HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 11/26/2007 Dat(;< ,~celved Planr\'er MM II /2- ,,(r> 7 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY November 26, 2007 Regular SesslOn Development ServIces ~ Mark Metzger, John TamuloOls Jill 726-3775,726-3656 IS mmules Meetmg Date: Meeting Type. Department: Staff Contact: SPRINGFIELD Staff Phone No: C I T Y CO UNC IL Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE. DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AND REPORT ACTION Council IS requested to conduct a second readIng and adopt, adopt WIth reVlSlons, or reject REQUESTED: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING TIlE SPRINGFIELD DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AND REPORT AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE On November 6, 2007, the Spnngfield electorate authonzed the CIty Council to alloca\e taxes to a downtown urban renewal distnct CounCil conducted a publIc heanng on the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report on November 19,2007 and receIved testlmony concernmg the documents Staff has responded WIth recommended revlSlons to the Plan and Report (see Attachment 4) FInal achon on the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report at the November 26 meetlOg WIll result In an effecl1ve date pnor 10 the December 31, 2007, the deadllOe for estabhshlOg the dlStnCt as ofJanuary I, 2008 ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: At Issue IS whether Ihe Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report should be adopled, adopted With reVISIOns, or rejecled by the CounCIl Attachment I Downtown Urban Renewal OrdlOance mcludmg . Exlublt A (DownlOwn Urban Renewal Plan and Report) . Exlublt B (Staff Report) Attachment 2 Comments ReceIved and Recommended ReVISIons to the Plan and Report Attachment 3 Legal DescnptlOn of Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Boundary On October 2, 2007, the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was reVIewed by the Planrung CommiSSIOn The Plannmg CommiSSIOn voted unarnmously to recommend Ihat the CIty Council approve the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report With a mmor text change descnbmg how urban renewal would affect schools DISCUSSIOns With the affecled taxmg bodIes, Lane County, School DIstnc119, Lane ESD, WIllamalane Park and Recreahon Dlstnct and Lane CommUDIty College were held No affected taxmg distnct has expressed opposlhon to the Plan or Report On November 19, 2007, the CIty Council conducted a pubhc heanng on the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report Testrmony was receIved from the public In Attachmenl 4, staff has summanzed these comments and added them to those receIved from earher pubhc meetmgs Attachment 4 also contams recommended reVISIOns to the Plan and Report that corresponds to Council diSCUSSion and direcllOn receIved at the November 19'" meetmg Attachment I IS the adoptmg ordinance whIch follows the reqUIred contents and makes the reqUIred findmgs and determmahons descnbed m ORS 457 095 The ordmance mcludes Exlublt A (Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report) and Exlublt B (Staff Report) Exlublt B prOVIdes fmdmgs for Council reVIew related 10 the requIremenls of ORS 457 for the estabhshment of an urban renewal dlstnct and for the contents of an urban renewal plan and report Attachment 3 IS the legal descnphon of the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan The legal descnptlOn does not lOelude any necessary adjustments for Meadow Park and connectmg nghl-of-way or for any reduchon In the sIZe of the boundary proposed rn the September 15, 2007 Draft Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report IfCouncu changes the boundary, the legal descnptlOn would be adjusted as such Date Received Planner. MM It !J) t5? Ordinance No. (General) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SPRINGFIELD DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AND REPORT; AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE WHEREAS, the Co=on CouncrI bas detennmed that there IS need for a Downtown Urban Renewal Plan for the followmg reasons 1) The eXlstence of madequate streets, nghts of way, open ~aces, recreatJ.on fac1htJ.es, and ut1htJ.es (mcludIng, for example, storm water systems and sanitary sewer trunk lmes and laterals), 2) the eXlstence of bmld.mgs and structures for mdustnal, CO=erclal, and resldenl1al use Wlth problematIc extenor ~acmg, deSIgn, and physical constructIon (mcludIng obsolescence, detenoratJ.on and InlXed character of uses), 3) Properl1es and lots m llTegular form, shape and dunensIOns lunitmg usefulness and development, 4) Lack of y'VY'"' ut1hza1lon of areas resultmg m a stagnant and unproductIve conmtJ.on of lands potentJ.alIy useful and valuable for contnbutmg to the public health, safety, and welfare, and 5) Econolllic detenoratJ.on and msuse of y,vY'"';; WHEREAS, given the preced.mg InformatIon, the area Wlthm the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan boundary IS bhghted; WHEREAS, the rehablhtal10n and redevelopment outImed in the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, mcv, yv,..ted herem by reference, IS necessary to r.~l;...t the pubhc health, safety or welfare of the mumclpahty, WHEREAS, the 2001 Spnngfield Charter, SectIon 49, requrres voter "'yy,v.'ll\ before the City Councll can "n--- Ie an Urban Renewal DIstncl Plan that includes allocatIng .l-"..vY"-;'J.~j taxes, WHEREAS, Ballot Measure 20-131 presented to the voters of the City of Spnngfield on November 6, 2007 for thell' approval of the quesl10n of the alIocatJ.on of such taxes before the City Councll approval of any Urban Renewal Plan, WHEREAS, the results of that electJon approved Ballot Measure 20-131 so that the City Council may comply Wlth the proVISIOns of Section 49 of the 200 I Spnngfield Charter and state laW; WHEREAS, Oregon law also requires that adoptJ.on of an Urban Renewal Plan be approved by the City Counc1l m the junsmctJ.on mcluded m the Urban Renewal Dlstne!, WHEREAS, the City of Spnngfield IS a mumClpal corporation orgamzed and exisl1ng under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon and the 2001 Spnngfield Charter; WHEREAS, on December 6, 2004, the City transferred its authonty to exercise the powers of the urban renewal agency to the Spnngfield Econolllic Development Agency m accordance Wlth OAR 457 055 and all dutJ.es and obhgatJ.oDS of the urban renewal agency Wlthm the JurismctIon of the City were thereafter assumed by the Spnngfield Econolllic Development Agency WHEREAS, the Spnngfield City Councll, the governmg body of the municlpahty, received the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and R~ort from the Spnngfield ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 D~~i'ReceIVed ~I u J~_ Planner MM ' EconomIc Development Agency, the CIty'S urban renewal agency, WHEREAS, the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report was forwarded to the govermng body of each affected taxing dIstnct and the Spnngfield EconOmIC Development Ag~cy has consulted and conferred with those taxing bodIes, WHEREAS, Nouce was sent out to the electors regrstered in Spnngfield and WIthin the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan area on or about November 9, 2007, that the Spnngfield City Council would conduct a Public Heanng on November 19, 2007, at 700 p m m the Spnngfield City Council Chambers of Spnngfield CIty Hall, 225 FIfth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, WHEREAS, a public heanng was conducted on November 19 and testunony receIved on an ordInance adopbng the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, the boundanes of whIch are shown on the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan map, WHEREAS, the CIty Council found that the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report meets the content requirements for urban renewal plans as descnbed m ORS 457 085, WHEREAS, the maximum mdebtedness that can be mCUlTed under the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS $43,010,000, WHEREAS, the Spnngfield CIty Council determmes and finds that the urban renewal plan conforms to the Eugene-Spnngfield Metropohtan Area General Plan winch IS the comprehensIve plan for the City of Spnngfield and winch proVIdes pohcy drrecuon for econOmIC and land use development WIthm the City, WHEREAS, Section 1200 of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan specifies that SEDA will proVIde relocation asSistance and housmg for dIsplaced persons Wlthm theIr finanCial means m accordance WIth ORS 35.500 to 35 530 and, except in the relocatIon of elderly or dIsabled mdIVIdua1s, WIthOut displacmg persons already on pnonty waIbng hsts for eXisting federally subsllhzed hOUSIng; WHEREAS, tfacquisluon ofreal t',vt''',;; IS necessary, It will be proVIded for through later amendments to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan as specified m Sec1J.on 900(C)(1), winch reqwres approval of t'.-t''',;; acqWSIUOns for the purposes specified m Section 700(A) of the Plan by resolutIon of the Spnngfield EconOmIC Development Agency and the Common Council, WHEREAS, adoption and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS economIcally sound and feasIble based on the information mcluded m the Report mcorporated m the Plan, and WHEREAS, the City of Spnngfield, as the governing murnclpal1ty of the Plan, assumes and sha1I complete any activities prescribed It by the urban renewal plan NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE FOREGOING RECITALS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 'a,~ Received _1I/u. ./ D7 Planner MM SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN ALLOCATING TAXES FROM DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES TO THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN. The Common Council of the City hereby approves the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report set forth m ExhibIt A, allocating taxes from downtown area p,vp'" ;';es to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan SECTION 2: ADOPTION OF THE STAFF REPORT. The StaffR~ort attached hereto as Exlnbit B, and the findings and detennmatIons contaIned therem, are mcorporated herem by reference and are hereby adopted. SECTION 3. NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WithIn 4 days of the adoptIon of tins Ordinance <>pp,v J1Ilg the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, notIce of tins actIon shalJ be pubhshed in the Register Guard, the newspaper havmg the greatest crrcuIatIon WIthIn the City of Spnngfield and pubhshed nearest to the City of Spnngfield. SECTION 4. ADDmONAL AUTHORIZATIONS. The City Manager, the City Recorder, the City Fmance Director, and the City Attom~, and each of them actIng mdrvidual1y, are hereby authonzed, empowered and directed, for and on behalf on the City, to carry out the purposes and mtent of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE Tills OrdInance shalJ take effect after Its second readmg and upon Its adoption at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City and approval by the Mayor SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any sectIon, subsecbon, sentence, clause, phrase, or porDon of tins Ordinance IS for any reason held mvalid or unconstItutIonal by any court of Cv~p,,~t junsdIctIon, that porDon shal1 be deemed a separate, drstmct, and mdependent proVIsIOn and that holding shalJ not affect the validrty of the remalmng porDon of tins OrdInance ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Spnngfield by a vote of for and _ agamst, tins _ day of ,2007 APPROVED by the Mayor of the City ofSpnngfield, tins _ day of 2007 ArrEST: Mayor City Recorder REVIEWED 1'. ":'ff'GVEI1 A~ TO FOP" l ~\"'.,.