HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-8-12 r;.~; ~ "CITY Of SPRINGFIELD, OREGON L ~ '\, JL. ~~" '" '" ~," !-~ SPI!IINCPIELD ZON INITIALS DATE SOURCE ~t, !fir" lJ,,\'\,....~ \.\.~I:V' " 225 FIFTH ,TREET . SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 . PII1541)726-17S1 . FA" (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CIty Job Number CO""" -z..OO K-~ 0 /I 8' "r --, .A.!. t_ ", .." Date I 11,0011'I(ft\f Ol,'nVSl'ALlAT(ON' " ! 3000 ~\TE..uJAVf C:;, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ( (,ATEltJA~ tJJ'U- '5PRIIJ6F'l8-0 ,()K "5OCTlow B.) JOB DESCRIPTION '1703 zzoo C> z:~o-o ~02t0 SIC-i-l- aI7Ti~c;" Q\eC'JtT 3 I' COMl'LEl'E FEE. SCHEDULE. ~BHOM- A f;'1c,! Rc.'''l€ntJaI,- :'.i{.gIMI Multl;l'l1lmlv p~ld"clllllg I~rilt., ServIce Included 1000 sq ft or less Each addlltonal 500 sq ft 01 portIOn thereof $11700 $ 2100 Perm.ts are non-transferable and expire If work .s Each Manufact'd Home or not started withIn 180 days ofIssuance or If work IS Modular Dwellmg ServIce or Suspended for 180 days Feeder i rCON1}0C1'Olu~!Sf~il~4TI~yl B 'r;~;~: F;~d~i..~~~~on:_AlterallOns 01 Relop'lton Electncal Contractol (AiZ/4?A/ C:;/r.J..J 200 Amps or less $ 70 00 ATTEN 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 83 00 Address "Il,()f) I JF cf..J~'E5 'P 7.2fullow r:'~O"4all~,"%9JlPEfcjIT\~s $13800 i Notification aff~R~;,sQli 1IfJ€!~a you to $180 00 Clly ~J C)i2. Phone 51 ( ;;j ~~~ 1li2-0C11~+S~A~~ ~eYi'I':rh $413 00 , . YOU mafOOluaeW<91iJifh OAR 95 0 $ 55 00 "T77c ( Calling the ce t "10 cOPies of th 2,001_ .-:zag c nUmber for llll; ~rdNofe"lW 1,,1 R rUle~ t " SupervIsor LIcense Number J ( U ( /' C ~ KUlmtMlU3IlV/ Clt..ft'~1jRf'c1clS - { ~ entef/S~i::::B!i!!r,Ull,1 'Notlf~'''' ' , -800-332'234 ICatlon InstallatIOn, Alter~bn or RelocatIOn $55 00 , -, - c I ~ ,~t,.'''~ /0/3/16X L4~<{'1 Constr Contr Number q- z5&J cL"'S ji'j61/1 () ExpIratIOn Date 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps t9 600 Amps Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above D I~BrJ\mh'9tc.~lt' -~:- $ 55 00 $ 7600 $110 00 ExpIralton Date SIgnature of SupervIsmg ElectncIan ,,""'\ ' c::-7/1/J _ / /'}/i New AlteralIon or ExtenSIOn Per Panel /f/<"u-.--k / / ~7- ~ ~ One CIrCUIt , I // / . P 1'~. Each Add1ltonaI CIrCUIt or WIth 1...1. 77...--:./ A-v, _ ]JiJS R' ,ervlce 01 Feeder Pelll1lt $ 400 Owners Name UI't"tvv. / ,VV1~1J'HO _ Address' 110 .. Ai IJItcIl-8L COMMfJZfD UN~fk~{(Rlif~'YiJgerYlLC/fCedcr not mcludcd)-Each InstdlldtlOn I . ,/. -.. filVY 1 (JfD OR I .. HIS"PfR'~ -WOff1( CIty f.L'tt~, lPhone _ 80 DAY PfRIOSI4~NDUftit'j ZT; IS NOT $ 55 00 r:l ~gn/Outlll;e'r IJiGdg / $ 55 00 qWNER INST ALLA nON LImIted Energy/ResldenlIa] $ 28 00 r ~ 'l, - . \ ~ f ^ The mstallatlOnJs bemg made,on property'] own w1uch , '-~' LlmtledjEnergy/Commerclal.., \'-', ,"-. - ->1 1$ 50 00 "I- I ~'j~ ,..,'~ "'d''X;. V"'l" ...1....~'t."-'.:lo...;'1,JI,,\,\ -'1\' 1'{1~", "'t!.J.i.'~,..,)/\,~1.'1J;l~~1'11""t'~~'/'!I<-.1(JA'(J,)'"'t'~Hi!i''' "r;l'!fl,(.i..:,~/,) ~.:;" .' IS\llot m!ende fo~s~le)eq.se or rent~/~~-.,t)- ~~,L, ~ I' 't;'1~ ~1\1IDm1Um~Elcctflc Permit Inspection' Eee1ls $50100 +:Surcharges ~rlu~-{)~d~"j "\:')'4,,-,!ff d~'~{i !..~~",.,J%.l~"\-II..'i,.J.\.,tl.J). f' "\f-:"-. ,'..~'..;~ -".. __,_,'.l-... . ~~.. ~~ ';!t" ~l'....,,;~ ~)..J,,# r,r:J-~}\J' '\ M~" 0"'.ft\.I"i.tf&~.t ,-,n "r'\." ).1 1i'~ , $,J "~':-4: S;.7'B10''";rAL7oF.....,'.~O. V'E-..,.......;l',.*'"'" -.., .}~,r..,/. t C:c tZs:) '~n" i OwnerslSlgnarure '.......,. ~~.j'fJ", ~ ,~~H"'~A~ .;l~~ .: t___~... .. ,,~, ~0~ ~ ~~. ',r:.,ltt'Cf;.!!~ 1 ,j *~hJ!;..~ ...Ic-/J $ 48 00 c; C; co 12% State Snrcharge 10% Adl1l1l1lslratlve Fee 5% Technology Fee ?,~ c:-~ ::2 '7 '5 InspectIOn Request 726-3769 T01AL &9 'irS Shared DlIVC( I )/I3Ulldmg rorms/Flectncal PermIt App\!catlon 1-08 doc ~1c \0'\ CITY OJ:< M'ldNGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-01189 ISSUED: 08/11/2008 APPLIED: 08/09/2008 EXPIRES. 