HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-8 -~~ \t~fY ~i r;/\~~ , v CITY OF SPRIN<':'i<l]<,LD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01182 ISSUED' 08/08/2008 APPLIED. 08/08/2008 EXPIRES: 02/08/2009 VALUE: Status Issued 225 FIfth Slreet, SprIngfield, OR 541,726,3753 Phone 541,726,3676 Fax 541,726,3769 Inspection Lme SITE ADDRESS 2145 31ST ST SPACE 23 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702302104200 SprIngfield TYPE OF WORK ElectrIcal Work Only TYPE OF USE PROJECT DESCRIPTION Instdn MH feeder only from eXlsltmg servIce New ReSIdential Owner MALEK JOHN M Address PO BOX 1475 TORRANCE CA 90505 I CON rRACTOR INFORMATION. Contractor Type ElectrIcal Contractor LR BRABHAM License 8699 BUILDING INFORMATION I ExpIratIOn Date 12118/2010 Phone 541,747,6638 # of Umts PrImary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group PrImary ConstructIon T}pe Seconddry Constl uctlOn Type # of Bedrooms # of StorIes HeIght of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path SprInkled Bulldmg Lot SIZe Sq Ft I st Floor Sq FI 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Front yard Setbdck SIde I Setback SIde 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved DrIve Rqd % of Lot Coverage Totdl HandIcapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I "'it: Street ImproveIllQIlt"'ICE' .!OII'fjI~~ffYfl IV U , 'vOb" rUles rego Storm Sewer A "fW~lp . In 0 WiffioJ)~P.QUgll!re'tfa Iqw r speclalln,truclp,'UTHOfRMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF 0090'AR 9S2_0~enle~ ' .,.~by Ihe egU/fes ~ RIZED UNDER THE WORK C You 1'001 OSe r rego au fo COMMENCED OR IS A~HIS PERMIT IS NOT nlJ~~ng Ih::Y Oblql~ IhrolJg~/'3 qre :e~'''IY ANY 180 nAV 0'-"/:1- ANDONED Fne e~ fOr th:n~er (^E~Ples M~A9S?,,~rtf1 - r vu "'tlf}ts '-J1eg "" (11 . 't:: rl.J~ t.. I~ I IriS 7 on Ufl e lele es b" ValuatIon DescrlDtIon '800'33 Illy NOI 'PhOne J 2'2(44) If!Cqllon Value Ddte Calculated Notes DeSCrIptIOn Type of ConstructIOn $ Per Sq FI or multlpher Square Footage or BId Amount Pa2e I on -~:':;- ,. ~.' Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01182 ISSUED 08/08/2008 APPLIED' 08/0812008 EXPIRES: 02/08/2009 VALUE: 225 Flflh Street, Springfield, OR 541,726-3753 Phone 541,726-3676 Fax 541,726,3769 InspectIOn Lme Total Value of Project Fees PaId I Fee DescriptIOn + 10% Admmlstrahve Fee + 12% Stdte Surchdrge + 5% Technology Fee Manufactured Home Service Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Numbel $550 $660 $275 $55 00 8/8/08 8/8/08 8/8/08 8/8/08 3200800000000000553 3200800000000000553 3200800000000000553 3200800000000000553 Tolal Amount P dId $69 85 I Plan Reviews I To Request an InspectIon call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769. All InspectIons requested before 7:00 a.m. WIll be made the same workIng day, InspectIOns requested after 7:00 a m wIll be made the folloWIng work day, I Renulred Insnechnns I I II Y 111 MH ServIce Approval reqUIred prior to uhhly company energIZIng servIce By sIgnature. I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby cerhfy that all mforrnatlOll hereon IS true and correct, dud I further certify thJt ,my and dll work performed shall be done III accordance With the Ordmauces of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the La"s of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work described berem, dnd tbat NO OCCUPANCY wIll be made of any slructure WIthout permIssIOn of the Commumty ServIces DIVISIOn, BUlldmg Sdfetv I lurtber certIfy thai ouly conlractor; and employee; who are m comphance WIth ORS 701005 WIll be used on thIS project 1 further dgree to ensure that all requIred mspecllOns are requested at the proper tIme, thaI edch address IS readable from the street, lhat the pel mIl cal d IS located at the tront of the property, and the approved set of plans wIll remam on the sIte at all times dUring constructIOn Owner or Contrdctors SIgnature Date Paee 2 of2 City of Sprmgfield Electrical Authonzatlon To Begm Work E,m..led To bh.l.d.