HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2008-8-4 ~~WIc:h";- ~ ~. I ~~ ~ ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED' APPLIED: EXPIRES VALUE' COM2008-01159 08/04/2008 08/04/2008 02/04/2009 225 F,fth Street, Springfield. OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LlUe SITE ADDRESS 6076 Fernhlll Lp I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 170234340r200 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Backnow de~,ce I Springfield TYPE OF WORK Backnow DevIce TYPE OF USE New Resldenhal Owner LISA JAEHNIG Address 6076 FERNHILL LOOP SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Phone Number 541-912-1334 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Landscape Contractor , License ExpiratIOn Date Phone EUGENE LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 6129 . ... .l!.~t1\I'~f1!ll~ ~~ 689-5455 BUILDING INFC?~~~~~r;d'b~ the Ole~~I~;'i~k folloW fOW4 entel. Those rule~}l.R 952-001- # of Stories NotificatiOn ~01.001 0 thlmIGl!;~e rules bY HeIght of Str~tilp,f\ 952 may obtain c<!Rl1 ~EKhphOne Type of Heat:0090 '(Ou h center. tN~' ~on Water Type callIng \~ the Olego~ _ ll~ent Range Type numbelcentel Is 1-8015 aragelCarport Energy Path Sq Ft Other Sprinkled BuddlUg nla Occupant Load R-3 # of Umts Pnmary Occupancy Group Seconddry Occupancy Group Primary ConstruetlOu Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms VB Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Drive Rqd % of L~"N~\Ioge ?O\~F- \f ~~.,. \\; ~Q1 ~O"{\\I~~~\"{ S,,~'t{~W~JaMflIlUW:MENTS I Street Improvemeuts i"\~!O~"'z.\:.U UO~~ \S f>-'O...\.L - f>-\} \" ~\C\:.U "0. Storm Sewer AVdlldble CO"^~t:\' ~ ~~\\\v SpecIal InstructIOn ft-W( ,\&00 I I Front yard Setback S,de I Setbdck S,de 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Soldr Setbdcks I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I I i REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact S,dewalk Type Downspouts/DrdlUs Notes I ValuatIon DescrtotlOn I DeSCriptIOn Tvpe 01 ConstructIOn $ Per Sq Ft or multiplIer Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Ddte Calculated Paee I of2 -ii: .1Ii Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-01159 ISSUED: 08/04/2008 APPLIED: 08/04/2008 EXPIRES 02104/2009 VALUE: 225 FIfth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LIne Tot.11 Value of ProJect Fees Palll I Fee DescriptIOn + 10% AdmlOlstratlve Fcc + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee Backtlow Device MlOlmum/AdJustment PlumblOg Amount Pdld Date PaId ReceIpt Numher $500 $600 $250 $1600 $34 00 8/4/08 8/4/08 8/4/08 8/4/08 8/4/08 1200800000000000838 1200800000000000838 1200800000000000838 1200800000000000838 1200800000000000838 Totdl Amount P..d $63 50 I Plan RevIews I To Request an InspectIOn call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769 All Inspections requested before 7 00 a m Will be made the same workIng day, Inspections requested after 7:00 a m. will be made the follOWIng work day. I Reo III red InsnectIons, Backtlow DevIce Prior to covering and provIde d copy of the test report on site at the time of IOspectlOn By sIgnature. I state and agree, that I have carefully examlOed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby certify thdt all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done 111 accordance with the OrdIndnces of the CIty of Springfield and the Laws of the Stdte of Oregon pertdlOlOg to the work described hereIn. and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure wIthout permissIOn 01 the Community Services DIVISIOn, BuildIng Safety I further certify that only contrdctors and employees who arc 10 comphanee wIth ORS 701 005 will be used on thiS project I further agree to ensure that all requIred InspectIOns are requested at the proper time, that each address IS reddable Irom the street, that the permit card IS located at the front of the property. and the dpproved set of plans WIll remaIn on the sIte at all times dunng construction ~ U R.Lf .OA '--' Owner or Contrac' lrS Signature Date P dee 2 of 2 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~: CIty of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1159 COM2008-0 1159 COM2008-0 1159 COM2008-01159 COM2008-0] 159 Payments Type of Payment CredltCard cRccemt 1 RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000838 Date' 08/04/2008 Description Backflow DevIce Mlmmum/AdJustment PlumbIng + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmInistratIve Fee Paid By eDDY WALLACE Item Total Check Number AuthoflzatlOn Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIVed dJb 01667 A In Person Paymeut Total Page I of I 11 35 24AM Amount Due 1600 3400 250 600 500 $63 50 Amount Paid $63 50 $63 50 8/4/2008