HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/2/2008
',City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Project Name: Parkway Center Land DIVISion
Project Proposal: DIvide one lot (2 19 acres) to create two parcels
Case Number: PRE2008-00043
Project Address: 104 West Q Street
Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): 17-03-27-10, TL 3300
Zoning: Light Medium Industrial (LMI)/Communlty Commercial (CC)
Overlay District(s): N/A
Applicable Refinement Plan: Gateway
Refinement Plan Designation: LMI/CC
Metro Plan Designation: Light Medium Industrial (LMI)
Tentative Decision Date: February 29, 2008
Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: July 8, 2008
Application Submittal Deadline: January 4, 2009
Associated Applications: SUB2008-00006 (Tentative), DRC2006'00085 (Site Plan ReView)
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I Prolect Planner Land Use PlannmQ Molly Markarian I 726-4611 I
I Transportation EnQlneer In Tralnlnq Transportation Jon Driscoll I 726-3679 I
I Public Works CIVil EnQlneer Utilities EriC Walter 1736-1034 I
I PubliC Works CIVil Enqlneer I Sanltarv & Storm Sewer EriC Walter 736-1034 I
I Deputy Fire Marshal I Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon I 726-22931
I Community Services ManaQer BUlldlnQ Dave Puent I 726-3668 I
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Applicant Applicant's Representative
Bret Fox, Manager Lloyd Tolbert
Thomas Fox Properties Tolbert ASSOCiates, LLC
515 W Pickett Circle, #400 POBox 70224
Salt Lake Cltv. UT 84115 EUQene, OR 97401
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The items needed to make the application complete for review are incorporated below
. Conditions of Approval - taken from Notice of DeCISion dated 2/29/2008
. Applicant Response - taken from Wntten Statement Included with the Pre-Submittal
application packet, dated 6/1/08
Condition #1: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall propose separate private utility
easements for all utility Imes beneflttmg both parcels and separate access and use/mamtenance
easements benefittmg both parcels to the satisfaction of the City In additIOn, prior to plat
approval, the applicant shall record and document such approved easements on the plat
Applicant Response: A draft copy of the Declaration of Easements for Access, Dnveway &
Parking, Utilities, and Maintenance IS Included With this packet
Staff Finding: Survey will determine If the submitted draft easement document IS adequate to
meet this condition Planning has noted that the easement IS not documented on the plat In
addition, Planning requests the following edits of the easement document 1 Remove the word
'minor' from the first line of Recital B, 2 Remove the 'd' from the word 'reconfigured' on line 3 of
section 1 2, 3 Replace 'Municipal Code' With 'Development Code' on line 6 of section 1 2, and 4
Insert an apostrophe In between the 'r' and's' of the word 'owners' on the first line of the second
paragraph of section 1 3
Condition #2: ExcavatIOn or fillmg m the vlcmtty of the five eXlstmg street trees, as well as any
future removal of these trees, must conform to the standards of the SDC and EDSPM
Dependmg on the locatIOn of the trees, mamtenance shall be performed by the property owner
or the City as per SDC 42-140 C
Applicant Response: Skyvlew, LLC, South Plaza II, LLC, and the Walgreen Company have
hired landscaping maintenance companies to care for the property The owners and tenants
pledge to maintain the property per SDC 42-140 C and to conform to the standards of the SDC
J Staff Finding: Planning does not request any further action at thiS time
Condition #3: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall plant 12 additIOnal street trees of at
least two mches m caliper along the subject property's Q Street and Pioneer Parkway frontages
If traffic VISion, street Ilghtmg, signs, or publiC utilities prevent the plantmg of any of the 12
reqUired additional street trees, the applicant shall demonstrate such conflicts to the satisfaction
of the City and, If approved, may plant fewer street trees New street trees shall be selected
from the List of Acceptable Street Trees for planter stripS With overhead power Imes as listed m
the EDSPM, and the new street trees shall be mstalled as specified m the EDSPM All tree
nursery tags Identlfymg the type of street tree shall remam on the street trees until plat
approval Dependmg on the location of the trees, mamtenance shall be performed by the
property owner or the City as per SDC 42-140 C
Applicant Response: Bret Fox (site owner/manager) met on-site With Molly Markanan (with
the City of Spnngfield) Ms Markanan Identified the locations where additional trees were to be
planted and the owner directed his landscaper to plant trees In those locations All the
additional trees required, as agreed In the on-site meeting, were planted by Apnl 30, 2008
Staff Finding: Planning staff conducted a site VISit on July 2, 2008 and confirmed that
additional trees have been planted In the locations Identified dunng the on-site meeting
mentioned above However, the nursery tags Indicate that the trees planted are 'Acer
Platlnoldes Columnar', otherwise known as Norway Maple, and these types of street trees are
not on the List of Acceptable Street Trees for planter stnps With overhead power lines
nVMOO 2~7
Therefore, this condition has not fully been met Prior to final plat approval, the applicant must
either replace the street trees with a species on the List of Acceptable Street Trees for planter
stripS with overhead power lines or receive written approval from Public Works Maintenance
(Greg Ferschwelier) that the trees do not need to be replaced
Condition #4: Prior to plat approval, the appl1cant shall record and document the proposed PUE
In the northeast comer of Parcel B and the southwest comer of Parcel A on the plat
Applicant Response: Can the City please provide the PUE format?
