HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Final PLANNER 7/9/2008 o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINAL MASTER PLAN DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR VilLAGES @ MARCO LA MEADOWS DISTRIBUTION DATE: July 10, 2008 TO / Planning Staff ~ Gary Karp, Planner III /' / Jim Donovan, Urban Plannmg Supervisor ~ Steve Hopkins, Planner II /' -:7 Engmeering' Matt Stouder, Englneenng Supervisor - Public Works Department Les Benoy, Engineer Group, Englneenng/Publlc Works ~ Transportation Bnan Bamett, Transportation Supervisor, Public Works John Dnscoll, Transportation, Public Works t/ FIre: Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department I City Attorney' Joe Leahy, City Attomey FINAL MASTER PLAN APPLICATION REVISION SUBMITTED 7/9/08. A MEETING TO DISCUSS ATTACHED MATERIALS HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR JULY 16, 2008 @ 9.00 -10:00 A.M. IN DSD 616. PLEASE ATTEND, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. If you will be unable to attend the meeting, please have your wntten comments to Gary Karp by July 15, 2008 by 5:00 p.m. THANKS! RECEIVED JUL 092008 By:l<WLeu2' P~~--t- . wetS Co~-f<::.,D.f '/-flU 'J enTr- re... -fb {cUv SATRE ASSOCIATES, P.C. Planners, landscape Architects and Environmental Speclahsts 101 East Broadway SUite 480 Eugene Oregon 97401 (541)465-4721 . Fax 1541)465-4722 . 1-BOO-662 7094 www Sr.ltrP.Or. r.nm TRANSMITTAL -'"""-..!-i....,..~,~'..__. ......"',o.-........""""'....."".....w "",""""-~~ ~~., -"" ~...........,........~>W.""_.",_.., ~.uiIWowl!L".,_.... ......................~_..Io/l'"'....... . TO City of Springfield Development Services - Planning 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Gary Karp DATE PROJECT July 8, 2008 The Villages at Marcola Meadows ATTN CLIENT PROJ # SATRE PROJ # 0609 ".."."=.~...~. .~" ..~... - ~.~ ~ ."._~,~..- "..~..._,.~.~>.,~.. ,- .,~..~. .--~ =,"~,_.~:II TRANSMITTED Herewith x DISPOSITION For Your Approval For Your Information For Reply x Separate Cover Other '^'W"""',,"~,,~ ...~ -,- _.~... ~. ~'.", ~ .,~...~,,,,,....,,,,._>.o.-~_,~"~",~w_'=,~_ '-""_'N~,~,n -.. 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"-'""i"'_"",_"~,,.",,~ .,.,,_~~_., ~.~.~~_ '. .'W "'m-".".i_'.~'.-3 TRANSMITTED # Copies Item Dated No Pages (In addition to this cover oaael 11 1 Final Master Plan Document revIsions checklist July 3, 2008 July 3,2008 2 =.~..."- " "~"ro" _.~ 'k."""",~~, ,_, ~"'.""~"~'~ J~" '. .. ~',w_ ~'- '-"""-'~~"""""" -' ~. . .~ '='~,._' 'n" _., REMARKS Gary - Enclosed herern IS The Villages at Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan rn the requested number of copies The Final Master Plan document Includes a Cover, Table of Contents, Overview/Conditions of Approval Compliance document and eleven Attachments Each of the Attachments are tied to a specIfic condition or set of conditIOns and are referenced With the applicable condition In the Conditions of Approval Compliance document This July 3 edition replaces the April 30 edition we submitted on June 11 and Incorporates all review comments from your June 30 Notice of Final Master Plan DecIsion We appreciate your VISit to the office this morning to review the document In advance of our copYing, binding and delivery task We look forward to hearing from you regarding approval of this submittal Upon your approval. we will record the Final Master Plan are directed In advance thank you for your continued assistance With the project ~ RECEiv EQ::::" BY R LChcu-ri- lvl 5 at:VIV Richard M Satre, AICP, AS LA, CSI JUL 092008 By: MARCOLA MEADOWS FINAL MASTER PLAN APPLICATION RESUBMITTAL REVIEW NOTE TO REVIEWERS 1 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, ATTACHED TO THE RESUBMITTED FINAL MASTER PLAN APPLICATION IS A COPY OF THE FINAL MASTER PLAN APPLICATION DECISION - THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 37, 40, 44, and 49) AND OTHER ISSUES THAT STILL NEED TO BE ADDRESSED HAVE BEEN HIGHLIGHTED IN THAT DOCUMENT 2 ALSO ATTACHED IS A SHEET PREPARED BY THE APPLICANT THAT EXPLAINS HOW EACH CONDITION WAS ADDRESSED 3 THE ITEMS TO BE ADDRESSED ARE EITHER PLANNING, PW TRANSPORTATION, OR PW ENGINEERING RELATED ONLY REPRESENTATIVES FROM THESE DIVISIONS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE SCHEDULED REVIEW MEETING OTHERS MAY ATTEND IF THEY SO DESIRE 4 ALL OUTSTANDING ISSUES MUST BE RESOLVED THE DAY OF THE STAFF MEETING POST REVIEW PROCESS 1 IF STAFF DETERMINES THAT ALL CONDITIONS ARE NOW IN COMPLIANCE, A LETTER STATING THAT THE CITY IS GRANTING FINAL MASTER PLAN APPROVAL WILL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT THE NEXT DAY 2 THE APPLICANT MAY THEN SUBMIT PHASE 1 APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN, FOR THE PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING REVIEW TO DETERMINE COMPLETENESS 3 PRIOR TO THE FORMAL SUBMITTAL OF THE PHASE 1 APPLICATIONS, THE APPLICANT MUST RETURN A COPY OF THE RECORDED FINAL MASTER PLAN TO THE CITY QUESTIONS IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE REVIEW OR THE PROCESS LEADING UP TO THE SUBMITTAL OF THE PHASE 1 APPLICATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT GARY KARP X 3777 RECE\VEO JUL 09 Z008 By:. - RECEIVED Notice of Final Master Plan Decision JUL 092008 Marcola Meadows By: Date of Letter June 30, 2008 Plannmg Case Number LRP2007 -00028 Applicant SC Springfield LLC c/o Jeff Bell 7510 Longley Lane, SUite 102 Reno, NV 89511 Engmeer/Surveyor Lane Branch, PLS Branch Engmeerlng Inc 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97402 Planner Satre Associates PC colRlchard M Satre ASLA, AICP 101 East Broadway, SUite 480 Eugene, OR 97401 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The applicant proposes a phased, mixed-use development on 100 3 acres formerly known as the "Pierce" property, now called the "Villages at Marcola Meadows" (Marcola Meadows), comprised of resldenlial, office and retail villages The proposed development approved by the Planning Commission consists of a total of 518 dwelling Units on 39 acres (13 3 Units per net acre), and a total of 449,600 square feet of retallloffice use for the remamder of the site There will be 11 4 acres of common open space The submittal of this Master Plan application was reqUired by terms of Condition #1 of Ordmance No 6196 (Zoning Map Amendment, June 18, 2007) The site consists of two properties Identified as Tax Lot 1800 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17- 02-30-00 and Tax Lot 2300 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11, which were reconfigured by a Property Line AdJustment (Case Number SUB2007-00037) The site IS enlirely within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary and city limits The site IS located north of Marcola Road and West of 28th Street DECISION The mtent of this report IS to let the applicant know what IS needed In order to obtain Final Master Plan approval Staff has reviewed the application submittal and finds that Fmal Master Plan approval cannot be granted until the fOllowmg occurs A DOCUMENT FORMATTING Staff had a number of concerns with the formattmg of the Fmal Master Plan submittal 1) There was no overview deSCribing the proposed development, Ie, a mixed use residential/commercial development with 518 dwelling Units and 449,600 square feet of commercial bUildings, etc and a summary of the proposed phasmg An ovelVlew and the summary shall be attached 2) The Fmal Master Plan attachments and exhibits shall be tabbed for easy reference 3) The Final Master Plan pages shall be numbered consecutively 4) The table of contents page shall be reVised to list the Final Master Plan attachments, exhibits and their corresponding page numbers 5) There were several Instances of duplicate exhibit numbers for different exhibits that shall be eliminated 1 The revised Final Mater Plan packet shall address these concerns B OTHER ISSUES 1) Signs Attachment 3 depicts the location and size of signs Sign standards are found In Sections 8 200 through 8 268 of the Springfield MUnicipal Code Sign locations are addressed dUring the Site Plan Review process SpecIfic sign standards are reviewed dUring the BUilding PermIt process Sign references In the revised Final Master Plan shall be deleted 2) The City Attorney requires the Separate Recordation of the Deed Restnctlons and the License Agreement Therefore, Attachment 4, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Attachment 8, the Revocable License Agreement shall be recorded first and the recorded copies placed In the revised Final Master Plan submittal packet, which then Will be recorded at Lane County as a single document C STAFF RESPONSE TO EACH APPROVAL CONDITION Background On December 20, 2007 the Planning Commission approved the Marcola Meadows Master Plan with 53 conditions of approval (Master Plan condition of approval #14 was deleted) On January 28, 2008 the City Council denied seven appeals of the Planning Commission's approval and amended Condition 1f27 The findings In thiS staff report Will demonstrate that the applicant IS, or can be In substantial compliance, upon the submittal of additional information as specified below, With all 53 Master Plan conditions of approval In addition, certain conditions may be deferred to Phases 1 and 2 NOTE From the time of the Preliminary Master Plan application submittal through the submittal of thiS Final Master Plan application packet, there have been several Iterations of the proposed Master Plan and associated documents In some cases, the current Final Master Plan packet contains details that have not been reviewed by City staff from the perspective of engineering deSign considerations Therefore, Final Master Plan approval should not be considered to approve any specific englneenng deSign or deSigns that have not been reviewed to date (Information the applicant has taken from the proposed Public Improvement Plan, for example) The applicant IS Informed and understands that certain Plan Sets and other diagrams andlor text Including, but not limited to such Items as final bUilding locations, open dralnageways, easements and street cross sections (see Conditions 37,40 and 44) Will be accepted by staff as submitted for Final Master Plan review and approval However, In order to allow staff to approve the Final Master Plan application In a timely manner, the applicant shall be reqUired to either revise as stated the applicable conditions, or staff Will defer the Identified Issue or Issues to be specifically addressed dunng the Phase 1 and Phase 2 review process and/or the Public Improvement Plan Nevertheless, the "Final Master Plan approval" shall take precedence over any Issues that may be deferred NOTE The 53 applicable conditions of approval are In four categories 1 Those that have been addressed, 2 Those that have been deferred to future phases, 3 Those that Will be addressed by deed restriction or other document that must be recorded, and 4 Those that reqUire revIsion andlor additional information RECEIVED Items 3 and 4 are summarized on Page 27 of thiS report JUL 0 92008 By: '} MASTER PLAN CONDITION #1 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restnctlon stating that the applicant or any successor owners shall provide Wlllamalane Park and Recreation District an opportUnity to review and comment on future plans for specific Improvements to the proposed Oak Prairie Park, In order to better ensure that the design IS compatible with and complimentary to planned Improvements at Wlllamalane's Pierce Park dUring the life of the Master Plan Applicant's Submittal "This condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, ConditIOns and RestnctlOns of Marcola Meadows Compliance with this condition will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City" Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees with the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regarding Final Master Plan approval compliance necessitating the applicant or any successor owners to provide Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct an opportunity to review