~ ~.,)_,_ ~\M DATE' II lLs-~ OFFICE OF C'ITY AiTORNEY ATTACHMENT 1 - 3 1 ~ " ~lll L..l." ... . _,_. I I. I.J.!... J ; ; 1 ~ , ~ I 1 , l >" , ~ 1 { ;i 1'1 1 , I 1 ii " \1 Ii !, '1' ~ I ~I' " [11 :1 ~ i I l II I ! 'I 'II 'II I ,. Date Received Planner. MM PRoPOSAL TO FORM THE SPRINGFIELD DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEwAL DISTRICT EXHIBI1 r B ;; / 'lk/~ 7 , ' Staff Report November 19, 2007 I. Executive Summary On July 23"1, Council approved a ballot trt1e and descnptlon for the November 6 ballot that would authonze the Council to allocate taxes to a downtown urban renewal drstnct Council directed staff to develop the wtral draft of the urban renewal plan and report based on a large boundmy that would extend east to 23m street along the Mam Street/South A comdor The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report proVIde the mformatron and analysIS reqwred under ORS 457 to estabhsh an urban renewal dlSlnct. The renewal plan seeks to balance the cost of potenl1a1 projects that are enVISioned for the urban renewal d1s1nct wrth the potentIal revenues that would be genemted to pay for those projects over the Me of the renewal dlSlnct ORS 457 095 hsts certam detemnnatJons and findmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (plan) and Report that the CIty Councll must mclude m the adopting ordmance Staff has evaluated the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and has presented findmgs and determmatrons concemmg those issues hsted m the statute These detennmal10ns and findmgs must conclude 1 The urban renewal area IS bhghted, 2 The rehabilltatron and redevelopment IS necessary to protect the pubhc health, safety or welfare of the mumclpahty; 3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensIve plan and econOlD1C development plan, 1f any, of the mumclpallty as a whole and proVIdes an outlme for acco1l1phshmg the urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes, 4 ProVlSlon has been made to house d1splaced persons wrthm their finanCIal means m accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocal1on of elderly or d1sabled md1VIduals, WIthout d1splacmg on pnonty hsts persons a1ready wllltmg for eXIStIng federally subSIdized housrog, 5 IfacqulSll10n ofreal..,~.._,;/1S proVIded for, that It IS necessary, 6 AdoptIon and canymg out of the urban renewal plan IS economIcally sound and feasible, and 7 The mumclpahty shall assume and complete any acl1vltres prescnbed It by the urban renewal plan In add1tron to the contents of the Ordmance, ORS 457 085 reqUIreS the CIty'S urban renewal plan and accompanymg report contain specIfic mfol'Inatron and analYSIs m order to estabhsh tax mcrement financmg The urban renewal plan and report must then an' u "..J by the CIty Councll m order to estabhsh a new urban renewal d1s1nct. The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report suffiCIently addresses all apphcable reqwrements of ORS 457 085 and mcludes the mformatron and analYSIS reqwred by the statute Dawntown Urban Renewal Plan and Report Staff Report Novemher 19, 2007 1 ATTACHMENT 1 - 6 Oa. _ .~ecelved EXHIBI1r B Planner. MM- II( Z~! 07 The Plan and Report establish a sufficIent factual basiS for the Spnngfield City Counctl to make the determmatlOns and findIngs reqwred by ORS 457 095 Staff recommends the approval of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report The followmg report proVIdes the detaIled analysIS that leads staff to make tIus recommendatIon. II. Procedural Requirements Planning Commission Review of the Urban Renewal Plan ORS 457085(4) states, "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be forwarded to the plannmg commiSSIOn of the muruclpahty for recommendations, pnor to presentIng the plan to the governmg body of the munlclpahty for approval under ORS 457 095 " Finding: I The Spnngfield Plannmg CoIIllIllSSlon revIewed the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report on October 2, 2007 m regular sesSIOn The meetIng was advertIsed by display ad In the Register Guard and the pubhc was InVIted to comment on the Plan before the COlIllIllSslon After rece\V1ng publIc comment, the Plannmg COIDm1SSlOn voted unanImously to recommend that the CIty Counctl approve the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan WIth a mmor wordIng change regardIng the unpact of urban renewal on schools The Plannmg CoIIllIllSSIOn, In Its capacIty as the COlIllIllttee for CItIzen Involvement, reVIewed and approved a CItIzen partICIpatIon program that Included v>'>'u....l111tIes for the publIc to comment on the urban renewal plan Outreach for public Involvement In advance of the October 2001 Plannmg COIIllIllSSlon heanng Included. . A drrect ma1IIng to all property owners and reSIdents m the urban renewal dIstrIct describIng urban renewal and InVItIng them to the "Town Hall" meetIng on September 20 . Two "Town Hall" meetIngs that were publICIzed wrth dISplay ads In the Register Guard (August 7, September 20) Handouts were distributed at these meetIngs hIghlightIng the Plannmg CommISSion heanng on October 2 and other opportunrtres to comment on the Plan . Placmg of InformatIon about the Plan and Report on the CIty webslte and the Plannmg DIVISion websrte . MeetIngs WIth the staff and elected bodJes of the affected taxIng bodIes wrthm the chstncl . Presentations to the Chamber of Commerce, LIOns Club and other communrty orgamzatlons Handouts were dIstributed at these meetIngs hIghlightIng the Plannmg COlIllIllSslon heanng on October 2 and other opporturutles to comment on the Plan. . MedIa stones In the Register Guard and the Spnngfield Beacon . DISplay ad in the Register Guard, publIclZlDg the Plannmg COlIllIllsslon heanng on October 2 RevIew of the Urban Renewal Plan by Affected Taxing Bodies ORS 457085(5) states "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be forwarded to the goverrnng body of each taxIng d1stnct affected by the urban renewal plan and the agency shall consult and confer WIth the taxIng d1stncts prior to presenting DuwntOW1l Urban Renewal Plan and Report 2 Staff Report November 19, 2007 ATTACHMENT 1 - 7 EXHffill r B Date Received (~/'2-',h7 Planner MM the plan to the govermng body of the mumclpabty for "n"v..al under ORS 457 095. Any wntten recommenda1Jons of the governmg body of each taxIng dIstrIct shall be acc~ted, rejected or modrlied by the governmg body of the mumcIpality m adoptmg the plan." Findings: 2 The table below hsts the taxIng bodIes affected by the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. The governmg boches of each taxIng dJ.stnct were each forwarded a copy of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and R~ort for reVIew and comment Staff from the Spnngfield EconOmIC Development Agency met With these governmg bodIes and receIved their comments Consultation witb Affected Taxing Bodies GovemlDg Body . Date of Consultation Written Comments Received? I Lane County I Lane Commumt'{ Colle~e I Lane Educalion Service DIStnct I Snnngfield School DIStnct 19 I Willamalane Parle and Recreal10n DIStnct 10/3/07 10/1/07. 11/2/07 9(1.5/07 I 10/22/07 I 9/11107.10110/07 I Nol Nol Nol Nol Yes I 3. Wntten comments were received from Willamalane Park and RecreatIon District staff These comments were forwarded to the City Council at their September 17, 2007 meetmg for consldera1Jon. Notice oftbe Urban Renewal Plan Hearing ORS 457 095 states "The govemmg body of the mumclpahty, upon receipt ofa y.vyu,oo urban renewal plan and report from the mUniCipality'S urban renewal agency and after publlc nonce and heanng and consideratIon of public testimony and plannmg commiSSion recommendanons, If any, may approve the urban renewal plan " FiudlDgs: 4 ORS 457 095 does not describe specdic notice requrrements for the publlc heanng for the urban renewal plan and report 5 Mailed nonce of the November 19, 2007 CIty CounCll first readmg and publlc heanng on the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was sent to 23,000 Spnngfield households on or about November 9, 2007 6 A legal no1Jce concemmg the November 19th heanng was published m the November 11, 2007 edItion of the Sunday Regtster Guard 7 AddrtIonal medIa releases publIclZlDg the heanng were made by City staff m advance of the November 19th City Counctl meetmg Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report StajJReport November 19, 1007 3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 8 EXHIBI1 r B Qate Received Planner MM If / U/1Yl I I NotIce or Urban Renewal Plan Adoption ORS 457 115 states "Notice of adoption of an uroan renewal plan reqwred under ORS 457 095 and notice of filmg of an annual finanCial statement reqwred under ORS 457 460 shall be pubhsbed m the newspaper, as defined m ORS 193010, having the greatest crrculatron m the mumclpahty and wluch IS pubhshed Wlthm the mumclpaIrty H no newspaper IS pubhshed wrthm the mumC1palrty, the requrred notice shall be pubhsbed m the ne\\."",,~. haVIng greatest crrculatJon Wlthm the mumclpahty pubhshed nearest to the mumclpahty" ORS 457 095 specifies that the adoption notice be pubhshed (according to ORS 457 115) Wlthm four days of the actlon n Arrangements have been made to advertIse the deciSion of the City Council Wlth respect to the urban renewal plan m the Reg1Sler Guard Wlthm four days of final ac1lon of the Council on the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report. m. Determmations and Findings Specified by ORS 457.085 and ORS 457.095 ORS 457 085 proVIdes a lengthy hst of uroan renewal plan elements and requires a proVISion for pubhc mvolvement m all stages of the development of the plan Fmdings: 8 Section IT (Procedural RequlreIllents) of thts report documents opportumtJes for pubhc mvolvement m the ".~"~,,uon of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan 9 The table below summanzes the hst of content reqUIrements found m ORS 457 085 and proVIded the page number m the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan where those content reqUIrements are addressed ORS 457.085 Content Requirements and Page Number m the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Where this Content is Addressed Urban Renewal Plan Reawrements Descnptton of Urban Renewal ProJects Outlme for Develooment/RedeveloEmentlLand ACqUlSltlon Maps and Legal DescnPtlon of the Renewal Area Relanonslup of the Plan 10 Local ObJectives Proposed Land Uses ProVlSlOns for Relocation Lv_..." Acgwsmon DIVISion of Taxes and Maxnnum Indebtedness Plan Amendment :\_~~.Jres PublIc Bwldmgs Pagels) 14 I 13 I 26,27 I 61 111 23 J 191 221 21 IS I Urban Renewal Plan Report Requirements I C~_."uon ofExistmg Conditions m the Renewal Area I Reasons for Selectmg the Urban Renewal Area I Relanons!!Jp of the ProJects to the Plan I Estunated Prolect Costs and Source of Funds I AntiCiPated Comolenon Dates for ProJects I Amount of Money ReQWl'ed for the Distnct and AntiCipated Debt Retlrement I Fmanc1al Feasibdrtv of the Plan PllI!e 7 16 16 17 19 19 I 26 I 4 Dawntawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report Staff Report Nuvember 19,2007 A TT ACI-IMENT 1 - 9 Date Received Planner MM EXHIBll r B t r ! u, /, 1 I ~act ofForel!;one Taxes by Taxml!; BodIes I Relocatlon ProVISIOns and AnalysIS 24 I 26 I ORS 457 095 hsts certarn detennmatlons and findmgs regarding the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan (plan) and Report that must be mcluded m any adoptmg ordmance consIdered by the CIty Councu These detemunatIons and findmgs must conclude 1 The urban renewal area IS bhghted, 2 RehabuItatIon and redevelopment IS necessary to protect the pubhc health, safety or welfare of the mumcIpahty, 3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensIve plan and econonuc development plan, If any, of the mumcIpahty as a whole and proVIdes an oullme for accomplIShIng the urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan t''"t'~.