HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/6/2008 AUG - 6 2008 City of Spnngfield .Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, SubdiVision Date Rer;elved: Original Submlttl'l Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Plat Submittal: , - - Applicant Name: Bret Fox, Manager Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Lloyd L Tolbert Icompany: !Address: I I Property Owner: Bret Fox, Manager Icompany: IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-27-10 1 Property Address: 104 We,t Q Street. Spnngfield ISize of Property: 219 1 Proposed Name of SubdiVISion: Parkway Cent;;; West , Thoma~ Fox PropertIes Phone: IFax: 801-596-7711 801-596-7161 515 W PIckett C,rcle #400, Salt Lake CIty, UTah 84115 Phone: 541-359-8426 Tolbert ASSOCiates, LLC Fax: 541-747-0177 PO Box 70224, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 801-596-7711 Skvv,ew, LLC and South Plaza II, LLC Fax: 801-596-7161 515 W PIckett CIrcle #400, Salt Lake Clly, Utah 84115 ITAX LOT NOeS): TL3300 Acres C8J Square Feet 0 I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal desCrIption to thiS application Proposal: partItIOn mto 2 PIece' for pUlJlo,e, of dlYldmg ownershIP - please refer to TentatIVe Case #SOO2008-00006 I LMI/CC (retail) - contarm Walgreen Pharmacy and 1 . EXlstmg Use: FlfSt Tech Credit Umon Tentative Case #: SOO2008-00006 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 47.000 sf IDenslty: dujacre SI natures: Please Sl nand nnt our name and date In the a ro nate box on the next Associated Applications: Ipre-sub Case No.: ~r~(XX)tf31 Date: ~ewed by: Case NO.:SU~~~&:5 'I I D~: ~lc;\O<B I Reviewea,~y: 01) Application ~e: $ \;r.ecf,nical Fee: $ Ipost<lOe Fee: $0 -~ ,,p; ITOTAt. fEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: f7RS'2aJ~~ ~[1l~ I'-M..JF'~~'. _'''''''_0/_''''''''_ _._... "'-_"" ~ ~~""'1 _U_I__~ ","~___ ~LI~ rf(J.1007-00toC' f'r&Juf 1 of 6 ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information 10 this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meetmg Owner: ?~ . Date. 5/8/2008 Signature ~ (r?f f?rJ.. &int Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City ConsIstent With the completeness check performed on this appllcatton at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affIrm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processmg the application IS provided herem or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained wlthm the submlttal, and the City may begin processing the application WJth the mformatJon as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the reqUirements of ORS 227 178 pertammg to a complete application Owner: ~~ SignatUre '2rr,rJf" ftVx Print Date: Date Received: 1 1 AUG - 6 2008 OnglOal submittal - ReVIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 6 _ "._ __-;!:"~:::~-e~--'<;;':t-~~~~~;'i'-~"<:L~~or- -"3'.-:'=--~~~"""",~>~"""",-'2':b-:,~ -:;;.L,~-_~.&--z;-....._ /- ~II l' OF SPRIN\JI' I~LD VILullu i MAP SUB2008-00035 104 W Q St/6 W Q St/1810 & 1820 Pioneer Pa~!" I 'J West rrlll/lii13 ~} YS S if Sill!., Map 17-03-27-10 Tax Lot 3300 mJ Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal f\ . 2281.04, 17 03 27 10 0330(' .~ WPT 7191~503862CL \'Y I() \ \--' , Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records , , 2005.015j~2 $36.00 ~"" " '1 ~ ~ If ~ ----- 1111/1111111111/1111111111111 I 1111111/1/111 j057~28520J5001534~00~~03: 03/04/2005 02:26:16 P" RPR-DEED Cnt:1 Stn=1 CASHIER 05 $15 00 $11 00 $10 00 Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 TH After recording return to Western Pioneer Title PO 80x 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 UntIl a c'lange IS requested all tax statements shall be sent to the followmg address SkYVlew, LLC 515 W. PIckett CIrcle #400 Salt Lake CIty, UT 84115 File No 7191-503862 (csl) Date February 28, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Ralph Lane Walker, Jr Trustee or successors In trust under the Walker Living Trust dated April 30, 1999, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Skyvlew, LLC, a Utah limited liability company as to 50% Interest and South PlaZil II LLC, an Oregon limited liability company as to 5001. Interest, as tenants In common, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as speCifically set forth herein See attached ExhibIt "A" This property IS free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT' THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERJ'( DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITs ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DERNED IN ORs 30 930 The true conSideration for thiS conveyance IS $2,220,000.00 paid to a qualified intermedIary as part of an IRC 1031 exchange (Here comply w,th requ"ements of OR5 93 030) Dated thiS 2nd day of March .20~ Page 1 of 2 Onglnal SubmiltaL .( , APN 228104 Statutory Warranty Deed - continued Fife No 7191-503862 (csl) Date 02/28/2005 ~1:wa~'T;:l~ ~ STATE OF Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on thl~aY of Mli/d-. byB!aJlk lane Walker, Jr" Trustee ( I . ~lph ~~ Cindy Lindy v Notary Public for Oregon My commisSion expires ,20~ . OFRCIALSEAL , l:;WOY ~ Y , ' NOTARY PUBLlC-OREGON : COMMISSION NO 364069 '-<<COMMISSION EXPIRES IEEMBER 29,2006 Date Received' AU6 - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Page 2 of 2 >\ . , Page No 4 Our No 199355-RD EXHIBIT "A" Beg~nnln9 at the IntersectIon of the South lIne of the Jacob Halstead DonatIon Land ClaIm No 47, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West. Wl11amette MerIdlan, WIth the Westerly rIght of way llne of the Southern Paclflc RaIlroad, whlch pOlnt of Intersect10n 15 1027 feet East of the Southwest corner of the sald Halstead ClaIm No 47, thence North 140 West 501 feet along the Westerly rIght of way lIne of the raIlroad, thence West 208 21 feet to the East lIne of that certaIn property descrIbed 1n Instrument recorded June 20, 1975, Peel 747, ReceptIon No 75-24839, OffICIal Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence South 486 12 feet to the center of the County Road and the South lIne of the sald Halstead Cla1m No ~47, thence East along the sald South Ilne to the place of beg1nn1ng, 1n Lane County, Oregon SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM the followlng descrlbed tract of land A parcel of land lYlng 1n the Northeast one-quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 27, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West, W1llamette Merldlan, and being a portion of the tract of land conveyed to Joseph Van1cek and Alb1na VanlCey, husband and wlfe, by that certaln deed recorded on March 14, 1940, in Book 197, Page SOl, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, sald parcel being descr1bed as follows Beglnnlng at a pOlnt South 2737 10 feet and East 817 78 feet of the Westerly Northwest corner of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land CIa 1m No 47 1n Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Wl11amette Merldlan, thence South 120 II' 58" East 470 40 feet along the Westerly rlght of way of the Southern Paclfic Railroad Company, thence North 880 00' 37" Nest 108 30 feet along the Northerly right of way of a County roadway commonly known as "Q" Street, thence North 370 19' 14" East 72 37 feet to a p01nt Westerly and 25 feet Oppos1te the 2nd and 3rd Street Couplet Eng1neer's Centerline Station LW 31+95 pot , as surveyed in 1972 by the Lane County Department of PublIC Hor~s, thence North 120 11' 58" West 409 38 feet, thence South 880 00' 37" East 51 53 feet to the p01nt of beginn1ng, 1n Lane County, Oregon Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal SubmIttal.