HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/15/2006 ::~J~~_.' .. _ .........., ~lP!Jejj;)"iji;S.1'a1<l ... ~-....,. ;:~'-" .".._~'~~.G-.lJl........ -- ----~--- ,- ''"''''"'-. ~I-W' .-. "'" "p. Please pnnt your name. address, and ZIP+4"lii thl:S>~ . - ro;!J .,~ s:- s:< ~ UNITEO STATES Po~' ~ft.lIJf!'NE C.R 9 '" is DEe 2000 Pt-'! 1. t. . Sender Clty of Sprlngfleld 225 Fifth Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon Attentl0n. Brenda Jones 97477 -..... .~ ... ---- "" ~ . ~ . Complete Items 1, d 3 Also complete Item 4 ,I Restncted Delivel)f Is des,red . Pnnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you . Attach thIs card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front If space permits 1 Article Addressed to M&rlln Schultz Flrst Baptlst Church of Eugene 3550 Fox Meadow Road Eugene, Oregon 97408 2 Article Number (rransfer from servfce label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Is delrvery address different from Item 1? If YES, enter deilv9fY address below 3 ~rvlce lyPe ~ Certified Mall Cl Express Mall Cl Reglsterad Cl Return Receipt for Merohandlse Cllnsurad Mall Cl COD 4 Restrtcled Delivery? (Extm Fee) Cl Yes 7003 0500 0005 1258 8516 102595-02-M-154C DomestIC Return Receipt