02/11/2009 VALUE' Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Spllngfield, OR 541-726,3753 Phone 541-726,3676 Fax 541-726,3769InspecllOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 3000 GA TEW A Y ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703220002300 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK Electncal Work Only TYPE OF USE PROJECT DESCRIPTION New sIgn, eXlStmg CIrcuIt Owner GATEWAY MALL PARTNERS Addless lION WACKER DR BSC3,04 ATTN PROP TAX ADMIN CHICAGO IL 60606 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Electncal LIcense 64549 Contractor CARLSON SIGN COMPANY r. BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Umts Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary Construction Type # of Bedrooms # of Stones HeIght of Structure Type of Heat W dter Type Range Type" r~qUlres you to Energy'path'le Oregon Ulillty " 'Spnnkl~d' IilildiQpre set forJl7a IJ. J010 throuah U'AR 952-001- 00 '- I DEVELOPMEN'PINI'ORNrA,IQN;l Cdlrl, ~ !'... number for the Oregon Utility NotifIcation Cent6t)I&It~Iil32-2344), # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverage Front yard Setback SIde I Setback SIde 2 Selback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbdcks I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I StJ eet Improvements Storm Sewer AvaIlable Specldl Instruction New CommercIal ExpIratIon Date 03/04/2010 Phone 541-382,2182 Lot SILe Sq Ft Isl Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact SIdewalk Type DownspoutslDr dms NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT ":X.1f.l:.:ri3ffj-(;F; 13 ~ONED FOR .l\i&.~lllD\lli5llrprtlOn I Notes DeSCrIptIOn $ Pel Sq Ft or mulltpher Squdre Footage or BId Amount Tvpe ot ConstructIOn Page I of2 Value Date Calculated Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01189 ISSUED. 08/11/2008 APPLIED: 08/0912008 EXPIRES 02/1112009 VALUE' . 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541,726,3753 Phone 541,726,3676 Fax 541-726,3769 InspectIOn Lme Total Value of Project fees PaId I Fee DescnptlOn + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee SIgn, OutlIne Llghtmg Each Amount PaId Date PaId $550 $660 $275 $55 00 8/11/08 8/11/08 8/11108 8/11/08 ReceIpt N umher 2200800000000001227 2200800000000001227 2200800000000001227 2200800000000001227 Total Amount PaId $69 85 I Plan ReViews , To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769 All mspectlOns requested before 7.00 a m wIll be made the same workmg day, inspectIOns requested after 7:00 a,m wIll be made the following work day, I Reouired TnsnectlOns I SIgn Electncal After connectIOn IS made but pnor to energIZIng By SIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed applIcatIOn and do hereby cerllfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS trne and correct, and I further certIfy that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the "01 k descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure WIthout permISSIOn of the Commumty ServIces DIVISIOn, BUlldmg Safety I further eel tIty that only contractors and employees who are m complIance WIth ORS 701 005 WIll be used on th.. ploJect I further agree to ensure that all reqUIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper tIme, that each address IS I eadable fI om the slreet, that the permIt card IS located at the front of the pI opel ty, and the approved set ot plans wIll remam on the SIte at all times dunng construction Owner or Contractors SIgnature Date Paee 2 ot 2 225 FIfth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0] ]89 COM2008,O] ] 89 COM2008,O \\89 COM2008,O 1189 Payments Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #. DescriptIon Sign - Oullme Llghtmg Each + 5% Technology Fee + \2% Slate Surcharge + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee PaId By CARLSON SIGN =~::~ :IIi: . CIty of SprIngfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development Services Department Pubhc Works Department 2200800000000001227 Date' 08/11/2008 Item Total <":heck Number AuthorizatIOn Recened By Batch Number Number How Recclved dJb In Person Payment Total 4767 Page 1 of 1 2 52 02PM Amount Due 5500 275 660 550 $69 85 Amount Paid $69 85 $69 85 811 112008