HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/13/2008
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
mgfield, OR 97477
Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development
Required Project Information _ (Applicant: complete this section)
Applicant Name:
IAPplicant.s Rep.:
I Prooertv Owner:
Phone: 775-853-4714
Fax: 775-853-4718
SC Spnngfield. LLC
7510 Longley Lane, SUlte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511
R.1chard M Satre
Phone: 541-465-4721
Fax: 541-465-4722
Satre Assoclates. PC
101 East Broadway, SUlte 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401
Jeff BelJe
Phone: 775-853-4717
Fax: 775-853-4718
SC Sonngfield. LLC
7510 Longley Lane, SUlte 102. Reno. Nevada 89511
17-02-30-00.17-03-25-11 ITAX LOT NOeS): 1800,2300
Prooertv Address:
I Size of Property:
I Existing Use: Vacant
I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thiS application
Pro posa I: See Attached
North of Marcola Road and west of 28th and 31st Street m Sonngfield. Oregon
Acres I2J
SQuare Feet n
MedIUm DensIty Resldennal (MDR). MIxed-Use CommercIal (MUC). Commumty CommercIal (CC)
. . ~ A
Associated Cases: FRE'Z.008-CO052--
Icase No.: DRC100?rmt).5S- I Date: el/2:.10B I Reviewed by: 1-::bulf' ,
IAPPlication Fee: j; ITechnical Fee: $ I Postage Fee: $0 I
ITOTAL FEES: $ ~~~ury !, 108' PROJECT NUMBER: FR:J'Z.008-0004-7 I
~~"'i'l:1.~~~~~~~j5~~~~A1 f~~~A'mj~"~'m.~..(m~t~~=it.~t
Date Received.
Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian
AUG 1 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
1 of 5
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Jeff Belle
Jeff Belli
RevIsed 1(1(08 Molly Markarian
Date: I..//z.:;/d
"/ I
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Sub~lIttai
2 of 5
Drinking Water Protection Application Process
1. Applicant Submits a Drinkmg Water Protection Application to the Development
Services Department
. The application must conform to the Dnnklng Water ProtectIOn Submittal
ReqUirements ChecklIst on pages 4-5 of this application packet
. Planning DIVISion staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine
whether all required Items listed In the Dnnklng Water ProtectIOn Submittal
ReqUirements Checklist have been submitted
. Applications missing required Items will not be accepted for submittal
2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check
. Planning DIvIsion staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of
. The assigned Planner notifies the applicant In wntlng regarding the completeness of
the application
. An application IS not be deemed technically complete until all Information necessary
to evaluate the proposed development, ItS Impacts, and ItS compliance with the
provISions of the Spnngfleld Development Code and other applICable codes and
statutes have been provided
. Incomplete applications, as well as inSUfficient or unclear data, will delay the
application review process and may result In denial
3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision
. This IS a Type I decIsion and thus IS made without public notice and without a public
heanng since there are clear and objective approval Crltena and/or development
standards that do not require the use of discretion
. DeCISions address all the applicable approval cntena and/or development standards
. Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied
. The City malls the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decIsion, which
IS effective on the day It IS mailed
. The decIsion Issued IS the final deCISion of the City and may not be appealed
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markanan
3 of 5
DWP Overlay District Development Submittal Requirements Checklist
NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the
explanation to this form
Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Minimum Development Standards
applications, where applicable
Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the approprrate fee
calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services
Department The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the
time of complete application submittal Date Received
DWP Overlay District Development Application Form
AUG 1 3 2008
Copy of the Deed
Onglnal Submittal
Copy of a Preliminary Title Report Issued Within the past 30 Bavs documenting
ownership and listing all encumbrances
Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional Information that may have a bearrng
In determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance With
the Standards for Hazardous Materrals Within Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) listed In SDC
3 3-235
NOTE Before the Director can approve a DWP Overlay Dlstrrct Development request,
information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request All of the
Standards for Hazardous Materrals Within TOTZ must be addressed Incomplete
applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review
process and may result In denial In certain Circumstances, It IS adVisable to hire a
profeSSional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings
Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan reduced to 8 '12" by 11" outlining the applicable TOTZ
boundarres In relationship to the property boundarres
Three (3) Copies of the Following:
~ Use of hazardous materrals that pose a rrsk to groundwater that eXisted on the
property prror to May 15, 2000, If applicable
~ Hazardous Matenallnventory Statement and Materral Safety Data Sheet for all
materrals entered on the Statement Hazardous materral weights shall be converted to
volume measurement for purposes of determining amounts (I e 10 pounds shall be
considered equal to one gallon)
~ List of chemicals to be monitored through the analYSIS of groundwater samples and a
monltorrng schedule If groundwater monltorrng IS anticipated to be required
~ Detailed descrrptlon of the activities conducted at the facility that Involve the storage,
handling, treatment, use, or production of hazardous materrals In aggregate quantities
greater than 500 gallons
~ Descrrptlon of the prrmary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, If
applicable, clearly Identified as to whether the devices Will drain to the sanitary sewer
or storm water system
~ Proposed Hazardous Materral Management Plan for the faCility that indicates procedures
to be followed to prevent, control, collect, and dispose of any unauthorrzed release of a
hazardous materral
Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan
4 of 5
IZl Description of the procedures for Inspection and maintenance of containment devices
and emergency equipment
IZl Description of the plan for diSposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous
material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts, including the type of
transportation and proposed routes
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Original submlttF I
ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan
5 of 5
Marcola Rd and 31st Street
Map 17-02-30-00
Tax Lot 1800 &
17-03-25-11 Tax
Lot 2300
. 1.-
Date Received.
AUG 1 3 2008
OnglOal Submittal
Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Lot 1800, and
Map 17-03-25-11, Lot 2300
Marcola Meadows Site and VICinity
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
SC Sprmgfleld, LLC
7510 Longley Lane; SUite 102
Reno, Nevada 89511
Onglnal Submittal
July 18, 2008
101 East Broadwav Saila4BO
Eagen. OR 97401
Ph a" 5414654711
Fax 5414654712
Web www satre~c corn
landscape Arc~ltects
July18, 2008
City of Springfield
Development Services Department - Planning DIvIsion
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Attn Steve Hopkins
Re The Villages at Marcola Meadows, Phase I
Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development Application
Dear Steve,
This application addresses the protections Imposed by the Drinking Water Protection (DWP)
Overlay District Enclosed, please find the DWP Development Application for Phase 1, The
Villages at Marcola Meadows, the proposed development Submitted herewith are
Contents # Pages
DWP Application 5
Deed 6
Preliminary Title Report 11
Written Statement 8
Plot Plan (reducedllExhlblt A) 1
Site Assessment Plan, TOTZ boundaries (reducedllExhlblt 81 1
Other Exhibits (Exhibits C through F) 4
The written statement presents a narrative explaining the proposal The narrative also
Includes findings demonstrating compliance with applicable standards In additIOn, as
required by the expedited review agreement between the City and the applicant, Tentative
SubdiVIsion and Tree Felling Permit applicatIOns are submitted concurrently We believe thiS
application contains all informatIOn necessary for review
As the Applicant's deSignated contact, we at Satre ASSOCiates are available to answer
questions or proVide supplemental information as needed to facilitate the review process
Thank you In advance for your consideration of the application We look forward to working
with you on the project
Date Received
Satre ASSOCiates, P C
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
if 2-4 L./ uL/ ·
.". t:uoS- 031.4 6~
~ q -O~--.s-/I"~O
n-oz..-~-ootl. 1800
After reco~t!!mo~
1111 Willamette Street
Fuoene OR 97401-3107
D,v,sion of ChIef Deputy Clerk
Lane County Deeds and Records
111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $51.00
\0,9 ;3122~0600242';30jD.l~;7 04/101200603:55:06 PM
$30 00 $11 00 $10 00
Un111 a change IS requested,
maIl all tax statements to
SC Soringfield, LLC
5440 LOU1e Ln ste 102
Reno, NV
Tax Account No
(Statutory Bargain and Sale Deed)
Allan HIllar Pierce and Norman J LeCompte, Jr, as Co-Trustees pursuant to the
Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C Pierce, a deceased person, and Allan HIllar PIerce and
Norman J LeCompte, Jr, as Co-Trustees pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of
Ralph H PIerce, a deceased person (collecl1vely, "Grantor"), convey to SC Spnngfield LLC, a
Delaware limIted liabIlity company ("Grantee"), the real property descnbed on the attached
Exhlblt A, together WIth all of the nght, l1tle and mterest of Grantor m, to and under adJommg
streets, nghts of way and easements
The true consIderatIOn for thIS conveyance IS EIght MIllion Dollars ($8,000,000), paid by
an accomrnodator pursuant to Secl10n 1031 of the Urnted States Internal Revenue Code
197 352
Date Received.
