HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice CMO 9/7/2007 . , q I-,j 07 Meetmg Datt Ie ~€lelIlted7 ,2ill17 Meetmg TypePlanrmFk I'g\Mlon Department Development Services ")1J~ Staff Contact Mark Metzger, John T~' v:.~ Staff Phone No 726.3775, 726-3656 0~ ~ Estimated TIme 30 minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMh..~~Y SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE ACTION REQUESTED ISSUE STATEMENT ATTACHMENTS DlSCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT. DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROGRESS REPORT No actIon requested The DRAFT Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Plan Report have been released and are avaIlable for publrc reVIew Staff WIJl bnefthe Councrl on the scheduled revIew process for these documents and hlghhght key Issues for Council conSIderation On July 23'., Council approved a ballot tItle and descrrpl10n for the November 6 ballot that would authorrze the CouncIl to allocate taJ,es to a downtown urban renewal dlstnct Councrl directed staff to develop the 1I1111al draft ofthe urban renewal plan and report based on a boundary that would e:\.lend east to 23'd street along the Malll Street/South A corndor The DRAFT Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Plan Report prOVide the lllforlnatlon and analYSIS reqUIred by ORS 457 to estdbhsh an urban renewal dlstrrct The DRAFT plan seeks to balance the cost of potential projects that are enVISIOned for the urban renewal dlstrrct WIth the potentIal revenues that would be generated to pay fOI those projects over the hfe of the renewal dlstrrct Attachment I DRAFT Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report Attachment 2 ReView of the Urban Renewal Plan Key Dates and Events Attachment 3 Project Costs and the DUlatlon of the Dtstrrct OptIOns for ConSIderatIOn Attachment 4 CItIzen Involvement Plan as aoproved by the Plannll1g CommISSIOn Staff IS workll1g on varrous tasks that must be completed to establrsh an urban renewal dlstnct for downtown Sprrngfield Attachment 2 summarrzes mIlestones and key events related to the pubhc presentatlonldlscusslon of DRAFT Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Its fomlal reVIew by the Plannmg CommiSSIOn and CounCil, as reqUIred by state law A "town hall" event klckmg off the publIC diSCUSSIOn oflenewal dlstrrct formation was held on August 7''' and was well attended An addIl10nal town hall event IS scheduled for September 20 That meetll1g has been ddvertlsed as an event open to the general publrc but a marled notice of the event was also sent to reSIdents and property owners wlthll1 the DRAFT plan's renewal dlstrrct boundarv Staff has also scheduled presentatIOns to communrty organrzatlons such as the Chamber of Commerce and CIV'C groups AddItIOnal medIa releaseslevents are planned PresentatIons and dISCUSSIOn WIth the elected offiCIals for affected taJI.!ng bodle, lllcludll1g Lane County, School Dlstrrct 19, Lane ESD, WIlIamalane and Lane Communrty College are also bell1g scheduled These agenCIes have been contacted at the staff level dnd Lane County and Willamdlane have already submItted comments Attachment 3 mcludes tables showll1g UI ban renewal project costs and antICIpated I evenues that would aCCI ue to the dIStIlCt from mcreased ploperty values and new development over the duratIOn of the DRAFT plan These tables ale based on the work of ChaIles Kupper, a consultant hIred to complete the complex calculatIons related to prOjectIOns of cost, lI1tlatlon of costs and the reasonable eSl1mate of new development/redevelopment 1I1 the d,strrct The tables compare three dIfferent levels of project cost and the projected dlstnct duratIon reqUIred to pay for the projects Please keep lI1mll1d that these computatIOns are largely a plannrng e"erclse UltImately SEDA selects the projects and would not appropnate funds to proceed If a project could not be supported by tangIble revenues Staff WIll seek drrectlon on final figures and tIme frames for the dlstrrct when the DRAFT plan and report are brought before the CouncrI for formal approvalll1 November Attachment 4 IS the C,l1zen Involvement Plan that was reVIewed and approved by the Plannrnl? CommISSIOn m ItS role as the COmITIlttee for CitIzen Involvement d:< . ~ ~ ,,~,Jt~ : ..,F ~Itr J; ~ >~"" ,'" ~ :: ~~ "," c . ~"" ~ lte Received q(?!6( Planner MM Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Part One: RENEW AL PLAN September 15, 2007 Attachment 1-1 Date Received 'II? I (J/ Planner MM Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Table of Contents 100. The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan 3 200. Cihzen ParticIpatIOn 4 , 300 RelatIOnship to Local Objectives 6 400. Proposed Land Uses 11 500. OutlIne of Development 13 600. DescriptIOn of Projects to be Undertaken 14 700. Property AcqUIsitIOn Procedures 19 800. Property DisposItion and Redevelopers' Obligations 20 900. Amendments to the Urban Renewal Plan 21 1000. MaXImum Indebtedness 22 1100. Fmancmg Methods 23 1200. RelocatIOn 23 1300. DefinItIOns 23 ExhIbIt 1 -Boundary Map and Legal DescriptIOn 26 ExhibIt 2 -Zoning Map and Plan DIagram 28 Appendix 1 30 Appendix 2 34 Down/own V, ban Renewal Plan Sep/embel 15 2007 2 1-2 Date ReceIved 117101 Planner MM 100. THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN A General The pnmary goal of this Downtown Urban Renewal Plan tS to assIst m the revltahzatlOn of bus mess and elllnmatlOn ofbhght m the downtown area Urban renewal IS Ideal for the encouragement of the type of high quahty, commercIal, mdustnal, residentIal and mixed use development that IS vital to the economic growth of the City ofSpnngfield This cannot readily be done without pubhc mvolvement due to multIple ownershIps, high land pnces, and a mix of uses that are not conducive to development The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan mcludes proJects, actIvItIes, and actIons that treat the causes of the bhght and detenoratlOn m the Downtown Urban Renewal Area The Spnngfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA), wtll aet as the Urban Renewal Agency to admmlster the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan SEDA IS compnsed of mdlVlduals servmg as mayor and members of the Spnngfield City CouncIl, along wIth two representatIves from the Lane County Board of County CommIssioners SEDA currently admlmsters the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan consists of Part One - Text and Part Two- Exhibits Thts Plan has been prepared pursuant to Oregon RevIsed Statutes (ORS) Chapter 457, the Oregon ConstItutIOn, and all apphcable laws and ordmances of the State of Oregon and the City ofSpnngfield respectIvely All such applIcable laws and ordmances are made part of thiS Plan, whether expressly referred to m the text or not The Downtown Urban Renewal Area IS a smgle geographic area WIth a smgle contmuous boundary wlthm which a vanety of activItIes and projects are contemplated m order to elImmate blIght and the causes of blIght The Plan's actlVltles and projects are mtended to create an envlromnent condUCIve to pnvate sector may development of uses compatIble WIth the purposes of this Plan The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was approved by the City Counctl of the City of Spnngfield on _, 2007 by Ordmance No and adopted by the Spnngtield Economic Development Agency Board on , 2007 B The Renewal Plan Area Boundary The boundary of the renewal area IS shown m (Map) Exhibit I - Page I, attached to thIS plan A legal descnptlOn of the project boundary IS shown m Exhibit 1 - Page 2, attached to thiS Plan DowlllOnn LI1 bun Renewal Plan September 15 2007 3 1-3 Date Received 1 (? ( 07 Planner MM 200. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ThiS Urban Renewal Plan was developed under the gmdance of the Spnngfield City Counctl In June 2007, the Committee for Citizen Involvement approved a participatIOn plan that mcluded public drop-lI1 meehngs, direct maIl commUI1lCatlOns, media articles and other methods of engagmg the general public and cihzens wlthll1 the renewal dlstnct Staff conducted two broadly advertised pubhc meetll1gs, lI1Vltll1g the general pubhc to diSCUSS urban renewal concepts, and the elements of the draft renewal plan All meetmgs were open to the pubhc for discussIOn and comment Press releases and news stones about the public meetll1gs and plan development contnbuted to public awareness and public lI1volvement In forrnulatmg the plan, City and SEDA staff drew from the findll1gs and recommendatIOns of three recent pubhc planl1lng efforts the Spnngfield StatIOn Specific Area Plan (2002), the AlA Downtown Charrette 2006, and the updated Downtown Refinement Plan (2005) These planl1lng actlvltteS themselves m'cluded a high level of public partiCtpatlOn m the assessment of downtown needs and m the formulatIOn of recommended solutIOns -=- , ~"--:"i-_ .-- -- -;..~--~-- --- .....<r-.. ~ .,? .";-'t~:- ...~. 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Publlc pm tlupatlOlt ~VU.'l a J..ev element lIT pI epannf{ the Downto~"n V, ban Rene'Wal Plan Staff presented bnetings to the Spnngfield Chamber of Commerce, Spnngfield Rotary and other commul1lty, busll1ess, and service orgal1lzatJons Statt also responded to numerous mdlVldual public lI1qumes about the proposed plan and distnct boundanes that were spurred by medta articles and advertisements about the public meetmgs Dm\l1to'Wll V, ban Rene'r\.al Plan September 15 2007 4 1-4 Date Received --2.lz/n Planner MM Early 111 the fonnatIon of the Plan, the govem1l1g bodIes for the Spnngfield School Dlstnct 19, the Spnngfield UtIltty Board and the WIllamalane Park and RecreatlOn DIstnct were bnefed on the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal DIstnct The elected offiuals compns1l1g these entItIes were encouraged to gIve theIr comments and suggested project Ideas WIllamalane submItted conceptual projects that were added to the draft project Itst for the urban renewal dlstnct Formal revIew of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was condueted by the Spnngfield Plann1l1g CommIssIon 111 advance of heanngs by the CIty Council A pubhc heanng on the Plan was held by the Spnngfield Planmng CommIssIon on _.' 2007 The Planmng Commlsston voted, XX yes's and XX no's, to recommend that the Spnngfield CIty Council approve the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan at the conclu,lOn of that heanng l I ,rr"'~ r/ll.J~ ,"""'P~ 1.1 JI ____ ,.., --7' __~ :0- - ::.::::... ~'1 p~:=:~ )) .. .....: l=1 J:':,/ U 1..- #,'r.. , 'iJ~tj J' ~. .q 'p.~-:I ,", ~ "'1- r"' ,.. ~ r J ... .'7.. t -~ r H h ~ '\ ~fgl!l.:!11' 'i~ r. !" ~ 'I da;'\, . >~ ri~ qr!ln .. ..Jt.- ...., . . As reqUIred by ORS 457 120, ' - , notIce was provIded ----- - -f!' ., ~-~ ti:m'" ';;"-- ~ ... .. { , ~~;~~~~II;;oa;r~~;do::~~~~~~s ~~~., - - . .,... _..o"",Ai1- on the draft Downtown Urbdn Renewal Dlstnct Plan at a publtc heanng at the Spnngfield CIty Hdll on ,2007 at 7 00 p m The Spnngfield CIty Counctl held the publtc heanng, recetved testImony about the draft Plan from the general publtc along wIth comments from affected tax1I1g dIStnCts Later, on , 2007 after consIdenng the publIC testImony about the draft Plan and specIfically consldenng the comments from affected dlstncts, the CIty CouncIl adopted the draft Plan by non- emergency ord1l1ance DOl11TlOHl1 CI ban Rene~HlI Plan Seplembel 15, 2UU7 5 1-5 Date Received ~7 Planner MM 300. RELATIONSHIP TO LOCAL PLANS AND OBJECTIVES The purpose of this Urban Renewal Plan IS to elnmnate bhghtmg mfluences found m the urban renewl area, to further goals and objectives outImed m the Eugene-Spnngfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), and the Downtown Refinement Plan and to Implement development strategies and objectives for the Downtown Urban Renewal Area The Spnngfield StatIOn SpecIfic Area Plan (2005), AlA Downtown Charrette (2006) and Spnngfield Tomorrow plannmg efforts also contnbuted to the assessment of downtown needs and to a statement of goals, objectIves and actIvItIes for revltahzmg the downtown The Urban Renewal Plan IS consIstent With Metro Plan and the Downtown Refinement Plan and nnplements the goals and objectIves oIJthned below Restol mg and en/wncmg the 1m/one !vldb ace would create an attracllve amemn fOl down/own 301 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL GOALS The eight goals of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan are not newly discovered or ul1lque to Spnngtield They are denved from prevIOus planl1lng efforts and adopted plannmg polIcy documents mcludmg the Downtown Refinement Plan, and the Metro Plan WIth ItS assoctated functIOnal plans As broad categones of mtent, the Downtown Urban Renewal Goals are lIsted below A Promote PubliC and Pnvate Improvement B Rehabthtate BUlldmg Stock C Improve Streets, Streetscapes, Parks and Open Spaces o Make UtIhty Improvements E Construct or RehabIlitate Parkmg FacIlitIes F Construct or Rehablhtate Pubhc Faclhtles Down!O\1 n V, ban ReneH/Cl/ Plan September 15 2007 6 1-6 Date Received q /7f G7 Planner MM G Improve and Expand Housmg Opportumttes H Improve Pubhc Slgnage and Make Gateway Improvements to the Downtown Each of these goals IS further defined m AppendIx 1 of thIS document AchIevmg these goals tS the ObjectIve of the combmed projects hsted m Sectton 600 The eIght goals embody the spmt, optImIsm and commItment downtown property owners, busmesses, commumty orgamzatIOns, and the general pubhc They estabhsh a posIttve VISion for downtown Spnngfield These goals are dehberately achIevable and mtended to recogmze the value of endunng publIc-pnvate partnershIps They are also mtended to encompass the goals and reflect the VISIOn of the Downtown Refinement Plan / / / / / / / -4;~ -~ Alt1aCflve lede\-e/opment that plOvules off-!!J!leer pmkmg .",ould benefIt du~ntown rIllS cr03j-jeGtlOJ1 dUlglam sho'IAS ml'red-u:.e development Vt.llh pWAlIlg located m ,m off-Sf} eel cow! ",llh allev access The Do'.'.ntown Refinement Plan's goals are lIsted below Create a Pede~trlUn and Tran~lt Friendly Downtown Develop a settmg that IS conducIve to walkmg, bIcyclIng and tranSIt whIle provIdmg accessIblhty to regIOnal automobIle and freIght networks PrOVIde safe and walkable streets Pre~erve the Past Enhance the downtown s future character by preservmg the best of ItS past Promote appropnate m-fill construction and hIstone preservatton of the eXIstmg buIldmgs Do~ntoHn U,ban ReneHul Plan September 15 2007 7 1-7 Da,_ ~ecelved Planner MM 117( oJ N- - ~,,.I J , ..J-- I.P Reconnectmg dm1-nto~n to the Wtllamette Rner IS all Important goal (01 doanlown ledevelopment Reconnect to Key Natural Re~ource Features Connect the downtown wtth the MIllrace and Island Park, and provIde opportunlue~ for appropnate downtown uses adjacent to these areas Alive After F,ve Encourage evemng acuvlty 111 the downtown WIth d1l1111g, cultural and entertainment opportuml1es for all ages Increa,e housll1g development 111 the downtown to generate the 18 to 24-hour city ReVltalt:e the Downtown with lVew U,e\ Create new opportUl1Itles for office, commercldl, resldenl1al, CIVIC, and mixed uses Encourage hIgh-densIty uses that are transtt-onented and located wlthll1 a short walk from Spnngfield StatIOn Emure Adequate Parklllg ProvIde parkll1g thdt supports a VItal downtown Ci eate CiVIC Gatherlllg Places Create !,'feat public spaces, both large and small ConsIder creal10n of a town square Identify CatalyM ProJect~ IdenUfy projects thdt w1l1 spur growth 111 the downtown, 1I1c1udll1g Improvements that can be successtully accomplished 111 the short term Downtown (/1 ban Rene'r\al Plan Seplembel 15 2007 8 1-8 IJdte Received Planner MM 1{71D7 , Create Downtown Partner~/l1ps Collaborate with Lane TranSit Dlstnct, the Spnngfield Renaissance Development Corporation, and other groups to coordmate efforts and bUild commumty support E~tabltsh a Positive Identity for the Downtown Work wIth downtown busmess mterests and the Spnngfield commumty to foster a posItive Identity and sense of pnde for the downtown Develop the Downtown as the Gateway to Sprlllgfield Work to achIeve a Visual ImpreSSIOn m the Downtown that reflects well on the rest of the City ! . l> ' 1iJ JJ-- I rid. ^ ~\..l ~'" :...~:,,: d:u..;:. 2J.1.'Il'^'!.~.""t~ ::O-.....J::.,: <t;l!.., 'f l'''''' A ......