HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 8/13/2008 Development Review Committee (DRC) Distrihution . . - lJ"ate Kecelved List: Villages @Marcola Meadows lD~~.t?Q~--t:l~c.~og~QX)S5~ AUG I 3 2008 Date Distributed: Au!!ust 13. 2008 Onglnal SUbmlttaLmt Ib.dd- / Steve Hopkins (Planning) (x2 Sub)/DWP/Tree Les Benoy (PW) (x4 Sub) Gilbert Gordon (Fire) Sub Jon Driscoll (Traffic) (x2 Sub) Kristi Krueger (Traffic) Sub Tana Steers (police) Sub Dave Puent (Building) Sub Jim Henry (Central Lane 911) Sub Greg Ferschweiler (Maintenance) Sub Shashi Bajracharya (Lane Co Trans) Sub Will Mueller (L TD) Sub Dave Shore (NW Natural Gas) Sub Lynn Detering (ODOT) Sub _ KPFF (pW consultant) (x3 Sub fuW4 half/CD) _ Norm Palmer (Qwest) Sub Jeff DeFranco (Spfld Schools) Sub ./ Amy Chinitz (Spfld Utility) DWP _ Tamara Johnson (Spfld Utility electric) Sub _ Bart McKee (Spfld Utility water) Sub Dennis Ernst (Surveyor) Sub Pat French (Willamalane) Sub Tom Henerty (Comcast) Sub Meeting date - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 9:00 in NW Conference Room #4 AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET NW Conference Room #4 Staff Review: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 9:00 - 10:30 a_m. 1 SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-o0036 SC SPFLD (Marcola Meadows) Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 TL 1800 Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 Address Vacant - Marcola Road & 3181 Street EXisting Use Vacant Applicant submitted plans to create a 14-lot mixed-use commercial/residential subdiVISion, Phase 1 Villages @ Marcola Meadows subdiVISion Planner Steve Hopkins 2 TREE FELLING PERMIT #DRC2008-00054 SC SPFLD (Marcola Meadows) Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 TL 1800 Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 Address Vacant - Marcola Road & 31st Street Existing Use Vacant Applicant submitted tree felling permit to remove (113) trees, including (6) street trees and (2) tree thickets for future development of Marcola Meadows Planner Steve Hopkins 3 DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY #DRC200B-00055 SC SPFLD (Marcola Meadows) Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 TL 1800 Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 Address Vacant - Marcola Road & 31" Street EXisting Use Vacant Applicant submitted plans to create a 14-lot mixed-use commercial/residential subdiVISion, Phase 1 Villages @ Marcola Meadows SUbdiVISion WIthin the Dnnklng Water Overlay Dlstnct Planner Steve Hopkins City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Ingfield, OR 97477 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development equired Project Information . (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Jeff Belle Phone: 775-853-4714 Icompany: SC Spnngfield. LLC Fax: 775-853-4718 IAddress: 7510 Lon&:ley Lane, Smte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 , ' , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Richard M Satre Phone: 541-465-4721 ICompany: Satre AssoCiates, PC Fax: 541-465-4722 IAddress: 101 East Broadway, Smte 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401 I I Property Owner: Jeff Belle I Phone: 775-853-4717 ICompany: SC Spnngfield. LLC IFax: 775-853-4718 IAddress: 7510 Longley Lane, Smte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 P -"'ESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-00.17-03-25-11 ITAX LOT NO(S): 1800, 2300 Property Address: ISize of Property: North of Marc ala Road and west of 28th and 31st Street m Spnngfield. Oregon 1003 Acres I5<J Sauare Feet D ZoninCl: ExistinCl Use: I Description of Proposal: MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal (MDR), Mlxed-Use CommerCIal (MUC), Commumty CommercIal (CCl Vacant If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlOn to thiS application See Attached . -. A. . .. & . - - Associated Cases: 'PRE'2.008-CO052-- Case No.: DRC'200?r(Y)()55- I Date: BI/3>\oB I Reviewed by: J:bn(> 1 Application Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ IpostaCle Fee: $0 E lC.f'ePllt:;lJ 1 I :rOTAL FEES: $ fgB'"'S ~atu~ i, 08 PROJECT NUMBER: FR:r'2.008--oooLt--i 1f.~~CI~~~~~~'~~~.T.i;SjW'm~ _ ,.-..~~ T i!~~ll.'.:Q~'~~,,~i4~ ReVised 1/1/08 Mollv Markarian 1 of 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00055 Marcola Rd and 31st Street SITE Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1800 & 17-03-25-11 Tax Lot 2300 North + Date Received: The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Drinking Water ProtectIOn Overlay District Development - Written Statement July 18 2008 AUIf"JlE'j ~lllJ8 ~ - _'ll~fli l~l ";'UUHIlUd' and for any additIOnal commercial development proposed that IS within the Dnnklng Water ProtectIOn Overlay Dlstnct as shown In Phase 4 o As noted In the report, each individual developer will need to follow the requirements of SDC Section 3 3-200 Dnnklng Water Protection Overlay Dlstnct Applications may be required o SDC Section 33-200 requires that all hazardous matenals that pose a risk to groundwater be stored In secondary containment In order to meet the secondary containment reqUIrement, the developer of the home Improvement store will need to Incorporate secondary containment Into the deSign of the building floor and any other areas where hazardous matenals, including fertilizers and other landscaping products, will be stored Chemicals stored outdoors (fertilizers, pesticides, etc I must be covered and placed In secondary containment o The north-central portion of the site for the home Improvement store lies within the 0 - 1 TOTZ The 0-1 year TOTZ standards, including the 500-gallon storage limit, will apply to the facility unless no hazardous matenals are stored In or within 50 feet of the portion of the site that lies within the 0-1 TOTl (Hazardous matenals offered for sale In their Original sealed containers of five gallons or less