HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/13/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 2? 5 Fifth Street Ingfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit Date ReceIVed AUG 1 3 2008 Original submittal . . equired Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: I IAPplicant's Rep.: [company: !Address: I Property Owner: Icompany: IAddress: Jeff Belle Phone: 775-853-4714 I Fax: 775-853-4718 1 < 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 < 1 I 1 . I SC Spnngfield, LLC 7510 Longley Lane. SUlle 102. Reno. Nevada 89511 Rlchard M Satre Phone: 541-465-4721 Fax: 541-465-4722 Satre AssocIates. P C 101 East Broadway. SUlte 480. Eugene. Oregon 97401 Jeff Belle Phone: 775-853-4714 Fax: 775-853-4718 SC Snnngfield. LLC 7510 Longley Lane. SUlte 102, Reno. Nevada 89511 f "";ESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-00. 17.03-25-11 I TAX LOT NO(S): 1800.2300 Property Address: North of Marcola Road and West of 28th and 31st Street ill Spnngfield. Oregon I Size of Property: I I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thiS application . Proposal: (see attached) 10038 Acres c><:l Square Feet 0 . , - - Associated Cases: PRl::. 2[X:lI.~oooS'2... Signs: 'UfLJ Icase No.:f)et20ot- CCDEI-I- I Date: B/13!Oe ReVieWeddbY:.Mw-e....J IAPPllcation Fee: $ .- ITechnical Fee: $ I Postage Fee: $ I EXPtpt\"ED I I TOTAL FEES: $ FE'e:. 'RecE\\)e\:) 8 i13 oe PROJECT NUMBER: fR..:T2.C08- /Yn~l I ~,l ~~p.'.. ~~~ _..., ,.\ 'I .:(..'~ - I. 1"...... Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markanan 1 of 5 Signatures Applicant: 3n In this application IS correct and accurate s,gn.tu:)f{ Jeff Belle I Date: '--t-G,\-(;J~ Print Owner: "'" '(;'1; .'~"!J ]7'" "'"" "~...":~::, ""'~;':~; :~"::.. slgnat'....;1e1 ! 2 - ~ I 'jl Jeff Be'6e / ' Print Date Received '- AUG I 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Revised 1(1(08 Molly Marka"an 2 of 5 Tree Felling Permit Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Tree Felling Permit Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Tree Felling Permit Submittal ReqUirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet . Planning DIVIsion staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required Items listed In the Tree Felling PermIt Submittal ReqUirements Checklist have been submitted . Applications missing required Items will not be accepted for submittal 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning DIvIsion staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal . The assigned Planner notifies the applicant In wntlng regarding the completeness of the application . An application IS not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, ItS Impacts, and ItS compliance with the provIsions of the Spnngfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been prOVided . Incomplete applications, as well as Insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result In denial 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a DecIsion . This IS a Type 11 deCISion and thus IS made after public notice, but without a public heanng, unless appealed . Mailed notice IS provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood aSSOCiation In addition, the applicant must post one sign, prOVided by the City, on the subJect property . There IS a 14-day public comment penod, stanng on the date notice IS mailed . Applications are dlstnbuted to the Development ReView Committee, and their comments are Incorporated Into a deCISion that addresses all applicable approval Crltena and/or development standards, as well as any wntten comments from those given notice . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied . The City malls the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decIsion, which IS effective on the day It IS mailed . The deCISion Issued IS the final deCISion of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning CommiSSion or Heanngs Official Date Received. AUG I 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal ReVised llllOS Molly Markanan 3 of 5 Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form C8J Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Land DIVISion applications, where applicable C8J Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal C8J Tree Felling Permit Application Form C8J Copy of the Deed C8J Copy of a Prelimmary Title Report Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances C8J Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a beanng In determining the action to be taken, Including findings demonstrating compliance with the Tree Felling Permit Cntena as specified In SDC 5 19-125 (see page 4 of this application) NOTE Before the Director can Issue a Tree Felling Permit, Information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request All of the Tree Felling Permit Cntena must be addressed by the applicant Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, Will delay the application review process and may result In denial In certain circumstances, It IS advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings The Director or the PubliC Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a profeSSional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist, or licensed landscape architect In order to address the standards In SDC 5 19-125 for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres In size or 15% slope or above an elevation of 670 feet C8J Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale to Include C8J The species or common name of the trees C8J The location of trees to be removed and their sizes C8J The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used C8J A descnptlon of any plan (Vegetation and Re-vegetatlon Report) to replace, landscape, or otherWise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable Crltena In SDC 5 19-125 C8J Copy of the Plot Plan Reduced to 8'/2" X 11", which Will be mailed as part of the required nelghbonng property notification packet Date Received AUG I 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markanan 4 of 5 I 5 19-125 Criteria The Director, In consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve With conditions or deny the request based on the follOWing criteria A Whether the conditions of the trees With respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to eXisting structures or proposed construclion, or Interference With utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffiC safety warrants the proposed felling B Whether the proposed felling IS consistent With State standards, Metro Plan poliCies and City Ordinances and provIsions affecting the enVIronmental quality of the area, Including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and Windbreaks, Wildlife, erOSion, SOil retention and stability, volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams, scenic quality, and geological sites C Whether It IS necessary to remove trees In order to construct proposed Improvements as specified In an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings o In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees Will be permitted on a limited basIs consistent With the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed In the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent With the follOWing criteria 1 Wooded areas associated With natural dralnageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimiZe erOSion, 2 Wooded areas that will likely prOVide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retained, 3 Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and Wildlife value, 4 Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties, 5 Trees shall be retained In suffiCiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against wlndthrow, 6 Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building Sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents E Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation IS an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled F Whether slash left on the property poses Significant fire hazard or liability to the City G Whether the felling IS consistent With the gUidelines specified In the Field GUide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region H Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from thf)~'re~lved accomplished Without a major disturbance to nearby residents AUG 1 3 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan Onglnal Submittal 5 of 5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00054 Marcola Rd and 31st Street SITE Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1800 & 17-03-25-11 Tax Lot 2300 North + Date Received: AUG I 3 2008 Original Submittal THE VILLAGES AT MARCO LA MEADOWS TREE FEWNG PERMIT APPLICATION Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Lot 1800, and Map 17-03-25-11, Lot 2300 Date Received: AUG 1 3 2008 SC Springfield, LLC 7510 Longley Lane, Suite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 Onglnal submltt~1 July 18, 2008 By:_ SATRE ASSOCIATES PC 101 EaslBroadway SUlte4BO Eugene OR 97401 Ph,ne 5414654721 Fax 5414654721 Toll Froe I BOO 6617094 Weh www satrepc com 1_ Planners landscape Architects Environmental Specialists July 18, 2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department - Plannll1g DIvIsion 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Steve Hopkll1s Re The Villages at Marcola Meadows, Phase I Tree Felling Permit Application I Dear Steve, This application addresses the criteria required for the Tree Fellll1g Permit (TFP) Enclosed, please fll1d the TFP Application for Phase 1, The Villages at Marcola Meadows, the proposed development Submitted herewith are Contents TFP Application Deed Prellmll1ary Title Report Written Statement Plot Plan (reduced) Plot Plan (Bound Separately) Tl Cover Sheet TPl EXIStll1g Trees TP2 Tree Removal Plan L 1 Street Tree Plantll1g Plan L2 Greenway and Stormwater Plantll1g Plan L3 Planting Notes and Details # Pages 5 6 11 8 6 6 The written statement presents a narrative explaining the proposal The narrative also II1cludes fll1dll1gs demonstratll1g compliance with applicable standards In addition, as reqUired by the expedited review agreement between the City and the applicant Tentative SubdivIsion and Drlnkll1g Water Protection Overlay District Development ApplicatIOns are submitted concurrently We believe this application contall1s allll1formatlon necessary for review As the Applicant's designated contact, we at Satre Associates are available to answer questions or provide supplemental II1formatlOn as needed to facilitate the review process Thank you In advance for your consideratIOn of the application We look forward to workll1g with yo 0 he roJect SlI1cerely. Date ReceIved: AUG 1 3 2008 Richard re, AICP, ASLA, CSI President Satre-Associates, P C Onglnal submltt~1 , I .'T""'- .."