~__~ ~~..._ _-::. - 'F".. ~-, ~ Pub/JC pmJ...mg wea~ can be 1 edevelvped as lnulfH1Se pll.l:as which could serve as public gafhellltg U1 eas 10/ jpeua! e"ents 302 CONSISTEl'iCY WITH LOCAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ORS 457 085 requires that an Urban Renewal Plan relate to defimte local objectives The Eugene-Spnngfield MetropolItan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) IS currently the City's comprehensive land use plan It was adopted locally and acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Oe\elopment COmlTIlSSlOn (LCOC) m 1982 and amended m 1987 The Metro Plan IS Spnngfield's comprehensIVe plan and controllmg land use document The Metro Plan conSiders a Wide range of goals and polIctes relatmg to land uses, traffic, transportation, publIc utilIties, recreatiOn and commumty faCIlIties, economic development, housmg and envlromnental protectiOn The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan advances many of those goals DownlOi\:n U, ban Renewal Plan SeptembeJ 15 2007 9 1-9 [ ; ReceIved a, hi 07 Planner MM As used m thIS document, the term "Metro Plan" refers not only to the Eugene- Spnngfield MetropolItan Area General Plan as a document 111 ItSelf, but also those adopted neIghborhood and specIal purpose/functIOnal refinement plans WhICh Implement and are subservIent to the MetropolItan Area General Plan ttself PenodIc reVIew of the Metro Plan was completed locally and approved m accordance wIth the post- acknowledgment procedures of ORS 197 111 2006 Other portIons of the Metro Plan whtch affect the Urban Renewal Plan, such as the Downtown Refinement Plan (regulatmg land use 111 the entIre area mcluded 111 the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan), WIIlamalane Parks and RecreatIOn ComprehensIve Plan, and the TransPlan (speCIal purpose/functIOnal refinement plans of the Metro Plan) were adopted by the CIty Council, and approved 111 accordance wIth state post-acknowledgment procedures The projects 111 the urban renewal plan also advance goals and objectIves set forth 111 other adopted plan documents These find1l1gs are outI1I1ed 111 AppendIx 2 Projects lIsted 111 the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan project lIst are supported by polIcIes from the Metro Plan, the Downtown Refinement Plan, Trans Plan, and the WIIlamalane ComprehensIve Plan -- -. - -'----.. -....""....... ~- -= -~- ",.--.' 1-" ";;... _u'_'- "~ - -~ )-- "--" , DO"t'IlfOW/1 Urban Renewal Plan September 15, 2007 10 HO L .e Received 1(71 D7 Planner MM 400. PROPOSED LAND USES The projects and uses proposed by the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan conform to the land use desIgnatIons and zonmg wlthm the renewal area and are consIstent wtth the Metro Plan DIagram, Downtown Refinement Plan, and Spnngfield Zomng Map ExhibIt 2 mcludes the Metro Plan DIagram, Downtown Refinement Plan DIagram, and the Zonmg Map for the urban renewal area The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan mcludes about 417 acres ofresldentIal, commercial, mdustnal and publIcly zoned lands About 268 acres of resIdentIal, commerctal and mdustnallands are "non-exempt" propertIes trat wIll contnbute tax mcrement revenues to the renewal dlstnct Table 1 presents the dlstnbutlOn m acres and percentage for these uses Table 1 Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct Uses by Acreage and Percent Total Acres Non- Exempt Acres* ResidentIal * Low DenSIty ResIdential Medium Density Res High DenSIty Rcsldt:nttal . Mou:d-Use RCSldl.ntlJI Commercml* Community Commercial MIlled-Use Commercial Industnal* Heavy Industnal Light-Medium loct Booth Kdly MU Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct 128 acresl 28% . Public and tax.exempt lands such as parks, public bUlldmgs, churches and fralernal organrzatlons are excluded from the,e figures 417 268 49 acresl 12% 91 acres/23% Table 2 bnefly descnbes the land uses allowed wlthrn the zOl1lng dlstncts represented wlthrn the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Table 2 Downtown Plan and Zoning DeSignation and Descnptlon of Uses Land Use DeSignations DescnptIon of Uses High DensIty ResIdential ThiS de>tgnatron mcludes srngle.famIly resIdentIal WIth duplexes and some auxlhary uses allo"ed (foster care, day care, etc) Development denSity IS hmlted to 10 dwellrng Ul1lts per acre ThiS desIgnat,on mcludes apartment complexes condomIl1IumS and other multl-tamIly hOUSing types The prescnbed development denSIty IS between 10 and 20 dwelhng Ul1lts per acre This deSIgnatIon Includes apartments and condominIUms and other multI- family types, often reaclung more than 3 stones rn heIght The prescnbed densIty IS between 20 and 40 Ul1lts per acre Low DenSIty Resldentral MedIUm DensIty Resldentral DOlAn{OWl1 Ul ban Rene...wl Plan Seplembel 15 2007 II 1-11 Mixed-Use Resldenl1al Communrty CommercIal MIxed-Use Commercial Nodal Development Overlay (apphed to Mixed-Use Resldenl1al and CommercIal) Llght-MedlUm Industn~1 Heavy Industnal Booth Kelly MIXed-Use ~dte Received Planner MM 1/7/07 Mixed-use ReSIdentIal allows a compal1ble mix of multI-family housll1g types WIth small scale commercial uses No more than about 20% of the development can be commercial ReSIdentIal uses domll1ate ThIS category lI1cludes more commercIal acl1vltles than neIghborhood commercial but less than large malls and retaIl centers Such areas usually develop around a small department store and supermarket The development occupIes at least five acres and nornlally not more than 40 acres ThIS category contarns such general actIvitIes as retaIl stores, personal services, finanCial, rnsurance, and real estate offices, pnvate recreatIonal facilItIes, such as mOVie theaters, and tounst.related facilitIes, such as motels Mixed-Use CommercIal allows for a compatIble mix of commercIal and multI-faIntly reSIdential uses WIth commerCIal uses domrnatrng on the ground level MIxed-use commerCIal developments often feature ground-level commerCIal uses With apartments or' other resldenl1al uses upstaIrs SpeCIal design standards are rntended to make development attractive and pedestnan- fnendly The downtown core area IS designated for nodal development by the Metro Plan The Nodal Development Overlay apphes to the area downtown zoned MIxed-Use CommerCIal and Mixed-Use ReSidentIal Mixed-use Implements the nodal development designatIOn descnbed 111 the Metro Plan Nodal development IS a mIxed-use pedestnan-fnendly land use pattern that seeks to rncrease concentratIons of populatIOn and employment rn well-defined areas With good tranSIt servIce, a mIX of dIverse and compatible land uses, and pubhc and pnvate Improvements deSIgned to be pedestnan and tranSIt onented ThIS deSIgnatIOn accommodates a vanety of rndustnes, rncludrng those IIlvolved rn the seconddry processrng of matenals lllto components, the assembly of components lI1to fimshed products, transportatIOn, communrcatlOn and utlhtles, wholesalrng, and warehousrng The external Impact from these uses IS generally less than Heavy Industnal ThIS deSIgnation may also dccommodate supportmg offices and commerCIal acttVltles ThIS deSIgnatIOn generally accommodates rndustnes that process large volumes of raw matenals mto refined products and/or that have slgnrficant external Impacts Examples of heavy rndustry lI1clude lumber and wood products manufactunng, paper, chemIcals and pnmary metal manufactunng, large-scale storage of hazardous matenals, power plants, and raIlroad yards Such rndustnes otten are energy-rntenslve and resource-lI1tenslve ThIS deSignatIon IS unrque to the former Booth Kelly MIll SIte, south of the rntersectlOn of South A and 51h Streets and proVides for a mIxed-use employment center that compliments the downtown area A vanety of commerCIal lndustnal, reSIdential and recreatIOnal uses are allowed Within the area A conceptual development plan and SIte plan review are reqUired to ensure that land use conflIcts are mrnlmlzed and that the full potentIal of the site IS maXImIzed Downtown V, ban Rene'rwl Plan SeplembeJ 15, 2007 12 1-12 a Received 1171", Planner' MM 500. OUTLINE OF DEVELOPMENT Projects designed to ehm1l1ate bhght and detenoratIon 111 the urban renewal area are a key component of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Bhght1l1g condItIons found 111 the downtown area constra1l1 future development called for 111 the Downtown Refinement Plan and other City plann1l1g documents The Plan's projects and actIvItIes 1I1clude Improvements to streets, curbs, and sidewalks to encourage new development 111 the project area, and to address pede,tnan and vehicular safety problems, 2 Improvements to water, storm and sanitary sewer 1I1frastructure to encourage new development 111 the project area, 3 Improvements to the vtsual appearance of the renewal area and provIde a safer, more attractIve pedestnan environment, 1I1clud1l1g streetscape and landscape Improvements, and development ofpubhc parks and open spaces, 4 Improvements to eXlst1l1g pubhc park1l1g faclhtles and constructIOn of new pubhc faclhtIes as needed to meet current and future needs, 5 Fmanclal assistance to rehablhtate and renovate bhghted propertIes m the renewal area, 6 Fmanclal aSStstance to encourage new constructIOn that would contnbute to economic and socIal revItalIzatIOn withm the renewal area, 7 AcquIsitIOn and dIsposal of land for pubhc Improvements, nghts-of-way, utIhty Improvements, and pnvate development, and 8 AdmmlstratlOn and support of the Renewal Agency and the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan SectIOn 600 proVIdes further descnptIon of urban renewal projects to be undertaken wlthm the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Downtown V, ban Renewal Plan Seplembel 15 2007 13 1-13 Date Received 1/7/6'7 Planner MM 600. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN In order to achIeve the objectIves of this Plan, the follow1l1g actIvItIes Will be undertaken on behalf of the CIty by the Spnngfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) the CIty's Urban Renewal Agency 111 accordance wtth applIcable tederal, state, county, and CIty laws, pohcles, and procedures SEDA may fund these actlVltIes 111 full, or 111 part, or seek other sources of fund1l1g for them The 1I1tent 111 descnb1l1g these projects and actlVltIes 1I1cludes estabhsh1l1g , through thIS Plan, the general and specIfic authonty to undertake these projects and actIVitIes wlth1l1 the urban renewal area These projects and actlVltles may be modified, or expanded upon as needed to meet renewal plan objectIves Changes Will be undertaken 111 accordance WIth procedures for amendments to thIS Plan A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Pubhc Improvements 1I1clude the constructIon, repaIr, or replacement of Sidewalks, streets, park1l1g, parks and open spaces, pedestnan amel11tIes, water, sal11tary sewer and storm sewer faclhtles, wetIands and nverslde/npanan Improvements, and other publIc facIlItIes necessary to carry out the goals and objectIves of thIs Plan -- tl ~~- ;:=='~- "'~"i~ ... -~~- ~,;~~~ ~~~...- .k:;l~,,::. -.i:~.d! ,~ f ,"1 ;:...> ~ ~ I "",4 ' ---;:--.-~~-~- - - ~,~~-{ ~ ~ ...."'~..... " ~.......... - -, -....... ... - "'"-~ - ".,,~ ... <. _J.- -=-~~~,;f~ 1. 2 Infrastructure and UtilIties Improvements I Street ConstructIOn and Circulation Improvements These provtde the constructIon of Improvements throughout the urban renewal area and 1I1clude, but are not hmlted to, Idndscap1l1g, constructIon, reconstructIon, repaIr or rcplacement of streets, SIdewalks, bIke and pedestnan amel11tIes, pubhc transit facIlItIes, and acqUISItIon of land, nght of ways, easements and other land nghts IdentIfied projects 1I1clude but are not hmlted to South A and Ma1l1 Street couplet redeSIgn, North A "CIVIC Street" curb and streetscape Improvements, and Pedestnan amel11ty Improvements on A Street from 81h to MIll Street These actIVItIes allow SEDA to construct and Improve 1I1frastructure and utIhtIes throughout the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct These projects 1I1clude, but are not lllmted to, constructIOn, reconstructIOn, repair, upgrad1l1g, and over SlZlng or replacement DOH'ntuwn U, ban ReneY\-al Plan Seplembel 15 2007 14 1-14 Date Received Planner MM q/-z(OJ of electnc, water, samtary sewer and stonn dramage faclhtles, relocatlon of overhead Ime to underground locatIOns, and acqUlsltlon ofland, nght of ways, easements and other land nghts SEDA shall, as deemed appropnate, assIst the utlhty provIders m bUlldmg new hnks and repamng and upgradmg selected portIons of these utlhty servIce systems to enhance opportul1ltles or secure development Identlfied projects mclude but are not hmlted to Undergroundmg of overhead utllttles from MIll to loth Street and between So A and B Street, and Storrnwater system upgrades to provIde adequate capacIty for a fully developed renewal area 3 PublIc Faclhtles Improvements. These actlvltles mclude constructIOn and Improvement of pubhc faelhtles throughout the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct mcludmg, but are not ltmlted to RelocatIon of a Downtown fire statlon, . ConstructIon of a Spnngfield LIbrary bUlldll1g, . Downtown parkll1g constructIOn and upgrades, Downtown pubhc art showcases, WIIlamalane Adult Actlvlty Center Improvements, Spnngfield Museum tmprovements, School Dlstnct taelhty upgrades, and Mtllrace Improvements, restoratlon, and supportll1g land acqulSltlon Publtc tmprovements such as those ltsted above are Important supports to the functIOn of a health downtown Parks, the Spnngfield Musuem, the WIllamalane Adult ActIVIty Center, and the MIllrace Improvement projects are pOSltlve attractors to the downtown area and provIde servIces and dmel1ltles to downtown employees Downtown art such as the murals that currently grace the walls of downtown bUlldll1gs create an lI1terestmg and attractlve envtfonment that replaces the graffitI and detenoratll1g bUlldmg ex tenors that are typtcal ofbhghted areas VISItors to these sItes add to the downtown economy as many shop and eat m the downtown as well Convel1lent, safe, vIsIble parkll1g faCIlItIes are necessary supports for any downtown bus mess center 4 Parks, Recreation, Pedestnan and Bike Corndors, and Other PublIc Amel1lty Improvements These actlVltles wIllll1clude, but are not hmlted to, pedestnan, bIcycle and transIt conncctlons hnkmg the renewal area WIth adjacent areas m and around Downtown Improvements to these connectIons may mclude, but are not hmlted to, street ltghtmg, trash receptacles, benches, hlstoncal markers, street trees and landscapmg, and slgnage Downtown UI ban Renewal Plan Seplembel J 5 2007 15 1-15 ~ De((e Received Planner MM 1 h /67 " r, tt~ ~""j..":..irv ,0 ~ hi":t.4"'t"'{,;:r:; ~f..~1;,~ j, ~-"-t..;t,.."~'f"-Cl7.... ,S.'" --"'1. :;}-,<;:.,;;r.:-{">~ "'" .:!'::":w,.... ,/,,/ / f~~ ///// /... f""~.... /-'" ",'" ~/ ,/ ~.,. w,,r /' ,,/ ~ /' /1- ,./" / //,/ "/-' /" ,/"./ / // //~;-' "/ / ,/-./' ./;;;,.- /""/"",/ ,/ .//< >" /j,//./" / ~ /// / /' / l.rl'"'''' " /-" ~/#~r~_"' 4",J"-;.l>cM_ , ;' "-~ ;: <, - .1' ~>~ , .."., SEDA may partICIpate 111 fund1l1g the deSIgn, acqUlsltJon, constructJon or rehabllttatJon of eXlst1l1g or new park SItes or other appropnate publIc spaces, or parks or publIc facIlItIes wlth1l1 the urban renewal area, 1I1c\ud1l1g Improvements lIsted 111 the Wlllamalane Parks and RecreatIOn ComprehensIve Plan These park and pedestnan-fnendly Improvments 1I1c\ude sUItable slgnage, markers, art and related Improvements to slgmfy the major assets 111 the renewal area and the entrances to the CIty These projects will Improve the vIsual appearanceof the renewal drea by add1l1g publtc amemtJes downtown 5 PublIc Safety Improvements To achIeve the objectIves of thIs Plan, and to target publIc 1I1vestments 111 a manner whIch benefits the renewal area and Spnngfield reSIdents, the SEDA IS authonzed to Improve, acqUIre or construct sdfety-related, health, and publIc-servlce-related facllttles wlth1l1 the urban renewal area Downtown VI ban Rene\,val Plan Septembel 15 2007 16 1-16 late Received ~!oJ Planner MM B PRESERVATION, REHABILIATION, DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT , "~" ~,''''''' ~ '~ '. ,~ ,&... *' ,'~ ~"'!.." ~ , , l_ ....., c ,~--""'-...,a" ."<~'-~~;?;~ ">'=:~'--"L'~' " '~-~~ ' ~..,,~\-- ...~:~~~, ~ .i:::i:"~;-~~_:~ . 'r,t:z:-...