HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-8-13 -iir ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-01212 ISSUED. 08/1312008 APPLIED: 08/13/2008 EXPIRES: 02/13/2009 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, SprlDgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pbone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 6222 THURSTON RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702342100300 Springfield TYPE OF WORK Heatmg System TYPE OF USE AlteratIOn ResidentIal PROJECT DESCRIPTION InstallatIOn ot ndtural gas furndce Owner Address RENNIE GORDON G & SANDRA J 6222 THURSTON RD SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Meehdnlcal Contractor MARSHALLS INC License 25790 BUILDING INFORMATION I ExptratlOn Date 12/23/2009 Phone 541-747-7445 # of UOItS Prlmdry Occupancy Group Second.,ry Oecupdncy Group Primary ConstructIOn Type Seconddry ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms # of Stories Helgbt of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path Sprinkled BUlldmg Lot SlLe Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING FrontYdl d Setback S,de I Setback SIde 2 Setb.lck Rearyard Setback Soldr Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved D"ve Rqd. % of Lot Coverage Total HandIcapped Compdct I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements SIdewalk Type Storm sewbT.Uitl'ilil\i\!'J Oregon law requires you to Downspouts/DralDs SpeCIal Insffi~'Cl'i'oHJles adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center Those rules are set forth Notes 10 OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 0090 You may obtalO copies of the rules by !JOTICE: ~~::..,~ 1I,~ ~~.-.~::. ~.w-'- 'h_ '~I~rh".tlo ~: I:: :'1;::-::.lIT rlJ^~1 CVOIO\: II: TI-ll: ~RK number for the Oregon Utility Npullcallun . I,UTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT Center IS 1_800_332_234bNaluatlOn DeSCrtDtlOn tOMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR DeserlptlOn Type of ConstructIOn $ Per Sq Ft Square IWN!i\~O DAY p~ml~' Ddte Calculated or multIphe, or B,d Amount Page I of2 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-01212 ISSUED. 08/13/2008 APPLIED: 08/13/2008 EXPIRES: 02/13/2009 VALUE' 225 F,fth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Total Value of Project Fees PaId I Fee DescriptIOn -Mechdnlcdl Issudnce Fee- + 10% AdmmlstrdtIve Fee + 12% State Sureharge + 5% Technology Fee Furnace - up 10 100,000 btn MIUlmum/Adju.tment MeebanlCal Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $2100 $520 $624 $260 $1500 $3700 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13108 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 2200800000000001241 2200800000000001241 2200800000000001241 2200800000000001241 2200800000000001241 2200800000000001241 Total Amount PaId $87 04 I Plan Reviews I To Request an mspectlOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All inspectIOns requested before 7:00 a m Will be made the same workmg day, mspectlOns requested after 7:00 a.m. Will be made the followmg work day. J ReoUlred Insnectlons i Rough Gas After hne IS IDstalled and requIred testlDg and capped If not attacbed to an apphance Rough Mechamcal Prior to Cover Fmal MecbanlCdl When all mecbaOlcal work IS complete By slgnatUI e, I stdte and agree, that I have carefully examlDed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby certIfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certIfy that any and all work performed shdll be done ID accorddnce WIth the OrdlDances of tbe CIty of SprIngfield and the Laws of the Stale of Oregon pertamlDg to Ibe work described berelD, and thdt NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure wltbout permISSion of the CommuUlty ServIces DIVISIOn, BUIIdlDg Safety I fUI tber certIfy that only contractors and employees wbo dre m comphance wltb ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thiS