HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/6/2008 ..~ ." 1_., ..; \oM"'", ~ '~+ THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDERS USE After recording retum to Kelley-Greg, LLC Unbl a change IS requested all tax statements shall be sent to the follOWIng address Kelley-Greg, llC File No 7191-1206199 (CGF) Date August 04, 2008 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED M &. M Land &. Cattle Company, LLC, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Kelley-Greg, LLC , Grantee, the follOWing descnbed real property free of hens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth hereIn See legal Descnptlon attached hereto as ExhIbit A and by thiS reference Inca. o-v' ~;~J hereIn Subject to: 1 Fiscal year real property taxes, a hen not yet payable 2 Covenants, conditIons, restnctlons andlor easements, of any, affectIng tot:fe, whICh may appear In the pubhc record, includIng those shown on any recorded plat or survey The true consIderatIon for thIS conveyance IS $1,710,000.00 (Here oo"1'lY IMth requremenls of ORS 93 030) Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal Page I of 3 . " ~ ',' APN 0118644 Statutory Wananty Deed . conbnue::l File No 7191-1206199 (CGF) Date 08/04/2008 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSONS RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300, 195 301 AND 195305 TO 195- 336 AND SECIlONS 5 TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERlY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERlY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE cm OR COUNlY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLlSHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92 010 OR 215 010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACIlCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERlY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195 300, 195 301 AND 195 305 TO 195-336 AND SECIlONS 5 TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007 Dated thiS day of .20_ M & M Land & Cattle Company, LLC , fs member STATE OF Oregon ) )ss ) County of Lane ThIs Instrument was acknowledged before me on thIS _ day of by _ member of M & M land & Cattle Company, LLC ,20_ Notary Public for Oregon My commiSSIOn expires Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submittal Page 2 of 3 . . " APN 0118644 SlatulDry Warranty Deed - contmue:::l File No 7191-1206199 (CGF) Dale 08/04/2008 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL I BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE LUCINDA COMEGYS DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 81, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, THENCE SOUTH 890 50 1/2' WEST 632 1 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM, THENCE SOUTH 000 02' EAST 852 50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 000 02' EAST 444 0 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 890 44 1/2' EAST 653 2 FEET ALONG A UNE PARALLEL TO THE CEN1ERUNE OF THE MCKENZIE HIGHWAY TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE NORTH 410 45' WEST 597 56 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE NORTH 890 44 1/2' WEST 255 58 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNlY, OREGON PARCEL II BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE LUCINDA COMEGYS DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 81, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, THENCE SOUTH 890 50' 30" WEST 632 10 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM TO A POINT, THENCE SOUTH 00 02' 00" EAST 852 50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 890 44' 30" EAST 25558 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE NORTH 410 45' WEST 217 77 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO A POINT, THENCE SOUTH 480 15' WEST 148 06 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE SOUTH ()O 02' 00. EAST 62 73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Page 3 of 3 . . I ... ~- d u ~ r= t::l 5 :z w ll! CI - """'''''''"''''''''')<10''''' ~:oo,; m , ::? . ~'''~'"'~'i. --~;..._ -, 1 Z a: - ,,~-- ~.