HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-5-6 MAY-07-2008 10 10 .!!r 12021 NE Airport Way, Ste G Portland, OR 97220 Direct. (503) 331-2465 Fax (503) 331-6906 WE TRANSMIT: o Attached o Under Separate Cover VIA: o Federal Express o Couner o Mall EI Fax THE FOLLOWING: o Correspondence o O&M's o Plans/Specs o Request for Infonnation o Des'gn Development TRANSMISSION STATUS: o Inforrnabon o ... Requested o Review & Comment o Approval o SlgnatlJre & RetlJm o D,stnbubon o Refer to Ustlng RESPONSE REQUIRED: DYes 0No MCKINSTRY CO DATE: SUBJECT: PROJECT: TO: fROM PHONE: / 503 331 6906 P 01 FAX TRANSMmAL 05/06/08 Commercial Mechanical Permits Rite Aid Sringfield City of SDrmgfield BuildlnQ Department Diane Parke. ProJect Coordinator 541 726 3753 FAX: 541. 726 3689 NUMBER OF PIECES TRANSMITTED: (lOdudlng transmittal sheet) 14 Please see attached Permit worksheet for Commercial Mechanical Permit for replacement of (6) eXIsting roof top units With (6) new roof top Units. Location of the Units will be the same as eXisting Also find attached spec Information for the eXisting Units and the new umts Due to scheduling Window With customer we need to process the permit ASAP If pOSSible Please contact me directly on my cell phone at 503 764,6949 for any questions and the form of payment reqUired, Appreciate any assistance you can give me, <, cc:: ~ CIty Job Number ~\ LOCAll0NOFI'Il.OPOSEDWOlU<- .;)1.3,0 Kcu'-Q.olCL +200.& : ~r'€.Jd.,cRcnYl1 ~v ASSESOKS MAP l'/ 03. oL5 . \ "3 TAX LOT : D I ~uO 0 _ Rzte.A-~J ~#=63&B - .. . ~I~~ -Rl~ffid KeM 't;eYil~PHONL . ..... "'DlD~~ ,m I \,q rJJ. CITY I ,~ 0 STATE P-Pr ZIP- \ I'J, 00 ( U DESCRlPTIONmWORK ~l(1.~(J( Ca)("~+aO l.lJV\.d:8- UJ~ II\QJ.J) R:lLl · ~ NEW REMODEL ~aDDITO~ ~DEMOUSH _ OTHER. _ VALUE ~ '_ ~Vh.1I-1di\.!'.... ~ CONST O CONTUCfOK'S NAMf ADDRESS CONTKACfOK # GENEAAL ~ ~ TOTALMECHANtCAL M~.bam~] ~ ,~ MRY-07-2008 10 11 MCKINSTRY CO S03 331 6906 P 02 CITY Of SPRIN(;F1F.LD. OJ{[CON SPRINCFIELD 225 flITH STREET . SPRlNGFIEW, OR ~74 77 . PH (541)72G-3753 . FAX (54 I)726-3Gg~ . EXPIRES PHONE PLUMBING ~HAN!<<::...~q(~-/r~Co L-lC_ EL:::;r':2\L _ ~ -W I f)~\ \ "* MECHANICAL PDMrI' 12o?1 /J~ o..l'f,(V{tUlo..ySu.cte.G.;\)f..lI'"tla~,r;Q al~ ~h.0IAQ.' 503.1104. ~q'-!.q ~l~o..tr-e PLUMBING PEllMIT :p ro'lQ.ctlt>>rJ~ ITEM FEE ITEM PEE Furnace Exhaust Hood fIXtures ReSldentlal Bath{s) No Vent Fan No wood Slove/lnsertfflrepiace Umt Sanitary SeYler Water Storm Sewer IT rr rr Meehamcal FermIt Subtotal "MUllrnwn of SSO 00 State Surcharge 12% Adrnlntstrallve Fee 10% MechanIcal Issuance Fee $2000 One apphance $4000 '!Wo or more apphances Technology Fcc %5 P1U1l1bll~ PermIt Subtotal **MU'l1mum of SSO 00 State Surcharge 12% NlIrUnIstran\7e fee 10% Technology Fee %5 TOTAL PLUMBING . Pllmnbing · Miscdbcmeoos Shwed Dn....c{1' yaulldms ForrrWPemtn W{)l'bh~t 1-0& doc MRY-07-2008 10 11 MCKINSTRY CO 503 331 6906 P 03 May 6, 2008 Proposal No 705-2007-09-0024 rev 2 Rite Aid #5383 2130 Marcola Road Spnngfield, OR 97477 Attn Don Meyers Re Rooftop Unit Replacements Dear Don, McKinstry Co IS pleased to provide the following proposal pnclng for the work assoCiated with the above referenced project lli!':AC ScoD" of Wm . Recovery and disposal of refngerant and 011 In the eXisting Units, per EPA standards . Demolition and recycling of Six (6) existing rooftop package Units . PrOVide and Install SiX (6) York gas/electnc package Units (one 25-ton, one 20-ton, two 5-ton, two 2-ton), to Include, MAY-07-2008 10 11 MCKINSTRY CO 1t '\ '\ I' ,. "e;b.ta. \i"\..