HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/4/2008 r Return to Amy Chlnltz, Dnnklng Water Protection Coordinator Spnngfleld Utility Board 202 South 18th Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Phone 541 744 3745 Emall. AmyC@subutll CQm Orinking Water Protection (OWP) Application Exemption Request equired Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: J 1M ~(k Phone: 503 ~sfll- 2//29 [company: -r.:.""'1)!o.!l., \fle.,o;r r j)rOOf~t}.t\ Fax: IAddress: \t5oC l\)E; ((Il\I/l-€, (\-ku:r,~....'.~6'3D,?6'--{\MlJ,O\Z '1.12-32 IAPPlicant's Rep.: r\th~ ~u\-?V") Iphone: (300) bb1-2344 Icompany: ~<<-S+L-\.-LL I Fax: ~bo)3l.-b-\<;;'{D !Address: \ (,'31 I..JE. IX DJ.L&l ':),74 C, \ 60 .7 M\1,.,.,l1\ ji:.. <112 Y; I Property Owner: ~'<(,.nk (P\l\'II1~ (}wl b"'-Ll "'0 \l-,o\+~ Iphone: '0'-/ I-'-lbl- Cc~g8 Icompany: P:.VV\M~\cL c;,.'l.......~_ ~<-'V\Lf_ ("P.A^~PJ.[ IFax: IAddress: 'AD0s- \..(D\C<"cl~ A\Jb(lV\.e...~p(,,,~~ld ()t.. 't,LJ17 I J . IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11- 05,-2-1./ -Y5 ITAX LOT NOeS): '/3\Cf Property Address: 2..fX1,:>VJ.lv>'\)'" Av,Kt...L .S~('oI1$.g.l)J ,oR.. 17'177 I I I I I I I I I 1 I Associated Land Use or Building Permit Case No.: I Existing Use: \}OJV1 1..-1- \k\ \ ISize of Property: \ :~Z AtAt.-!: I Property Owner: The undersIgned acknowledges that the Information Included with thiS application IS correct and accurate The undersIgned also certIfies that the total quantity of hazardous materIals on the subject site will not exceed the amoun~'sted In this application and will not contain Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) 4~ U~ :'\ Sio/'ature . Jc)<;VJ beA:?tn Print Planner: ~{)\lu u.l\){~,J':4.V"\ ~ Proposed Use: l.Dirt,\,~'J ())\'Io\W\Ill'lIu.hon ~,:,lj-4 I Acres m Sauare Feet 0 "I j Date: ~ I" I O"?J Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Ongmal SubmIttaL 1 of 3 DWP Application Exem....lon Request Process Commercial and Industnal facilities located within the DWP Overlay Dlstnct that do not store, use, or produce more than twenty gallons of hazardous matenals and that do not contain dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) may choose to seek exemption from submitting a DWP application However, even If the applicant's exemption from submitting a DWP application IS approved, the applicant may stili be subJect to DWP regulations If the Development Services Director, In consultation with the Spnngfleld Utility Board (SUB) and the Fire and Life Safety Department, determine that an exempt hazardous matenal, actIvity, or facility has the potential tQ degrade groundwater quality In such Instances, the DWP regulations will be enforced concurrently with any associated land use application 1. Applicant Submits a DWP Application Exemption Request to SUB . The request must conform to the DWP ApplicatIOn Exemption Request Submittal ReqUirements Checklist on page 3 of this application packet . SUB conducts a detailed completeness check of the application . SUB notifies the applicant In the event that submittal requirements are missing Qr unclear Note Sites may be Inspected at any time to venfy Information provided In the submittal, and applicants may be requested to submit some or all Matenal Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Items listed on the list of hazardous matenals . An application IS nQt deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the request has been provided to SUB . Incomplete applications, as well as inSUfficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result In denial 3. SUB Reviews the Application and SUB and the City Issue a Decision . SUB notifies the applicant and the Planning DIvIsion In wntlng regarding the decIsion to grant the exemption or not . The Planner assigned to the associated land use case Incorporates the exemption decIsion and any applicable findings and conditions Into the land use decIsion . DWP application exemptions are not granted In perpetuity, If the conditions of exemptlQn are deemed to have not been met at any pOint In time by SUB, a DWP application will be required Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 OnglOal submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 3 DWP Application Exem"'~lon Request Submittal Requ(rements Checklist NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ ~ DWP Application Exemption Request Form Proposal Description - provide a very bnef descnptlon Qf the nature of the business or operation, as well as a descnptlQn of how the business or Qperatlon will use, store, or produce hazardous matenals ~ List of All Hazardous Materials to be used, stored, or produced on the site (e g , cleaning products, paints and paint products, pesticides, maintenance supplies, petroleum prQducts, automotive supplies, etc ) Hazardous materials are defined as those chemicals or substances which are phYSical or health hazards as defined and classified In the most recently adopted or amended Fire Code by the City, whether the matenals are In usable or waste condition Commonly used office supplies do not need to be listed The list should Include the following for each hazardous matenal o Name of the product o Manufacturer o Total quantity Qf each product ( ~ Q\.rr\,~-h6V\ '{\ Q'<' (CA-t'l V ~ Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00050 & DRC2008-00051 2095 Yolanda Avenue !!!Il"~:~(" Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original submittal ~llE Map 17-03-24-43 Tax Lot 2319 North + , , THEMAllENOJ.IlL\S"lIO<Il4lSlltOll"~ 100 nn 1>iA' H...... 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J~~~=-- ~I 1 l ri :t\J110SOfT "\~ 1 J I ~ /' EXlSnNCP.o.RK~G___ I, I ~.- /..... l ~1= : --r-\ _ -1--....", t.., .~' II '-'(T\ ~..,.. ~......,./ I - ,-, " - .a, '\"' , ":-,-' ';~~=~:>--Z-.-r-- - " '~-m_~;~.J------ ~ ,...--- ,--., J"".... ,,~...:~' , -'o-oc-,~ --.,-- , t~~~-:~~~j~r~~~-' PROP=~:~7~~/ @ SfEElllONClPCUIilHHINN[W)O-O"K JQ"-OFEtfC[l).L.EAS(lICOolf'QI,INJ ElllSlIHG~STIIlP TO RfiUJH '" '" NEW12-0ACCESSEASEllENl """""'" PROPOSED PROJECT AREA sa: SHEETS C-l "C~.FOlI DIlNlCUI sm: P\.A/l EXlSllNC...Sf>tl....l PAAKIHCAArA EXlSlIHCBlOCXWAl..LTO RElI.o.INAlOHOPRCPtRTY ~, DlSTl/jGTREBTlJR(IIAIN ~~ I 11117 SC.ll..E. 1 - tCl-(l I 2U.>> SCALE. , ~ JQ'-(I 11 Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal , -....'''''.... . . I', ~: I S I ":, J! i~ ilm ill I~H[ 1d U Iii H m ~ I . ~ . s . (l.) ~ :-;:::a, ~ ~i:_ w~ oilll ~~~ ~rii ~~~ . ;111 ~~ . ~~ ~ 8 ~ . > . ~ t-;i I _-...01_- '........,_- r-... ,__ 1011>1/1111__ 1- 1_ ,- ,- ,- , I'-~OVE~ sITe PLAN I 1_- 1-- 0.1 J .J /- McKenzie Raw Land Proposal - PO 4020 Application for Type II Site Plan Review and Type III Discretionary Use Approval Application to Springfield, OR Development Services Requested by: T-Mobile West Corporation (Formerly VoiceStream Wireless PV/SS PCS L.P.) 1500 NE Irving Street, Suite 530 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 544-2429 jim.barta@yahoo.com Prepared by: Josh Gertsen SecuraSite, LLC 1631 NE Broadway, PMB 100 Portland, OR 97232 P: (360) 609-2399 F: (360) 326-1540 jgertsen@comcast.net Date ReceIved' AUG - 4 2008 Ongmal SubmIttal T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DiscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan ReVIew Appl1catlOn PO 4020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Received- AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Suomlttal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower Site Site Plan ReVIew ApplIcation P004020 TABLE OF CONTENTS ApplIcation Form NarratIve Proposal Summary InformatIOn 2 General InformatIOn 3 DescrIptIOn of Project 4 Applicable Codes 4.3-145 WIreless Telecommunications Systems 5 3.2-300 CommercI31 Zonmg DistrIcts 14 33-200 Drmkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay 17 33-800 Urbamzable Frmge Overlay 23 APPENDIX ExhibIt A. ExhIbit B. ExhJbit C. ExhIbIt D. ExhIbIt E. ExhIbit F. ExhJbit G. ExhIbIt H. ExhIbit I. ExhIbit J ExhJbJt K ExhIbIt L. ExhIbit M ExhIbIt N ExhIbJt O. ExhIbIt P. ExhIbit Q. ExhIbit R. SecuraSlte, LLC Owner AuthOrIzation Agreement NIER Report Coverage Plot Maps Photo Simulations FAA Summary Report EnVIronmental NOIse Impact Report T -Mobile Search Area Map Current FCC LIcense RF Engmeer's Analysis Deed TItle Report Map of Cell Tower LocatIons Copy of Lease Agreement Zonmg Drawings Neighborhood Meeting Sign-In Sheet and Notes Collocation Letter SubSCrIber LocatIon Plot RF CertIficatIOn Letter Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal 8/1/08 T-Moblle West CV'l'v.anon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Narrative Date Received' AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal 8/1/08 T-MobIle West Corpor-atIOn McKenzIe Tower Site SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon P004020 PROPOSAL SUMMARY INFORMATION ApplIcant's Project No ApplIcant Prepared by Property Owners Request LocatIOn Map Tax Lot/Property I D Land Use DesIgnatIon SecuraSlte, LLC McKenZIe, PO-04020 T-MobIie West CorporatIOn Contact Jrm Barta 1500 NE Irvmg Street, SUIte 530 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 544-2429 JIm barta@yahoo com Josh Gertsen 1631 NE Broadway, PMB 100 Portland, OR 97232 (360) 609-2399 F (360) 326-1540 jgertsen@comcast net Emerald Square Dance Center Contact Frank Collms 2095 Yolanda Avenue Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541) 461-6888 Install a WIreless telecommumcatJons faCIlIty conslstmg of a three-sector, flush mount antenna array, mounted to a new 80' -0" steel monopole WIth the eqUIpment mounted InSIde a new 30' -0" X 30'- 0" fenced lease area 2095 Yolanda Avenuae Spnngfield, OR 97477 #17-03-24-43-02319 #1475761 Zomng NeIghborhood CommefCIal Metro Plan DesIgnatIOn Low DensIty ReSIdentIal Date Received. AUG - 4 2008 2 Onglnal Submittal 8/1/08 T-MobLle West CorporatIon McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan ReVIew ApplIcatIon P004020 GENERAL INFORMATION T-MobJ!e proposes to lmprove ltS PaClfic Northwest network 111 Spnngfield The proposed project WIll Improve servIce capacIty and make aVaIlable the most current wIreless technology to Spnngfield resIdents WIreless facIlIties operate through an mtercornlected network of "cell sltes" that "hand- off" to one another throughout a specIfic regIOn or coverage area Each cell sIte consIsts oftransmlttmg and receIVmg antennas mounted on a tower or other sUItable structure A cell sIte IS connected wIth a Mam SWltchmg Center (MSC) that controls and momtors all ofthe sItes 111 each specIfic regIon through the local land-based telephone network for the area The MSC operates the WIreless network by momtonng all calls m and out ofthe system and trackmg system usage and performance Each sIte IS WIred WIth smoke and mtruslOn alarms that, If actIvated, WIll notIfy the MSC of any potentIal emergency T-Moblle bases ItS selectIOn ofmdlVldual base statIOn sltes--such as the one proposed--on numerous consIderatIOns, mcludmg topography, dIstance from other base statIOns, and the capacIty and servIce needs of the surroundmg area RadIO sIgnals must travel m an unobstructed path from the aIltennas to the user The heIght and locatIon of each sIte IS carefully selected to provIde the fewest obstacles to that path T-Moblle RadIO Frequency (RF) engmeers, SIte AcqUISItIOn, Land Use, and ConstructIon Managers select sItes after extensIve analYSIS to determme the best candIdate to provIde adequate coverage to the surroundmg area PropagatIon studIes and computer models determme the reqUIred sIte locatIons and antenna heIghts by evaluatIng the expected RF sIgnal from a proposed sIte at a gIven locatIOn and heIght The proposed McKenzIe sIte IS deSIgned to reduce WIreless congestIOn, mcrease capacIty for future growth and Improve sIgnal coverage m the surroundmg area When developed, tins slte WIll connect WIth eXIstIng faCIlItIes to allow urnnterrupted sefVIce m thIS area Date Received. AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSIte, LLC 3 8/1108 T-MobIle West Corporation McKenzIe Tower Site SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcation P004020 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT T-MobIle IS requestIng approval to Install a WIreless CommumcatlOns FacIlIty-as defined In Chapter 43-145 and 6 1-IIO-at 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnngfield, OR 97477 The proposed facIlIty would consIst of a three-sector, flush mount antenna array (three present, zero future antennas, for a total of three), mounted to a new 80'-0" steel monopole The assocIated aUXIlIary eqUIpment would be ground-mounted WIthIn a 30'-0" X 30'-0" fenced lease area The proposed tower would support addItIonal earners and would proVIde space for collocatIon T-MobIle proposes a 6'-0" cedar fence around the penmeter of the lease area The proposed landscapmg consIsts of a five-foot buffer of arborvItae and "emerald carpet" ground cover, around the peruneter of the fenced lease area AddItIOnally, T-Moblle proposes new, CIty-approved red barked cherry trees, spaced thIrty feet apart, along Yolanda A venue and 20th Street T-MobIle proposes a new 25kw generator, to be Installed on a 3' -0" X 7' -0" concrete pad A new 120-gallon propane tank IS proposed m conjunctIOn WIth the generator The proposed propane tank IS located so that It has a 10'-0" setback from alllgmtIon sources T-MobIle completed a good faIth effort to venfy that a preferred zone, as well as a collocatIOn opportumty, was aVaIlable Wlthm ItS search area T-MobIle conSIdered the topography of the area, surroundIng zomng and proxnmty of eXIstIng WIreless commumcatIon faCIlIties m ItS site selectIon process Upon domg so, T-MobIle determmed that the Emerald Square Dance Center was the best optIon aVaIlable wlthm the search area The Emerald Square Dance Center IS located m a NeIghborhood CommercIal zone dlStnCt, whIch IS conSIdered a CondItIonally SUltbable SIte per the Spnngfield Development Code T-MobIle does not propose new access to the proposed faCIlIty, and would utIlIze the eXIstIng roads and dnveway to access the SIte, located m the southeast corner of the parcel T-Moblle also proposes to utIlIze eXIstIng parkmg space at the sIte Once constructed, the sIte would be VIsIted approxnnately once per month for mamtenance purposes The proposed faCIlIty would have no nnpact on traffic patterns The sIte would be m operatIOn seven days a week, twenty-four hours per day It would be unmanned and would not reqUIre water or wastewater serVIces, nor would any hazardous wastes be generated The faCIlIty would generate nOIse only from small coolmg fans and T-Moblle has proVIded a report on a comparable InstallatIOn as Exlublt F of the AppendIx Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 4 8/1/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplIcatIOn P004020 Date Received: APPLICABLE CODES AUG - 4 2008 4.3-145 WIreless TelecommunIcatIOns Systems FacIlItIes Onglnal Submittal The sltmg and revIew process for WTS faCIlItIes IS based on the type of faCIlIty (monopole, stealth desIgn or collocatIOn) and ItS proposed locatIOn III a Preferred SIte (SHI, HI, LMI, QMO or PLO DlstnctS), Acceptable SIte (CC or CI Dlstncts or BKMU Plan Dlstnct) or CondItIOnally SUItable SIte (NC, MRC, GO, LDR, MDR and HDR Dlstncts or MS, HD, HS, WG, FP, UF-lO or H Overlay Dlstncts) A The development reVlew process for wIreless telecommurncatIOllS systems (WTS) faCIlItIes IS as follows 1 Bmldmg and Electncal Penmts Only (Type I RevIew) T-Moblle 's proposal for a wIreless telecommUnicatIOns faclhty, consIsting of a three- sector, flush mount antenna array, and mounted to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole In the NC zone dlstnct, IS a CondItIOnally SUItable SIte, and reqUIres a DIscretIOnary Use Approval (Type III RevIew) T-Moblle WIll conform with the standards of thIS sectIOn, SubsectIOn 1, In additIOn to the standards of SubsectIOn A 2, below, and the standards specified In SubsectIOn A 3, below 2 SIte Plan RevIew (Type II ReVlew) In addItIon to SubsectIon 1 above, the followmg standards apply T-Moblle 's proposal for a WIreless telecommUnicatIOns faclhty, whIch COnsIStS of a three- sector, flush mount antenna array, mounted to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole, IS located In the NC zone dlstnct, and, IS therefore, a CondItIOnally SUItable SIte, whIch reqUIres a Type III DIscretIonary Approval T-Moblle WIll conform to the standards of Subsection A 1, thIS sectIOn, and Subsection A 3, Type 111 DIscretIOnary Approval standards 3 DIscretIOnary Approval (Type III ReVlew) In addItIon to the standards specIfied m SubsectIOns 1 and 2 above, the followmg standards also apply a All WTS faCIlItIes m the WIIlamette RIver Greenway Overlay Dlstnct T-Moblle does not propose a WIreless telecommUnicatIOns faclhty In the Wzllamette RIver Greenway Overlay Dlstnct Does not apply b All WTS faCIlItIes that exceed the heIght Illmt of the underlymg SecuraSlte, LLC 5 8/1/08 T-MobIle 'Vest Corporation McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplicatIOn P004020 zornng dlstnct on any sIte, I11cludmg eqUIpment shelters, bUlldmgs and cabmets housmg WTS land ll11e sWltchmg/connectIon eqUIpment, unless heIght lImIt proVISIOns are exempted elsewhere III thIs Code T-Mobzle 's pi oposal for a wzreless telecommUl1lcatlOns faczlzty, conszstzng of a three- sector, flush mount antenna G1 ray, and mowlfed fo a new 80 '-0" steel monopole exceeds the heIght lzmlt of the NC ::.one dzshlct Therefore, a Type III DlscretlOnGlY Approvalzs I equzred for thIs proposal Onglnal Submltt~1 T-Mobzle proposes to flush mount a three-sector antenna array, whzch IS a detached stealth deSIgn However, the proposed sIte abuts a resldentzal dIStrIct, and the heIght of the structure eAceeds the heIght lzmzt of the resldentzal dlstnct The proposed setback of the WTS facllzty IS less than the hezght of the structure T-Moblle proposes a 25 '-0" setback d,stance from the base of the proposed monopole to the property lzne, and a 10'- 0" setback from the edge of the fenced lease area to the property lzne Therefore, a Type III DzscretzonGlY Approval IS requzred for thIS proposal c All detached non-stealth deSIgn WTS facIlItIes on any sIte abuttmg a residentIal dlstnct when the heIght ofthe structure exceeds the heIght lImit of the resIdentIal dlstnct and the setback of the WTS facIlIty IS less than the height of the structure, mcludmg eqUIpment shelters, bUlldlllgS and cabmets housmg WTS land Ime wltchmg/connectIon equIpment Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 d All detached WTS faCIlItIes on any sIte located wltlun 1,000 feet of an eXlstlllg WTS faCIlIty that was deSIgned to accommodate multIple users and that has space aVaIlable There are