~..... ~,.:~~~ -.,z~~~ ....,..',... r -,r ~"tr" ";,..., 7f~",,; ";~f'" ~, -t; -11 --. ... ., ~ , 5t \ meent DeP:lUl mned-use resldentIJI development caters to a wide vanety of commUnIty members offenng ground floor commercial and office spJ.ce JoS well as low Income hVIng umts above Redevelopment through Ne\\ ConstructIon It IS the lI1tent of thIs Pl..m to stnTIulate new lI1vestrnent by pubhc, pnvate, non-profit, or cornmul11ty-based orgal11zatlOns by facllltatll1g redevelopment of underutlhzed property, and In partIcular, to assure that new lI1vestments serve to benefit the eXlstll1g resIdents and busll1esses 111 the area Redevelopment through new constructIon may be achIeved 111 two ways (a) By pubhc or pnvate property owners, wIth or Without financIal asststance by the Agency, DOWlltOH n V, ban ReneH,al Plan September 15 2007 17 1-17 Date ReceIved Planner MM qh7M (b) By acqutSltlon of property by the Agency for redevelopment or resale to others for redevelopment 2 Redevelopment and Rehablhtal10D Fmancmg As It may deem appropnate m order to achIeve the objectIves of thIs Plan, SEDA may set gutdelmes, establish loan programs and provIde below-market mterest rate and market rate loans and provIde such other forms of financIal assIstance to property owners and those desmng to redevelop, rehablhtate, and acqutre property These grant and loan programs wIll be consIstent wtth the provIsIons set forth m SectIOn 800 of thts Plan Any grant and loan programs developed for owner-occupIed resldentlal structures will be limIted to assIstance for pnmanly low- and moderate mcome households m correctmg health and safety problems and substandard housmg 3 PresenatlOD, RehabllltatlOD, and ConservatIOn Projects and actlvltles m thIS category will enable SEDA to advance renewal and comprehem,lve plan goals for (I) Improvmg Spnngfield's economy, and (n) Improvmg the appearance and vitality of the Downtown area As allowed by state and federal law, SEDA may partICIpate, through loans, grants, or both, m assIstmg development of new publIc and pnvate bUlldmgs and facllItles m the renewal area by establIshmg grant and loan programs These programs could mclude, for example, mclude grants and loans for pnvate bUlldmg fa<;ade Improvements and for ellmmatemg substandard structural condltlons and mtenor remodeling SEDA may make thIs assIstance avaIlable as It deems necessary to achIeve the obJectlves of thIs Plan C PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION In order to carry out the obJectlves of this Plan, SEDA IS authonzed to acqutre land or bUlldmgs tor public and pnvate developmenUredevelopment purposes The procedures for acqumng and dlsposmg of property are descnbed m SectIOns 700 and 800 of thIs Plan - D PLAN TECHNICAL STUDIES AND ADMINISTRATION Admmlstrratlon of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and unplementatlOn of ItS projects and actIvltles will be done m an effectlve, efficIent and financIally responsIble manner SEDA funds may be utIlIzed to pay mdebtedness assoCIated WIth preparatIon of the urban renewal plan to carry out deSIgn plans, mIscellaneous land use and publIc facIlity studIes, engmeenng, market analyses and programs, and other techmcal studIes as may be needed to fulfill the Plan's goals SEDA funds may be utllIzed to pay for marketmg matenals and programs to aSSISt m carrymg out the obJectlves of the redevelopment plan Downtown VI ban Renewal Plan Seplembel 15 2007 18 1-18 Date Received '1 h In Planner MM 700. PROPERTY ACQUISITION PROCEDURES AcqUlsltlon of real property may be necessary to advance the goals of thIs Plan Property for publIc or pnvate preservahon, rehabllItahon, development, or redevelopment may be acqUlred by gtft, emment domam or any other lawful method when acqUlsthon tS needed for development or redevelopment SEDA IS authonzed to acqUlre property wlthm the urban renewal area, If necessary by any legal means to achIeve the obJechves of thIs Plan Property acqUlsltlOn, mcludmg lImIted mterest acqUlslhon, tS hereby made a part of thIs Plan and may be used to achIeve the obJechves of this Plan All acqUlsltlOn of property by SEDA must comply WIth SectIOn 900 of thIs Plan A ACQUISITION REQUIRING CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION CIty Councll rahficahon tS reqUlred for SEDA acqUISItIons for the followmg purposes Assemblmg land for development by the pubhc or pnvate sector Such acqUlslhon shall be undertaken only followmg complehon of an amendment to thIs Plan as set forth m SectIOn 900 C of thIs Plan The CIty Counctl shall rahfy the amendment to thiS Plan by resolutIOn 2 Where condthons eXIst that may affect the health, safety and welfare of the Area and It IS determmed that acqulslhon of such properties and demohtIon of the Improvements thereon are necessary to remove substandard and blIghtmg condlhons, acquIsItIOn shall be undertaken only followmg completIOn of an amendment to thIS Plan as set forth m SectIon 900 C of thIS Plan The CIty CounCil shall rahfy the amendment to till:, Plan by resoluhon 3 Acqulslhon for any purpose that reqUIres the use of the Agency's powers of emment domam Such acqUlsltIon shall be undertaken only followmg completIOn of an amendment to thIS Plan as set forth m SectIOn 900 C of thts Plan The City CounCIl shall rdhfy the amendment to thiS Plan by resolutIOn B ACQUISITlON NOT REQUIRING CITY COUNCIL RATIFICATION Land acqulSlhon not requmng City CounCIl ratIficatIon reqUlres an amendment to thIS Plan as set forth m SectIOn 900 0 of thiS Plan The mmor amendment to the Rene'Wal Plan may be adopted by the Renewal Agency by ResolutIOn The Agency may acqUlre land WIthout CouncIl rahficatlOn 'Where the followmg condItIons eXIst Where It IS determmed that the property IS needed to prOVIde publiC tmprovements and faclhtles as follows a RIght-of-way acqulSlhon for streets, alleys or pedestnan ways, b RIght of way and easement acqUlSltlOn for water, sewer, and other utIlIhes c Property acqUlslhon for pubhc use or for publIc bUlldmgs and faCIlItIes 2 Where the owner ofreal property wlthm the boundanes of the Area WIshes to convey tItle of such property by any means, mcludmg by gIft DownfoVl-n UI ban Reneaal Plan September 15 2007 19 1-19 Date Received q(DdD7 Planner MM C PROPERTIES TO BE ACQUIRED At the tlme this plan tS prepared, no properties are Identified for acqUIsition If plan amendments to acqUIre property are approved, a map exhlbtt shall be prepared showmg the propertIes to be acqUIred and the property WIll be added to the hst of properties to be acqUIred The hst of properties acqUIred w1l1 be shown 111 this sectIOn of the Plan The map exhibIt shall be appropnately numbered and shall be lI1cluded 111 Part Two as an offiCial part of this Urban Renewal Plan 800. PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPERS' OBLIGATIONS A PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPMENT The SEDA IS authonzed to dIspose of acqUIred property by sale, lease, exchange, or other appropnate means for redevelopment and development uses and purposes speCIfied 111 this Plan If property IS Identlfied for publIc acqulsltlon 111 this Plan, SEDA proposes to commence dtSpOSltlOn of property wtthll1 five (5) years from the date of Identlfyll1g those propertIes 111 this plan, and to complete diSpOSItIOn wlthll1 ten (10) years from such approval PublIcally acqUIred properties may be disposed by sale, lease, exchange or dedlcdtlon or by any other lawful means when dlsposltlon IS deemed necessary tor the followll1g purposes Road, street, pedestnan, bIkeway, and utllIty projects, and other nght-of-way Improvements lIsted 111 SectIOn 600 of thIs plan 2 ConstructIOn of publIc faclhtles m SectIOn 600 of this plan 3 Redevelopment by pnvate redevelopers for purposes consIstent with the goals of thiS plan Such dtspoSltlon WIll be 111 accordance wtth the terms of a DISpOSition & Development Agreement between the Developer and SEDA and with the developer's oblIgatIOns pursuant to Sectlon 800 B of thiS Plan SEDA may dispose of any land It has acqUIred at fair reuse value and may define the fair reuse value of any land B DEVELOPERS' OBLIGATIONS Developers seekmg asststance by SEDA through the benefit of one or more of the Agency's projects or actiVities wIthm the urban renewal area w1l1 be subject to controls and oblIgatIOns Imposed by the proVISiOnS of thiS Plan, lI1cludmg the followmg requirements The developer shall develop or redevelop property m accordance WIth the land- use proVISIOns and other reqUIrements speCified m thiS Plan and 111 the legally DOl,1,ntown VI bun Rene\'\-al Plan September /5, 2007 20 1-20 uate Received Planner MM 1rd~7 applIcable local land use plans and zomng provlSlons for the Downtown Urban Renewal Area 2 SEDA may reqUIre the redeveloper to execute a development agreement acceptable to the Renewal Agency as a condItIOn of any form of assIstance by the Renewal Agency The developer shall accept all condItIons and agreements as may be reqUIred by the Renewal Agency m order to receIve assIstance from the Agency 3 The developer shall submIt to SEDA (or ItS desIgnated agent) for Agency revtew and approval, all plans and specIficatIons for constructIon of SEDA-asslsted Improvements pnor to dlstnbuhon of these Improvements to other revlewmg bodIes as reqUIred by the CIty's alnd and bUlldmg permIt reVIew procedures 4 Any pnvatee project benefitmg from SEDA aSSIstance shall commence and be completed wlthm a reasonable tIme, as determmed by SEDA 5 Any developer benefitmg from SEDA assIstance shall not affect any mstrument whereby the sale, lease, or occupancy of the real property, or any part thereof, is restnctcd upon the ba,ls of age, race, color, relIgion, sex, manta! status, or natIOnal ongm 900. AMENDMENTS TO THE URBAN RENEWAL PLAN It IS antIcIpated that thIS Downtown Urban Renewal Plan wIll be revIewed penodlcally dunng the lIfe ofthePlan The Plan may be changed, modified, or amended as future condll1ons warrant Types of Renewal Plan amendments are A SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS Substanl1a! amendments consIst of Increases m the Downtown Urban Renewal Area boundary m cumulatIve excess of I % shall be a substdntIal amendment requrnng approval per ORS 457 095 and nol1ce as provIded m ORS 457 120 2 Increasmg the maXimum amount of mdebtedness to be Issued under the plan shall be a substantml amendment requmng approval per ORS 457 095 and nol1ce as provIded m ORS 457 120 B SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS NOT REQUIRING SPECIAL NOTICE The followmg Plan amendments wIll reqUIre approval per ORS 457 095 but wIll not require specIal nol1ce as provided m ORS 457 120 The addition of Improvements or acl1vltles whIch represent a substantIal change m the purpose and objectIves of thIs Plan, and whIch cost more than $500,000, Downtown V, ban Renewal Plan September I) 2007 21 1-21 Date Received Planner MM 117 /61 , shall be a substantIal amendment requmng approval per ORS 457 095, but not requmng notice as provided In ORS 457 120 The $500,000 amount will be adjusted annually from the year 2008 according to the "Englneenng News Record" constructIon cost Index for the Northwestern Umted States 2 The addItion of Improvements or actIvItIes that substantially alter the goals and objectIves of the Urban Renewal Plan C OTHER AMENDMENTS REQUIRING COUNCIL APPROVAL The follOWing Plan amendments must be approved by the Renewal Agency by resolutIOn and presented to CIty CounCil for reqUired approval by City Councll resolutIOn AcqulSltlOn of property for purposes speCified In SectlOns 700A of thIs Downtown Urban Renewal Plan D OTHER AMENDMENTS Minor amendments may be approved by the Renewal Agency In reso]utlOn fonn Such amendments are defined as Amendments to clanfy language, add graphiC exhIbIts, make minor modIfications In the scope or locatIOn of Improvements authonzed by thIS Plan, or other such modifications whIch do not change the baSIC planning or englneenng pnnclples of the Plan 2 AcqUlsItlOn of property for purposes speCIfied In SectIOn 700 B I and B2 of thIS plan 3 AddItIOn of a project substantially dIfferent from those Identified III SectIons 600 of the Plan or substantIal modificatIon ofa project IdentItied III SectIOn 600 If the addItIon or modIficatIon of the project costs less than $500,000 III 2008 dollars 4 Increases In the urban renewal area boundary not III cumulative excess of I % 1000. MAXIMUM INDEBTEDNESS The MaXimum Indebtedness authonzed under thIS plan IS dollars ($XX, XXX,XXX) ThIS amount IS the pnnclple of such Indebtedness and does not Include Interest or Indebtedness Incurred to refund or refinance such mdebtedness Downtown LfJ ban Rene',1,ul Plan Septembel /5, 2007 22 1-22 ate Received _'1 /7 (07_ Planner MM 1100. FINANCING METHODS A GENERAL The Urban Renewal Agency may borrow money and accept advances, loans, grants and other fonns of financial assIstance from the federal government, the state, City, county or other publIc body, or from any sources, publIc or pnvate for the purposes of paymg Indebtedness Incurred In undertaking and carrying out this Plan In additIon, the Agency may borrow money from or lend money to a publIc agency In conJunctIOn With a JOint undertaking of a proJect authonzed by thiS Plan If such funds are loaned, the Agency may promulgate rules and procedures for the methods and condItIOns of payment of such loans B TAX INCREMENT FINANCING It IS contemplated that the proJect WIll be financed m whole or In part by tax Increment financmg, as authonzed In ORS 457 420 through ORS 457 450 C PRIOR INDEBTEDNESS Any mdebtedness penmtted by law and mcurred by the Urban Renewal Agency or the CIty m connectIOn With preplannmg for thiS Urban Renewal Plan shall be repaid from tax mcrement proceeds generated pursuant to thiS sectIon 1200. RELOCATION To the extent reqUired by law, SEDA WIll proVIde relocatIon assIstance to all persons or bUSinesses dIsplaced temporanly or pennanently by proJect actIVitIes As reqUIred, those dIsplaced Will be given assistance In finding replacement properties As reqUired, all persons or bUSinesses which may be dIsplaced WIll be contacted to detennlne specrtic relocatIon needs and Will be proVIded InfonnatlOn on aVailable housmg or commerclallmdustnal property as may be applIcable, and WIll be given assIstance In moving All relocatIOn actIvItIes Will be undertaken and payments made m accordance With the reqUIrements 01 ORS 281 045-281 105 and any other apphcable laws or regulatIOns RelocatlOn payments WIll be made as proVIded In ORS 281 060 Payments made to persons displaced from dwellings WIll assure that they WIll have avallable to them decent, safe, and samtary dwellIngs at costs or rents wlthm their finanCial reach As reqUIred, payment for moving expenses WIll be made to reSidents and bUSinesses dIsplaced SEDA may contract WIth Oregon Department of TransportatIOn or other partIes to help admlmster ItS relocation program 1300. DEFINITIONS The follOWing defimtIons WIll govern the constructIOn of thIS Plan unless the context otherwIse reqUires ' Do\<"ntown Ul ban Renenal Plan September 15 2007 23 1-23 ate Received .3i.zf07 Planner MM "Agency", "Renewal Agency", "Urban Renewal Agency", "Spnngfield EconomIc Development Agency", or "SEDA" means the Urban Renewal Agency of the City ot Spnngfield, Oregon "Area" means the area Included Within the boundanes of the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Plan "CIty" means the City of Spnngfield, Oregon "CIty CounCil" means the CIty Councll of the CIty ofSpnngfield, Oregon "ComprehenSive Plan" means the CIty's ComprehenSive Land Use Plan and ItS Implementmg ordmances, polICIes, refinement plans, and development standards "County" means the County of Lane, State of Oregon "Displaced" person or bUSiness means any person or bUSiness that IS reqUIred to relocate as a result of actlOn by the Urban Renewal Agency to vacate a property for publIc use or purpose "DIspOSItion and Development Agreement" means an agreement between the Urban Renewal Agency and a pnvate developer whIch sets forth the tenns and condltlOns under which WIll govern the dlSpOSltlOn ofland to a pnvate developer "ExhIbIt" means an attachment, either narrative or map, to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Area, Part Two -Exhibits "ORS" means Oregon ReVIsed Statute (State Law) and specltically Chapter 457 thereof "Plan" means the Urban Renewal Plan for the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Area, Parts One and Two "Plan Area" mean, the area mcluded wlthm the boundanes of the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Plan "Plannmg ComlmsslOn" means the Planning CommiSSIon of the CIty ofSpnngfield, Oregon "Project, ActIVIty or ProJect ActiVIty" means any undertakmg or actIvIty Within the renewal area, such as a publIc Improvement, street proJect or other actiVIty authonzed and for which Implementing provlslOns are set forth In the Urban Renewal Plan "PublIc Safety Project" means proJects Intended to assIst polIce, fire, ambulance, and emergency services In the CIty of Spnngfield or m Lane County Within the Plan Area Dmvntown V, ban Rene"a! Plan Septembel /5 2007 24 1-24 Date Received ..J..il(07 Planner MM "Renewal Area" means the area mcluded wlthm the boundanes of the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Plan "Report" means the report accompanymg the Plan, as proVIded m ORS 457 085 (3) "Developer" means any mdlvldual or group acqumng property from the Urban Renewal Agency or recelYlng finanCIal assistance for the physIcal Improvement of pnvately or publIcly held structures and land "SEDA" means the Spnngfield EconomIc Development Agency "Text" means the Urban Renewal Plan for the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Area, Part One - Text "Urban Renewal Area", "Spnngfield Downto'Wn Urban Renewal Area", "Urban Renewal Area", or "Renewal Area" means the geographiC area for whIch thIs Urban Renewal Plan has been approved The boundary of the Urban Renewal Area IS descnbed m ExhIbIts made a part of thiS plan Attachments to the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. ExhIbit I -Boundary Map and Legal DescnptlOn ExhIbIt 2 -Zomng Map and Plan DIagram AppendiX 1- Detalled Goal Descnptlon AppendIX 2- Detailed OutlIne of Consistency WIth Local and RegIOnal Plannmg ObJectives f Downtown Ulban Renewal Plan Septembel 15 2007 25 1-25 r ~ "- -- ~ '0 <1>:2 ~:2 (,) <1>'- 0::<1> e: <l>e: ~CIl ,- Jo. .... Eo< ..... >Q ..... 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[3 ,'"""'.... ~~l....._ II! g 'Us.:w.....- ..... 0 D ".......:-- IlllI ~l:....tt1\ooo1lk>'" IIl..a~.a....I,.c- ."'binu,t::.vlCt ~tJ.::r"Il'" rfU.I~\a..a:;._ln.lIJ.l.I..t.,,,,u_Hnl latfC-...J, _~.'~"""1oloonM 0 1'".......~...4.4..w 0 Iqt.....- EJ ,,"Wll.,fl o ru... ......_..w o G.;--..........rc ILU6:.. ~ v.l~~bl t':'I t::d ~""'lCt. ~"'J.Ulr...... m C::.tu..hJ .... r:::J ... f_.~~.Vt l,,-r :a-..'t~h" '-"...... ...,""'~.--- 1I,.,,-ta.....1~1~.:'O ,'"'.'V....."". o Ilon....,..,.",'uo .~..I....,.....W'I... 0..........4:....... . ~f:.-.. , V"UD Ai l1Xli seAL: ONLY I , -- .... .' ~ '" /! . .c~r, ".' "'::.:.l ~-- . .... -+ ...