HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/6/2008 Date Recelv( I ,City of Spnngfield Development Services Department AUG - 6 2008 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ongtnal Submltt"" Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Mike Patl !company: IAddress: I I Property Owner: Icompany: IAddress: I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-03-03-13 ITAX LOT NO(S): 101 and 200 I Property Address: East 22nd Avenue and Morton Streel ISize of Property: 1024 I I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnplion to thiS application Proposal: Truck / heavy equIpment sales & servIce (see cover leller) I Existing Use: Vacant 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 I Prospective Applicant: Phone: (541)341-3341 Pape PropertIes Fax: (541) 681-5333 355 Goodpaslure Island Road, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (503)715-3062 Pape Kenworth Fax: (503) 240-1904 550 NE ColumbIa Blvd, Portland, OR 97211 Phone: (541) 341-3341 Pape PropertIes Fax: (541) 681-5333 355 Goodpasture Island Road, Eugene, OR 97401 Acres [gJ Square Feet D IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 223,274 sf I Density: du/acre ~Z-~ Date: 8/4/2008 Signature MIke Patl Print '. . - . . . - .. ZOrJCIJ{ - (fYY3~ Date:)( I (0 I () ( ITechnical Fee': ~o I Ipostage Fee: $0 I PROJECT NUMBER: Case No.: Reviewed by: -A -Uli/\- Application Fee: $ 52-I cP TOTAL FEES: $ 5J-I.()U Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal ~ Development Issues Meeting Application Form ~ Five (5) Questions - list speCific questions the applicant would like staff to answer dUring the meeting So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list IS limited to five questions ~ Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested Information valuable for staff to review the proposal IS listed below It IS not necessary to Include all of these Items on the site or plot plan However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as pOSSible given that the level of Information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate With the level of detail proVided In the application Applicants are also encouraged to Include additional Information on the plan as listed In the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5 12-120, Land DIvIsions - PartitIOns & SubdIVIsIons - TentatIve Plan Submittal ReqUIrements or 5 17-120, Site Plan Review SubmIttal ReqUIrements ~ Drawn In Ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" ~ Scale appropriate to the area Involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' ~ North arrow ~ Date of preparation ~ Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number ~ DimenSions (In feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area ~ Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities, Including connection pOints ~ On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural dralnageways to be retained o Area and dimenSions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land DIVISions o Approximate location, number and dimenSions of proposed lots o How streets In the proposal area connect With eXisting streets DIMs Related to SIte Plan RevIew ~ ~ Proposed and eXisting bUildings location, dimenSions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, Sidewalks, patios and other ImpervIous surfaces Date Received' Parking and Circulation plan AUG - 6 2008 ~ Onglnal Submittal I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00033 Vacant - E 220d AvelMorton Street (Glenwood) I,ll$.. pili; -1 -- -; F2.0Itll: :'f\ ~ SITE Map 18-03-03-13 Tax Lot 101,200 North t Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal LAFLEUR Karen Subject Location; ZON2008-00033 Development Issues Meetmg - Pape' Properties - Mark M _SP _ConfRm616 Thu 8/28/2008 1 30 PM Thu 8/28/2008 2 30 PM Start End Recurrence (none) Meeting Status Required Attendees Meetmg orgamzer Resources LAFLEUR Karen, METZGER Mark, DRISCOLL Jon, BOYATT Tom, ERNST Denms, TAMULONIS John, Englneenng Group (DIMs) _SP _ConfRm616 A Development Issues Meebng has been scheduled for Thursday, August 28,2008 @ 1 30.230 P m In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS appllcabon IS Mark Metzger The applicant submitted plans to discuss development of two parcels, totaling ten acres mto a Pape' Machinery heavy eqUipment dealership and a Pape' Kenwroth truck dealership Please confirm your attendance at thiS meeting Thanks Karen Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal 1 .-- . .. PIE. August 4, 2008 Date Received: '" 1 ',j ) \ John Tamulonls CommunIty Development Manager City of Spnngfleld 22S Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal SUJBECT Pape Group Glenwood PropertIes - Request & Proposed QuestIons for Development Issues Meetmg Dear Mr Tamulonls, The Pape Group respectfully requests schedulrng of a Development Issues Meetrng (DIM) for August 28, 2008 to discuss the requirements to develop our lO-acre property located on the SE corner of East 22" Avenue and Henderson Avenue rnto a Pape Machrnery heavy equipment dealership and a Pape Kenworth truck dealership Please frnd the followrng enclosed matenals for your reView, and rn support of the tOpiCS we wish to address rn the DIM forum . Check for DIM application fee . Completed DIM application . Ten (10) copies of the conceptual site development plan on 11" X 17" format paper . Project value, employment, and tnp generation estimates . Copy of the title report, per your request . Maps of sanitary, sewer, and power Irnes to the area . Detail on the sanitary sewer Irne runnrng wlthrn the former Hamson Street nght-of-way . Storm water discharge rates based on the conceptual site plan We wish to address the followrng fIVe questions dunng the DIM Zonm" I Comorehenslve Plan Question #1 Please confirm that the proposed use for truck and machrnery sales & service faCilities IS permitted rn the Light-Medium Industnal Zonrng Dlstnct We believe that the use IS allowed srnce auto (and, by extension, truck) sales are a permitted secondary use rn the Industnal Dlstncts as listed at SDC 3 2-410, TransportatIon Related Use5, Non Manufacturrng Specifically, Lrne S references commercial transportation faCilities (rncludrng sales) as an outrrght permitted use rn the LMI and HI dlstncts There IS therefore no interpretation necessary to determrne that they are permitted as a secondary use on an eqUIpment and truck servIce and repair site TransDortatlon Question 112 Please c1anfy the status of the roads and nghts-of-way (ownershIp, Junsdlctlon, Width, responsibility) for Henderson, East 22" Avenue, and other 'paper streets' and what minimum nght-of-way cross- section would the City require (and Lane County allow') to be bUilt along East 22" Avenue to meet mobility, fire service, and safety needs for the proposed development 503-240-6282 fax 503 240 1904 W'NW papekenworth com PAPE KENWORTH - Lltl~:h\~ 550 NE Columbia Blvd Portland OR 97211 r . . PIE. Mr John Tamulonls August 4, 2008 Page 2 For example, would the City require dedication by Pape of one-half the right-of-way width east of the end of the eXisting East 22"' right-of-way? Or would a driveway access (entrance/exit) at the east terminus of East 22"' Avenue be allowed as adequate for the proposed development (with fire vehicle turnaround on-site) Instead of extending East 22"' Avenue as a half street? "Lane County does not usually allow a partial (one-half or two-thirds) street Improvement on roads It has responsibility for, and as might be required by the City along the frontage of the Pape Machinery site Would the City annex, take JUrisdictional responsibility of East 22"' Avenue to allow such a likely City-reqUired Improvement? Question #3 To effiCiently accommodate commerCial truck traffiC, East 22"' Avenue to the east of Henderson Avenue will need to be straightened, widened, and Improved Currently the roadway Jogs to the south Just east of the Henderson Avenue intersection, and encroaches 7 feet on to Pape's property What off-Site road Improvements would the City reqUired for the proposed Pape development, espeCially With the offset East 22"' poses at ItS intersection With Henderson, and With the narrow, "rural" condition of East 22"' east of the intersection? Will the City, County, or urban renewal district (or mixture thereof) fund and make necessary Improvements, including relocating reSidences on East 22"' Avenue east of Henderson Avenue, to accommodate these changes? Stormwater Question #4 Based on recent City stormwater study what, If any, public stormwater systems would be reqUired by thiS development With approximately 340,000 total square feet of Impervious surface and a resulting 2S-year peak discharge rate of 10 4 CFS? Several City staff members recall a manhole or storm sewer line In or near the fill area on the western portion of the site that may serve the stormwater needs from the west/Eugene side of I- S Are there 1-5 as-bUilt records or indications from ODOT or Eugene of thiS possibility? Rll!ht of Wav Ouestlon #5 The title report Implies that a partial right-of-way between the two Pape tax lots may have been vacated (title report Item #12) We request confirmatIOn that the right-of-way has been vacated or, If It hasn't, we request that the City ask the County to vacate what appears to be an unneeded partial right-of-way Thank you In advance for your and the City Staffs attention to our request We look forward to confirmation of a specific meeting time, and to continuing our diSCUSSions about thiS project Best Regards, /? / ~' Mike Pat I Operations & FaCilities Support Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 cc B Riecke - Pape Properties Ongmal Submittal Enclosures 503-240-6282 tax 503 240 1904 www papekenworth com PAPE KENWOHTH . ~ 550 NE Columbia Blvd Portland, OR 97211 Storm & Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure - Close-Up View Around 22nd and Henderson ,,' ,,;~ ttf1t-:"'....... r ~"' /-. 0 ~. co :r 0 ~ Q) D C/) ~ - c: c: (I) C" (;') 3 I ::0 ~ en (I) (") '" (I) = < = CO (I) 0. 0 :J. lQ ::i" !!!. (J) )> <: c: CT en 3 I ~ en "-3 = :sg Storm & Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure - Glenwood Area Wide View -+1 - "'- ~.~ o m .... CD ;:0 ._. . CD ~~--~ o - CD <t - - .... CD a. -.-.-..----...-- ... crrrOF.,., .1. ,.,.~ ~'-- ,,- 1N1"IU IT IWCTURf =:._" .1.'" - /; 'itt."-'lU:' __''___V...'l'."':- 3iii-mr.:,"'-""''l~';'-= - - ell.. ._ .......-.... --- ."Cll FROM SUB ELECTRIC FAX NO 5417262399 Aug 04 2008 10 37AM Pi Date. 'j. 1-/-/) J' Number of page$ Indudlng cover $heet: ~ Springfield Utility Board Facsimile Cover To: )v\jK{; PATI PAP~ PfNH:>er.:Jlt.:.s" Phone' . 503 - 7,<5:....'::062. Fax, :'-~(i:t c" 1() .1 (~ () 4.f From: ED HEAD Deoartment: Electric SelVlce Center Phone' 541-744-3707 Fax ohone' 541-726-2399 1 MESSAGE: o Urgent L.-::B ~ For your review 0 Reply ASAP o Please comment Mlt(c, _T Loud) ;'\lCfT 7"~'I/!.) .-11\1~/ fb(,f)L/,' f,tjVA,<,..:/VrS J,)^~ 7/;1;:" 2. j. V T ..{ Ni- DO ~1vl ,.A .sMAtL 3 (\If/lSi c""viK}h:.,.-j.~ LJ./~ At,u.l,,)G 71fi:' /./0IR7/;/ ".:)V./" 0/ C. ~~:!_I) A V Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal Paoe Kenworth / Paoe Machinerv - Glenwood Proiect Conceotuallnformation . Estimated total project value of $8+ million . Initial projected bUilding square footages o Pape Machinery 45,000 o Pape Kenworth 33,500 . Employment forecast (at matunty) o Pape Machinery 40 to 50 o Pape Kenworth 40 to 50 o Note we forecast that 20 - 30 total positIOns would be Incremental over what we employ for these operations In the metro area today . Tnp generation o Per the Institute of Transportation Engineers Tnp Generation manual light Industnal standard of 098 weekday peak-hour tnps per 1,000 sq ft of gross floor space . Pape Machinery 44 . Pape Kenworth 33 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Subrmt(al ( (I~ Branch Engineering, Inc. · _. . 310 5th Street' Spnngfield, Oregon 97477. (541) 746-0637. Fax (541) 746-0389"\ PRINCIPALS James A Branch, P E , P L S August 4, 2008 Rene Fabncant, S E, PE Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Attn Jim Robertson, AlA ReneeClough,PE Robertson/Sherwood Architects, P C 132 East Broadway, SUite S40 Eugene, OR 97401 Re 2S-Year Stormwater Discharge Rates, Tax Map 18-03-03-13 Tax Lots 101, 200 Dear JIm, I have completed preliminary calculations for the peak 25-year storm discharge rates from the subject properties The discharge rates are post development rates based on your SIte plan dated August 1, 2008 Per the SCS so.ls mapping, the site appears to have Class 0 salls As a result, a Curve Number of 80 was used for the pervious surfaces The results of the calculations indicate Tax Lot 101 Will have a 25-year peak discharge rate of 64 CFS, and Tax Lot 200 Will have a 2S-year peak discharge rate of 40 CFS (see attached runoff calculations summary sheets) Please let me know ,fyou have any questions or need additional information Respectfully submitted, ~ /2- L Lane Branch, P E /:~::.' - //'\,v...- .?.... "J<~("\ - u~ \. {ffj" <' '~'.O \ i.i! v I ~ ~ --_.., -r.> '" ,cy - \r-\ ~:z- A:-C ~\ LJ"--'~'!il .-:=': ~ .: C' X:- ~Y"'<'~ -:._~,:.. <0.0 ,"-1~1 .\::..-/ .........:.../.. r r- ~/"IIl.-!-, rz/..7//~l Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 " Ongmal Submittal ./ CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING Y) Runoff Tax Lot 101 During 25-Year Storm Event Client: Job Number PrOject Location Spnngfield, OR SANTA BARBARA UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Input Data Pervious Area Pervious CN I mpervlous Area Impervious CN Site Area 25-Year Storm Time of Cone 173 ae 80 (-) 465 ae 98 (-) 638 ae 4 80 m124hr 100 mm (Assumed) Computed Results 25- Year Runoff 641 cfs Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal 8/4/2008 158PM C IDoeuments and Selhngsldank BRANCHIDeskloplxxxltl101 xis Yy Runoff Tax: Lot 200 During 25-Year Storm Event Client' Job Number ProJect: Location: Spnngfield, OR SANTA BARBARA UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD Input Data PervIous Area Pervious CN ImpervIOus Area ImpervIous CN Site Area 25- Year Storm Time of Cone o 73 ae 80 (-) 313 ae 98 (-) 3 86 ae 4 80 rn/24hr 10 0 mrn (Assumed) Computed Results 25-Year Runoff 4 03 cis Date Received AUG - 6 2008 8/412008 2 00 PM Onglnal Submittal C \Doeuments and Sellrngs\dank BRANCH\Desktoplxxx\tl 200 xis CODE ANALYSIS LOC~ EWEB WATER MAIN .... ~ EASEMENT 1 MAP AND T T NO --------------, -. ----_.:'~-~!:~-----~~ LAND USE ANALYSIS BASE) UPON THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPt,lENT CODE (SOt) LIGHT MEDIUM INOUSTRIAL (LMI) I' I' rl RETAINING WAll I BL:,t..D UP MAY BE REQUIRED r 51' ~ ~T _ BIlK - h - :-=,)~ -EA~T_2~~~ 1 - ~____.}?~_~~-::- 1/;;-=-~--~~i:f;i~~-----;'~-----1-".!-~lY-jt.-------:--::-._-- . . _n ) I /'------l!-------~---- ,_ - ~ ...----PRETREATMEllfs'NALE---J iJ'l 'I rr' --r-Ft-..,-t-++-I-I-+,=r::iip' II' '-__nn___________ 'XISMG~ i - \1 <- . -I <- - il-- lANK---+! it ---+ I -+ Si 1; r,' 'cru~'f:.'1 'I I IIJ' I' ~"L . t II,. ...-.--,- _. ~.. ... 1 III wg I t .) J f IJ ~Vi I \J t :'1'- ! - _f' Ii II I 13g. Q IQI \ I "- , ~ t ! I I ill' '. _ I - , I I ,~' 't", I '~I t I I I II, ~I it I~ ....,j : / I'II\~} .,::V J _____1-____ ~~( .~ I(~\ -I..J I PAPE I <I I I _...I MACHINERY CUT I 11 :~r ~. - INTO l~,wl I" I UIl:.O-tJP- lJ3 aocrsr - - BANK - ..I. ~ I t SITE AT ~ II .9-" BANK (516.:1:) I II IN , ~tN 2J J;iEtGHI - - - - _ JWA :I~ -- '''''TIN" f1I, BANK-, I I J I . ~ lit ' il -- _____~ ~: i'l : --l_ ---, ---___.1'____, ~ 204.75 <n~_____ , - 15586' UNVACTED PUBUC ROW '\I l TO BE DETERMINED CAFETO PROPERTY ) 'nT <:;IZE... PAPE KENWORTH 33 488 SF {532:} TRAILER DROP 38uHEIG!tT ..::::_=- t::;:n r- -LCD 1_ -- t..-::D [ - "'"C:JJ L--=-: ::n r~, SER~CE, J I DROP I '1'1 OFF ELEVATION D1FFERENCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS ----.., I ,..-- I i 1.A00n 1-1\.1 F' P'ARIilli.G.. ! ;I l~ : l]' ~~~: I ~ ~ ;_r~r~~ r'I'l'!11 r! 1)1)1 'I', i I :1 III Ilil III J ' _Y:I!~~:~~'~~(~~--- j' ----_ Ul 1-5 - __ _ _ ~ APPROXIMATELY 516 TO 532 H r -0.;::;:";---' C T::JJ L_ -C::D r----:::n ":J ~I , ! VERIFY ROW ACROSS SITES fOR HARRISON MORTON AND 23RQ STREETS IS VACATtD AND NO PUBLIC UTlL nEs EXIST PAPE KEN WORTH & P'AP[. MACHINERY ~(J I)~ GlEN-WOaO FA'=ILlTIES PRELlNINARY SITE PLAN 1 AUGUST 200B 1-=800..0- 8 80 160 (FT) Date ReceIVed AUG - 6 2008 I"'.- o 24 -\ ~uorr"ttaL- Jr,glf1a EAST 22ND AVEt\UE AND MORTON STREET EUGENE OREGON (GLENWOOD) lB-03-0J-1J LOTS 101 AND 200 LOT 101 (P A€'f jC~~N\P:P\ 278201 SF (638 ACRES) BUILDING COVERAGE 33488 SF (133) OTHER I~PERVlOUS AREA 189295 SF' (6''') lOT "100 (PAPE MACHIN~RYl 168347 SF (386 ACRES) BUILDING COVERAGE 48,150 Sf (29~) OTHER IMPERVIOUS AREA a8196 SF' (52~) 10000 Sf 75 FCCT 10 5 5 (IO BUILDING SETBACK If ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL ZONE) NO MAXIMUM If 8UILDINGS ARE GREATER THAN 50 fROM THE RESIDENTIAL ZONE TO THE YwrST (1) PER 300 Sf Of BUSINESS FLOOR AREA (1) PER 500 SF OF SER\I1CE REPAIR FLOOR AREA (1) PER 1 000 Sf OF WAREHOUSE FlOOR AREA fl~":l"'i.Ol?pl 9 765 Sf /300= 33 (OfFICE AREA) lS 791 SF /500= 32 (SERVICE SHOP AREA) 7932 SF /1 000= B (WAREHOUSE AREA) (73) MOTOR VEHICLE PARI<ING SPACES REQUIRED (98) SHOV;1'll MACHINERY 12875 SF /300= 43 (OFFICE AREA) 20100 SF/50Q:: 40 (SERVICE SHOP AREA) 12025 SF /1000- 12 (WAREHOUSE/STORAGE) (95) MOTOR VEHICl.E PARKING SPACES REQUIRED (65) SHOWN ~ Iiiif --'~mtr.e::t... ~ "" I I I I ! I I Pipe Load and Settlement CalculatIOns Pape' Properties Amended Notice of DecisIOn No. 1999-07-0170, dated December 17, 1999 ConditIOn No. 2- Samtary Sewer For Pape' Properties I I I , , I 1 I I I /2/3/<<l EyplratlOn Date By Gary E Rayor, P E , S E OBEC Consultmg Engmeers 920 Country Club Road, SUIte 100B Eugene, OR 97401 (Ph) 541-683-6090 (Fax) 541-683-6576 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submlttRI / /\ PROJECT /.)-..1 P ~p ~ . CALCUlATlQNSBY _? ~/ r'J'-' U (;ONSULTlNG ENGINEERS PROJ NO ,"7"/. / 3~b/.: Pc ~ "AT< /00 CHKDBY / ,7/- SHEET //~ DATE ,/?,o€ L'e,ad CU?C/ Se #/e AP/en T A,n,;::; Ivs /.5 litvu/~d /'e..--- - - L-- GrJc4T-o''7 #2/ Anenolec:l /l.6~e o-/'.??eC/.5~ /5':7() -07-/70- t:ki?-d i>ec. I~ /95i:J !~dA-~~ 1 AI!4.c;{e.n/e--/ l..s~ A 'r E)m~:'jD h-n /\0?7CI? c-/Oec;s/O? - F 5 5~we:..rs 9 \' ~.. 1',,;,1 .... 8 - As 8c)!lf S=r7/~ sec-uer- ,P~s "c" &;51 CW1 cI ;-='~.sr<d M cv6-'" ~t'4;Y .kc.ve,-- " .., D 303"'1 ,Pj/C 0rE'C/lfc<t7fo45 ~ /cacI jab/eS 't;:"" j)es7#J kick RF- PhsTtc- ~-e .P"'5'7~ ''r''-15//I1 ~ec;';:;at;,~5 ;(',... 'pYC 7~ 'e; '/ PSI Gpc~chn/rQ/ Sr...-r . If/'' s~ Rekb IV 1~5jY2Ct;o/J r~u..C/'~ - ~"7 s;,.we-> 7:" fre - /c"/"f/C 3031- $,&I':8J - fC'''Pc/C .;?O:;'f' ~c/e r~ ;too uk?1! 7% IC,&;C"SS~ Assv--ne ~/?ner- G.</cr// is-e 5'S) :, .3~" ~&/' '0-1 - ewer- 0r7 ,P':/,e (/J88IVbJlC) ,?)~If,A?) IReI' C "1 A-'J e! ..:t- Date Received ?/"O rSl?c'; 2'2 r AUG - 6 2008 - ~fe ("o~;{f'f/vc-ko1178Z Ongmal Submltt"" 1ssvPne C1j''/ c'-;7'<?4e ~!?C;",.L;~c:.~ s; .,{//ouX"C0 74~/;/" tie"':"e /$ 6~ecI W/Class 1 (AST,AIJ C,h,SSI/!;Q ~M) 7!:y t/se t:DF I"I!..C );r ,1~41vr"e -~ ee/"'C1 I I I I ' . I I ;' :-'\J ' ~~S-ID ~- 11\// YJ 1/ '~\II \ - ;~/:/ / / \ I ~~I ~"-i.~VV'-I, -~./- \- ,'.- l '/: - l' /. ,I :- I \: )1: /' / ,,- . I I\./ '\ A =- L .\\ I ,~ I 1~o (\t- ~_ I '~f Settle_enT _7 , 7 - /';5(/ I ' / /\.'0 TP/" -- ~f~e.F''c/r{/ u;o n. 38/(S;:C'O~~ aawa.b~ >- 22 / o~~ I ~~A=/E:~"'7e/~Z 5/Z~2!/~ve noTs7-?/kD-r?T~M7!~ I /f)qc/@J 22..... "- '0_ K I Ib- 5- sf'G "50:/, ,err?' 1 ~:'.Te4 ",,;BC5;,,/>s'z') ._.. _ ,_.se7Ytf.-h;le.;l/ 1/f'cu?4!f .f67f-_{E,P:-/-} sd'{)'vH' ,619 ex~ .5" 1 I I I I PROJECT ~NOt! bl'J/)<?/'X' - I . I CALCULATIONS BY h,; e/A'>............... ~ l,UN~ULlINu t:NuINt:t:K~ PROJ NO -~ - / 3~ "'ATE /~~ CHK 0 BY DATE ___ SHEET 2/5 rsF .... ..- ~- , , - . ~ i ... 520 "l / ~ ~:t ~ ~ _4 ~ 1- '< ' .,.. IS' , >l>1 .~ '--" ~l - iY. - r' - - <7, 0/ c;les/~.., \.. _ ,00875 def/(:'CTtt,/ ~ - (' Rock.. r ./}..'V?' "" \... Tt=> 2 ",/, ,I N . ...L/ 5' s~cI #Qr ~~C~O( / .:;;J r~ /. Jr IS MY r;'~';o.-? /h4 r ~5 58#/f, Shv~/ /-;;?DT kolP:0~.en~/ y{;... ~e -- - J;;//aW/7 ,//2'45;'..--;5:: - . - - ~ r{///7~c~7& ~ ~ /=/C'~~~Y7 / . / Date Received ..6) [/0/..-7;:5 ~/3 .cY$ _q/Mc.U ~&17~ _ __ _ _ , AUG - 6 2008 . c) G--a~r?/N' 5' ~// O/,,e~ Onglnal Submittal PROJECL7~T / ~ CALCULATIONS BY ,..~ 11'1"" / 504?~ 0/ /V.kSpzC'POr:? W l,;UN::'ULlINl;; cNl;;INI:I:H::' PROJ NO S- /. / % 'JATE' /"~~_ CHKDBY .;/>" SHEET __ PSF DATE ~__ ~_____ " ~(/ 5DeC ~Aqb I.~rdl - G-'7~;1.o~ r/~ /DOo/ ~ ~ or?S~~ ~W ~ Y'O~~coc/ ?/qc/e ~4~) -vS/.-?h r.;:> /.3 / -- L;t/If:5!76"f ~ ~~ ~7 -7dere ~ /,er-cAd aJeI,i..- ~;-n c/rr1:"&5~-';? aT ~C/ 0/ 3-'d cu/~ u.wo/e- LAr-s J5iR:: lijhway. ~t:!1 w/'/f' be st);{;ecI c.u4C?H ..5%r-.n? 5eu..Je..,--- /~ ex~ A/e/ no;4 76 ~/eK;sr Ar/3/6'f qr?7~,c ;; /5 r?::I-/S~ 7Z ~~ ,--.",;'" e/pva-la~- /i?,Uj Z /'?PC? . ( - i)es7rJ 6~ "'~ ~_O/,f :7 /1//ro~ {/'FC.70s >Z-O:f5 . O_~ ~ ??pl?<R::;2-J5~e ~ ~O.()087Sf 7~~v r/""2.~f.s>2_()-;f~ ~~rr-f!'e;f' 0''i ,; s/;e?rs 1'-,-1 {;". ()-,C q,4C~.5";~ . ~. , ... I . ff~7 ove.,..-- f2X1SZ7f'; ~/r7 seW~$ r/eQ/s ~_I: - I?r ~c07 ~~ - - 5(?1fI~e>> T O/"I::~ Date Recelvea AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal __ /-'.., -uu I ' /' f~ ,., , I I , , , I 1 .I I . r j u~:.c.~ P.05 " Aif-a.chemenf J Page 5 Jo No 1999.07-0170 SDe 32.100(1) slates .. ..sanItary sewers shall be installed to serve each neW development and to connect developments to new mains, InstallatIon of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provIsions of thIs Code, the Standard ConstructIon Specifications, Chapter 2 of the City Code, lInd Depllrtment of EnvIronmental Quality (DEQ) regulations...." A 12-lnch samtary sewer eXIsts Within the former Harnson Street nght-ot-way on TL 600 The applicant must protect thIS sewer dunng construction and operation ot the site Concurrent With the first submittal of the publiC Improvement plans, the applicant must proVIde a TV Inspection Iape and report of the condluon of the sewer In addition, the full cost of mOdlfymg the sewer to accommodate the applicant's proposal must be bome by the applicant Dunno the October 18 meetlno. the aoolicant reauested that staff proVide anv record of ".TV Inspechen and a COOv of the as-bUIlt plans for the sanltarv sewer Staff has found no record of a TV Insaectlon, however, the as-bUIlt olans are readv for pick-up All necessary modifications or Improvements to the eXlsllng samtary sewer must be shown on the required public Improvement plans diSCussed above The applIcant must prOVide engineered pipe loadIng calculations to show that the eXisting pipe can Withstand the forces exerted by the addluonal fill The applicant's engineer must also analyze the potential for setUement due to the fill and the effects of dlfferenual settlement on the sewer caused by the fill slope The required public ImprOVement plans must InclUde measures acceptable to the CIty Engineer 10 mItigate these effects See further diSCUSSion j concerning fill on Page 7 of thiS report ./ staff suggests that the applicant conSider the long-term development plans for thiS site In relation to the sanrtary sewer If the applicant Intends to eventually develop thiS land With structures, staff recommends that the sewer stub connections be Installed prior to the proposed fill, and that the stubs be extended to the boundaries of the PUE discussed on Page 9 of this report In thiS way, the applicant Will be able to obtam sewer service Without haVing to excavate 25 to 30 feet deep In the future All reqUired sewer ImprOVements must be InclUded In the Improvement plans discussed above Note No new structures are Included m thiS proposal, so no In-LIeu of Assessment charges are due at thiS time However, future construction rnay be assessed dependmg upon whether these properties were previously assessed when the sewers In Glenwood were constructed under Eugene's jUrisdIction If nO prror assessments were collected, then assessments may be due to Sprrngfield In accordance With City assessment poliCies Finding Staffs comments confirm that sanitary sewer can conhnue 10 serve this property In aCCordance With Ihe GRP and SDe for the prOVISion of key urban servIces However. Public Works' comments must be addressed Therefore, thiS appllcatJon must be conditioned to comply With thiS portion of SDe 31.060(2) Condition 2 Sanitary Sewer . Protect the existing 12" sanitary sewer hne dunng the fill portJon of the proposed development a ProVide a TV lnspecoon tape and report of the condlllon of the sewer b PrOVide engineered pipe-loading calculations to show that the eXisting pipe can Withstand the forces exerted by the additional fill c Analyze the potentIal for settlement due to the fill and the effects of dlfferent.al settlement on the sewer caused by the fill slope Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal -- ",) ~ $6 .~~ ,\ . ~) <rI ~ If) W ~~ " ..J ~i,1 <( ,~' ~~ 1'. II \J ~ -() "~~I ~~ 'lSO\:l~V 1IdV1:f':? anill ~3'v" 'iald'9"3!::Jo 'I...'lYtot';J.a c;Ul1JttQ. ,........CI71~-:? c.u't'JiI " llon.el~. "PIr""0C'I ~~"'1.t1fY ,..~..~~ elI"_ ~ No IiJ')nVIIJ,. "8?f"fA", aJ"lp f'f)11+. c:u. .".r1i1d ,..I~ 9"""""'.~.1P "C1~"',I.LO" ,,"14 I I I I .1 , I _.etiJ. ~..OftJ,..-7 !e"7d""""",g "NOI.L~ u....1f"ot ,I ,.... ~.. _':~j.f..~ ~~i\ " v;r.!U- rmClit.L.~ .., "')I...D.... I HJ."<'f'f C".J. ti?..1I<L N'P"G'iI ,..,.;,=..^,,,, ~"",.. 6<-l\.<> H.IJ^' ~~~... ,,..t!7;7 H~I"._" "ct1l'\.DI I , ~ ~ I ,I i, r , , .. '--- - .r ~ irl1 11~ ~~ .' ,-~,~ " ,. ~ ~~ .' \\. ~ "'~ ~. ~~ I ::z () >l1 ,R III III <( ::I '- <:'0 __ 11-- - -' ~ ~ ~ I, ~~!!\, ' ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~q\..-lll( \' h Atkct .8 ..o~ ~' *i'l "'" Date Received ~'" '" Jij "'.... ""-.;;: 1:3 Onglnal Submlttp. AUG - 6 2008 ,51.0 ;?= ..-lA'o ~~ ,.'*"'.0 .4~ _;45;;> , , , :- '~ y......'" ~ ";~'I" '"" Top SOq 2.6. f o lL lOZ' "~P_ W 4!'~-~ J:L. N. 501.:56 FI. VI: SOl qo -1- Mk~ &.9edO/J /;1'27/1/61/D ~r<./n-? u__ . iL 088: S""'V~ 6R'sed cr1 /'7~l3 /V~P',D -7X~e';;' &jc!e/ 5.6-1-4- 7f, qiYele&/er/7o#5" I I ____ e-", 42ou....o Pl2c>P\..... ~ - ~Pn~ . ~:3~">.. -_f/.z"csP~~ ~ R.. IZ" p~ 48'2..<73 (:$) p-. 12' PVC 4-B2.Q3W) - /,? 3034 Rve. ~€12.~46?-0 _ ~L. tZ" PltC 486.33 CN) OUT F'1. 12' pvc 487.'2.6 (Sl 1>4 .. :r. ~ ~ ~-.g . <(II'!) :~ ~J . :r ~ ci ~~ 'r; ~~ .J ~ ~~ o ~~~ '0 ~11:<=1U- ) !!!. lU - W )> - Dr</3::-/ &_'_~ ,_@ v"to. '3 , ::::0 - , (1) ~ en 0 II> - r-.> ro IS -,< oo~;~ (t . ...:::l J -1 I .. ::1:?;'~~.~,. "'>~.6..~(..1'{ ;:tl r-~~"~_ _'~M_~"" ~~ .. _ I~ ~ j-,. ..', ":... 4- '1 ....~~ ~ /II ~ -~~_- '7"'~q~""':"('""r-"'''"W'''WT"'''-,"","'':'''''''''''''' ~ - .-....0-;. ~ .. ~ ~~ ~ - , ... r .. ..... ' ~= .o~ "D" ~,,""'I"""" ~~ ~"I ~ ';: i l j ,f !". C'llli ~ ~L ~ \J' ~ OBEC :1/"5 ~ :: ~ 7 e> -, ....-..-....::.::'... ~~,..,... r' __... '"::: .., ---...--- 't'~..,- -- ;;: , - . % ~ - A'~ I' ; D - 5/~' t;)t> - t;'c. ' C v ~~':l' "D"~ ~ ~ () ~, tl:J': q " - ~ llJ- '> ~ 1.-1 t--- I _ 1- j.-\ ~ I I I I ~ ~ v' I\: uJ . c ) .1 ~ i ~ ! 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() ~ .,~~ C :t ,O~~," ~ - '\'" - al'l\') o III M ~ C!Jo 0: I It if Af/Ach 8 It !;.o' b:1~"; I) J I, I, I I I I I I I I '1-<; iON 'Z"Z C>@ ~ r() N - ~ IOI~ - I ck '~ " 1O@ l ;~.~ K G 0'\ (;1 S I .0 ~ \f) - - -i I ~ .~ _ ... >~~'~ ~;_. _ ....m____.. - ~-@--21'" .~ to ~ , :)~ ;It o "M q- ~ I ~y..,... li\, I '-1'100 0 -tl.'V~^- ." "" L"," ."1 \J t. : "';. > ~ ~ " 0: c O~ I ' ~ I 8~ r-~ r , I 'I I\- -, ,- I .. . ~ \) I . .. ...:. ' "1 I I .--- ...-- !J . 2 1 N 00""'. ~~ , "Jl ':J~tJ ~I i'" ":>f\'d .ZI / ~ ~.~ -I i,A :i - P' ~I i~ i~ . ~.~ :I . - ~'i ~ :i ',I 4,1 If) III . . I! Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 dl . - i~ . , ~~ Orlgmal submittal lO () to () I , , , , , , , -- --, --~---- --'----, ~ , - ,/ ' /'- ~v-~?'-jt~~d: . " '" , ~ ( 11) \r ~ ~ ~ ~ \ " ' , p{,9 f' .It fI tV 1 I , !5{,CYE' ~ lilY ~ I " ",~,Q~,&:~,,,O;;: -,- , , ~ ~ , " ' :" ' : , ,'< "- 'I '"'' ': , '..... I , 11'-..,.' : "'" ' I '" ',-, , '. -- - -. ". "-. 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TestIng I , I March 15,2000 Mr Gary RByor OBEC Consultmg Engmeers 920 Country Club Road Eugene, O,egon 97401 Subject: , Proposal Cor Geotechmcal Engineenng Services Proposed Pape' Properties Equipment Storage Area 2300 Henderson - Engene, Oregon PSI File No. 722-05008 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 OnglOal Submlltl', Dear Mr Rayor , ProfessIOnal ServIce Industnes, Jue Cl'SI) IS pleased to transmrt our GeotechOlcal Ellgmeermg ServIces Report for the above referenced project Thts report Includes the results of fiold and laboratory terung, and recommendatlOns for Site gradmg and anuClpated settlement of the eXlslIUg storm sewer P"'oj~("'t Tnforrnl'dion PSI has compleled a geotechnIcal exploration for the proposed Pape' PropertlCS EqUIpment Storage Area at the eXlstmg Pape' CaterpIllar Dealership at 2300 Henderson m Eugene, Oregon Our servIces were authonzed by Mr Wilham Hall on Februdl)' 18, 2000 by slgnmg PSI Proposal No 722-00-P023 dated February 14, 2000 Tills exploratloll was accompllshed III general accordance wIth PSI Proposal No 722- 00-P023 1 We re"'''lved and revIewed your memo, the CIty of Spnngfield Amended Notice of DeCISion dated December] 6, ]999, a proposed Slle gradmg plan, and profile plan dated February 8, 2000 We understand from our dISCUSSIon WIth you and the above referenced documents, that ilie proposed SIte IS to be filled to match the adJacenl Pape' P.u,.,~.;,es Slle to the west. The SIte WIll be filled at random by vendors to Pape' p, upc. "es to match the proposed sIte gradmg plan that was submrtted Based upon the proVIded documents It appears that up to 8 feet of fill already elUsts over the 12" dIameter stann sewer along the sItes western boundary The I"ul'",~d 51t. gradmg plan IdentIfies that up to 14 feel ofaddluonal fill IS proposed In some areas We also understand that- the proposed Slle will be utlhzed tor parkmg heavy equipment that IS awaiting repmr or serYIcmg at tho Pape' faclhty Acwrdmg to the proVided documentatIon, na permanent structure, are to be built at the slte_ The purpose of thIS study was to explore the subsurface condItions at the sIte to enable an evalual10n of the eXIsting stann sewer subg.-ade soils, sUltablhty of the sIte for the proposed conso-uellon, and developmeut of 'Ite worl( related recommendat1ons Our scope of servICes mcluded excavalmg 2 SOl) test pits to up to 15 feet below eXIsting grade, 01 to tbe hard, weafuered basalt formation We also conducted laboratory testmg Protesslonal ServIC8 IndustrIes, Inc. 1 D40A Shelley SI .. SpnngflElld, OR 97477 . Phone 541f746 9649 .. Fax 541174B 7163 " , I , , .1 1 v'"', ....v, "'... v, v'"' .L'O""<.. ....":1:.1., ":tv, .LV'" D.l\..t1L11~ ~n~c!\~.DL, lfU UUJ P~I Project No 722.05008 MarGh 15 2000 Page2of4 to defme pertment ~oll propertles, settlement IN",,,~.al based on the antIcIpated fill depth, and prepared thiS geotechnrcal report ThiS report briefly outhnes the testIng procedures, presents available project Il1fonnanon, descnbes the Site and subsurface condrtJOns, and presents ~ecommendatlons regarding site work actlvrnes The scope of servIces did not mclude an envlronmcntal assessment for detenmmng the presence Or absence of wetlands, or hazardous Or tOXIC mateTlals m the soil, bedrock, sUIface water, groundwater, or air, on or below, or around thiS site Any statements m tins report or on the test pit logs regardmOel<2e, ~~d unusual or SUspiCIOUS llems or conditions are stnctly for mfonnatJondl pUJposes AUG - 6 2008 SIJh~nrf~u".:e Conditions Ongmal Submittal The srte was explored Wlth two so1l test pits excavated near the eXlstmg storm sewer locanon The te,t pllS were excavated to a depth of 15 feet below eXistIng grade, or to the hard, weathered basalt formatIon The test pit locatIons and depths were selected by PSI and located by measUring from the eXistIng adjacent unprovements Select SOli samples were tested In the laboratory to detenmne matenals propertIes for Ollr evaluatIolL Laboratory testIng was accomplished generally In accordance wah ASTM procedures The subsmls classified in the test pit (TP-I) performed at the south end of the eXlstmg stonn sewer consIsted of approxlrrlately 7 feet of soft, fill matenal composed of clay, silt, sand, and gravel wltlt occasIOnal chunks of concrete or asphall At a depth of approXimately 7 feet below eXisting grade a hgbt brown, plastIc, sandy clay layer was encountered The sandy clay layer extended to a depth of approxImately 14 feet below eXlstmg grade The sandy clay stratum clasSIfies as CL accordmgto the Umfied Sod ClassIfication System The mOisture content of the sample tested was 29 percent The sandy clay layer was undcrlam by a hard, weathered basalt at a depth of 14 feet below eXisting grade and cxtcnded to the final depth explored.. A second test p.t was excavated approXImately 150 feet north oftest pIt TP-I The subsoils clasSified m (est pIt TP-2 consISted of approXlDlately 2 feet of soft fill matenal ovcrlymg the sandy clay layer The hard, weathered, basalt was encountered at a depth of approximately 4 feet below exJstmg grade Groundwater was not encountered WIthin the depths excavated at the tIme of our exploral1on The groundwater levels presented m thiS ~cport are the levels that were measured at the tIme of our field actIVlt.es It IS pOSSible that seasonal variatIons WlII cause groundwater flucluauons AddllIonally, perched water may be encountered m d16contmuous zones wlthm the overburden We recommend that the Contractor detennme the actual groundwater levels at the SIte at the tune of the construction actIVities The soil profile descnbed above IS generalized to lnghhght the major subsUIface stratificatIon features and material characteristIcs The test pit log 15 mcluded as an attachment, and should be reViewed for specIfic mformanon at mdlvldual test locations The record mcludes soil de.cnptJons, strahficatlons. locatIOns of the samples and laboratory test data The stratificatIons shown on the exploration Jog represents the condlnons only al the actual test pIt 10catIOlL The sIrat1fical1ons represent the approXimate boundary between subsurface materIals and the actual tranSItIon may be gradual Water level mformalton obtamed dunng field operatIons IS also shown on the exploratIon log The samples that were not altered by laboratory testIng will be retamed for 60 dayq from the date oftlus report and then they Will be discarded (;p,ofP.f"hnlC':9101il:.....I1I1;:\l.iOJl In our oplOlon the Site IS generally SUItable for thc proposed development as an equipment storage area However, based upon the proposed placement of up to 14 feet of addll10nal fill over the eXIstIng stonn sewer, and the soft, compressible nature of tile underlymg sandy clay SOlI layer, slgruficant dIfferentJal settlement could rcsulL We nnderstand accordmg to the Site plan that the e)(,sttog storm sewer IS ........~ .L...., v.... V. VQ .In.n. ",",.LI'1:UI.1.U..J DtU\UJ'l iHJ.L.l'\J..t:....... ~UU4 ., PSI Project No 721-05008 March 15,1000 Pagel of 4 approxmlately 8 foot below eXlStmg grade In the area. ofTP-J and 2 feet below grade In the area ofTP-2 ConSIdering these depths, rt appears that the storm sewer IS underlam by up to 5 feet of soft, sandy clay ill the area of TP-l and up to 1 foot m the area of TP-2 Based upon the compressIble nature of the sandy clay soils encountered and the proposed addItIOn of up to 14 feet of flll SOIls, we antIcIpate that settlement of the eXlStmg storm sewer should not exceed 3 mches m the area of TP-I and I inch m the area of TP-2 Due to the varymg tillckness of the sandy clay layer encountered at the s.te, the settlement will hkely be dIfferentIal DUfen:nl1al settlement of the storm >.ewCr may result in Isolated "low pomts" m the pipe We understand thalLhe c-':Istrng stonn sewer may be underlarn by beddmg matenaJ, howcver thIS could not be venfied In the field due to not bemg able to excavate adjacent to the e>ostlng storm sewer The presence of beddmg malenal would likely result m a less than the antIcIpated dUferentJal settlcrnenL However, the presence of mtnlffial beddmg maienal WIll not slgmficanlly unpact the dJITercntlal settlement of the storm sewer SltP. PrPp:lJMlhon nnd F.t. Accordmg to the proposed site gradmg plan we receIved, the proposed fill slopes along the north and west propcrty boundarIes will be constructed at a 2 (horIzontal) to 1 (vertlcaJ) slope We understand that the toe of the slope wdJ be located at the edge of tbc nght-of-way and pubhc utility easement strIp along 2200 A venue It is our opmon that the existing publIc utIlIty easement wtll not be negatively nnpacted m regard to dUferenl1al settlement of utIlItIes Wltlun the easement dunng future utdtty Installation gIven that the follOWing sIte preparatIon recommendatIons are unplemented durmg fill placement However It Will be necessary mat any future excavatIon wlthm the pubhc utIbty easement be perfonned in accordance With current OSHA gutdelmes for trenches and open excaval10ns adjacent to fill slopes J : I We understand that Pape' PropertIes proposes to fill the proposed area with soil obtamed from vanous vendors Fill matenals to obtam proposed Site grade should be granular and free of organIc or olller deletenous matenals The fill matenal should be placed m hfts not exceedIng 2 feet m depth and he compacted by a mmimum of 3 to 4 overlappll1g passes With a dozer The surfaces of the final fill slopes should be protected from eroSIOn by seedmg or other acceptable means A tlnal hft of granular fill should be placed over the site to proVIde au all-weather dnvlIlg surface whde also provIdmg a dramage path for any &urface water at tile site I .1 It IS bkely that the proposed site fills WIll settle over tlll1e, Lhus resulting III an Imeven fm15hed surface grade Therefore, It may be nece>sary to perform routme fme grading of the final hft offill on an annual basIs rnndrnctlon Con~udp.rslItionq , ... I It IS recommended that PSI be retaIned to proVIde random observatIon ofthe Site fill construction actIvttIes of tins projecL PST cannot accept any rcspooslbllrty for any condltlons which deVIated from tho.e described . 