no suztable collocatIOn opportunztzes wlthzn 1,000 feet of the proposed WTS facllzty Please see the T-Mobzle coverage plot maps as Exhibit C of the Appendzx T- MobIle has also zncluded an RF AnalysIs Letter as ExhIbIt I of the AppendiX e All detached WTS facIlItIes located WIthIn PublIc Street or raIlroad nghts-of-way where the actual locatIon of the proposed WTS faCIlIty unmedJately abuts reSIdentIal dlstncts T-Moblle does not propose a detached WTS facllzty located wlthzn Publzc Street or razlroad rzghts-of-way Doe~ not apply f LattIce towers m any zOnIng dlstnct T-Moblle does not propose a lattIce tower Does not apply g WTS facIlitIes m the HIstone Overlay Dlstnct subject to the applIcable prOVISIOns of SectIOn 3 3-900 and other SectIOns of tills SecuraSlte, LLC 6 8/1108 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplicatIon P004020 Code T-Mobzle does not propose a WTS faclhty zn the Hlstonc Overlay DIstnct Does not apply 4 ProhIbIted WTS facIlItIes a Any WTS facIlIty, other than'wlnp antennas and sWltchIllg/conneCtIon eqUIpment mounted on eXIstIng poles, 111 the HIstone Overlay Dlstnct T-Mobzle does not pi opose a TfTS faclhty zn the Hlstonc Overlay Dlstnct proposal IS not prohibited TherefOl e, the Date Received: b Any WTS facIlIty III the publIc nght-of-way that severely lllll1ts -AUG - 4 2008 access to adJoIllmg property, winch lImIts publIc access or use of the sIdewalk, or whIch constItutes a VISIOn clearance VIOlatIOn Onglnal Submittal T-Mobzle does not propose a WTS faclhty zn the pubhc rzght-o:fway Therefore, the proposal IS not prohIbIted c Any detached WTS facIlIty taller than 150 feet above tirushed grade at the base of the tower T-Mobzle proposes to flush mount a three-sector antenna array to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole zn the NC zone dlstnct A proposal for an 80 '-0" WTS faclhty does not exceed the 150 foot height hmlt The} efore, the proposal IS not prohIbited B Standards for sltmg WTS facIlItIes are as follows I All WTS facIlItIes shall observe rmrumum lot/parcel SIze, lot/parcel coverage, bUlldmg heIght and bUIldIllg setback standards of the underlymg zorung dlstnct unless speCIfically exempted or otherwIse regulated by tlus SectIon Underground facIlItIes may encroach upon requITed yards or may be placed III appropnate easements T-Mobzle proposes a new detached, stealth deSIgn WTS faczllty, conslstzng of a three- sector flush mount antenna array, mounted to an 80 '-0" steel monopole, wIth the auxlhary equIpment located wlthzn a new 30 '0" X 30 '0" fenced lease area The project Size IS approXImately 900 square feet, and meets the minimum lot/parcel Size, lot/parcel coverage standards for the underlyzng zOning dlstnct, NC T-Mobzle 's proposed fenced lease area meets the mInimum buzldmg setback standard of 1 0 feet In the NC zone d'StrIct However, the proposal exceeds the heIght hmlt of the NC zone dIStrIct (20 feet) by 60 feet, and IS therefore subject to the Dlscretzonary Use Approval cnterza per Sectzon 4 3-145A 3 2 All WTS faCIlItIes shall be landscaped at the base of towers/poles, and SecuraSlte, LLC 7 8/1108 T -MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzie Tower Site SIte Plan Review Application P004020 completely around eqUIpment shelters Llghtmg oftowers shall be as reqUIred by the FAA All other IIghtmg shall be deflected away from adJOImng property T-Mobde proposes a five-foot landscape buffer Q1 ound the penmeter of the pI oposed 30'0" X 30'-0"fenced lease area See sheet L-l and L-2, of the Z011lng submittal drawmgs as E:>./lIblt N of the Append/). for detalls T-Mobde does not propose to light the tower See the FAA Summmy Report, as ExJllblt E of the Appendix 3 Any WTS facIlIty sIted on, or deSIgned WIth any ofthe followmg attnbutes shall first receIve FCC approval, as specIfied m FCC Rules I 1301 - I 1319, as a condItIon of CIty approval, pnor to conslructIon WIlderness Area, WIldl1fe Preserve, Endangered SpecIes, HIstone SIte, IndIan RelIgIOus SIte, Flood Plam, Wetlands, HIgh IntensIty Wlute LIghts m ResIdentIal NeIghborhoods, ExceSSIve RadIo Freqnency RadIatIon Exposure T-Moblle 's proposal for a WTS faCIlity IS not Sited on, or deSigned WIth the attnbutes stated above T-Moblle has l11cluded a NIER report, whIch detalls the radIO frequency enllSSlOn levels for the proposed WTS facllzty The NIER report IS contal11ed as ExhIbit B of the AppendIX C Appl1catIon requrrements for WTS faCIlItIes are as follows 1 WTS prOVIders whose proposal conforms WIth the proVISIOns of SubsectIon A I , above reqUITIng bUlldmg and electncal perrmts only shall submIt the followmg mformatlOn WIth the appl1catlOn for perrmts a A copy of that portIOn of the lease agreement (or lease memo) WIth the property owner, that mcludes collocatIon prOVISIOns (where applIcable), faCIlIty removal Wlthm 90 days of abandonment, and a bond to guarantee removal shall be submItted for revIew pnor to development permIt approval T-Mobzle's proposal reqUIres a Type III DiscretIOnary Use Approval, and has prOVIded a lease agreement as Exhibit A of the AppendIX The final executed lease agreement l11cludes collocatIOn prOVISIOns, found 111 sectIOn 15, and language that Will specify facilIty removal wlthl11 90 days of abandonment, found 111 sectIon 8 (f) AdditIOnally, T- Mobzle WIll prOVIde a bond to guarantee removal for revIew prIOr to development permit approval b A SIgned statement from tlIe applIcant agreemg to allow collocatIOn on the appl1cant's structure (where applIcable) Date Received: The reqUIred statement IS contal11ed 111 ExhIbit P of the AppendIX AUG - 4 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 8 Onglnal Submittal 8/1/08 T-MobLie West Corporation McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplicatIon P004020 c A map of the City showmg the approxImate geographIc I1mlts of the "cell" to be created by the facll1ty ThIs map shall mclude the same mformatIon for all other facll1hes owned or operated by the appl1cant wlthm the City, or extendmg wlthm the CIty from a distant locatIOn, and any eXlstmg detached WTS facll1hes of another proVIder wltlun 1,000 feet of the proposed site As seen from the map, contall1ed 11l EJ./nblt L of the AppendIX, thel e are no collocatIOn facllztles wIt/un 1,000 feet of the proposed sIte The neQ/ est collocatIOn opportumtles, Mohawk and OlympIc, are 0 9 mzles from the proposed facllzty, and Q/ e already collocated on by T-mobzle Howevel, sznce these antennas are at a moderate heIght with the buzldll1g obstructions, they are not able to proVIde coverage nOI th of the site, partIcularly along Yolanda Ave d An engmeer's analysIs/report of the recommended site locatIOn area for the proposed facll1ty If an eXlstmg structure approved for collocatIon IS wlthm the area recommended by the engmeer's report, reasons for not collocahng shall be proVIded demonstratmg at least one of the followmg deficIenCies I The structure IS not of suffiCIent height to meet engmeenng reqUIrements, II The structure IS not of sufficient structural strength to accommodate the WTS faCIlIty, 111 Electromagnehc mterference for one or both WTS faCIlItIes wIll result from collocatIOn, or, IV The radIo frequency coverage objectIve cannot be adequately met There are no structures of suffiCIent heIght to meet engzneenng requIrements As seen from the attached subSCriber locatIOn plot, contazned zn Exh,b,t Q of the AppendIX, the sIte's locatIOn WIll capture a substantzal number of subSCribers WIth poor coverage From the west dIrection the sIte WIll enhance zn-buzldzng coverage penetration, whzle zn the east dIrectIOn the sIte WIll prOVIde coverage zn areas WIth very poor or no coverage at all The lzmlted coverage from our nearest exIsting SItes, OlympIC and Mohawk, IS maznly due to T-Mobzle's use of the 1900MHz band, compared to havzng a dual-band lzke ItS competitors Specifically, the 1900MHz band asSIgned to T-Mob,le by the FCC IS more susceptible to SIgnal attenuation/degradation by as much as 30 percent, compared to the 850MHz band Due to thIS techmcallzmltatlon, we are compell~ to buzld sites closer to the problem area to effectIvely prOVIde coverage uate Received AUG - 4 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 9 Onglnal Submittal 8/1/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatJon P004020 There are two addlllonal T-Mobzle sItes, Gateway Mall and West Centenlllal, wluch aI e located two nules fw ther west of the proposed slle (see EJ.lllblt Lfor a graphIc depIctIOn) However, Gateway does not help to cover the tal get coverage area Thel e IS also a broadcast towel, located on the /ullslde, across the McKenzie River, which was hlghlzghted dUring the T-Moblle Neighborhood Meetlllg However, thIs towel has a very hIgh gl ound elevatIOn, and would cause hal m to our netwol k 1Il tel ms of ji-equency channelllltelference The lIltelference IS due to thefact that all cellular netlvolks employ slllular methods of ji-equency re-use for their cell sItes 1Il order to maximize the traffic handhng capacity for the same amount of ji equency bandwIdth For further detmls, lefer to the RF engllleer's analysIs as Exlllbll I of the Appendix e A plot plan showmg the lease area, antenna structure, heIght above grade and setback from property hnes, eqUIpment shelters and setback from property Imes, access, connectIon pomt WIth land Ime system, and all landscape areas mtended to screen the WTS faclhty T-Moblie has lIlcluded a slle plan as part of the zOlllng drawlllgs, contallled 1Il Exhibit N of the AppendIX f The method of stealth deSIgn (where apphcable) T-Moblle proposes to flush mount a three-sector antenna array to a new 80 '0" steel monopole See sheet C-2 and C-3 of the zonlllg drawlllgs (ExhibIt N of the Appendix) for a graphIc depIction of the stealth deSIgn g An engIneer's statement that the RF emISSIOns at grade, or at nearest habItable space when attached to an eXlstmg structure comphes WIth FCC rules for these emISSIOns, the cumulatIve RF emIssIOns If collocated T-Mobzle has lIlcluded a NIER Report, which detmls the RF emiSSIOns, as ExhIbIt B of the AppendIX ' h A descnptlOn of the type of servIce offered (mcludmg, but not luruted to VOIce, data, vIdeo) and the consumer recelvmg eqUIpment The proposed McKenZie site IS deSigned to reduce wireless congestIOn, lIlcrease capaCIty for future growth and Improve signal coverage 1Il the surroundlllg area When developed, thiS slle wlil connect wllh eXlstlllg faclhtles to allow umnterrupted service 1Il thiS area AsIde ji-om the added coverage/traffic capacity for vOice and data, thiS slle wlil offer a more rehable E911 service because of the more robust coverage 1Il the area It WIll also Date Received. AUG - 4 2008 SecuraS,te, LLC 10 8/1/08 Original Submittal T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplicatIon P004020 plovlde 3G UMTS service zn the future with faster wireless data comparable to cable zntelnet servIces and simultaneous vOIce callzng I IdentIficatIon of the proVIder and backhaul prOVIder, If dIfferent T-Mobzle IS the provzder, and Qwest IS the backhaul prOVider J ProVIde the RF range III Megahertz and the wattage output of the eqUIpment Our system uses the followzngfrequency band at 46 7 dBm or approximately 57 Watts at the equzpment output Downlznk (Equzpment TransmIt fi-equencles) 1930 - 1945 MHz Uplznk (Mobzle TransmIt frequencIes) 1850 - 1865 MHz Further znformatlOn IS contazned In the NIER RepOl t as ExhIbIt B of the AppendIX k ProVIde the faCIlItIes mamtenance schedule The pi oposed WTS faczlzty would be VISIted by a techmcIan approxImately once per month for routzne maIntenance purposes I ProVIde the zonmg and Metro Plan deSIgnatIOn of proposed sIte T-Moblle proposes a WTS facllzty zn the NeIghborhood Commerczal (HC) zone dlstnct The Metro Plan deslgnatzon of the proposed sIte IS Low DenSIty Resldentzal (LDR) m ProVlde any requrred FAA detenmnatlOn T-Moblle has prOVIded an FAA determznatlOn as ExhIbIt E of the AppendIX 2 WTS proVIders whose proposals conform WIth the provISIons of SubsectIOn A 2 , above requillng SIte Plan ReVIew approval shall subrmt, III addItIOn to the reqUIrements of SectIOn 517-120, the followlllg mformatlOn a Items a through d and f through m m SubsectIOn C I , above ; T-Mobzle has addressed Items a through d andf through m zn Subsectzon C 1, above b Photo sunulatIOns of the proposed WTS facIlIty from the four cardlllal compass pomts and/or abuttmg nght-of-way, whIchever proVIde the most accurate representatIOn ofthe proposed faCIlIty from a vanety of vantage pomts Date ReceIved AUG - 4 2008 Ongmal SubmIttal SecuraSlte, LLC II 8/1/08 T-Moblle West Corporation McKenzIe Tower SIte Site Plan Review ApplIcatIon P004020 T-Moblle has provIded photo sImulatIOns of the pi oposed WTS facllzty as ExhIbIt D of the AppendIx c The dlstance from the nearest WTS facIlIty and nearest collocatIOn sIte The newest IfTS facllzty and collocatIOn szte to our pi oposed locatIOn IS Mohawk, wh,ch IS 0915 mIles away 11l the SSE dIrectIOn, followed by OlympIC, whIch IS 1 4 mzles 11l the SE d,rectIOn However, T-mobzle has already collocatedfacllztles on these two towers 3 WTS prOVIders whose proposals confonn WIth the provIsIons of SubsectIOn A 3 , above requmng DIscretIonary Use approval shall submIt the follOWIng InformatIon a Items ]-3 In SubsectIOn C 2, above T-Mobzle has addressed Items 1-3 11l SubsectIOn C 2, above b Responses to the followmg DIscretIonary Use cntena I An engmeer's statement demonstratIng the reasons why the WTS facIlIty shall be located at the proposed sIte (mcludmg, but not ]nruted to servIce demands, topography dropped coverage), As seen from the attached subscrzber locatIon plot, contamed m ExhIbIt Q of the Appendzx, the sIte's locatIOn WIll capture a substantIal number of subscrzbers WIth poor coverage Flom the west d,rectIOn the sIte WIll enhance m-bUlldl1lg coverage penetratzon, wh,le m the east dIrectIOn the szte WIll prOVIde coverage m areas WIth very poor or no coverage at all The Izmlted coverage from our nearest eXlstmg SItes, OlympIC and Mohawk, IS mamly due to T-Mobzle's use of the 1900MHz band, compared to havmg a dual-band Izke ItS competItors Specifically, the 1900MHz band asSIgned to T-Mobzle by the FCC IS more susceptIble to sIgnal attenuatIOn/degradatIon by as much as 30 percent, compared to the 850MHz band Due to th,s technzcallzmltatlOn, we are compelled to buzld sztes closer to the problem area to effectIvely prOVIde coverage T-Moblle has prOVIded an engl1leer's statement, as Exh,b,t I of the Appendzx, demonstratl1lg the reasons why the WTS facllzty shall be located at the proposed szte Please also see the RF Engl1leermg CertzficatlOn Letter, con tamed as Exh,b,t R of the Appendzx 11 An engmeer's statement demonstratmg the reasons why the WTS facIlIty shall be constructed at the proposed heIght, and Date Received: SecuraSlte, LLC 12 AllG. - 4 2008 8/1108 )nglnal Submittal T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon P004020 Due to the SUI! oundll1g tree lme and the SIze of the targeted area for coverage, the absolute ml/umum heIght of 80ft IS I equzred to gIve the sIte enough heIght clearance to ovel come the maJorcty of the sun oundll1g obstructIOns spm sely dlstrcbuted 111 the east and west dl/ ectIOns Also, see the engll1eel 's statement as E:>.I71blt J of the Appendzx for fUl thel detmls Also, see the RF Engll1eelll1g CertificatIOn Letter contamed as Exlublt R of the Appendzx 11l VenficatlOn of good faIth efforts made to locate or deSIgn the proposed WTS faclhty to quahfy for a less ngorous approval process (bmldIllg permIt or sIte plan approval) T-Mobde Szte Acquzsltzon, Zonzng Speczalzsts, and RF Engll1eers made several lI1Spectlons wzthll1 the T-Mobzle search area (see E:>.hlblt G) 1I1 order to find a collocatIOn opportunzty and/or a more preferable zone, whIch would have qualified the proposal for a less rcgOl ous approval process However, as preVIously addressed, there were no avaclable collocatzon opportul1ltzes wlthzn the target coverage area The zonll1g dlStrcCtS wlthll1 the target coverage area are prcmanly resldentzal, WIth the exceptzon of a Publzc Land and Open Space zone (PLO) Yolanda Elementary School IS located m the PLO :::;one, dIrectly to the east of the proposed SIte, and T-Moblle sIte acquzsltIOn has been turned away 1I1 ItS prevIOUS attempt to locate a faczllty The second PLO-zoned dIstrIct, further east of the proposed sIte, IS occupIed by an EWEB facllzty The EWEB facllzty would be the ldeallocatzon 1I1 terms of heIght clearance, glvmg us an additIOnal I 00 feet, for the terram and the obstructll1g tlee lzne However, T-Moblle was demed access to the facllzty for seCUllty reasons The mdustrcal zoned parcels to the southeast of the proposed sIte are too close to the two eXlstzng T-Mobde sItes, OlympIC and Mohawk As a result, T-Mob,le proposes a stealth desIgn, 1I1 the form of a flush mounted three- sector antenna array, to mItIgate the vIsual Impact of the WTS facllzty AddItIOnally, due to the configuratIOn of the parcel (the Emerald Square Dance Center buzldmg IS centrally located on the parcel), the WTS facllzty IS proposed 1I1 the southeast corner of the parcel. a locatIon that prOVIdes some exzstzng screemng The exIsting vegetation will help further mItIgate the VIsual Impact See sheets V-I, C-2 and C-3 of the zomng drawzngs as ExhIb,t N of the AppendIX for a graphIC deplctlOn of the locatIOn and eXlstll1g vegetatIOn Also, T- Mobzle has lI1cluded photo SImulatIOns of the proposed faczlzty as ExhIb,t D of the Appendzx D The Planrung ComrmsslOn or Heanngs OffiClal shall use the proceedmg cntena III place of the DIscretIonary Use cntena III SectIon 5 9-120 to evaluate the proposal The Plannmg ComnnsslOn or Heanngs OffiCIal shall not grant approval of the request unless each of these cntena has been met T-Mobzle acknowledges that the Hearzngs Officzal shall use the proceedzng cntena zn place of the Dlscretzonary Use crltena zn SectIOn 5 9-/20 to evaluate the proposal Date Received: SecuraSlte, LLC 13 AUG - 4 2008 8/1/08 Onglnal Submltt,,1 ,'\ T-Mobde West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon P004020 E Fallure to comply wIth the standards, proVISIOns and condItIOns of tillS SectIon, and any other applIcable SectIon of thIs Code, may constItute grounds for revocatIOn of a CIty approval to locate and operate a WTS facIlIty T-Mobzle aclcnowledges that Its fazlure to comply WIth the standm ds, provISIOns and condItIOns of tIllS SectIOn, and othel appilcable SectIOns of the Code, may CO/1Stltute gl ounds for I evocatlon of a City appl oval to locate and operate Its WTS faclilty F Pnvate amateur radIO (HAM) antennas, theIr support structures, and dIrect to home satellIte recelvmg antennas are exempt from the