- o , 100::" I Renewal Dlstnct VIClDlty Dmlrntowl1 ulban Renewal Plan Septembel 15, 2007 29 1-29 te Received ~7 /-'fanner MM APPENDIX 1 DETAILED GOAL DESCRIPTION A Promote PublIc and Pnvate Develooment. Goal To promote publIc and pnvate development, redevelopment, and rehabIlItation wlthm the urban renewal area to help create Jobs, tax revenues, and self sustammg, vital and vibrant commercial and mdustnal areas ObJ ectl ves Enhance the envIronment for development and mvestment through Improvements to streets, streetscapes, parks, and publIc buildmgs and spaces 2 ASSist property owners m rehabllrtatmg bUlldmgs so they can accommodate more mtenslve commercial, mIxed-use, and mdustnal activity, 3 Help create economic vitalIty by creatmg activIties and encouragmg uses that bnng a SignIficant number of Jobs, employees, potential shoppers and mve,tors throughout the renewal area B RehabilItate BUlldlnl! Stock Goal To upgrade the stock of eXIsting structures 10 the renewal area whIch contnbute to ItS UnIque character, but which are run down or do not meet current State BUlldmg and Specialty Codes' requIrements ObJectives Improve the appearance of eXlstmg bUlldmgs m order to enhance the overall aesthetics of the renewal area 2 Help m Improvmg the safety of older bUildings m regard to seismIC stabilIty, fire safety, bUlldmg code complIance and accessibIlIty to persons With dIsabIlItIes 3 Redevelop bUlldmgs and areas that are currently mconSlStent With the goals and obJectIves of thIs plan so that the nnprovements benefit the entire economIc dev.elopment effort for the commumty and property owners C Imorove Streets. Streetscaoes. Parks and OIJen Soaces Goal To Improve eXlstmg streets and both on-street and off-street parkmg, to Improve and enhance parks and open spaces, lIke multi-use paths, as an mtegral part of the area, and to enhance lIvabIlIty Downtown UJ ban Renel1-al Plan September 15 2007 30 1-30 ate Received 117 /en Planner MM ObJectives Enhance streetscapes by installIng street lIghting, street furniture, banners, awmngs, planters and other amemtles 2 Fund sIdewalk and alleyway connectIons and Improvements 3 Reconstruct and Improve eXlstmg roadways where needed and'ln a manner meetmg the obJectives of thIs Plan 4 Address and Improve pedestnan safety along heavily traveled streets through the urban renewal area 5 Create additional open space areas and pedestnan spaces that are attractive areas for residents and employees and that stimulate economic actlYlty and enhaIlCe lIvabIlIty D Imorove UtilIties Goal Improve and update utilIties to allow more effiCient, mtenslve, and productIve development of the areas ObJectives 1 Construct new, upgrade, underground, or reconstruct eXisting utilIties (mcludmg water, electncal, samtary and stonn sewers, and telecommumcatlons) as necessary to encourage and pennlt development of pnvate propertIes, and supportIve publIc amemtles E Parkme Goal Develop convement attractive parkmg faCIlIties close to shoppmg, entertainment, and busmess destinatIOns ObJectives Construct publIc parkmg to support bus messes and actIVitIes In the Downtown Urban Renewal Area that IS VISible, safe and convemently located 2 Install slgnage that clearly dIrects cItizens to avmlable publIc parkmg F PublIc FaCIlIties Goal Malntam, acqUire and develop publIc parks and open spaces, and publIc safety, health, and other faCIlIties, to maintain and enhance publIc use, safety, and enJoyment of the renewal area Down/own U, ban Renewal Plan September 15, 2007 31 1-31 Date Received Planner MM 1h !O, ObJectIves Ensure that publIc safety facIlItIes WlthlO the renewal area are adequate to support and protect eXlstmg and proposed development 10 the renewal area 2 Evaluate the adequacy of other publIc faCIlItIes servmg the renewal dlstnct area and ensure theIr compatIbilIty WIth the surroundmg development and proposed redevelopment m the area 3 Ensure that publIc parks and open spaces are adequate to serve eXlstmg and proposed development G Housmg Goal Provide for new and rehabilItated housmg opportumtles that collectIvely reflect a dIversity ofhousmg types, occupancy (rental and owner-occupIed), and mcome levels 10 the City Support housmg development that IS geared to support the area's goals for generatmg new employment ObJectIves ProvIde a Wide range of houslOg opportumtIes to accommodate households at all mcome levels, mcludlOg low-, moderate-, and upper-mcome rental and owner- occupIed hOUSlOg, whIch support prospectIve residentIal markets m, adJacent to, and near the renewal area 2 PrOVIde assIstance to help mamtam and assIst m the rehabIlItatIon of the stock of eXlstmg housmg m the renewal area 3 ASSI,t m the development of qualIty housing for a range of household Incomes and charactenstlcs that are umque to the deSIred urban, Downtown atmosphere H [morove PublIc Entrance and Sl!mage Goal ASSIst 10 tundmg for a program of entrance beautificatIOn and slgnage mdlcatmg cultural, hlstoncal, natural, and tounsm landmarks wlthm the renewal area ObjectIves [ ProVIde urban renewal funds for slgnage and entrance Improvements m spaces wlthm the urban renewal area reflectmg the communIty's hiStOry, culture natural areas, tounsm opportumtles, and welcomlOg attItude 2 ProVIde a,slstance m Implementmg year round "color and movement" such as banners, hangmg flower baskets and holIday decoratIOns Dov.ntown V, ban Renewal Plan September 15 2007 '? j- 1-32 late Received -1./1j~) Planner MM 3 Increase publIc Slgnage, both directIonal and InfonnatlOnal, espeCially for functlOns related to tounsm, specIal commumty events, and seasonal occurrences -- Downtown urban Rene~al Plan September 15 2007 33 1-33 ate Received ~/ Planner MM APPENDIX 2 CONSISTENCY WITH LOCAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING OBJECTIVES The followmg IS a lIst of the supportIng polIcIes for each of the proJects and mdlcate the confonnance of the Plan to local land use plans and polIcIes (ProJects are referenced by letter accordmg to the proJect lIst spreadsheet m the Report accompanymg thIs Plan) A STREET CONSTRlJCTION 4.ND CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS: Metro Plan Polzcies System WIde PolIcy F 10 Protect and manage eXlstmg and future transportatIon mfrastructure System WIde PolIcy F II Develop or promote mtennodallmkages for connectlYlty and ease of transfer among all transportatIon nodes System WIde PolIcy F 13 Support transportatIon strategIes that enhance neighborhood lIvabIlIty , TransportatIon System Improvements Roadways PolIcy F]4 Address the mobilIty and safety needs ofmotonsts, transit users, bicyclIsts, pedestnans, and the needs of emergency vehIcles when plannmg and constructmg roadway system Improvements Downtown Refinement Plan Polzele" Access, CIrculatIon, and Parkmg Element PolICies 1-8 1 The CIty shall pursue fundmg of IdentIfied bIcycle and pedestDan Improvement proJects WIthIn the Downtown area to place these proJects m the "Programmed" category 10 TransPlan 2 The CIty and Wlllamalane shall work cooperatIvely to obtam easements or other Instruments to enable constructlOn of park-to-park multI-use paths, mcludmg Island Park to Doms Ranch, Doms Ranch to Clearwater Park and the Mill Race from the MIddle Fork of the WIllamette to the confluence at the Spnngfield Bndges 3. The CIty shall evaluate the dlstnbutlOn of publIc off-street parkmg In the Downtown and prepare a strategy to address the eqUitable balance of these resources 4 The City shall conSIder fonnatlOn of a Downtown AssoclatlOn to partner With the City on parkIng solUl1ons and enhancmg the pedestnan expenence Dow11foan V, ban Renewal Plan Septembel 15, 2007 34 1-34 Date Received .ilz&? Planner MM 5 The CIty shall work WIth L TD to facIlItate the success of the BR T system [EmX Line], encourage local businesses to partIcIpate rn LDT ndershlP programs, and co-sponsor TransportatIOn Demand Management techniques 6 The CIty shall work WIth ODOT to take full advantage of the opportumhes presented by the designatIon of Main Street as SpecIal TransportatIon Areas and wIll pursue a slmrIar designatIon for South A Street 7 The grid street system wlthrn the Downtown Refinement Plan area, mcludmg streets and alleys, shall be mamtalned to the greatest extent practIcable, except where Issues of publIc safety and secunty may become a concern for publIc bUildings 8 The City shall study, and where appropnate, Implement a plan-to Improve auto, pedestnan, and bIcycle access to the Booth-Kelly sIte and the MIll Race Oregon TransportatIOn Plan: Development of an Integrated Multlmodal System PolIcy I I Plan and develop a balanced, rntegrated transportatlOn system WIth modal chOIces for the movement of people and goods Downtowns and EconomiC Development PolIcy 3 3 Provide transportatIOn Improvements to support downtowns and to coord mate transportatIOn and economic development strategIes B Infrastructure and UtlhtIes ImDrovement~ Metro Plan Pobcle~ PublIc FacIlItIes and ServIces Element Stonnwater Pohcy G 14 Implement changes to stonnwater facIlItIes and management practIces to reduce the presence of pollutants regulated under the Clean Water Act and to address the reqUirements of the ESA PublIc FacIlItIes and ServIces Element Stonnwater PolIcy G 16 Manage or enhance waterways and open stormwater systems to reduce water qualIty Impacts from runoff and to Improve stormwater conveyance Downtown Refinement Plan Pobcle~ DeSIgn Element PolIcy 3 AlternatIve methods oflessemng the negatIve aesthetIc character of overhead electnc lInes In the Downtown area shall be examined a~d pursued by SUB ThiS may Include I) undergroundrng new service connectlOns and "clean-up" Downto'rt71 U, ban Rene'rvlll Plan Septembel 15 2007 35 1-35 Date Received Planner MM 111167 of overhead express feeders m the near future, and 2) possible undergroundmg of all lInes 10 the future C PUBLIC FACILITIES Metro Plan Poilcles. PublIc FacIlItIes and Services Element Schools PolIcy G 2 I The cItIes shall mltIate a process WIth school dlstncts wlthm the UGB for coordmatmg land use and school plannmg actlYltIes The cItIes and school dlstncts shall examine the follOWing m their coordmatlOn efforts a The need for new publIc school faCIlItIes and suffiCient land to site them D P <\RKS. RECRE<\ TIOi'o. PEDESTRIAN AND BIKE CORRIDORS AND OTHER, AMENITIES WILLAMALANE PARKS IMPROVEMENTS F. Metro Plan PoliCIes: Transportation System Improvements BIcycle PolIcy F 22 Construct and Improve the reglOn's bIkeway system and proVIde bicycle system support faCIlItIes for both new development and redevelopmentlexpanslOn TransportatlOn System Improvements BIcycle PolIcy F 24 ReqUire bIkeways to connect new development WIth nearby neIghborhood aCtlVlty centers and maJor destmatlons TransportatIOn System Improvements Pedestnan PolIcy F 26 PrOVIde for a pedestnan environment that IS wel1mtegrated WIth adjacent land uses and IS deSigned to enhance the safety, comfort, and convemence ofwalkmg TransportatlOn System Improvements Pedestnan PolIcy F 27 ProVide for a continuous pedestnan network with rea,onably dIrect travel routes between destInatIon pomts Parks and RecreatlOn F aCllItles Element PolIcy H I Develop a system of reglonal- metropolItan recreatlonal actIvity areas based on a facllItles plan for the metropolItan area that mcludes acqUiSitIon, development, and management programs The Metro Plan and system should Include reservOir and hIll parks, the WIl1amette RIver Greenway, and other nver comdors Parks and RecreatlOn FaCIlItIes Element PolIcy H 4 Encourage the development of pnvate recreatIonal faCIlItIes Parks and RecreatlOn FaCIlItIes Element PolIcy H 5 Develop mechamsms and processes by whIch reSIdents of an area to be served by a neIghborhood park, neighborhood center, or play lot can partICIpate m the deSIgn, development, and mamtenance of the faCIlIty Downtown V, ban Rellmal Plan September 15, 2007 36 1-36 Date Received Planner MM ql1/07 Downtown Refinement Plan Poltcles: EconomIc Element PolIcy 5 The City shall support WIllamalane's efforts to develop parks and open spaces In the Refinement Plan area consistent WIth the WIllamalane Park and Recreahon ComprehenSIve Plan DeSign Element PolIcy 2 The City and WIllamalane shall continue to develop and Integrate the elements of the nver, bndge, White Horse, Millrace and Island Park to enhance hlstonc, recreatIOnal, and aesthetic values and promote tounsm PublIc Spaces Element polICIes 1-4 1 The City shall encourage the development and use of sItes throughout Downtown for dIsplays, exhibIts, feshvals and other events of publIc mterest 2 The City and WIllamalane shall continue to explore the creatiOn and development of publIc space Improvements m the Downtown mcludlng a Downtown overlook and Improved pedestnan access to Island Park, the Millrace, and the hlstonc Bnggs Ferry Landmg 3 The City shall endeavor to malntam fundmg for maintenance programs on Downtown streets, Sidewalks, and CIty-owned publIc spaces 4 The CIty, In cooperatlOn WIth downtown bUSinesses, should IdentIfy funding for, deSIgn, and construct a New Main Street plaza at the locatlOn of the parkmg lot on the south SIde of CIty Hall The plaza would serve as the pnmary CIVIC gathenng publIc space m the core of the downtown The deSIgn would explore whether It should be a dual use as both parkmg and plaza, or be converted to all plaza The long-term vIsion for thiS space would mclude reconstructlOn of the south SIde of City Hall to complement the plaza WlllalllalaJ/e Plan Strategies. Parks and Open Space Strategy ProVide parks, open spaces, nver access, and pathways, while respectmg pnvate property nghts Commulllty RecreatIon and Support FaCIlItIes ProVIde commumty recreatIon and support facIlItIes that faCIlItate a WIde vanety of actIVitIes, create commulllty gathenng places, and enhance commumty pnde G REDEVELOP"'ENT THROUGH NEW CONSTRUCTION. Metlo PlaJ/ Policle~ Doantown V, ban Renewal Plan Septembel 15 2007 37 1-37 Date Received i ( 71 /)..., Planner MM Economic Element PolIcy B 13 Continue to encourage the development of conventIon and tounst-related faCIlItIes EconomIc Element PolIcy B 14 Contmue efforts to keep the Eugene and Spnngfield central bUSiness dlstncts as vIta] centers of the metropolItan area Downtown Refinement Plan Policies. Economic Element PolIcy 3 The CIty shall maintain a vanety of strategIes and fundmg sources as mcentIves to development and redevelopment of the Downtown ThIS should Include, but not be lImIted to State RevolVing Loan Funds, Industnal Development Revenue Bonds, Oregon Business Development Fund, state lottery funds, CDBG grants and loan programs, tax Increment financing, local Improvement dlstncts, economic Improvement dlstncts, and, speCial assessment dlstncts EconomIc Element PolIcy 4 As the desIgn and constructIOn of the JustIce Center evolves, the CIty shall work WIth nearby businesses and property owners to take advantage of opportumtIes to develop sites or structures to accommodate the vanous support uses that are lIkely to seek thiS proximIty EconomIc Element PolIcy 7 The City shall support efforts to attract shoppers to the Downtown, including but not lImited to specialty events such as festivals and parades, and recumng activItIes such as a "Fanner's Market" EconomIC Element PolIcy 8 The City shall support the retention oflocal busmesses and the relocatIOn of new bUSiness to Downtown ' Oregon Tran~pOl tatlOn Plan Creatmg Commumtles PolIcy 43 Increase access to goods and servIces and promote health by encouragmg development of compact commumtles and neighborhoods that Integrate reSIdentIal, commercIal and employment land uses to help make shorter tnps, tranSIt, walking and bIcyclIng feaSIble Integrate features that support the use of transportatIon chOIces H E PR_~~FRV ~ TlON. REHARILlT A TlON. Al'<D CONSERV ~ TlON UPGRADES TO FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS Metro Plan PoliCies Hlstonc PreservatIon Element PolIcy I I Adopt and Implement hlstonc preservatlOn polICies, regulatIons, and mcentlve programs that encourage the Inventory, preservatlOn, and restoratIon of structures, landmarks, Sites, and areas of cultural, hlstonc, or archaeologIcal SIgnificance, consistent With overall polICies Duwntown U, ban Renewal Plan September 15 2007 38 1-38 Date Received Planner MM 111 167 Hlstonc PreservatIon Element PolIcy I 2 InstItute and support proJects and programs that Increase CItIzen and VISitor awareness of the area's hIstory and encourage CitIzen partlclpatlOn m and support of programs designed to recogmze and mernonalIze the area's history Downtown Refinement Plan PoliCIes DesIgn Element PolIcy 8 The CIty shall support efforts by Downtown businesses to make bUIldmg fayade Improvements Wlilamalane Plan StrategIes RehabIlItatIOn Strategy Upgrade and revitalIze eXlstmg parks and recreatIOn faCIlItIes to proVIde recreatIOn opportumtIes, protect recreatIOn resources, Improve the enVIronment, enhance user safety, and Improve accessibIlIty for people With dIsabilItIes I Prooertv ACOUlsltlOn and DIS')osltIon Metro Plan Policle~. EconomIc Element PolIcy 16 UtIlIze processes and local controls which encourage retentIon of large parcels or consolIdatlOn of small parcels 01 mdu,tnally or commerCIally zoned land to faCIlItate their use or reuse m a comprehenSive manner rather than piecemeal fashlOn J TECHNICAL. FINANCIAL <\ND DESIGN PLAN DRAFTS AND UPDATES Metro Plall PoliCieS: Downtown Refinement Plall Policies Access, CirculatlOn, and Parkmg Element PolIcy 3 The CIty shall evaluate the dlstnbutlon of publIc off-street parkmg In the Downtown and prepare a strategy to address the eqUitable balance of these resources Access, CIrculatIon, and Parkmg Element PolIcy 8 The CIty shall study, and where appropnate, Implement a plan to Improve auto, pedestnan, and bicycle access to the Booth-Kelly sIte and the Mill Race DowntoH'l1 U, ban Renewal Plan September 15 2007 39 1-39 v -~ ...