-~ jj! II: t - ~ , , --- -" . , ~ <. , . .....~ i I . /7-,51 -.3;2. - ~ -.2.. After ReeonIiDg Return to: Until a Change IS Reqnested, Mad AD Tax Sllltemeats to: P Scott McCleery unchanged Doyle, Gartlaad, Nelsoa, McCleery & Wade, P C 44 Ctub Rood, Swte 200 Eugene, OR 97401 MEMORANDUM OF LEASE (WIth puzcbase option) By an ~__..,t In wnllng dated July 1,2002, M&M Land & Cattle Company, LLC (Landlonl), bas leased to Kelley-Greg. LLC (Tenant), WIth the grant of an OptIon to pmcbase, the followmg descnbed r"'"r--; (See attached Exlnbll A) Tax Account No 9117651 TbJs memorandum IS executed to _. _.1___ and confirm the lease and opliOD to purchase ._i...._~ to above By Name T,tle J(PII ~rlJuBrr/ArnA1trf MPnn_IIAftrl TENr: ~!~ PAGE 1- MEMORANDUM OF LEASE DJvSaa.. 01 Ch,., hputv Clerk '1M'LftlM!m Lone Counlv - and __ 1lI\Il._1~ ~lm~1I ~IIIRllln~mllmlmDllm $38 00 ee:s&'734!...~.U,"L~ ;:', :I'~ L...j,.~.., J 12/IZI2D02 03.52 03 PII RPlH.Ell5 CnUI Su..3 CtISIlJER ar , ~s 00 .10 00 'U 00 - ~ ~ .. Date Received AUG - 6 2008 ~ Ongmal Submittal .J .' . -~r:" ,,"''''''' 'l'a:~o:;...-.j -~"~:;:"';.-I.~!s"_""';.,,~~ , - "~ -...- ~ j ',. ..... i'Ol'"_ ... ... ~..> ...... . - , . , ,il, EL T - 37833 Page 1 ofl Legal D__.r-__ PARCEL I B _"....."", at the Southeast comcrofthe Lucmda CoIl'CllY'S Donabon Land Claun No 81, eP'i~' '"i;z:i. 'SD:::l::iwesr~ibe-Wtllamette MendJan, thence South 890 50' 30" West --....~ ~~~~.....- 210 feet on8 the SOiith bne of SOld Donaboo Land ClaJm 10. pomt; thence South 00 02' 00. East 852 50 feet 10 the True Pnmt ofBcgumtng; then<:e South 89" 44' 30' East 2S5 58 feet 10 .poml on the Soutbcrly bnc ofC ....".,...01 Boulevard, thence North 410 45' West 217 77 feet along the SoUlbcrly bnc ofCommen:utl Boulevard 10. polO!, thence South 480 15' West 14806 feet to. polO!, then<:e South 0" 02' 00' East 6273 feet 10 the Troc Pomt of BegmDlng, 10 Lane County, Oreson PARCEL n gal thc Southeast comcrofthe LUCInda C__...... . DonalJon Land Claun No 81, '~~~~~.W-UIametIc Mc"'nan. thence South 89" 50 1/2 v..c:>t 632 I 6 -'-"thc'SoUth1rnc Of SOld ~ Land CIaun. thence South 00" 02' East 852 50 feet 10 the True Poml ofBcgmmng, runnmg thence South 00" 02' East 444 0 feet, thence South 89" 44 112' East 653.2 feet along. hne pamllcllO the ccntcrbnc of the McKCDZIe HIghway 10 the Southv;cstcrly margm of C.____...J Boulevard, thence North 410 45' West 597 56 feet along the Southwesterly margm ofCoIIlDlCn:1a! Boulevard, thence North 890 44 1/2' West 255 58 feci 10 the True Pam! ofBcguuung.m Lane County, OrcgolL Q " Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal \>I ,- Division of Chie' Depu\v Cla~k WP1'CD 203481 /10-77'-01 2003-121018 ." ; INIlMDUAL IlARGAIN AND SALE r Lane Count.v Deeds and .".ds 127322/17 02 32 32 0cvv0 1IIIIIIIImlllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIII $3100 \oJ 118644117 02 31 14 04100 ,0/ 118651/17 02 31 14 04200 eee2883420e3012107~~~~~~ -, \ II' RPR-oEED Cnt=1 Stn=6 12118/2003 02 3J 54 PI! CASHIER 08 510 00 $11 00 SID 00 ELIZABETH K MENNESSCJi, PER.SC:NAL REPRESENTATIVE Oil' THE ESTATE OF ARNAUD B MENNESSON AND ru:........:....J MARQUARDT ,Gro_ """"'Y'''' M & M LAND & CATTLE OOMPAN1, LtC tho IoIIow.ng dMmbed "",I """""'>'''tua1od m "'-', Lane County Oregon , Gmmee, SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREDF BY THIS REFEReNCE The true consrderatlon fcr-ItU$ corwvyancu 1$ $ None "1H1S INSlRUMENT WD1 NOT AllOW U5E OF THE ",.,'~,. OE5CRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOtAOON OF Al'PUCAIIE 1AND USE lAWS ANI> REGUlAOONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCB'lING THIS 1N5TRUMENr, THE PEllSON ACQUIRING FEE nn.E TO THE "'........:.0... SHOUlD CHICK wrm DIE APPROfRJAlE CfJY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY A,;., .l...' .:.. USES AND TO DmAMINf At(( UMITS ON lAWSU115 AGAINST fAIMING OR FORfSf PRACI1CE5 AS DEfINED IN ORS 30 930' Dated IleceJrtler~, 2003_ Da111 Received. ~l __-J.