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Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Weldinq/Hiqh-Strenqth Boltinq 11~'mlel;"m,':J;'.IlIlII.I~11I C6...,~J lOCal & Consbucbon ServIces Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No Internalional Way Development Package A 400 Infernatlonal Way Spnngfield, Oregon Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding Metal-Some Fabncatlon Chambers Construction Shop Ii1f Weather BPNo 06-23-08 2087024 E-20411 6 Webber IK Green 93050801 AWS CWI Field 0 Inside COM2007-01851 Performed visual Inspection of the following fabncated structural steel components columns 4A, 6B and 1 M and beams 77C, 57 A and 77F Completed welds were checked for Size, lengfh, profile and location Fabncator was asked fo notify our office when addlflonal services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance WIth shop draWings dated 04-25-08 and applicable AWS 01 1 code, except If noted above ReViewed By ~Ie~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em all) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin. Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfield DAWJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such Information contamed herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & Inspection Ine s written authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4646 SF!I Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth BoltinQ 11"'IU'~41"~"Il';llllir.h'tlll Geote:tmlC8.l & Consbucbon Servtces Chent Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfleld, Oregon Inspeclton of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Puddle Welds Wesf Side Iron Chambers Construction Shop 0 Weather BPNo 06-23-08 2087024 E-20416 C Walpole 01040131 AWS CWI Field It! Clear COM2007-01851 Performed visual inspection of puddle welds and button punch In sheet metal decking at the following locations second floor between 8 and 9, from A 5 to C and from D to E 5 and on third floor between 8 and 8 5, from D to E 5 Puddle welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with structural drawings and applicable AWS D1 3 code, except If noted above Reviewed By ~L~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (em all) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfleld DAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specIfic process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Information contained herein shall not be reproduced rn part or full and/or any part thereof be dIsclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 5 wntten authonzatlon 750 NW ComellAvenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541 ) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541 ) 382-4846 ~ftl Geoted1nicaI & 0JnstrudJ0n Serv1res Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 11a.'IUI"tlf~';n'ILm.Itl.' CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue EUgene, Ore90n 97402 PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 I DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 06-24-08 2087024 5898 DATE CAST 05-27-08 CAST BY M Meyer DATE RECEIVED 05-28-08 STRENGTH REQUIRED 3500 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x8" STRENGTH PLACED 3500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 313568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES AIR CONTENT LOAD NO 1 TICKET NO 5802762 SLUMP 5" CONCRETE TEMP 65" F YARDAGE 60 OF 60 TIME 1005 AM AIR TEMP 56" F WEATHER Cloudy SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Temporary matenal/personnel hOist foundation slab AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN ') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTURE- 06-03-08 7 1250 86 28800 I 2300 815AM 5 06-24-08 28 1250 87 46400 I 3710 940AM 5 06-24-08 28 1250 86 46000 I 3680 3695 945 AM 5 Hold I "1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was adVised of on-site test results ReViewed By A7(.~ Michael L ~eyefJ- Techmcal Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) EriC Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMIW ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, Informatton contaIned herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testing & Inspection Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Correll Avenue CavalIis, Oregon 97330 ph:lne(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Anpcxt Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 ph:lne (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SfEl Geotectn;al & Construcbon Servires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) .t;.'mlrt'I~.1~UiltJ~.IH!I CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT Intematlonal Way Development Paekage A 400 InternatIOnal