HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-1 07/01/2008 09 17 5033901275 GALE CONTRACTOR SVCS PAGE 02/04 I' 9!~Dr services e MASCO Company '\ Hayden EntcIlJnse$, Jnc 2464 SW GlacIer Place SUIte 110 Redmond, OR 97756 RE: C:? -I sr; 5782 ObsIdIan St Spnngfield, OR Lot 210 To Whom It May COllcem Th.\ leticr" to vcnfy that Galc ContractOl Servlce~ 1tl~tallcd 1027 sqH ofCcrt,unTccd unfaccd R2~XI9 hatt tn,tUatlOn seC\lred wIth tWInC and plumhlllg I~ propcI!y Illsulated,,~ contracted at (he addrcss referenced abovc Waync Ru~h Proc!u(.tlOn Manager Gale Contrdl(or ServIces ~0'l-390-1200 " PO Bo. 7261 . 4564 Ridge Dnve N E . Salem. OR 97303 Eugene (541) 684-0164' Salem (503) 390-1200' McMtnnvtlle (503) 472-2311 . Fax (503) 390-1275 CeB #0113362 ./ , , , ~".. \-- )....1- -. ~-'.. ~lt.;-, :}fo YOUR HOME IS INSULATED WITH INSULSAFE'SP, THE NONCOMBUSTIBLE FIBER GLASS INS~ION InsulSafe SP Improfs enelgy effluency and " reduces energy consumpuon TillS product helps conserve~nrenewable cnergy sources, reduces depcn~ce on foreIgn OIl and reduces . , greenhouse g"'J.s enUSSlOns InsulSafc SP IS manufactured WIth no formaldehyde and IS GREENGUARDo CeIlIfled for supenor mdoor air quahty This means that InsulSafe SP IS tested by a thml pmty to confum that emISSIOns of lormaldehyde, volaule orgamc compounds (VOC'), respirable partIcles and other pollutants ale below estabhshed standards o --..<t'"!, r:~~\lOil'- <:-__-._ j ,,-,,,,,,0' " : l ~:I! I ~i!,j !=:Ij ~~~- "~~~;lalriTeedra R:38~ I r_~:"~.'ll'r~~;':;n ,.....~'!!:-~..._ ;'~~1", ~ ~ FJ;-'- 1"':,<("-,, ~~i--.--... ~_~w__~-::. .-J I Il~ ....~------; ~~~ _ r~ II ~ ~~~thi ~9 I n~~~ ~7J.' l ~ _~:.._ .--..-." r - - -... ~ - o GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH CERTAINTEED For over 100 years, Cel tamTeed has been the recogmzed perlormance brand amon,h''';dmg professIOnals, as , ~ wcll as a leadmg reseaJche'j.~ td producer of fiber glass lI1sulauon \Vnh a WIde sclecnon of lI1sulatJOn products to f,t your home from the b.,cm~nt up to the attic, you can rll1d comfort 111 knowlt}ll your m<;ulatlOn needs wIll be met 0:-.... [~]. III ,1I1IiiI1 ~~~~ l., . ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER CERTAINTEEO PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS EXTERIOR ROOFING SIDING WINDOWS FENCE RAILING TRIM DECKING FOUNDATIONS PIPE INTERIOR INSULATION WALLS CEILINGS CCltamltcd Corporanon PO Box 860 V.tlle)' Forge PA 19482 prore<;:.lOnal 800-233-8990 Con<;umer 800-782-R777 wwwcertam1ccd <-om CertainTeed ~ ~ JO 24 312@01/07Ct:rtaUlrt:edCorpOnlIlOn PnntC"d III U:, A ~ ~ o .) , r , , ,~ ....f '......... ~ ~ .... ':-P ....,.. -"".... ..." - ~\..:..... ..., J ~ C r;.; ... ,4''''-~..r';_ ~'-' .!' <:J- IJ "'0 ,..,'t ....~ ",,-'!:':~~'~ u.:::.~-"'f"'''~ r'~1:-.,J ......--:-- ", -" ,,"- '"')--C" - ~~. tJf>.'-," )'('a..~ :J._"X>:t '- "'- '" " J<f"" "''' t "'.) ~ .. ....,~,'t"'r _/ '1 ~ ...,~~, I~ r ""_,O;lJ ,,~,.,~r."""';' i. .t.~ ,..... ~ '-' '"' ""')(' r ~...,..,~ r..._~"lf'"~.....' , y: '- <'1.,. t" 7..,r ,,:;,r.{..,.... {<:;;{- -";---,r,- __ 1 ,-., ,o,j' r.:::! ;. ~;--#vt....... \.. -:, ~ < (,.. t ~" 'Zf_ l._v .,- .t., iJ<F?"S;...~':.. ~ "),, ~~... )-J'"t-J;:1.,1 ....~.if~..,.>~;...,'-~f'-- '0...". "... J ,~.. "....~ 1<":""\ (~ ]fl...._~--... ~ .J (';r?''''-_.....J.;t;"'( ,.,~;-....) ~ _r ,'"..:--.,{;_"';t~~ ('''' " .:> .~... ,- "" ~ .. .~... :;; .. .... J'" ~~# ~. ,P ",(~"',"'"); ~~" r ," ~x >/~ Iv or .....- _.-....~~..J;.'" <- , /~ .....'1'.('f( (. ,/ J.-'" "4 <J ,-- -....... _I'~ '" ~ r'- , , C , ? c" e f':)~'... ... , c "''. ..> ~~ "" , J , I ~ <0. r I':..':;,...... '''~ " , -' -. ' '..,J " '- -, , '- ... " , ' ~_o " CertainTeed lEI Qu~l:ty ma,lt ~ SallsfactlOngJ//lranteed '" . ^