~..- . ~" ~ 1 ~ ~\ ~J>::-fi ~;t, j ~ ~ c c, ~ r" ~ , -: :,~, '--.1 t ':1"~ I ~ Date Received 1/7/07 Planner MM Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Part Two: PLAN REPORT September 15,2007 Date Received Planner MM 1 (7 ! 07 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN REPORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ThIs urban renewal plan was prepared with funding assistance from the CIty of Spnngfield Spnngfield cItizens particIpated m 2 townhalls leading to the preparation of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report Staff AssIstance Gmo Gnmaldl, CIty Manager Jeff Towery, AssIstant CIty Manager WillIam Gnle, Development Services Dlfector John TamuloDls, Commumty Development Manager Mark Metzger, Plannmg SupervIsor Courtney Gnesel, Planner Urban Renewal Consultant Charles Kupper, Spencer & Kupper Downto"",n [), bun Renewal Plan-Report 2 1-41 Septembel 15 2007 ')ate Received Planner MM 1/7/07 , REPORT ON THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT BACKGROUND Page 4 DEFl1'iITION OF BLIGHTING CONDn IONS 6 100 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS IN 1 HE URBAN RENEWAL AREA 7 IOOA PHYSICAL CONDITIONS 7 100B SOCIAL CONDITIONS 12 200 EXPECTED FISCAL, SERVICE AND POPULATION IMPACTS OF PLAN 14 300 REASONS FOR SELECTING THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA 16 400 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EACH PROJECT ACTIVITY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA 16 500 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF PLAN 17 500A ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND REVENUE SOURCES 17 500B ANTICIPATED START & FINISH DATES OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES 19 500C ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETiREMENT 19 5000 IMPACT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING 20 500E FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF PLAN 21 600 RELOCATION 22 Downtm..n VI ban Rene\-val Plan-Report 3 1-42 September 15 2007 tJate Received Planner MM 1/7 (07 REPORT ON THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN PROJECT BACKGROUND The pnmary purpose of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS to revItalIze the core hlstonc downtown commercIal and Industnal areas of Spnngfield The mtent IS to Increase commercial actiVIty, Improve eXIsting buIlding facades, and promote pedestnan amemtIes and commumty actIVitIes The renewal plan burlds upon other work and study efforts focused on downtown They Include the Downtown Refinement Plan (Adopted 1986, Updated 2005), the Booth-Kelly MIxed-Use Dlstnct (1986), the TransPlan (2001), and the WIllamalane Parks and RecreatIon ComprehensIve Plan (2004) The Land Use Element (p 13) In the Downtown Refinement Plan fonns a good general summary of the current state of condItIons wlthm the Downtown Urban Renewal area It states 'The Downtown area IS where the ongmal field WIth a spnng III It was located (now an apartment complex) after whIch Spnngfield was named It also contallls the area that was III the ongmal town plat of Spnngfield filed by ElIaS Bnggs Smce that tIme, the Downtown area has functIoned as the CIty'S heart, and contlllues to do so even though the CIty has spread out, and other Important nodes have developed on east Malll Street, and m the Mohawk and Gateway areas A SIgnificant retall base remams III the Downtown, and profeSSIOnal offices and services are Illcreasmg The southeast portIOn of the Downtown IS the locatIOn of several mill SItes, whIch provide employment and a customer pool whIch Downtown busmesses benefit from Begmmng III the 1970's, and worsemng m the receSSIOn/depreSSIOn of the early 1980's, the Downtown commumty has been wrestlIng With an mcreaslllg vacancy rate The sItuatIon seems to be Improvmg somewhat as eVIdenced III recent reports of the Spnngfield Downtown ASSOCIatIOn Although bus messes are stIll leavmg the area, new busmesses and expansIons of eXlstmg buslllesses are approxImately matchlllg the rate of exodus Trends are not clearly IdentIfiable m recent land use changes a vanety of types 01 uses have left, and a vanety have located m Downtown The Booth-Kelly sIte has long fascmated V1SlOnanes m the Downtown commumty The proxImIty of the sIte to Downtown, and the potential redevelopment of the site utllrzmg ItS amemtles (mIllrace and pond, forested slopes, raIl access, etc) could prove to be very benefiCIal to the Downtown Much of the sIte IS currently vacant and maccesslble, and the eXlstmg development does not take advantage of the sIte amemtIes Redevelopment of the site would be very expenSIve, but could be accomphshed m a coheSIve fashIOn over a long penod With the development plan concept presented m the Booth-Kelly Development Area pohcles herem Downtmt.-n Ul ban Rene'waf P/an-RepOl t 4 1-43 Septembel 15 2007 Date Received Planner MM 117/07 It IS deslfed and antICIpated that the eventual redevelopment of the Downtown area wIll feed upon Itself that IS, new and expanded development WIll attract more news development ThIS WIll eventually make use and delIvery of publIc servIces more cost-effectIve and mcrease demand for Downtown land and buIldmgs resultmg manse m property values to a pomt that development WIll be more economIcal than retaImng a property's vacant status However, most of the problems are phYSical and need funds to be bUilt or that VISIOn Will not be realIzed The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS mtended to be the combinatIOn of proJects and funding to overcome the problems and achieve the goals m the Downtown Refinement Plan (pp 14-15) "The followmg goals embody the SpInt, optmllsm and commItment Downtown property owners, bus messes and commumty or~amzatlOns have ascnbed to theIr VISIOn of Downtown Spnngfield These goals are deliberately achievable and mtended to recogmze the value of endunng pubhc-pnvate partnershIps Create a Pedestl tan and Tl anslt Frtendly Downtown Develop a settmg that IS condUCIve to walkmg, blcyclmg and transIt whIle provldmg accessIbIlIty to regIOnal automobIle and freIght networks PrOVIde safe and walkable streets Pieserve the Past Enhance the downtown's future character by preservmg the best of ItS past Promote appropnate m-fill constructIon and hIstonc preservatIon of the eXIstmg bUIldmgs Reconnect to Key Natl/ral Resol/rce Featllles Connect the downtown WIth the MIllrace and Island Park, and proVIde opportumtles for appropnate downtown uses adjacent to these areas AIzve After Ftve Encourage evemng actIvIty m the downtown WIth dlmng, cultural and entertamment opportumtles for all ages Increase housmg development m the downtown to generate the 18 to 24-hour cIty Revllalce the Downtown wah New Uses Create new opportumtIes for office, commerCIal, reSldenl1al, CIVIC and mixed uses Encourage 11Igh-densIty uses that are translt-onented and located wlthm a short walk from Spnngfield StatIon Ensure Adequate Parkmg ProVIde parkmg that supports a VItal downtown Create CIVIC Gathel mg PlaLes Create great publIc spaces, both large and small ConSIder creatIOn of a town square Jdentifi' Catalyst ProJect, IdentIfy proJects that WIll spur growth m the downtown, mcludmg Improvements that can be successfully accomplIshed m the short tenn C, eate Downtown Pw tnel SlllpS Collaborate With Lane TranSIt DIstnct, the Spnngfield Renaissance Development CorporatlOn, and other groups to coordmate efforts and butld commumty support Downtown V, ban Rene'waf Plan-Report 5 1-44 September 15, 2007 Date Received Planner MM 1/7/07 Estabhsh a Pos;/ble ldentl/)' {OI the Downtown Work wIth downtown busmess mterests and the Spnngfield com Ul11ty to foster a POSItIve IdentIty and sense of pnde for the downtown Develop the Downtown as the Gateway to Splll1gfield Work to achIeve a VIsual ImpreSSIOn m the Downtown that reflects well on the rest of the CIty DEFINITION OF BLIGHTING CONDITIONS The Oregon Legislature has establIshed a system to finance urban renewal Oregon ReVIsed Statute Chapter 457 descnbes how the system works ThIS law gIves cItIes and countIes urban renewal powers These powers proVide a way to finance proJects to remove "blIght" Addresslllg blIght IS central to the purpose of urban renewal dlstncts The Oregon ReVised Statutes (ORS 457010) defines "blIght" as follows (underhmng IS added for emphaSIS, and numeratIOn IS added for clanty) "Blighted areas mean areas whIch, by reason of detenoratIon, faulty planmng, madequate or Improper faCIlitIes, deletenous land use or the eXistence of unsafe structures, or any combmatIon of these factors, are detnmental to the safety, health or welfare of the commumty A blighted area IS charactenzed by the eXIstence of one or more of the followmg condItIons I The eXIstence of bUlldmgs and structures, used or mtended to be used for lIvrng, commercIal, mdustnal or other purposes, or any combmatlOn of those uses, whIch are unfit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of anyone or a combmatlOn of the followmg condItIons a) DefectIve deSIgn and qualIty of phYSIcal constructlOn, b) Faulty mtenor arrangement and extenor spacmg, c) Overcrowdmg and a high denSity of populatIon, d) Inadequate prOVISIOn for ventIlatIOn, hght, samtatlOn, open spaces and recreatIOn tdclhtIes, e) Obsolescence, detenoratIon, dilapidatIon, mIxed character or shlftmg of uses, f) An economIc dIslocatIon, detenoratlOn or dIsuse of property resultmg from faulIy planmng, g) The dlVlslOn or subdIVISion and sale of property or lots of lITegular fonn and shape and madequate sIze or dImenSIons for property usefulncss and development, and h) The laymg out of property or lots m dIsregard of contours, dramage and other phYSIcal charactenstlcs of the terram and surroundmg conditIons, 2 The eXIstence of madequate streets and other nghts-of-way, open spaces and ul1lItles, 3 The eXIstence of property or lots or other areas whIch are subJect to mundatlon by water, 4 A prevalence of deprecIated values, ImpaIred mvestments and SOCIal and econonllC maladJustments to such an extent that the capacIty to pay taxes IS reduced and tax receIpts are madequate for the cost of public servIces rendered, Dowlltown U, ban ReneVva{ Plan-RepOl t 6 1-45 Septembel 15 2007 Jate Received ~ Planner MM 5 A growIng or total lack of proper utIlIzatIOn of areas, resultmg In a stagnant and unproductIve conditIOn of land potentIally useful and valuable for contnbutIng to the publIc health, safety, and wel~are, or 6 A loss of populatIOn and reductIOn of proper utIlIzatIOn of the area, resultIng In Its further detenoratlOn and added costs to the taxpayer for the creatIon of new publIc faCIlItIes and servIces elsewhere" Note that It IS not necessary for each of the CIted condItIons to be present In the renewal a~ea, or that these condItIons are prevalent In each and every sector of the urban renewal area 100. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING CON,DlTIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL AREA lOOA PHYSICAL CONDITIONS 1 Land Area The Downtown Renewal Area contains approxImately 417 acres of land area ORS 457 420 proVIdes that the total land area of a proposed urban renewal dlstnct, when added to the land area of eXlstmg renewal areas may not exceed 15% of the City's land area The CIty's current land area IS approximately 9791 acres The total of all acreage In renewal areas, mcludlng the Glenwood Urban Renewal Dlstnct (618 acres), IS 1035 acres ThiS represents 104% of the CIty's land area Total renewal area acreage IS wlthm the 15% lImItatIon prescnbed by ORS 457 420 - 2 EXlstmg Land Use dnd Development The Downtown Urban Renewal Area consIsts pnmanly of Heavy Industnal and Commumty and MIxed-Use Commercial Included m thIS type of commercIal IS the Booth-Kelly Dlstnct whIch proVIdes for a mIxed use employment center that complements Downtown Spnngfield The next largest land use IS for Low DenSIty reSIdentIal purposes There are a very hmlted number of reSidentIal uses scattered throughout the proJect area The maJonty of thIS reSidentIal IS found In the WIllamette HeIghts NeIghborhood located In the South West corner of the Urban Renewal Area CommercIal development IS concentrated along Mam Street, runnmg through the proJect area ThIs development IS mostly stnp commerCial and serves the Downtown and surroundmg commumtles WIth a range of services, convemence, and some companson shopping opportunItIes The Downtown Urban Renewal Area contains about 680 lax lots Of these, 127 are tax exempt The zomng of all tax lots are shown by acres In Table I, below Dmvntuwn VI ban Renewal Plan-Report 7 1-46 Septembel 15 2007 Date Received ~7 Planner MM Table 1 Zonmg Wlthm the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct I Zone DesIgnatIOn I Low Density ResIdentIal I MedIUm Density ResidentIal I HIgh DensIty ReSidentIal I MIxed-Use ReSIdentIal I I CommunIty CommercIal I MIxed-Use Commercial I I Heavy Industnal I LIght-MedIUm Industnal I Booth Kelly Mixed-Use I I PublIc Land and Ooen Space I ReSidential Total Aporoxlmate Acres 4896 471 659 127 6153 7451 41 8 11631 10925 2832 7616 213.83 25.53 41720 CommercI31 Total " IndustrIal Total Total Acres % of Total I 122% I 11%1 16% 1 3% 1 153% 1 185% 1 104%1 289% 1 233% 1 704% 189% 483% 6.5% 1000% Table I depIcts the current zomng dlstncts In the Downtown urban renewal area PublIc land and open space encompass 6 5%, mixed-use and commumty commercIal make up 28 9% of the uses planned for the Downtown area, whIle total reSIdentIal uses are zoned for about 15 3% and total mdustnal are zoned for 48 3% Currently, wlthm the Urban Renewal Area almost 102 acres, or roughly 25%, stand vacant The maJonty of thIS vacant land IS In CommerCIal (12 7%), ReSidentIal (7 5%), and Industnal (4 2%) zones The renewal area boundary was drawn to create a proJect area that encompasses the core of Downtown commerCIal and mIxed-use, whIle provIding for publIc open space Improvements along the WIllamette RIver, MIll Pond and MIll Race, and wlthm the Downtown urban core ActIons undertaken In the Downtown Urban Renewal Area WIll help make more productIve use ofland m Downtown 3 CondltlOns-BUl1dmgs and Structures Recogmtlon of blIghted condItIons WithIn the urban renewal area go back to the early 1980's The 1984 "Downtown Tomorrow" report ot the Spnngfield Downtown CommlsslOn, opens WIth thiS observatlOn of condItIons In the Downtown "Dowlltown Spltngfield has needed revttalcatlOll for a long time The Jumbled mt~ of signs, vacant blllld/11gs, I agged patches of landscap/11g, cntmbltng stdewalks, and heavy velJlcle through-traffic Hvtdlv portlav a lack of cale and a message of neglect' The report 1 contInues on to lIst goals and proJects for the downtown, some of which are stIll recommended as part of thiS plan Based on the property class codes aSSigned to properties by the Lane County Department of Assessment and TaxatIon, there are Just over 100 acres of vacant property WIthIn the Downtown Urban Renewal Area About 72 acres are non-exempt and would contnbute DO'ttlttO\Hl v, ban Renewal Plan.RepOl t 8 1-47 Septembel 15 2007 LJate Received Planner MM q /71bl , tax Increment revenues to the urban renewal dl,tnct If developed dunng the lIfe of the urban renewal dlstnct Table 2 summanzes the non-exemDt vacant acreage within the urban renewal area by zomng dlstnct Table 2. Vacant Non-Exempt Property by Zoning Dlstnct I Zone Des12natlOn I Low DenSity ReSidentIal I Medium DenSIty ReSIdentIal I COlnmumty CommerCial I MIxed-Use CommercIal I Heavy Industnal I Light-MedIUm Industnal I Booth Kelly MIxed-Use I I Acres 19 2 28 8 6 81 11 721 , Total There are nearly 550 buIldings m the Downtown Urban Renewal area A survey of downtown bUlldmgs In 2004 revealed that 59% of downtown structures fit the Department of Housmg and Urban Development's (HUD) cntena for blIght ThIS IS slgmficantly hIgher than the threshold reqUired to qualIfy for HUD's Commumty Development Block Grant program deslgnatlon as a blIghted area The condltlOn of some of these propertIes may make It economIcally infeaSIble to rehabIlItate or repair them A wmdshleld survey of the urban renewal area In 2007 shows the urban renewal area contains bUIldings m vanous states of disrepair mcludmg re,ldentlal propertIes (along South MIll and South 18'\ commerCIal propertIes (along Mam Street and South A), and Industnal propertIes (along South MIll) These bUlldmgs show eVIdence of extensive detenoratlOn of roofing, sldmg, foundatlOns, steps, and extenor tnm RepaInng and maIntalnmg downtown bull dings IS essential for the recovery of any hlstonc dlstnct HIgh vacancy rates and tenant turn-over have charactenzed the urban renewal area CommerCial lease rates today remam low compared to the remainder of the Eugene- Spnngfield market ThIS has made It dIfficult for property owners to malntam eXlstmg bUlldmgs and has worked agamst pnvately financed rehabllItatlOn and redevelopment ThIS has contnbuted to the contlnumg detenoratlon and blIght conditIons In the downtown area Lane TranSIt's Spnngfield StatIon, completed m 2005, was the first new constructlOn In downtown Spnngfield since 1987 New constructlOn and restoratIon actiVIties have tollowed St Vmcent de Paul's Royal