Way Springfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 06-25-08 2087024 5904 DATE CAST 05-28-08 CAST BY D Delatte DATE RECEIVED 05-29-08 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4" xS" STRENGTH PLACED 4500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES Fiber Mesh AIR CONTENT LOAD NO 3 TICKET NO 5802779 SLUMP 5 1/4" CONCRETE TEMP 680 F YARDAGE 110 OF 865 TIME 550 AM AIR TEMP 520 F WEATHER OvercasVRalD SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Second floor slab on deck line A to D, from 4 to 8 LOAD 3 SAMPLED Near lines C 54 5 AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIM E OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTURE~ 06-04-08 7 1250 84 35000 2800 750 AM 5 06-06-08 9 1250 85 39500 3160 155 PM 2 06-25-08 28 1262 85 52500 4160 1135AM 3 06-25-08 28 1262 86 56500 4480 4320 1140AM 5 *"'1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - D[agonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was adVised of on-Site test results ReViewed By /J;. ~~ Michael L Meyer T echmcal Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) EClc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of SpClngfield MLMJw ThIS report andlor enclosed test data 1$ the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the speCific process and/or matenal evaluated As such, informatIon contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEr Testing & Inspection, fno 's written authonzatlon 7WNWCaOOIAvenue CavaIlIs, Qoe;p197330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax(541)757-2991 29540BAJrpatRoad Eugene, Qoe;p197402 phone(541)684-3849 fax(541)684J851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~fEI .1:t.'lmrv."I~'.,~a.hlu.I~I. GeotechnlCai & ConstrudJon Services Chent Mr Joe Hawes Project Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon BP #COM200-701851 Contractor Chambers Construction Fabricator or Erector Metal-Some Fabncatlon LocatIOn I . " o u J!l ~ .. . l' " ~ u o ] . b . u o- J 2! ~ ..l '!..J '" if '" . " o U JI! " ~ . u . ~ E E ~ 0> . ~ Truss Hangar 250A 1 Weld #1 1 Weld #2 I Calibration Blocks IIW ose ICOdeCritena AWSD11-06 1700 A 1700 A 1&21 1&21 x x F raquency 2 25 mhz Equipment No Panametncs 48 Remarks Reviewed By ~~~ Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Archlfects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Spnngfleld DAWJw Page 1 of 1 Report of Ultrasonic Examination Date Project No Rpt No Technician 10# Shop 0 Weld 10 Jomt 10 06-25-08 2087024 E-20427 C Walpole A S N T Level II Field 0 Complete Penetration Truss Hangar Decibels Dlscontmulty c o ~s o u o . l!~ " c 00> " 0 3.;::: ,,12 .E . u 0 ~ Distance J!l . E 0 g. 5 ." 'S 0 ~ U 0> 000 a{!! 0 From X FromY . o 0 . 0 ~ "'" CUl c d 34db 34 db I Couplet UJlragel JJ '....Galn dB a-b-c=d This report and/or enclosed test data 1$ the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herein shafl not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection Inc s written authonzatlon 750NWCcmelIAvenue O:xvaIrlS,0reg0n97330 p/1ale(541)757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirportRoad Eugene, Oregon 97402 p/1ale(541)684-J849 fax(541)~1 63050 Coiporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strenf:lth Bolting n~'mNet..I~.'~UnlJ~.IH. GeotechnlC8l & ConsIrudJOn Serv1ces Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Date Project No Report No Inspector ID No Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding Mefal-Some Fabrlcaflon Chambers Construction Shop Ii1I Weather. BPNo 06-24-08 2087024 E-20420 o Webber/K Green 93050801 AWS CWI Field 0 InSide COM2007-01851 Performed continuous visual Inspection on complete penetration groove welds Inspected fit-up and mOnitored amps, volts and travel speed by (3) certified welders uSing E71T-1 F CAW process Complete penetration welds on truss hangar 250-A were completed, and are pending ultrasonic testing and completion of remaining fillet welds for final inspection Fabricator was asked to nollfy our office when additional services are needed To the besf of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance wlfh shop drawings dated 05-02-08 and applicable AWS 01 1 code, except If noted above Reviewed By ~./~ Dale A Webber Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em all) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield RI:C 1://, JUtV V 1:.0 dO ltltl,? DAWJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertaIns to the specIfic process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FE! Testmg & InspectIon Inc 5 wntten authonzatlon 750 NW ComellAvenue CorvalliS, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541)757-2991 29540 B AJrport Road Eugene. Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporale Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 SF;) Geo1echnJcaJ & Construdion Services Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) .1~'lIml",~.'liI;Ill'J~.II'I" CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT Intematlonal Way Development Package A 400 Intemallonal Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 06-13-08 2087024 5876 DATE CAST 05-16-08 CAST BY R Ma~ama DATE RECEIVED 05-17-08 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4" x8" STRENGTH PLACED 4500 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES Fiber Yellow, Pozzolith 80 AIR CONTENT LOAD NO 3 TICKET NO 5802642 SLUMP 5 3/4" CONCRETE TEMP 690 F YARDAGE 110 OF 10125 TIME 510AM AIR TEMP 540 F WEATHER Clear SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Third floor slab within lines 4 to 8 and D to H LOAD 3 SAMPLED ApproXimately lines 5F 5 TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE DATE (DAYS) (IN') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) 05-23-08 7 1250 86 49900 3990 06-13-08 28 1256 87 70600 5620 06-13-08 28 1256 86 69000 5490 Hold AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) 5555 TIM E OF TEST 1100AM 905 AM 910AM TYPE OF FRACTUREh 6 3 3 **1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Spilt 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was advised of on-site test results ReViewed By tla'i r::r- Technical Manager c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMIW ThiS report and/or enclosed test data 1$ the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the speCific process and/or matena! evaluated As such mformatlon contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testmg & InspectIon, Ine 's wntten authonzatlon 750NWCaneIIA\I9I1U9 0:YvalIis,Qegoo97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax(541)757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Qegoo 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541 )684-3851 63050 Ccrporate Place, SUlle 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 Sf;} Page 1 of 1 11~'UUf>>"ltlio'liI;IUIJ~.I~L" Gcvlev: u ..caI & ConstructJon Serv1ces Report of Inspection Services WeldinQ/HiQh-StrenQth BoltinQ.... Client Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Date Project No Report No Inspector IDNo Inspection of Fabncator or Erector Contractor Welding Metal-Some Fabrlcaflon Chambers Construction Shop It! Weather BPNo 06-16-08 2087024 E-20360 D Webber/K Green 93050801 AWS CWI Field 0 Inside COM2007-01851 Performed visual inspection on fhe following structural steel components stairs 226A, 227A, 228A, 229A, roof trusses B2E and B2W and beams 57A and 77C Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Fabricator was asked fo nollfy our office when addItional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with shop drawings dated 05-02-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above Reviewed By iII/&r Structural Steel Supervisor c Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) City of Springfield DAWJw ThiS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or malenal evaluated As such Information contained herein shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's INl"ltten aulhonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 fax(541)757-2991 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) ~9 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place SUite 2 Bend Oreaon 97701 ohone (541) 382-4844 t..x 1<;41) 1R?-4RAR . &fcl ~:c.:; ,1ICai & Construction SeMres Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 11;'11Ulrw .1~~,:.!;.nlh'.lfl. CLIENT Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO 06-18-08 2087024 5885 DATE CAST 05-21-08 CAST BY R Maqama DATE RECEIVED 05-22-08 STRENGTH REQUIRED 3000 pSI SPECIMEN SIZE 4"xB" STRENGTH PLACED 3000 pSI SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 313568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG 3/4" ADDITIVES AIR CONTENT LOAD NO 1 TICKET NO 5802709 SLUMP 6' CONCRETE TEMP 6rF YARDAGE 60 OF 60 TIME 1020 AM AIR TEMP 51' F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Conlinuous footlOg on lines A 5, from 8 to 9, on C, from 8 to 9, and on 9, from A 5 to C AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTUREri 05-28-08 7 1243 86 30100 2420 955AM 5 06-18-08 28 1256 86 50000 3980 915AM 4 06-18-08 28 1256 87 48500 3860 3920 920AM 4 Hold . A-Cone 8 Cone/Spill C Cone Shear o Shear E Columnar REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construcllon) was advised of on-site test results Reviewed By M~af?!:;r--- TeehDleaJ Manager e Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobb, Fisher (emall) Ene Hall Architects - Ted COrblO (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Springfield