HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 2/29/2008 City of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned' PRE2008-00017 Date Submitted' 2/29/2008 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 PrOlect Name' PrOject Descrlphon' Install a new, detached, stealth design 80' WTS Facility ApphcatlOn Type, Job Address' Site PlanlDlscrehonary Use 2095 Yolanda Ave Assessor's & Tax Lot #, 1703244302319 Meetmg DatelTmle Meetmg Room Plannel , Friday, March 7,420ifs": @;d It ttM - };2 fyYI 615/616 . m~ 'nl (jJ't)(JUVJ~~ DISCLAIMER ApplicatIOns will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplicatIOn for Development Review Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be aSSigned the followmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meetmg date and lime PlanJobPnnt rpt 2/29/2008 31557PM 're-Su-Jmitta~_ Y~eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE Friday, March 7, 2008 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2008-000 17 (SITE TENl1DISC USE) T -MOBILE/ Assessor's Map 17-03-24-43 TL 2319 EMERALD SQUARE DANCE CTR Address 2095 Yolanda Avenue Existmg Use Square Dance Hall Applicant submitted plans to place a new, detached, stealth design 80' WTS facilIty Meetmg Date/Time Friday, March 7,2008 DSD 616 11:00 a.m. - noon Planner. Molly Markarian PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 .., LAFLEUR Karen Subject' PRE2008-00017 Pre-Submtttal Meettng (Stte Tent/DIsc Use) T-MobtleJEmerald Square Dance Ctr-Molly _SP _ConfRm616 F n 3/7/2008 11 00 AM F n 3/7/2008 12 00 PM LocatIon Start End Recurrence (none) Meeting Status. ReqUIred Attendees' Meeting orgamzer MARKARIAN Molly, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submtttal Meettng has been scheduled for Fnday, March 7, 2008 @ 11 00 - noon tn DSD 616 The planner assigned to thts appllcatton tS Molly Markanan The applicant submitted plans to place a new, detached, stealth design 80' WTS faCIlity on site Please confirm your attendance at thiS meeting Thanks Karen 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00017 2095 Yolanda Avenue SITE Map 17-03-24-43 Tax Lot 2319 ~:'~~SJ .~2 .--i., ... \~'EL~1lB North + PRE.SUBMIllAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 McKenzie Raw Land Proposal PO 4020 Application for Type II Site Plan Review and Type III Discretionary Use Approval Application to Springfield, OR Development Services Requested by: T-Mobile West Corporation (Formerly VoiceStream Wireless PV/SS PCS L.P.) 1500 NE Irving Street, Suite 530 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 544-2429 jim.barta@yahoo.com Prepared by: Josh Gertsen SecuraSite, LLC 1631 NE Broadway, PMB 100 Portland, OR 97232 P: (360) 609-2399 F: (360) 326-1540 jgertsen@comcast.net PRE.SUBMITIAl RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 T-Mobtle We,t Corporatron McKenzie Raw Land Proposal DtSCretlOnalY Use and Site Plan RevIew AppiIcatlOn PO 4020 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 2/28/08 T-Mobde West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower Site Site Plan Review ApphcatlOn P004020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Apphcatlon Form NarratIve Proposal Summary Information 2 General InformatIOn 3 Description of Project 4 Apphcable Codes 4.3-145 Wireless TelecommumcatlOns Systems 5 3.2-300 Commercial Zonmg Districts 12 3.3-200 Drmkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay 16 3.3-800 Urbamzable Frmge Overlay 22 APPENDIX Exhibit A. Exhibit B. Exhibit C. Exhibit D. Exhibit E. Exhibit F. Exhibit G. Exhibit H. Exhibit I. Exhibit J Exhibit K. Exhibit L. Exhibit M. Exhibit N. SecuraSlte, LLC Owner AuthorizatIOn Agreement NIER Report Coverage Plot Maps Photo Simulations FAA Summary Report Environmental Noise Impact Report T-Moblie Search Area Map Current FCC License RF Engmeer's AnalysIs Deed Title Report Map of Cell Tower Locations Copy of Lease Agreement Zomng Drawmgs PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/29/08 City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Site Plan Review PRE.SUBMllTAL RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 pplication Type (Applicant: check one) Applicant Name: Jim Barta Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Josh Gertsen Icompany: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Frank Collins and Gaynor Hintz-Representative Phone: 541-461-6888 Icompany: Emerald Square Dance Center Fax: IAddress: 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnngfleld, OR 97477 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-24-43 ITAX LOT NO(S): 2319 I Property Address: 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnngfield, OR 97477 ISize of Property: 1 88 Acres ~ Square Feet 0 I Proposed Name of ProJect: McKenzie , Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: ~ Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: Ma"or Site Plan Modification Submittal: 503-544-2429 T-Moblie West Corporation 1500 NE Irvlnq Street, SUite 530, Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 360-609-2399 SecuraSlte LLC Fax: 360-326-1540 1631 NE Broadway, PMB 100 I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Proposal: T-Mobtle proposes a new, detached, stealth deslqn 80'-0" WTS faCility IExisting Use: Dance Hall INew ImpervIous Surface Coverage (Includmg Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 900 sf Si natures: Please Sl nand nnt our name and date In the a nate box on the next . . - - Associated Applications: 1-of'J 1..007- - Obot; V:> Ipre-sub Case No.: ft<..l.,;..o09/orolr Date: J-b,1 O~ I ' , Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $ 506 ITechnical Fee: $ D I Postage Fee: $ 0 ITOTAL FEES: $ 5D 5 I PROJECT NUMBER: ~ 9~'\..f ~ _~~o I ~=~r"<'<.'i.~.",,,~. "'i~ I "~,, ---, ~~~...~ 1> Je<""'i;7 ......."'~~;~,11lr-._~..Il-~DiIl;'" ~~~1r~~U~ilf'IL~ 11 PR'd(JoO-D^"lt ft,\tJlC\^- 1-..\,\ ISII -J 0 I.1V 1 of 10 Signs: nit>. . l Reviewed by: m 7. YVI Revised 1(1(08 Molly Markarian Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the mformatlon In thIS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: SeJL oJk~~PA nAA@X~\\o~t- A') S~n~ure . Date: () /I),~ ~ ~ I Prmt Submittal I represent thIS application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application 1$ provided herem or the information will not be proVided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the CIty may beglO processing the application with the Information as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Prmt PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 10 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Discretionary Use . -. , , , , Applicant Name: Jim Barta Phone: 503-544-2429 Company: IAddress: , IAPPllcant's Rep.: Josh Gertsen Icompany: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Frank Collins and Gavnor Hintz-Representative Phone: 541-461-6888 Icompany: Emerald Square Dance Center Fax: IAddress: 2095 Yolanda Avenue, SPrlnqfleld, OR 97477 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-24-43 ITAX LOT NO(S): 2319 I Property Address: 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Springfield, OR 97477 ISlze of Property: 1 88 Acres I2<.J Square Feet D I I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Proposal: T-Moblle proposes a new, detached, stealth deslqn 80'-0" WTS facilltv I EXisting Use: Dance Hall Si natures: Please SI T-Mobile West Corporation Fax: 1500 NE Irvlnq Street, SUite 530, Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 360-609-2399 SecuraSlte LLC Fax: 360-326-1540 1631 NE Broadwav, PMB, Portland, OR 97232 Case No.: Signs: I Date: I Reviewed by: ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: Associated Applications: Application Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 ReVised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate Applicant: ~~ Qdp~~ ~ . Sigijature ~ ~oS~ (")f'ft-s~ Print Date: t) JAq /oX If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf Owner: f.,ep, O--ttc.~'LA_ OAA.(E;)Ch(b;fl\) Date: 7-h..'f 1{)2 Signature ' / Print PRE.SUBMITTAL RECID FEB 2 n008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 r THEREARENOAAEASlll~TIf!:5nEOIIlIIIlHN 100 FEET nlAT HA'o'E NlYWATDI COJRS($ :z. ~':~~~nwllH(S11E(Il-.mN 100 FUT l)l"T ARE 'II'MN THE I'DIADE5lGHATm 100 YENI FI.fXl(lP\..AAI. 3.THEREARENOAREAS....~THESl1EOltwmllN 100 mrrn"TAREllESIGNA1[II SHalEUHE AREAS. 4.lMEJIEARENOAREASIllTlDlTHESllEORMTIllN 'OOFEETTH"-THA'<(#HYW,\lEllOOOlESRlO/lll -~~ ~ lHElIENI/E NO oUltAS....ml< THE Sll'EOR lIIITIlIN 100 FEET TH"T HAYE NlV UNS'I.llllL SlOPES jI,NO/CRlANOSUDEHAZARDAREAII. lI.THEI'lE;ARENOAREAS'IIITlDllllESllEOR_ l00FUTTHATH"''>'tIMY~'MLUf'E H~"'TalYEOrT"'l1ON. 7 lHERE ARE NO AAOS.1lfI<I THE SllE OR WTHIN 100 fEET lHAT HA\'E NlYSlGHFICANTIfISltIRIC. OA1UR......OIIAA~OlOGlCALRESllUlCES. II. THERE ARE NO AREAS lIIlH1<1 THE SIlE 011 IIHIIlN l00FtETlHATH...'>'[ANYEmlINGPEDESTRl...... NfDIICY'a..E,A/1l1l;S. THERE AIlE HO AAEASWI_THE SllE OR 'IlITlDl 100 FtET rn"T HAIlE NlYDIZSTNQ'TIlANSIT IlOUmlAHO/ORSWPs. ,0. Tft,O,Ff)ClNRIIlMAlIaIREPlRTIIYQ1IIERS. "S1lEPlANI!lr(RNFlJWAllONCN.T\elIF'YA!.L OII1ENsn:Ws. 12.<n<lR.Io.tTOIlTO'tUllI'YIC:UIACYCFAI.L PRt'FUIlTltlElNF't'IlWAlIOHPRlCRlOExEDJlIOH ~- lJ.TIELOCO.llORCJ"EJ(J511NGUlIUlTFAClJnESHAS lIElll~"'T"'''NMlMLr.El.1'HE ca.lnw:TOllSHAU.CllttT"'CTlliERESPE:~ 1I1lUlTCOIIPANESTOOBTAlHlNf"(JlllATlCIl< REGAAOOtCEl<ACTDEPlHOfSUlllALAHO HOlllZ"...,.Al..l.OCAnaoIlI'UllUTY....CSPlll(lll:TO CONSTRUcnONTHEENlJHEEllAHOSlTE:DESlClNEJl .t.S!lUllESNOIlESPalSlllll!TTFOR'lHEllflJHEAllON CF5lJCI!UNlERGROUNOUllI.JnES,ltOI'IrtlftTHE ElIISTDlCE OF IMlIED OOLClS 'IHD'I ARE If(IT StK1MlDH1HI5PLAH 14. t'f'lllVACYSlATSWLLIl[AIlDED TO NEW fENQNGCF~.o.Rf;A. l~.o.oomONAlE-VI1.l,N~ilSfl[Wflm"aJNT Sllll.ARTOGPS.....1DlN...~~l.OCA."ON'IlllH I'RC.IECTIlNlAlEl. I L - - _._ _ _ J ~,~ PROJECT NOTES I I I I I I f- L I I i I I I I J/~ ~ ~ .~ ~ r~ L --l/ I I I // :~:I OVERA~TfAL RCC'D FEB 2 9 2008 ----!--- I I I J '< " r I I I J L - - e-- - - L _ _ ..c.. _ _-1._ _ _ -L-_ ~- - - - -ce- - ---&-- /" ~ 1 / .......<<-. ,;/-~ ~ ~ / 'I " . / .. / / ~ 4 \ ~ \ " -,. I I I ~ I L I t ~ I 'z. '-- \ ^ r - - I I I I I I I --~--~ I I I I I '" llX17~ l_lIO'-o I 24XJe~ -, I I I I -! I I I I I I J l-YS-ff'11 I ~ ~ __..."'''/31.... !I I i'l II, .Ii I II ., i" " IJJU ,', Iii Ii!~ ! Ii ;~~ Iii ~i ~~ m ~ , ~ a: o 0 :-;:::~! ~ .Dh. !!!i OR!~~ i~- ~l!~ ~~~ . ;~l~ ~~ .!~ 1l ~ ~ . . . . i I .... - .........-- rtl./>Jft1I_........ OVERAll aIlE PlAN ....... c.. ..- "I .J T-Moblle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraStte, LLC DtsCrelIonary Use and Stte Plan ReVIew ApphcatlOn PO 4020 Narrative PRE.SUBMffiAl RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 T-Mobtle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte , SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcation P004020 PROPOSAL SUMMARY INFORMATION Applicant's Project No Applicant Prepared by Property Owners Request LocatIOn Map Tax Lot/Property I D Land Use DesIgnatIOn SecuraS.te, LLC McKenzIe, PO-04020 T-Moblle West CorporatIOn 1500 NE Irvmg Street, SUIte 530 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 544-2429 Jim barta@yahoo com Josh Gertsen 1631 NE Broadway, PMB 100 Portland, OR 97232 (360) 609-2399 F (360) 326-1540 Jgertsen@comcast net Emerald Square Dance Center Contact Frank Collms 2095 Yolanda Avenue Sprmgfield, OR 97477 (541) 461-6888 Install a wifeless telecommumcatIOns faCIlIty conslstmg of a three-sector, flush mount antenna array, mounted to a new 80' -0" steel monopole wIth the eqUIpment mounted mSlde a new 30' -0" X 30'- 0" fenced lease area 2095 Yolanda A venuae Spnngfield, OR 97477 #17-03-24-43-02319 #1475761 Zomng Neighborhood CommercIal Metro Plan DesIgnatIOn Low Denstty ReSIdentIal PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O , FEB 2 9-2008 2 2/28/08 T-Mobtle West CorporatIOn McKeDJ:ie Tower SIte SIte PhlD RevIew ApplIcatIOn P004020 GENERAL INFORMA nON T-Mobtle proposes to Improve Its PaCific Northwest network m Sprmgfield The proposed project wtlllmprove service capacity and make aVailable the most current Wireless technology to Spnngfield reSidents Wtreless factlltIes operate through an mterconnected network of "cell sites" that "hand- off" to one another throughout a specific region or coverage area Each cell site consists oftransilllttmg and recelvmg antennas mounted on a tower or other SUItable structure A cell site IS connected Wlth a Mam SWltchmg Center (MSC) that controls and mom tors all of the sttes m each speCific regIOn through the local land-based telephone network for the area The MSC operates the wtreless network by momtormg all calls m and out of the system and trackmg system usage and performance Each site IS Wired Wlth smoke and mtruslon alarms that, If actIvated, Will notIfy the MSC of any potentIal emergency T-Moblle bases ItS selectIOn of mdlvldual base statIon sltes--such as the one proposed--on numerous consideratIOns, mcludmg topography, distance from other base statIOns, and the capacity and service needs of the surroundmg area RadIO Signals must travel m an unobstructed path from the antennas to the user The height and locatIOn of each site IS carefully selected to proVide the fewest obstacles to that path T-Moblle RadIO Frequency (RF) engmeers, Stte AcqUISitIOn, Land Use, and ConstructIon Managers select sites after extensive analysIs to determme the best candidate to proVide adequate coverage to the surroundmg area PropagatIOn studies and computer