HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/12/2008 ,City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Discretionary Use v YOJJ(r.L1 5L//-So}-1~D9 Phone:51f1-5D/- J~g a..c.e La;o, n1 I Fax: 5'-// - 5IJ5 - QL/92. [Address: !? !J45.~</ Eu~!fn~ ()r-eqflLJ, 91~O!L ~plicant's Rep.: ~ev- B..<:.~n"I!-T'-- .~J{/.jJ/J-jl.j33 Phone:!J.J/- 50/- !J/J(,8 Company: Ra,~.f>. lo;';"n~ Fax: ,'JjI-,t)05- f'J!1q!L !Address: y.O &x 1J45?fJ ~~et1e. ()r-90fl Q14D':L , Property Owner: ).j,cK I!Aeneu Phone: 611-.:369- g(j)7 I Company: AliI! I Fax: VIA !Address: /7'7/ {jaJbOti- Sired. ELYJene. ()-/'1/lY1 9'7'-/IJ{:} IASSESSOR'S MAP No:l'7-ffi-2D-CO vlTAX LOT N~(S): Olqa~ I Property Address: ,~DUt.ffi.P.lf'- ,Shr....A-: .s'P"'iW\.~-C:pl,.Q. Ore1fn ISize of Property: .85 Cl.txeS .BnD~(., . ~~ Acres ~ Sauare Feet 'gi , I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Proposal: 5-e.e. ~~~ IExisting Use: \..o....d~n\>\~ (' .........\-r~.r ..\W- \~ ~"\.I~~U~ Si natures: Please SI n and 1rI~ our name and date In the a ro rlate ~ox on the next . .. . ,~. Associated Applications: 06Z.c. 2A!/Y QSa3a C'::>~~\ Signs: f ~ tu R..ot7' Case No.: \) Q c. ?.-1\'hQ.- ft:t:,5to I Date:02>1 I dlr-J9.-.. Reviewed by: +/V1----... IAPPlication Fee: $ ~<6LLb 1Technical Fee; $ ',Cl ( '-f <::. Ipostaae Fee: $ S<C6 I r\yo.!O.,....t'nu~ TOTAL FEES: $ Ljqo.q, LfD PROJECT NUMBER: P~~Z60'0 -_~l. I "t1~~~'Y.'tl;,\ltlW!m~-";~0S-.-~~"f94f~~ fr""~ I ~ ~?~'_~'9df;:r-~~~*",,<.h?i!r7~-~ Su.b-fY'o~ .:j!::. PR,.;S- za:>8-D::::l:::>5'L Date Received: AUG 1 2 2008 Orr9(a~i __~ 4'\~~"'~___ ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 4 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In this application IS correct and accurate Applicant: ~~ Date: 8/9108 Signature f{d1e( f!atJf1-e1, '.. Print . , " " . , , ~ "t ~ Owner: , ' \ If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf \ ' ...... " '. . ~~;,F"::- ,,\ Date:' 2? r:P,/ ~ sig~at" e ~ ~ ::::-:'4\' C v3 p~ tV&J Print ./ -' , \ , . '. , \ , " , \ \ , \ , \\''\ '. , , " . .' , , . -, J' , (l '" ""'1 " J ~ ~ ) j(:. , . "\~ ,!' \ . ,\ ' \ ! I \ , , , '" . J , oj ;':: ,> ~p v . 1,' ,,' , - , ~J '<, / \ ,~r I' (- '.6 \"~ .J' -,&: ~ <.1' "'j"" ^ .:... .~"i .. . , . Ill....... -' , 1 / JU-' ,.-\ .:.....r "f'. ~I} ,,~-#~ ...... w. _I I. -., .r J "I.. ,; ;. ,-I .::.' : '..' ~ ; (,.1/. 'q." .,..J .') ,(. .. .. , .. ~.. ~ / n ".' ;:.;,_t'-:=-. N...:'" . . ' e, ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00056 3626 Olympic Street --I ~P-G-S-T- ~ -CIf I -p.. _!.CO ~I ,~ SITE Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1903 North ... Date Received. AUG 1 2 2008 Onglnal Submittal -"'--j ~r ..... "'" r "" ....... ~~ o . ! /~ f-' kL ~' ....~~~ ~~I ~ ~ .. -<I .-0' 0-0' t'J"\~c - '.'~~ PARKIoIG DETAL 'E!:Y ,,'.s. mENTION CN..l 1-800-1)2-2". 41 HCUtS EIUOR[ 10J DC. ClA(GiON.... A(Cl.RS 'IOU f'tl1.CM (WI t$Z-OOI~-CI)I-ClDIO. CXlPC1 ~~ ~~ -4l.lj '1..) C8 Onglnal Submittal aR\~sa=l >~-~ v , v I ---~ ~I ,.-', -' ~ S111/.S(C.JO'Il'S,.2...... II$SES5Cllf'S IIIlIiP JC), 17-OI-JO n. 'Itl>> ~UlfII(co.n CIA(C(lII 1Jf'~'I:I.~.. DTDIlOlI LOmrlG IS U)CAttD 011 ~ - SEE MlCMftcn.M. DICS ~ LICS o..nm ON sm: Pl.M - sa SHI' (1.2 ......... ..... ..... ......... ....... --. ._son f'. 46J . W.JO' ... 15. w_2O Po "" lp- 0.70 ......... 