1I1 thIS report, nor for the perfonnance of the proposed fiU If not engaged to also provldDaliatrRfil:OOlVed obselYatlOn for this project AUG - 6 2008 Rp.porl T ,lmitsltinn~ Ongtnal Submittal The geotechnIcal recommendatIons presented m tIus report are based on the av.ulable project mfonnatJ.oD and the subsurface materials descnbed In thIS report If any of the nOled mformatIon IS 'ncorrect, please mform US in wntlllg so that we may amend the recommendatIons presented III thIS report If appropnate and If de"red by the chenL PSI Will not be responsIble for the implementallOn of Its recommendatlons when It IS not notified of changes ill the project __Vo)l .LVI VV vv vv r.n.a oJ"lI.L, '*U I.1.UoJ 'I ' , , J 1 OI\..tt.LIl'l .1.!'4.u:::'l\J.n\,.. lfUUU:) PSI Project No 722-05008 March 15 2000 Page 4 of4 If there are any reVISIons to the plans for tlus project or 1f devJatlOns from the subsurface condlt1ans noted ill thIS report are encountered dunng construction, PSI should be nottfied unmedlately to detenmne ,f changes ill the sIte preparatIon recommendatIons are requlfed If PST IS not retamed to perfonn these funcbons, PSI Will not be responsIble for the unpact of those canditJons on the project. The geotcchmcal engmeer warrants that the findings, .~~endatJons. spcclficabans, or profesSIOnal adVIce contaIned herem have been made m accordance WIth generally accepted professional geotcchnIc.t1 engmeenng pracbces ill the local area No other warranties are unplIed or expressed After the plans and specIfications are more complete, the geotechnIcal engmeer should be rela1ned and prOVIded the OppOrtunity to reVIew the final design plans and speclficabons to check that our engmeenng recommendatJons have lx,..,n properly mcorporated Into the design documents At that tune, It may be necessary to subl11tt supplementary recommendations This report has been prepared for the exclUSive use of OBEC Consulnng Engmeers tor the specIfic appltcatJon to the proposed Pape' Properties SIIc at 2300 Henderson m Eugene, Oregon We apprecIate the opportunrty to perform tIus Geotechmcal Study and look fo/Ward to contInued partlclpatton durmg the deSIgn and constructIon phases of thIS project If you have any quesbons pertaining to thIS report, or tfwe may be offurther se/Vice, please contact Bnan Cumer at 746-9649 Respeclfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. lNC ~~ Bl1an CUrrier, E I T Staff Engrneer Troy Hull, P E Department Manager ATTACHMENTS SIte LocabOn Map Test Pit LocatIOn Map Record of Subsurface ExploratIon General Notes Sou ClassificatIon Chart Laboratory Test Resu.lts Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 Orlglnsl Submittal . I DIVISion of SPEC Industries. INC PO Box 40337, Eugene, OR 97404-0049 II City C iY k./'?/.//.4&r-? I I Location C~ ,n:f?,,////}, %}_ .J II Length of Run '17' -- ........ 'Il SPEC REHAB ~ I I 1'2..'1 Pipe Size T - Tee / Wye J - JOint S - Separated I B - Broken Pipe R - Roots G - Gravel I Footage I Lot /Jolntl Problem / Grouted II:? 5' I p,p~;A).i2-UII I '-171 EIVO evN II I ..I, I: I I: , II ~, I 1 [I I I ,I BY \)AtJ ~ '( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P - Protruding Tap I - Intlltratlon D - Dip I D~~?st! I Footage Lot/JOint [ I I I I I II II II I I I II II I I I II I I II lV. INSPECTION & GROUTING REPORT FORM Ph (541) 689-5523 Fax (541) 689-5530 I JOB NO Sanitary Reverse Run . ~ iJvc.. Pipe Type I I L /'177acl,. H' :ONTRACT9R, . , .# --.,I--J I ( 4t1t:1:::/1?(V/ ,;,?1'L ,1 I ENGINEE~ - (/ , I DATE ~ / /+ / (Y) I v-- Storm Incomplete /31 JOint Length C - Cracked Pipe A - Alignment a-Hole U - Unpassable Dlrect/ I Gals I I I I I I I I I I I I I Problem / Grouted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n::ltP. Rp.l":p.lveeI I I AU!; - b lOOll Ongtnal Submittal WHITE ENGINEER COPY, YEllOW - SPEC COPY, PINK CONTRACTOR COpy TAPE I RUN 1 -'I I , ~ REHAB IV. INSPECTION & GROUTING REPORT FORM JNTRACTOR P.4j?~ f?.e1'Jp, I I ENGINEER ' I DATE / 02 /7 / Of) , I DIVISion of SPEC Industries, INC PO Box 40337, Eugene, OR 97404-0049 'I City I 1 I Ph (541) 689-5523 Fax (541) 689-5530 I JOB NO 6LENWOof) Sanitary /' ,Storm I I Incomplete Location PflPE; PIZI'JPh2TJ f= ~ Reverse Run Length of Run 1ft? /J I IT - Tee I Wye J - JOint S - Separoted B - Broken Pipe R - Roots G - Gravel r--;ootage Lat IJolntl Problem I Grouted II 3,s f I 81==:/..' A./ e-v,) I ~OO' ~AlIJ lZu J I I J: II I ./1 Begin -, ... I I j : )' I BY DAIJ)/Y ~ I FLOuJ~WI TH 12 'I Pipe Size filt., Pipe Type /3 J JOint Length P - Protruding Top I - Infiltration D - Dip Direct I I Footage Lal/Jolnt Gals I C - Cracked Pipe A - Alignment Problem I Grouted Q-Hole U - Unpassable Direct I -I Gols 1 I 1 1 , I I I I II 'I I II II II UClll:I ;;''::''J~i...ce tttlG - 6 2008 Original submittal - WHITE - ENGINEER copy, YELLOW SPEC COPY. PINK CONTRACTOR COPY TAPE _I RUN 7 RETAINING WALL MAY BE REQUIRED I. ll=~ 20475' TRAILER DROP -~---=-=---=-,.-----:;' ~ SERVICE, II DROP l:'l OFF '~ I --~--r-'--- L-- _ __-+-,-- . ---1"'"",-'" ~-~ I -i.-:i=T,:-:': ELEVATION DIFFERENCE BETVlEEN BUILDINGS APPROXIMATELY 516 TO 532 1-5 PAPE KENWORTH & PAPE MACHINERY GLENWOOD FACILITIES PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 1 AUGUST 2008 1"= 801-0" ~ <:J[) 8 '-- o 24 80 160 (FT) PAPE KEN WORTH 33,488 SF (532',,) 38' HEIGHT ------, I r-- I I I I I ~ - _::-'J>_ - Date Received AUG - 6 2008 CODE ANALYSIS Ongll:J!~1 ~11"''''''''lltt':::lll EAST 22ND AVENUE AND MORTON STREET, EUGENE, OREGON (GLEN WOOD) 18-03-03-13, LOTS 101 AND 200 lOT 101 (PAPE KENWORTH) 278,201 SF (6 38 ACRES) BUILDING COVERAGE 33,488 SF (13") OTHER IMPERVIOUS AREA 169,295 SF (61") LOT 2100 1?~Pf MAC~ltifRY\ 168,347 SF (386 ACRES) BUILDING COVERAGE 48,150 SF (29") OTHER IMPERVIOUS AREA 88,196 SF (52") LAND USE ANALYSIS BASED UPON THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE (SDC) \\~~:~llM LOT Sl~ ~'MLJM FRONTAGE.. ~~T YARD ~NG SETRACK FRO AYARD QFivr '/).Y SETB~ - - --~~~---:_-- ~ ~ACKS =~ \ MAXIMlJ~ ~EIGHT, MOTO~ --, EH\'E PARKING. \ l':j ,- "-,..-- u t t -- J \ \ \ --- '" o ___ o. --- LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (LMI) 10,000 SF 75 FEET 10' 5' 5' (10' BUILDING SETBACK IF ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL ZONE) NO MAXIMUM IF BUILDINGS ARE GREATER THAN 50' FROM THE RESIDENTIAL ZONE TO THE WEST (1) PER 300 SF OF BUSINESS FLOOR AREA (1) PER 500 SF OF SERVICE REPAIR FLOOR AREA (1) PER 1,000 SF OF WAREHOUSE FLOOR AREA KENWORTH 9,765 SF /300= 33 (OFFICE AREA) 15,791 SF /500= 32 (SERVICE SHOP AREA) 7,932 SF /1,000= 8 (WAREHOUSE AREA) (73) MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED (98) SHOWN MACHINi;:RY 12,875 SF /300= 43 (OFFICE AREA) 20,100 SF /500= 40 (SERVICE SHOP AREA) 12,025 SF/I ,000= 12 (WAREHOUSE/STORAGE) (95) MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED (65) SHOWN ~ ~ ~ SMnftod A, I ~ 1 , " First American First Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 FOR ALL OUESTlONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT' Robert Gordon, Title Officer Phone (541)484-2900 - Fax (541)484-7321 - Emall rmgordon@firstam com Pape Properties 355 Goodpasture Island Rd Eugene, OR 97401 Order No 7199-1266507 July 31, 2008 Attn Kelly Splchtlg Phone No (541)681-5386 - Fax No Emall ksplchtlg@pape com (541)681-5333 Re Prelimmary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ AL TA Owners Extended Coverage Liability $ Premium $ AL TA Lenders Standard Coverage liability $ PremIum $ AlTA Lenders Extended Coverage Liability $ TBD Premium $ TED STR Endorsement 9, 22 & 8 1 Premium $ 10000 Govt Servlce Charge Cost $ 3000 Other 5U1vey Waiver Fee Cost $ 5000 We are prepared to Issue Title Insurance Policy or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, insuring title to the following described land The land referred to In thiS report IS deSCribed In Exhibit A attached hereto and as of July 24, 2008 at 8 00 am, title vested In Pape Properties, Inc , an Oregon corporation Subject to the exceptions, exclUSions, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the following I Taxes for the fiscal year 2008-2009 a lien due, but not yet payable Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal ThiS report IS for the exclusive use of the parties herein shown and IS preliminary to the Issuance of a title Insurance policy and shall become vOId unless a policy IS Issued, and the full premIum paid Prellmmary Report Order No 7199-1266507 Page 2 of 8 2 Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No $ $ 004BO 1803031300101 1505047 357 78 357 78, plus Interest and penalties, If any Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Unpaid Balance $ 369 66, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2007-2008 Unpaid Balance $ 374 69, plus Interest (Affects Improvement only assessed to Tom Connor) 3 Right, title and Interest of Tom Connor as disclosed by the tax roll 4 Right, title and Interest of Oble Media Corporation as disclosed by the tax roll 5 The nghts of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein descnbed lYing within the limits of streets, roads and highways 6 Relinquishment of Access as contained In Deed/Suit In the CirCUit Court/Supenor Court, Lane County Recorded March 12, 1949 Recording No Book 395, Page 272, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon From Ward W Johnston and Verna May Johnston, husband and wife To State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission 7 Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information October 05, 1949 In Book 402, Page 694, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In Favor of Donald G CUrrie and Hazel L CUrrie, husband and wife For roadway 8 RelinqUishment of Access as contained In Deed/Suit In the CirCUit Court/Supenor Court, Lane County Recorded June 04, 1953 Recording No 5301, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon From Gertrude Stapleton, a widow To State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission Date Received Arst Amencan Title AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1266507 Page 3 of 8 9 Relinquishment of Access as contained In Deed/Suit In the CirCUit Court/Superior Court, Lane County Recorded February 08, 1960 Recording No 90299, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon From Chester R Ingram and Maude E Ingram, husband and Wife To State of Oregon, by and through Its State Highway Commission 10 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information September 22, 1967, Reception No 99247, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon For water line 11 Reservallon of utilities In Harrison Street area and the right to maintain the same as set forth In Order No 84-7-18-19, a copy of which was Recorded August 07, 1984, Reception No 84-31684, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 12 Easements for utilities over and across the premises formerly Included within the boundaries of Harrison Street, Morton Street, and 23nd Street now vacated or qUieted If any such eXists 13 Notice of Agreement, including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded February 05, 1990, Reception No 90-06453, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 14 Notice of Site ReView Subdistrict, including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded February 26, 1990, Reception No 90-09309, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 15 Notice of Site ReView Subdistrict, including terms and prOVISionS thereof Recorded March 12, 1990, Reception No 90-11560, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 16 Notice of Site ReView Subdistrict, Including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded June 25,1991, Recepllon No 91-29509, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 17 Easement and maintenance agreement and the terms and conditions thereof From Trygue S Vlk and Alberto G Miranda To Alberto G Miranda For access Recording Information January 15, 1993, Reception No 93-02537, DffiClal Records of Lane County, Oregon 18 Irrevocable Petition for Public Improvements, including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded May 04, 1993, Reception No 93-26777, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 19 Notice of Site ReView Agreement, including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded July 12, 1993, Recepllon No 93-42541, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon First American ntle Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Ongtnal Submittal PrelimInary Report Order No 7199.1266507 Page 4 of 8 20 Easement on the recorded plat/partition as follows public utilities 21 Easement on the recorded plat/partition as follows temporary vehicle turnaround (The temporary vehicle turnaround easement shown hereon shall become null and vOid at such time that 22nd Street IS extended and through traffic or other turnaround means are provided) 22 Restrictions and Notes shown on the recorded plat/partition of Plat 93-P0340 23 Possible area of conflict as depicted on Plat No 93-P0340, with respect to the West line of said partition plat 24 Notice of Site ReView Agreement, including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded February 09,1994, Reception No 94-10314, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 2S Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof Grantor/Trustor Pape Properties, Inc , an Oregon corporation Grantee/BenefiCiary HSBC Bank USA, National AssoCIation Trustee Fidelity National Title Insurance Company Amount $12,671,25000 Recorded August 30, 2006 Recording Information 2006-062982, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon (Affects Parcell) 26 FinanCing Statement, indicating a Security Agreement Debtor Pape Properties, Inc Secured Party HSBC Bank USA, National AssoCIation Recorded August 30, 2006 Recording Information 2006-062983 (Affects Parcell) 27 The following pertain to lender's Extended coverage only a Discrepancies, conflicts In boundary lines, shortage In area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct sUlVey would disclose b Parties In posseSSion, or claiming to be In possession, other than the vestees shown herein c Statutory liens for labor and/or materials, including liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for employment compensation and for workman's compensation, or any rights thereto, where no notice of such liens or rights appears of record 28 EVidence of the Identity and authority of the officers of Pape Properties, Inc to execute the forthcoming Instrument must be submitted - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $4,80166 Map No 1803031300101 Property ID 0582021 Tax Code No 00480 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 First American TItle Onglnal Submittal Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1266507 Page 5 of 8 NOTE Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $4,55167 Map No 1803031300200 Property ID 1385234 Tax Code No 00480 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 First Amertcan ntle Onglnal Submittal Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1266507 Page 6 of 8 NOTE Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FUll Tax Amount $318 51 Map No 1803031300101 Property ID 1508223 Tax Code No 00480 (Improvement only assessed to able Media Corporation) NOTE Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FUll Tax Amount $318 51 Map No 1803031300101 Property ID 1508231 Tax Code No 00480 (Improvement only assessed to Oble Media Corporation) Situs Address as disclosed on lane County Tax Roll II OR THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc cc Pape Properties cc Pape Properties 355 Goodpasture Island Rd, Eugene, OR 97401 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 First American Title Onglnal Submittal Preliminary Report Order No 1199-1266501 Page 7 of 8 ".~ ~ ~ ~ First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (06/17/06) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thiS polICy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees, Of expenses that arise by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulat/Ofl (mcludmg those relatmg to bwklJng and zonJng) restricting, regulating prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land, (II) the character, dimenSIOns, or location of any Improvement erected on the Land, (m) the subchvlslOI)of land,or (IV) environmental protection, or the effect of any vlOlatlOl1 of these laws ordinances, or governmental regUlationS This Exclusion lea) does not modIfy or IImrt: the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5 (b) Any govemmental polk:e power This ExcluSloo l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under CO\1ered RIsk 6 Z Rights of eminent domain This ExcIusron does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or B 3 Defects liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the Insured Claimant, (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed 10 wrltmg to the Company by the InSured C1almilnt prior to the dilte the Insured Claimant became iln Insured under thiS policy, (c) resulting In no loss or damilge to the Insured Claimant (d) attaching or cr€<lted subsequent to Dilte of Polley (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14), '" (e) resultmg In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Clillmilnt had paid value for the Insured Mortgilge 4 Unenforceablilty of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with apphcable doJrlg busmess laws of the state where the Land iSSltUilted Invalidity or unenforceablllty In whole or In part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the trilnSilctKm evidenced by the Insured Mortgilge and IS based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth In lending law 6 Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy state Insolvency, or Similar CreditOrs rights lilws, that the trallsactlOn creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered Risk 13(b) of this policy 7 Any lien on the Trtle fOr real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Dilte of Polley and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage In the PubIc Records This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under COVered Risk l1(b) ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (06/17/06) The follOWing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thiS polley, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees, or expenses that arise by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordinance, pelTllIt, or governmental regulatIOn (Including those relating to bUilding and zoning) restrICting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy use, or enjoyment of the Land (II) the charilcter, dlmensloos, or location of any Impfovement erected on the Land, (III) the subdIVision of land, or (IV) enVIronmental protection, or the effect of ilny vlolatloo of these lilWS, ordinances, or governmental regulations This Exduslon l(il) does not modify or limit the cO\1erage provided under Covered RIsk 5 (b) Any govemmentnl police power This Exclusion l(b) does not moclify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6 2 Rights of eminent domain This ExclUSion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8 3 Defects liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) cr€<lted suffered ilssumed, or ilgreed to by the Insured Claimant, (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the Public Records at Dilte of POlICy but Known to the Insured Claimant and not dlscbsed In wntlng to the Company by the Insured C1illmant prtor to the date the Insured Claimant became an InSured under this pollCY, (c) resulting In no loss or dilmilge to the Insured Claimant (d) attaching or created subsequent to Dilte of Policy (however thiS does not moolfy or limit the covelClge provided under Covered Risks 9 and 10) or (e) resulting In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title 4 Any claim by reason of the opelCltlon of federal bankruptcy, stilte Insolvency, or Similar creditors' nghts laws thilt the transactlQn vesting the Title as shown In Schedule A, Is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated lO Covered Risk 9 of this policy Any lien on the Title fOr real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by govemmental authority and creilted or attaching between Dilte of Policy and the date of recording of the deed Of other Instrument of transfer In the PublIC Records that vests Title as shown In Schedule A SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS Taxes or assessments which are not shown as exIsting liens by the records of any taxing iluthorlty that levies taxes or ilssessments on real property Of by the pubhe records proceedings by a publiC agency whICh may result In taxes or assessments or notICes of such prOCeedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publiC records Facts rights IOterests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an InspectiOn of the land or by making IOqUlry of persons In pOSsession thereof 3 Eilsements, or clillms of easement, not shown by the publIC records, reservations or exceptions In patents or In Acts iluthorlzlng the Issuance thereof, water rights claims or title to water 4 Any encroachment (Of existing Improvements IocCIted on the subject land onto adJOlOlng land or of existing Improvements located on adJOllllng land onto the subject land), encumblClnce violation, variation or adverse C1fcumstance affectlllg the title that would be dlsclostrl by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land 5 Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor, milterlal, equipment rental or workers compensatloo heretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown by the pubhc records NOTE A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE POLICY FORM (OR FORMS) Will B!: FURNISHED UPON REQUEST TJ149Rev72.Z0B Date Received' First American Title AUG - 6 2008 Original submittal Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1266507 Page 8 of 8 Exhibit "A" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descnbed as follows PARCEL I PARCEL 2, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO 93-P0340, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL 2 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5, BLOCK 5, OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF GLENWOOD PARK, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 25, PAGE 82, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF VACATED MORTON STREET, THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TO THE EASTERLY PROJECTED SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 8 OF SAID PLAT, THENCE WEST 160 00 FEET MORE OR LESS, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOTS I, 2 AND 3, TO A POINT IN THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 3 OF SAID BLOCK WHICH IS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 2 AS DESCRIBED IN THAT DEED TO THE STATE OF OREGON, BY AND THROUGH ITS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, RECORDED JUNE 04, 1953, RECEPTION NO 5301, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, THENCE NORTH 15 0 FEET, THENCE WEST 200 0 FEET MORE OR LESS, ALONG A LINE 15 0 FEET NORTHERLY FROM AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 OF SAID BLOCK, TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF VACATED HARRISON STREET, THENCE NORTH ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID STREET TO THE WESTERLY PROJECTED NORTH LINE OF LOT 5, BLOCK 5 OF SAID PLAT, THENCE EAST 24 75 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT, BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Tax Parcel Number 1505047 and 0582021 and 1385234 and 1508223 and 1508231 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 FIrst Amencan Title Ongmal submittal " W,V .....d..... 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' 1 ' . ~.--- ... ~.., -<'" "- I . ;f' ~, -- -- - ~ . ; , .;:' ..:... .~,. f' fJ ~ -;... .:.....- ~ J,...... w ~-_.~- ~..:;:~ '.~_;,.','f.~:~l).' ~ 'fJ"' " " "- to , rUe Bo. 27'1)1 , ! J 9Q299 wABllJU\i'iY u'-.u (ID<tivI<IuaI) itnolD ml ~ IIp ~a ~eantf, 'Dlat_~_~ " ~A...LJp&r.am. busbaM I\.tld witfll_ anntmll..... tor Ibe 0CIl :.:,.... '...... of thewm of _ ~.~ 8ft ~ l:tiyt,y .nd Wftl1n1l-.(I4~.JlU"'-"-' DOLLARS 10 ---lU' pUd. have barsalDedl aDd so1ct ed b,- these praenbl: do..._ baraeln. pJl ODd COIl"" unto theS'fAT!: OI'OlUWON, b7 and throuP lta S'l'ATBBlGHWAY COMMISSION the toUow1DS deccrlbocl ..- to wit. J. parcel or ~ lJiAa b the 0ID1e1 HcV.7 D. Lo. C. 10. 63. dtuat<<l1n 8eotioD 3. 'l'ownahip 14 South. R.Dp 3 Wollt, W. II., Lane Count7. ~, ODd be1Dg a port1oa at that tract. of laDd doeprlbod 10 that C*'ta1n 40ecl to Doo&ld c. cum. and Buel L. Cnrr1o, .......... 1a _ 2'/3, Pop ~ or Lozle -7 __ or _, the aa1d pa1'Cel. boS.ll& that pol't1oa of edd propert,7 ~ IID:rUwaaterlJ' or tbat t.raot }lU~ .,...., .~' ,\ to tho ....t. or Orep, tv aM ~ lte Stete ~ _.o1ea, tv - reco_ 1a Book 395. Pop 5105, LaIle Ceallt7 IlN4 Reeor<la aM 1ao1wled 1a . otrip of lelI4 ftriable 1a ri4tIl, q1aa OIl t.he 1lo__lT WIG of tIut _tor line of tIlo Pollino JU&hwo7 .. aa1d b1gInfay hu beeo :roloaat04, -m1c::h ceotor UDe 18 cSescribed ae toUDws' 8Q1DD1n8: at. ~'s ceAt.el' l1Iw statlca ~9+80.S2. aa1d St.&t.ioa beiJla 885.01 rut. Mortb uad 258.32 teet. Vast at t.he Soutb.ut corner at t.be Chas. B. s..et. D. 1.. o. Bo. 38, Townthlp 18 Soutb. BaDgo , lied. W. 1(.; thence CD . 1432.)9 toat rad1u. C\I%"VO rtBht the long chord of which 'bear. SCMlt.h 48- ~7' lS" Baat) 1S71046 tlHlt t;o Statian 2/>,.51.91\, Tbo 1d4t.ba 5.D teet of the nrip or Lsad allcmlI ,..terre4 to are .. tol1ov8l r= a :U;~r ]!ilNa OIl B~:!i Sid. 0' Cafttmo Uft. 252+30 253+30 130 f..~ 1a . otr&1&bt l1ae to 1.80 f..' 253+50 25S+ClO 1.80 f... 25S+OO 251..00 180 t..t 1n . Bt.ra1&ht l1D8 to 130 teet _ p&rOel. of leDCl to _'" UI10 _ptloll oppllea _ 0.38 ...... '_ - ~ a pu-t ot tbe CGnD1der..t:5.on .a:blabcml Rated. there 15 also barpSnad, oold-,~ and Hl.1Dql;tbhad to t,ba Grant" all ex1st1ng. future, or potnt1al GOJIIbOQ la1I or etatutDZ'7 abutter'. 9'" iN of aGOne between t.he r1&bt ot .,. or tbe pubUc ..,..,. Jd"atitlecl At! tbe re1.6cated PadUa H~ and. all at tho Granton' remain1nS real ~pert7 ODna~JAs ot all paraeh cont.!,pou one to abOthe'l'. wbether aoq1Ur'ecl 1>1' Mparat. oonvnano.. or o~blIl'W1ae# all ot which p&J'Oe1e either adjo1n tho real propert7 ~ 117 thia tnstruDnt. OJ' .are ccnuwcte4 thereto b7 other pu'OliIlD ClllI,PD4 b7 ar-antore. It 11 ~e~ 1m4lftlil4 that theao .. ".,.. I, bvc!eftI aDd ...et.r:lct.i0D8 abtlll Z'\IIl with t.be laDlllDll abt.U :toren:r bJDd the 0rMt0P8. their lieU. and ...~. , " I I 1\ 't I, Ii , I Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ - ---..... ~----y' ---- - _...~- -~/: ....:...' . ~ -.... .. f ,. -, .,... " ,~,,,. J' .",.-' -I' ., - . , .-, ...._ ~..-.=-~~ ~'.G..::."..?,' .r"'''. _ ~~...........(..~z.......:::,...~:.~ .....-~-~.d~~~i~~~:""~.-.q--~'~/,. ...~ Description Lane,OR Document - Ye.r DocID [-19931 1960 90299 Page .% o~ 2 - Ord!~ _~~~ C~8Zlt: ~ . \::.:~_ ~...._ ;."4.:.ff~_ ~;::......_~ ~:....:.::/ _~~.._L ., ~~~_- , .'~~ ,. : , ~"'! , - I. : ~. 0' I "'.~ .'If'........~~ ~ -"..., -, . " , . ----.- ---- -- , "'~ / , ~-~ , . -' J-..... ~.. ~n;..: , , ""'. -. ~, ., . ' '" --~ ~. . -f- t_"~ :",.. - ..~.., . for. '\ -...--\....?.... ." "" ~ . . ~~_!_- .../tlli...;...., " > ,-.. - , --- --~.;:- ~ - It . .. ~~ ~ ~ \. r~ ~ ~ -'f1'"."'- ~ ~'- :. ; ,~ .. - 1& ...:. ; ~,! ..... "'.t ~__.. _~. ~ ....... - - - .. - - -l _ ~'J"A ~ l; ~- -'!:-( ~ e 1";"'~'.-~ -.!'...-~,...~ ~ - ~ .- ~. .. . . } . - . ~ .;:.. -..... "," . ~ ~:;"~"';~-i'" - , I . . -I- - .' '", .,." I .- "-'1""": .r" : . ..~.. . . - - . , ~ .{ ~ .. ..~.. :, ------...-----'-~ ... -.... "0 . ~~- ...~.....--........ ~ ...~L .....- ... ,.. . . -' ':' ". . . -~ ,,1.>L.-u.T<O- -"...... : -~,; ~ -~- :... --.....1 -., 1. .... .; ~ ". ". '11.~ ~ _ :;;.~- , . .' I'. -- " ~- ..... ._od..-, --1 .. " -,.-. -:;'f F' ..2 ...~ "_ _.. ~._-t.:.~ ...~ fK.c-:, ..:;... . . =':"-'?l!;:,$-~- .- ," , . "Ii" - -, , .. ;(.,~-I-'" ,> ... ' ~ :- - "t..' .. ..9 ~",. ".~"- '0 -.. ... 't~:i~~ r'"'fit-~ ....... .........t'...:~~ .-: A. ~i~=..J~-.:!!--r.:-o-:: " ....~.. ..,.~.."-j.'..:-~~ ........y--, "-"I. "........ . f -: .' V' - - '- - ... .. 7 '<.f ' 1. <I ~..a. ,~ . , .. . " " 90299 TO HAW AND TO HOLD the aid. prcmiRa witll tbt1r \U"-"'''-' '~"-' 1D fee IimpIe. utlto the laid S.... "'0..".., &J.... """""" /Is Ste.. BI&I>_ ......-"".....1............ aDd ___ ... -'- , . , iia. -,.;.... - ~...: - - - , - ...-~'" ._~ r '... ~~ !I , , ..... - .... AId _...Ido......, _....... wtth.... _ Sta.. of 0_, &J.... tbrOuBh hi State HIP~ 1'"_1....w. its ."..0....... 1IDll...... tbU - -- theOWDld- in ,..lllDple ct IIllld,Ftmllu, that thq are free trOID aU ,. . ".. e:! _ ~ c ."", and that _ .__ __~. , will wurant 8Dd defeJl.d the JUDe from aU laWful claImI whataoeu:t hP-L and.~_ , ,...:;../ , ~=- , "I>' ~'\ .....i -i. " ~o .. f' " ,....l:., .,.".' -~ .::.;- , , --, ! ...., ;. -.: *;r~ , J _ '- _:",;:~~~~::~~- - -- _ - --r-- II _~ -,:. _ . r ".h-':"'_~- ~...' ,. __- ~ ;\. ~,.. ~ ~..... ~.~ -- -~"lj ..., #." .. I., ,~~= !...-::J~~-.-,.::.l..._,...... ._'~~~_..__-..-._ ~ ~ ~,'I - -:;; .JUL i..... ,,,"; _ ,~_ -! .....$ .. - ..- :::...:..:a.:..... _~- ,~- r '''. *t.~-l:"1;;,~'t~e.,.._ ....-.:.....l '":.J'_ .;:;;. _~.:! I~"'~~ ;"~~~'-;t;r...l!EIff. '~"'_""",,"':!- .!:. ,....... :: O..crJ.ptJ.olJ Lane,OR ~ent - r:a~~~Doa.lD 1-199~.1 J~~~r pag....,/. 2::'~ 2~\. I ,.,.~~--. ,,, -T''1.. ......v:.... ~ .t. w- {" Ord~r t~cf~J:::' _C~~~_..:=-_.!~.:'-..:~~!;......L_~:..:1....-~..."-_K1..1-" --'~"':'__ ...",:.._~_.__..~....~ "'....,.....:.:..~ !:"~. ......: ~ or- _t~-..:.:..::. L_':"':"- ....;"" ...,.._ ~ l 1 IN Wl1'NESS WH:I!:REOI'. _ _..1m..-__ _~ havehereuatoRl ~____ thb _~ olay of_;;;....t~~ .11.6ll. DoneID_ol- ...z r ~ ~:z.~.,d'f ~ ~~i g rq & 1:,,_ t11 I II , II I ~~: ~ ..~""- t ~ ' '"I Ilia) ~ : jg" '!Ib STAT!!: OF ....._~..., I ~4?.Jl.,,,,,... , - [SBALJ 7114" .A_ e ~~ [BBALI ig 11 ~It; 8 I a I =! , 4!, :; i . I fa II il !~ I ^ ... Q !i? :. IP ('. :::".. "' Q) It! ~ -- 'i Cowtt1ot L..-L- la. , _____ OIllllll .2:-0-,- \Iqc of ::J ~, __ ...6O,;......n,...... ~..., . Notary i?ubllo in and for SDId COUDt)r aDd state, the 11'1~ Damed 'DtlfIRt.m> R... T~VAM ad _~..L..tnirr __, his wife, ~ ) to JIl6 peQOQa]b-lmown to bet the Identical pen;onf., ~ 10:. and. wboox.cuted tbewlthil1 .,.".. "."_' ;t, 8Dd.whoe.achpenoaaUyactmowledpd mmetbat~' I; ..,- thltamefreelJaod, i,:,..... .".~ fortbe_ udpurposestben:fzuwDltd. ..~\\<...JND~~,-'r;r ~~~~ ,... ~ ' W'ltnea JIll' habd u4 olBalal.a1 the ~ idtten. I !,. 'f.>' J ,'_~ 'I ,<} r '" '# 'i.~-'I~1 ~ - , I :i ~ 'j.ii~h j "--- /'. l'! <l.(~~....... IlL- \ \ ~~'\t/- ~ HOT.mY PO<tUC;:'OR OREftON '_' .1~:~,_': J'< ~ iWJoCctn~l.AlH'IQ:l;Jl:n.7 1-'6:1 __._/1 ;;.' Date Re::el\l eo '~ AUG - 6 LUUg Of/gmal SubmittaL _ .:...~~;"-~ .-u-::;~-~-:-~~.r~'..-: ~.-._-t.'~A..-;;;'-Z ~."t..___PO"/o.:J:;>~:V~ -=--~:::-.~:~;~.."'--::~;-'P"-;~ii,?~~" ~:...,.:~~t4f.l J&.{Y:f-:"~ - ,...]:._. - ~ ~ . ..:Pio~-'" 'Ill '" '-w- ............. -," I.....~..~ '\ ~~;:~t~ ~t<~-F - -..,.-.......... ,~" ~ C~ -. -~, ~~,! .~_ ':,.- ":i ~ _~. ."..- ,...-:.-_.... - c - .:-'" . ~ ..0: ~....."~ -,;:;....~'";.1/..~j.J:.-=-. ~ ~ ,. R'" \;,;;,,~. ...'";:.... :;~:-~, ~~ .or _~ ! h ...." ~~,.:~~~~;;~..,...:"..,..~~..,_... ..._'"'d~~~'>l'..,::5_'l..__ _... : 1.0 ~,~....R~7-<:~ .v'" ." ... "-",. --~--::. ~~~.... ..t_,,:, '~_..:;y~;..x;.--.::- ~__ . ~.::-...;.--;...- ~'w:fi:...-=-~';#4~~- -.....::- ~ -~"::~ - - --.:<;::""iv~ ~"-1:~-"- '-r ,,-f<i,~l_~'\l~~:t~P.;J"J,.tN-~:~ :-:.:....-...~ -.., ":j~ ~~,.. ~?:~J...r ...,. ~~ - ~H!":"'T!~~-' "! ~....- ~ ~ .....~ ",,-,~C_"'4.~~"i::"'..r'" ~j -~~". __~~,.9 ~ ;f\ ~...~ ~ - .....l;..~.. ~1V....... _ ....~""~__ ,....#04F~J'I\:oo ........~'____~~""~_... "'0 ~~-_.... ~ ..... ".......~-, "__ .....:.~"....-...f.....t.f'o~,~.l' 41....~-,~~.'"''-lftr~~~!.~...~~r-"'"~ .........---~~~~ ~-~:.:.~ . '....""!;;.~\Ii-11_~!i:n-;fI1~ ~_~ .........~-000\" ...~.. ~-- ._- .. .._.~~-::_--- ,,-.... ~~.... 'J.. ~-_ w..._ - ~......_...- ~- _...._~- ....-_......~..._~-...... .....:"",,_#- {.,.~"--,.~"l\1"'......~~1-- !ft'" '0+.. ....~_~'"'........:::~ -:.....,..-;.-;;':~~j-',,~,v"~........ --..".,.............f-..'~.., k ,..~:::.~~> .\""Z~~ ~ ~-~~~ ,., ~ - ...c,K ".....~. ',.,....~<t'"2-..",.. '€!i'" . -~'<''"''L . -. ..~- ~~"" ....' ~_~ _~~....'__~~~_~_...w;::5-~;;.~ ,..~"'::: ~~'I!"_Yr-~_ .1_ 'ot"1..., ._.....::..~"""_..-:r::::!'t?::.-';.... _:_~..:..:_~_...t...,......=~~.1=~ "....... "'""--."""'~:;;.="-' ~-=:...r.."'--',_.-- '~-'.=.~... -. -- ~"t .-_._",.,~- --....""'''''..::;::m".....'. ':.... ~ $.$-'ir_ ';;~.;r,~\4. __~~f'~"~..lf(~~~~~r~~-l~;tw.s..h~ ~..~i['*""..""~~..~..(4..:...JI;;mb;4:.;~.%~~~~~'f .........~.S- ~~;,'l;.~fojo-t-~t..~jW.,~~.!;_D..~~...,.;,.K.W~V...~.. . "f',l ~., 'f- -_~ ~"',_'~'-.>. 'u~-'t'.f~-...~:'':r...~ ~ -.;:;-~__ ~"'"i-;.'" i.... ..- +....\-.. .." ~ -;:,. J ~, ' .. '::- ~ - '" - 001 /I~ ",~--=-i =t_~--':"'...;. - ~':I- r~'-' ....,.~~-,~~....'-, .::~~~,. --U~"~l""''''t'' ___..../Y_........... -- -~.__. . - ,'!::;-:>>'.T~ ..,..~ ''',:,J .,., r" ~ < ' ~' 7 .,~." ~-'" ~....';;-:!'i'" ~,~.,t~~.. ~ . .I !, ft ~40..... T,i't .... ~t;.~ ~ I\'~'N . 99247 "', to;:;..... - L -:r.: - ..~.. ~ ~- !' - ~J'-'i:lt.~~ e .....~tli.~ 't'~;J" - -.;:l; c~=-:{;...i:::<.~.....;J' >l ,r ~ WA'fBll I.ltIB USENBR'J' ~ ...: ;... i - ......~.'...~ -_..~.-.4..~ - (l.'~ ~~.'"'--~.,...~&_~.1 - ~~~-...Y "': ~:t~~~:~;l ~ 1D:IMr81sDud. Ra1nh 0.. llrunhOot. tJo.:yne L.. ~ I: JIaDnah &.. S~;.~:~ ~ 'T~i~:'-$;~:1:.;, R",":~..1- t ~ f?'~1v-' -;:,?~~4;~ -\-;.." - ~~, , ~ cal1:ed the ~.L., ~Gr Dad m eauJ4ar&Uca oC tbo ~ of t f.~~.~k; ~~LL ".::~' ~J:Jl ~'i;:t~- _. -~~ 4 ~"'"" ~ '" I .... ~'-: QrIfI '-I'hCUBalld :Podr Hm:ldrall aDd nol100Uua-.."t)o1J.an ($1 1&00 00 ). the , .1 ~ ;;'1:::... ..>..f~~':~t:~~'- ,~:~-~ Hcej,pt. ~ wh1cb 18 boMv ....... ,:~ed~ 8Jl'IIDU -tot.he Cl.V or B\JceD.,.. ~ t>- _ 'X'._........;...~~~ _..o,' ~~ .r~-:(_w -4\0;,~""'l:"~':>:l!-~-' ..-*" 'I>;:,_r_;:~~_~:_~~i~_~_~__;~ M1Ul1c~ COrpOM:t;!gn, ter tbe ~ em4 'baefit or tIw hgGnCI W..tar. Ele~Cl _)~~_~~ _ _ ___ _._.__ Boord. the Grant,", hBNl~ callcuS the "city". a ptrpetua1 easelll'lm'tl and - '. - " "1~J'i -:~:~j _......1 f",.tt:r> r~'"9f'.......ay acJ"0IlI8 u.t oorlain t~t ~ l&nd loca.tod in n1.e:t of' Glett-.m.od :!?~ n. '__ - """,-~--...,.,.-".... 1 .--: ,:! "~,r--.l:""";";"'t \;-.."... 8aQtton _" T~ .. Rtm&O , W1lla1:uttll I r;,..,~~" .... /:."'r-.. ~ t~.~- ~ .. .F ~~~; \....;;;' n....~'.:>t':~f?....:- l' Herld1an. county of LaM. state of Orescn. described 1D innl'UllGllt 1l1gnulJ; 'I i p:: ;'" ..~...~~"'-t~.....""t ~f.....,...-::'~~ - ~ ...t..-;:.....-"'~.,.,;::~:_\.l 1.9-, ~ I'8COl'DBd ~ In~ Jfo. ~ I "'i:~:'... ..._~~..." --_......X-;-" I -...,......~- '... ''t ~~ .t.'::~i't.: ",:/... in IIcKW k'i't Pap 51Q . ___ .. 1ADe C~ >.... ,........~ ,T ~~.... ~ ~ r....._ ~ ~ ..1 - 1.t.~.,:';.L t --...."-'-J..:> -...-........-"-."./ 0reg0n:Dead :aeoardll. 8. .';P~". _~...,.......,'....'t~..,:_,,~'!...