AUG 1 3 2008
G lusrlNJLIChentlP,erce TruslIMartlD Salcldecd nJI 060331 doc
Orlgmal SubmlW,1
"" ,
DATED Apnl L 2006
) ss
This mstrument was acknowledged before me on Apnl /0 , 2006, by Allan HIllar
Pierce, CD- Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C Pierce, a deceased
person, and CD-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Ralph H ce, a deceased
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Allan HIllar lerce, Co. Trustee pursuant to the
Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C Pierce,
a deceased person
to the Last Will and Testament of
Allan HIllar PierCe, Co-Trustee pursuant to the
Last Will and Testament of Ralph H Pierce, a
deceased person
Norman J LeCompte, Jr, Cel-Trustee pursuant
to the Last Will and Testament of
Ralph H Pierce, a deceased person
:~~Oregon ~ ')
'7.) P"~ p. "".o?
Date Received'
AUG I 3 2008
G lusr\NJL\ChcntIP,erce TrustIMartm Salcldccd oJ! 060331 doc
Original Submittal
ThIS Instrument was acknowledged before me on Apnl t...O , 2006, by Nonnan J
LeCompte, Jr, Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth C PIerce, a
deceased person, and Co-Trustee pursuant to the Last wIn and Testament of I h H PIerce, a
deceased person
~ <
) ss
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, 1l(Jl1lRY pUBUC . oREGON
\ '~ COMMISSION MO u~.);I~ 2lIlI9
M'I COMMlSSlON EIIl'Il8 """,",'
G \u~f\NJL\Cbent\Plercc Tru~t\Martm Salc..\dLed nJI 060331 doc
?:Zfo. O!
Date RecelV~d
AUG \ 3 2008
Onglnal submltt~ I
~ "
Real Property DescriptIon
G lusrINJLIChentIPlerce TrustIMarnn Saleldeed nJI 060331 doc
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal SubmlU,,1
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Onglnal Submltt..I
aeglnn,ng at a po,nt On the North right-ot-way llne of Marcola ~oad. s4ld po,nt being
North as 57' 30" East 2611.60 f~et and North 00' 021 OOn West 4S 00 feet from ehe
Southwest corner of the Fellx Scoet Jr 0 L C No 51 1n Townshlp 17 South, Range J
West of the W,llamette Merid,an, thence along the North right-of-way l,ne of Marcola
Road South 69' 57' 30' West 1419.22 feet to the Southeast corner of parcell of Land
Partltlon Plat No 94-P0491. thence leavlng the North right-of-way llne of Marcola Road
and runn,ng along the East boundary of aa,d parcel 1 and the Northerly extenslon
thereof North 00' 02' 00" West 516 00 feet to a pOint on the South boundary of NICOLE
PARK as platted and recorded ln F,le 74, Sl,dea 30-33 of the Lane County Oregon Plat
Records, ehence along the South boundary of said NICOLE PARK North a9' 57' 30' Ease
99 62 feet to ehe Southeast corner of sald NICOLE PARK: thence along the East boundary
of said NICOLE PARK North DO' 02' 00" West 259 62 feet to the Northeast COrner of sud
NICOLE PlIRK, thence along the North boundary of sa'd NICOLE PARK Soueh a9 58' 00' West
6 20 feet to the Southeast corner of LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, as platted and
recorded in Book 46. Page 20 of the Lane Couney Oregon plat Records. thence along the
East boundary of s.'d LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION North 00 02' 00' Weet 112 68
feet to ehe Southweet corner of AUSTIN PARK SOUTH, as platted and recorded in P,le 74.
Sl'des 132-134 of the Lane County Plat Records, thence along the South boundary of sald
AUSTIN PARK SOUTH North 89' 56' 00" East 260 00 feet to the Southeast Corner of oa,d
AUSTIN PARK SOUTH, thence along the East boundary of ss,d AOSTIN PARK SOUTH North 00'
02' 00' West 909 69 feet to the Northeast corner of sa'd AUSTIN PARK SOUTH, sa,d po,nt
be~ng on ~he South boundary of that certa~n traet of land described in a deed recorded
July 31, 1941, in Boo~ 359, Page 285 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence
along the South boundary of sald last descnbed tract North 79 H' 54" East 1083 15
feet eo ehe ,ntersection of the South l,ne of the lase described tract and the East
llne of that certa~n trace of land conveyed to R H Pierce and Eli.abetn C Pierce and
recorded in Book 238. Page 464 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records. thence along the
East llne of said last descrlbed trace South 00' 02' 00" East 1991 26 feet to ths po,nt
of beg'nn~ng, all ,n Lane County, Oregon
aeginning at a point ~n the center of County Road No 753, 3470 24 feet South and
1319 9 feet East of the Northwest eorner of the Fe11x Scott Donat1on Land Cla1rn No 82,
'" Townshlp 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willameeee Mer,dlan. and being 866 feet South
of the Southeast COrner of tract of land conveyed by The Travelers Insurance Company to
R D Kercher by deed recorded 1n Book 189. Page 2g0, Lane County Oregon Oeed Records.
thence West 1310 feet to a po,nt IS links East of the West l,ne of the Felix Scott
Donat1on Land Claim No 82, Not1f~cat1on No 3255. In Township 17 South, Range 2 West
of the W111amette Merid1an, and runn1ng thence South parallel w1th and 15 links d~stant
from sa~d West llne of 5a~d Oonat~on Land Cla~m a distance of 2301 76 feet to a pOlnt
15 links East of the Southwest corner Of sald DOnat,on Land Claim, thence East
follow~ng along the center l1ne of county Road No 278 a d~5tance of 131~ feet to a
pOlnt ~n the center of sald County Road No 278 due South of tha place of beglnn~ng;
thence Nortn following the center line of sald County Road No 753 to the pOlnt of
beg~nn1ng, all 10 Lane County, Oregon,
EXCEPT the right of way of the Eugene-wendllng Branch of the Southern Paclf~c
ALSO EXCEPT that port,on descr,bed ,n deed to The C,ty of Eugene. recorded ,n
Book 359, page 285. Lane County oregon Deed Records,
-"olU1i.O.u A. Page 1
Date Received:
AUG I 3 2008
Property De5cr~ptlon cont~nued~{PARCEL 2)
OrigInal SubmIttal
ALSO EXCEPT beglnnlng at a pOlnt WhlCh is 1589 47 feet south and 1327 33 feet
East of the Southwest corner of Sect~on 19. TownshIP 17 South, Range 2 West,
Wlllamette Mer,dlan. ~ne County. Oregon. sa,d pOlnt also belng oppos,te and
20 feet Easterly from Stat,on 39+59 43 P 0 S,T . 8ald Stat,on be,ng In the
center Ilne of the old route Of County Road No 142-5 (formerly #753), thence
South 0 11' west 183.75 feet to the ,ntersectlon w,th the Northerly Rallroad
R~9ht or way l~ne. thence South 84 45' West 117 33 feet. thence South 79 30'
West 4a.J7 feet to the ~ntersect~on of said Railroad R~9ht of Way 11ne w~th
the Southerly RIght of Way 1,ne of the relocated sald County Road No 742-5.
thence along the arc of a 316 48 foot radlus curve left (the chord of wh,ch
hears North 39' 03' 35" East 261 83 feetl a dlstance of 269 94 feet to the
place of beg1nn1ng. In Lane County. Oregon;
ALSO EXCEPT that portion described in deed to Lane County recorded October 19,
1955. Recept,on No 68852, Lane County Oregon Deed Records.
ALSO ~CEPT that portion descrlbed in deed to Lane county recorded January 20.
1986, Receptlon No 8602217. ~ne County Offlcial Records,
ALSO EXCEPT that portlon descrlbed 1n that Deed to Wl11amalane Park and
Recreat10n D1strlC~ recorded December 4, 1992, Recept10n No 9268749, and
Correctlon Deed recorded February 9. 1993, Receptlon No 9308469, ~ne County
Official Records,
ALSO EXCEPT that portlon descr1bed In Exhlbit A of that Deed to the City of
Spr,ngfleld, recorded September 22, 1~93, Recept,on NO 9360016, Lane County
Offlclal Records
ALSO EXCEPT Marcela Road Industrial Park, as platted and recorded In F11e 75,
Slldes B97, B~e and 899, Lane county Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon.
An easement for ~ngreBs and egress, parking and 91gn purposes as described in that
certain Rec,procal Easement Agreement, recorded Apr,l 22. 1994, Reel No 1943,
Receptlon No 9429763. Lane County Off,clal Records.