....- ""'" . ---'''''7- ~(~i~:- .,_~~,,~;'t~,J~ ,,;c.,."~~ I-~f~ 1 - .. !Ir'" J*\~'lo(~~l"'''t ,~_J~ ~ I ,.-~~. ~~~,,",,-'l\.~.,r< "" ~_..-'1"""" ~'.-,," :t":,..;~ 1'" ''"fit I: ~ ~~r\r - t.~~.t;;;'ff~,~~<;:'1"~lJ~:~ f~~~ _~.uu. "tuL :n::1(Uc. ... ..lil '"' ~ .t;.;->-rt:h'\ <>>'- ~ ~ r.-~~~~~~t: -\ 'j i ;, r "''''''\f:-=.=" " ~. -41' , '". i; M ,;' , ~"~ ~ 1\1: l.. _ -:or PROPOSED TREES . m, ~~;':~t fJ; i\-. I. at! ....._ .. _ _"=_ PHASE 1 ,~~fi I ~'\ \ - ~ ~1.3W t '~~~~ - !-r; 1-~1l1* ~~~';;~'"1 ~~~1t i-(~I:l\ ~!)~ ,~~' Ili~~} ~ . - -:lI' ; 1"" f, """"... '..'i!ii, .'i -~ i\ N "'.., 4:'; 'J-"- ~ ~~;' )'1; Iv -f, 11 :.1,~ - -,- i ,. '~' - '-'\j ll'~~'l;.~.ull~~--" '"-t .':t~_:' 't'~ ~31"'" I ' )r : ""l6::,1; '0 -"-k/"" ,,- "-:1 ~ ,-tt - . r"" .-' - !' ,:,: : ,'....r.~ ....""~ y 'c .,..... , <<l'n",,, ''-"'rn' ." " -'~' ~ r'1f'"'1-r-7~~:r ....-..I'>....~~t<i..... 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J ,~ AUG I 3 2008 '''f1l" " Submittal Ciif~,.-- _. ., ~\9JI:~" THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS TREE FELLING PERMIT APPLICATION EXISTING TREES ~ ~- o<:AU-l ,cor"", ~~ ~ "'... .:,. \..n......t; OREdON# I "l' "f.'t.~ SC SPRINGFIELD LlC SP~II<O"ELD lJ\~.COI.JNTY ""EGON - TP1 ----- /"Os - - - -.. ."y I I I I I I I ! -~ -.J J .t Bnggs - U ~ I ~ r-~ ----= ~ , ~n o .~ Date R ~celved r \ r rRCOLA I, .- -==~===~ -f- -t ! ~4_ _ ~i - AUG I 3 2008 ()ngln,,1 !';llhmltt"L~ Marcola Meadows / SubdivIsion ~ N Pierce ditch r Bus stops N .t School I _ Park DSlte ,---, tax lots 2008 L---.J August ~ --------------- ~ ~ - -------r ~ 500 7 ,I ~~I o 500 Feet (f) 6f" 2-Li L..j 22-Y RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE CD E;:uoS- 03'1.4 6~ .,..~ Il-03-~-Il"~o n-02.--~-oo-!l. 18ea After reco~atmdW 011 Wlllamette Street Euoene OR 97401-3107 r D.v.s.on of Ch.ef Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records Until a change IS requested, mail all tax statements to SC SDr1n~field. LLC 5440 LOU1e Ln ste 102 Reno J NV 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .a79 .J1221.0 '0024293\;0;00;704/10/200603:55:06 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=9 CASHIER 04 $30 00 $11 00 $10 00 '\ l~~o.~lm3 $51.00 Tax Account No TRUSTEES' DEED (Statutory Bargain and Sale Deed) Allan Hillar Pierce and Norman J LeCompte, Jr, as Co-Trustees pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C Pierce, a deceased person, and Allan Hillar Pierce and Norman J LeCompte, Jr, as Co-Trustees pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H Pierce, a deceased person (collectively, "Grantor"), convey to SC Spnngfield LLC, a Delaware limited hablhty company ("Grantee"), the real property descnbed on the attached ExhIbit A, together WIth all of the nght, title and Interest of Grantor In, to and under adJolnmg streels, nghts of way and easements The true consideratIOn for thiS conveyance IS Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000), paid by an accommodator pursuant to Section 1031 of the Uruted States Internal Revenue Code BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197352 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197 352 SIGNATURE P AGE FOLLOWS Date Received AUG I 3 2008 TRUSTEES' DEED - Page I G lusrlNJL\ClientlP,erce TruslIMartln Salcldc'Cd nJI 060331 doc Original Submittal "'" , DATED Apnl L 2006 STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) t;L~ Allan Hlllar l>lerce, Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ehzabeth C PIerce, a deceased person ~:!fd!!l~t to the Last Will and Testament of Ezr-'~:" Allari' HIllar PIerce, Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H PIerce, a deceased person ~A/ Norman J LeCompte, Jr, Ccl-Trustee pursuant to the Last WIll and Testament of Ralph H PIerce, a deceased person ThIS Instrument was acknowledged before me on Apnl/O , 2006, by Allan Hlllar PIerce, Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last WIll and Testament of Ehzabeth C PIerce, a deceased person, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H ce, a deceased person . --_.~.--- - - -1 LL ~. - . '.' OmClAL~~ I GAYlEB....... I Nll1MY I'tJBUC .oREGON i e, ~. COMMISSION NO. 394149 21109 ' M!lXlMMlSSlOll~~us:.~ _~ I;i~--'~-.~'~ '" "-'-'-""-' TRUSTEES' DEED - Page 2 G lusrINJLICltcn'\P1Cfce TrustIManm Salcld=l nJI 060331 doc Oregon ~ ') pIres () - t..-b .0,7 Date Received AUG t 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ ... STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) ThIs Instrument was acknowledged before me on Apnl LO , 2006, by Norman J LeCompte, Jr, Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last WIll and Testament of Elizabeth C PIerce, a deceased person, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last WIll and Testament of I h H PIerce, a deceased person, . - ~- - -1 i.~JJf?r~l ?:Zb.of ..;~-----''';':::~ -::.:- ~ Date Received AUG I 3 2008 TRUSTEES' DeED - Page 3 G \U~r\NJL\Chent\Plerce Tru~t\Martm Salc\deed oJ! 060331 doc Onglnal Submittal ~' 'i EXHIBIT A Real Property DescriptIon Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 TRUSTEES' DEED - Exhibit A G lusrINJL IChenlIP.erce TrustIMartm Salcldeed nJI 060331 doc Onglnal SubmIttal e<," ... Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal submittal PARCEL 1 aeg1nn,ng ac a po,nc on Che NorCh right-of-way 11ne of Marco1a Road. sa,d point being North 89 57' 30Q East 2611.60 feet and North 00' 02' 00" West 4S 00 feet from the Southwest corner of the Fellx Scott Jr D L C No 51 1n TownshlP 17 South, Range 3 West of the W,llamette Merid,an, thence along the North righc-of-way 1,ne of Marcola Road South 89' 57' 30' West 1419 22 feet to the Southeast corner of Parcel 1 of Land Partlc10n Plat No 94-P0491, chence leaving the North right-of-way line of Marcola Road and runn,ng along the East boundary of sa,d parcel 1 and the Northerly extenSIon thereof North 00' 02' 00" West 516 00 feet to a point on the South boundary of NICOLE PARK as platted and recorded 1n F,le 74, Sl,des 30-33 of the Lane County Oregon plat Records. thence along the South boundary of said ~COLE P~K North 69' 57' 30" East 99 62 feet to the Southeast corner of said NICOLE PARK, thence along the East boundary of said NICOLE PARK North 00' 02' 00' West 259 82 feet to the Northeast corner of sald NICOLE PARK, thence along the North boundary of sa,d NICOLE PARK South 89 58' 00' West 6 20 feet to the Southeast corner of LOCH LOMOND tERRACE FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 46, Page 20 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records. thence along the East boundary of sald LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION North 00 02' 00' West 112 88 feet to the Southwest corner of AUSTIN PARK SOUTH. as platted and recorded ln Pl1e 74, slldes 132-134 of the Lane Councy Plat Records, chence along the South boundary of sald AUSTIN PARK SOUTH North 89' 58' 00' East 260 00 feet to the Southeasc corner of sald AUSTIN PARK SOOTH, thence along the East boundary of sa,d AOSTIN PARK SOUTH North 00' 02' 00' West 909 69 feet to the Northeast corner of said AUSTIN PARK SOUTH, said pOlnt be1ng on the south boundary of that certa~n traet of land described ~n a deed recorded July 31, 1941, in Book 359. Page 285 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence along the Souch boundary of sa~d last descnbed tract North 79 41' 54" East 1083 15 feet to the intersection of the South l,ne of the last described tract and the East line of that certaln tract of land conveyed to R H Pierce and Elizabeth C pierce and recorded In BOOK 238, Page 464 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence along the East line of said last descrIbed tract South 00. 02' 00" East 1991 28 feet to the pOlnt of beglnnlng, all ln Lane County, Oregon PARCEL 2, Beginn~ng at a point ~n the center of County Road No 753, 3170 24 feee South and 1319 9 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Pe11x Scott Donat1on Land Cla~~ No 82, ln Townsh1p 17 South. Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridlan, and be,ng 866 feet South of the Southeast corner of tract of land conveyed by The Travelers Insurance Company to R D Kercher by deed recorded 1n Book 189, Page 2SS, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. thence West 1310 feet to a po,nt 15 links East of the West 11ne of the Felix SCOCC Donat1on Land Claim No 82, Not1f~cat1on No 3255, 1n Township 17 South, Range 2 Hest of the W.llamette Merid,an. and runn,ng thence South parallel w,th and 15 links d,stant from sa,d West 11ne of sald Donatlon Land Cla,m a distance of 2304 76 feet to a paine 15 links Eaet of the Southwest corner of sald Donatlon Land Claim, thence East follow~ng along the center l~ne of county Road No 276 a d~5tance of 131~ feet to a po~nt ~n the center of sa~d County Road No 278 due South of the place of be~inn~ng, thence North followlng the center line of sa1d County Road No 753 to the pOlnt of beg1nn~ng, all In Lane County, Oregon1 EXCEPT the right of way of the Eugene-Wendl.ng Branch of the Southern Paclf1c RaJ.lroad, ALSO EXCEPT thae port~on descr~bed ~n deed to The C~ty of Eugene. recorded 1n Book 359. Page 285. Lane County oregon Deed Records, cont.l.nued- E...ruo.u A. Page 1 , . ~ Property Descr~ptlon cont~nued~(PARCEL 2) ALSO EXCEPT beg>nning at a po>nt wh>ch is 1589 47 feet South and 1327 33 feet East of the Southwest corner of Sect~on 19, TownshIP 17 South, Range 2 west, W~llamette Mer~d~an, Lane County, Oregon. Ba~d pOlne also be~ng oppos~ta and 20 feet Easterly from Stat10n 39+59 43 P 0 ST. S41d Stat~on beIng In the center line of the old route of County Road No 142-5 (formerly "753), thence South 0 11' Weet 18J,75 feet co the >ntereecclon w>ch the Northerly Railroad R>ghc of way l>ne. thence South 84 45' Weec 117 33 feec. chence South 79 30' West 46 37 feet to the >ntersect,on of sa,d Railroad R>ght of Way l>ne w>th the Southerly RIght of Way Ilne of the relocaced sald County Road No 742-5. thence along the arc of a 316 48 foot rad>us curve left (the chord of wh>ch bears North J9' 03' 35" East 261 83 feet) a dIstance of 269 94 feet to the place of beg,nn,ng, ln Lane County, Oregon, ~SO EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County recorded October 19. 