and comment on future plans for specific Improvements to the proposed Oak Pralne Park for deSign compatlblltty with future Wlllamalane park plans on their property to the north This condition will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #2 Concurrent with the SubdivIsion Tentative Plan application reqUired for proposed Phase 1, the applicant shall submit a letter from ODOT stating that plans for the eastbound ramps of the Mohawk Boulevard/Eugene-Sprlngfield Highway Intersection plans have been approved Applicant's Subm,ttal "This conditIOn IS not reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval The letter from ODOT and the engmeermg plans will be submitted With the SubdivIsion TentatIVe Plan applicatIOn and Public Improvement Plan submittals Compliance With this condition will be addressed by City staff dunng the Phase 1 SubdivISion Tentative Plan application completeness reView" Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS not reqUired for Final Master Plan approval The letter from ODOT and engineering plans can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdivISion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #3 Construction of the required mitigation Improvements at the sole expense of the applicant and shall be complete and accepted by ODOT prior to final occupancy of the proposed home Improvement center shown In Phase 2 Applicant's Subm,ttal "This conditIOn IS not reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval The ODOT concurrence concernmg acceptance of the reqUired mlflgatlon reqUirements Will occur pnor to occupancy of Lowe's as a part of Phase 2 ThiS condition Will reqUire bondmg as part of the PubliC Improvement Plan review/approval process for Phase 1 ConstructIOn of the reqUired Improvements Will occur as part of the Phase 1 public Improvements A letter from ODOT Will be submitted as proof ofEEV- ED ' accep\aQce, a,s par; ,of ~has~.? r:iompliance With thiS condition Will be addre~~t " 'I pnor-tq,fhf' Is~uanc!J of, an qccupancy perrmt for Lowe's as a part of Phase t:. V ' ..I... f( -.1' 'j ~T./I c..:.A 1 f! I' I ~ '} to II 11......\\. , JUL JUL 092008 .. ~ .1,':"", . '~_J , 8y:- 3 Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that this condition IS not reqUired for Final Master Plan approval The bonding for, and the construction of the reqUired ODOT public Improvements can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVISion Tentative Plan application submittal addressed at that time The letter of acceptance from ODOT for the Improvements shall be submitted to the City pnor to the Issuance of occupancy for Lowe's as part Phase 2 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #4 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Development Services Director stating that the applicant or successor owners shall address basIc underlymg assumptions approved by the Planmng Commission when applYing for a Master Plan modification as speCified In SDC Section 5 13 135 Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItion IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, CondItIons and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows ExhIbit C of the DeclaratIon Includes a copy of SDC 5 13-135, together WIth the basIc underlYing assumptions adopted by the Planning CommissIon on November 20, 2007 Compliance WIth thIS conditIon WIll occur when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIOn IS retumed to the CIty " Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees With the applicant's statement requiring the recording of a deed restriction addressmg the basIc underlymg assumptions for thiS Master Plan ThiS condition Will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #5 Concurrently, With the submittal of the SubdiVISion Tentative Plan application that IS required for proposed Phase 1, the applicant shall submit the reqUIred legal descnptlons to the satisfaction of the City Surveyor for the approved Metro Plan dIagram and Zomng Map amendments Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItIon IS not reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval The legal descnptlons WIll be submItted wtlh the SubdIVISIon TentatIve Plan appllcalton for revIew by the CIty Surveyor The legal descnptlons WIll take Into conSideratIon the dedIcatIon of nght-of-way necessary for the Marcola Road Improvements reqUIred In ConditIOn #27 ComplIance WIth thiS condllton Will be addressed by CIty staff dunng the Phase 1 SubdIVISIon TentatIVe Plan completeness revIew" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thIS condition IS not reqUired for Final Master Plan approval The submittal of the Metro Plan diagram and Zomng District boundary legal deSCriptions can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVISion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #6 Prior to Fmal Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states any change m the mix of housmg umts, any change m the location of housmg types, or any mcrease In the 518 reSidential dwelling umts showretl!:~:':(h\l ~<E':n Plan by the applicant or successor owners shall require a Mastenrc~e' ?~eI SDC Section 5 13 -135 JUL 092008 By: J Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIons and RestnctlOns of Marcola Meadows ExhIbIt B of the DeclaratIon Includes a copy of SDC 5 13-135 ComplIance wIth thIs condItIon wIll occur when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIon IS returned to the CIty" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement requIring the recording of a deed restnctlon regarding any changes to the miX, location number andlor type of dwelling Units This condition will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #7 Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states the applicant and successor owners shall address the Multi-Family Design Standards specified In SDC Section 3 2-240 In a revised Attachment 2, Design GUidelines Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, Dec/araflon of Covenants, CondItIOns and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows ExhIbIt B Includes a copy of SDC 3 2-240 Compltance with thIs conditIOn wIll occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the CIty Note Attachment 2 referenced In the ConditIOn of Approval IS now Attachment 3 of Final Master Plan" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regarding the applicable residential design standards specified In SDC Section 3 2-240 This condItion will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #8 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall evaluate and address to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director any open space reqUirement conflicts between SDC Sections 3 2-230 and 3 2-240 The more strict open space standards shall apply to the proposed townhouses The results of this evaluation shall be made part of a deed restriction approved by the Development Services Director and the City Attorney The applicant shall also calculate all reqUired open space for the MDR portion of the site to demonstrate that the open space standard can be met and how the open space standards will be addressed In the Phasing Plan over the life of the Master Plan Applicant's Submittal "This condItIOn IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and resolutIOn of the open space conflict Issue IS addressed In Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIons and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows, and Attachment 11, Phasing Plan ExhIbIt B of the DeclaratIon Includes caples of SDC Sections 3 2-230 and 3 2-240 ExhIbIt G of the DeclaratIon Includes an analysIs of open space standards and a calculaflon of how open space will be proVided within each phase of the Master Plan Compltance wIth this conditIon will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City " Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement requiring the recording of a deed restrffEctlon re ardlng the resolution of open space standard conflicts This condition will be addressed eEl VE D recordation of Attachment 4 JUL 992008 By: 1 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #9 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states no proposed reSidential structure shall exceed the 35-foot maximum height standard specified In SDC 3 2-215 Applicant's Subm,ttal "This condItIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, ConditIOns and Restrictions of Marcola Meadows ExhIbIt B of the DeclaratIon Includes a copy of SDC 3 2-215 Compliance wIth thiS condItIon will occur when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIon IS returned to the CIty" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restnctlon regarding reSidential height standard consistency as speCified In SDC Section 32-215 ThiS condition will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #10 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states the applicant or successor owners shall agree that the design of the uniform fence along the north property line that abuts the EWEB EasemenUBlke Path shall be as shown In revised Attachment 2, Design GUidelines Applicant's Submittal "ThIs condltton IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIons and RestrictIons of Marcola Meadows ExhibIt F of the DeclaratIon Includes a reference to the fence Illustration In Attachment 3-Deslgn GUIdelines Compliance wIth thIS conditIOn will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City Note Attachment 2 referenced In the ConditIOn of Approval IS now Attachment 3 of the Final Master Plan" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement requiring the recording of a deed restnctlon regarding the design and Illustration of the unlfomn fence ThiS condition Will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #11. Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall submit elevations drawings for the proposed home Improvement center with the required Final Master Plan to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director and specify which design standards have been utilized Applicant's Subm,ttal: ThIS ConditIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlOn and the Lowe's bUIlding elevation IS shown In Attachment 5, Design Standards The elevatIOn IS based upon optIOns stated In Condition 12 Compliance wIth this conditIOn Will occur upon City approval of the Final Master Plan submittaL Staff's ResponselFindlng: Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that thiS COndition IS reql i .w=C8{'lfE D approval However - V . "- JUL 09 Z008 By: 6 On May 20, 2008 staff met with the applicant's representative to review elements of the Fmal Master Plan application package pnor to submittal to the City Staff was concerned about the 11""""\ lack of a parapet wall at the rear of the proposed Lowe's home Improvement center to protectllsa..l proposed multi-family residential development to the north from both views of the HVAC ~ eqUipment on the roof and the virtually solid rear wall that has a long 237 foot length mid-bUll With no offsets --- On May 28, 2008 staff sent the followmg response to the applicant's representative W "a SDC Section 3 2-455A 4 b states The architectural desIgn of the bUlldmg roof shalf also/, " mcorporate features whIch screen alf heatmg, ventilatIon and air condltlonmg Units from "--' adjacent LOR and MOR propertIes and the street' The rear elevation submitted does now have a parapet wall The rear of the proposed Lowe's home Improvement center IS adJa to MDR property across the water feature to the north Revise the rear elevation drawmof!llr-' show a parapet wall consistent With the SDC reference Cited above (see also b , below) ~ RevIse the Mulvanny G2 comments accordmgly b The front elevation of the proposed Lowe's home Improvement center shows at least four design elements The rear elevation of the proposed Lowe's home Improvement center, which Will be VISible from the MDR property to the north, appears to show only vanatlon m color ReVise the rear elevation to add additional deSign features