HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 8/1/2008 To the cogmzant authonty In the past the area neighbors asked the County CommissIOners to reVIew Ordmance # 188 and land use Ordmance #4 when changes were bemg made on the property east and south of the Junctton of 20th and Yolanda m Spnngfield The owners of the property now are the square and round dance club The reason for the request then was to ask for the grocery store to adhere to the ordmance by followmg the dlrecttves of the planmng conuntSSlOn By mamtammg the plantmg area as set out and to follow the restncttons by not bUlldmg a structure withIn 65 feet of said planttng area The cormmsslOners reVIewed the situatIOn and adVIsed the store occupants and owners to remove the bUlldmgs and unsightly traIler from the rear of the store Currently the club members have lmuted their acttvlttes to once a year clean up sessIOns but have not mamtamed the plantmg area They have removed a fallen tree (flowenng tree) but have failed to follow the mtent of the ordinance and need to be Instructed to do so The enclosed pictures Illustrate the current condlttons Also we have concerns about the buIlding of a structure supporting a transmitting and receiVIng urnt for T MobIle that IS also m Vlolatton of the Ordinance We see no reason for these VIolatIOns to continue Bill Dwyer may recall the ttme we met and the CommissIOners all agreed that the occupants of the area should follow the ordinance CD MIller 2444 Ranch Dr Spnngfield OR 97477 746 3887 cdrmller2~ '-r1t~ f:-:::7tA1 f ~cA ~/h~ ~~I I f2 -r; Q..+kfl- RECEIVED AUG 12008 BY:~(I'- r'fY'1htJ~ 08-01-08A09 28 : c \' Untitled Subject 1964 Ordinance - Board of County Commissioners - Change header --- Standard Header Full Header Sent Date 07-31-200812 39 03 PM From "BURGESS Jane" <Jane BURGESS@co lane or US> To <cdmlller2@lycos com> Cc "STEWART Faye H" <Faye STEWART@co lane or US> I have receIVed information from CommiSSioner Stewart to review My first question IS, and hopefully you'll have the information from your research, do you have documentation that the Ordinance was recorded? You've written "Deeds and Records" at the top of the page, If you could provide a recording number and date, I'll be happy to review the information Because the property IS now within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, the bUilding concern involVing TMoblle Will need to be addressed with the City of Spnngfield They may not be aware of the bUilding conditions from the 1964 ordinance If you contact the City - the property description IS Map 17 03 24 43 Tax Lot 2319 RECEIVED AUG 12008 08-UI-tJ8A0920 (1'0 By: - Page 1 ]2 t2eJ) J' 11Qciee', -2-~ I . We, the undersigned, residents of Lane County, Oregon, do acknow- dr )~ge having read Ordinance $188 adopted by the Board of Commissioners for Lane County on November 24, 1964, and also having read resolution of the Lane County C~lssloners adopted December 9, 1964, which resolution incor- porates an Agreement between Lane County and Harry W. and Ruth E. Veach dated December 9, 1964, copies of which Ordinance, Resolution and Agreement are attached hereto. It is our desire that no changes be made In the said dOcu- ments and that Lane County take whatever steps are necessary to enforce the provisions of the said Agreement. RECEIVED AUG 12008 By: 08-01-08A09 0 ~_ _'UL_....~U~J..r_~':.:...