WTS faCIlItIes sltmg and revIew proVISIOns of the Code, but shall otherwIse comply WIth the applIcable prOVISIOns of the underlymg zOlllng dlstnct m whIch they are located to the extent that these provIsIOns comply WIth Federal CommulllcatIOns CormmssIOn polIcy T-Mobzle proposes a WTS faczllty The exemptIOn does not apply G The proVISIOns oftlus SectIOn shall be revIewed no sooner than three years nor later than five years from theIr date of adoptIon ThIs revIew ensures contemporaneIty WIth technologIcal changes made m tins mdustry T-Mobzle acknowledges the revIew tlmelmes, and WIll comply with any reqUIred revIews Date Received SectIon 3.2-300 Commercial Zonmg DIstrIcts 3.2-305 Establishment of Commercml Zoning Districts AUG - 4 2008 The followmg commercIal zOlllng dlstncts are establIshed Onglnal SubmittaL A NeIghborhood CommercIal Dlstnct (NC) The NC Dlstnct establIshes sItes up to three acres m SIze to proVIde day to day commercIal needs for support populatIOns up to 4,000 people NC developments should enhance rather than mtrude on the character of a neIghborhood by usmg landscapmg, bUlldmg matenals and deSIgn features that are surular to and In proportIOn WIth reSIdentIal uses New NC Dlstncts larger than 1 5 acres shall be lumted to collector and artenal streets EXIstIng NC DIStnCtS on local streets shall not be allowed to expand beyond 1 5 acres unless the development area abuts a collector or artenal street T-Moblle proposes a new, detached stealth deSIgn WTS facdlty, COllSlstlng of a flush mount th, ee-sector antenna array, mounted to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole The auxlilary ground-mounted eqUIpment would be located wlthm a new 30'-0" X 30'-0" fenced lease area The proposal for a new, detached stealth deSIgn WTS faclhty m the NC zone dlstnct, a Condltlonally SUItable Site, IS subject to a Type III DIscretIOnary Use Approval process T-Mobde selected the sIte after numerous vlsuallllSpectlOns of the search area by sIte acqUISItion (concerned wllh leasmg space), the zonmg specwhst and RF engmeer SecuraSlte, LLC 14 8/1 /08 T -MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplicatIon P004020 Dunng the lI1spectzons, we conszdel ed the followll1g The topogl aphy of the search area, surroundll1g zonzng dzStlzctS, and prOJ.lmzty of exzstll1g wzreless communzcatzon faczlztzes The subject paz celzs appl oxzmately 1 88 aCI es, and the pi oJect area (900 squaz e feet) zs located 111 the southeast corner of the propel ty, on a portzon that zs flat, covel ed 111 gl ass, and provzdes eJ.zstll1g screenzngfor the monopole T-Mobzle chose the southeast COI ner because of the configwatzon of the parcel, The Emerald Square Dance Hall buzldll1g IS located In the south centl al portzon of the parcel, and there zs a large parfang lot 111 ji ont of the buzldll1g, whzch would be a mOl e conspzcuous locatzon for the proposed WTS faczlzty By 10catl11g the WTS faczlzty 111 the southeast corner of the parcel, T-Mobzle zs better able to mztzgate the vzsualzmpact of the facllzty by utzlzzzng the exzstll1g vegetatzon for screenzng Addztzonally, T-Mobzle proposes to use flush mount antennas, a stealth deszgn, whzch wzll mztzgate the vlsualzmpact as well For the perzmeter of the lease az ea, T-Mobzle ploposes to use a cedar fence See sheets V-I, C-2, C-3 and L-I of the zonzng drawzngs as Exhzbzt N of the Appendzx for a graphzc depzctzon of the locatzon of the faczlzty, eJ.zstzng vegetatzon, and landscapzng proposed Also, T-Moblle has znc/uded photo szmulatzons of the proposed faczlzty as Exhzbzt D of the Appendzx T-Mobzle does not propose new access to the proposed faczlzty, and would utzlzze the exzstzng roads and dlzveway to access the szte, located zn the southeast corner of the parcel T-Mobzle also proposes to utzlzze exzstzng parfang space at the szte Once COnstl ucted, the szte would be vzszted approxzmately once per month for mazntenance pwposes The proposed faczlzty would have no zmpact on traffic patterns It would be unmanned and would not requzre water or wastewater servzces, nor would any hazardous wastes be genel ated 3.2-310 Schedule of Use Categories The followmg uses are permItted m the dlstncts as mdICated, subject to the proVIsIOns, addItIOnal restnctIons and exceptIOns specIfied m tins Code Uses not specIfically lIsted may be approved as specIfied III SectIon 5 11-100 "P" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of tins Code "S" = SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS subject to speclallocatIonal and/or sItIng standards as specIfied III SectJon 4 7-100 "D" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to revIew and analysIs under Type III procedure (SectIOn 5 9-100) at the Planmng ComrmSSlOn or Heanngs OfficIal level ''N'' = NOT PERMITTED SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED unless exempted elsewhere III tillS code Date Received: SecuraSlte, LLC 15 Ab~O~ 4 2008 Onalnal Submittal T-Mobde West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower Site SIte Plan Review ApplIcatIOn P004020 T-Mobzle pi oposes a detached, stealth design WTS facllzty In the NC zone dlStllCt, a CondlllOnally Suztable SlIe pel SectIOn 4 3-145 Per SectIOn 43-14?, T-Mobzle's proposal IS subject to a DlscretlOnmy Use Approval (Type 111 revIew), In addlllOn to the requzrements specified In SubsectIOns 4 3-145A 1, and 4 3-145A 2 32-315 Base Zone Development Standards r Development Standard I Mmlmum Area I Mffil1llum Street Frontage I All Panhandle Lots/Parcels M1ll1mum Street Frontage Maxl1llum Lot/Parcel Coverage Mmnllum LandscapIng I MaxImum Parkmg, loadmg and vehIcular CITCulatlOn area coverage I Landscaped Setbacks (2)(3)(4) and (5) I Front, Street SIde Yard, and Through Lot Rear Yard I BuddIng Setback I Parkmg, dnveway, and outdoor storage setback I Interior Side, Rear Yard Setbacks when Abutting ResldentJal or CI DIstrIcts I BUIldIng Setback I Parkmg, Dnveway, Outdoor Storage Setback I Maximum Buildmg HeIght I When abuttIng an LDR or MDR Dlstnct to the north I When abuthng an LDR or MDR Dlstnct to the east, west, or south NC ~ I I 6,000 square feet 50 feet Not PermItted Development Areas <I Acre and 2 Acres- 35 percent Development Areas between 2 and 3 acres- 35 percent and no smgle lease space shall exceed 15,000 square feet Peruneter and mtenor landscapmg area combmed coverage shall not be less than 20 percent of the total development area (contInued below) 45 percent I 0 feet 7 feet 10 feet 7 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet uate r\t:l~C; led: AUG - If 2(08 Onglnal submittal T-Mobzle proposes a new detached, stealth design WTS facilIty, conslstzng of a three- sector flush mount antenna array, mounted to an 80 '-0" steel monopole, wllh the auxllwry equipment located within a new 30 '0" X 30 '0" fenced lease area The total project Size IS approximately 900 square feet, and meets the minimum lot/parcel Size, SecuraSlle, LLC 16 8/1/08 T-MobLle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplicatJon P004020 lot/pal cel covel age standards for the underlYlIIg ZOnIng dlStllCt, NC T-Mobzle's pi oposed fenced lease aI ea meets the mll1lmUm buzldlng setback standard of 1 0 feet 111 the NC zone dlStllCt, 11 hzle the proposed monopole IS setback 25 feet The pi oposed WTS facllzty e:Aceeds the heIght lzmlt of the NC zone dlStrzCt {20feet} by 60 feet, and IS thel efol e subject to the DlscretzonalY Use Approval crzterza pel SectIOn 4 3-145A 3 T- Mobzle wIll meet the mll1lmUm landscapl11g I equll ement of 20 percent of the total development area, ifl equll ed to do so HOl1 ever, T-Mobzle only pi oposes to develop a 900 square foot aI ea on a 1 88 acre pal cel Section 3 3-200 Drmkmg Water ProtectJon Overlay DIstrIct 3.3-205 Purpose A The Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn (DWP) Overlay Dlstnct IS establIshed to protect aqUIfers used as potable water supply sources by the CIty from contammatIOn ThIs SectIOn establIshes procedures and standards for the physIcal use of hazardous matenals harmful to groundwater wlthm TOTZ by new and eXlstmg land uses requmng development approval The proVIsIOns oftlns Sechon are deSIgned to I Protect the CIty'S dnnkmg water supply, whIch IS obtamed from groundwater resources from rmpacts by facIlIhes that store, handle, treat, use, produce, or otherwIse have on premIses substances that pose a hazard to groundwater qualIty, and T-Moblle 's proposal for a new WTS facllzty, located at 2095 Yolanda Avenue, IS 111 the Dnnlang Water Protection Overlay The project IS located 111 the 1-5 year TIme of Travel Zone for the Pierce Well Head T-Moblle proposes a WTS facllzty that would be unmanned and would not requzre water or wastewater services No hazardous wastes would be generated from the ongOl11g operatIOn of thIS facllzty T-Moblle proposes a 120- gallon propane tank and 25kw generator that would be tested routl11ely Durl11g a Development Issues Meetl11g, held on December 6,2007, CIty ofSprl11gfield Staff commented that ifT-Mobzle were to propose a backup generator, It would need to file a DrlI1lang Water Protectzon Dlstnct Development Applzcatzon T-Mobzle Will file the development applzcatzon 2 ProVIde standards for hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater wlthm the TOTZ T-Mobzle 's proposed WTS facllzty, l11cludlllg a 120-gallon propane tank and generator, does not pose a nsk to gz oundwater T-Moblle WIll file a DWP Dlstnct Development Applzcatzon B In order to accomplIsh thIS purpose, the DWP Overlay Dlstnct mcludes methods and proVISIOns to Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 17 8/1108 Onglnal SubmIttal T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower SIte Site Plan RevIew ApplicatIOn P004020 1 Restnct or prohIbit the use of hazardous matenals whIch are potentJal groundwater contammants, T-Mobzle 's proposed WTS faczllty, lI1cludll1g a 120-gallon propane tank and genel ator, does not pose a risk to gloundwater T-Mobzle will file a D Jf'P District Development ApplzcatlOn 2 Set standards for the storage, use, handlIng, treatment, and productJon of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater wltlun TOTZ, and T-Moblle 's proposed WTS faczlzty, lIlcludlllg a 120-gallon propane tank and genel atol, does not pose a risk to groundv. atel T-Mobzle wzll file a D WP Dzstrzct Development ApplzcatlOn 3 ReVlew new or expanded uses of hazardous matenal that pose a nsk to groundwater T-Mobzle 's proposed WTS facllzty, lI1cludlllg a 120-gallon propane tank and generator, does not pose a risk to groundwater T-Mobzle wzll file a D WP Dzstrzct Development ApplzcatlOn 3.3-210 ApplIcabIlity As of May 15, 2000, all areas wlthm specIfied wellhead TOTZ automatIcally are rezoned to add the DWP Overlay Dlstnct to the underlYIng zomng dlstnct The areas to whIch the DWP Overlay Dlstnct IS applIed are shown on the DnnkIng Water ProtectIOn Area Maps on file In the Development ServIces Department and Incorporated In tlus SectIon by reference T-Mobzle's proposed WTSfaczlzty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue zs wzthlll a 1-5 year TOnfor the Pierce Well Head T-Moblle Will comply wzth the requirements of the DWP Overlay Dlstrzct, and file the necessary development applzcatlOn 3.3-215 Warnmg and Waiver of Liability The degree of aqUIfer protectIon reqUITed by tlus SectIon In the areas deSIgnated In SectIon 3 3- 220 IS based on SCIentIfic and engmeenng conSIderatIons The nature of these consIderatIOns IS that the exact boundanes of TIme of Travel Zones (TOTZ) have an assOCIated uncertamty that renders conclUSIOns based on them to be estImates Under no condItIons should tlus SectIOn be construed to guarantee the punty of the ambIent ground water or guarantee the preventIOn of ground water contammatIOn Therefore, tlus SectIon shall not create lIabIlIty on the part of the CIty, or any CIty personnel, for any contammatJon that may result from relIance on thIS SectIon or any adlllllllstratIve deCISIOn made under tlus SectIon T-Mobzle acknowledges the waiver of lzabllzty on the part of the Czty, and/or any Czty Date Received: SecuraSlte, LLC 18 AUG - ~12008 Original Submittal T-MobIie West Corporation McKenzIe Tower SIte Site Plan ReVIew ApplIcation P004020 personnel 3.3-225 ReVIew A A DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development ApplIcatIOn IS reqUIred when the cntena of both SubsectIOns A] and 2 , below are met ] A sIte IS affected by one of the follOWIng a There IS a change of land use, occupancy or tenancy of a property, IncludIng, but not lImIted to a change from vacant to occupIed, or Does not apply to T-Moblle 's proposal b Dunng the BUIldIng PermIt process, or T-Mobde WIll submit a DWP Overlay DIstrict Development ApphcatlOn In conjunctIOn WIth zts Szte Plan Revzew and DISCI etzonalY Use Approval Apphcatlons c In conJunchon WIth any development applIcahon, IllcludIng, but not lnmted to SIte Plan revIew and MInImum Development Standards T-Mobzle WIll submIt a DWP Overlay Dzstrlct Development ApphcatlOn In conjunctIOn WIth Its Szte Plan Revzew and Dlscretzonary Use Approval ApphcatlOllS 2 The actIOn III Subsechon AI, above WIll a Affect the storage, use, and/or produchon of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater, or T-Mobde 's proposal for a new WTS faclhty and a propane tank and backup generator would not a pose a risk to groundwater T-Mobde WIll comply WIth any apphcatlOn requzrements regarding the D WP Overlay DIstrIct b Increase the quanhty of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater that are stored, used and/or produced B Pnor to the submIttal of a DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development ApplIcatIOn, an exemptIOn request may be submItted to the DIrector as specIfied In SectIOn 3 3- 230B 1 C DWP Overlay Dlstnct applIcahons shall be revIewed under Type I procedures T-Moblle wzll file aD WP Overlay DIstrIct apphcatzon, and acknowledges that It WIll be revIewed under Type I procedures Date Received: Allr, - 4 2008 SecuraS,te, LLC 19 8/1/08 Onglnal Submittal T-MobIle West Corporahon McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew Application P004020 D Pnor to undertakmg an actlVlty covered by SectIOn 3 3-225 A , the owner or tenant shall submIt a DWP Overlay Dlstnct ApplIcal10n to the City for revIew and approval Apphcal10ns shallll1clude the followmg mformal1on T-Mobzle will comply with the apphcatlOn requzrements E For those development proposals requmng SIte Plan RevIew (SectIon 5 17-100) or Mnnmum Development Standards revIew (SectIon 5 15-100), applIcatIOns may be submItted concurrently T-Mobzle aclmowledges the D WP Development ApphcatlOn may be submitted concurrently wIth the SIte Plan RevIew apphcatlOn F The DIrector shall reVIew the applIcatIon and make a decIsIOn based on the standards contamed m SectIOn 3 3-235, after consultmg wIth the BUlldmg OffiCIal, FIre Marshall, PublIc Works DIrector, and the managers of SUB and RWD, as appropnate 3.3-230 ExemptIOns ThIS SectIon does not exempt any matenal or use from FIre Code regulatIons adopted by the CIty A ExemptIOns are as specIfied m thIS SectIOn unless the DIrector, m consultatIOn wIth SUB and FIre/LIfe Safety, determmes that a hazardous matenal, actIVIty, and/or facIlIty that IS exempt pursuant to thIS SectIon has a slgruficant or substantIal potentIal to degrade groundwater qualIty Then the DIrector may reqUIre complIance WIth the reqUIrements of tins SectIOn related to that hazardous matenal, actIVIty or facIlIty TIns deterrmnatlOn wIll be based upon sIte and/or chemICal-specIfic data and are elIgIble for appeal to the Heanngs OffiCIal as specIfied m SectIon 3 3-245 B Unless otherwIse provIded herem, the followmg materrals are exempt from regulatIOn hereunder T-Mobzle Will apply for any requzred permits 3.3-235 Standards for Hazardous Materials wlthm Time of Travel Zones ApplIcanons shall comply WIth the followmg standards Where the followmg standards are more restnctIve than the standards of the Umform FIre Code, the followmg standards apply Date Received. A 0 -I year TOTZ Standards AUG - 4 2008 Orrglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 20 8/1108 T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn P004020 T-Mobzle's plOposalfor a WTSfacllzty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue IS not wzthll1 the 0-1 year TOTZ The 0-1 year TOTZ standaJ ds to dot apply to tins proposal B 1-5 year TOTZ Standards 1 The storage, handlmg, treatment, use, applIcatIOn, or productIon or otherwIse keepmg on premIses of more than 20 gallons of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater m aggregate qnantItIes not contaImng DNAPLs are allowed only upon complIance wIth contamment and safety standards specIfied by the most recent FIre Code adopted by the CIty T-Moblle pi oposes a 120-ga/lon propane tank 1I1 conJunctlO11 wzth backup generator The propane tank and generator do not propose a rzsk to groundwater 2 Unless exempted, all hazardous matenals that pose as nsk to groundwater shall be stored III areas WIth approved secondary contamment III place (Umform Frre Code ArtIcles 2 and 8003 1 3 3) The proposed propane tank and backup generator do not pose a rzsk to the groundwater 3 All new use ofDNAPLs are prohIbIted T-Mobzle does not propose new use of a DNAPL 4 Any change III the type of use or an Illcrease III maxlIllum daIly mventory quantIty of any DNAPL IS consIdered a new use and IS prolll.bJted T-Moblle does not propose a change 1I1 the type of use or an lI1crease of any DNAPL 5 The followIllg certaIn types of facIlItIes or changes m chellllcal use and/or storage of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater are prohIbIted a Hazardous matenal product Plpelmes used to transport the hazardous matenal off of the tax lot where It IS produced or used, b InjectIon wells Date Received EXCEPTION Dry wells for roof dramage, AUG - 4 2008 c SolId waste landfills and transfer statIons, Onglnal Submittal d FIll matenals contaImng hazardous matenals, e Land uses and new facIlItIes that wIll use, store, treat handle, - SecuraSlte, LLC 21 8/1108 T-MobIle West Corporation McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplIcatIon P004020 and/or produce DNAPLs T-Mobzle does not propose the abovementIOned (a-e) types of faczlztzes T-Mobzle proposes a pi opane tank and generator whzch does not pose a rIsk to groundwater 6 Requrrements found In Umform Frre Code AppendIx II-E 3 2 6 for a momtorIng program and In 8003 1 3 3 for momtonng methods to detect hazardous matenals In the secondary contaImnent system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater unless exempted T-Mobzle wzll meet the reqllll ements zinot exempted As stated above, T-Mobzle's pi oposal for a If'TS facllzty wzth a