1L.J22"'1 8.,."" -. ~....... .~....... ....-..... ~1M'Ir.ll CI 1 sm: PUN CI.2 SIT[ IlSSE5SII[NI 011 =-.......... (I.) UTIJTY fILM Cl4 COAAOlfIIGa PAWC PIAl Lt 1 UICl$CNIIIIC PlMI ll.2~NO'ItS ......... ........ . TOTAlAU.MltA- , ,,~ ~.~~~~\'~ . " ~~~~~ ~~-- 7 - ~ ~ ...JtL.~(~~ ~"'~:% '1''1r~ ,~ (tl"'~- ~~ -:~..~...--.. i'>-,..~ "'/=~ '.2(i)i'"" It ~'~(t). C-LMIOG S-O. ~ ; .~20-0~1 U ',~ M.....~ ~~' ~: fEE /'/'-... M~" --, ~ f rffr%~"-" ~ ~"~_'- ~ ",' ". ~"",:",r ~ ~ ~ST< : ~ ~-""" '\) ~', ~ ~J"'v}/:j 4, zt =---= : # ~ '"k'"";:..~" ~ ~ ~~~r 'j ~ ~ %;:~'0~~ b ~~ %::2 ......., 0 W _ 0"J"L'(} G ..-~I~~1~C~~~l -r~ Jln~ ~..:: ~ ~ L 4 hI " "'=i~- - . .j~ "l- . '''!,:..' IWIDC: ItMOlAD5 TOBl. Nl[A . LOT NIP: 36,771 lICI II .. c:tIGIRUtTlOJI: (t) SPICtS POI........ I'I.sI; 1 MIU .3 to'rIlL ......c PWaS. '0 !lEI M'OMOUS SlJlFClS: ............... -- ,. ,\ ;::IIi Hsf .... , nno lOCAJt ASP.M"'1 (PHlG[ I~~ ~'.",v .. '" II . ;'.31~ "1 TOIJlllllRPl: .~" ~ ~~ P'I...AN --__ LEGEM> r~ o . IX OLYMPIC STREET ------ ~ ffil' :::.-: :=:- SiTE '\JI7 '~st.tU ;:. io.:o~ TraMit Nnt_ THE SIft S .-a:TlT IO.IJCOI'I 10 TN[ IC). '1 ~ aIS IQIIt. TH[ "'':1T TlWdIT SlOP IS LDCAIlD A1 tIC .'_"~, OF..... AIlO ~ STA[[J1INCH1S ". YII2-.1:WlSTOIF -........- :-~ ~ 2.... Jr...... _J2 -0" -} -0. "'-0. ,J! -O.(co.c.v IIlD STm. 8IC[ 1tCK~ "I "I 1 _, .. --.s AS 1>-- ..... .J. ,= "!'" POSJOOH ''\ ",I ,/O-v ,1:l~ Z ~ l.- on. P RICK DllAII. lieu TO CDOIElI _, ,... lOllS 011 MltIUD IIJO _, SM'SClJI so [lIOn' ll:'\1IlIOP STYLE IIIKE RACK ~"I.S, -,- --- ....- (t). ....o-~roa: -- CAItH 8QIII 2t..a...."DEEP """".....- ~ Ae.e:... THENRCELISZOIIEDt€lllYlIOJSTRIll WtCM IS IIOI'!MLIEC'I TO SCUll 1.01 SIMCWlDS co.. '=" ~..-n""""'r- - I P[Jf.3.ClOO.. II OF flOOR M(A . .'~... uGtfbCl"IIOiIlDG_or . (l)SP11Ct5 - (')~ ~ ~~TO~ 7S1I LClIG IUIII - (2) LOIlG 1PM ux:artD IM5U ...,. A.......OITto--.rruOf'~rAOIIl'tC DC ....... ElLC1'RIto'C. $\'STDI rMS s.--""'" on.............. ..... ......1ll'<UlPO>..... a...". _ _ _..... m,. 1OICT....rfto rot.."" .Ill!llIIll_ ~~_..... _r coootlL T01JIL ..uMOUS StIIf'G MEA: 1!!S!!lO-"""""- ~''"''CSC-.c;:; TObI. PONCuS ~1ICl I/IIUc TOfILDDS11tC1IR(k 1OOObo . '.llll1C1h r_. n"""1t 36,711.. [ J.CU5eq11 "'1'-'1 n 11.s.q It ...u.. II ...-. U7IIQf. 1'-11.... It . ~-...n.. -- -- ____ .. I 'o. 1.al. 11-02-30 !LIte>> 1-"9= .. l"-F ~ ...... -""""'" 1711 8aIIiooo SUwt Euv-t. OIl ,,_ (~1) '12-0>>0 -""""'" -- =::a1llaftoOlt" -- ...... ::::'D.rt;.....~lai"_""""- -- IZ"'.......Slrwt ~ OR '7401 .... (~I) ....-00lIO -- n. ~ 11 ___ 011 JCl26 o,.npc 5nIl --- "'-lo1~~" It_ OIIISGIInaIIlluildin901...,,., 2.071__ ,.... n......... lie 1oaMlI' ~ _ ....,. ....,oIIlI'IIlIDI...,~..........oI...1lIL .. ...... .. 1M oMdoncI ~ 101' ...... (_.......) "'" Wtd\lIt .. 1M . _ ..., ..... ...... 10 ~ ,.. I~ "'" ~ l-*llon" lie... ondI It. .. .:." lie ..oDd ,....... ""'~"M"""''''''''-'PI_ :=,.IIfOIJIClIt.IoIl.""'.....~.... - -o:a......- Sl.8 IMSIN I (C81/C8Z) 1214.. It <au. M'OMOUS Sl.IIrIlCtS ...." NOP05(D ROOf' ....., ;r;:;; - -- IIllNJfT ("""5B 1 Tt<<U J) ~ Ii I; I 21 liit!! ~ . II ~ ~~ E...-: 12-Jl..(8 -- ..,...,. '.' ' ~ .~=- -..- ~.L_-': 1lOI'1O.-..o~ MJIIIllIlUCID___ oct" ... 111[ ,...p --.. --~.~ I_"~ .. -. goon, .nl'n.... ~_.1l1'Jll ......-- ...