=s, 4 ProVISion has been made to house dIsplaced persons Wlthm theIr finanCIal means m accordance Wlth ORS 35 500 to 35.530 and, except m the relocatlon of elderly or disabled mdlVlduals, WIthout dIsplacmg on pnonty hsts persons a1ready waJtmg for eXIstIng federally subSllhzed housmg, 5 If acqmsltIon ofreall"~l'~';J IS proVIded for, that It IS necessary, 6 AdoptIon and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS econonucally sound and feasible, and 7 The mumcIpahty sha1I assume and complete any actlVltIes prescribed It by the urban renewal plan Presented below are findrngs and determmatIons concernmg those ISsues hsted in the statute 1. The urban renewal area is blighted; Addressmg bhght IS central to the pwpose of urban renewal dtstncts The Oregon ReVISed Statutes (ORS 457010) defines "bhght" as follows (underhnmg IS added for emphasiS, and numeratIon IS added for clanty) "Bhghted areas mean areas whIch, by reason of detenorallon, fuulty pIannmg, madequate or nnproper facilities, deletenous land use or the eJaStence of unsafe structures, or any combmatJon of these filctors, are detnmental to the safety, health or welfare of the commUD1ly A bhghted area IS charnctenzed by the eJUStence of one or more "f the folIowmg condItions t The eJOStence of bwldmgs and structures, used or mtended to be used for hvmg, commercIal, mdustnal or other pmposes, or any combmation of those uses, whIch are wrlit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of anyone or a combmation of the folIowmg condItions a) DefectIve desIgn and qualIty of phYSIcal constructIon, b) Faulty mtenor arrangement and extenor spacmg, c) OvercrowdIng and a hIgh densIty of population, d) Inadelj11llle proVISIon for venl1latJ.on, hght, samtabon, open spaces and .... ~on facilitIes, e) Obsolescence, detenoratJ.on, dtlaplllatiOn, 11l1Xed character or shrlbng of uses, f) An econoonc chslocal1on, detenorallon or dtsuse of ,.. u,._ ;J. resultmg from faulty plannmg, Downtuwn Urban Renewal Plan and Report Staff Report November 19, 2007 5 ATTACI- IMENT 1 - 10 EXHIBll r B Date Received If 1M. fry? Planner MM g) The WV1Slon or SUbWV1Slon and sale of property or lots of uregular form and sbape and madequate SIZe or dm1enslOns for property usefulness and development, and h) The laymg out of ",vI""/ or lots m disregard of CvUOV~" dnunage and other phYSical charactensncs of the terrain and surroWldmg conwnons, 2 The eJ<lStence of madequate streets and other nghts-of-way, open spaces and utlhnes, 3 The eXIStence of "'V,,~;/ or lots or other areas winch are subject to mWldallon by water; 4 A prevalence of deprecIated values, unparred mvestments and socIal and econOmlC maladjustments to such an extent that the capacrty to pay fAxes IS reduced and tax receIpts are madequate for the cost of pubhc Servlces rendered, 5 A growmg or total lack of proper utlhzanon of areas, resultmg m a stagnant and Wlproductlve conwnon of land potent1ally useful and valuable for contnoutmg to the pOOhc health, safety, and welfare, or 6 A loss of population and reductlon of proper ut1hzat1on of the area, resultmg m Its further deteno_on and added costs to the taxpayer for the creation of new pubhc facumes and semces elsewhere " Note that It IS not necessary for each of the crted condlhons to be present m the renewal area, or that these conmhons are prevalent m each and every sector of the urban renewal area. Fmdings: lOA 2004 phYSIcal survey of bwldmgs by Spnngfield commumty development staff m the ^ downtown area revealed that 59% of downtown structures fit the Department of Housmg and Urban Development's (HUD) cntena for blight TIlls IS slgmficantly higher than the 25% threshold reqmred to qualify for HUD deslgnahon as a blighted area. TIlls survey of downtown bwldmgs was completed as part of an amendment to the FY 2000 FIve Year Eugene-Spnngfield Consolidated Plan that established the HOD blight deslgnahon for downtown Spnngfield The survey found that the condlhon of some of these "'UI'".ues may make It econoDllcally mfeaslble to rehabilitate or replllr them As a result, BUD approved the deslgnahon of the downtown as a blighted area, enablmg the area to quaWy for SpecIal asSIstance under the CDBG program II RecognrtIon of bhghted condrtIons WltInn the downtown area goes back to the early 1980's The 1984 ''Downtown Tomorrow" report of the Spnngfield Downtown COmIDlSSIOn, opens With thIS observahon of conmhons m the Downtown "Downtown Sprmgfield has needed revItalIZation for a long time The Jumbled mIX of SIgns, vacant bUlldmgs, ragged patches of landscapmg. crumblmg SIdewalks, and heavy vehICle through-traffic vrvzdly portray a lack of care and a message of neglect" 12. A survey of the urban renewal area m July 2007 by Spnngfield plannmg staff confirms the urban renewal area contams bUlldrngs m vanous states of disrepaIr mcludmg resIdential propertles (along South Mdl and South 18~, commercial y,v"o,:'es (along Marn Street and South A), and industnal ".v,,~,;;es (south of South A> These bUlldmgs show evrdence of extensIVe detenoral1on of roofing, Sldmg, foundahons, steps, and Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report SlajJ Report November J 9, 2007 6 ATTACHMENT I - 11 EXHlBI1 r B Date Recel~ed II 17.-'/67 Planner MM extenor trIm Repamng and mamtammg downtown buildrngs IS essential for the recovery of any Instonc distnct. 13 The Sprrngfield StatIon SpecIfic Area Plan Report (July 200 I) reported that "retail rents average $ 50 to $1 00 per square foot per month In Downtown Sprrngfield, w1uch tends to work agarnst redevelopment of most Income producrng properl1es That IS, slgmficant redevelopment and new development will not (generally speakmg) be economIcally feasible wrthout Ingher rents, mcenllves, subSIdies, and/or catalyst developments such as government buildmgs" Commercial lease rates today remaIn low compared to the remamder of the Eugene-Sprrngfield market. TIlls has made It difficult for property owners to mamtam eXlstmg bwldrngs and has worked agamst pnvately financed rehabilitallon and redevelopment. TIlls has contributed to the contInumg detenorallon and blight conditIOns m the downtown area. 2. Rehabilitation and redevelopment is necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare of the municipality; Fmdings: 14 ORS 457010(5) Imks blight condillons such as the "lack of l"UI'~' utWzallon of areas, resultIng In a stagnant and unproductive condillon of land" to public health, safety, and the welfare of the mumclpallty By tins defimllon, remediallon ofbhght promotes public health, safety and the welfare of the commumty. 15 The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report document the eXIstence of bhght m the urban renewal area. These documents also outlme projects and expendItures that use redevelopment and rehabilitallon to remove bhght from the area. It IS necessary to elimmate bhght m order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the CIty of Sprrngfield 3. The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensive plan and economic development plan, if any, of the municipality as a whole and provules an outline for accomplishing the urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes; Fmdmgs: 16 The Eugene Spnngfield Metropolrtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) IS the comprehensIVe plan guiding Sprrngfield' s development The Metro Plan mc1udes an "Economic Element" that descnbes pohcles for econOmIC development The Downtown Refinement Plan IS a more detaJJed descnptJon of comprehensive plan pohcles for the Downtown area. It also contains an "EconomIc Element" The CIty has no adopted EconOmIC Plan document. 17 PoliCies found In the Metro Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan support efforts to keep the central bUSIness d1stncts healthy and support USIng a vanety of public finanCIng mechanisms to help m those efforts 18 The Metro Plan. EconOmIC Element Policy B 14, states "ContInue efforts to keep the Eugene and Springfield central busmess d1stncts as Vital centers of the metropolitan area. " Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report Staff Report November 19, 2007 7 ---- - - - - --- ATTACl-IMENT 1 - 12 EXHIBI1 r B Date Received 11,1 ~/o 7 Planner MM 19 The Downtown Refinement Plan, EconomIC Element Pobcy 3, states "The CIty shall mamtam a vanety of strategies and fundmg sources as mcentIves to development and redevelopment of the Downtown Thrs should mclude, but not be lumted to State Revolvmg Loan Funds, Industnal Development Revenue Bonds, Oregon Busmess Development Fund, state lottery funds, CDBG grants and loan programs, tax mcrement financmg, local unprovement distrIcts, econonnc unprovement distrICts, and, !lpCctal assessment dlStncts " 20 AppendIX 2 of the Plan contams numerous references to the Metro Plan, Downtown Refmement Plan and other planmng documents that support many of the mdiVldual projects descnbed m the Plan 4. ProvISion has been 11Illde to house displaced persons within their j"mancifll means in accordance with ORS 35.500 to 35.530 and, except in the relocation of elderly or dISabled individuals, without displacing on priority lists persons already walling for existingfederaUy subsidlZ.l!d housing; FlDding: 21 The Plan and Report do not specify prOjects that would reqUIre relocatIon of persons Section 1200 of the Plan (pg 23) descnbes how the issue would be handled should relocatIon of mdlVlduals be reqUIred Section 1200 states "To the extent requrred by law, the Spnngfield EconolDlc Development Agency (SEDA) will proVide relocatIon assistance to all persons or busmesses displaced temporanly or permanently by project actIvItIes As reqwred, those displaced will be given ass1slance m findmg replacement ".~"w.;'es As reqwred, all persons or busmesses wluch may be displaced will be contacted to detenmne specific relocatIon needs and will be proVIded Information on av8.1lable housmg or commerclal/mdustnal ".v"w.;,i as may be appbcab1e, and will be gtven asSistance m movmg All relocatIon actIVitIes wrll be undertaken and payments made m accordance WIth the reqUIrements of ORS 35500-35 530 and any other appbcable laws or regulatIons RelocalJ.on payments WIll be made as provJded m ORS 35 510 Payments made to persons dJsplaced from dwelbngs WIll assure that they will have aVllllable to them decent, safe, and sanrtary dwelbngs at costs or rents WIthm therr fmanclal reach As requrred, payment for movmg expenses wrll be made to reSidents and busmesses displaced. SEDA may contract wIth Oregon Department of Tran""u. ~;'on or other parties to help admmtster Its relocatIon program " 5 If acquisition of real property is provided for, that it is necessary; The Plan does not specify any". U"WH/ acqUISItions and does not allocate revenues for property acqUIsItion The Plan reserves the nght to acqUIre ".