propane tank and baclwp generator does not pose a rIsk to groundwatel 7 ReqUIrements found In Umfonn FIre Code AppendIx II-E SectIOn 327 for mspectIOn and record keepmg procedures for monthly m-house mspechon and maIntenance of contaInment and emergency eqUIpment for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted T-Mobzle WIll meet the reqlllrements zi not exempted As stated above, T-Moblle's proposal for a WTS faczlzty wzth a propane tank and backup generator does not pose a rzsk to gloundwater C 5-10 year TOTZ Standards T-Mobzle 's proposal for a WTSfacllzty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue IS not wzthzn the 5-10 year TOTZ The 5-10 year TOTZ standards to dot apply to thIS proposal D 10-20 year TOTZ Standards The storage, handlIng, treahnent, use, produchon or keepmg on premIses of more than 20 gallons of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater m aggregate quanhhes IS allowed only upon complIance WIth contaInment and safety standards specIfied by the most recent FIre Code adopted by the CIty T-Moblle's proposal for a WTSfaczlzty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue IS not wlthzn the 10-20 year TOTZ The 10-20 year TOTZ standards to dot apply to th,s proposal 3.3-240 CondItIOns The DIrector may attach condlhons of approval that WIll llllmrmze negahve Impacts of regulated substances on groundwater and ensure that the faCIlIty or the proposed development can fully meet the standards speCIfied m SectIOn 3 3-235 These condItIOns may mclude, but are not lIllllted to on-sIte momtonng wells, Wellhead ProtectIOn Area SIgnS, speCIal storm water facllIhes or other condlhons to address speCIfic nsks assocIated Date Received SecuraSlte, LLC 22 AUGl!l1d8 2008 Original Submittal T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKcnzle Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplIcation P004020 wIth the proposed development 33-245 Appeals The only portIOns Oftl1lS SectIOn that are subject to appeal are SectIOn 3 3-225F , the DIrector's decIsIOn on a DWP applIcatIOn, SectIon 3 3-230, ExemptIOns, and SectIon 3 3- 235A I , WaIver The appeal ofa deCISIOn of the Dllector may be appealed as specIfied m SectIOn 53-115 SectIOn 3.3-800 Urbamzable Fringe Overlay DIstrict 3.3-825 AddItional PrOVISIons A The CIty shall not extend water or sanItary sewer servIce outsIde the cIty lImIts, unless the property owner obtams annexatIOn approval T-Moblle 's proposal for a new WTS faCIlity IS subject to a DzscretlOnary Use Approval plocess, but wzll not requIre water or sanztary sewer servzces B The Lane County Sarutanan shall certIfy that the proposed mdlvldual waste water dIsposal system meets D E Q standards pnor to Development Approval T-Moblle wzll obtam certificatIOn fi om the Lane County Sanztarzan that eXlstzng septIc systems meets state envIronmental quality standards, and our WTS faczllty wzll not affect zts capacIty C Lane County IS conSIdered an affected party and shall be notIfied of all development applIcatIons T-Moblle acknowledges that Lane County IS consIdered an affected party and WIll be notified of all development applicatIOns D Sltmg of ResIdentIal Uses Detached smgle famIly dwelhngs shall be SIted to allow the future dIVISIOn and/or more mtensIVe use of the property The apphcable on-sIte sewage dIsposal faclhty shall be condItIonal, and made a part of any penmt necessary to aclueve the standards of thIS Overlay DIstrIct The followmg standards apply T-Mobzle does not propose a new dwellmg Does not apply E ConnectIOn to the samtary sewer system Any property to be partItIOned that IS wlthm the dIstances specIfied m OAR 340-071-0160(4) for connectIOn to the CIty's sanItary sewer system shall reqUIre annexatIon to the CIty, unless the Duector deterrmnes that a topograpluc or man-made feature makes the Date Received: connectIon phYSIcally ImpractIcal AUG - 4 2008 SecuraSl1e, LLC 23 Oncmal Submittal 8/1/08 T-MobIle West Corporation McKenzie Tower Site SIte I'lan ReVIew Application P004020 T-Mobzle 's proposal for a new WTS facllzty IS subject to a DIscretIOnary Use Approval pi ocess, but wIll not requll e watel 01 samtmy sewer servIces FUses requInng DIscretIOnary reVIew, uses requInng specIfic development standards, new permItted uses and expansIOn of permItted uses III commercIal and Illdustnal dlstncts shall demonstrate that the use WIll not generate slllgly or III the aggregate addItIonal need for key urban servIces T-Mobzle 's pi oposal fOl a new WTS facllzty IS subject to a DISCI etzonary Use Appl oval pi ocess, but WIll not I equll e water or samtmy sewer services G New permItted uses and expansIOns of permItted uses III commercIal and mdustnal dlstncts shall demonstrate that the use WIll not generate smgly, or III the aggregate, addItIonal need for key urban servIces T-Mobde does not pi opose a new permitted use or expansIOn of a penmtted use 111 a commerczal or II1dustrzal dzstrlct Does not apply H R V parks and campgrounds shall be located on land classIfied PublIc Land and Open Space (PLO) and be subject to the speCIfic development standards speCIfied SectIon 4 7-220 T-Mobde proposes a new WTS facllzty This standard does not apply I Date ReceIved AUG - 4 2008 Ongmal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 24 8/1108 T-MobIle West CorpordtlOn McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSIte, LLC DIscretIOnary Use and SIte t'lan RevIew ApplIcatIon PO 4020 APPENDIX Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal 8/1/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretionary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit A Owner Authorization Agreement Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 Oil "",It.\l '1 110 IU:/:.' rlO:-' .\';JU:r.\IE:-'1 ~.,1.lr,_'.;1 ;"Itc ~"'.,:.f'~l ~111' ~...Illl:' :-::'ill".'..:'.,h:..,. .:'::,.UI..U..I:' ~'l ))":,U":lltj \k~::""''':J: :~~~~:~~~. :1t::::~.:.IJ\'~ ::_' ~:ri:':::J~I,'h: ..~.f..n':l.II1_ q.:~:; ~ RI,. t'r':~.:r.:. 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"'!!e.:.i!.!t.:!"~.____~ _.... _ "':;,lU't:: Cill)"h.:.rfliITl.c 1(:,: ~2;.ll':.r;lt~tl!J;I!:.'C.Lr:::'$Ii'.rfJl:h.-!.S"I,~L..... 11... _ _=l!.!.17 : 1:z!L~~'J.r..I.U)V~:..i;lll.I:.'jrx.~~. _ ~';N..;(~_.:-~.fL..._-~.:.<<' .-. ~.~ ,c' ",-.. J).lk ihl\.": Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal T-Moblle West Corporanon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon PO 4020 Exhibit B NIER Report Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal 8/1/08 G ~ I Gillespie, prudhon 8. Associates ~&A I Te I e com m u n I cat Ion 5 En gin e e r s February 26, 2008 RE McKenzie Tower Site PO 04020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477 Englneenng Certlflcallon The proposed electronic Installation for McKenzie In lane County will comply with non-Ionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER) emission standards as set forth by the Federal Communlcallons Commission (FCC) FCC Bulletin OET 65 section 1 107(b) (August 1998) regarding emiSSion gUidelines set for In Radio Frequency (RF) emiSSion environmental effects, states that the RF exposure limit for the general public from transmitters In the Personal Communications Service (PCS) frequency bands, expressed as power density In mlcrowatt per centimeter squared (uW/cm2), shall be less than 1,000 uW/cm2 The attached table, "McKenzie", shows the maximum RF exposure levels for pOints 6 feet above ground level at Increasingly further distances from the base of the antenna support structure (tower) This table models the RF exposure that a pedestnan near the Installation IS likely to expenence All RF exposure levels listed In the column labeled "Maximum Power Density" are well below the acceptable limits set forth by the FCC I certify that the attached table has been prepared by me and IS true to my knowledge If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 503-657-0424 Respectfully, GillESPIE, PRUDHON & ASSOCIATES, INC David Wand, PE Englneenng Manager cc Project File No 002336 I RENEWAL DAit _0- 'lv- 0 s;( P IGP&A PROJECTS\Cushlng T Moblle\2335_Cusfllng T Moblle RFI ComphancelMcKenZleiMcKenZle RFE Certl~callon doc Date Received. AUG - 4 2008 En~lIneerlnq Excellence Since 1980 10748 S E Highway 212, Clackamas, OR 970159162 (503)657-0424 FAX (503) 657-0361 On the Web algpateleoom oom Ongmal Submittal Date Recelved- AUG - 4 2008 McKenzIe Onglnal Submlttl"l RadIO Frequency Power Density for Tower Site 26-Feb-08 # of Channels I HeIght RadiatIOn Center 77 feet ERP/Channel 295 Watts Measurement Height 6 feel Antenna TMBXX-6517-R2M Mechamcal Down Tilt o degrees DIStance Angle Antenna Antenna DIStance M8Xilllum From Below Pattern VerlIcal From Power Tower Honzon wIMech DT Pattern Antenna DensIty (feet) (degrees) (degrees) (dB) (feet) (uW/crn^2) 0 900 900 -400 71 0 0002 10 820 820 -400 71 7 0002 20 743 743 -400 738 0002 30 67 I 671 -368 771 0004 40 606 606 -287 81 5 0022 50 548 548 -234 868 0064 60 498 498 -400 930 0001 70 454 454 -400 997 0001 80 416 41 6 -329 1070 0005 90 383 383 -382 1146 0001 100 354 354 -325 1226 0004 110 328 328 -330 1309 0003 120 306 306 -280 1394 0009 130 286 286 -337 1481 0002 140 269 269 -204 1570 0039 150 253 253 -178 1660 0064 160 239 239 -178 1750 0057 170 227 227 -209 1842 0025 180 215 215 -281 1935 0004 190 205 205 -357 2028 0001 200 195 195 -265 2122 0005 210 187 187 -252 2217 0007 220 179 179 -284 2312 0003 230 172 172 -284 2407 0003 240 165 165 -304 2503 0002 250 159 159 -244 2599 0006 260 153 153 -244 2695 0005 270 147 147 -224 2792 0008 280 142 142 -224 2889 0007 290 13 8 138 -246 2986 0004 300 133 133 -246 3083 0004 320 125 125 -31 3 3278 0001 340 118 118 -215 3473 0006 360 112 112 -215 3669 0006 380 106 106 -164 3866 0016 400 10 I 10 I -164 4063 0015 450 90 90 -179 4556 0008 500 8 I 8 I -17 9 5050 0007 600 67 67 -125 6042 0016 700 58 58 -62 7036 0051 800 5 1 5 I -62 803 I 0039 900 45 45 -27 9028 0070 1000 4 I 4 I -27 10025 0057 1500 27 27 -00 15017 0047 2000 20 20 -00 20013 0026 2500 16 16 -04 25010 0015 3000 1 4 I 4 -04 3000 8 0011 4000 10 10 -04 4000 6 0006 5000 08 08 -I 8 5000 5 0003 6000 07 07 -18 6000 4 0002 8000 05 05 -18 8000 3 0001 10000 04 04 -18 10000 3 0001 AssumptIOns PCS TransmItter Frequencies, 1900 MHz All exposures wIll be rn the far-field regIOn All calculatIOns rnclude a reflectIOn coefficient of256 (60% reflected energy from the ground) CalculatIOns are worst case based on pornt of exposure berng at maxrnmm of the honzontal radiatIOn from the drrectlOnal antennas Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal submlttF I T-Moblle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit C Coverage Plot Maps Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submlttdl 8/1/08 Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Coverage L.egend .. Indoor -- ... In Car ---- ---- .. Outdoor . o ~Cbi~ -- ---, r. c r- O""r' - - ., - I-.J ,.. - ~.JdJ cP \ CijOe-r 0 i' II .. L lu ~- ~ ..:J --~ ~ L:: ~:. · r -G -I ..., -, IP.r . .~. ~ ~Site ~" I l!l'~:r.>QJ - +~.. ..1 "t -I (-~ , ~.,-t-"' L---- -- - .. O.S Coverage L.egend .. Indoor C.J In Car .. Outdoor , . " .r- vL ~ ,.., "lor ~ L .. , T-Mobile West CU'l'v.",;on McKenzie Raw Land Proposal SecuraSite, LLC Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review Application PO 4020 Exhibit D Photo Simulations Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal 8/1/08 [!] [!]l!:[;] r!1lr ~[;l 1- T~LE,' ....... _..;0.:5 TO~~~.JCT AN UN$TAFFEO RAOfO TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACIUTY CONSISTING OF A THREE-SECTOR. FLUSH MOUNT ANTENNA ARRAY, (3) ANTENNAS PRESENT, (0) FUTURE. (3) TOTAL ANTENNAS MOUNTED TO A NEW 80'-0" STEEl I. .. I.. . .. ..E WITH THE EQUIPMENT LOCATED WITHIN A NEW 30'..()" X 30'.{)" .-~,~ LEASEDAREA H McKenzie P00402J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 . T. .Mobile. 1500 H.E. ,,.....'" St. SUit. 530 PoI'Uand. Oregon Sl1232 Phot..: 50.3-442.20" F.x:~73eh301. ~ ~...:t y I ~ii~ --A - Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Photo Location ..- ..original Submittal Additional Views A...... Requested by City, ~ of Springfield 80' Monopole a ellS CIVil!ug This YisuaI impact study is provided by photograph simulalioos which were aeated from data ",_, ...1' ,I by . , . ., I .. . .,1 & a baBoon test method, Balloon test.. _:_,... oIlwo noating balloons; .. .., lIely 20"-0', .. '; l;altachedalllO"-o"&1llO-O'ooastring. (wind.. ., ."ilionislakeninlocons',; 'II. allime ofsludy). Visual inpads wit be aWecled by Iocalioo and Yisibihly 01 observer. Thisdoc:umentisfor." ',andin", ",,". purposesonlyandls pt.<ely.. ., ..JOt This is solely the phol.. ' oS inlerptelalion of the proposed dO' , _. ;.t. P hot 0 DON CUSHING ASSOCIATES CMIE . fJ650 SW r. . _.. Lane. Sud. 235 PorUand. OR 9722. Phone: 503-620-71l&C Fax: 503-620-2771 s l a t Imu o n ~~~[Sl[j]~U[;1 "~I I Mckenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 175 3W SEe. 2443 --- ----- '--.... . (j~D~9'DIi1~ 1r>~~1:l(!)0@l!l ~ 'j --------- Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal o S mulat o n (mI[5lt<~[j)~U~ .P'" -:J Mckenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 (jtaDefllmlilID g ~ .' . 1:llr-1:l1P00(sJ('!) I ~ ., . ~' ", q,~ ...$. ...... f' .-.;r" i ~.. '" _I.'.~~ I Date Received: AUG - ~ 2008 Original Submittal - ~ P hot 0 S mulat o n I~ rs [2 [;} Oil ~ n [S1 1 - , -- t Mckenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 . -, --- . ----- - -- --~- ~EJnmllnlDm ~ I (pljl m(jh!)0~~ -.... .e? I ~~ -- ,--- ~ '[ Date Received: - AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal ~Photo s mulat o n - Ilm ~ 12 ~ [jj] ~ D rsl Mckenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 . I IBt3U~IJUlilm " - I - 1 If) [jI W I:l [;] ~ (sui) Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal P hot 0 s m u l a t ion r ~ ~ ~ [300 ~ U [;l iii McKenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 175 3W see. 2443 --------- <l~-' ~- . I~ ~ClD~OD1ilm 9 lPlPl!lr:Jlil~~L!I ~ "--~~~ -:: . ~ Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal P hot 0 s mulat o n ~~I2[;l[jj}flU~ I ~ H ~ '-~ I ,I ':~';N' ~~_.,. '.. '-~'~-, ,'. '-.' ,,' 1'-'; 0_ _ _ --......",.- McKenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 e =--~~-.. . ... -~ I~ .4 -.. , ._..-... .~ \'4.....-\0... ....-:.."... '" ,"-.'",- '--'~-Y'.-'t _:~'_~.f. , . . ,-, _. 1It30l:'JIrDlil{9 r;>~[!J(iJli)em(!) 6? Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal - ..., ....., - ~- -...- - - - , P hot 0 s mulat o n I 1m ~ It< rs1 (j] ~ U rSl ~ McKenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 (9 ilctD~DDIi1~ - ~1jI(!)l:l~I:i~c!l '. Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal P hot 0 s m u l a t o n I - ~ -- I rro~~~ffiI~n[;l E) --- - - - McKenzie P004020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 24 43 -- -- ~ - r - - - . ~.. - ---.:. 9 ~~ !;llr' (!] I:l ~ ~ C~H!I ~ ~Ein~lInlilm Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal. - - - -Photo S mulat o n - - I ~-- T-Mobile West Corporation McKenzie Raw Land Proposal Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review Application PO 4020 Exhibit E FAA Summary Report Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submitti'1 SecuraSite, LLC 8/1/08 . _ !.o2~,:020.? .M_c..K,e,n.z.\e* ;*Af:."s~u"m*m*a"? **~- ...~*-:.. .....* Federal A1rways & A1rspace ~j*_-:"-:"~~-:"*~~ ~~~TT~~t*~~e~~I*~~~~*-:"*~*~-:"***k F1l e P004020J Lat1tude spn ngf1 el d, OR 1 5 statute M1les 147" (true bean ng) 44"-4'-17 04" Long1tude 122"-59'-37 3" Locatl on D1stance D1 rectl on 5ITE ELEVATION AMSL STRUCTURE HEIGHT OVERALL HEIGHT AMSL 462 ft 100 ft 562 ft NOTICE CRITERIA FAR 77 13 (a) (1) NNR (DNE 200 ft AGL) FAR 77 13 (a) (2) NNR (DNE Not1ce slope) FAR 77 13 (a) (3) NNR (Not a Traverse way) FAR 77 13(a)(4) NNR (No Expected TERPS~ 1mpact w1th 77S) FAR 77 13 (a) (4) PNR (stra1ght-In procedu re Check FAF d1stance for TERPS~ 1 mpact EUG) FAR 77 13 (a) (5) NNR (off A1rport Construct10n) Not1ce to the FAA lS not requ1red at the analyzed 10cat10n and he1ght NR = Not1ce Requ1red NNR = Not1ce Not Requ1red PNR = poss1ble Not1ce Requ1red OBSTRUCTION STANDARDS FAR 77_23(a)(1) DNE 500 ft AGL FAR 77 23(a)(2) DNE - A1rport Surface FAR 77 25(a) DNE - Hor1zontal surface FAR 77 25(b) DNE - con1cal Surface FAR 77 25(c) DNE - Pr1mary Surface FAR 77 25(d) DNE - Approach Surface FAR 77 25(e) DNE - Trans1t1onal surface VFR TRAFFIC PATTERN AIRSPACE FOR 77S HOBBY FIELD Type- AIR RD 49852 RB 183 97 RE 538 FAR 77 23 (a) (1) DNE FAR 77 23(a)(2) Does Not Apply VFR Hor1zontal Surface DNE VFR con1cal Surface DNE VFR Approach slope DNE VFR Trans1t10nal slope DNE VFR TRAFFIC PATTERN AIRSPACE FOR EUG MAHLON SWEET FIELD Type AIR RD 57269 RB 288 8 RE 374 FAR 77 23(a)(1) DNE FAR 77 23(a)(2) DNE - Greater Than 6 NM VFR Hor1zontal surface DNE VFR Con1cal surface DNE VFR Approach slope DNE VFR Trans1t1onal slope DNE TERPS DEPARTURE PROCEDURE (FAA Order 8260 3, Volume 4) FAR 77 23(a)(3) Departure Surface Cr1ter1a (40 1) DNE Departure Surface Date Received Page 1 AUG - 4 2008 Orrglnal Submittal P004020J MCKenZ1e FAA Summary MINIMUM OBSTACLE CLEARANCE ALTITUDE (MOCA) FAR 77 23(a)(4) MOCA Alt1tude Enroute Cr1ter1a The MaX1mum He1ght Perm1tted 1S 6000 ft AMSL PRIVATE LANDING FACILITIES FACIL IDENT TYP NAME BEARING To FACIL -------- 201 65 feet 129 14 feet 247 73 feet 327 91 feet 328 04 410R HEL MC WILL HOSPITAL No Impact to pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure 1S beyond not1ce llm1t by 1927 230R HEL SAXON'S No Impact to pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure 1S beyond not1ce llm1t by 9212 OR69 HEL SACRED HEART GENERAL HOSPITAL NO Impact to Pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure 1S beyond not1ce llm1t by 18429 160R HEL PAPE' BROS INC No Impact to Pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure 1S beyond not1ce llm1t by 27805 OR44 AIR BRIGGS NO Impact to Near A1rport Surface Below surface he1ght of 480 ft above ARP AIR NAVIGATION ELECTRONIC FACILITIES No Electron1C FaC1l1tes Are W1th1n 25,000 ft FCC AM PROOF-OF-PERFORMANCE NOT REQUIRED Structure 1S not near a FCC llcensed AM rad10 stat10n Proof-of-performance 1S not requ1red please reV1ew AM Stat10n Report for deta1ls Nearest AM Stat10n KORE @ 2957 meters DISTANCE DELTA ARP IN N M ELEVATION 1 14 +516 2 339 +162 3 856 +64 5 399 +174 5 796 +175 A1rspace~ Summary VerS10n 2008 1 AIRSPACE~ and TERPS~ are reg1stered ~ trademarks of Federal A1rways & A1rspace~ copyr1ght ~ 1989 - 2008 02-15-2008 13 41 24 page 2 Date Received. AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal T-Moblle West Corporahon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit F Environmental Noise Impact Report Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1108 CS ACOUSTICAL ENGINEERING 28 Wednesday January 