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Permit Correction Notice 2008-8-8
City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street SPRINGFIELD ~- Date: 8/1/ I:} r Job#C:1I'120~~ - cc) 71D Address _UJ9 'J'I-f~ 51 TO Inspection Type' ~/.frAL w4u... /) MJl.-oITM# MI4V /.." #//ZI- ~1'/l-ClU dN' ~)(r P""Nc'Z- E/)GF\ /J..." TIEL-I) 1 ).., f2(... J/;9-I/- !<nc ~ p..rf'/r<..- /?-";=-, ,-,I) fLt 5. t;' Co>uvt.~ ~) ;/.111'''' (7) jV,d I L 5" 6--POf -'Z.lff1Z-lL 7"'::- 'I) IIe-HiT"""- /V t.t 7(' tJN 1f1llL-1Itne- ;JOt..7 J Corrections and relnspectlon request shall be made Within calendar days, Call for reinspectlon wes DNo Inspector //I _Date: ',Iv /. c h C- NN"""""'N,..,,,,,..,tvtv"'^'~all for inspection 726-3'16~,G~,.d^,NIV"'''''^,N^'Questlons 726-3759;::~~^'^'^'^'^'