-rH J__ ... ~ " ,'~, 1 I ~.., ~ " , , r ' , 'J ~ ~ ~l' '! , . .L I ~ ~ ) J 1 ) , -- 1-1 4 _ I, ~I ~~ ,~ij1 I J - ".! I ...1 rt.. }- 1. , .' ,), ,'..;-'tt -, ~ .f' ~r :~~)" \' I~ \ ~ 1 r t - J"': ~ !,., f J ''; '... n ( I"" \'c;.~ I" 'I '~ ;t -c'" - ''4; \,...' ~, ,,"\~,>l..... ~ ~1:!: ~ ~~-",' f ~'- J ~ _ 1 '" J ~ c~1 . ~ ~ '- ,. ~J < ,.; '" "j I" " ,-~; ,,~-k.)-~ .,/;.... '~"""i\ ~ ~, ' 1 I ;,-'" ,- ..l: I' ,f. ... ~ '" ' 1) $? -,~" ~ ~ '" r r . r _ ~ "~ B ' ,<' -, ':';~ " ,) ~ h)';",' ~'":,,-;t!'11 'ritib' ;,,:, ',_:> :',:;' ,.'-,'~ < ~ _ , ,,,,,'1 ~ r, ~ ~;: j l"~ ~N~l' J.,'"' '}~ f' ? 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'ilty CO -"T,.!{ ~)C '-;r'" of L~ln:> County, O=c~cn, ~ pol~t~c~l SU~ '_,ib{C1J, ~ C~ follo,o: , " S~.;ti{'n J. ThJt t~'2:' c0I't":1Ll :ic~(';:rJ<Jnt,. n coP/ (,E . h~ch i<;; ntt.:..::h>:'G r::-rc.to, 1~'1rl"cd 1:. l.tlr"l "AII, d'!.(. 1.r'.1.:! C }Ult lL}('of by refcJ:'c1CC, be ~::>1-0V.i."cl n.)rJ :'1-,2rirfj';(~. " D~t"d this J__doy or 2~-<,-,--,-,k~___. 1964. ~~ 611 !lq'; fA _ /1(, ~is ~:0- C'C' l...n.::...c, J 'J 1 r " Cc.:-;-;l 'leil'.,.!..."'::!. .J:!L__G<~!j>--i1_!~~~9I/ _ Cc<:', "1.1. 1J.O..':: 1:" RECEIVED AUG 12008 " ~;~ , 1 , By~ , ' '- , - , I ,":> ~, i ~ r~ f,. - " r \>; ~ j ~ , " l' .. ~ ',.-' , ~ ..~[ I' "1- ", \ , ~, , ", c " ' 0' r ~ <, , II- . 'r ~ " " ~, " 0' " f, ~ ,'r .., ~ ~ ". ~ , - , ,..- \^- ;j !:,:" I "-k ~ "'W , -/" . ~ \ , . " h -, .\, -. ~ - ...............~ ~ ~.~ " , " , , . ",,~v'ff , "' , ,~ ",>o'j , ~,~~:~ ~ :i - ,,~..' 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C'1. _ _.,(5' L_~~ -1 >~_ _j~'!l.iA- u" t,t.::.L::try l~\ '-.1 If tel.t. _..; ':",t ':'.t..: 0'" " 1 (' ~'rI1 r)J~,CE'VED l'iy ({,;J,j .1 <'" \ ,- ~') ,) !:-)J'-((, --~ - - -- -- " " , \;:'-~ , .'. AUG 1 2008 , , , 'I' \ By: y' -, ~ . ; " ,.I?' - . '<' , -, " "i p " - 'H ( " , (' , ';. , ~' t".I' ,_ ."- " . 'll... . ~... 'I '"; , " , ~ i. ~. r.., l'~ , ,';, .;;r,__ ~-,\ ;..- --, ~ On lhis 7' -'~ /- I- I /~ -- ~-" , ' <L~~ , t.c.....b~~~.: ,- - ,.'~........j~....::...:k..,_ " ~..::.=.:;._....- '-"''''''~-- ..........,-..,~- "r ~ .," .- , > 'I,.., ~'-'"'""l \, -r " " l ~.:b j r, >j"'j r 1<., . t :7: \ ~. H:iJi , '.' l,T ~. j '" ," ' ~ ~:~-~; "/:' 'I, ;~ ","\.., "" ~ t, ..{~1: ! ;~J! ... if'.t, :)r~ '" , ~ (I 1 1 1 }.<~. ~ 'r> -_ r ~: I" , . , cn./ (J': /r:/"'_t~L ']J end ~ ~ ~ :/ " e , ,-, -, - - ::! - -, - ,1 :,d , -- - "' '0 ,-, 'I 1964 ~c~~:c ~~ ap~ear~d ----:-' / r / cz. c--/[ ('c~c C '-~ , I t_ :!:-~, to T?~ :)cr~or_-:~1:l1':!l)'':;3.>> ~1t-""l l~ntn:: dul~! Sdorl.l.. did 5:;Y lna t th'~y) tl"1c ~&id H:1::'ry I:. Vc~ch ~nd :~1.,th c. V,:,.::ch tlcl..ll0p1cJ3':.d s.:'itl ~.1....tr..u->,-_"ll to be 'L!.~ fr'~.::: net cnd ~Grl.'~U'~~1L or G:l1d p:::-rtlcs. I ;' C:/...:, ~ -= /~0-"LL!:.; F=,t:ll~~ l~i~,lJC - " , , " - '1 , i " ,- , ~-oi '-~ ,,' , " , " ~...~ -, I \ , (~~j '- r'.!; , ~ .{~ .J " , "- -, ," " 'I ~, '" In "Pcstimou.,-.' i'rcreof, 1 l'..l.vc. hcrc..m~o ~^t \.JY h:nd and seal t'h: d1J l'"'"ld ye~!. l.::::t ~})O,"~ ~::"il:l-:;n. t(' '~r~;~'~:' :'~J1:!.d ': I'c, ....,... . .. , , - " " -' , , ,..., I .rl ,.- (,'~it_'l4 n.. ''!.f'~'~- , 'l..' ~).,,, ~ ,J I _,/(/ ~-,;I?:-/ ro;: L' :! SC!;L~ C'f Or....roi1 " Hi C0'~"11~=-:fJj O:l :- ~,)il'~5 {{;;?,,,,J-~:.;' <(.( / RECEIVED . , r' , -' , d -, AUG 1'2008 By: ,I, " -, , ,; '" ,-, , " ',. \ ~' I.,,, " " ' , , '-1' '"J .. ~ ~ 1 ~ _ l~ .~~; ~~~ ~,.<>..~. 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