~.. ":;.. ~ 1.....:1 II.! _.... ~..._~;.~_~~~J~;;-:: 'DIeroate"DbcJ~_lIaS4l111eOl'Uneo~8aa1dlBDds1atobe t.,._~"' ~":';,::'..._';''''~_:~~'''' 'crxrt;1ta1owIv1-thIlD4.parlol~~~~8~laDcb:. ... ....~1L. ~--! --:--4-"t _ [#"..:,,1. ,:t.~ . 'II" ' ; ~; ;....__';;. ~~ -.~'<fr"';'~';';~-""~' t- ~rl.v--...~ .-.... ablmlretU'l'OlS'kIandiftcJ,udoc!tnt.bia .~..'.1lb&11 v' ~....-..,'" ~&.~.?7~.:;;1~:; ":;..:, ~ coo.1n of a ~ 01' 1aDl ~o tNt SA ridth~ be1q 1'; teet OIl thB ;r -(~~~~~:!~ ....- ". IV .. ~ ~I> ~"'><l~ ~ ~ ~8- em J.e:n 111413') and -11..- teri OIl 'bhD 1m riBbt d4. Oft ~ ru ., ,_~-;;a~1~~ ....,.-...: ....t...~ ~ _ _ ,~~1~.,""," ,.......~ :i-....,,__I/ _t...':;. --t-....___t~...... . ~~4.....~r... . . _ the emlt01' line roate. UId i.I m='CI ~.,:lt~ 4Gsaribe4 66 toJJ,cnral ..-. - .. - -~'~... -""::-" ..~r~\~~ S~~ ; A lII'R'ip t6 loIld 30 .M1I 11'1 Vi4tJ:l. be1DI: ~t ~ of 1;b&t tnct I ...:i:.........~> ;~ ~.....~ .tt #'Of: ~9f1' ':, ,\: or JfU14 dolJo:nb~ b7 tba.1l 4"a. nC<lO."\hd an 1'1Ip n9 ~ Book 4-53 cr ~ .; !!, "" . '::> ~'}:-~~r:.~;:~~=-.{t.t ,~it~ LlIDe C'ClW"'t.T0reBaa:l DIMeS lteoq:rd.a1l'tdch llea Y.lthin 15 teat CD. aadl ,,~H ~ ~ :~ 2__.~t;~~~~1'r.lf. ~. a1.(l. at e. ,cel)terUao 4IIDc:r1bed ... 1'bllCWS ~-.?t~--.;:;".~ ~""":l"t.<>tJ;...."".T ..,",-,...G,~ i: CQIaIma:Ws at. the i" 4~ p1pe drt'Mn in the ~ Wich r:~:J. ... L..._....-j-~ ... .....~Li;_:~~,.:l~'r. >{..l!;:'i.o. ~ -. ~' 1!IfU'Ja1 'the SwthM.R 0WIIiU' at Lot 7. ~Ol:k:1 or 1ibe amel14e4 pl&t ~11 ~~... ....., '!->"~~~",~.r~1' ~~t r~ at G1.omIo<ll1 hn,,,hiab... 'beeQ ~carde4 en PGf1G 62 in !lOOk 25 o'E . '"} ~ v <_I-. ~ ~ ~ f",. .#~ftl,...",.~.~~~ II . :tI;u:ll!l COUDtiT Onson 11At Ileo~ OM ;Ji'UtIl1Uls 'tbenGeI SQIlt,b MO.l t... - ~ ,.~: ".~'::;::'ttl;'~~r;"f... ~; teet 4Z4 West 10 1 teet to lD&1neere Ceaterl10B 8\a101oc. L 7+91.8& ~, I ;.~". , r" ~...t:j~.T~" -t..~" _....,.." Qe1ng1:ho,-mmPOImav~'_w....,....tbencel(ortkll~36.Il'Datperal1el ~....~~ ~::""~~~~.iir~~..._ .~::/.! (i_; wi:th the oe:nterl1Ae at Boccm4 Btz'eeil, if extatI484>> u.hcMl on c&1d f<" :...~-t:..I-"'" . R -- - H _ _ H" plAt at Glernfoor;1 ~k, ..id IIitNGt DOiI' beins IalCl'olll etI 22nd llued. : j"..". I_"~ ~~. ;~J"-~~-;F.::-' '_ ... :11.., >. .'.i a 41.6'tmCG ~ 581.7 t'Mtl to .....-....v. .taUOll z, 13-t7P4,sJ thence I -<,~ _ '. -t-: __ ~ ~ ......-;;.._--"'4...._.. ..... ~",.....",'o:.. ,~~c - ~_ v ~ .. -:: ..:~ .......ti't- ?'~~'--.- ~ ....~.... r~ Barth 36- 08' J:ht 52 .. focrt to .. point ~ the ceoter at the -""_'''1'1'1 \ {:"';~ i' ~l:~r ~ ~ ~ l....{;>'t:t1i-..s>L...t".....,j-...........>..~:;.;. ;!!- Paotftc ~ 1:racb ~ bot.1n4lU' f~-~~__.~.r." ~~..p. ;~~____",~~~.<:..b'~,$~ Sa.id eeatIOJ..in4 L... ..'., tm vater BDd BclutberlJ' 8+". t--.lo_.1 ,~r_ =~J~"~.;:r-\-~...-':"..t" ~ ott.hao1ocnl'edell~traet..-tfl.ptrI'adll__ta ".".~"...., atatioaL 10 r'"~1 ~_~____... -'~~~~\'..,~,.,- j1<, .... L ""'" ............,... 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Lane,OR DoCUlDtmt Year Deem [-19931 1967 '9247 "age 3 of 4 .jo!l- ~_ 'S~~o.,.~':J Order t:odaY:~tmt: ~~~~~';~~J:;p.~~t1~-t~.(J!!t.~~~.~~.. ___-.:'~~~~~ " :i ,.' ~" , ~, ~.....A , f " " .... -.,~.,..; /: \. :J i,:_ ~;;';y.7'=~5 'I _, _~ ....~r ~ r_ ...".....':-....--~.. I L .. :;: ~~.- ~=-??~: I .. t ") 1 - .".:;::~~,-::<;~~ i l"i 1 ~J' .., ..'"""~-^-'~ 'M i <J - 'll '*'.::.~~~~ ~ ~ 'L _~* _"'!!-.....~~_ ~--...'!r--a- r _ ~ C"<J ~......;....~~~.....,.*~~...:~ 'w ""'" ~ -~ ,. -...~~:~~: ~r-z--:4 ; , ~ ~ ~ ~__ "',", ~~..-t"~;;l~1:;~...,,1 ';.i.. i::: ~. ...1 :oi~:-f..~~,,--=--:> ....~j .~} -., . .-.-'" -'-" '~1 :r-~ ~ ...._"'--,/ ':;""~."",4~-:;- .: /':"1 ~ -~~ ...~~-, "-",,~::-..... ,t~ ~J;-~ ~~3t1'i":.. -; ~:~ <-~ ~~~".....~---,d<~ l"'- ~.... r.,...t~v.::..;:-.~ "j'-V.J -" :.=:_ ",:~-:....r;;-~~,,_. ,;,.r;' l'.,.~ "J..4 :;;::::;,t.,~ il,1!f if.;t. 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'~-..a __ tf"""'L,""5.J; '!;>,_",..~ ;'-:-d~......... ,"I:'~lf, ~~?'; ~ ~.j~~i~;- \; .<i\l.~1i.-<!" _..,. _to ,~",. q~;.~;#'ftJjf< .. \" 7~t -~g:..'; lb~v't,(, l~;:'"~' ;~;~~ ""Il"(~-(,- !t"'~'~~JJ,,,,," .....t~!ti'\-#'~ .... '::ri ..... --' I''''ii"~:..l!'f %~j -;;til'<'r;!i.~ _"'..."i .1,t.'iJ _,~.1 ...~... ~~~ ~~-",,,,,,J.;,..,, (r , ; ""~.. ,\!QO,:,_ . 8T -3 ~.. H ~jfl i~:1 all' fhti !HH ~hf' ~.J .- ~ '" ~ &f\~ IlL! i~ ~I ~ ~ rei J ~ UP ~ 1 3 d4. & ~ ~ ~~ r I{{~~ 'i ~ ~ I I , . ! ~~.~ r-'-)-" . I /"-. '"-";~ , ..... eo 21 ~ "" a.. w en Date Received. L I AUG - 6 2008 Orlgmal Submltt"" J~~. /" :>11, B - ., f' ~ :" ; - - 5- ;['~ .....J, !~~~ . ,. '" ., ,- ':,.0\1' ~ I ? :~.,i. .:...~ .......p--r ':;;;.E= -"'A :t:';I'!; .._-~1 ~i.".!.~1 7"1 ~! =., -J:!.".:I ~=-:I ,~ -, .""" ,= ~~ ,..'" .. ~'WiIf." J'~t 'J~: '-'!o'l ;~ ,~ , - ..,.. =--' = D=' _.' .....:1'11 ~- ..... ~ ~, - m~ ~ "" ~. -..",? ~l .:!Ill: -0.1, 'll1' ...~ ~. -:lllI ..~J ~u ~~. -~ .... I: _1U'~. ,~. .~ t - iJ- :.j ~ ~~ - '-~ ::- - 8431684 fr I L: E 0 IIT___n'r.lftrlC --'I . IN THE, BOAIlD OF COUNTY ~(SfBNMi4DF LANE COUNTY FILE NO, 3795 STATE OF 0 E~.N(.tj.. ORDER 84-7-18-19 . ful IN THE HAmR OF THE VACATJOH OF A Illl OF HARRISON STREET LYING WITHIN TilE AMENDED PLAT OF GLENWOOD PARK IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, WILLAHETTE MERIDIAN " . ORDER VACATING AND FINDINGS OF FACT or.."oIT{ THIS HATTER now cOlDlng before the Baard of County ComIlIfssioners for Lane County, Oregon and the said Board considered the report'&f the Director of the Lane County Department of Public Works concernin9 the proposed ,acation of a portion of Harrison Street In the Amended Plat of Glenwood Park as platted and recorded In Book 25, Page '~ 82 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; and WHEREAS, the Lane County Surveyor has examined the said proposed public street vacation and the Director of Public lIorks finds that the public will be benefited by the vacation of the public street as described In this Order; and WHEREAS, the proposed public street vacation is locatelf489~f4J!ealUll1)d'fllacof J2,OC uDUD2i* any incorporated city or town; and HHEREAS, all necessary procedures have been complied wIth for a publIc street vacation, pursuant to ORS Chapter 368, Including the 9ivlng of notIce, as evidenced by Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. and made a part bereOf, by this Order; and WHEREAS, the public interest and welfare will not be prejUdiced by the vacation of the said public street and no land owner wfll be denied access to their property by these procedings; and WHEREAS, all parties owning property which ahuts the proposed public street vacation, with the exception of one property owner, have agraod to the said vacation by Petltfon and they cOlllprise over 60% of the abutting property and abutting ollllership; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled to be held on July 11, '19B4 but a review of the month of July 1984 Board of COlIllllissioners Agenda Indicated tho said Board Date Received: FINAL ORDER VACATING AND FINDINGS OF FACT HARRISON STREET-AMENDED PLAT OF GLEHIIOOO PARK Page 1 of 3 -, 1 I , -- AUG - 6 -2008 Ongmal Submittal p ..~.:.- ~. , .. ~~"l'_ _ ~ a ',1'r'; :.... ~. ,...~]!,t1 -...r.--;4~" -.-;; I>)~ffl...:' - .....- . ,"'~,i::: .~""'''\W''''' - --e~i1il..~ ..~ :r~lil ~ ~. (.11 " , :~II ',:,.':'? - I " , .$' :- 'j - - -~--- 3iil_ Ii' "g~. -r . .....' " ~; ~ Ji ....... '1;:" I ". , - , --' _. I~' ~ -m ~ -~ ...,-...... .~ -"".., .'11;'J -'&. r , , I I , ' .. 8431684 would not be In session an the above date the hearln9s date and new notfces were revised to July IB, 1984; and HHEREAS, a publfc hearfng was held on July 18, 1984 end no objectfons or re- " monstrances were ffled, presented'or heard regardfng the proposed public street vecatfon; now, therefore, ft fs hereby ORDERED thet the publfc street, more partfcularly described below, and the 't~ same Is, hereby declared vacated; to-wit: That portion of Harrfson Street lyln9 within the amended plat of Glenwood Park, as platted and recorded In 800k 25, Page 82 of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records mare particularly descrIbed as follows: the Eesterly hal f of Harrison Street adjacent to 810cks 5 and 8, to-wit: 8eglnnlng at a point 19,8 feet lIest of the Northwest corner 01' Lot (, 810ck 5 of the saId Amended Plat of Glenwood Park; RUN thence South, parallel to the Westerly line of the said Block 5, 283.8 feet; thence Wost 4.95 feet to the centerline of the said Harrfson Street; thence North, along the said centerline, 283.8 feet to a point, where the said centerlIne Intersects the North line of said Block 5, If projected Westerly; thence East, along the saId Westerly prOjection, 4.95 feet to the Point of Beginning; ALSO: BegInning at a paint on the West Ifne of Lot 5, befng 15.00 feet Northerly of the Southwest Corner of Lot 5, Block 8 of the said Amended Plat of Glenwood Park; RUN thence West 24.75 feet to the centerlfne of the said Harrison Street; thence North, along the safd centerline, 176,4 feet; thence East 4.95 feet; thence South 136.8 feet; thence East 19,8 feet; thence South, along the Nest Ifne of the saId lot 5, 810ck 8, 39,6 feet to the Pofnt of 8egfnnlng; ALSO: Begtnnlng at the Southeast corner of Lot I, 810ck 7 of the said Amended Plat of GlenwOIld Park; RUN thence North, along the East line of the said Lot I, 191.4 feet; thence East, along the projected centlrllne of previously vacated 23rd Street, 24.75 feet to the centerline of Harrison Street; thence South, along the safd centerline of the said Harrison Street, 191,4 feet; thence West 24,75 feet to the Point of Beginning, all In Lane County, Orogon, and It f s further ORDERED that In support of this action, the said Board of County Commissioners does hereby adopt the Findings of Fact set forth in Exhibit's' end the Report of the Director of Public Harks set forth in Exhlbft 'C', both of Which are attached hereto, and made a part hereof, by this Order; and, it fs further ORDERED that a Publfc Utility Easement be retained for utility construction and malntena~ce; said utfllty easement to be 14,00 feet In width, lying 7,00 feet on eac& side of the following described centerltne; to-wit: I Date Receive FINAL ORDER VACATING AND FINDINGS OF FACT HARRISON STREET-AMENDED PLAT OF GLENHOOD PARK - AUG.- 6 2008 pa; -~. ~-= - ~ ~ -"'" -. --.....- -'"""" . ~~l;;,""'''''.''~'''~ ' . .'"J l -J'!"JIoI". r -olS, n'. -il''' '. I ~". ~"'~ -- .... . . A7'~~;t~~'1~i2N"l'.:i Page 2 of 3 Ongmal Submittal - . '." . . , . . . ~ - . ~ ; ;;. ;. \ .. ~. ~ !- ~ If. o. S ." , l ii, ~ l:= r t t- &. " I " - ~ l<" I( . u ~.. ~. Jescl::Lptlon Lee,OR DoCWJ2el1t - Year.DccID (-1993] 1984 31.684 Page 2 o~ 9 Jrder today Commaa t. I~ I . .. . , , . . "..' ~1~1 t~, -j .' ~ .. " ~ , _. "'I wi ~! -. =.! , . 8431:681\ 8eg1nning ,t the intersection the centerline of Harrison Street and third Street (now commonly known as 2Jrd Street) as platted in the Amended Plat of 61enwood l>ark and recorded in Book 25, Page B2 of the Lane County Oregon I1eed Records; thence lIest, as platted, 7,00 ffet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; RUN THENCE South, parallel to and 7,OG Westerly of the center- line of the said Harrison Street, 191,4 feet to the Southerly margin of the said Amended Plat of Glenwood Park and the Northerly right of way line of Interstate Hlghwcy Number 1-5, and there ending, in Lane County, Oregon and it Is further ." . ORDERED that the petitioners remit to Lane lIllunty the SUll of $49,25 for expenses Incurred by Lane County for additional administration fees of public notice, certi- fied mail and recording of documents within 30 days of the adopted date of this Order; and, it Is further . '.~ OROERED that th1s Order be entered in the Lane County Board of Commissioners Journal of AdlIllnlstration, the Road Index Books administered by the Lane County Oepartment of Public Works and the Lane County Surveyor and further be recorded in the Lane County Oregon Deed Records; and, it Is further OROERED that this Order beco~ effective upon the tfme and date this Order :; 1s recorded In the deed records In the office of the Lane County Recorder. ~~ . :;t ]I .. :" -, , , -' :' , -, , ~ " DATED this 18 day of July, 1984, ! ;," :~7If(pf::--1 L~_ J \ · feet Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal FINAL ORbER VACATING AND FINDINGS OF FACT HARRISON STREET-AMENDED PLAT OF GLENWOOD PARK . Page 3 of 3 - D~5cript.tOD.. Lane,OR Document - Year DocID [.lJ93~ lIB" 31684 Page: 3 o~ 9__-.-:::_ ~.__,._-.- ONer to"at_~~~~ ~~~~-a.~~IDmm~ - -L-'- ''&~'~-<!r~-''.h ~ 1 I ~'1L- ~~t::: d ,'1 .'J~I , , ' c' =-,. :"'11:;;. ~ "".~..,< ,'\t !"~ ~1 - ... 1~' Jt~{pr -~';) -.I' S ~ii"~. :~ ~I=~' }. ,. . , ~a~ "~ :~' '- I JI ~ ), {B -J' .: , , j' .ii! :z ~ .-, '~ " 8431 ~)8tl "f , [ ! i,v ~ t t ,. .. - t ~ " .. 'r r ~. - !!.t,. '... . , i" r: -- :c OJ;. .'- . i:;:' ~ -- ~~ ~ ~- - ;.: "" .r- - ~- .. ~, ;~ .... fr' i~ .... !:'" -- - tl-- a:- t'> ~- - ..... r. ~ l-.,:t;, ~. ,...., r: r~: ...~ L- _ F- - . .' aEFORE THE BOAIUl OF COHIfESSIONERS LAIIE COIlll1'Y, ORECOII " In the Hatter of the Vocation of A I'ORTION or IlA1\RISOII STII!BT LYIIIG ~......., TIIX AHAIIDSD PLAT OF CL2IltIOOD PARK, A SUBOIVISIOll III LAllE COllNTr, OllECOlI, /10. )' . '", ) ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTIIIG I, Eric Gordon, do hareby eartilYI that on tbe aeventb day of JUDe 1984, I ponte4 copiea of the order and notiee of haarina resarll1DS the above- ent1tled matter, 10 thrae coaspicuoua placee daacr1bed as f~IIOYSI 1. At a point apprOllimatloS the north-eost corner of the lotersection of !, 22nd Avenue and BaDd.rson Avenue. 2. At a point apprO~tiDS the north-east corDer of the lotersection of 8, 22nd Avenue and Harrison Street. 3, At a polot along the centerl1n. of Harriaon Straet, approlCimate1y 100 feet south of the 1DtClrsect1an of 8, 22nd Avenue and Barr1son Street, t!f.. 4/\ Er1c GordOD Subsenbed and llIIom to before lIle thi~day of July 1984. . ."., HI ...... ..' ,\.~.:,:. """,'''\ , ".".' . \t:..\ il ".:1'\Q ""I. ," i :: .. ~ .. 'Tr': i\:: . ....., :.. .J '; "b. .. lUO:"'OI..ICi i I .., ,.... _ to '1:". ..'0"'.... ... :.I'~I....- 't:.~ ..~ . Or- On... .... . "'fl"......"" ~~ ,. ("",.-... J lip ary Publib for Ores n , My Comm1ss1on Exp1res: l1o/"~ ~ Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 . :~ Page 1 of 2 EXHI8IT 'A' ,_ _ ,:S! Ongtnal Submittal _ ~ ~ . -.- = ~ ~ 1ii ____ _ __ ----oor::... ~~~J.\J~~r.1~~.W.-!~~W~_~~~~,:: .~ . .:~)..1i:~c.~~"- ~~,~i!.~:,<.~~ ~. _;,.'-. ':Uf_". .!.' ~,I"_ Jescr1pt1OD." Laz2e,OR Docume.ut .. Yoar.DocID [-19931 1984.31.684 Page 4 oL 9 Jrder. today Commem t I , " .' . _ J " 8431'684 '- III -THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY STATE OF OREGON I a "t-. . - j' P:: " , . i' ~i 'r , 1 -. J' . " 1j ;\: -, . , 'II 11 , IN TIlE MATTER OF TIlE VACATION OF . A PORTION OF HARRISON STREET LYING WITHIN THE AMENDED PLAT OF GLENWOOD PARK AS PLATTED IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. .' AFFIDAVIT OF ,. NOTICE . ." . . :;1 ~i I, K, Robert Ezell, Coun~y Surveyor of Lane County. Ore90n have provided, or caused to be proVided, notice by posting notice in three places in public view; by certified mail to all affected owners; by notice in the Eugene Register Guard all as required by ORS 368 of the above title matter. ~i , - ~ -~ ,r ew- Ei~LA K, Robert Ezell Lane County Surveyor \ - , ~ Subscrfbed and sworn before me this c;'1H day Of~" , 19B4. ) N~~~;jJGlIt. b b,... THOMAS \'1. OllECH:;:.l::1l My ClIIlIIIission Expfl'es: ,1:\-"7 -B7 NaTAllY FUB!.IC-or.EGClN ~ tJ:r,...,.....II~-....' -'.''''1:'''' L. -~. Date Received , AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE HARRISON STREET AMENDED PLAT OF GLEHWOOD PARK EXHIBIT I A' AUG --6 2808 Onglnal Submittal Page 2 of 2 DttscriptiOD. ~tt.QR DocUlllltJlt - YINIr DeeID {-1993} 1914 31614 Pagtt. 5 of 9_:"" _ .-__ -- - - --- Order today C_t. ~""''''h.~~n:l:'''ll.~~f'':'(Jlf\f,:Hiif.:if'l:';i;"_os.~.r..:v.;.~~'''d.,..",.,,_,;. ._-'-~-:-_-Qi.:-~ .'",. ,~ : ,I I " '.'. . . .' '8431681\ EXHIBIT I B' FINDINGS OF FACT 1. This Is a decision regarding the vacation of a portion of Harrison Street In the Amended Plat of Glenwood Park, The matter arose upon the petition of Eric Gordon. Dlan P. Tooke. Jerrence E, Pape, Randall C, Pape and Gary 0, Pape, The above named porsons represent more than 60 percent of the owners of the property abutting the portion of public road proposed to be vacated. In accordance with ORS Chapter 36B, a public hea~lng was held on July lB, 19B4 and the Board of County Commissioners for Lame County Oregon unanimously approved the street vacation, 2, The legal criteria for this decision are located In ORS Chapter 36B,325 through 368,366 and the Ore90n Statewide Planning Goals. The Issues to be determined by the Board are: 1) whether it is In the public interest that the road be '~ vacated; 2) the amount of any cost arising from the vacttfon and the person(s) liable therefore; and 3) the applicability of Statewide Planning Goals, 3, The Report of the Director of the Department of Public Works Indicates that the portion of road proposed to be vacated was created by the Amended Plat of Glenwood Park In 1890 and appears to have not been used as a public road for 3D years, or more, No property will be denied access If the portion of road Is vacated and the public will be benefited by the vacation of the portion of roadway by having the adjacent property owners own and maintain the property, 4, Costs In handling this vacation amount to $149,25 of which $100,00 has been paid and the balance due amounting to $49.25 for recording, giving of notice and administration should be paid by the petitioners, 6, The public wi 11 benefit from the vacation by the removal of any potential liability for maintenance of the easement, 7. Statewide Planning Goal 11 requires a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of publIc facilities and services. Any utilIties lying within the area pro- posed to be vacated should have rights of lngress and egress for the purpose \ of maintainIng the utility, - - B. Statewide PlannIng Goal 12 requires a safe, convenient and economic transport_ ation system. The road in this matter Is a public road and does not meet the criteria establ fshed for maintenance by the county, Sfnce the road appears to be non-existent and Is no longer needed._adminfstration of the transportation system will be more economical If It Is vacated, g, The other Statewide PlannIng Goals are not applicable to this decision, 10. The said Board concludes that It Is In the best Interest of the pUblic to vacate the portions of Harrison Street In the Amended Plat of Glenwoood In Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 3 West, Wlllamette Merldtan as petitIoned. The said Board finds that the final costs for the vacation 1s $ 49,25 and that the petitIoners are responsible for the payment of the said amount to lane County, The said Board finds that Statewide Planning Goals 11 and 12 are satisfied and that no other Goals are applicable, The said Board therefore concludes that this proposed street vacation should be granted. Date ReceIved. HARRISON STREET AMENDED PLAT or GLENWOOO PARK AUG - 6 2008 O..CZ'1pt!OD Lan.,OR Doe......t - Yoar DoeID [-19931 1984 31684 Pogo 6 o~ 9 Ongmal Submittal Ordor. todAy Commcmt _ i';~..,~t';:i'''Jl'''~t'..." t't."I'1!.Jl ~t.JctJarr.' ..~ l..} ';f ... "ri~'a.A1~,,",~~ "J.I':"Cw..__._,.....---. ,_ ---. ...... ~ - - .. , ~I;~ ~ :.); ..;n......., :~'f~~l ~ I i~~., ~~~" ~~;1 ':~; '.....ttJt." -:.,T.~~J ,,- ."" ~.rt~f .- . l""1~lI(V"'l t~ . '!I:'l - _:~il ~'*~' ~~ ~~ .illlc~ ,.liIlI. .~I. I I' '1 ;1 ~ :..~ :it ~ - .:l1Il -- I-'A~ I_~ '. ..... --~ ;TrTa ~ -~ ,~ ,~ ;.~ -:;;:;;;; .--. --'ijI; "~ _:.c! -?:l; -...... ":2 i' t. o. , -, . 8431'684 IN THE HATTER OF THE PETITION TO VACATE . A PORTION OF HARIUSON STREET FROM 22NO STREET TO 1-5, IN TIlE AIlENOEO PLAT OF GLENlIOOO PARK AS RECORDED IN 800K 25, PAGE 82, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECOROS, ALL LOCATED IN TIlE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3. TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH. RANGE 3 WEST OF TIlE l/llLAHETTE IlERIDIAN, DIRECTOR'S REPORT FlNAL Harrison Street 15 an unconstructed publfc stre~!> dedicated by the Amended Plat of Glenwood Park In 1890, The portIon of lIarrlson Street petitioned to be vacated should be evaluated as two separate considerations. First. is the narrow strip of land 4.95 feet in width lying easterly of centerline. This strip may have been granted title to the owner (petitIoner) of Blocks 5 and 8 by a court action in 1981 (16-81~0657B) in a suit to quiet title. However there was a blunder in the legal description. but the document descriptfon call to centerline of Harrison Street made the intent of the court action clear. The petitioners request is to further clarify the 15sue of his tItle to the centerlfne of Harr150n Street. The second evaluation is the petition to vacate the westerly half of Harrison Street from 23rd Street south to 1-5 plus a small 39,6 foot remainder of Harrison Street lying immediately north of 1-5, It should, however. be pointed out that with regard to Harrison Street from 22nd to 23rd the City of Eugene, through a city planning employee, has objected to allowing the vacation of the narrow 4.9 foot strip lying easterly of centerline. The reason is further narrowin9 a right of way to access to Tax Lot 301. It is acknowledged that the access to Tax Lot 301 is narroll and normally the County would not Support half street vacation, but in this case the intent of the court was to rule to quiet title to the centerline of Harrison Street Ind the role of the County, In thIs case. is to clarIfy the record, The narrow 4.9 foot strip will always be in contestment to publIc use if the vacation is denied and it is felt no public benefit will be derived from subjecting the l~nd owner or the County Into another quiet title suit. , The City of EUgene, or 110 other person. expressed an objection to the renralnder petition to vacate Harrison Street from 23rd to 1-5, Lut they have requested a utf1lty easement be retained if the road. as petitioned Is vacated. In summary: SInee the road has not been constructed since 1890, no person will be denied access If the road Is va~ated, the road abuts 1.5, and the pUblic will benefit by returning the land to better use, It Is recommended the road be vacated as petitioned provided a 14 foot wide public utility easement be retaIned. All notices have been provided as requested by law and findings of Fact in support of the vacation are Included In the Order. ~rA/ ..IeIIIf E. \GoOdson. Oj~ Lane ~bUftty Department of Public Works Date R~ceived: HARRISON STREET AMENDED PLAT OF GLENIIOOO PARK EXHIBIT I C' AUG - 6 2008 Description LanIltIOR Doc:umeat - Year DoeID [-19931 1984 31684 Page Order today CommeDt. Original Submittal 7 of 9 '~ , i r r ! . ~ r .. r. , . , , 1 1."11 -, :~ '1' ~~A - _'"'J' ',- ... - " -~I -"\ =~, ;~i ~ i, ~I ~i ~I .-. .iMo ,~~ .~ - ..... ,~ ~ =. i ~ ~ =- a:: w c Z IJJ 1900,' f' t .2000 5! . I ,-2100""2;00, I~l '...,.6 :: ~, !:...~ .. I = 22 nd I i 400 300 30i 1:s03 I .,.. Uo,' I ~ ~t.b01.e"'" 1 : 1.&.1-' .. 1\,8& ) I $. (. .... COla = D. (. 1. O. f Z"''''~J 4/ U 3 21 IJJ ~O I 301 i ~ i ! 1 I ~ . t ~\.1.1.e' 1 II ' , tl. t , ,,0' : G. ". I I ! -- _"4-__"4-__L__9+.__IQ.. I"....... I : · I I '6oo--t--.....---+---+-- I: I Dian Pap&' Tooke I I _I I I C 1!1 : : 7 Jl\. N\ ~ I I I r'\'l I I I , I I I I I I u_' 51 4/, ~I .. 21 n..,. , ~ 1400 .~' State of OregoR ~ 'Papa' Bros. Inc. ..." ..... 2dt.r , I / I . . . I I I f , t i . 1 . . : . . .. -.' . - I . I / I -- -, ,. II .11 . ~ ~ a . I · .~- . . to . - . ..:. , . - .- $1' ,;;:;; Ii .... ~ ;:-;j;;i. ...... ~ -~ J ~ -P' -,,~ ..~... .,-n ......-uA :a ~ ! ~ ' Ii -::M I 'J! .~ f ~ .~ . L 6L 71 81 61 71- !l! -i ~ PACIFIC .. ~..ijji!f - - - - DeBcriptioJ:J: I..ane,OR Docnmumt ~ rear DeeZD {-I9S3J 1984 31684 Page 8 o.fI..:~,-~t~(.~l1?,'~liNUfdi"l~ O~...,Loday co.m-t ,j~~j,~\mr~~/.iU;:l~~: ~\I:f;b ,J;';Hi~:1.,~,~~M '~~':.~~!-'Nt'~I~~fJt~K\WM~ ! AUG - 6 2008 .lU1. SWV4 IIIEV4 See. 3.T.uP.f!9f.!lWWM:nlttal LANE COUtflY ,.100' FrIGHoW A t ~,... NJ ~., . """"""- __u ~...r.;...-:;- ..:~... :....--- .-- -.. ~ r L .--., -~.iij;... r , .. L ~ ~"'........ ..""..- ~~:-:~J..9 89-18) IIITICl!OF~_""- QQf BY ALL THESE PRESENTS Tbat .i. OUtdool' Adverttstav, htrttl'llfte' 1"If.md to IS Io.ytl.,,' end t;u Cttl of ~f I IllIl'Itc:tpll corporl\lolI of t;hI Stitt of Oregon. beN'n,fUr "flmd to as 'C'tr.' hIv, IJItInd fato 1ft -I ".., ""mtq , sit! rJ.'IlIW. ~J_!l1'''- by Iltr E..- 'I...,., Dl....toP, Tho .1\t ...,,,, tppro,t1 ... ,....mI to ..lIow b111bolrd stracwrel t. . 1..2/St JOA'IlO distrte\ located 011 UI tots l~H'" IOr'l Hip 18"03-(13"1 3, a leg,l dtKrtpt.'on which ts I\tKMd II Elbtbtt 'A', ,0 ' 00064S3 I ! 1 , . I I. t The ust and .....Iopant of tht above property 1$ lov.nld bf \lit teres ind coACIlttoas 0' thI\ 51\8 Rn1aw Agl'tllltnt end the 1\'""'11 ,111s ud specificlt'on udt by and bltwatn $l1d parttes on tbe abov. date. Slid Agfttlltflt 1M tht ..ppmtel pllO$ Irt l'tCordtd 'II t.M et\J 0' ElI9'II1 F'u"" 01,151011, ,lid to 'IItl,ch rtflrtnCt ,. hI'l'tby udI lor In utters :ind thing. th.rtb COfttltntd, IH WllIIUS lIHiRlDF. lilt PIn'" ....... 1Ia.. ... ""Ir lIaad Ill<I ...1 \IIh & dlJ/ .f I - ,,-. _' I' ~ IIE'IElOI'Ell em Of ElIGEIIE (1)10 0Utd00'r All" "'IIG IlSFO (IS'9OIOUlEC IOJD . BY ~&e' /IMl'llJ nc: pi lltIIII' (CliT.r A~ 1f1f fetilffR,,<PP fiii"1il BY II !i lJ ~ U I SIAl( Of IIiEOOIII " CCMl1Y OF L.\HE (FIllS! PAITY) ltl tilt s lo'!!nJa.y of 'It ~ T"r.-.. 19~, betoN 10. the uncSI....lgned. I ~ry publtc: In llld?Ot". ilia ctIIllty eiiG~utt. "rsonallY ,""reel t.hI wtthta naaed 8rfan Obi. wM kalMt to .. to bIo tht t_~leal bdlvldAl doKrfbed tltN'n and. e.... cuted the SUI frnlt tnd yoluaU\'111 Sol _ -~-~ II TiSTUIJIY _, Ilia.. Iw.....lo .,~_.':!.(( __ ... or _ ... ...1 ... cIt,y Ill<I ,n. o. ~ ,~ 1ut. &boYt witt.n ~:..\o'tAnl"\"'o\ I ~ ....., I. . I>vo...\C J.,I "... '1 ~o J ,..... I _/.~ t "'~"""<"/ '," OF Q';.r ,'''.._,..... ~..., p,~~ noul')' t'UOI1C . I\Y _,,,,'" Ex,I.... ~ 'l; /91:] STATE OF 0WDt) ) .. COIlIlTY OF lNfi ) (SIl:lJID PAm) I 1 Ii " I On this J/l day of I 19Gj?, blfort .. Ippured Jt. CrottIU. to · personify knoWn. who bofRIJ 1'11. I wthi, the atd J', Croteau. Is the Princ1pal ,tunlr of \be elt.)! of . aid thU tbe setl .fftnd ~ ia1d Ift$t..-et 1I1S stgned lItd mhll tn heMlf of satd corp4ratlon am! J'II Crotuu ldnowltdgt' ptd 'nstruallt to be u.e free let and dUd of said corpor.t1on Sill IN TiSTna<< WHlASJF. I baw. I'ItnMIn\o so1. rq hand and seal thl: day and VO' lu\. tbo~ 'lftlt.ufl ~, ?~~~..... - '\\01\111-\). \ I ... I ..' Puo \.\0 '~ I '. ,.,~~., <: DFl)~V... ~ ;1dU . ~ Hott~"""Jh .., _I"'" ExplI'tS, '14/19- , I Date RecelvJd' , AUG - 6 2008' -' ,l fngmaJ ,~..bmlttal -"""" WJ .. {...,.....(' ,,., , L _- _Year ~CID Ir-H93J H90.6453 I.-aii.i~,j,;_., .!"".._ ..' _, . . . .; I,.... . .... 'I -'1__;1,'-;- ....., ...,._...".......'I....".._~'u..~. -Ji' I.. 1 ot 3~_..io_:_. .. I .)I.;i.l,iu' M: .." ..._~__..! ",",I., DescrjptjoD Lane,OR Document Order today Co.aaent Pa(lre ; "I .' '" t '\ ,- .' L r ~ L "' -- ~,.,.-~ _ _ ~11iiiIii - - ~-.II .J - '~I ,/ r~,.!.-!!!~~'!\,... :,- ---:~-~'~::~..~...:.<_. _ "d~' __c:.,-~~.~. :i8J"~" __ _"n:. ::'~~:~:, '":~~~~. c. -"'~-" -"~"".J..- ~.......__.. -----..- ~_ .:: -=- =, I:;Il ~ . '-~>- ,r" . j( -:oj:a.. A _-~,.,.,r---iiif";i.""",_-",,,,,,,,,,,_........_ - :_ ,-'!"J. -~r '. - , ,~'-;'-''f':_._'__ ~,.___,.._._.______ _ ____ n_ ~ = , 0 " .. , -, 1 , '- ~ , , ! .; . 1 l 1 j , 1 i (a (~ , 9OO64s3 . '~~!..llllll: Site &.vin Appli.cl;UGIl Qbia 0lat:400t AdYll't1dna fik hop"1 Ll!aal DuIll'1ptiOll I~\,A ~..... .. ,J .~~...,.....~ .. I ,. or ~,tJ,1\V ~UoClJ7'_' ~ PIrt'.. ,P\I_ od'.ftOOl'ded m Baok,'~'.I'Ip J,Bl,1'l&U._', oflaDt 'OlIa1iYOlOPI."9~t...~I."'...~I)....,t:;t.'1...... ~ , 11lJlllIPt;1Ila &m1ll'30.0 1... 01 'oOtlpf,'/i1lld 11. '. , . ,~ (EICER lhi"'tN.ct 1lO1d...ta 'the Statt~ot OroS'JD I bt d8tcI eCDnlod 1b'Boolc- "$. "_42'l2,~e4 JlIOOrdl OJ WIo. eo;u~~ .; ~ "'pA,~~.i~;;i ~~ of . . Ill. ...,;j;;; 01 Oatlor:l, ~... IIld BI>oUl" ,1&, 01 -",...t a 10", _~. OIoF{. -llbOii.. .. rut.30.o lid into . traat of lmd,',#Orlllll"lI deeded t EloIJlOl' a. Moa .. Idlmrd 1'. ~ on JAIlllI f'1 ". 1lI$4 ani ........ III _ )6, I'D.. 91. Do<)Io_, at I.cno -otm!i1, ar.soll\ tM add UoIlIt ~AnI1n Sic. " flip 18.. IlJII 01 tho "'. r\IllllIa8 lllo.... 1....111.... pD'II!.lol14111llul v..,_ 01.... tra' of IlanlI to Ibe b.&b 11Do of tho ~ r1&b' of \ID7 CliomG ilfor.........q ot.os - np,ot "'l'''' till WI.' Ua Gl IbJ olMtn due~ lwI, tbDnce ""'''' 'Ions .... w.o., Un. to ... ..i.. 01 bo~(bo1ll4 . ....p Of' _ lO.O t... ...,. ott flu YoIt."Otd at tho .:Ld 'lr1O~. aU or oa1d pralao-. bo:it l lIIlmLe ant)". ()rcp. .. I ~acarr thOHtl'Ga \bI~ FUon ducJ1.bed 18 hrce1 . 2 l.lI _1 .r.4".... tllodllq lJI, ~3 1n C. " lID. 6 1..Lane Cowlt:y Or.~ QinnlU Cavi. &lkI1tl . . - ~"""Il ol 14.. _idlbc,~. f18S, lll<I. ". :tans Colli 1iY, Dragon. .und .bomB' paot1.cn or that propot ':t ..- 10 lllo. _ .. Ilzf:LI.llDw""'" IIld ...nIb s. '1ImlOlDo. _10 -161. ~ S79 ot___IF 'ilIloma. I r Doads, die CIdd paratl ~ Ibolpn'\IDQ ot laid ....'1"'... ino1_ III . ...., 01 llnIlariDblo lo 'w14th, ~8 on tho Uor~1T IidI or th. ..Glntar 11m at thol'ocU1o 1Iir.tww .. said IIillrwv bD._ rpJcJ...... >bicloJ......1lll. .. doaoribo4 &II tollowIl , ~ "0 IqLaa1DC U ED;LaIIar'. cfentcl'J..iIIo .te.ttoa . - - llIoU.'llDIDa ~1O t..,_.. .... 11037 teot ., at tho s: CWDItJ' 01 tbe eu.... &1M, DtC I). ,'" 3&, 1'1- 'a. JOW, \iii, lBalWS '.-1'\. , H.Qgo47'.E. 600.$2 tllel. thelD. On ill lIIp1ral Clin'a r.Ldlt (tho !ana obora ot ub: :b _. ,06'S3'a.) SOO t..llIIo... , On . 14J2." toot. Nd1la 0W70 r1dl to (lao 10111 -E-!: tD1uh ba:ll'l S.U'Ll'U'L) 15TJ.J.6 t.u to ala ~.fB, (bo IbrUwrb' lLbe vi Mid .fro ,I of 'orolla1Il1'iho \loa~~ Uno of aid propal'l;y .fI"DXIu"l,y ......... s.._ .106+"". _ In. vWth. ih '..I; ot tho otri,OI Und...... nt'an- ~ tD aN ... iollow. SttUAA '0 StAs.illn WlcIUl on tCl2l' :d.do ~ 6Iatol'll :la 216.... OS";IO lJO , 2Stt-)O lS'J'SO 1]0 :ID . Itrd$t 1:I.l1o 10 180 ~. ~: fl ._, , , , . 1 j ]j " 11 I , , j, , U II I i I -, -, i ~ 'f'If ~= L Date Received -" AUG - 6 2008 ~ L Onglnal Submittal D9~cription LADe,OR Document - Year DocID [-19931 1990 6453 .Page: 2 of .,_-=-~_ Order today Comment ;'7"'"" -'1." :'~:I'~!f,~~',:;----:;:m(:;.~-r.;,.~__.5-""! '.,.,~c.:~;~ ~'''-':.'''''_'' ~ _' _~"Y;':\!iij~L....~~r"'flW"'_ .:~..,,~_~....--......~_~~~_~_~ _ =-_ -, o -- , " , ;,; ,-- ~- E '. f f , I I i ! [ [ , f -,-- : I -' -''-~-~- -==-- I -. ~ ----:::J:~iI." ~AI"jF:, ._...,~':r. ~ -- .;::: =-~~~-- ,.~,II:' , _~ -=-"""::"-=~.-:-L':':':/'''' .1___ J I' I I J j .,,! I' L Description LanelOR Document Order today Comment: I ~ _ _ ~"'l'I r - -. ~,---r."')_:-- ~~-~:;~~~- Date Received 0 -i:".<....". f :^::d!ll -"-~~. '-"EEI :111 === 6453 Jla,~e. :'~,O,t! .ar;z'~~~':a~~~~ ~r . ~Jl W-,,-,,",-:;:l_'f~, ,_, ,~,~-:..._~ ,:. , -"flf,,_~ 9006453 ~ ti':.300U If. J ii! J .; ;!f ~ ~ 8 ~ ij~' ::1;:: g8 ~. j~Ji &l CD II d~l !'j H k 'I' ~ <t1 I --I' , ~ - -" ' .i... 1'-.~ 4~ . ~--' AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Year DocID (-~9931 1990 -.'r~ _1 _.,.. ~--=>'. I .J - ..-....---. .~- ~ :.,.... -- i~'"'''' -----..----- ---~ ~- ~k":''' -~ .-........--.--:......---=;:'" L ---~~--=:- ~.'.-_'.,.- -= =- ................... .,cu..._ "7t:ff:l'ft::.t J -"'- The "t, gf [."6. &fI OrtgOll IIIlnic:tpal col"'pcmaltOtJ. bas g,~ttd appnlVll of an SR toning sl.tbdlstrtet for \5/ 9009309 NOTlCl Of SITE arnEll SUBDlSllllC1 Tu loth) _'100. 100. 1.!!:!L. AsWlor"1 MI' 18_03_03.11 as IIlOA parttculn11 descrtbed Oft Exhibit. AI atttchtd Th1s APProval WlS granted b1 ftnal order of the [ute'" City Councn, ItuaDtr Z 89-'0 dated Z/SI9fJ The ftntl order Is recorded fn tfte City Recorder" Offte8 !Sill tQZFEB.U'9QtIU7IlEC .07;;:'5S \AlEREOF, tIl, p"" ....... h.. ... hh/her h.nd .nd ..., .hh j. d., 'f~ 1.'!A ~,.t,.,.. .,nctor STATE Of OREGON tOUlfTY OF lAIlE On tM. l.jfA dl)' of -'I h (.. . If!f2. btfon 118 appeared Jla Crotuu, to lilt persona Y . 0\. e ng sworn and duly lUthortzH to let on behalf of Ule Phnning Diretto. acknowledged that thh tnstruull 1s the free act and d.ed of the ctty of Euve"a S'" In TESl1MOm \l)lEUOf', 1 hIve hlreoato set Qy hand Ind sell the day and 1"" lut lbov. .,.tlt.. ~ &u.'r1 ..~ IL~ 111 COIIIission Expires ~ t/(~ , ~Jl'm. \0 .- 'UC\..,C '. IJr o{~...J I L ! Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal __A Year DocID [-19931 1990 9309 Page 1 of ~ Description .Laae,OR Documeut Order today Comment .''"-~ --- -~-".""""--.,----------- I <, , J , I 1 , } i, t .' ~ 't ~ ".1/:/ '-< ~f ~~ jft-~ ~ .""'.:.....J'.~ , " '-" ;~i-!'r;. ~ \~~~ ..-...", 'Jy~~- ~~ ..i!1f-~ .t~: t+~, - ~;;:'i~'-~F- --"~~ - ~."., ~ V'>. "\J-....~ l:l.f.~'" ~ ~...<<.- ~1~'" '!-''i,f$~, ,..~.:-~~~)j! ~.<~~;:tE..;;. ~! f~..trl or',:...... ,._<1" ,,<~,,- \.\.:f:~){-"]"::;... .,...,......r~~.. a~ ,...,..-;.t.o;t\..~ _ ..f",~r~ ';;,1>\~"-""~ ~.....::'t;, ~ ~4"1}~ ~ {C,,-Y-t' ~r-:...= ~ " , '; ";.\...~ ~~,-~ , 'l fl?r/::+- '_~Fi?:..f _ _USl... ... . "",~~., ..~ '"f."t~' -n."'ti;,;/'-i""" -~ ~!'l ::r~~(. ~?!:{~ ~ lJ[,O'~~ ~~-.,.-'1tt1'~..: ...~~ ..,...fh.."'""- ~~ + "-....,!<!;'i~.. ~ ~. oJ ~ . ":'- u. ({... :"" ..~.....~ '- ~....,7" ,', ,-- , ' ..J < " .,..: ii.~ ~--- ..:!:I..-- r ~ -;\1 J 1 .~ r / ~ "r ~ , , ,.... o! ""'- ",.... ~...,. ... , >-- .' ". ~ f'~ .o\,o\;''?' ". . ~ 1. ~ . 'j ;tt _:li. t-l~!,.../~ 1'+' .."5~ ~~,;'t;'~~" ;- 1":\.} ~ ~'~>J...,~ n (13.....,~{-...... . r "'...~.....~, .,. , ..... JV;:..J ~ '1 ~.v."" 0{ '- ~~~~ .. :-!"~r',. . --;,>.)'$.., -l ~ " t~'.I' l' r ......tv.:: ... ~\ : " " , " --.-= '. > " Ll 4 , , L -"'~.-- ~,~:.~ __---1~~_~ __u_ ...,--------.----= __"---_0._. ~"-,,.~..i".....:-~~~-.; -- .:=:- -..:" -- ----..";:"~~-~,._-'-- .~~-~ - ~~ ~- .. '::"oI"~:..:l...:.D9 f::-,(HI'3,\ A Gordon Enterpl'has 18-01 01-1.1 Btg1naing at the Northwest COJ'U" of l.ot 5. Slock 5 of thl "_Mild Plat of G11awood Part', u phttld and N(Qrded tft '01. U. Pl;e 8t. tft the Lane CoWlty OngDtl Pht Rtc:Ordl; tflenee [lit alaag thl1fo1'tflltlKl of ntd Block 5, to a point on thl ew&terltnt of vacated Morton Street. thtra<< South along IItd ClDterltDl to tM eutl,.l, projected Slut" ltM of LoU 1. Z. and 3. Slott a of satd PlIt. tbeDCe Vett 160 0 feet lION or ltlS. alcoO tIl.t South Hn. of ..atd Lot.. 1. Z and 3. to a point I. tbll SoutJIltne of lot! of Sltd 8lock. tltetlte North 15.0 feet, thence West !OO 0 flit 110" or ltss, along · 11nt 1$ 0 feet nortM1'l, fl"Gll and parantlllith the South 1tnt of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Sl1d 81oct, to a potnt on tb8 cealtrU.... of "Cited H.arrtson Street. thence Ilortb .locg the centtrlln. of $ltd street to the Wlsterly projected ttortb line of Lot 6, alott S of H\d Plat. theDce East 24.75 fut to the Non_It ,omtr of Sl1d Lot. betav the pallt of bl9tnatRg. an in Lane County. Orlgon th1$ Oescr1ption cOQtltns , B6 At " , ,J. . I i Date Received AUG - 6 2008 lJnglnc11 SublniUc1I__ _or, ... ,,"'H3' ... Description Lane~OR Document Order today COIJbZIent Year DeeID (-19931 1930 9309 page 2 of 3~__ "I ,J.=-- " ~. i," ~ ~~ L~~ " ' ~ '. t' " '1!" 1:.". r.. ~ : ,~-- '1 .".~.~ 't:t\t""o ~~~~f ~ ~-~- ,.:-(..~;-;;.. ~",~..' .<"~"" 'f.,.......- , J f " \r>-.... 11'~ "G. -' -- ~ -""L ~ci;t -' . 1'~ -.--====- /~""u,__ -" _'I' 1._...L.ii.&.' -1':':'.__. r { ,; 11 / r~ 1 \ 9009309 SITE REVIEW CRlTEll.IA FOR Z 89 40 Thl fan owing criteria .,i11 b8 considered at. the UlICI of site review for Tax lots 200. 100 and 1S00.-As$euor's HIp 18-03-03-13 CoqtIt1blltt)' vtth the surroundf~s. parttcularly.lIen restdenUI1 in char.cter Every effort shll be _. to buff... sut'l'Ollftding ru1d.n~.. frclll th. visual and notse tlllplCt of ttl. Industr1al dell.lopMnt, tncluding creation of I ten.foot buffer lone wtttl 1l1n1mUIl taproY8118nts of I A "...-foot. wooden f.nel or IlIsOI'Iry wall wtth shall be con. st.rutttd to provide I lInifofal stte-obscl.Irillg screen. or b An earth bera cOllbtned with ewergreea pl.nUngs or fen<< which stllll ton .. 119M and nofA Pluff.,. lit least siX feet tn hotght w1th1n two years of toIq)let1on. SI9ns and tllUll'ltnatlon 1n seale and harmony with the site and arel. I1hlllltnation Shlll be desfQned $0 as to T'ffhct the 11ght ava)' 'rOll nlltghbortng residentta' properties 3 Ad8Qll.te provlston for flood control and stont drainage 4. Safe iACI efftctent inll"'" egress. ud on.stte trafft~ circl.lla. tf01l, tncludlng uergency yehlcle ,",,$$. ...tth particular "tten- ttOft to the impact of tndustrial traffic; on SUlTOQndifllil resiaftc- fI, .1niDi:ttng industrial traffic, tncludlng buStl, tn front .f rt:std.nthl davalop:ll&lnt as such as pontbloe 5 Muting. cooling, and ot.her Dlchantc,,' equtpant should be destgned and located to .tntlliZe notse i..,cts to alljaeent "stdeftc;e, -, -' . ~ J.... ~ --y ~ ..