HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 4/18/2008 ~'-~ , ... -------- .- ADAPT ~ ADAPT Englneenng, Inc 10725 SW Barbur Boulevard, SUite 350 Portland, Oregon 97219 Tel (503) 892-2346 Fax (503) 892-2348 www adaptengr com April 18,2008 VJ \~tJ! Cv~ r: \0'\ ~J~ ~/~ ~/ Dear Ms Gale . Y\~~ The Oregon State Hlstoncal Preservation Office (SHPO) has requeste'4at we contact the local preservation commiSSion for any project that requires a SectlJ'n";06 Review Ms Klttl Gale Sprm~fleld Historical Commission 225 5' Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Subject Telecommunications Tower Installation We are contactmg you on behalf of our client, T -Mobile, which has proposed to Install an 80-foot monopole cellular tower In the Spnngfleld area T-Moblle Intends to Install the corresponding equipment within a 30 by 30 foot lease area at the base of the pole A Section 106 Review IS In the process of being completed and will be submitted to SHPO Upon request, this report will be sent to the Spnngfleld Hlstoncal Commission With this letter, Adapt Englneenng, Inc (Adapt) respectfully Invites the Spnngfteld Hlstoncal Commission to comment further on the proposed project Please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at 503-892-2346 or by emall at beth belanaer@adaotenor com If you have any further questions Sincerely, ML~v Beth Belanger U Environmental Assessor cY'^- A.,U At /1 \ 8 ~ {!/VinC I1.U'\ I ~/ ADAPT EnQineerinQ, Inc. P004020J I McKenzie 2095 Yolanda Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 Lane County Secllon 24, Township 17 South, Range 3 West Latitude 44004' 164" Longitude 1220 59' 37 9" Prolect Descrlollon T-Moblle has proposed to Install an aD-foot monopole tower at the above locallon T-Moblle Intends to Install the corresponding eqUipment within a 30 by 30 foot lease area at the base of the pole Site Descnotlon The site IS occupied by the Emerald Square Dance Center 1967 PHOTOREVISED 1986 DMA 1472 m SW-5ERlES van 48SO " ~ ~ " ~ -'" ~~ ,,~ '0 "'~ > ",- ,,~ ~" "'" -- SPRlNGRELD, OREG 441 22-A8-TF.Q24 ~ " '" " '" " ~ '" , .UNE-'lfOOTAce:S NEW ACCESS ROMl +/- H/A NEW PO'll/ER +/- 16 JoIEW TUCQ- +/- 76 NOTE.AODAPPROX+20TO OVERIoU. TElCO UNEAL rOOrAl;EfORCROl.IHDIlAR CONt,ECT100olTCAlIIHETS. DaSTlNG IlA/IJlOAD TIES TO ~ NEWIlIASTtRlolETEIlIlNlK !....... ~.~ ~ _N~Ji.-Jl:.6~f;"'$tWDU__ NEW1D'-O ...ca:ssO...TE'11/ S1CNAGE.SEE:SHEETC-7 HElI'S-lY"IlI...,..o.ca:ss ~~, NEW2~WCENER"'TlRON3_0 X 7-0" CONe. 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C ! . ~ . . <l) 0 :-;:::55 g w ..0 I'. ~~ Oilll I~~ ::;:Sl:~ w. ~'" . ;1" .> ~< . ! < c 8 ~ . e . ~ ~:- ~= -- -- , , , , ELEVATIONS I ~ C-3 .J An 80-foot tall FCC licensed WIreless telecommumcatJon tower IS to be located at 2095 Yolanda Ave, Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon The FCC IS seeking public comment on the proposed project as part of the review process by the Oregon State Histone PreservatIOn Office Please respond WIthm 30 days of tlus publicatIOn to Adapt Engmeenng Inc, 10725 SW Barbur Blvd, SUIte 350, Portland, OR 97219 Attn McKenzie Noh lS2 \" f!.b-- ~)..p'fl I 8 I 2008 as f~ of- NZ:.~A I XcnfJ7\ !(}(P~ew