~"w.;/, tf needed, under the procedures detaded m Section 700 of the Plan 6. Adoption and carrying out of the urban renewal plan is economically sound and feasible; and D"","",,,. Urban Renewa/ Plan and Report 8 Slqff Report Navember 19,2007 ATTACHMENT 1 - 13 Date Received Planner MM EXHIBI1 r B If I'l-" ~ 7 Fmdmgs: 22 Charles Kupper, a consultant hrred to assISt the City WIth the preparatton of the Plan and the Report, used data from the City and from the Lane Assessor's Office to complete Tables 7, 8, and 9 In the Report (pages 21-27) These tables estunate cash flow, project revenues, project costs and the taxes foregone by taxing bodies over the Me of the Plan 23 Sectton 500 of the Report proVides a finanCial analysiS of the Plan The maxnnum allowable debt under the proposed 25 IUllllOn dollar project budget IS $43,010,000 The Plan balances the project costs and debt load With reasonable estimates of revenues (Table 7) The balance aclueved demonstrated the ",~_~..J feasibility of the Plan Actual project spendmg will depend on tanglble revenues or resources aVailable at the tune of project 1D1ttalion 7. The municipality shall asSIDtU! and complete any activities prescribed It by the urban renewal plan. The Plan lists categones of spendmg (Report Table 9, pg 27) as well as specific projects Spendmg wrll be restncted to these categories and to the 25 nnlhon dollars In project costs and the associated llllIXlIllum Indebtedness Spending IS generally hm.lted to projects WIthin the urban renewal boundanes and to the 25 nnlhon dollars In project costs listed in the Plan Conclusion and Recommendation The findmgs and determmal10ns contained In tlus report demonstrate that the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report proVide a suffiCient basiS for the City Council to make the reqwred findmgs found In ORS 457 095 Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Downtawn Urban Renewal Plan and Reporl StaffRepon Navember 19,2007 9 ATTACHMENT 1 - 14 Proposed DOWNTOWNJJBBAN RENEWAL PLANIREPORT COMMEIIlTS AND STl"FF RI'COMMENDED REVISIONS : RevIsion (Comment Source l.PlariiRe-p~rt Section and Pa<le ' ~taff Recommended ReVISions # 1 Wlllamalane (Bob Report Tables 6 & 9 Proposed Re-examlnallon of the inclusion of Meadow Park within the Downtown Urban Keefer) ProJects, pg 18 & 27 Include Renewal Boundary No assessed value Impacts would be associated with the Meadow Park Improvements In Urban revIsion, and SEDA would ultimately determine whether any urban renewal Renewal boundary and Project List funding would be used In the park, but that option would remain available If the park rs Included In the boundary If Included, conforming language (recalculate acreages In the Plan, revise the legal descnptlon and map, etc ) would also be made In the final Draft Plan and Report before presented for adoption on November 26 Add short descnpllons of the benefits of Identified possible public projects In section 600 of the Downtown Plan This amendment would Identify and allow for foreseen speCial circumstances such as completing a project that may lie both In and outside of the Identified Downtown urban renewal boundary (See Below) #2 Planning Commission (Bill Carpenter) >1 #3 Fred Simmons >'I >'I > n .,. #4 Fred SImmons B:' to:I 2:, >'I ~, ':'1 #5 Fred Simmons #6 Wlllamalane (Bob Keefer) #7 Fred Simmons Plan Section 600, pg 15 Descnbe further the "benefits" of the public bUildings listed In the projects Plan Section 600, pg 15 Note the projects that are both In and out of the UR Plan area Report Section, Table 6 Proposed Projects, pg 18 Increase amount spent on "off-street surface parking" Report 5000, pg 24 Adjust Schools Revenue Forgone statement and Report Table 8, pg 25 footnote Report Section, Tables 6 & 9 Proposed ProJects, pg 18 & 27 Include Memonal Building In Urban Renewal boundary and Project List Report SectIon 400, pg 17. ProvIde more Informallon and better linkages between proposed project actlvllIes and the effect on eXisting blighted condlllons In the Plan area Note the projects that are both In and out of the Downtown Urban Renewal District (See Staff Recommendallon Above) Provide a project amount of $250,000, In the list of proposed SEDA projects for "Public FaCilities" and an offsetting decrease In funding for Island Park Upgrades from $3,000,000 to $2,775,000 so the larger category "Public FaCilities" IS unchanged The actual amounts for each project would be based on actual needs of the project when It IS proposed, the annual budget approved by the Budget Committee, and subsequent approvals from the Board Substitute, as recommended by the Planning CommiSSion, the language used In the Glenwood Urban Renewal Report "Under the current method of funding K- 12 level education, the urban renewal program WIll not result In revenue losses for those educallonal Units of Qovernment " ProVide for the project In the list of proposed SEDA projects for "Public Facllllles" by revIsing the descnptlon to "W,llamalane Park and MemOrial FaCilities "with no change In the funding of $1,000,000 so the larger category "Public Facilities" IS unchanged The actual amounts for each project would be based on actual needs of the project when It IS proposed, the annual budget approved by the Budget Committee, and subsequent approvals from the Board The information linking project actIVIties and eXlsllng condlllons IS Within the Plan and the Report, but Section 400 currently prOVides sparse Information and no references Proposed reVISIons would state the linkages, refer to currrent conditions, and prOVide more Information regarding the effect of projects on eXlsllng and blighted condItions In the renewal Plan area _ Updated for November 26, 2007 Meeting ATTACHMENT ~ "tlCl Dill) :::lID :::l -.. CD ., al 5:- s:< ~ I~ -t- ~ -.J PROPOSED REVISION #1 PLAN, Page 27 EXHIBIT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION r 'e Received I- ,..nner MM If /ult7 ( f \ PROPOSED REVISION #l-Page 1 (Thrs mformal:ton wIll be avaIlable at the meetmg November 26 should Meadow Park be rncluded ill the Plan Boundary) REPORT, Page 18 Table 6. Proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Projects Auqust 31. 2007 Estimated Costs ahd Comolebon Dates I PrOject I I C Pu bhe FaclhtIes r Spnndield Ltb~ Butldm~ I Downtown Parlrmj!; Structure I Downtown Off-Street Surface Parkm~ Construction and Rehabilitation I Downtown Public Art I Wtllamalane Parks and Memonal Facilities Upgrades, Improvements and ExpanSIOns (lncludm~ Par1an~) I Federally Qualified Health Center I Spnn~fi~ld Museum f Mam Street Dual Use Parkmg/CIVlC Plaza. (Between Museum and Arts Center) Pubhc Perfonnance Snace I____ ___.~ I REPORT, Page 27 Expected Completion Zj)25 Table 9. Project Estimating Detail (Reflects Detail from Table 6) Auaust 31. 2007 Esbmated Costs and Comolebon Dates I I PROJECT I I Ie PublIc Facilities Spnngfield LIbrary BuIldmg I Downlown Patlang Slruc\ure I Downlown Off-Street Surface Parlang Conslruclton and RehabllItalton I Downlown PublIc Art I Wtllamalane Patks and Memonal FaCllIltes Upgrades, L"", _~ents and ExpansIOns (Includmg Patlang) I F ederallv Quahfied HealIh Cenler I Spnngfield Museum IMam Street Dual Use Parkmg/ClY1c Plaza (Between Museum and Arts Center) I PublIc Perfonnance Space Improvements Expected Completion 2025 Attachment 2-2 SHARE I I $6,100,0110 I $12,175.000 $1,000,0001-$2,000,000 $3,000,000 I $5,000,000 $25,000 I $100,000 I $500,000 1 $500,000 1 $1,000,000 I $3,000,000 I $150,000 I $1,350,000 $100,000 I $75,000 I $250,000 1 SEDA SEDA Share J I $6.1~Q!)O I $1 000000 I $3,000000 I $25,000 I $500,000 I $1,000,000 $150,000 $100000 $75,000 $250 000 I I TOTAL OTHER PROJECT ," CATEGORY SHARE COST I I ~18:275:000 1 I $75,000 $150,000 1 I I I I Jate Received _f/z ~ /i7 Planner MM PROPOSED REVISION #2-Page 1 PROPOSED REVISION #2 PLAN, Page 15. 3 Public Facilities Imorovements. * These acbvrbes mclude construcbon and Imorovement ofoublIc facilIties throul!hout the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct mcludml! the list below and the bnef exolanabons followml! . RelocalIon of a Downtown fire stalIon. Construcbon of a Sonnl!field Llbrarv buJldml!. Downtown oarkml! construclIon and uDlrrades. Downtown oublIc art showcases. Island Park FacllIbes UDlrrades. Sonnl!field Museum Imorovements. School Dlstnct facllItv uO!!rades. and MIllrace Imorovements. restorabon. and suooortlnl! land aCQUlSltlOn . . . . . . The relocabon of a Downtown fire stabon WIll orovlde better coveral!e of semce to the Downtown area Comolete coveral!e WIll become mcreasml!lv Imoortant as the oooulaboI1- both commerCial and resldenhaL wlthm the Downtown Urban Renewal Dlstnct nse, ConstructIOn of a new Sonnl!field LlbralV facllItv Will allow for future exoanslOn whIle adeouateJv selVml! the oatrons oftodav WIth a lafl!er facllItv the Llbrarv Will be able to offer mcreased servtces. attractml! addlbonal clbzens to the Downtown area Convement. safe. vIsIble oarkml! facllIbes are necessary SUOl'orts for anv downtown bUSiness center Downtown oarkml! uDlrrades and the constructIOn of a new oarkml! facIlIty WIll orovrde much needed oarkml! to the retaIl core of Downtown. as well as to surroundml! emoloVIDent and resldenlIal centers Downtown art such as the murals that currentlv !!race the walls of downtown bwldm(!s create an mterestml! and attracbve e(1V1fOnment that renlaces the !!Iaffib and detenoratml! bUlldmg extenors that are tvDlcal ofblIl!hted areas VISitors to these sites add to the downtown economy as manv shon and eat m the downtown as well ImnrovlO<! Island Park Faclht,es Wll1 enhance the nark envlfonmenl alonl! the waterfront and wlthm the Downtown Core Parks mcrease the aualItv of life bv servml! as enlovable "alhenog olaces for VISItOrs. residents. and emolovees of the downtown area - Imorovements to the Sonnl!field Museum facllItv will mcrease Downtown V1Slls and fool traffic bv oroV1dml! an enhanced amerutv and hononnl! Sonnl!field hental!e and onde, UO!!Iades to School Dlstnct 19 facllItles Will mcrease the aualItv oflearnml! envrronment and efficltJ\1cv of ~ef\T1ces nrovrded to affected students and surroundml! resIdences Restorahon and Im\lrovements to orolects wIthm the Renewal Area. extendml! outsIde the boundarY. such as the Mlllrace/oond mav occur The Sonnl!field MIIIrace/oond WIll mcrease the Attachment 2-3 Oat 'ecelved /I /ulin Plan"dr MM I I PROPOSED REVISION #2-Page 2 land value whIle orovldml! a healthv amenIty for the Downtown area A oorlton of the MIllrace/pond IS located outSide both the Sonnl!field CItv hmlls and the Downtown urban renewal dlstnct boundary The Urban Renewal A\!encv may make Imt1rovements to the ,Sonnefield Millrace m Its eotIretv. oosslblv extendml! outsIde the Cltv hmlts and the urban renewal boundary as these Imorovements Will ensure the oualItv and sustamabllItv of the enl1r~ prOlect Pubhc ImDrovements such as those listed above are Imoortant suooorts to the functIOn of a, healthv downtown Parks. the Sonnl!field Museum. the Island Park FaClhl1eR. and the Millrace ImDrovement orOlects are oosllIve attractors to the downtown area aneT orov\(le ~ervrc,,~ ~~IJ amerul1es to downtown emolovees ProJects wlthm the Renewal Area extendlO[! outsIde the boundary. such as the MIllrace/oond. mav eXist ProvlSlons have been made Wlthm the or01ec( list mcluded as Table 6 and 9 m the Reoort on thIS Plan. for such crrcumstances, Other soecdic orOlects mav be Idenl1fied dunnl! the hfe of thIS olan * Urban renewal funds Will contnbute to the orOlects listed above It IS not assumed that these orOlects Will be entrrelv funded Wlth urban renewal funds r Attachment 2-4 Jte Received il11,,0/])7 Planner MM ( PROPOSED REVISION #3-Page 1 ,PROPOSED REVISION #3 PLAN, Page 15 RestoratIOn and IIDorovements to orolects wlthm the Renewal Area extendml! outside the boundary. such as the MIIlrace/oond. mav occur The Sonnl!fielrl Ml1lrace/oond wIll mcrease - -.-..