BUIlding, a new 5-story mIxed-use development, IS neanng completIOn AddltlOnal proJects mclude the restoration of the hlstonc Gerlach bUilding by the Emerald Arts Center and development of the RIchard WIldlsh Commumty Theatre by the Spnngfield RenaIs~ance Development CorporatlOn Each of these proJects received SignIficant subSIdIes In the fonn of publIc mvestment and pnvate donatIons to cure blIghted condItions m the structures These proJects would not have Downtown u} ban Renewal Plan-RepOl f 9 1-48 Septembel 15, 2007 Jate Received --2.!.zh Planner MM been possible wIthout publIc lllvestment These SituatIOns reinforce the need for the establIshment of an urban renewal dlstnct to support redevelopment and revItalrzatIon downtown 4 ConditIons - Streets, IntersectIOns, SIdewalk, and Storm DraInage The general condItIon of the basIc street and stonn drainage mfrastructure m the proJect area IS tYPIcal With that of an older town The followmg IS a bnef descnptIon of the constructIOn type and current condItIons assessment Most of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area was developed through donation land claIms In the 1850's and constructed In the tradltlOnal block segment footpnnt over several decades The streets are well-defined by curbs and gutters Most of these streets are Improved to city standards, WIth the exception- of the WIllamette Heights area where some ummproved streets still remain Although many of the street components are older, the Maintenance DIVISIOn contmues to perfonn maintenance and repaIr activIties to extend the useful lIfe of the asset Some of these preventIve actlYltles Include crack and slurry sealIng of streets, asphalt overlay and repair, curb, gutter and Sidewalk repair, street sign and Signal maIntenance, etc In the urban renewal area, the maJonty of the streets are Improved - curb and gutter With an asphalt surface Most of these streets were constructed decades ago TImely preventative maintenance and structural enhancements have mamtalned the Integnty of these assets UnImproved and substandard streets are found In the areas south of the Mam and South A Streets COrrIdor Main and South A Streets (ODOT nght of way) from the WIllamette RIver bndges, east to 19th Street, are detenoratmg fauly rapidly Eventual reconstructIOn WIll be necessary for few other collector segments In the Boundary area due to age TypIcal Improved street intersections consIst of standard SIdewalks WIth access ramps, curbs, gutters, slgnage, and traffic/pedestnan control m place Contmuous SIdewalks populate most of the area, however many are old and detenoratlllg to the pOint of needing replacement VaryIng types of access ramps proVIde a contmuous COrrIdor throughout most of the area There are 12 intersectIon traffic SIgnals WIthIn the urban renewal area All of these control SIgnals are owned by the State but mamtamed by the CIty Slgnage at intersectIOns and along street segments IS umform and consistent The urban renewal area has a total of 287 street lIghts Street lIghts along Mam and S A Streets are being modernIzed wIth hIgh voltage type lIghting WIth some older low voltage yellow type lIghtmg that WIll reqUire updating A functIOning stonn water dramage system eXIsts for most of the Boundary 3 area, WIth some roadSIde dItches reSIding south of Main Street The age of the stonn pIpe system ranges from 1950s to 1990s and IS compnsed of mostly concrete pIpe Capacity of stonn pIpe ranges from 4 to 65 Inches There IS a need to replace aging and underSIzed lInes through rehabIlItatIOn proJects The samtary system IS predomlllately concrete pIpe, DO}\nloan lJ, ban Renen'al Plan-RepOl t 10 1-49 Septembe, 15, 2007 Date Received Planner MM 1/1/157 t , changmg to PVC pIpe whenever lInes are rehabilItated The older lInes m thiS area date back to 1948 PIpelIne sizes on sewer main lInes run 8 to 24 mches with trunk lInes up to 60 mches Bicycle opportumtles are less than desIrable as the Downtown currently has no designated, stnped east-west routes There IS only one bIke path along PlOneer Parkway Within the urban renewal area Shared sidewalks WIth pedestnans or streets With cars, does not engender thIS effiCient travel alternatIve 5 ConditIons - PublIc ParI-lOg Off-street parkmg remains a real and perceIved Issue for downtown merchants Although there almost a thousand spaces (both on and off-street) In the Downtown MIxed-Use area, many are occupIed by employees, many are restncted by perrmt only, and the larger lots are not close to the bUSlllesses most In need The lack of parklllg has had a negatIve affect on the level of economic Investment In the area The CIty enforces all on-street spaced or publIcly owned spaces In thIS area, but the two hour tIme lImIt IS not proving to be an effectIve deterrent to prolonged and non-business use Notwlthstandmg all of the benefits that Will accrue from an Improved pedestnan enVironment, few downtown buslllesses can <;urvlve on a customer-based denved solely from foot-traffic 6 CondItIons - VIsual Appearance The commefClal core of the Downtown area IS alIgned along Main Street (ODOT HIghway 126) and South A east of the Spnngfield bndges Both are part of the State HIghway system under the JunsdlctIon of the Oregon Department of TransportatIon (ODOT) Main Street and South A are charactenzed by a mix of older, "main street" style commercIal propertIes With mostly on-street parking and stnp commercIal and mdustnal development of varymg styles and qualIty, most fronted by parking lots The "main street" area has several vacant storefronts and generally shows need of fa,ade updating and repaIr There are overhead power lInes throughout the area, addmg to the VIsual clutter AttractIve street furnIture, signs, awmngs, banners, trees, landscapmg, and other VIsual amenItIes are mconslstent and scattered The MIll Race and Pond, located along South A, has been In a state of dIsrepaIr Slllce ItS donatIon to the CIty m the mId-1980's Smce that tIme the CIty has refurbIshed portIOns of the water amenIty and adJolmng Booth-Kelly complex, but maJor repaIrS and Improvement proJects stIll remain to be completed The current phYSical appearance and access restnctlons to the sIte hmder future development WIule phYSIcal appearance IS not speCifically lIsted as a condItIOn of blIght In ORS 457, the appearance of modern mdustnal sItes including green space, plantmgs, nnproved bUSiness frontage and parking areas, low external Impacts etc are Important to economIcally productIve mdustnal and commercIal sItes as well as the nearby propertIes EconomIcally underproductI've sItes are conSIdered blIghted As development and redevelopment occurs In surrounding areas the MIll Race and MIll Pond should be evaluated to see If the faCIlIty may be redeveloped Dowll/own VI ban Renewal Plan-Rep01 t /I 1-50 Septembel 15 2007 ..tte Received Planner MM 1/7 !D7 and Improved so that It may be more productIve economIcally while enhancIng the area's overall redevelopment 7 Condllions - Land and BUlldmg Values It IS antIcIpated that the 2007 -OS tax roll WIll establIsh the Inllial base of assessed values for the Renewal Area The figures are not yet avaIlable for the total assessed valuatIon for the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct for that year The total assessed value of property WIthin the urban renewal area for the 2006-07 tax year, subtractIng exempt propertIes ($54,567,634) IS calculated at approxImately $122,500,000 In land and bUlldmg values The total assessed value of the Downtown Urban Renewal Area represents about 3 8% of the total property valuatIon wlthm the CIty of Spnngfield Total certIfied values wlthm all renewal areas therefore are expected to be well wlthm the maxImum 15% of total valuatIon allowed by urban renewal law . 8 Condllions - Investment and Ulihzahon of Land Real property values WithIn the Downtown Urban Renewal Area are largely concentrated m commerCIal and Industnal property claSSIficatIOns The overall value of land compared to the value of Improvements on that land IS extraordInanly low for an urban area, espeCially an area that represents a maJor concentratIOn of Industnal uses and IS developed to nearly urban denSIties The real market value ofland In the urban renewal area IS $64 05 mIllIon and the real market value of Improvements IS $163 2 mIllIon The ratlO ofbulldmg value to land value IS Just over 2 5 I Mature urban areas, espeCIally those that mclude so much commerCIal, publIc, and mdustnal bUildIng, are expected to exhibit Improvement to value ratios In the 4 I or 5 I range The Downtown Renewal area falls Just below thIS range whICh pomts to a lack of Investment In the Downtown, under-ulilIzatIon ofland, depreCiated values, and a loss of tax generating revenue for the proJect area 100B SOCIAL CONDITIONS The 2000 Census IS the most recent source for comprehenSIve demographiC data that IS speCIfic to the Downtown Urban Renewal Area The Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct boundanes do not COInCide With local census tracts and block groups However, block groups Within Census Tracts 3202 3300, 3400, and 3500 fall wlthm the portIons of the urban renewal area Table 3 below summanzes the estImated Income and hOUSing charactenstlcs of reSIdents WIthin the urban renewal area Table 4 shows the percentage of owner occupIed dwellIng umts and renter occupIed umts Table 5 shows the populatIon WithIn the urban renewal dlstnct by race It IS not pOSSIble WIthIn the scope of thIS analYSIS to accurately estllnate the exact number of reSIdents and theIr demographIcs for the area WIthin the urban renewal area WIthout IncludIng fragments of the census tracts and block groups that are outSIde of the urban renewal boundary The mfonnatIon below IS meant to prOVIde only general mfonnatIon on Income and hOUSing charactenstIcs of reSIdents WIthin the area DowntO\\>n Urban Renewal Plan-RepOl r 12 1-51 September 15 2007 3te Received Planner MM 1/7/07 Table 3 PopulatIOn and Income by Census Tract Wlthm the Urban Rene",al Dlstnct Census Total Tract Population 13202 I 33 134 I 35 3406 44,053 (BG) * IS a dIVISIOn of a Cell~us tract called a bloc.k group 4,066 Median Household Income r 34,273 Percentage of Low-Moderate Income Households 6,775 4,706 30,163 27,679 287% (BG 1)* 55 0% (BG 2)* 594% ' 601% (BG 3)* j 592% (BG 4)* I 250% I The largest percentage of residents wlthm the urbal} renewal dlstnct lIve In census tracts 33 and 34 Tract 34, Block Group 4 IS almost wholly contained Within the urban renewal area and the statistics for thIs subarea are perhaps the most representative of the area as a whole Tract 35 IS largely outsIde of the urban renewal area and IS least representative of the area Table 3 shows that the maJonty of reSidents In the area have a medIan household lllcome ranging between $27,679 (Tract 34) and $30,163 (Tract 33) Tract 35 has the hIghest household mcome at $44,053 The median household Income for Lane County IS $36,942 The City of Spnngfield partIcipates In HUD's Commumty Development Block Grant (CDBG) program whIch targets funding tor low Income neIghborhoods ElIgibIlIty for CDBG fundlllg requIres an assessment of the percentage of households lIVing at or below the federally establIshed "low-moderate mcome" level In the Downtown Urban Renewal Area, the maJonty of households (roughly 55 to 60 percent) fall wlthlll the low- moderate lllcome classllicatlon Home ownershIp IS sometIme, an indIcator of Income and neIghborhood stabilIty Table 4 shows that bet'Ween 49 and 51 percent of all dwellIng umts are renter occupIed In Lane County 37 7 percent of dwellmg umts are renter occupIed Table 4 Housmg Tenure by Census Tract Wlthm the Urban Renewal DistrIct Census Tract Percentage of Owner Occupied/ Renter Occupied Dweliln~ Units 1 13202 133 134 135 5051 495 5231 477 491/ 509 834/1 1661 Downtown UI ban Renewal Plan-RepOlI 13 1-52 Septembel 15, 2007 Date Received q/? (67 Planner MM Table 5 Racial CompositIon by Census Tract wlthm the Urban Renewal District Census Census Census Census Tract Tract Tract Tract 32 02 33 34 35 WhIte I 90% 87% 89% 89% 92% lFH1SPa>'mc~~~r:~~~~ t4~/o~~~~:~ :1~1P/o~~:.y S9o/~~1t4ff~ ;80/o~~~~ ~5%~~~ {l~l: ~ I Black 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% I I Amencan IndIan and Alaska Native 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% I ASIan 2% 2% 1% 0% 2% I NatIve Hawauan and Other PaCIfic Islander 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% I Some other race 2% 5% 4% 3% 1 % I Two or more races 4% 5% 4% 4% 4% Lane County The raCial composItIon (white to non-whIte) of the urban renewal area IS snndar to that of Lane County The HIspanIC populatIon wlthm the area IS SignIficantly hIgher that the county as a whole Table 5 shows that In census tracts most representatIve of the urban renewal area Hlspamcs make up between 8 and II percent of the populatIon, compared to Just 4% for Lane County The growing Hlspamc presence and Influence WIthIn the urban renewal area can be seen m the growing number of shops and servIces catenng to Hlspamc households that have been establIshed In the area 200. EXPECTED FISCAL, SERVICE, AND POPULATION IMPACTS OF PLAN Urban renewal plan actIvItIes are aImed at alleVIating traffic, parkmg and pedestnan safety problems, at repamng and redevelopmg property wlthm the area, and at upgradmg lrghtIng, streets, SIdewalks, open space condltlOns and prOVIding new or upgraded . mlrastructure m the Renewal Area The Urban Renewal Plan IS expected to tacllltate planned, orderly growth as antIcIpated In the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan The Plan IS not expected to re,ult In a need for any additIonal polIce, fire, or other emergency services beyond those already contemplated by the CIty and other servIce proVIders The Renewal Area boundary Includes some proposed housmg development Carrying out the Renewal Plan IS expected to result m slIght populatIon growth In Downtown But that growth IS mcluded In the overall populatIon growth of the CIty of Spnngfield over the next 20 years and the fiscalnnpacts are not slgmficant relatIve to growth In other parts of the much larger Spnngfield cIty lImIts Renewal Plan actIVItIeS, however, are not expected to Influence the tnmng or scale of these developments And therefore, carrying out the Plan IS expected to have no Impacts on Spnngfield School Dlstnct 19, given the Downtown Urban Renewal area's small sIze relatIve to the SIze of Spnngfield School DI,tnct 19 Carrying out the Renewal Plan IS not expected to have any addItIonal Impact Dunn/o.....n V, bun Renel-val Plun.Rep01 t 14 1-53 Sepfembel 15 2007 'ate Received 1 (? (rJJ r-'Ianner MM on water and sewer servIce needs, Since the utIlItIes' planmng Include provldmg servIces to these and other utIlIties m the urban renewal area Project actIvItIes are not expected to reqUire the relocatIOn or removal of any residential or commercial propertIes by the renewal agency CarryIng out the renewal plan WIll require the use of tax mcrement revenues The tax Impacts of the renewal plan are discussed In detaIl In Section 500 D of thiS report The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS expected to produce posItIve fiscal and service Impacts for downtown Among the publIc benefits of the renewal plan are . Street and CIrculatIon Improvements WIll Improve publIc safety and convemence . Infrastructure Improvements will provIde bc:tter utIlIty service and decrease publIc maIntenance costs . New bUSInesses WIll prOVide addItIOnal shoppmg convemence and reduce vehIcular tnps and tIme . New development WIll enhance the nver expenence . RehabllItatlOn programs WIll preserve and renew propertIes m, and around, downtown commefClal areas along MaIn Street and South A . An Increase In constructIon expendItures and purchases In the Urban Renewal area Will create secondary Jobs . The urban renewal plan Will help the CIty of Spnngfield fund a number of proJects lIsted In the City's CapItal Improvements Program In the Downtown Refinement Plan for the urban renewal plan area . The urban renewal plan WIll develop the opportumty areas along the MIll PondJRace, currently Without sUitable streets, publIc access or Infrastructure for tounsm, mIxed commercIal-residentIal, or other maJor development by provldmg urban standard roads, supportive urban services and utIlItIes, area-wide stonn dramage systems, and allowmg publIc access and protectlOn of the waterfront areas The publIc and pnvate mvestments made m the urban renewal area are lIkely to encourage new Investment m adJacent areas The value thus created can not be quantIfied, but observatIon of renewal programs around the state indIcates that there are spillover mvestment effects from a successful renewal program There are other POSItIve effects of a renewal program that do not lend themselves easily to quantlficatlOn, for they are qualIty of lIfe Issues Mamtamlng Main Street and South A as the pnmary artenes of the area, Improvmg hOUSIng, expanding cultural, and shopping opportumtles WIthIn the area, and llnprovlng the appearance of downtown, all have value to thIS area s sense of commumty In fact these qualItIes have been expressed as Important commumty values and dIrectly mfluenced creatIOn of this renewal plan and ItS proJects The expenditure of tax Increment funds IS expected to produce new property values for the CIty of Spnngfield The renewal proJect IS estimated to be completed by the year 2027 Dunng that penod, property values In the renewal area are expected to mcrease by approxImately $322 mIllIon At current property tax rates, the new property values Downtown Urban Renelwl Plan-Rep011 15 1-54 September 15 2007 lJdte Received ~7 Planner MM antIcIpated m the renewal area Will contnbute over $4 3 millIon In property tdX revenues In the first year after the proJect IS ended Of that revenue, approxImately $1 5 millIon WIll return to the CIty of Spnngfield That property tax revenue WIll continue to grow thereafter as a result of Increases m annual assessments. 