or show a'masonry wall as a structural screen With plantlngs to mclude trees which do not encroach on the proposed water feature ReVise the Mulvanny G2 comments accordingly" On June 12, 2008 the applicant's representative submitted the Fmal Master Plan application With the followmg Information a Attachment 5 of thiS submittal contams a number of bUlldmg elevation scenanos The unlabeled black and white diagram dated 03 17 18 shows the line of Sight view for a 6 foot tall person standmg In front of a 35 foot tall multi-family dwellmg The SDC Section Cited above states" screen alf heatmg, ventilatIOn and alf condltlonmg Units from adjacenl LOR and MOR properties "The SOC does not reference a 6 foot tall person The mtent of thiS regulation IS to screen HV AC eqUipment from 35 foot tall multi-family dwellings which have second story wmdows that can view the HVAC eqUipment b The applicant's representative chose the screen wall option which IS shown on the plan referenced above In order to comply With thiS condition, the applicant's representative shall revise the submittal matenals as follows a Parapet Wall 1 ReVise Sheets 00-2 0 and OD-2 2 to show a parapet wall high enough to fully screen the HVAC equipment from vIew from a 35 foot-high multi-family dwelling' 2 ReVise the unnumbered sheet accordingly, based upon the reVISions reqUIred m 1 , above' 3 ReVise the roof treatment portion of the wntten commentary (Item 4) to address the need for a parapet wall that protects the views from the abutltng MOR property to the north' . Note In order to expedite the Fmal Master Plan review process, staff IS Willing to defer the revised 91!jlgrams reqUired m Items a 1 and 2 above, If the applicant adds the followmg statement to the written response to the Campus Industrial deSign standard SOC Section 3 2-445A 4 "The parapet waif Issue on the north SIde of the proposed 00 = = '" ... -= -' => -, . . >. CCl 7 Lowe's will be addressed dunng the reView of the Phase 2 TentatIVe Site Plan applicatIOn . The Lowe's Tentative Site Plan aoollcatlon shall show a oaraoet wall hloh enouoh to fullv screen the HVAC eOUloment from view from a 35 foot-hloh multl-famllv dwelllno b Screen Wall 1 Revise the wntten commentary to SDC Section 3 2-445A 4 to address the screen wall and the additional trees that will be required as part of the screen wall 2 Reference the screen wall shown In Plan Set 6 and Attachment 2 Final Master Plan diagrams and Plan Set 7 Final Master Plan Phasmg 3 Describe the materials proposed to be used m the face of the sound wall that abuts the multi-family dwellings to the north This condition will be addressed upon submittal of the additional mformatlon required above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #12 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states except for the FAR standard the applicant and successor owners shall utilize all MUC deSign standards In all CC zoned portions of the site other than the home Improvement center development area In this case, only specific bUilding deSign standards shall apply The applicant shall utilize one of the followmg the bUlldmg deSign standards of SDC Section 32-445, the bUilding deSign standards of SDC Sections 3 2620 through 630 or deSign standards Similar to the eXlstmg Lowe's In Scottsdale, Anzona based on photos already In the record Applicant's Subm,ttal "This condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, DeclaratIOn of Covenants, ConditIOns and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows Exhibit B of the Declaration mcludes a copy of SDC SectIOn 3 2-445 Compliance with thiS condition Will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City . Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restnctlon regarding the utilization of MUC deSign standards for certain Commumty Commercial portions of the site ThiS condition Will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #13 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states the applicant and successor owners shall be reqUired to submit a Zomng Map amendment application If any such person proposes to establish uses that may be permitted In the GO District but are not allowed under the use list In the MUC District If thiS IS the case, the developer shall also apply for a Master Plan modification as speCified In SDC Section 5 13-135 Applicant's Submittal "ThiS conditIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, ConditIOns and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows Exhibit B of the Declaration mcludes a copy of SDC Section 5 13-135 Compliance With (jl!~)i!!~:/1Ll~~cfV [~ D when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIOn IS returned to the City .. n I:: \.II:: I JUL 0 92008 By: 8 RECEIVED JUL 09 20J8 Staff's Response/Fmdmg CU' Staff agrees with the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a de'l!d' r'l!StrlCllv" ,c~"ffil,,~ any proposed Zoning Map amend merit to the GO District This condition will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #14 This 30 foot-wide bUilding setback condllion was deleted by the Planmng Commission on December 20, 2007 In order to off-set land required to be dedicated to the City to construct the roundabout at Belle Boulevard and the frontage road along the south side of Marcola Road Applicant's Submittal "This condition was deleted by the Plannmg CommissIOn at the" publiC hearmg on December 20, 2007 and no longer applies" Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding the deletion of this condition Compliance With this condition IS not reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval MASTER PLAN CONDITION #15 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the salisfactlon of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states that no commercial bUilding shall exceed the 30 foot bUilding height standard In the Low Density Residential Dlstnct for a distance of 50 feet This restriction shall apply to the eXlstmg residential development at the Interface of the proposed commercial area west of Martm Drive Applicant's SubmIttal "This condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows Exhibit H of the Declaration mcludes a reference diagram Compliance With this condition will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City " Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUlnng the recording of a deed restriction regardmg 30 foot height restriction for a distance of 50 feet for proposed commercial development abuttmg reSidential property This condllion will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #16 Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states except for the reqUirement pertamlng to pervious surfaces In the parking lots, the applicant and successor owners shall comply With the following reqUirements requested by !?UB at the time of Site Plan Review application submittal for the home Improvement center ,proposed In Phase 2 and for any additional commercial development proposed that IS Within the _,Drinking Water Protection Overlay Dlstnct as shown m Phase 4 t ( .-. As noted In the report, each Individual developer will need to follow the requirements of SDC , Section 3 3-300 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Appllcalions may be reqUired . SDC Section 3 3-300reqUlres that all hazardous matenals that pose a risk to groundwater be ,j ~ stored In secondary contamment In order to meet the secondary contamment reqUirement, the '; dE?veloper of the home Improvement store will need to Incorporate secondary containment mto the , . Cleslgn of the bUlldmg fioor and any other areas where hazardous materials, Including fertilizers and ~_l"'J "-..:;;~ J -" , , . 9 I --j" rr;! ..r"P.:.~""~~" c- ~ ; l- - t \ if I ~~l I ~~\ ~-..'f I~ .. ('.. ;1' )/ f: f-i -, ~_4' "~,:lI.' l';} \ \ "1/ other landscaping products, will be stored Chemicals stored outdoors (fertilizers, pesticides, etc ) must be covered and placed In secondary containment . The north-central portion of the site for the home Improvement store lies within the 0 - 1 TOTZ The 0-1 year TOTZ standards, Including the 500-gallon storage limit, will apply to the facIlity unless no hazardous materials are stored In or within 50 feet of the portion of the site that lies within the 0-1 TOTZ (Hazardous matenals offered for sale In their Original sealed containers of five gallons or less are exempt from the 500-gallon storage limit) . All lease agreements for the commercial spaces must Include language reqUiring compliance with Article 17 Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay Dlstnct of the Springfield Development Code Occupants may need to complete a DWP Overlay District Application . No fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used on this site . Injection wells are prohibited within the two-year TOTZ Any Injection wells outside the two-year TOTZ (If applicable) must be approved by both the City of Springfield and DEQ based on proximity to domestic/public dnnklng water wells, sOils type, and depth to groundwater . The pictures In the application suggested that parking lots will have pervious surfaces Please consult with the City of Springfield Public Works Engineering regarding speCific gUidelines and restrictions for pervious pavement within wellhead protection areas . This development's emphasIs on waterways and natural processes offers a unique voluntary opportUnity for public educallon about stormwater quality and groundwater protection Special educational slgnage would fit nicely Into the plans for the waterways and open spaces Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItion IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIOns and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows ExhIbit B of the Declaration Includes a copy of SDC 3 3-200 through 3 3-245 ExhIbit I of the DeclaratIon Includes a dIagram referencing TIme of Travel Zones (TOTZ) ComplIance WIth thIs condItion will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City and wIll also be addressed by CIty staff during the Lowe's Site Plan ReVIew applicatIon completeness revIew as part of Phase 2 and any addItional SIte Plan ReView applIcatIons reqUired as part of Phase 4 " Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regarding adherence to SUB's Drinking Water Protection Overlay District review comments This condition will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #17 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states no pervious pavement shall be permitted In any parking areas on the entire site Applicant's SubmIttal "This condItIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, ConditIons and RestnctlOns of Marcola Meadows Compliance WIth tE) conditIOn wIll occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the CIty" W Staff's Response/Flndlng > Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regardl,t.-.'.'i1 the prohibition of pervious pavement In proposed parking areas ThiS condition will be addressi:.LJ With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #18. Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall 0 prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services W a:: 10 00 = = '" 0'> = -1 ~ --, . . ~ m " ,,-t..... , , . , Director that states lists all uses on the Nodal Development Overlay District prohibited use list specified In SDC Section 33-1010B applicable to the MUC District Applicant's Subm,ttal "This condJtlOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, ConditIons and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows ExhIbIt 8 of the DeclaratIon mcludes a copy of SDC SectIOn 3 3-10108 Compliance With thIs conditIOn Will occur when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIOn IS returned to the CIty " Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regarding the listing all prohibited uses In the Nodal Development Overlay District that are applicable to proposed development In the MUC District ThIS condition Will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #19 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restnctlon to the satisfaction of the CIty Attorney and the Development Services Director that states that the applicant and successor owners shall submit SubdiVISion Tentative Plan applications that comply With the approved Final Master Plan Applicant's Submittal "ThIS conditIon IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, CondItIOns and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows ThiS condItIon applies to any development m Phases 3 and 4 where further subdivIsIon approval IS reqUired Compliance WIth thiS condItIon WIll occur when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIon IS returned to the CIty " Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regarding the submittal of future SubdivIsion Tentative Plan applications that comply With the approved Final Master Plan Note In Attachment 4, the applicant uses the term "substantially comply" Staff Will allow thiS terminology to remain ThiS condition Will be addressed With the recordation of ; Attachment 4 , - ~" = .., I' : , , MASTER PLAN CONDITION #20. Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states that the applicant and successor owners shall submit Site Plan ReView ; applications that comply With the approved Final Master Plan , , ' l ;, t ~ , Applicant's Submittal I ) it -"tHIS condItIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, ",DeclaratIon of Covenants, CondItIons and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows ThIS condJtlon '''applies to any development m Phases 2, 3 and 4 where further Site Plan ReVIew approval IS . . , reqUired ComplIance WIth thIS condJtlon WIll occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the CIty " L_ C ". , RECEIVED Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUiring the recording of a deed restriction regllrJIlno 92008 the submittal of future Site Plan applications that comply With the approved Final Master PYa'hL. By: 11 Note In Attachment 4, the applicant uses the term "substantially comply" Staff will allow thIs terminology to remain This condition will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #21 Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan the applicant shall provide designs for revised street widths for sections of the east-west streets that meet the requirements of SDC Table 4 2 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer Applicant's Submittal: "This condItIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 1 Plan Set, Sheet 4 and Attachment 6, PublIC Streets, which Includes reVISIons to all prevIously submItted documentation where thIS conditIon applIes Attachment 6 also Includes a copy of SDC Table 42-1 Compliance With thIS condItion Will occur upon CIty approval of the Final Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Findmg" Staff agrees WIth the applicant's statement that thiS condition regarding the proposed east-west streets IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, on Page 5 of 11 of the "CondltJons of Approval Compliance", Condition #21, nght column, please correct the sheet number(s) to match what IS being addressed o Attachment 6 In the list of master plan conditions, ConditionS #23 & #24 refers to "Parcel61l access" ThIS IS based on an earlier lot layout To clanfy, please add wording to thiS effect "['ParceI61l' was based on an earlier lot layout, but In thiS submittal It refers to 'Lot 13114']" Please correct here and throughout the document o COA #21 The nght Side of two cross sections IS Incorrectly dimensioned to the back of curb Instead of to the front face of curb o COA #23, #24, #25 These refer to StatJonlng not shown In thiS document The easiest Improvement of thiS would be to graphically depict the sections being referred to In a separate map o COA #25 The lane Widths and median Widths shown in the "TYPical Median Section" do not correspond With those shown In Attachment 1, Sheet 11, middle row, nght column o Some of the alleys proposed do not scale to 20 feet Pleas be aware that Table 4 2-1, Note (4) states "Alleys do not have curbs, 20' IS the entire pavmg width" ThiS condrtlon shall be addressed With a statement attached to all applicable plans that all proposed alleys Will ~ the 20 foot paving Width standard reqUired In Table 4 2-1 11......1 ThiS condllton will be addressed upon submittal of the additional information reqUired above W Note: Please refer to Conditions 23, 24 and 25 for pOSSible other reqUired revISions > MASTER PLAN CONDITION #22. Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, and consistent WI~ SDC Section 4 2-105 G 2, the applicant shall revise the proposed PhaSing Plan to the sausfa~ of the Development Services Director to Include construclton of 2/3 street Improvements alon9/" " their entire property frontage of 31st Street In Phase 1 Construction of these street "'-" Improvements, Including any necessary relocation of the eXisting ditch along 31st Street, shallW occur under proposed Phase 1 Public Improvement ProJect a: Applicant's SubmIttal 'ThiS condlt[oq is reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressea m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 7, Attachment 6, Public Streets, and Attachment 11, PhaSing Plan, whIch mclude reViSIOns to all preVIously submitted documentatIon where thIS condition applies,. including the PhaSing Plan Attachment 6 Includes a copy of SDC 4 2-105G 2 ConstructIOn of the Phase 1 street Improvements as shown on the PhaSing Plan Will occur as part 12 = = = '" 0':> = -' ::::> -, . . ~ m of the Public Improvement Project Compliance With thIS condItIon WIll occur upon CJty approval of the Final Master Plan submIttal" Staff's ResponselFmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding addmg the reqUired 2/3 street Improvements along their entire property frontage of 3151 Street In Phase 11n Attachments 1, 6 and 11 concerning when construction Will occur IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, It IS unclear m the 3151 Street cross sections where the curbSide Sidewalk versus setback Sidewalk occurs ThiS condition Will be addressed upon submittal of the additional mformatlon reqUired above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #23. Pnor to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall depict a design to the satisfaction of the City Engmeer that prOVides 30 feet of paved Width (two 15-foot lanes) With no on-street parking for the section of Belle Boulevard north of the Parcel 6/7 access Applicant's Submittal: "ThIS conditIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheets 8 and 1 t and Attachment 6, Public Streets, which mclude reVISIons to all preVIously submitted documentatIon where thIS conditIon applIes, mcludmg the PhaSing Plan ComplIance WIth thiS condition WIll occur upon CIty approval of the Fmal Master Plan submIttal' Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regardmg the design of Belle Boulevard along the frontage of Parcels 6 and 7 In Phase 1 In Attachments 1 and 6 IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval However Parcels 6 and 7 referred to a prevIous layout, but In thiS Final Master Plan submittal they are Parcels 13 and 14 A statement shall be prepared addreSSing thiS Issue ThiS condition Will be addressed upon submittal of the additional mformatlon reqUired above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #24 Pnor to the approval of the Fmal Master Plan, the applicant shall depict a design to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that proVides a minimum 4~ -foot Wide street Width to prOVide two 15-foot through lanes and an 11-foot Wide left-turn lane where needed for the section of Belle Boulevard south of the Parcel 6/7 access Applicant's Submittal. "ThiS conditIon IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheets 8 and 11, and Attachment 6, Public Streets, w~lch mclude reVISIons to all preVIously submItted documentatIon where thIS condItIOn applies, mcludlng the Phasmg Plan Compliance WIth thIS condItion wll/ occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submIttal" Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regardmg the design for Belle Boulevard IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However Parcels 6 and 7 referred to a prevIous layout, but m thiS Final Master Plan submittal they are Parcels 13 and 14 A statement shall be prepared addreSSing thiS Issue ThiS condition will be addressed upon submittal of the additional mformatlon reqUired above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #25 Prior to the approval of the Fmal Master Plan, the aP811cant shall comply With all street Improvements to the satisfaction of the Clt} M t:leflC E I V E D resolv~ a!Lldentlfied street Width Issues m order to comply With SDC Table 4 2- : ._ 1 '.- JUL 092008 13 By: Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItIOn IS reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnclton and IS addressed m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheets 8 and 11, and Attachment 6, PublIc Streets, whIch mclude reVISIons to all preVIously submItted documentatIon where thIs condItIon applies, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan Attachment 6 mcludes a copy of SDC Table 4 2-1 ComplIance wIth thIs condItion WIll occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's ResponselFindlng. Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that thiS condition regarding the resolution of all Identified street Width Issues IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, some of the alleys proposed do not scale to 20 feet Please be aware that Table 4 2-1, Note (4), states "Alleys do not have curbs, 20' IS the entIre pavmg wIdth" ThiS condition shall be addressed with a statement attached to all applicable plans that all proposed alleys shall meet the 20 foot paving Width standard required In Table 4 2-1 ThiS condition Will be addressed upon submittal of the additional information reqUired above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #26 Concurrent with the submittal of the SubdivIsion Tentative Plan application for Phase 1, the applicant shall also submit a Street Name Change application In order to allow the use of the proposed street names In thiS Master plan application Applicant's Subm,ttal "ThIS condition IS not reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval The submittal of the Street Name Change applIcatIOn Will be reqUIred WIth the SubdIVISIon TentatIve Plan appltcatlon submittal as part of Phase 1 ComplIance With thIS condItIon WIll be addressed by CIty staff dunng the SubdIVISIon TentatIve Plan applIcation completeness revIew n Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding thiS condllion IS not reqUired for Final Master Plan approval The submittal of a Street Name Change application can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVISion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #27 Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall 1) Demonstrate that the Improvements speCified In the Final Master Plan shall not reqUire any property dedication south of the eXisting southern Marcola Road nght-of-way line 2) PrOVide preliminary design acceptable to the City Engineer for a roundabout intersection at the artenal/collector Intersection of Marcola Road and Martin Drive, and Include the dedlcalion of right-of-way necessary to construct the Improvements The Intersection Improvements as speCified by the City Engineer shall be constructed as part of the proposed Phase 1 Infrastructure Improvements Final deSign shall be approved dunng the normal Public Improvement Project process associated With proposed Phase 1 Infrastructure Development 3) PrOVide a preliminary deSign acceptable to the City Engineer and the Springfield Fire Marshal for a frontage road located Within the eXisting Marcola Road right-of-way that provides safe and effiCient access for vehicles uSing residential driveways on the south Side of Marcola Road opposite the development site These Improvements as speCified by the City Engineer shall be constructed as part of the proposed Phase 1 