\\ ("",,:t \ J ,\ \A ~O vii -t;,( '~vIlCrJ.'J' s.c..:) '6iJl() LaTl) ,,_\.\ L(JJ~)l\i: \~ \\y"", "t.k~ u.A \\f,'C\C'1 _~ ' "'^ 'l\., "\.,~ S03 331 6906 P 04 (-cf;A \>vf t:\.ldu,,\ ~'" Ic_\~lc. (MIl 'f) ) ? 7..)7 (!~ ',(>..\II'L \-,,~,~ \ \"^",,, ~ ') Mlfl\e.lf'a0\'O-.'<- ([M- - 00 zA f:,,\< ~~ k- "S We\. , \w' L\j~ \-\\\1\-Vu.P~, -Z'V-IJ\J,,,,,, ~" ;,;Jc'<w ~i~~~~ ,,'" ,~",. , ,h, 5Ju <' I'"~ \ ~I').. 0zNb \)-1\1\\11."" ('~\Y:D..\s..1 U,Q.\,...,<lSC'+__ \JU'?c \!,'~<., ~~~~ ~. J '--i. L-b dCo 6 AA \-\ I: AA- IV- ~ 4\90 \I s,/ J"-i-A lCe~- fz 1i 47\"?'S \) "" \t \ l"""t"'tWV i\J.~'f \"-L Z S (~\l Jv.. - S- ~v.e. q.Jt;s AL -{ ~ l\)(!J7--kA 1LiP"f>A '7eF( /p,l J l l~ f\J.CA lC{, f tJ '4.4- ~ 1- lS- t> \ LC""-<Q'" ,,,,LV 1JJ'a.~ 4F,( '3U -'> S';t1b l-S~ L.~ ALs ~ lA D 1 iLT ~ l\Lc(" Il scf Z ("""~~s j'11T:llSl4- tfU&A 7t \.{ CD 2 4;fa A A.:Lf. f\(.. ~ ~It \i.b 4L-\ t 2l11"Z.15-g ~6 J 3(> 2- ,,,,~;,,cNS j4J aD tl0 l~ ""(l'v",," ('>/\w".;\ 'k-~ ,-\ lG-~rlA; A ild5~{1 t.d1/0V \f \ (lI.N.l"''f-,-.I X=-'6Z-\"\-":, \'1~0 ,}N.A \~ o 0 (t(l,) ~'-u ~~'" '" ,jJ.(l), \:"v...:. -) \?\~ ~lC\ \N,~\l'-'~\! oJ7-s-" ,~/... + '{Up?:o A 11 q:.:A .~ t: 't~ j'3,lLA 3 t> ,Df,;. C; ~,~ '~ ~Ltol-4}).:)..'J4M z..ro /',,70 ,J \ 'Q Z015/2-9..7 J ,,~ MRY-07-2008 10 11 503 331 6906 P 05 MCKINSTRY CO N6tJ \l"tt J t-rlnri~1 Numbsr OJ240~2AP'KAA DJJOON24P411M lRD0413 3020.5020 3204 5020 OH060N10P4J(AA 1RD0410 3000.5005 D~P024N03506 2EE04703124 2E,06700124 mom 3705.5000 fACTOR.Y IfIISTAII l=n P,y"f'QRK. High Stallo moto, (Elolude. 2IDn) Eoonomlze, 'HIlla, rol (Eeclude. 210n) Return Smoke detector (Exclude. Zion) Dlsoonnect (Excludes 2 ton) NP-Conv8mence outlet (EtcludBS 2 ton) ~ Thermostats CURBS OR CURB ADAPTERS. QlI:. Model Number Mark Ritz National Account Sales Mgr. m~rk_M,rIIzlWICI CClr1) 405-419-6537 phone 866-4D6-YORK (9675) fax iDYORK~ NATIONAL ACCOUNTS It's TIme to (jet Comfortable" GROUP Rite Aid DATE 09/24/07 !P 0 # ATTN 'LOCATION Springfield OR STORE # 5353 PQscnollon 20 ton RTU 25 ton RTU aarRel Curb adapter ,u,b .d.ptll' 5 ton RTU BarRal ,u,b edapt.. 2 ton RTU Ec:onortllzer Transformer kit Fllterfreme kit Curb .dapler Ipnce EOUIPMENT ~ 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $9,395 $ 9,398 $12,662 5 12,662 5225 $ 450 $3,262 $ 3,282 $4.571 $ 4,571 $3,216 $ 6.432 $57 $ 114 sa75 $ 1,350 $1.255 $ 2,570 $397 S 794 SOB S 72 $Z3 S 46 $638 $ 1,276 $ pescrlollon Pnoe $ 43.017 I TO.! , TOTAL. \ # ~ &,,:t -~-(<(-c;a NOTES 'PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE STATE AND LOCAL TAXES. MAY-07-200B 10 11 MCKINSTRY CO 503 331 6906 Company logo goes here. DiJ1e 02/0712008 PtoJec:t Neme Rite Aid 5383 Cllont I Purchaser Order No SubmIttal Summary Page (Equlprnonlonly R9fer lo Quotation p~ge or Schedule? for selacted a:ccessor'~s ) ran -SCH~DU~~_N?~=- -MOI?_~~_~O __ ~Es_CjIP:r-'-ON_-~---:-_ -- --- -. 1 DJ2~ON24P4KAA2 460-3.60 Ultra High Efficiency Gas/Electric Unit 1 DJ300N24P4i<AA2 460-3-60 Ultra High Efficiency Gas/Electric Unit 1 DH060N10P4KM1 460-3-60 Ultra High Efflc'ency Gas/Electric Unit 1 D3NP024N03606 208-1-60 Ultra High Efficiency GaB/Electric Unit NOTE:S d),L - r?;?