MLMIW This report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the chent to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the specIfic process and/or matenal evaluated As such information contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FEI Testmg & Inspection, loc 's wntten authonzatlon 750 NVV ComeII Avenue O:llvaIris, Clregoo 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BJ\upcxtRoad Eugene, Clregoo 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax(541)684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUlle 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541) 382-4846 ~FEI .la.'mtrl.h'~'n.IIIJ~.m. CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION LOAD 2 SAMPLED TEST DATE 06-18-08 07-09-08 07-09-08 Hold AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 Gvv~ II 1.caI & Construction Servires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT Internallonal Way Development Package A 400 International Way Spnngfield, Oregon B P NO COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO Mr Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Creseent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 CAST BY DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE D Delatte 06-11-08 4000 pSI 4500 pSI 314568 Fiber Mesh 2 TICKET NO 1506801 63' F YARDAGE 100 OF 48' F WEATHER Overcast Third floor slab on deck line A to D, form 4 to 8 SACKS CEMENT 8450 Near lines B5 AREA (IN') 1256 WEIGHT (LBS) 85 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 2420 AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSI) TIM E OF TEST 845AM TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 30400 "1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Spilt 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS Dave Krull (Chambers Construetlon) was advised of on-site test results ReViewed By ~r~ TechnIcal Manager c Chambers Construcllon - Dave Bakke (emall) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbl Fisher (emall) Enc Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (emall) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Spnngfield MLMJw 06-18-08 2087024 5927 06-12-08 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" 61/4" 605AM ASTM C31 TYPE OF FRACTURE" 3 ThiS report andfor enclosed test data 1$ the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertains to the speCific process and/or material evaluated As such, mformatlon contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full andfor any part thereof be dIsclosed Without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc 's wntten authonzatlon 750NW ComeIIA\IeI1LJe CotvaIIis, Qeg:y1 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax(541}757-2991 29540 B AIrport Road Eugene, Qeg:y1 97402 phone (541) ~ fax (541) 684-3851 63050 ColpOrale Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 362-4844 fax (541) 362-4846 , 1 \ . \ ... . , . SfEl Page 1 of 1 Report of Inspection Services Welding/High-Strength Bolting. .1a.'lltl~"I~~'~:"IIII1'.ltLlII Geok.J u u....c1I & 0:>nsbt.IdDn ServIces Chent Ms Knsten Karle St Vincent de Paul POBox 24608 Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrOject Aster Apartments 1955 Third Streef Spnngfield, Oregon Date Project No Report No Inspector 10 No Inspection of Fabricator or Erector Contractor Welding Metal-Some Fabncatlon Melli Construction Shop ItI Weather BPNo 06-24-08 2077226 E-20421 D Webber/K Green 93050801 AWS CWI Field 0 Inside COM2007 -00960 Performed visual inspection of elevator hOist beam 115A Completed welds were checked for Size, length, profile and location Fabncator was asked to nollfy our office when additional services are needed To the best of our knowledge, the work checked IS In conformance with shop draWings dated 06-23-08 and applicable AWS D1 1 code, except If noted above ReViewed By ~//tJ/L- Dale A Webber Structural Sfeel Supervisor c Melli Construction - Curt Melli (e-mail) Melli Construction - Curl Dawson (e-mail) Bergsund Delaney Architecture & Planning (e-mail) Hohbach-lewln Structural Engineers (e-mail) City of Spnngfield DAWJw ThIS report and/or enclosed test data IS the confidential property of the client to whom It IS addressed and pertams to the specdic process and/or matenal evaluated As such informatIon contained herem shall not be reproduced In part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed WIthout FE! Testmg & Inspection, Inc s wntten authonzatlon 750 NW Comell Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Auport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 fax (541) 684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, SUite 2 Bend, Oregon 97701 phone (541) 382-4844 fax (541)382-4846