300. REASONS FOR SELECTING THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA The Urban Renewal Plan Area was selected based on Downtown Refinement Plan and the Eugene Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan goals, obJecl1ves, and polICIes and on the eXistence of blIghtmg condll1ons Within the area The project area eVidences the followmg charactenstlcs of blIght . A lack of proper utIlIzatIOn of land planned for tax prodUCing purposes . DefiCIenCies m streets, curb, SIdewalk, water and sewer servIces m the proJect area . DefiCienCIes m publIc recreatIOn and open space opportuml1es . Poor Visual and aesthetIc conditIons, contnbutmg to a low level of mvestment In the proJect area . Poor bUlldmg condItIOns m the proJect area . A prevalence of low values and lack of mvestment m the proJect area, and reduced tax receIpts resulting there from CondItIons WIthIn the Renewal Area eXIst and satIsfy the defimtlOns of blIght m ORS 457010 TreatIng and cunng these condll1ons are reasons for selectmg thIS renewal area 400. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEW ALAREA I Streets WIll be Improved throughout the renewal area 2 Infrastructure and utIlItIes Will be Improved In the renewal area 3 Improvements to parks, publIc bUildIngs, and open spaces WIll treat defiCIenCIes In those areas 4 ParkIng Improvements Will make It easier for tounsts and vlSltors to shop, or take advantage ofrecreatlOnal opportumtIes, thereby encouraging expendItures and new Investments m the area 5 Streetscape actIvItIes will Improve the VIsual appearance of the area, and proVide a better clImate for new mvestment In the proJect area 6 ASSIstance for rehabIlItatIon and new development Will attract new Investment to the area, and Improve the bUlldmg condItIons and blIghted appearance of the area 7 AdmlmstratIon and planning actIvlties 'WIll assure the plan IS camed out effectIvely and m conformance WIth applIcable managenal and fiscal reqUirements Downtol-l,-n v, ban Renewal Plan-RepOl t 16 1-55 September 15 2007 'e Received \-'Ianner MM 117/'D? 500. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF PLAN SOOA ESTIMATED PROJECT COST AND REVENUE SOURCES Table 6 shows the estImated total costs of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project These costs are the total antIcIpated costs, allOWing for 5% mflatlon dunng the lIfe of the proJect The pnnclpal method of fundmg the proJect share of costs Will be through use of tax Increment financing as authonzed by ORS 457 Revenues are obtamed from antIcipated urban renewal bond proceeds and the proceeds of short term urban renewal notes Table 6 shows that the total costs of proJect actlYltles to the Urban Renewal Agency are estImated at $25,020,000 m 2007 dollars A 5% annual InflatIOn IS assumed for the proJect costs The Maximum Indebtedness authonzed under thIS plan IS $43,0 I 0,000 ThIS amount IS the pnnclple of such Indebtedness and does not mclude mterest or mdebtedness Incurred to refund or refinance such mdebtedness The capacIty for urban renewal bonds IS based on proJectlOns of urban renewal revenues AntICIpated annual revenues are shown m Table 7 of thIS Report Table 7 antiCIpates there WIll be 6 long-tenn bond Issue, dunng the lIfe of the plan Bonds WIll be Issued as revenues, project requIrements, and overall bond market condltlOns dIctate In addItIon, the Renewal Agency WIll apply for, and make use of fundmg from other federal, state, local, or pnvate sources as such funds become avarlable Dowlltown VI ban Renewal Plan-Rep01 t J7 1-56 September 15 2007 Table 6 Proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Projects August 31 2007 Estimated Costs and Completion Dates Prolect I I A StreetConsJructlOn..fIndClr~llJilUo1!-JlTl;provelT!ents I South A & MaIO StrLel Couolet RedesIgn and ConstructIon I North A "CIVIC Street" Curb and Stleetscape Iml)fOVeml.'1lts I Downtown DIstrict Pedestnan Level Street Llghtml:!: I Pedestnan Comdor lmlJfOvt:ments I I B Infrastructure and Utliltles~_mDrovem~nts I Uttlttv Undemroundme: :mdfor Relol.atlOn Protects I Slonnwater System Imorovements I I C Public FacIlities I Sonngtield Llbrarv BUlldme I Downtown Parlmg Strul.ture I Downtown Oil-Street Surtnee Parkmg Conslrm..tlon ..!OJ RehJbllltatlon Downtown PubliC Art Isl.md Park FaCliltll~s Uoc:rades and EXI).1nSlOnS (lncludmg PnrJ..mg) Federallv 9!lahtied He:Jith Center Spnn.gjidd Museum MaIO Street Dual U.')e Parlong/Clvlc Pldza (Belwecrt Museum and Arts Center) PubliC Perfonnance Soace ImlJl'Ovements DPar.ks:, RecreatIOn. Pedestrian an_d.BII..~J::oo:_!!Ior~A.n_d Otl!u Aml~JHtles Downtown Millrace Al"u..';;s Restoration .lnd lmprovt:menls Downtown Parl..s Develooment and Imorovements Downtown "Enlr:mce/G,ltew1v" JmlJlt)vemenlS Downtown Publle/Pnv.lte Slgnage Imorovements Street/Oot.n SOULe Tree progr:un I E Upgrades t.o "-Ire Pr.otectl.on and Emer'lency Re'io.on'ie System FIre St1tlOn RdocdtlOn I F Redevel.ooment .of Commercial. Resldentml. Industn.lI. etc Throll!!l: Ne\\ Con"tructlOn Downtown Rede\doomt.'Tlt A~.')I~t,mt.e Program (New Con~tructlon) I I G Preservation Rehabllltatl.on. and Con'iervatlOn I Do\\.ntown Butldme F.lLade Imoroveml.nt Pro_grnm I Downtown Rt.~tOr.J.l1on and RehabilitatIOn Fund I Hl~tonc Prt:.')ervallon I I tI_P_roperty &'CQulsltlonand llisO(),Mtlon, I I I J Plan Admllllstr.ltlon Staffin_g and SUDOOJ1 SeTVICl,.S I I I I I TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS I Technical. Fmanelll and ~slf!n PIJ.n(s) K Prolect~!,_olllrl~l!! Exoan.')lOn .of Current Boundaries South MIll PondlR lLe AnnexallOm (Improvements m.lV be mnde Without annexatIon or boundd'" 1::"(01n510n It outlined 10 Plan .lnd aPDroved by Lane County) Note Cost estimates are In 2007 dollars DO\"'/1tO\vn V, ban ReneHcd P/an-RepOl t 18 1-57 Date Received ~7 Planner MM . Expected Completion SEDA Share 2.021 t~..oaaca_a.o $2 200 .00.0 $1 000.000 $1 300000 1 $SOO 00.0 I 1 7.022 1.1..47.0,.00.0 I $970 000 ; $500 00.0 j 2al~ ~~1 .0.0,.0.0.0 1 $1 000000 $3000 000 j $25 000 j $500 .000 j $1 000000 $150 .000 $100.000 $75 000 $250 000 j 2.021 $2..05.0...00.0 I $800 000 : $600 .000 $SOO 000 I $50 000 I $100000 I 2a~ t3,5aa,90_.o~ $3 500 000 , $1,9.0.0,.0.0.0 1 211.2.2 $1 900 000 ~ ~a18 $2,65.0,.00.0 j $250 000 $2 000 000 $400 000 N1P, $d ~Oll $6.0.0,.00.0 1 $600 000 I 2.028 $1,7.00,.0.00 I $1 700000 ; $5.0,.0.0.0 1 $50 000 1 1 $25,O~0,000 I SEDA 1 Share September 15, 2007 Date Received & Planner MM ANTICIPATED START & FINISH DATES OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES SOOB The proJect actlYltles shown m Table 6 WIll begm In 2008 The sequencing and pnontIzatlOn of mdlYldual proJect actlYltIes shown m Table 6 wJlI be done by SEDA and any cItIzen adVISOry bodies that SEDA calls upon to assIst In thIS process The pnonty of projects and annual funding Will be as establIshed In the annual budget process CompletIon dates for mdlvldual actIvItIes may be affected by changes to local economIc and market condItIOns, changes III the aVaIlabilIty of tax mcrement funds, and changes m pnontles for carrying out proJect actlYltIes, espeCIally wIth publIc partners lIke WIllamalane Parks Dlstnct, School Dlstnct 19, Lane County, the Oregon Department of TransportatIOn and others It IS estImated that all actlYltIes proposed In thiS plan wJll be completed and proJect Indebtedness paId off by 2027 At that tIme, the tax Increment proVISIOns of thIS plan can be ended SOOC ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETIREMENT It IS estImated that the Downtown urban renewal dlstnct Will collect tax mcrement revenue between the years 2008 and 2027 It IS estImated that the dlstnct WIll produce $46 19 millIon III tax mcrement receIpts m that penod These funds Will be utIlIzed to finance proJect actIvItIes and pay debt service costs, including mterest, associated With undertakmg these proJect actlYltles It IS antIcIpated that avarlable proJect revenues and funds accumulated In a speCial fund for debt redemptIon Will be suffiCIent to retIre outstanding bonded Indebtedness III the year 2028 and terminate the tax Increment finanCing proVISIOns of the proJect After all proJect debt IS retIred and the proJect closed out, It IS estnnated that there WIll be surplus tax mcrement funds These funds WIll be dlstnbuted to taxmg bodIes affected by thiS plan, as proVIded m ORS 457 Table 7 of thIS Report shows the antIcIpated tax Increment receIpts for each year of the proJect and the use of those receIpts Table 7 follows on the next page Table 7 Will be prOVided by the Consultant at a later date DOll.tntown V, ban Reneual P/al1-Rep011 19 1-58 September 15, 2007 Date Received 1/7 (1'\( Planner MM 500D IMPACT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING The passage of Ballot Measure 50 (BM50) has changed Oregon's property tax system, and the Impacts of urban renewal on taxpayers, and other taxing bodies Pnor to BMSO, collectIon of tax mcrement revenues for a renewal agency resulted m an Increase m the taxpayer's property tax rate Taxmg bodIes suffered no revenue losses, unless there was overall compress !On of property tax revenues Revenues Foregone by Affected Taxmg Bodies Table 8 shows the antIcIpated cumulatIve Incremental values In the Renewal Area over the lIfe of the Plan and the antIcipated property tax revenues foregone as a result oftaxmg bodIes not being able to apply their penn anent BMSO tax rates to those values Present Value of Revenues Foregone Table 8, the revenues foregone, prOVIdes a Present Value calculatlOn of the revenue foregone over a twenty year penod In thIS cakulatlOn, the annual revenues foregone by the taxing bodIes are dIscounted by 3 5% That produces a lower, realIstIc pIcture of the present day revenues that mIght be foregone by the taxing bodIes over the lIfe of the plan Two addItIonal notes should be made about revenues foregone by affected taxing bodies One, Tables 8 and 9 both assume that all the new values m the Downtown Renewal Area would occur, even WIthout the Investment of urban renewal funds It IS more realIstIc to assume that the publIc expendItures on renewal actIvItIes WIll have ;ome effect on the growth of values wlthm the urban renewal area If one makes that assumptIon, some of the values whIch are used to calculate revenue foregone would not matenalIze at all ThiS assumptIon IS not made, here, but If It were used, It would further reduce the revenues foregone by the affected taxmg bodies Two, some WIll look at the total revenues foregone, and assume that the total shown IS lost Immediately As the revenue foregone tables show, these revenues are foregone annuallv. over an extended penod ot tune, not all at once GIven the sIze of the total budgets of the taxmg bodIes, the annual revenues foregone usually represent only a mmor percentage of theIr total budgets Impact on Schools The state currently collects and pools property tax revenues for all schools stateWide and redlstnbutes them to school dlstncts on a per pupIl baSIS ThIS minImIzes the Impact of foregone revenues on schools Fmanclallmpact of Pl.m after Indebtedness IS RepaId When all the proJects contaIned In the Urban Renewal Plan are completed, an estImated $321 7 ImllIon m assessed values WIll be placed back on the tax roll In the followmg DO\v17!Oii.-n LJI ban Renewal Plan-RepOl t 20 1-59 September 15 2007 Date Received U1 Planner MM year, property tax revenues generated by those values are estImated to be approxImately $432 millIon The tax Impact on each of the overlapping taxmg bodIes IS shown m Tables on the followmg pages Table 8 Taxes Foregone by Affected TaXing Bodies Draft Plan - $25 02 Million In 2007 cost Estimated Revenue foregone 19 Year Period Will Park &. Lane County Sofid Rec S019 ESD LCC Taxrate Tax BatE! .Tax RatE1 T'!x Rate Tax_RalE1 Ta~ RillE! 1 2726 4 7203 1 9647 46412 o 2233 06165 Cumulabve New Incremental Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Year Values In area New Values New Values New Values New Values New Values New Values j 2008 I $2.759,801 $3,512 $13,027 $5,422 $12,809 $616 $1,701 j 2009 I $20,253,797 $25,775 $95,604 $39,793 $94,002 $4,523 $12,486 j 2010 I $38,893,078 $49,495 $183,587 $76,413 $180,511 $8,685 $23,978 j 2011 I $42,722,439 $54,369 $201,663 $83,937 $198,283 $9,540 $26 338 1 2012 I $66,201,507 $84,248 $312,491 $130,066 $307,254 $14,783 $40,813 2013 I $100,762,650 $128,231 $475,630 $197,968 $467,660 $22,500 $62,120 2014 I $106,293,424 $135,269 $501,737 $208,835 $493,329 $23,735 $65,530 I 2015 i $166,480,294 $211,863 $785,837 $327,084 $772,668 $37,175 $102,635 2016 I $193,362.704 $246,073 $912.730 $379,900 $897,435 $43,178 $119,208 I 2017 I $216.762,479 $275,852 $1,023,184 $425,873 $1,006,038 $48,403 $133,634 I 2018 I $225_483249 $286,950 $1,064,349 $443,007 $1,046,513 $50,350 $139,010 1 2019 I $234,443,839 $298,353 $1,106,645 $460,612 $1,088,101 $52,351 $144,535 j 2020 I $258,309,146 $328,724 $1,219.297 $507,500 $1,198,864 $57,680 $159,248 2021 I $268,172 449 $341,276 $1,265,854 $526,878 $1,244,642 $59,883 1 $165,3281 2022 I $278,306,993 $354 173 $1,313692 $546,790 $1,291,678 $62,146 $171,576 2023 I $288,720,236 $367,425 $1,362,846 $567,249 $1,340,008 $64 471 $177 996 2024 I $299.419,844 $381,042 $1.413,351 $588,270 $1,389,667 $66,860 I $184,592 j 2025 I $310,413,691 $395,032 $1.465,246 $609,870 $1,440,692 $69,315 $191,370 j 2026 I $321 709,869 $409.408 $1,518,567 $632,063 I $1,493,120 $71,838 $198,334 J Total $3,967,663 $14,716,770 $6,125,466 $14,470,155 $696,196 $1,922,100 PV @3 5% $2,388,675 $10,438,743 $4,344,850 $10,263,816 $493,818 $1,363,364 Note School and ESD revenue foregone IS replaced dollar-for-dollar by State funds, and does not affect per student funding PV = Present value of the revenue foregone ThiS adjusts future dollars to 2007 dollar totals ...Dmmtowl1 U/ ban Rene~wl P/an-Rep011 21 1-60 September 15 2007 Date Received ~I Planner MM SOOE FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF PLAN Table 6 In Section 500 of this Report to the Plan shows the estimated costs of proJect activItIes at $25 02 million Table 9 proVIdes addltlOnal details pertammg to how costs were estimated The pnnclpal source of revenue to carry out proJect actlVltles Will be annual tax mcrement revenues of the Renewal Agency Anticipated tax Increment revenues are shown m Table 5 The tax Increment revenues shown m Table 5 are based on the followmg assumptIons The revenues shown In Table 5 are expected to be suffiCIent to carry out all proJect actlVltles currently shown on the Urban Renewal Plan, and to retIre proJect mdebtedness WIthin a 21-year penod It IS finanCially feaSible to carry out the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal Area 600. RELOCATION 600A PROPERTIES REQUIRING RELOCATION No relocatIOn IS anticIpated at the adoptlOn of this plan 600B RELOCATION METHODS If In the ImplementatIon of thIS Plan, persons or bUSinesses should be displaced by actIon of the SEDA, the Agency shall, as reqUired by law, proVide assistance to such persons or bUSinesses to be displaced Such people and bUSinesses dIsplaced WIll be contacted to deterrmne theIr indIVIdual relocation needs As reqUired, they WIll be proVIded mfonnatlOn on avaIlable space and WIll be given assistance In mOVIng All relocation activItIes WIll be undertaken and payments made In accordance wIth the requIrements of ORS 281 045 _ 281 105 and any other applIcable laws or regulations RelocatIon payments WIll be made as proVided m ORS 281 060 600C HOUSING COST ENUMERATION The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan does not anl1clpate removing eXlstmg hOUSing UnIts New hOUSing IS expected to be developed m the mIxed use zones of the Urban Renewal Plan Area A portlOn of umts are expected to be rental hOUSIng umts for low- to moderate-mcome reSIdents In addltlOn, pnvate development may buIld upwards (allowed under eXlsl1ng plan deslgnatlOns and zonmg and at an average denSity of 15 umts per acre) These would lIkely be pnced for sale or rent to upper middle and upper Income households as descnbed In recent hOUSing market analyses / DOl4-11I0lAn VI ban Renel;1;al Plan-Report 22 1-61 September 15, 2007 Date Received Planner MM 11710; Table 9 Project Estimating Detail (Reflects Detail From Table 6) A 1 Table 2a Proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Projects I 2 September 5 2007 Estimated Costs and Completion Dales r+ PROJECT I~ 17 I 8 I 9 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 (' !'uhllr Farllltll"S 117 Spnnl.,Jield Llbl1lry Btllldlll~ 118 Downtown Parlin\., Structure 19 Downtown all Street Surface Pilli-In!.- COf!SCfUCtlOR and Rl.'hablhtahon I 20 Do'o\fl110wn Public Art 1 21 Isl<1nd Par\... F3l..1ilheS Uogrndes ,1Ild ExDan~lons (locludmJ,.. i"drl!ng) I 22 Federally Qualified He3lth Center I 23 Spnn~held Museum I 24 M:1I11 Street Dual Use Parlmt}Clvlc Plaz<l (Between MlbeUlll and Arts Center) I 25 Public Perfonn:mce Space Improvements 126 A ~lr('l'f (nll\lrllctlOo ,mil (Jrl"ll',lfrrm Imnl'flvE'ml.'nfS South A s.. Malo Sln:t:'l Couplet Redesl!