- ;;:J -t'f- -<.J 8 ESF;tC01 Junlil 2607 5ullllli:IIO c.t1l1fl.i1D wllhQu\ ootlc!} Cllecll, IcaclI\ c1I49i. P 06 I ---' MAY-07-2008 10 12 MCKINSTRY CO S03 331 6906 P 87 MAGNUM Ultra High ~fflclency Gas/Electrlc Unrt Data 02107/2008 Page 1 Order No mVORK It's TrfTI!!to Gat COfTlforli:Jblc ~IOJ.ct Name Rile Aid 5383 Archllect Engll"Jaer Purohaser Submitted By SpnngOeld OR QUANTITY 1 UNITS DESIGNATION Schedule No Model No DJ240N24P4KAA2 ( COOLiNG PERFORMANCE Total Capacity 251 Sensible Capae,ty 187 EffiCiency (at ARI) 11 30 Part Load EffiCiency 12 00 Ambient DB Temp 950 Entering DB Temp 800 Entering WB Temp 670 LeaVing DB Temp 58 3 LeaVing WB Temp 57 1 Power Input (w/o blower) 17 90 Elevalion 0 Sound Power HEATING PERFORMANCE Gas Fired Input @ Sea Level 300 Gas Fired Output @ Sea Level 240 M8H M8H EER IPLV F F F F F KW Ft Dbels I MBH MBH Steady Stale Efflcleney 80 0 % Entering DB Temp 600 F LeaVing DB Temp 878 F I SUPPLY AIR BLOVVt:~ ;:;t:K~v"MANCE I Supply Air 8000 CFM Outside Air 0 CFM External static PressUte 0 60 IWG Ducl Connection Location Bottom Blower Speed 956 RPM Motor Rating 7 5 HP Brake Horsepower 5 96 BHP Power Input 5 05 KW ELECTRICAL DATA 1 Power Supply 460-3-60 MInimum C,reult Ampaclty 56 5 Amps Maximum Overcurrenl Dev,ce Fuse Size 70 Amps HACR CircUit Breaker 70 Amps ,- DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Height 53 ,n Width 181 In Depth 92 In 1 Total Weight (mcl factory options) 3020 Los CLEARANCES I 36 In Back 49 'n o In Top' 72 In 36 In 36 In Flont Boltom' Left S,de R,ghl Side (condenser end) GENERAL FEATURES . Super hIgh cooling effICIency tl1at exceeds ASHRAE 90 , _ Complete Faclory Package - Tested, Charged, Wired Two-Stage Cooling with Independer'1t ClrclJlts and Facs Spilt Evaporator Coli Hermetically SealeCl Comprebsors - Slmp~cllyTM Conl",l. - Adjustable 6ell Dove 610wel _ Solid St~te Control Board with Flash Coda to Monitor Syslem Opera lion _ 1wo Stage Heatmg Wllh Spark Iqnlllon _ Induced Draft With PDst Purge Logic on G~ti Fired Urllt5 _ Bottom or Side Duct Connecl1on!O - Crankcaija Heaters _ SOlid cors L1auld L.lns Fll\er DrIers .. HInged Filter Door and Toolloss AcceSS Cabinet Opllonal _ LoW Ambient to l.ero Degrees _ Com~resacr Antr~Recyelc Protecllcn _ PhJg~TYDe WIring Harness Connectors for EconomIzers ~ Pe:rmanently Lubncated MotOfS _ 24 Voll Control ClfCUft vmh Compressor Loci< Out Protecuon _ High Pre:;,sure La..... Pressure Md Free;J:stat Controls _ Copper TubefAlumlnLlm Fin Colis _ easy Acce~s to all EloGlrIcal Components _ Rlggln9 Holas In Sase Ralls {or L1UlMg _ Single PClInt Power ConnechOI"'l _ Powder ~alnt Finish That Meel8 ASTM-B117, 1000 hr Salt Spray Test S landards CS.A Agency Approval on :GIoll Unlls - Facto')' Warranty - Ons Year on the Complete Unll . Four Additional Years on the C6l'r'lpreSSor$ . Nine Addlllonal Years on Ihe Gas Fired Heat Exchanger 1 Urnt! m9~ IJ<' IllSlfllled on 'Ol\'I~U!llble f1DQI'~ Inade lrom wood or elll!lS A. 8orcrDDlr,clVltrlnQrnB(llri"h :I. Ufll111lTll,I~bDln5IElllodDllldOOf9 O\lllrhlln9lngIllrudurDf.Of ahrubp ~hCluld II~ obs(rllC;l CQ'lo..n~(lr ~II' d~chl'lrg<:: olJlIe\ ~l.. ~ ;EATIFIEO 1!.:'Ir-~OOl June ;!.lID7 ~lIbjQC:T 10 101'''1r>~~ ....llho\ll m.H,"o Choelo. 