HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-8-12 Status Issued 225 FIlth Street, SprlDgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LlDe CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-01061 ISSUED. 08/12/2008 APPLIED 07/15/2008 EXPIRES: 02/12/2009 VALUE: $ 1,881.00 SITE ADDRESS 637 KELLY BLVD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703352301500 Springfield TYPE OF WORK Deck PROJECT DESCRIPTION Deck Owner Address GRANNAN JOSEPH R 637 KELLY BLVD SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 TYPE OF USE New ResIdentIal I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Contractor DARRELL A SHAFT ExpiratIOn Date Phone 541-729-5654 # of UOIts Primary Occnpancy Group Seconddry Oecupdney Group Primary ConstructIOn Type Secondllry ConstruetIOn Type # of Bedrooms Frontydrd Setback S,de 1 Setback S,de 2 ~etbllck Redryard Setback Soldr Setbacks 1400 VB LIcense BUILDING INFORMATION I U # of Stories Height of Structure Type 01 Hedt Water Type R.lDge Type Energy Path Sprinkled BUlldlDg n/a Lot SIze Sq Ft I st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Bdsement Sq Ft Garage/Cdrport Sq Ft Other Oecupant LOdd 99 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Drive Rqd % of Lot Coverage I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I QUIles 'IOU \I~ n \[iW Ie on \,)\1 I'J ~I\ i)~\ Sld.;(:'alk typeOleg e set \o(\h ""I'., "s~" \l" '~' 0 IW~~S al 952.00\- \0\10' J I ,~ce'?I~~I1Spo'\tE~\!)~SI. lules '0,/ \'lc,\I\IG2~~ 2.-00~ OO~ 0 \\1cO\lles 0\ \\1~\l\100e 11\ O;\R 'i~U nW'I ob\all\,l'-Io\e the ~O\\f\Ca\lOn 0090 \\1e cel\ter "01\ \,)\\\I\1"A4) callIng '" the Ole"~,,_"'32-~ . ."'d1 I...... tel \5 \.~- I ..~.~ cel\ ValuatIOn DescrmtlOn I Streellmpr~tff~l:: Storm SeweD ~~I/JtMi SpeCIal Inst~'t5ti9!)'R V/IT ~w...lipBlflliu,lfsfH!CWORK f\ 'HU IZED UNDER THIS PERMIT Notes COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED F6~ NOT ~NY 180 DAY PFRlnn DeSCriptIOn Type of Con'tructlOn $ Per Sq Ft or multIplIer Squdre Footage 01 B,d Amount Valne Date Calculated P d~e I of 3 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01061 ISSUED 08/1212008 APPLIED. 07/15/2008 EXPIRES: 02/12/2009 VALUE: $ 1,881.00 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 rbone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIon LlDe Deck/Bdlconv Deck $1900 9900 $1,881 00 $1,881 00 07/15/2008 Total Value of ProJecl FpP~, ti&ILI Fee De~cnptlOn Amount raid Date PaId Receipt Number Plan RevIew ReSidentIal $32 50 7/15/08 2200800000000001085 + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee $500 8/12/08 1200800000000000862 + 12% State Surcharge $600 8/12/08 1200800000000000862 + 5% Tecbnology Fee $250 8/12/08 1200800000000000862 BuIldlDg PermIt $50 00 8/12/08 1200800000000000862 Plan RevIew Mmor - PlannlDg $11900 8/12108 1200800000000000862 Total Amount PaId $21500 I Plan Reviews I 100tIal RevIew 07/17/2008 07/17/2008 APP NJM Pubhc Works ReVIew 07/17/2008 07/24/2008 APP LKW No new ImpervIOUS surface No easements, Malabon -Urban Ldnd soIl Structural ReView 07/17/2008 07/28/2008 APP CJC Planmne ReVIew 07/17/2008 08/05/2008 APP TAJ To Request an mspectlOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All mspectJons requested before 7:00 a m. will be made the same workmg day, mspectlOns requested after 7.00 a.m will be made the followmg work day. ~n~.np('t~ FootlDg After trenches are excavated FramlDg InspectIon PI lOr 10 covel and dfter all rough III IDspectlOns bave been approved FlDal BuIldlDg After all requIred mspectlOns have been requested and approved and tbe buIldmg IS complete Paee 2 of3 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01061 ISSUED' 08/12/2008 APPLIED' 07/1512008 EXPIRES 02/1212009 VALUE' $ 1,881.