HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-8-13 Status Issued 225 F,fth Street. Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LlDe SITE ADDRESS 1535 9TH ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703264203601 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-01079 ISSUED 08/13/2008 APPLIED. 07/17/2008 EXPIRES' 02/13/2009 VALUE' $ 9,01600 Springfield TYPE OF WORK Garage TYPE OF USE Add.tlOn Resldenllal PROJECT DESCRIPTION One Car Garage Add.lIon Owner MULLER JOSEPH W Address 1535 9TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Contractor Type General EIectrlc.11 Contractor OWNER OWNER # of UOItS Primal y Occupdncy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Prlmdry ConstructIOn Type Seconddry ConstructIOn Type # of Bed rooms U VA Front yard Setback S.de 1 Setback Side 2 Setback Rearyard Setbdck Solar Setbaeks 2000 800 3000 000 Street Improvements Storm Sewer AvaIldble SpclIallnstructlOn Notes Storm wdter to weep holes ID curb Phone Number 541-359-7794 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I LIcense ExpiratIOn Date Phone . ~UlreQ yuu '\001' BUILDINGlI,NfPRM!\f10" I)regon Utthty fOI,"W rL,~S dUU~'~'e -, ~ rules are set forth No IM,f'StoilI€'s;nter Th~S h OAR ~52-C.Ot~SlZe In (lI'e)g8j;llf~h~'fJA,t rO~I~s of the ruleSlIpy<llst Floor OOOO'plfCll'll ffillIl Obt~I(~~te: the telephorSll Ft 2nd Floor ~h~ li)il>~en~r~ on Utility NoUficalSlllFt Basement n~1'9p~e 1100-332-2344). Sq Ft Garage/Carport Energf'{iillNf \8 Sq Ft Other Sprinkled BuddlDg II/a Oecupant LOdd 5,366 322 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Overlay D.sl # Street Trees Rqd Paved Drive Rqd % of Lot Coverage Total HandIcapped Compdet 3330 I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I . ~ '.NO~\C. c. SidfMIll,~\fy ~ 'S t\Ol l\01\CIO' \1 S\o\t-.\.\. t~~~\'i' \\1 , l\'\\S !OE~~EO Ut\OEn~f>,t\OO" ~~ p..\.l1 n EO OR \i) CO,,^,,^Et\C f>,'i PER\OO. p..t\'i ~ SO 0 Curb dnd Gutter Page I 013 -~.1ii Status Issued 225 Flftb Slreel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pbone 541-726-3676 F dX 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Descrlotlon Tvpe of ConstructIOn Gdrdee Garaf!e Fee DescriptIOn Plan Review ResldentIdl + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee + 12% Stdte Surcbarge + 5% Technology Fee Garage/Cdrport Plan RevIew Mmor - PIannlDg SDC SdOltary/Storm Admm Storm D. alDage ImpervIOus Area Total Amount PaId tRlhal Review PublIc Works Review Structural Review Planum!! Review CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01079 ISSUED' 08/13/2008 APPLIED 07/17/2008 EXPIRES' 02/13/2009 VALUE. $ 9,016.00 I ValuatIOn Descrintion I $ Per Sq Ft or multIplIer $28 00 Square Footage or B,d Amount 322 00 Value Date Cdlculated Total Value of Project $9,01600 $9,01600 07/17/2008 Fpp<. PlW Amount PaId Date Paid Receipt Number 1200800000000000788 1200800000000000867 1200800000000000867 1200800000000000867 1200800000000000867 1200800000000000867 1200800000000000867 1200800000000000867 $7712 $11 86 $1424 $1188 $11864 $11900 $809 $16182 7/17/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 8/13/08 07/17/2008 $522 65 I Plan Reviews I 07/17/2008 APP LLH 07/22/2008 APP LKW Storm water to enrb 07/30/2008 APP CJC 08/01/2008 APP TAJ 07/17/2008 07/17/2008 07/17/2008 To Request an IDspectlOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769 All mspectIons requested before 7-00 a.m will be made the same workmg day, mspectIons requested after 7.00 a m will be made the folloWlDg work day. I?pnlllrp,-l ,Tn~np('~ FootIng After tI enches are excavated Found.ltmD After 10rms are erected but prior to concrete pldcement Sbedr Wdll N.IIIIng Before