>~ , ,. "- , . ~t./> 3:,!:,;_ .'< ~'" -. --, . . u i. . ~ lL , 1- ~ \ 1t. Iii 1 iJ. \-l' 01"' 'iI !l II: :l "". ~i ~f! ;:j ~ ~i ~v .. W lil CO !! 'Il:' v?-ll2 ,.. H~!:i II 1 !! ~ -', I j L , Date Received , ! , AUG - 6 2008 ; Onglnal Submittal . L I ~ -- - , Doscriptlon: Lan4,OR Document - Year DocID [-19931 1990 9309 Page 3 Order today Comment of l.'--- r \ III I' I ';I l L L Description Lane,OR Document Order today _,.__....t ...........- "a>t 0:'7.": ....~::fJi!. :'F:.0 o.,ua.,QtyI.-ur 11\8 City of Eugent. lIII 0J't90fl unlcl~l corporation. hIS 9"anted ipproval of on SA sOlltng ..1Id'''rl.t for \11~"e S, \I \\. Tax Lotts) 100, 1501 Assessu" Kip J8-03-03-1l 21Z!III'<<.12'9OtIIIIlEC 9011560 MUtt Of SITt AEVUIlIUIlDISlRlCT ZQ,110 .as .re particularly descrlbld on hblbtt A. attached Ihh ,pprov., was CJ1"Ulted by '11\1.1 0"" of t.ha Clt1 Cone" in J,l st.! d.ttd OCtober 2), 1989 SUI Rellt_ erUerl, fOf tMs property ..re attached u Exhibit 8 Tho 'Inal order ts rtlcordtd fa tbe (Ut Record'r's Office 1M IIlmSS lIIf[R(Qf, tile psrt,,,,,,,\> bzs ..t hl,/llOr hand ond .,,1 this K do, of-::fph,uAAd lfJ!) S1A1E OF OREGOII COtilHr Of lAllf ~thls & do, 01 7f.J1J1Pd# ,161a.. "'foro .. ."..rod .a . 0 IllI pi 11)' krKIWn, tdlo nl"9 sworn atld duly au ~II~lC~ IMn.lf of tM PllMtr19 01ndor, ac\nowl.ag.d lha' this tnnr'\lMnt 11 lhe frel let and cited .r tho City of [II9IM :,\ SOIl ,. :, III TfSTI_ IIIlElfOf, I ho.. htraunto ..t II)' hind and so.l the d., lhd yelf lut above w~. ~./J,~. ", CoaItsston UP'"S ~ . r)l.V~r \ ~ C".... # ~ I)U('\..'=..I,... , , fill - , -, -., N' 11" SIt ,~ ,,po f.)4 Date ReceIVed, AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submittal ------- -- Year DocID {-1993/ 1990 11560 page. 1 of 4 l , t ~ \ ~ " \ f t t t , I , " " . \ .(' j~ 1 -t....: , .: ~ l, I " ,- .'- , ' , < , L- :I.<,....~ ~, ~-:.. . , ~ r~ , , . "> ': <' " ;r, ,>l .,''''... , ~ # H ';"'~ .. ~1{t I.; , t... ". :L~ 11P- ...'( t ",J I .f ... ~ , I, \......;. -~I}- ~ if" , ~ '. I ~ " .- . .' ~ .J r 9Q11.56O r Ulll81T 8 lb. foll<<*1ng aturta .111 be c:ou\dlrtd at the tt.. of sU. "''11.. for tile '0\5 100 and lS01, .., 18~OI..03-11 CoIipIUbt1\tl with the SI&Y'I"O<<llltngs. particularl, din restdeathl in character tve,y tffort sbln be Ulle to buffer sllM'OUl\dtl'll rtsldtncl' frGlll the visual and MtS8 tllPlt' of 'hi 1ndustrl.1 dlvtlopMn\. incl\KI tng (naUon ., . tn.(oo1. buff.r ZOflI "tttl .tntlllUll tlllProveeeotl of I A ,b.foot woo4ell fuel Dr asonry Will tlhlet! shill be constructed to provWl . uatfOtD sttt-obswrtl)l senti" or b An earth be1'll (_,,," wtth ".rt"'n pllQttrl9S or f,net .tile" ,hall for'll' slgM and noh_ buffer a\ ...st she fnt in Mt9ht wu"t. two y..rs of cOIIPltUon S1gns lid tnlllllfa.Uoa fn mi. and bl.lWlA)' .\tlt \hi ,Itt and .,t' 111..1..\1", .hall ... ""..gntd .0 u to ...nod till lIgl1t my 'roo nttghbor1l'19 rtstdeat1" ,,..nits Adequ'" pro,11toa for flood eoatt'O' and ato,. d"'IISI. , t \ . I '" l , I ~ t i- t j , V , 2 \ \ 4 Slf. and .fftc'lnt tngress, IgNSS, and ",-sitt trlfftc clrculattoa, including . I'", vIMelt ICeISS, .Uh particular atteaUon to tll' tllPad of tndustr111 tnfnc on nrrotmdlng "std."",. at"tDhlng lodus. trIal trlfftc In frQtlt of ",tdeat.hl dt.tlo..-nt a' .ucll IS poulb1t HnUft9. cooling, and oUltr ..dwltcal tqlltplllnt ,bould be 4ts1enld and located to IlItn1.Izt noU. tlllP<'ct$ to IdJlceat rls1dtnCtf i I I I. , , I I I , "I " 1- ,I ~ I ! .... 'I'!~ . ) ',' , . " , , '. I L Date Received: " AUG - 6 2008 I Onglnal Submittal '- .J -- - ....- ---- -- DsscrJptJOl2 LaDo,OR Document Year DocID {.19931 Ordor eoday Comment 1990 11550 Page 2 of . r L r :1 l; L \ S011560 ( ( OHlBIT A ., ,"htlllng at. Use NIl cor 01 Outlot' 0' MIodtd Plat of Gl.nwood "ark as plt\td aDd ncordtd la Vo'.. 25. 'I,t a lCOPR. .. Pl." bltltS! la \heI ME U. S3 Tl8$ PI W, &l S ..If UMt E II of loG\ 7, 81<<lt 1 of sd PlIt u SE COJ' \hanOf; th V ZO 00 It all alII tM $ U of sd lot \0 the Itl)' ututteA of " H of Mort44l Street. t" S .10 the " 11 of 1101"\001 Street to tht N 'I of Uod StfHt. ,Iso \be SE cor ., lAt 10, 1l0l:k . sd "'t, \b V I', tbe N II of scI st......, to tM IE It of "'ndtrlOl AY0CV8, ad pi betftS tN SV cor of Lot '. Block J scf F1.~. diN 80.00 ft 1111 '" the E 11 0' H..NOII Awent t.o die ctt.Y ltll.ltJ boulMIal'1 of Ute City of EugtM at ukbHsMd '" L.aG8t Flnl' orPl' an (~.11 4. IllS). \II W 4O.ao to 011 .lp ... IIoIIodnY to .... W 11 01 ... -, tb S 402.00 ft all I', sd city bouDdar7 to . p\ Ill!. W W1Y OnuslOD of the ell., Z3rd S\ntt. tb IE 40.00 f\ It/1 \0 \M E It of 1CIftde1'liOlll A1taut;. \II N .1p s4 E 11 to .... s 11 01 UlMI Slrot' l64 " 011. s4 P' .'og .... l1li cor of Lot 5. 81<<" 6 sd Plat; - . th E JZ5 OS ft aI, sd S 11 to "" ME COI' of Lot 1. 8lock 6 sd Plat., th $ teJ 80 It .__ w E 1t 0; sd Ilot'" to the ell of 'aCltocf"Z3rd Strt.", ttl E %4.7$ It. to . p\ on \hi ell of 'Kited ttan1100 U.,..t; th S 17& ft 111/1 .1, sd ell \0 . p\ be'elI IS 00 It Nl)' froa tbe Vly htel.,too of \hi S U ot lA\ S, B10C\ 8 scS '1.\; \II E ZOO 00 to 0/1 .1p . 11 bal'l15 00 fl Mly.... ....11.' 01'" ad S If: ttl S 1S 00 't to . ,\ Oft \be 5 11 of lot J lei Block. \II E 170 40 f. all to . ot .. .ho W 11 .1 Outlot 7 of ad PI... '" S 4$ 00 1\ III' \G & pt GO the N 11 ., \he heltte Hltfwlr '1 1114.tlhwQ fau ~tA ,..loeatad. ., r 1 , ; , . , I " I , ftt ~ .,.- .-, I !-....:. ~ Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal SubmlttRI -~---~-- Description Land,OR Doc:wnent - 1"'ear Docm (-:19931 1990 Order today _'''~~~'"'_t IJ.560 Page. 3 of 4 I -;: , , ~ i ~ t f t t i t I ~ ,i ~ ..1~ , ,.1 ~, . " It~. -., ,~~ ~ ~, .~...( ~ "'''.. :_~~ 'I;. ~-'i , . t ~~~~ .\.< r' , " I',,,?,r<" . )i ~ LA>.. l\~, " t......... ". " - .' " ~ J-... " ) , " , ,/0'," " )- " ~: ... ~~~ ~ "}/J~ , \.., )~ , , , '" r ~~ l'il~' ~ t_t~ :I' '~*, ~, r ~. ~~.. ~ , ~t i , - ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ _..l~ , .. ~~.. I' i" " , 1 , , .J .. --. -- " . F , . 'I r i \l .. , r '\ I I 1 I 9011560 ( o '" E11 a'l od . 11, td 11 110'..110.00 f\ 111, lroo.... reI_toil ell .1 III MltbVQ' W . pt JO.OO 1& E 01. WIn ..1CNd at rlth' angle. to the E \t of Qu\lo\ 7 0' sd 'la' &ad \ht e 1t of the C.8 SWIIlOU: No 38; tON all a 111 parall.l wt &ad Ie 00" E I... III au: ", .. .... S 11 .1 ... SoutMro'let Ie RaUroad Asblud U.. r/W. \h NW1y 11, tbe fIl,ll of Outlot' to tile PUI. .11 la Lan. County, Oreton : , .. .1 ...---- . d. , "I I () ~~J " ~ !! HI sa: 13 ;t2 - Iil'!! ... ~ d!d ! I H k l' itf1 I .;!. ',. ,;j i , . Date Received, ' L AUG - 6 2008 ... Ongmal Submittal L -1 ----- - . --- Description LaD.,OR Docwnent Year DocID (-19931 1990 11560 page. 4 of 4 order today Commaut Branch DSE,User FA08 Comment -- - --- - ---_.~ - r: ==~ / -:: /' ' , I , ! j '.- 1';"': " , ~ --11 ...:... S( h -...... ,_, _.a ,~~!! ,:i<'? ;;3 ~ '" i ,r, '-., if:' 1_- :~ ; -I"' '. . ...,.....t,. ,-;'J'''fJ ,.J,I~ "'"':t'l! .ll' j, -- . L - - -~--:~-- - LANE,OR Document MIS 1991 29509 ..- " i' 9129S09 """"""...- """..~ ~~ :"//1 Cfop.1"tCDr~ II)l[CE OF SITE REYID SU8DlSTRlCT The city of EwtDt. III Oregon lllltDtctp.l corpClrat1.. us gruted approval of III sa 1Illltng nbdhtrtc:t fOl' the follawilll It)[ Loti Tax LoU SOl and 4QOnAssesson Nap 17-03.34-' -f 1-. lots 9000. 9300. 10600. 10700. 10800, 10toO. 111)00. 11600,12000. 12100. 12200, and l3300nAsnssor'$ .. 17-03-34-4 J Tax loti 101, 300, 400, SOOt 1000, noo, IlllO, ,..., ,..., ....,__, aDd l100--As..ssor', Map 17.w-S4.04 4 fu Lots 3000 ud 3100--AsltS$01'S MI.p 11-03-02-Z 0 Tax Lots 200. .00. 410. 1400. t5l7O. 1600, 1700. 1800, 1900, 2200. noO. 240.0, 1500. 2600, 2700. taoO, UGP. 3000. 1Z00, neD. 3400. 45lJO, 4GOO. 41001 4800, 000, saoo ..Assessor's HIp 8-03 03.1 1 TllC Lc>ts 500, 502. 908, 1700. 1600. 1900 and 2000 .Asseuj01"" JIap 18-03.03.1 Z Tu Lou 100, 200 ud SOO..Assessors HIp 18.01.OS-1 3 BBARt.2l:i'91I01REt '''''II Tn lots laoo, UOO', Ind HCJO.-A,susw', "" l8,ln~.I' lax Lots 100, 601) ... zaao,..-AnusDn ,.. 18-03-03-2 0 IS un P&rt1C41111'1y dlscrlbld on Eabtbit A, .ttacNd lbts apflroval .u 9rllllted h, ftnal order of tilt Ctty Hurtags OffICI.1, Jaber Z 91~5, dated April 1" lfil. ~ whtch .Ite nvlaw crlb..t. ftr tbh property are .ttachtd '$ Exhlb1t' The ftall order it rtC'OI'dtd ta tile Ctty Aacordff's O"tce IN "I!'fiH~~RJOF. tho parLr...Mroto has I.t hts/hll' bud ud ,..1 tbl~ 41)' of ~ . IiX.L " " f , ",,' Date Recsl\,PO AUG 0 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Stalton Id JKWQ -, .' ~.\ '" , ~ .: -~\. .. ~ ~ ~ - " -...L . ~~':!" - ~ : J/;;t,. t"'-~w., '''<'-~..''-...... fl_, }~tl~ ~~~, ~.......;;;, , ~ ~ -' .>l\"~ K ~ -...'" ~ge: 1 ~~?~~ ....i.w ".~._ '~:7".111 l~'""""", ~->t-..t.. ~~...~. ,:.-;,.;, ~ ~~, ..it ,...... ~~~... ~...-:.~~ -~ ....""s I........~'~~:~ .:t.;;:; - I.~'" "',.I~ ~'\.. '>.... ~:,t: ~ j ~.; ~~-~~~ ~ '>-r....-,~~- ~......'.:~1..,,~E "'.;.;.:r;.... -- ..... ."...~ """"', ""iU" b'::~ ........~~_.. ~~~. , ........ ~lf.. ,::-,......._ 'O$:':' . ~~ .,.~~j~ ~-;... .....~...... ~.(t?-...... ~M.::'" ~ ;..""~,~ ~ -" ,,~\(~ ~" '~"., ~~....,~ ~.,,~ ~-. ~,l',.' ~~:-/";::;:~ ~<;.~ ...;;-...~...".:4r!:-c.. - ,.~ ~ -' ;:'j;;;' , ...-"~ .............. -\..,.,... ~~-. ~~..~ y::~\~ <(t ," -.: ~, --, (":-~ ~~I:_ ',\ ;-~v! f}Z_~,'....~1;~...7~ <;:L~_' ..~~....." ~~..:_y"t~'l{l,: &fA1:.~I". :'~~.~ ~ _ _w__ ~ifi',..,t'::;~~-"',,>4~ ~m"i"'~ . ~ "'~;.E; ~~~/~~~ : :c...~:~\.:r "~-t':!:~ ~...... ~ ~...."Y ;::&~~~ ~ -~ ,. ::'1"J - ~"~..!-~ t ~:.:-r ~_ _::;Z,! ............ ..-.." ~r r ~~.,. <. \"~c -<\ -~.::.- -".r,' ~ ;. "''''1 - - ,-~ '. -~~- .J ~,._"";"~~-- .~<. . -............'-,._~' . Poge I ofS7 ....~-~_.....--~ ----- -- ... '-,-,",--,_::.'~", "__ _L~ -=..~_ ~. ,w~~-,. - Printed on 7/29/2008 2 II 44 PM Branch DSE,User FADS r 'i!:'-i .;) ~ '~k tJ -, . , -C~ -;;/ ':.:; ~... '?: A__ " . ~, '~' ~~, , '1'lmj ~ ~.. ~~j,~ e~ii.1i!#, i~ ~c --~t~ ul. ~l~ J: \ l 'I -. -:; " L ,--. -~-~-~ / ~ _~~ \~~A- Commenl 9i29509 STATE OF ORESOI ClllITYOF W[ ~lhll"'" of fl." ~ ,loll/. ber..... .....m '~ t. t~f1' t:IIGtfA;* betOlJ nJOtn Ind dull __I"fUd on . f .f tM Pl.'", Dtnetor, attaowladged tNt tbfs 'Illtn.ont h tht fret &Ct and deed of the tit)' of EugGI\II: $e.l "'-.~ '\{~"#; IN TESflIIItfY' WIDlEOF, I have ""'~ , :t~4r$ Ib' Coaabsion bpi:.. " , I :1 , " , , , '> oft ~"~d. ~ "'~J l':\'#. LANE,OR Document MIS 1991 29509 -- ..-......_-~--. --~~-..._-~._-_..- ._--_...-=:--~-_. , _ llI!: VMI!.P: 111. Page 2 of 57 I ", ..,':- . , , , Date Receivea AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal SubmlttRI Stallon Id IK WQ '1 ., -, ~~-' ,,' I '~ ::.:_~"--./ :'i ....;, - I ~,::>l:- : <...~:- .- ':.." ~ '... ~~."., ,....;,;:; }'..,~. , !,.' ~~ \);~'" r < ~7 1.I'~o( ,1_........ ~j;..::!;:~ ~ ~-i. i"~~~ -;'v"i ~J.&~~ --.,:.~ ''It.Uft ,-; I!"~~"_ .r,~ ....~. W~)..... ,,~.. ,~,~.J'y....\ ~""';-i4r '[1*/ "" ~:::'fJ! - '"':tr~ ~ ~~,~~"'" ~:\ ~.:?;-;~:~....j,~ ~z.. ... ...:- ~::~~ :~~ ";"o/Y1".' ,.~;;~ ~:;-~--.:;.\~ N_.......,~d._ t:;, :1.a~~ ,,\ Y-/;;-)=.!i'.;;)J. -""'~ "~_"1"~ ."":y. ~; ..~- $:1' ~ '<l> " "'" ~-" ;:'~;:B' ...'.;f ",:" ~-~, \L"'>:,~~A1t ........"f'j.....~~ vt"'r~'iPX~ h-~~'~",,,~~ "'...1_,~~1. "'>'"....,(:\.....~ d:~_"i. ~\!-"';.n 4 "'<r..~":.'z:J, ... '~""""'''''''l>'.o<ih~ :.'~~~<.:;;.X,.lt~~ J;;;~"' ~<~-~~ ~..... ~ ~...AJ y~~~i' I ----\....~~, ~'-J:!k"~ i ~'.~..:"~e ",...'l-~~ ~ .itcl-;.4:::~ ~~l~~ _ ~.:::':,....~:r;,,; t.,.....,,s,-=""............ ~..._-..o;_Ilt1l"7" ~~~~. ~,t'.:r1T~~~ ~....,. ~:-~;:'~ ~ ~~~;~ ~1;(':'....~ ?:' ;~?- ~t...,,:"::~:"!3~ -r~...,t..~,..\'"-'I<.~, _~~"";;;'7.c':..v+"'.;'Nro$' ~i.\:;,...t.J~.. __--.., _ l-,._~' ~",-""~,~~~* . -f~'y.-;:x v:;:' ~ tr~ ' ..tJ&'~' . -:::..'-'<~~- ------~ ;;,.t.;;-;'4 .....,,~~ , . -.. '~"11 - ..."'::~- ~_,.l_":' ,-- ; i.. .J Ii> ... ,]14"'11..\1:....:) .~ ~J.. --~ PrInted on 7/29/2008 2 11 45 PM ...... = _"1 Branch DSE,User F A08 I -,- / --/ -- ; ~ - :~-Ir< .... ... . -'-~ , >-, - . ~-~~- ......~,~ : ---. ~ :: ----"1' ~ ---..- ;1; _. ,,-,,-,- , jj ~._::~' ....._~r" j -" ~? ~ ~! -~ --I~ --. 'I~ --- ~~ ,:1. , -:~f~ )' -~"1i~ ~"""'I... "!f*:tt ~~ .~.." ;~t:~ -.,. ,-~,; I ~~li~3 -.: m !l L -, "' t-t. -- r~'l'f 1'fl ~- ,'. L _-::l -- E n _ _~ _ .~;-': LANE,OR Document MIS 1991 29509 - -,---- L- --, ........ ,-:J:.:. Comment SI.lIon Id IKWQ .-.- . .,;1.,._1...._...__....... . ,I --'-' -OJ, ~' " .0,'. '1'1 _~I ..- 9J29S09 !!IUll." CRlTIlIJA (Z 91-51 . CcIIIpattbnUJ liI1tb tfIa surroundIng., part1eularl, ... nstdenth,l in chlracter. E\'It'" tifon Ihan be llIilll to buffer lurrotIndlng nsfdetlcal froll the 9tlllll and IIGh. tllPlCt of tfle industrial da. ",'opGlllllt, tncllldtag CNaUon of I ten-foot &IIffer 101M liIith 11111\1. lIllIIiaprQveantlof 1) A s1l(.foot ~en f.ncl Dr IUOIU't ",11 ~tdl Ihlll be (On. .trueted 'CO provtd. a UQ1fons sU..oblcur1Dg screen I or 2:) An "rtb btrm COIllb'lMCl "Uh tnrtreetl plantingl or tenet which shan fom I Jf5lht lAd nots. wffll" at lust ..1x f.at 1n h.tght wtthto two "...rs of cOlllPl.ttOll~ or ,) A ph,nttog """'1 of yur.round Itt.~obJ.CUl"lng 'levitation planted I IIlnll;lll'l of:ib fett tn dfDUl p which shill fOrD' s1ght &nil aolst buff.r at ,....t she fm In blight "'tMn twu )'ears or completton SIIP' and Ullll1natton U "al. alld hal"dOl\J' "tth tn. stte ll'Id Inll 11 atnattoa sball be des1'" so u to rentd. UtI 11ght Dl1 froal natgtlborlag n..tdtntial,1l'Opertt... AdecpAu provbtOft for flood control and sto,. dra1Rlg1l Sf,f, lAd efftt10at tngms. egrus, and QCl-lltI tAff1e clrcu1a~ tlon, 1"ludtng .".., _.. wiel. access, tllttb part1cullr attenUon tG \Ill tapact: of tDlllstrtll tnff'c OIl sunwnd1"9 restdutls, II1nl1l1z1ag ladustr11l traffIc fn froAt 0' res'dential ""o..,t IS lIllCh as posstbl. Iieltll'l9, COOllDg, and other lItChaD'eal equtJlllllnt sbauld bo designed and. lOClted to 1I1alratz' ooilt teplCts to adJactftt I'Is,4ences 8 t o E EXHIBIT B ~~:,: 1f;- , " -. /f ~~ ; ~:l., I Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal ~~ .." IilI a fII'......, J.~I /7 ' Page 3 of 51 ~~ V..~ ~ < 1 _:, , ~r' '-~l,. "' "'v,... ~ ~-~ ~ -,:;; . \,.,." ,~ .{ I r-"1 ~'{-f.. '-t-;-i;i' , ' , ;~~ r ,,,,.~'\':'; --" ~~ : ...i/~ .,.. "K \~2?tiL~ ;:;." 7c;_~.t --~~~ ._~- ~~.s: ~~ 4'~ \,\~~ ~:-~;rtit ~~~,~ ~L;...--1-<-:;::::-"'~ ~ ",~..~,..,.......... ~..;....~J:'"~t"~ -" 0~#):'" ~:-J:; ... . ...j,:;~..."'" \~ ~ ~'"-"""<!~ ~~ ~~:~:t:; ~~~:;;,"-~ ~ - ...~.t<~~ ~~<"' iT ~~>~--1IO..~ ~ ~~';:::;~~t'";~~ _ ._.,~.' ----f',~~ _~_~~i !~O~ ~A'\;~~' ~'Ut"~-=s;.r~ ' ;'l~~~~:V~~ ~";-;""-it --4 ';71f. ~~~,i!',.J;' . _~""ro:~ 1-, +"'J ,.,..". ~~ri~r..: ~i~~--; :;'iJj,JIM~,d,;~ : :Ji''j:''P;~:t _':f,S..~. ~!~Sfr~ : ~-",~';:Jol,..o.:. ,""''''''''-~.".'''l:l- ~~.., - - ~, .~~~ !-~ <<'~ol'\ r,.. -~ ~.fS.Iill'"J: ;.,<-~"lM' .:;.,.........1.~......::.: -ifdW: ... J.L:'~i:S i ~ ~ ;. ~ -. . '......r~'-.... - ",>~J,' ~~~~a'-'",:::~~ ; ~ I <.\;.1. ~~~~ ~ !- ~'r'~""'~ k~_ >~ ~ II' ~ t' 'r<'*'_~:{- '" ...~;1.~' ~ <- .J' - "A, , ~ < Ii ' "'I~l' -; ,~'" : . ~ .,,~ ....- "."'H" ,,,.......,. .- ,.,.,;........"-........,"".~."-'--'- IF _I!'::____ar..- Pnnled on ",/2912008 2 II 45 PM ., Branch DSE,User F A08 Comment ~'.------=- Slal10n Id JKWQ - r ./' -~ ~~~~< ',' , ~, ,J -,- " , - ,:~:,~," ~4 ..1. ~ .to;.::--; ....... {'''fl1~\;'\.--''l\'' " -":~:;1;~..~ -\......::-~~~.. ~ ; <or;:...;'f';: ~ r_ -..~ .. -~'t.~ : "A~- -- , ,:'-.:T; '~:i ' " , " '- "'I,e " , . ' ~ .. >} -..,- ',::' I': tl it' " - ,j.,v -~lli', .!JEll: ..., 31r ~r ..':f!~ : " " -- = 'I 'J , L _ .::..~t."=:=--- LANE,OR Documenl MIS 1991 29509 )) - .l; -: '} \ ~~.." J '. " w-w.Q)olIl."l.~~ auotOl.t.tow7_8~~...,..... ...~ pIa&ttd Dd..NCOl'W. m bk .p.. ....liJ1" Plat 1Iao,.. ...r.- __, _ ., RPZP:r .. b.Ua)O.O t.., af ~".1 .s ... It, &tagf v.. 'lnG" eou..tD tilt ..... of O:rqm to' do8d ~ Sa ilooii: "s, .. 212, DMd ~ 0) , tas. .cocrto.~ at. ptD\~.o fMt. ~tb ot IU m ~ fII OlloUot 1., fttu l1li ICrUpta flat or """"""'1-...... ....., ........ --.. ~8u\ 3000 ,.., am . traot of lmd. .toIDIr~ dMdlld 1J.ear:qo..... .lIMN r. ~ 011 ~" 27, I$l, ..................)6, .... fl, .... ;-j of LIllo W. ~ b.-id lUllIMbtc1a -".), bp 181. UI or u. III, l'aDII1q C!le\>>. Borth.... JlIftllel 'liG U. ....t.Uh at tno, Gt led to 1be 8lutb Uu ~ .. nUroed rtatlt. cI vt7 ti tIDe - b..... ",'. -10lil Ri4 rt&bt. ot..,. to tile v..t Ua, of t;b, abcml de.lDl"lbld hal, u-a.. 8lUth -*c ..u ..~ UDe to .. pljg t of (bd-aa. .trip of" JDd 30.0 f.U 1d.de GU b tit. of tbe add f.raot), .u ot Id4 pwUI~ tlNtl 1D l.8IMI ar, 0hpD. GwetraI tMt pu. ~.. - a .. ftoa1_ mod'" 10, "', .. Do.. 6 , tat ornmlif OrtIJlQ Cl!nGit. 0aIr&, td4l'&l '- pine) ot 1aaI qiDr :lD. &.0. 3. 't18:r, Uf. ) IodDt V. ~) d bdDc. JWu. of tMc. POOPil ~. 1ft tit.&. clltCI to fircU 1IId1u _ BImw!li L . -~ .. ...."'" ~"' ...... -... ~1eoo!d8 n...) tH Aiel PII'Ml betal btprtkID 01 'tdIt sn ~ 1DolDd.d in. .tnp of 1aat ...~ to ?vSdCb. 011 tbt bthGrlJ'''' of 1M ..,_ 11_ or IN hoJ.t1o ~.. .u Jl1&bstq .Iy. __ rolot tW, *1ch '.m_liM " 41tor1bod ~ lol1.owta "llImBIJ .t ~'. eta_iii>> .ta~ 23&too .ud Statio. bo1rl,J '10 I.., lot" _ 1l&J7 I.., .. I&. ot 1M :a COZ'Da' of 1M GJu 8. 81M.. IJl.C I ) 38. Tl8, 83V. lit, tblaej u .1&7'S. 6eo S2 '"' hra. DlI. __1 CM9'a rich'" (1ht bIa. c:bmI of *11 "". ~86IS"B.) soo I.... &bt1llle I I DQ. 1IlJ2.>> I.," NCl1u CVQ rt.' (aae l6at chard ' I ",1eh bur. 4.h8-1I7'1S"1.) .lSll:M I.., to BtI~ J6.S+5L9B, 1be lbrt.ba-J, u.. tII a1d .trip athrd'aroNiDII:I. Vn1lsr~ U. Gr ~ JI'OpII'fiT ~~ollSlOst'* Btatloa. ~ I. vSdtho 1Q 1M' ~ tbI< Rrip at Jaud .boIr. ret'Vrid to uo .. 1011ova. Btat.bl to Statton Wdtb C\IQ "J,r AlII or c..t.-ll _ - I 2S2+;lo 1JO 2S2+JQ 2S,.;o 130 1D . .tNSP~ l1Ro to 1&0 f COCU:a1A1.t!& !me or la.. , - "':I'(~' ,1.... t=t' x tf"~ ~l"-_..;?'"'-~}~ f ~. .!Jlv-"'-:~ ~ ~ _ __ (~ ,,~ I ll229S09 10." , "' ~~l . "&\:i 'i':;t w~~.... Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 --~~~,.r~:",<~~.iiti., ..,~j.:~!t~~L,._~d\ OngJn~ Submittal :1 . -..~.-.~~;~-~;=...~,,:::,':::- . ~,..-;,.- Prmted on 7/29/2008 21201 PM Page 32 of 57 -, ~~v .. . , ~ :,n J..-:;'[ "..(t .' . . '. " ~....... - -~~~~, '-'"'-::: ")'"'- " ,,-?t.. .~4 1.. "" ~~t--: '~ .J- ~,;'.'-'1t."':' ,~~~r < ~ - ~:1f:~ ,~... , _,~r>1 :H.~ J _ - .;,-';;i);t;,,, p", ...,.... J..t.~r~- ~ ,?~'- ~ j>,~ ~~ J..,..,,~ A---,...:;:~ .~;.. .. ':J~...,.... ",,-..:~~~ .-~-.tr?-'::.:' i'tf! ---,',,' iW'l'.< ',[.. ";,;1;'~ '1ft.: .;':7 ~~::,::=>'; ...1>- ~ .).~ ....~........K'.c~... ; ~ ",!_,~*~~~~ ~T~"':-:~l",~l'~\ t:~~~J~~ 5ffG~~~ _ ? ....... -.. r~ :4J.~f":"'W-S-:r t,~ '.....,-~,~l ~r '""'tlf';"-<-~~" )i. ~".,;:,il.l;.;,.. ~ "'_: ~~-~~_"'.J':<,_."" ~ , J<:~ 1r~~~ r"..f?Ltr~"~: j~ >-... ...i-..."..~", y~ ;':;.~~':J:, ,j.11,.....",-I:. 1 T~ -~"....__&l<t(~ ~:~... ::~.:::~ ~~', - '~;;;~i",.~~ ~ ~;~~ltf~\7"~ ..... r \~..".:-~_ ~!-~~ ~~-K~.:ot~,~ ~, q:."=-',;~ ~,,~........ .~.... ;~;.,I:~- ~--;" -!Z.-lJ4~___. ~..: w '-~i%~~ ~"t ...<......~~~....-J~ -- ...-_..~"",,,,, $',.~'t:I''''''8i'- ~.,-.........".,,~;;...- ~.. _"fw"';'~W-.~~ ~...~-...,.;)+~ ~;"~~-':!~f-~~ t:L:;:.... 1 l,..... -:~ ~~ ., ~ _~..""':.::...r;~:- -. ~~, \..~ ~~ ,,;"~~~:...~..' :~;"-:~~";):i>#;.:~~ ;'l-"::;y'" ~-:--:l-t,-:;;;.._h ---:-~ '~~.:::::::.::z I ~. ,,~,_....,......' .,~ ---....- ...._~ ~.. - ;~7~:'~.}: ....;:.:::;. ~ .' _ .t JJ;_~' _...~...., " I ~ "" d ',.f .~)-. ~~. , , -'" ~ <; '" -",..... .,' " 'I..,!' .J Branch DSE,Usor F A08 -- - -- I < , ~~1 : ,~ ,,~ :1 ';,'... :~ ^ . , ,- > -- .'t.~ , ... ~ ...~, ,..'.' ..~ " ;',. <,- - 'I' "~It .. , ...." ~ ,..... ,~ "''k; 'F-l' ~:~t~~"I: ~t ~~>i",",.&.~~'~ ~ 4>, '\ -.-~- ,~ ,.. .. -= -..:;: , l'" ~ - T-~"<~-:.)t r' "'::- ..-:."',.,...,~..~ : ~ ',..- _dl -." --'I ,,~" --.--,'::, ' . ' - '--J- :~ . t'";~ .. y' ;~... .~ .l:: i'il _' -J2',- li~ , , . . '. ,'11'-'- - I- . ~~~I' :,: , !, ~... .!...: ..... ","' \f~ ~ J'~ .u. llr e , . , -. " ; '- . , L --.;:;.;;.;..~=- LANE,OR Document MIS 1991 29509 " '" ~,. ~... Commenl Statton Id JK WQ ."- .-. -=- -. .-'....~-:-;"\-.. _"11- --.------- -,-.'.' ~, , ". I ',' ~ ~ It... -"':... J> r ,- ......... 1CI~w11 ., " ~.r ,.;.""" ~?7. . *~~ ~l ".). ~ - ' /~... , ~...> ,;::"r ~ll I-~_~'" *'; ~'':-: f"'''' I~... ~ 1 ~ ~.i":... :&i-:"~' >... ;j~ ~~: \'~ ,~~~... \!~l~ ...~, ~}'1-)" ~,"- /:f ....,..... ..:: -:;': :....;.~?- E l:.i::~;~, ~,?' ~> ~:-~~-i.~~ ~-ltIt, ...~'t-"4~~~~ il<\'fi~~- ~ :":,~-n~ ~tr I,,,,,.> ~~ ~-:.~. .I~;~;;.~~~.() f..-: ';: QtfJlA.~ J ~.-~i::;~~~ ~ !i/.ft'.1-.e"~;t~..~) ~~ -~:'''~,..~-. '-#$/ !o:..\~t~:1?~C'.s.. I;~<\;~~..:;~f,.l~--t ~ $-., '..\'$ ~-....~,i} "" ,.1{,........~......1~ _J '>Ol'~---"~ ~M ~1,!t:-:r~4'}'J...;a;.lt ~;& 4,<p::.;.::i;."(i~F~J '4Jffr. ~"\"'fJi-";'.$:!? !iWt."'~' ""'!ff" :iii:......-1'i}~>>~ ~' ~~~~~~l ~ ~-'A \;;tj..v~ .~;~:.:J.it~-~,~ ~ ~ ~ \V!~~~~~ ~9~'" "t>:~;'<'i~,l~}.,.. ~":i... ~_~~~~... :~... ,,-...-\t"'~~- ~." - ,,"'... ~""';d~H:; ~~'" :..~.. ..:t.....~'f':~'!_ ...li:~ ~.~4~a.l~-t... :rri.t: --~~~..q:;, ~ ...._,,~.;::-~ ::te...J~~~~;;': '1;):, -"-"_-0:,,. ~ v;~~~ ~t ~- ~k~:': ~ ~ ~ J;.J"l-;';';-;rf f.J.{~~'1~~-) "to,.?'.. f!t:: .~,r.,. JfY}~::;:,.o: ....../ ..."'t:..,....~.... ~.:.."!. .t~-;..?~~;f'?-... 1,f~ ~ ..;,~-;:rk~ ~~... : ~\r ~ Date Recelvec ~_: - " ,n" 1Maiil!L-.2DD Qt'!'>9S09 I -l .. ~ at __ '. .ummm ..., at CI8JOCI) 00uIlI;r~ ~ ::'alimI as,...., r.c.. , ,- , '1lL.o;'-~~~","""iIf " ~' . .-. .', " .... -' ~ ;- o L.-or .1 ....Ji J,.,~-'or...- ~~:""4~&b4...~~'-t:.. ~~:. 4 =GQu.tIHl~t,t.==::::. .'.., , ~ ~. ~ : " , .. I "' ~4~4 ~.J~~ <.->f:_ '" ,...JI!l..,;,j., ~ ~~.- , , N AUG - 6 2008 .. -, '~....' .... ~ :-.:.... ., Onglnal Submittal J ... " =':~~~~_._,.,....~_:lTP~, _ .1, _____.____1. ., Page 33 of 57 Pnnted on 7/29/2008 2 12 0 I PM ---- ""':: ~~.~:~=~:~:'::-.::,::': .,- ~'.~. ==ool!'~-"- - - -=----~~'::- - ~-:--':<:.:=-~".",,, "..'l .,., '1!1'.!JP.llI!M.II~'.. Jil",~l.. _.aT 1 . ,,' ,'~~~':__~~_~ "t"~":':'.~iIl'~r:~~' !I....::.':,~.-""'""'. "'" IIII L -.l -....,;;; r -, 930Z537 ftWA.V IS 9311~ IS~OO m!1~.1:i'93II06fFtgm 10.00 imlAN 15'mD&A&TFlNI 20,00 <~. ~:.,. 5 r I,D JP DECLMAnON OF ......_...... -.,. Uti IT KNDIoIN BY THESE PRESeNTS that; TRVOUB S. U IIC, .and 'BEATO G tURANOR, ORANTORS, COI\yfpY. \0 ALBaATD G. MIRANDA, GRANTeE. on ......n\ 30 ,..t In width ~o~ aOOD.'1 pu~..o'l o~~ ~ ac~o.. 'ho 'allowing d..crib~ parceL uf land, A INl'"'Col of hnd J0.1N 'eet in "j,dth loc.f:.ed In Out Lot. 7 and 8. A-ended Pl.' 0' Gl.n~od P.rk. II. pl.tted .nd ~.co~.d (n BOGk as. Pal. 82, LAne ColintY' ""'-gO'n Ond Record.., ~.ld ..'1...."t Iyin, 1$.9 ,.at len .nd right: Of the 'ollowing d.~rtb~ c.nt.~llne. -:;;! ~; - . ...,., -~ -~ B.ginning at lh. int.r'l~ton of th. M..t '1n. of ..id Out lot 8 with tho .uuth.~l~ ..ruin of th. South.rn Pacific RalJroad ~igh' of way tAlohland lin.). ...id ....gin bt'inD 30.ft fut .outh....t.rl)' f1"OO ~.n .....""'R P"'p.ndicuJ.... to tho c.nt...Un.. \....,....(, .,.un .".ne. .2oDftl th. .,... Un. of ".id OUt I.oh. 7 and 8. South 8'10'38- W..", 443.28 Int to th. ...",...IV uutnw.st c:orn.1'" of thllt PflI"e.1 of hnd C'on~.,..s ",0 AU....to B.. I'tlrand. by in"t..u..n\ ",u"oY'd.d AproU 1, 1992. R.e.pUon No.. 92..11579. LD" Count., ar"90n D..d R.C'O;1"d.. ,net 'h. TMoI. Point of Boainningl IraD thlt TW"Q. Point of S.Uinaift9 th.ne. fo)l~ ODr" 0" 1.... along lh. t.n'lt.,. 0' an .MI..'inl D....v.l ~d thlfl' following COl,lr...... .... dh\lUlC:n. .Jon; th. Iltt,ath.rly boundary o( said "irand.. ~1"'C.1 NDl"\h B9.~' Ea.'. 292.16 hHJ th.... hllvin; ..Id bouncU...y .101'19 th.. tR""C of . '3.411 ho' radhl. 1:'\1"". \0 the .,.ight, th. 101'18 ctwrd of lIIhich be...... South ~.~'5b. E...... '''.73 f..t, ,. dhtMC". of 113.'59 f..'1 South ~4~45. E..', '2.IJ f.... .101'11 th. arc .~ . l~.se foot .....h'.. cur.. to th. hft. th. lonD chord of ..deb bIoar. $outh 3lJ'43"'U' E..', 122.97 f..', . dht.... of J25.e.. ,..t, South SO-39'48' E...t. ".20 f..... _Jong tho .1"'0 .f ,. 114..' fQot radiu. cu"~. to th. ..ight. th. loaD chcn"d of "deh ..,... SouUt 39.3f,.' 17- tau. 107.75 f..t, . dhtaac.. of 189. '7fo f"""1 and South 28'33' E...t,. H 85 f..t to 'h. Potnt .f T....iMtiDn of th. clt..t...Un.. h.r.1n d...crib.d. th. ...,...2)' and ....t.roJ, I'''... 0' .aid .......nt t....in.t. .t .. point bowinD MoI"th 1ll.~.28' Ea..t and South .-28'ea" w..t, .....fMC1.'..ly. '.... ..id Point of 1...._inaUon, ill Lan.- C'crtm&,. .."... 1hh ........n\. h not. PIt....on.J 0'" in grou, wt h '0 Iw Dpp.rt..n' to ..ach .nd ...ry portion of th. foUoMinD d.sC'f":lbl'd JW'OlMl"'t,1 --"i..'i ."::~ --~ :-~~ - .,:;~ " ~~ =- -- ~, ~ :-~~1 -=-~ .:4 ....,. -~ ~ ~g;; ~ - -, ""''''''' .-:? I. "".1 -:.~ Co....nC'inu a\ ,. poin\' 37 Unks 8DUlt~ of III point in th. co.nt... of tt.. 0....8_ .net CalUo",i. A_Upoad \...ell ISO..'h..... P.elfIC Coapah", ~.n..), 9.02 t"hllin.. .....t of thO' Wed Un. of thlt Dllni.J Mc"\t., and ..it. DclnaUon Land Cllli. MG. 62', Notific.tion ~. 3283 in 'own.~ip 18 Sovth, Rang. 3 w...t of thO' Will....tt. "....idi.n. ... aark.d in County SuI"..V NO. 937 of th. PltCordltd 5UI"'V.Y of '~Id Lan. County. ~.DO., in th. South edu. of ,h. ~.lroad eO.Pllny's righ\ of .ey, and ~unninD thltnc. South 1.77 choln.., th.ne. w...t 9.e~ chain.., tht'ftC. North ...25 chains t. -':!'f ~ 2:1 "" ~ _...~ -~'1 -~~ "-;'1 -:-. ~""1 ~ <4 ~-;; ~ -,-41 r :'1 :::.., ~ ~I -, ~~~ ~ Date Received :--, AUG - 6 2008 _-:.....:i _;1 ;;:! ....,i :--.1 Onglnal Submittal -" --~i ~..." --=-;5t...:l~;:-~~~~~I-"""""'lJ.J.'-'-''''''. .~"~_.J..~ ,..".:>.1. ." Descript~on Lane,OR DoCUDlsnt - Year DocZD C-l?_J~J a=="",..,,,,,,,,,,,...,..<,, Order today Commfmt " .,,~ l'I~-,-.c.a~ "".' 1993 2537 Page 1 of 4......- ... "'.._--~~.-" - 1!!1'1 ~-"'- n ",!-....ft"_=: e I 9J02S3? [ the ..aid _1.1..o",d right gt .....y.. tho,u::. South S..-"Z1 "~t .-lClhG s&,d rl~ht a' way 11.18 Chain., eo...e Dr L... to the pl~ 0' beglnAlng, in ~n. County, ~.Qon. EJlClWTINO ..........,.'._. th-at c..."..ln t...ct conyoved to Annie s. Nl~....on bV de.d recorded AUQu'It 11, I'll 'n Book 87, P.go 1~1, ~n. COunty O..ogon Deed Record.. ALSO E1CCEPTI Thot cort..U' llt"'~t or l.ana: conyo,," to tho St.te 0' a....uon. bV and throuGh 'h State Hi;""'.., Co..inton, lUted May 13. 1'4', ...conllJ4 "'-V 1'9, 194'9, In Book 3tS. P.~. S4S, L~. Caunt, ~.gon a.od Recordl. ALSO EXCEPTI That eart.in t.-.at eannyod to the Sta"e .r O...ogun by aM thl"'OuDh lh State Hlgtw,a, Coul'l'l1on, recordod F.bru.~ 8, "'1, Clerk'. Fila No. ,ea". ~n. County O....gon O.od R.co~.. -'" ;;1 ::-~ ~~ --;:t;;;.- .L-!.' -~ ". 2. This ......nt 1. g_nted ."e.. ud .croo.. proporty naM owned by tho GRANTORS in EUQene, wne County, D1"ltgClft, dncr'bed ." 'ollow.. ~ ~::e ;i Beginning at II point whim h the iM.rnl:\lon of the- Wnt lin. O~tlot B, A.ended Plat of Gl.n~oDd PMrh, as platted and ....C'o1"'Cl1'd HI "olu.e e5, Pag. 82, Llln. ell\lnty Dro.gen Dud neC'o.-d.., with \he ..ou\",...ly Un. of th.. Gau\h.rn Pacific- RaI.l'oad, Addend Lin.., right of WAy, ..Ad Point. HinD 35L.c.'e fn\ South 8"~' 12. I...t ."~ Uti '" fe.' No..th 0-Je'JiO- E,ut faW" the nut-...t C'orn.... of Bloc" I of .aid iI.end~ plat, ..u~ 'lh.-nc. .Iong ...,d hutherl, right of filla' JiM SoatU\ 53'e<)'J5" E_tot. 76e.27 fut to . PIIlnt 38.88 f..e' Ea.t of 'he ..0.' Un. of _id OUtlot 8, thene. South .-28'2'S- Wtod PII"'.lhl w.li\h 'hil!' .a..' lt~ of ..Id Out.lo' 8 and OUtlot 7 of ...Id ...ftd.d pl.... 633.61 Int h the nO'l"'h",h Une of Jnt.....'.h HigMMy No.5, t....ne. along ..aid no..tne1"I, Un.. tt'1" fOUOMh'D Co""'..IU Nortt. 88'03'27- EAst.. 5.48 he' to, .. point opposite Mad l3a.llMlI "'e' north.ad....J' fr.. Engin.....'. St...'ion 252+38 P.O.c.. ahng thil!' arc:' of . 1Sf.2.4e foot radiu.. C\U""le to t.h.. J..". th.. lonl ehQ", of 1IIh1C'h bfo.... No..'h 74.SI'Ia'" ........ 27..78 ,....t, . dht.nca of 272.12 hl't. to . point oppo.U. _d 130." f...., no..th- u..tr...'y '..... Eng1fl..."". B'aUon 249.BG.52 P.S.C., along \~ arc of a !!:'4e toot; off".t ..ph'lll c"""".. to 'M len. a. La. . . .e'ee', the Jang C'horcl of .....ich bt'a1"!& North a"-56'29'" ~..~. 344.02 f..~t. to 'h. ~.t IIn.. of ~id Out Lot 7, North e-I"'38. Ea..' along .aid "..~t Un" 1SL.a fn' tCl th. ....'tR"I)t ..'.n..lo" of th. So~\h Iln. of th.. No~th half of 8lot~ a 0' uld llIoM'tdHt plat, And NOl"th "'SlI' .2- loin' .1onl ...Id ."",...ly __tend.d Un.., 1&..35 flte'" to th.. cnt..r 0' MorlDn Sh'..t, thenc. 1....,IAg ....id R/" ..un NoM" .'.0'38- t.st .Iong th. c.nt... 0' ..aid ..t....t. "'7S." '0 t.hl' ...h~lr ...,,,,,.Ion of t.h. north Un. of Plock 5, "aid a.ooAd.d plotl th",co along ..id ..."...})' "Mt.ndtod I in. South 8')-54' 12- E...., 10.3S h.., \0 'h. "W", Un. of ....,&1 D~Uot 7, t.h..nce tlo"rth e-II'38. Ellat IIlIOftl 'h. .......t Un. of ..Id O~' Lot.. 7 and a, "SII.1" fMt to the Point of 8~ginnlng, In Eug.n.. Lan.. Count,. ~'aon. ~ --=~4!f ~ , ~ o~ -~ . ., {'j .., c:. - ..", .1 ,,' - -~;j -..."'l - -" .,. -.:::l .r~ ~ .- ":;.it#I -'" ::.:~ ~~1 - ~, - 4 :;;; -":i ",!/ ]~ ~ -;: 1 -'" ';;~'1 - , '::1 -:a L . -- Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal submltt'" --"ij -""'-~ -;.:.~:;;._;r::~- ~'-~;''''~'~t;:f~~'_~-=':~~:_ ;.. ,. 'iU_~_~~ j "L~! ._"_: _'._ ".r. ,_ ..,1 Descrjpt~OJ1. La.De,OR Doc:ume.at - Year DocID l-~993J 1993 Order- today CQ!IIDlaDt -, --1 -" ~ I =. --' ~, :54 ~ "'i ""1 --' _~~o;: . ; -" -"- -=' "::3 ~, '-=~ ..,.; ~ -00 ~. ,,;j -~ :::-~ H ~ --. -.. ~ n_=:J -'a ~-~~ - ~-:J - , --. ~ 3 ::.- ~ ~, ~., -, .?~ ~ -. .c' - - ~4 - :iI -- ~ L ~ -- ;.~-;! Descri.ption Order today -- _=---::::==-..:.~=.:--==:.o-"'~ ... - I 9302537 3co Thi. grilnt ,. .ade upon the 'oll..lna terG" 3 I CJr,6nten are 9'-'''9Ood the ...ltlhe: to "'... the 30 fool: ..sount .t..ip. including the .d.Ung rHChY.,,, .... .. ....n'l or ing...... ."d ea"." to and fr.. the l.and d..cr,lIq "" pot.....g,..pt I, 01" .anV part ion thel'"eol'. O".nt.... aro further tll"A"ted tho right to u". the d.~i~ed .trip for tho In.'.' 1.1: loa and ..intonance 0' '1~ pu'UC' utHUin ... ..y tie aoeded to ..1"'10 the prop.rt::V d.'5Cf"l~d in poarag.-.ph I, er .any port lon'l the'not. 3.2 arMttor.. and Brant.... 'tNill at 1111 U.... h~Hft.r Jain'ly u1n,.in the ......."t. propeny .fId roadlrtay hl " C'ondithn ... goOd .... 'h p....."". VA"")" eondlUon.. lhe co.., of ..\K"h eahltolllance and ...pai" $.han be- piIIld by GranlO!"''' aDd Gra.l..... in proporiian ~o thd.. uu.. Gr.ntlllr.. t.hilU pay lh.. ,...1 FW'Opl'riy lOkct.. on tb. .;a....nt .trip.. 3.3 GJoo.nh..... ~U. at ,.u tilll." and ",Uho\l\ ,...It..ie-Uon, hay.. lh. ,.ighl '\0 v.... Ut" ......n' prop.rt.y and rDlUblay for PU~Po&.. not ln~n,..t.At ",ith Gran'.~'" full .nJoyarht of th. right' h..,...in .,.ont.d.. 3.4\ Tnh 9,..nl of r...."" ..hoU '!"un ",ith th.. land and ..ha)) bll' bhdl"g on and ,1'1.11 hup". \0 \1'1. b.".fU of Grant.ol"'t. ~d Gr.ht...., tb.ir h.i~., .UC~."Dr" 01'" ...iDn.. IN WITNESS THEREOF, thu D.cl....Uoa of E.ua.nt and Main- hn~. Agr....nt .... ....cu,~ thili ,74A aay of ~,._J#Y,. 199a.1r!2 n.....-4 -0~~ /' ) r--!J~",..KJ ~At- ~~... f't-ygue iiFU.k ~itMrio G. Mi...... .' /#'~ Stat. ot Oregon t ~ I .. County of LAn. t On ,... /'1/11-. da, of j}.I.P~hDr .ppo....d bo'or. ae, . tIlo"'_.., PubUc: fol" the ",ithln Co...nt, and Stoto, th. above __I'd AU.""o G. "tr~ &nd r.."gue S. YUlI, kno..n to .. to be the tndivid~l, who .w.c.~ed th. for.goinu instruaent and th.y ~nowledued ~.td to be thai.. voluntArY act alld doed.. ~t!!. f!'.Af:~/' M, ~D..1..tf: .Kpl,..lI I'I~ ~~ R't.~ recording ~ot~ tD~ I) OFFlCIAlSEAl,. CAllOL.LDIAQ1UROM NOIARlflUBUC.OflEGOH co...",."".,."'" L,..................PRIlESHO't&llOS Albllrto O. "ir,.ncM PO 80. "t:$L Sfooi'UllD'hld. OR.. .7471 L I , I I I I Date Received' , I , , AUG ~ 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal -.J Lane,OR Document - Year DocID l-lg93~ 1993 2537 _~~~e" 3 of 4.u. Comment ~-;~--~-_.. --- -- --- .... -- ~ --,::'::'---=':'::" -:....=:.:: ~~~~~~"':'----::-... -- ...~-:=-;;- := --~-----:------- - ___ M'......_____.l.l..-.-:!.'t ,_ ,"-------" ... _ ~- -----. -.,------ - -, .....-.. ~ -- ~~...................... ~ ~~ ---- -. --. -..;:::-....::-_--.;....-_"':...--- I _::-'\ 93~37 - ".,..:;,.;; --~ .., ':1 ""'4 ~ , ~~ <; - - . --=:.:1 :;J -- ;J _i ~~ =i3 N~ M -, - ~ -. . ---,. '-1 -. . ~"=-1 .;;; ..... -j -'~ -';oil r- _.~ ~ . -~ ~ -. -" ;':1 _~A .:::::""1 ~ ~ -;;; --J '1 " -..~ _...:1 -'- ;3 ~ _.~ L , .;, ...--! - - . -- ~-I 1 :1 L If. III f~! 11 il' u!d 1 t ~ i f~ ~ i ~ ~ nd 10 ! B ~ : Date Received ' AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal -, I t I I I I L I ~- E- ..;:- ~~~,. ~- ~~- t"'............"'--:. ...---- t;'""~-- ~- .- - ~ 'ill - "'""'= -- ~ ~ """""'" -.J -~ -~ i'b.~\li"""'!Il;lt'J.JoII"I!t..~~~>i"'.'''''''''''~~'~'JUod...cu;.....a:.. ~ ..'.. ~oAHJ-->""""""J~ '- '" ",~""""":"1'~~"":n.P'IIV_~~.;:;-.",:,-~~~:~"; Description Lane,OR DoC!~d2'lt - Year Do.eID [-19931 1?93.2531 ~l'ag. 4 _o.! ...~~~~--._ .-_-_.;:.'._'.:.. ~::-.:.:.: .~_ " _ -- "-"7' _~_~-- Ordsr today Comment: ~',-.~"'.~,''''''.'' -""~.,',,. '~~"-_-_"'''!a<.ttr-~~.tr';-;;~''_.~:A'';:'''~':':'~':?~~~~'::''.2!:......::-'-"=-;:'-':'?,~~ .....~~..= - -- -1 - ~ '\ I ~ -, , ., -, "" --< d -~. . ;;--1 , q 1 -, j <.1 .~ -, :";j -,j> -,' 1 .... . , ~ -4 ~ . ,. ~, -1 , " -=;; '9 'I . -~, ~ -~ J "" 1 -, i 7~:; . '} - , ,~ " -, I ~.:j ~Il i j ~~1 I , 1 -~ ", l rrevocable PetitIon lor Public Improvamenta 1- rweJ ,19_ 9321,'777 lhta PETITlONal(Sj AlJIKRTO 0 MIRANDA' -rRYllUK S VIK . ~er;'lYf:;=-Mfoo ...,~~.~ ,~ 1f:Niili{ ,/ PetIbon8rlsttuJOWOlrolthtloOowInOdescdbedrealPfOPll1Y' SSE ATTACIlEI> ElOIIBIT A potl1Jo",r","bll_oabllpollllooSlI"Cl;Jof_IOI'lUa1ot"'fol1owlno"""Inpr"'menb~_""w11h'''' Sbndard .pedtk:llllon; 01 tho CIlj" Street improv~Dt for 22nd Avenug East of Morton Street including, but not limited CO c~tb and gutter., pavtaS. 8ide~lk. storm and sanitary sewers this petilloll ~ prasolllcd IOtbe CI;J so\lJt _..... proporly may III dsvelopod Old ro:olvo munJdpallBMces from Iho Clywhthwllld1redly _a-.PfOpoIly ""shaII_~ "'" ",,_for20ysaB~omllltdlleh.fOoI !Its underitooll by PWdoner VIet: 1 TlJeoost oHhB ....~.'~, .....~.,... shaIJ bllDomabylh8benellted property Inaceortlancewlthstate taw, theChartlr of the CI1y of Eugene and l\sordlNl.nCBIil'ldpo\\dc$. 2. The City 1fI111 salt dIscretion may Inlllite the construction of all or pan of tho locallmprovaments reQUested or may loin all Df part 01 PtUtlanlJ"a property wllll other prooerty when cr,,~ng I local lmprovtllllnt assessmen1 dlstrkt. 3 Pot\lIanarand PetRloner't hIlrs,uslgnsancl$UCCessor,lnlnWrtstlnlbepropllrtylhallbebOund bythlslrrtvocabl8pedtlon _win runwllnfll,._srul..llbolKOrdsd byIhtClyI",..dot<I_oILantCoonil' 4 P1IU...." d....llWlJlepuDllc improYt.....""'~ lOlJghfwfll dlldlybenllllllhodesortld proporty ""v.1idllClly _lhtcrtyllvotOh. ... ......"IoIho.obllc.."ndlXllll1co1llJl'...Mnglhtproplffy..dolherproportlu~1ht ""nlIy S."""""'slIaIInolc:hallllngtlht_oI,""'Im_ .,",,,... _byCI;J""b1any_~1ht11lln wItf.., ..,.flI11potltllllU_todosoIl1C)11y 6 Iftne ClLy13 feQulredtolll8an actIlHllnany courloC compelefttlurlsdlcUon to en1o~1hotanguaoela this PIdUonorlo prohibit the vlola1lon 01 any of lhI eovenan11 contallllld hstBln tho pmalllng party ahaU b8 entitled 10 recover reasonab1eaJ.lOmay hIllS and cosh and d1Ill1UfSOtT1enfs otltlga<<on at ItW Of' OIIIPPlat. 71nconstrnlnothispaUt ngularwonlslnclude1h8plural PET1TIONER(S) -. " , -1 ~J ,1 J "j -~J "3 J ~ C'l :~ .~"":J ~. L ~J~~\~.=.~. Description Lane,OR DoCWD8Dt - Year DoeID Or~e~ _t~>:..E~~t !WYM'1' 04.93II02IEC I~ O''"c.....lAl. CARDl..l mQITIIOM NOTARYPOflUO.C)IIIGOO r.oI.lMlS51OHNO.ll'~'Q2 ,"~WlRESHtW n.tt9S Onthls_da'iol . befOlomUJlpeared ad , ofthcCorp01aUon andl~th'''~~'!l!(b.~,.._..." ,",,1I~liMfl .oW... ;~~..~"....::JIl by au ortly 0111$ BOlrd 01 DIr~ctors. Be1D1' me \. "',... ......aM;lI,Tand secmtary, mPectIveIy: rurnenlWilsvduntarUyBlGnadandsealedlnbehalf -, ~ ~jI< ~>:; !:-':f:.. " " , r~;-, ~.. .. ~ . ~,. -, !.Ir~ , \ ~~~t \~ ,..\t:- -"';" / 1- :i:<"~- ,)1 yI",; ~ J' <:: r ;. -:T?;:'~~'- ,r ....' :1; ,~~ i~:;tI ::to --: ~~..j,'A ...\ -, ...... .%, l,r\~ ~- " ~~~. .~.,:,; ~ i, ,n ~< >, '.l<: 1~, ~J..,' _.... \ 'J" t~ t,,1f,';. nk, '\n" "pr~, ,-'t.>~ :"f;, '''...:;,/,....-if1 ~~ ~,..f' J ;~, '~~.j'r- r _ 'trJ\,...\".-'~-&> ~;~ -:: ~ '....::,.>~'-:5'l,u. 1:", ~ ~ d~:' 1--1~ .. ""'",,: ,~\~ ..,~ -, w:l'i\." 1{ , "'- I:: Y1 ~} :~ ~~>. 6.;. ,..'" ~ ). ~ ~- ~..} l~: , \-. -\.... .rI~~ , ,"~~'\'< ~:- .~ \ ~..., ,.,~O.J " " ~, l I" \. \ '~~ "" ....-"" ~\~ ~r. .,t " ( ';- - "", '- SO.1Il , . ." .. NotIrypubllClorOrvgon ---- I My CommIsSIon E..... I -,= ffl.tq<f'K-" , Date....Received; AUG - 6 2008 ..J [-19931 1993 _III ..- 1 ~ . '. } I 'I . 