1955. Recept,on No 68852. Lane County Oregon Deed Records, ALSO ~CEPT that portion descrlbed in deed to Lane County recorded January 20, 1966, Receptlon No 6602217, Lane County Offlcial Records, ALSO EXCEPT that portlon descr>bed ln that Deed to W,llamalane Park and Recreat>on D>strict recorded December 4, 1992, Reception No 9268749. and Correct>on Deed recorded February 9. 1993. Reception No 9308469, Lane County Official Records, ALSO EXCEPT that port>on descr,bed in Exhlbit A of that Deed to the City of Springfield. recorded September 22, 1993. Recept>on NO 9360016, Lane County Off>c>al Records ALSO EXCEPT Marcola Road Industrial Park, as platted and recorded >n Flle 75, Slldes 897, 896 and 899, Lane County plat Reeords, Lane County, Oregon PARCEL J An easement for insress and egress, parking and sisn purposes as described in that certain Rec,procal Ea8ement Agreement, recorded Aprll 22, 1994, Reel No 1943, Recept>on No 9429763, Lane County Offlcial Reeord.. PARCEL 4' An easement for ~ngress. esress and park~ng as described ~n that certain Declaration of Restrlct~ons and Grant of Easements, recorded March 17. 1989, Reel No 1563, Recept~cn No 8911762. as amended by that certaln First Amendment to Declarat>on of Restrictions and Grant of Easements. recorded October 3;, 1989, Reel No 1600, Recept,on No. 8949055, as modified by that certain Restated Declaratlon of Restr>ct>ons and Grant of Easements, recorded May 10, 1991, Reel No 1695. Recept10n No 9121698, and by that eerta1n Asslgnment and Assumption of abllgatlons, recorded November 2, 1994, Reel NO 20~9, Reception No 9477951. all of Lane county Off>c>a; Records Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal - -, Uonll>_u: A. Page 2 First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services 200 SW Market Street, SUite 250 Portland. Oregon 97201 Escrow Officer MavIs Kimball Phone (503)795-7603 Fax (503)795-7614 E-mail mklmball@firstam com File No NCS-303649-0Rl Title Officer Jennifer L. Watson Phone (503)790-7866 Fax (503)795-7614 E-mail )ewatson@firstam.com File No NCS-303649-0Rl 2ND SUPPLEMENTAL PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT ALTA Owners Standard Coverage liability $ 26,000,00000 Premium $ 26,513 00 STR ALTA Owners Extended Coverage liabIlity $ 26,000,00000 Premium $ 17,67500 AL TA Lenders Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ AL TA lenders Extended Coverage LJabllrty $ 16,000.00000 Premium $ 100 00 Al TA leasehold Standard Coverage lJabllity $ PremIum $ AlTA Leasehold Extended Coverage liability $ PremIum $ Endorsements liability $ Premium $ Govt Service Charge Cost $ Other $ We are prepared to ISSLJe Title Insurance PoliCY or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, Insuring title to the following deSCribed land The land referred to In this report IS deScribed In Exhibit "A" attached hereto and as of 05/01/2008 at 8 00 am, title vested In SC Springfield, L.L C., a Delaware limited liability company Subject to the exceptions, exclUSions, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such PoliCY form and the follOWing Date Received AUG I 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal This report IS for the excfuslve use of the partIes herem shown and IS prelJmrnary to the Issuance of a title Insurance policy and shall become VOid unless a policy IS Issued, and the full premium paid Preliminary Report Date ReceIved Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 2 AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXlstrng liens by the records of any taxing authorrty that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records 2 Any facts, rrghts, Interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an Inspection of said land or by makrng rnqUlry of persons In possession thereof 3 Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records 4 This Item has been rntentlonally deleted 5 Any rrghts, Interests, or claims of parties In possession of the land not shown by the public records 6 Any lien, or rrght to a lien, for services, labor or materral theretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown by the publiC records 7 Rights of the publiC and of govemmental bodies In and to that portion of the premises herern descrrbed Iyrng below the high water mark of unnamed creek 8 An easement for ditches and Incidental purposes, recorded May 1, 1919 as Book 119, page 560 of OffiCial Records In Favor of Benham Irrrgatlon Company Affects Exact location not disclosed 9 An easement for ditches and Incidental purposes, recorded July 17, 1919 as Book 121, page 66 of OffiCial Records In Favor of Benham Irrrgatlon Company Affects Parcel II 10 An easement for electrrc dlstrrbutlon line and Incidental purposes, recorded March 16, 1925 as Book 142, page 450 of OffiCial Records In Favor of The City of Eugene, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water Board Affects Exact location not disclosed 11 An easement for electrrc transmission line and Incidental purposes, recorded July 12, 1937 as Book 188, page 452 of OffiCial Records In Favor of The City of Eugene, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water Board Affects Pa rcel II 12 An easement for sanitary sewer and InCidental purposes, recorded November 17, 1961 as Reception No 50778 of OffiCial Records In Favor of The City of Sprrngfield Affects Parcels I and II Arst Amencan Title PrelimInary Report Order Number NCS-303649..QRl Page Number 3 13 Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements In the document recorded March 17, 1989 as Reel 1563, Reception No 89-11762 of Official Records, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction Indicating a preference, limitation or diScrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national Origin, sexual onentatlon, mantal status, ancestry, source of Income or disability, to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons Violate TItle 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes Lawful restnctlons under state and federal law on the age of occupants In senior hOUSing or hOUSing for older persons shall not be construed as restnctlons based on familial status (Affects Parcel No I) Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded October 31, 1989 as Reel 1600, Reception No 89-49055 of OffiCial Records Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded May 10, 1991 as Reel 1695, Reception No 91-21698 of OffiCial Records Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded November 2, 1994 as Reel 2009, Reception No 94-77951 of OffiCial Records 14 An easement for sewer line and InCidental purposes, recorded March 20, 1989 as Reel 1564, Reception No 89-11838 of OffiCial Records In Favor of Spnngfield School Dlstnct No 19 Affects The Westerly portion of Parcel II 15 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and easements In the document recorded May 10, 1991 as Reel 1695, Reception No 91-21696 of OffiCial Records, but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctlon Indicating a preference, limitation or diScrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national ongln, sexual onentatlon, mantal status, ancestry, source of Income or disability, to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons Violate TItle 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes Lawful restnctlons under state and federal law on the age of occupants In senior hOUSing or hOUSing for older persons shall not be construed as restnctlons based on familial status (Affects Parcel No I) Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded October 1, 1993 as Reel 1883, Reception No 93-62649 of OffiCial Records Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded October 12, 1993 as Reel 1886, Reception No 93-65168 of OffiCial Records 16 An easement for public utility and inCidental purposes, recorded September 22, 1993 as Reception No 93-60016 of OffiCial Records In Favor of The City of Spnngfield Affects The Easterly portion of Parcel II 17 An easement for publiC utility and InCidental purposes, recorded March 25, 1994 as Reel 1935, Reception No 94-21981 of OffiCial Records In Favor of The City of Springfield Affects The Southwesterly portion of Parcel II Date Received Arst American Title AUG 1 3 2008 Original Submittal PrelimInary Report Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 4 18 The terms and provIsions contained In the document enbtled "ReCiprocal Easement Agreement" recorded April 22, 1994 as Reception No 94-29763 of Official Records (Affects The Southwesterly portion of Parcel II) 19 A Deed of Trust to secure an original Indebtedness of $7,800,000 00 recorded September 8, 2006 as Reception No 2006-065774 of Official Records Dated September 5, 2006 Trustor SC Springfield, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Trustee First American litle Insurance Company Beneficiary MldFlrst Bank Document(s) declaring modifications thereof recorded November 15, 2007 as Reception No 2007-077124 of OffiCial Records 20 EVidence of the authority of the Indlvldual(s) to execute the forthcoming document for SC Springfield, L L C , copies of the current operating