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 rbone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme By slgnalure, I slate and agree, that I bave carefully exammed the completed applIcatIOn and do bereby cerhfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and 1 further cerhfy that any dnd all work performed shall be done m dccordanee wltb the OrdIDances of the CIty of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to tbe work desCribed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY Will be made of dny structure WIthout permISSIon of the CommuOlty ServIces DIvIsIOn, BuIldlDg Safety I further eerhfy that only eontraetors and employees wbo are m complIance "Itb ORS 701005 wIll be used on tb,s project 1 further agree to ensnre that dll reqUIred IDspectlOns are requested al tbe proper tIme, tbdt each address IS reddable from tbe street, tbat the permIt cdrd IS locdted dt the,front of the property, and tbe approved set of plans wIll remalD on the sIte al all <?~ v# &~~ ~er or Contr~ctors Slgii~t~~e' Date / P d2e 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER NAME OR COMrANY LOCATION TAX LOT NUMBeR DEVELOPMENT TyrE NEW DWELLING UNITS I STORM DRAINAGE COM2008-01061 Rlley GrdllTIan 637 Kelly Street 1703352301500 Smgle I'armlv ResIdence o BUILDING SIZE (SF o DIRECT RUNOFF 10 CITY STORM SYSTEM 1 IMrERVIOUS S F x I COS1 PER S F I! CHARGe I 9900 1 $0357 = I, $3532 I RUNOfF ROUTeD TO DRYWI:LL DESIGNI:D AND CONSTRUCII:D TO CITY STANDARDS 1 IMrERVIOUSSF 1 x I COSfPERSF I x I DISCOUNfRATE I I 1 0 00 I $0 357 I 50% I ~ ITEM I TOTAL - STORM DRArNAGE SDC 2 SANITARY SEWER - CITY A REIMBURSEMENT COST I NUMBER OF DfU's I x I 0 I $35 32 I 1070 COS f peR DFU $27 67 4 SANITARY SEWER - MWMC A REIMBURSEMENT COS r INUMBER OF FEU's 1 x ICOST rER FEU 1 0 1 1 $9790 B IMrROVEMEN r COST INUMBER OF FW's I x ICOST rER FEU o 1 1 $1,00917 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMJNIS1 RA TlVE FEe ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC ~l $000 SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1, 2, 3, & 4) 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ~ , $3532 ISUBrofAL x I ADM FEE RATE I~ $35 32 1 5% I TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE roTAL TRANSrORfATlON ADMINISTRATION FEE CHARGE $177 Kaye Wilson PREPARED BY 7/24/2008 LO I SIZE (SF) DISCOUNT $000 5663 $3532 I I~ IQ 18 Ip:: 1L.Ll l- [/] a ~ l $000 1091 = $000 11054 I 11055 1054 11056 I I I DATE TOTAL SDC CHARGES = $000 $000 $000 1079 11078 I II 177 $000 =, $37.09 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT" "DRAINAGE FIX11JRE UNITS l (NOTE FOR REMODELS CALCULATE ONLY TIrE. NE r ADDITIONAL HXTURES) NO OF FIX rURES DRAlNAGE I UNIT FIX rURE FIXTURE rYPE NEW OLD EQUlV ALENT UNIIS IBATH1UB 0 0 3 = 0 DRINKING FOUN rAIN 0 0 1 = 0 FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 3 = 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC 0 0 3 = 0 INTERCEP roRS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH / ETC 0 0 6 = 0 ILAUNDRY TUB 0 0 2 = 0 ICLOTHESW ASHER / Mor SINK 0 0 3 = 0 CLOTHESW ASHCR - 3 OR MORE (CA) 0 0 6 = 0 IMOBILE HOME rARK TRAP (I rER TRAlLER) 0 0 12 = 0 I RECErTOR roR REFRlG / WATER STATION / ETC 0 0 1 = 0 f RECErTOR FOR COM SINK / DlSHW ASHCR / ETC 0 0 3 = 0 SHOWER, SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 = 0 I SHOWER. GANG (NUMBER OF IIEADSt 0 0 2 = 0 ISINK COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 0 0 3 = 0 ISINK COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 = 0 I ISINK WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 0 0 2 = 0 I SINK SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR 0 0 1 = 0 I URINAL, STALL / WALL 0 0 5 = 0 I TOILET, rUBLlC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 = 0 I IOILET, rRIVATE INSTALLATION 0 0 3 = 0 I' MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF [DU'S I 20 = 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 0 I :.EDU (EqUivalent Dwelling Umt) IS a discharge eqUivalent to a smgle family dwelling umt (20 DFD's) set at 167 ~Ions ~r da~,...