j Staff Finding: Survey will provide the applicant With a template for the PUE document
Planning has noted that the proposed PUE IS not documented on the plat
Condition #5: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document on the plat a 10-
foot wide PUE centered on SUB's primary cable and vaults on the subject property as reqUired
by thiS deCISion and the decIsion assoCiated With Case No DRC2006-00085
!'pplicant Response: Can the City please provide the PUE format?
JStaff Finding: Survey will provide the applicant With a template for the PUE document
Planning has noted that the proposed PUE 15 not documented on the plat
Condition #6: Prior to plat approval, the appl1cant shall record and document on the plat a five-
foot wide PUE centered on Northwest Natural's gas facility on the subject property
')PPlicant Response: Can the City please provide the PUE format?
./S.taff Finding: Survey will provide the applicant With a template for the PUE document
Planning has noted that the proposed PUE IS not documented on the plat
Condition #7: Prior to plat approval, the appltcant shall correctly Identify eXisting bicycle
parking on the EXisting ConditIOns sheet of the plan set
Applicant Response: A corrected site plan/sheet of the plan set was completed by Weber
tJ?neerlng and delivered to Ms Markarian
X' taff Finding: Planning staff have not received the corrected plan sheet as the applicant has
, tated The corrected plan sheet must be submitted to Planning staff prior to final plat approval
Condition #8: Prior to plat approval, the appl1cant shall provide the minimum long-term bicycle
parking spaces reqUired for each budding
Applicant Response: Ms Markarian met With both the owner and the owner's general
contractor to describe how the bike parking should be modified Bike parking was modified by
t9€ general contractor, as directed, by April 30, 2008
../staff Finding: Planning staff conducted a site VISit on July 2, 2008 and confirmed that thiS
condition has been met to the satisfaction of the City
Condition #9: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall bring eXisting bicycle parking Into
conformance With SDC standards As such, the bicycle parking adjacent to the northeast comer
of the Wallgreens budding shall be separated from motor vehicle parking by a bamer or curb In
addition, all eXisting bicycle parking spaces adjacent to each of the bUildings shall be re-
positioned or re-Iocated to meet the dimensional standards of SDC 46-145 B since the current
configuration makes access to and use of many of the spaces Impossible Finally, slgnage
directing customers to the bicycle parking shall be provided at the entrance to the Wallgreens
budding since eXisting bicycle parking facll1tles for that budding are not directly vIsible and
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Applicant Response: All bike parking on the subJect property was changed and made to be
conforming as described In Condition #8 above
Staff Finding: Planning staff conducted a site VISit on July 2, 2008 and found that this condition
~as only be partially met There IS no slgnage at the entrance to Walgreens directing customers
~ to the bike parking, and there IS no barrier on the south side of the bicycle parking to prevent
~I\ vehlclular damage to bicycles Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall fully meet this
condition to the satisfactIOn of the City
Condition #10: Pnor to plat approval, the appitcant shall remove the statement that there are
no reqUired setbacks from property Imes from all sheets of the plan set
Applicant Response: To be done by Engineer
J Staff Finding: Planning staff have not received the corrected plan sheets as the applicant has
stated The corrected plan sheets must be submitted to Planning staff prior to final plat
Condition #11: VISion clearance areas shall be mamtamed at each access to a publiC street and
on the corner of the property as per SDC 4 2-130
JAPPlicant Response: VIsion clearance, as reqUired by City code, IS and shall be maintained at
each access to a publiC street and on the corner of the property as per SDC 4 2-130
Staff Finding: Planning does not request any further action at thiS time .
