HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/30/2008 (2) City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 3 0 2008 Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompanv: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Company: Address: . -. , ,- ~ Jeff Belle 775-853-4714 SC Spnngfield, LLC 775-853-4718 7510 Longlev Lane, Swte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 Satre AssocIates, PC Phone: 541-465-4721 Fax: 541-465-4722 RIchard M Satre, AlCP, ASLA 101 East Broadwav, Swte 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Jeff Belle Phone: 775-853-4714 SC Spnngfield, LLC Fax: 775-853-4718 7510 Longlev Lane, SUIte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17023000,17032511 ITAX LOT NO(S): 1800,2300 I Property Address: North of Marc ala Road and west of 28th and 31st streets In Spnngfield, Oregon ISize of Property: 1003 Acres ~ Square Feet 0 I Proposed Name of Subdivision: The VIllages at Marco1a Meadows , I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCriptIon to thiS application Proposal: See attached I Existing Use: Vacant 1# of Lots/Parcels: 14 Si natures: Please Sl lAva. Lot/Parcel Size: 57 acres nnt our name and date In the a sf I Density: na du/acre nate box on the next , ..- ASSOCiated Applications: Signs: Ipre-sub Case No.: ~f'2oo~- ()()052., Date: 1/30) 08 I Reviewed by: ~ Icase No.: Date: I Reviewed bv: IAPplication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostaae Fee: $ J !!,~~e!:,~E!~":..L~~8}~~~ ~ ~ll~l~~!..~~~~~,j~~I:~~~~l ReVIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 ~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBM\TIAl REeD JUL 3 0 ZOOS Tree Felling Permit equir~d-project Information' , ',r': '(App/i~ant: complete this section) Phone: 775-8534714 Applicant Name: Jeff Belle Icompanv: IAddress: I IAPPhcant's Rep.: R1chard M Satre Icompany: IAddress: I I Property Owner: Jeff Belle I Company: SC Spnngfield, LLC IAddress: 7510 Longley Lane, SUite 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 I - IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-00, 17-03-25-11ITAX LOT NO(S): 1800,2300 I Property Address: North of Marcola Road and West of 28th and 31st Street ill Spnngfield, Oregon ISize of Property: 10038 Acres [gj Square Feet 0 I I DeSCription of If you are filling In thIs form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thIs application Proposal: (see attached) SC Spnngfield, LLC ,Fax: 775-853-4718 7510 Longley Lane, SUite 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 Phone: 541-465-4721 Satre ASSOCIates, P C Fax: 541-465-4722 101 East Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 775-853-4714 Fax: 775-853-4718 ASSOCiated Cases: Signs: Icase No.: ftZE'20ot- fmSL I Date: Ilcolo~ Reviewed by: ~;; IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $ I EXPtpt'"T"tU I TOTAL FEES: $ F~L?:> 1<.CCE\\)e\:) 0/iQ\06I PROJECT NUMBER: f'R.J"2..COB. fY1')4;'. I I I , ReVIsed 1{1{08 Molly Markanan 1 of 5 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development PRE-SUBMITTAl RECIO JUL 3 0 2008 equired 'Project Information ,', '_:' '(Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: IAPPllcant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: Jeff Belle Phone: 775-853-4714 SC Sonngfield. LLC Fax: 775-853-4718 7510 Longley Lane, SUlte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 Satre AsSOCiates, PC Phone: 541-465-4721 Fax: 541-465-4722 R1chard M Satre 101 East Broadway, SUlte 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Property Owner: Jeff Belle Phone: 775-853-4717 Companv: IAddress: SC Sonngfield, LLC Fax: 775-853-4718 7510 Longley Lane, SUlte 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-00,17-03-25-11 I TAX LOT NO(S): 1800,2300 I Property Add ress: North of Marc ala Road and west of 28th and 31st Street m Sonngfield, Oregon ISize of Property: 1003 Acres ~ SQuare Feet 0 I !zoninQ: I ExistinQ Use: /DescriPtion of ProDosal: Medmlll DenSIty Resldentlal (MDR), M,xed-Use CommercIal (MUC), Commuruty CommercIal (CCl Vacant If you are filling In thIs form by hand, please attach your proposal descrrptlon to this application See Attached a. . .._ . . - - . -. Associated Cases: Icase No.: ~RE100~rmo5L I Date: '113DloB I ReViewed by:_lh.of' ) IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $0 I I ek~Dl~ I I TOTAL FEES: ~ Fetr'S ~atut;:p ("ltq I 08 PROJECT NUMBER: ~'2.C08~D<X>4--1 1:;'~,1,f..att~='\lSiiW~~ft~~...l::',~~~~"'l\t~),':j.'l'$~A#~~~~~L:tm~~I<\'ftC,'1JtlJ.:;.Slf.m~~~~l&"tlA':~~/iJ ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 5 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00052 Date Submitted: 7/30/2008 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 3 0 2008 PrOJect Name: VILLAGES @ MARCOLA MEADOWS Project DescriptIon: Pre-SubmIttal Meeting - Phase 1 Villages @ Marcola Meadows (SubdiVISIOn TentatIve, DWP, Tree Felhng, and LDAP Apphcation Type: SubdiviSIOn TentatIve) TR.EF R:::"l..LII\Jq ) 1) w P ~ L-D 1\:f' Job Address: Marcola Rd Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702300001800) 110~ 2-<:)1102..3::0 DISCLAIMER Apphcanons WIll not be exempl from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the llIne of the Pre-SublDlttal Meetmg and SublDlttal of the ApplIcatJon for Development ReVIew Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be assIgned the follOWIng bUSIness day and will contact yon to confirm the meetIng date and tllDo. Pf!:S2oD8 -000 41 PlanJobPnntIpt 7/3012008 74627AM Jre-Su--)mitta~~ ~eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITIAL MEETING DATE Wednesday, August 6, 2008 1 PRE-SUBMITIAL MTG #PRE2008-00052 (SUB TENT) SC SPFLD Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL 1800 Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11 TL 2300 Address. Vacant - Marcola Rd and 31 st Street EXIstmg Use: Vacant Apphcant submItted plans for Phase 1 of VIllages @ Marcola Meadows, consistmg of SubdIVIsIOn Tentative, DWP, Tree Fellmg and LDAP Meetmg Date/TIme. Wednesday, August 6, 2008 4NW Quad 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Planner Steve Hopkins PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 3 0 2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00052 Marcola Rd and 31st Street '1\ J '=--m ~ ~ I: IJ'O~~.~ SITE Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1800 & 17-03-25-11 Tax Lot 2300 North ... PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 3 0 2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00052 Vacant -Marcola Rd and 31st Street - I 1,\ SITE Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1800 & 17-03-25-11 Tax Lot 2300 North ... PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'D JUL 3 0 2008