models determme the reqUIred site locattons and antenna heights by evaluatmg the expected RF Signal from a proposed site at a given locatIOn and hetght The proposed McKenzie site IS destgned to reduce Wireless congestIOn, mcrease capacity for future growth and Improve Signal coverage m the surroundmg area When developed, thiS site Will connect With eXlstmg facilities to allow umnterrupted service m thiS area PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 Z008 SecuraSlte, LLC 3 2/28/08 T-Mobile West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn P004020 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT T-Moblle IS requestmg approval to mstall a WIreless CommullicatlOns FacIlIty-as defined m Chapter 4 3-145 and 6 1-11 O-at 2095 Yolanda A venue, Spnngfield, OR 97477 The proposed facIlIty would consIst ofa three-sector, flush mount antenna array (three present, zero future antennas, for a total ofthree), mounted to a new 80' -0" steel monopole The assocIated auxIlIary eqUIpment would be ground-mounted wlthm a 30' -0" X 30'-0" fenced lease area The proposed tower would support addItional carners and would provIde space for collocation T -MobIle proposes a 6' -0" hIgh cham-lInk fence WIth pnvacy slats around the penmeter of the lease area The proposed landscapmg consIsts ofa five-foot buffer of red bark cherry trees, arborvitae and "emerald carpet" ground cover, around the penmeter of the fenced lease area AddItIOnally, T-Moblle proposes new, CIty-approved street trees, spaced thIrty feet apart, along Yolanda A venue T -MobIle proposes a new 25kw generator, to be mstalled on a 3' -0" X T -0" concrete pad A new 120-gallon propane tank IS proposed m conjunctIOn WIth the generator The proposed propane tank IS located so that It has a 10' -0" setback from all tgmtlOn sources T -MobIle completed a good faIth effort to venfY that a preferred zone, as well as a collocation opportumty, was aVaIlable Wlthm tts search area T-MobIle considered the topography of the area, surroundmg zomng and proxImIty of eXlstmg wifeless commumcatlOn facIlIties m tts sIte selectIOn process Upon domg so, T-Moblle determmed that the Emerald Square Dance Center was the best optIOn aVaIlable wtthm the search area The Emerald Square Dance Center is located m a NeIghborhood CommercIal zone dtstnct, whtch IS constdered a CondItIOnally SUItbable Stte per the Spnngfield Development Code T-Moblle does not propose new access to the proposed facIlIty, and would utIlIze the eXlstmg roads and dnveway to access the stte, located m the southeast corner of the parcel T-Mobtle also proposes to utIlIze eXlstmg parkmg space at the sIte Once constructed, the sIte would be VISIted approxImately once per month for mamtenance purposes The proposed factlIty would have no Impact on traffic patterns The sIte would be ill operatIon seven days a week, twenty-four hours per day It would be unmanned and would not reqUIre water or wastewater servIces, nor would any hazardous wastes be generated The facIlIty would generate nOIse only from small coolmg fans and T-MobIle has provIded a report on a comparable mstallatlOn as Exhtblt F of the AppendIX PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 4 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon P004020 APPLICABLE CODES 4.3-145 WIreless TelecommuDlcations Systems FacIlItIes The sltmg and revIew process for WTS faclltttes tS based on the type offaclltty (monopole, stealth desIgn or collocatIOn) and ItS proposed locatIOn m a Preferred Stte (SHI, HI, LMI, QMO or PLO Dlstncts), Acceptable SIte (CC or CI Dlstncts or BKMU Plan Dlstnct) or CondItIOnally SUItable Stte (NC, MRC, GO, LDR, MDR and HDR Dtstncts or MS, HD, HS, WG, FP, UF-IO or H Overlay Dtstncts) A The development revIew process for wIreless telecommunicatIOns systems (WTS) faclltlIes tS as follows I BUlldmg and Electncal PermIts Only (Type I RevIew) T-Moblle's proposal for a wIreless telecommunicatIOns fauhty, consIsting of a three- sector, flush mount antenna array, and mounted to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole In the NC zone dIStrict, IS a CondItIOnally SUItable Sue, and reqUIres a DlsaetlOnary Use Approval (Type III RevIew) T-Moblle wIll conform wIth the standards of thIs sectIOn, Sub:.ectlOn I, In addItIOn to the standards of SubsectIOn A 2, below, and the standards ' specified In SubsectIOn A 3, below 2 SIte Plan Review (Type II RevIew) In additIOn to SubsectIOn I above, the followmg standards apply T-Moblle':. proposal for a wIreless telecommunicatIOns faclhty, whIch wmz:,ts of a three- sector, flush mount antenna array, mounted to a new 80 '-0" Meel monopole, IS located In the NC zone dIStrict, and, IS therefore, a CondulOnally SUItable SIte, whIch requIres a Type III DiscretIOnary Approval T-Mobtle Will wnform to the standards of SubsectIOn A I, thz:, :.ectlOn, and SubsectIOn A 3, Type III DIscretIOnary Approval standards 3 DIscretIOnary Approval (Type 1II ReVIew) In addttton to the standards specIfied m SubsectIOns I and 2 above, the followmg standards also apply a All WTS faclltttes m the WIllamette RIver Greenway Overlay Dlstnct T-Moblle does not propose a wlrelns telecommUnicatIOns faclhty In the WIllamette RIver Greenway Overlay DIstrict Doe:. not apply b All WTS faclhtles that exceed the heIght hmtt ofthe underlymg PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9-2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 5 2/28/08 T-MobIie West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower SIte ~ SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIon P004020 zomng dlstnct on any sIte, mciudmg eqUipment shelters, bUlldmgs and cabmets housmg WTS land Ime sWltclung/connectlOn eqUipment, unless hetght hmtt provIsIons are exempted elsewhere m thIs Code T-Mobde's propowl (or a wireless telecommunIcatIOns facllzty, conslstmg o( a three- seaor, jlush mount antenna array, and mounted to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole exceeds the height lzmll of the NC zone dlstrzct Therefore, a Type III DI~cretlOnary Approval H reqUIred for this proposal c All detached non-stealth desIgn WTS facllttles on any sIte abuttmg a resldenltal dlstnct when the heIght of the structure exceeds the heIght ltmlt of the resIdential dlstnct and the setback ofthe WTS faclltty IS less than the heIght of the structure, mciudmg equtpment shelters, bUlldmgs and cabmets housmg WTS land Ime wltclunglconnectlOn eqUipment T-Moblle proposes to jlw,h mount a three-sector antenna array, which IS a detached stealth design However, the proposed site abuts a resldentwl dlStrzCt, and the height of the struaure exwed, the height lzmll of the resldentwl dl~trzct The proposed setback of the WTSfacllzty IS less than the height of the struaure T-Mobzle propose, a 25 '-0" setback distance from the base of the proposed monopole to the property Ime, and a 10'- 0" setbackfrom the edge of the fenced lease area to the property Ime Therefore, a Type III DiscretIOnary Approval IS reqUlredfor this proposal d All detached WTS facllttles on any sIte located Wlthm 1,000 feet of an eXlstmg WTS faclltty that was desIgned to accommodate multiple users and that has space avaIlable There are no sUitable collocatIOn opportunIties wllhm 1,000 feet of the proposed WTS (acllzty Pleme see the T-Moblle coverage plot map, as Exhibit C of the Appendix T- Mobile has also mcluded an RF AnalYSIS Letter as Exhlblll of the Appendix e All detached WTS facllttles located wlthm Publtc Street or ratlroad nghts-of-way where the actual locatIOn of the p<vp~sed WTS factltty Immediately abuts reSIdential dlstncts T-Mobde does not propose a detached WTS faulzty lowted wlthm Publzc Street or rmlroad rzghts-of-way Doe, not apply f LattIce towers many zonmg dlstnct T-Moblle doe~ not propose a lattice tower Does not apply g WTS facllttles m the Hlstonc Overlay Dlstnct subject to the PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O apphcable provIsIOns of SectIOn 33-900 and other SectIOns of thIs FEB 2 9 Z008 SecuraSlte, LLC 6 2/28/08 T-Mobile West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn P004020 Code T-Mobde does not propose a WTS facllzty In the Historic Overlay DIMrlct Does not apply 4 ProhIbIted WTS faclhtles a Any WTS facthty, other than whIp antennas and sWltchmg/connectlOn eqUIpment mounted on extstmg poles, m the Hlstonc Overlay DIstrIct T-Moblle does not propose a WTSfacllzty In the HistOriC Overlay District Therefore, the proposal IS not prohibited b Any WTS faclhty m the pubhc rIght-of-way that severely hmlts access to adJommg property, whIch hmlts publIc access or use of the sIdewalk, or whIch constItutes a VISIOn clearance vIOlatIOn T-Mobde doeo not propose a WTSfacllzty In the public rlght-ol-way Therefore, the propooalls not prohibited c Any detached WTS facthty taller than 150 feet above fimshed grade at the base of the tower T-Mobde proposeo to jluoh mount a three-sector antenna array to a new 80'-0" oteel monopole In the NC zone district A proposal for an 80 '-0" WTS facllzty does not exceed the 150 joot height lzmlt Therefore, the propooalls not prohibited B Standards for sltmg WTS faclhtIes are as follows I All WTS facIlItIes shall observe mmlmum lot/parcel SIze, lot/parcel coverage, bUlldmg heIght and bUlldmg setback standards of the underlymg zonmg dlstnct unless speCIfically exempted or otherwIse regulated by thIS SectIOn Underground faCIlItIes may encroach upon reqUIred yards or may be placed III appropnate easements T-Mobtle proposes a new detached, stealth deolgn WTS facllzty, consisting of a three- oector flush mount antenna array, mounted to an 80 '-0" steel monopole, with the auxdtary eqUipment located Within a new 30'0" X 30 '0" fenced leme area The project size IS approximately 900 o quare feet, and meets the mlmmum lot/parcel Size, lot/parcel coverage Mandards for the underlying zomng dlStrlct, NC T-Mobde'~ proposedfenced lease area meets the minimum budding setback standard of 1 0 feet In the NC zone I district However, the proposal exceeds the height lzmlt of the NC zone district (20 feet) , by 60 feet, and IS therefore subject to the DiscretIOnary Use Approval criteria per SectIOn 4 3-145A 3 2 All WTS faclhtIes shall be landscaped at the base of towers/poles, and PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 7 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower Site Site Plan Review ApplIcation P004020 completely around eqUIpment shelters LIghtIng of towers shall be as reqUIred by the FAA All other lIghtIng shall be deflected away from adjOInIng property T-Mobde proposes afive-footlandscape buffer around the penmeter of the proposed 30'0" X 30'-0"fenced lease area See ~heet L-I, of the zomng submlllal drawmgs as Exhlbll N of the AppendIXfor detads T-Mobde does not propose to lIght the tower See the FAA Summary Report, as Exhlbll E of the AppendIx 3 Any WTS faCIlIty SIted on, or desIgned With any of the follOWing attnbutes shall first receIve FCC approval, as specified In FCC Rules I \301 - I 1319, as a condItion of Ctty approval, pnor to constructIOn WIlderness Area, WtldlIfe Preserve, Endangered Spectes, Hlstonc SIte, IndIan RelIgIOUS SIte, Flood PlaIn, Wetlands, I-hgh Intenstty White LIghts In ReSIdential NeIghborhoods, ExceSSIve RadiO Frequency RadIatIOn Exposure T-Mobde's propowl for a WTS faCIlIty IS not slled on, or deSIgned wllh the attnbutes stated above T-Mobde has mcluded a NlER report, whIch details the radIO frequency emlS~lOn levels for the proposed WTSfaCllIty The NIER report IS wntamed a; ExhIbIt B of the AppendIX C ApplI(,atIon reqUIrements for WTS faCIlIties are as follows 1 WTS proVIders whose proposal conforms With the proVISIOns of SubsectIOn AI, above requmng bUIldIng and electncal permIts only shall submIt the follOWIng InformatIOn WIth the applIcatIOn for permIts a A copy of that portIOn ofthe lease agreement (or lease memo) WIth the property owner, that Includes collocatIOn proVISIOns (where applIcable), faCIlIty removal WIthIn 90 days of abandonment, and a bond to guarantee removal shall be submttted for revtew pnor to development permit approval T-Mohde 's proposal requIres a Type III DIscretIOnary Use Approval, and has prOVIded an Owner AuthonzatlOn Agreement a\ ExhIbIt A of the AppendIX Thefinal executed lease agreement WIll mclude collowtlOn prOVISIOns, and language that WIll speCIfY faCIlIty removal wllhm 90 days of abandonment AddItIOnally, T-Mobde WIll prOVIde a hond to guarantee removal {or revIew prIOr 10 development permIt approval b A SIgned statement from the applIcant agreeIng to allow collocatIOn on the applIcant's structure (where applIcable) T-Mobde WIll prOVIde a SIgned statement m which II agree~ to allow collocatIOn on lis proposed ~tructure PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 8 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower Site SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatIon P004020 c A map of the CIty showmg the approxImate geographIc hmtts of the "cell" to be created by the faclhty ThIs map shall mclude the same mformatlOn for all other facthtles owned or operated by the apphcant wlthm the CIty, or extendmg wlthm the CIty from a dIstant locatIOn, and any eXlstmg detached WTS faclhttes of another provIder wlthm 1,000 feet of the proposed sIte T-Mobzle has prOVIded a coverage plot map, whIch detarls the proposed coverage of the site, and eXIsting T-Mobzle sItes In the VICinIty, and has Included thIs as ExhIbit C of the AppendiX T-Moblle has also Included a map of the City, showing all cell tower locatIOns, contained In ExhIbit L of the AppendIX d An engmeer's analysts/report of the recommended sIte locatIOn area for the proposed faclhty If an eXlstmg structure approved for collocation tS wlthm the area recommended by the engmeer's report, reasons for not collocatmg shall be provIded demonstratmg at least one of the followmg deficIencIes I The structure IS not of sufficIent heIght to meet engmeenng reqUIrements, 11 The structure IS not of sufficIent structural strength to accommodate the WTS facIlIty, 111 Electromagnetic mterference for one or both WTS faclhtles WIll result from collocatIOn, or, IV The radIo frequency coverage objective cannot be adequatelyme~*th\~ IV"--'" /U\ i~~l ,'" +-t- ~~t"" T-Moblle ha~ prOVided anr:;r..glneer's analysl~/report, whlLh wntalns this informatIOn, as Exhibit J o'j;,?e'Appendlx e A plot plan shoWIng the lease area, antenna structure, hetght above grade and setback from property hnes, eqUIpment shelters and setback from property hnes, access, connectIOn pomt WIth land Ime system, and all landscape areas mtended to screen the WTS facthty Per SubsectIOn C 2, below, thIs requIrement IS not applicable f The method of stealth deSIgn (where applIcable) T-Moblle proposes to flush mount a three-sector antenna array to a new 80'0" steel monopole See sheet C-2 and C-3 of the zomng draWings (ExhIbIt N of the AP,?,l\\ZdJM[~~ a graphiC depIctIOn of the stealth deSIgn t'l<I:.