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Permit Correction Notice 2008-7-29
" .. . -... .~t ~.l,,)~. . , (J\.... .t < .' "'~"""'r .., . ",-" .' 1 City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street SPRINGFIELD ~. no I Date: r I Z4/ o{l; Job# Ct- - If)O 70[. Address: >~( C, 1- I1.vnJ~ a 1ft rLAl11~ (.onlii~ Inspectl~nType. ~Jr"d J!1n~ I //.~tAM/ (U~ yjrfjli;.. L~,k- /ld.4'1 1-rr j1~ ~, (lo~ e:~ --- V 2, LJJhd 'Mv.J -dt /lrfttiv ~""-- j,',J- PfJiw! "t M /.~,A<-- /I'~ ~ uJ / rRfJ /,]fJfL.._ }J~ .b Vf1f1.fJP/ ,{lJJw{J rj ^"w~J"'" nAtp.l/r!n-r"J {j;()r)t1!J(j ~I WJu. Pmw 8? --Mut - hMJ-- ./],& I J kNJ-, (L/o7-- fJ'!Ji-- Y , "- j I I L../, r br~J)J,h./ ,d.lLlYv I..tv /M5~/ ..IIJ~ AMr Ii.itt- ./t1/./rWC:;!JPA Ar1AMJJkdiiiAH1J- /",nI;A",C:- -, I (/ I v, 1 - ) ^f;,../i,,,I s:; ~l/lu1l11r IW1I1/JtU__ '\/JJfAJJlW };jj.y M~ I-m/JU oM...t- ArvJ..."L,!;u,/lrIW-J;"d;..JJdc;, / /6 (; Of) '. rt;,,,LJ. . 1(;, Cf)"fI-""U MMJA,,u^ UI.~ //lIJ/J.....A-/,f- /d..,r.P.M- . Fll0 !7fjC) y 'v 0 \ CorrectIons and relnspection request shall be made w.41:!!!n '10 calendar days. Call for reinspection 0yes DNo Inspector ~tlw _Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~