~... --- 18728-BRM ~ C1.1 1 OF 6 ,- - ,. BABY FACE TOYlIN6 Date Received: P.O. BOX 21&531& AUG 1 2 2008 EU6ENE,ORE60N a71&02 PHONE: 51& 1-501-206a Onglnal Submittal FAX- 51&1-505-71&92 EMAII.:BABYFACETOWIN6@YAHOO.COM Crn' OF SPRIN6FlELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRIN6FlELD,ORE60N 971&77 DISCRETIONARY USE SUBMITrAL NARRAmfE To Whom It May Concern Attached IS our application for a Dlscrelionary Use Permit for the purpose of plaCing an Impound yard at 3626 OlympiC Street. Spnngfield, Oregon First I want to clanfy that thiS IS not a wrecking yard It IS Simply a place to store Impounded vehicles inSide Under Spnngfield Land Use Rules Impound yards and wrecking yards have been grouped together to make It seem that Impound yards and wrecking yards are one In the same I want to make It clear that these are two very different things A wrecking yard IS a place where vehicles are dismantled which may cause the leaking of hazardous flUids from the vehicle and an unsightly mess Whereas an Impound yard IS Simply the stonng of Impounded vehicles for the purpose of secunng them until the vehicle owner comes to retneve them In no way Will any vehicle be dismantled In any way Absolutely no repairs of any kind will be done on site No flUids will be purposely drained from any vehicle On average, one vehicle per day Will be towed Into thiS location and stored InSide and one Will be towed out per day No Impounded vehicles Will be parked outside Company tow trucks will only be at thiS localion when dropping off or picking up a vehicle We only tow light passenger vehicles Our tow trucks are stored at our city approved location at 90020 Pralne Rd Eugene, Oregon 97402 Vehicles not claimed by their owners Will be moved to our Eugene localion to be sold No sales of vehicles Will happen at the Spnngfield localion On average, one patron per day Will amve to pick up their vehicle If they amve In a vehicle, they Will be directed to park on the pavement In front of the warehouse doors After compleling about 15 minutes worth of paperwork, they are free to drive their vehicle out of the warehouse or have It towed out and to a localion of their chOice One employee Will be on- , ~ . .. site Monday-Friday from 8 am to 6pm No more than one employee personal vehicle Will be parked at this location at a time Parking for that vehicle Will be In front of the northem warehouse door on pavement All vehicles towed or stored at thiS locallon Will be placed inside the warehouse and fluid containment catch trays Will be placed under all vehicles, under the entire length of the vehicle, whether they are leaking or not The maJonty of vehicles the police order Impounded are vehicles that are fully operational Only about 20 percent are wrecked or non- operational Wrecked vehicles carry the highest nsk of leaking flUIds therefore our drivers are trained In the field of containment and cleanup of these flUids All trucks are required (per Oregon State Police rules) to carry flUId absorbent, broom, scoop shovel and a bucket for cleanup of vehicle flUids The above Items will be kept on Site, Inside the warehouse, In the event of any spill Any spill Will be cleaned up immediately Also Included In the warehouse Will be two fifty gallon barrels With closed tops With a small port for pounng