-'ll and Construcnon Nonh A CIVIC Stret't Curb and SIn.-el<;Cllpe lmprovenx:nls Downtown Dlsmcl Pedestnan Lev.:l Street LI\..hlln~ Ped~tn..m Com dOT Improvements R lnrr:l~lrll('lure and IJt.hfll'~ Imnro,' mrnts Utility Undel'}...'Toundlnl- ~nd!or Reloc:lllOn Prolects Stonnwat<:r System Imorovements lli-I) P.JrI..~ Rl'ruallon. i'l',w~tnan ~~~ Ill!." rnrrldl~~~_~_d_Ofht'r AmeOlhu f28 DownlnWT1 Millrace Acct:!.S R~tOr.:JtlOn. and Improvements I 29 Downtown r~ri.s Develooment allll ImprovemenlS I 30 Downtown EntmocelGatew.lV 11I\prnvelf~nts 131 [Xlwntown f'ubhUPnvaleSll!IUIl,e Ilfl000vements I 32 ~treetlOpen Sp1Ce Tree Prw.'T'JIU 133 134 I!.. UO<>fldts 10 Firl' l'rolN'tmn .wd F.iTIl'r~\Jh':!~ID 1 35 Fin: :.t:lnon Rdol.3llon - 136 I ~,.."..I".,..., n' "rr~........r~,-,l Il....lifo n".I' tnrl"~ln,,1 ..r~_ Thrml<.h ,,"pw 37 (nn~trucrllln I 38 Downtown Redt.'VeloOll1ent ASS1S1.arn..e Prol9'lnl (New ConstruCllon) 139 I 40 H Pr"""r, \lIOn. Rl'h.,h,hur".n. ,Inri CnmtlYAlli!!I 141 Downtown BI.ll1dmh Fao.,.ade hllpro~em~IPro~m I 42 Downtown Rt.~lor.:JlIon and RdlJblhl:lllon Fund I 43 Histone PrcsavaUon 144 I 45 I PrOOf'r!> Armll~llrun_ Inti I)t~llO~ljwn 146 147 I 48 .~J~nrc:>~._~f> 'nl'l'.1 .Inrl Il........" P1.m{S1 149 150 I 51 .... PI In AdmrmMr:Ullln 152 St~t1I11L mdSuOO('nServll:es 153 I 54 LlTIl.lll1' F:\lrndlnl! Qll1mk_!lu:.,lIITfltDillJl~ I South MllIl'ondlR.Jce Armel:.allons {Imprnvt:ments IMY be lO.Jde wlthoul dnneX.JllOn or boundary e'p.llblon II outhned 10 P13113nd approvt:d by Lane 55 (Ol.lllly) 156 j 57 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS 158 \59 160 Note Cost estimates are In 2007 dollars Durv11/Q1,Vl1 VI ban Reneljw! P/an-RepO/ ( 23 1-62 I Expected I Completion = ..=- = W1 ~ 2018 8 c \ 0 I E I ~ i OTHERjTOTAL PROJECT~ SEOAI SHARE. SHARE CATEGORY cas wno.oool S11 990 000.1 516 990 oo~ $2200 000": $6 990 0001 $1 000 OOOJ $2 000 0001 $13000001 $2 100 OOOJ $500 000 $900 000 '5 820 ooJ i1_470_000 ~j $970 000 $2250 000 $500 0001 $2100 000; I lQ,1on'~~1 S121750001 518275000 $1000000 $2 000 000 $30000061 $5D()() 0001 $25 0001 $100 0001 '500 0001 $5OIlOOO $1 000 0001 $3 000 000 $150 0001 $1 350 000-1 $100 0001 $7S 0001 $75 0001 $250 000 $150 000f-- ~?O<;QOOO $4125000 s'707S_0QO $BC:J 000 $1 050 6001 $60() 0001 $200 0061 I $5OIlOOO $750 000 $50 ooOJ $150 000 I I $100 0001 $50 000 I ~SOo 000:1 52000.0001 '55000001 $3 500 000 $2,000 006 , I j ll.mQlli! 56400000 sa 300 0001 $1 900 ooOj $6 400 000 I 510 100 ooo~ 52650 000' 57450 omit $250 0001 $750 0001 I $2 000 0001 $5 800 0001 I $400 000 $900 000 J ~1 l!1 ~: I 1 ~l;OO_OOO ~OOOOOI 58000001 $600 0001 $200 0001 S17000J I $1700 000: ~I $1 700 000\ , , J ~ 5200000 RSQ..,OOC $100 OOC $200 DOC /;l8 2011 <ill I I I I r2S.020.00Q >46.840.0001 $71.8600001 . SEDAI Develooer/OwnerlTolal Pmlecl ; 1 Share I Other Share Category Cost J Septembel 15 2007 5J=pTEMBE~ - - 9/10 Release draft-pla-nand repo-rt, anlforward-these to City Councll,------- Planning CommiSSion, SEDA, affected taxing bodies and the general public _ _ __ _____ __ _ ___ _ ~___ Meet with WIllamalane Management Team Council Work Session Progress report and discussion about draft plan and report Town Hall meeting to present the Draft Plan and Report and to Receive comments -~---- ----- ~ -- ---- Meet with Lane ESD *9/11 9117 9/20 Draft Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and R~ Received 117/67 Review Schedule and Events Planner MM *9125 OCTOBER ~------------ - --- ------- ------- *10/1 Meet with LCC Executive Team (10/8 alternative date) '"' ~ O/2~_;;'::;\;f!lanrm;g;..Cjj"mimsslonrmEiebn9:IRevlevrtffiiftlj5lan:analfepoft,anil' ~ ~'MJ~"""~~;;' ~~';l;~l!:lJf$$"'~~ ""'if-~~--..J1 y;t:~f ^$J~"'t"w;,,-;r~.,. '~{"n~!I':;''ll>'.'~ift'''''u~ ~ ~5;:'''::~~~;'';, -1,,:;iJ! _ ,,^iJ\i~~,fC)J}lIerd!r~"~IJ!.lJ1_e llaaJI~Q:pn~tl?l~rty,.~l?Jl n~I!,l1t~;lt~i\};a1'~ !,if~",,_~~~ *10/3 Meet with Lan~_ounly Commissioners *10/10 Meet with Wlllamalane Board *10/10 ~eet wl~LC~~~'!~~iF_lorence) *10/17 Chamber Membership Breakfast 10/19 SEDA-stafftocompieleformal "consult and confer" meeting discussions with affected taxing bodies *10/22 Meet with School Dlst 19 Board ~",~T,1 O/22~,?-,{S.EPA';'m~bjlg'~Reij!ei.Y!jjJ'Jj,flfp!an'liiid..flfffii.i1;:';;;:~~1'4;;;':::r'fl\~";lli;",s NOVEMBER 11/6 Election day ~'" - ;,1_il/1-3;.{~-1-i$~D~5:mij!iJ:!g. 11?~!5,,!!.s,tiea~J'a:9iFp:~~CJ~I,\ilgn.;t~~n?,o.i1)fi1~e~jr~fpi~\ (7; '7\~'~r~o~e(j:i~lan a~ncrr:~h artCi:forwafd offio~Cot~CII ana IIflrsf~Y.' tf::.~'f! R~P~{:1I't:l~::~1[~1\~~~~~~';;w'f;4~fJ~2;"t~to/?$;<-'00'-).1~~~qt~f _~Jr,fl ,,~~~~L OJ~~J)' I. \~1reaj:f~gJJt.'_~'t;^lfPb"(~:.!~t~i!j~\ff?1~",r,~~.~i~~~~1t~~";<fF<c~~:~~~~~~7~~ 11/19 Council WS/RS Public hearing and "First Reading," review draft plan and report, Planning Commission recommendation and comments by affected taxing bodies I Special Council Regular Session Public hearing and "Second Reading," accept or reject and modify comments by affected taxing bodies, and deCISion whether to approve plan and report by adopting non-emergency ordinance -DECEMBER I - -------- ---- 12/3 Placeholder for Council to take up Items otherwise docketed for 11/26 IF Council preference IS to not hold the 11/26 Special RS, whtch tS a "5th Monday" IPubIIS~ ~_~Ice _of_ aj(;)p~lon_~y _Council Send adopted ordinance to SEDA -I ------------------------ ---- 11/26 12/7 12/7 ----- - - ------------ - - ----- ~_.- ----- -- ---- * Meetmgs With affected agencies Attachment 2-1 Date ReceIved ~ 7 Draft Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Rfbcgwer MM ~_ Review Schedule and Events SEPJEMBER I 9/10 Release draft plan and report, and forward these to City Council, Planning Commission, SEDA, affected taxing bodies and the general pubhc IMeet with Wlllamalane Management Team Council Work Session Progress report and diScussion about draft plan and report 'Town Hall meeting to present the Draft Plan and Report and to Receive comments Meet With Lane ESD "9/11 9117 9/20 "10/3 "10/10 "10/10 "10/17 10/19 11/19 11/26 DECEMBER 12/3 12/7 12/7 Council WSIRS Public hearing and "First Reading," review draft plan and report, Planning CommissIon recommendabon and comments by affected taxing bodies I Special Council Regular Session. Public hearing and "Second Reading," accept or reject and modify comments by affected taxing bodies, and deCISion whether to approve plan and report by adopting non-emergency ordinance Placeholder for Council to take up Items otherwise docketed for 11/26 IF Council preference IS to not hold the 11/26 Special RS, which IS a "5th Monday" IPubhsh notice of adoption by Council Isend adopted ordinance to SEDA " Meetmgs With affected agencies ATTACHMENT 2-1 QQyyntown Urban Renewal Proiects. Three Ootions for SEDA Share of PrOlect!;; Conservative ElIoected SEDA SEDA Term of ProleG! Other Sources of Maximum Downtown CO!;t Share** CostShanng pebt**~ URD**** $22 0 million $43 57 million $35 3 million 18 years ---- ---~ --- ---- ---- ---- $25 0 million $46 97 million $43 0 million 19 Years Ellint of SEOA.. jnvestment* )> - - III ('> w:;r ..!..3 CD ~ - l Draft Plan Aggressive $30 0 million $52 67 million $51 7 million 22 years Notes. .Based on Boundary 3 and revIsed project IIs}s and costs "Cost Inflation rate IS 5%, a conservative (high) assumption ."Total maXImum Indebtedness covers captlal costs including Inflation ....Term of URD Is the time needed to payoff project casts (with Inflation) and retire all long-term debt "'Co -Ql Ql- ~CD ffi;:o ""'CD ('> s:!!1 s:i% a. -~ '- '-' .~ <:> -J Date Received -2/1!rr;-- Planner MM SPRINGFIELD DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PLAN SUMMARY DRAFT-JULY 10,2007 The purpose of the Downtown Springfield Urban Renewal Citizen Involvement Plan IS to ensure that residents, property owners, bUSinesses, and other Interested parfles have convenzent opportunztles to become fully Informed about the project and to provide Input throughout the process The cltlzen Involvement strategy outlined below strives to reach and Include people from a wide variety of backgrounds In the process BACKGROUND In Apn12007, the City Council duected staff to explore the fonnatlOn of a downtown urban renewal dlstnct to help fund downtown revitalIzatIon The preparatIOn of a cItIzen mvolvement plan IS a necessary and prudent element In the establIshment of a new urban renewal dlstnct m the Downtown area To establIsh a new downtown urban renewal dlStnCt, voters must first authonze the City CouncIl to create one After voter approval, the CIty CouncIl must approve an urban renewal plan for the new dlstnct The urban renewal plan must be crafted wIth publIc partiCipatIOn The followmg sectIons of trus document outlIne the plan for Involvmg CitIzens, stakeholders and affected agencIes m the development of the Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Plan CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT PLAN AND ACTIVITIES The actIvllies and proJects Identified In the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (Renewal Plan) shall be undertaken With the partICIpatIOn of CitIzens, owners and tenants as indIViduals and organizatIons who reSide wltrun or who have financlalmterest Within the Plan Area and With the general cllizens of the City At minimum, cItIzen partlclpatlOn efforts shall comply With the standards of the Spnngfield Development Code, the Metro Plan and state statutes regardmg the fonnatlOn of urban renewal dlstncts The work program for completing the Renewal Plan has been constructed to allow enough tIme for public Input Into the process, bemg mindful of the comrnumty's need to eventually Implement the Plan In a limely manner An outline of the work program shOWing opportunities for publIc Involvement In the development of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS attached A Downtown Urban Renewal AdVisory Committee (DURAC) WIll be fonned to vOIce community Ideas and concerns as well as adVIce on urban renewal Issues DURAC WIll be composed of a broad range of partICipants including the publIc, affected bUSiness and landowners, and partner agencIes Members of the Spnngfield Renaissance Development CorporatlOn, the Chamber of Commerce and others With expenence In the recent downtown development successes WIll also be mvolved The table below shows the proposed structure of the proposed commIttee Attachment 4-1 I POSItIOn 1 Downtown Busmess Owner I I PosItIon 7 1ndustnal Busmess owner or renter I POSItIOn 13 School Board Date Received ~) Planner MM Proposed Downtown UrbaD Renewal AdvIsory CommIttee POSItIOn 2 Poslltnn 3 Posllton 4 POSItIOn 5 Posllton 6 Downtown Downtown Downtown SRDC Chamber of Busmess ResIdent Resident Member Commerce Renter Owner Renter RepresentatIve POSItIon 8 PosItIon 9 POSItIOn 10 POSItIOn] 1 PnsltlOn 12 General General Washburne HIstone Commumty Pub he Pubhe DIstrIct CommissIOn Development Resident Member AdVISOry CommIttee I The CommIttee for CitIzen Involvement (planmng CODlffilsslOn) recommended that the hlghhghted pOSItions be added to the Downtown Urban Renewal AdVISOry CommIttee when It IS formed Development of the Renewal Plan Will not depend on mput from DURAC alone Elements ofthe Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Will be commumcated to the publIc-at-large for review and comment A vanety of medIa and commUnicatIOn tools Will be used These mclude, but not lImited to . One or more town-hall meetmgs . Commumcatlon through pnnt and electroD\c media . PublIc hearmgs . DIrect maIlIngs to Interested property owners, bUSinesses, CIVIC groups and cllizens V oter approval In November IS reqUired to authonze the CIty CounCil to fonn a downtown urban renewal dlstnct PublIc commUllIcatlOn and partIcIpatIOn are essenlial to preparatIOn of the urban renewal plan and IS reqUired to ensure that the electorate makes an mfonned deCISIOn on dlstnct fonnatlOn ClIlzen Involvement Plan Summary June 14, 2007 2 4-2 - Date Received ~ INVOLVED PUBLIC, BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COUNCILS AND JURlstf~ MM , The successful fonnatlOn of an urban renewal dlstnct reqUires the support of the publIc, affected busmess and landowners, and partner agencies ComrnumcatlOn and coordmatlOn WIth these particIpants IS crucial The table below Identdies the organizatIOnal flow of Ideas between CitIzen groups and stakeholders, elected offiCIals and cIty staff ,DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT WITH PLANNING Sprmgfield Economic Developmeot Ageocy ISEDAl TaxlDg Bodies Downtown Urban Renewal AdVisory Committee t General Public, Neighborhood AsSOCiatiOns Busmesses CIVIC Orgamzatlon:. Residents Property Owners Social Service Providers CItizen involvement Plan Summary June 14, 2007 3 4-3 Date Received D /.., 10- Planner MM --:t.f-LI-!2-!-- PARTICIPATION ROLES Below IS an outline of the roles of each party 'Wlthm the organlzatlOnal chart 1 GENERAL PUBLIC The general publIc Includes, but IS not lImited to . NelghborhoodlBusmess AssocIatIOns ReSIdents CIVIC Organlzalions Businesses Property Owners SOCial ServIce PrOViders . . . . . 2 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL ADvISORY COMMITIEE The Downtown Urban Renewal AdVISOry CommIttee, (DURA C) IS made up of members of groups and organizatIOns representing the diverSity of mterests In the downtown Spnngfield core The COIDIDlttee's goal IS to aid m the revltalIzatlOn of the downtown by ensunng that the projects and programs recommended m the Renewal Plan respect and reflect the Interests of the represented populatIOn The completIOn of the proJects encompassed m the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS expected to Improve the VIabIlIty of downtown as a commuruty center and a destmatlOn for shOPPing, lIvmg, workmg, and government services The DURAC wlll meet With City and development related staff on a montWy basIS or as needed based on urban renewal actiVlty levels It Will be the purpose of the DURAC to represent the general publIc and stakeholders m diSCUSSIons and deCISIOn makmg processes SEDA and City staff Will proVIde forums to work With members of the commumty to proVide falf and eqUitable opportumlies to vOice needs and oplruons as It relates to the urban renewal plan, processes and the future revitalIzatIOn plans pertmrung to the Downtown 3 SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Spnngfield EconomIc Development Agency (SEDA) IS the actmg Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Spnngfield It receives adVISOry Input from the Downtown Urban Renewal AdVISOry Committee, Pnvate Cllizens, Consultants and CIty staff SEDA IS made up of the Mayor, City CounCil and two Lane County CornmlsslOners The Agency has the power to plan or undertake any urban renewal proJect approved m the urban renewal plan 4 SPRiNGFIELD CITY COUNCIL The Spnngfield CIty CoUnClllnlliated the formatIon of the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct They Will review all Urban Renewal Plans, mcludmg the PublIc Involvement Plan Otlzen Involvement Plan Summary June 14, 2007 4 4-4 5 AFFECTED TAXING BODIES Date ReceIved Planner MM LCC Board WIllamalane Parks and RecreatIOn Lane EducatIOn Services Dlstnct Spnngfield School Dlstnct 19 Metro Wastewater Lane County CitIzen Involvement Plan Summary June 14, 2007 4-5 rhldJ 5 " JULY 7/9 7/11 7/17 7/23 7/23 AUGUST 8/2 8/10 8/24 SEPTEMBER 9/6 9/7 9/17 9/23 OCTOBER 10/2 10/19 10/22 NOVEMBER 11/6 11/13 11/19 DECEMBER 12/3 12/7 12/7 Date Received Planner MM Spnngfield Downtown Urban Renewal Distnct Work Program PublIc Involvement/CommuDlcatlOn OpportumtIes <17 !~{,- SEDA meeting Direct preparatIOn of draft urban renewal plan and report First publIc Information mailing, first public announcement Planning Commission / Committee for CItizen Involvement meeting Review/ Approve public Involvement plan CounCil Approve ballot title, question and explanatIon, approve proposed boundary, Team Springfield Informal diSCUSSion about boundary and possible projects Informal Town Hall #1 (#2 to be scheduled) Urban Renewal Plan Draft completed Urban Renewal Report Draft cornpleted Deadline to submit ballot title, question and explanation to County Elections Release draft plan and report, and forward these to CIty CounCil, Planning Commission, SEDA, affected taxing b~dles and the general pUlJllc. CounCil Progress report and diSCUSSion about draft pl,!n and report. Informal Town Hall #1 (#2 to be scheduled) Planning Commission meeting/Public hearing Review draft plan and report and forward recommendation on to City CounCil SEDA staff to complete formal "consult and confer" meeting discussions with affected taxmg bodies SEDA meeting Review draft plan and report Election day SEDA meeting Public hearing and decIsion to recommend draft as "proposed" plan and report and forward on to Council, and "first reading" CounCil meeting and Public hearing Review Planning Commission recommendation and comments by affected taxing bodies CounCil Public hearing and "second reading," accept or reject and modify comments by affected taxing bodies, and deCISion whether to approve plan and report by adopting non-emergency ordinance Publish notice of adoption by CounCil Send adopted ordinance to SEDA CitIzen Involvement Plan Summary June 14, 2007 6 4-6