2004 office Project T-Moblle PO 4006 Ralelghwood WT 833 SW Elevenrh, SUite 308 Po,"ond, OR 07205 SW Canyon Dnve, Beaverton, OR 503/227-0233 CSAE PrOject No 04-04 fo~ 503/227 '863 Procurement # POR-0000003743 01/09/2004 Moilmg po Box 3413 Portland, OR 9720834] 3 1\1r Da'l'e Fisher T-MobIle USA VOlceStI eam PCS I LLC-Pol tIand 1500 NE II vmg SUite #530 Portland, OR 97232 Subject Envllonmental NOIse Impact ReVIew of the PI oposed Ralelghwood Cellular TI anscelvel StatIon InstallatIOn Located on SW Canyon Dnve (at SW RIdgewood Ave_), Beaverton, OR Dear Mr FIsher, IntroductIOn Per your request an evaluatIon of eXIstIng ULTRASITE cellular transceIVer sItes was conducted on 13 JanualY 2004 to document nOIse levels at the mscharge gnlles of eqUIpment at two ]ocatlOns --- Sorrento RIdge WT site near Munay Road Beaverton and the Irvmgton WT Portland sIte Data gathered at these Sites were used III predlctmg nOIse levels at the proposed Ralelghwood site and to confinn complIance WIth the Department of EnvlTo11Il1ental QualIty State of Oregon NOIse Control RegulatIons The nOIse source IS a I-bay transceIver UL TRASITE umt mounted on a concrete housekeepmg pad on grade, and WIth air mtake and exhaust louvers Measured and PredIcted NOIse Data The Table on the followmg page lIsts octave band and overall nOIse levels for eXIstIng eqUIpment at the Sonento RIdge WT and Irvmgton WT SItes, _the measured eXlstlllg arnbJent nOIse at the Ralelghwood sIte and the premchon of nOIse for the new lllstallatlon Plan and sIte drawlllgs proVIded by T-MobIle were reVIewed for tills nOIse lIDpact project Table II lIsts eXlstmg ambIent nOIse and predIcted nOIse levels for the Ralelghwood WT new sIte 1\1easurement EqUIpment. A digital spectrum analyzer manufactured by CEL (Type I PreCIsion, 1/2" condenser mIcrophone) model #593 was utilIzed for all nOIse level measurements and calIbrated as reqUIred by ASA and ASTM Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 QrH"I,p::"l :\o.I:.JrTi.t(~l_ Mr Dave FIsher T-Moblle -- VOIce Stream Ralelghwood WT SIte EnvIronmental NOIse RevIew 28 January 2004 Page 2 EXISTlNG EQUIPl\1)j;NT SITE NOISE LEVELS MeasUled 1/3 Octave Band Centels Sound PIessure Levels - Table I 13 January 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sorrento R1d\':e WT SIte --- Beaverton =----- -=-- ----= Level Descnpbon dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz (frequency) AmbIent 11 00 am Leq 54 0 53 60 52 51 49 45 34 33 dB SPL LIO 572 dBA SPL L50 53 5 dBA SPL L99 51 7 dBA SPL ULTRASITE transceIver eqUIpment llOlse levels measured at louvers Leq 59 55 60 64 55 53 49 42 33 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TheJlVUlcton WT SIte --- Portlancl. NEJ3kIdmQI:e_SJreet Level Descnpbon dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz (frequency) AmbIent 12 Noon Leq 500 54 57 57 48 44 37 28 25 dB SPL LID 523 dBA SPL L50 49 4 dBA SPL L99 46 6 dBA SPL ULTRASITE transceIver eqUIpment nOIse levels measured at louvers Leq 55 55 60 53 50 48 48 42 33 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RALEIGHWOOD NEW EQUIPMENT SITE NOISE LEVELS Measured 1/3 Octave Band Centers _ Sound Pressure Levels Table II . 13 January 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralellchwooo WT..&t" Level DescnptlOn dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz (frequency) AmbIent lOp m Leq 530 47 485 47 47 475 45 335 30 dB SPL Date Received. LID 570 dBA SPL L50 480 dBA SPL AUG - 4 2008 L99 456 dBA SPL Onglnal Submittal UL TRASITE transceIver eqmpmentJJredlcted nOIse levels at the closest adJ"cent nOIse senslbve propertIes Leq 23 17 30 23 20 18 18 12 03 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------ Mr Dave Flsl1er T-Moblle -- VOIce Stream Ralelghwood WT SIte EnVITonmental NOIse RevIew 28 January 2004 Page 3 c Depal tment of EnvIronmental QnalIty NOIse RegnlatlOns and the predIcted 'VT SIte nOIse levels Current nOIse regulatIons requITe that nOIse levels are not to exceed the followrng steady state octave band nOIse levels from lOp m to 7 a m at the closest resIdentIal property 11l1e (40 feet honzontal dIstance at Ralelghwood) from the ll1take/dlscharge louvers Table III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DescnptIon dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz DEQ NOIse RegulatIons 65 62 56 50 46 43 40 37 dB SPL Ralelghwood WT SIte predIcted nOIse 23 17 30 23 20 ]8 18 12 03 dB SPL Ralelghwood sIte eXlstIng ambIent nOIse levels 10 p m - 53 47 485 47 47 475 45 335 30 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOIse Impact PI edlctlOns at the Closest ResIdentIal Property Lme Consldenng 11l1e-of-slght nOIse propagatJon the cellular transceIver SIte IS exceptIOnally qUIet The nOIse IS below the eXIsting ambIent nOIse at adjacent resldentJal property and wilinot III crease same The present day ambIent nOIse IS louder than the proposed CEL sIte mstallatJon The CEL SIte and ItS eqUIpment WIll not be perceIved whatsoeverl Photos Sorrento RJdo-e m.J:RASITE Slll~IY' Ch Sf ka, f;j _Y6 l~ ; ";i,.,~ll:~~~j\fl;0~m~f::~:W~~~f\: . ":I'~.' :;'I.I..-:.;~,qt\_::~::;.~t; '~i:'::'v.~~i~ 1"_, '~';'" . t .' ......._...;; '--J-'~" ~".(1 ~,..~;..~:J:.-..,~...t!... " ~) ... ',"r", if," :t~.:;J;s.~~:;;;~~i:~'j.I~Sll'PZ;~.;,:,;~ ../..,'i~~.."'].L:.tl...\o~\h,jl.."\,;~".,,t,.J .',.'. .. , ~t[tilrl~~1""~~ '''"\ "--~7cl ",._1., ,'_,_. '_", j, '~'_""'" ' IID1~~ Trvmcton ULTRASm . Ralel\!hwnod WT SJte DaLt: r'~""'-'IV__- AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Subrntttal T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretionary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit G T -Mobile Search Area Map Date ReceIved: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 ~jte Search Area Informatio.. . · }1obile '[ Search Ring Number: (!) Version: · I Search Ring Name: II P004020J ~ 3 Mckenzie Search MaD Design Inforcna/iOI' Ultrasite Market: Portland 65 degree panels County: lane 72 Inch USGS Quad Map: 3 Thomas Guide Page: 2 4 9 Ves Lat eNl Lona eWI Location 122059'47.83"W 44004'29.06"N in ring BTS type: Antenna type: Antenna size: # Sectors: # AntennasJsector: # Coax/sector: BSC: LNAs: Candidate A Rawland B C D RF Engineer: Ronaldo Baltazar ReleaseDate: 06/18/2007 Ant RC 100' 9~Jt!ils~~~ Obi. met Site Ob(ectives Provide improved indoor coverage around the areas around Springfield/Mckenzie. nl'ltF! RF!~p.iVp.d: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal T-Moblle West Corporation McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon PO 4020 Exhibit H Current FCC License Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Original Submltt"i 8/1108 FCC Federal . ( " " ) Commumcatlons , . Commission FCC Home I Search I Updates I E-Fllmg I Initiatives I For Consumers I Find People Universal Licensing System ./ f.CC > WTB > ULS > Online Systems> License Search I'.CC Site Map ULS License PCS Broadband License - KNLF259 - T-Mobile License LLC [l] HELP ~ New SearclJ ~ R"fiDe S,ei1.r_ch [jo RgtulJlJo fSesyl!s ~ pcmtaQleJ',age ~ &etere_rli'.e_C_oRY. .:. MaR !-LC!'lJg Call Sign Status Market Market Submarket ( ADMIN Y HAIlKET I( LOCATIONS ) KNLF259 RadiO Service CW - PCS Broadband Active Auth Type Regular MTA030 - Portland Channel Block A 0 ASSOCiated 001850 00000000- Frequencies 001865 00000000 (MHz) 00193000000000- 001945 00000000 MAIN Dates Grant 06/30/2005 EXpiration 06/23/2015 Effective 01/30/2006 Cancellation Bulldout Deadlines 1st 06/23/2000 2nd 06/23/2005 Notification Dates 1st 06/16/2000 2nd 05/04/2005 Licensee FRN 0001565449 (YJ.eYLO_\'i.l]ecsll1p) Type limited liability Company Licensee T-Moblle License LLC 12920 SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 ATTN Dan Menser P (425)378-4000 F (425)378-4040 E dan menser@t-moblle com d Date Receive . AUG - 4 2008 Contact T-Moblle License LLC P (425)378-4000 Onglnal Submlttf'l E dan menser@t-moblle com 12920 SE 38th St Bellevue, WA 98006 ATTN Dan Menser Ownership and QualifIcatIOns Radio Service Type Mobile Regulatory Status Common Carner Allen Ownership Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of No any foreign government? Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien' No Interconnected Yes Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any No foreign government? Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one-fifth of No the capital stock IS owned of record or voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreIgn country' Is the applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other Yes corporation of which more than one-fourth of the capital stock IS owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country' If the answer to the above question IS 'Yes', has the applicant received a rullng(s) under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act with respect to the same radiO service mvolved In this application' Basic Qualifications The Applicant answered "No" to each of the llASJC_Qu_aJLtlcatLOn. questions Tribal Land Biddmg Credits This license did not have tnballand bidding credits Demographics Race Ethnlclty Date Received. Gender AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submlttpl ULS Help ULS Onlme Systems About ULS jJ~_Glossary - FAQ - Qnlwe_tieJp - ~chnKaLS-"PI2Qi! - Ll!'ensmg_S_upport CORE!:; - ULS_Oolm",.Fl\lng - LI~ense Searcil- t.Pl2licatJon 5.earctl Pnya,y _SJil-t",rn",nt - I;bgu! ULS - \)LS_ttome. BaSIC Search By Call Sign = ( 'SEARCH ) FC):: I WlL~ess I U LS I CQRE_S Help I Ie_cb_Supp_oJ Federal CommUnicatIons Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Phone TTY E-mail 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322 fC90f.o_@ftcg.o T-Moblle West Corporallon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon PO 4020 Exhibit I RF Engineer's Analysis Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 . . . . ,.--, . . . - · ~v- )i~_e @ . To CIty of Spnngfield From Ronaldo Baltazar, Portland RF Engmeenng Dale 6/4/2008 Re Need for PCS CommurucatlOn faclhty - McKenzie (p004020J) T -Mobile needs to proVide quahty PCS mobile telephone ser\~ce m the North Spnngfield area It IS our goal to provIde exceptIonal commumcatlOn seTVlce to customers We are proposmg to hUlld an 80ft PCS monopole telecommumcatlOn faclhty 'DSlde the compound of Emerald Square Dance Center on Yolanda Ave m Spnngfield, on the back lot of the mam buddmg We Will be requmng thts moderate tower heIght III order for our antenna system to overcome the lumtattonslobstructlon posed by the surroundmg tree lIne, and the SIze of the coverage area needed for tillS site Unhke most carners, T-mobde IS hnnted to the use of the frequency spectrum of 1900 MHz, allocated by the FCC, which IS much more susceptible to Signal attenuatlOnldegradauon than Its lower frequency counterpart ThIs has lead to the hmIted coverage SltuatlOll In the area umque to T-MobIle This SIte WIll fill-ill the needed m-bUIldmg coverage III the resldenttal area'\ north east of Spnngfiel~ a<; well as proVIde OUf network's outdoor coverage ill the surroundmg areas Due to the surroundmg vegetatIOn and urban clutter, coverage m thlliO area IS very poor It ranges from sparse outdoor to mostly poor coverage levels as can be seen m the recent dnve tests conducted m the area Our two eXlstmg Sites, whIch are approximately 1 IDl m the SE directIon, are of low elevatIon due to unavaIlable tower space These eXIstIng sites proVIde adequate coverage along hIghway 126 and the commercml areas around It, but do httle for coverage m the north drrectlon For tins reason, a Wireless facility IS reqUITed at the saJd 10cal1on to Improve the hmlted coverage proVIded by our eXlstmg sites TIns site will have a dramattc Impact m terms of coverage and m-door penetratIOn m the nelghborhood-; west, south and most IH.y..... :..........tly m the east drrectlOll towards 31" Street Dunng the course of the surveys made In the area, no WTS facdltJe~ were found 10 the vlcrmty dlld no possible collocation Sites With suffiCIent height were found The nearest collocatIon sites, Mohawk and OlympiC, already have T -Mobde faclhlles mstalled The proposed faclhty IS located al 2095 Yolanda Ave Spnngfie/d Oregon 97477, With the followmg coordmates 44071222220N, /22 99386///oW !fyou have any queslloDS, concerns, or comments you may reach me at the follOWing (503) 761-1650 Date ReceIved. Ronaldo Balta RF Engmeer T-Moblle AUG - 4 2008 Original Submittal 1 T Mobile USA, Inc 1500 NE Irvmg St SUite 530 Portland, OR 97232 T-Moblle West Corpordnon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIonary Use and SIte plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit J Deed Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Ongmal Submittal 8/1/08 1 -, " j; t ~ . ~~ ~~ t., '1'. . Q'-'i'< .: '"' 't~/r- '\(,J ~ ~';.......-t. "- i.f ~.y:.~ ~ f -.... r:, ~ , i '1 ~ .'~ ,- t ~ g. 'f !!.' !li- t- . F '- l -. , , 1 I' , <\ - ~j ~~ ... .;.;..-:: CT-186182 E91-Q743 gIg (zO)Z'f-f7-.>;lJ.1 -=-0""""" 916 ]OS~ . Emerlild SQ.uaretJl"nc. C.n,'yJ Inc. , yo 33'1 ~ P}<<.-?JJ2 Eugene, Oregon ........-'" 17 03 24 to ) , " " ~ I i Urd. a..g.. ~ nWI.. QllI -=-- =: Same .a above. 1!J tD fl.--O ~C.30'91YO&REC 40.00 ~.3D'918ll6/'nt,l) 10.00 ~.3D'91Illl6A&T FtHl 20.00 NAM!. """"""-,,, WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM -n...................__............,..,___.._...........It_..~.."......_....... .....~" _ -.-.-.-c."pn:::II!I__.._.lhe~_.,..._...___CltJ...auq~~~...,._ A. f MCUY INVES'rHENT CO ~conveys ond warrants to ElIERALD SQUARE DANCE CENTER. tNC. Grm1tor GrIlnt08. the fnlIownn descrtJed reo! DrooertV free of enct,~ _. __..;, e>a:ept .. SjlBOfICBDy set fortt1 her1!In Megl-nnlng ~t the Northwest corner or Lot 1, Hloek 2, qANCH MARKET PLAT, as platted and recorded 1n Book 26, Page 8. Lane County Oregon Plat Records, eald point also being on the Southerly margIn of Hayden Bridge Roadj thence along said margin West 230.49 feet to the True Point or Beginning; thence leaving said margin South 212.31 reet; thence South lJ60 131 00" East 55.39 feet to the Northerly moat corner of Lot 12, Block 2, RANCH MARKET FIRST ADDITION, as pl-..ed and reeorded in Book 28, Page 23. Lane County Oregon Plat R~ ~rds; thence along the Westerly boundary at said Lot South 260 ~5' 00. Weet 1~4.31 teet to the Northerly m~rgln nr Ranch Drive; thence leaving ~41d Westerly boundary along said Northerly margin along the arc or a 179.38 feet rad1u8 curve to the left (the chord at which curve bears North 760 40' 00. West 82.73 teet) a dietance at 83.~9 teet, thence continUing along said margin West 83.40 t-' teet; thence leaving eaid Northerly margin along the arc ot a 50.00 feet;f~ radius curve to the right (the chord of whloh curve besrs North 450 00' Q{~ 00" West 70.71 feet) a distance of 78.54 feet to the Easterly margln of \~ Ranch Drive; thence along said malgln North 310.43 teet to the Southerly margin at Hayden Bridge Road; thence leavlng aaid Easterly margln along /laid Soutlulrlv mardn Eaat 2,8.86 feet to the True POlnt of Beginnlnll. in Lon. County, Orelon. i ha .. Ro 1 1 ALSO 8UDject to the CODVenant_. condition. , r..trlctlona contalnad n t t car~.~, 80 ut on dated 12-9-64 and filed 12-9-64 in Raol 23. Page 399-404. Lana County ~..lon8r. Journal. which a.aolunt1on w.. _~cutad aD part of Ordiance '188 filed 12-9-64 in Reel Z3. Pale 396. Lane County C~la.ion.r.' Journel. copieD of which are attachad hereto _ad marked Exhibit "A~. "~:IAU1CONtNJ[ ._~. . t>>t-"tOflDltW."'CIQ The sed property III free from 81 enc::unbnInces except conditionlill. re.trietioD.8 , uaement. at recent.. OOlBd Deeember .iJ{I" 19 91 STATE OF OREGON, Cotroty DI Lena. 6S. {"""DbusJ,a8 McKay and l.1c~. tldey Korth. .. ...-if - >. I" ,.,1AIl_ , ~ .f >, ,.", KClAY I/iVESnlENT CO ~~~.. ~ p~f 0-" /" J ~ Lind. Hd.a.;t _ ~u:r. . , ".-,u' -Vc:UeKI:R:6IVed: partnltu of KclCay IDVe.t1IlIent Co. li'ut .......~Do.,,_.. for thls CCIl"MJyfrlCe IS 8; lZO.DOO.OO AUG - 4 2008 " n.\' And ~ the ;'_. "'g",_"g l1'lStrumBl'lt In be the1; , ( Dated ~'e~'~ _?(> 19 91 ..., "'""'-"- '/ ~-1).. Onglnal Submittal ~deed~~_vC ~~;f .:?) 97;;,,"rf;'I'~ [-I-J CllSCADE TITLl! co. 1075 Dolo _ ~ DR 97401 Fonn '" 107 - -, -~- '-> .. "C ~ co = ~ = I .... Iii Q) ..,. :t:: 0:: I E t.!:) .c ~ ::;) :3 <<l c( en a Iii c a. -;:: 0 ..~ ~~~~ ....t.:<.."'=~,.;"!o"I,t~!" ~~";l.~?!I'-v.ri} -:;,.;~ ~:!J"~~'''''~ ~-- ~~.'t< ',,:f:I:I'~~-~ "" - - :F- ~.q...~.(f;." ~~~~:4\ C'~~~t-, '~~~{.:;:~1 S.....&:......;.n ~.tr--~J --( .,. ~.;'!.~W.i'~ ,.~~, ::l.,",=,~J.r../r"-~:,l_"':-~-'~ ,;:..:./'t~x.;.-.}'-,,:r~h ~:^1\""'; 1'iJ-_~_~jJ~~~~~~!:M_.A~..1~~,~::t"","p$'~~~l.,}Zf'~'~~~~4':.,::;~.!~~~~r~,,.);~ ... "':';i':':o'iI:~ _...""... '" ~_ _' - ~_7 ...... . '~....}'~.).:-'" 1:_~:> 1< ~ l.<F-~~ ~~ ~t'; ~.....l.:~0<~1~~~'(~.';"f~J"',}-~H:"~~!"-'\}':..').';'f~,,..:-r~-~~;lG.""'\".:'~!:~' '''-.,., i.. ..d~' -;..-':" .U"~ ~_~... -;~---ii': - ,,~..~..=:'r -... ,- (- -- ,_<r.. 1.. :;~1~;'?,.~1~"" _;~)--'~'~l:'=-j{,;t!-~;""~~~5f~ ri~' -i,~;: ':.-ii<f';..;~~_r.:;r:-'j-':::~ :J"l.:::'~.......-><-~ ~<,...;j"'~7-~ <;:... 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"'_"'.I'~. ;:':;;~~Il 7....__L...... ::: ,,- '- , " tiuabPJ!.'d--.ad'~"" ..~____~""-.-."o":" t>,- _ ~)( -.. --- ~, -~ < oOl1hno'.a1d '-- -'''-.-- ..~ -....... ~.........-;.--- - ~ -- --I ;-....,.."..' -~-_... -' - !;If 1.IlDe-Col-...,.-i--- ,- - --- . . .: :-;.....< - , _".. -~.r.... -'- ............- " - , ::~, ~ " :\...' :: > , -" , - ...<,~ '.......--- '::., -0 \ Q) ~ > Q) (ij U ..,. ;; Q) a::: I E U) .0 Q) :::> ;;) .- -< en (\) (ij 0 C Cl ;:: 0 ,-- ~ J' the COUD ~ . " Of ~ a t!c " ,C ~, , . , ~ < ,r ~ ~-I "-' ~~ :t {-p" the, "Landowners t-o re.z.one Timber anll, The. Coun~1. tia -willing to make s-aid zoning ch.mgelJ_ provi,d1.D.& to- me: r.0j,~OW1-ng cOiijir'" ~:: - ~. ~ - -" any coamercial bu.ildinJII OD s..rt.l-p;:;-=:'{-u~lI_:"'~"" ____~ __"v -' --- , .-....-.-. hereinafter dedcribed .. maCle . parL ~_J.~ ~nl..a=-rig"~emeul,... .... ~ - --. 5'41", in- heisht along, "BII -~ '-"- --'-~ ~= _-' ~~ ,."""'-""';:;;; ",",.,,<-r;;.~ -~ .r>~'" in regard tcr.....Tiidl-...t1>eF;-'-' , - ,'~'~..'" .},:- , -c <1> ex> ~ = = <1> "" U 4- (Il - <1> "" a:: I E (,!) D <1> :=J ::> - <( (/) ro 0 ro c rn ;:: 0 as . vAlid and enforceable( lien .::.t-: shall set .~ ""-~~~ 1';-- aDd n.ot:~_fy thl: ~~d~~1;~~f_ ..iel ~aring ':and at Buch ti.J:p.e maY execu t1.o& and in accordance with a randseape plan .p- the:-Lall1WwUers:: .--p-er(od of .1:r. lOOOdul lD which to complete .aid progr...., ..[if the Laodo;;;;ers -\....0 . . . ' said progr~ w~thJ..TI and tUne ,-t.hen the-~.rd of. County- '. '1",;".",,-"" ~ ;" . -, g_{u""1ciDeri ...1P....--. reiioTutToo' I'.q:iilring-that-th"-..... be -tee <<>r_bill=-- ;4~~~~-~"'~~"-~~.:~....,,<,,..;'~-. -,,,;: _..,...... ~~1. ~- ~."'" ~~- ~ ".,~_ , _' ~ ~l""e.t re.p<>n.it)le 0100er .na coe co.. CllO."'" sa.u."O '':;;,u~.u .. :;8'~'':"'- . . ~. -.