~u~IVIITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 9 2/28/08 T -MobIle West Corporation McKenzie Tower Site $ Site Plan Review Apphcatlon P004020 g An engmeer's statement that the RF emiSSIOns at grade, or at nearest habitable space when attached to an eXlstmg structure comphes with FCC rules for these emiSSIOns, the cwnulal1ve RF emiSSIOns If collocated T-Mobile has mcluded a N/ER Report, which detalls the RF emiSSIOns, as Exhibit B of the AppendiX h A descnptlOn of the type of service offered (mcludmg, but not hmlted to VOice, data, video) and the consumer recelvmg eqUipment The proposed M[Kenzle sIte IS deSigned to reduce wlreleM congestIOn, mcrease capacIty for future growth and Improve Signal wverage m the mrroundmg area When developed, thiS slIe will wnnect With eXlstmgjacilltles to allow umnterrupted service m th/\ area I IdenhficatlOn of the proVider and backhaul proVider, If different T-Mobile IS the prOVIder, and Qwestl~ the backhaul proVider J PrOVide the RF range m Megahertz and the wattage output of the eqUipment Th,s mformatlOn IS contamed m the N/ER Report as Exhlbll B of the AppendiX k ProVide the faclhtJes mamtenance schedule The proposed WTS facllzty would be vI~lIed by a techmclan approxImately once per month for routme mamtenanw purposes I ProVide the zomng and Metro Plan deSignatIOn of proposed stte T-Mobile propme~ a WTS {acillty m the NeIghborhood Commercial (NC) zone dIstrict The Metro Plan de~lgnatlOn of the propoved site IS Low DenSIty ReSidential (LDR) m Provtde any reqUired FAA determmatlon T-Mobile has prOVided an FAA delermmatlOn as Exhibit E of the AppendIX 2 WTS proViders whose proposals conform With the proVISIOns of Subsechon A 2 , above requmng Site Plan ReView approval shall submit, m additIOn to the reqUirements of SectIOn 5 17-120, the followmg mformatlOn a Items a through d and f through m m SubsectIOn C I , above PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraS,tc, LLC 10 2/28/08 T-Moblie West Corporation McKenzie Tower Site Site Plan Review ApphcatIon P004020 T-Moblle has addressed Items a through d andf through m m SubsectIOn C 1, above b Photo sImulatIOns ofthe proposed WTS faclhty from the four cardmal comp~ss pomts and/or abuttmg nght-of-way, whtchever provIde the most accurate representatIOn of the proposed faclhty from a vanety of vantage pomts T-Moblle has proVided photo simulatIOns of the proposed WTS faCIlity as Exhibit D of the Appendix c The distance from the nearest WTS faclhty and nearest collocatIOn sIte T-Moblle has mcluded this mformatlOn as part of the engmeer's statement as Exhibit I of the AppendIX 3 WTS provIders whose proposals conform wtth the proVISIOns of SubsectIOn A 3 , above requlflng DIscretIOnary Use approval shall submtt the followmg mformatlOn a Items 1-3 m SubsectIOn C 2, above T-Moblle has addressed Items 1-3 m SubsectIOn C 2, above b Responses to the followmg DIscretIOnary Use cntena t An engmeer's statement demonstratmg the reasons why the WTS facthty shall be located at the proposed sIte (mciudmg, but not hmlted to servtce demands, topography dropped coverage), T-Moblle has prOVided an engmeer's statement as Exhibit J of the AppendiX 11 An engmeer's statement demonstratmg the reasons why the WTS faclhty shall be constructed at the proposed heIght, and T-Mob,le has prOVided an engmeer's statement a~ Exhibit I of the AppendiX III VenficatlOn of good faith efforts made to locate or deSIgn the proposed WTS faclhty to quahfy for a less ngorous approval process (bUlldmg permtt or sIte plan approval) T-Moblle Site AcqUisitIOn, Zomng SpeCialists, and RF Engmeers made several Visual m~pealOns wlthm the T-Moblle search area m order to find a collocatIOn opportumty and/or a more preferable zone, which would have qualified the proposal for a l'Rt-SUBMllTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 SecuraStte, LLC II T-Moblle West Corporation McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatJon P004020 rzgorous approval process However, there were no collocatIOn opportumtles aVallable wzthm the search area The majorzty of the zomng dlstrzctv wlthm the seanh area are resldenflal, and there are no preferable zonev wlthm the search area that would have qualzfied for a less rzgorous approval process As a result, T-Mobzle propm,es a stealth desIgn, m the form of a flush mounted three- vedor antenna array, to mztlgate the vIsual Impact of the WTSfaclilty AddztlOnally, due to the configuratIOn of the parcel (the Emerald Square Dance Center bUlldmg IS Lentrally lowted on the parcel), the WTS facllzty IS proposed m the southeast corner of the parcel, a locatIOn that prOVIdes eXlstmg screemng The eXlstmg vegetatIOn wIll further mItIgate the vIsual Impact See sheet!> V-I, C-2 and C-3 of the zomng drawmgs as Exhlbzt N of the Appendlxfor a graphIC depictIOn of the locatIOn and eXlstmg vegetatIOn Also, T-Moblle has mcluded photo simulatIOns of the proposed facllztyas Exhibit D of the AppendiX D The Planmng CommiSSIOn or Heanngs Offictal shall use the proceedmg cnterIa m place of the DiscretIOnary Use CrIterIa m SectIOn 5 9-120 to evaluate the proposal The Planmng CommISSIOn or HearIngs OfficIal shall not grant approval of the request unless each of these CrIterIa has been met T-Mobzle aLknowledges that the Hearzngs OffiCial shall use the proceedmg crzterza m place of the DiscretIOnary Use crzterlG m SectIOn 5 9-120 to evaluate the proposal E Failure to comply WIth the standards, proVISIOns and conditIOns of this SectIon, and any other applIcable SectIOn of thIs Code, may constItute grounds for revocatIOn of a City approval to locate and operate a WTS factlIty T-Mobzle acknowledges that zts fallure to comply wzth the standards, prOVISIOns and conditIOns of thIs SectIOn, and other applzcable SectIOns oj the Code, may comfltute grounds for revocatIOn of a CIty approval to locate and operate Its WTS faclilty F PrIvate amateur radIO (HAM) antennas, their support structures, and direct to home satellite recetvmg antennas are exempt from the WTS faCIlIties sltmg and revieW provtslons of the Code, but shall othefWlse comply With the applIcable provlStons of the underlymg zomng distrIct m whtch they are located to the extent that these prOVISIOns comply WIth Federal Communications CommiSSion polIcy T-Moblle propose!> a WTS facllzty The exemptIOn does not apply G The prOVISIOns of this SectIOn shall be reViewed no sooner than three years nor later than five years from their date of adoptIOn This review ensures contemporaneity With technological changes made m thIs mdustry T-Mobzle acknowledges the revIew tlmelmev, and WIll comply with any reqUIred reviews SectIOn 3.2-300 Commercial Zomng DIstrIcts PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FES 2 9 Z008 SecuraSlte, LLC 12 2/28/08 T-Mobde West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcation P004020 3.2-305 EstablIshment of Commercial Zonmg DIstrIcts The followmg commerctal zonmg dtstncts are establIshed A Neighborhood Commercial Dlstnct (NC) The NC Dlstnct establIshes sites up to three acres m Size to proVIde day to day commercial needs for support populatIOns up to 4,000 people NC developments should enhance rather than mtrude on the character of a neighborhood by usmg landscapmg, bUlldmg matenals and design features that are Similar to and m proportIOn with reSidential uses New NC Dlstncts larger than I 5 acres shall be lImited to collector and artenal streets EXlstmg NC Dlstncts on local streets shall not be allowed to expand beyond I 5 acres unless the development area abuts a collector or artenal street T-Moblle proposes a new, detached stealth design WTS faCIlity, conslsllng of a flush mount three-~ector antenna array, mounted to a new 80 '-0" steel monopole The aUK/lIary ground-mounted eqUipment would be locatedwlthm a new 30'-0" X 30'-0" fenced lease area The proposal for a new, deta(hed stealth design WTS (aclllty m the NC zone dlStrzCt, a ConditIOnally SUitable Site, I~ subject to a Type III DlsaetlOnary Use Approval process T-Moblle selected the site after numerous visual m~peLtlOns of the search area by site acqUlMtlOn (wn(erned with leasing ~pace), the zomng specialist and RF engmeer Durzng the inSpectIOns, we considered the follOWing The topography of the seanh area, surroundmg zomng diStriCtS, and proximity of eXisting wlrele~s wmmumcatlOn faCIlities The subject parcells approximately I 88 acres, and the project area (900 square feet) IS located m the southeavt corner of the property, on a portIOn that IS flat, covered m grass, and prOVides eXlstmg screenmgfor the monopole T-MoblIe chose the southeast corner because of the configuratIOn of the parcel The Emerald Square Dance Hall bUilding IS located m the south antral portIOn of the parcel, and there IS a large parkmg lot mfront of the bUlldmg, which would be a more conspIcuous locatIOn for the proposed WTS (aclllty By locatmg the WTS faCIlity m the southeast corner of the parcel, T-Moblle IS better able to mitigate the visual Impact of the faCIlity by ulIllZlng the eXisting vegetatIOn for screemng AdditIOnally, T-Moblle propo~es to use flush mount antennas, a Mealth design, whl(h Will mitigate the visual Impact as well For the perzmeter of the lease area, T-Moblle propo~es to use a chaln-lmkfence with przvacy slats See sheets V-I, C-2 and C-3 of the zomng drawings as Exhibit N of the Appendlxfor a graphic depictIOn of the locatIOn of the facility and eXisting vegetatIOn Also, T-Moblle has Included photo simulatIOns of the proposedfaullty a~ Exhibit D of the AppendiX 3.2-310 Schedule of Use CategorIes The followmg uses are pernutted m the dlstncts as mdlcated, subject to the prOVISIOns, addttlonal restnctlOns and exceptIOns specified m thiS Code Uses not spectfically lIsted may be approved as speCified m SectIOn 5 11-100 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 13 2/28/08 T-Mobde West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatIon P004020 "P" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of thIs Code "S" = SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS subject to speclallocatlOnal and/or sttmg standards as specIfied m SectIOn 4 7-100 "D" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to revtew and analysIs under Type III procedure (SectIOn 5 9-100) at the Planmng COIrumsslOn or Hearmgs Officmllevel "N" = NOT PERMITTED SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED unless exempted elsewhere m thIs code T-Moblle propose~ a detached, wealth design WTSfacIllty In the NC zone dl;,(r/ct, a ConditIOnally SUitable Site per SeUlOn 4 3-145 Per SectIOn 4 3-145, T-Moblle'~ proposal IS mbject to a DiscretIOnary Use Approval (Type 111 reView), In additIOn to the reqUirements specified In SubsectIOns 4 3-J45A 1, and 4 3-J45A 2 3.2-315 Base Zone Development Standards PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraStte, LLC 14 2/28/08 T-Mobde West CorporatIon McKenZIe Tower SIte I Development Standard I Mmtmum Area I MtDtmum Street Frontage I All Panhandle LotslParcels MIDtmum Street Frontage Mmnmum LotlParcel Coverage MIDtmum Landscapmg 1 MaxImum Parkmg, loadmg and verucular cIrculatIOn area coverage I Landscaped Setbacks (2)(3)(4) and (5) I Front, Street SIde Yard, and Through Lot Rear Yard I BUlldmg Setback I Parkmg, dnveway, and outdoor storage setback I Interior SIde, Rear Yard Setbacks when AbuttlD2 ResIdentIal or CI Districts I BUlldmg Setback I Parkmg, Onveway, Outdoor Storage Setback I MaXImum Buddin2 Hel2ht When abuttmg an LOR or MDR Olstnct to the north When abuttmg an LOR or MDR Dlstnct to the east, west, or south SIte Plan ReVIew ApplIcatIon P004020 I NC 6,000 square feet I 50 feet I Not Penmtted Development Areas <I Acre and 2 Acres- 35 percent Development Areas between 2 and 3 acres- 35 percent and no smgle lease space shall exceed 15,000 square feet Penmeter and mtenor landscapmg area combmed coverage shall not be less than 20 percent of the total development area (contmued below) 45 percent I 0 feet 7 feet 10 feet 7 feet 20 feet 20 feet 120 feet T-Moblle proposes a new detached, stealth deSIgn WTS faulzty, con~lstzng of a three- sector flush mount antenna array, mounted to an 80 '-0" steel monopole, WIth the auxllzary eqUIpment located wlthzn a new 30 '0" X 30 '0" fenced lease area The total project sIze IS approxImately 900 square feet, and meets the mlnzmum lot/parcel SIze, lot/parcel coverage standards far the underlyzng zonmg drstnct, NC T-Moblle's '\ V' proposed fenced lease area meets the mlnzmum bUIlding setback standard of 10 feet In , the NC zone dlstnct, whzle the proposed monopole IS setback 25 feet The proposed WTS f faczllty exceeds the helghtlzmlt of the NC zone dlstnct (20 feet) by 60 feet, and IS 1,: therefore subject to the DlsaetlOnary U~e Approval altena per SectIOn 4 3-145A 3 T- , Mobzle wIll meet the mlnzmum landscaping reqUIrement of 20 percent of the total development area, ifreqUlred to do sa However, T-Mobzle only propose~ to develop a 900 square foot area on a 1 88 acre parcel PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraStte, LLC 15 2/28/08 T -Mobile West Corporation McKenzie Tower Site Site Plan Review Apphcatlon P004020 Section 3.3-200 Drinkmg Water Protection Overlay District 3.3-205 Purpose A The Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn (DWP) Overlay Dlstnct tS establIshed to protect aqUIfers used as potable water supply sources by the City from contammatlOn This SectIon establIshes procedures and standards for the phystcal use of hazardous matenals harmful to groundwater wlthm TOTZ by new and eXlstmg land uses requmng development approval The provIsIOns of this SectIOn are designed to I Protect the City'S dnnkmg water supply, which IS obtamed from groundwater resources from Impacts by faCIlItIes that store, handle, treat, use, produce, or otherwise have on premtses substances that pose a hazard to groundwater quahty, and T-Mobile .