Heads Up Comments:
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THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON THE PLAT. The plat pre-submIttal meeting shall be held within
one year of the date of the Land DIvIsion Tentative approval A complete Land DIvIsion Plat
application shall be submitted within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting If the applicant has
not submitted the Land DIvIsion Plat application within these time frames, the Land DIvIsion
Tentative approval shall become null and vOId and re-submlttal of the Land DIvIsion TentatIve
application shall be required per SDC 5 2-140
I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City
within the lSO-day timeline.
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Land survy Land Use Planm;;[j
Tolbert Associates, LLC \
Lloyd L Tolbert, L 5
Manager/Chief Surveyor A
POBox 70224
(83 Centennial Loop, SUite 1)
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Phone 541-3S9-8426
Fax 541-747-0177
lIoyd@tolbertassoclates com
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Land Division Plat Application Process (see next page for a diagram of this process)
1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Plat Application for Pre-Submittal
. The application must conform to the Land DIvIsion Plat Pre-Submittal ReqUirements
Checklist on pages 5 & 6 of this application packet
. The purpose of pre-submittal IS to ensure the applicant has all Items necessary for a
complete submittal
. A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness IS mandatory
. Pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10 OOam -
. We strive to conduct the pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of
receiving the application
2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting
. The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-
submittal meeting,
. The meeting IS held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and
Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning
DIvISion )
. The meeting IS scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes '\
. The Planner prOVides the applicant With a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the
meeting speCifying the Items required to makejihe applicatIOn complete If It IS not
already complete
. The applicant will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal
and acceptance by the City
3. Applicant Submits a Complete Land Division Plat Application
. When the applicant has addressed all Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist and the
City SurveYing Section has notified the applicant's surveyor that the plat and other
documents are suffiCiently refined, the applicant can submit a complete application to
the City Survey Section located In the NW Quad of City Hall
. The application must conform to the Land DIvISion Plat Submittal ReqUirements
Checklist on page 6 of this application packet
. If the submittal IS deemed complete, the City Survey Section Will Sign-off on the City
Survey approval sheet and send the applicant to the Development Services
Department for application submittal and fee collection
. Planning staff checks and signs the mylars
4. Applicant Records Plat at Lane County & Submits Plat and Documents to City
. After Planning staff checks and signs the mylars, the plat may then be recorded by the
applicant's surveyor at Lane County.
. After plat has been recorded at Lane County, applicant submits five (5) recorded,
rolled paper copies of the plat and three (3) cOpies of reqUired documents to the
Development Services Department prior to the Issuance of building permits
Applicant submits land divIsion plat application for pre-submittal
(See Land DIvIsion Plat Pre-Submittal ReqUirements Checklist)
City departments review application for completeness and hold pre-submittal meeting to
discuss completeness Issues with applicant and applicant's representatives
Applicant addresses Incomplete Items
City Surveyor checks application and returns
comments to applicant's surveyor
Applicant's surveyor corrects plat
and returns to City Surveyor
City Surveyor conducts field check and
returns comments to applicant's surveyor
Applicant's surveyor sets new monuments
and flags eXisting ones
Once no errors appear on the plat and a current title report IS submitted, applicant's
surveyor IS given ok to submit complete land divIsion plat application
After ok given from City Surveyor and applicant has addressed all Incomplete Items from
---. pre-submittal, applicant submits complete application to the City Survey Section
(See Land DIVIsion Plat Submittal ReqUirements Checkilst)
City Survey Section signs-off on City Survey approval sheet and sends the applicant to the
Development Services Department for application submittal and fee collection
Planning staff checks and signs mylars and notifies applicant's surveyor of approval
Applicant takes plat and accompanYing documents to Lane County for recording
Applicant bnngs copies of recorded plat and documents to Development Services Department
ReVised 9{26{07 Molly Markanan
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