___ I -----" MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE. BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ~ ANNEXED I BEFORE 1979 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 CREDIT RATE/$I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $529 $529 $519 $512 $498 $480 $4 63 $440 $4 07 $367 $322 $273 $225 $180 $159 $145 $125 $109 $092 $072 $048 $028 $009 $005 IS LAND ELGlBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT CLGIBLE FOR ANNEX CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 fOTNo) BASE YEAR 2 2 1979 CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APrLlCABLE) VALUE/lOaO CREDIT RATE $0 00 x $5 29 = , $000 CRLDlT FOR IMrROVEMLNT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) VALUE/IOOO CREDIT RATE $000 x $529 ~ , o TOTAL MWMC CREDIT $000 = 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1 061 COM2008-0 1 06 I COM2008-0 1 06\ COM2008-0 I 061 COM2008-0 I 061 Payments Type of Payment Cheek LRecerntl City of Sprmgfield Official Receipt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000862 Date. 08/1212008 DeSCriptIOn BUlldmg Pennl! + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Admmls!ra!lve Fee Plan ReVIew Mmor - Plannmg raId By SHAFT CONSTRUCTION Item Total Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received nJm 3740 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 8 46 21AM Amount Due 5000 250 600 500 11900 $18250 Amount Pmd $182 50 $18250 8112/2008 Branch Engineering, Inc. 3105'" Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (541) 746..0637 . FAX (541) 746..0389 147 Commercial Street NE #10. Salem, Oregon 97301 . PHIFAX (503) 779-2577 Mr Dave Nowak 5729 Main Street Pmb 239 Spnngfield, Oregon 97478 SUBGRADE~ 441 SO. 41fu S~-;;:~;:-) SPmNGFlliLD,O N Deering IDe Project No. 08-142 PRINCIPALS James A Branch. P E , P L 5 Rene Fabncant, P E , S E Michael Lane Branch. P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee C Clough. P E . P L S August 12,2008 A geotecbmcal engineer viSIted the above referenced sIte on August 11, 2008 to assess the buddIng pad subgrade shrink/swell potential and soIl bearIng capacIty for construction of a smgle family reSIdence The building foundation area has been excavated 10- to 15-mches exposing a fInn, slightly mOIst silty clay subgrade sod With a moderate shnnk/swell potential The subgrade has been covered with 2- to 3-inches of 0/.."-0 aggregate, however, It is recommended that the subgrade be wetted to a depth of 2- to 4-inches pnor to pouring foonngs to close surface desiccation cracks and rmtigate future swellIng of the SOll Currently, the soil subgrade IS SUItable for a conventional penmeter-style foundation, and the allowable soil bearing capacity IS at least 1,500 psf. DIfferential settlements are expected to be less than 1/4-inch over a span of20 feet The building lot and surrounding lots are relatIvely flat; therefore, footing drains are not required; however, the perimeter landscape grades shall be sloped away from the foundation, and surface water shall not be allowed to pond adjacent to the foundation. Branch Engineermg Inc, ~ EXPIRES DECEMBER 3/. 2009 Ronald J Derrick, P E Project Geotecbmcal Engmeer CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING GEOTECHNICAL