA) and 40 CFR Part 372 Based on the Ingredient listed In SECTION 2, thiS product does not contain any "hazardous substances" listed pursuant to the ComprehenSive Envlronrnental Response, Compensation arraatttiJ~celved Act of 1980 (CERCLA) In 40 CFR Part 302, Table 302 4 AUG 0 n008 ReVIsion 11106, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 10 of 12 Onglnal Submltt'., SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA TSCA The component of this product IS listed on, or IS automatically Included as "naturally occurrrng chemical substances" on, or IS exempted from the requirement to be listed on, the TSCA Inventory CALIFORNIA This product may contain a detectable amount of benzene CAS 71-43-2 (at or below 0 4 mg/L) and p-dlchlorobenzene CAS 106-46-7 (at or below 5 mg/L) WARNING These chemicals are known to the State of California to cause cancer This product may contain a detectable amount of benzene CAS 71-43-2 (at or below 0 4 mg/L) and toluene CAS 108-88-3 (at or below 30 mg/L) WARNING These chemicals are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm CANADIAN REGULATIONS This product have been classified In accordance with the hazard cntena of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains alllnformaJlon required by the CPR WHMIS Class 83 - Combustible Liquid Class 028 - Irrrtatlng to eyes and skin CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT (CEPA) The component of this product IS listed on, or IS automatically Included as "substance occurrrng In nature" on, or IS exempted from the requirements to be listed on, the Canadian Domestic Substances List (OSL) Date Received. AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal ReVISion 11/06, MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 11 of 12 SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM SOLVENT SAFETY-KLEEN PREMIUM GOLD SOLVENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR USA AND CANADA SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION REVISION INFORMATION This MSDS has been revised In the following sections Sections 1 and 4 Correction of Emergency telephone numbers Sections 5,9 and 12 Correction of Density, Specific Gravity and VOC content LABEL/OTHER INFORMATION These products are United States Department of Agnculture (USDA) approved and ETL classified User assumes all risks InCident to the use of this (these) product(s) To the best of our knowledge the information contained herem IS accurate However Safety-Kleen assumes no liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the mformallon contained herein No rP.nrf!~p.ntRhn[1s or wMrantJf!~_ p.lthp.f P.XO!P.SS or Imo.lip.(t or mP.rr:hrmtabrlllv fitness for a oartlclJlar Duroose or of .mv other n<'lllJrp. R.fP m::!ne hereunder with rp.sop.r:! to mform;:Jtlon or thp. nrnrllJc:t to whlr.h mform<'ltlon refp.rs The data contained on this sheet apply to the product(s) as supplied to the user @2006 Pnnted In the USA Date Recelvec AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submittal ReVISion 11/06 MSDS Form No 82658 - Page 12 of 12 H~TACH. lno.plre the Next MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TH-81u Make-Up Ink 11119 MATERiAl SA~aTY DAtA SHEET COHORMS TO THE REQUIRI1MEN,S Of A.NSI Z400 1 THIS MSOS CO/HLlES WITH 29 CFR 1910 1200 (OSHA HUARD COMUUNICATIO" SUI/CARO) IMPORTAIIT READ THIS MSDS BEFORE HAl/DUNG OR OIHOSIHG Of THIS PROOUcT I SECTION 1- PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTOR HItachi Amenca, Ud 50 Prospect Avenue Tarrylown, NY 10591 TH-81 u Make-Up Ink Industnal coding applicaflons Ink Jet Pnnters X (22, 45, 53) 0355 914-524-6685 CHEMTREC (800) 424 9300 PRODUCT NAME MATERIAL USES PRoouctCOOE No~.EMERGENCY PHONE EMERGENCY PHONE ~ECTION 11- COMPOSITION (INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS I~GREOIENT CAS# 67641 6417 5 PERCE~ RM1GE (%) 60 100 15 Acetone Ethanol I SECTION III. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (HMIS) __ REACTIVITY 101 $JEH$tJrJAL PROTEt'TKlIJ III I NOTICE THESE AAllNGS ARE FOR GENERAl. RAPID lNTEllf'RETATION THE END USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOIl DETERMINING THE FROPER FROTECHVE PROCEDURES Wamlng! Flammable LiqUid and Vapor Skin, Eye and Mucous Membrane lmtant Do not use near fire or flame May be fatal or cause blindness If swallowed Avoid contact With skin, eyes and mucous membranes If skin contad occurs, wash skin WIth mild soap and water If splashed m eyes, flush With water If Inhaled, remove to fresh aIr In medical emergency contact POlson Control Center (USA 800 2221222) Read MSDS before uSing EXPOSURE EFFECTS ANO RELATED SYMPTOMS EMERGENCY OvEfi:VIEW ACETONE EnwJOl. A skin and severe eye Imlanl Expenmental reproductive effects Narcobc In high concentratIOn Nausea, VOmiting, fiushlng, mental excitement or depreSSion, droWSiness, Impaired perceptIOn uncoordlnahon stupor, coma and death may occur F H".lrdyF1Jmm~bkl Xilmlanl RISK STAiEld~NTS Rl1 HghlfFlammabe R"&37136 IrntolJngto~{e$ rl'$!l ro'ory system and sleJn R66 RepedlE!'de,poSUlemafmuse k,ndryne,s()(aad1ng RB7 Irrnla~()nol\1lpol'S=provDkesleeplnes$anddijUJl\es, SAfrnSTATEIIlENTS S2 Keep awil'j trOOl (;ll,dron 57 Keepconlillm,f~!lMY(;-'J:le\l 516 Keepal.dyfomsGurCil'SDf'ijn.hofl No Smuklng' 525 AVOid co11acl \~Ith eyes S36/37 Weat$ul1>llieprlbcllveduthinqandg.o.s 545 Inc:asaolacodenlorllyou(~unwell soo~mcdlcalactliCCl"IlIl>edl<llcly(showllle\abe'wher~pcsslble) II I SECTION IV - FIRST AID MEASURES ORAlI"GE$TION EYE CONTACT 5"11< CONTACT I"HfLATION Do not Induce vormtlng unless directed 10 do so by medical personnel Seek Immediate medical attention Flush With water for 15 minutes and seek medical attenllon Wash with soap and water Wash contaminated clothing before reuse Seek Immediate medical atlenllon Remove to fresh air, If not breathing, give arttftclal resplratJon and seek medical atlentJOI1 Date Received Pdge1of4 AUG 0 8 2008 Original Submltt;:>1 I SECTION V . FIREFIGHTlNG MEASURES . , EXTINGUI5HINGMw.A HAZAROOUS CCilBUSTION PRODUCTS FiRE FlGHTWG PROCEDURES Alcohol Resistant foam or dry chemical Carbon Monoxide Carbon DIoXide Wear self contained breathing apparatus WIth full faceplece operated In the posItive pressure demand mode I SECTION VI- ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Keep away all sources of Ignition from spill If spill IS Indoors ventilate areas of spill and soak up the spill With absorbent malenal Do nollet spilled or leakmg matenal enter watercourse I SECTION VII- HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE AVOid contact With eyes Wash handslhoroughly With soap and water after handling Ul1lize proper grounding With contamers of matenal Protecl from freezmg Overheating may cause container to rupture Covered storage In a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight IS preferable Keep container bghtly sealed unlit ready for use Store away from Ignlbon sources HANOI.ING I SECTION VIII. EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION If workplace exposure hmlt(s) of product or any other component IS exceeded, a NIOSH/OSHA approved respirator IS adVised (See your safety equipment supplier for specific details) Provide suffiCient mechanical (general andior loca! exhaust) venlllabon to maintain exposure below PEU TLV Wear chemical resIstant gloves (Consult your safely equipment supplier) Wear chemical splash goggles In compliance With OSHA regulations However, OSHA regulations also permit other types of safety glasses OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Wear ImperviOUS clothmg and boots to prevent prolonged exposure OCCUPATIONAl. EXPOSUREWMITS RESPIRATORY PROTECTION VENTll..ATIOtJ PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYEPROrECTION INGREDIENT Acetone Ethanol ACGIH TLV' 750 1000 I SECTION IX . PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAl STATE COLOR OaOR BoiLING RANGE MElTING RANGE SPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER=1) DENSITY Ilbslgal) EVAPORATION RArE (N Bum ACETATE=1) PERCENT VOLATIlE By VOLl1ME (%) VAPOR PRESSl1RE VAFfJR D~JSITY (AIR=1) FLASH POI'lr(Tcc) A\tToIG..,ITION TEMPERATlJRE UPPER FLAMMABLE LIlo'IT (%Bv VOL) LOWER FLAMMABLE WMIT (%By VOL) SOtUElILlTY IN WATER SOLUBILITY 11<1 ORGA~IC SOI.VHHS pH I SECTION X. STABILITY & REACIVITY CO~OITlO'" OF II/STABILITY CCh'3\liCNSOfRs..tTlVlTY INCOI>lPATIBIUTY HhlARDOUS DECO'.1POSITIDPI PRODUCTo EXPLOSION DATA (SENSITIVE To MECHANICAL IMPACT) EXPLOSION DATA (SENSITIVE To STATlC OISCHARGE) Page 20'4 OSHA PEL" 750 1000 liqUid Clear Solvent odor -56'C - 950 C 0793 660 -77 100% - 185 mm of Hg @20'C Greater than air 16' C -465' C 128 26 MISCible MISCible Nol ApplICable None Knoltm Notapphcable Strong oXidizing agents Carbon MonQ)ode Carbon DIoxide No Yes I Date Received AUG 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal I SECTION XI. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ethanol TOXlCOLOGICAlltlFORUATION~'" LDOJlnlrovenolJs(ral)5500mglkg LDj) Ora! (ral) 5800mglkg lC", tnhala~on (rat) 50000 mg 1 nr { 8 hr LDLo Ora! (dog) Bg/kg lD~Oral(rabb1l} 534-0mg/kg LD~Skln(rabbit) 20gfkg LDJilOral{ratj 7060mg/kg LC!iO Inhalation (rat) 20000 ppm /10 hr LD511lntrapenloneal (rat) 3750mg/kg lO';J Intra\lenous (ral) 1440mg/kg LOLo Oral (dog} 5500 mg I kg LDla Subcutaneous (dog) 6000 mg I kg h-lGREOIEM Acetone I SECTION XII. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXfClTY Not Available PERSISTANCE I OEG1l:AOABIUTY Not Available HEAVY METALS Concentrahon of lead, mercury cadmIum and hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)J <: 100 ppm No otner ecologlcallllformatlon IS available for thiS producl I SECTION XIII. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Absorb In vermiculite, floor absorbent or other non combustible absorbent matenal and dispose In licensed facIlity Observe all federal state and focal regulations I SECTION XIV. TRANSPORT INFORMATION OOT I TOG UN Nut.lBER & PROl'fR SHIPPING NAME DOT I TOG Hili" Cu" DOT I TOG lABEl. PACKING GROUP EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDEBOOK NUMBER UN1210 PRINTING I~K 3 FWMAeLE LIOUID " 129 I SECTION XV. REGULATORY INFORMATION TSCA CERCLA All chemicals used are listed on the TSCA Inventory The following producl(s)IS (are) hsted by CERCLA Acetone (60 -100%) The follOWing product(,) IS (are) lISted on SARA 313 none ThiS product contains the following Ingredients thatlhe State of California has found to cause cancer birth defects or other reproductive harm "hlch requires a warning under the statute none SARA 313 Calrfomla Prop 65 International Regulations The components of thiS product are fisted on the chemlcallnventones of the following countnes Australia, Canada, Europe (EINECS), Japan, Korea, Umted Kingdom Date Received. AUG 0 8 2008 Page3of4 Onglnal Submittal I SECTION XVI. OTHER INFORMATION ISSUE DATE REVlS'ON NUMBER SUPERCEDfS March 2007 PREPAREOBv nla ChflsJordan Product Speaallsl DISCLAIMER Every effort has been made 10 ensure Ihat the Information In Il1IS MSDS IS accurate and as complete as reasonably posSIble and of course all data herem are given In good faith However, all Information IS furnIShed without warranty of any kind, and Hitachi Amenca, lid expressly negates any warranty of accuracy, expressed or Implied, and Hitachi Amenca. LId assumes no responSibility for personal Injury or damage to property to customers, vendors, or third parties Jf any information herem proves to be Incorrect In any respect Purchasers are encouraged to make mdependent determination of SUitability and completeness of Information from all sources 10 assure proper use and companbllrty of product Date Rr,_.. . AUG 0 8 C'j Original Submittal Pag~ 4 of4