An easement for ~n9ress. egre9s and parklng as deScrlbed ~n that certaln Declaration of
Re6trlctlons and Grant of Easements, recorded March 17, 1989, Reel No 1563, Recept~on
No. 8911762, as amended by that cercaln First Amendment to ~eclarat~on of Rescrlctions
and Grant of Easements. recorded October 31. l~e~, Reel No 1600, Recept,on No
8~49055, as modif,ed by that cereain Restated Declarat,on of Restr,ctions and Grant of
Easements, recorded May 10, 1991, Reel No 1695. Recept~on No 9121698, and by that
certa,n Asslgnment and Assumption of Obl,gat10ns. recorded November 2, 1994, Reel NO
2009, Reception No 9477951, all of Lane county Offlclal Records
.r.A11.UUT A, Page 2 ,
^ 'I ~ If I ("
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
First American Title Insurance Company
National Commercial Services Onglnal Submittal
200 SW Market Street, SUite 250
Portland, Oregon 97201
Escrow Officer MavIs Kimball
Phone (503}795-7603
Fax (503}795-7614
E-mail mklmball@firstam com
File No NCS-303649-0Rl
TItle Officer Jennifer L Watson
Phone (503}790-7866
Fax (503}795-7614
E-mail )ewatson@firstam com
File No NCS-303649-0Rl
AlTA Owners Standard Coverage liability $ 26,000,00000 Premium $ 26,513 00 STR
AlTA Owners Extended Coverage liability $ 26,000,00000 Premium $ 17,67S 00
AL TA lenders Standard Coverage llabJllty $ Premium $
AlTA lenders Extended Coverage liability $ 16,000,00000 Premium $ 100 00
AlTA leasehold Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $
AlTA leasehold Extended Coverage liability $ Premium $
Endorsements liability $ Premium $
Govt Service Charge Cost $
Other $
We are prepared to Issue litle Insurance PoliCY or Policies rn the form and amount shown above, Insurrng
title to the following descrrbed land
The land referred to In this report IS descrrbed In Exhibit "A" attached hereto
and as of 05/01/2008 at 800 am, title vested In
SC Springfield, L L C , a Delaware limited liability company
Subject to the exceptions, exclUSions, and stipulations which are ordrnarrly part of such Policy form and
the following
This report IS for the exclusIVe use of the parties herem shown and IS prehmmary to the Issuance of a
title Insurance policy and shall become vOid unless a policy IS Issued, and the full premium paId
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Order Number NCSw303649-0Rl
Page Number 2
PrelIminary Report
Onglnal Submittal
1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting liens by the records of any taxing
authonty that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records
2 Any facts, nghts, Interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could
be ascertained by an Inspection of said land or by making InquirY of persons In possession
3 Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records
4 This Item has been Intentionally deleted
5 Any nghts, Interests, or claims of parties In possession of the land not shown by the public
6 Any lien, or nght to a lien, for services, labor or matenal theretofore or hereafter furnished,
Imposed by law and not shown by the public records
7 Rights of the public and of governmental bodies In and to that portion of the premises herein
described lYing below the high water mark of unnamed creek
8 An easement for ditches and InCidental purposes, recorded May 1, 1919 as Book 119, page
560 of OffiCial Records
In Favor of Benham Irngabon Company
Affects Exact location not disclosed
9 An easement for ditches and inCidental purposes, recorded July 17, 1919 as Book 121, page
66 of Official Records
In Favor of Benham Irngatlon Company
Affects Parcel II
10 An easement for electnc dlstnbutlon line and InCidental purposes, recorded March 16, 1925 as
Book 142, page 450 of Official Records
In Favor of The City of Eugene, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water
Affects Exact location not disclosed
11 An easement for electnc transmiSSion line and Incidental purposes, recorded July 12, 1937 as
Book 188, page 452 of Official Records
In Favor of The City of Eugene, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water
Affects Parcel II
12 An easement for sanitary sewer and Incidental purposes, recorded November 17, 1961 as
Reception No 50778 of OffiCial Records
In Favor of The City of Spnngfield
Affects Parcels I and II
Arst Amencan Title
Preliminary Report
Order Number NC5.303649-DRl
Page Number 3
13 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and easements In the document recorded March 17,
1989 as Reel 1563, Reception No 89-11762 of Official Records, but deleting any covenant,
condition or restnctlon Indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national ongln, sexual on entation, mantal status, ancestry,
source of Income or disability, to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons Violate TItle
42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes Lawful restnctlons under state and federal law
on the age of occupants In senior housing or housing for older persons shall not be construed as
restnctlons based on familial status
(Affects Parcel No I)
Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded October 31, 1989 as Reel 1600, Reception
No 89-49055 of OffiCial Records
Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded May 10, 1991 as Reel 1695, Reception No
91-21698 of OffiCial Records
Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded November 2, 1994 as Reel 2009,
Reception No 94-77951 of OffiCial Records
14 An easement for sewer line and InCidental purposes, recorded March 20, 1989 as Reel 1564,
Reception No 89-11838 of OffiCial Records
In Favor of Spnngfield School Dlstnct No 19
Affects The Westerly portion of Parcel II
15 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and easements In the document recorded May 10,
1991 as Reel 1695, Reception No 91-21696 of OffiCial Records, but deleting any covenant,
condition or restnctlon Indicating a preference, limitation or diScrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national ongln, sexual onentatlon, manta I status, ancestry,
source of Income or disability, to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons Violate TItle
42, Section 3604( c), of the United States Codes Lawful restnctlons under state and federal law
on the age of occupants In senior hOUSing or hOUSing for older persons shall not be construed as
restnctlons based on familial status
(Affects Parcel No I)
Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded October 1, 1993 as Reel 1883, Reception
No 93-62649 of OffiCial Records
Document(s) declanng modifications thereof recorded October 12, 1993 as Reel 1886, Reception
No 93-65168 of OffiCial Records
An easement for public utility and InCidental purposes, recorded September 22, 1993 as
Reception No 93-60016 of OffiCial Records
In Favor of The City of Spnngfield
Affects The Easterly portion of Parcel II
An easement for publiC utility and InCidental purposes, recorded March 25, 1994 as Reel 1935,
Reception No 94-21981 of OffiCial Records Date Received
In Favor of The City of Spnngfleld
Affects The Southwesterly portion of Parcel II
AUG I 3 2008
Arst Amencan Title
Ongmal Submittal
Preliminary Report
Order Number NC5.303649.0Rl
Page Number 4
18 The terms and provIsions contained In the document entitled "Reciprocal Easement Agreement"
recorded Apnl 22, 1994 as Reception No 94-29763 of Official Records
(Affects The Southwesterly portion of Parcel II)
19 A Deed of Trust to secure an onglnal Indebtedness of $7,800,000 00 recorded September 8,
2006 as Reception No 2006-065774 of OffiCial Records
Dated September 5, 2006
Trustor SC Springfield, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
Trustee First Amencan Title Insurance Company
Beneficiary Mid First Bank
Document(s) declaring modifications thereof recorded November 15, 2007 as Reception No
2007-077124 of OffiCial Records
20 EVidence of the authonty of the Indlvldual(s) to execute the forthcoming document for SC
Springfield, L L C , copies of the current operating agreement should be submitted nnor to
21 Unrecorded leases or periodic tenanCies, If any
Taxes for the year 2007-2008
Tax Amount
Unpaid Balance
Code No
Map & Tax Lot No
Property ID/Key No
99,345 90
33,11537, plus Interest, If any
(Affects Parcel I and a portJon of Parcel II)
Taxes for the year 2007-2008
Tax Amount
Unpaid Balance
Code No
Map & Tax Lot No
Property ID/Key No
(Affects a portion of Parcel II)
99,17690, plus Interest, If any
24 The terms and proVIsions contained In the document entitled "Declaration of Restrictions"
recorded October 19, 2007 as Reception No 2007-071865 of OffiCial Records
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
Arst Amencan Title
PrelimInary Report
Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl
Page Number 5
2S The folloWing matters disclosed by an ALTA/ACSM survey made by Branch Engineenng, rnc on
December 28, 2007, designated Job No 07-193A
a) Fence encroachments onto the Westerly portion Parcel II
b) EXiSting 14" PVC storm drain pipe drains to eXisting ditch in the Southwesterly portion of
Parcel II
c) EXiSting asphalt parking lot in the Southwesterly portion of Parcel II is being used by adJacent
property owner
d) The eXisting sanitary sewer pipe In the Southwesterly pOl"bon of Parcel II may not be covered
by an eXisbng public utility easement
e) Utility pole and anchor encroachment In the Northeasterly corner of Parcel II
f) The eXisting sanitary sewer pipe in the Southeasterly portion of Parcel II may not be covered
by an eXisting public ublity easement
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
First Amencan Title
PrelimInary Report
Order Number NCS'303649'ORl
Page Number 6
NOTE This report does not Include a search for Financing Statements filed In the office of the Secretary
of State, or In a county other than the county wherein the premises are situated, and no liability IS
assumed If a FinanCing Statement IS filed In the office of the County Clerk (Recorder) covenng fixtures on
the premises wherein the lands are described other than by metes and bounds or under the rectangular
survey system or by recorded lot and book
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Ongmal Submittal
Arst Amencan Title
Preliminary Report
Order Number NC5.303649.0Rl
Page Number 7
Cc Sierra Coast Development
Attn Cody lohnson
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
Arst Amencan Title
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Order Number NCS 303649-0Rl
Page Number 8
Preliminary Report
..... ~ ,,,. I< I <
Onglnal Submittal
First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon
AL TA LOAN POLICY (10/17/92)