11)"1lI1l:1:Ic.l1l~ MAY-07-2008 10 12 ilYORK' fI'$ Time (0 eet ComfortBblp proJec' Name Rile Aid 5383 Archl19cl Ef'lglneer purchaser Submitted By MCKINSTRY CO 503 331 6906 P 18 MAGNUM Ultra HIgh EffIciency Gas/Electric Unit Date 02/07/2008 Page 2 Order No Spnnghelo OR Model No DJ240N24P4KAA2 QUANTITY 1 UNITS DESIGNATION Sched"l. No OI.OWEll MOTOR ACCE9~ ~QlIlIl''''.~ AJAINI..ETKGGp O~~Ul:lNAlR ~,!nJF'P\..YAIR ~CONOF.i!'l!:;DA"'11l. Ol.JTDOoRl'l1l {€aoo\ll\llpr) I;coNOMIZ;I'Jl./ MOTORlZEe DAMPl!n FI1I!.O OUTDOOR INTAIU;A]R ANb pOWER I'-IlHAU8T R"IH HoOD~ /Sud."II'r) QI-t1\111!ft "''' ~UAIlD ~ _ <IollbItlllm ~o'L~ CaKTAOL80X AtC;fU, ..."Ill....r-.lo01\llIU I~ lfEl'd. T~.J'''' .LJ!I".,I'Q"""","..J'IuoLl\M"~ OclI'l'>Iloo:ld.~IDI,",.w'I",,..,.ldoOd uponroq~"l lJtllTllAeERO\'t~ ~ 3hl"'~'."a.....IY~1~11I1ro"~ lJQn""'D""'I."'......,I-II_r and G..Plplhll C~n~ Odl" Ell 1"...11." ......UOOI-'1 """ '01< FQI GOI~ nlpljnloodunnli ",1'1"'lh."~rlll.lljI.r d~","I"""-oII~"9U.blotpl"llU,*I.r1Il"'. ~\IIIflIy.n<lr"'\4r".J'IJIICIC_lIa". REAR VIEW l-.lCOIfTRQLYhtIlI<IO ,.", c~n"TOp. SE.CTION I/lilit,es Entry Data Opsnlny Dl. U.. 1-1ta" KO 314" NPS (F) 3-5/8" KO 3" NPS rF) 2-3fi)"KO 1-11 ~ 6 Hole, I (Hole IA \ 8 I C I D Front Bottom Side 80\\0m Front 1 Gas Plp,ng I Bottom) Cmllrol Power 113P.;WO? JlJnll ~067 SlJbl~l:l II;! dlllll(lll IoIIl1ll;llJL r\lJtlct ehtcoll )oe/ll CQda~ MAY-07-2008 10 12 MCKINSTRY CO mYORKO /t'~ TmK to (jl;t ComforobJr: MAGNUM Ultra High Efficiency GaslElectrlc Unit 503 331 6906 Dale 02/0712008 Page 3 Order No P 119 PrOject Name Rite Aid 5383 Archl~BCl E:"glneer Purchaser Submitted 6y sprlngl,eld, Of' QUANTITY 1 UNITS DESIGNATION Schedule No Model No DJ300N24P4KAA2 { COOLING ;;t;r<rORMANCE Total Capaolty 310 Sensible Capacity 226 Efliclency (at ARt) 1050 Part Load Efficiency 11 20 Ambient pB Temp 950 Entering DB Temp 80 0 Entering WB Temp 67 0 Leav,ng DB Temp 59 0 Leaving WB Tamp 572 Power Input (w/o blower) 2480 E~v~oo 0 Sound power HEATING PERFORMANCE Gas Flrad Input @ Sea Level 300 Gas Fired Output @ Sea Level 240 MBH MBH EER IPLV F F F F F KW Ft Dbel. I MSH MBH Steady State Efficiency 80 0 % Enterrng DB Temp 60 0 F Leaving PB Temp 822 F I SUPPLY AIR BLOWER PERFORMANCE Supply Air 10000 CFM Outside Air 0 CFM External Static Pressure 060 IWG Duct Connection Location Bottom Blower Speed 1065 RPM Motor Rating 15 0 HP Brake Horsepower 11 20 BHP Power Input 9 35 KW ELECTRICAL DATA I Power Supply 460-3-60 Minimum Crrcult Ampaclty 71 0 Amps Max,mum Overcurrent Device Fuse Size 90 Amps HACR Clrcu,t Breaker 90 Amps I DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT I I Height 53 In Width 181 In Depth 92 In 1 Total Weight (Ulcl factory options) 3120 Lbs CLEARANCES I Front 36 In Back 49 In Bottom' 0 ,n Top' 72 In Left Side 36 In R'ght Side (condenser end) 36 In ~ GENERAL FEATURES ~ Super high cooling effICiency Ihat exceeds ASH RAE 90 1 r Complete Factory paokage - Te5ted, Charged, Wired _ Two stage Cooll"!;! wllh Independent CtrcullS and Face-$plll Evaporator Coli _ Hermetically Sealed Cornpre55ors _ SlmphcltyTM controls . Ad)U5lable Belt Drive Blower ~ Solid state Control Soard V(llh FlastJ Code to Monitor System Operatlon -1wo Stag. He..ns wllh Sp.r. Ignlllon -Induced DrBfl With Post putge LogiC on Gas !