- the land value while oroVldml! a healthv amemtv for the Downtown area A oortron of the MIllrace/oond IS located outside both the Snrml!field Cltv IIrrnts and the Downtown urban renewal dlstnct boundary The Urban Renewal Al!encv mav make Imnrovement~ to the Sonnl!field Millrace In ItS entIrety. oosslblv extendml! outside the CItv limits and the urban renewal boundary as these Imorovements will ensure the auahtv and sustamabllItv of the enure or01ect Attachment 2-5 PROPOSED REVISION #4 REPORT, Page 18 REPORT, Page 27 Date R~ JIVed. Ulu.)q Pla~~~p~~ REVISION #4-Page 1 Expected I Completion SEDA Share Table 6. Proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Projects Auoust 31 2007 Esbmated Costs and Comolebon Dates I ProJect I I C Public Facdlhes I Spmi-idicld Llb!arv Bwldme: I Downtown Parlum~ Structure 1 Downtown Off-Street Surface Parlwlll: ConstructIon and Rehabilitation j Downtown Public Art I Wdlamalane Parks and Memonal FaClhtIes Upgrades Improvements and ExpansiOns (Includuul. Parkm~) I Federallv Quahfied Health Center I Spnn~fieid Museum MatI! Street Dual Use Parlc:ms:1ClVlc Plaza (Between Musewn and Arts Center) I Public Performance Soace lmnrovements I 2025 $6.150,000 $1.000.000 $2 ITS. 000 $250.000 I $500.000 I $1 000000 I $150000 I $100.000 $75,000 I $250 000 I Table 9. Project Estimating Detail (Reflects Detail from Table 6) Auoust 31. 2007 Esbmated Costs and Comolellon Dates I I PROJECT I I I (: PUbllc,Faculoes I Sonn;field LIbrary BUIldIng Downtown Parlang Structure I Downtown Off-Street Surface Parlang Construcl1on and RehabllItal10n I Downtown Public An I Willamalane Parks and Memonal FaCdll1.es Upgrade., Imorovements and EXOansIOns (IncludIng Parlang) I Federally QualIfied Health Center I Spnngfield Museum IMam Street Dual Use Parlang/ClVlc Plaza (Between Museum and Arts Cenler) I PublIc Performance Soace Imorovements Expected Completion 2!t25 Attachment 2-6 SEDA I SHARE I I I TOTAL OTHER PROJECT I CATEGORY SHARE COST I I I i6.i00J!!!!! 1$12.175,000 I $1,000.000 I $2.000,000 I $2]75,000 $5,000.000 I $250,000 I $100,000 I $500.000 I $500,000 I $1,000.000' $3,000.000 I $150,000 1 $1.350.000 1 $100.000 I I $75.000 I $75,000 I $250,000 I $150,000 I I I I I $18.275,01)1) I I I I I I I I I I f)' Rece'ved.j[~/!7u_ Planner MM PROPOSED REVISION #5-Page 1 PROPOSED REVISION #5 REPORT, Page 24 Impact on Schools Under the current method of fundml! K-12 level educatIon. the urban renewal oro{!fam WIll not result m revenue losses for those educaltonal umts of I!overnment School and ESD revenue forel!one IS reolaced dollar-for-dollar bv State funds. and does not affect Der student fundlTI" REPORT, Page 25 Table B. Taxes Foregone by Affected Taxing Bodies Draft Plan - $25.02 Million In 2007 cost Estimated Revenue foregone 19 Year Period Will Park & ' ~ne Countv Spfld Rec 5019 ESD lCC Tax raJ~ T ax B.ate Ta)(B~J~ TaxB~te '[a~Rate Tax Rate 1 2726 4 7203 1 9647 46412 o 2233 06165 Cumulabve New Incremental Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Foregone On Fore9one On Year Values In area New Values New Values New Values New Values New Values New Values 2008 I $V59,801 I $3,512 I $13,027 $5,422 $12,809 $616 $1,701 2009 I $20,253,797 I $25,775 I $95,604 $39,793 $94,002 $4,523 $12,486 2010 I $38,893,078 I $49,495 I $183,587 $76,413 $180,511 $8,685 $23,978 2011 I $4V22,439 I $54,369 , $201,663 ~83,937 $198,283 $9,540 $26,338 I 2012 I $66,201,507 I $84,248 I $312,491 I $130,066 $307,254 $14,783 $40,813 I 2013 I $100,762,650 I $128,231 I $475,630 I $197,968 I $467,660 I $22,500 I $62,120 I 2014 I $106,293.4241 $135,2691 $501,737 I $208,835 I $493,329 I $23,735 I $65,530 I 2015 I $166,480,294 $211,863 $785,837 I $327,084 I $772,668 I $37.175 $102,635 I 2016 I $193,36V04 I $246,0731 $912,730 I $379,900 I $897.435 I $43,178 $119,2081 2017 I $216,762.479 I $275,852 $1.023,184 I $425,873 I $1.006,038 I $48,403 $133,834 I 2018 I $225,483,249 I $286,950 I $1,064,349 I $443,007 I $1,046,513 I $50,350 $139,010 I 2019 I $234,443,839 I $298,353 I $1,106,645 I $460,612 I $1.088,101 I $52,351 $144,535 I 2020 I $258,309,146 I $328,724 I $1,219,297 I $507,500 I $1,198,864 I $57.680 $159.248 I 2021 I $268,172.449 I $341,276 I I $1,265,854 I $526,878 I $1,244,6421 $59.883 $165,328 I 2022 I $278.306,993 $354,173 $1,313,692 I $546,790 I $1,291.678 $62,146 $171,576 I 2023 I $288,720,236 $367,425 $1.362,846 I $567,249 I $1,340.008 I $64.471 I $1n,996 I 2024 I $299,4 19,844 $381,042 $1,413,351 I $588,270 I $1,389,667 I . $66,860 I" $184,592 I 2025 I $310,413.691 I $395,032 $1,465,246 I $609,870 $1,440,6921 $69,315 I $191,370'1 2026 I $321,709.869 I $409,408 $1.518,567 I $632,063 I $1,493,120 $71,838 I $198,334 I Total $3,967,663 $14,716,770 $6,125,466 $14,470,155 $696,196 $1,922,100 PV @3 5% $2,388,675 $10,438,743 $4,344,850 $10,263,816 $493,818 $1,363,364 Note Under the current method offundml! K-12 level educalIon. the urban renewal orO{!fam Will not result m revenue losses for those educatIOnal umts of I!overnment School and ESD revenue foreQone IS reolaced dollar- for-dollar bv State funds, and does not affect oer student fundm" PV = Present value of the revenue foregone thiS adjusts future dollars to 2007 dollar totals Attachment 2- 7 PROPOSED REVISION #6 REPORT, Page 18 Table 6 Proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Projects AUQust 31. 2007 Estimated Costs and ComDlebon Dates Prolect C Pubhc FaclhtIes I $onndield Llb:arv BUlldtnp: L Downtown ParkIng Structure r Do'WDtown O1f~Street Surface Parkm~ ConstructIOn and Rehabilitation r Downtown Pubhc Art Wlllamalane Paries and MemonaJ FaClhlJes Upgrades, Improvements and ExpanslOns (lncludmg Parktng) Federallv Ouahfied Health Center S~nn~fie-ld Museum I Mam Street Dual Use ParlanWClVIC Plaza (Betweefl Museum and Arts Center) I Public Performance Soace lmorovements I REPORT, Page 27 nate ReCelVe(J.~/6 7 Planner MM ' PROPOSED REVISION #6-Page 1 Expected Completion SEDA Share J I $6,150,000 I $1,000 000 ) $3 000 000 ) $25 000 ) $500 000 2025 $1 000000 $150000 $100000 $75000 $250 000 I I Table 9 Project Estimating Detail (Reflects Detail from Table 6) Auoust 31 2007 Esbmated Costs and Como)etlon Dates Expected PROJECT I I I LPubhc FacdllIes I Sprmgfield LIbrary Bulldmg I Downtown Parlong Structure I Downlown Off-Street Surface Parlong Construcuon and RehabllIlauon Downtown PublIc Art WIllamalane Parks and Memonal FacIlItIes Upgrades. ImprovemenlS and ExpanSIOns (Includmg Parlong) I Federally QualIfied Heal1h Cenler I Sprm~field Museum I MalO Street Dual Use Parlong/Clvlc Plaza (Between Museum and Arts Center) I PublIc Performance Space ImprovemenlS Completion 2025 Attachment 2-8 TOTAL J SEDA OTHER PROJECT CATEGORY I SHARE SHARE COST I I I I I ill. 1 OO.OOJ! 112.175.l!J!l! I i1l!.275,QOl! I $1,000,000 $2.000,000 I I $3,000,000 $5,000,000 I $25.000 $100,000 I I $500.000 I $500,000 I $1,000,000 I $3,000,000 I $150,000 I $1,350,000 I I $100,000 I I I $75,000 $75,000 I $250,000 $150,000 I ~ te <<ecelved rJlanner MM II/zL/o7 , PROPOSED REVISON #7 - Page I PROPOSED REVISIONS #7 PLAN, Page 13 500. OUTLINE OF DEVELOPMENT Projects designed to elImmate blight and detenoral1on m the urban renewal area are a key component of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan BlIghlIng conditIOns found m the downtown area constram future development called for m the Downtown Refinement Plan and other City plannmg documents The Plan's projects and acl1vll1es mc1ude I Improvements to streets, curbs, and Sidewalks,. as descnbed m SectIOn 600A of thiS Plan. Will address blIl!html! condll1ons noted m Secl:1on 100A of the Renort on thiS Plan. and will encourage new development m the project area, also addressmg pedestnan and vehIcular safety problems; 2 Improvements to water, stonn and sanitary sewer mfrastructure, as descnbed m SeclIon 600A of thiS Plan. will address blIl!html! condllIons noted m SectIOn 100A of the Reuort on thrs Plan, and Will encourage new development m the project area, 3 Improvements to the VIsual appearance of the renewal area, as descnbed m Secl10n 600A of thiS Plan, WIll proVIde a safer, more attracl1ve pedestnan enVIronment, mcludmg streetscape and landscape Improvements, and development of pubhc parks and open spaces. as descnbed m SeclIon 100A of the Reuort on thiS Plan. 4 Improvements to eXIstmg public parkmg facIlIl1es and construclIon of new pubhc facIhl1es as needed to meet current and future needs. as descnbed m Secl10n 600A of thiS Plan. will address the current oarkml! condll1ons noted m Secl10n 100A of the Reuort on thiS Plan. 5 FinanCIal assistance to rehabilitate and renovate blighted properties m the renewal area,?s descnbed m SectIOn 600B of thIS Plan WIll address bhl!html! condIlIons noted m Secl10n IOOA of the Renort on thIS Plan, 6 FmancIal assistance to encourage new constructIOn. as descnbed m SectIOn 600B of thiS Plan. Will address condllIons noted m SectIOn 100A of the Reuort on tins Plan. and contnbute to eCOnOlll1C and SOCIal reVItahzal10n Wltlun the renewal area, 7 AcqUlsll10n and disposal ofJand for public Improvements, nghts-of-way, ul1lIty Improvements, and pnvate development, as descnbed m Secl10n 600C of thiS Plan. WIll address condll1ons noted m Secl10n IOOA of the Reoort on thIs Plan, and Attachment 2-9 -Ate Received Planner MM /{/u/n PROPOSED REVISON #7 - Page 2 8 Adm1il1stralIon and support of the Renewal Agency and the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan" as descnbed m Secl10n 600D of thiS Plan, WIll assure the nlan IS camed out eft'ectIvelv. as noted m SectIOn 400 of the Renort on thIS Plan Please refer to Section 600 ofthrs Plan for further descnol1on of urban renewal nrOlects to be undertaken Wlthm the Downtown Urban Renewal Area PLAN, Page 14 600. DESCR1l"uON OF PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN In order to achIeve the obJecl1ves ofthrs Plan, the followmg acl1Vll1es WIll be undertaken on behalf of the ClIy by the Sprmgfield Econorrnc Development Agency (SEDA) the City'S Urban Renewal Agency rn accordance With apphcable federal, state, county, and City laws, poliCIes, and procedures SEDA may fund these actlVll1es rn full, or rn part, or seek other sources of fundmg for them The list of orOlects was develooed dunn<1 the oublIc mvolvement orocess as the most InlOortant nrolects to undertake The mtent rn descnbrng these projects and aclIvll1es mcludes establIshmg, through thiS Plan, the general and speCIfic authonty to undertake these projects and acl1vllIes Wlthm the urban renewal area It IS not oosslble to foresee all the chan{!1IU' conditIOns and events that mav occur dunnl!' the life of thIS olan It IS therefore exoected that other snecIfic nro'ects WIll be IdenlIfied dunnl! the life of the Plan Such orOlects Will be added to the olaD hv amendment If such amendment IS reomred bv SeclIon 900 of t1us nlan These projects and aclIvllIes may be modIfied, or expanded upon as needed to meet renewal plan obJeclIves Changes Will be undertaken rn accordance With procedures for amendments to thiS Plan A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PublIc ,mprovements mclude the construcl1on, repaIr, or replacement of SIdewalks, streets, parlang, parks and open spaces, pedestrIan amemlIes, water, sarutary sewer and stonn sewer faclhlIes, wetlands and nverslde/npanan rmprovements, and other pubhc facIlIl1es necessary to carry out the goals and obJeclIves ofthrs Plan 1 Street ConstructIOn and Circulation Improvements. These prOVide the construclIon of 1il1provements throughout the urban renewal area and mclude, but are not limIted to, landscaprng, cOnstructIOn, reconstruclIon, repalf or replacement of streets, SIdewalks, bIke and pedestrIan amerulIes, public tranSIt facllIlIes, and acqulSll10n ofland, nght of ways, easements and other land nghts Identified proJects mclude . South A and Marn Street