~ proposal for a new WTS faclllly, located at 2095 Yolanda Avenue, IS In the Drznklng Water Protealon Overlay The project IS located In the 1-5 year Time of Travel Zone for the Pierce Well Head T-Mobile proposes a WTS facIlity that would be unmanned and would not require water or waltewater ~erVlces No hazardous waMes would be generatedfrom the ongoing operatIOn of this facility T-MobIle proposes a 120- gallon propane tank and 25kw generator that would be tested routinely During a Development Issues Meeting, held on December 6,2007, City o(Sprzngfield Staff commented that ifT-Mobile were to propose a backup generator, II would need to file a Drinking Water ProtectIOn Dlstrzct Development Apphcatwn T-MobIle will file the development apphcatwn 2 ProVide standards for hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater wlthm the TOTZ T-Mobile's proposed WTS faclhty, including a 120-gallon propane tank and generator, does not pose a rz~k to groundwater T-Moblle will file a DWP Dlstrlct Development Apphcatwn B In order to accomplIsh thts purpose, the DWP Overlay Dlstnct mcludes methods and provIsIOns to 1 Restnct or prohlbtt the use of hazardous matenals which are potentIal groundwater contammants, T-Moblle's proposed WTS faclhty, including a 120-gallon propane tank and generator, does not pose a rzsk to groundwater T-Mobile will file a DWP DI.IIrzct Development Apphcatwn 2 Set standards for the storage, use, handlIng, treatment, and productIOn of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater wtthm TOTZ, and PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraStte, LLC 16 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcation P004020 T-Mobzle's proposed wrs faCIlity, mcludmg a 120-gallon propane tank and generator, does not pose a risk to groundwater T-Mobde wzll file a DWP District Development AppilwtlOn 3 ReView new or expanded uses of hazardous matenal that pose a nsk to groundwater T-Moblle's proposed wrs faclilty, mcludmg a 120-gallon propane tank and generator, does not pose a risk to groundwater T-Mobzle wzllfile a DWP District Development ApplIwtlOn 3.3-210 ApplicabIlIty As of May 15, 2000, all areas wlthm specified wellhead TOTZ automattcally are rezoned to add the DWP Overlay Dlstnct to the underlymg zomng dtstnct The areas to which the DWP Overlay Dlstnct IS applIed are shown on the Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn Area Maps on file m the Development Services Department and mcorporated m this Section by reference T-Mobzle's propOled wrs faclilty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue IS wllhm a 1-5 year TOTZ for the Pierce Well Head T-Mobzle Will comply wllh the reqUirements of the DWP Overlay DiStrict, and file the necessary development appilcatlOn 3.3-215 Warnmg and WaIver of LiabIlity The degree of aqUifer protectIOn reqUired by this SectIOn m the areas deSignated m SectIOn 3 3- 220 IS based on sCientIfic and engmeenng consIderatIOns The nature of these consideratIOns IS that the exact boundaries of TmIe of Travel Zones (TOTZ) have an assoctated uncertamty that renders conclUSIOns based on them to be esttmates Under no condlttons should thtS SectIOn be construed to guarantee the punty of the ambient ground water or guarantee the preventIOn of ground water contammatlOn Therefore, thIS SectIOn shall not create liability on the part of the City, or any City personnel, for any contammatlOn that may result from reltance on thIS Sectton or any admmtstratlve dectslOn made under thiS SectIOn T-Mobde acknowledges the wazver of ilabdlty on the part of the City, and/or any City personnel 3.3-225 ReView A A DWP Overlay Dtstnct Development ApplIcatIOn IS reqUired when the cntena of both SubsectIOns A I and 2 , below are met I A site tS affecteo by one of the followmg PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D FEB ~ 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 17 2128108 T-Mobde West CorporatIOn McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplIcation P004020 a There IS a change of land use, occupancy or tenancy of a property, mcludmg, but not hmlted to a change from vacant to occupied, or Does not apply to T-Mobtle's proposal b Dunng the BUlldmg Permit process, or T-Moblle wtll Jubmlt a DWP Overlay District Development ApplicatIOn In cOl1]unctlOn With Its Site Plan ReVieW and DiscretIOnary Use Approval ApplicatIOns c In conjunctIOn with any development apphcatlOn, mcludmg, but not hmtted to SIte Plan revIew and Mmlmum Development Standards T-Moblle wtll Jubmlt a DWP Overlay DIJtrlct Development ApplicatIOn In WnjUnCllon with Its Site Plan ReView and DiscretIOnary Use Approval ApplicatIOns 2 The actIOn m SubsectIOn A I , above w1l1 a Affect the storage, use, and/or productIOn of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater, or T-Moblle'v proposal for a new WTS factllty and a propane tank and backup generator would not a pose a risk to groundwater T-Mobtle wtll comply with any applicatIOn requirements regarding the DWP Overlay District b Increase the quantity of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater that are stored, used and/or produced 8 Pnor to the submtttal of a D WP Overlay Dlstnct Development ApphcatlOn, an exemptIOn request may be submitted to the DIrector as specIfied m SectIOn 3 3- 2308 I C DWP Overlay Dlstnct applIcatIOns shall be revIewed under Type I procedures T-MobIle Will file a DWP Overlay District appliwtlOn, and acknowledges that It Will be reviewed under Type I procedureJ D Pnor to undertakmg an activIty covered by Section 3 3-225 A , the owner or tenant shall submit a DWP Overlay Dlstnct ApphcatlOn to the CIty for reVIew and approval ApphcatlOns shall mclude the followmg mformatlon PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D T-Mobtle wtll wmply with the applicatIOn requirements FEB 2 9 2008 E For those development proposals requmng SIte Plan Revtew (Sectton 5 17-100) or Mllumum Development Standards review (SectIOn 5 15-100), apphcatlOns may SecuraSlte, LLC 18 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn P004020 be submitted concurrently T-Moblle acknowledges the DWP Development ApplicatIOn may be submlfted concurrently With the Site Plan Review applicatIOn F The Dlfector shall revtew the applIcatIOn and make a decIsIOn based on the standards contamed m SectIOn 3 3-235, after consultmg With the BUlldmg Official, FIre Marshall, PublIc Works DIrector, and the managers of SUB and RWD, as appropnate 3.3-230 ExemptIons Thts Sectlon does not exempt any matenal or use from Fire Code regulatIOns adopted by the CIty A Exemptlons are as specIfied m thiS SectIOn unless the Director, m consultatIOn With SUB and FIre/LIfe Safety, determmes that a hazardous matenal, actIvity, and/or facIlIty that IS exempt pursuant to thiS SectIOn has a slgmficant or substantial potentlal to degrade groundwater qualIty Then the DIrector may requtre complIance WIth the reqUirements of thts SectIOn related to that hazardous matenal, actlvlty or facIlIty Thts determmatlOn will be based upon sIte and/or chemical-specific data and are elIgible for appeal to the Hearmgs OffiCial as specified m SectIOn 3 3-245 B Unless otherwIse provtded herem, the followmg matenals are exempt from regulatIOn hereunder T-Moblle Will apply for any reqUired permlt~ 3.3-235 Standards for Hazardous MaterIals wlthm TIme of Travel Zones ApplIcatIOns shall comply WIth the followmg standards Where the followmg standards are more restrictive than the standards of the Umform FIre Code, the follOWIng standards apply A 0 -I year TOTZ Standards T-Moblle's proposal for a WTSfacllity at 2095 Yolanda Avenue IS not wlthm the 0-1 year TOTZ The 0-1 year TOTZ standards to dot apply to thiS proposal B 1-5 year TOTZ Standards I The storage, handlIng, treatment, use, applIcatIOn, or productIOn or otherwtse keepmg on prcmtscs of more than 20 gallons of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater m aggregate quantltles not PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO contammg DNAPLs are allowed only upon complIance With contamment ~ 8 FEB 2 9 LOO SecuraStte, LLC 19 2/28/08 , T-MobIle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn P004020 and safety standards specIfied by the most recent FIre Code adopted by the CIty T-Mobile proposes a 120-gallon propane tank In conjunctIOn with ba(kup generator The propane tank and generator do not propose a risk to groundwater 2 Unless exempted. all hazardous matenals that pose as nsk to groundwater shall be stored In areas wIth approved secondary contaInment In place (Umform Fife Code Arltcles 2 and 8003 I 3 3) The proposed propane tank and backup generator do not pose a risk to the groundwater 3 All new use of DNAPLs are prohIbIted T-Moblle does not propose new use of a DNAPL 4 Any change m the type of use or an Increase m maxImum datly Inventory quanltty of any DNAPL IS consIdered a new use and IS prohIbIted T-Moblle doe~ not propose a change In the type of use or an Increase of any DNAP L 5 The followmg certaIn types offactllltes or changes In chemIcal use and/or storage of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater are prohibited a Hazardous matenal product plpehnes used to transport the hazardous matenal off of the tax lot where It IS produced or used, b InjectIOn wells EXCEPTION Dry wells for roof draInage, c Sohd waste landfills and transfer statIOns, d Ftll matenals contamIng hazardous matenals, e Land uses and new faclhltes that wtll use, store, treat handle, and/or produce DNAPLs T-Mobile doe~ not propose the abovementIOned (a-e) types offaGllltles T-Moblle proposes a propane tank and generatOl which does not pose a risk to groundwater 6 ReqUIrements found In Umform FIre Code AppendIx II-E 326 for a momtormg program and In 8003 I 3 3 for momtonng methods to detect hazardous matenals m the secondary contamment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater PRE.