agreement should be submitted nrlnr tn c1oslno 21 Unrecorded leases or periodic tenancies, If any 22 Taxes for the year 2007-2008 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property IDjKey No 99,345 90 33,115 37, plus Interest, If any 01900 1703251102300 1517653 (Affects Parcel I and a porbon of Parcel II) 23 Taxes for the year 2007-2008 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property IDjKey No (Affects a portion of Parcel II) 99,17690 99,17690, plus Interest, If any 01900 1702300001800 0113785 24 The terms and provIsions contained In the document entl~ed "Declaration of Restrlcbons" recorded October 19, 2007 as Reception No 2007-071865 of OffiCial Records Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Arst American Title Original submittal Preliminary Report Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 5 25 The following matters disclosed by an ALTAjACSM survey made by Branch Englneenng, Inc on December 28, 2007, designated Job No 07-193A a) Fence encroachments onto the Westerly portion Parcel II b) EXisting 14" PVC storm drain pipe drams to eXlstmg ditch m the Southwesterly portion of Parcel II c) EXisting asphalt parking lot m the Southwesterly portion of Parcel II IS bemg used by adJacent property owner d) The eXlstmg sanitary sewer pipe In the Southwesterly portJon of Parcel II may not be covered by an eXisting public utility easement e) Utility pole and anchor encroachment In the Northeasterly corner of Parcel II f) The eXisting sanitary sewer pipe m the Southeasterly portion of Parcel II may not be covered by an eXisting public utility easement -END OF EXCEPTIONS- Date Received AUG I 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Arst American Title Preliminary Report Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 6 INFORMATIONAL NOTES NOTE This report does not Include a search for FinanCing Statements filed In the office of the Secretary of State, or In a county other than the county wherein the premises are situated, and no liability IS assumed If a FinanCing Statement IS filed In the office of the County Clerk (Recorder) covenng fixtures on the premises wherein the lands are described other than by metes and bounds or under the rectangular survey system or by recorded lot and book Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Arst American Title PrelimInary Report Order Number NCS-303649-DRl Page Number 7 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! Cc Sierra Coast Development Attn Cody Johnson Cc Attn Cc Attn Date Received AUG I 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Arst Amencan Title Preliminary Report Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 8 '~ ~---~ First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (10/17/92) The (ollowlng matters are expressly exduded from the coverage of this policy and the Company WIll not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees or expenses whICh anse by rea50ll of 1 (a) Any law ordinance or governmental rel3ulatlOn (Including but not limited to bulld!ng and zOning laws ordinances, or rel3ulatJons) restricting rel3ulatlng prohibiting or relating to (I) the occupancy use or enJOYment of the land (11) the character dimenSions or locatIOn of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land (III) a separatIOn In ownership or a change In the dimenSIOns or area of the land or any parcel of whICh the land Is or was a part, or (IV) enVIronmental protection or the effect of any vlolabon of these laws ordinances or governmental regulabons, except to the extent that a notICe of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect lien or encumbrance resulting from a Violation or alleged YlolatlOn affecting th e land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy, (b) Any governmental polICe power not excluded by (a) above except to the extent that a notICe of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a YJOIabon or alleged VIOlation affecting the larld has been recorded In the publIC records at Date of PolICY 2 Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exerose thereof has been recorded In the publIC records at Date of PolICY but not exdudlng from coverage any taking which has occurred pnor to Date of Policy whICh would be binding on the nghts of a purchaser for value Without knowledge Defects liens, encumbrances adverse dalms or other matters (a) created suffered assumed or agreed to by the Insured claimant (b) not known to the Company not recorded In the publIC records at Date of PolICY but known to the Insured dalmant and not disclosed In wnbng to the Company by the Insured claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under thiS policy {cl resulting In no loss or damage to the insured dalmant (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of porley (except to the extent that thiS pohcy Insures the pnooty of the lren cI the Insured mortgage over any stattltory lien for serviCes, labor or matenal or the extent Insurance IS afforded herein as to assessments for street Improvements under construction or completed at date of pollcy) or (e) resulting In loss or damage whICh would not have been sustained If the Insured dalmant had paid value for the Insured mortgage 4 Unenfon:eablhty of the lien of the Insured mortgage because of the Inablhty or failure of the Insured at Date of Policy or the Inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the Indebtedness, to comply WIth the applicable domg bUSiness laws of the state In which the land IS situated Invalidity or unenforceablhty of the lien of the Insured mortgage, or claim thereof which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and IS based upoll usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law 6 Any statutory hen for servICes labor or matenals (or the claim of pnonty of any statutory hen for servICes, labor or matenals over the hen of the Insured mortgage) anslng from an Improvement or work related to the land which IS contracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and IS not financed In whole or In part by proceeds of the Indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Pohcy the Insured has advanced or IS obligated to advance Any dalm whICh arises out of the transaction creating the Interest of the mortgagee Insured by thIS polICY, by reason of the operabon of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency or Similar OedltOrs rights laws that IS based on (I) the transaction oeatlng the Interest of the Insured mortgagee being deemed a fraud ulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (1I) the subordination of the Inte.-est of the Insured mortgagee as a result of the applICation of the doctnne of equitable subordInatIOn or (JII) the transadlon creating the Interest of the Insured mortgagee bemg deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the (allure (a) to bmely record the Instrument of transfer or (bl of such recordatIOn to Impart notice to a pun:haser for value ora Judgm entorhencredltor ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (10/17/92) The follOWing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company WIll not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees or expenses whICh anse by~~of I 1 (a) Any law ordmance OJ governmental regulation (lndudmg but not f1mlted to building and zoning laws ordinances, or regulations) restrlctJng, regUlatUlg prohitlltmg or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, OJ enJOYrTlent of the laod (11) the characte.-, dImenSions or IocatlOfl of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, (III) a separation In ownership or a change In the dimenSions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land IS or was a part or (IV) enVIronmental prOtection or the effect of any Violation of these laws ordmances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notICe of the enforcement thereof or a nobce of a defect lien or encumbrance resultUlg from a Ylolation or alleged YIOlatlOfl affecting the land has been recorded In the publIC records at Date of PolICy (b) Any governmental pohce power not excluded by (a) above except to the extent that a notICe of the exerCISe thereof or a notice of a defect hen or encumbrance resulting from a Violation or alleged Violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of PolICy RIghts of eminent domain unless notice of the exen:lse thereof has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy but not exdudlng from coverage any taldng which has occurred prior to Date of Polley whICh would be bmdUlg on the rights of a pun:haser for value without knowledge Defects liens encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters (a) created suffered assumed or agreed to by the Insureddalmant (b) not known to the Company, not recorded In the publiC records at Date of Policy but known to the Insured claimant and not disclosed In wnbng to the Company by the Insured dalmant pnor to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under thiS poncy (c) resuttlngln no loss or damage to the Insureddalmant (d) attaching or oeated subsequent to Date of Policy, or (el resulting In loss or damage which would not have been sustained If the Insured claimant had paid value for the estate or Interest Insured by thIS polICY 4 Any claim which al15eS out of the transaction vestmg In the Insured the estate or Interest Insured by thIS poliCY by rea500 of the operabon of federal bankruptcy state Insolvency or Similar creditOrs nghts laws that IS based on (f) the transactIOn creating the estate or Interest Insured by this poky being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer or (II) the transaction creating the estate or Interest Insured by thiS polICy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure (a) to timely record the Instrument of transfer or (b) of such recordation to Impart nobce to a pun:haserfor value or a)udgment or lien credltor SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS The ALTA standard policy form Will contain In Schedule B the followlng standard exceptions to