flUIds Into and pumping them out A third fifty gallon barrel With a large removable lid will be on site Inside the warehouse for the purpose of containing any absorbent material that was used to cleanup any spill on the floor The first two barrels are for draining the catch trays In the event that anything has leaked onto them ALL barrels Will Include secondary containment, meaning they Will be sitting inSide of a large catch baSin Disposal of flUIds and used absorbent matenalls removed by a service called ORRCA EPA# ORD980975692 4150 North Suttle Road Portland, Oregon, 97217 Phone 503-286-8352 they come to the location and remove hazardous matenals In accordance With all federal, state and local laws ThiS IS all part of our Hazardous Matenals Management Plan Addlllonally we will not be stocking any hazardous materials on site Baby Face TOWing takes every precaullon In protecting the environment The site at 3626 OlympiC Springfield, Oregon IS surrounded by bUSinesses and there are no resldenlial properties within Sight or sound of thiS locallon Consldenng we are simply moving 1 or 2 cars In or 04t a day, we do not foresee any Impact on nelghbonng bUSinesses Ninety-Nine percent of our patrons contact us by telephone to arrange pickup of their vehicles and are on site a very short lime, usually less than 30 minutes The only nOise created from our operation is the sound of the motor running on our tow trucks when moving vehicles In or out Concerning lighting Impact The only change In lighting would be from headlights of tow trucks when moving vehicles In and out We do operate 2417/365 days a year Tow trucks Will be on site a maximum of thirty minutes to move vehicles In and out Baby Face TOWing IS a small company that operates three tow trucks In the Eugene/Springfield and surrounding areas The majority of company bUSiness IS handled at our Eugene yard and River Rd (Eugene) office locallons We look forward to dOing bUSiness In Springfield and assisting the Spnngfleld Police In removing traffic hazards Thank You, ~ge~ Datt: Keceived AUG 1 2 2008 Baby Face TOWing 1" \, 1)1.1 ~ I On:;ll"'l';i .....l..,1 .H ~ u~_._ , IIIII~ 111]1 ~IIIIIIIII]I]IIIIII ~I~ m Illl. '" 6B'lil!l!!! eira CASCI\DE TITLE CO ,Date Received: AUG 1 2 2008 Onglnal Submittal STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL MIKE CHANEY POBOX 81 VIDA, OR 97488 Our No Date Charge CT-0254610 MARCH 28, 2008 $200 00 As requested, Cascade T1tle Co has searched our tract 1nd1ces as to the follow1ng descrlbed real property A T T A C H ED) and as of MARCH 21, 2008, at 8 00 A M we f1nd the follow1ng Vestee A presumptlve ~ lnterest In The Helrs and Devlsees of MICHALDA Z CHANEY, deceased, and a presumptlve ~ lnterest In MICHAEL A CHANEY, as tenants In common Sald property 15 subJect to the followlng on record matters 1 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Mountaln States Power Company, by 1nstrument recorded March 8, 1929, 1n Book 161, Page 238, Lane County Oregon Deed Records 2 Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1S10ns thereof, granted Mountaln States Power Company, by 1nstrument recorded March 8, 1929, 1n Book 162, Page 215, Lane County Oregon Deed Records 3 Restrlctlon of Access In deed from State of Oregon, State Hlghway