='Ired Umts _ Bottom or Side Duel COMl3cllons - Crankcase Healer6 ~ Solid Core LIqUid line Filler Driers _ Hinged Filter Door and TClolless Aecass Cablnel Option 011 l.oW Ambient to Zero Degrees Compressor Antl~~Bcycle Prolection Plug~Type WIring Harness Connectors for EconomIzers Permanently LubrlcalQd Motors z4 Volt control Clrcl..llI wllh Compressor Lock OLll Protection l-hgh PrS6SlJrC, LoW Pressure and Freezstat Controls Copper iube/Alumlnum Fin Coils ca~)' Access to all Elec\rlcal Components RiggIng Holes In Sase Ralls for Llfhng Smgle POint Power Connection Powder PaInt Fmll;;h Thaf Meets ASTM 8117. 1000 ht Salt spray Test Standards _ CSA Meney ApDttlval on all Unll6 Fadery Warranty One Year on the Complete Unit Four Additional Year~ on (he CDmpre~s.Drs . Nme Addlllonal Yeat=:, on lhe Gas Fired Heat E:s:changer I UnH~ may blr.In:sl.8Ulld en ..omoo911tlj~ 1100(5 mllde from 11'11100 eUClllS8A BlIfCrOtlr<<lYellnQmlllenBla 2 Unll~ must bit In..I;'llll!ld OUl CIDer.; Ol,'ltfhnn€lll'l\l Blrucl\lrC~ Ol" ~hrubStlhoI,lJlIno(Dbul,u,"lwndlilnt.I;arQl\"d\~chlilr9G6<l1191 in j E ATI FI E 0 eSP2QD7 Junll 20\11 S\llloJ,,~111l tlhllnD. ....llho\Jt "ollc~ ChtICk 1t:Il:all .."dOfl MAY-07-2008 10 13 MCKINSTRY CO 503 331 6906 P 10 Dale 02/07/2008 Page 4 Order No ilIYORKO It'! Time to Get ComfortJlblf'~ MAGNUM Ultra High Efficiency GaslElectrlc Unit project Na"'a Rite Aid 5383 Architect Engineer Purchasar SubmlUad By Springfield OR QUANTITY 1 UNITS DESIGNATION scnedule No Model N. DJ300N24P4KAA2 IiII(IINOI:I ~~:~"~ -- r---.. '\ """ \.'.~'"l~ry) ..............I~.............. ~.:;;~:~"" 52~5J8 lIlo~t"oIl1~1 -_ ' "AllO<llll~C'llUt 11["" -. ,IlCCU! ___ - V~H1..IH OllTLI:"l _ '.... .oo~ ltlOWl'R MOTOR ACCEa~ !:iCOIolDMIZEIlII foolQTOll.Izi:.l) DMlPER fl1:ED mJ'TDOOJ:lIJolTp.I('" AIR Allltl POWER EW.H^US.T Fl"ltJ HOOI)~ (e.OdDlaUY) llLClWl1l CIIIL c;U...RO .T e<mllU/ilII.lI~ ..1I11lll.tT1lCI9P c(lt0EH\i.E" e[l\L~ OR~"I.JRNAlR ~a.\Jl'Pl~,oJR .CO"'oaIaER^1R I' ,OUT[)(III-l~ L " (E((lrartl..rj ~OL;o): .t.CCfSlI IIIUP""'OOT ....... l.Oll<lllDoI ...lldl....I\IoI~Il'.......II\~' TII""" IUblUll~d..nr;l,".loIhOll\n.Il<. C"'llrfoddl....uIOft..,.lllbll>lo>Yld." ~p~" "'......1 I'NIYIIA6l::11"Il..S ~ nl>tO'nuvaUoltl~l"lllullrll.~ a9!1.",l)~cl"l!I.J1I~~ P_I .ndGIIPlplnllC9nn.ellllh I/;Ia.t,an '" llA.'Ilal~U _ -, NOT'! For.u'bl'ln...lodu"l"J"'r.rlalll-....bh."~ dl",.n.I,,~I.1 "oNIb"'r~"'r-' 1.......jlI. IIlIPply.ndr.l""".I'cl~"I..,nn_I,."1 lAICO!'I'TFlOLWIP.lNO ","" I/i"""'PORATOR SECTION ;) OO'~o 1'1'. 'Q I /~// ~~::~;, ~l /ACCEl;~ SUPPLl'tJ ~ I"~ I~:~TU"! 0 -.-jf /~ I Wf/lQOR ~(; 'ur....". . ~ ,~' i''f 40- ~2" ""'" 16)1516'" "l~ 'I ~f/ , t Iloll>rFEtotAtE I;iOND DRt.lH 'rnJR"" 5-116" I ~, 00'"'''''''' ACI;E.li~ "73/"""""'- . REAR ~ -... 39 SIan ~ ~g~~~:~T " ACass VtEW 40(' 5.b" lIlilrties Entry Datu (HQle O~enlng Dla Use 'I I " I l-lill"KO Control Fro.rt I 3!4" NPS (F) Bottom I 6 3-51ii"KO Power Slde I 3" NPS (Fl Bottom I C 2.318" KG Frot'1t 1 \ D 1-11116 Hole I Gas Piping I Bottom) E6f'~M7 Jun& :"007 E>Utll"~1 to dl$ng.. ....JlnlltJt iloilo" Cmu:;k IO~QI "<ld"~ 503 331 6906 P :'1 MRY-07-2008 10 13 MCKINSTRY CO ilYORK" It'~ 11ml; to Cd Comfortable" ULTRA HIGH EFFICIENCY GAS/ELECTRIC UNIT Date 0210712008 Page 5 Order No Project Name Rite Aid 5383 Sprlngf,.ld, OR Arcl1ltect I;.nglneer f'urches~r SubmlHed By QUANTITY' 1 