~\\A ~ E lzabeth M Mennesson I Pers Rep k.~_~ ~~ Marquardt ~ J3 -: 2008 Onglnall ,ubmlttal STATE OF 0I<l'Xl00 J'.-.~....._:. ~~"""'''..~ TAllARA A lie IlINNEY _ lIOTAAY PU8UC ~ GAUOIl ~ CClMMIB8&CJN NO I47BD .:! .1 ....,I....IS._ - "_,,__ 44".""~#",._",._"""".",~ ) ).. County of r l!.....n:o I Tluslnstrvment'WOsock _ '_,' _Jbeforemeon L.::._.....""""..1"2-,2003 ELIZAB~ fit ~ES.SC:N, P~ REPRESENTATIY~ut' ilit; eS'l'ATE OF ARNAUD B MENN~ ArW KmNETli MARQUiU<Vi' by ~tJ/nt.ANl.#lY2(' // . ~<bOo.gon ~ My commission eAptreS 8-15-2005 Unhl D chonge 1$ requested 011 tax statemenb shall be sent to the fo8ow.ng address ~ 11 & LAND & CATl'LE ClM'ANY, LLC, C/O: DAN E NEAL 1361 PEARL STREE'l', EllGENE, OR. 97401 Altarl'lM:Of'dlngndtJmfo Western PioneerTiffe Co PO Bax 101.46, Eugene Oregon 97440 '-- ~" :; , " .., , . Our No 2034BI-RD EXHIBIT A' PA.RCEL I Beg~nn~ng at the Southeast corner of the Luc~nda Comegys DonatIon Land ClaIm No Bl, Township 11 South Range 2 West of the Wlllamette MerIdIan thence South B90 50 1/2 West 632 1 feet along the South lIne of said DonatIon Land ClaIm thence South 000 02' East 852 SO feet to the true pOInt of beg~nnlng runplng thence South 000 02' East 444 0 feet thence South 890 4~ 1/2 East 653 2 feet along a lIne parallel to the centerlIne of the McKenZIe HIghway ~o the Southwesterly margIn of Commercial Boulevard ~hence North ~lo 45 West 597 S6 feet along the Southwesterly margIn of Commerc~al Boulevard thence North 890 44 1/2 West 255 58 feet to the true pOInt of begInnlng, In Lane Count I Oregon PARCEL II BegInnIng at the Southeast corner of the LUCInda Comegys DonatIon Land ClaIm N; 81 TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 ~est of the Wlllamette MerIdlan thence South 890 SO 30' ~est 632 La feet alcng the South lIne of sald DonatIon Land Clalm to a po~nt thence South 00 02 00 East 8S2 SO feet to the true pOlnt of begImllng thence South 890 44 30' East 255 58 feet to a polnt on t~e Southe~ly l~ne of Commerc1al Boulevard thence North 410 4S West 217 77 feet along the Southerly llne of Commerclal Boulevard to a pOlnt thence South 480 15 West 148 06 feet to a po~nt thence South 00 02 OO~ East 62 73 feet to the true pOlnt of begInnlng 1n Lane County Oregon . Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submltt"" J 4-1-99 \ @ ~litJe Insurance " COmpany or 0, ..,_ ASSIGNMENT OF REAL ESTATE COHTRACT AND DEED (Individual or Corporation) ~ . I 'i.'/, I ~~ '- '1,3 4<->/~ I 99029396 \~11!' 0r 'lJEERr J =IaJ J>N) HI\.~ '1lI.= CIErc, Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey v' ARNAr..."D t-~sa.. AW 'ID',lNETH "!A.l1OU\RDT the ~ day of '<arch Grantee, the followmg dBSCI"lbed real property and the Grantor Sltllerest In thai certain Real Es1ate Contract enlerea Into on 19J&.... between ~.'I!N AJ.r.roJ(lJ;lf-P""~t. ;IO;:~lnned to F\lFJ.YN ArID. {'1CM deceased) arrl ORVA J YOl.1:: G 001"1 RORP.Rl'.r GU::IOi l>1\'1) ~A..tIT .~ARJ PfT' r:t..r..Ti'1-T for the sale of teal eslate d9S4;nbed as ~ ~ ATl'ACliED .as Sedler ~ ,.."c.....r. .,..""''I''t't.Ul ~y'ttHJ::..\.b. 5 JD ~.Ol ~99tW2REC 10 00 !lli/\PR.OI"99K02PF1H4J 10 IJ(l !:1~.Ol ~99tI02A&.T FUND 20 DO T'IfE :aRE!:' GRA..\"'l'EES to ASSG4E J.}"'D PCREE 'IO PAY 'l'hAT CERI1UN ('CfI1l'DAC'!' C!' S1\LE I ~oorced, 'Brch 6, 1985, Peel 1339r, f.ecepoon 85 07782, assJ.g'1ed bl.f Vendor "~rcp 16, 1989. ~l 1;:;630, p.ccepbon rJO 99 114.48 ~ i Grantor does hereby cowmanl that Iher& 1$ now unpaid on the pnnc:lpat of SBld contracllhe sum 01 5 'J..'