--.----- "\ ~ ...- - ~~,:.. -.,: -;;:~ ~ ' ~I-r &..~~~ - " .~lfen~~&&i~hiit P.rc.el~ "AN and '~BIt of thl=: 1.andowners and shall be ~<< > ~ ~t"">-~:; .,......:;_ _C(JL:"'~"i.l'n... u "r'har ~_.....~ lp.nlL ~ ~;,::::-.,;.._~.::::~ __... _ _:;'_=Thi.;:-A;;e~~t: ;-bal-l~be~b-~.:(:iin.--upon-'(.-ae~heit..., ~~;. '. /. 0 . 0 exec" "0.. , C::\." ~ _ _ ~_ -t '"', ~~ - ~ -'l..; ~ ... -- ----'--~ I ~~. " . ,: ". 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AUG - ~ 2008 S bmltta\ anginal U - 8/1108 '\ ,L 1Ill'.l' 1 ~ ~~<#' ....- First American Flfst Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn. (541)484.2900 Fax - (541)484 732.1 FOR ALL OUESTlONS REGARDING THIS PRElIMINARY REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT Marcia Lmd, TItle Officer Phone (541)484-2900. Fax (541)484.7321' Emall mllnd@firstamcom 5ecuraslte 1631 NE Broadway PMB 100 Portland, OR 97232 Order No 7199.1252133 June 24, 2008 Attn Bret Morfin Phone No (503)708-8023' Fax No Ema.1 bret@securaslte net (971)228-0350 Re Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage LJabllrty $ Premium $ Al TA Owners Extended Coverage lIabllrty $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Extended Coverage LJabllrty $ Premium $ Endorsement Premium $ Govt Service Charge Cost $ Other Report Only Cost $ 200 00 We are prepared to Issue TItle 1nsurance Policy or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, Insunng title to the follOWing descnbed land The land referred to In thiS report IS deSCrIbed In Exhibit A attached hereto and as of June 19, 2008 at 8 00 am, title vested In Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc Subject to the exceptions, exclUSIons, and stipulations which are ordlnanly part of such Policy form and the follOWing 1 The nghts of the public In and to that porbon of the premises herein descnbed lYing within the limits of streets, roads and highways Date ReceIved AUG - 4 2008 nrlnmal Submittal This report 15 for the exclu5Ne use of the parties herein shown and IS prelimmary to the lssual'rte or a' title Insurance policy and shall become VOld unless a policy 15 Issued, and the full premium paId , Prellmmary Report Order No 7199-1252133 Page 2 of 5 2 Covenants, conditions and restrictions, Including terms and provIsions thereof, as set forth or referred to m the deed but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctJon mdlcatlng a preference, limitation or dlscnmmatlon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national ongm to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons violate 42 U S C 3604(c) Recorded December 30, 1991 Recordmg Information 91.63052 3 Improvement Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof Between City of Spnngfield And McKay Investments Recording Information December 31, 1991, Reception No 91-63S80 4 Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof Grantor/Trustor Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc Grantee/Beneficiary McKay Investment Co Trustee Cascade Title Company Amount $100,00000 Recorded December 30, 1991 Recording Information 91.63053 5 Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof Grantor/Trustor Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc , an Oregon Corporation Grantee/Beneficiary Frank A Fleck and Jacqueline Fleck, husband and wife, or the survivor thereof Trustee Evergreen Land Title Company Amount $52,000 00 Recorded June 27, 2002 Recording Information 2002-049411 6 Unrecorded leases or pen odic tenancies, If any 7 This Preliminary Title Report does not mclude a search for Fmanang Statements filed In the Office of the Secretary of State, or m a County other than the County wherem the premises are situated and no liability IS assumed If a Rnancmg Statement IS recorded m the Office of the County Clerk (Recorder) covenng timber, fixtures or crops, on the premises wherem the lands are descnbed other than by metes and bounds or under the rectangular survey system Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Rrst Amencan Title Onglnal Submittal Prehmmary Report Order No 1199~1252133 Page 3 of 5 8 Affirmative coverage may be provided by Rrst Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon as to the followmg exceptions If sufficient documentation IS provided Any matters disclosed by the extended search will be set-forth as exceptions to the title a Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXlstmg liens by the records of any taxing authonty that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceedmgs by a public agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedmgs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records b Any facts, nghts, mterest, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertamed by an mspection land or by making mquuy of person m possession thereof c Easements, encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the public records, unpatented mmlng claims, reservations or exceptions In patents or In acts authonzlng the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claims or title to water d Any lien, or nght to allen, for serviCes, labor, or matenal heretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown by the public records e Dlscrepanaes, conflicts In boundary lines, shortage m area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2007.2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $2,120 94 Map No 1703244302319 Property ID 1475761 Tax Code No 01904 Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnngfield, OR 97477 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc cc Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc Date Received AU6 - 4 2008 First Amencan TitJe Onglnal Submittal Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1252133 Page4of5 ~ '~' First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POUCY (06/17/06) The follOWing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thiS policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage costs, attorneys fees, or expenses that anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law ordinance permit or governmental regulation (lllclUdlng those relabng to bUilding and zoning) restrlctlng, regulatmg, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the ocrupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land (II) the dlaracter dimenSIOns, or toc:atlOll of any Improvement erected on the Land, (Ill) the SUbdIVISIon of land, or (Iv) environmental protec.tJon or the effect of any vlOlatlOO of these laws, ordInances, or governmental regulatlCll1S TIus ExduslOn l(a) does not mocIlfy ex- limit the coverage provided under Covered RISk 5 (b) My govemmental polICe power ThIS ExclUSIOn l(b) does not modify or hrmt the coverage provided under Covered RIsk 5 2 RlQhts of eminent domain TIus ExclUSion does not mOOlfy or limIt the coverage provr::led under Covered RIsk 7 ex- B 3 Defects, hens encumbrances adverse claims or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to hy the Insured Oalmant (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded m the Puh6c Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed IJl writing to the Company by the Insured Qall1lant prior to the date the Insured Oalmant hecame an Insured under ltlls polley, (c) resultmg In no loss or damage to the Insured Oalmant (d) attndlUlg or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however thIS does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13 or 14), '" (e) resultmg In loss or damage that would not have heen sustained If the Insured Oalmant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage 4 unenforceahlllty of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the Inahlllty ex- failure of an Insured to comply With applicable domg bUSiness laws of the state where the land IS Situated 5 Invahdlty or unenforceablhty In whole or In part of the lien of the In~red Mcrtgage that anses out of the transactIon evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and IS based upon usury or any consumer credit protecton or truth In-lending law 5 Any claIm, by reason of the operabon of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or SlITUlar creditors' tlQhts laws that tile transadlCln creabng the hen of the Insured Mortgage, IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or frcudulent transfer or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered RIsk 13{b) of thIS policy 7 Any lien on the Tl\:le for real estate taxes Of assessments lITIposed by govemmefltal authonty and created CX" attachlllg between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage In the Puallc Records ThIs ExcluSIOn does not modify or hmlt the coverage provided under Covered Risk l1(b) ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (06/17/06) The fonowlng matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of th,S polley, and the Company Will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys fees, or expenses that anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law ordlllance permit or governmental regulatlCln (mdudlng those relating In bUlldmg and zomng) restn:tmg regulatmg prohibiting CX" relating to (I) the oa::upancy, use, ex- en]oymeflt of the Land, (~) the dlaracter dnnenSloos 0.- 1oc.atlOl1 of any Improvement erected on the Land (ill) the subdlVlSlon of land or (IV) envlTOnmental protec.tJon, or the effect of any ViOlation of these laws ordllliJnces or govelTltnaltal ~ulatJOns. 1hJs ExclUSion l{a) does not modify or ItOll\: the coverage prov1ded under Covered RIsk 5 (h) Any governmental polICe power ThIS ExclUSion l{b) does not modify oc Irrnl\: the coverage provided under Covered RISk 6 2 RlQhts of emment domam ThIS ExclUSIon does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered RIsk 7 or B 3 Defects, liens encumbrances, adverse dalms or other matters (a) c:reated, suffered, assumed CX" agreed to by the Insured Oalmant, (b) not Known to the Company, not rerorded m the Public Records at Date of Poncy but Known to the Insured Claimant and not dISClosed In wntmg to the Company by the Insured Oalmant prior to the date the Insurerl Claimant became an Insured under thIS poney, (c) resulting In no loss or damage to tile Insured Oalmant, (d) attacrung or created subsequent to Date of PollCY (however, thiS does not modrfy or limit the coverage provided under Covered RIsks 9 and 10), or (e) resulting In loss or damage that would not have been SUstaUlect jf the Insured Oalmant had paid value for the litle 4 My Claim, t:Iy reason of the apercrtiorr of federal b:mkmptcy state JllSQlvency, or SimIlar credrtors' nghts laws, that the tran5ad:Jon vesting the Tl\:Ie as shown In Sdledule A, IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer or (b) a preferentIal transfer for any reaSCHl not stated In Covered Risk 9 of thIS policy 5 Any h€fl on the litle for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authonty and created or attachmg between Date of Polley and the date of recordmg of the deed or other mstrument of transfer In the Puhllc Records that vests lille as shown In SChedule A. SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS The lien of Real Estate Taxes or Assessments Imposed on the title by a governmental authonty tIlat are not sI10wn as exl5tlng hens In the records of any taxing authonty that levies taxes or assessments on real property or In the publIC records 2 Any Facts RlQhts Interests, or Oams that are not shown In the public records but that could be ascertall1ed by an inspectIOn of the land or /.Jy makmg InqUiry of persoos JT) pos.ses5lOO of the land 3 Easements Oalms of Easements or EnQJmhrances that are not shown 11'1 the publIC records <1 Any Enauadlment, Eno.llnbrance ViolatJon, VanatlOn or Adverse Oro..lmstance affectmg the title Indudmg dtscrepanaes, conflICts In boundary lines, shcrtage In area, or any other facts that would he diSClosed by an aa1.lrate and complete land survey of the land, and that are not shcmn In the pubhc records 5 Unpatented Mining Oanns, Reservations or Exceptions In Patents or In acts authOf1Zlng the ISsuance thereof, Water RlQhts, Claims or TlI:le to Water 5 Any LIen, or Right to a lien, for Servr::es, Labor or Matenal theretofore or hereafter furnIShed, Imposed by law and not shown In the pubhe records NOTE A SPEOMEN COPY OF "THE POUCV FORM (OR FORMS) WUl BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST 11 1<19 Rev 61705 Date ReceIved Rrst Amencan TItle AUG - 4 2008 OnC:n31 Submittal Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1252133 Page 5 of 5 ExhIbIt "A" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descnbed as follows PARCEL 1, OF LAND PARTITION PLAT 92-POI87, FILED JANUARY 08, 1992, LANE COUNTY OREGON EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO LANE COUNTY, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 24, 1995 IN REEL 2081R, RECEPTION NO 95-40544, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON Tax Parcel Number 1475761 Date Received AUG - 4 2008 First Amendm Title Original SubmlttF: T-MobIle West Corporanon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretIOnary Use and Site Plan RevICw ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit L Map of Springfield Cell Tower Locations Date Received AUG - ~ 2008 Onginal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 '~U'-- ~4- ..,~"" ~ln fil!'z.f ~j~,C i~~~ =q.-tJ f- .j. ~y~ l~'~ ,\..1> rt.1 " -;--:!-ett..."_ " , ... ':::> :::> N 4' I iii ;: E .D :> en C:i c g. (' ~ . ~ .:I Date Received Coverage l.egend .. Indoor - L I In Car .. Outdoor T -Mobile Existing Subscribers + AUG - 4 2008 T-MobIle West Corpordoon McKenzie Raw Land Proposal DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew Apphcal10n PO 4020 Exhibit M Copy of Lease Agreement Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 SITE LEASE WITH OPTION THIS SITE LEASE WITH vr J IV1.J (thIS <'Lease") 15 by and between Emerald Square Dance Center. Ine. a(n) Oregon Corporation ("LandlOTcr) and T -MobIle West Corporabon , a Delaware corporatJ.on ("Tenanr) 1 .Dotton ID Lea.<;e (a) In cons)(!eratron of the payment Ot .- (the "Optlon Fee~ by Tenant to Landlord. Landlord hereby grants to Tenant an optIOn to lease a pornon of the teal property descnbed m the attached Exh,M A (1he "Property"), on the terms and conmtlOns set forth herem (\he "Optlon") The OptIon shall be fur an Imllal tenD of !We!>e (12) months, commencmg on the Elfectlve Dale (as defined below) (the "Opllon PerIod") The Optton Penod may be extended by Tenant for an additional SIX (6) months upon wntten notice to Landlord and payment of the sum 0 ("AddItIOnal Option Fee") at any tIme pnor to the end of the OptIon Penod The Addrttonal Opbon Fee must be pald pnor to the expuatlon of the Option Penod. If Tenant fails for any reason to exercISe the Option m the manner set forth herem, the Tenant shall have DO further chum agamst or Interest In the r. _., -.-i and the OptJon shall be of no further foree or effect. (b) Duong the OptIOn Penod and any extensIOn thereat and dunng the bullaJ Tenn and any Renewal Tenn (as those tenns are defined below) of tlus Lease. Landlord agrees to ..........t'.....'-'<- WIth Tenant m obtaJmng. at Tenant's expense. alll1censes and penmts or authonzabons requtred for Tenant's use oftbe PremISeS (as defined below) from aU applicable government and/or regulatory entltles {mcludmg, WIthout lmutabon, zonIng and land use autbonbes, and the Federal Communications CoQlll1lSSl0n ("FCC') ("Go\ ...~._.:.l Approvals"), 10cludmg all land nse and wrong pemut appbcal1ons, and Landlord agrees to ......."1-'"._,, \\1th and to allow Tenant, at no cost to Landlord. to obtam a utle report, zorung approvals and vanances., Iand."se peron"' Landlord expressly grants to Ternmt a ngllt of access to the Property to pcrfonn any smveys, SOll tests, and other engmeenog ................J.......... or eunronmental mvesttgatlonS ("Tests"') 00 the Property deemed 'u~J or ......y._yA~ by Tenant to e,'Rluate the surtabihty of the Property for the uses ................t"lated under thiS Lease Dunng the OptlOIl Penud and any extensIon thereal: and dunng the ImtJal Term or any Renewal Term oftlus Lease, Landlord agrees that It will not ........L....- Wltb Tenant's efforts to secure other bcenses and penrnts or authormmons that relate tQ other property Dnnng the OptIon Penod and anyextensJOD thereof. Tenant: may exerctse the ()ptIon by so notJfymg Landlord m wntmg, at Landlord's address 10 "__~_. WI\h Sectlon 12 hereal: (c) lfTenant exercISeS the Opbon, then Landlord hereby leases to Tenant that pOltJon of the Property suffiCIent for placement of Ute Antenna Factl1t1es (as defined below), together WIlli aJl...~) space and easements for access and uttltnes, as generally desenhed and depleted 10 1he attached ExhiM R (collectlve!) referred to herelOafter as the "Prerruses") The Prerruses, located at 2095 Yolanda Ave.., Spnngfie1d. Lane County, Oregon 974Tl compnses approXlll1ately 900 square feet 2 TemL The m.ttal tenD of tlus Lease shell be five (5) years _.._._=g on the date of exercIse of the Opbon (the "Commencement Date"), and M _"_"ag at nudmght on the last day of the nuttal term (the "bullal Tenn"~ 3 """ewa] Ternmt shall bave the nght to extend tbts Lease for five (5) addrtlOnal and S1lCCeSSlve five-year terms (eacb a "Renewal Tenu") on the same tams and conwtJons as set forth herem lbis Lense shall automatically renew fur each ,)..~.. ~ Renewal Term unless Tenant noufies Landlord, III wntmg. of Tenant's JDtentJon not to renew thIs Lease. at least 1ltmy (J1l) ninety (90) days pnor 1I> the exp_on of the Imna1 Term or any Renewal Term. If T...- shall "=.3 pB55B5S1sa efthe PremlSSS et the edE-plfaB8B shins L.......::... ...:.: ;..:..~" RsR$'v'3:i T..erm v.nthem 6. v;Rttea agreement. SHell ttmaBey shall he de3Hl!:t! a HleRtb tfI m9Hth tenaR~ tHl:derthe saiBete1'ffi5 aBet BealieeBs ef1JHs Lease:.. 4 Rent. (a) From and after \he Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay Landlord or desJgnee, as Il'"' per month ("Rent") The first e"J ___.., of Rent shall be doe mthm twenty (20) days followmg \he c...........___..........._.~ Date and shall be prorated based on the days remammg m the month foUowmg the Commencement ~ and thereafter Rent WIll be pa}-.bk: monthly 10 advance by the fifth day of each month to Landlord at the address specIfied m Section 12 below Tenant shaD also. pay 3 late ch3rge oftw"eDty five and noIlOO ($25.00) dthe Reut IS Dot reeerved by the fiftb day of the month. If tlus Lease 15 tennmated for any reason, (other than a defu11lt by Tenant) at a tune other than on the last day of a month, Rent shall he prorated as of the date of tenmnat!on and all prepaid Rent shall be mnnedunely refunded to Tenant.Eetlter than. a at4ault 9:1" T-enaet) at a tuBe athBr thaB all the last eay Bfa meat&. Rei! shall be praFated as 9fthe a.