@qulXnct nel Receipt # RC535726 8/7120084 58 20 PM IiPRIH~ ~j\ By Phone Check on status of permit (54])726,3753 or Em..1 perm.leenter@e.sprmgfieldorus TYPE OF WORK I D New constructIon lliJ AddlllonJalteratlOnln..placement CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I [K] lor 2 famll) dwellmg o MultI famIly o Commercml/lndustnal JOB SITE INFORMATION ANO LOCATION !Jobno 7147 IJobdddrc!l!l 2145 31STST I Cuy/Slate/ZIP SPRINGFIELD OR 97477-1872 I SUlle/bldg Illpt no SPC 23 I Project narol.. MLL LANGfll LD Cro~!o street/direction!> to Job !lite ISubdnlslOn I Tax mapfparccl no ILot no 1702302104200 I OESCRIPTION OF WORK INSTALL MH FECOrR ONLY FROM EXISTING ShRVICE SITE CONTACT I Name MLL LANG HELD !Phone (541)7479585 IFax IEma.1 I CONTRACTOR I EI he no 20 87e I ceo he no 8699 I BU\lRc!os N line LR BRABHAM INC I Contact 8699 IAddrc...... 68 W Q ~ J IOly/StatcfllP SPRINGFILLD OR 97477 2142 I Phone (541 )7476638 I Fu None jlmall bhalada@qUlxnet nel I Mttro III no I City he no Isupenl!lolOg electnclan's lie no 4944S Supt.l"\l\mg elecfrlClan's name LARRY R BRABHAM JR Upon review and approval by your local JUrisdiction, your permit will be e-malled or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspection NOTE ThiS Authorrzatlon To Begin Work expires within 180 days If a permit IS not obtained The local bUilding department may determine that an Authorization To Begm Work IS null and vOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordmances ThiS Authorization To Begin Work must be I FEE SCHEDULE I De!lcnptlOn l Qty Fa 10t.11 1 I Resldentldl SIl'lGI 1<- OR multl-famll) d\\clllng unit Includes I ltt.u.hed gdnt~C 11000sql\ork" I I I ! Ea add] 500 sq fl or portIOn 1 I L.ml.<d Fa<rgy I I LimIted energy resldenual I (with above SQ fl) I LlImted energy multllwm]y I resldentla] (WIth above SQ ft) I-lImIted energy LOmmercJa-] I (",ruh above SQ n) I Stand.dlone limited energy I reSIdential I Stand alone limIted energy I mulu fdmlly I - Stdnd alone 111mted l.nergy I comml.rcml I ServlcC!l OR feeders installation. alteration, AND/OR relocahon I 1200 dmps or less 1 1201 amps to 400 amps 1 1401 amps to 599 amps 1 I I EMPORARY !lel"\lce!l OR feedlrs In!ltullalJon,ulteruhon, I AND/OR reloeahon 1200 amps or less 1 1201 amps to 400 amps 1 140] amps to 599 dmps I 1 Bnmch CircUits -l'lEW, alteratIOn, OR utlOslOn, Iler panel 1 I A Fee for branch lIrCults WIth I service or feeder fcc, each brdnch lIrcUlt I B Fee for branch CIrCUIts I WIthOUt sen Ice or feeder fee first branch CIrcUIt. 1 each add] branch C\Tcult 1 j .l\hscellaneous 1 I ServIce reconnect only lEach manufactun..d or modular $5 - 001 $5500 dwelllnl!.. servlll and/or !Leder :> 1 Pump or lITIgatIOn CIrcle 1 1 :::'Ign or outline Ilghlmg 1 I SIgnal Clrcult(s) or limIted not offered online at lhlSJunsdlctlOn energy panel, dlleratlOn or e'tLnslOn I ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I Subtotal [ $5500 I Statl. Surcharge (12% ofpenmt fee) $660 I I CIty OfSprmgfie]d fees * $825 I 1 TOTAl PER"I r Fn I $6985 I * CIty OfSpnngtleld fees 10% Local Admm ree, 5% Local Technology Fcc COM: ~n~x-- 01lk2 ...., RCPTII 0 ;::),O/J?"-S52 DATE PROCESSED: g- / ,;/C)~ losted at the Job slte-6ntll replacea oy a ~ 'ermlt PROCESSEu il~___ '_ 225 FIfth Street SprmgficId, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1182 COM2008-0 1182 COM2008-0 1182 COM2008-0 1182 Payments Type of Payment ONLINE CHGS l-RCcelOtl RECEIPT # DescriptIOn Manufactured Home Service + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee PaId By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS :~ ;IIi: - - 3200800000000000553 CIty of SprIngfield OffiCIal ReceIpt Development Services Department PublIc Works Department Date 08/08/2008 Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received NJM Page 1 of I ONLINE LR Online BRABHAM Payment Total 924 16AM Amount Due 5500 275 660 550 $69 85 Amount Paid $69 85 $69 85 8/8/2008