The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this poliCY and the Company WIll not pay 1o!>S or damage, costS, attorneys fees or expenses which anse
by reason of
1 (a) Any law ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and lonlng laws ordinances or regulatIOns) restricting, regulating prohibiting
Of relabng to (I) the occupancy use or enJOYfllent of the land, (II) the character dimensions Of locatIOn of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land
(m) a separatIOn III ownership or a change In the dlfllenslOfls or area of the land or any parcel of wtuch the land IS or was a part Of (iv) enVIronmental protection Of
the effect of any VIolatIOn of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notICe of the enforcement thereof Of a notice of a
defect, lien or encumbrance resuttmg from a violation or alleged vlOlabon affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy
(b) Any governmental police power not exduded by (a) above except to the elttent that a notK:e of the exercl~ thereof or a notice of a defect lien or encumbrance
resulting from a violation or alleged VIOlatlon affectlng the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of PolICy
RIghts of emlllent domain unless nobce of the exerose thereof has been recorded In the public: records at Date of PoIlC'f but not exdudlng from coverage any taking
whICh has occurred poor to Date of Policy whICh would be binding OIl the nghts of a purchaser for value wrthout knowledge
Defects liens encumbrances adverse claims or other matters
(a) created suffered,assumed or agreed to by the Insured dalmant,
(b) not known to the Company, not recorded In the publIC records at Date of Policy but known to the msured clalmimt and not disclosed In wntmg to the Company by
the Insured daunant pn<lf to the date the Insured clalfT1ant became an Insured under thIS polICY
(c) resutbng In no loss or damage to the Insured claimant
(d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (except to the extent that thiS polcy Insures the pnonty of the lien Ii the Insured mortgage over any statutory lien
for services laoor or matenal or the extent Insurance IS afforded herein as to assessments for street Improvements under construction or completed at date of
policy) or
(e) resulting In loss or damage whICh would not have been sustained If the Insured dalmant had paid value for the Insured mortgage
4 Unenforceabrlity of the lien of the Insured mortgage because of the Inability or failure of the Insured at Date of Policy or the Inability or fadure of any subsequent owner
of the Indebtedness to comply WIth the appllGlble dOing buslness~ laws of the state In which the land IS situated
5 Invalichty or unenforceablllty of the lien of the Insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which anses out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured mortgage and IS based
upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth In lending law
6 Any statutory lien for serviCes, Iaoor or matenals (or the claim of pnorrty of any statutory lien for selVlCes, labor or materials over the hen of the Insured mortgage)
arislng from an Improvement Of work. related to the land which IS CQl1tracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and IS not financed In whole Of In part by
proceeds of the Indebtedness secured by tile Insured mortgage wtuch at Date of Policy the Insured has advanced or IS obllQated to advance
7 Any dalm whICh arises out of the transactIOn creating the Interest of the mortgagee Insured by thiS polley by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy state
Insolvency or similar credrtors nghtslaws that Is based on
(I) the transaction creatmg the mterest of the Insured mortgagee bemg deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, Of
(II) the subordination of the Interest of the Insured mortgagee as a result of the application of the doctnne of equitable subordinatIOn, or
(lit) the transaction creatlng the Interest of the Insured mortgagee bemg deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure
(a) to bmely record the mstrument of transfer or
(b) of such recordation to Impart notice to a purchaser for value or a Judgment or lien creditor
The following mattm are expressly exduded from tile coverage of thIS poliCY and tile Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees or expenses which anse
by reason of
1 (a) Any law ordinance Of governmental regulation (Including but not hmlted to building and 10nlr19 laws ordinances or regulatIOns) restricting regulating prohitlltmg
or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjOyment of the land, (II) the character dimenSions or locatIOn of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land
(III) a separatIOn In ownership or a change In the dimenSions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land IS or was a part or (IV) environmental protection or
the effect of any vtoIabon of these laws ordinances or governmental regulations except to the extent that a notJce of the enforcement thereof or a rIObce of a
defect lien Of encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged VlOlalJon affecting the land has been recorded III the public records at Date of PolICY
(b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exerCise thereof or a notice of a defect lien or encumbrance
resulting from a Violation or alleged VIOlation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of PoliCY
RIghts of eminent domain unless nottc:e of the exercise thereof has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy but not excluding from coverage any taking
which has occurred prlor to Date of Policy which would be bindIng on the nghts of a purchaser for value without knowledge
3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse dalms, or other matters
(a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by tile Insured claimant
(b) not known to the Company, not recorded In the publiC records at Date of Policy but known to the Insured clalrTliInt and not disclosed In wnbng to the Company by
the Insured claimant prior to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under thiS policy
(c) resutbng In no loss or damage to the Insured claimant
(d) attachIng or created subsequent to Date of Policy, or
(e) resulbng In loss or damage whICh would not have been sustained If the Insured claimant had paid value for the estate or Interest Insured by thiS policy
4 Any claim, which anses out of the transaction vesting In the Insured the estate or Interest Insured by thIS policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy state
Insofvency orSlmllarcredrtors rights laws, that IS based on
(I) the transaction creabngthe estate or Interest Insured by thiS policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer or
(II) the transaction creating the estate or Interest msured by thiS policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the
(a) to timely record the Instrument of transfer or
(b) of such recordabon to Impart notice to a purchaser for value or a Judgment or lien CredltOf
The Al TA stilndard polity form WIll contain In Schedule B the follOWIng standard excepbons to coverage
1 Taxes or assessments whICh are not shown as exlsbng liens by the records of any taxmg authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property Of by the publIC
records proceeding by a public agency whICh may result In taxes or assessments or notlce of such pwceedlngs whether or rIOt shown by the records of such agency or
by the publIC records
Facts, nghts, Interests, or claims which are not shown by tile publIC records but whICh could be ascertained by an Inspection of said land or by makmg Inquiry of persons
in poSsession thereof
3 Easements or c1auns of easement not shown by the publIC records reservabOl1S Of exceptIOns In patents or In Acts authonzlng tile ISsuance thereof water nghts claims
or title to water
4 Any encroachment (of existing Improvements located on the subject land onto adJOining land or of existing Improvements located on adjOining land onto the subject
land), encumbrance VIOlation variation or adverse Circumstance affectmg the title that would be dlsdosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the sub)ect land
5 Any lien, or right to a lien, for services laoor material eqUipment rental or wor1o:ers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished Imposed by law or not shown by
the public records
11 149 Rev 6-06
Arst American 77tle
Preliminary Report
Order Number NCS- 303649-0Rl
Page Number 9
Exhibit "A"
Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descnbed as follows
That property deScribed In Property Line Adjustment Deed recorded October 19, 2007 as Reception No
2007-071866, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon and being more particularly deScribed as follows
Situated In the City of Spnngfield, Lane County, State of Oregon In the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25 In
Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and deScribed as follows
Being a portion of the lands that were conveyed as "Parcell" In that certain Trustees' Deed that was
recorded Apnl 10, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-024293 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State
of Oregon, which portion IS more particularly deScribed as follows
Being a portion of "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 as recorded Apnl 19, 1994 In the
Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, the pen meter boundary of which portion
being more particularly deScribed as follows
BEGINNING at a pOint on the south line of said "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 and
north margin of Marcola Road (which margin IS offset 45 00 feet northerly of the north line of the B B
Powers Donation Land Claim Number 64 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette
Mendlan) that lies South 89057'22" West 263 83 feet from the southeast corner of said "Parcel 3",
thence, leaVing said pOint of beginning and crossing Into said "Parcel 3", along the follOWing fifteen
numbered courses (1) North 44057'15" East 19 81 feet, (2) North 00002'00" West 161 96 feet, (3) South
89058'00" West 188 35 feet, (4) South 83025'02" West 91 24 feet, (5) South 89058'00" West 24150
feet, (6) North 00002'00" West 34122 feet, (7) North 89058'00" East 3348 feet, (8) North 00002'00"
West 329 83 feet, (9) South 89058'00" West 14465 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the nght,
(10) along said non-tangent curvature to the nght, haVing a radiUS center that lies South 70038'23" East