4 "I -; -.:~ -\ l -I -; '! "! ~ 1 ':1 i "1 -I ,~ '" -:1 , -, ~ -1 1 ,a ~ ..;;t 1 .3 J '. ,,~ .;;. - -;1 -1 Ai -:'.::j U.J i --J -. ~;j ,;j ij :J ,~ 1 :1 ~~ L ~~; -, DeBcr~pt1o.o Ordlll!!.. today ;.,., -~ ~"..s . Onglnal Submittal -.J~: .' ., :' .', ,~~,... - "...... '"''''~'''''''.''~~'...'''''''-''''-~.'' ..... . .;Mo.,,,,,,,,i , . .,3W.r:.t...:'&,. .. ~~r~(~ Document - Year DocID .c-1993J ,1993 ~6777~~ge 2o~_ 2egltc.~~--""i'if&~1i~~ imLl.u.~,!'oOill:~A~~s~~JM"'~~~ _PI&' " ;l.;,;+;: 93"c.o ,. ,,#1 i Schaudt, stemm 8< Wild..... <:oHliU\.1lNQCNQlIrCEM,IUIMiYClA9AtCI'l..Nf6S _KIP"" ~0r-cIDI'1MI - ...- d. ll' a: J A!! i~.i: Ijm ~ ~ I~ ;:j " ~U If .!il ~ · Ii Ii o'Rl,I .Jw_ ~ i H .&- , , , ~. C? 01 cxhdur :4' , 'i 'I . i ~ . \ j l 81J1J1mdng ..... tlHP JeS:Ual Pai." wlaS.cb i. u.. i.t.enIcoU-. of -u.. VNt. UH" OvU.ot. e.. AMtKSecf Pln. 0'1 W,8'IIwood PDrIl, ... plat.'tod gnc;I ,...., I Sa Vol.... 25., PaSO' 82, L_. Co.,,-, Oregon DeftllI'.corda, "1t.b t.hr ..ovt.b...l' Un. 01 t.b. Sout.h.JT1 Pec:11.:1.a Railroad, Aab1Dnd U...., Ae" U' .DY, ..id point;. ~:iA9 35&.2" 1evt. Sou", 89-D4'12- ltost. oDd ue.1It :I.... Nort.b e-llll'38- Root. 10'1' t.bao !South...\. CQ'I'DOI'" at ~DOk J, a:i Goid o..nd" pl."1 no tJInG. along OIIid aouthn-ly rtllbt. 01 .0' 1:1.11. South M-;29."- Baa'-, '1&2.27 INt. \.0 . poiAt. 38..00 :l..t. EDst. c4 u.. Hilt. UFlIl' o:l aid o.aUot. B~ t.bItOceo SOUU 8.28'28- We&1'\. pare1101 wS;tb t.be .aat. liDQo of aaSd oyuot. a IllJld o-aUot. 'I fd oaid D....dl'd )J.loi.. &33.&1 leet. t.o \be .. .'~ ,.]y lilW 01 XDt..r.t.ab lighway lIo. 151 ~ce- alDDg aa1d noMollwl, u_ Ui. 1o.11oyjng cour.hU BDI"UI ea.83'27. Beat., S.48 fevt. t/g . point. opPDa1w tmd 138._ 1~ ,-" ',:. .:, 1.-- ~'. StaUon ~.3e P.o.c., o.lDIIg U. arc of 0 15102.481 ~acre. rad:.l.ua CUl"YG' to 'UMr k;t~ t.bct 10DC1 40rd 01 wta:icb NIura MorU ?4-&1'U'l- .....t.. 27.1.78 :focrt., 0 d~Gt4nceo 0:( 272.J2 1.... 'to II po1D't- DJl'PM1u oruI 13tl.1iID 111'OL _ort.JMNHIt.cPrly :froll EDg:l.......... StIt\.:ion 249....&2 P.S.C.. 010lIl1) \.be- ora 01 . =sea loot. o:it8lPt. apiral c~n. t.o \be- 1dt.. 0 . e 8. IIlI . 10...., ...... loDg chord 01 w!'deb boare Hort.h 84.!S6.29. Vee", 3H.82 ttl1Pt., ~. U. ..ui. .ltn. of .Did AU\. Lot. 7, Horth 8.18.08- Ecurt D1CNt9 aDid ..at. Ii..., S..28 t....... t.o t.hoo ...t.eorly nt.t'll8ion ~ \.he South Une 01 U. lIort.b holt 01 810011: 8 ot ,.oid 8W1Of1dltd p,).ot., and North 89-54'12- .....at. along eaSd ~1)' ". .,,; : 11...., 18.3:5 I.... t.o t.h. lIWai..,. 01 tlort.on Stroo". t.~ l.."bg ao1d HI" nlG HoM.b .-10'38. BDQt. ..IOAG t.b& cen't.ltr 01 llIoJ.d at.rl'vt. 475.2G t.o t.M ..~l, ..wr.a:f.on o. tJw n~ Un. o;l Block S. GDid a-..c::l'" plot.. ~ alottg IIl1id ...,t.erl, exWnded ,u.P" So\lt.b 89-""12- a.at, JA.35;tft't, t.o t.It.- vera" U__ o:l add OuLlot. 7. Ul.... MarUI e-18'38- Bcaat. e10Dg \.bit "eat. ,u.... 01 .aU OUt. Lot.e 'I aDd 8, 4&t.14 :feft. 'to ",.... Point. t:d &.ai....bg, 10 Euger.e, LeIMl' Coufti,y, Oregoft. i , l 1 i ~ I 1 , Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 1; "" Lane; OR Comment I I , I f I ~ ,e -, , , , 1 Of > " " '.., t, -~ -s, ~- ""- ...~ ~"''' -- ""-- ~r;-f'"", \" : ^~:~ ~~~ "~E ,"i"~_ :r-~~ ~m. t J:E;;,-U , ~t-''''''~''- .:~~... \.f Vf..-~ . t:< - ~2 "' ~"" ".-- ". ':- j;>i.- ~~... ..... ~~~ ":.:"Z~ - } ~ t!r M_ .... tt~ >1tk. ,,,~~~~~ -<<'~"""-o;-r- "'-.- "'I~'~~- 'r~ ~ "';'1::f.;f.f ) ';;'''~ , t l,::t ~- ; \~: ;~,3:~~~~~ ..,..lr_~ .<. .. ,?~ h". -- "....~ :-a~ , ?~"- ~~~ , - ~- ~~:~ ~~~ ~ l;r.:l7..~ ~"~r.~ ! "<<-~~~ /...." :l:f'~'" ~" ';.,~~- ... ~~;;< '~",_ ~J ", ,!<, ...-=~ . 'Ik,~ > ~v~ ~~ ""'!"- - - ~ -::' ~ ~..... .~ ,"''; if]..-'* ~,\.. ~- , '. """- ~:~~ ~,,- .' ~!i(' \... "I~":.:~~ .- "5 u-- ~.I:t-~~ -;.,.~ " ~ ~,O "c~e,,,. . - . ~ "."ft::_ '-r-:~ ~/F' :l@" .,',:;..:... ~~... ~l ~ ,~ ...- J.;,r,; " , -. I '7 . ., i ,I " , '. " , " , " " . . -. ~.. -w-."'!1 ,--.':i 'I " I --- ='i ,j , I I ",O:-l -:.~ .-, ,-.;=-.q ;~ ~ .""! ---"I =:...; , - ..~I.,I , .",;; --..;....! L ------ -:=:.- =-"', - - --. ... --~._.~... ~~".,~~:..~~~<,=----~~~-~ -- --- ..~ -;:.- -, ~ =-~- ~ ----~:; .....::.. -= --...... ~.. ~~_c... - ~~;:.;;:. ~= 0---- ~ .....- = ~-= u.-;;l:~- .......--"'- ~ ~ _~~;;l '-~~-..= ~-- :.:..:~ .,....-.- -~ ,-- i'~,f'=~"'" ~~- t:::..:-=- .~-;~~ "'~~::: f!I-- ,~1,r ~- --- ~.{ I-.~ ~~~ ,,~~-= ~-:.;o_ ~ ~--- ~-=... .....-... B'E"~ ~ UN~;!'" -toi'I'l.~ ~~. .~T'" \~:,.: ~ '~ -"'" - ~...,--.-.."... ~ h~:! w;;.::-:: ~..-:'::..- ~ f....-.:;::. t!;""-" =- ~ ~ J____ -- ~ -~-:-:~"~z~~-vr"'~:-~::~ry~LL~~~Ok..~:'"rt.~~/fl',- U'~->l~~' ~'~"-.1 jJ'..J-rC1..~~-'::!:::~~"~-:''''':::~- ~~r.: .. _ ~_-I::~..::i~~-:-~-::-:-:-';~-~:~~~"''-t~~,...a;~-' ~ :-_ . --;<1~r>';~~~~~~.J"~'~:~~-:=~~-:;r'::~::--~~~~~~~~'" Descrjption Lane,OR Document. Year DocID [-19931 1993 42541 Page 1 of .2~~~,~~j!,r-. _ ~ l u ~ ..___ _ Order today CommlUlt r- fI', f! -"'- '~aq~i itf~.U 9342541 5.T€ e,..... ","IC[ Of AllREfJUMl ICNOW AU BY WESt PRE.SEJfTS That Alberto MtroU, bere1nafte1' referred to I. 'Dtv,loper," and tbt City of (lqpmol . ~lclp.l co",Drall...f tIla State.f Ore9on. benlnlfter referred to IS cttJ'. flaYI eatered IDto In ,Ii ;"....." ; gov...ntag a ,It, "vi_ developraant grantld by tbI Pr1nc;lpal Planner of the PlInntng and Dlvelopawnt Dopartmcmt Th, .lte review approval WlS grarrted to allow a warehouse IIld dht.r1bvtfGn facnlty In an I.2jSR Ltght-Hadlumlndus.. trial zoulng d1strlct .1tb site review subdistrict located on a portion of Tal Lot JOO..ASSlssor's Hip 18-03-03.1 3. I 1.ga1 descMptton of t1htch is It.tachld IS Elchfbtt 'Al I (SIl91-16) The ase and da~lOpUnt of the above property Is governed by the tel'llS and conditions of that Site Review Agreement and tbe Ittatbed plan. ,nd spectft.. cIUons aado by and between said parties on tlM above date Slid Agrl8llent and the ilpproved plan. are recorded III U1e City of Eggene FInance Dlvtalon. and to which reference 15 hlreby mad. for ,11 IIlItters and thtngs thlntn coutllnad. :/ -t " IN W1TNESS WHEREOf, tbUlrt1es htl'lto t1IY1.1t their bind aud 5.,1 this ~ da30f~""D .l~ oaaOPER Albo CITY 01 EIIGEllE -,? ~ ....:" '-- .....;- BY ,-,.,~ ~~ ~ BY' ~n'r 1~~~ mut.ft. 12'mD4REt !UUUI..12 '93N04WUND , 10110 lO.1IO STATE OF OREGONl n. COU1lTY OF lANl (FIRST PARlY) ',' CIa lbl~1l' .~ ~~. IJR? bof.... _, .... _rstgned, . notary public 1n W tor at countY _.tate, pmDftll1,JIppHr8d the within-named Alberto Miranda who 11 UM to lie to be the Ide.tiCil tudtvldual dllcrlbed herein and .&0 uecuted the JUII fre,ly and voluatartly. . ~ ..~ " t:~>",. ::.r,', iJ . \ Seal IN TESTIIIlNY IlHEREOF, I Illy' Illroomto tet IlY hand and sell tb. dar ind year lut olIoYo written ~~~~t\ Ill' c-Isst.n Expt.... %-~-'1", ~. J~~ ~ ~ ';:;-;- , '-',I' , - -~.J- Ie ' _ 6;;_ ,-" 't"" -- 1HtAIL.,..._.,...~UI. ~=- ........._.. lifOultlPll _EXAAUAOO<'ll"" ArnR BECOIlDl1lG. wORN TO: cm~.--"'" em' or I!UG_ RNANC< OEP"""'''''' - . ;, - -'~ ~ . >- ", f.r -f<<~ ~~ . :i , ! . 1_- - ( -~ 0{" '. . , ,~ ". ." Date !{eGeIVso ( AUG - 6 2008 OnglOai submittal .---.-.J ~ I -.::"~ -- , _cr -... ::,""q ;, ---.'j . " -.;; - -, ri;;d - ""' A_~"'I -, --. , l -.-. , ~ .1 -. L r " " , i ;, l' .1 , , ,I , r. _~l- .- EXHIBIT A OS/271'11 9342541 L B Q AID II . C rip t ten ------------------------------------- CommonclnQ at . 1/2- dl.~.tDr pipe driven in the Ground whlch ~.rk. the Bcuthea.t cor~r of ~ot', Block 1 of the .~.ndad plat of GIDnwDOd Park which h.8 basn recorded on pavD a2 , bOQk 1S, of Lane County Or8gon. Plat reeal"dI, and running tl\8nco .wth a dl.t.&nce of 330 10 feat and IffBllt 10 1 .feIIt to the engineer. canterUna .tatlon 7+Cl7.B8. of EWES liE 21:1;l .nd bOln; thB TRUE POINT OF 8E6INNING. thence I'f B'l'3~' E peralla} with the centmrllnB of E 22 Btrllllot. ~l.t.nc. of 331 16 feet, thence S 2~'30' E 6 dlstanCD of 34D.~11 thance S OS-3D E. dlatanca of ~03 29 'eet to D point on the north right gf WAy of Interltat. S~thBnc. elong aald right of NAY S 79.28' E . dl.tanee of 78 05 f.et thgnce N 0'03 30~ E. di~t.ne. of ~.za f..t ~o. point on the south riGht 07 _~y of Southorn Pacific 51ekiyu Line thenco ~long ..Id right of ~.Y N 53'SO'12~ N 762 9S feet. tho~ 8 ~14'20' E . dlat.oca of 4bl 03 fest to t~ point 07 tNIg1nnlng ... ~ 00' r.l '" d. "1 l'J, r dM~ 811 rr. III if!!! ~ ~ 1.0 CO ,... i f I "1' , . -, , j g ~~ n H . . -, " ., " -, , J - -'. '!~', -, " \ .: ,- , r , ,,~ ". ~:'w"" . ;:.~...: - ,- j f"<'~ ~ " , -::d . ", .. "- ., :' , ~ " Date Recelvec AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal 5uom,ltal ~- -~ -....~-____.J"'._, 't!,.r...'dI ~.,.L. "" I' . -::- _____ ...~....~':~~~h.~...~\:.l:a~.'I~kt;:'"!~l~.".:~..."";,~lUi~ll~)'...I,JJ,."d..,.... !"C' I;' u ::::;=;,._;~:~~~~~.\,,-.:-.,---.-:....~.~- _~.' "}~_-~ ,,::,n~. "'-ljO".:"-'., . De8cr.1pt:l.on . Lan OR' Do ; . -- w-:.II"',I-i-_"\...o&,I"....~,,. ~ JI",.(,. ..! e~ cument - Year DocID (-19931 1993 42541 l'age Order: today Comment .J I.", .,.,"'.'_.",:; 'i-J,W;I.4'.."'II~J J&l~ J , ,.~/.~:'" - ~-._"._'..'.i'A". ....~... _'.!o.'"J~I. "P"" 2 o~:J .--- ~1'-1"~"'1'~'A!l1 , .- :-I.=!".$~~'~.....- - {I \ . ~ r I ..... '01' ....,. '..,Cl'70'_ 9410314 ~l!kJ (SR 93-14) miCE OF SITE REVIEl/ AGREEHENT KfiOV All BY THESE PIlES;} rs Tbat the falrmount Partners, h~relnafter referred to as "Developer," and the City of Eugene, a municipal cerporatlon of the State of Oregon, hel'llln.fter reforrod to as "City," bave entered 'nto an agreement governing a ute revtoN development granted by tbe Principal Planner of the Planning and Il1lvelopment Il1lparllllent. The .Ite review approval lias granted to allow tbe development of a warehouse, Industrial shops, and a..oclated off tees In an 1-2/5R llght-MedlU. Industrial zoning district with site reytew subdistrict on Tax lot 3700-As.essor's Map 18-OJ-03-1 2, a legal description of .nlch Is attacbed as Exblblt "A" The use and develoJlllent of the above .' '. c, ,;. is governed by the terms and conditions of that Site Review Agreement and the attached plans and specifications .ade b} and betoeen said parties on the above date. Said Ag~.t and the approved plans are recorded In the City of Eugene Finance Olvlslo., and to which reference Is hel'llby made for all maUers and things thprPin !gnt!1~ IN WITNESS WHEREOf. the parties hereto bave set tholr hand and seal tbls ~h day of Januarv _. 19.2!1. ~ OEVEl9P'~ A Fa11'll1C1~un ~rs ( ~ ) '. BY I /Brlall"Obhi" BY. !~ (date) I i (d.te) CITY OF EUGENE BY: ~f#.U1~ /lluhf'/ n planner (date) STATE Of OREGON) I ss COUNTY OF LAIIE :::-:... _; ;I'TItj'jt:: E! LF= ~9 7dll~~~..f..:l 15 iAl 1J.00 (FIRST PARTY) On tbis -IDhlay of Janu,!", ,1994, before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for the said county and state, personally appeared tbe wltbln-named 8rlan Oble who Is known to me to be the .dentlcal Indlvldual(s) described herein and who executed tbe s..... freely and voluntarily Seal: IN TESTIMONY WHEP~Of, I have bereunto set ~ brnd and seal the day and year last aboVe wrltte.. b.l).....~,.;. "......~,_ Notary Publlr- fly CllIlIlIlsslon E~, .... - -"' . After recording return to' City of Eugene, Finance Dlv .Ib~ o " , Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal De.cr.tpt~OJ2 La..I:Ict,OR DoCWDeDt - Year DocID 19" 10314 Page 1 at 3 Order today Comment I I I I i I t ~ " t '" " f -- r r I 941.11311\ hhlbJi A ~ Schaudt, Stemm & Wild, In.. CONSULTING ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS iul"f'OoOrllgGllA7oI01 fAX'_ rxil.1r....~'... A I; U t!~J'hl.: ri .. """ .. u .. 311 HIgh scr-d ,.,'''W3A October l4. 1992 Job Ko '31-3883 Revised October 21, 1992 DESCRIPTIOH FOR TRYGVE VIK ParceL 2, Hendereon Avenue Property BegLnnlnq at the lnterGGettoR of the vellt l1no of Out Lot 8, A.ended Plat o~ Glen.ood PBlk, au platted and record~ La Book 25, Page 82, Lane County O'OgOA Deed Records, vLt~ the GOutbOlly .ar91n of the Southern PaolJ:lo Railroad rl..ght Q1' way (Ashland L1n.., saLd aargln bwLng :le.lI11 feet 8outbweeterl, fro_ .hen lleesllred perpendicular to the eenteL"'liU thereof; run thence along the vest 11.1\8 oi dai.u 0",.. L"" & or.'::' thiii ....:; 11..:: of Cut L~t "7 of A=! ilf n tat South e-10'38- JQst, 443.28 feet to the wus~erly southwest corRell" of that parcel of land "". ..J ad to ALberta O. "l..anda by lnstruunt recorded April 1. 1992. R..capUon No. '321757'3. Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and the True PoLnt of 8eg1RR1Rg~ fro. the True poLnt of Beglnnlng run tbence along the boundary of BaLd Miranda pa~cel as tollows1 North 8ge34'East, 355.00 feet~ So~th 26e19'29- Ea8t~ 349.Se feetJ Soutb 12-3'42- EaRt, 271.82 teet.; aRd South 8-28'26- West, 39.00 te&t to the ~rtherLy e'l"g1n ot Interstate Highway No. s; tbeQce leaving tile boundary ot said ....&.;"qnde parco I and t01.1ovlr.g a.long the nortberly _rllfLn of said bigh..y 88 f~llC'ull along the :!..... 01 a 1562.48 .foot radlutl' cur". t.ft th_ 1e.ft, the lttng chOrd of whLch bears Horth 75-31'20- Vest, 2:19.39 'filftt: a dlstance u: ~3S.oI feet to a poLnt opposlte and l:le.lilQll .feet northeastet'ly :.frv. En!)lne&rs centerU.ne etation 249"80.52 P.S.C. "1nd along the arc ot a :i08 foot offset spire1 c;urV8 (S ;II lee..', a D 8.81, the ...O'l'\') chord of wb1.ah bears North 84-56'24)- Vest. 344.02 feet to tfia veat line of sa.Ld Out Lot 7; t;honca along JAtd vcrvl l1AB Itortl; "-19.38- East. 542.27 teet to the T~u. po1nt of BegibnlQg. in Lane C~unty, Oregon. AL.SO that clil'rtalp parcel of land C':lweyed to TrY9uB'~.. n.k f~o. E1'lo K. Gordon by Oultclal_ deed recorded 1n Reel No. l1f~M, Receptlon No. 8147815, Lane County OtegOD Deed Reco.da, and ~e1ng deucrltted aD 10110"111' Th. East. ohlJ'-he11 01 8 parcwl ot land in t.he north.ust. I/'4 cd 8Q'Ct.iOD 3, Township 18 $out.h, RunQG' :J 11",1:., VillulNl"t..... "er1d:lan, au!d parca1 la~n; desc:r:lbed .ore particularly." 1'ollo.B~ BlfQinD1ng at. t.h. DOrt.h...t. comer of Lot. 1, Black' 01 t.h8' -AMl'Adtrd Plat. of OJ "-,., .. J' Perk-, 8B plat-t.ed BJ'Jd nocorded in Valu... 25, P.OIP 82 in u.tr Leaet Count.y ~'. ': ... Plat. flec:orda, Lan. Count.y, ~OD r tJumce East. 810ng t.tMt NorlJl l1n. 01 se1.d B~oek 5, 1:f projeatAd :ze~ 79 t..t., _OJ"O' or 1.88, 1.0 Us. weet. l1n. D1 lo\. 7 Cb9i"g d.a:lgnet.Pd eo a 9~00 aCYV paTOli'l) 01 eoid o-.ndH plat.f t.h.nc. Sout.h along said IICtat. lj"e 435.6 1..~ to tb. E.s~r.rly proj~t..d Sou~ l1n. 01 Lot I, 810ak O. Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submltt'" Description Lane,OR DoCWZlent - Year Docm 1994 10314 Page 2 oE 3 Order today Commaa t 1 r I , i 1 [ f 1. , ( f ! r j f I f [ r f I . [ l l f '> t r 9410314 said AlQN'lded Plat; thence .long said projected line Neat 28.79 feat.. .ore or le_ to the Soutnaa8t comer of 'IrOid Lot 1 ~ thence Horth along the Beet line 01 aai.d Block 8 al\d BlocI' ~.. a dl..tllllCe of ,,:IS. I; f....t to tbe Point of Il<JgtnaLng. <lii tft Lene ~oun~y, Drwvu". MOTE. The- lust. abov. described parceoJ _81 be aubjoct. t.o t.hlP right-s, t:lt.l.. apd ~nt.r~~~ y: Lane Co~nty an no record 01 e vecat1Qn Q1 "~~nn Stre&'t W8S found :In t.hp Lon. Count.y OS1ic..ieJ Record., DecrIHi" Qu1wt.ing T1t.1o rfi'Oordtrd Oct.ob.r 22, 1981, Reovpt.ion Jlo. 81..SCJe3. ~arw County Oregon Deed Records, d.oreed 10. 81.plv o.nvrDh1p 01 said peJ"CO'.l 'to Eric K.. Gordon. (REGISTERED 1 PROFESSIONAl. LANJ:li'SUBVEYOR r#L~,__/ OREGON .A,lLY..'.... DONNhfEMM . EXrHBrr A , S c =" <oj; ;l iij;; ~J!"l! 1 ~ !i~ < 1 ! << . .il a:: " N < <1 gH ;:j ,.. ~~ N ~"a ~i if. C7) ." 01' 1I!; il! ,.. ~A . e ~ a:.l ! .H ':; 5t. ~ ::- .3)0 _vt: Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal submlttF I DoscriptJ.on L&n.&,OR DoCUDll!.D.t - Year Doam 1994 10314 Page 3 oE 3 Ordflr today Comme.a t I I I t . f l [ I I I , t [ . ., i r ~ ~ ~ !" " ~ ~ .;. ;. 18 03 03 EUGENE ,,', NAD 83/91 '\,. ~ PCL 1 :1 '" " ...~ $."11t'1lI ,.....,... -~-P;"ClrICHWY-'~;~~~-=-===-:.-=r~----'---------::~--:~'-------------ft ~~Rt.-Date Receive~ : --- ~ ..~, ", !S 1 -. .... .. 0 AUG -- 6 2008 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 SECTION 3 T.18S. R.3W. W.M. LANE COUNTY lWEI ~ ""1-"" I......_....""n ~nTI:M l::~:~'-::"~_~;t\ LL "" .... ... 1"""'" .'~""" . ~ I'" SCALE I' = 100' SEE MAP 18 03 03 12 kSlJlEET _ '~1lI .3 - -~; "21- ~ .~O'i;:" &'-1]1 5T ;im7, 6.~l .3f ,~:z - \:"'- . 3023003' / I I:UOI'...~ 20 N; 039 AC i . ~ i 200 i : : ' .;..">., -tOO- : '~\V138GAC.i ! ! ~~~ '~ ' : : I , " :) : I I~ ' - z,,. (' l . I : i I ~ ~ i i ! I ~~ ~~~~V '~ ~.-------+-----t?;;\5--+----+-----j.l r-"" ((\\ -, -,7 ('-,') ..:v 30! "~ i I ~ ! ! z. 0 r Ii ,I !: -Cl ~~- /I >", .o45lci q ~~ ! 1 I ! ^' i '~~I\~_PLr ./ q~-.J,) .' I ,] l'I ) I I~ ! :! r Ii! i 9' 10, :' I : ~ lJ ~'l 6J '''111 7J '''111 Bl M.a.9! 6s.mlD ~ 0 B " , NlllI3.ol'E In a .REEf: U~1l 3T ''"01 2f: 6~1 ," t:-;( I !C1 ! t:1~ ~ I.~ I ~". - "ti"'V : Ii>> ~' ~ '";\ ! \6)~1J'> ~.: ~ 2Ji \), "';'~ (.'I.... i"Jo'_ ~OOO::J : 1:- i . - '$ : l : i , , , , , , : I 8: 9:'0 1-500 (VACATED) . ~ , ~ Iii 101 ... N; pel 2 65.llJ 51 -TOO- Ii i I i , i l'l~ 65.01-41 ~ 1 r , , lc~ ~ ~ 13 ':"'_ Jf 'u 2T : ' r ' , i : : 1111: , , , , i , , , , , , , : : , , ! - I z ~ ~ ;' 'C:,-; .,,-+ ~ . : ~ - ~ '" ~ "' ~\f ...~..,..", "'.u: J.i40lt- ~ :;-;;~;~4~=_~_~_______--=._==_":..: ~ ~ ., L rJ THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SAID PREMISES AND THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ITS ACCURACY OR FOR MATTERS THAT MAYBE DISCLOSED BY A SURVEY " ~ ) " ,) ~r r-" . ~ . "'r " 0 . ,. a . , j ,J 'J ,. , OJ . " " c 0 . ~ OnC'rl_1 ':..A.Jm.t~'-ti 1 3 CANCELLED 100 1500 1>01 700 . . , ( Division 0' Chis' Dsputy Clerk Lene County Dse. snd Recorda ~~~~~~~ \mllllnll~llrllIIlllll\III\IIII\11I11l11 $211.00 1883938!l2006016298203&036~ 08/30/2006 Ot :07 :49 Pl\ RPR-DTR CntD3 StnmS CASHIER 08 $10 00 $180 00 $10 00 $11.00 / After Flhng Return To Paul W Ip Vice PresIdent Commercial Bankmg HSBC Bank USA Swte 1650 601 SW Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204-3157 DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT Grantor(s): I Pap~ Properbes, Ine Grantee(s): I HSBC Bank USA, Naltonal AssocIatIOn Abbreviated Legal Description (lot, block and plat name, or seclJon-townshlp-range) Parcel 2, Land Parttllon Plat No, 93-P0340 o Additional legal descnptJon IS on Exlublt A Tax Accouat Number(s): 1505047 Reference Numbers of Documents Assigned or Released (If applicable): N/A AFTER RECORDING RETUr.N TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON BOO WILLI\.METTE ST , #500 WGENE, OR 97401 Glenwood Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal 1/1 DIl Ih- fi'lr Glenwood .. . DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT PAPE PROPERTIES, INC , as Grantor to FIdelity National Title Insurance Company, as Trustee for the benefit of HSBC Bank USA, National AssoCiation, as BenefiCIary Dated August _, 2006 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Orrglnal Submittal TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. SECURED OBUGA TIONS 1 2 [INTENTIONALLY OMIITED] 2 3 GRANT 2 4 SECURITY AGREEMENT 3 5 PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, PERFORMANCE OF SECURED OBUGA TIONS 4 6 GRANTOR'S TITLE 4 7 STATUTORY AND COMMON LAW LIENS, TAXES AND OTHER CHANGES. ............ . 5 7 1 Statutory and Common Law Liens ........ . 5 72 Taxes and Other Charges on the Collateral .0. ...... 5 73 Recordmg Fees and Other Taxes lmposed On Beneficl3ry 5 74 Receipts . ... 5 75 Reimbursement for Certam Taxes and Costs 5 76 Right to Contest 6 8 FURTHER ENCUMBRANCES 6 9 STATEMENT OF AMOUNT OWING 6 10 RESERVE ACCOUNTS 6 11 LATE CHARGES 7 12 OPERATION OF THE PROPERTY, COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 7 13 MAINTENANCE, ALTERATION, INSPECTION 8 131 Repdlf, Mamtenance and Alterallon . 8 132 Replacement ofEqmpment .8 14 BENEFICIARY'S ACTION 8 PAGE, -TABLE OF CONTENTS PDX 1 j03385)' 1 61072-23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal .. . 15 ZONING, TITLE MATTERS 16 INSURANCE 8 9 17 BENEFICIARY'S RIGHT TO PROTECT COLLATERAL 18 INDEMNITY 11 12 19 LEASES AND RENTS 19 I Leases 19 2 Assigmnent of Rents and Leases, Grantor's RIght to Collect 20 USE OF THE PROPERTY, . 13 13 15 15 15 ,15 17 21 CONDEMNATION, CASUALTY LOSS 22 WANERS BY GRANTOR", 23 ACTIONS BY TRUSTEE, RECONVEYANCE 24 APPOINTMENT OF RECENER 17 2S EVENTS OF DEFAULT 26 REMEDIES 27 REPAIRS AND ADVANCES DURING REDEMPTION PERIOD 28 EXAMINATION OF BOOKS AND RECORDS 29 FORECLOSURE OF TENANT'S RIGHTS, SUBORDINATION 30 PREPAYMENT TERMS NOT AFFECTED BY DEFAULT AND ACCELERATION 31 RIGHT OF SUBROGATION. " 32 ADDITIONAL SECURITY INSTRUMENTS 17 19 23 23 23 23 .23 23 33 MODIFICATION, WAlVER 34 JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY, CUMULATlVE REMEDIES 35 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 24 24 2S PAGE 11 - TABLE OF CONTENTS POX 15<13385vl61072 23 Date ReceIved: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . 36 GENDER. NUMBER. DEFINITION OF "BENEFICIARY"" """,,25 37 INVALIDITY" 25 38 USURY 25 39 NOTICES. . 25 40 APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE AND BENEFICIARY 25 41 REPORT OF REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION 25 42 FOREIGN INVESTMENT ACTS AND REGULATIONS .26 43 CONTROLLING DOCUMENT 26 44 GOVERNING LAW 26 45. AITORNEYS' FEES 26 46 COMMERCIAL LOAN 27 47 NONDISCRIMINATION 27 48 NO OFFSET 27 EXHIBIT: A Legal DescnptlOn PAGEul.TABLEOFCONTENTS PDX 15033&5,,161072 23 Date ReceIVed: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT TffiS DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT IS made as of the ~day of August, 2006, by Pap6 Properttes, Inc, an Oregon corporal:ton, as Grantor, whose address IS 355 Goodpast\ll'e Island Road, Eugene, Oregon 97401, to Fldehty National TItle Insurance Company, as Trustee, whose address IS 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, for the benefit ofHSBC Bank USA, National Association, as BenefiCIary, whose address IS 601 S W Second Avenue, Swte 1650, Portland, Oregon 97204 l. Secured ObhgattoDs. T1us Deed of Trust IS given to secure the followmg (the "Obhgattons") 1.1 Payment of a loan In the current pnnclpal amount of Twelve Mulion SIX HUDdred Seventy One Thousand Two Hundred Ftfty Uruted States Dollars (USD12,67l,250), together WIth Interest thereon, late charges and other amounts due accordmg to the terms of pronussory note, payable to BenefiCiary or order and made by Grantor (the "Note," wluch term shall Include all notes eVldencmg the mdebtedness secured by t1us Deed of Trust and all replacements, renewals, modifications or extensions thereof), 1.2 Payment of any costs and expenses IllCUfI'Cd or advances made by BenefiCiary pursuant to t1us Deed of Trust or any other documents executed by Grantor secunng or relating to the Note and/or the Collateral, whether executed pnor to, contemporaneously With or subsequent to t1us Deed of Trust to protect the Collateral or fulfill Grantor's obligatIOns under the Loan Documents, or as a result of Grantor's default hereunder, together WIth mterest thereon from the time such costs and expenses are mCl1Ited or advances made, at the Default Rate as defined m the Note, unless a dlffereut mterest rate IS specIfied In the Loan Documents or agreed to In writing, 1.3 Payment of any further sums loaned by BenefiCiary to Grantor, or any of Its successors or asSigns, together WIth mterest thereon at the rate set forth m the Note (unless a rofferent mterest rate IS specified In the Loan Documents or agreed to m wntmg) If the Dote or other wntmg eVIdenCing the further loan states that It IS secured by t1us Deed of Trust, and 1.4 Performance of each agreement, term and conrotIon set forth or m~'p~,,,:ed by reference herem or m the other Loan Documents 1.5 In adrotlon to certam other Loan Documents, Grantor has executed an Unsecured EnVIronmental Indemmty Agreement (the "Indemmty Agreement") In connection WIth the Note NotWIthstanding any other provlSIOD oftlus Deed of Trust, any other Loan Document, or the Indemmty Agreement, this Deed of Trust does not secure (I) any oblIgatIons under the Indemruty Agreement, or (11) any obhgal1ons under t1us Deed of Trust or any Loan PAGE 1. DEED OF TRUST. SECURlTY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 1503385vl 61072-26 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . . Document that are substantially eqUIvalent to the obhgatlons ansmg under the Indemmty Agreement, and none ofthese unsecured obhgatlons shall be mcluded m the term "Secured ObhgatlOns" As used herem, "Loan Documents" means the Note, tlus Deed of Trust, and any other document executed by Grantor 10 connectIOn WIth the 10debtedness secured hereby, including Without hmltatlOn any loan agreement, but excludmg the Indemmty Agreement 2. [Intentionally omitted]. 3. Grant. Grantor Irrevocably grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee, m trust, With power of sale and nght of entry, all of Grantor's estate, nght, title and mterest, now owned or hereafter acquired, m and to the followmg property and nghts 3.1 The real property descnbed m ExhibIt A attached hereto and mcorporated herem by thIS reference, now owned or hereafter acqUIred, mcludmg all easements, agreements, tenements, reverSIons, remamders, hcenses, pnVlleges, Imgatlon and water nghts, water stock, timber, crops, OIl and gas nghts, royalties, mmerals and mmeral nghts, development nghts, or other nghts belongmg or m any way appurtenant thereto, including Without hmltatlOn (I) any easement, nght or hcense In, to or under any streets, ways, alleys, vaults, gores or stnps of land adjOining such real property or any portIOn thereof, or m or to the 81r space over such real property or any land adjOining such real property, (11) all nghts of mgress and egress With respect to such real property or any land adjoining such real property, and (111) all cl8lms or demands of Grantor, either at law or m eqUity, m possessIon or expectancy, m or to such real property (all of the foregOing heremafter collectively referred to as the "Land''), 3 2 All bUlldmgs, structures, Improvements, equIpment, and property now or hereafter bUilt on or m, or affixed to, the Land, mcludmg but not hmlted to bOIlers, engmes, motors, dynamos and generating eqUIpment, computers, computer workstations and terrnmals used m the operatIOn ofbulldmg systems, telephone and other communications systems, plpmg and plumbmg fixtures, stoves, ranges, cookmg apparatus and mecharucal Iatchen equIpment, dishwashers, clothes-dryers, refugerators and freezers, coohng, heatmg, ventilating, spnnklmg and vacuum cleanmg systems, fire extmgmshing apparatus and eqUIpment, gas and electnc fixtures, IrogatlOn systems and equIpment, carpetmg and underpaddmg, fire alarm, secunty and access control systems; elevators, escalators, partItIOns, mantels, bUIlt-in murors, Window shades, bhnds, screens, stann sash and awmngs, funuture and fumlslungs of pub he spaces, halls and lobbIes, mcmeratlng systems and equIpment; and shrubbery and plants (all of the foregomg heremafter collectIVely referred to as the "Improvements", the Land and Improvements are referred to collectively as the "Property"), all property mentioned In thIS subsection 3 2 shall be deemed part of the rcalty and not severable wholly or m part WithOut matenal mJury to the Property, and 3.3 All rents, ISSUes and profits of the Property, all eXlstmg and future leases of the Property (mcludmg extenSIOns, renewals and subleases) and all agreements for use and PAGE 2 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 1.50338Svl 51012.23 Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal . occupancy of the Property (all such leases and agreements whether wntten or oral are hereafter referred to as the "Leases''), and all guaranbes of tenants' performance under the Leases, together With the IInmedlate and contInuIng nght to collect and receIVe all of the rents, mcome, receipts, revenues, Issues, profits and other Income of any nature now or hereafter due (including any Income of any nature coming due dunng any redempbon penod) under the Leases or from or anslng out of the Property includIng mlmmum rents, additional rents, percentage rents, parking or common area maintenance contnbunons, tax and Insurance contnbutJons, defiCIency rents, forfeitures or hquldated damages followmg default m any Lease, all proceeds payable under any policy of Insurance covenng loss of rents or other Income resulting from untenantabIlity caused by destrucl10n or damage to the Property, all proceeds payable as a result of exercise of any option to purchase the Properly, all proceeds denved from the tenrunatton or rejection of any Lease m a bankruptcy or other Insolvency proceeding, and all proceeds from any nghts and claims of any kmd that Grantor may have agamst any tenant under the Leases or any occupants of the Property (all of the above are hereafter collectively referred to as the "Rents"), tJus subsection 3 3 IS subject to the nght, power and authonty, If any, given to Grantor In the Loan Documents to collect and apply the Rents 4. SetUrtly Agreement. ThiS Deed of Trost shall constitute a secunty agreement under the Umform CommercIal Code between Grantor as debtor and Beneficiary as secured party Grantor grants a secunty mterest to Beneficiary m any of the Property or Rents that IS personal property and also grants a secunty mterest to BenefiCiary In the follOWing property now owned or hereafter acqUIred by Grantor: 4 I To the extent the same are not Improvements, all furniture, funllShmgs, apphances, machmery, eqUipment and other property of any kmd now or hereafter located on the Property, used or Intended to be used on the P'V,,_Hj wherever actually located, or purchased WIth the proceeds of the Note, and all nghts of Grantor as lessee of any property descnbed m subsectIon 3 2 above, and to the extent the same are personal property and not real property, the Leases and Rents, 4.2 With respect to the property descnbed m Sechons 1 and!.!. 4 3-4 8' all unearned premlUms under Insurance poliCies covenng such property now or hereafter obtamed by Grantor, all proceeds (mcludmg, WithOUt hmltatlon, funds, accounts, depOSitS, mstruments, general IntangJbJes, notes or chattel paper) ofthe voluntary or IDvotuntary conversIOn thereof Into cash or other liqUIdated churns, mcludmg proceeds of hazard, title and other msurance and proceeds received pursuant to any sales or rental agreements, all refunds or rebates of taxes or assessments thereon, all nghts of achon m respect thereof, 4.3 All plans, speclfical1ons, contracts, agreements and purchase orders pertillmng or inCidental to the deSign or construclJon of any Improvements, Grantor's nghts under any payment, performance or other bond m connecl1on Wlth construCl1on of Improvements, and all construction matenals, supphes and eqUIpment deltvered to the Property PAGE 3 - DEED Of TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND fINANCING STATEMENT PDX lS01l85,161072.23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal SubmlttF'1 or Intended to be used m connection with the constructlon of Improvements wherever actually located, 4.4 All contracts, accounts, rights, causes or causes of actIOn pertaining to or affectmg the Property or the property descnbed In Secllon 4 I mcludmg, WIthout hmltatlon, all OptiOns or contracts to acquire other property for use In connectIOn WIth operatlon or development of the Property, management agreements, servIce agreements, depOSItS, bank accounts, general intangIbles (including, wlthout Jimllallon, trademarks, trade names and symbols), penmts, hcenses, franChiSes, certIficates and refunds or rebates of taxes or assessments thereon, 4.5 All comnlltments or agreements, now or hereafter In eXIstence, Intended by the obhgor thereof to prOVIde Grantor WIth proceeds to satisfy the Note or Improve the Property and the nght to receive all proceeds due under such comnutments or agreements including refundable depOSits and fees, 4.6 All books, records, surveys, reports and other docwnents related to the Property, Leases, Rents or other Items of collateral descnbed m tlus Secllon 4 or related to the construction or operallon of Improvements, 4.7 All addlllons, acceSSIons, replacements, substltutlons, proceeds and products of the property descnbed In thIS Secllon 4, and 4.8 With respect to the Property, all Judgments, damages, awards, settlements and compensatlOn (including mterest thereon) for any injury to or decrease In the value thereof for any reason, Includmg, WIthOUt l11mtatlon. the talong by emment domam, condemnatlon or otherwIse of all or any part thereof The Property, Leases, Rents and the property descnbed In tlus ~echon 4 are collecl1vely referred to herein as the UCollateral .. 5. Payment of Indebtedness; Performance of Secured Obligations. Grantor shall pay and perform all of the Secured Obllgatlons on or before the date such payment or performance IS due 6. Grantor's Title. Grantor has good, marketable and Insurable title to, and the nght to convey, an indefeaSIble fee Simple estate In the Property, Rents and Leases, and good and marketable tItle to and the nght to convey the other Collateral, subject to no hens, encumbrances, easements, assessments, secunty Interests, clamls or demands of any kmd except those set forth In ExhIbIt A and those approved by BenefiCiary m wntmg (collecuvely, the "Exceptlons"), and real estate taxes and assessments for the current year The ExceptIOns and the real estate taxes and assessments are not dehnquent or m default Grantor hereby warrants PAGE 4. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT POX 1503385vl 61072-23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . . and agrees to defend tItle to the Collateral and wIll defend the vahdlty and pnonty of the hen of thIS Deed of Trust and the secunty mterest granted herem against any clwms or demands 7. Statutory and Common Law Liens; Taxes and Other Changes. 