UNITS DESIGNATION Sensci"ls No Model No pH060N10P4KAA1 ( COOLING PERFORMANCt::' ---, Total Capacity 600 MBH Senslbl~ Capacity 45 0 MBH Efficiency (at ARI) 122 SEER AmDlent DB Temp 950 Entering DB Temp 800 Entering WB Temp 670 Leaving DB Temp 59 1 Leaving WB Temp 57 5 power Input (w/o blower) 4 50 Elevatron 0 Sound Power 88 HEATING PERFORMANCE Gas Fired Input @ Sea Level 125 Gas Fired Output @ Sea Level 99 F F F F F KW Ft Dbels MBH MBH AFUE eo 3 % Enlerlng DB Temp 600 F LeaVing DB T e~p 105 8 F SUPPLY AIK I:lLuvvER PERFORMANCE Supply Air 2000 CFM OutSide Air 0 CFM E~ternal Static Pressure 0 60 IWG Duc! Connect.on Location Bollom Blower Speed 1088 RPM Motor Rating 1 5 HP Powar Input 1 26 KW ELECTRICAL DATA Power Supply MinimUm CirCUit Ampac'ty Maximum Overcurrent DeVice Fuse Size' 20 Amps HACR CirCuit Breaker 20 Amps DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Height 33 In W,dth 82 In Depth 45 In Total Weight (InCI factory options) 770 Lbs CLEARANCES Front 32 In Back Bottom 1 0 In Top' Left Side (frlie.r access) R,ght Side (outdoor COil) 460-3-60 1427 Amps 36 In 72 In 36 in 24 'nj GENERAL FEATURES _ Slmphcllylt-A Controls ~ Solid State CanUa! Board I1v1lh FI:5'sh Code 10 Monitor sy~lem Operallon -low Ambient to Zero Degrees ~ Com~lele Fa.ctory Pa~gc ~ "Tested Charged, Wired ~ HermetJcally Sealed Compressor . Unll UnderbJdB Insulaled . Spark Ignition Induced Draft with Post I>lJrge LogiC on Gas FIred Units _ Ambient Modlfled - Tlmefremperalure Defrost Loglc on Heat Pumps _ Bottom ot Side Duct Configura ban CapablllW _ Low Voltage Relay B03rd With Tlilrmlnal Stnp _ PTe Type Crankcase Heater . lIauld Une Filter Dner _ Plug-Type Wifing Harness Connectors for Economizers . Permanently L.wbrlcated Molors 2.4 Voll ConltOI Circuit with compressor lock out prolaC'tlon ~ CQPper Tl.lbelAlurrnnl,lm Fin Coils "2" Filler Rack wllh 1" TIA F,llars High B, L.ow Pressur'e / LOS5 Dr Charg6 and Free;:;stat ProtecllOfl Swltchs'l _ Easy Acce~5 to all t:lgctncal Componel'lls _ RIgging Holes and Forklift Slots In Base Ralls for Llfllng ~ Srngle POint Power Connection _ powderPsln! FinIsh TI)al MeelS ASTM-B117 1000Mr Sall SprAY Test Standards _ CSA Agency Approvi:tl on aU unUs ~ Factory warranly Onl!! Year on lhe Compr~te Unit Four Addlhonal Years on the compressor 4 Nina Additional Ye3rs 00 the G(l,S Fired H~al El(char'lger , U"Il~ tTlgy b~ Ins18H8t1 Dn CLm'1bua\lbl~ nODrll madlS fr"l'n. WODd or ,",olIta A, e ot C toof CWVQIll'lg lTIeL9fI~ls :1 Llflll~ mtJ~l blIlnsliilled lll,ll dool1l Ovethllnlllno ~1r<Jl:ture~ (lr shrubt eh{lIJld nO! obBlruC\ r;tIr'ldetl.!lsr alr L~chaf1l8 outle\ Lac..t., lh", unit ~{Iln~llhCl ~enl !'Iood pulr~ t:l DIIClQ!</ 3 leel ~bQye any forr:ed "it' InIal IO"61le.d .....1I11n 10 norlZllflllll 114,1 (l:!~cIudtng ~e 1r'lIC\lfllII01M unll} 'i IS(llbolow II horl1;onlalleelrrom or1 iOOlsbOU9!lh)'doorgf Q(Il'o'\1Yt'llrlnlsllolhcbund1ng 'i 1"'0\ IrQ'll (jIIlClrlc mClIIllft:, ~9S m\lllfr~ tll\llllslor~ 'l"Id (e~81 Ot)IUpl"'Ien' A 111'\ dllafsnco mu:;II;ICI ptovlded ~lwlllln an\! combusJlble m,lcrllll and 1~(I ~uppl\" air cl..H;J.....orkil)fII OI~I:lnC8 013 tlllnl Itom Ihe un~ 1ha f1l'I'1OllCIC Qi almbllel101'1 mUEll'\Ol be ollQllilkllO ElCOJnlulall! wlltlln II oPl1~no!ld :;pnrol!!i10drCl;1{culaI9 I;,sPZDD7J"nu2P01 S"b]llclLo!