73851 Feet, a central angle of 4019'30" and a long chord of North 21031'22" East 55 73 Feet, an arc
length of 5575 Feet to a pOint of non-tangent line, (11) along said non-tangent line, North 89058'00"
East 38 55 feet, (12) North 44058'00" East 102 82 feet, (13) North 72043'45" East 54 71 feet, (14) South
89050'16" East 636 23 feet, and (15) South 60002'00" East 70 75 feet, to a pOint on the East line of said
"Parcel 3", THENCE, along said East line of "Parcel 3" the follOWing one numbered course (16) South
00002'00" East 763 85 feet to a pOint that lies North 00002'00" West 175 93 feet from the aforesaid
southeast corner of "Parcel 3", thence. leaVing said East line and pOint and along the follOWing three
numbered courses (17) South 89058'00" West 197 82 feet, (18) South 00002'00" East 161 95 feet, and
(19) South 45003'27" East 19 82 feet to a pOint that lies on the aforesaid South line of "Parcel 3" and said
North margin of Marcola Road, thence, along said south line of "Parcel 3" and said North margin of
Marcola Road, the follOWing one numbered course (20) South 89057'22" West 80 03 feet returning to
the pOint of beginning
Situated In the City of Spnngfield, Lane County, State of Oregon In the Southeast 1/4 of Section 24 and
Northeast 1/4 of Section 25 In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and In the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 19 and Northwest 1/4 of Section 30 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the
Wlllamette Mendlan and deSCribed as follows
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
First Amencan 77t/e
Onglnal Submittal
Preliminary Report
Order Number NCS-303649-DRl
Page Number 10
Being a portion of the lands that were conveyed as "Parcell" and all of the lands that were conveyed as
"Parcel 2" In that certain Trustees' Deed that was recorded Apnl 10, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-
024293 In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, which portion IS more particularly
descnbed as follows
Being a portion of "Parcel 2" and a portion of "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 as
recorded Apnl 19, 1994 In the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon together with
adjoining lands to the east, the perrmeter boundary of which being more particularly descrrbed as
BEGINNING at a pOint on the south line of said "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 and
north margin of Marcola Road (which margin IS offset 45 00 feet northerly of the north line of the B B
Powers Donation Land Claim Number 64 In Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette
Merrdlan) that lies South 89057'22" West 26383 feet from the southeast corner of said "Parcel 3",
thence, leaVing said pOint of beginning and crossing Into said "Parcel 3", along the follOWing fifteen
numbered courses (1) North 44057'15" East 19 81 feet, (2) North 00002'00" West 161 96 feet, (3) South
89058'00" West 188 35 feet, (4) South 83025'02" West 91 24 feet, (5) South 89058'00" West 24150
feet, (6) North 00002'00" West 34122 feet, (7) North 89058'00" East 33 48 feet, (8) North 00002'00"
West 329 83 feet, (9) South 89058'00" West 144 65 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the rrght,
(10) along said non-tangent curvature to the rrght, haVing a radiUS center that lies South 70038'23" East
738 51 Feet, a central angle of 4019'30" and a long chord of North 21031'22" East 5S 73 Feet, an arc
length of 55 75 Feet to a pOint of non-tangent line, (11) along said non-tangent line, North 89058'00"
East 38 55 feet, (12) North 44058'00" East 102 82 feet, (13) North 72043'45" East 54 71 feet, (14) South
89050'16" East 63623 feet, and (15) South 60002'00" East 70 75 feet, to a pOint on the East line of said
"Parcel 3", thence, along said East line of "Parcel 3" the follOWing one numbered course (16) South
00002'00" East 763 85 feet to a pOint that lies North 00002'00" West 175 93 feet from the aforesaid
southeast corner of "Parcel 3", thence, leaVing said East line and pOint and along the follOWing three
numbered courses (17) South 89058'00" West 19782 feet, (18) South 00002'00" East 161 95 feet, and
(19) South 45003'27" East 19 82 feet to a pOint that lies on the aforesaid South line of "Parcel 3" and said
North margin of Marcola Road, thence, along said south line of "Parcel 3" and said North margin of
Marcola Road, the following one numbered course (20) North 890 57'22" East 183 80 feet to said
southeast corner of "Parcel 3", thence, along said North margin of Marcola Road, the following one
numbered course (21) North 89053'35" East 235 82 feet to the southwest corner of the lands that were
conveyed for public road purposes In that certain "Bargain and Sale Deed" that was recorded September
22, 1993 In Reel 1880R at Reception Number 9360016 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of
Oregon which southwest corner and conveyed lands are shown on the survey map by Danrel W Baker
that was filed August 26, 1996 as CSF Number 33731 In the office of the County Surveyor of Lane
County, 5tate of Oregon, thence, along said west margin of said conveyed lands, the follOWing eight
numbered courses (22) North 45004'29" East 43 19 feet, (23) North 00002'23" West 56 00 feet to a
pOint of non-tangent curvature to the rrght, (24) along said non-tangent curvature to the rrght, haVing a
radiUS center that lies South 89058'13" East 505 00 Feet, a central angle of 7003'33" and a long chord of
North 03033'34" East 62 18 Feet, an arc length of 62 22 Feet to a pOint of non-tarrgerrt line, (25) along
said non-tangent line, North 21000'50" East 122 20 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the rrght,
(26) along said non-tangent curvature to the rrght, haVing a radiUS cerrter that lies South 69003'10" East
490 00 feet, a central angle of 43007'26" and a long chord of North 42030'33" East 360 16 Feet, an arc
length of 368 80 Feet to a pOint of non-tangent line, (27) along said non-tangent line, North 64005'11"
East 579 54 feet to a pOint of non-tangent curvature to the left, (28) along said non-tangent curvature to
the left, haVing a radiUS center that lies North 25057'51" West 365 00 Feet, a central angle of 63056'04"
and a long chord of North 32004'07" East 386 49 Feet, an arc length of 407 29 Feet to a pOint of non-
tangent line that lies on the west margin of 31st Street as said margin IS shown on said survey map by
Danrel W Baker, and (29) along said west margin of 31st Street the North 00002'05" West 377 27 feet to
the northwest corner of said conveyed lands, thence, along the north line of said conveyed lands the
following one numbered course (30) North 89057'55" East 5 00 feet to a pOint on the west margin of
said 31st Street as said margin was established In that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded
October 19, 1955 at Reception Number 68852 In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of g-~Hecelved
Arst Amencan Title
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
Preliminary Report
Order Number NCS-303649-0Rl
Page Number 11
which margin IS offset 30 00 feet westerly by perpendicular measurement from the centerhne of said
street, thence, along last said west margin, the following one numbered course (31) North 00002'05"
West 738 89 feet to a pOint on the south margin of the Eugene Water and Electnc Board Utlhty Corrrdor
as said corrrdor was conveyed to the City of Eugene by that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded
October 27, 1947 In Book 359 at pages 285-286 In the Deed Records of Lane County, State of Oregon,
thence, along said south margin of the Eugene Water and Electnc Board Utlhty Corrrdor and the north
hne of said "Parcel 3" of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491 the follOWing one numbered course (32)
South 79042'00" West 2393 70 feet to the northwest corner of said "Parcel 3" as said corner IS common
with the northeast corner of the plat boundary of "Austin Park South" as platted and recorded November
18, 1993 In File 74 at Slides 132-134 In the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along
the east and south hnes of said plat of "Austin Park South", the follOWing two numbered courses (33)
South 00002'16" East 909 63 feet and (34) South 89057'41" West 26013 feet to a pOint on the east plat
boundary of "Loch Lomond Terrace First Addition" as platted and recorded August 12, 1965 In Book 46 at
page 20 In the Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said east plat boundary, the
follOWing one numbered course (35) South 00002'00" East 112 88 feet to a pOint on the north plat
boundary of "Nicole Park" as platted and recorded December 21, 1992 In File 74 at Slides 30-32 In the
Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, thence, along said north plat boundary and the east plat
boundary of said "Nicole Park", the follOWing two numbered courses (36) North 89058'00" East 6 20
feet, and (37) South 00003'40" East 259 95 feet to a pOint on the north hne of "Parcel 2" of said Land
Partition Plat Number 94-P0491, thence, along said north hne of "Parcel 2" the follOWing one numbered
course (38) SOUTH 89057'37" West 99 65 feet to a pOint lYing on the northerly extension of the east hne
of "Parcell" of said Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0491, which pOint IS the northeast corner of the
lands that were descrrbed In "Exhibit A" of that certain "Declaration of Property Line Adjustment" that
was recorded Apnl 7, 1997 In Reel 2281R at Reception Number 9722969 In the OffiCial Records of Lane
County, State of Oregon, thence, along said northerly extension and said east hne as descnbed In said
"Declaration of Property Line AdJustment", (39) South 00002'16" East 515 90 feet to the southeast corner
of said "Parcell as said corner hes on the aforesaid north margin of Marcola Road, thence, along the
south line of said "Parcel 3" and north hne of Marcola Road, the fOllOWing one numbered course (40)
North 89057'22" East 1155 39 feet returning to the pOint of beginning
An easement for Ingress, egress and parking as descnbed In that certain Declaration of Restnctlons and
Grant of Easements, recorded March 17, 1989 as Reception No 89-11762, as amended by Instruments
recorded October 31, 1989 as Reception No 89-49055 and recorded May 10, 1991 as Reception No 91-
An easement for Ingress, egress, parking and sign purposes as descnbed In that certain ReCiprocal
Easement Agreement recorded Apnl 22, 1994 as Reception No 94-29763
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Ongmal Submltt;>1
Arst American Title
Planners. Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists
101 East Broadway, SUite 480 Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 465-4721 0 Fax (541) 465-4722 0 1-800-662-7094
www satrepc com
July 18, 2008
General Information
The Villages at Marcola Meadows
Springfield, Oregon
North of Marcola Road and West of 28th & 31 Sl Street m Springfield, Oregon
Map 17-02-30-00 and 17-03-25-11, Lots 1800 and 2300
100 38 acres
Vacant field
Map and Tax Lot
Site area
Site condition
Owner and Aoollcant
SC Springfield, LLC
7510 Longley Lane, SUite 102
Reno, Nevada 89511
(775)853-47140 Fax (775)853-4718
Contact Jeff Belle
Jbelle@Jhbmc com
Prolect Develooer
The Martin Company
PO Box 1482
Albany Oregon 97321
(541)926-16290 Fax (541)967-0336
Contact Bob Martm
bmartm@Jhbmc com
Planner / Landscaoe Architect /
Environmental Soeclallst
Satre Associates, P C
101 East Broadway, SUite 480
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 465-4721 0 Fax (541)465-4722
Planner & Landscape Architect
Contact Rick Satre, AICP, ASLA
r satre@satrepc com
CIvil Enomeer / Survevor
Branch Engineering, Ine
310 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
(541 )746-0637 0 Fax (541) 746-0389
Contact Lane Branch, PE
lane@branchenglneerlng com
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I
Drinking Water Protection Overlay DIStrict Development Written Statement
July'8 2008
Date ReceroE?d'f 8
AUt, I j 2uuli
I Background and Request Onglnal Submittal
This IS a request for development within a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District The district IS
applied to the site of The Villages at Marcola Meadows Master Plan This application IS submitted In
conjunction with an application for Phase 1 Tentative SubdivIsion Plan
The site Improvements proposed In Phase 1 do not tYPically affect the storage, use or manufacture of
hazardous matenals However, the master plan and subsequent land use approvals Implementing Phase 1
and Phase 2 are subject to an expedited processing agreement with the City that specifies the sequence of
phases and the content of each phase A DWP development applicatIOn associated with Phase 1 IS among
Items specified In the agreement Additionally, because general constructIOn practices have the potential to
Introduce hazardous materials to groundwater dUring the completIOn of Phase 1, the applicant submits this
application Unless an exemption IS granted, the proposed development IS subject to review under the
, following code
SDC 33-225 A A DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development AppltcatlOn IS reqUIred when the cntena of both
subsectIOns A 1 and A 2 are met
SDC 33-225 A 1 A site IS affected by one of the following c In conjunction with any
development applicatIOn
Resoonse The application IS In conjunction With an application for Tentative SubdivIsion Plan
SDC 33-225 A 2 The actIOn In SubsectIOn AI. above will a Affect the storage, use, and/or
productIOn of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater
Resoonse General constructIOn landscaping and planting will affect the use of materials
(fertilizers, herbiCides, and others) that may pose a risk to groundwater
The proposed Phase 1 subdivIsion, conforming to the Marcola Meadows Master Plan, will create 14 parcels
and construct major Infrastructures that will serve subsequent phases of the entire development There will
be no vertical constructIOn In Phase 1, the Infrastructures Include the prinCipal roads through Marcola
Meadows and the 4 01-acre stormwater quality and greenway facility that Will be a major functional and
aesthetic feature of the site Refer to Exhibit "A " Some of the original 14 parcels will be developed In later
phases With commercial uses, o}hers Will be subdiVided further prior to reSidential development
CommerCial development will occur dUring Phase 2 and Phase 4 CommerCially zoned parcels can be
developed vertically (built on) follOWing approval of site plans for each project One IS a site for a proposed
Lowe s Home Improvement store, Phase 2's sole development The remaining commerCial land will be
developed through Phase 4 Site plan reViews, reqUired by the master plan for all commerCial development
In Phase 2 and Phase 4, Will provide opportunities for further DWP Overlay development review Villages at
Marcola Meadows Master Plan Condition of Approval #16 reqUIred a deed restriction reiterating the
Spnngfteld Development Code requirements
"MASTER PLAN CONDITION #16 Prior to Final Master Plan approval, the applicant shall prepare a
deed restriction to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Development Services Director that
states except for the requirement pertaining to pervIOus surfaces In the parking lots the applicant
and successor owners shall comply With the follOWing reqUIrements requested by SUB at the time
of Site Plan ReView application submittal for the home Improvement center proposed In Phase 2
Satre ASSOCiates, P C
Planners, landscape Architects, Envllonmental Specialists
Date Received:
The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I
Drinking Water ProtectIOn Overlay District Development Written Statement
July 18 2008
':;1 I t,.j II Idi ~UUIIII(lcU
and for any additional commercial development proposed that IS within the Drinking Water
ProtectIOn Overlay District as shown In Phase 4
o As noted In the report, each individual developer will need to follow the reqUirements of SOC
Section 3 3-200 Drlnkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay District Applications may be required
o SOC Section 33-200 requires that all hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater be
stored m secondary contamment In order to meet the secondary containment requirement the
developer of the home Improvement store will need to Incorporate secondary containment Into the
deSign of the building floor and any other areas where hazardous materials, mcludlng fertilizers and
other landscaping products, will be stored Chemicals stored outdoors (fertilizers, pesticides, etc )
must be covered and placed In secondary contamment
o The north-central portIOn of the site for the home Improvement store lies Within the 0 - 1 TOTZ
The 0-1 year TOTZ standards, Including the 500-gallon storage limit, will apply to the facility unless
no hazardous materials are stored m or wlthm 50 feet of the portion of the site that lies Within the
0-1 TOTZ (Hazardous materials offered for sale In their original sealed containers of five gallons or
less are exempt from the 500-gallon storage limit I
o All lease agreements for the commercial spaces must mclude language requiring compliance
With Article 17 Drinking Water Protection (DWPI Overlay District of the Springfield Development
Code Occupants may need to complete a DWP Overlay District Application
o No fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used on thiS site
o InjectIOn wells are prohibited Within the two-year TOTZ Any mJectlOn wells outside the two-year
TOTZ (If applicable) must be approved by both the City of Springfield and DEQ based on proximity to
domestic/public drinking water wells soils type, and depth to groundwater
o The pictures In the applicatIOn suggested that parkmg lots will have pervious surfaces Please
consult With the City of Springfield PubliC Works Engmeerlng regarding specific gUidelines and
restrictions for pervious pavement Within wellhead protection areas
o ThiS development's emphaSIS on waterways and natural processes offers a umque voluntary
opportunity for publiC education about stormwater quality and groundwater protection Special
educational slgnage would fit mcely Into the plans for the waterways and open spaces '
Parts of the subject site lie Within 1, 2, 5 and 10-year Time Of Travel Zones (TOTZ) for the Pierce potential
well as mdlcated on the Wellhead ProtectIOn Areas ContamInatIOn Source Inventory map Construction of
the site Improvements proposed m Phase 1 will take place Within the 1 year TOTZ Additionally, the south-
west corner also lies wlthm the 2-year TOTZ for the eXlstmg Mala well Refer to Exhibit "B " Standards for
the 0-1 year time of travel will be used as they are the most restrictive
II Submittal ReqUirements
SDC ~3 3-2250 Pnor to undertakIng an activity covered by SectIOn 33-225 A, the owner or tenant shall
submit a OWP Overlay Olstnct ApplicatIOn to the City for review and approval ApplicatIOns shall Include
the follOWIng InformatIOn
Resoonse Most of the requirements of thiS section apply to vertical construction of permanent facilities for
the storage, use (In manufactUring or processing), or production of hazardous materials Such facilities are
Satre ASSOCiates, P C
Planners, landscape Architects, Envlronmentlll SpeCialists
uale l'\e~t:IVCU
The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I
Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development - Written Statement
July 18 2008
AUG 1 3 2008 Page 4 of 8
nrlnmal Submittal
not Included among the site Improvements proposed in Phase 1 The construction of Phase 1 Improvements
will employ general construction practices applied to land-formmg, and roads, and to storm water
conveyance, detention and treatment facilities ConstructIOn and mamtenance of these Improvements will
result In only temporary storage of landscapmg chemicals on site Therefore, we consider most of these
requirements not applicable and provide only materials that are relevant to the proposed development
SDC ~3 3-225 D 1 A Hazardous Matenallnventory Statement and a Matenal Safety Data Sheet for any or
all matenals entered m the Statement unless exempted under SectIOn 3 3-230 Hazardous matenal weights
shall be converted to volume measurement for purposes of determmmg amounts - 10 pounds shall be
considered equal to one gallon as specIfied m Umform Fire Code 8001151
Resoonse This requirement IS not applicable The amounts of landscapmg chemicals temporarily used and
stored on site will not be significant enough to warrant an mventory statement
SDC ~3 3-225 D 2 A list of the chemicals to be momtored through the analysIs of groundwater samples
and a momtonng schedule If ground water momtonng IS anticipated to be reqUired,
.Resoonse This requirement IS not applicable No permanent facilities for the storage use (m manufacturing
or processmg), or productIOn of hazardous materials will be constructed dUring Phase 1 A requirement for
groundwater monitoring IS not anticipated
SDC ~3 3-225 D 3 A detailed desGrlptlOn of the actIVities conducted at the facility that mvolve the
storage, handlmg, treatment, use or productIOn of hazardous matenals m quantities greater than the
maximum allowable amounts as stated m SectIOn 33-235 A .