couplet redeSign, ATTACI-IMENT 2-10 . late Received Planner MM 11/ Uv/q . PROPOSED REVISON #7 - Page 3 . North A "CIVIC Street" curb and streets cape Improvements, and Pedestnan amemty Improvements on A Street from 8th to Mill Street . Other soeclfic orOlects mav be Idenl1fied dunn!! the life ofthrs olan 2 Infrastructure and Utilitres Improvements. These actlVll1es allow SEDA to construct and Improve Infrastructure and ul1lIl1es throughout the Downtown Urban Renewal DIStnCt These proJects mclude, but are not !tmlted to, construcl1on, reconstrucl1on, r~alf, upgradmg, and over slzmg or replacement of electnc, water, sanitary sewer and storm dramage facllIl1es, relocal1on of overhead lme to underground 10cal1ons, and acqUiSitIOn ofland, nght of ways, easements and other land nghts SEDA shall, as deemed appropnate, asSIst the ul1lIty proViders m bUlldmg new links and repamng and upgradmg selected pomons of these ul1lIty SerVIce systems to enhance opportuml1es or secure development Idenl1fied proJects mcludmg . Undergroundmg of overhead ul1lIl1es from Mill to lOth Street and between So A and B Street, and Stonnwater system upgrades to prOVide adequate capacity for a fully developed renewal area . Other soeclfic nrolects mav be Idenl1fied dUTIn!! the life of thIS nlan 4 Parks, Recreation, Pedestnan and Bike Corridors, and Other Public Amemty Improvements These acl1V1l1es will mclude, but are not lImited to, pedestnan, bIcycle and transit connections Imkmg the renewal area With adjacent areas In and around Downtown Improvements to these connecl1ons may mclude, but are not limited to, street !tghtmg, trash receptacles, benches, hrstoncal markers, street trees and landscapmg, and slgnage Actual projects may mclude . Downtown MIllrace Access, RestoratIOn, and Improvements . Downtown Parks Development and Improvements Other sneclfic orOlects mav be Idenl1fied dunn!! the !tfe of thIs olan. SEDA may partIcipate In fundmg the deSIgn, acqUlsll1on, construcl1on or rehablhtatlOn of eXlstmg or new park SItes or other appropnate public spaces, or parks or public facIlIlIes Wlthrn the urban renewal area, mcludmg rmprovements !tsted m the Wtllamalane Parks and Recreation ComprehenSive Plan These park and pedestnan-fuendly Improvements mclude SUitable sIgnage, markers, art and related Improvements to Slgrnfy the maJor assets m the renewal area and the entrances to the City These projects will Improve the ViSUal appearance of the renewal area by addmg pubhc amernl1es downtown ATTACI-IMENT 2-11 'ate ReCeIVed.,I/ 2,,1. /D7 PI<lnner MM PROPOSED REVIS ON #7 - Page 4 PLAN, Page 23 1200. RELOCATION To the extent requITed by law, SEDA WIll proVIde relocal1on assistance to all persons or busmesses displaced temporanly or pennanently by project acl1vIlIes As reqU1red, those displaced WIll be gIVen aSSIstance m findmg replacement propertIes As requITed, all persons or busmesses whIch may be displaced WIll be contacted to detennme speCIfic relocatIOn needs and Will be proVIded mformatIOn on available housmg or commercIallmdustnal property as may be applicable, and will be gIVen aSSIstance m movmg All relocalIon acl1vIl1es Will be undertaken and payments made m accordance WIth the reqUirements of ORS 35 500-35 530 and any other applicable laws or regulal10ns RelocatIOn payments WI]] be made as proVIded m ORS 281 060 Payments made to persons dIsplaced from dwellmgs WIll assure that they WI]] have aVaIlable to them decent, safe, and sarutary dwellings at costs or rents WIthm therr finanCIal reach As reqUired, payment for movmg expenses Will be made to reSidents and busmesses dIsplaced SEDA may contract WIth Oregon D~artment of TransportalIon or other parl1es to help admlmster Its relocal1on program REPORT, Page 14 lOOC. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS See Sections 100A & IOOB. Table 3 for diSCUSSIOns on economic conditIOns REPORT, Page 16 300. REASONS FOR SELECTING THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA The Urban Renewal Plan Area was selected based on Downtown Refinement Plan and the Eugene Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan goaJs, obJecl1ves, and poliCies and on the eXIstence of blIghtmg condll1ons wIthm the area The proJect area eVIdences the followmg charactensl1cs ofbhght - · A lack of proper utilizatIOn ofland planned for tax prooucmg purposes · DefiCIencIes m streets, curb, Sidewalk, water and sewer servrces m the project area ATTACI- IMENT 2-12 . .iecelved, I' / v.. /~ 7 t"lanner MM ' PROPOSED REVISON #7 - Page 5 . Deficlencles m public recreatIon and open space opportumlIes . Poor VIsual and aesthetic conditIons, contnbutmg to a low level of mvestment In the proJect area . Poor bulldmg condIlIons In the project area . A prevalence oflow values and lack of Investment m the project area, and reduced tax receIpts resullu1g there from For further dISCUSSIOn of the above charactenstIcs of blllmt olease see SectIOn 100. "DescnotIon of eXlslu1!! conditIons m the urban renewal area " CondItIOns wIthm the Renewal Area eXIst and satIsfy the defimtlOns of blight m ORS 457010 Treatmg and cunng these condItIOns are reasons for selectmg th1s renewal area REPORT, Page 17 400. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEW ALAREA The Downtown urban renewal area suffers from multIole ohVSIcalIssues ranl!1Jll! from detenorated mfrastructure svsterns such as streets. SIdewalks and bmldml!s lQ underSized and outdated sanItarY sewer and storm-water facIhbes The nlan area struggles to retam commercial and retail tenant~ Vacancv rates are hIl!h and oarlang IS Door The examole orOlects listed m Tables 6 and 9 of thiS Reoort (oa!!es 18 and 27\. and discussed m SectIOn 600 of the Urban Renewal Plan. address needed urban renewal area unorovements These Imorovernents. WIth bnef desCTIotIons of eXistIng olan area conditIons. are outlmed m the oaral!faohs below STREET CONSTRUCTION AND CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS The general condition of the street mfrastructure m the orolect area is tVOlcal WIth that of an older town Most of the streets m the urban renewal area were constructed decades al!o Ummoroved and substandard streets are found In the areas south of the Mam and South "A' Streets comdor Mam and South "A" Streets from the WIllamette River bndges. east to 19th Street are detenoratm" Eventual reconstructIon Will be oecessarv for other collector sel!1llents m the plan area due to a!!e As outlmed m orOlect catel!orv A Street ConstructlOo and CIrculatIon Imorovements. Tables 6 and 9. street constructIon and circulatIOn Imorovements would be oerfonned throul!hout the renewal area to Imorove the traffic Infrastructure and lower the current CItv cost of mamtenance Examnles mclude the redesllffi and construcl1on of the South "A" and Mam Street couolet and North "A" curb and streetscaoe Iffiorovements (Please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. SectIon 600. nage 14. for further dlSCUSSJOn of ex amok orOl ects ) ATTACl-IMENT 2-13 Date Received Planner. MM PROPOSED REVIS ON #7 - Page 6 If/V. 62, The current streetscaoe m the urban renewal area consIsts of little to no Dedestnan ameml1es Street trees can be found alonl! both Mam Street and South "A" but SIdewalks area narrow m areas. rarelv DrovIdml! amemtIes such as benches. trash receotacles. or nlanters A wnmgs Me mcollslstent. exposmg oedestnans to the elements As outlined m DrOlect catel!orv A Street ConstructIon and CIrculalIon Imorovements.. Tables 6 and 9. streetscaDe activIties and Dedestnan amemtles would ImDrove the VIsual aDDearance ofthl) area. and PrOVIde a better climate for new mvestment m the nrOlcct aTea An examDIe mav mclude ImDrovements to Dedestnan level street lIl!html! (please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. Secl10n 600. Dal!e 14. for further diSCUSSIon of examDle orOlects ), INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES IMPROVEMENTS The current stonn water dramal!e svstem m the urban renewal area IS funchonml! for the malOntv of the area RoadSIde ditches can stIli be found alonl! some areas of South Mam Street The al!e of the stonn Dme svstem ranl!e from the 1950's to the 1990's and IS comDnsed mostlv of concrete nIDe There IS a need to renlace amnl! and underSIzed Imes Slrrnlarlv. the sanltarv sewer svstem COnsists nnmanlv of concrete DIDe. datlDl! from the late 1940's chanl!U1<>; to PVC DIDe when lines have been rehablhtated As outlmed m Tables 6 and 9, prOlect catel!orv B. Infrastructure and UtlhtIes Imnrovements would be made tlrroul!hout the renewal area These Imorovements would ul)grade the eXlstmg dated svstems. to current accentable standards. decreasml! the vearlv cost of mamtenance and mcreasml! the overall efficlencv Examole orOlects mclude, construchOIL reconstruclIon. reoarr. umrradml!. and over S12ml! or reDlacement of electnc. water. sanItary sewer and stonn dramal!e faCIlitIes. and relocatIon of overhead Ime to undenrround locahons (please refer to the attached Urhan Renewal Plan. SectIOn 600. Dal!e 14. for further diSCUSSIOn on oronosed nr01ects ) PUBLIC FACILITIES. PARKS. RECREATION. PEDESTRIAN. AND OTHER AMENITY IMPROVEMENTS The current state of oubhe faCIlitIes. Darks. and other amemtIes m the urban renewal area lend to detenoral1nl! bmldml!s. underSIzed Dubhe facthtIes. and Darks needml! Imorovements and umrrades The current SDTlnl,field Pubhc Llbrarv has out!ITown Its small snace m Cltv Hall This constnctlOn limIts the ahthtv to offer amemtIes to communIty members Public ooen SDace and Darks wlthm the area are m need offacllItv and access Imorovements As outlmed In Tables 6 and 9. orOlect catel!ones C Public FaCIlitIes and D Parks. RecreatIOn, Pedestnan. and Bike Comdors and Other Ameml1es. redevelonment of anrl ImDrovements to DublIc bUlldml!s. narks. and onen snaces would treat defiCiencIes and mcrease the number of VISIts to the Downtown area Examnle ATTACHMENT 2-14 , ed' I{ / z.,(,./r/? - Dale RecelV 'I I Planner. MM PROPOSED REVIS ON #7 - Page 7 orOlects mclude a new Sonnl!field Pubhc Llbrarv bU1ldInI!. "ri(htl()n"L~ublIc_"l1 dlsolavs. Dark uDlITades and exoanslOns. the construc!lon of a federallv oualIfied health center. Sonnl!field Museum illmrovements. and the addlhon of. or Imorovements to. oublIc 0", [vuuance soaces (Please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. Secl10n 600. oal!es 15-16. for further discussion on orooosed orolects ) Parkml! remams a real and oercelved Issue for downtown merchants The lacls of oarkml! has had a nel!al1ve affect on the level of economIc Investment m the area Not wlthstandml! an of the benefits that will accrue from an mmroved oedestnan environment few downtown bUSinesses have been able to SUTV'Ve on a customer base denved solelv from foot-traffic As outlmed m Tables 6 and 9, orOlect catel!orv C Public FacllItJes. oark:ml! Imorovements and addll10ns would make It easier for tounsts and VISItors to shoo. or take advantal!e of recrea!lonal OOOOrtunIl1es. therebv encoural!1nl! exoendItures and new mvestments In the area Exarnole orOlects addressml! oarkml! needs mclude the construc!lon of a downtown oarkml! structure. off-street surface oarkml! construcl1on and rehah,htatJon and the develonment of a dual use !,arkm<>:/clVlc nlaza (Please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. Sec!lon 600. oal!e 14. for further diSCUSSIOn on orooosed orOlects ) PUBLIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AND UPGRADES TO FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS Frre-Sta!lon 4 serves the downtown area It]S cUITentlv undersIZed for the area It serves As Glenwood (ne1!!hbonnl! the Downtown Renewal Area) mcoroorates to the Cltv ofSonnl!field. FIre-Sta!lon 4 would be exoected to extend ItS servrce to mclude thIS area as well as the Downtown renewal area As outlmed m Tables 6 and 9. orOlect catel!orv E UOl!fades to F,re ProteclIon and Emerl!encv Resnonse Svstem. mav fund the relocal1on of FIre-StatIOn 4 to mor~ adeouatelv serve the renewal and sUIToundml! areas and ensure standards ar<< met for emen'encv resoonse !lmes (Please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. SeclIon 600, nal!e 16. for further dISCUSSIon of the or01ect catel'Orv) REDEVELOPMENT. PRESERY A TION. REHABILITATION. AND CONSERVATION The CItv does not currentlv offer assistance to nnvate bUIldml! owners m the urban renewal area for rehabIlltatlOn or redevelooment Manv of the bUlldm"s would benefit from both facade ]morovements and safety uDlITades As outlmec:j m Tables 6 and 9. orOlect catel!ones F Redevelooment of Commercial, ResIdentJal. lndustnal. Etc Throul!h New ConstructIon and G PreservalIon, RehabilItatIOn. and Conserval1on. assistance for rehablhtatlOn and new develooment would attract new mvestment to the area. and nnorove the bUlldmp" .