are exempt from the 500-gallon storage limit I o All lease agreements for the commercial spaces must Include language requiring compliance with Article 17 Dnnklng Water ProtectIOn (DWPj Overlay Dlstnct of the Spnngfleld Development Code Occupants may need to complete a DWP Overlay Dlstnct Application o No fill matenals containing hazardous matenals shall be used on thiS site o InjectIOn wells are prohibited within the two-year TOTl Any Injection wells outSide the two-year TOTZ (If applicable) must be approved by both the City of Spnngfleld and OED based on proximity to domestic/public dnnklng water wells, soils type, and depth to groundwater o The pictures In the applicatIOn suggested that parking lots Will have pervious surfaces Please consult with the City of Springfield Public Works Englneenng regarding speCifiC gUidelines and restnctlOns for pervious pavement within wellhead protection areas o ThiS development's emphasIs on waterways and natural processes offers a unique voluntary opportUnity for public educatIOn about stormwater quality and groundwater protection SpeCial educatIOnal slgnage would fit nicely Into the plans for the waterways and open spaces" Parts of the subject site lie within 1, 2, 5 and 1 O-year Time Of Travel lanes (TOTZ) for the Pierce potential well as Indicated on the Wellhead ProtectIOn Areas ContaminatIOn Source Inventory map Construction of the site Improvements proposed In Phase 1 will take place within the 1 year TOTZ Additionally, tHe south- west corner also lies within the 2-year TOTZ for the eXisting Mala well Refer to Exhibit "8 " Standards for the 0-1 year time of travel will be used as they are the most restnctlve II Submittal ReqUirements SOC 133-225 0 Pnor to undertaking an actIVIty covered by SectIOn 33-225 A, the owner or tenant shall submit a DWP Overlay Dlstnct ApplicatIOn to the City for reView and approval ApplicatIOns shall Include the following informatIOn Resoonse Most of the requirements of thiS sectIOn apply to vertical construction of permanent facilities for the storage, use (In manufactUring or processing!, or production of hazardous materials Such facilities are Satre Assoclatss, P C Planners, landscape Architects, EnVlfnnmentll SpeCialists The Villages at Marcola Meadows, Phase I Drmklng Water ProtectIOn Overlay DlStllct Development - Wlltten Statement July 18 2008 Date Rec~ 8 AU" 1 j iil08 Background and Request Ongmal Submittal This IS a request for development within a Drinking Water ProtectIOn (DWPI Overlay Dlstnct The dlstnct IS applied to the site of The Villages at Marcola Meadows Master Plan This application IS submitted In conjunctIOn with an application for Phase 1 Tentative SubdiVIsion Plan The site Improvements proposed In Phase 1 do not tYPically affect the storage, use or manufacture of hazardous matenals However, the master plan ana subsequent land use approvals Implementing Phase 1 and Phase 2 are subject to an expedited processmg agreement with the City that specifies the sequence of phases and the content of each phase A DWP development application assOCiated with Phase 1 IS among Items specified In the agreement AdditIOnally, because general construction practices have the potential to Introduce hazardous matenals to groundwater dunng the completIOn of Phase 1, the applicant submits this applicatIOn Unless an exemption IS granted, the proposed development is subject to review under the follOWing code SOC 33-225 A A DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development ApplicatIOn IS reqUired when the cntena of both subsectIOns A 1 and A 2 are met SOC 33-225 A 1 A site IS affected by one of the follOWing c In conjunctIOn With any development applicatIOn Resoonse The application IS In conjunctIOn With an application for Tentative SubdiVISion Plan SOC 33-225 A 2 The actIOn m SubsectIOn AI, above wlIl a Affect the storage, use, and/or productIOn of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater Resoonse General construction landscaping and planting Will affect the use of matenals (fertilizers, herbiCides, and others) that may pose a nsk to groundwater The proposed Phase 1 subdiVISion, conforming to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan, Will create 14 parcels and construct major Infrastructures that Will serve subsequent phases of the entire development There will be no vertical construction In Phase 1, the Infrastructures Include the prinCipal roads through Marcola Meadows and the 4 01-acre stormwater quality and greenway facility that will be a major functIOnal and aesthetiC feature of the site Refer to Exhibit "A" Some of the original 14 parcels will be developed In later phases With commerCial uses, others will be subdiVided further prior to reSidential development CommerCial development will occur dUring Phase 2 and Phase 4 CommerCially zoned parcels can be developed vertically (built on) follOWing approval of site plans for each project One IS a site for a proposed Lowe's Home Improvement store, Phase 2's sole development The remaining commerCial land will be developed through Phase 4 Site plan reViews, reqUired by the master plan for all commerCial development In Phase 2 and Phase 4, will proVide opportunities for further DWP Overlay development review Villages at Marcola Meadows Master Plan ConditIOn of Approval #16 reqUired a deed restriction reiterating the Sprmgfleld Development Code requirements "MASTER PLAN CONDITION #16 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a deed restrictIOn to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that states except for the requirement pertaining to pervious surfaces In the parking lots, the applicant and successor owners shall comply With the follOWing requirements requested by SUB at the time of Site Plan ReView applicatIOn submittal for the home Improvement center proposed In Phase 2 Satre ASSOCiates, P C Planners, landscape Architects, EnVironmental SpeCialists