Infrastructure Improvements 4) Staff shall endeavor to work With the applicant to obtain the mlntmal amount of right-of way necessary RECEIVED JUL1q 9 Z008 By: Q 5) Provide financial security acceptable to the City Engineer In an amount equal to the cost W signalized traffic control to provide for future traffic control at the arterlal/slte driveway > IntersectIon location The form and timing of future traffic control will be based on traffic operational and safety needs as determined by the City Engineer, and shall not Include ~ roundabout form of control W Applicant's Submittal () "This conditIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctloW IS addressed In Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 12, Attachment 7, TransportatIOn Impacts, aqp.,-. Attachment 11, PhaSing Plan, which Include revIsions to all preViously submitted document&Ja. where thiS condllion applies, including the PhaSing Plan The "preliminary" Marcola Road/access lane deSign reqUired for Final Master Plan complIance IS as agreed between the Property Owner and the CIty on May 16, 2008 The Property Owner and the City also agree that the "preliminary" Marcola Road/access lane deSIgn may need to be "slightly modIfied" dunng the PublIC Improvement Plan deSign process, however, "slightly modified" WIll not affect Final Master Plan approval Attachment 1, Sheet 12 demonstrates compliance With Condition 271) - 4) The "final" Marcola Road/access lane deSign WIll be addressed dunng the SubdIVISIon TentatIVe Plan application submlttaVPublic Improvement Plan reVIew process as part of Phase 1 ConstructIon and acceptance of all Marcola Road street Improvements Will occur pnor to occupancy of Lowe's as part of Phase 2 Attachment 7 also demonstrates compliance With CondItion 27 (5), the finanCIal secunty reqUired for the future signalized traffic control at Lowe's dnveway intersectIon at Marcola Road Compliance With thIS condItion Will occur upon City approval of the Final Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees With the applicant's submittal regarding the follOWing aspects of thiS condition IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval 1) No additional right-of-way Will be reqUired to be dedicated south of the eXisting southern Marcola Road nght-of-way line, 2) A preliminary deSign acceptable to the City Engineer has been proVided for a roundabout Intersection at the arterlal/collector intersection of Marcola Road and Martin Drive (May 16, 2008), and the approximate dedication of right-of-way necessary to construct the Improvements has been shown, 3) A preliminary deSign acceptable to the City Engineer and the Springfield Fire Marshal (May 16, 2008) has been provided for a frontage road located Within the eXisting Marcola Road nght-of-way, 4) Staff worked With the applicant to obtain the minimal amount of right-of way necessary, and 5) Financial security acceptable to the City Engineer In an amount equal to the cost of signalized traffic control to proVide for future traffic control at the arterlal/slte driveway intersection location has been provided by the applicant In Attachment 7 (see Notes, below) . Note The text In Attachment 7 IS based upon the" Agreement for Expedited ReView" The cash reqUired initiating the expedited review of Phases 1 and 2 were deposited With the City on June 19, 2008 The Agreement was signed by all parties on June 26, 2008 However, staff Will accept the applicant's proposed deferral of finanCial security as stated In the "Agreement", Section v 5 "As finanCIal secunty for the provIsIOn of a future traffiC control at the artenal/slle dnveway intersectIOn locatIOn more partlcularty descnbed and set forth In Master Plan CondItIon 27 (5) the applicant shall, not later than SIX weeks after executIOn of thIS document or Final SIte Plan Approval, whichever first occurs, proVIde a Performance Bond or other finanCIal secunty acceptable to the CIty Engineer In an amount equal to the cost of the signalIzed traffic control to proVide for future traffic control at the artenal/slte dnveway intersectIon locatIon In the event that the applicant falls to proVIde such secunty by thiS deadline, all applications proVided In thIS agreement shall be Immediately converted by Clly from expedIted to non-expedIted, normal processing In the event of such conversion, the CIty WIll reVIew the $500,000 already paid for expedited processing and apply It to all CIty costs, including but not Ilmlled to Development q~rvIC;~ DIVJ~~on,'processlng, programming and Personnel and Public Works processing, - programming, and Personnel costs Incurred In antICipatIOn and/or executIon of the expedIted processlng~ In the event of any funds remaining after such applications by the Clly, CIty In lis discretion may apply the remainder to normal processing fees of the appllcalions Further, the ,i - \; I f -I 'J: .' r J ;. " 'I' \"\ n;", "" ,~ -r ~I e \ '" 15 00 = = '" eo '= -.J :::> -, . . ~ CO c' " ~. ,_f, .: , , " . < "~ ,c- , " ~ cO!1verslOn by the City from expedited to non-expedIted, normal processing shall not relieve the applicant from the conditIOn of Master Plan CondItIon 27 (5) to provide financIal secunty 'acceptable to the City Engineer In an amount equal to the cost of the Signalized traffic control to -provIde for future traffic control at the arterial site driveway intersectIon locatIOn, and Final Site Plim !Approval and Issuance of the Site Plan Development Agreement Approval shall be WIIhheld ~ ~ ,-, ~ uplif p.,rovls/on of such financIal security" In addition, In Condition #27,5) staff IS emphaSIZing the fSlIq.wlng statement 'The form and tIming offuture traffic control Will be based on traffic operational safety needs as determined by the City Engineer, and shall not Include a roundabout n " (Q[111.pf control" ':t;t.,.'I\."'- Note 'The Marcola Road Improvements shall be constructed as part of the proposed Phase 1 Infrastructure Improvements Final design shall be approved dUring the normal PubliC Improvement Project process associated With proposed Phase 1 Infrastructure Development ';; " This condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #28 Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall coordinate With L TD regarding the location of reqUired bus stops The conceptual bus stops shall be shown on the appropriate Plan Sheet Applicant's Subm,ttal "This conditIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlOn and IS addressed In Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 5, Attachment 6, PubliC Streets, and Attachment 7, Transportation Impacts, which Include revISions to all previously submitted documentatIon where this condllion applies, including the Phasing Plan Attachment 1, Sheet 12 shows proposed bus stops along Marcola Road and the approxImate locatIons of future L TO bus stops on Martin Dnve Compliance With thIs conditIon Will occur upon CIty approval of the Final Master Plan submIttal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding the location of proposed L TD bus stops as shown In the above referenced documents IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval This condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #29 Direct vehicular driveway access to 28'"/31" Streets shall not be shown on the final Marcola Meadows Master Plan The number, location and design of such driveways, If any, shall be determined dUring the subdiVISion andlor site plan review process for speCific developments Within the Marcola Meadows Master Plan area Applicant's Subm,ttal "ThIS condItIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 5, which Include reVISIons to all previously submitted documentatIon where thIs condItIon applies Compliance With this condllion Will occur upon City approval of the Final Master Plan submIttal" Staff's ResponselFlndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding direct access to 28'"/31" Streets as shown ~d~r~:::;e referenced document IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval Th 1Eoe E: I V E [J By: JUL 0 92008 16 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #30 Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the , applicant shall record a deed restrictIon to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director stating that the applicant and successor owners shall adhere to the approved Street Tree List Applicant's Submittal "ThIS conditIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaralton of Covenants, CondItIons and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows and ExhibIt D of the DeclaratIon mcludes a copy of the approved Street Tree List Compliance WIth thiS conditIOn will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding the recording of a deed restriction for the approved Street Tree List ThiS condition will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #31 Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall prepare a deed restnctlon to the satisfactIOn of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states that all paths and accessways proposed to be constructed by the applicant and successor owners shall be private The applicant shall also prepare a pathwaylaccessway maintenance agreement as part of the reqUired deed restriction Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, ConditIons and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows The Property Owner agrees that the three proposed "Accessways" that connect the Marcola Meadows development to the bIke path on EWEB's property from the park and the northernmost reSidential street wIll be dedIcated as publiC nght-of-way as speCIfIed m SDC 4 2-160A ExhIbit B of the DeclaratIOn mcludes a copy of SDC 4 2-160A and a statement that all the accessways wIll be dedIcated as publIC nght-of-way and the other mternal sIdewalks, mcludmg the paths along the relocated Pierce DITch, wlthm the Marcola Meadows development that are not wlthm the publIC nght-of-way are conSidered "pnvate" The reqUirement for the mamtenance agreement m thIS condItIon IS deferred to CondItIon #32 Compliance With thIS condItIOn will occur when a copy of the recorded DeclaratIon IS returned to the CIty and recordatIon of the SubdIVISIon Plat as part of Phase 1 complIance" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUlnng the recording of a deed restnctlon regarding maintenance of the three proposed accessways to the bike path, which are public and will be maintained by the City, and the other Internal Sidewalks that are not Within the public rlght-<lf-way and Will be maintained by the applicant ThiS condition Will be addressed With the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #32 Pnor to approval of the SubdiVISion Tentative Plan for the subject property and any associated construction, the applicant shall submit an agreement designating maintenance responsibility of the proposed private pathways as shown on Plan Sheet 8 to the satisfaction of the City Attorney, the Development Services Director and the Public Works Director - ^ , , , , " ,J \ " IV ,b.-~.J]if ~ I. ".