HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-24 ~ftl m~'luUI.rn,'~Ulllh\.I~LI!I CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 2 SAMPLED ".1 - End Cones REMARKS Rev,ewed By /h. 'i.~ MIchael L ~eyer(j"- Technical Manager [1 r <; (() Geoted1J'1IcaI & ConstrucOOn Servtres Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT Internabonal Way Development Package A 400 Internabonal Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007,01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 07,24-08 2087024 5939 06,26,08 CAST BY R Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 4000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4500 ps' SACKS SUPPLIER 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG F,berYellow AIR CONTENT 2 TICKET NO 60004533 SLUMP 5 1/4" 690 F YARDAGE 90 OF 470 TIME 710 AM 540 F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 Thrrd floor balcony slab within lines 7 7 to 8 5 and D to E 5, second fioor balcony slab within lines 7 7 to 9 and D to E 5 and slab on grade W1th,n I,nes 8 to 9 and A 5 to C Second floor balcony slab AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST 1120AM 845AM 850AM TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COM PRESSIVE DATE (DAYS) (IN') (LBS) LOAD (LBSl STRENGTH (PSIl 07,03,08 7 1256 86 45300 3610 07-24,08 28 1262 86 68500 5430 07-24,08 28 1262 86 70800 5610 Hold 5520 06,27,08 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" TYPE OF FRACTURE- 5 5 5 2 - Cone/Spl'l 4 - Diagonal 5 - S,de (top and bottom) 6 - S,de (top or bottom) 3 - Columnar c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (ema,l) Chambers Construct,on - John Shay (ema,l) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobb, F,sher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corb,n (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel C,ty of Spnngfield MLMJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, informatIon contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be dIsclosed WIthout FEI Testmg & Inspection, Inc 's wrItten authonzatlon 750NWComeIIAvenue CoivaIbs,Qe(p197330 phcre(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757,2991 29540BArrpatRood El1;}eI1e,Qe(p197402 phcre(541)684J849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend. Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE (DAYS) (IN') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) 07,03,08 7 1256 86 I 45300 3610 07,24,08 28 1262 86 I 68500 5430 07,24,08 28 1262 86 I 70800 5610 Hold I (~fEI .'~'Ilfl" "ulio"lll~.II'J/.l~l_ CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 2 SAMPLED Geotechnical & Constn.dion ServIres Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT Intemat,onal Way Development Package A 400 Intemat,onal Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007,01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 07,24,08 2087024 5939 06,26,08 CAST BY R Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 06,27,08 4000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x 8" 4500 ps' SACKS SUPPLIER ESG 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" Fiber Yellow AIR CONTENT 2 TICKET NO 60004533 SLUMP 5 1/4" 69" F YARDAGE 90 OF 470 TIME 710 AM 54" F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 Thrrd floor balcony slab w,th,n I,nes 7 7 to 8 5 and D to E 5. second floor balcony slab w,th,n lines 7 7 to 9 and D to E 5 and slab on grade wlth,n lines 8 to 9 and A 5 to C Second floor balcony slab AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIME OF TEST 1120AM 845 AM 850AM TYPE OF FRACTURE" 5 5 5 5520 3 - Columnar 5 - S,de (top and bottom) 6 - S,de (top or bottom) ..1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Spilt 4 - Diagonal REMARKS ReViewed By /h, <;(. Iftut. Michael L ~eyer (/<-- Technical Manager c Chambers Construct,on - Dave Bakke (ema,l) Chambers Construct,on - John Shay (ema,l) Coughlin. Porter Lundeen - Bobb, F,sher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (ema,l) Eugene Sand and Gravel C,ty of Spnngfleld MLMJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, mformatlon contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be dIsclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspechon Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 700 NW CaneIIAvenue CavaIIis. Qeg:J197330 ptxre(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757,2991 29540 B AHpat Road Eugene, Qeg:J197402 pha1e (541) 6B4-3849 fax (541) 6B4-3B51 63050 Corporate Place, Sulle 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftJ Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Bolting, 11;"lImt"'~~';;;'1lI11\.lH. Geoted1n1C8l & Consb1.JdJon ServIces Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No Inspectron of Welding Fabricator or Erector West Side Iron Contractor Chambers Construction Shop D Weather BPNo 07-29,08 2087024 E,20759 C Walpole 5114210,85 ICC Field Ii1I Clear COM2007-01851 Performed visual Inspection of stairs from the first floor to the third floor between grid lines 4 and 5, from E to D and between 7 and 8, from C to C 5 Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Puddle welds and button punch In sheet metal decking were checked for size and location Contractor was asked to nolify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge. the work checked IS In conformance With structural draWings dated 07-10- 08 and applicable AWS D1 1 and D1 3 codes, except If noted above ReViewed By A. -i ~---- Michael L MQ;; Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield MLM sc ~SC.S\'-JSU t>,\ili \\ 'Ill\\I.\'Il ThiS report andlor enclosed test data IS the confldentJal property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertalOs to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such Information contained herein shall nol be reproduced In part or full andlor any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testmg & InspectIon, loc s wnnen authonzatlon 750 NW ComellAvenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541)757,2991 29540 B AJrport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend. Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 . SF!' 1I:"lr~UI"I~~':.I'-.IlIJ~.mtlll ~ . ...J & Constn.dxx1 SeMl3s Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments. LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT Intemat,onal Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 1 SAMPLED TEST DATE 07-25-08 I 08-15,08 I 08-15-08 L Hold AGE (DAYS\ 7 28 28 07,24,08 2087024 5967 07,19-08 4"x8' ESG 3/4" 07,13-08 CAST BY R Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 4000 ps' SPECIMEN SIZE 4500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG Fiber Yellow AIR CONTENT 1 TICKET NO 60005392 SLUMP 4 1/2" 77' F YARDAGE 100 OF 300 TIME 830 AM 58' F WEATHER Clear SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 Balconres and pour back stnps on 3'" floor hne 4, from C to D and from E to E 5. on E, from 4 to 5 2. 2" floor hne 4, from E to E 5, on E, from 4 to 5 2 2"" and 3'" floor starr land,ngs, roof mechan,cal equ,pmenl pads and curbs 3rd floor pour back hne E. from 4 to 5 2 AREA (IN') 1256 WEIGHT (LBS) 86 TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 38300 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI\ 3050 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI\ TIME OF TEST 1035 AM TYPE OF FRACTUREH 5 -*1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Spht 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - S,de (top and bottom) 6 - S,de (lop or bottom) REMARKS John (Supenntendent) was advised of on,sote test results ReViewed By /JJ. ~~ ~h;el L Meyer Technrcal Mana c Chambers Construct,on - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construcbon - John Shay (emall) Coughhn, Porter Lundeen - Bobb, F,sher (emall) Enc Hall Architects -- Ted Corbon (ema,l) - Eugene Sand and Gravel - City of Spnngfield MLM sc This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It is addressed and pertams to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such mformatlon contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection loc s written authonzatlon 7~NWCaneIIA~ 0lvaIIis,0eg:n97330 pIme(541)7574698 fax (541) 757,2001 29540 BAllpatRred Eugene, ()egJn 97402 pl1a1e (541) 684-3849 fax (541)684J851 63050 Corporate Place, Surte2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541)382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846