coverage 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing hens by the records of any taXing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the JXlbllC I'eCOfds, proceedIng by a publIC agency which may result In taxes or assessments or notice of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publIC records Facts rights Interests or ctalms which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an Inspection of said land or by making InqUiry of persons In possession thereof Easements or danTl5 of easement not shown by the JXlbllC records reservations or excelXJOns In patents or In Acts authonzlng the ISSuance thereof water nghts claims or title to water 4 Any encroachment (of existing Improvements located on the subject land onto adJOining land or of existing Improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land) enaJmbrance vIOlation, variatIOn or adverse arcumstance affecting the tltle that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land 5 Any lien, or right to a Ren, for servICeS labor matenal eqUipment rental or workers compensatIOn heretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law or not shown by thepubhcrecords NOTE A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE POLICY FORM (OR FORMS) WIll BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST TI 149 Rev 606 Date Received: AUG 1 3 2008 First American Title Onglnal submltt"l PrelIminary Report Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 9 ; Exhibit "A" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descnbed as follows That property descnbed In Property Line Adjustment Deed recorded October 19, 2007 as Reception No 2007-071866, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon and being more particularly descnbed as follows PARCEL I Situated In the City of Spnngfield, Lane County, State of Oregon In the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25 In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and descnbed as follows Being a portion of the lands that were conveyed as "Parcell" In that certain Trustees' Deed that was recorded Apnl 10, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-024293 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, which portion IS more particularly descnbed as follows Being a portion of "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 as recorded Apnl 19, 1994 In the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, the pen meter boundary of which pomon being more particularly descnbed as follows BEGINNING at a pOint on the south line of said "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 and north margin of Marcola Road (which margin IS offset 45 00 feet northerly of the north line of the B B Powers Donation Land Claim Number 64 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan) that lies South 89057'22" West 263 83 feet from the southeast corner of said "Parcel 3", thence, leaVing said pOint of beginning and crossing Into said "Parcel 3", along the follOWing fifteen numbered courses (1) North 44057'15" East 19 81 feet, (2) North 00002'00" West 161 96 feet, (3) South 89058'00" West 188 35 feet, (4) South 83025'02" West 91 24 feet, (5) South 89058'00" West 24150 feet, (6) North 00002'00" West 34122 feet, (7) North 89058'00" East 33 48 feet, (8) North 00002'00" West 329 83 feet, (9) South 89058'00" West 144 65 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the nght, (10) along said non-tangent curvature to the nght, haVing a radiUS center that lies South 70038'23" East 73851 Feet, a central angle of 4019'30" and a long chord of North 21031'22" East 55 73 Feet, an arc length of 5575 Feet to a pOint of non-tangent line, (11) along said non-tangent line, North 89058'00" East 38 55 feet, (12) North 44058'00" East 102 82 feet, (13) North 72043'45" East 54 71 feet, (14) South 89050'16" East 63623 feet, and (15) South 60002'00" East 70 75 feet, to a pOint on the East line of said "Parcel 3", THENCE, along said East line of "Parcel 3" the follOWing one numbered course (16) South 00002'00" East 763 85 feet to a pOint that lies North 00002'00" West 175 93 feet from the aforesaid southeast corner of "Parcel 3", thence, leaVing said East line and POint and along the follOWing three numbered courses (17) South 89058'00" West 197 82 feet, (18) South 00002'00" East 161 95 feet, and (19) South 45003'27" East 1982 feet to a pOint that lies on the aforesaid South line of "Parcel 3" and said North margin of Marcola Road, thence, along said south line of "Parcel 3" and said North margin of Marcola Road, the follOWing one numbered course (20) South 89057'22" West 80 03 feet returning to the pOint of beginning PARCEL II Situated In the City of Spnngfield, Lane County, State of Oregon In the Southeast 1/4 of Section 24 and Northeast 1/4 of Section 25 In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and In the Southwest 1/4 of Section 19 and Northwest 1/4 of Section 30 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and descnbed as follows Date Received' AUG I 3 2008 Arst American Title Onglnal submittal Prehmlnary Report Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl Page Number 10 Being a portion of the lands that were conveyed as "Parcell" and all of the lands that were conveyed as "Parcel 2" In that certain Trustees' Deed that was recorded Apnl 10, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006- 024293 In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, which portion IS more particularly described as follows Being a portion of "Parcel 2" and a portion of "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 as recorded Apnl 19, 1994 In the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon together With adjoining lands to the east, the penmeter boundary of which being more parbcularly descnbed as follows BEGINNING at a pOint on the south line of said "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 and north margin of Marcola Road (which margin IS offset 45 00 feet northerly of the north line of the B B Powers Donation Land Claim Number 64 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan) that lies South 89057'22" West 263 83 feet from the southeast corner of said "Parcel 3", thence, leaVing said pOInt of beglnmng and crossing Into said "Parcel 3", along the follOWing fifteen numbered courses (1) North 44057'15" East 19 81 feet, (2) North 00002'00" West 161 96 feet, (3) South 89058'00" West 188 35 feet, (4) South 83025'02" West 91 24 feet, (5) South 89058'00" West 241 50 feet, (6) North 00002'00" West 341 22 feet, (7) North 89058'00" East 33 48 feet, (8) North 00002'00" West 329 83 feet, (9) South 89058'00" West 144 65 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the nght, (10) along said non-tangent curvature to the nght, haVing a radiUS center that lies South 70038'23" East 73851 Feet, a central angle of 4019'30" and a long chord of North 21D31'22" East 55 73 Feet, an arc length of 5575 Feet to a pOInt of non-tangent line, (11) along said non-tangent line, North 89058'00" East 38 55 feet, (12) North 44058'00" East 102 82 feet, (13) North 72043'45" East 54 71 feet, (14) South 89050'16" East 636 23 feet, and (15) South 60002'00" East 70 75 feet, to a pOInt on the East line of said "Parcel 3", thence, along said East line of "Parcel 3" the follOWing one numbered course (16) South 00002'00" East 763 85 feet to a pOInt that lies North 00002'00" West 175 93 feet from the aforesaid southeast corner of "Parcel 3", thence, leaVing said East line and pOint and along the follOWing three numbered courses (17) South 89058'00" West 19782 feet, (18) South 00002'00" East 161 95 feet, and (19) South 45003'27" East 19 82 feetto a pOint that lies on the aforesaid South line of "Parcel 3" and said North margin of Marcola Road, thence, along said south line of "Parcel 3" and said North margin of Marcola Road, the follOWing one numbered course (20) North 890 57'22" East 183 80 feet to said southeast corner of "Parcel 3", thence, along said North margin of Marcola Road, the follOWing one numbered course (21) North 89053'35" East 235 82 feet to the southwest corner of the lands that were conveyed for publiC road purposes In that certain "Bargain and Sale Deed" that was recorded September 22, 1993 In Reel 1880R at Reception Number 9360016 In the OffiCial Records of Lane'County, State of Oregon which southwest corner and conveyed lands are shown on the survey map by Daniel W Baker that was filed August 26, 1996 as CSF Number 33731 In the office of the County Surveyor of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said west margin of said conveyed lands, the follOWing eight numbered courses (22) North 45004'29" East 43 19 feet, (23) North 00002'23" West 56 00 feet to a pOInt of non-tangent curvature to the nght, (24) along said non-tangent curvature to the nght, haVing a radiUS center that lies South 89058'13" East 505 00 Feet, a central angle of 7003'33" and a long chord of North 03033'34" East 62 18 Feet, an arc length of 62 22 Feet to a pOint of non-tangent line, (25) along said non-tangent line, North 21000'50" East 122 20 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the nght, (26) along said non-tangent curvature to the nght, haVing a radiUS center that lies South 69003'10" East 490 00 feet, a central angle of 43007'26" and a long chord of North 42030'33" East 360 16 Feet, an arc length of 368 80 Feet to a pOint of non-tangent line, (27) along said non-tangent line, North 64005'11" East 579 54 feet to a pOInt of non-tangent curvature to the left, (28) along said non-tangent curvature to the left, haVing a radiUS center that lies North 25057'51" West 365 00 Feet, a central angle of 63056'04" and a long chord of North 32004'07" East 386 49 Feet, an arc length of 407 29 Feet to a pOint of non- tangent line that lies on the west margin of 31st Street as said margin IS shown on said survey map by Damel W Baker, and (29) along said west margin of 31st Street the North 00002'05" West 377 27 feet to the northwest corner of said conveyed lands, thence, along the north line of said conveyed