prOjeCI I furtber agree to ensure Ibal all requIred IDspectlOns are requcsted at the proper tIme, tbdt eacb address IS redddble from the street, thdt the permit card IS located at the front of the property, and Ibe approved set of plans Will remam on tbe site at all times dunng constructIOn Owner or Contractors Signature Date Pal!e 2 of 2 CIty of Sprmgfield Mechamcal AuthorizatIOn To Begm Work E-malled To cevlD@marshallslDc com Receipt # EC536044 8/13/20082 39 13 PM i~ Cbeck on status of permIt By Phone (541)726-3753 or Emall permlteenter@cl springfield or us TYPE OF WORK I D New constnH..tlOn [X] AddlllOnlalteratlOn/n.placcmcnt CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION lliJ ] or 2 family dwelling o Multi family D Acl,.(.ssory BUIlding JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION I Job no I Job address 6222 THURSTON RD ICily/State/ZIP SPRINGI ILLD, OR 97478-7056 I SUlte/bldg lapt no I Project name RENNIE fcrO!l~ street/dlrtchon!l to Job site HrAD [A5T ON] RANKLIN AND CONTINUE o SPRINGI Ifl D ON MAIN UNTIL 581 H ST MAKE A LEFT OR NORTH ON 58TH IGH I ON TIIURS TON I SubdivIsIOn I Lot no ITax map/parcel no 1702342100300 I OESCRIPTION OF WORK INS fALLAIION OF A NG I URNACL SITE CONTACT IN.tme I Phone IFma" I I CeB he no 25790 I BU!lmess Ndmc MARSIIAI LS INC I Contact Cevln WhIte IAddress 41 J 0 OLYMPIC ST I CIt)/StateIZIP ~PRINGF-IEI D, OR 974785620 I Phone (541)7477445 I hx (541)7410821 l}o mall cLvm@mnrshallsmccom I Metro he no I City he no CCB 25790 GORDON & SANDRA RLNNIE (541) 746-6626 I Fax CONTRACTOR Upon review and approval by your local JUriSdiction, your permit Will be e-malled or faxed within one bUSiness day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspection NOTE This Authonzatlon To Begin Work expires within 180 days If a permit IS not obtained The local bUilding department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work IS null and VOId If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances I FEE SCHEDULE Descnptlon I Qty I I Hlatlng/coollng appliances I Furnace- up to 100,000 B I U I Furnace - above 100,000 BTU I Elt:ctnc Furnace I Duct alleratlOns dIld additIOns Gas heater unUs/lO-wall, 10- duct. susoendcd. dc/ Vent, nue, llOer tor abO\.e I Au ConditIOner II kat Pump Aiflldlldler I Other fuel burning appliances I Watcrhedtcr I Gas fireplacehnsert/stove I Gas log/log lighter I Gas clothes dryer I Gas stovelrange I Pool or spa heatlf kiln I Wood/pellet stove/lOsert I Wood fireplace I Chlmnl}/Imcrlfluc/vent wlo aonhance I LIlVlrunmentallxhaust ANI> venhlatlOn I Range hood I Clothes dryer exhaust I ~mgle-duct exhaust (bathrooms tOlkt Lomparlmcnts utility rooms) I Attic/crawlspace fans I Fucl piping I upto first 4 outlcts(enter Qt)=I) I edch dddltlOnal outlet I MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES I Subtotal $1 5 00 I Mllllmum fee used lllstead of~ubtotal $5200 ) Slate SurchargL (12% of permIt fee) $624 I CIty Of~pnngfield fees * I $2880 I TOIALPERMIl .~~ I $8704 '" City OfSpnngfield fees 10% Admmlstratlon Fee, 5% Technology Fl.c Ea lotal $15001 $1500 I I I I I I I ThiS AuthoTlzatlon To Begin Work must be posted at the Job site until replaced by a Permit 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~~ -.:- - City of Spnngfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1212 COM2008-0 1212 COM2008-0 I 2 I 2 COM2008-0 I 2 I 2 COM2008-012l2 COM2008-01212 Payments Type of rayment ONLINE CHGS cReCClOtJ RECEIPT #. 2200800000000001241 Date: 08/13/2008 DescriptIon rurnace - up 10 100,000 btu MInimum/AdJustment Meehanlcal -Meehal1leal Issuance Fee- + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Sureharge + 10% AdmlDlstratlve Fee raId By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How Received ddk ONLINE MARSHAL Online L'S INC Payment Total Page I of 1 2 51 19PM Amount Due 1500 3700 2100 260 624 520 $87 04 Amount Paid $87 04 $H7 04 8113/2008