-.. ';;';"""v_ '-.......SB aad aU Jlfepauf Rent shall be lB1HIeawe~"remnaed t8 TeHaat. (b) Dnnng the Imttal Tenn and any Renewal Terms, monthly Rent shaI1 he adjusted, effi:cttve on the frrst day of each year of the hutml or Renewal Term. and on each such subsequent anmversary thereof; to an amotmt equal to one hundred three percent (103%) of the moothly Rent m effi:ct l1l1IIloolll1ely pnor 1I> the adjustment date Date Received SrteNIlIIIbc:r Stte Nam:: """"" POO4020) """"'" """"" Safe Lease _ vemoo. 5 n.06 AUG - 4 2008 O~'t"1 ;"o;....j ''''', \'---r ,4....1 I'....h'~~l ,...U~..I\ It"... 5 PermltterlUse The PremIses may be used by Tenant fOf the transm.lSSJon -and feceptlOn ofrndto oommumcatlon SignalS and for the constructIOn, mstaliatlon, operatlOn, mamtenance,. repalft removal or replacement of related facJhtle5, mcludIng. WIthout l1mltat1o~ tower and base. antennas, IDlcrowa' e dishes, eqUipment shelters and/or cabmets and related actl' Itles.. 6 Interference Tenant shall not use the PremIses m any way which mterferes Wlth the use of the Property by Landlord or lessees or lIcensees of Landlord WIth nghts m the Property pnor m tIme to Tenant's (subject to Tenant's nghts under tJus Lease. mc1udmg. Without ItmltatlOn, non-mJerference) _ SlIn~l<u'ly. Landlord shall not use; nor shall Landlord permIt its lessees. hcensees, employees. ffi'l'rtees or ~ts to use, any portron of tbe Property in any way which mtetferes With the opernl1ons of Tenant. Such mterference shall be deemed a rnatenal breach b} the Illterfermg parl}, who shall, upon wntteo notIce from the other, be responSIble for termmanng s8.ld mterference In the event any such mterference does not cease promptly, the parlIes acknowledge that contmumg mterference may cause Irreparable Injury and, therefore, the ffiJured party shall have the nght, m addl1lon to any other nghts that It may have a1law or m eqUity. to bong a court actIon to enJom such mterference or to tertnmate dus Lease ImIDe31atel) upon wntten nonce. 7 Improvements. UtdItI~. Access (a) Tenant shall have the nght, at Its expense, to erect and mamtam on the I':i~.... l_"t'.,~' ............,...<5, personal property and fi1cilrtles necessmy to operate Its commumcattons S}'SteIII, mc1udl:D& Without bmltab:on, ra.d1o ............uo.......g and TeCelvmg antennas, microwave dIShes, tower and base. eqwprnent shelterS and/or cabmets and related cables and utility Imes and a locatIon based system, as such locauon based system may be reqmred by any county, state or federal agenC)';..:vr--...........nt, mcludmg,. wrtbout lImItatIon. addJuonal antenna(s). coa:ual cable, base units and other assoctatcd eqUIpment (collectIvely, the" Antenna Facilities") Tenant shall have the nght to alter, replace, expand, enhance and npgrade the Antenna Faohl1es at any bme dunng the tenn oftlus Lease Tenant shall cause all constructIon to occur hen--ftee and m compbance 'WIth all apphcable laws and ordmances Landlord acknowledges that It shall nerther mterfere wrth any aspects of constructIOn nor attempt 10 duect ............... _......00 personnel as to the loca1lon of or method of lIlstalla:tJOD of the Antenna Facilmes and the Easements (as defined below) The Antenna Fac1htJes shall remam the exclUSIve property of Tenant and shan not be tonstdered fixtures Tenant shall have the nght to remove the Antenna F3C11Tbes at any tIme: dmmg and upon the explIBtlOn or termmatJon ofthts Lease (b) Tenant. mIls ~se, may use any and aU ""t'.Y"~l'...ate means ofre&rictmg access to the AntennaFllClhUes, mcludmg, Without lnnltatJon, the construction of a fence. Tenaot sbaIl mstan fence slats 00 the 8\.0 SIdes VISIble to the street aDd parkingloL (c) Tenant sball, at Tenant's expense, keep and mamtaJD the Antenna FaCllll1es now or her<afler Incated on the Ptoperty m cornmerClally reasonable condl'llon and repa1I' dmlng the term of tIns Lease. normal wear and tear and casualty excepted. Upon tenmnabon Qr expmmon oftius Lease, Tenant will remove the Antenna Faclhtles from the Property and the PremISeS shall be returned to Landlord m substantIally the same condItIon as on the c....."'~~.....~..~t Date, normal wear and tear and C/lSUa!ty excepted. (d) Tenant shall have the ngJrt to msta1l ul1IrtJes, at Tenant's expense, and In nnprove the present ullhl1es on the Property (lDcludmg, but not hunted to. the II1StalJatIOO of "'''''.c",-..."'J power generators) Landlord agrees to use reasonable efforts m 3SS1stIng Tenant to acqwre necessary ubhty service. Tenant shall, wherever practIcable, mstalI separate meters for utihtIes used on the Properly by Tenant. In the event separnte lJIl:!er.; are not mstdled, Tenant shall pay the penodlc charges fur all ultl111es _:~_;..Dle to Tenant's use, at the rate charged by the servIctng ullhty Landlord shall dJhgently com:ct any vanatJon, mrerruptlOn or fallure ofuuhty service (e) As patllal consJderatJon for Rent patd onder tIus Lease, Landlord hereby grants Tenant easements nn, noder and across the Property for Ul~ egress. ubhttcs and llCCCSS (mcludmg access for the purposes descnbed In Sectwn ]) to the Prenuses adequate to mstaIl and mamtam utLIibcs, mcludmg, but not lmnted to. the mstaIlatIon of power and telephone ~ servtce cabte. and to sem.ce the Premises and the Antenna FacilrtIes at all times durmg the hutlal Tenn or this Lease and any Renewal Term. (oollechvely, the; "Easements") The Easements proVided hereunder shall ba\.'C the same term as tbJs Lease (f) Tenant shall ~e 24-hours-a-day. 7-<'1ays-a-week access to the Prenuses at all tImes durmg the (mum Tenn of tIns Lease and any Renewal Term. at DO charge to Tenant , (g) Landlord shall mamtam and repm all extstmg access roadways from the nearest public roadway to the; PmOlses In a Ol3IIIler suffiCIent to allow vehicular and pedestnan access at all tImes. at ItS 513116 8i!E.j36Bsey WE66J;t fer aH)' damage te sesH raaW.,ays 6aU5ed liT Tenaat, Landlord will repair and matntam aD otber (cxtenor grounds only) portIons of tbe Premises 10 a proper operatmg and reasonably safe conditIon Any damage or ertraonJjnary wear Incurred dunng the msfal1aboD of the tower and/or mst.aBatloD of utibbes and caused by Tenant will be repaired b) the Tenant to the cOndlbon that e:llsted IDlmethatdy prior to soch damage or extraordmary wear. Tenant and rts autborlZed representatives shall use reasonable care when entering aDd elating the parlaog lots Bud dnveways on Landlord's 2 Date Received: Site Number SlteName Mad"" l'Q(l4ll2lJ} MclCcmc p"""",, SItc~ vct$IQll52206 AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submltt~1 property and sball be responsible for aoy damage caused to sucb dnveways aod parlang lots by the negligence or other fault of Tenant. 8 TermmatIon Except as otherwIse proVIded herem, thIS Lease may be termmated, WIthout any penalty or further ltablhty as follows (a) upon thIrty (30) days' wntten notice by Lmdlord If Tenant falls to cure a default for payment of amounts due under thiS Lease ",tlm such thIrty (30) day penod, , (b) munedlalely upon wntten notIce by Tenant If Tenant notIfies Landlord of -any unacceptable results of any Tests pnor to Tenant's mstallatlOn of the Antenna FacIlitIes on the Prerruses,. or [fTenant does not obt3.m, mamtam., or otherwISe forfeits or cancels any hcense (mc1udmg, Wlthout hmltatJon,. an FCC hcense), pennlt or any Governmental Approval necessmy to the installatIon and/or opera1J.on of the Antenna Faculues or Tenant's busmess. (e) upon t1urty (30) da)s' wotten notIce by Tenant If Tenant determInes that the Property or the Ante!lllll F8C1l1lles are In...y.... ~l".ate or unnecessary for Tenant's operatIons for ............"........ or technologtcal reasons, Cd) mune<l1ately upon wntten notice by Tenant 1f the PreD1lses or the Antenna Faculbes are destroyed or damaged so as m Tenant S reasonable Judgment to substanbally and adversely affect the effective use of the Antenna FaCIhues. aD aghts amI B13hgaBBBS efthe 13artt-.:> ";'aU ,.,~ as eHbe Gate afthe fee'f.Hflt efilia Bstme d"--:i!' SF destmettsB;, ami TenaHt shall be; eBHtied tEl ilie reHBbursemeBt efaJl)" Reat pl'9flaul ~ TeHsnt IR saeh &Ymif. all Rghts and eeh~sft5 sftW_ r"""'":"'':''''' ':':..all ~ease. as elf ~ date elf the a~ at' di!st:msMR. aBet T4.m8Ht s1mll be 6-....1 ..I te the 1'6l.~."''"'~..Jat sf 001 Rent pFepDKl-9y ~lfTenant eJects to contmue thiS Lease. then all Rent shan cODbnue unabated unol the Premises and/or the Antenna FaClhtJes are restored to the condItIOn exJstmg lmmed1ately pnor to such damage or destrucbon, or (e) at the urne title to the Property transfers to a ~.':""'.:.....mg autbonty pmsuant to a taking of all or a portion of the Property suffiCient m Tenanfs detenmnatJon to render the Prennses unSUItable for Tenant's use Landlord and Tenant shall each be enllllcd to pursne therr own seplll1lle awards WIth respect to sud1 taIaog Sale of all or part of tbe Property 10 a pnrclll!ser WIth the power of errunent do-ma1O m the face of the exerctse of the power shall be treated as a takmg by condemnatJOn (f) Tenant sban be responsible for removmg the tower and commuarcatJoB equlpmellt from the Lease Site WIthID BIDety (90) days of the termmabon of tlus Lease Agreement. The rent shall c:ontmue until all the C(). . ' bas been removed and the Site IS ["eloned to rts ongmat state, reasonable wear and teaT and casaalty loss acee:pted. 9 Defimlt aod R1~ht to CuTe'. NotWIthstandmg anythmg con1amed herem to the contrary and wrthout '\\-;uvmg any other nghts granted to It at law or m eqmty, each party shall have the nght, but not the obhgatIoD, to tennmate tlus Lease on v.TItten notIce pursuant to SectIOn 12 hereo"4 to tale effect unmochately, Jfthe other party falls to perform any covenant or commrts a matenal breach of t1us Lease and falls to diligently pwsue a cure thereof to Its completion after thnty (3t1) days' wnt1en nolleo spectJYmg sud1 faIlure of perL___ or defanlt 10 Taxes. Landlord shall pay when due all real property taxes for the Property, mcIudmg the Prenuses. In the event that Landlord fa1ls to pay any such real t'~...t'''''~j taxes or other fees and ~""'''''''w, Tenant shall have the ngbt, but not the obbgatlon, to pay such owed amounts and deduct them from Rent ......"..........,. due under tillS Lease. Nv~ti..:.""..,...mng the foregomg, Tenant sbalJ pay any Y"'~'~; property tax, real property tax or any other tax or fee wInch IS drrectIy atlnbutahIe to the presence or mstallat10n of Tenant's Antenna Facillues, only for so long as ttus Lease remams m effect. If Landlord ."'-........ notIce of any personal y..~r--~.. or real property taX assessment agamst Landlord, whIch may affect Tenant and 15 duectly attnlmtable to Tenant's mstallatlon, Landlord shall proVlde ume]y notIce oftbe assessment to Tenant sufficu:m to allow Tenant to consent to or challenge suclt assessment, wbetber 10 3. Court, ad.......................c ...."..........:"'6> or other venue, on behalf of lAutdlord andfor Tenant. Further, Landlord shall proVIde to Tenant any and all documentatlon QSSOCla1l:d with the assessIDeJlt and shall a..ecute an} and all documents reasonably necessary to effectuate the mtent oftlus Sect:wn 10 In the event real property taxes arc: assessed agnmst Landlord or Tenant fur the Premises or the Property. Tenant shall have the nght, but not the ob~galJon, to tennmate thIS Lease Wllbout further lIabllrty after thIrty (30) days' wntten nolleo to Landlord, provuied Tenant pays any real ......1"'-1:.) taxes assessed as provuied herem.. 11 Tmmnmce and ~u"-_,_,,-"-,-____. and Tndemnrficabon.. (a) Tenant wrJl nramtam Cvu=~.,.l Gen=l LIabIlity Insnrance In amonnts of One MrIlIon and no/lOll Dollars ($1,000,00000) per u_.___ and Two Million and nollOO Dollars ($2,000,000 tlO) aggregate Tenant may satIsfy thIS requIrement by obtammg the appropnate ....j..,..::.....~....: to any roasta' polley of liabilIty msurance Tenant may mamtam. A cerbfica.te of msurance WlU be pTOVlded to the Landlord Wlthm thirty (30) days of wntten request.. Sudl pobq wIn proVIde that cancellation \fall not occur \\-rtbout at least thirty (30) days wntteo nobee to Landlord Subtenants shall proVide evidence of IDsuraPCe lD compliance with the requlremeots of tblS Section 11 pnor to the effective date of the snL_,,;'osublease Date Received 3 AUG - 4 2008 Site Lease - versson 5.22 06 SneNWl\bcr" SUe"""" Mmket PQ04020J MeK=' l'or1bod Onglnal Submltt"l (b) Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually release each other (and then successors or assignS) from hablhty and Walve all nght of recovery Ilgamst the other for any loss or damage covered by tbeIT respective first party 1" wl'-"-) mSl.ll1IDce policies for all penis msured thereunder In the event of such msured loss, neIther party's tnsurance company shall have Ii subrogated claIm agamst the other (c) Subject to the t'u..y....; msurance waIvers set forth III subsection 1 I (b), Landlord and Tenant each agree to mdeuullfy and hold harmless the other party from and agamst any and all clanns, damages. costs and ....'t'.........-:., mc1udmg reasonable attorney fees, to the extent caused by or ansmg out of the negligent acts or ormsslons or willful miSCOnduct In the operatIons or actIV1Ues on the Property by the mdenuufy:mg party or the employees, agents, contracto~ licensees. tenants and/or subtenants of the mde:mmfymg party, or a breach of any obligatIOn of the mdemnd}1Dg part) WIder tlus Lease. The mdemmfjnng party's obhgatJODS under thiS section are conungent upon Its recelVlng prompt wntten nottee of any ~'CDt gtVlllg nse to an obhgahon to Indemmfy the other party and the mdcmmfied party's grantmg It the ngbt to control the defense and settlemmt of the same (d) Nomlthstandmg anythmg to the cootrary m tins Lease, the parI1es hereby confinn that the proVISIOns of tins Section J J shall survIVe the c:xpuauon or termmatlon oftbIS Lease (e) Tenant shall oot be responsible to Landlonl, or any thml-party, for any Dtauns, costs or damages (mcludmg. fmes and penaltles) attributable to any pre--cx1S1lng Vlolauons of applicable codes. statutes or other regulations govemmg the Property 12 NOllces. All nOllces, requests, demands and nther COlIlllltlDlcalJoDS shall be m wrtIlllg and are effecllve three (3) days aft<< depostt m the U S IIlllI~ ccrtlfiod and postage pllld, Dr upan receiplnpc:tSOnally delIvered or sent by next-bllSllless-day delIvery via a nationally recogmzed OVeI'mght counce to the addresses set forth below Landlord or Tenant may from tune to tune designate any other address for tins purpose by proVldmg written nonce to the other party If to Tenant. to: And WIth a CODV to T -Mobile USA, In<. 12920 SE 3S" Street Bellevue, W A 98006 Attn PCS Lease AdmmtstnlIor With a copy to Attn Legal Dept T -Mobile West Corporanon 19807 Nonh Creek Parkway Nonh Bethel\, Washmgton 9801 I Attn. Lease AdmJrnstraI10n Manager With copy tD Attn Legal Dept If to Landlord. to Send Rent oovments to Emern.ld Square Dance Center, Inc PO Bex 70628 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Emerald Square Dance Center Ine. POBox # 70628 Eugene, Oregon 9740 I 13 OUlet Emovm...t Tille and AnthonlV Landlord .....__ and warrants to Tenant that (i) Landlord has full nght. power and anthonty to execnIe tins Lease, (il) II has good and _.__...Dered llde to the Propaty free and clear of any hens or mortgages, except those dISClosed to Tenant and WhlCb Will not mterfere WIth Tenant's ngbts 10 or use of the Pmmses, and (m) executJon and performance of ibiS Lease wdl not Violate any laws.- ordmanccs, covenants, or the proviSIOns of any mortgage, lease, or other _._.~.: blDdmg on Landlord. Landlord ~,~:. that aI all tnnes dunng the term of tins Lease, Tenant's quIet enjoyment of the Prenuses or any part thereof shall not be dIsturbed as long as Tenant IS not m deflmlt beyond any apphcabIe grace or cure penod 14 RnVl.. ....--'___~11 ~ Landlord represents that It has no knowledge of any substance, chenncal or v.'BSte (collcchvely, ~L......:-.:....--> Substance J on the Property that IS 1.:........J....J as bazardous, toXIC or dangerous m any applicable federal, state or local law or regulanon. Landlord and Tenant shall not mtroduce or use any Hazardous Substance on the Property m VIOlatIOn of any apphcable law Tena.nt sball be wbolly responsible for aoy and all costs mvoh-IQg removal, damage, and dealHlp of any Hazardous Substance caused by TeDBDt and/or subtenants of Tenant. Landlord ~an be ,-....>puu.)>.hle for, and shall promptly conduct any IDVestJga110n and .-....-...:~{JI1 as reqUIred by any applicable CDVlfOIlD)C:Iltal laws, all sptlls or other releases of any Hazardous Substance not caused solely by Tenant. that bave occurred or whIch may occur on the Property Each party agn:es to defend, IOdemmfy and hold harmless the other from and agmcst any and all admunstrallve and JudIcml acllOns and Mmgs, cIauns, causes of .ellon, demands and habilIty (colleellvely, "Chums") mcludmg. but not hrmted to, damages, costs,. expenses, ............,.,.......~ peoalb~ fines, losses, .'l~-""'" and .~....':":.e attorney fees that the mdemnrtce may suffer or mcur due to the existence of any Hazardous Substances on the Property OT Date Received. 4 Slte Lease - 'fCI'SlO1) 5.22.06 SltcNtzr:ahc:t' s""Nmnt """"" POQ40201 M"'= """""' AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal SubmlU;>1 the ffilgraDon of any Hazardous Substance to other properties d. the: release of any Hazardous Substance mto the em'lronment (collectIvely. 'Actrons"), that relate to or anse from the mdemmtm.s actJVlbes on the PropertY Landlord agrees to defend, mdemmfY and hold Tenant harmless from CIanns resultmg from Acbons on the Property not caused by Landlord or Tenant pnor to and dunng the Inttlal Term and any Renewal Term... The mdemmficatlOns to tlus section specIfically mclude, Without 1.....".:....:...... costs mcwred an connectIOn WIth any ... .~..6..l.1on of slle cond1bons or any cleanup remedlID. removal or Testorabon work iet.lUrred by any governmental anthomy ThlS Secuon 14 shall survIve the termm.a1ton or ex.pnatton OfthlS Lease. 15 As.<..enm~:and Sublea~m?... Tenant shall have the nght to 3SS1gn or otherWIse transfer tins Lease and the Easements (as defined above) granted herem upon wnUen DOtlce to Landlord Upon such assignment, Tenant shall be relieved of all liabdrttes and obligatiOns hereunder and Landlord shall look solely to the assIgnee for p....;.;..u.."".v- under thiS Lease and aU obhgahons hereunder Tenant may sublease the Premises,. opon wntten noUce to Landlord If Tenant s_:":---.",...., space within the r. ..........:.