> condllIons and bhl!hted aooearance of the area Exarnoles oforOlects mclude ATTACI- lMENT 2-15 /1/U/C7 Date Recelved.,,/ m' Planner. MM PROPOSED REVISON #7 - Page 8 the fundmQ: of a downtown redevelonment assistance nro<rrarn for new construcl1on. a downtown bUIldInQ: facade Imorovements DfO!!fam. the creal1o!) of a downtown restoral1oo and rehabIlItal10n fund, and efforts In hIstonc oreserval1on (Please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. Secl10n fiOO oaQ:es 17 and 18. for further diSCUSSion of the Df01ect cateQ:ones) PLANNING. TECHNICAL STUDffiS. AND ADMINISTRA TIO]\T As outlIned m Tables 6 and 9. Df01ect cateQ:ones J Plan Admlillstral10n and T TechrncaL FmanclaL and DeSll'Il Plans that mclude admInlstralIon and nlanmn'l acl1VltIes would assure the olan IS camed out effectIvelv and m confonnance With aoolIcable manaQ:er1al and fiscal reOUlrements Included actions would be the fundmQ: of staffinQ: and related suooort Serv1ces (please refer to the attached Urban Renewal Plan. Section 600. oaQ:e 18. for further diSCUSSion of the or01ect cateQ:orv .J REPORT. Pal!e 19 500B. ANTICIPATED START & FINlSH DATES OF PROJECT ACTMTIES The project actIvllIes shown In Tables 6 and 9 WIll begIn m 2008 The sequencmg and pnontIzatIon of IndiVidual project acl1Vll1es shown m these tables Will be done by SEDA and any cItizen adVlsory bodIes that SEDA calls upon to assist m thiS process The pnonty of proJects and annual fundmg Will be as established m the annual budget process CompletIon dates for IndlVldual actlVltIes may be affected by changes to local econonuc and market condll1ons, changes m the avaIlabIlity of tax mcrement funds, and changes m pnontIes for carryIng out project actIVItIes, espeCIally WIth public partners like WIllamalane Parks Dlstnct, School DIStnCt 19, Lane County, the Oregon D~artrnent of TransportatIon and others It IS estImated that all actIVll1es proposed m thIS plan WIll be completed and proJect mdebtedness paid off by 2027 At that lIme, the tax Increment proVlslOns of thiS plan can be ended 500C. ESTlMA TED EXPENDITURES AND YEAR OF DEBT RETIREMENT It IS estImated that the Downtown urban renewal dlstnct Will collect tax mcrement revenue between the years 2008 and 2027 It IS eslImated that the dlslnct Will produce $46 19 rrnllIon m tax mcrement receipts m that penod These funds wIll be ul1lIzed to ATTACI- IMENT 2-16 Date Recelved.lr / v../~7 Planner MM PROPOSED REVIS ON #7 - Page 9 finance proJect acl1vll1es and pay debt servrce costs, mc1udmg mterest, associated WIth undertakmg these project actlvllIes It IS anl1Clpated that avarlable project revenues and funds accumulated m a specIal fund for debt redempl10n WIll be suffiCient to rel1re outstandmg bonded mdebtedness m the year 2028 and tennmate the tax mcrement financmg provlSlons of the project After all proJect debt IS rel1red and the project closed out, It IS eslImated that there WIll be surplus tax mcrement funds These funds WIll be dlstnbuted to taxmg bodies affected by thiS plan, as provIded m ORS 457 Table 7 of thiS Report shows the anl1clpated tax mcrement receipts for each year of the project and the use of those receipts Table 7 follows on the next pages For finanCial feaslblhtv of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. olease see Secl10n 500E. Ol! 26. of thiS reoort ATTACHMENT 2-17 MEMORANDUM Date Received Planner MM If l&u(c7 Date: To: November 20, 2007 Mayor and City Council Jo1m Tamuloms, CO=Ulllty Development p Manager -.J ~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN BOUNDARY From: Subject: ISSUE Attached IS the Exhrblll Legal Descnphon of the boundary of the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Ihal would be Included as part of the adoptIOn (plan, Page 27) of the Downtown Urban'Renewal Plan should the City CounCll approve the Plan ThIs legal descnptIon does not Include any necessary adjustments for Meadow Park and connectIng nght-of-way or for any reductIOn m the sIZe of the boundary proposed rn the Seplember 15, 2007 Draft Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report ACTION REQUESTED This Legal Descnphon should be mcluded as part of a mohon 10 adopt the Downlown Urban Renewal Plan , ATTACHMENT 3 - 1 D Received Plallner MM If /<&.../0 , r EXHIBIT 1 Downtown Urban Renewal District Legal Description Beginning at the Northeast corner of the intersection of "E" Street and Pioneer Parkway West (formerly 2nd Street), said pOint IS the Southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 93 of Washburne's SubdiVISion of the Springfield Investment and Power Company's Add/bon to Spnngfield, as platted and recorded In Book 2, Page 73, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 17-03-35-23-03800), thence Southerly along the Easterly right of way line of Pioneer Parkway West (formerly 2nd Street) 645 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of "C" Street and Pioneer Parkway West (formerly 2nd Street), said pOint IS the Southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 26 of the Map of Spnngfield as platted and recorded In Book I, Page 1, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the Northerly nght of way of "CO Street 527 feet, more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 29, of the Map of Spnngfield as platted and recorded In Book I, Page 1, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence Southerly 186 feet, more or less, across "CO Street and along the Westerly line of Lot 1, Block 28 of the Map of Spnngfield as platted and recorded In Book I, Page 1, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon to the Southwesterly corner thereof, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of an alley 462 feet, more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 7 of Kelly's Addition to Springfield, platted and recorded In Volume W, page 20, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, said pOint IS on the Easterly nght of way of 5th Street (Southwest corner of current tax lot 17-03-35-24-13100), thence Southerly along the Easterly nght of way of 5th Street 134 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of above said Block 7, said pOint the Northeast corner of 5th Street and "B" Street, thence Easterly along the Northerly nght of way line of "B" Street, 324 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of "B" Street and 6'h Street, said pOint IS the Southwest corner of Block 74 of the Spnngfield Investment and Power Company's Addition, as platted and recorded In Volume 25, Page 306 and 307, plat records of Lane County, Oregon, thence Southerly along the Easterly nght of way of 6th Street 185 feet, more or less, to a pOint of intersection With the Northerly line of an East-West alley In Block 73 of Spnngfield Investment and Power Company Addition to Spnngfield, Oregon, said pOint IS also the Southwest corner of the East Parcel of the Spnngfield Dental Arts Condomlrllums plat, filed and recorded on File 75, Slide 78, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said alley 320 feet, more or less, to a POint on the Westerly nght of way of 7th Street, I ATTACHMENT 3 - 2 L_.<9 Received: Planner' MM 1//-u/a7 I f thence Northerly along the Westerly right of way 185 feet, more or less to the Northwest corner of 7'h Street and "B" Street, said pOint IS the Southwest corner of Lot 20, Block 74 of the Springfield Investment and Power Company Addition (southwest corner of current tax lot 17-03- 35-24-15700) , thence Easterly along the Northerly right of way of "B" Street 504 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 76 of the Springfield Investment and Power Company Addition, thence Southerly 185 feet, more or less, across "B" Street and along the common lot hne between Lots 8 and 9, of Block 71 of the Springfield Investment and Power Company Addition to the North hne of an East-West alley (southwest corner of current tax lot 17-03-35-42-01300), thence Easterly along the Northerly hne of last said alley, 64 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 71 of the Springfield Investment and Power Company Addition, thence Southerly across last said alley and along the Westerly hne of Lot 15, Block 71 of the Springfield Investment and Power Company Addition, 134 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner thereof, said pOint hes on the Northerly nght of way hne of "A" Street, thence Easterly along the Northerly nght of way of "A" Street 1515 feet, more or less to the Northwest corner of "A" Street and 12th Street (southeast corner of current tax lot 17-03-35-41- 00700), thence Northerly along the Westerly right of way of 12th Street 135 feet, more or less, to a pOint of intersection with the Northerly hne of an East - West alley, said pOint IS the Southeast corner of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No 2003-P1728, filed December 2, 2003 at Reception No 2003-116045, Lane County Deeds and Records In Lane County, Oregon (southeast corner of current tax lot 17-03-35-14-18402), thence Easterly along the Northerly hne of the last said alley and across 14th Street, 1020 feet, more or less, to the pOint of Intersection of the Easterly right of way hne of 14th Street and the Northerly line of an East - West alley (southwest comer of current tax lot 17-03-36-23-13600), thence Southerly along the Easterly right of way of 14th Street, 321 feet, more or less, to a pOint of intersection with the Northerly hne of an East - West alley (southwest corner of current tax lot 17-03-36-32-01800) thence Easterly along the Northerly line of last said alley, 436 feet, more or less, to the Southeast comer of Lot 3, Block 5, of the Molly B Scott Addition, Book 12, Page 7, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence Northerly along the Easterly hne of last said Lot 3, 54 feet, more or less, to the Southwest Corner of Lot 2, Block 5 of last said Molly B Scott Addition, thence Easterly along the Southerly hne of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 5, 234 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of said Block 5, thence Southerly along the East hne of the P Brattain Donation Land Claim No 63, 23 feet more or less, to the Northwest corner of a tract of land described in a deed from Charles A 2 ATTACI-IMENT 3 - 3 Date Received: (l ( 'ZA- /e "1__ Planner MM Edwards and Elisabeth M Edwards to Edward B Schuck, Sr and Gladys A Schuck recorded for public record May 4, 2004 at Reception No 2004-033182, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 17-03-36-31-04702), thence Easterly 229 