Resoonse If any hazardous materials are Introduced, they will not exceed maximum allowable amounts
The Public Improvement Plans Implementmg Phase 1 will Include general construction specificatIOns cltmg
the maximum allowable limits specified by SDC 'i3 3-235 A Refer to Exhibit "C "
SDC ~3 3-225 D 4 A descnptlOn of the pnmary and any secondary contamment deVices proposed, and, If
applicable, clearly Identified as to whether the deVices will dram to the storm or samtary sewer,
Resoonse This reqUirement IS not applicable No permanent facilities for the storage, use (In manufacturing
or processmg) or production of hazardous materials Will be constructed dUring Phase 1 No primary or
secondary contamment deVices are proposed If small quantities of hazardous materials are required dUring
Phase 1 constructIOn, they will be stored m a secure sheltered area The Public Improvement Plans
Implementmg Phase 1 will mclude general construction specificatIOns requiring contamment deVices where
necessary to safely store potentially hazardous materials for the duration of construction Refer to Exhibit
SDC ~3 3-225 D 5 A proposed Hazardous Matenal Management Plan for the facility that mdlcates
procedures to be followed to prevent. control, collect and dispose of any unauthorIZed release of a
hazardous matenal.
Resoonse The Public Improvement Plans Implementing Phase 1 will mclude general constructIOn
specifications statmg
. PortIOns of the site are wlthm 1 2 5 and 1 Q-year Time Of Travel Zones (TOTZ) of Wellhead ProtectIOn
Areas and subject to the standards of SDC 'i3 3-235
Satre ASSOCiates, P C
Planners, landscape Architects, Envllonmental Specialists
The Villages at Marcola rVle'adows Phase I
Drinking Water ProtectIOn Overlay District Development Written Statement
July 18 2008
Page 5 01 8
. Prior to construction, Springfield Utility Board (SUB) 11" x 17" signs Identifying wellhead protection
areas will be Installed DUring constructIOn, these signs will notify contractors of their responsibilities
to prevent Introduction of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater
.If any hazardoGs materials are Introduced they will not exceed maximum allowable amounts specified
by SDC s3 3-235 A
.If any hazardous materials are temporarily stored, container size and aggregate limits specified by SDC
s3 3-235 A will not be exceeded They will be stored In a secure sheltered area, safe from mOisture and
leakage, and will not drain Into any stormwater facility
. At the completion of construction, any unused hazardous materials will be transported away from the
site by a specified type of transportatIOn and route
. All fill material. soil amendments and landscape treatments will be screened for DNAPLs All uses of
DNAPLs are prohibited
. All fill materials will be free of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater, and rejected If
significant quantities are detected
. All soil amendments will be applied only In accordance With the manufacturer's specifications, the
recommendations of the Oregon State University ExtenSion Service and the limits specified In SDC
s3 3-235 A 8
Refer to Exhibit "C "
SOC f3 3-225 0 6 A descnptlOn of the procedures for inspectIOn and maintenance of containment deVices
and emergency eqUipment,
Resoonse ThiS requirement IS not applicable No permanent facilities for the storage, use (In manufacturing
or processing!. or production of hazardous materials will be constructed dUring Phase 1 Hence, no
containment deVices or emergency equipment will be constructed or Installed and no procedures for
inspection and maintenance are proposed
SOC f33-225 0 7 A desCl/ptlOn of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous matenals or hazardous
matenal waste products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of transportatIOn, and
proposed routes
Resoonse ThiS requirement IS not applicable No permanent facilities for the storage, use (In manufacturing
or processing!. or productIOn of hazardous materials will be constructed dUring Phase 1 If any hazardous
materials are brought on Site, the amounts will not exceed the maximum allowable limits At the
completion of construction any unused hazardous materials will be transported away from the site The
PubliC Improvement Plans Implementing Phase 1 will Include general construction specifications limiting
amounts and requiring safe diSpOSition, specifYing the type of transportation and proposed routes Refer to
Exhibit' C '
Date Received
AUG 1 3 2008
Onglnal submittal
Satre ASSOCIates, P C
Planners, landscape Architects, EnVIronmental SpeCialists
The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I
Dnnkrng Water Protection Overlay Dlstnct Development - Wntten Statement
July 18 2008
Date Received
Pa.!!e 6 of 8
AUG 1 3 20011
Additional Submittal Requirements
DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development ApplicatIOn Form page 4 Use of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to
groundwater that eXisted on the property pnor to May 75. 2000, d applicable
Onglnal Submittal
Resoonse Spnngfleld's Wellhead Protection Areas map Indicates that "hazardous matenal Incidents,"
"Petroleum releases," "Leaking underground storage tanks" and "underground storage tank cleanups" have
taken place on or near the site of a now vacant machine shop on the site and within the 5 year Time of
Travel Zone Refer to Exhibit "0" Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's webslte posts two
contaminatIOn source reports "no further action" status The reports Include a gas station regulated tank
site assessment and a commercial regulated tank decommissioning with cleanup end dates of 1992 and
1991 respectively See Exhibit "E" and Exhibit "F"
III Compliance
SOC ~3 3-235, Standards for Hazardous Matenals wlthm Time of Travel Zones ApplicatIOns shall comply
with the followmg standards Where the followmg standards are more restnctlve than the standards of the
Undorm Fire Code, the followmg standards apply
SOC ~3 3-235 A, 0 -7 year TOTZ Standards
Resoonse The 0-1 year Time Of Travel Zone (TOTZ) applies because the subject site lies partly within that
TOTZ As thiS IS the most restnctlve zone on the site It applies to the whole site for thiS phase of
SOC ~3 3-235 A 1 Wlthm the 0-7 year TOTZ hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater may be
stored m aggregate quantities of no more than 500 gallons d 117 ongll7al contall7ers not exceedll7g 5 gallons'
117 size Wlthll7 that aggregated SOD-gallon mventory, no more than 750 gallons of hazardous matenals that
pose a nsk to groundwater may be on the premises 117 opened contall7ers for handlmg, treatment, use
productIOn. or dlspensmg on site Hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater are allowed only
upon compliance with contall7ment and safety standards specdled by the most recent Fire Code adopted by
the City
. A waIVer of the 5-gallon maximum size may be gIVen by the Director d the applicant can demonstrate that
a larger size contall7er would pose less nsk to the aquder
Resoonse If any hazardous matenals are temporanly stored, container size and aggregate limits will not be
exceeded These limits will be noted In the Phase 1 Public Improvement Plan general construction
specifications Refer to Exhibit "e '
soc ~3 3-235 A 2 Unless exempted. all hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be
stored In areas with approved secondary contall7ment 117 place {Undorm Fire Code Articles 2 and
8003 7 33}
Resoonse No permanent facilities for the storage use (In manufactunng or processing), or production of
hazardous matenals will be constructed dunng Phase 1 No pnmary or secondary containment deVices are
proposed If small quantities of hazardous matenals are required dunng Phase 1 construction, they will be
stored In a secure sheltered area, safe from mOisture and leakage They will not drain Into any stormwater
facility The Public Improvement Plans Implementing Phase 1 will Include general construction
Satre ASSOCiates, P C
Planners, Landscape Architects, EnVironmental Specialists
Date Received
The Villages at Marcola Meadows, Phase I
Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay Dlstnct Development Wntten Statement
July 18 2008
AUG 1 3 20087 of 8
;:;"\:1'""" ~\;l.;;;1:tla'
specifications requIring containment devices where necessary to safely store potentially hazardous
materials for the duration of construction Refer to Exhibit "e "
soc ~3 3-235 A 3 All new uses of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LiqUids (DNAPLs) are prohibited
Resoonse All fill material. sOil amendments and landscape treatments will be screened for DNAPLs
General construction specifications on the Phase 1 Public Improvement Plans will note that all uses of
DNAPLs are prohibited Refer to Exhibit C"
SOC ~3 3-235 A 4 Any change In type of use or an Increase In maximum daily Inventory quanl1ty of any
DNAPL shall be considered a new use and prohibited
Resoonse There are no current uses of DNAPLs and none will be Introduced General construction
specificatIOns on the Phase 1 Public Improvement Plans will note that all uses of DNAPLs are prohibited
Refer to Exhibit "C "
SOC ~3 3-235 A 5 The following certain types of new facilities or changes In chemical use and/or storage
of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater are prohibited e Fill matenals containing
hazardous matenals.