Lovering shealhmg wltb finish mdterlal; Frammg Inspecllon Prior to cover and afler all rough ID IDspectIons hdve been approved Hold Downs Installed SpeCial InspectIOn performed prior to placement of concrete PrOVIde report to CIty BUlldmg Inspeclor Paee 2 of 3 -w.i~ Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01079 ISSUED: 08/13/2008 APPLIED 07/17/2008 EXPIRES' 02/13/2009 VALUE $ 9,016.00 225 F,fth Slreel, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pbone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LlDe Filial BUIldIDg Alter dll reqUired IDspeetlOns bave been requested and approved and tbe bUIldlDg IS complete By sIgnature, I state and agree, tbat I have earefully examIDed the completed apphcatlOn dnd do bereby certify that all IDformatIOn bereon IS true and correct, and I further cerhfy that any and all "ork performed sball be done ID accordance wltb the Ordllldnces of the CIty 01 Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertalDlDg to the work desCribed berelD, dnd thdt NO occur ANCY will be made of any structure wltbout permissIOn of tbe Commumty ServIces DIvIsIOn, BUIldIDg Safety I furtber certIfy tbat only contractors and employees who are ID comphance wIth ORS 701 005 Will be used on thIs project I further agree to en;ure tbal all requIred IDspectIOns are requested at tbe proper hme, that each address IS readable from the street, thdt tbe permIt card IS located at the front of tbe property, and the dpproved set 01 plans will remalD on the sIte at dll times dunng constructIOn ~c~J~- Date Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER Com2008-01079 NAME OR COMPANY Joesph Muller LOCATION 1535 9th Street TAX LOT NUMBER 1703264203601 DEVELOPMENT TYrC Smglc rarmly ReSIdence NEW DWELLING UNITS 0 BUILDING SIZE (SF 322 LOT SIZE (SF) I STORM DRAINAGE DIRCCT RUNOFF TO CI I Y STORM SYS I EM , IMPERVIOUS S F x I COST rER S F CHARGE I I 45360 I $0357 I = I $161 82 RUNOFF ROUTED TO DRYWELL DESIGNCD AND CONSTRUC1 ED ro CIl Y STANDARDS I IMrCR VIOUS S F I x I COST rER S F I x, DISCOUNT RATE I I 000 I I $0357 I I 50% ~ I ITEM \ TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC $16\ 82 , 2 SANIl AR Y SEWT:R - CI ry A RCIMBURSEMENT COS f , NUMBI:R OF DFU's I x I 0 I B IMPROVCMENT COS1 I NUMBER or DFU's I x I 0 I I [f] LLl CI o I~ ,I- [f] a LLl ~ 5663 DISCOUNT $000 $16\ 82 11070 .1 COST rER DFU $27 67 $000 1091 COST rER DFU $2104 I 11092 I $000 1 I RANSPORTA liON ITEM 2 TOTAL - CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC A REIMBURSEMENT COST I AD1 TRIP RAlE I x I 957 I B IMrROVEMENfCOST I ADTTRlr RATE , I 957 I = I $000 I NUMBER OF UNIl S I x I o I I x INCW IRIPFAClORI I 100 I COS I rER I Rlr 2106 $000 t093 I 11094 I x I NUMBER OF UNITS' x I I 0 I I = , $000 COST rER I Rlr $92 89 $000 x 'NEW TRIP FACTORI I 100 I 4 SANITARY SEWER - MWMC ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANsrORT A nON SDC A REIMBURSEMENT COST INUMBCR OF FEU's I x I 0 I B IMPROVEMEN r COST INUMBER ~F FEU's I ICOST PER FEU $97 90 $000 1054 = x I cos r PER FI:U I $1,00917 = $000 1055 $000 1054 $000 11056 ~ I $000 I ~ I $\6182 J I~ CHARGE I $809 MWMC CREDIT IF ArpLICABLE (SEE REVCRSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS \,2,3, & 4) 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE I SUBTOfAL x I ADM FEE RATE I $16182 I 5% TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION rCE TOTAL TRANsrORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE 7/22/2008 , 8 09 1079 _ I $000 j 1078 _~:I $169~J Kaye Wilson PRePARED BY TOTAL SDC CHARGES DATE DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUlV ALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTIJRE UNITS (NOn. rORREMODELS CALCULATE ONLYTI-IE NET ADOITIONALFIXTURE<:)) NO OF FIXTURES DRAINAGE UNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYrE NEW OLD EQUIVALENT UNITS I BATHTUB 0 0 3 0 IDRtNKING FOUN rAIN 0 0 1 = 0 I FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 3 = 0 IINTCRccrTORS FOR GRCASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC 0 0 3 = 0 IINTERCErTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH / ETC 0 0 6 = 0 I LAUNDRY TUB 0 0 2 = 0 ICLOTHESW ASHER / MOP SINK 0 0 3 = 0 ICLOTHESWASHCR - 3 OR MORE (EA) 0 0 6 = 0 IMOBILE HOME rARK TRAP (I rER TRAILER) 0 0 12 = 0 IREccrTOR FOR RCFRlG / WATER STATION / ETC 0 0 1 = 0 IRECI:PTOR FOR COM SINK / DISHWASHER / ETC 0 0 3 = 0 ISHOWER SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 = 0 ISHOWER. GANG (NUMBER OF IlEADS) 0 0 2 = 0 I SINK COMMERCiAL/RCSIDEN rIAL KITCHEN 0 0 3 = 0 ISINK COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 = 0 ISINK WASIl BASIN/DOUBLE LAVA10RY 0 0 2 = 0 I SINK SINGLE LA V A roR Y /RESIDENTIAL BAR 0 0 1 = 0 IURINAL, STALL / WALL 0 0 5 = 0 ITOILE1, rUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 = 0 ITOILET, rRIVATE INSTALLATION 0 0 3 = 0 MISCELLANEOUS DFU TyrE NUMBER OF EDU'S 20 = 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 0 *EDU (EQUivalent OwelhnA Umt) IS a discharge eaUlvalent to a Sln~le family dwelling umt (20 OFU's) set at 167 gallons per day -- I II I I I I I MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE YEAR CREDIT RATE/$I,OOO II ANNEXED ASSESSCD V AWE IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNCXATION CREDIT? 2 I BEFORE 1979 $529 (Enter 1 for Yes, 2 ror No) I I 1979 $529 IS lMrROVCMCNT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX CREDIT? 2 I 1980 $519 (Enler I for Yes, 2 for No) I 1981 $512 BASE YEAR 1979 I 1982 $4 98 I ]983 $4 80 CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APrLICABLE) I 1984 $463 VALUE/1000 CREDIT RATE I 1985 $440 $000 x $529 ~I $000 II 1986 $407 1987 $367 CREDIT FOR IMPROVCMENT (IF AF I I:R ANNEXATION) 1988 $322 V AWE / 1000 CREDI r RATE i 1989 $273 $000 x $529 0 I 1990 $225 I 1991 $180 1992 $159 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT = $000 , 1993 $145 1994 $125 1995 $109 1996 $092 1997 $072 1998 $048 1999 $028 2000 $009 2001 $005 225 fIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~ City of Spnngfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 I 079_ COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 1 079 Payments Type of Payment Cash CredllCard Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 I 079 COM2008-0 1 079 COM2008-0 I 079 Payments Type of rayment Cash CredltCard cRecemt 1 RECEIPT #. 1200800000000000867 Date' 08/1312008 DescrIption Stonn Dramage Impervious Area SDC SaOltary/Slonn Admm Garage/Carport Plan Review Mmor - Plannmg + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Sureharge + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee raid By JOSEPH MULLER JOSEPH MULLER Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received dJb dJb In Person 040458 In Person Payment Total Description Stonn Dramage ImpervIous Area SDC Samtary/Storm Admm Garage/Carport Plan Review Mmor - Plannmg + 5% Teehnology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Admmlstrallve Fee PaId By JOSEPH MULLER JOSEPH MULLER Item Total <":heck Number AuthorizatIOn Received Bv Batch Number Number How Received dJ b In Person dJb 040458 In Person Payment Total Page 1 of 1 12 03 03PM Amount Due 161 82 809 11864 11900 1188 1424 1186 $445 53 Amount Paid $400 00 $45 53 $445 53 Amount Due 161 82 809 11864 11900 II 88 1424 1186 $445 53 Amount Paid $400 00 $45 53 $445 53 8/13/2008