feet, more or less, along the Northerly line of the last said tract and along It'S prolongation across 16th Street to a pOint of Intersection with the Easterly nght of way of 16th Street, thence Southerly 89 feet, more or less, along the Easterly nght of way of 16th Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 41 of H l & T B Stewarts Plat of Acreage Lots, filed and recorded In Book 3, Page 5, lane County, Oregon Plat Records (southwest corner current tax lot 17-03-36- 31-03700), thence Easterly 606 feet, more or less along the Southerly line of Lots 41, 40 and 39 of last said Plat to the Southeast corner of Lot 39 of said plat (southeast corner current tax lot 17-03-36-31- 02000), thence Northerly 34 feet, more or less to Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of a Record SUNey for James B Pesln, filed December 28, 1981 as County SUNeyor's File No 25296 In the office of the Lane County SUNeyor (northwest corner of tax lot 17-03-36-31-01401), thence Easterly 229 feet, more or Jess, along the North line of Parcels 1 and 2 of above said SUNey extended to Intersect with the Easterly nght of way of 18th Street, thence Southerly 34 feet, more or less, along the Easterly nght of way of 18th Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 37 of the H L & T B Stewarts Plat of Acreage Lots, as platted and recorded In Book 3, Page 5, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records ( southwest corner of tax lot 17- 03-36-31-00200) , thence Easterly 417 feet, more or less, along both the South line of above said Lot 37 and along the South line of Lot 21 of the H l & T B Stewarts Plat No 2 of Acreage Lots, as platted and recorded In Book 3, Page 36, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, extended across 19th Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 20 of last said Plat, thence Northerly along the Easterly nght of way of 19th Street 29 feet, more or less to the Northwest corner of that tract of land conveyed by a deed from Collins Enterpnses, Inc to Collins Cauble Investments, LLC, recorded for public record July 26, 2000 at Receplion No 2000-042804, Lane County Deeds and Records, In Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 17-03- 36-42-00900), thence Easterly 189 feet, more or less along the extended North line of last said deed to a pOint on the common North - South lot line of Lots 19 and 20 of the H L & T B Stewarts Plat No 2 of Acreage Lots, as platted and recorded In Book 3, Page 36, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records, thence Southerly 29 feet, more or less, along the West line of Lot 19 of last said Plat, to the Southwest corner thereof, thence Easterly 209 feet, more or less, along the south line of Lot 19 of last said Plat extended to Intersect with the Easterly nght of way of 20th Street which IS also the Westerly line of 3 ATTACHMENT 3 - 4 Date Kecelved: (, /1,,1. (r? Planner MM Nicholas Gardens, as platted and recorded March 26, 1940 In Book 11, Page 1, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence Northerly 46 feet, more or less, along the West line of Nicholas Gardens to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of said plat (northwest corner of current tax lot 17-03-36-42- 02500), thence Easterly130 feet (plat record) along the Northerly line of said Lot 1 to the Northeast corner thereof, said POint IS on the Westerly right of way of 21st Street (northeast corner of tax lot 17-03-36-42-02500), thence Northerly along the Westerly right of way of 21 st street, 50 feet, more or less to a pOint of intersection with the prolongation of the Northerly right of way of' A" Street, thence Easterly, 665 feet, more or less, along the Northerly right of way of 'A' Street to the Northeast comer of 'A' Street and 23"' Street, said pOint IS the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of the Second Addition to Nicholas Gardens, as platted and recorded In Book 12, Page 11, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon (the southwest corner of current tax lot 17-03-36-14- 06700), thence Southerly 345 feet, more or less, along the Easterly right of way of 23"' Street and It'S prolongation to a pOint of Intersection with the Southerly right of way of Main Street (McKenzie Highway), thence Easterly 169 feet, more or less, along the Southerly right of way of Main Street to It'S Intersection with the Easterly right of way of South 23'd Street (the northwest comer of current tax lot 17-03-36-41-02500), thence Southerly 302 feet, more or less, along the Easterly right of way of South 23"' Street to a pOint of Intersection with the South right of way line of South 'A" Street, thence Westerly 450 feet, more or less, along the Southerly right of way of South 'A' Street to the former Southeast comer South 22"d Street and South A Street (the Southerly extension of South 22"d Street has now been vacated), thence Southwesterly, 1400 feet, more or less, across the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way to a pOint on the Southerly line thereof, said pOint being the Northeasterly corner of a tract of land surveyed for Georgia PaCific Corporation, filed In office of the Lane County Surveyor as County Surveyor's File No 27395 (the northeast corner of current tax lot 18-03-01-00-3800), thence Southerly 440 feet, more or less, along the East line of last said survey and the prolongation of It to a pOint of intersection with the Southerly line of the Mill Race as surveyed for the City of Spnngfield and filed In the office of the Lane County Surveyor as County Surveyor's File No 29701 to 29705, said Southerly line of the Mill Race IS also the City Limits line In thiS location, thence Westerly 1360 feet, more or less, along the City LimitS line as It follows the South line of the mill race as defined In last said survey to It's most Westerly terminus, 4 ATTACHMENT 3 - 5 . a Received: Planner MM 'IJuJ~7 I , thence continUing along the City limits line, Northerly 40 feet, more or less to the centerline of the millrace, thence continUing along the City limits line, which runs along the centerline of the Mill Race, Northwesterly 1000 feet, more or less to the intersection with the South line of Secbon 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, thence Westerly 1250 feet, more or less, along the City Limits line which IS the South line of above said Secbon 36, to the Southwest corner thereof, being common to Sections 36, 35, 2 and 1, thence continUing along the City limits line, which follows the South line of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, 3300 feet, more or less, to a pOint of intersection wrth the Southeasterly line of Block 14 of the Amended Plat of Wlllamette Heights Addition to the City of Springfield, as platted and recorded In Book 4, Page 78, Lane County, Oregon Plat Records (current tax lot 18-03-02-21-00200), thence continUing along the City limits line, which follows the Southeasterly line of Block 14 of last said plat (South 49' 10' West plat record), 40 feet, more or less, to an angle pOint In the North - Northeasterly right of way line of Central Boulevard, thence continuing along the City limits line, which follows the Northeasterly rrght of way of Central Boulevard, South 40' 50' East (plat record) 15 feet, more or less, to a pOint of intersection with the prolongation of the Southeasterly right of way line of Perry Street (now vacated), thence contInUing along the City limits line, which follows the Southeasterly line of Perry Street (now vacated), South 57' 05' 30" West (plat record) 245 feet, more or less, to the most Northwesterly corner of Lot 3, Block 9 of last said plat, thence continuing along the City limits line, which follows the Westerly line of said Lot 3, 100 feet (plat record) to the Southwest comer thereof, thence continUing along the City limits line, which follows the Northerly right of way line of Valley View Avenue along Lots 4 and 5 of last said plat, 145 feet, more or less, to a pOint of reverse curve of last said plat, said pOint being the end of a curve WIth a radIUS of 31 9 feet as well as the beglnnrng of a curve With a radiUS of 40 feet, thence continuing along the City limits line across Valley View Avenue, Southwesterly 40 feet (plat record) to the most Easterly pOint of Block C of the Amended Plat of Willamette Heights (current tax lot 18-03-02-21-01300), thence conbnulng along the City limits line, which follows the Northwesterly and Westerly right of way line of Mohawk Avenue, 426 feet, more or less to the Southllast comer of Block C, said POint IS Northwest corner of Mohawk Avenue and High Street, thence conbnUlng along the City limits line, Westerly 178 feet (plat record) along the Northerly right of way of High Street to an angle pOint where It becomes Third Street, 5 ATTACHMENT 3 - 6 Date Received. If lu(o] Planner MM I thence continUing along the City limits line Northwesterly and Northerly 1270, feet more or less, along the Northeasterly and Easterly nght of way line of Third Street to a pOint 28 8 feet South of the South Line of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan (see current tax map 17-03-35-33), thence continUing along the City limits line, Westerly on a line parallel with and 28 8 feet South of the South line of said Section 35, 840 feet, more or less, to the centerline of the Wlllamette River, thence continuing along the City limits line In the Wlllamette River, Northerly and Westerly 2,600 feet, more or less to a pOint perpendicular to the most westerly POint of that tract of land descnbed In a deed from Rosemary E Philpott, V Ins Jacobson and Gladys V Olson to Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct, filed and recorded June 29, 1972, at Reception No 6144, Lane County Official Records In Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot 17-03-34-14- 11300), thence leaving the City Limits line and centerline of the Wlllamette River on a line perpendicular to the City limits line, Northeasterly 350 feet, more or less, to the most Westerly pOint of the last said tract, thence along the Northerly line of last said tract, 480 feet, more or less, to a pOint of Intersection with the southerly extension of the East line of that tract of land descnbed In a deed from Michael Kuenne and Reba Kuenne to Reba Lynne Kuenne, filed and recorded May 16, 2003 at Reception No 2003-044592, Lane County Deeds and Records In Lane County, Oregon (current tax lot number 17 -03-34-14-11500), thence Northerly 280 feet, more or less, along the southerly prolongaliDn of the East line of the above said tract, along said East line, and along the northerly prolongation of said East line to a pOint of Intersection with the Northerly nght of way line of "D" Street, thence Easterly 840 feet, more or less, along the Northerly nght of way of "D" Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 21 of Emerald Heights, as platted and recorded October 26, 1909, In Book 4, Page 14, Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, also being the Northwest corner of "D" Street and Mill Street, (southeast corner of current tax lot 17-03-35-23-07000) thence Northwesterly 330 feet, more or less, along the Westerly nght of way of Mill Street to the Northwest corner of Mill Street and "E" Street, said pOint IS the Southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 18 of above said Emerald Heights (southeast corner of current tax lot 17-03-35-23-02400), thence Easterly 745 feet, more or less, along the Northerly nght of way of "E" Street to the Northeast corner of "E" Street and 2nd Street, said pOint IS the POint of Beglnmng for thiS descnptlon 6 ATTACl-IMENT 3 - 7