-:.. to any additional carner, and subject to Teoaot's actual receipt of rent under any sucIJ sublease, the monthly ReDt tbat TeDant pays Laodlord sball be lOeressed by two bnodred fifty and 001100 dollars ($250.00) per montb, pel'" additional carner, prorated for ~BY partial months, and any sncb rent mcrease shall be effectIve as oftbe oom.-,-,-, ~~.~~,,-,-. ~~ ,r_ date of tbe addmonal carner.s sublease wdh Tenant., wbtcb date Tenant shaU notify Landlord of ID wntmg.. Monthly rent Tenant pays to L1lD-dtnrd fur ead!. s"bleas~ shag be increased at the same time and by the same amount specified above lit Section 4(b). If Tenant's sublease WJtb any addrtKmal Canier temnnates for any reason. the monthly Rent Ibm Tenant pays Landlord pursuant to thIS proVISIon shall be reduced "--__d..;..,gly effective as of1he temuIl3bon date of the sublease, winch dale Teoant shall nottfY Landlord of m wntmg. Addmonally. Tenant may. upon nobce to Landlord, grant a security mtcrest In tlns Lease and the Antenna FacihtJes,. and may aJllatera11y aSSIgn this Lease and the Antenna FacilitIeS to any mortgagees or holdas of secunty mterests, IRcludJDg their succcssolS Of assignS (coUecttvely ""Secured PartIes") In such event, Landlord shall execute such consent to leasehold financmg as may reasonably be reqUIred by Secured PartIes 16 ,SUccesIDfS and A!=:S1!!JlS This Lease and the &..:............... granted herem shall nm WIth the land" and shall be bmdmg upon 1md mure \0 1he benefit of the parnes, therr respectf.ve successors, ........,......2 ,,~.~._:....:..ves and assignS. 17 WaIVer of 1.l1ndlmrl'!l. I..Im. Landlord hereby wmves any and an hen nghts It may have,. statutory or otherwIse. concemmg the Ante.nna Facdrtles or any poruoo thcreo~ wh.u:b shall be deemed persona) property for the purposes of tlus Lease, whether or not the same IS deemed real or personal .......,...:.":... under applicable laws, and Landlord gIves Tenant and Secured Partres the rIght to remove an or any portion of the same from tJIDC to time, whether before o. after a defitull under thlS Lease.. m Tenant's and/or Secured Party's sole dlSCfctIon and WIthout Landlord.s consent. 18 M~cellaneous Ca> TIre prevaJbng paI1,Y m any hltgallon ansing herenodel: shall be entrtled to __....:.-.,c...~., from the olber party of lis reasonable .....~_..~Jc:.. fees and court costs, mcludmgappeaJ~ tfany Cb) ThIs Lease conslttnks the enllre agl=Ilent and omderstmJdmg of the porltes, und supen;edes all offers, negotmllons and other agreern(IDlS With respect. to the subject matter and i:..-<~t",,,,,..1 covered by this Lease.. Any am~....':m_..~ to thIS Lease must be In wntmg and executed by both parnes. (c) Landlord agrees to cooperate wrth Tenant m exccutmg any documcn1S~.1 to protect Tenant's ngbts m or use of the Premises... A M~.._.......jJ1ll of Lease m substarIhaJly the form attached hereto as F.xhihrt r. may be recoroed in place of thIS Lease by Tenant. Cd) In the event the Proper1;y IS encumbered by a mortgage or deed of trust, Landlord agrees, upon request ofTeoant, to obtam and furnish to Tenant a non-d.Jsturbance BIld attornment ~~._......l for eacb such ......,.~- or deed oftrusL, m a form reasonably acceptable to Tenant (e) Tenant may obtam btle msurance on Its mterest m the PreIlnses Landlord agrees to execute roch doctD1lents as the title company may reqUIre m connection therewIth.. All costs oftide insurance to be pald by Tenant. (f) TIns Lease snall be cons1:nJed In accordance With the laws of the state m whICh the Property 15 located, wdhout regard to the conflicts of law pnncJples ofsnch sta1e... (g) lfany term of this Lease IS found [0 be VOId or JOvah~ the remalOmgtermsofthlS Lease shall contInue In fun force and effect Any questions of partJcular lOterpretatJon shaIl not be mteIpreted agaInst the drafter~ but rather m accordance wrth the faIr meanmg thereof No proVISion of thiS Lease wIll be deemed waJVed by erther party unless expressly W3.1vcd In wntmg by the waIVing party No waIver shall be Implied by delay or any other act 0; omISSIon of either party No waiver Date Received 5 Site. Number SiteNamc: '"""" POO4020J -, PolIbnd AUG - 4 2008 S11e Lease. vefS10n 5.22J16 Onglnal Submittal by eILhcr party of any prov15lOn of thIS Lease shall be deemed a Watver of such proVlSlon wtth respect to any subsequent matter relat'ng to such provISIon (b) The persons who have executed tillS Lease ,...p..............1: and wammt that they are duly authonzed to execute tlns Lease In their mdiVldual or .....p...............auve capaC1Ues as Indicated. (I) TIns Lease may be executed In any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an ongmal, but all of which together shall coIlStltute a single mstrument (j) All E~Ib1ls ",furred to herem and any Addenda are '''_'e_..cled herem fur all pw-poses The parnes ooderstand and acknowledge that Euublls A and B may be attaChed to thIS Lease and the Memonmdwn of Lease, In preInnmary form Accordmgly, the parties agree that upon the prepma110n of final. more com.plete extn"bns. ExhibIts A and/or B. as the case may be. may be replaced by Tenant mth sucb final. more complere exhlbit(s) . (k) If ",ther partY IS ",presented by any broker or any other leasmg agen~ snch party is rospollSlble for all commiSSIon fee or othel'" payment to such agent,. 3fld agrees to rndemntry and hold the other- party harmless from all claIms by such brol..er or anyone c1alIlung through such broker The effccuve date OfthlS Lease: IS the date of executJon by the lasr party to Sign (the ~ffect.lVe Date"') LANDLORD. By- Pnnted Name: TItle Date LANDLORD By Printed Name TItle Date TENANT' By- Pnnted Name.. TItle. Date ~=DancWt~ -, Fnmk CoIlms Pre,ment -r4 k{ /1-'; Emerald Square Dance Center, loe. (I AJu:;L Awt:1u Carol Smdh oCI..................J at~ ~"l- off T-Mobile West COrporatlOO fi/'~ Grant Castle Area Drrector Engmeering & (,t>.................". JIJ//1X8 Date Received T-Moblle Legal Approval SIre Number s,,,,,,- M"""- POl14CJ2ll) M<K= ........ AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal 6 SIte Lease - vr;:I9llD 5.22.06 ,fNota", block for LaRf/Iord' STATEOFOre.on COUNTY OF Lane ) )ss ) ThIS mstrument was acknowledged before me on February 7_ q , 2008 by Frank Cnllms, President of Emernld Square Dance Center, IDe., and Carol SmIth, Secretary of Emerald Square Dance Center, Ine, on behalf of Sllld Emernld Square Dance Center, Inc , aCn) Oregon Corporabon , Dated OZ../ 7. OJ /11HJ'i . OFACIAL~..At ANGIE MACKIN f\K)TARY PUBUC~OR~ - GQMMISSlON NO 394174 MY COMMISSION EXPIRESJUNE22.2009 (Use thIS space for notary stlmp/seaI) INotaTJI block for Tenantl STATEoF1J ~Os.~ COUNTY OF VI "11 ' j , ;J nOr1 MtJ.d00 Notary !'Ybhe PrmtName Anpe M(li./0-, My ~._~lon expIreS 010/22/0'1 ) )05 ) I CCItIfy that 1 know or have satJsfiIcIory _, .;",_ thai Grnnt Castle IS Ibe pOISOn who llJ>PC"l"'I before me, and smd persoo aL__.. .,. :~jged that he Signed ttus mstrument, on oath stalf:d that be was aulhonzcd to execute the mstnnncnt and ClCknowledgcd rt as the Area Darector E~6-'-..;...........g & ......t'........~~..5 ofT-Mobile West CorponrtJon ~ a Delaware: corporntton, to be the free and voluntary act: of such party for the uses. and pwposes mentloned m the mstrument Dated: Wr1rr 1 ;-,\ I -::v'Jf~ --_...........""""\\, _--- x>-\I'- BAte:; "" _.,,~ 'h. '. :"",' S\ON 4.<> ", : ~~ q.~ : :~ O~ARY \<'. " , ~ ~ {p. ~ :; .co 6'...... ~ -; G -Z'" ~ ". pus0 0 E '1: tP . ~ (;;:: " ,;;. 6.29.0 "'.: ", fl: 0' -- tk.E='nr::: \MlJ....S _..- ..1'\'\...,....................~ (Use thIS space for no1aIy stamp/seal) Sde Nambe:r """"""" ....... POO4020J Mcl=w, p"","'" t ~M\~ QfiA!: Notary PUbhe~M,.i-ct ~ o+wll-- 'f~:::r~-2. ~ ; PrmtName rlJ51dJ(\C!ifr\ tp(]TI' (~ I My eOIDlmSSlOn exprres In I ~ql n8 Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal Site Lcuse - vemon 522 06 T-Mobtle West Corporanon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC Dlscrettonary Use and SIte Plan RevIew Appltcatton PO 4020 Exhibit N Zoning Drawings Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal 8/1/08 T-MobIie West Corporanon McKenzie Raw Land Proposal DlscretJonary Use and Site Plan Review ApplicatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit 0 Neighborhood Meeting Sign-In Sheet and Notes Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 Summary ofMav 8. 2008 T-Mobile Wireless Nei!!hborhood Meetin!! at Snrin!!field Public Librarv. Meeting began at 6 pm Land Use consultant for T-Mobile Wueless Josh Gertsen gave an overview ofthe proposal T-Mobile RadlOfTequency Engineer Ronaldo Baltazar told the audIence why T-Moblle needs to bUIld the sIte In this locatIOn NeIghbor indIcated that she already had good T-Moblle coverage Why IS tills sIte needed? Ronaldo responded that there are locatIOns In the area that have some coverage, our dnve test data prove that the overall coverage m the area IS substandard We shared that we have receIved many complamts from customers m thIS area regarding poor coverage A neighbor asked why we need to locate here Why can't we put It somewhere else? We shared that we have been lookmg for a sIte In thIS area for the past 3 years The sIte needs to be In thIS specific area In order to provIde coverage m tins area We located here because It IS m the area where coverage IS needed, we found a wIihng landlord, and thiS IS allowed as a dIscretIOnary use In thiS locatIOn A neIghbor was worned about floodmg m thIS area We rephed that as far as we know, there are no flooding restnctlOns on the subject property We said we would mvestJgate A neighbor stated thiS proposal would lower property values We rephed that we have not seen any studies that show WIreless facilltJes lower property values on surroundmg properties 6 25 pm Many of the neIghbors stated that the proposal IS a hazard to health due to radlOfrequency emISSIOns T-Moblle consultant Drew Thatcher who IS a professIOnal In tins subject, gave a 20 minute presentatIOn to explain why emISSIOns from T-Moblle WIreless faclhtles are not a hazard to health The neighbors were skeptical of the InfonnatlOn presented by MT Thatcher They asked questIOns regarding about the site being close to schools or homes MT Thatcher stated there were no known hazards 700pm We closed the meetmg The neighbors agam asked that we should locate the site ill another locatIOn We agam stated we have looked at many sItes In the area before we found tills 10catJon Date Received' AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal -- ~ 0 oJl[obileo T - Mobile Open House Date Thursday, May 8, 2008 Time 6 00-8 OOPM Onolnll Submittal Location Spnngfleld Public Library Site McKenzie Please Pnnt Name Address ' Phone Number ) \ I c, (e i~L /<J'\ :::)Lfb1::; ~uYYl'.\-L or ill b 07Ci ~ ,)A~() IJ c..,\)::~t-t I \ I \ I { ,( /0,,," \) /, .( ( e~' ,1 '1' '1 " I I !-on rille; _ Lk \ rI "L't 'J Ll " 1 ( (l tr c\( c..-\- I Cnr \-, I;~ 5h d\\~" \ \ I A\'\.rllL'-l Chl\\d\\ II ::).OSS,IY>[')\l\"( k\ --I ~ L, q \? ~i/ , I '~')f(. Ii j"fl".fcil"'- 2"12' I K' .., l, I)" Ibl'''- (, trill:.. /1"",,,,<,, 11 I ~,\L I Ge.\J\NF-ll, 2.S'1b List SleEIT 1\ '"I) ,j ni,~ I,J,,^C',.~ )lI5,'i O~~') 1/', -' J' - 7 I IrYX" (,'{I /,~'of-'/' )/ /<; /rJ1Lld, 6e-'l-hl//Jir' fJnrL /J/u:c...I-'J-'1 2..HS?{)t'uriIDv ;1.f/..C(n~~yo/; Il\€\"ll"(:1l'l'Vv('1/ L.L~4~ '~I~t--S+-- /1'-\11 ' I ,)\f'\ ~GLAlYq~.I'i1 C)A.lHo 10NCI-I ( ~.~ '\tfJ .4~ 112./')f;-efl bv..s<, 2L/21 /Ju~'" J/,,- !JL/I-747--;y,t77 ICd I<OLYN Gz fl YLrJ/ 2. {).()<;{Y Y oLAN /fJ S'I(1 7ljlf 51 ~ 8- I I I I I II \ \ 7 L{ G. ,1 1 '-I Q.. 7~ (7 ::JOI g (\ Emall Address "1)J'I~)")i )i~\ ,,'/.,,-, I I I I II )-mclG3 CD01(~i I ~121- de G({i Lj Li.) /2. rJ{ om, '{.I 5 f, L V v 1'<: I o ate Recl;>,ycJ I I I J AUG - 4 2008 T-MobIie West Corporanon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIonary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit P Collocation Letter Date Received: AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submltti'1 8/1108 51 Ii U ~ ~ · II Mv-)ile .@ May 27, 2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 RE Proposed TelecommumcatlOn Facility at 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnngfield, OR 97477 Dear Srr or Madam T-Mobile West CorporatIOn ("T-Mobile"), IS proposmg the constructIOn of a telecommumcatlOn facility at the above referenced locatIOn T -Mobile plans to bUild a multi-carner tower to proVIde the Inghest quahty wrreless service to the CIty of Spnngfield, ItS resIdents and busmesses and to allow other carners mterested m provldmg coverage m the area to have the ability to co-locate on T-Moblle's tower T-Moblle IS mterested m bUlldmg a multi-carner tower not only because It reduces ItS constructIOn costs but also because It helps reduce the number of towers m the area, which IS a concern most zorung ]unsdlctlons have T-Mobile agrees to reasonably negotiate the terms and costs of co-locatIOn With potential co- locators Should you have any questIOns please do not heSitate to contact me at 503-851-5 150 Smcerely, ----------- "- Chnsty WI d Development Manager Oregon, SW Washmgton, Spokane Date Received AUG - 4 2008 T Mobile USA Inc 1500 NE irving 51 ,SUite 530 Portland OR 97232 Onglnal Submittal T-Moblle West Corpordnon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretIOnary Use and SIte t'lan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit Q Subscriber Location Plot Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal SubmlttaJ_ SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 ~ w'.$r II] p1;i'.91f9~ .e~&1~-!!B ~~ lj n f"t., + ~, -------- .... -\ \:. . . -,.. . Date Received: Coverage Legend + .. Indoor I In Car .. Outdoor _~~-if1,~ -, rniil~l I ...-A- " t r----r .. ----...----- " ~_/ . AUG - 4 2008 " - \. T-Moblle Existing Subscribers ~..~;.., o fif' ...., --m - 't - .." ,. .j T-Moblle West Corporanon McKenzie Raw Land Proposal Discretionary Use and Site Plan ReVIew ApplicatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit R RF Certification Letter Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal SecuraSlte, LLC 8/1/08 G~ Gillespie, Prudhon 8. Associates ~&A Te lee 0 m m u n I cat Ion 5 En gin e e r 5 June 4, 2008 RE McKenzie Wireless Site PO 04020 2095 Yolanda Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 Engineering Certification I have reviewed the T-Moblle Wireless application and certify that the proposed McKenzie wireless site IS an optimum location to meet T-Moblle's radio frequency coverage objectives This site as proposed will fulfill a coverage reqUirement In T- Mobile mobile cellular personal communication service In an area north of Springfield Of particular Interest IS that this site will provide, . "In Car" vehicular and "In Bldg" residential service to an area where this service does not currently eXist . "In Car" vehicular coverage contiguous with the eXisting T-Moblle sites If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at 503-657-0424 Respectfully, GillESPIE, PRUDHON & ASSOCIATES, INC , David Wand, PE Engineering Manager cc Project File No 002460, 02MCK I RENEWAL DATE ~7D-08j P IGP&A PROJECTSICushmgICUSHG_2460_T Mobile RFI Compllance\CU5HG_2460_T Mobile-McKenzie PropagaIJon\McKenzle Site Certlficabon doc Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal Enqmeermq Excellence Smce 1980 10748 S E Highway 212, Clackamas, OR 970159162 (503) 6570424 FAX (503) 657-0361 On the Web atgpatelecom com 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008.00050 DRC2008.00050 DRC2008.00050 DRC2008.00051 DRC2008.00051 DRC2008.00051 DRC2008.00051 Payments Type of P .tyment Check cRelemt I ~~ C of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt Dt:velopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #, 3200800000000000540 Date 08104/2008 DescriptIOn Postage Fee Type II . $160 CTY Site Plan ReVIew + 5% Technology Fee UGB DIScretIOnary Use Postage Fee Type III - $385 + 5% Technology Fee Hearmgs Offic Fee Type 2 - 4 PaId By T MOBILE Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 54740 I n Person Payment Total Page 1 of 1 1201 41PM Amount Due 16000 4,222 00 211 10 5,774 00 38500 288 70 5,00000 $16,04080 Amount Paid $16,040 80 $16,04080 ' 8/4/2008 AUG - 4 2008 City of Spnngfield Develo;:>ment Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received Ongmal Submittal pplication Type ' (Applicant: check one) Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: 0 Site Plan Review Submittal: IXI '. . Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: Ma"or Site Plan Modification Submittal: Applicant Name: Jim Barta Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPllcant's Rep.: Josh Gertsen [company: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Frank Collins and Gaynor Hintz-Representative Phone: 541-461-6888 Icompany: Emerald Sauare Dance Center Fax: IAddress: 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnnafield, OR 97477 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-24-43 ITAX LOT NOeS): 2319 IPropertv Address: 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnnafield, OR 97477 ISlze of Property: 1 88 Acres IXI Sauare Feet 0 IProposed Name of Proiect: McKenZie I I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal description to thiS application Proposal: T-Mobile proposes a new, detached, stealth deslqn 80'-0" WTS faCility I Existing Use: Dance Hall INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 900 Si natures: Please Sl nand nnt our name and date rn the a nate box on the next Phone: 503-544-2429 T-Moblle West Corooratlon Fax: 1500 NE Irvrna Street, SUite 530, Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 360-609-2399 SecuraSlte LLC Fax: 360-326-1540 1631 NE Broadway, PMB 100, Portland, OR 97232 sf . I. Associated Applications: Sians: Pre-Sub Case No.: Pr ~ J(fJg - 006r roate: I Case No.: () fL[., d-brf( - n(f)~ ') Date: ~/l/ /6 K Reviewed by: '"^ i1IJ ~ IAPPllcation ;ee: $ ~ J.~:t Technical Fee: $' ~ II ' I D Ipostage Fee: $ I W ITOTAL FEES: $ t.fSq~./ 0 I PROJECT NUMBER: ~(LJ )(JJl-f06\1- I '-'<01 1~- "FI', .,,'l,.'It '. _ -, " 1- J ~ i '- ,~I r ~'"1>"',""J1"",,"".i;"'{T Reviewed by: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's Original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned aCknowledges that the information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal Owner: I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the CIty as necessary for processmg the applicatIon IS provided herem or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the mformatlon as submitted ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application sJ!./#- ( )r1<.l /7~fA. Prinf ., Date: y II /;)57 ~ {- Date Received AUG - 4 2008 Ongmal Submittal ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 10