lands the follOWing one numbered course (30) North 89057'55" East 5 00 feet to a pOint on the west margin of said 31st Street as said margin was established In that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded October 19, 1955 at Reception Number 68852 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, Date Received Arst American Title AUG 1 3 2008 Original submIttal Prellmmary Report Order Number NCS 303649-0Rl Page Number 11 which margin IS offset 30 00 feet westerly by perpendicular measurement from the centerline of said street, thence, along last said west margin, the following one numbered course (31) North 00002'05" West 738 89 feet to a pOint on the south margin of the Eugene Water and Electnc Board Utility COrridor as said cOrridor was conveyed to the City of Eugene by that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded October 27, 1947 In Book 359 at pages 285-286 In the Deed Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said south margin of the Eugene Water and Electnc Board Utility COrridor and the north line of said "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 the follOWing one numbered course (32) South 79042'00" West 2393 70 feet to the northwest corner of said "Parcel 3" as said corner IS common with the northeast corner of the plat boundary of "Austin Park South" as platted and recorded November 18, 1993 In File 74 at Slides 132-134 In the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along the east and south lines of said plat of "Austin Park South", the follOWing two numbered courses (33) South 00002'16" East 909 63 feet and (34) South 89057'41" West 260 13 feet to a pOint on the east plat boundary of "Loch Lomond Terrace First Addition" as platted and recorded August 12, 1965 In Book 46 at page 20 In the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said east plat boundary, the follOWing one numbered course (35) South 00002'00" East 112 88 feet to a pOInt on the north plat boundary of "Nicole Park" as platted and recorded December 21, 1992 In File 74 at Slides 30-32 In the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said north plat boundary and the east plat boundary of said "Nicole Park", the follOWing two numbered courses (36) North 89058'00" East 6 20 feet, and (37) South 00003'40" East 259 95 feet to a pOint on the north line of "Parcel 2" of said Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491, thence, along said north line of "Parcel 2" the follOWing one numbered course (38) SOUTH 89057'37" West 99 65 feet to a pOint lYing on the northerly extension of the east line of "Parcell" of said Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491, which pOint IS the northeast corner of the lands that were descnbed In "Exhibit A" of that certain "Declaration of Property Line Adjustment" that was recorded Apnl 7, 1997 In Reel 2281R at Reception Number 9722969 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said northerly extension and said east line as descnbed In said "Declaration of Property Line AdJustment", (39) South 00002'16" East 515 90 feet to the southeast corner of said "Parcell as said cOrrler lies on the aforesaid north margin of Marcola Road, thence, along the south line of said "Parcel 3" and north line of Marcola Road, the follOWing one numbered course (40) North 89057'22" East 11S5 39 feet returning to the pOint of beginning PARCEL III An easement for Ingress, egress and parking as descnbed In that certain Declaration of Restnctlons and Grant of Easements, recorded March 17, 1989 as Reception No 89-11762, as amended by Instruments recorded October 31,1989 as Reception No 89-49055 and recorded May 10, 1991 as Reception No 91- 21698 PARCEL IV An easement for Ingress, egress, parking and sign purposes as descnbed In that certain ReCiprocal Easement Agreement recorded Apnl 22, 1994 as Recepbon No 94-29763 ~ Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Arst American Title SATRE ASSOCIATES. P C Planners, landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists 101 East Broadway, SUite 480 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541)465-4721 0 Fax (541)465-4722 0 1-800-662-7094 www satrepc com July 18, 2008 THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS, PHASE I TREE FELLING PERMIT APPLICATION WRITTEN STATEMENT General Information Project The Villages at Marcola Meadows Spnngfleld, Oregon North of Marcola Road and West of 281h & 3151 Street lIT Spnngfleld, Oregon Map 17-02-30-00 and 17-03-25-11, Lots 1800 and 2300 100 38 acres Vacant field Location Map and Tax Lot Site area Site condition Owner and Aoollcant SC Springfield, LLC 7510 Longley Lane, SUite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 (775)853-47140 Fax (775) 853-4718 Contact Jeff Belle Jbelle@Jhblnc com Prolect Develooer The Martin Company PO Box 1482 Albany, Oregon 97321 (5411926-1629 0 Fax (541) 967-0336 Contact Bob MartllT bmartllT@JhbllTc com Planner / landscaoe Architect / EnVIronmental Soeclalrst Satre Associates, P C 101 East Broadway, SUite 480 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541)465-4721 0 Fax (541) 465-4722 Planner & Landscape Architect Contact Rick Satre, AICP ASLA r satre@satrepc com Civil Enolneer / Survevor Branch Engineering, Inc 310 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477 (541)746-06370 Fax(541) 746-0389 Contact Lane Branch, PE lane@branchenglneenng com Date Received AUG I 3 2008 Original submlttfl Date Received. The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - WlIlten Statement Julv 18. 2008 Page 2 of 8 AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal I Land Use Request The applicant proposes a phased, mixed-use development on 10038 acres called The Villages at Marcola Meadows (Marcola Meadows) m Springfield, comprised of residential. office and retail "villages" The proposed master plan development IS located north of Marcola Road and West of 28th and 31 st Street The 10038 acre site IS currently a vacant field Pierce Ditch, a dramage ditch, bisects the property east to west ReSidential, commercial. and Industrial land uses are located adjacent to the property The topography of the site IS generally very flat with seasonal wetlands The proposed development consists of a total of 518 dwellmg units on 3819 acres (13 56 units per net acre), and 449,600 square feet (sq ft) of retail/ office use on 4228 acres There are 1991 acres of right-of-way wlthm the reSidential and commercial area, 11 79 acres of common open space Includmg 401 acres of wetland mitigatIOn as compensation for impacted wetlands currently on site The wetland mitigation area will Include approximately 2 1 acres of palustrine wetlands/waters and approximately 1 9 acres of vegetated wetland buffer contalnmg uplands and transitional zones The mitigation areas will be graded so as to proVide a level of hydrology essential for above mentioned habitats The entrre site will be Impacted through development Mass gradmg affectmg wetlands/waterways and eXlstmg trees will occur at the onset of the project The fillmg of a portion of the Pierce Ditch and the construction of Martm Drive and Belle Boulevard comprise the major Impacts to eXisting trees Construction will start approximately m summer 2008 Replacement trees Will be mtegrated mto the proposed Improvements mcludmg street trees, trees m stormwater quality facilities, common open space enhancements and wetland mitigation Replacement tree species m the mitigation area will Include Big Leaf Maple, Alder Douglas Hawthorne, Oregon Ash, Oregon White Oak, Douglas frr and more They will be 1-2 gallon trees Street tree species will Include red maples, ashes plane tree and more They Will be 2 mch caliper per Springfield Development Code Trees In stormwater quality facilities will Include species such as cedar, alder maple and more The total number of replacement trees dUring the first phase of development IS 1 008 II Tree Fellmg Proposal SC Springfield, LLC seeks Tree Fellmg Permit approval for the removal of one hundred thirteen (113) trees (mcludmg SIX (6) street trees) and two (2) tree thickets with a diameter at breast height (dbhl of 5 Inches or larger There are one hundred sixty one (161) eXlstmg trees (mcludmg street trees) and three (3) tree thickets with a dbh of 5 mches or larger located on the site The location, size and species of the eXlstmg trees are shown on sheet TP1, EXlstllJg Trees and TP2, Tree Removal Plan Proposed landscapmg, mcludmg replacement trees, IS shown on sheet L 1, Street Plantmg Plan and L2, Greenway and Storm water Plantmg Plan The vast majority of trees Intended for removal will be drrectly Impacted by the fillmg of Pierce Ditch Beyond thiS, grade changes requrred for establlshmg the wetland mitigation area the construction of Satre ASSOCiates, P C Planners, landscape Architects, EnVironmental SpeCialists The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - Written Statement Julv 18 2008 Page 3 of 8 Martin Drive and Belle Boulevard, and street Improvements along 31" Street dUring the first phase of the development necessitate the removal of additIOnal trees 11/ Trees EXlstmg, to be removed, salvaged and to remam There are one hundred sixty one (161) eXisting trees and three (3) tree thickets with a diameter breast height (dbhl of five Inches or larger located on the site (see Table 1 and Sheet TP2, Tree Removal Plan) Of these, one hundred fifty four 1154) trees are deCiduous and seven (71 are coniferous (Douglas fir) Tree species Include alder, cottonwood, Douglas fir, hawthorn, linden, and maple Sheet TP2, Tree Removal Plan and Table 1 are diVided Into subareas A through G (area F IS further diVided Into areas 1 through 5 as shown on Sheet TP21 TABLE EXISTING TREES Area AM AP AR CD CM PLUM PM PT TC TOTAL A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 B 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 C 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 7 E 0 0 1 0 2 0 4 26 0 33 F 42 4 0 2 3 0 1 4 0 56 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 46 TOTAL 44 4 1 3 5 1 7 50 46 161 AM - ACER MACROPHYLLUM (81G LEAF MAPLE) CO - CRATAEGUS oOGLASII (BLACK HAWTHORN) PT - POPULUS TRICHoCARPA (COTTONWOOD! AP - ACER PLATANOloES (NORWAY MAPLE) CM - CRATAEGUS MoNoGYNA IHAWTHORNI TC - TllIA CORDATA (liTTLE LEAF liNDEN) AR - ALNUS RUSRA (RED ALDER! PM - PSEUooTSUGA MENZIESII (DOUGLAS FIR! The proposed development on the site will remove a total of one hundred thirteen (113) trees and two (21 thickets due to the Impacts of construction Table 2 and Sheet TP2, Tree Removal Plan show the trees to be removed See discussion under SDC 5 19-125(A) for more detailed information TABLE: TREES TO BE REMOVED DUE TO IMPACTS FROM CONSTRUCTION Area AM AP AR CD CM PLUM PM PT TC TOTAL A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 BOO 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ,1 C 1000002003 o 1000010507 E 0 0 1 0 2 0 4 26 0 33 F 34 4 0 2 3 0 1 4 0 48 GOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 TOTAL 36 4 1 3 5 1 7 50 6 113 AM - ACER MACROPHYLLUM (BIG LEAF MAPlEI CO - CRATAEGUS oOGLASII(BLACK HAWTHORN) PT - POPULUS TRICHOCARPA (COTTONWOOD I AP - ACER PlATANOIoES (NORWAY MAPLE) CM - CRATAEGUS MONoGYNA (HAWTHoRNI Te - TllIA CORDATA (liTTlE LEAF liNDEN! AR - ALNUS RUSRA (RED ALDER) PM - PSEUODTSUGA MENZIESII (DOUGLAS FIRI Date ReceIVed AUG \ 3 2008 Satre Associates, P C Planners, Landscape AifJlI1ll!ltf)~vThlfl~.~eC1il1ls1s Date Received The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - Written Statement Julv 18. 2008 Onglnal Submittal As a component of the mitigation efforts for the re-Iocated Pierce Ditch the applicant proposes to salvage thirty-nine (39) trees and to use them as organic woody debris within the Pierce Ditch mitigation work Table 3 and Sheet TP2, Tree Removal Plan show the trees to be salvaged AUG 1 3 2008 Page 4 of 8 TABLE 3 TREES TO BE SALVAGED Area AM AP AR CD CM PLUM PM PT TC TOTAL A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 6 F 20 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 24 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL I 22 0 0 0 0 0 7 10 0 39 AM - ACER MACROPHYLLUM (BIG LEAf MAPLE) CD - CRATAEGUS DOGLASII (BLACK HAWTHORN) PT - POPULUS TRICHOCARPA (COTTONWOOD) AP - ACER PLATANOIDES (NORWAY MAPLE! CM - CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA (HAWTHORN) TC - TllIA CORDATA (liTTLE LEAF liNDEN) AR - ALNUS RUBRA (RED ALDER! PM - PSEUDOTSUGA MENZILSII (DOUGLAS FIR) A total of forty-eight (48) trees and one hawthorn (11 thicket (Area F, Subarea 51 Will remain on the site follOWing tree removal In addition, the applicant proposes to plant 491 new trees (plus an additional 517 trees In the greenway areal. the replacement ratio IS approximately 431 Remaining tree species Will Include maple, linden and hawthorn See Table 4 and Sheet TP2, Tree Removal Plan for the species, sizes and location of trees proposed for preservatIOn as well as proposed grading and Improvements Tree removal will be completed by a contractor licensed to do the work uSing accepted site clearing and tree felling techniques and procedures On site supervision Will be present at the time of removal to ensure that no damage to surrounding trees or properties occurs Ingress and egress will be taken via haul routes as shown Within the attached plan set See diSCUSSion under SDC 5 19-125(E) for more detailed information TABLE 4 TREES TO REMAIN Area AM AP AR CD CM PLUM PM PT TC TOTAL A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 TOTAL 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 48 AM - ACER MACROPHYLLUM (BIG LEAf MAPLE) CD - CRATAEGUS DOGlASII (BLACK HAWTHORN! PT - POPULUS TRICHOCARPA (C[ fTONWOOO) AP - ACER PLATANOIOES (NORWAY MAPLE) CM - CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA (HAWTHORN) TC - TllIA CORDATA (liTTLE LEAF liNDEN) AR - ALNUS RUBRA (RED ALDER! PM - PSEUOOTSUGA MENZIESII(OOUGLAS FIRI Satre Associates P C Planners. landscape Architects. EnVIronmental Specialists r 3te Received The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - Written Statement Julv 18. 2008 Page 5 of 8 AUG I 3 2008 IV Supporting Facts and Findings This section addresses the applicable Tree Felling Permit Standards contained In SDC 38040 Applicable approval criteria are outlined In Italics below, followed by proposed findings of fact In normal text Onglnal Submlttf I Approval Cntena - Tree Felling Standards 519-125 Cfltefla The director. In consultatIOn with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve approve with conditIOns or deny the request based on the following CIItena A Whether the conditIOns of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditIOns, danger of failing proxImity to eXisting structures or proposed constructIOn or Interference with utility selVlces or pedestnan or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling Resoonse Trees are proposed for removal based on their condition and/or their location In proximity to ex[stlng site developments to be removed or proposed site Improvements to be constructed Flfty- nine (59) trees will be removed from along the slopes of the Pierce Ditch (areas A through EI. portions of which will be widened, deepened or filled and mitigated on-site Fifteen (151 of the trees removed from areas A through E will be salvaged for use as large woody debris In the mitigation site No trees are scheduled to remain In Areas A through E following removal An additional, fifty-four (54) trees will be removed from areas F and G due to construction activities within the adjacent publ[c rights-of-way As such this criterion IS met Listed below are the trees to be removed by Area, see Sheet TP2, Tree Removal Plan and Table 4 (above) for additional informatIOn . AREA A Fifteen 115) cottonwoods are proposed to be removed These trees need to be removed as part of the filling and relocation of the ditch The applicant Intends to re-Iandscape the new stormwater and mitigation feature . AREA 8 One 11) Hawthorn IS proposed to be removed along the ditch to be widened and deepened . AREA C Two (2) Douglas firs and one (1) 81g Leaf Maple are proposed to be removed along the ditch to be filled and relocated . AREA D Five 15) Cottonwoods one (1) Plum, one 11) 8[g Leaf Maple and one (1) thicket Icontalnlng apple, alder and hawthorn) are proposed to be removed along the ditch to be filled and relocated . AREA E Twenty-SIx (26) Cottonwoods, two (2) Hawthorns, one 11) Alder, four (4) Doug firs and one 11) Cherry thicket are proposed to be removed along the ditch to be filled and relocated . AREA F o Subarea 7 One (1) Hawthorn and four (41 Norway Maples are located In close proximity of the proposed intersection of Martin Drive and 31Sl Street and an adjacent stormwater , feature and therefore are proposed to be removed o Subarea 2 Sixteen (16) 81g Leaf Maples, one (1) hawthorn and four (4) Cottonwoods are located within the area of proposed street Improvements along 31 Sl Street and are Satre ASSOCIates, P C Planners, landscape Architects, EnVIronmental SpeCialists The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - Written Statement Julv 18. 2008 Page 6 of 8 proposed to be removed and for use as large woody debris In the mitigation area Assessment dUring construction set-up will determine whether trees In thiS particular area can be saved o Subarea 3 Fifteen (15) Big Leaf Maples and one (1) Doug fir are proposed for removal because of proposed street Improvements along the west side of 31" Street or for use as large woody debris In the mitigation area o Subarea 4 Three (3) Big Leaf Maples and three (3) Hawthorns are proposed for removal because of proposed street Improvements along the west side of 31;t Street or for use as large woody debris In the mitigation area One (1) Big Leaf Maple will be assessed dUring construction set-up to determine whether It may be retained In thiS area o Subarea 5 One (1) Big Leaf Maple and a thicket of hawthorn will be assessed dUring construction set-up to determine whether they will be retained In thiS area . AREA G Three (3) Lindens are located within the proposed intersection of Belle Boulevard and 28th Street and therefore are proposed to be removed Three (3) Lindens are located within the extension of the stormwater ditch along 31st street (opposite U Street) and therefore are proposed to be removed B Whether the proposed felling IS consistent with State standards Metro Plan policies and City ordinances and provISIons affecting the envtronmental quality of the area including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks, wild/tfe. erosIOn, sOil retentIOn and stability volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams, scenic qualtty and geological sites Resoonse The environmental quality of the site and the surrounding area will not be Significantly Impacted by the trees' removal Excluding Pierce Ditch and the swale along 31st Street, the site IS flat to gently sloping and IS not subject to erosIOn or other soil retention or stability Issues requiring the trees' retention EXisting herbaceous vegetation currently covers the ground, thereby providing soil stabilization The trees proposed for removal are located within an eXisting urban setting and more than half of the trees proposed to be removed are located along the slopes of Pierce Ditch Portions of thiS ditch will be filled and mitigated on site DUring filling and tree felling, measures will be taken In conformance with the approved JOint Permit Application and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual of the City of Springfield to minimize disturbance of wildlife erosIOn and secure sOil retention and stability I I Resoons~ Removal of trees along 31 It Street IS not expected to have an adverse Impact on any other trees In the area Trees to remain will be clearly flagged, Identified, and protected from damage by fenCing prior , to removal of adjacent trees and other site clearing work FenCing Will remain In place throughout the construction period (see sheet TP2 - Tree Removal Plan) All felling and removal actiVities will be performed In a manner which minimiZeS site Impacts, including but not limited to soil compaction around trees to be preserved, soil compaction In the root zones of any trees, and damage to trunks of trees-to be preserved Any soil and debriS tracked Into the street by vehicles and equipment leaVing the site will be cleaned up With shovels In a timely manner and not washed mto the storm drain 1 Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Satre ASSOCiates, P C Plan~g.nq~Fl!!l~rIv_ Envuonmental SpeCialists Jate Received The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - Written Statement Julv 18 2008 \ AUG 1 3 2008 Page 7 of 8 Onglnal Submittal C Whether It IS necessary to remove trees In order to construct proposed Improvements as specIfied In an approved development plan. grading permits and constructIOn draWings ResDonse A development plan (Tentative SubdivIsion Application) has been submitted concurrent with this Tree Felling Application In accordance with the Tentative SubdivISion criteria In addition, the applicant recently received approval for The Villages at Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan As part of that application grading and site Improvement details have also been submitted Removal of the trees IS necessary In order to construct the proposed development Additional applications are submitted concurrent with this application Including Public Improvement Plans (public and private) o In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City felling of trees Will be permitted on a I1mlted baSIS consistent with the preservatIOn of the site's future development potential as presCrIbed In the Metro Plan and City development regulatIOns, and consistent with the following cntena Resoonse Approval of this tree felling permit IS contingent upon approval of the concurrent Tentative SubdivIsion application Therefore, this criterion does not apply E Whether the appl1cant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetatIOn IS an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled ResDonse Re-vegetatlon of the site will be addressed In several phases DUring the first phase street trees along Martin Drive, Belle Boulevard, the re-constructed Marcola Road, parts of 31" Street, and trees In the mitigation site will replace eXisting trees to be removed on the site The Planting Plan attached with thiS application Includes the first phase of work and specifies the Installation of 1,008 new trees three-hundred forty-five (345) street trees, one-hundred fortY-SIx (146) trees In water quality swales, and five-hundred seventeen (517) trees In the greenway area Counting only the street trees and trees In the water quality swales (491), thiS IS a replacement of approximately 4 3 1 for every tree of 5 Inches dbh or larger which will be removed from the site Additional Phase I landscape work Includes shrubs, groundcovers and extensive native materials In the mitigation and swale areas Further phases of work anticipate the planting of street trees along the streets In the residential areas trees In parking lots In the commerCial, retail and profeSSional office areas Because of the 43 1 tree replacement ratio and the four (4) acres of wetland mitigation, new vegetation and trees are an adequate substitute for the felled tress and thiS criterion IS ] ~~~ ] F Whether slash left on the property poses slgmflcant fire hazard or l1ab1l1ty to the City ResDonse All slash Will be removed from the site In order to accommodate the proposed development No slash or other fire hazard posing liability to the City will result from the proposed removal of the trees Trees to be salvaged for use within the mitigation site will be stored In a manner so as to minimize any hazard or liability to the city Any material not used In the mitigation site will be removed from the site Therefore, thiS criterion IS met G Whether the felling IS consistent with the gUidelines specified In the Field GUide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules publ1shed by the State of Oregon Department of Forestry. as they apply to the northwest Oregon regIOn Resoonse The proposed tree felling IS compatible With all applicable gUidelines In the profeSSions of forestry, horticulture, and landscape architecture The Oregon Department of Forestry, through ItS Community and Urban Forestry program, advocates for selecting appropriate tree species based on site Satre ASSOCIates, P C Planners, Landscape Architects. EnVironmental SpeCialists The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I Tree Felling Permit - Wrrtten Statement Julv 18. 2008 Page 8 of 8 conditIOns uSing native species where possible, avoiding invading exotics, and reforesting our urban enVIronment As discussed above the applicant has chosen species that are listed on Springfield's approved species list and which are compatible with commercial scale development Therefore, the Oregon Department of Forestry objectives have been met by this tree felling proposal and thiS criterion IS met H Whether transportatIOn of eqUipment to and eqUipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents Resoonse Tree felling activities will take place In the context of developing the site Construction access to the site will be from haul routes as shown within the attached plan set Tree felling activities will take place between the hours of 800 am and 500 pm and will be of limited duration Therefore, It IS not expected that the tree felling will result In any major disturbance to nearby residents and thiS criterion IS met V Conclusion \ ThiS application demonstrates that the proposed tree removal and replacement plan IS suffiCient to meet applicable criteria While thiS application proposes to remove one hundred thirteen (113) trees, a total of forty-eight (48) trees five (5) Inches dbh or larger Will remain Therefore, thiS IS a development that can proceed to build-out With little additional Impact to remaining eXisting trees The applicant proposes to replace trees removed from the site as well as plant a substantial number of additional trees An automatic Irrigation system Will be provided to assure that the trees are adequately watered The IrrigatIOn system will be temporary In the mitigation site and ItS upland areas, operating perhaps for three years, or until the trees are well established Irrigation In the street tree areas will be Installed permanently Thank you for reviewing thiS tree felling permit application If you have any questions please contact Rick Satre at Satre Associates (541-465-4721) We look forward to moving thiS application to a successful outcome Date Received AUG 1 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Satl8 AssoCIates, P C Planners, landscape Architects, Environmental SpeCialists THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS SPRINGFIELD OREGON TREE FELLING PERMIT APPLICATION g SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS PROJECT DIRECTORY PWNER J APPLICANT T1 COVER sHEET SC......g'IB..DLLC "'''LO.G1...........OUIT'E'" .."".,v_..." ~~!)T':.;";~,,'."'~I<l"""11! ,.._..""..... To, EXlSTlNGTREU Tl'Z TREE REMOVAL PLAN Ll STREHPlJ\NTlNGPlAN f'ROJECT DEVELOPER (~~ ~.J ~ - - ! ~_.J~, .,,, 1; r ~.t '" ... , .~, .""'.:.,...- 0 , ~- ,~:, ..-~ -.- - ~Jj ~- - , , . - , . , .~ ' , ,- . . '" ..~ lit !J~... -' ~ ".:::::___=-..,"'"";l_~l " _~ ~ ~~L ,,-,4.;~ l Id.~ '~t ~ I ]U fi l3 PlANTlNC NOTESAND DeTAILS T"O...'..."'OO......, AL..."OROGQNI1I" r'~,':~':':';.'..':.;~'P.'" ..._,."...m l2 GREENWAVANOSTORMWAll'RPLANllNGPLAN PLANNER I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTI !"'NVIRONMEN1AL SPECIA.lIST ...n....oeL<'...c P""'"E"'-"'D'''''.''O""n-E"..,,,,, .N"""'W"...'......'OLWlI.. ''''A....''''''...v."".... ,"G,.,O.,GOH" 1"'1......""...,..".......'" C<lHT.CT..O"""CM...~........""'" ~ G......~ ~ CIVIL ENGINEER I SURVEYOR ......c...o,...""'o'"" ",,,"'."'",.. '''-0''''''0.00''''''''' ~',;')1~'i,'~:".".i:~~'::'" ~_""""""..""""om TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER .<<.....O.......OUc "....T1"......U..""'" ,oGEH'CAE"'" ,'" ~~~T~~'~";'::.~~:~" ..~-&- ....~- oate ReceIVed t.,UG , '3 200& VICINITY MAP ~-::--.;. '(])' \ sublYllttaL Onglna - ill SATRE ASSOCIATES PC _'""","po""""'''' ...-s...-. ,<-~\SJF.;<I'$" '__F'" ... "~"'- ~""''''l''''t; \OIlECONi!.' Cr"e ~~;~.... SC SPRINGFIELD LLC .""...."""........c"""""""""" THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS TREE FELLING PERMIT APPLICATION COVER SHEET T1 ...'7L-::::'- !_.,.:~ ~J;v_ ~ ~-~--- ,-~-:':72f"'"- _ ,_ Y..x I, f' . , I , - .-~-;.- I' r > , .... "'- ~.... t~ ~ ,,' ~.. 1~ .I!"'.. ,.j mM1 A. r' - ( ~ , r' ~~ , ill ~4'\SJl:Rt'<l SATRE ASSOCIATES PC Pbn""",,__oo>J ~~-- ~IOC ".~""[ t ~ORECO"f! Otf'f: ~'if-~"'" I""'\.- ~" -i, -4::J.;~ - , 1 II ~ , I ~ " <:\ 1i ~ "2 SC SPRINGFIELD LLC SP~'NG"OCD ,""""COVNt"! ORoOON ~ r :' " ,-- f ...~ ij " ,;~.-:.;r.,.....~~ _~' "'....:;" ,":0, ~ ;r::: .. ........v.........'-.VA~ If \' II ' r-~-JI/v' 3:'4;" ~..~J : I=~='I ~' ~/< Il if ,.~ ,''- 'Ii '(ROPOSEDTREES . --_.... - _ -! ~ PHASE 1 'r . ~ , , , ~l t1 , ' , 'f-~ ;:" , f .. ,-~,-#\~~ t.- l# '\ , @y "" ~""~1 - "'" ~t{jf. "'~~- ~~O 6J =".... co r,_ , 4_} L -;-~ 1, , THE VILLAGES AT MARCO LA MEADOWS TREE FELLING PERMIT APPLICATION EXISTING TREES , , ." < ,...~LEGEti.~_ ..J!:;"""M~lved AUG I 3 2008 '- 'ngll'l~1 Submittal :! ~ NORT>< '1=F). TP1 '-'~' " - ,~~~i :: ~) :,~). - ~ C8L C~) M , 0;. '~., ~~~(:j~ ~\ ., - ~~)@ (. ') (;) ~ -"'" AREA A '''-'' '" cst, AREA E _CJ..~" ~\ ) ---',"-., AREA B ] -1 ;7" -CP AREA C ~cp AREAD /if ' /' 4- 'ill Ii' f' ~'r,~~',..~ ~"' /)1', , - " .-.-c-~--~ ' ' r=c= 3]e--~--~->h-_-.,.O_O ,,/ .t _ __ .J ~", ...... ~~ ,..,~.- .' l -1 . - ~_L . ill SATRE ASSOCIATES PC "' ",~" '.... ",...""", lw ~"""""'''''' j1 .".,<>':'\~Jf:R~O !,; , LO" t t "a.OIlEGONI: "c,."'1: ~"'C"~ INDEX MAP ~" SC SPRINGFIELD LLC s....",,,".1lL<NEC<hJNrv o~w"" TREES TO SALVAGE I -r--:;"-, , ,. I'" f-- - -::'~ t 1 . . --1 I 1 "' ~f~~~-=l ~ -t. -~ #- ~~~::-j (~:~~:-:-~ - - ~~ ~"_"~_M~ . -~- -~'"' ~ ~.. ~ .... ~~ , ~ ...".. ~ - ....""- ~ ~ -~, -~ "'<- ~...--'" _.. ~ ~ ~ 0<4 - ~ AREA G ,~ . 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