7.1 Statutory and Common Law Liens. Grantor WIll keep the Collateral free from statutory or common law hens of any Iond, except the hen of taxes and assessments not yet due and payable, and pay all c1atms and demands of mechanICS, matenalmen, laborers and others wluch, Ifunpwd, might result m, or pemutthe crealton of, a hen on the Property Grantor shall payor cause to be pwd all rents, all amounts secured by the Excepllons, any further encumbrances permitted by Beneficiary, and any apphcable mterest, penall1es or fees, mcludmg attorneys' fees, that may now or hereafter be leVIed, assessed or churned m respect of the Collateral or any part thereof 7.2 Taxes and Other Charges on the Collateral. Grantor will promptly pay before dehnquency all taxes and assessments, water, sewer and other ullhly rates, permIt, mspectlon and hcense fees, and other governmental and quasi-governmental fees or charges, general and special, ordmary and extraordmary, foreseen and unforeseen, heretofore or hereafter assessed, leVIed or otherwise Imposed agamst or upon or WIth respect to, or which may become a hen upon, all or any part of the Collateral or ansmg m respect of the occupancy, use or possessIon thereof, together With all penallles and mterest for late or nonpayment 7.3 Recording Fees and Otber Taxes Imposed on Beneficiary. Grantor WIll pay any and all taxes, charges, fihng, registration and recordmg fees Imposed upon BenefiCIary by reason of, or leVied or charged m connectIOn WIth, the execution, dehvery and/or recordmg of the Loan Documents or the ownership of this Deed of Trust or any mstrument supplemental hereto, any sccurity instrument WIth respect to any Collateral or any mstrument of further assurance 7.4 Receipts. On request by BenefiCIary, Grantor shall furnIsh proof of payment sahsfactory to BenefiCiary at the time payment IS made by Grantor of all liens, charges, taxes and assessments whIch Grantor IS obhgated to pay hereunder 7.S Reimbursement for Certain Taxes and Costs. In the event of the enactment of or change m (mcludmg, WIthout hmltalton, a change m mterpretatlOn ot) any apphcable law subJectmg BenefiCIary to any tax measured by or based on the mdebtedness secured hereby, m whole or m part, and the result IS to mcrease the taxes Imposed upon BenefiCiary or to reduce the amount of any payments receIvable hereunder, then Grantor shall, on demand, pay to BenefiCIary addtltonal amounts to compensate for such Increased costs or reduced amounts, omvlded that m such event Grantor shall have the nght to prepay Ihe Note, or any portIOn thereof, together WIth any prepayment fee, m accordance WIth the provIsions of the Note, and, nrovlded, further, that If any such additIOnal payment or reImbursement shall be PAGE 5 . DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCiNG STATEMENT PDX J SODS.5", 61072-23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal " . . unlawful or would constItute usury or render the Note wholly or partJally usunous under apphcable law, then BeneficIary may, at Its option, declare the Note nnmedlately due and payable or reqwre Grantor to payor reunburse Beneficiary for payment of the lawful and nonusunousportlonthereof 7.6 Right to Contest. Notwlthstandmg anytlung set forth m thIS sectIon, so long as an Event of Default shall not have occurred hereunder and be contmumg, Grantor shall have the nght to contest or object to the amount or validIty of any tax, charge, hen, chum or demand by appropnate ammmstratlve or JudiCial proceedmgs so long as (I) Grantor notifies BeneficIary of Grantor's mtent to contest or object to such tax, charge, beD, claim or demand, (n) Grantor shall have provided BenefiCiary With eVIdence reasonably satisfactory to BenefiCIary that such proceedmgs shall operate to prevent the sale of the Property or any portIOn thereof, (111) Grantor shall have furnished BenefiCiary WIth a bond, cash depoSIt or other secunty or assurances reasonably sahsfactory to BenefiCiary m the amount of one hundred fifty percent (] 50%) of such tax, charge, hen, claim or demand plus costs and expenses, llIcludmg Without hmItatlon attorneys' fees, disbursements, court costs and mterest for which Grantor may reasonably be expected, m BenefiCiary's opmion, to become hable m connection WIth such tax, charge, hen, clRlm or demand, If such contest or objection IS not successful, and (IV) on a final detennmatlOn of such contest whIch IS not appealable or IS not bemg appealed by Grantor, Grantor shall pay the amount of such tax, charge, hen, claim or demand, If and when due 8. Further Encumbrances. Subject to any other proVISIon of the Loan Documents pennlttmg further encumbenng of the Property, Grantor shall not encumber the Collateral or any portIOn thereof for current or future debt WIthout the pnor consent of BenefiCIary, winch consent may be given or Withheld m BenefiCIary's sole mscrehon 9. Statement of Amount Owing. Grantor upon request by BenefiCIary from time to hme Will furmsh to Beneficiary a wntten statement duly acknowledged by Grantor ofthe amount secured by thiS Deed of Trust and whether Grantor claims that any offsets or defenses eXist agamst the Secured Obhgahons secured hereby 10 Reserve Accounts. lfGrantor shall fad to pay when due any taxcs, assessments, ground rents or msurance premIUms, Beneficiary may, at Its option at anytime thereafter, requITe Grantor to pay, In addItIOn to payments ofpnnclpal and/or mterest under the Note, wltlun ten (10) days followmg the mRlhng of a notice from BenefiCiary requesting such payment, the sum as estimated by BenefiCiary of the amount of any ground rents, taxes or assessments on the Property and premlwns on msurance polICIes requued herem that will become due and payable Wlthm sIxty (60) days follOWIng the date of such request Such sum shall be held by BenefiCIary, wlthout mterest, m a reserve control account to pay such ground rents, premIums, taxes and special assessments Any excess funds 1lI the reserve account above the amount reasonably accumulated for payments to become due may be credited by BenefiCIary agalllst either any amounts then due and payable under the Loan Docwnents or the next payments comlllg due for PAGE 6. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT PDX ISOJJ85v1610n.23 Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . . reserves If the reserve account does not have sufficient funds to make the payments when they become due, Grantor shall pay to Beneficiary the amount necessary to make up the deficIency wlthm fifteen (15) days after wntlen notIce to Grantor If BenefiCIary acqulTes the Collateral through foreclosure and sale or otherwise, BenefiCiary may, at the lime of commencement of foreclosure proceedmgs or at the time the Collateral IS otherwise acqwred, apply the remalmng funds m the reserve account, less such sums as Will become due and payable dunng the pendency of any foreclosure proceedmgs, against any amounts due under the Loan Documents The reserve account IS solely for the protectIon of BenefiCiary BenefiCiary shall have no ,""~u..slblhty except to properly credit sums actually received by It On assignment of thiS Deed of Trust by BenefiCiary, Wly funds m the reserve account shall be turned over to the assIgnee and any responslblllty of Beneficiary With respect thereto shall tenmnate Each transfer of the Property shall automatically transfer to the transferee all nghts of Grantor to Wly funds m the reserve account NOlWlthstandmg the foregomg, If Grantor contests any taxes or assessments as allowed herem, then such taxes or assessments shall not be reqUITed to be deposited m the reserve account 11. Late Cbarges. Unless otherwIse proVlded m the other Loan Documents, Ifany payment or portion thereof due hereunder or under any other Loan Document IS not paid wlthm ten (10) days after the date It IS due, BenefiCiary may collect, and Grantor agrees to pay With such payment, a late charge of five cents ($ 05) for each dollar so overdue, as hquldated damages for the additional expense ofhandhng such delinquent payments Grantor acknowledges that the actual damages that BenefiCiary would mcur due to Grantor's late payments IS ImpoSSible to detenmne accurately and that the amount set forth above IS a reasonable estimate of such actual damages 12. Operation of tbe Property; Compliance Witb Laws. Grantor has and Will mamtam, and shall dehver to BenefiCiary on request COpies of, all certificates, hcenses, authonzatlons, registrations, penmts and/or approvals required for the construction and operatIOn of the Property and for the conduct of Grantor's busllless at the Property, all of which are as of the date hereof III full force and effect and not subject to any revocation, amendment, release, suspension or forfeIture To the extent apphcable to Grantor or the Property, Grantor Will perform and comply promptly with, and cause the Property to be mamtamed, used and operated m accordance With, any and all (I) present and future laws, ordmances, rules, regulations and orders of every duly constituted govemmental or quasi-governmental aUlhonty or agency mcludmg, Without hrmtal1on, all federal, state and local laws pertammg to air and water quahty, hazardous waste, waste disposal, alT emISSions and other environmental matters, all zomng and other land use matters, and utlhty avallablhty, (II) present and future orders, rules and regulations of any regulatory, hcensmg, accredltmg, msurance underwntmg or ratmg organIzatIOn or other body exercISIng slmtlar functions, (Ill) duties or obhgal1ons of any kmd Imposed under any of the Excepllons or otherwise by law, covenant, condlllon, agreement or easement, pubhc or pnvate, and (IV) reqUIrements for contmued coverage under all pohcles ofmsurance at any lime m force PAGE 7. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT POX lSOJ385vl 6JOn 13 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglna\ submlttal- . . wIth respect to the Property Grantor shall have the nght m good fmth, and upon advance wntten nohce thereof to BenefiCIary, to contest or object to any such law, reqwrement or obhgahon by appropnate admlmstratlve or judIcIal proceedmgs, and If there IS an adverse conclusIOn WIth respect to any such contest represented by a final Judgment, decree or determmatlon whIch may not be or IS otherwIse not appealed by Grantor, Grantor shall thereafter promptly comply WIth any such law, requIrement or oblIgation Notwithstanding the foregOing, If faIlure to perform and comply thereunder wdl result m a hen or charge on the Property, Grantor shall either perform and comply therewIth or prOVIde BenefiCIary WIth assurances reasonably sahsfactory to BenefiCiary that such lIen or charge WIll be satisfied pnor to the foreclosure thereof Grantor WIll promptly furnIsh to BenefiCIary a copy of any notIce recClved by Grantor that Grantor or the Property IS m default under or IS not m comphance with any of the foregomg, or that any proceedmg under or WIth respect to any of the foregomg has been commenced 13. Maintenance; Alteration; Inspection. 13.1 Repair, Maintenance and Alteration. Grantor WIll operate and mamtam the Property m good order, repaIr and operating condltlon, wlll...y.....Jy make all repmrs, renewals and replacements, mtenor and extenor, structural and nonstructural, foreseen and unforeseen, necessary to so mamtam the Property, and WIll not cause or allow any of the Property to bc 1I11sused or wasted or to detenorate, reasonable and ordmary wear and tear excepted No part of the Property shall be removed, demohshed or structurally altered, nor shall any new buddmg, structure, faCIlIty or other Improvement be constructed on the Land WIthout BenefiCIary's pnor wntten consent 13.2 Replacement of Eqnlpment, Grantorwdl keep the Property fully eqUIpped and WIll replace all worn out fixtures and personal propeny WIth fixtures or personal property comparable thereto when new, and WIll not, WIthOUt BenefiCIary's pnor wntten consent, remove from the Propeny any fixtures or personalty covered by tlus Deed of Trust except m the ordmary course of Grantor's business and unless the same IS replaced by Grantor WIth an article of equal sUltablhty and value when new, owned by Grantor free and clear of any hen or secunty mterest (other than Exceptlons and the hen created by thIS Deed of Trust) 14, Beneficiary's Action. An aclton by BenefiCiary to obtam specJfic performance or mJunctlve rehef or to recover damages under thiS mstrument may be brought as an mdependent actIon WIthout forec1osmg the hen oftlus Deed of Trust, and m any such actlon or appeal therefrom, BenefiCIary may recover ItS costs of SUIt, disbursements of counsel, and reasonable attorneys' fees 15. Zoning; Title Matters. Grantor WIll not, WIthout the pnor wntten consent of BenefiCIary, whIch consent may be WIthheld or granted In Its sole dIscretIon, (I) inItIate or support any zomng reclasSIfication of the Land or the Improvements, seek any vanance under existmg zonmg ordinances apphcable to the Land Or the Improvements or use or penmt the use PAGE 8 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING ST A TEMENf POX 1503385...1 61072-23 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 O""lInlll1=:. \nm,tt,li . ... of the Property in a manner that would result In such use becoming a nonconfofUnng use under apphcable zomng ordinances, (n) modify, amend or suppleml:llt any of the Excephons, (111) Impose any restnctive covenants or encumbrances upon the Property, (IV) execute or file any subdiVIsion or parcel map affecting the Land or the Improvements, (v) consl:llt to the annexahon of the Land or the Improvements to any murnclpahty, (VI) pernut or suffer the Property to be used by the pubhc or any person In such manner as might make possIble a clann of adverse usage or posseSSion, prescnphve easement, or ImplIed dedication, or (vii) convert the Property to condominiums. 16. Insurance. Grantor shall at all tunes maintain Insurance WIth premiums prepaid on all of the Collateral In such amounts, for such period of time and Insuring against such nsks as may be reqUIred from hme to hme by BenefiCiary, In fonn and WIth such deductible amounts as are sallsfactory to Bl:IIefiClary. Grantor shall proVIde coverage In amounts not less than, and on tenns no less favorable to BenefiCIary than, so prOVIded In that certam CertIficate of Insurance Issued by Marsh USA, Inc In favor of Grantor dated August 4, 2006 Grantor shall also prOVide 16.1 Insurance agamst damage or loss by flood If the Property IS located In an area Idenllfied by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or any successor thereto or other appropnate authonty (govenunental or pnvate) as an area havmg speCial flood hazards and m whIch flood msurance has been made available under the Nahonal Flood Insurance Act of 1968 or the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended, 16.2 Dunng the penod of any alteratIOn. renovahon, expanSIOn, addlhon to, construchon or replacement of the Improvements, or any substantial portion thereof, a standard budder's nsk pohcy With extended coverage, Including completed operal1ons coverage, for an amount at least equal to the Full Insurable Value of the Improvements and, Ifrequlred, worker's ev"'pcusahon, In statutory amounts; and 16.3 Boller and machmery Insurance; and 16.4 Computer eqUIpment and valuable paper coverage Dunng the malang of any alteratIons or improvements to the Property, Grantor shall reqUIre all contractors to comply With applicable contractor regtstralton, bondmg and workmen's cv'''pcusatlon requirements of the state in winch the Property IS located All Insurance shall be ISSUed by compames that are dOing busmess In the state m which the Property IS located and that are lIpp.v "cd by BenefiCiary All poliCies shall be pnmary, fully p8Jd for, nonassessable and shall proVIde for at least t1nrty (30) days' pnor wntten nohce to BenefiCiary of cancellation, matenal amendment (lncludmg WIthOUt hmltahon any reductIon In the scope and hmlts of coverage) or renewal. All property damage Insurance shall (I) contain a PAGE 9 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 150llBSvl6JOn-2l Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 J ..1 Onglnal Submittal noncontnbutmg first mortgagee clause m favor of BeneficIary, WIth loss proceeds payable to BeneficIary as the exclusIve loss payee for all mterests, (II) mclude a lender's loss payee endorsement, Fonn 438 BFU (Rev Mar ], ]942) as approved by the Board of FIre Underwnters of the PacIfic, or an eqUivalent loss payable endorsement approved by BeneficIary, (111) be wntten m amounts suffiCIent to prevent Grantor from becoming a co-Insurer and Include an agreed value endorsement, (IV) mclude a bettennent and mcreased cost endorsement, and (v) contain a waIver of subrogation endorsement. Grantor shall deliver all poliCIes to BenefiCIary, proVIded, however, that BenefiCIary may, at ItS option, penmt (whIch penmsslOn may be Withdrawn at any tIme) Grantor to mamtaln the reqUired polICIes m Grantor's possessIOn In heu of delIvenng the poliCIes to BenefiCIary, 10 whIch event the poliCIes shall be kept avmlable by Grantor at all hmes for return to BenefiCiary or for mspechon by BenefiCIary or Its agents or Insurers, and duphcate ongInal pohcles or certIfied COpIes of ongma] pohcles, eVIdenCing the Insurance reqwred hereunder and anyaddttlona] Insurance wluch shall be taken out on the Property by or on behalf of Grantor, shall be depOSIted WIth and held by BenefiCIary BenefiCIary may, at Its option, In heu of reqwnng duphcate ongInal pohcles or certI1ied copIes ofpohcles, accept ACORD 27 certificates Issued by the Insurer(s) or their authonzed agents Grantor shall dehver to BenefiCiary (I) upon request, receIpts eVIdenCing payment of all premIUms and (II) original renewal pohcles (or duphcate ongmals If Beneficiary has pennltted Grantor to reta10 ongmal polICIes) or a binder thereof WIth eVIdence satisfactory to BenefiCIary of payment of all premIUms thereon, at least thll1y (30) days pnor to the exprratlon of each such pohcy Grantor shall not carry separate or addthonal msurance concurrent In fonn or contnbutlng In the event of loss WIth that reqUired hereunder unless endorsed In favor of BenefiCiary In accordance With the requIrements of thIS section and otherwIse approved by BenefiCIary 10 aU respects In the event of foreclosure oftlus Deed of Trost or other transfer of tide to all or part of the Collateral In extinguIshment of some or all of the mdebtedness secured hereby, all mterest of Grantor In any Insurance pohCles and in any claIms agmnst the poliCIes and 10 any unearned premIUms or proceeds due under the poliCIes, relating to the portIon ofthe Collateral foreclosed upon or transferred, shall pass to the party acqUiring title thereto The term "Full Insurable Value" shall mean the actual cost of rep]acmg the property m queshon wlthoul allowance for depreCIation No approval by BenefiCIary of any msurer shall be construed to be a representation, certlficahon or warranty of ItS solvency and no approval by BenefiCIary as to the amount, type and/or fonn of any Insurance shall be construed to be a representation, certtficatlon or warranty Oflls suffiCIency PAGE 10. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 1503383vl 61072-23 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 OnglOal Submittal " . 17. BeneficIary's Right to Protect CoUateral. If Grantor falls to make any payment or do any act required under the Loan Documents, BeneficIary, WithOUt any obhgalIon to do so, wIthout nollce to or demand upon Grantor or any other party, and WIthOUt releasmg Grantor or any other party from any obhgallon under the Loan Documents, may make the payment or cause the act to be performed In such manner and to such extent, and mcur such expenses m connecllon thereWIth, as BeneficIary may deem necessary in its absolute dlscrellon to protect the Collateral BeneficIary IS authonzed to enter upon the Property for such purpose WIthOUt hnntmg the foregomg, BenefiCIary may commence, appear m or defend any acllon or proceeding whIch may affect the Collateral or the nghts or powers of BeneficIary or Trustee, and may pay, purchase, contest or compromIse any encumbrance, charge or hen other than an ExceptlOn whICh m Its judgment appears to be pnor or supenor to the ben of thIS Deed ofrmst Grantor shall appear In and defend any SUII, acllon or proceedmg mvolving the Collateral. the Grantor or Its partners (If any), that mIght affect the value of thiS Deed of Trust or the secunty provIded hereby or the nghts and powers of BenefiCIary or Trustee, and should BenefiCIary or Trustee elect also to appear In or defend any such acllon or proceedmg, or be made a party to such by reason oftlus Deed ofIrust, or elect to prosecute such aclIon as appears necessary to preserve such value, Grantor WIll at all limes mdemmfy agamst and reImburse BenefiCIary or Trustee for any and all loss, damage, expense or cost, meludmg cost oftltle reports, guaranty of tItle and attorneys' fees, ansing out of or mcurred In connecllon WIth any such SUIt, acl1on, proceedmg or appeal therefrom Except as preVIously dIsclosed to Beneficiary m wntmg, Grantor has received no noUlicallon of any kmd from any agency suggestmg that the ;>,vl'~';1 or any adjacent property IS or may be contammated WIth any hazardous waste or matenals or IS or may be reqUIred to be cleaned up m accordance WIth any apphcable law or regulallon. Except as preVIously disclosed to BenefiCIary m wnllng, to the best of Grantor's knowledge as ofthe date hereof after due and dlhgent mqUlry, there are no hazardous waste or matenals located m, on or under the Property or any adjacent property, or mcolpOrated m any hnprovements, nor has the Property or any adjacent property ever been used as a landfill or a waste disposal Site, or a manufactunng, handltng, storage, dlstnbutlon or disposal facility for hazardous waste or matenals, As used herem, the term "hazardous waste or matenals" mcludes any substance or matenal defined In or deSIgnated as hazardous or tOXIC wastes, hazardous or tOXIC matenal, a hazardous. tOXIC or radlOactive substance, or other SImIlar term, by any federal, state or local statute, regulallon or ordmance now or hereafter m effect At Grantor's expense, Grantor shall promptly comply With all statutes, regulallons and ordmances, and WIth all orders, decrees or judgments of governmental authonlles or courts havmg junsmctlon, relallng to the use, collectIon, treatment, dISpoSal, storage, control, removal or cleanup of hazardous waste or matenals 10, on or under the Property or any adjacent property, or mcorporated m any Improvements BenefiCIary may, but IS not oblIgated to, enter upon the Property and take such actions and mcur such costs and expenses to effect such complIance as It deems adVIsable to protect Its mterest 10 the Collateral PAGE 11 - DEED OF TRUST. SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox I50JJ8$vl (jIQn-23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 ," I?J .' Original Submltt<l' Grantor shall pay withm ten (10) days after wntten demand from Beneficiary all sums advanced by Beneficiary and all costs and expenses mcurred by BenefiCIary m talong any aclIons pursuant to the Loan Documents Includmg attorneys' fees and dIsbursements, accountants' fees, appraIsal and Inspection fees and the costs for lItle reports and guaranlIes, together WIth Interest thereon at the rate apphcable under the Note after an Event of Default from the date such costs were advanced or Incurred If Grantor fads to pay any such advances, costs and expenses and mterest thereon, BenefiCIary may apply any undIsbursed loan proceeds to pay the same, and, Without foreclosmg the lien of thIs Deed of Trust, may at Its optIon commence an mdependent aclIon against Grantor for the recovery of the costs, expenses andlor advances, WIth mterest, together WIth costs of SUIt, costs of tItle reports and guaranty of lItle, dIsbursements of counsel and reasonable attorneys' fees mcurred therein or In any appeal therefrom. 18. Indemnity. 18.1 Grantor agrees to mdemrufy and hold hannless Trustee and BenefiCiary agamst any and all losses, hablhties, SUits, obhgalIons, fines, damages, Judgments, penallIes, claIms, charges, costs and expenses (!Deludmg attorneys' fees and dIsbursements) whIch may be Imposed 011, Incurred or pllld by, or asserted agamst Trustee andlor BenefiCIary by reason of, or m connechon WIth, (I) any Event of Default or event WhICh, but for the passage of lIme, the gIving of notIce or both, would constItute an Event of Dc fault hereunder or under the other Loan Documents. (11) Trustee's andlor BenefiCIary's good flllth and commerCIally reasonable exercIse of any of their nghts and remedies, or the perfonnance of any of theu dUlIes, hereunder or under the other Loan Documents, (111) the constructIon, reconstruction or alteralIon of the Property, (Iv) any neghgence or WIllful mIsconduct of Grantor, or any neghgence or Willful mIsconduct of any lessee of the Property, or any oftherr respectIve agents, contractors, subcontractors, servants, employees, hcensees or mVltces, (v) any acCident, mJury, death or damage to any person or. property occumng III, on or about the Property or any street, dnve, Sidewalk. curb or passageway adjacent thereto, except for the W1llfullnIsconduct or gross neghgence of the mdemmfied person, or (VI) any fill lure of any party (mcludmg without hmltalIon BenefiCIary or counsel for BenefiCIary) to file any reports or returns The mdemruty prOVIded under clause (VI) of the precedmg sentence shall also extend to counsel for BenefiCiary Any amount payable to Trustee or BenefiCIary under thIS secl10n shall be due wlthm ten (10) days after demand and receIpt by Grantor of a statement from Trustee or BenefiCiary settmg forth m reasonable detatl the amount and baSIS of the claIm, and such amounts shall bear mterest at the rate m effect under the Note after an Event of Default from and after the date such amounts are pllld by BenefiCiary or Trustee unlIl paid m full by Grantor 18.2 Grantor's obhgalIons under thIS sectIon shall not be affected by the absence or unavlllJablhty of msurance or by the failure or refusal by any insurance camer to perform any obhgatJon on Its part under any such pohcy of msurance Grantor shall resist or defend agamst any claIm, actIOn or proceedmg made or brought agamst Trustee andlor BenefiCIary whIch IS subject to the 10demruty set forth 10 thIS sechon, usmg attorneys for PAGE 12 . DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 150))8$vl 61072-2) Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal SubmlttaJ . Grantor's msurance carner or attorneys approved by BeneficIary In the alternahve, Trustee and BeneficIary, m their discretion, may engage theu own attorneys to resIst or defend, or assist therem, and Grantor shall pay, or, on demand, shall reImburse Trustee and BenefiCiary for the payment of, the reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements 18,3 The foregomg mdemmty shall not apply With respect to any loss, habll1ty, chum, damage, cost or expense covered under any mdemmty agreement that IS expressly excluded from the Secured Obligations 19, Leases and Rents 19.1 Leases. BenefiCIary must approve Grantor's standard fOI1l1 oflease or rental agreement pnor to Its further use by Grantor, however, such approval shall not be reqUIred If the lease IS between Grantor and an affilIate of Grantor Grantor may not matenally modify the approved standard fOI1l1 resl(lentlallease WIthOUt BenefiCIary's pnor wntten consent, together With the approval of all other parties whose consent IS required Leasmg shall be profeSSionally managed to achteve maximum profits in I1gbt of market conditIons Except as may be agreed between Grantor and BenefiCIary m a separate agreement regardmg leasmg 19.1.1 Grantor shall fully comply WIth all of the terms, condItions and provisions of the Leases, If any, so that the same shall not become In default, and do all that IS necessary to preserve all of the Leases m full force and effect 19.1.1 W,th respect to each Lease, Grantor shall not, WIthout the pnor wntten consent of BenefiCiary, (A) pemut assIgnment or sublettmg of all or part of the tenant's ngbts under the Lease (unless the nght to asSIgn or sublet IS expressly reserved by the lessee thereunder), (B) accept surrender of or termmate the Lease, commence any action for dIspossessIon of the tenant, or exercise any nght of recapture of the denused premises, except m accordance WIth the terms of the Lease proVldmg for tennmahon after a bona fide default, (C) receIve or collect any Rents for a penod of more than one (I) month m advance of the due date, except that Grantor may collect from tenants an addItional one month's rent to be held for Grantor as secunty for the last month's rent, or (0) set off, compromise or dIscount any Rents or Walve, release or discharge the tenant from any obhgalton, covenant or agreement under the Lease If an Event of Default has occurred and IS contmumg, any proceeds or damages resulting from a tenant's or lessee's default under any such Lease, at BenefiCIary's optIon, shall be paid to Beneficiary and apphed agamst any amounts owed under the Loan Documents 19.1.3 Grantor shall not enter mto any Leases not m eXistence on the date hereof WIth respect to the whole or any part of the Property havmg a term of more than one (1) year WIthout the pnor wntten consent of BenefiCiary as to the form and substance thereof Grantor shall, on demand, execute such further assIgnments to BenefiCIary of all Leases and Rents as BenefiCIary may require to confirm or protect BenefiCIary's secunty mterest therem PAGE 13 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 150JJ8M 6'072-23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal SubmittaL . Upon request, Grantor shall deliver to Beneficiary two (2) true copies of any or all Leases and amendments thereto and upon Beneficiary's request shall make aVailable for BeneficIary's mspectlon all records related to the Leases m BeneficIary's possessIOn or control, mcludmg WIthout lmutatlon rent rol1s, tenant financial statements and books of account Upon request, Grantor shal1 furmsh BenefiCiary WIth estoppel cemficates from each tenant under each Lease statmg that such tenant has accepted possession of Its premises, that such tenant's obligatIOn to pay rent IS WIthout any claim or nght of set-off, and such other matters as BenefiCiary may reasonably request 19.1.4 If after the occurrence of an Event of Default any tenant or lessee under a Lease becomes the subject of any proceedmg under the Bankruptcy Code or any other federal, state or local statute which proVldes for the possible tennmanon or rejeenon of the Leases assIgned hereby, and any such Lease IS rejected, then no damages settlement shall be made WIthout the pnor wntten consent of BeneficIary; any check m payment of damages for rejechon or tennmatlon of any such Lease WIll be made payable both to Grantor and BenefiCiary, and upon request of BenefiCIary, Grantor Will duly endorse to the order of Beneficiary any such check, the proceeds of which will be apphed to any portIOn of the mdebtedness secured hereby m such manner as BenefiCiary may elect Grantor hereby appomts BenefiCiary Its attomey-m-fact for the purpose of endorsmg after the occurrence of an Event of Default any check for rent or other charges under the Leases, or for damages for rejection or tennmal10n of any Lease, such power of attorney bemg coupled WIth an mtcrest and irrevocable 19.1.5 After the occurrence of any Event of Default, If Grantor or any other owner ofthe Collateral occupies the Property or any portion thereof, such OCcupancy shall be a tenancy at wll1, tennmable by BenefiCiary, and pnor to such tennmanon such owner shall pay BenefiCiary on the first (J st) day of each month a reasonable rental m advance for the space so OCCUpied On failure of such owner to vacate or pay rent as BenefiCiary may reqUire, BenefiCiary shall be enl1t1ed to eVict such owner from the Property by any lawful means 19.1.6 Grantor hereby agrees to mdemmfy BenefiCiary agamst and hold It hannless from al11oss, liablhty, damage, cost or expense mc1udmg attorneys' fees mcurred by BenefiCiary m colUlecnon WIth any chums under the Leases, mc1udmg WithOUt hmltatlOn claims by tenants for secunty depOSits or for rental payments more than one (1) month m advance and not delivered to BenefiCiary. All amounts mdemmfied agamst hereunder. mcludmg reasonable attorneys' fees paid by BenefiCiary shall bear interest at the rate applicable under the Note after an Event of Default and shall be payable by Grantor immediately WithOUt demand and shall be secured hereby 19.1.7 Proceeds or damages apphed to the ObligatIons pursuant to subsectIons 19 1 2 and 19 1 4 shall not tngger a prepayment prennwn under the Loan Documents PAGE 14 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT PDX IS0333SvI61072 23 Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . . . 19.2 Assignment of Rents and Leases; Grantor's Right to Collect Grantor hereby absolutely and ltTevocab/y assignS to Beneficiary all Grantor's mterest m the Rents and Leases TIus asslgmnent may be subject to the tenns and condlhons of any separate asslgmnent ofleases andlor rents, If executed, m favor of Beneficiary and covenng the Property Unless otheTWIse proVided In any separate asslgmnent ofleases andlor rents, and so long as no Event of Default has occurred and IS contmumg, Grantor may collect the Rents as they become due under a license which IS hereby granted Grantor shall apply all Rents first to payment of amounts due and payments reqUired to be made under the Loan Documents, and then to payment of operating expenses, repairs and mamtenance for the Property, before applymg Rents to any other purpose Grantor's nght to collect and apply the Rents as above proVided In the absence of an Event of Default shall not consl1tute BeneficHuy's consent to the use of cash collateral by Grantor In any bankruptcy proceedmg. All tenants under the Leases are hereby expressly authonzed and directed to pay any and all Rents and other sums due Grantor pursuant to Leases directly to Beneficiary or such nODllnee as Beneficiary may designate m wnhng after BeneficIary's request therefor, and such tenants are hereby expressly relieved of any and all duty, liability or obllgal1on to Grantor m respect of all payments made to BenefiCiary or Its nommee No further authonzahon shall be required from Grantor m order for a tenant to make payment of Rent to Benefic18ry pursuant to thiS Deed ofTmst 20. purposes Use of the Property The Property IS not used pnncipally for agncultural 21. Condemnation; Casualty Loss. Grantor shall give JDunedlate nohce to Beneficiary of any condemnahon proceedmg, or loss or damage to the Collateral or any nght therem Grantor authonzes Beneficiary, at BenefiCiary's ophon, to make a claim for and to enter mto a compromise or a settlement With respect to any proceeds payable as a result of condemnation, loss or damage, and Grantor shall execute such further documents as Beneficiary shall reqUire m cOlUlechon therewith All proceeds payable as a result of condemnatIOn, loss or damage to the Collateral shall be paid to Beneficiary On receIpt of any proceeds, BenefiCiary shall, at Its option, and m its sole dlscrehon, after deducting Its expenses mcludmg attorneys' fees, either (I) apply all or part of the proceeds agamst the sums owed under the Loan Documents whether or not the sums are actually due or the Collateral IS Implllred, and WIthout affectmg the due dates or amount of payments thereafter due under the Note, or (n) release all or any part of the proceeds to Grantor. or (111) penn It all or any part of the proceeds to be used for repair and restoral1on of the Property on such conditiOns as BenefiCiary may unpose mcludlng eVidence of suffiCient funds to complete the work, approval of the plans and specificatIOns and pen odic disbursement of the proceeds dunng the course ofrepw and restoral1on 22. Waivers by Grantor. To the full extent Grantor may do so under applicable law, Grantor agrees With BenefiCiary as follows PAGE 15. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT POX 1$0338$vl 01072.23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submittal . . 22.1 Grantor hereby WaIves and releases all nghts to a marshalhng of the assets of Grantor, mcludmg the Collateral, or to a sale 10 mverse order of ahenallon, m the event of foreclosure of the hens and secunty mterests created hereunder 22.2 Grantor shall not be reheved of Its obhgatlon to pay the Secured ObhgatlOns at the tune and in the manner provided herem and 10 the other Loan Docwnents, nor shall the hen or pnonty oftlus Deed of Trust or any other Loan Docwnents be Impaired by any of the following acbons, nonacbons or Indulgences by Trustee or Beneficiary 22.2.1 any faIlure or refusal by Trustee or BenefiCiary to comply Wlth any request by Grantor (A) to consent to any actIon by Grantor or (B) to take any action to foreclose tlus Deed of Trust or otherwlse enforce any of the provIsions hereof or of the other Loan Docwnents, 22.2.2 any release, regardless of conslderal1on, of the whole or any part of the Collateral or any other secunty for the Obligations, or any person hable for payment of the Secured ObhgatIons, 22.2.3 Beneficiary's waiver of comphance, or consent to or acquiescence in any noncomphance With any other provISIon of this Deed of Trust or the other Loan Documents by Grantor or any guarantor of the Secured Obhgal1ons, or 22.2.4 any agreement or stlpulal10n between Trustee or Beneficiary and Grantor, or, with or Without Grantor's consent, b.;" _.'