=.Ii ;:'=4 JI "11 ,I " J. RECEIVED ;~I~I\ I'jl JUL 092008 " ,/\ By: 17 Applicant's Submittal "This conditIOn IS not reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval The Property Owner agrees that ConditIon 31 discusses the public accessways and the remaining pnvate Internal sidewalks, paths etc Within the Marcola Meadows development that are not Within the public nght-of-way The submittal of the maintenance agreement for pnvate pathways addressed In ConditIon 31 Will be reqUIred WIth the SubdIVIsion Tentative Plan applicatIon submittal Compliance With thiS condItIon Will be addressed by City staff dunng the SubdiVIsIon Tentative Plan application completeness revIew for Phase 1 and recordatIon of the maintenance agreement With the SubdIVIsion Plat" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condItion IS not required for Final Master Plan approval The maintenance responSibIlity for the private pathways can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVISion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #33 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall furnish documentation to the City from EWES satisfactory to the City Attorney and the Development Services Director demonstrating the applicant has permission to construct the three proposed private accessways on EWES property The City Will work With the applicant In order to obtain the necessary easements Applicant's Subm,ttal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 8, Accessways. which IS a copy of the recorded EWEB Revocable License Agreement allOWing the three proposed accessways to encroach EWEB property detaIling the obligations of the Property Owner and other governmental entItIes regarding reconstruction and maintenance of the bike path along the north property line of Marcola Meadows Compliance WIth thiS conditIon WIll occur upon CIty approval of the Final Master Plan submIttal" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding the recording of the deed restnctlon that IS In Attachment 8 IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, the deed restriction IS reqUired to be recorded separately, pnor to the recordation of the approved Final Master Plan packet When the recorded deed restriction IS submitted as part of thiS reVised packet, thiS condition Will be addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #34 Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction stating to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that any maintenance of the accessways shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant or successor owners Applicant's Subm'ttal "Th,s condition IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and IS addressed In Attachment 4, DeclaratIon of Covenants, ConditIOns and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows Since SDC 4 2- 160A reqUIres the dedIcatIOn of nght-of-way for the accessways, no maintenance agreement WIll be reqUIred for the accessways Compliance WIth thIS condition Will occur when ~ce~fllI1~ \'V E D -Declaratlon'ls'retufned to City" R _ ".,., ~ ,/ l'" '" .. ,-'-~... l.l. , ~'Ii-' " (f' . Jl.. I ' . :... I I; I. t, ./", ~ ~ ..! __ ~ ,', " , JUL 0 92008 ., ' By: 18 HEGEIVED JUL 092008 Staff's Response/Flndlng By: Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that no private maintenance agreement regarding the recording of a deed restnctlon for the accessways IS necessary because the accessways are considered public nght-of-way and will be maintained by the City This condition will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #35 Prior to the approval of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall provide an executed operation and maintenance agreement for the proposed accessways that meets the approval of the City Attorney, the Development Services Director and the Public Works Director Applicant's Subm,ttal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 8, Accessways, whIch IS a copy of the recorded EWEB Revocable LIcense Agreement allOWing the three proposed accessways to encroach EWEB property detailing the obligations of the Property Owner and other governmental entities regarding reconstructIon and maintenance of the bIke path along the north property line of Marcola Meadows Compliance with thIS condItIon WIll occur upon CIty approval of the Final Master Plan submIttal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding the recording of the deed restnctlon that IS In Attachment 8 IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, the deed restriction IS reqUired to be recorded separately, prior to the recordation of the approved Final Master Plan packet When the recorded deed restriction IS submitted as part of thiS revised packet, thiS condition Will be addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #36. Pnor to the approval of the Final Master Plan, If EWES reqUires bike way Improvements, the applicant shall desCribe the extent of those Improvements and submit construction plans With the SubdIVISion Tentative plan reqUired for the Implementation of Phase 1 The construction shall be complete and approved by the appropriate agency prior to the occupancy of the hOme Improvement center proposed as part of Phase 2 Applicant's Submittal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 7, and Attachment 8, Accessways, whIch Includes a descnptlon of the proposed bIkeway Improvements Compliance WIth thIS condItIon regarding the descnptlOn of the proposed bIkeway Improvements WIll occur upon CIty approval of the Final Master Plan submIttal ComplIance WIth thIS condItIon regarding the submIttal of constructIon plans WIll occur during the TentatIVe SubdIVISIon completeness and the Public Improvement Plan completeness revIew as part of Phase 1 Compliance WIth thIS condItIOn regarding constructIon acceptance of the reconstructed bIke path by the CIty WIll occur pnor to occupancy of Lowe's, If not before as part of Phase 2 . Staff's ResllOnse/Flndlng; Staff agrees with the applicant's statement regarding the proposed-bikeway Improvements IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, Plan Sheet 7, Final Master Plan PhaSing lists the bikeway Improvements as part of Phase 1 The wntten PhaSing Plan deSCription that IS part of Attachment 11 does not list the bikeway Improvements as part of Phase 1 construction The written descnptlon must be revised to Include the bikeway Improvements as part of Phase 1 In 19 order to be consistent WIth Plan Set 7 This condition will be addressed upon submittal of the additional mformatlon reqUired above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #37. Prior to Fmal Master Plan approval, the applicant shall submit a sanitary sewer study m accordance With Section 2 02 2 of the City'S Engmeenng DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual Applicant's Submittal. "This conditIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 10 1, and Attachment 9, Samtary Sewer, which mclude revISions to all previously submitted documentation where thIS condition appftes, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan Compftance WIth thiS condlllon Will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittaL' Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval However, the City Engineer Will require that the sanitary sewer In Marcola Road be extended across the enure frontage of the property (I e both east and west from the location as shown on Plan Sheet 10 1) to Include the Installation of tees, the extension of laterals to the south nght-of-way line of Marcola Road, and the installation of cleanouts on the end of each lateral for the purpose of prOViding future sanitary sewer service to each of the eXisting lots on the south Side of Marcola Road Rather than revise the Cited Plan Sheet, staff Will require the text above regarding the extension of sanitary sewer across Marcola Road to be an addendum to Attachment 9 and staff will allow thiS condition to be deferred to and addressed dUflng Phase 1, SubdiVISion Tentative Plan review ThiS condition can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVISion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #38 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall show on the Plan Set the eXlstmg 10 Inch public sewer pipe on the westerly property Ime In a location outSide of the enhanced dramage swale The associated construction for either moving the swale or relocating the eXlstmg sewer pipe shall be the responsibility of the applicant and shall occur dUring the Phase 1 Improvements Any necessary easements associated With said construction shall be shown on the SubdiVISion Tentative Plan, reqUired to Implement Phase 1 Applicant's Subm,ttal "ThiS conditIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheet 10 1, and Attachment 9, Samtary Sewer, which mcludes reVISIOns to all previously submitted documentation where thiS condition appftes, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan (see Attachment 11) Compftance With thiS condition Will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan~ approval and that the Attachments and Plan Sets referenced above are m compliance This........ condition IS addressed W MASTER PLAN CONDITION #39 Prior to Fmal Master Plan approval, the applicant shal~ furnish Information to the City for reView, Indicating how the eXisting bUilding located on the ".,. subject property receives sanitary sewer service If the bUlldmg IS served by a septic tank antf7': dram field, the applicant or successor owners shall be responsible to remove and decommlssl.tWl.J the tank and dram field In accordance With applicable state reqUirements The eXlstmg bUlldln~ "\ shall be removed prior to the recording of the SubdiVISion Plat reqUired to Initiate Phase 1 \,.,.,; W a: = = = '" ... = -' => -, . . >- al RECEIVED JUL 092008 Applicant's Submittal B . "This conditIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a 'X:d restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 9, Samtary Sewer, which mcludes reVISions to all previously submitted documentatIOn where thiS conditIOn applies, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan (see Attachment 11) The Property Owner so notes that the eXlstmg bUlldmg shall be removed prior to recordmg the SubdivIsion Plat as part of Phase 1 Compliance With thiS condition will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval and that the eXisting bUilding will be removed prior to the recording of the SubdivIsion Plat as discussed In Attachment 9 ThIS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #40. Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall submit a revised drainage study to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, which Incorporates all the supplied supplemental information for the tentative drainage study In one final document Applicant's Submittal: "ThiS condlfJon IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 10, Sto[711water Management, which mcludes revIsions to all previously submlfted documentatIOn where thiS condlllon applies, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan Compliance With thiS condition Will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal' Staff's Response/Flnding: Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condllion IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, as stated on Page 2 of thiS report, under Item B 2 , the drainage system and study IS only conceptually approved Staff IS not approving exact flow line elevations as shown on the stormwater Plan Sheet because reVISions are likely to occur through the SubdiVISion Tentative Plan review and Public Improvement Plan process Another example IS the "concrete weir" for stormwater control which IS shown on Plan Sheet 9 Rather than revise the Cited drainage study at thiS time, staff Will allow Items A 1-3 below to be deferred to and addressed during Phase 1, SubdiVIsion Tentative Plan, Site Plan ReView and Public Improvement Plan review process and coordinated With the required wetland DSUCOE permits A SpeCIfic Issues that reqUire review dUring Phases 1, 2 and the Public Improvement Plan 1 Staff notes that some of the roadSide dr8lnage swales are conceptually shown to be on the order of 5 feet deep At 5 feet In Width With 3 1 Side slopes, the reqUired easement for these swales will likely be more than that prOVided on the CIVil plan draWings In addition, there IS a statement In the drainage study which states that the roadSide swales Will be maintained and owned by the lot owners or homeowners ThiS IS true, except the City Will perform functional maintenance and the owners Will prOVide aesthetiC maintenance per the City'S normal maintenance agreement, which Will be entered Into as part of the prior to recordation of the SubdiVIsion Plat for Phase 1 2 There IS no Informalion concerning stormwater from the lots to the south of Marcola Road and how that Will be addressed to assure that those flows Will be conSidered and properly deSigned With the construction of the frontage road The exclUSion of any such conslderalions shall not result In the perception that stormwater control from the lots Into the frontage road IS not to be addressed In detail In future reviews 21 3 The bUildmg locations shall be consIdered to be conceptual and not approved as part of the Final Master Plan submittal because along 31st Street, a number of Plan Sheets show the resldenlial bUlldmgs encroachmg Into the proposed water quality swale, which Will result m the need to relocate the bUlldmg footpnnts The Issues above shall be attached as an addendum to the revised dramaoe stud\! B Specific Items which need to be addressed In order to obtam Fmal Master Plan approval 1 Appendix C (as referenced m the dramage study) was not proVided 2 ProVide addllional clanficatlon on the Stormwater Plan Sheet regardmg the newly proposed 60 mch pipe along Marcela Road It IS not entirely clear which area of the eXisting Pierce Ditch IS to remain and what portion IS to be removed (ThiS IS a new statement resulling m a deSign change the consultant has proposed between Prellmmary Master Plan and the Fmal Master Plan) 3 There IS a 20 foot "Storm Easement" running parallel to Marcola Road fronting the Lowe's property Please clanfy whether thiS easement IS proposed to be public or pnvate For the purpose of Final Master Plan approval, thiS condllion Will be addressed upon submittal of the attachment of the text m A 1-3, above as an addendum to the dramage study, and the additIOnal informatIon reqUired m Item B 1-3, above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #41 Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall revise the drainage study recommendation that the mmlmum street grade on the site be 464 38 feet The applicant shall recommend that minimum street grade on the site be 464 38 feet plus all applicable hydraulic losses associated with pipe length, fnctlon, bends, etc to the satisfaction of the City Engineer Applicant's SubmIttal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlOn and IS addressed m Attachment 10, Stormwater Management, whIch mcludes revIsIons to all preVIously submitted documentatIon where thIS condItion appltes, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan ComplIance wIth thIS condItIon Will occur upon CIty approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condllion IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval and that the elevation Issue IS addressed In Attachment 10 and other referenced matenals above ThiS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #42 Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall supply drawdown results In the drainage study for the two proposed detention ponds, venfylng they meet the minimum reqUired drawdown time of 48 hours for the 25-year, 24-hour stann event, as t/"""'\, speCified m Seclton 412 B 3 of the City'S Engmeenng DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual l--I Applicant's SubmIttal W "ThiS conditIon IS reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlon and> IS addressed m Attachment 10, Stormwater Management, whIch mcludes revISIons to all UJ prevIously submitted documentatIOn where thiS conditIOn appltes, mcludlng the Phasmg Plan Compliance WIth thIS condItion WIll occur upon CIty approval of the Fmal Master Plan submIttal" (.) W 2r;r. = = = '" 0'> <:> -1 ~ -, " " >, en RECEIVED JUL 092008 staff's Response/Finding By: Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that this condition IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval and that the elevation Issue IS addressed In Attachment 10 and other referenced matenals above ThiS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #43 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall submit additional information regarding the proposed swale along Marcola Road Specifically, the applicant shall indicate why thiS swale IS proposed to be public and located in a public easement Applicant's Submittal "This conditIOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 10, Stonnwater Management, which Includes revISions to all prevIOusly submitted documentation where thiS conditIOn applies, including the PhaSing Plan, Attachment 11 Note Condition 27 regarding the re-deslgn of Marcola Road to Include a roundabout and frontage road eliminated the previously proposed swale along Marcola Road (See Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheets 5 and 9, and Attachment 7, TransportatIOn Impacts Compliance With thiS condillOn Will occur upon CIty approval of the Final Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees WIth the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval and that the elevatIon Issue IS addressed In Attachment 10 and other referenced materials above ThiS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #44 Pnor to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall submit a reVised street cross section detail which shows area for a proposed roadSide water quality swale, as shown In plan view on Plan Sheet 9 Applicant's SubmIttal. 'ThiS condillOn IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheets 9 and 11, Attachment 10, Stonnwater Management, Figure 13, which Includes revIsions to all previously submitted documentalion where thiS condition applies, Includmg the PhaSing Plan Compliance wilh thiS condit/on Will occur upon approval of Final Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Finding' Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that this condition IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval However, the Martin Dnve and Belle Boulevard street sections depict water quality swales on cross sections draWings, but they do not show public easements associated over the swales as shown on the CIVil Plan Sheets The public utility easements shall be shown over the water quality swales on the cross sections (the exact Widths of the easement may be deferred until the Phase 1 Tentative SubdiVISion Plan and Public Improvement Plan review) ThiS condition Will be addressed upon submittal of the additional information reqUired above MASTER PLAN CONDITION #45. Prior to the recording of the SubdiVISion Plat, and prior to City CounCil acceptance of the Phase 1 PubliC Improvement Plan reView, the applicant shall enter Into a maintenance agreement With the City to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the City Engineer for the re-Iocated storm channel and associated Phase 1 water quality features Applicant's Submittal "ThiS condition IS not reqUired for Final Master Plan approval The submittal of the mamtenance agreement which lists the maintenance obligatIOns of the Property Owner and the CIty Will be 23 , I -- ~ ~ n~ ') -- If''' '(j.- - II ~( I ~ ,J If j~ 1. l' j eoo;.",-~ l~ 1 _... . .- __~ " '1 ~ ~ >.~ '1f....... i: .J Of\'~ t~ : JIJl reqUired wIth the s,!bfrlfttal of the Phase 1 SubdIvIsIon Plat and recorded pnor to CIty CouncIl acceptance of the Phase 1 PublIC Improvements Compltance with thIs conditIon WIll be addressed by returnmg a recorded copy of the mamtenance agreement to the CIty along wIth the SubdivIsIon Plat" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that this condition IS not required for Fmal Master Plan approval The maintenance agreement with the City for the relocated storm channel can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVIsion Tentattve Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #46. Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall designate on the Plan Set specific areas set aSide for water quality management on each proposed parcel to the satisfaction of the City Engmeer Specifically, the applicant shall show that adequate space IS available on each parcel to meet the City'S reqUirement of 50% vegetative treatment of non-bUildable rooftop area, as reqUired by the Engmeenng DesIgn Standards and Procedures Manual Applicant's Subm,ttal "ThIS condItIon IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed In Attachment 10, Stonnwater Management, FIgure 13, which mcludes revIsIons to all prevIously submItted documentatIon where thIS conditIOn appltes, mcludmg the PhaSing Plan ComplIance with thIS condItIon WIll occur upon CIty approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal ComplIance with thiS condItIon WIll also be addressed by CIty staff dunng the Phase 1 SubdiVISIon TentatIve Plan completeness revIew" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS reqUIred for Final Master Plan approval and that the elevation Issue IS addressed m Attachment 10 and other referenced matenals above ThiS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #47 Concurrently with the submittal of the SubdiVISion Tentative Plan required to Initiate Phase 1, the applicant shall submit a detailed planting plan In compliance with the City'S stormwater quality standards Applicant's Submittal "ThIS conditIon IS not reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval The submIttal of the plantmg plan Will be reqUired wIth the submIttal of the Phase 1 SubdIVISIon TentatIve Plan the PublIC Improvement Plan ComplIance with thiS condItIon WIll be addressed by City staff dunng the SubdIVISIon TentatIve Plan appltcatlon and Publtc Improvement Plan completeness revIews" Staff's Response/Finding Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS not required for Final Master Plan approval The submittal of the detailed plantmg plan can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdivIsion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #48 DUring construction of the Phase 1 Improvements, the applicant shall, at their expense, Install the reqUired plantlngs In the relocated drainage ditch, as reqUired and approved m the Jomt Permit Application by the Army Corps of ~E and DIVISion of State Lands neE I VE D By: JUL 0 92008 24 Ht:L;t:IVt:U JUL 0 92008 Applicant's Submittal By: "This conditIOn IS not reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval Dunng construction of the Phase 1 Improvements, the Property Owner shall mstall the reqUIred planltngs m the relocated dramage ditch, as reqUIred and approved m the Jomt Perrmt Application by the Army Corps of Engmeers and DIVISion of State Lands Compliance With this condition Will be addressed by City staff prtor to acceptance of the Phase 1 publtc Improvements by the City CouncIl" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that this condition IS not reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval The installation of the reqUired plantmgs can be deferred to the Phase 1 SubdiVIsion Tentative Plan application submittal and addressed at that time MASTER PLAN CONDITION #49. Prior to Fmal Master Plan approval, the applicant shall provide additional detail, to the satlsfaclion of the City Engmeer, showing that Installalion of the 12 Inch water line paralleling the eXlstmg 42 Inch sanitary sewer line ""III not Impede mamtenance access or replacement of the eXlsling 42 mch sanitary sewer Ime Applicant's Subm,ttal. "ThiS condItIon IS reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUIre a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 9, Samtary Sewer, Figure COA 49, which mcludes reVISions to all previously submttled documentatIOn where thiS condition appltes, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan Compltance With thIS condition Will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal' Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement that thiS condition IS required for Fmal Master Plan approval However, the eXlstmg 42-mch sanitary sewer which IS located to the south of the proposed Lowe's building will reqUire an addllional easement beyond that which IS shown on the proposed plans The cross seclion of thiS eXlsling sanitary sewer and the proposed water mam (Attachment 9) does not show the location of the proposed Lowe's bUilding and other bUildings which may adJom thiS cross section and the proposed easements There IS concem about the structural stability of the proposed bUildings and the Influence that any excavation of the sanitary sewer may have upon the bUildings There are also access concerns In the event that the sanitary sewer should need to be repaired andlor replaced and the area (and addllional easement) that may be reqUired to accommodate over dig and/or construction staging for such a project The applicable F='lan Sets shall be revised as necessary to comply With thiS condItion MASTER PLAN CONDITION #50 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that reqUires the applicant and successor owners to comply With the additional MUC District development standards speCified In SDC Section 4 7-180 Applicant's SubmIttal "ThiS condition IS reqUIred for Fmal Master Plan approval and IS addressed m Attachment 4, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows Exhibit B of the Declaration mcludes a copy of SDC 4 7-t80 Compltance With thiS condition Will occur when a copy of the recorded Declaration IS returned to the City" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees With the applicant's statement reqUlnng the recordmg of a deed restrictIOn regarding compliance by the applicant or any successor owners With the additional MUC District 25 >. .1 . 