~I lRMITTAl REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 20 2/28/08 T -Mobile West Corporation McKenzIe Tower Site SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatJOn P004020 unless exempted T-Mobzle wzll meet the reqUirements if not exempted As Mated above, T-Mobzle's proposal for a WTS faclhty wlIh a propane tank and backup generator doe; not pose a rzsk to groundwater 7 ReqUirements found 10 Umform Fife Code Appendix II-E SectIOn 3 2 7 for 1OspectIon and record keep10g procedures for monthly 1O-house 1OspectlOn and ma10tenance of conta1Oment and emergency eqUIpment for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted T-Mobzle will meet the reqUirements ifnot exempted As stated above, T-Mobzle's proposal for a WTS faclhty wlIh a propane tank and backup generator does not pose a rzsk to groundwater C 5-10 year TOTZ Standards T-Moblle's proposal for a WTSfauhty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue IS not wlthm the 5-10 year TOTZ The 5-10 year TOTZ standards to dot apply to this proposal D 10-20 year TOTZ Standards The storage, handling, treatment, use, productIOn or keep10g on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater 10 aggregate quantItIes IS allowed only upon compliance with conta1Oment and safety standards specified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the Ctty T-Mobzle's propomlfor a WTSfaClhty at 2095 Yolanda Avenue z; not within the 10-20 year TOTZ The 10-20 year TOTZ Mandards to dot apply to this proposal 3.3-240 CondItions The Director may attach conditIOns of approval that WIll mlmmlze negatIve Impacts of regulated substances on groundwater and ensure that the facIlity or the proposed development can fully meet the standards specIfied 10 SectIOn 3 3-235 These conditIons may mclude, but are not limited to on-sIte momtor1Og wells, Wellhead Protection Area sIgns, special storm water facllIttes or other condItIons to address spectfic nsks associated With the proposed development 3.3-245 Appeals The only portIOns of thIs SectIOn that are subject to appeal are SectIOn 3 3-225F , the " DIrector's deCISIon on a DWP applicatIOn, SectIOn 3 3-230, ExemptIOns, and SectIOn 3 3- '" 235A 1, Waiver The appeal ofa declSlon of the Dlfector may be appealed as specified 10 SectIon 5 3-115 PRE.SUBMIlTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 21 2/28/08 T-Mobile West Corporation McKenzie Tower SIte SIte Plan Review ApplIcation P004020 Section 3.3-800 Urbanizable Fringe Overlay DistrIct 3 3-825 AddItional Provisions A The City shall not extend water or samtary sewer service outstde the City lImIts, unless the property owner obtams annexatIon approval T-Moblle's proposal for a new WTS facllzty IS subject to a DIscretIOnary Use Approval prOGess, but WIll not reqUIre water or samtary sewer servIces B The Lane County Samtanan shall certIfy that the proposed mdlVldual waste water dIsposal system meets D E Q standards pnor to Development Approval T-Mobzle WIll obtam ceriifiwtlOnfrom the Lane County Samtanan that eXlstmg septIc systems meets state envIronmental quallly standards, and our WTS facllzty WIll not affea 1I~ wpauty C Lane County IS consIdered an affected party and shall be notIfied of all development applIcatIOns T-Mobzle acknowledges that Lane County IS consIdered an affected party and WIll be notified of all development applzwtlOm D Sltmg of RestdentIal Uses Detached smgle famIly dwellmgs shall be stted to allow the future dIVIsion and/or more mtenslve use of the property The applIcable on-site sewage disposal faCIlIty shall be conditIonal, and made a part of any penmt necessary to achieve the standards of thIS Overlay Dlstnct The followmg standards apply T-Moblle does not propose a new dwellmg Does not apply E ConnectIOn to the sarutary sewer system Any property to be partitIOned that IS wlthm the dIstances specIfied m OAR 340-071-0 160(4) for connectIon to the CIty's samtary sewer system shall reqUire annexatIOn to the CIty, unless the Director determmes that a topographIc or man-made feature makes the connectIOn phystcally ImpractIcal T-Mobzle's propomlfor a new WTSfaulzty IS mbject to a DIscretIOnary Use Approval proce~s, but WIll not reqUIre water or samtary sewer servIces FUses requmng DIscretIOnary reView, uses requmng speCific development standards, new permItted uses and expansion of permItted uses m commercIa)., SUBMITTAL RECIO and mdustnal dlstncts shall demonstrate that the use WIll not generate smgly l)R~. II, the aggregate addItIonal need for key urban servIces FEB 2 9 2008 T-Moblle's proposal for a new WTS facllzty IS subject to a DIscretIOnary U~e Approval SecuraStte, LLC 22 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Tower SIte SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatIon P004020 process, but will not requIre water or samtary sewer serV/cev G New pernutted uses and expansIOns of pernntted uses m commercIal and mdustnal dlstncts shall demonstrate that the use wtll not generate smgly, or m the aggregate, addltlonal need for key urban servIces , T-Moblle does not proposes a new permlfted use or expansIOn of a permitted use m a commercial or mdustrral dlstrrct Does not apply H R V parks and campgrounds shall be located on land classtfied Public Land and Open Space (PLO) and be subject to the speCIfic development standards spectfied Section 4 7-220 T-Moblle proposes a new wrSfacllzty ThIs standard does not apply PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D FEB 2 9 Z008 SecuraSlte, LLC 23 2/28/08 T-Mobtle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraStte, LLC DtSCretlOnary Use and SIte Plan Revtew ApplIcatIon PO 4020 APPENDIX PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 T-Moblle West CorporatJon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal DIscretIOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApphcatlOn PO 4020 Exhibit A Owner Authorization Agreement PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraStte, LLC 2/28/08 0\\ "F.1l AIITIIOItl1.....no:'> .\.;I~J:I:\n::'> r MAJ\.cI, SiltS'.7tlI~. Sill;" N~lIl~ Sill' "6.1,,....\ 1"lf\H.^"P ;.,,)').LU~LKj ~to.:l(tfl/JI: ~~.1A'l.L~L~lc'.I~l" io:E- I'r~r.) JC"_"'-"Tlb..!tJ .u. [~n:IJ ~"1r1' f),JIl\LCtnccr - "'IN~ Yl.>t"wj., ,o\\(",~r!.I!_li..U.~ILQrS',i:i.!.IJ W..Z1jlhc "'11t(lllC'ft~ .') Fu.....n.l.t -c.;lru;m: OJO:C" ("('"111["1 h..... h Ihe: U~ 11;t' of the Pn'f'C'I1) (lhc "i ."l1c(-1 and h:.... ,he II\r.hnril} k-' cnleT imc:1. k..!o< "lUC"<J:.<1C111 "ilh T -MI)RJI.E wl:sr <,'OH:f~)K.A TI~ H~~ ,.. :"0111I""DI.\Io.."1 II' '1 ~MI Hla J l.Is..<\. 1~,- . ("Cott2lJ'UfI)") cUfu:mlln'$ the r:-::,nion of Iht' ~r1)' th-al C,ulTIlXlII> ~... tll l""~~' (lVtIlC'f h(";C'h) VIId\ ('u!J'If'.;a:a.~ .ll,d fI' n~e<<, a tc......:.1t'ok- rith! III r:nlcr tbe l'w['C'rt)' k1 ('('rform an~ rc~'n.,hlt- I("l.h Iha' t"(uIl(""n~ iJ{'(1tlo,,\ d"II01hk In ~ktcrnll6c' lhe tt".l".tt.hc.\ tit ..:oc'~nll;till~, :m,1 nrcr~lljnt: ib cOfllf1lunknlk>n" r.~ilit~. u;-;.'n the 1~r1). im;lmlrnJ: hul 01:( luS\il~11u. 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(0( ,-I.y.ul'X"I)......lr'oC 1!-11~ Jlr.....poen). 1rt'll" ~JI..,M'lK:"hl~ g.MocmmC'n1 anJor (("1:11110001'). ("nliCk, H~ludin~ ."ilbntr1 hmjlodM_~4 11~'~l: .ar.aJ wk! \.no(' :IUlhoodt1o. .It'.d tht rc-...kral ("(IIIIIIIUJU,,:hlions COCl"d11i~i{lnl in.:lu".nt: I'Irruinlin~ (...I.I..~n)-....... .,J:'C11L f<1I ...11 Luw.l ,."r .f).11\{Ulllt~ petm.. .1(lptkmions... -.d Owner :..agrr:e. Ii." c~IC witb M'td to all........ (.'umpJr.)-'."' DI.." l"(I~1 Iv (),".~r. ~11'~.ln II eill... ~.J'ulling.:1N'rtl'....I\. \n!'UIl('ot'(..1~ 1U!>>J.u-....: pcrmi~. C(1l11pan)' 'a;tC'O c.u rcpoir ~. d1li;,;;J~ In f'rofICTl~' .;all~ l1J C l""j'I..ln~"" lioI'\o(" .:.-.1 It-.: Ac..:~.. H.il::..hl. c.OIlfp:an}. IUtb:r ";.n~ 'W il~mni;(>. 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PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 J T-Moblle West CorporatIOn McKenzte Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DtscretlOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit B NIER Report PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 G ~ Gillespie, prudhon & Associates ~&A Tel e com m u n I cat Ion s E n gin e e r s February 26, 2008 RE McKenzie Tower Site PO 04020J 2095 Yolanda Ave Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477 Engtneenng Certification The proposed electronic tnstallatlon for McKenzie In lane County will comply with non-tonlztng electromagnetic radtatton (NIER) emlsston standards as set forth by the Federal Communtcat,ons Commlsston (FCC) FCC Bullettn OET 65 sectton 1 107(b) (August 1998) regardtng emiSSion gUldeltnes set for tn Radto Frequency (RF) emtSSlon environmental effects, states that the RF exposure limit for the general publtc from transmttters tn the Personal CommunIcattons Service (PCS) frequency bands, expressed as power denstty tn mlcrowatt per centimeter squared (uW/cm2), shall be less than 1,000 uW/cm2 The attached table, "McKenzie", shows the maxtmum RF exposure levels for pOints 6 feet above ground level at tncreastngly further distances from the base of the antenna support structure (tower) ThiS table models the RF exposure that a pedestnan near the Installation IS likely to expenence All RF exposure levels Itsted tn the column labeled "MaXimum Power Density" are well below the acceptable Itmlts set forth by the FCC I certify that the attached table has been prepared by me and IS true to my knowledge If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 503-657-0424 I Respectfully, GillESPIE, PRUDHON & ASSOCIATES, INC Davtd Wand, PE Engtneenng Manager cc Project Ftle No 002336 I RENEWAl DATE h- 70 - 0-1'1- P IGP&A PROJECTSICushmg T MobRe\2336_Cushlng T Mobne RFI CompUancelMcKenZle/McKenZl! RFE Certflcallon doc PRE.SUBMIlTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 Engineering Excellence Since 1980 10748 S E Highway 212, Clackamas, OR 97015-9162 (503) 6570424 FAX (503) 657 0361 On the Web atgpatelecom com McKenzIe RadIO Frequency Power DenSIty for Tower SIte 26-Feb-08 # of Channels 1 HeIght RadiatIOn Center 77 feet ERP/Channel 295 Watts Measurement HeIght 6 feet Antenna TMBXX-6517-R2M MechanIcal Down TIlt o degrees DIstance Angle Antenna Antenna Distance Maxunurn From Below Pattern VertIcal From Power Tower Honzon wlMech DT Pattern Antenna DensIty (feet) (degrees) (degrees) (dB) (feet) (uW/cm^2) . 0 900 900 -400 710 0002 10 820 820 -400 71 7 0002 20 743 743 -400 738 0002 30 671 671 -368 771 0004 40 606 606 -287 81 5 0022 50 548 548 -234 868 0064 60 498 498 -400 930 0001 70 454 454 -400 997 0001 80 416 416 -329 1070 0005 90 383 383 -382 1146 0001 100 354 354 -325 1226 0004 110 328 328 -330 1309 0003 120 306 306 -280 1394 0009 130 286 286 -337 148 I 0002 140 269 269 -204 1570 0039 150 253 253 -178 1660 0064 160 239 239 -178 1750 0057 170 227 227 -209 1842 0025 180 21 5 215 -28 I 1935 0004 190 205 205 -357 2028 0001 200 195 195 -265 2122 0005 210 187 187 -252 2217 0007 220 179 179 -284 2312 0003 230 172 172 -284 2407 0003 240 165 165 -304 2503 0002 250 159 159 -244 2599 0006 260 153 153 -244 2695 0005 270 147 147 -224 2792 0008 280 142 142 -22 4 2889 0007 290 138 138 -246 2986 0004 300 133 133 -246 3083 0004 320 125 125 -31 3 3278 0001 340 11 8 118 -215 3473 0006 360 112 112 -215 3669 o oofRE-SUBMlTIAL REC'O 380 106 106 -164 3866 0016 FEB 2 9 2008 400 101 10 I -164 4063 0015 450 90 90 -17 9 4556 0008 500 8 I 8 1 -179 5050 0007 600 67 67 -125 6042 0016 700 58 58 -6 2 7036 0051 800 5 I 5 I -6 2 803 1 0039 900 45 45 -27 9028 0070 1000 4 I 4 I -27 10025 0057 1500 27 27 -00 1501 7 0047 2000 20 20 -00 20013 0026 2500 1 6 1 6 -04 25010 0015 3000 1 4 1 4 -04 30008 0011 4000 10 10 -0 4 4000 6 0006 5000 08 08 -I 8 5000 5 0003 6000 07 07 -I 8 6000 4 0002 8000 05 05 -18 8000 3 0001 10000 04 04 -18 10000 3 0001 AssumptIOns PCS TransmItter FrequencIes, 1900 MHz All exposures wIll be In the far-field regIOn All calculatIOns Include a reflectIOn coefficIent of256 (60% reflected energy from the ground) CalculatIOns are worst case based on pOInt of exposure beIng at maxImum of the hOrIZontal radIatIOn frOIn the dIrectIOnal antennas PRE-SUBMlTIAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 T-Mobtle West CorporatIon McKenzte Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DIscretIonary Use and SIte Plan RevIew AppltcattOn PO 4020 Exhibit C Coverage Plot Maps PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 ~ ------ McKenzie area Current coverage ~ Drivetest Legend . Indoor >-76 dBm .. In Car >-84 dBm . Outdoor >-91 dBm . Poor Coverage ~ ~ ~ ,~' ~ / "::I't I~ ( ----.-/ ~. o ----Ll 1(;( o U LLI 00 10::: <=> --'~ ~a. ~~ coeD ~~ . LLI 10::: 0.. /l I"t .~--'" 0.3 -- Drivetest Legend . Indoor >-76 dBm In Car >-84 dBm J · Outdoor >-91 dBm . Poor Coverage - Coverage Legend .. Indoor . In Car ---..- .. Outdoor PRE-5UBMmAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 ...-- L T-Mobile West Corporation McKenzie Raw Land Proposal SecuraSite, LLC Discretionary Use and Site Plan Review Application PO 4020 Exhibit D Photo Simulations PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 06I..E ~,,~....~ TO ......... ...,.""..JCT JIH UN$TAFFED RADK)TElECOMMUNCATIJNS . "';LITY CONSlSTt<<> OF A THREE-SECTOR ANTENNA ARRAY. (3) ANTENNAS PRESENT. to) FUTURE. (3) TOTAl ANTENNAS FLUSH MOUNTEO TOANEW 80'-0" STEEL MONO- POlE WITH THE EQUIPMENT LOCATED WITHIN ANEW SHELTER WITHINANEW 3O'.l)" X 30'-0" FENCED LEASED AREA f:l Mckenzie u P00402J ~ g 2095 Yolanda Ave ~;: Springfield, OR 97477 ~ "'I lane County ~ ffi U'> I.L. 17S 3W SEe. 2443 w g: ,- 1: - -Mobile- 1500 N.E. lrving St. Suite 530 Portland. Oregon 97232 Phone: 503442.2075 Fax: 503-136-3014 Photo location e:-. 80' Monopole a ellS CiVil!Dg This visual impad study is provided by ... ~'..=.";" ,~, simulattons which were created from data ,.... ,." I by a balloon lesl method. Batloon lest ,. ..,;" " , 01 two lIoabng balloons ".....;"".,.20.-0"',.." .... aUached at 80'-0' & 100-0' on a siring. (wind ... '.. '.' ',,"; :ion i$ laken inlo consideration at bme of study). VlSUOl impacts will be aftected by ...:. and visibility of observer. This documenl is for planning and '" '.." ",: . purposes only and is purely conceptual. This is solely the photographer's intel",elation of the proposed developmenl. n ~ Ph t n DON CUSHING ASSOCIATES Civil Engineers 6650 SW Redwood lane, Surte 235 POItIand. OR 97224 Phone: 503-620-7884 Fax: 503-02(}.2771 I I n n ~ t . mil ~ ,.....,'...... .'. . :........::."",...'. , ',' "', ',,' ,,' '.,....-,...,..., "c",,- ," : .'.' ,., " ','/>, '-,' "~' ,C' ,', .' , ",-' , ',' ',..' " Ii Mckenzie P00402J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEC. 2443 -- - - ;. -------- o IPlPml:lm~~dI -,-~-' PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 ------- P h n ... n ~ mil I ::l'" n n ~ Mckenzie P00402J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 175 3W SEe. 2443 I I . (j~U8D'Ulilm R!limRb - ,~ ~ iis-~ .~. !..-_"" - - D h n .,. n 'n fillP m~l!I . PRE.SU~M\\W. REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 c: m II I :l .,. n n Mckenzie P00402J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 175 3W SEe. 2443 '. . _ -------.J- .... . , ...... ~'t3UmDU6JID 1P(iI~I:>(;)~(E1dJ ~W!Ji1i]~ '. ~ -~ PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 . P h n t n c: mill :l t n n Mckenzie P00402J 2095 Yolanda Ave Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County 17S 3W SEe. 2443 - ~ ;J . I!:ct61!E1U-Olilm .. Ir>(jIIDIilm0€lrD PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB' 2 92008 D h n t n ~ mlll:lt inn T-Moblle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal Dlscrettonaty Use and SIte Plan Revtew ApphcatlOn PO 4020 Exhibit E FAA Summary Report PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 2/28/08 Po04020J McKenz1e FAA summary .. ~ ~ r'" h .... ..... ........ Federal A1rways & A1rspace Summary Report .....J....... ... n'" -;.. ~j " ~ F1le P004020J Locat1on Dlstance D1rect1on spr1ngf1eld, OR 1 5 statute M1les 147" (true bearlng) Lat1tude 44"-4'-17 04" Longltude 122"-59'-37 3" SITE ELEVATION AMSL STRUCTURE HEIGHT OVERALL HEIGHT AMSL 462 ft 100 ft 562 ft NOTICE CRITERIA FAR 77 13 (a) (1) NNR (DNE 200 ft AGL) FAR 77 13 (a) (2) NNR (DNE Notlce slope) FAR 77 13 (a) (3) NNR (Not a Traverse way) FAR 77 13 (alC 4) NNR (NO Expected TERPS~ 1mpact wlth 77S) FAR 77 13(a)(4) PNR (stra1ght-In procedure check FAF dlstance for TERPS~ 1 mpact EUG) FAR 77 13 (a) (5) NNR (Off Al rport Constructlon) Not1ce to the FAA lS not requ1red at the analyzed 10cat1on and he1ght NR NNR = PNR = Not1ce Requlred Not1ce Not Requ1red poss1ble Notlce Requlred OBSTRUCTION STANDARDS FAR 77 23(a)(1) DNE 500 ft AGL FAR 77 23(a)(2) DNE - Alrport Surface FAR 77 25(a) DNE - Hor1zontal Surface FAR 77 25(b) DNE - Con1cal Surface FAR 77 25(c) DNE - pr1mary Surface FAR 77 25(d) DNE - Approach surface FAR 77 25(e) DNE - Trans1tlonal Surface VFR TRAFFIC PATTERN AIRSPACE FOR 77S HOBBY FIELD Type AIR RD 49852 RB 183 97 RE 538 FAR 77 23(a)(1) DNE FAR 77 23(a)(2) Does Not Apply VFR Hor1zontal surface DNE VFR con1cal Surface DNE VFR Approach slope DNE VFR Trans1t1onal slope DNE VFR TRAFFIC PATTERN AIRSPACE FOR EUG MAHLON SWEET FIELD Type AIR RD 57269 RB 288 8 RE 374 FAR 77 23(a)(1) DNE FAR 77 23(a)(2) DNE - Greater Than 6 NM VFR Hor1zontal Surface DNE VFR Con1cal Surface DNE VFR Approach slope DNE VFR Transltlonal slope DNE TERPS DEPARTURE PROCEDURE (FAA Order 8260 3. volume 4) FAR 77 23(a)(3) Departure Surface Crlterla (40 1) DNE Departure Surface page 1 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 P004020J MCKenZ1e FAA Summary MINIMUM OBSTACLE CLEARANCE ALTITUDE (MOCA) FAR 77 23(a)(4) MOCA Alt1tude Enroute Cr1ter1a The MaX1mum He1ght perm1tted 15 6000 ft AMSL PRIVATE LANDING FACILITIES FACIL IDENT TYP NAME BEARING To FACIL -------- 201 65 feet 129 14 feet 247 73 feet 327 91 feet 410R HEL MC WILL HOSPITAL NO Impact to pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure 15 beyond not1ce llm1t by 1927 230R HEL SAXON'S NO Impact to Pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure 15 beyond not1ce llm1t by 9212 OR69 HEL SACRED HEART GENERAL HOSPITAL No Impact to pr1vate Land1ng Fac1l1ty structure 15 beyond not1ce llm1t by 18429 160R HEL PAPE' BROS INC No Impact to pr1vate Land1ng FaC1l1ty Structure lS beyond not1ce llm1t by 27805 OR44 AIR BRIGGS No Impact to Near A1rport Surface Below surface he1ght of 480 ft above ARP AIR NAVIGATION ELECTRONIC FACILITIES NO Electron1c Fac1l1tes Are W1th1n 25,000 ft FCC AM PROOF-OF-PERFORMANCE NOT REQUIRED Structure 15 not near a FCC llcensed AM rad10 stat10n proof-of-performance 15 not requ1red please reV1ew AM Stat10n Report for deta1ls 328 04 Nearest AM Stat10n KORE @ 2957 meters DISTANCE DELTA ARP IN N M ELEVATION 1 14 +516 2 339 +162 3 856 +64 5 399 +174 5 796 +175 A1rspace@ summary verS10n 2008 1 AIRSPACE@ and TERP5@ are reg1stered @ trademarks of Federal A1rways & A1rspace@ copyr1ght @ 1989 - 2008 02-15-2008 13 41 24 page 2 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 T-Moblle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal e DIS(XetJonary Use and Stte Plan RevICW AppltcatlOn PO 4020 Exhibit F Environmental Noise Impact Report SecuraStte, LLC PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 CS ACOUSTICAL ENGINEERING 28 Wednesday January 2004 Office Project T-Moblle PO 4006 Raletgbwood WT 833 SW Elevemh, SUite 308 Ponland, OR 07205 SW Canyon Dnve, Beaverton, OR 503/2270233 CSAE Project No 04-04 Fo^ 503/2274863 PlOcUlement # POR-0000003743 01/09/2004 Moiling PO Box 34 I 3 Por,lond, OR 9720B 3413 Mr Davc FIShcl T-Moblle USA VOlcCStI eam pes r LLC-POl tland ISOO NE It vlIlg SUItC #S30 POI tland, OR 97232 SnbJect Envn onmcntal NOIse Impact RCVlcw of the Pt opo~ed RaleIghwood Cellular Tl anscelvcr St,lt1Ou fnstallat10n Located on SW Canyon Dllve (at S'V RJdgewood Ave), Beaverton, OR Deat Ml FIshel, IntI oduct1On Pel YOUllequest an evaluaTIon of extstmg ULTRASITE cellular transceIVer SItes was conducted on 13 Jat1Uat)' 2004 to document nOIse levels at the dlschatge glllles of eqmpment at two 10catlOns _n Sorrento RIdge WT sIte neat MUlTay Road Beaverton and the Irvmgton WT POrtlatld sIte Data gathered at these SItes wele used tl1 ptedlctmg nOIse levels at the proposed Raletghwood sIte and to confmn complIatlCe WIth the Department of Envllonmental QualIty State ofOlegon NOIse Control RegulatIons The nOIse source IS a I-bay transcelveI UL TRASITE umt mounted on a conClete housekeeprng pad on gtade atld WIth aIr mtake atld exhaust louvels MeasUl ed and PredIcted NOIse Data The Table on the followmg page hsts octave band and overall nOIse levels for eJUshng eqmpment at the Sonento RIdge WT and Irvmgton WT SItes, _the measUled eXlstmg ambIent nOIse at the Ralelghwood sIte and the pledtctlOn of nOIse for the new mstallatlOn Plan and SIte drawrngs provIded by T-Moblle wele levlewed for thts nOIse Impact project Table IT hsts eJUstll1g atnblent nOIse and predIcted nOIse levels for the Ralelghwood WT new SIte J\1easUl ement EqUIpment A dIgItal spectrum analyzer manufactured by CEL (Type I PreclslOn, 1/2" condensel mlclOphone) model #593 was utIlIzed for all nOIse level meaSUlements and cahbwted as reqUIred by ASA and ASTM PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 200B JvU Dave FIsher T-MobIle -- VOIce Stream RaleIghwood WT SIte EnvIrornnental NOIse ReVIew 28 January 2004 Page 2 EXISTING EQmrlVQ<;NT SITE NOISE LEVELS Measured 1/3 Octave Band CenteI s Sonnd PI eSSl11 e Levels Table I 13 J annary 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SQr:r~nto RIdge WT SIte -=-Beaverto12 Level DescnptlOll dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz (frequency) AmbIent 11 00 am Leq 54 0 53 60 52 51 49 45 34 33 dB SPL 110 572 dBA SPL L50 53 5 dBA SPL L99 51 7 dBA SPL UL TRASTTE tIanscetver eqUIpment nOIse levels measured at louvels Leq 59 55 60 64 55 53 49 42 33 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Irvmg1on_'ILT-,Slte =-Portl1!l1cl NE Slodmorc_8-tLeet Level DescnptlOn dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz (frequency) AmbIent 12 Noon Leq 500 54 57 57 48 44 37 28 25 dB SPL 110 523 dBA SPL L50 49 4 dBA SPL L99 46 6 dBA SPL ULTRASITE transceIver eqUIpment nOIse levels measured at louvers Leq 55 55 60 53 50 48 48 42 33 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RALEIGHWOOD NEW EQUIPMENT SITE NOISE LEVELS MeasUl ed 1/3 Octave Band Centels Sonnd PI eSSUl c Levels Table II 13 J anual y 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RaleuduY.."0 WI Stte Level DescnptIon dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Hertz (frequency) AmbIent lOp m Leq 530 47 485 47 47 475 45 33 5 30 dB SPL LID 570 dBA SPL L50 480 dBA SPL L99 456 dBA SPL ULTRASITE transcelvel eqUIpment l11edlcled nOIse levels at the closest adjacent nOIse senSItIve plOpertles Leq 23 17 30 23 20 18 18 12 .D.~ ~fl.S,J;;\-, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________f1~~1I~~-~EJC;~ FEB 2 9 200B M1 Dave ptShel T-MobIle -- VOIce Stream RaleIghwood WT SIte EnVITOillnental NOIse ReVIew 28 January 2004 Page 3 c DepaI tment of EnvIronmental QualIty Notse RegulatIOns and tlIe pI edIcted WT SIte nOIse levels CUlTent nOIse regulatIOns requITe that nOIse levels are not to exceed the followmg steady state octave band nOIse 1 evels ft om lOp tll to 7 a III at the closest I eSIdentIal property Ime (40 feet honzontal dIstance at RaleIghwood) from1he mtake/dIscharge 10uveIs Table ill ----------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DescnptIon dBA 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 HeIiz DEQ NOIse RegulatIons 65 62 56 50 46 43 40 37 dB SPL RaleIghwood WT SIte predIcted nOIse 23 17 30 23 20 18 18 12 03 dB SPL Ralmghwood SIte eXIstmg ambIent nOIse levels 10 p m 53 47 485 47 47 475 45 335 30 dB SPL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------ N otse Impact PI edIct1DUS at the Closest Restdentral Propel ty Lme ConsIdenng Ime-of-sIght nOIse propagatIon the cellular b anscelver SIte IS excep1Ionally qUIet The nOIse IS below the eXlstmg ambIent nOIse at adjacent resIdentIal pIopeIiy and wIll not mcrcasc same The pIesent day ambIent nOIse IS 10udeI 1han the proposed CEL stte ll1stallatIOn The CEL SIte and ItS eqUIpment WIll not be peIceIved whatsoever I Photos Ronento RJdi!e TJLTRASIIE Trv1.fl~ton JJT TR},l-DJE RalelirbYLQD~ _WT_ SIte PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 T-Moblle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Raw Ldnd Proposal DtscretIonmy Use and SIte Plan ReVIew ApplIcatIon PO 4020 Exhibit G T-Moile Search Area Map PRE.SUBMmAl RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 2/28/08 Site Search Area Information ~ ~~ $coan::h Rr...g Numbr-r POQ402DJ Vill1l00. 3 , ' ~ -- Soarch Ring Name Mcf...EmZI-B ~~cn Mtm Uttr:ss,'1:' 8.5d.,Sreoep!jtlll!:'l!$ 7211'K.h 3 2 4 ~ 'ie.~ ,-""NI ~fW) :::.: !7' 4~ a..W~\; 44 04'", )j 1'1 --l:Jemlit-(rl'Or'l'ltcl[lotJ l<..3f~~1 COunt,. L.~(,.b (JJOO ~p , tlOm;$ (lIJdn ....:190- BT!:ltt'PIi- A1tennafyra A,lr>nnR~2l" l4!ie to~ N /vII!:- In:ll::I~Cwr NCuax.(fI~~ 8E:C L..... C;1rlrhrt.rl,... ,. K~\~hn.i ~ C D FortlaM' Lilne ...:F Fngln{,,?" Ronal(fO B;lm.i1J' R.: 1"'LJ!:I:!D:l~ Q8J18r2007 Lcic:=:tlJon m rn)? 1~111 RC A.l:t"lIullw. Gtlt met ~ 90.'1-.35.'155 s;r~-OJ>Joo~ J7r0'..~() fl'Ipr-:JJ/M nlXlO o::;rv"lrqg..- nm IIY'l 1hc mt:ir.i o!l (11- Id Cplr t9fi~(1IT~c...e;r"e PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 T-Moblle West CorporatIon McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DiscretIOnary Use and Stte Plan Revlcw ApplIcatIOn PO 4020 Exhibit H Current FCC License PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 FCC Federal . ( ,. .. ) CommunlcattonS . Commission FCC Home I Search I Updates I E-Flllng I Initiatives I For Consumers I Find People -- ......... ~ . ~.~.~ .;;;' ~ ~. ?~-.\ . \~ ;(~ Universal Licensing System ./ F_CC > WTB > ULS > Online_Systems> License Search ['CC.Slte t1.ap ULS License PCS Broadband License - KNlF259 - T-Mobile License llC [l] HELP a.. !'Jew Sear,cll a.. RJ'fine ~e"rch [). RglurnJo f',esylls ~ ErlnlableYag~ ~ Reteren_ce~R.y. .:. ~ti!R. 1-Lcen_se Call Sign Status Market Market Submarket r ADMIN Y MARKET lr LOCATIONS ) KNLF259 Radio Servtce CW - PCS Broadband Active Auth Type Regular MTA030 - portland Channel Block A 0 ASSOCiated 001850 00000000- Freq uencles 001865 00000000 (MHz) 001930 00000000- 00194500000000 MAIN Dates Grant 06/30/2005 Expl ratton 06/23/2015 Effective 01/30/2006 Cancellatton Buildout Deadlmes 1st 06/23/2000 2nd 06/23/2005 Notification Dates 1st 06/16/2000 2nd 05/04/2005 Licensee FRN 0001565449 (Ylew OWllersbJp) Type lImtted lIablltty Company Licensee T-Moblle License LLC 12920 SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 ATTN Dan Menser P (425)378-4000 F (425)378-4040 E dan menser@t-moblle com Contact T-Moblle License LLC ?RE.SUBMIITAL REC'D FEB 2 9 2008 P (425)378-4000 E dan menser@t-moblle com 12920 SE 38th St Bellevue, WA 98006 ATTN Dan Menser Ownership and Qualifications Radio Servtce Type Mobile Regulatory Status Common Carner Allen Ownership Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of No any foreign government? Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien? No Interconnected Yes Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any No foreign government? Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one-fifth of No the capital stock IS owned of record or voted by aliens or their representatIVes or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country? Is the applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other Yes corporation of which more than one-fourth of the capital stock IS owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country? If the answer to the above question IS 'Yes', has the applicant received a rullng(s) under Section 310(b)(4) of the CommuDlcatlons Act with respect to the same radio service Involved In thiS application? Basic Qualifications The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Jiaslc_QLlaJlflcaJlon questions Tribal Land Bidding Credits Thts license dtd not have tnballand btddtng credits Demographics Race Ethnlclty Gender ULS Help ULS Online Systems About ULS !Lld..<;3lossary - cflQ - Qnlwe_tt<olp - '[echnJ!'illSJ,lRR-QJ1 - !KEODSlilll_SJJPRort h9_RE~ - U LS_Onllni' filing - LI~ense Search - .A.PQ!lcatlQn 5easch ErJI.'acv-Stat",ment - Ab_ou,t ULS - !JLS_Hom<o BaSIC Search By Call Sign = ( SEARCH) tCS; I Wlr_eless I ULS I C,ORES PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 21l1l'O HeiR I Ies:b_S_UPROJ Federal Communlcatlons CommiSSIon 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Phone TTY [-mail 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322 1-888- TELL -FCC (1-888-835- 5322 fcclnfo_@icc_99 T-Moblle West CorporatJon McKenzie Raw Land Proposal DlscretJonary Use and SIte Plan Revtew ApphcatJon PO 4020 Exhibit I RF Engineer's Analysis PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O FEB 2' 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 2/28/08 ~ - -Mo He-. To CIty of Sprmgfield From Ronaldo Baltazar, Portland RF Engmeenng Date 2/2812008 Re Need for PCS CommunIcatIOn facIlIty - McKenZIe (P004020J) T -Mobile needs to provIde qualIty PCS mobile telephone servICe 10 the North Spnngfield area It IS our goal to provide exceptIOnal commurucatIOn service to customers Weare proposmg to butld an 80ft PCS monopole telecommunIcatIOn facIlIty mSlde the compound of Emerald Square Dance Center on Yolanda Ave 10 Spnngfield, on the back lot of the maIO bUlldmg We WIll be requmng tlus moderate tower heIght 10 order for our antenna system to overcome the lImItatIOns/obstructIOn posed by the surroundmg tree Ime Unhke most camers, T-moblle IS lImited to the use of the frequency spectrum of 1900 MHz, allocated by the FCC, whIch IS much more susceptlble to Signal attenuatIOn/degradatIOn than Its lower frequency counterpart Thts has lead to the lImIted coverage SituatIOn 10 the area umque to T-Moblle ThIS site WIll fill-m the needed m-bUIldmg coverage In the residential areas north east of Spnngfield, as well as prOVide our network's outdoor coverage In the surroundmg areas Due to the ",uIToundmg vegetatIOn and urban clutter, coverage III thiS area 1~ very poor It ranges from '\parse outdoor to mostly poor coverage levels as can be seen 10 the recent dnve tests conducted 10 the area Our 2 eXIstmg Sites, which are approXImately 1 fil In the SE direction, are of low elevatIOn due to unavaIlable tower space These eXlstmg "tes prOVIde adequate coverage along hIghway 126 and the commercIal areas around It, but do lIttle for coverage In the north drrectlOll For thIS reason we have proposed a site at the saId locatIOn to Improve the lImIted coverage provided by our eXlstmg sites Tills SIte Will have a dramatic Impact In terms of coverage and m-door penetratlon 10 the neighborhoods we.t, south and most Importantly 10 the east dIrectIOn towards 3 1 51 st Dunng the course of the survey.., made III the area, no WTS faClhtles were found m the vlclmty and no pO..,..,lble collocatlOn sites With suffiCient height were found The closest ones found were the 2 towers mentioned above that already had T -Mobile facIlltles mstalled The proposed faclltty IS located at 2095 Yolanda Ave Sprmgfie/d, Oregon 97477, WIth the followmg coordmates 44 07I22222"N, 122 99386III'W y questIOns, concerns, or comment; you may reach me at the follOWIng 503 989 7907 ar _T Mobile USA.lnr Fax (503)736-3014 1500 NE Irving St, SUite 530 Portland OR 97232 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 1 T-Mobtle West CorporatIOn McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSIte, LLC DIscIetlOnary Use and SIte Plan Revtew AppltcatJon PO 4020 Exhibit J Deed PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 Z008 2/28/08 1 " " " , i % ( , . t I ~I ~('~. (f ,';~l . ~~ j"::: " "*': .' -, ~~ .'- " ." i:- $" , , " ~.. &, { " ~ t ~1. -, r f:" '~ ~ i : , , , I ., '- CT-186182 E91-0743 glg (zr/)Z'f-f7-!;iJ.,i -""""",,,,,,,,", 916l05~ ,Emer,ld SlI.uau"J"nce Cen~-, Inc. , yo 3.5''/ ~ pj<l.....( Eu~ene. Oreeon NAMe, """"""' '" 17 03 24 4 J ., Urd'o'1enQI.rt~mlII."_~tlX Sa". as above 1~ ~O ~C.3!l'911lD6llrC 40.00 zet!OO:.30'9il106f'rul!) 10.00 ~.30'91IlOOA&T F\H) 20.00 NAME. ADOAE5&. ZF WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM MTM___.......__r{l...P1IIW\II~~.,..I'&'V1WII.S._JII~Wcf......nI~ ~19W"I'" ~ ~ct.~....~~...'*"Qo#'lt~~d'-"M1Ih____CltJ....~.....-v~I'O....,,_ ./ llCUY INVESTllENT co ~conll8y8 one! ,,,,. _ to EMERALD SQUARE DANCE CENTER, INC. Gret1tor Grantee. the fellow"", deaorbed reel property free of enctITIbrences l!JOCep' Be "I"'Oflcelll set forth hereon ~eg!nnlng at tne Northwest corner or Lot 1, Hlook 2, qANCH MARKET PLAT. as platted and recorded in Book 26, Page 8, Lane County Oregon PlAt Recorde, 8ald point a180 be1ng on the Southerly margin of Hayden Br1dge Read; thence slong said margin West 230.~9 teet to the True Point or Beginning; thence leaving said margin South 212.31 reet; thence South 46. 13' 00" East 55.39 feet to the Northerly most corner of Lot 12, Block 2, RANCH MARKET FIRST ADDITION, a8 pl-..ed and recorded in Book 28, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat R~ ~rd9; thence along the Westerly boundary or said Lot South 26. 45' 00" Weet 144.31 reet to the Northerly m~rgln or Ranoh Drive; thence leaving 8&ld Westerly boundary along said Northerly margin along the aro Of a 179.38 reet radius curve to the left (the chOrd of whioh curve bears North 76' 40' 00' Weet 82.73 feet) a dietance at 83.49 teet; thence oontinuing along said margin Wast 83.40 t-' reet; thence leaving saId Northerly margin along the arc ot a 50.00 feet~l~ radius curVe to the right (the chord of whioh OUrve bears North 450 00' Q{~~ OQ" West 70.71 teet) a distance of 78.54 teet to the Easterly margin of 1~ Ranch Drive, thence along said ma'gin North 310.43 reet to the Southerly margin at Hayden Bridge Roed; thence leav1ng said Easterly marg1n along ~a1d SO~herlv mar~in East 2~8.86 feet to the True FOint of Beg1nn1n~, 1n Lano AL~'bnt~~J.c~I~. tho convenanta, conditions & re.trict1ona contained in that cert.in Re801ut10n dated 12-9-64 and filed 12-9-64 1n Re41 Z3. Pa&e 399-404, Lane County Camm1sa1onar.' Journal. which a..olunt1on ".. ancuud .. part. at Ord.1ane. #188 fUed 12-9-64 in llee! '2.3, 'P4se,,3!6. LaDe County C~t.41onarsl Journal, copies of which ara attacbed hereto aDd marked Exhibit A. [1= MlJFfIClENf!lPAC:f. CONThJI!. _,~., _ twA.OMlONALRUI[) The smd property es free from 81 enc:umbrances 8ltCept conditiona, reatrictione " eaOlt1lJento of record. OB1Bd December .j{J, 19 91 STATE OF OR8>ON. County of l8ne ss. {:"''DttuS:J.AIiI MeXar and Linda Hc.J:ay Korth, ... . "'''''.. ). I, {~, \'J1Jdlt \'.. 'J l\'\' !!CUY INVESTllENT CO. ~o(g~e. ~ ~~J ~:J! Co ~ ~1A~t1 ;Jq~~rllle _ nsmed partner. of Mclay Iuv..tmeut Co. 'l\'ue """..;_._.. ""'_ conveyence IS 9> 120,000.00 , th . --.-ant to be their end edc~dgod e... '._.... ,,_ ~.. " .,.--.,... ( Oated Q.<flll>e. ",,) 19 91 ..,-.,,- i :J.J1:J.. ~= Be~~tTIAt~EC'D I~- , ClO8f"~DE TITU! co. FEB 2 9 2008 liIII 1075 _ ..... Eva_ DR 87401 ram No. 107 -- , . jf ~ I I I I I I ; , 'I;"'~ ~i"-....!.:' --' ~~1~ ~ ,-' ~ ,""1'/ ~ ':;': ~jS'1, ::: !}~>~ "'';f't; ~ .~~ "1-.\ (.,. ~~""'~-}.?1r,......1t~,,- e;t .-L '~~ " "-,""JPd1it.of ~''l'lttre '. ..I. ~>-;?>-~.., ,,","i,~('~~ -.;: .ft.,'> ~ ~~;..",~ 4 ~ r ~ ~ jI'!-..1'~J"'..t \"""\11"'" ...,....p.>'^-;. ~~ ~~~~~~:~~;,_ r_~te.' and, .'I'~l,t. hearing on Ja""aq -24... 1~61~ ~,..~""\tj"~...... ,'" ~r~ ,- ~ I- ~- ~'>4y:~*.tf far'.. cliailsll!!) of tone on the below described property, ~ppr~vea' ....-,If?r'i\\f...~~..;--~,~~~- ;;.-i,-" "i.t_~ '" .0:. --- --- "-~~~.L~~-Cli.nii fn" Hie trever-ojxie-o~ l'attir'l1, And l,"?'L~ \:r'i,,~~~"'~ t~~IY ~~ ---~..!..~ ~ m ~~~~i">M';!.,.~"~'~- ~~~ ~ ~6""'~ ." ...-,.-- -~........... ~~- - - - -- "j.;.;"", ~;1.!r~",,1"; ;:""_ .-.. 1IYljority o:ff>the entire membership of the L.n~ Coudty ~';!;;-:::.~, "\; ~f~";t~l-,;~":,~~ -~ p - - - - - "''/, - - .- t-,!:;I~::::?l~~~">-<'~~I ,... -""",-,-~-....,. _"i"~~""1';:~-4 M - ~ ~~ ~ _ ~L~_d JHf..~~",",.L4~",-,J:9~~;-->,iD favnr _of recommending .to_ tnTl:..in.e". -COUDt,;y , _ I ~-., t~ t;:_"l~"~..... .y 'o--'t ' j.l~.... "'- - " ~ ""~~~~rd~Qf7COi1&1riSiiODers-t1ie~en."c~tof tn:tS -ordinance which ca.rries ouf t.ne.~cb.nge-- !.:..:.:~~~~~ .e.: _ ~--..J~: ___~ ~ , , - , r if' 1 ~ 1 <~ o.!.li3r' -. .(,_.~~a~ .-, ohe'L..ne ,-', cooonn.-i'lanll.l.ng <' " " ...~ -... --~ "- pianning , ."_ ~ _~ t~ cDe-~.el-Opme:ut:-r.t.t:.Il1 aP-Pl_oveu -"'con l.'L"Y ..l.i. J nO'" o-Jf~" ~~-:---~1Vima!mJ-m B(}.i.liIfOY-COtiNTiC~1S~IONfRS OF - - ~ ~ ,.... /\~..~.. r.:ulf~OOlJi1. .['"1 STAt! OF 'O:R!GON, OOES ORDAIN AS ToLI.OWS of_ ~ri1g arid l.and Use: ~ul.ti~n ~4 entl=tl~d L "Land Uee 1~8h1p 17 Sout~1 Rauge 3 West of the Wi~lamette-Merid~an~ _......~~~~ 0' I< ~ ", -" ~. ~_t . ~.SUBMmAL REC'O ~ . 1: FEB 2 9 Z008 , ~- t;;--'_ fo" -tohe::fu,m1s.h:1ng:.of_CJ:iiahea :iiiOk' and , - ; -="--=:'--f -:It!I' ~ --- ......~""-I . .' of GontrAP."t--------........---- -....--r J'I4rSr 6~~_ _,.{ ..,~.. - ~. .... '_~ ---2-- _ _ - -~ ----,. - --....... -- -" ~ ~'-:.........- -- --- _, -; _ . _nt'''' 'ru""JtJ~LO~ 1:I11l1; lLCjlptract be-s:!i"eu tn~~~j.!lP~~1!:h the b:ld-- , ...". _ ~ _ . Jl I _ . ..~~~ ~~~perfoxmance~bond in the full amount ofl~t~@..&Qtl.m~- "';.~~~...~:> h'- "'" - ~"'"-::.~ I . ,,-~.=..,:~~-~.Duarll.-UJ.:.--Lo~-d-.:kv9'ft8. -;: :-';- I.. ~ 1,," yo'\., l'" i' ,fr ~ '""< -, - , ,- , . ,,- , ~ ~ ~~ __, ......r!~.,......~ ..,.....".. .... "',-;~"' l-r "i ,'(,-{l),J"'::r.-' .,r-"' I "'",' ~"'.t ....~, )tI'\~;-,l,) ~--<..--...:t.............- ~ _............._ .. "v 'i~......,~l( ........_;;~I..._ ~_"'~I":.t. ' -< It \' :t. , \t..:t-. ,~... j\ , 19~ -,.,.---o--____,~ , . " I , l,-<I,~' ~ -"'1 --- .... !I"~- ~:~~'""~: ,,_, ~~i'~'-::~-",h,,~<:~~-~'~~~;,...:'!; _1_~ ~. "'_.;..,.....,....!...}$I..r""',..;1 ' 1':.,~"-~ "",,,--< ~"< ~." "~ ~., ' . _.__, _ .i.__~ - J ~~f;i[r)) FEB ~ 9 Z008 , vith:Ln 65 , 'r' tllc crUti~ of. .. . r " '}' ~ I, " ,1" ~ _ <.J<~.( ~~t)J,' ,-Jlt are., u.d.7.... . \",""" ~, -j , '...1....... / " feet df ..id~"' ~l_tin'a;':;' I ~~ ,........., " ~~rt.. :::~~I'I"#,;r:lti ?...- ~ ~ "', g p.~~, -~ '--' - --~)- ~ ! ~~... tb.J;t~ the Board. <> - ., ~~~~_...' ~- ~_ !t ....--'.:. -J - i/ _'" --~ , u...-C<>uuq<T---- =~-~ " . - or~hich-j.a . ~ . '1' ~ rn f . , ~..;I ~ '!..."l\ I \' ~ (., ., ..J#,.... '( . ,- .5UBMmAl RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 '-5'4!.,~~ liB" in h.~gbt'along< - - . " " , ,,~ '.~ ~~, of the landscaping -.' the s~ as' a vAlid and eoforceable' lien ~A.1l Uld~ "B" in the fol~rOWi.ng -, -("'i" ~ manner'" shall set a ",---<--, _...~ "..- f:~L.':_I.-~ " ~ D- ~aring-and at such t~e may -~ . o::!f~ piann6gJ execU'ting .;d , ' in accordance with a raodscape plan ~p- ~;;.....-;..;;;-~ ~~.... ~,~ . ,;p_-"=-----::::-_~.:-- -;;-,fove"d l>I.Jli":=J'l~o.g C>...i~rlon_aild .hatl' give th" LatlclownerB'''' period -. - -- ~ ; .J:::...,...,-.... ~..,. - ~~I ~ :':' .f .ix """,tha in which tn c","plete said progr_,~d -if the LandOwners }.:'{.:: ~ ,....;::.;;::. ~ _::-_ _".=, -l.. _~ .. - I -7~ -dlj"tfore""cnu ..id program w,thm snd time.. then the-ll<>ard of county-- , "..... ~, ..., ~ " r -" _- _ --"9~S:''-i''''er'- ....yp...-. -re.olu-tron- re<jU1ring-::that- the -.ame be 'let for. bid~ }.l~:f::.y.A~1 ':_"'r"'~~\~^' ~::-._........"-_J~".... -",'" ~..., -" . ~ .. ~ n, -Y'_" ,'0 tne """eo< r..ponnciO Ci"".i .n<rEl'.~ -~.. .;.c...~: .l.~:l. ~e"ob.q,o~ ;:'i:"~~".~,.s;(" ~ I ------ ; \ ""..-"' ,~ ...... .. 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'.a<;.h, husband and ~1f" \6,- ;i,"l'{',\ll' /' ' '~' ...J.....,-l ~ . \ ' } & ~~1~~~~;'-" --':-c-~-, ~~/;- "-'~' ,,-;;U-6~; - '~"'--'l-=- -.c'J,7~---~ Fl;~:'-",- . . - --- ---6f:7,/ ~~ ~~Z- - --- -- .--;----- - ~- - - '- _~~& ~.:_':....;:..::_-. ::-.-.:---r - --=-::: ___-:::~::::. :___ ~ . - ~----------=- ~,~1-- ; 1" .,.~~.."i:.~....,l "'~i;.~ ~~ ~~b'\ ~~'). -~..." ~~~.....~'i~......., .;l' ,~, ._- ~~ " ,State of ,Or~<lIl' ) ------- - '-'-County....ot ~n~i' J I r:-- t't \,_.. .'. . -; ,~L" On this --2-cdaY of. vlJj/: q,d".v, 1967'<', ,.for. ~/app..r.d ~ _!..~~ ~ .~" ~ - ~ ~ _l1.---e-o"lD'C" t'ow..---'_'~'.~-~ '1 ~ .......,.,~~ = ',1" 0 County Commta.iODsra of , - affi~ed to said it~t~-n , I "'~~ .} i :1, .......~ A~"-- , the! sa1tlri.ns-truM'J1t J~ ~_..._~ . , " UBMITIAL RECIO FEB 2 9 Z008 , c' ~~, ~ I r ~ !'. \ ~ "-;" ~~-t ';"~1 ,,-\ ; '" ,,\ 1..1- ;,' - ,<-- I'f/'^ :;t';;::~- --:;.:---~~"-- -- p: r, < "--'..... 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"-~~ .....~ ..:' Ii 'I ~,,~ t?irh-l::t't I~f\\~;~'t rg~~ J;:, ,?~~\{{., :I~, ~", l "~'\ ...' ..d\~'; ,,1~l(;;V: ~#Jtf,$\t, ~,%~ioo.<~ii ' '~t,~~..,-.., JI;,;" ~{ii-..r,~t.."l:;:.~*l ~~~ ,,"o!-'v'\.-...,:; ':;,f) -;. i~~"" r.. 'lJ~ ,,,.:i<~, ,~.t~t,.',:.. ... J \~___ >, <'" \ ~ ~ ft.........;::l.....!: " {' , -SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 2 9 Z008 , < < ( J~..SUBMITIAL REC'O FE8 2 9 2008 beginaing. f' --- L , -' , ~.- (rom and ~a.ured 1"'- 12, Block 2, Ranch Market of ,< 1.,~ ...':..... t~.... , , i:.- .-'::~J-~ 1 , ,~ : ~ ~ (...~{.}.." , ? " L 'nC..~ ~ 1. ..~ ., I, , " 1~\'''T; ..s...J"" J ~J \ I \. _, >. \.~ ',t ~ -"'" ""/,,,,"_", .....-.I"t (;/".ftfl- ~,~.... '<' ~'>~,. ~ ) , "'~~" -.- ,.. ~'" T-Moblle West Corporatton McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraStte, LLC DtSCretlOnary Use and SIte Plan Review AppltcatlOn PO 4020 Exhibit K Title Report PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'D FE8 2 9 Z008 2/28/08 First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn (54t)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT Jan Anderson, Tttle Offtcer Phone (541)484-2900 - Fax (541)484-7321 - Emall Jananderson@ftrstam com SecuraStte LLC 1631 NE Broadway PMB 100 Portland, OR 97232 Order No 7199-1107487 September 13, 2007 Attn Phone No (503)708-8023 - Fax No Emall bret@securastte net (971)228-0350 Re Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ AL T A Owners Extended Coverage liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ AL T A Lenders Extended Coverage Liability $ Premium $ Endorsement Premium $ Govt Service Charge Cost $ Other Report Only Cost $ 200 00 We are prepared to Issue Tttle Insurance Policy or PoliCies tn the form and amount shown above, msunng tttle to the followmg descnbed land The land referred to m this report IS described m Exhibit A attached hereto and as of September 07, 2007 at 8 00 am, title vested tn Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc Subject to the excepttons, exclusions, and sttpulatlons whtch are ordmanly part of such PoliCY form and the followmg 1 Taxes for the ftscal year 2007-2008 a lien due, but not yet payable 2 The nghts of the publiC In and to that portion of the premises herem descnbed Iymg wlthm the limits of streets, roads and highways This report 1$ for the exclUSive use of the parties herein shown and IS preliminary to the Issuance of a title Insurance policy and shall become VOid unless a policy 15 Issued, and the full premium paid PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1107487 Page 2 of 5 3 Covenants, conditions and restrictions, including terms and provIsions thereof, as set forth or referred to In the deed but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or dtscrlmlnatton based on race, color, reltglon, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 U S C 3604( c) Recorded December 30, 1991 Recording Informatton 91-630S2 4 Improvement Agreement and the terms and condttlons thereof Between City of Springfield And McKay Investments Recording Information December 31, 1991, Reception No 91-63580 S Deed of Trust and the terms and condttlons thereof Grantor/Trustor Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc Grantee/Beneflctary McKay Investment Co Trustee Cascade Tttle Company Amount $100,000 00 Recorded December 30, 1991 Recording Information 91-63053 6 Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof Grantor/Trustor Emerald Square Dance Center, Inc , an Oregon Corporation Grantee/Beneflctary Frank A Fleck and Jacqueltne Fleck, husband and wtfe, or the SUlVtVOr thereof Trustee Evergreen Land Tttle Company Amount $52,000 00 Recorded June 27, 2002 Recordtng Informatton 2002-049411 7 Unrecorded leases or perlodtc tenancies, If any 8 ThiS Preliminary Title Report does not Include a search for FinanCing Statements filed In the Office of the Secretary of State, or In a County other than the County wherein the premtses are sttuated and no Itabtltty IS assumed If a FinanCing Statement tS recorded In the Office of the County Clerk (Recorder) covering ttmber, fixtures or crops, on the premtses wherein the lands are described other than by metes and bounds or under the rectangular sUlVey system PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 Arst Amencan TItle Preliminary Report Order No 7199wll074B7 Page 3 of 5 9 Affirmative coverage may be provided by First Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon as to the followll1g exceptions If sufficIent documentation IS provided Any matters dtsclosed by the extended search wtll be set-forth as exceptions to the title a Taxes or assessments whtch are not shown as extstll1g liens by the records of any taxing authonty that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by the publiC records, proceedings by a publtc agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or nottces of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publiC records b Any facts, nghts, Interest, or c1atms whtch are not shown by the public records but whtch could be ascertained by an Inspectton land or by making inquirY of person In possess ton thereof c Easements, encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the publiC records, unpatented mining c1atms, reservations or exceptions In patents or 111 acts authonzlng the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claims or title to water d Any Iten, or nght to allen, for services, labor, or matenal heretofore or hereafter furntshed, Imposed by law and not shown by the publiC records e Dtscrepanctes, conflicts tn boundary lines, shortage 111 area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2006-2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $1,95671 Map No 1703244302319 Property ID 1475761 Tax Code No 01904 NOTE We find Land Partltton Plat No 92-P0817 filed January 15, 1992 which appears to tnclude subject property However, It does no appear to be dedicated by all of the current property owners at that time Situs Address as dtsclosed on Lane County Tax Roll 2095 Yolanda Avenue, Spnngfteld, OR 97477 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 Arst American ntle Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1107487 Page 4 of 5 ~,..'"''.''' . , ~41# First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (06/17/06) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company wlll not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of 1 (a) Any law ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to bUlldmg and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relatmgto (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land, (II) the character dimenSions, or location of any Improvement erected on the Land, (III) the subdivISion of land, or (IV) enVIronmental protection, or the effect of any Violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations ThiS ExclUSion l(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5 (b) Any governmental pollee power ThiS ExclUSion l(b} does not modify or limit the coverage prOVided under Covered Risk 6 2 Rights of eminent domain ThiS exclUSion does not modify or limit the coverage prOVided under Covered Risk 7 or 8 3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant, (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the PubliC Records at Date of POliCY, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed In writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under thiS policy, (c) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant, (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, thiS does not modify or limit the coverage prOVided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14), oc (e) resulting In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage 4 Unenforceabllity of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply With applicable dOing busmess laws of the state where the Land IS situated 5 Invalidity or unenforceabllity In whole or m part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction eVidenced by the Insured Mortgage and IS based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth m-Iendmg law 6 Any claim, by reason of the operatIOn of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or similar creditors nghts laws, that the transaction creatmg the lien of the Insured Mortgage, IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered Risk 13(b) of thiS poliCY 7 Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authonty and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recordmg of the Insured Mortgage In the Public Records ThiS ExclUSion does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered RIsk 11eb) The followmg matters are expressly excluded expenses that anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordmance, permit or governmental regulatIOn (mcludlng those relatmg to building and zonmg) restrlctmg, regulatmg, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land, (II) the character, dimenSions, or location of any Improvement erected on the Land, (III) the subdiVISion of land, or (IV) environmental protection, or the effect of any Violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations ThiS ExclUSIOn l(a) does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 5 (b) Any governmental police power ThiS ExclUSion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 6 Rights of eminent domain ThiS exclUSion does not modify or limit the coverage proVided under Covered Risk 7 or 8 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant, (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded In the PubliC Records at Date of POliCY, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed In writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under thiS POliCY, (e) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant, Cd) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, thiS does not modify or limit the coverage prOVided under Covered RISks 9 and 10), or (e) resulbng In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title 4 Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency, or Similar creditors rights laws, that the transaction vestmg the Title as shown In Schedule A IS (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered Risk 9 of thiS poliCY 5 Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments Imposed by governmental authonty and created or attaching between Date of PoliCY and the date of recording of the deed or other Instrument of transfer m the Public Records that vests Title as shown In Schedule A ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (06/17/06) from the coverage of thiS policy, and the Company Will not pay loss or damage, costs attorneys' fees, or 2 3 SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS The Lien of Real Estate Taxes or Assessments Imposed on the title by a governmental authOrity that are not shown as eXisting liens In the records of any taxing authOrity that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or In the publiC records 2 Any Facts, Rights, Interests, or Claims that are not shown In the public records but that could be ascertained by an Inspection of the land or by making mqUlry of persons In possession of the land 3 Easements, Claims of Easements or Encumbrances that are not shown In the public records 4 Any Encroachment, Encumbrance, Violation, Variation, or Adverse CIrcumstance affectmg the title Including dlscreDanCles, CQrlfhcts m boundary lmes, shortage In area or any other facts that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land sUlvey of the land, and that are not shown In the pubhc records 5 Unpatented Mining Claims, Reservations or Exceptions In Patents or In acts authOriZing the Issuance thereof, Water Rights, Claims or Title to Water 6 Any Lien, or Right to a Lien, for Services Labor or Matenal theretofore or hereafter furnished, Imposed by law and not shown In the public records NOTE A SPECIMEN COPY Of THE POUCY fORM (OR fORMS) WILL BE fURNISHED UPON REQUEST Arst American Title 11149 Rev 6-17-06 PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID FEB 2 9 2008 Preliminary Report Order No 7199-1107487 Page 5 of 5 Exhibit lIA" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, deScribed as follows BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, RANCH MARKET PLAT, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 26, PAGE 8, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN WEST 23049 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN SOUTH 21231 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 460 13' 00" EAST SS 39 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 12, BLOCK 2, RANCH MARKET FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 28, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT SOUTH 260 4S' 00" WEST 144 31 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF RANCH DRIVE, THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN ALONG THE ARC OF 179 38 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT (THE CHORD OF WHICH CURVE BEARS NORTH 760 40' 00" WEST 82 73 FEET) A DISTANCE OF 83 49 FEET, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID MARGIN WEST 83 40 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN ALONG THE ARC OF A 50 00 FEET RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT (THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH CURVE BEARS NORTH 450 00' 00" WEST 7071 FEET) A DISTANCE OF 78 54 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF RANCH DRIVE, THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN NORTH 31043 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN EAST 238 86 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO LANE COUNTY, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 24, 1995 IN REEL 2081R, RECEPTION NO 95-40544, LANE COUNTY OREGON RECORDS Tax Parcel Number 1475761 PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO FEB 2 9 2008 Arst Amencan 77t1e T-Moblle West CorporatIon McKenzJe Raw Land Proposal DtSCretlOllary Use and SIte Plan Revtew ApphcatIon PO 4020 Exhibit L Map of Springfield Cell Tower Locations PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecnraSlte, LLC 2128/08 ." m OJ t.:> CQ r-> = = co ,:au j..... .1'. ~. . ~ \J.:-;_ ~ t ~ ~ ( "7~~ , , , -. ,) r~ ~~~ _f'" '. ---- -~- ',< - , ~ -'" ,>/,,- 'J ~/u::'- ~<' _ ",.0\ '>_ ~' "~<~~;-:: ~ " T-Moblle West CorporatIOn McKenzte Raw Land Proposal DiscretIOnary Use and Stte Plan RevIew ApphcatlOn PO 4020 Exhibit M Copy of Lease Agreement PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 SecuraSlte, LLC 2/28/08 T-Mobtle West Corporalton McKenzIe Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DtSCretlOnary Use and SIte Plan RevIew Applt(,atlOn PO 4020 Exhibit N Zoning Drawings PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08 T-MobIle West CorporatIon McKenzte Raw Land Proposal SecuraSlte, LLC DtscretIonary Use and SIte Plan Revtew ApphcatlOn PO 4020 PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'O FEB 2 9 2008 2/28/08