. Trostee or BenefiCiary and any subsequent owner or owners of the Collateral or any other secunty for the Secured ObligatIons, renewmg, extendmg or mo<hfymg the lime of payment or the terms oftlus Deed of Trust or any of the other Loan Documents (mcludmg a modificatIon of any mterest rate), and m any such event Grantor shall contmue to be obligated to pay the Secured Obhgallons at the time and m the manner prOVided herein and in the other Loan Documents, as so renewed, extended or modified unless expressly released and discharged by BenefiCiary 22.3 WithOut affecl1ng the hablhty of Grantor or any other person for the payment or perfonnance of any of the Secured ObhgatJons and Without affecting the hen hereof upon any portion of the Collateral not released, BenefiCiary may, regardless of conslderallon, Without notice to any person, release any person at any time hable for payment or performance ofthe Secured Obhgatlons, extend the matunty or modify the terms of any Obhgatlon or grant other mdulgences, release or reconvey or cause to be released or reconveyed at any bme all or part of the Collateral and take or release any other secunty or make compoSItions or other arrangements With debtors BenefiCIary may resort for the payment of the Secured ObligatIOns to any other secunty held by BenefiCiary as secunty for the payment of the Secured ObhgatlOns m such order and manner as BenefiCiary In ItS sole discretion, may elect Beneficiary may take or cause to be taken action to recover the Secured Obhgal1ons. or any portIOn thereof, or to PAGE 16 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox ISOJJ85v1 61072 23 Date ReceIved: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . . enforce any provIsion hereof or of the other Loan Documents WIthout prejudice to the nght of Beneficiary thereafter to foreclose or cause to be foreclosed tlus Deed of Trust Beneficiary shall not be hmlled exclUSively to the rights and remedies herein stated but shall be entitled to every additional nght and remedy now or hereafter afforded hy law or eqUity The nghts of Trustee and Beneficiary under tlus Deed of Trust shall be separate, wstlnct and cumulative and none shall be given effect to the exclUSIOn of the others No act of Trustee andlor BenefiCiary shall be construed as an elecllon to proceed under anyone proVISion herem to the exclUSIOn of any other proViSion 23. Actions by Trustee; Reconveyance. At any tlJlle upon wnllen request of BenefiCiary, WIthout affecting the hablhty of any person for the payment of Indebtedness, Trustee may. (I) consent to the makmg of any map or plat of Said Property, (n) JOin In granting any easement or creating any restnchon thereon, (111) JOin In any subordination or other agreement affecting thIS Deed of Trust or the hen or charge hereof, and (IV) reconvey, WithOUt warranty, all or any part of the Collateral The grantee in any reconveyance may be descnbed as the "person or persons legally entitled thereto" Grantor agrees to pay a reasonable Trustee's fee for full or parhal reconveyance plus any recordmg fees. 24. AppolOtment of Receiver. At any tune after an Event of Default, and dunng any penod of redemptIOn, BenefiCiary shall be entitled, without nollce, WIthOut bond, and WIthout regard to the adequacy of the Collatera1, to the appointment of a receiver for the Collateral The receiver shall have, In addition to all the nghts and powers customanly given to and exercised by a receIVer of real property appomted pursuant to an agreement In a deed of trust or mortgage after default In payment or perfonnance of the secured obhgallons, all the nghls and powers granted to BenefiCiary by the Loan Documents The receiver shall be entitled to receive a reasonable fee for management of the Property. If Grantor IS an occupant of the Property, BenefiCiary has the nght to reqUire Grantor to pay rent at fair market rates and the nght to remove Grantor from Property If Grantor falls to pay rent 25. Events ofnefault. Time IS of the essence of the Loan Documents All sums secured hereby shall become ImmedIately due and payable, at the option of BenefiCIary, WithOUt further demand or nollce, after any ofthe followmg occur, each of which shall be an "Event of Default" 25.1 Failure by Grantor to make any payment (whether ofpnnclpal, mterest, expenses, fees or otherwise) reqUIred to be made under the Note, tlus Deed of Trust, or any other Loan Document WIthin ten (10) days of the date on wluch It IS due and to cure such failure Within three (3) bUSiness days of receipt ofwntten notice thereof, except no such notices shall be reqUIred more than two (2) times in any calendar year, or 25.2 Failure by Grantor to observe or perfonn any other covenant, condition or agreement contained herem or m the Loan Documents, or In the indemnity Agreement, and the PAGE 17 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox I '0338:5vl 61072-23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . . faIlure to cure such default wltlun tlurty (30) days after wntten notice thereof given to Grantor by Beneficiary or, If such cure cannot be completed wlthm such 30-day penod through the exerCise of dilIgence, the failure by Grantor to commence the reqwred cure With such 30-day penod and thereafter to conhnue the cure With dihgence and to complete the cure wltlun 45 days followmg Beneficiary's notice of default, or 25.3 Any representahon or warranty made by Grantor contamed herem or m any other Loan Document, or m the Indemmty Agreement, shall be untrue m any matenal respect, or 254 The occurrence of any of the followmg with respect to Grantor, any general partner m Grantor or any general partner 10 a general partner m Grantor (If Grantor IS a partnerslup), or with respect to The Pape Group, Inc" an Oregon corporal1on, or the then owner of the Collateral (each referred to as "such person''), or with respect to the Collateral 25.4.1 Any assignment made by any such person for the benefit of creditors or the calhng ofa meetmg of the creditors representmg a slgmficant pornon of the habllIl1es of any such person, and an agreement by such Creditors to effect a moratonwn, extensIOn or composItion of debt or any of the foregoing, or 25.4.2 The filmg of any mvoluntary petll10n or any other petll10n against any such person under any secl10n or chapter of the Bankruptcy Code, or any Similar law, whether state, federal or otheIWIse, relatmg to msolvency, reorganization or hqwdatlon, or the rehef of debtors, by the creditors of such person and such pel1l1on IS not dismissed wlthm 45 days after the date of fihng, or 25.4.3 The appomtment by any court of a receiVer, trustee, hqwdator or Similar offiCial to take possessIOn of the Property (or any pornon thereof) or any properly or any asset or assets of any such person and such appomtment IS not vacated wltlun 45 days after the date of entry such appomtment, or 25.4.4 The attachment, execution or JudiCial seizure (whether by enforcement of money Judgment, by wnt or warrant of attachment, or by any other process) of the Collateral or of all or any part of the assets of any such person, such attachment, execullon or other seizure remammg undlsmlssed or undischarged for more than 10 days; or 25.4 5 The admiSSion m wntmg by any such person of Its mablhty to pay Its debts or perform its obhgatlon as they become due or the fihng of a petition m bankruptcy by any such person, or 25 4 6 If the Secured Obhgatlons secured hereby or any part thereof are made for the purpose of financmg construcl1on of Improvements on the Properly, the PAGE 18 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox ISOl31lSvl 61072.23 AUG - 6 2008 j~, :::",Ji'" ", :::,m ~J Date Received: Onglnal Submltt'" . commencement of any SUit, aclion or proceedmg before any court or governmental authonty to enJom or otherwise prevent construction of any such unprovements, or 25.4.7 A matenal adverse change m the financial condllion of any such person occurs and contmues for a penod ofthuty (30) days, or 25.5 Grantor abandons the Property or ceases to do busmess or tenmnates Its busmess as It relates to the Property for any reason whatsoever, 25.6 A Transfer ofthe r.vt'v.;y occurs, whether voluntary, mvoluntary or by operalion oflaw, and whether or not BenefiCiary has Waived or failed to assert Its nghts m conneclion With any prevIOus Transfer The term "Transfer" as used herem means any sale, mortgage, encumbrance, conveyance, or other transfer of any present or future Interest in all or any part of the Collateral (except personal property In the ordmary course of bus mess), or any contract or agreement therefor The term "Transfer" shall also mclude any lease of the Property contamlng an option to purchase, If Grantor or any general partner m Grantor IS a corporalion other than one whose stock IS pubhcly traded, any change In the ownership of voting control of the corporation, and If Grantor IS a partnerslup, any change m the ownership of voting control of the partnership whether through the Withdrawal andlor admiSSion of partners or amendment of the partnership agreement Without limiting the generality of the foregomg, thiS subsectIOn shall apply to Transfers to or from nommees or agents, Transfers made to SUbSidiary or affihated entllies, Transfers made 10 a restructured limited partnersInp, Transfers by any partnershIp to the mdlVldual partners or VIce versa, Transfers by any w.t'v'QtlOn to Us stockholders or vice versa, and Transfers m connectIOn Wilh any corporate merger or consolidation In the event of a Transfer, BenefiCiary may, wllhout notice to Grantor, deal With the transferec With respect to tlus Deed of Trust, the Secured Obhgatlons and the other Loan Documents, as If the transferee were Grantor, and such dealing shall neither sansfy nor dIscharge Grantor's liability for the Secured ObligatIOns or under the Loan Documents, nor constitute BenefiCiary's consent to the Transfer; or 25.7 The commencement of any action or proceeding that would result m forfeiture of the Property to any governmental authonty or agency 25 8 An event of default occurs under the seDlor credtt faCility of The Pape Group, Inc , an Oregon corporation, as eVIdenced by that certam Credit Agreement dated June 25, 2004, as amended from lime to time 26. Remedies. On the occurrence of anyone or more Events of Default, BenefiCiary may (but shall not be obhgated to), III addttlon to any rights or remedies available to It hereunder or under the Note or other Loan Documents, take such of the following actions personally or by lis agents, servants or attorneys, or through Trustee or a court-appomted receiver, With or Without entry, and WithOut noUce, demand, presentment or protest, as BenefiCiary deems necessary or PAGE 19 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 150))85.1 61072-2) AUG - 6 2008 i1 ~ '.~ .~, >1 Date Received: Onglnal Submittal . . advisable to protect and enforce Its nghts and remedies aga10st Grantor and 10 and to the Collateral, each of which may be pursued concUlTelllly or otherwJse, at such time and m such order as Beneficiary may detennme, m Its sole discretion, Without ImplUnng or otherwise affectmg Its other nghts or remedIes 26,1 declare the entire balance of the Secured Obhgallons (mcludmg the enhre pnnclpal balance thereof, all accrued and unpaid mterest, and all other such sums secured hereby) to be nnmedlately due and payable and upon any such declaratIOn the entire unpaid balance ofthe Secured Obhgatlons shall become and be Immediately due and payable w1Ihout presentment, demand, protest or further nollce of any kmd, or 26,2 Inslltute a proceedmg or proceedings, Judicial or otherwIse, for the complete foreclosure of tins Deed of Trust under any apphcable provISIon oflaw, or 26.3 cause any or all of the Collateral to be sold under the power of sale granted by thIS Deed of Trost or any of the other Loan Documents m any manner penoitted by applicable law, or 26.4 institute an achon, suit or proceedmg m eqU1ly for the speCific perfonnance of any of the prOVISIons contamed UI the Loan Documents or for mJuncllve rehef, or 26,5 revoke Grantor's hcense to collect Rents, enter upon the Property and exclude Grantor and Its agents and servants wholly therefrom, without hablhty for trespass, damages or otherwise, and take possession of all books, records and accounts relatmg thereto and all other Collateral, and Grantor agrees to surrender possessIOn ofthc Collateral and of such books, records and accounts to BenefiCIary on demand after the happemng of any Event of Default, and use, operate, manage, preserve, control and otherwise deal thereWith and conduct the busmess thereof, Without mterference from Grantor, and upon each such entry and from tune to tune thereafter, at the expense of Grantor and the Collateral, Without mterfercnce by Grantor and as BenefiCiary may deem advisable, (1) either by purchase, repair or construcllon, mamtam and restore the Property, (u) msure or remsure the same, (Ill) make all necessary or proper reparrs, renewals, replacements, alterallons, addlllons, betterments and Improvements thereto and thereon, (IV) complete the construction of the Improvements and, In the course of such completIOn, make such changes m the contemplated or completed Improvements as 11 may deem adVisable, and (v) have the nght to exerCise all nghts and powers With respect to the Property, either m Grantor's name or otherwise mcludmg, Without hmItallon, the nght to make, tenmnate, cancel, enforce or modify Leases (subject to the nghts of tenants thereunder), obtam and eVict tenants and subtenants on such terms as BenefiCiary shalJ deem adVisable, reqUIre Grantor to transfer secunty depOSIts to BenefiCiary together With all records eVldencmg such depOSits, and take any acllons descnbed m subsectIOn 26 6 of tlus sectIOn, or PAGE 20 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT POX lS03385v161072-23 Date ReceIved: AUG - 6 2008 Ongrnal Submittal . 26.6 with or without the entrance upon the Property collect, receive, sue for and recover In Its own name all Rents and cash collateral denved from the Property, and after deducting therefrom all costs, expenses and habIlltIes of every character Incurred by Trustee and/or Beneficiary In collectIng the same and In USing, operating, managing, preserving and controlhng the Property, and otherwise In exercIsing BenefiCiary's nghts under subseclJon 26.5. of thiS sectIOn, Including payment of taxes and insurance premiums and other charges m connectJon with the Collateral, and compensatJon for the service of Trustee and BenefiCIary and their respechve attorneys, agents and employees, to apply the remaInder to payment of the Secured Obhgahons then due (whether or not the matunty date of the Note has been accelerated) If the matunty of the Note has not been accelerated, Beneficiary may Withhold from any collected Rents 10 excess of the amount necessary to pay Secured OblIgatIOns currently due, an amount detenmned by BenefiCiary In Its sole dlscrehon necessary to pay sums anhclpated to become due wluch exceed the anhclpated future rents, or 26.7 take all achons penrutted under the Umform CommefCIal Code of the State In which the Collateral IS located; or 26.8 take any other achon or pursue any other nght or remedy as BenefiCiary may have under applIcable law, including Without hmltatIon, an actIon to obtam a defiCiency Judgment after completJon of a judicial or nonJudJcIal foreclosure The collectJOn of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or modify or affect any notice of default reqUIred under the Loan Documents Grantor further agrees and covenants that for the purpose of enforcmg any nghts or remedies hereunder, BenefiCiary shall have constructive possessIOn orthe Property, whether or not It IS actual possesSIOn, but In no event shall BenefiCiary accrue any lIabilIty by reason of such constructive possessIOn, nrovided_ however, that the acceptance by BenefiCiary of thiS Deed of Trust, With all orthe nghts, powers, pnvlleges and authonty so created shall not, pnor to entry upon and takmg of actual possessJOn orthe Property by Beneficiary, be deemed or construed to constItute BenefiCiary a "mortgagee In possessIOn" nor thereafter or at any tIme or 10 any event oblIgate BenefiCiary to appear In or defend any actIOn or proceedmg relahng to the Leases or the Property, take any actJon relatmg to the Property, relet the Property, expend any money or incur any expenses or perform or dIscharge any obligatIon, duty or lIabIlity under the Leases, or assume any obligahon or responslblhty for any secunty dePOSits or other depoSIts delIvered to Grantor by any tenant thereunder and not asSigned and delivered to BenefiCiary, nor shall BenefiCiary be lIable 10 any way for any personal mJury or property damage sustamed by any person or entJty, m or about the Property In exerelsmg lis nghts under tIus sectJon, BenefiCiary shall be lIable only for the proper apphcatJon of and accountmg for the Rents collected by BenefiCiary or Its agents Any Rents prod to BenefiCIary as ItS agents, or to a receiver shall be credited agamstthe amount due from the tenant or lessee under the Lease, and apphed to any portIon of the Secured Obhgal1ons In such manner as BenefiCiary may elect PAGE 21. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT PDX ISOJJ8'-vI6f07Z-23 D"'ltG Received: AUG - 6 2008 )qgmBI Submittal ,. .. On the occurrence of an Event of Default, acceleral10n and wntten request of Beneficiary, Trustee shall sell the Property 10 accordance WIth the applicable law of the state in whIch the Property IS located, at pubhc aucllOn to the lughest bidder The Collateral may be sold separately or as a whole, at the opnon of BeneficIary Ifnoncontlguous porltons of the Property are sItuated m d1fTerent counhes, Grantor agrees that a sale by Trustee of all or any part of the Property may be held 10 a smgle county orovlded all nonces required to be posted are posted on the Property 10 each county and that all nohces requITed to be pubhshed are pubhshed m each county Any person penmlted by law may bId at the Trustee's sale If Beneficlary IS the purchaser at a foreclosure sale, BenefiCIary shall be enhtled to a credit agamst the purchase pnce m an amount equal to the lesser of (I) the full amount secured by thiS Deed of Trust as of the dale of the sale, or (11) the purchase pnce Trustee shall apply the proceeds of any sale, first, to the expenses of sale, IOcludmg the cost of guaranty of title and a reasonable Trustee's fee and Trustee's attorneys' fees and, second, to the Secured ObligatIons and any other mdebtedness (mcludmg WIthout hmltahon attorneys' fees) secured by \Ius Deed of Trust, and the surplus, If any, shall be dlstnbuted m accordance WIth apphcable law Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser at the sale of the Property lis deed, WIthout warranty, wluch shall convey to the purchaser the mterest m the Property which Grantor had or had the power to convey at the hme of Its execuhon oftlus Deed of Trust, and such as It may have acqUired thereafter The Trustee's deed shall recite the facts shOWIng that the sale was conducted 10 comphance WIth all the requIrements of law and thiS Deed of Trust, whIch recital shall be pnma faCIe eVidence of such comphance and conclUSive eVidence thereof m favor of bona fide purchasers and encumbrancers for value At the request of Beneficiary, Trustee shall sell the personal property Collateral at a pubhc sale at the same hme and place as the sale of the Property; or BenefiCiary may sell the personal property Collateral at one or more other pubhc or pnvate sales m accordance With the apphcable Umfonn Commercial Code The personal property shall not be requrred to be exhlblted, presented or displayed at any sale In the event of a Trustee's sale of all the Collateral, BenefiCIary hereby asSIgns Its secunty interest m the personal property Collateral to Trustee Grantor agrees that a sale by Trustee and the nohces reqUIred under the deed of trust laws are commercially reasonable and adequate under the Umfonn CommercIal Code The power of sale conferred by this Deed of Trust and by apphcable law IS not an exclUSIve remedy, and when not bemg exercIsed, BenefiCiary may foreclose thIS Deed of Trust as a mortgage and Grantor shall pay all costs mcurred by BenefiCiary m any SUit, or appeal therefrom, brought by BenefiCIary to foreclose thiS Deed of Trust, mcludmg Without hmltahon costs of guaranty of lit Ie and reasonable attorneys' fees Trustee IS not obhgated to notify any party hereto of a pendmg sale under any other deed of trust or of any actIOn or proceedlOg 10 whIch Grantor, Trustee or BenefiCIary shall be a party, unless such aclIon or proceedmg IS brought by Trustee BenefiCiary may at any tIme dIscharge Trustee and appomt a successor Trustee, who shall have all of the powers of the onglOal Trustee PAGE 22 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT POX I.50J38.5vl 61072.23 Date ReceIved' AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . 27. Repairs and Advances During Redemption Period. In the event ofaJudlClaP foreclosure, the purchaser dunng any redemplion penod may make such repalIs and alteralions to the Property as may be reasonably necessary for the proper operabon, care, preservabon, proteclion and msunng of the Property and may pay any taxes or mdebtedness secured by hens on the Property wlucb become due and payable dunng the redempllon penod Any sums so paId, together WIth mterest from the date of payment at the rate proVIded m the judgment, shall be added to the amount reqwred to be pllJd for redempllon of the Property 28. Examinallon of Books and Records. Grantor shall penmt BeneficIary or Its representallve to examme all books and records pertaJmng to the Property upon pnor wntten demand of not less than ten (10) days and to exannne the Property at any reasonable lime. 29. Foreclosure of Tenant's Rights; Subordmation. BenefiCiary shall have the nght, at Its opllon. to foreclose thIS Deed ofTrus! subject to the nghts of any tenants of the Property BeneficIary's faIlure to foreclose agllJnst any tenant shall not be asserted as a claIm agamst BeneficIary or as a defense agamst any claIm by BeneficIary m any aclion or proceedmg Beneficiary at any tIme may subordmate thIS Deed of Trust to any or all of the Leases and may, m case of such subordmallon. retllJn Its pnonty claIm to any condemoallon or msurance proceeds 30. Prepayment Terms Not Affected by Default and Acceleration. After the occurrence of an Event of Defau!t and acceleratJon of the matunty date of the Note, any tender of payment suffiCIent to sallsfy all sums due under the Loan Documents made at any tune pnor to foreclosure shall consbtute an evasIon of the prepayment terms of the Note. If any Ifthe Note contams a prepayment pnvllege, any such payment shall be deemed a voluntary prepayment and, to the extent permItted by law, shall he accompanIed by the addlllonal payment reqUIred, If any, under the prepayment pnVllege m the Note If at that lime there IS no prepayment pnvilege, then such payment. to the extent penmtted by law, shall be accompamed by an addItIOnal payment of five percent (5%) of the then pnnclpal balance of the Note 31. Right of Subrogation. Beneficiary shaH be subrogated to the hen and nghts, whether legal or eqUItable, of all beneficlllnes, mortgagees, henholders, vendors and owners dIrectly or mdlrectly plIJd off or sallsfied m whole or m part by any proceeds advanced by BenefiCiary under the Loan Documents, wluch lien and nghts shall not be thereby eXlmgulshed, regardless of whether these parlles aSSIgned or released of record thelT nghts or hens upon payment In conSideratIon of such payment by BenefiCIary, effectIve upon such payment, Grantor shall and hereby does waIve and release all demands, defenses and causcs of aclion for offsets and payments With respect to the same 32. Additional Security Instruments. Wltlun ten (10) days after request by BenefiCIary, Grantor shall execute, acknowledge and dehver to BenefiCiary such addllional secunty agreements or smular secunty lnstrwnents, ID form and substance salisfactory to PAGE 23 . DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 1503385vl 61072 23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal BeneficIary, covenng all property of any kmd descnbed herem m winch Grantor owns any mterest Wlthm ten (10) days after request by BeneficIary, Grantor also shall execute, acknowledge and dehver to Beneficiary any financmg statement, renewal, affidavit, certIficate, contmuatlon statement or other document as Beneficiary may request m order to perfect, preserve, contmue, extend or mamtam the security interest created hereunder or under any other secunty mstrument and the prionty of such secunty mterest, and Grantor hereby appomts BenefiCIary Its attorney-m-fact for the purpose of executing such documents on Its behalf if It faIls to do so, such power of attorney bemg coupled With an mterest and Irrevocable When recorded, thIS Deed of Trust shall constJtute a fixture fihng under the Umform CommercIal Code Grantor shall gIve BeneficIary at least fifteen (15) days' pnorwntten notice of any proposed change m Grantor's name, Idenhty or structure, or the adoptIOn or change of any trade names under whIch Grantor operates or mtends to operate the Property, and wIll execute and dehver to BenefiCiary, pnor to or concurrently WIth the occurrence of any such change or the adoptIon or change of any such trade name, all additIonal fmancmg statements that BenefiCIary may request to estabhsh and mamtam the perfecl10n and pnonty of BeneficIary's secunty mterest m the Collateral Grantor further agrees to pay to BenefiCiary on demand all costs and expenses mcurred by BenefiCIary m cOlUlecl1on WIth the preparal1on, execul1on, recordmg, fihng and refihng of any such mstrument or docwnent, mcludmg the charges for exammmg tItle and the attorneys' fees for rendenng an oplmon as to the pnonty of tins Deed of Trust and of such secunty agreements or mstruments as a valId and subslstmg hen on the Collateral subject to no excepl10ns whatsoever except as descnbed herem However, neither a request so made by BenefiCiary nor the failure of Beneficiary to make such request shall be construed as a release of such Collateral or any part thereof from the secunty mterest created by tins Deed of Trust, It bemg understood and agreed that thIS covenant and any such secunty agreement or other SImilar secunty mstrument, delIvered to Beneficiary, are cumulatJve and gIven as addlllonal secunty 33. Modification; Waiver. ThIs Deed of Trust cannot be moddled except m wntmg Signed by all parties hereto except Trustee, With the sIgnatures of all grantors acknowledged before a Notary PublIc No WaIver of any nght or remedy of Beneficiary or obligatIon of Grantor hereunder shall be effecl1ve unless m wntJng Signed by BenefiCiary No walVer of any nght or remedy shall operate to waIve any other or subsequently arising nght or remedy 34. Joint and Several Liability; Cumulal1ve Remedies. If there IS more than one grantor hereunder, their obhgal1ons shall be Jomt and several All BenefiCIary's nghts and remedIes hereunder are cumulal1ve and not 10 substJtutlon for any nght or remedy otherwIse avaIlable WIthout waIvmg Its nghts agamst Grantor or 10 the Collateral, BenefiCiary may resort for the payment of the mdebtedness secured hereby to any other secunty or guaranty therefor held by BenefiCIary, m such order and manner as BenefiCIary may elect The enforcement or commencement of proceedmgs to enforce a particular remedy shall not preclude the dlscontmuance thereof and the subsequent enforcement or commencement of proceedmgs to enforce the same or a dIfferent remedy PAGE 24. DEED OF TRUST, SECURfIY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 150J38Svl 61072M23 Date ReceIved AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal I . . 35 Successors and Assigns. Tlus Deed of Trust apphes to, mures to the benefit of and bmds all parnes hereto and thelT heirs, devisees, legatees, administrators, executors, dlstnbutees, successors and asSIgns 36. Gender; Number; Definition of "Beneficiary". Tlus Deed of Trust shall be so construed that, wherever applicable, the use of the smgular shall mclude the plural number, the use of the plural number shall mclude the smgular number and the use of any gender shall be apphcable to all genders and shall likeWIse be so construed as applicable to and mcludmg a corporatIOn, partnership or other busmess enllty, The term "BeneficIary" shall mean the holder and owner, mcludmg pledgees, of any mdebtedness or any note eVldencmg any mdebtedness secured hereby, whether or not narned as Beneficiary herem 37. Invalidity. The mvalidlty or unenforceablhty of any term or proVISion hereof shall not affect the validity or enforceablhty of any other term or provISIon hereof 38. Usury. If performance of any obhgatlon or payment of any amount under the Loan Documents when such I'~i~v..uance or payment IS due shall consUtute a vlolaUon of any apphcable usury laws, then the obligatIon to be performed or the payment to be made shall be reduced so that m no event shall any exacllon be pOSSible under the Loan Documents that would conslltute a ViolatIon of such usury laws, but the obhgallons shall be performed and the payments shall be made to the full extent poSSible Without conslltutmg a VIOlatIOn of such usury Jaws 39. Notices. Any demand or nollce made or 10 be gtven hereWlder by Trustee or BenefiCiary, or both, to Grantor shall be effecuve on the earher of (a) three (3) days after bemg mwled by regIstered or cernfied mall, return receipt requested, or dIspatched by public or pnvate couner selVlCe, to the address of Grantor as set forth above or to the address at which BenefiCiary customanly or last commumcated WIth Grantor or (b) when dehvered personally to Grantor or Grantor's agent for receipt of such nollces, proVIded. however, that If thIS Deed of Trust secures Grantor's performance under a loan agreement, any notIce prOVISIon m such agreement Shall control 40, Appomtment of Trustee and BenefiCiary. If Grantor IS obhgated to execute any document or mstrument hereunder and falls or refuses to do so Wltlun ten (10) days after wntten demand by BenefiCiary, Grantor hereby appomts each of Trustee and BenefiCIary, severally Its attorney-m-fact, which appomtment IS Irrevocable and shall be deemed to be coupled With an mterest, with respect to the executIOn, acknowledgment, dehvery and filing or recordmg for and m the name of Grantor of any of such documents or mstruments 41. Report of Real Estate Transaction. Grantor Will make, on a IImely basiS, any reports or returns reqwred under Section 6045(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (and any Similar reports or returns reqUired by state or local law) relatmg to the Property, notwlthstandmg PAGE 25 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANClNG STATEMENT PDX 1"'3385v1610n 23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal the fact that the pnmary reportmg responsIbilIty may fall on Beneficiary, counsel for BeneficIary, or any other party Grantor's obhgal1ons under thIS sectIOn will be deemed to be sal1sfied If proper and l1mely reports and returns requIred under this secl10n are filed by a l1t1e company or real estate broker involved m the real estate transacl10n relal1ng to the Property, but nothmg contamed herem shall be construed to require such returns or reports to be filed by BeneficIary or counsel for Beneficiary 42, Foreign Investment Acts and Regulations. If Grantor IS or shall become subjeclto the Intematlonallnvestment Survey Act of1976, the Agncultural Foreign Investment DIsclosure Act of 1978, the Foreign Investment 10 Real Property Tax Act of 1980, the regulatIOns ISSUed pursuant to such Acts or any amendment to such Acts or regulatIOns (such Acts, regulations and amendments are collectively referred to as the "ForeIgn Investment Acts and RegulatIOns") Grantor shall promptly gIve to BenefiCiary wnlten notice that It IS so subject and shall, at ItS sole expense file whatever records and reports are requIred or necessary pursuant to any Foreign Investment Acts and Regulations and shall mdemrufY and hold hannless BenefiCiary from and agamst any losses, damages, hablhtles, expenses and costs (includmg, but not limIted to, attorneys' fees, dIsbursements and court costs) BenefiCiary may sustam or mcur as a result of Grantor's failure to comply WIth the provISIons of such Foreign Investment Acts and Regulal10ns 43. Controlhng Document. In the event of any conflict or mconslstency between the tenus and prOVIsions contamed m Uus Deed ofTmst and those contamed 10 any of the other Loan Documents (except any separate assignment of leases andlor rents and any loan agreement, whIch shall prevail over thiS Deed ofTmst), the tenus and proVISIons ofthls Deed of Tmst shall control 44. Governing Law. ThiS Deed ofTmst shall be construed In accordance wlth the laws of the state m which the Property IS located 45. Attorneys' Fees, In the event of any Event of Default under thiS Deed ofTmst, or in the event that any dispute arises relatmg to the mterpretal1on, enforcement, or perfonnance of any obhgatlOn secured by thIS Deed ofTrus!, or m the event of bankruptcy or msolvency proceedmgs as descnbed below, BenefiCiary shall be enotled to collect from Grantor on demand all costs and expenses mcurred m connecllon therewIth, mcludmg but not lmuted to fees of attorneys, accountants, appraIsers, enVlronrnentalmspectors, consultants, expert WItnesses, arbItrators, mediators, and court reporters WithOUt hmltmg the generahty of the foregomg, Grantor shall pay all such costs and expenses mCUlTed ill connectIon With (a) arbltral10n or other alternallve dIspute resolution proceedmgs, Inal court acl1ons, and appeals, (b) cases and proceedmgs m bankruptcy, or other msolvency proceedmgs, of Grantor, any guarantor or other party hable for any of the obligations secured by Uus Deed of Trust. or any party havmg any mterestm any secunty for any of those obhgal1ons, (c) JudICial or nonjudICial foreclosure on, or appomtment of a receiver for, any ofthe Property, (d) post-Judgment collecllon proceedmgs, PAGE 26 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox IS0338Svl 61072 23 Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal . mcludmg achons for deficIency Judgments, (e) all claIms, counterclaIms, cross-claIms, and defenses asserted m any of the foregomg whether or not they anse out of or are related to thIS Deed of Tmst, (f) all preparation for any of the foregomg, and (g) all settlement negotiations With respect to any of the foregoing. 46, Commercial Loan. Grantor represents and warrants that the loan evidenced by the Note IS a commerCial loan transacted solely for the purpose of carrymg on or acqumng Grantor's busmess and that no portIon of the proceeds of the loan Will be used for personal, fanllly or household pwposes , 47. Nondiscrimination. Grantor IS and shall be, until all mdebtedness secured by thIS Deed ofTms! IS paId m full, m full comphance WIth all proVISIons of law prohlbltmg dlscnmmatlon 10 housmg on the basiS of race, creed, sex, age or nahonal ongm, mcludmg but not hmlted to the requIrements of TItle vm of the 1968 ClVll RIghts Act, as amended 48. No Offset. Grantor's obhgatlon to make payments and perform all obhganons, covenants and warranties under this Deed of Trust and under the Note shall be absolute and uncondttlonal and shall not be affected by any clrcwnstance, mcludmg WIthout hnlltatlon any setoff, counterclaun, abatement, suspenSIon, recoupment, deductlon, defense or other nght that Grantor or any guarantor may have or chum agaInst BenefiCIary or any ennly particlpatmg in makmg the loans secured hereby The foregomg prOVISIons of this sechon do not constItute a waiver of any claim whIch Grantor or any guarantor may have m damages or otherwIse agamst BenefiCIary or any other person, or preclude Grantor from maIntammg a separate achon thereon Grantor waives any nght It may have at law or m eqUIty to consolidate such separate achon With any actIOn or proceedmg brought by BenefiCiary, or to assert such claIm as a counterclaun m any acllon or proceedmg brought by BenefiCIary, except for claIms which, under applIcable law, Grantor must make m such acnon or proceedmg m order to preserve ItS nght to make the claim 49. Forced Insurance Notice. WARNING UNLESS BORROWER PROVIDES LENDER WITH EVIDENCE OF THE INSURANCE COVERAGE AS REQUIRED BY THE LOAN DOCUMENTS, THE LENDER MAY PURCHASE SUCH INSURANCE AT BORROWER'S EXPENSE TO PROTEST LENDER'S INTEREST THIS INSURANCE MAY, BUT NEED NOT, ALSO PROTECT BORROWER'S INTEREST IF THE COLLATERAL BECOMES DAMAGED, THE COVERAGE LENDER PURCHASES MAY NOT PAY ANY CLAIM BORROWER MAKES OR ANY CLAIM MADE AGAINST BORROWER BORROWERMA Y LATER CANCEL THIS COVERAGE BY PROVIDING EVIDENCE THAT BORROWER HAS OBTAINED PROPERTY COVERAGE ELSEWHERE BORROWER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REASONABLE COST OF ANY SUCH INSURANCE PURCHASED BY LENDER THE COST OF THIS INSURANCE MAYBE Auucu TO THE LOAN BALANCE IF THIS COST IS ADDED TO THE LOAN BALANCE, THE INTEREST RATE PAYABLE UNDER THE UNDERLYING LOAN WILL PAGE 27. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox 1503385vl 610n 23 Date ReceIved: AUG - 6 2008 ,I "f, "/\1 , - \~of:. .1f Onglnal SubmIttal . APPLY TO THE ADDED AMOUNT THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE COVERAGE MAY BE THE DATE BORROWER'S PRIOR COVERAGE LAPSED OR THE DATE BORROWER FAILED TO PROVIDE PROOF OF COVERAGE THE COVERAGE LENDER PURCHASES MAY BE CONSIDERABLY MORE EXPENSIVE THAN INSURANCE BORROWER CAN OBTAIN ON BORROWER'S OWN AND MAY NOT SATISFY ANY NEED FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE OR ANY MANDA TORY LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED BY APPLICABLE LAW 50. No Oral Commitments Notice. UNDER OREGON LAW, MOST AGREEMENT, PROMISES AND COMMITMENTS MADE BY LENDER. CONCERNING LOANS AND OTHER CREDIT EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE NOT FOR PERSONAL, F AMIL Y OR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES OR SECURED SOLELY BY THE BORROWER'S RESIDENCE MUST BE IN WRITING, EXPRESS CONSIDERATION AND BE SIGNED BY THE LENDER TO BY ENFORCEABLE PAGE2S - DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox J50338Sv1 61072.23 Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Origin13\ Submittal . EXECUTED by Grantor as of the day and year first above wntten GRANTOR PAPE PROPERTIES, INC. WI Oregon corporal1on By &AA?4 RO'1ietl'lecke, PreS'ldent PAGE 29. DEED OF TRUST, SECURlTY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT PDX 1503385....1 61072-23 Date Received' AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal I ! ' . ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OREGON County of ~ / ) )ss ) This mstrument was acknowledged before me on tillS ,;} ~ay of August, 2006, by Robert J Riecke, as President ofPape Properties, !ne, an Oregon eOIporaUon 1.-' '''''''''''~~~~~~N~~ ~""": NOTARY I'UBUC . OREGON ., COIoIMl88ION NO 378180 . ....".(,,~,,~~~~~...; N~~L~ My CormmsslOn Expires n,;l-03 -oK PAGE 30 - DEED OF TRUST, SECURlTY AGREEMENT AND FINANCING STATEMENT pox ISOJJ85vl 61072-23 Date ReceIVed: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submittaL 1 . EXHIBIT A (Glenwood) Parcel 2, Land Partition Plat No 93-P0340. Lane County Official records, In Lane County, Oregon Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal AFT!::R RECORDING RETUr.N TO FIDELITY N<\1I0NAL TITLE INSURANCE CG"1PANY OF OREGON BOO WILLAMETTE ST , #500 EUGENE, OR 97401 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS Ifront atld b.ck~ CAA:EFUL.L Y ... NAMe & PHONE OF CONTA.CT AT FllEFt (opUonaIJ Paul W Ip B SEND ACKNOWLl:QG!:LfcNT TO (Name and AQl:IJ"Q&) (503)299-1160 r PaulW Ip I Vtca President Commel'Clal Banking HSBC BANK USA. NatIonal Assoc~tlon 601 SW Second Avenue, SUite 1650 L Portland OR 97204.3157 -.J TIe IJJCNESPACE IS FOR FQ..JNQ OfFICE USE ONt-V 1 DEBTOR S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAY!! ..tcnylllllcltblcr~("(lf1b)-l)Jnot.lltnvIattlOfCQ/llblnlnatNI I'.. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Papa Properties, fne OR I'D IM>!VIDUALSLASTNAME FIRSTHAME MKX)LENAME 1c. JAAJUNGADORESS CITY STATE IPOSTALCODE 355 Goodpasture Island Road Eugene OR 97401 iiiiiiiIId SEEINSTRUCTlQNS ADO'llNFORe It. TYPEOFORGANlZATION "JURISD~TIOHOFORGANlZA110N 'o.OFtGANIZATlOHAI.IO' tllnf OflONolIZATION oeBTOR Corporabon Oregon 031582-a4 2 ADDITIONAL DEBTOR S eXACT FULL LEQAL NAME InI<<ICInl\'QOId.Otorn_.(2.0(2bl-donot~Ol'C'A'IllWlenam.. 121. ORGAHlZAnoNSNAME OR 12b INOIVlDUAl.lHASTNMlE 2l:. ~UNG.ADDRE8S SUFFIX COUNTRY USA o NON' FIRST NAME MIDDlE NAME SLFFLX CfT'( STATE (POSTAl CODE 2g. OROAHLl/ITIONAL 10. III1'1Y COUNmY ADUL INfO Kt: 128lYPEOJ:ORGANlZAllON ORlJAHllATION DEBfOR 2f J~ISOtcTlON OF ORGANlZATtON o NON' :5 SECURED PARTY'S NAME IOIN.AMEoITOTAlASSIGNEE oIASSIGNORSlPt lnMt1anlvC'mIlllClndDW1lfMl'l'l8f38or3bl j3a.ORGANIlATlONSNAt.lE HSBC BANK USA, NabonaJ ASSOCIation OR 13D INDIVIOUAL a lAST NAIAf 3e. ,..":IUNG ADDRESS FIftl)T NAME MIDOl.E: NAME: SUFFIX 601 SW Second Avenue. SUite 1850 4 ThlsFINANCINGSTATEMENTCOWtStMfoIlOwlngcdlat8t8l r See attached Exhibits A and B Incorporated herein by reference Dlvl.lon 0' CM.' Deputy CI.,.k Lan. County D..d. and Ra~ordS CfT'( Portland STA.TE IPOSTALCOCE OR 97204-3157 COUNTRY USA "1 UW'Jm]ll~HlIJ~ JJWlII 1111 11111 08/30/200601:07:49 P" RPR-ftTG Cntal StnaS CASHIER 08 $20.00 $10 DO $11.00 l~oo.~~~J $4LOO 5 ''''''''NATJVE O<~""'T1ON~"'_1 DlfSSEfJW80ft 0 CONSlGNEE.~,_,,~ 0 IlAiLEfIIlAI.OR 05EU.eRnlUYER 6 [gI TI'oIIFINANCING STATEMENT I,k)be Ned)JorIWCO'd}(Ofrecord8d)lniheAEAl17 s..ln~~') fSTATERECORDS AttWlMdeNllln lifapp\lt:ablej 15 OPTIONAl FUR REFfRENCE DATA 1504609v1 (61072-26) lANE COUNTY o NJ UEN 0 """"CCR""" Uate t'\.1:l1,,<:llvc:;J: FlUNG OFFICE COPY - NATIONAl UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV OQJOS) AUG - 6 ,2008 Ol,glfl.<fi submittal frvr' "1 II D\ [1- . , EXHIBIT A to DCC-] FINANCING STATEMENT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES GLENWOOD PARCEL 2, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO 93-P0340, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submlttp I POX 1504609v1 61012-26 Portland 2 , i EXmBIT B to DCC-I FINANCING STATEMENT DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL . DEBTOR Pape Properties, Inc SECURED PARTY HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION I All bUIldIngs, structures, unprovements, eqUIpment, fixtures and property now or hereafter bUIlt on or In, or attached to, the real property (the "Land") descnbed m Exhlhlt A to tlus financmg statement, mcludmg but not l1IDlted to boilers, engmes, motors, dynamos and generating eqUipment, computers, computer workstauons and tenrnnals used In the operatJon of bwldmg systems, telephone and other commumcal1ons systems, plpmg and plwnbmg fixtures, stoves, ranges, cookmg apparatus and mecharucal kitchen eqUipment, dishwashers, clothes dryers, refngerators and freezers, coolmg, heaung, ventllatmg, spnnklmg and vacuum cleanmg systems, fire extlngmshing apparatus and eqUIpment, gas and electrIc fIXtureS, Imgation systems and eqUIpment, carpeting and underpaddmg, fire alarm, secunty and access control systems, elevators, escalators, partltlons, mantels, bwlt-m lIll1Tors, wmdow shades, bhnds, screens, storm sash and awmngs, furwture and furwslungs of pubhc spaces, halls and lobbIes, mcmeratmg systems and eqUIpment, and shrubbery and plants (the "Improvements", the Land and Improvements are referred to colleCl1vely as the "Lv",,,./"), all property mentloned In tlus Parallraph 1 shall be deemed part of the realty and not severable wholly or m part Without matenal mJury to the Property 2 All rents, Issues and profits of the Property, all elUstmg and future leases of the Property (mcludmg extensIOns, renewals and subleases) and all agreements for use and occupancy of the Property (all such leases and agreements whether wntten or oral are hereafter referred to as the "Leases"), and all guaranties ofles~ees' perfonnance under the Leases, together With the ImmedIate and conl1numg nght to collect and receive all of the rents, mcome, receipts, revenues, Issues, profits and other mcome of any nature now or hereafter due (mcludlng any mcome of any nature commg due dmmg any redemption penod) under the Leases or from or ansmg out of the Property mcludmg muumwn rents, addJtlonal rents, perccntagc rents, parking or common area mamtenance contnbunons, tax and msurance contnbUl1ons, defiCIency rents, forfeitures or hqUldated damages followmg default m any lease, all proceeds payable under any pohcy of Insurance covenng loss of rents or other mcome resultmg from untenantablhty caused by destrUcUOn Or damage to the Property, all proceeds payable as a result of exemse of an option to purchase the Property, all proceeds denved from the termmatlOn or rejection of any lease m a bankruptcy or other msolvency proceedmg, and all proceeds from any nghts and clBims of any kmd that debtor may have agamst any tenant under the Leases or any occupants of the Property (all of the above are hereafter collectively referred to as the "Rents'') 3 To the extent the same are not Improvements, all furwture, furmshings, apphances, machinery, eqUIpment and other Property of any kind now or hereafter located on the Property, used or mtended to be used on the Property wherever actually located, or purchased With funds lent to debtor by secured party, and all nghts of debtor as lessee of any property descnbed m SectIOn I above 4 With respect to the Property, and the f."",.../ descnbed m ParaQranhs L 2_ 3 and 5 throullh 9 hereof, all unearned prenuums under any and allmsurance pohcles covenng such d Date Receive . PDXIS~1610~26 3 Portland Aile; - 6 2008 Or'cr:1:J Stl"n" Itt~L.-_ ---~- . . Property now or hereafter obtaIned by debtor, all proceeds (mcludlng, Without hnl11auon, funds, accOW1ts, depoSIt accoW1ts, Instruments, general mtangIbles, notes or chattel paper) of the voluntary or involuntary conversion thereof mto cash or other hquidated cl81ms, mcludmg proceeds of hazard, ntle and other insurance and proceeds received pursuant to any sales or rental agreemcnts, all refunds or rebates of taxes or assessments thereon, all nghts of actIOn m respect thereof 5 All plans, speclficauons, contracts, agreements and purchase orders pertammg or mCldental to the desIgn or construcUon of any Improvements, debtor's nghts undcr any payment, perfonnance or other bond m connecuon WIth construction of Improvements, and all construclton matenals, supphes and eq\Upment dehvered to the Property or Intended to be used In connecUon WIth the construcUon of Improvements wherever actually located 6 All contracts, accounts, nghts, causes or causes of aclton pertauung to or affecting the Property or the Property descnbed In fllm\'Taoh 3 above, mcluding, WIthout hmltauon, all optIons or contracts tn acqUIre other t'w>,",;/ for use in connecl1on WIth operatIon or development of the 'I.v>,,,,,;, management contracts, service or supply contracts, depOSIts, bank accounts, trademarks, trade names and symbols, penmts, hcenses, francluses and certificates 7 All conumtments or agreements, now or hereafter 1Il eXIStence, lIltended by the obhgor thereof to prOVide debtor With proceeds to SatISfy the note or mtprove the Property and the nght to receive all proceeds due under such comnuunents or agreements mcludmg refundable depOSits and fees 8 All books, records, surveys, '''l-'V';'' and other docwnents related to the Property, Leases, other Items of collateral descnbed herem, or construcUon or operatIon of the Improvements 9 With respect to the property, all Judgments, damages, awards, settlements and compensauon (mcludmg mterest thereon) for any injury to or decrease III the value thereoffor any reason, mcludmg, WIthout hmitatlon, the taking of emment domam, condemnauon or otherwtse of all or any part thereof 10 All addlUons, accessions, replacements. subSUtuuons, proceeds and products of the real and personal property, tangIble and mtanglble, descnbed herem Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal POX I_I 61072-26 Portland 4 - --~ I I L ,. .. =~ .N,~ T~ rTlTi.e'c", /1-tJ3-tJ3-1-3.:1f ~ 7~ I~~o, 1-(.~5 ~ 1- S /gll7/e.,~ fI.1t-m Ti\X ~~' : I < " d .1.: IP,-" Ti\X .CCT NO "'"'1~V-\( TAXACCTNQ IfARUNTY DBi'D .... S'1'A'l'U'l'ORY PORI( 9'7'711S93 =va CABCAO& TOT'" = 210l/792 Et197-10S4 1385234 138524:1 1372661 ,0 I~ f)'J PRAN1tL:EN HOWARD GORDON and JrWUAN L GORDoN, tJ:\ll!ll:ua <<: U D '1' OCTOBJR 30, 1'&4, GraQtor, COQveys and warrants to PUE" IlOPD'rrBS. ZNC. AN OUGeN CORPORA'1'IOH, Gr.l1t.., the following defcribed real property tree of enc~r.nceB except A8 specifically set forth herein, SEa BXHIBIT A WHICH IS IQ.DE A PART HERHOF BY THIS RUBRENCe " , THIS tNsTRUKEN'1' WILt. NOT AL"LOW use 01" THB PROl'h'l'Y DESCRIBED IN 'rHIS INSUtlKllrr IN VIOL)"TIOH or APPLlCABLB t.lU'D USE LAWS AN]) RBOUUTIONS DBPOQ SIcmING OR lCCEPTlNO nus ....'..."UII~U.., 'fRZ PDSON ACQOIUNO rBI TITLB TO 'I'RB l'ROJ'I]l.'rf SHOULD CHICK Hl'1'H 'rHB APPROPJUAn CITY OR. COON'l'Y PLANN%NO DIPARnmm 'l'O VRlUn APPROVlD l1SIB .um '1'0 DB'rBlUaNE Am' LIMITS ON LA.W50I'I'S AGAINS'r PAllMINQ OR rORB!JT PRAC'tICES AS DEPINm Xli ORB 30 no Except the following .ncumbrance., ) ~T 22'971107REC 10.00 ~T .22'97lW7Pf1..1NO 10.00 ~j;lllCT.22'97H07AH ~ 20.00 SEB EXHIBIT "a' FOR Pl:)RMITI'EO ENCUMaRANCES The true condderatiol') lor thl.o ~onve anl;o J. to an .ccommodoto~pur8uant to IRC 1 Dated thh ..,p1J """/ day of $239.0S1 DO at vh1.ch 90.65% 18 paid , ".5j.2 , '1'hh 0.011 io: boiug giVaD by OrlUltor cu,rac:tly to GJ:lt.nte. puuuant; to tho tonu of I (a) the neal Property Exchan.ge I.;nemtlut batW'l!f1t. GraDtaa aDd Ca.oad. lxohangQ SuvJc... lue d.t.ad _. I~ 1.9... , u.!:1. &.11d (111 tho A.uignment "ad A08~tioD botwoOD G~.Deor, Grant.. and C..cade Bxcbange Services. Iao , dated /P / /'...~ , U..2:....2., a" an lnt.egrahtJ. ~:r:-t of tha Noluulgo trans.ot1on contolip1atud by tho.. agro.JII.Dt. i ,-, ~~~ ~r.t'~ E'RAHlq,rtl HOWARD GORDON 'fIIi!J.h 1.~jA M1JU1U( GoRDON' Ct\l.\fL>i-N\1\- ~ STATE OI'~CDuntY of L,ot..~ }n 'I'hia 1natrument well acknowledged botore mo on by ~KLl~ ~OW~D ~RnnN ~nd MARYAN L GQADO>> #~ Notary- Public for Oregon ,,\,,'.~~ My commisaion expires, ~I ~ ~ 90 ""q '-' I. """"'....... 1 . co..."""",,,. I N~..,.....-CQl_ S LOIANGELES COUNTY J .. Iott~~ ~N~~1~1"~J FR1>J.m".Xw HOWARD OORDON 20224 LoREN~~ DRIVR COV1'NA. OR 91724 . GRANToR' S NAMB AND MDRESS Until a chango is r.~.8ted all tax statement. 8~ll be Dent to the following addr... ... &ME AS GRANTBS ... gAPE' p~PERTIef! INC 101 B BROADIfAY EUG~. OR 9'7401 GRANTBE'S NAMB AND ADDRESS After recording roturn to CASCADE TITLB CO 811 WILl.AMET'rB EUOBNB, OR 97401 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal - .-.,..--.J , '~ , , " " . " /1 . , 'r 1~ , . , I', ''J I' ~ " ~,t r " l' I,' 1,1 .1" " 'F , , , '! or ;;</;;<71;;J.. EXHmIT "A" . I 977,1893 BtJ91nnin9 a.t the Northwest corn,,~ ot Lot 5, Blook 5, of the AHBNDlD PLAt OP GLENWooD PARK, as platted and recorded in Book 25, Page 82, tana County Oregon bud Reoord", thence Saat along tbe Nortn Un. of u.l.d Bloo~ 5, to . point on the centerline ot vacatod Horton Street, thence South 810n9 .014 centerline to the J..terly projeoted South I1ne ot Lota 1, 2 and 3, Block 8 of ..1d Platl thence We.t 160.00 feet more or 10.., along tho South I1n. of .ald Lot. 1, 2 and J, to a point in the South l1pe of Lot 3 ot .a14 Block which i. the GoutbO&Dt oorn8~ Of 'areal 2 .. d88crlDod 1n that de.d to thQ Stato of Oreqon, by and through its Stato Highway Co~i8ilon, recorded ~un. ., 1~53, Reception No. 5301, Lan. County creven DODd Recot'duI thence North 15 0 f.'CI thanoe Wost 200 0 t..t MOre ~ 10&8, along a l!no 1$.0 te.t "ortherly fro. .nd parallel with the South line ot Lote 3, 4 and 5 ot ..id Bloc~, to a point on cne centerlino ot vaoated Harrleon Street, th.n~ North alonQ the cent.rlino of Baid Street to the We8terly projected North lino ot Lot 5, Block 5 ot g.ld plat, thgnce But 24 75 teet to the NOt'thw.'t corner ot aaid Lot, belnq the paint of ~91nnln9, all 1n Lano County, oreqon. EXWBlT "nll Taxe. for the flucal y.ar 1997-1998, . lien not yet payable City 110n8, 08 levied by tho City at Bugeno tor sower, Account No. 1981-0042-0160, in the amount ot $6,326 04 Agreement Doterrin9 CoIIGctlon at ~.8ea~nt, in~ludln9 tho term. and provL81one thereof, recorded November 15, 1982, Reoeption No 8234140, Lane Co~nty ollicial Rocord. Reat;.t'iction ot aCCDBIJ 1n deeda to the State of Dragon, by olInli through ite Stollte Hiohway eo.miaaion, recorded October 11, 1950, in Book 425, Pa98 255, and recorded Juno ., 1953, RecoptLon No 5301, ~an. County Oregon Doed ReCcrda Ea8emQnte tor uti11t108 over and acroaa th_ premia.. tormot'ly included within the boundariG8 01 << portion ot K.~r1.on Street, now vacated, a. ra88t'vod by Vacatlng Ordar rQcord~ A~~.t 7, 1ge., ~.l No 1309, Recaption No 8431684, Lane County Olticial Recorda taDemente lor utilitioo ever and aoro.. the premia.8 le~mGrly 1n~l\1ded within the bounda~iGG of 23rd Street, Horton Street and Marriman street, now vaaatad, it any auch 8Ki.t. Site Review SUbdi.t~lc~, inclUding the term. and provieione thereol, NoticD of whlch is recorded February 26, 1990, Reception No. 9009309, Lane County Oftioi.1 Reoordm. Site Review SUbcUstrlct, inclUd.ing the terms and proviuiotllll theruot, Not1.co of ",hieb 18 recotd.ecl June 25, 1991, Reception No 9129509, Lane County oft Lolal ~cord. Slat. of Or"gon Counlv oll.an. -.. I tlwCouIlIyQe"'-InWlorlh8Wi Coo.iNydolle."byWllfylJlaltM\IIllhln lru.lfVnlllnt_I,~elI4dIOl"neord.1 'S70CT22.. 2134 2348R .,,1 l.M>a Counly ornclAL R;o;Qrtb I.IIl.CounIvcm" U.f A ..J,..f.)l .,. Coon1vCleri< Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submltti:.l- "1" " '. ", I4lI"' ., j . ~ l. , , ;- ; . . , '. ~ ; 'j r'4 il q 'j 1 1 I , , , 1 ~ . , j ., ; 1 ~ i . c-r- ~l/-t.fo ipS" RroJRlI"fO C,.SC,.O" "f1"fL" co euOS'l/04-i Ci)\~ Until a change Is reqnested, aU tax statements shaD he sent to: Pape PropertIes, Inc Attenbon Robert J Riecke PO Box407 Eugene, Oregon 97440 Alter recordlDg, return to' Pape PropertJes, Inc Attenbon Robert J RIecke POBox 407 Eugene, Oregon 97440 , Dlvlalon 0' Chi.' Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeda ""d Reoords U~l{UU~~ ~~Jl~I'l~m'IIIIII"~ RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn.15 cJl~~2og; 03:54:53 P" $5.00 $11 00 $10 00 ~005-1~1195 " $26.00 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, that MO Partners, an Oregon general partnership, herelDafter Grantor, conveys to Pape Properties, Inc , an Oregon corporation, heremafter Grantee, the real ~.u~u.;, descnDed as follows Parcel 2, Land Partlbon Plat No 93-P0340, Lane County OffiCIal Records, lD Lane County, Oregon The true consuleral1on for thiS conveyance IS $290,000 00 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 200S (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)) TIllS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR AC,-u .11oG TIDS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.390 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 200S (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)) Dated thIS ,x.,:zl<<(.. day of December, 2005 MO Partners '. CSENffAI. ; IOTA:=C.OREGON COMMISSION NO 369597 '" IIfCOWll3SlOllDPlRE3lUIlE16,2lI07 'T - - ----- --.,.---,.':~-_ By 'LZ~ ~:oille. Managmg Partner Date Received STATE OF OREGON ) AUG - 6 2008 ss Onglnal submittal County of Lane ) ThIs mstrument was acknowledged before me on December~-t .2005, by Bnan B Oble as Managmg Partner ofMO Partners, an Oregon general partn;;;; k Notiii'fPiibl1c~ Oregon My ConmusslOn Expues ~/15/0:r ~ID DetaIled Property -- . >ort Page 1 of4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address Map & Tax Lot # 18.03-03-13-00101 A & T Account # 1505047 .Qoeclallnterest COd.!1. 903 "..."'/........M:4-r...,..q..,..h~<<MtI"~ '';d",,)ll~Jljf!P~~~Y.ll,>>t>>~'''A'-:1:J VICinIty Map ~ X-Coord 4254752 Land Use Zomng Zoning JUriSdiction Parent Zone 1 Boundary InformatIon General Incorporated City Limits Urban Growth Boundary Fire Proteclion Providers Node Plan DeSignation 2000 Census Tract 2000 Block Group Year Annexed Annexalion # ApproXimate Acreage ApprOXimate Square Footage Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards West Eugene We~ands FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number 4i039C1141F_(TIF) I SIte Address State Plane Coordinates Y -Coord 873575 land use Information has not been field verified Code Descnptlon Please verify zoning information WIth loealJurlsdlctlon Lane County overlay zones are not currently shown In RLtO Code SPR lM Descrlplion SPRINGFIELD LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL Please verify boundary InfonnatJon with local Jurisdiction SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD N 3.60_Q 1 1999 99-07 644 280,526 Please vent)' environmental Information wllh local JunsdlCtlon Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Orrglnal Submittal Note Some parcels may extend Ol1to adjacent FIRM maps RegIstration between parcel boundarlos and flood hazard zones IS approximate Community numbers are based on the current city IJmlls and may not reflecl boundanes at the date of map publicatIon Consult FIRM maps or appropnate authomy Community Number Post- FIRM Date Panel Pnnted? (Y/N) 415592 1985-09-27 y hnp !!www rlid org!reports/Mam Jeport Jlidstar,cfm ?taxlot _ld;95278&csacct= 150504 7& 7 !3l!2008 SOil Water Conservanon District Soil Water Conservanon Dlslnct 0 Zone Political Districts Election Precinct County Commissioner Dlstnct County Commissioner State Representative Dlstnct Slate Representative Name City CounCil Ward City Councilor Name State Senate Dlstnct State Senator LCC Board Zones EWES Commissioner District Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number 1505047 I Property Owner Owner1 Name CONNOR TOM Owner Address PO BOX 18 RUD Detailed Property 41039C1141E(POF) Code X Solis SOil Map Unit Number 11C 43C 110 Schools Dlstnct Elementary School Middle School High School Service Dlstncts L TO Service Area L TO Ride Source Ambulance Dlstnct City State EUGENE OREGON Taxpayer Taxo~r Name CONNOR TOM Taxpayer Address PO BOX 18 City State EUGENE OREGON Property Legal Descrlplion . --- lOr! Page 2 of 4 Descnptlon Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood Soli Type Descnpnon BELLPINE SIL TV CtA Y LOAM. 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES OIXONVllLE-PHllOMATH_HAZELAIR COMPLEX 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES ' BEllPINE SIL TV CLA Y LOAM, 12 TO 20 PERCENT SLOPES Percentage of Tax Lot 55 31 14 Code 1..! ill ill ~3i Name EUGENE HARRIS ROOSEVELT SOUTH EUGENE Y YES EC Area EAST/CENTRAL PrOVider SPRINGFIELD OEPT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY UPPER WILL 102206 5 FAYE STEWART 12 E TERRY BEYER SP2 HILLARY WYLIE 6 WillIAM MORRISE1TE 4 EAST Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Original Submittal Map & Tax Lot 18..03..03-13..00101 Country UNITED STATES Zip Code 97440 Country UNITED STATES Zip Code 97440 http /Iwww rhd org/reportslMam_repor!_rhdstar cfm?taxlotjd=95278&csacct=1505047& 7/3 \12008 RLlD Detailed Property, ilrt Township 18 Range 03 SubdivIsion Type Subdivision Name LoVTracUUnlt Number TL 00101-903 SubdiVISion Number Recording Number Property Value and Taxes Land Value Eieal Mar~! o o o o o o o o o o o o o 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 20,417 I<ixable_'lalu~ Section 03 Improvement Value Re~Market 62,660 34,670 30,410 24,720 24,000 24,240 24,990 24,990 21,180 21,390 18,600 18,060 16,880 o Exempbon Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Explanation of Tax The tax shown IS the amount certified In October, unless a value change has been processed on the property Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clencal errors and omrtted property The owner either Initiates the change, as In the case of appeals, or IS noUfied by the department, In the case of clencal errors and omitted property The amount shown IS the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not Include any discounts offered, payments made, Interest oWing, or prevIous years oWing Account Status (0 ActIVe for the 2007 Tax Year r New Account Scheduled to be Active for the 2008 Tax Year (0 Locally Assessed P5!ndln~lr,teIllil Pending Value Change r r Page 3 of 4 Quarter 13 D,VISion/Phase Total Value R!,pl..MarkEtl 62,660 34,670 30,410 24,720 24,000 24,240 24,990 24,990 21,180 21,390 18,600 18,060 16,880 ~s_EOssed 20,417 19,822 19,245 18,684 18,140 17,612 17,099 16,601 16,117 15,648 15,192 18,060 16,880 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See ExplanaUon of Tax) 37469 369 66 357 78 332 63 324 DO 310 57 273 93 252.60 244 09 232.36 232 20 229 15 21894 Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal http Ilwww rhd org/reportslMam Jeport Jhdstar cfm ?taxloud=95278&csacct= 1505047& 7/3112008 RLID Detailed Property lort . -- Page 4 of 4 .. Dehnquency r Delayed Foreclosure r Bankruptcy r Code Split Indicator r Related Accounts Remarks' Account canceled, but taxes sbll outstanding Billboard Soeelal Assessment Pro'JmlIl (If applicable) Code Generallnformalion Property Class Statistical Class Neighborhood Code Property Use Type Account Type Category Mortgage Company Name Total Acreage for thiS Account 000 Fire Acres Descnptlon 201 487 80487 COMMERCIAL, IMPROVED BILLBOARDS/OUTDOOR ADVERTISING RP IMPROVEMENT ONLY Current Year Tax Code Area (Levy Code) 00480 lane County Asseosment and Taxa"on 200720086,1""9 Rates CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUGENE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4J GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE COUNTY METROPOliTAN WW SER DISTlCT LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Sales Information Sales Date Sales Pnce Grantor Grantee Instrument # An<!W~C.9_de Mult Acct? Manufactured Structures ~a.r.cb-'3..esul~ Itkw....ELope!'tY.SQarch IAPp!!Q{ltlfln~ Mpn'J Date Received: AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal http Ilwww rhd orglreports/Mam_reportJhdstar cfm?taxlot_ld=95278&csacct=1505047& 713112008 RLID DetaIled Property -- . Jort Page I of4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address Map & Tax lot # 18-03-03-13-00101 ~1LLAccount # 1508223 ;,:-";~ ~~lsr~;r iJni:Ir4.J1.if. .~.. P:t~, . . ~~-#"""':<:I~-~6U~I!I... .. Vicinity Map SoeC1allnterest r.ode . 901 ITax Ma~ .::J ~.. v.!ltV'~'Mlj;;'''.; 1 Detail Map X-Coord 4254752 La nd Use Zoning Zonmg Junsdlctlon Parent Zone 1 Boundary Information General Incorporated City limits Urban Growth Boundary Fire Protection Providers Node Plan DeSignation 2000 Census Tract 2000 Block Group Year Annexed Annexation # ApprOXimate Acreage ApprOXimate Square Footage EnVIronmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards West Eugene Wetlands FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number 'l1039C1141FjTIF) I , . Site Address State Plane Coordmates Y -Coord 873575 Land use informatIon has not been field venfied Code DeSCription Please verify ZOnlng Informatron With local JUrlsdlctlon lane County overlay zones are n01 currently shown m RUD Code SPR lM DeSCription SPRINGFIELD LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL Please- verify boundary Information with IQcal jurisdiction SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD N ~~o_o 1 1999 99-07 644 280,526 Please verify ellvlronmentallnformatton With local JunSd.ctlon Date Received. AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Note Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM maps Reglstratlon between parcel boundanes and flood hazard zones 15 apprmClmate Commumty numbers are based on the current city Irmlts and may not reflect boundarres at the dale of map pUblication Consul! FIRM maps or appropnate authority Community Number Post- FIRM Date Panel Printed? (Y/N) 415592 1985-09-27 Y htlp Ilwww rhd org/reportslMam _report Jhdstar cfm?tax10t_ ld=95276&csacct= 1508223& 7/3112008 r I RLID Detailed Property I Jrt 'llil39C1141E (PDF) Code X Solis SOil Map Urnt Number 11C 43C 110 Schools DescnptJon Areas determined to be outside of SOO-year flood SOil Type Descnptlon BELLPINE SILTY CLA Y LOAM, 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES DIXONV/LLE.PH'lOMATH-HAZELAIR COMPLEX 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES ' BELLPINE SILTY CLA Y LOAM, 12 TO 20 PERCENT SLOPES Dlstnct Elementary School Middle School High School ServIce DIstricts L TO Service Area L TO Ride Source Ambulance Dlstnct Code 4J ill .526 lil~ Name EUGENE HARRIS ROOSEVELT SOUTH EUGENE Y YES EC Area EAST/CENTRAL Page 2 of4 ~ Percentage ofT ax Lot 55 31 14 Provider SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY 5011 Water Conservation Dlstnct 5011 Water Conservation Dlstnct 0 Zone Political Districts Election Precinct County Commissioner Dlstnct County CommiSSioner State Representative Dlstnct State Representative Name City CounCil Ward City Councilor Name State Senate Dlstnct State Senator LCC Board Zones EWES Commissioner Dlstnct Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number 1508223 I Property Owner Owner' Name OBIE MEDIA CORPORATION Owner Address PO BOX 66338 UPPER WILL 102206 5 FAYE STEWART 12 E TERRY BEYER SP2 HILLARY WYLIE 6 WILLIAM MORRISETTE 4 EAST Date Received: Onglnal Submittal Map & Tax Lot 18-03-03-13-00101 City State Country Zip Code BATON CALIFORNIA 70896 ROUGE Taxpayer Ia1ffi-ayer Name OBIE MEDIA CORPORATION Taxpayer Address PO BOX 66338 City State Country lip Code BATON CALIFORNIA 70896 ROUGE A"~ - ' 2'1"3 h....-..J ... ........ http Ilwww rlid org/reports/Mam Jeport Jlidslar cfm?taxloUd=95276&csacct= 1508223& 7/31/2008 RLID DetaIled Property F rt Property Legal Description Township 18 Range 03 SubdivIsion Type SubdivIsion Name LollTractlUnlt Number TL 00101-901 SubdivIsion Number Recording Number Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market o o o o o o o o o o o o o Section 03 Improvement Value .Real Market 50,210 26,810 23,940 20,820 19,280 16,910 18,580 17,870 15,140 15,140 16,110 17,510 14,350 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 17,356 Ia~abJ!L Valu~ o Exempllon Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 - Page 3 of4 Quarter 13 DIVISlon/Phase Total Value Real Mark,,! 50,210 26,810 23,940 20,820 19,280 16,910 18,580 17,870 15,140 15,140 16,110 17,510 14,350 bss<OJ;~e.9 17 ,356 16,850 16,359 15,883 15,420 14,971 14,535 14,112 13,701 13,302 12,915 17,510 14,350 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 31851 31423 30413 281.80 26981 245 52 238 30 237 35 227 81 215.52 21907 268 93 224 97 Explanation of Tax The tax shown IS the amount certified In October, unless a value change has been processed on the property Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerreal errors and omitted property The owner either Initiates the change, as In the case of appeals, or IS notified by the department, In the case of clencal errors and omitted property The amount shown IS the full amount of tax for the year mdlcated and does not Include any discounts oltered, payments made. Interest oWing, or prevIous years oWing Account Status ~, Active for the 2007 Tax Year r New Account Scheduled to be Date Received Active for the 2008 Tax Year ~ Locally Assessed AUG - 6 2008 r Pendma Sea/Merae Onglnal Submittal http //wwwrhd org/reportslMmnJeport_rhdstar cfm?taxlot_ld=95276&csacct=1508223& 7/31/2008 - RiID Detailed Property Re, Page 4 of4 r Pending Value Change C Delinquency r Delayed Foreclosure '- Bankruptcy r Code Split Indicator r Related Accounts Remarks. Billboard .sPjljjalA"""ssment Proori!1l1 (If applicable) Code General Information Descnpbon COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL ZONE, IMPROVED BILLBOARDS/OUTDOOR ADVERTISING Property Class StatistIcal Class NeIghborhood Code Property Use Type Account Type Category Mortgage Company Name Total Acreage for this Account Fire Acres 231 487 80487 RP IMPROVEMENT ONLY 000 Current Year Tax Code Area (Levy Code) 00480 Lane County Assessmenl and Ta,atlon 2007 2008 B,IIon9 Rales CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUGENE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4J GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WW SER DlSTICT LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Sales Information Sales Sales Date Price 03.24- OBIE OUTDOOR 2003 ADVERTISING Manufactured Structures Mult Acel? y Grantor Grantee Instrument # Payment Stub "'n<!!y-~"- Cqge OBIE MEDIA CORPORATION p ~q;lfch Ref!!I~ lriew ~t1Y ~ IAn!'lltl"~tlnM ~.~~!:1 Date Received AU6 ~ 6 2008 Original Submittal d~95276&csacCl-l 508223& alU report rl1dstat cfm'7taJdot_1 I1n~UVJ rhd orglreports/M - - 7/31/2008 LANE COU Site Address NTY REGIONAL Map & Tax Lot # LAND INFORMA TI 6J1,_T Account # 118-03-03-13-00101 ON DATABASE ..,....... _ 508231 ;::~:;;C~i..'fM:+:/;" ...~ ~.....':;~..'jS')lQM.~Df:rl':''-~''oI',"''''''~~ . . ..__~ .."t"'-".\ . ~w ~-.y.. _~ ;_., Vicinity Ma~ ....... :a ... .* ~ RLID DetaIl ed Property Rep X-Coord 4254752 Land Use Zomng Zoning JUrisdiction Parent Zone 1 Boundary Informal1on General Incorporated City limits Urban Growth Boundary Fire Protection Providers Node Plan Designation 2000 Census Tract 2000 Block Group Year Annexed Annexation # APproxunate Acreage APproximate Square Footage Environmental Fmdlngs Metro Flood Hazards West Eugene Wetlands fEM~ flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number 41!)}~114.1EJTtFI \ Page 1 of4 ~p_eJ;!gUI1t~~~1.C9Jie_ 902 ITax Map ...1 ::..,,,... . ~ ,,~'{j\l\'ll~.a,,"'l' ,.-.~ Detail Map .~maP;'."\ SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD N Date Received ~6!lJ) 1 1999 99-07 644 280,526 Please venty en\lIronmentallOformatlon wltllloca1 junSdlcllOn AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Nole Some parcols may exlend onlo ad\.cenl FIRM map' Re9\stral1on between P 1'- , .' . acCO ~"nda"e..nd ,,00" "a2ar" zOl\OS IS apprOXlm.1e Communltj numbO'" ace t..ed on ",. """enl 0'''' ,,,",\. and may nOI re~ect bOundalles at the dale dl map put\Jcaudn ConsUIl FIRM map' 0' app,op"ate ault',,,,,, Community Number post _ FIRM Date panel ponled? (Y IN) 415592 1985-09-27 Y 7m/200& .. __" ,hd <<v..",,,,,,,,,,,"-,,,,,rt_'''- ,,,,-,",_,,,95277_,,\50823 to Soil Water Conservation District Soil Water Conservation Drstnct 0 Zone Political Dlstncts Election Precinct County Commissioner Dlstnct County Commissioner State Representative Dlstnct State Representative Name City Council Ward City Councilor Name State Senate Dlstnct State Senator LCC Board Zones EWES Commissioner Dlstnct Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number 1508231 I Property Owner Owner1 Name OBIE MEDIA CORPORATION Owner Address PO BOX 66338 RLID DetaIled Property R, t 41039C1141F (PDF) Code X SarIs SOIl Map UM Number 11C 43C 110 Schools Dlstnct Elementary School Middle School High School Service Districts L TO Service Area L TO Ride Source Ambulance District Page 2 of4 DeSCription Areas detenmned to be outside of 500-year nood SOil Type DeSCription BELLPINE SILTY CLAY LOAM, 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES DIXONVILLE-PHILOMATH_HAZELAIR COMPLEX 3 TO 12 PERCENT SLOPES ' BELLPINE SILTY CLAY LOAM,12 TO 20 PERCENT SLOPES Percentage ofTax Lot 55 31 14 Code 4,.! 514 52.li ~ Name EUGENE HARRIS ROOSEVELT SOUTH EUGENE Y YES EC Area EAST/CENTRAL Provider SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY UPPER WILL 102206 5 FAYE STEWART 12 E TERRY BEYER SP2 HILLARY WYLIE 6 WILLIAM MORRISETTE 4 EAST Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal submittal Map & Tax Lot 18-03-03-13-00101 City State Country Zip Code BATON CALIFORNIA 70896 ROUGE Taxpayer JaJl!laYJ1i Name OBIE MEDIA CORPORATION Taxpayer Address PO BOX 66338 City State Country Zip Code BATON CALIFORNIA 70896 ROUGE http Ilwww rhd orglreportslMamJeporuhdstar cfm?taxloUd=95277&csacct=1508231& 7/3112008 RLID DetaIled Property Rl Property Legal Descrrptlon Township 18 Range 03 SubdivIsion Type SUbdivIsion Name LoVTractJUmt Number TL 00101-902 SUbdivIsion Number Recording Number Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 17,356 I~~~Q!eYi!!u~ Section 03 Improvement Value Heal Market 50,210 26,810 23,940 20,820 19,280 16,910 18,580 17,870 15,140 15,140 16,110 17,510 14,350 o Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Explanation of Tax The tax shown IS the amount certified In October, unless a value change has been processed on the property Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property The owner either Initiates the change, as In the case of appeals, or IS notified by the department. m the case of clencal errors and omitted property The amount shown IS the full amount of tax for the year IndIcated and does not Include any discounts offered, payments made, mterest oWing, or previous years oWing Account Status Ii Aclive for the 2007 Tax Year ("\ New Account Scheduled to be Active for the 2008 Tax Year ~ Locally Assessed r Pendlno Sea/Meree Page 3 of4 I Quarter 13 DIVISion/Phase Total Value Real Marke! 50,210 26,810 23,940 20,820 19,280 16,910 18,580 17,870 15,140 15,140 16,110 17,510 14,350 t\ssesser1 17,356 16,850 16,359 15,883 15,420 14,971 14,535 14,112 13,701 13,302 12,915 17,510 14,350 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 318 51 31423 304 13 281 80 269.81 245 52 238 30 237 35 227 81 21552 21907 268 93 224 97 Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal http Ilwww rlid org/reports/Mam Jeport Jhdstar cfm?taxloud;95277 &csacct=' J 508231 & 7/31/2008 RLID Detailed Property R., Jrt .- Page 4 of4 r Pending Value Change r Delinquency r Delayed Foreclosure l Bankruptcy r Code Spirt Indicator r Related Accounts Remarks. Billboard Sv~li!lAun"ment Proar~m (If applicable) Code General Information Descnptlon Property Class Statistical Class NeighbOrhood Code Property Use Type Account Type Category Mortgage Company Name Total Acreage for thiS Account Fire Acres Current Year Tax Code Area (Levy Code) 00480 Lane County Assessment and Taxation 2007 2008 Bllhng Ra1es CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUGENE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4J GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WW SER DISTlCT LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT 231 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL ZONE, IMPROVED BILLBOARDS/OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 487 80487 RP IMPROVEMENT ONLY 000 Sales InformatIOn Sales Sales Date Pnce 03-24- OBIE OUTDOOR 2003 ADVERTISING Manufactured Structures Grantor Grantee OBIE MEDIA CORPORATION Instrument # Payment Stub 8_nqlysls Mult Qo_de Acel? Jl Y ~~hB~jJlts INew Erop~.!JY_Search Il\Qgllcal!9~M.@!Ju Date Received AUG - 6 2008 Ongmal Submittal http Ilwww rhd org/reports/Mwn Jeport Jhdstar cfm?taxloud=95277 &csacct=) 50823 ) & 7/31/2008