Resoonse All fill materials will be tested for hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater, and
rejected If significant quantities are detected PubliC Improvement Plans Implementing Phase 1 will Include
general constructIOn specifications requiring thiS Refer to Exhibit "C "
SOC ~3 3-235 A 6 ReqUirements found In Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E 326 for a mOnitoring program
and In 8003 7 33 for momtonng methods to detect hazardous matenals In the secondary containment
system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater unless
Resoonse No permanent facilities for the storage, use (In manufacturing or processing), or production of
hazardous materials will be constructed dUring Phase 1 No primary or secondary containment devices are
SOC ~3 3-235 A 7 ReqUirements found In Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E SectIOn 327 for inspectIOn and
record keeping procedures for monthly In-house InspectIOn and maintenance of containment and emergency
eqUipment for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be met unless
Resoonse No permanent facilities for the storage use (In manufacturing or processing), or productIOn of
hazardous matenals will be constructed dUring Phase 1 Hence, no containment devices or emergency
equipment will be constructed or Installed and no procedures for InspectIOn and maintenance are proposed
SOC ~3 3-235 A 8 ApplicatIOn of ferttlizers containing nitrates are restncted to no more than the amount
recommended by the Lane County, Oregon State University ExtenSIOn Service for turf grass and are
prohibited Within 700 feet of a wellhead In no event shall a Single applicatIOn exceed one half pound per
7 000 square feet of area per Single applicatIOn or a total yearly applicatIOn of 5 pounds nitrogen fertilizer
per 1 000 square feet
Resoonse All soil amendments will be applied only In accordance With the manufacturer's speCificatIOns
the recommendations of the Oregon State University ExtenSion Service, and the limits speCified In SDC
Satre ASSOCiates P C
Planners, landscape Architects Envlfonmental SpeCialists
The Villages at Marcola Meadows Phase I
Drinking Water Protecllon Overlay DIStrict Development Written Statement
July 18 2008
Page 8 018
333-235 A 8 Public Improvement Plans Implementing Phase 1 will Include general construction
specifications noting these limits Refer to Exhibit "C "
V Conclusion
This written statement has addressed the applicatIOn requirements for a permit to develop within a
Drinking Water Protection IDWP) Overlay District The application IS submitted In conjunction with an
application for Tentative SubdivIsion Plan of Phase 1 The Villages at Marcola Meadows The DWplOverlay
District applies to the site, and a DWP development application for Phase 1 IS reqUIred by the Marcola
Meadows Master Plan expedited processing agreement Ian agreement between the applicant and the City)
Additionally, general construction practices have the potential to Introduce hazardous materials Into the
groundwater dUring the completion of Phase 1
The proposed Phase 1 Public Improvement Plans Include general construction specifications With the
drinking water protection measures Included In these specifications, construction of Phase 1 will comply
with the SDC 333-235 standards for hazardous materials within time of travel zones If you have any
questIOns about the above applicatIOn, please do not heSitate to contact Rick Satre. AICP, at Satre
ASSOCiates, PC 1465-4721)
Exhibit A Master Plan
Exhibit B Site Assessment with TOTZ boundaries
Exhibit C General Construction SpeCifications (Phase 1)
Exhibit 0 Wellhead Protection Area map detail
Exhibit E 1992 OED Contamination Source Report
Exhibit F 1991 OED Contamination Source Report
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Onglnal Submittal
Satre AssoGiates P C
Plenners, LandsGape ArchlteGts, EnVironmental SpeCIalists
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Exhibit C
Villages at Marcola Meadows, Phase 1
Drinking Water Protection Overlay District General Construction SpecificatIOns
o Portions of the site are within 1 2, 5 and lo-year Time Of Travel Zones (TOTZ) of Wellhead
Protection Areas and subject to the standards of SDCB 3-235
. Pnor to constructIOn, Spnngfleld Utility Board (SUB) 11" x 17" signs Identifying wellhead protection
areas will be Installed Dunng construction, these signs will notify contractors of their
responsibilities to prevent introduction of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater
.If any hazardous matenals are Introduced, they will not exceed maximum allowable amounts
specified by SDC ~3 3-235 A 1 Within the 0-1 year TOTZ, hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to
groundwater may be stored In aggregate quantities of no more than 500 gallons If In onglnal
containers not exceeding 5 gallons In size (A waiver of the 5-gallon maximum size may be given
by the Director If the applicant can demonstrate that a larger size container would pose less nsk to
the aquifer) Within that aggregated 5oo-gallon Inventory no more than 150 gallons of hazardous
matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater may be on the premises In opened containers for
handling treatment, use, productIOn, or dispensing on site Hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to
groundwater are allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified
by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City
.If any hazardous matenals are temporanly stored, container size and aggregate limits specified by
SDC 33 3-235 A will not be exceeded They will be stored In a secure sheltered area, safe from
mOisture and leakage, and will not drain Into any stormwaterfacillty
.At the completion of construction, any unused hazardous matenals will be transported away from
the site by an approved type of transportation and route
. All fill matenal sOil amendments and landscape treatments will be free of DNAPLs All uses of
DNAPLs are prohibited
.AII fill matenals will be free of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater, and rejected If
significant quantities are detected \
. All soil amendments will be applied only In accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, the
recommendations of the Oregon State University Extension Service, and the limits specified In SDC
~3 3-235 A 8 Application of fertilizers containing nitrates are restncted to no more than the
amount recommended by the Lane County Oregon State University Extension Service for turf grass
and are prohibited within 100 feet of a wellhead In no event shall a Single applicatIOn exceed one
half pound per 1,000 square feet of area per single applicatIOn or a total yearly application of 5
pounds nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet
Date Received.
AUG I 3 2008
Original Submittal
Satre Associates, P C
Planners. landscape Architects, Environmental Speclalist.'l
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Web Documents for Gas Station (formerly)
httpl/www deq "He or us/Webdocs/Fonns/OutputlFI EXHIBIT E
-Pnnt pn Department of Environmental Quality
Summary Information
General Site Information
Gas Station (formerly)
Gas Station (formerly)
BasIc Incident Information
Received Date: 02/05/1992
Status: CLOSED
Tank Type Regulated Tank
File Status. No Further Action
UST FacIlIty Id:
Site Name:
Project Manager N/A - Project Completed
Assessment Information
Cause of Release' UNKNOWN Source of Release: NOT Discovery
Media Effected
>Soll >GroundWater
Contaminants Released
> MlscGas
Release Stopped 06/15/1992
Management Information
Cleanup Start 02/05/1992
Cleanup End 06/15/1992
Oregon Department of Environmental QualIty
Headquarters 811 Sixth Ave, Portland, OR 97204-1390
phone 503-229-5696 or toll free In Oregon 800-425-4011
TTY 503-229-6993 FAX 503-229-6124
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality IS a regulatory agency authonzed to protect Oregon's
environment by
the State of Oreoon and the Environmental Protection Aoencv
DEO Web site onvacv notice
Date Received
AUG I 3 20D8
Original Submittal
1 of 1
5122/2008 1 I 45 AM
Web Documents for CommercIal Tank Far -qt
http//wwwdeg ^ '0 or uslWebdocslFonns/Output/FF EXHIBIT F
-Pnnt pn Department of Environmental Quahty
Summary Information
General Site Information
Site Name
Commercial Tank Fabncat.
BasIc Incident Information
Commercial Tank Fabncat Received Date 12/20/1990
SPRINGFIELD, 97477 Tank Type Regulated Tank
LANE File Status No Further Action
UST FacIlity Id:
Project Manager N/ A - Project Completed
Assessment Information
Cause of UNKNOWN Source of
Release Release'
Media Effected
NOT Discovery
Contammants Released
Release Stopped
Management Information
Cleanup Start 03/22/1991
Cleanup End 03/22/1991
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters 811 Sixth Ave, Portland, OR 97204-1390
phone 503-229-5696 or toll free In Oregon 800-425-4011
TTY 503-229-6993 FAX 503-229-6124
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality IS a regulatory agency authOrIZed to protect Oregon's
environment by
the State of Oreaon and the Environmental Protection Aaencv
DEO Web site Dnvacv notice
Date Received
AUG I 3 2008
Ongmal Submittal
I of 1
5/22/2008 II 43 AM