<1'II1J1.unwltl1.,ulnotlcr ciloClI lo!<otO::oo:Jll't MRY-07-2008 10 13 MCKINSTRY CO 503 331 6906 P 12 Date 0210712008 Page 6 Order No ilYORK" It's Time to Get C.omfOl'fuble" ULTRA HIGH EFFICIENCY GAS/ELECTRIC UNIT DH060N10P4KAA1 Ft~LD SUP'PLllttl CONTROl. oox CONDeNSER ,/ COMPRl;SSOR ~/~ ACCESS F'llTE::R. ACCB:SS 32.5/e o RETURN AIR ~ SUPPL.Y A.IR . CONDENSER AIR ,-, : ,J OLJTDOOR AIR ..-, (Econorru;;:;er) ~1.' ~ ell aTI FIliI< CONTROl. WIRING EklTRY UNIT BA~F WITH RAILS Shown $opsrs\ely 10 1I111s.1rnte Dot!om cluel opllnlnSl:, power Ilnr:f !:IDS plpl"9 cl'lnnlcllon Jtlc~IIDllJ N01C: For curb mounted Units, re'8tlo Ihlt ducll1angllr dlt'hO'nslons tlr lhl! ~urb for' lhll: proper ::I1z~ oflhll ~1JF'ply and mlum aIr duc' r:;onnecllons FILTER ACCesS ~_ (HoIB iA 16 I C l D utilitIes Entry Datil Open'ng Dla LI$e '\ 718"1\'0 Contrul Side or Bottom 1 :" KG power Side or BottolTl 1 1-518" 1\0 Front 1 1-112" KO Gas Piping I Bottom ) L-- -_~~ \__-}. eLOW!;R MOTOR-I " ACCESS FIELD-SUPPLIED - --" - DiSCONNECT sWITCH ~ LOCATION /'~ MOUNTING BRACKET FoR DISCONNI!i:Ci 6\MTCH (Sl1lp~6d atl,ch~d 10 l/le. bl0fi6rholHiilllglllc;lde lhe bl"",~f cornp9nl'1lllr1L) CONTROL BOX ACCESS G:i1~ING ENTRY Ol1$COfllNECT SWITcH LOCATION AND MO'l'OR AcceSS PANEL FOR UNITWlTH 8~lT DRlV~" OPTION EliIP211117 Juno 20117 Sllb)o.:IIC "hon(l& "'llhnul nQlk.t1 Cl'lol>h h::II~lltr cgda. MAY-07-2008 10 14 MCKINSTRY CO 503 331 6906 P '3 Date 02/0712008 Pago 7 Ordar No ilYORKO It's Time 10 Gel Comfortable" ULTRA HIGH EFFICIENCY GAS/ELECTRIC UNIT DHD60N10P4KAA1 ~I ;0"" ~~ :!h::;'.. ~:': .~ 1lIi'~ . I"l ~: :'::: :" :~~ '~l ~ ::,' -:: .., ' ~=f" ,'!t .:=:. ~:I ,I II"~ I "..."..." 1I..o~1 '~ (I~ ...~:.::: ; ~J1 I .::;;:' ,I ~ ' !~4":~ ,,", '. -:t-, ..".:::-', ~~ 41i~ .~~.: ," ~II! ..~~: ~l "';-'11' ::' L 7'~ 1;1: I,:, ,- ~~-~;~r~--------' -=~. /'1, I ~Io.'.l '. ~ ~ ':=-. ~ 11-112 1---- I --:.IIr----r--/l hi :I' [) RETURN AIR ~ SUPPI,.Y AIR .. CONDENSER AIR , OUiDOOR AIR --' (aGQnoml:z.or) " -- \ r- -;,-1 ~ e E f\TIFIl::t1 "-1/2" 11-1/2::', ~----J ''r--..._ I -------__ 4-5/8" 7-7/sir1 ----1 REAR VIEW SlOE SUPPLY AND R.iURN AIR DUCi OPENINGS UNITS WITH ECONOMIZ"R RAIN HOOP & FIXED OUTDOOR PAMPER HOOD - I "-L1 00 L.71f2_77J9L '1 <ECONOM1lER: RAIl\! I-I~OD I ' REI,IEFI Flx.eD OlfTDOOR AIR ,i 1/2 '1 /DA"'PER HOOD 16318 L _ 4 riB I ~.::JI ___ =t10 1f4r- 4471a -'I~ 1J2~ L H END VIEW f-1"'~-n B ,L ~,11-31/2 ~--. ~ _ ~jl~!4 i .4 oz,/4 SU~PLY AIR l';llJCT oPENING r r-27112---j ~' ", II / / / -f-----j ;- REAR VIEW Notes f!5PZ(l{J7 Jl.I1TG2007 SlJVJoCI IQ chllnu~ wuhou\ noU,'1 CI~l.ICK IOGIII God.. MRY-07-2008 10 14 MCKINSTRY CO ULTRA HIGH EFFICIENCY GAS/ELECTRIC UNIT 503 331 5905 P 14 Dale 02/07/2008 Page 8 I Order No iilYORK Its Time tQ Gill CtJm(o~bll? proJ.cl Nome Rile A,d 5383 ArchItect E.nglneer Purchaser SubmllLed By bpnngfield, OR QUANTITY 1 Model No D3NP024N03606 UNITS DESIGNATION' SChedule No AFUE 80 2 % Enlerlng DB Temp 60 0 F LeaVing DB Temp 101 7 F SUPPLY AIR BLOWER PERFORMANCE I Supply Air 800 CFM Outside AIr 0 CFM External SIalic Pressure 0 49 IWG Duel Connection Location Boltom Blower Speed HI Molor Rating 0 5 HP Power Input 0 44 KW ELECTRICAL DATA power Supply Minimum CircUit Ampaclly MaXimum Overcurrent DeVice Fuse Size 20 Amps HACR Clrcu,j Breaker 20 Amps ~ DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT _ 1 Height 34 In W,dlh 49 In Depth 48 In 1 Total We'ghl (Incl factory oplions) 466 Lbs I CLEARANCES I Back Top' ( COOliNG PERFORMANCE T olal Capacl1y 25 4 Sensible Capacity 18 5 EffiCiency (at ARI) 133 Ambient DB Tamp 95 0 Entenng DB Temp 800 Entenng WB Temp 670 LeaVing DB Temp 58 5 LeaVing WB Temp 56 9 Power Input (w/o blower) 2 20 Elevalion 0 Sound Power 81 HEATING PERFORMANCE Gas Fired Input @ Sea Lavel 45 Gas Fired Output @ Sea Level 36 From 36 In Bottom 1 0 In Left Side (filter access) Right S,de (outdoor COil) MBH MBH SEER F F F F F KW Ft Dbels I MBH MBH 208-1-60 166 Amps o In 36 In 24 In 12 In ,/.....--...M""'... //"",--~ '-.." //--- ~:..~..... -........... ~,/ ... ~~~ ~ -~ -- ""'-~'-~ ~ -', ,'" ~~ ::.-....~-....... .......~ ....~ .......'..........~ ~ "~ ____= .- ",-0/', - ~...... ~,....,,- ~/r , ~ - ,~ ~, " ~ I"~'(. /;/<1' rf ~ij ~ 11 r~ - f<fr, ,. ~~~)",_> I!I 11' 11jl....1 u, ~~" ~ 'i' / "<~,jll ~ Jk;~/ ~, ' ~.. Y;P,:t' "'~.J,J ~ ''''I; "'!.-'-:.i -1-- ",~V GENERAL FEATURES M Complete F-actory pad<:age, Tested, Charged Wired Hermehcally Sealed CompreEsor Sparl< Ignition. Induced Draft wIth Posl Purge L.oglc on Cas Fired Unl~ . Sottom Of Side Air Duel Configurliluon C;p:.abIUty I OW Voltage R!3lay Soard With Terminal S\t1p Liquid Lme Filter Dner 24 Voll Conltol CircUlI .....Ilh compressor loCk out protection _ permanentlY lubrlcat~d Molor . suctlon Lln~ Accumulator on Heat Pumps Ambient M()~llIed - TlmeiTemperalure Defrost LogiC on HBat Pumps Copper lube/Aluminum Fm COilE _ Easv Ar..C6SS to aJl EleclrlcGlI Components _ RI9gll'l~ Holes and ForkhH Slols In 8asB Ralls for LiftIng Sll1gle Polm power Cormactlon powder PalM! FinIsh ihal Meets ASTM-81171000 hr Salt Spray lest Standards _ Agency ApprovalS - CSA on Atl Units Factory Warranty on all 5lM~18 phase _ FIIIB Year Llml~gd Parts on the Complele Unl1 - ran Year~ on lhe compressor _ Twenty Yaats on the Gas Flr~d !-'eat Exchanl;;lsr Faclory Warranty on all three phase unIts _ O("lf! Year L.lmlted Part$ on the Complele Unit _ Five Yedrs on lhe Compressor . TlfJenty Years on the Gas Fired Heal Exchanger (l..lnHs 13 SE~R. and abova) ~ Ten Years (In the Gas ~l~ed Heat E;;xch~nger (unllS below 1J SEER) ,- 4rllslbeli;JW <'lhortzon/(lilltl!ll "11,",,,,110<1' 'lIbl1"llllnydoorf>/' {lf9v1ly elflnlelloltl~ buidlog .q hllJl from elB~,rl~ n'1\llB/6, 901. rn"I~la r~glJfnlar~ "'Il\d rAlllJI r'<)ulMlelll m1ij : Ii fl1' I ~I E 0 , Unl\~ f1\Bi \l8 InslDllc:d 1.11\ l.C1'Ib\Jlllibl<l OOQf6 ",,,dOl (rom wood or <::11166 A a or C 1001 cl)Vl;Irmg m.1lerlal~ ? Unlls mlls\ br In~l.!lned ou\dt\l~r:!. O"'erhan~lInp slluclllfe!i '" shrubr. ghould I'Dl Ob&trUr.1 conu811W ~lr dlschl.'ltg~ wl~! 3 LnCElle 1M urln ao IIl!!1 lilt:: ver'll hlloo CJ..llhl\ Ie al le~lft f\ 1 In CHlorflnuo r/llnl (10 pravidud hlVV<;lon DOY c;or"b~"llbh!l m.lllerl81 find Iho: l!IUllply '3 f [llbgvt! any j cd:'ll In\ \ locllI d wdhln 10 tlt;Inzorllfll r I 1I1r dvr:lWQlk lor I!I dl3lDI'll;!e of 51fJQ\ Irl;>m the U1lrr 11>Q prool.lcl' 01 c:ornbuslion mUll! I ", ,c '" I::' I' . 'I J:I eo lIull)t; IlII11wcd In IlrL\llTll,llllle. WIthin (l !;Qnhne.d :!pI'C~ l'nd roclrculollP c;v.c:uUlt'lll O!cpo,(lgr!Iolhounl E8Pio!Q07 Jl.lnl.l2QD7 Sl.Ibjt!lf.llo r.hllr'!;r~ .....11T\D1.I1 0011&0 CI~r.", IclOut ""du TOTRL P 14