Commlsslon, recorded February 21, 1962, Receptlon No 60183, and to the State of Oregon, State Hlghway Commlsslon, recorded December 21, 1961, Receptlon No 53994, Lane County Oregon Deed Records 4 Water Ilne easement, lncludlng the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, granted the C~ty of Spr~ngf~eld, by lnstrument recorded August 4, 1975, Receptlon No 7532302, Lane County Offlclal Records contlnued- MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S 2 EUGENE FAX 485-0307 * E-MAIL * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH (541) 687-2233 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH (541) 997-8417 ~nfo@cascadet1tle com * FLORENCE FAX 997-8246 ,"- , 5 Improvement Agreement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, between Raymond Wolf and Herman Thatcher and the Clty of Sprlngfleld, recorded December 14, 1975, Receptlon No 7553215, Lane County Offlclal Records 6 A search of the records does not dlsclose a probate In Lane County of the Estate of Mlchalda Z Chaney, deceased, grantee ln deed recorded October 22, 1992, Receptlon No 9259777, Lane County Offlclal Records Clalms, lncludlng taxes, agalnst the estate and rlghts of helrs or deVlsees are hereby excepte~ 7 We must be provlded an Affldavlt of Helrshlp for Mlchalda Z Chaney, deceased 8 Rlght, tltle and lnterest of Mlchael A reason of deeds, recorded December 26, 084441, Lane County Deeds and Records Chaney and Nlcholas A Chaney, grantees, by 2007, Receptlon Nos 2007-084440 and 2007- NOTE Taxes, Account No 0113843, Assessor's Map No 17 02 30, #1903, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, ln the amount of $2,026 43, PAID IN FULL ThlS report 18 to be utl11zed for lnformatlon only ThlS report 15 not to be used as a basls for transferrlng, encumberlng or forecloslug the real property descrlbed The llabl11ty of Cascade Tltle Co 15 Ilmlted to the addressee and shall not exceed the premlum pald hereunder CASCADE TITLE CO , by (1 :J4-- I sm!Tlt1e Offlcer COLLEEN LEAHY ,: Date Received. cc TOM POAGE ENGINEERING & SURVEYING INC ATTN CHRIS 990 OBIE STREET EUGENE, OR 97402 AUG 1 2 2008-" , Onglnal Submittal ,'1 ~ " PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A parcel of land 1TI the Southeast one-quarter of SeetloD 3D, Townshlp 17 South, Range 2 West, Wlllamette Merldlan, belng a portlon of that property descrlbed 1TI that deed recorded Aprll 15, 1974, Receptlon No 7414814, Lane County Offlclal Records, sald parcel belng descrlbed as follows Beglnnlng at a pOlnt WhlCh bears North 88 261 West 872 01 feet and North 1 34' East 40 00 feet from the North-Northeast corner of the Pressley Comegys Donatlon Land Clalm No 80, Townshlp 17 South, Range 2 West, Wl11amette Merldlan, sald pOlnt belng 1n the Northerly rlght of way Ilne of OlymplC Street, and belng also the Southeast corner of that tract of land descrlbed 1n deed to Land Management Servlces, Ine , recorded January 18, 1984, Receptlon No 8402030, Lane County Offlclal Records, thence North 1 34' East along the East llne of sald Land Management Servlces, Inc , tract 259 09 feet to a pOlnt on the Southerly rlght of way llne of the Eugene-Sprlngfleld Hlghway, thence followlng sald hlghway rlght of way llne the followlng three courses and dlstances South 62 06' 571t