'j '\ ,> ~ ~ '" I, . __J IJ 1il'C'A l~l ; ..- I \," ~. b J1fT l: _I tr~ ~ \1. .. ...._ ..-.:~ t . "1~F)\ ~~ ~ t;L ~ ("7, development standards In specified SDC Section 4 7-180 This condition will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 MASTER PLAN CONDITION #51 Prior to the submittal of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall submit the Phasing Plan conceptually agreed to by staff and the applicant on December 18, 2007, which provides a logical phasing proposal The Phasing Plan may reqUire additional modification to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director and the Public Works Director Applicant's Submittal "This condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 11, Phasmg Plan, which mcludes the revised Phasmg Plan and all previously submitted documentation where thiS condition applies Compliance With thiS condition will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees that the applicant's statement regarding the revised Attachment 11, PhaSing Plan IS required for Final Master Plan approval ThiS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #52 Prior to the submittal of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall submit a proposal to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director, the Public Works Director and the City Attorney to guarantee that the PhaSing Plan required by thiS condition can be achieved Applicant's Subm,ttal "This condition IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlOn and IS addressed m Attachment 11, Phasmg Plan Compliance With thiS conditIOn will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Flndlng Staff agrees that the applicant's statement regarding how the PhaSing Plan, Attachment 11, can be achieved IS reqUired for Final Master Plan approval ThiS condition IS addressed MASTER PLAN CONDITION #53 Prior to the submittal of the Final Master Plan, the applicant shall reconcile discrepancies between Plan Sheets 7 and 8 Applicant's Submittal "ThiS conditIOn IS reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval, does not reqUire a deed restnctlon and IS addressed m Attachment 1, Plan Set, Sheets 7 and 8, and Attachment 11, Phasmg Plan, which mcludes reVISions to all previously submitted documentation where thiS conditIOn applies, mcludmg the Phasmg Plan Compliance With thiS condition mcludes a wntten response explammg the reconCIliation and Will occur upon City approval of the Fmal Master Plan submittal" Staff's Response/Flndlng o w > Staff agrees With the applicant's statement regarding the reconCiling of Attachment 1, Plan Sheets 7 and 8, and Attachment 11 ThiS condition IS addressed ........ MA~TER PLAN' CONDITION #54 Concurrent With SubdiVISion Tentative Plan apPlicatlOW reqUired as part of Phase 1, the applicant shall submit the follOWing Information 1) a permit f'C:) ~ 00 = = '" ~ <:> --.J => -, . . ~ OJ the Army Corps of Engmeers and/or DSL for the relocated watercourse and work within the wetlands, 2) the approved Mltlgatlon/Momtonng Plan for the watercourse, 3) a copy of any contmgency bond and an explanation of how compliance with the Momtorlng Plan will occur with any subsequent change m ownership over the life of the Master Plan, and 4) any other condition Imposed by either the Army Corps of Engineers or DSL The contingency bond and the explanation of compliance shall to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director and shall be made part of a deed restriction Applicant's Submittal "This condtllon IS not reqUired for Fmal Master Plan approval The mformatlon reqUired m the condition will be reqUired with the SubdiVIsion Tentative Plan application and Public Improvement Plan submittals as part of Phase 1 Compliance with this condition Will be addressed by City staff dunng the SubdivIsion Tentative Plan application and Public Improvement Plan completeness reviews The deed restnctlon reqUirement IS addressed m Attachment 4, DeclaratIOn of Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlons of Marcola Meadows Exhibit E mcludes a copy of the Jomt Permit ApplicatIOn Fill Permit, mcludmg all documentation referenced m the ConditIOn" Staff's Response/Fmdmg Staff agrees with the applicant's statement that this condition IS not required for Final Master Plan approval However, the Items In Exhibit E are reqUired to be assured by a deed restriction This condition Will be addressed with the recordation of Attachment 4 CONCLUSIONIWHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL MASTER PLAN APPROVAL? 1 The Fmal Master Plan application packet shall be reformatted as descnbed on Page 1 of this report 2 The Fmal Master Plan appllcallon packet shall address the "other Issues" listed on Page 2 of this report Note. The followmg conditions Will be addressed wIth the separate recordation at Lane County of Attachment 4 #1,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,30,31, 34, 50, and 54 The followmg conditions Will be addressed with the separate recordallon at Lane County of Attachment 8 # 33 and 35 3 In addition to the Items reqUired m 1 and 2 , above, the Fmal Master Plan application packet shall mclude the addltlonallnfonmallon reqUired for compliance with the followmg conditions 11,21,22,23,24,25,36,37,40,44, and 49 4 ,The Fmal Master Plan packet shall mclude any changes to the applicant's "Final Master Plan Conditions of Approval Compliance" document based upon staffs response to the conditions of approval If there are changes, the applicant shall state which conditions have been modified m the reqUired overview at the beglnnmg of the revised Final Master Plan application packet 5 The next steps are a The return of the additional Information required above (11 revised Final Master Plan packets Upon review and approval by staff, a letter Will be prepared~l.lQ.feB Plan approval Will occur upon recordation of the entire Final Master I ~ a V ED County, _ JUL 0 9 ~~08 By: b Prior to recordation of the Final Master Plan packet at Lane County, the applicant shall provide an exact copy of the document for final staff review and coordinate with staff to accompany the applicant to Lane County for recordation c Recordation of the Final Master Plan packet at Lane County, and d The return of the recorded Final Master Plan packet to the City (11 copies) Upon receipt of the Final Master Plan packets, a letter will be prepared stating that the applicant has obtained Final Master Plan approval and the submittal of the applications referenced In the signed "Agreement for Expedition" may proceed QUESTIONS Please contact Gary M Karp with the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3777 akarolli)e, sarmofleld or us If you have any general questions regarding thiS report Please contact Jon Driscoll with Public Works Transportation at (541) 726-3679 Jdrlseolllli)el sarmpfield or u~ andlor Les Benoy at Public Works Engineering at (541) 726-3725 Ibenovlli)c, sarmaf.eld or us If you have any specific questions regarding transportation, sanitary sewer or stormwater management Sincerely, Gary M Karp Planner III RECEIVED JUL 09 Z008 By: ~- ".. t..... ":::''''... ~-'\:'" r- -, j ,f r.r l' t'l ,1 (.. J 'l "t ....'1 (~-~.< I: - "I,'" \. I. Is k . f.- I r __ ~ I. ...'.::" ...;;)1.\> H I Letl~ , II .. .J ~ 28 , ('-, " , '- THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS FINAL MASTER PL1~CE'VED JULY 3, 2008 'it: B Changes between submIttals dated 4-30-08 aud 7-3-08 -- JUL 09 Z008 Added Attachment number and tItle to upper rIght corner of first page of each attachment Added consecutive page numbers for each attachment, "1-1,1-2,1-3, etc" On Attachments 4 and 8 - Changed exhibit numbers from "A, B, etc" to "4A, 4B, etc", added exhIbIt titles, and added label to upper rIght corner of first page of each exhIbit Updated CIvil sheets 8 through I I as directed In FMP response memo Now prInted at 8-1/2xII Deleted slgnage program pages and all reference to slgnage gUIdelInes Now prInted at 8-1/2xll Attachment 4 Has now been recorded :' : , " : -'1\ :- ~ ~ I,Exhlblt A Reformatted to narratIve property deSCrIption (no map) J - f\ 4, _J~ J ,ExhibIt C SWitched color hlghhght to box - ~ ExhibIt D SWItched color highlIght to box 'j ExhibIt E Deleted copy of JPA, USIng only 2-page wetland bond -',-, ExhibIt F Deleted slgnage gUldelmes , ExhIbit G In responses 4 and 5, clarIfied attachment references I Obtamed updated comparIson memo from Lowe's architect, added references to parapet, screen wall and landscapmg to screen MDR property FMP Content Cover TOC COA ComplIance All Attachments Attachment] Attachment 2 Attachment 3 r _ 11 , Attachment 5 What Chan!!ed By: Changed date to July 3, 2008 Page numbers LIsted the Exhibits (only Attachments 4 and 8 have exhIbIts) Added the date July 3, 2008 Added Overview Reformatted page numbers to match Attachment page number format On Attachments 4 and 8 - Changed exhIbIt numbers from "A, B, etc" to "4A, 4B, etc" and added exhibit titles COA #11 Added reference to parapet, screen wall and landscapmg to screen MDR property COA #21 Corrected Sheet reference m the response column Added clarIficatIOn regardmg alley Width COA #23 Added clarIficatIOn regardmg lots 6/7 are now 13/]4 m the Condition column COA #24 Added clarIficatIOn regardmg lots 6/7 are now 13/1 4 m the ConditIOn column COA #25 Added clarIficatIOn regardmg alley WIdth PAGE 1 Changed date to July 3, 2008 on page 6-2 Added reference regardmg lots 6/7 are now 13/14 On page 6-3 corrected sectIOn dimensIOns, face of curb On pages 6-6 through 6-8 changed sectIOn references from statIOns to more clearly located references, Ie, south of Martm, north ofMartm, etc Page 6-8 DlffienslOns were correct, changed dlffienSlOns on Sheet II ; 'oExhlblt C Reformatted to narrative property descnptlOn (no map) - , , Page 9-13 Inserted reVised detail, Widened new PUE to 20 feet Added new page 9-14 addressmg COA 37 and Marcola Road sanitary sewer prOVISIOn Added new page 9-15 addressmg COA 49 and stability of Lowe's footmgs adJacent to eXlstmg sarutary Ime IIxI7 pages now pnnted at 8-12/xIl Added new page 10-137 addressmg COA 40 comments AI-A3 regardmg roadSide swales, storm dramage south of Marcola Road and bUlldmg and dramage way conflicts on 31 st Street added bikeway constructIOn reference I' Attachment 6 '. -;-~ ~\ tt.~~ ro" \ j fo ,i'" It 1\\'" \ } ! ~ ,-'t ,} .e.r.: \~ t' --jI I . ="tj. ~.,..' =~111 "'(I" ". J_L Attachment 8 Attachment 9 Attachment 10 Attachment 11 AIl Plan Sheets Plan Sheets 8 and 9 Plan Sheet 11 Page 11-2 Changed the date to July 3, 2008 Addressmg COA 40 comments B2-B3 Clanfled status of new 60-mch storm Ime and tad end of eXlstmg Pierce Ditch Clanfied public status of proposed utility easements Added note to alley sectIOn referencmg 20 foot pavement Width reqUirement and Table 4 2-1 Clanfied where along 31 st Street the setback and curbSide Sidewalks are planned Added note to alley sectIOn referencmg 20 foot pavement Width requirement and Table 4 2-1 clanfied on street sectIOns where there are dramage easements Addressmg COA 21 COA 22 COA 25 COA 44 RECEIVED JUL 0 92008 By: PAGE 2