HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-6-11 CertainTeed II InsulSafe@ SP Fiber Glass Blowing Insulation Ct:/f11 AJO~ ~ c;O 3f.:? / Builders Statement 9f.t. 9 , , . Homeowner Name! Jobslte Name ~ ,_ / 7'" 'JI/.7 - 7IfJi?i~A;;"/ ~jJ AI)~ I-IcfN r~ Installer / Coniractor (sign) .. - r - Company Name BUilder (sign) Inspected By (sIgn If requIred) OPEN ATTIC APPLICATION R VALUE To obtam a thermal resistance (R}cl 60 49 44 38 30 26 22 19 13 11 CEILINGS WALLS FLOORS MINIMUM I BAGS PER 1000 sa FT Bags per 1000sq ft of net area 314 252 224 191 149 128 108 93 62 53 MAXIMUM NET sa FT PER BAG COVERAGE Conlents of bag shallnolcover morelhan (sq ft) 319 397 446 525 671 779 929 1074 1617 1905 Company Name MINIMUM WEIGHT- POUNDS PER sa FT Welghlpersq ft of Installed insulation shall not be less than (Ibs l 0972 0780 0695 0591 0462 0398 0334 0289 0192 0163 oar.: /1;1 () ~ Date Date MINIMUM INSTAllED THICKNESS Installedtnsula\lon shall not be lesslhan {m) 2200 1850 1675 1450 1175 1025 875 775 525 450 " MINIMUM SETTLED THICKNESS Mlnlmumsettledmsulallon shall not be less than (m) 2200 1850 1675 1450 1175 1025 875 775 525 450 R VALUE THICKNESS I NET AREA (Sa FT) I INSULSAFE SP (v) BAGS USED BATTS/ROLLS (v) 5'c:J /~0'~ 1/0001 L/" (XCI 30 10 . 3 C)C) c..----' ~ {)/ S'y2.... I fj <28 c,./ ~ - 8 (100 t.-/' 7 THERMAL PERFORMANCE-ATTIC BLOWING APPLICATION . In accordance with the chart above, you must Install the minimum number of bags per 1,000 sq ft of net area for each R-Value listed . The maximum net coverage must not exceed that specified for each R-Value The Insulation must be Installed at or above the specified Installed thickness tor each R-Value . Failure to Install the required minimum weight per sq ft of Insulation at or above the Initial Installed thickness will result In reduced R-Value ThiS product should not be mixed with other blown Insulations or the thermal claims will become invalid DANGER RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES-TO PREVENT OVERHEATING, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WITHIN 3" OF SUCH DEVICES THIS WARNING DOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE IC LIGHT FIXTURES OR TO FLUORESCENT FIXTURES WITH THERMALLY PROTECTED BALLASTS @2007 CertalnTeed Corporation A Saint Gobaln Company 30 24 298 BUilders Statement2f07 Manufacturer Insulation Fact Sheet This is CertainTeed Corporation InsulSafe@ SP Fiber Glass Blowing Insulation CertalnTeed Corporation PO Box 860 Valley Forge. PA 19482 CertainTeed B COVERAGE CHART-OPEN ATTIC APPLICATION The tollowlng thermal performances are achieved at the thicknesses, weights and coverages speCified when insulation IS Installed with pneumatic equipment In a honzontal open 7'ow application MINIMUM MAXIMUM NET sa FT MINIMUM WEIGHT- MINIMUM MINIMUM R VALUE BAGS PER 1000 sa FT PER BAG COVERAGE POUNDS PER sa FT INSTAllED THICKNESS SETTLED THICKNESS To obtain a Bags per Conlents of bag Welghlpersq ft 01 Installed Insulation Minimum settled msulatlOn thermal resistance 1000sq fI shall not cover Installedmsulatlonshall shall not be less than shall not be lesslhan (A) of of net area more than (SQ ft) nol be lesslhan (Ibs) (In) (In) 60 314 319 0972 2200 2200 49 252 397 0780 1850 1850 44 224 446 0695 1675 1675 38 191 525 0591 1450 1450 30 149 671 0462 1175 1175 26 128 779 0398 1025 1025 22 108 929 0334 875 875 19 93 1074 0289 775 775 13 62 1617 0192 525 525 11 53 1905 0163 450 450 R-Values are determined In accordance with A5TM C687 and C518 Compiles with A5TM C764 as Type 1 pneumatic Application ,- Inltl3l mstalled thickness testing per A5TM C1374 usmg Unlsul VoluMatlc III, 4th gear, 15-lnch gate openmg, 150 It x 4-lnch dl3meter mternaJly corrugated blOWing hose COVERAGE CHART-CLOSED CAVITY RETROFIT (WALLS, FLOORS, CEILINGS) APPLICATIONS The follOWing thermal performances are achieved at the thicknesses, weights and coverages specified when insulation 15 mstalled With pneumatic equipment m Sidewalls Based on a deSign denSity of 1 6 pel/25 6 KglmJ REQUIRED OR MINIMUM MAXIMUM NET sa FT MINIMUM WEIGHT- INSTALLED R VALUE BAGS PER 1000 sa FT PER BAG COVERAGe POUNDS PER so FT r THICKNESS To obtam a Bags per Contents of bag Welghtpersq ft of " Installed Insulation thermal resistance 1000sq ft shall not cover mstalled msulallOn shall shall not be less than (R) of of net area more than (sq ft) not be less than (Ibs) (11)) 29 312 321 0967 I' 725 22 237 423 0733 550 16 172 581 0533 (I' 400 15 161 620 0500 375 14 151 664 0467 350 READ THIS BEFORE YOlJ BlJY What you should know about R-Values The chart shows the R-Value of thiS Insulation R means resistance to heat flow The higher the R-Value, the greater the Insulating power Compare Insulation R-Values before you buy There are other factors to consider The amount of Insulation you need depends mainly on the climate you live In Also, your fuel savings from Insulation Will depend upon the climate, the type and size of your house, the amount of Insulation already In your house, and your fuel use patterns and family size If you buy too much Insulation, It will cost you more than what you'll save on fuel To get the marked R-Value, It IS essential that thiS Insulation be Installed properly @2007 CertamTeed Corporation A Samt Gobam Company 30 24 298 Manufacturer Fact In&ulatlon Sheet 2107