East 83 49 feet, South 45 15' 26' East 172 41 feet and South 15 12' 14" West 107 13 feet to a pOlnt on the Northerly rlght of way llne of OlymplC Street, thence North 88 26' West along the North llne of sald street 175 31 feet to the pOlnt of beglnnlng, ln Lane County, Oregon " Date Recelverl " AUG 1 2 2008 OriginaLSubmlttai After recording, return to ROBERT A SMEJKAL, P C 696 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 9740] r Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records Until a ehange IS requested, send tax statements to No Change '1111111111'111'111'111'11111111111""1111'" III 00965487200700844410020021 RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln-_l 12126/200703:29:15 PM CRSHIER 02 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 2001.0~m~ $31. DO BARGAIN AND SALE DEED MICHAEL A CHANEY, Grantor, conveys to MICHAEL A CHANEY and NICHOLAS A CHANEY, Grantees, as tenants m common, but With the nght of survivorship, that certam real property located m Lane County, Oregon, and more particularly descnbed as follows "A parcel ofland m the Southeast one-quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WIllamette Mendlan, bemg a portIOn of that property descnbed m that deed recorded Apnll5, 1974, ReceptIOn No 7414814, Lane County Oregon Records, said parcel bemg descnbed as follows Begmrung at a pomt wluch bears North 88026' West 872 01 feet and North 10 34' East 40 00 feet from the North-Northeast comer of the Pressley Comegys DonatIon Land Claim No 59, Townslup 17 South, Range 2 West, Wtllamette Mendlan, SaId pomt bemg m the Northerly nght of way Ime of OlympiC Street, and bemg also the Southeast comer of that tract of land descnbed m deed to Land Management Services, Inc , recorded January 18, 1984, ReceptIon No 8402030, Lane County Oregon Records, thence North 10 34' East along the East Ime of SaId Land Management Services, Inc , tract 259 09 feet to a pomt on the Southerly nght of way Ime of the Eugene-Spnngfield lughway, thence follOWing said lughway nght of way Ime the followmg three courses and distances South 620 06' 57" East 83 49 feet, South 450 15' 26" East]72 41 feet and South 150 12' 14" West 107 13 feet to a pomt on the Northerly nght of way Ime of OlympIc Street, thence North 880 26' West along the North Ime of said Street 17531 feet to the pomt ofbegmnmg m Lane County, Oregon" The true consideratIOn for thiS conveyance IS other than money BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197352 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO Date Received BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 1 ( AUG 1 2 2008 l __n r~r -):"1...1 :':v'~rn'~:,l. DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197352 DATED tins ZhAIay of December, 2007 1.~~~ - STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss ThIs Instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~ay of December, 2007, by MICHAEL A CHANEY i-----------~------~' (9 OFFICIAL SEAL ~ . ANNETTE KAYSER I '" NOTARY PUBUC - OREGON i COMMISSION NO 414086 i MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL3 2011 .I ._------- --~-----_.) (~~ NotARY PUBLIC t/JR OREGON "Date Received \ , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 2 AUG 1 Z ~908 On:,n,,1 '3"l}mltt<'l1