!'Tl Fir":r-mrn !"'tir-~] 'j'l.(ilJC:.::'Il~ "'-n J..,...Jn'RPn <;:l:'\-'YT'V ...n."I," ~/'nn ($ 21427999 } :i The true conSIderatIOn for thIS conveyance IS $ '14 "no .90 (Here comply wllh the reqwremants of ORS 93 030) ~ ''ThIS IttltNmenl Wilt nOI allow IJS(t of the property d~ In INs Instrument In Yfolabon of apphable land use laws and regulallOll8 BetOle signing or accephng thIS Instrument the person aquinng fee htla to lhe property should check wfth thEt apprcprlate city or county planning departmenll0 venfy a.pproyed uses Oa1edtho<> day of "1ard1" 19~ dacorporategrantor il: hascausedds name to be sIgned by orelar of Its board 01 directors fl"'j)JfVA~ Ibbert J )}(Cicr l! . ~ STATE OF OREGON CC>Jnly 01 -.a -c ) 55 'larch :S \ 19 99 F8rsonauyllQpearu.o'ho UlIO'Il!' nllJMlCl .Pcbert J ~ Glel.cr-~.a..~ cBry }~lere GleJ.ch 1n5lrumenlltObe and ackflOYr!edged the IorIllgOIIlg volunlaf)' act 8nddMd '-'ley " -.- ~'~-C '--- _l:. t1I:Lo!..~~ "- / NO! Pubk: IOf Or~OIl '\:::_--1 ml!Sll)fl,xp'ffl ~"~~'--~~- ;iL;~;'"-""-J. M)Tl.RY PUBl.l:'-CIIBDI CClWdI5.PNl~....!Ii5l-- r.__ ....~l;klUw..IatUiibta Aller 'IItOf<Ung IRlUtfllO --- ~1~ I~_-)t) ('>'I\.)ha. 'L _..Jer u--," ,f',... ~ <..~ i:)r--~_ Name Address Zop Until a chill'lQl9", requsst8(l ollila.. statemetlhi 5haII be MIl'll: to lhe 1"""1?1?"~ -Ll1~ I~'-f Name M'or8S$ Zl~ SIDCk No OAI.-tloIII1C7 (~ J.881 7?J~ 77Z-~ ~'-C..{ ~ lo"..arlenc GlcJ.ch STATE OF OREGON Col.my of ,., " ........,,- ... WhO being Ouly two.... wdIfor hllll3(lij and noI oneb lhoo!tler did tar thlIl the former 15!h8 ltae prmId8I\IMcith8tthelatlu'lslhe IQCrutory of Ihe acorporalllClq alldthitl SllItlll15tlumen' ....as Sogoecl 10 b<<1aII 01 IilJfd corpotatlon br aull10nly 01 It, board of du'~8 aMellChottlMm~saldIrlSlrUrnenllObulb...olun ..,..llClencl~nd 89klfeme NtUry Public 101 Otegon MrtommlSSoOf1ltlq)lJes Date Received- AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submlttr:>I III . ; . 4 1.:- 9.9 "')34 9902939& ELT-J0131 PROPE~TY PAGE 1 OF PARCEL 1 Beginning at the Southeast corne~ of the Lucinda comegys DOhatlon Land Clalm No 81 To~nshlp 17 South, Range 2 West of the W111amette Heridian. thence South 89' 50 30M West 632 10 teet along the South line of said Donation Land Claim to a pOlot, thence South 0" 02 00~ East 852 S0 fet to the True POlnt of Beqinnlng, thence South 89G 44 30~ East 255 58 teet to a point on the Southerly line of Com~erclal Boulevard. thence North 41 4S WEst 217 71 feet along the Southerly line of Commercial Boulevard to a point thence South 48' 15 West 148 06 feet to a point the~ce South 0" 02 00M East 62 73 feet to the True Point of 8eg10n109. 1n Lane County. Oregan PARCEL II Be~1nnlng at the Southeasc corner of the Lucinda Comegy s Donation Land Cld~m No 81. Township 17 South. Range 2 West. Wtllacaette l-ferJ.dlan. thence South 89. 50 1/2 West 632 1 feet along the South llne of 5a~d Donation Land Clai~. thence South 00" 02 Bast 8S2 S0 feet to the True POlnt of 8eg1nn1ng running thence South 00~ 02 East 444 0 teet thence South 89 44 1/2 East bS~ 2 feet alohg a lIne parallel co the centerlin~ of the McKenzie Hlghway to th~ Southwesterly margin of C~mmerclal Boul~vard th~nc~ North 41. 45 Wpst 59? 56 feet along thp Southw~5t~rlf ~ar?ln of Conm~rc1al BQul~vard, thence North 69 44 t/2 ~~S~ 2~5 S~ f~Ar ~~ th~ Tr~A P~Lot of Bpq1nning 1n Lan~ -", -. C r';!:':~.." Stilte 01 Oregon County of Lane - ss ~lhl COUnty Oerk .n ard for lh, sad urulI dotw.ItJ!..ttn1"'\lII1Btlh~lIIIlhl1l lJl"l'Umf'nt~5.lN:e'.-cVf{Nl"efO"d<11 '99 APR 1 p, 1-33 R<e 2534R L.ore CQumv OFfiCIAL fkcorL's len,C0utl1vClerk ""- U.P;/ 4..K'...)/ CO\rlY(.'1etk -- I Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal